Downtown free porn video

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Downtown By Snow Girl This contains mentally explicit material. If you shouldn't be reading it, stop now. May be freely reposted to any free archive service. Everyone still reading, enjoy... Jim Madsen strolled off the elevator and into his office at a little past nine on Monday morning. As the chief sales executive of Titan Technologies, he didn't need to be in the office first thing Monday after a busy weekend, but he liked to put forward a good show for the troops. Jim was the most successful salesman that Titan Technologies had ever employed - last week alone he had sold more software than all the other sales people had sold in a month. Tall and well built, he radiated confidence and success. 'Morning, Mr. Barton.' That was Alison, his secretary. As good as he was, Jim would be nowhere without his secretary. She organized his schedule, tracked his phone calls, made damn good coffee, and had even picked up enough of his spiel to placate the upset customers that called. It didn't hurt that she was also a bombshell... medium height with dark hair and green eyes and cheekbones as wide as the arctic plains. This morning she wore a red suit that professionally hugged every curve, her bare legs tapering down to a pair of three-inch red velvet heels. If her smile couldn't stop men dead in their tracks, her perfectly rounded hips and perfectly curved legs would. And if she wasn't the best secretary Jim had ever had, he would have put moves on her like a jungle cat stalking its prey. 'Morning, Alison.' Too bad she never finished her college degree, Jim thought, because she'd make a heck of a saleswoman and in that red skirt alone would give me a run for my money. Once my promotion to management is formalized, I'll have to look in to giving her a break. Jim walked into his office and dropping his briefcase on his desk, absently took a mug of coffee that was waiting there for him. The sharp, bitter taste told him without looking that Marissa had made the coffee this morning. Marissa was the dark specter of the office; this morning dressed in a stern black suit with pantyhose the color of charcoal. She was a saleswoman, and she had the knack for it, but she could never put up the numbers that Jim did. It wasn't for lack of trying; she just never warmed up to the customers. Underneath her severe clothes, her body could be quite sexy, Jim imagined, and perhaps that's why she tried so hard to hide it so. This was a man's industry still, and Marissa had a sharp mind. Sharp enough to understand that given a sharp mind and a short skirt to close a sale, it's the latter that really does it. The sales meeting was the same as it always was. 'Jim, nice job. Everybody else, work harder.' MicroTech is on the verge of rolling out a smart searching database that increased the relevance of returned search results by eighty percent - a real breakthrough. Jim walked back to his office after the meeting and hung up his gray Armani jacket. Alison walked in with a fresh cup of coffee. 'Sorry about this morning, Marissa got to the coffee pot first.' 'Don't worry about it, Alison. Marissa brought me a cup, too. If it didn't taste so damn awful, I'd have thought she was trying to make some friends around here.' Jim sat down to type up some notes on his new sales pitch. There'd be plenty of time this afternoon to make phone calls. Perhaps he'd even let Alison make some. There's some clients who'll buy our new search engine no questions asked, and she could use the experience. When it started, Jim didn't notice it at all. In the dark, under his oak desk, hidden by the modesty panel, his black Gucci loafers shifted for lack of a better word. Over the course of an hour, his black loafers slowly morphed into a slightly smaller, more rounded shoe, with a silver accented buckle. On his way out to lunch, Marissa bumped into him, dropping a folder full of papers. Jim bent down to help her pick them up, 'Sorry, Marissa, guess I wasn't watching where I was going.' 'Nice shoes,' she grinned back at him. 'Where'd you get them?' Jim stood up and looked at his shoes with their delicate silver buckle. He lifted up one of his pants legs to take a better look. Where did he get them? The suit came from the Armani store; the tie was Ungaro, the socks from Bloomingdales, but the shoes? They didn't look familiar at all. He tried, but his mind kept drawing a blank. Every time he thought about the shoes, his mind just seemed to blank out... where did he get... 'Hey, don't block the doorway, asshole!' Someone bumped into him again, another salesman rushing for the elevators, and Jim realized that he had no idea how long he had been standing there, pants hiked up, staring at his shoes. He shrugged it off, and went for lunch. The afternoon passed quickly. Marissa came in to discuss some of the new product features, but to Jim the meeting was a blur. 'I wonder if she's up to something,' Jim thought. He wasn't worried about Marissa overtaking his sales numbers, and if she wanted to act a little friendly, then good for her. Besides, all he could remember about the meeting was a silver charm that hung on a necklace, around Marissa's delicate neck, falling between her rounded breasts. The charm was so shiny, so intricate, just following the silver curves seemed to envelop him, draw him in... From there, the rest of the day passed in a haze, and in the middle of calls to his clients, Jim's mind would drift back to that necklace and his mind would get lost thinking about it's intricate curves. At five o'clock, he called it a day, waved goodbye to his secretary, and headed to his home on the upper west side. It was early, but the subway was crowded. The subway lurched to a stop and Jim stumbled forward, bumping into a burly man in a suit. Usually, Jim didn't have to grab onto the straps, he could push one hand against the ceiling to brace himself against the subway's jerking, but today his fingertips barely grazed the ceiling of the train car. He looked down at his loafers, which had a one and a half inch heel, which should have given him enough lift to reach the ceiling. 'Maybe it's just these new shoes that I'm not used to,' Jim thought, and the more he thought about it, he had these shoes for a while... maybe he couldn't have always touched the ceiling... maybe if I had four or five inch... but his mind drifted away into emptiness at that thought and he almost missed his stop. Dinner at home was a salad, lighter than usual, and tonight he decided to skip the gym. There was a ballgame on, and if his head was getting fuzzy, he didn't want to overexert himself and get sick. Jim kicked his loafers off and placed them in the closet. These were his favorite shoes; so comfortable he could wear them all day long. His suit got hung up, his socks rolled down off his calves. Funny again, he thought, I thought I wore plain black socks, and these have a mild paisley print. I wonder where they... but again he drifted off. He peeled off his jockey underwear and put them in the laundry basket where they were the only pair of bikini shorts in a hamper full of boxers. Must be time to get some new underwear, Jim thought. Sleep that night was troublesome, and he tossed and turned all night long. Marissa was there, standing at the end of the subway platform, and Jim had to walk toward her. Walking was awkward because his legs could barely move, they felt like they were tied together and he had to hobble forward or lose his balance. He swayed back and forth on the platform, and when he finally reached Marissa, she clasped a silver band around his wrist, a wrist much thinner than his wrist normally was, and with that band, panic rose in Jim. He was being taken somewhere, somewhere where he would have to... He woke with a start, not remembering any of his dreams, but with a lingering feeling of unease. Breakfast was a bowl of cereal with skim milk. Jim's mind felt a million miles away. 'Boy, I slept horribly last night, it'll be good to get into the office and grab some coffee.' He pulled on another pair of black silk bikini underpants, then he carefully bunched up a pair of socks and one at a time, slowly unrolled them up his calf. Then he looked at his closet. Today, the navy blue suit, pale blue shirt, and solid tie. He laced up a pair of Brooks Brothers loafers and appraised himself in the mirror. Looking like a million bucks, Jim headed back into the office. The coffee was bitter again, and Marissa was smiling. Something about that smile made Jim uneasy, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. She looked fantastic in a tight black suit, with long legs encased in black pantyhose. Jim wondered if her elegant heels came from Nine West. 'Do you like my suit, Jim,' Marissa asked. Yes, he did, but Jim wanted to ask her about her shoes. 'Where did you get those...' was all he got out before his mind drifted off when he spotted that pendant hanging between her breasts. Marissa handed him a cup of coffee that he absently sipped. 'The shoes? Why they're from Bloomingdales, how nice of you to notice, Jim.' Marissa walked Jim into his office. 'Perhaps someday I'll take you shopping for a pair of your own.' Once he got into his office, the changes began again. So slow, so unnoticeable as reality slightly shifted about him, Jim's lace up loafers became a pair of women's pumps with a two-inch heel. Throughout the morning, his dark socks lightened into a translucent nylon, and even his suit pants rounded out a bit. They were still wool, and still sharply creased, but fit a little looser. Jim buzzed his desk intercom. 'Alison, can you come in here, please.' As usual, she looked smashing in a fuchsia blouse, black skirt, black tights, and heels. 'Nice manicure, boss.' Jim looked down at his nails, which were quite nicely rounded off to a quarter inch and glazed with a lacquer. His mind was taken by surprise but his mouth smoothly kicked in with his best salesman charm. 'I had them done over the weekend.' Jim's mouth went on to describe the ins and outs of a manicure at the mall that his mind couldn't remember getting at all. In fact, the dainty nails looked downright out of place coming out of Jim's suit. He blinked a couple of times and looked at Alison again. 'Do they look alright? I mean, there's nothing odd about them, is there.' 'The only odd thing is that we were supposed to go get our nails done together sometime this week. You said you had something to talk about, and you offered to do it over a manicure.' Somewhere, Jim's mind recalled a plan to get manicures with Alison and talk to her about picking up some of his sales work. Alison looked a little upset that he had broken this promise that he didn't remember making. He got up and walked around his desk, noticing a scuff mark on the tip of his navy blue pump. Time to get these polished, he thought, before sitting down on the couch next to Alison and crossing his legs. 'Alison, you're a terrific secretary, and I'd hate to lose you, but how would you like to move into sales?' At home that night, Jim kicked off his pumps, rolled off his nylons, and decided to go for a jog. He pulled on a pair of pink-accented Nike running shoes and his favorite spandex shorts. As he stretched out, he noticed that his legs were hairless. That's odd, he thought, but he couldn't remember is he shaved his legs regularly or not. That night, Jim had the same dream, but worse. He was still hobbling off balance down the subway platform, toward a malignantly grinning Marissa, but he couldn't breathe. Every step gave a resounding CLICK as a heel hit the pavement, and the shoes must be painfully high because his feet ached with every step. The next day at work, the changes came faster but just as unnoticeable to Jim or anyone around him. By lunchtime, his new loafers had crept up into a three-inch heel. His pants rounded out into women's trousers. His socks slid up to mid-thigh and melted into lace-topped thigh highs, his silk bikini briefs crept slowly between his buttocks into a thong. His shirt slipped outside of his trousers and slowly melted from blue into pink, pink enough to match the pale rose color on his fingernails. Jim stood up, a full six inches shorter than he was that morning, and knew something was wrong, but couldn't put his finger on it. At that moment, Marissa walked in wearing a slate-gray suit with matching stockings. She shut the door behind her and sauntered over to Jim's desk. Slowly, sexily, she slid up onto Jim's desk and demurely crossed her legs. Jim could see the lacy tops of her garters when her miniskirt slid up her leg. Marissa took one three inch, t-strapped heel and gently pushed Jim's chair away from his desk. Her stockings were so smooth, so silky, but Jim's eyes were locked on Marissa's medallion. He stared at the silver metal for an eternity, while Marissa seemed to softly chant something. Then she slipped off the desk and pulled a little vial out of her suit. Opening Jim's mouth with a finely manicured hand, she emptied the vial into his mouth. The taste was bitter, but passed quickly. Jim opened his eyes back up to see Marissa leaving and Alison walking in, more buxom than she was yesterday, wearing a pale purple skirt with matching tights. 'Too bad you didn't get that sale, Jimmy. It's a good thing Marissa was there to close the deal.' Lost what sale? Jimmy? Jim's mind reeled. He could remember a deal that was shaky, but the client had a real hard-on for Jim's sexy legs. Jimmy thought he could close the deal, but in a meeting with the client he mixed up all his facts and didn't have any research materials to back himself up. He almost blew the sale until Marissa came in to save it. Like a kitten, Alison curled up in Jimmy's lap and gently licked his ear. 'Mmmm... it won't be so bad if you get demoted back to the secretarial pool, Jimmy. We can have our lunch hour trysts again.' Jimmy had never felt so aroused; his whole body was shaking with lust. One hand shot between Alison's legs and he rubbed her clitoris through her tights. She shivered in ecstasy and rubbed her ass against Jimmy's crotch. Silently, they dry-humped each other, rubbing and rubbing, the chair squeaking as it rocked back and forth under them, their breath coming in ragged gasps and stifled moans until Jimmy came first. Shuddering, he bit Alison's neck and pushed on her clitoris until she had to bite his neck back to stifle her scream. Jimmy remembered now how they used to do this every lunch (did they?) before Marissa promoted him to sales. Marissa thought he'd be good at it, but Jimmy had struggled since day one (but how could he have struggled, he was the sales leader, wasn't he?). Alison stood up and readjusted your skirt, kissed Jimmy on the cheek. 'I wish we had taken more advantage of this private office.' As Alison walks out, Jimmy notices the dampness in his crotch. Pulling his pants down, he sees the cum staining the front of his thong. Looking around his office, Jimmy noted it was a good thing he picked up his dry cleaning on his way into work. Pulling off his pants and slipping out of his thong, he grabs some tissues to clean himself up. He is about to wipe his cum out of his neatly trimmed bush, when he gets curious. He runs a finger through his bush and gently tastes it... the salty, sweaty taste... he runs his finger through again and licks it clean. His tiny cock is barely visible, only two slim inches long. Good, then, I can get through the day without panties if I wear a skirt. Standing in the middle of his office in his three-inch heels and thigh-high nylons, Jimmy pulls a black skirt with a floral pattern out of the dry cleaning bag and pulls it up over his rounded hips. It falls neatly to just above the knee, and Jimmy twirls around to admire it. Beautful. Riding the subway home, his oversized purse full of work he needs to catch up on, a beefy man in a pair of khakis offers him a seat on the subway. Jimmy smiles quickly and sits down, wondering when he had last slid on some lipstick. A lock of hair fell into his face, and Jim pushed it back behind his ear with an exasperated sigh. He really wanted to get it cut, but his stylist really wanted Jim to grow his hair out. Maybe Sheila can take me later this week and shape it a little bit... The subway jerked to a halt and the lock of hair fell into his face again. This time, the man with the khakis reached out and brushed it back. The touch was electric. The finger rubbing across his forehead, the brashness, the forwardness, the boldness of the gesture sent electric shocks down his spine and made his nipples stand on end. Jim reflexively hugged his jacket a little closer. Taking a second to draw up some courage, he looked up and saw an attractive man in his mid-thirties, with two days of stubble and a broad chest. The train stopped and with a madly beating heart, Jim stood up to go. The man with the khakis smiled. 'You're very pretty,' he said. Jim stood next to the man, so close he could smell the musky aftershave, so close he noticed the top of his head barely came up to the mans shoulders, even with his three inch pumps on. 'Thanks. See you again,' Jim said. His apartment was the same, but different. Flowers on the kitchen table. A framed photo of a ballerina where the photo of the New York City skyline used to be. A copy of Cosmo and Women's Health on top of the Sports Illustrated. It feels so good to kick these babies off, Jim thought, as he kicked his pumps into the closet. He flexed his nylon-encased feet and felt the carpet underneath his silky thigh highs as his calves relaxed and relief swept slowly up his legs. These pumps look so good, and I love the height they give me, but damn do they hurt after a while. A quick look at the clock told him that he missed his aerobics class at the gym, so it'd be another night of exercise at home. He opened up the workout drawer and pulled out the thong leotard he would never wear to the gym. It was a wild, floral green print, too attention getting to wear when he felt like seriously working out, but at home, with the green, ribbed spandex shorts, he was something to look at. After forty-five minutes of 'Buns Of Steel,' Jim had enough exercise for the night. He ordered some steamed broccoli with brown rice and got into the shower. All thoughts of work vanished as he slid his hands between his legs. His cock was so small it almost disappeared into his pubic hair. He gently started rubbing his hand in circles, and his other hand crept up to his chest. His nipples sent waves of electricity washing through his body. Jim groaned with the waves of pleasure, and suddenly thought of the man in the subway. He thought of his broad chest and thick arms wrapped around him.... A huge, throbbing cock waiting for his lips, his mouth... and then Jim came so hard he collapsed against the wall of the shower gasping for breath. His dream that night was the same. Five inch heels with straps that wrapped up his leg to the knee, like Roman sandals. Toenails painted bright red. Black lycra miniskirt. And a leather band tied to each ankle with six inches of slack, so he could only take the most hobbled steps. He woke with a start. Taking a quick shower, he examined himself closely. Something didn't seem right about his body, but every time he really tried to think about it, his mind went blank. He seemed shorter, his chest seemed less broad, his nipples seemed bigger, his skin seemed smoother, but to some part of his mind, it was always that way. He pulled an olive colored suit out of his closet and laid it out on the satiny sheets on his bed. Jim pulled a camisole over his head as he pondered what to wear that day. The olive suit always makes me feel good, with the dark skirt that falls to the knee, olive hose, the bottom of his closet, he looked at his shoes. Pumps, a pair of sandals, loafers with heels, a pair of strappy stiletto heels, women's shoes. Women's shoes? Why would I have all these...where are my suit shoes...why are these heels so high... and his thoughts trailed off. In the back of the closet, Jim found one pair of flats. These will work, then tonight, it's off to the stores and I'll get some more men's shoes. Marissa was waiting for him inside her office, waiting to go over some details for the new sales pitch. Dammit! Jim panicked, he was supposed to have her reports typed up and he'd totally forgotten! How could he have forgotten to do that, Marissa is the company sales leader and she was counting on me, and now there's going to be no way she'll promote me up to a sales position. The intercom on Jim's secretary's desk buzzed. 'Stephanie, could you come in her please.' Jim wanted to sob, how could he have been so air headed, so stupid, he had worked so hard to be a good secretary, and now he had just blown his big chance. It'd probably be back to the secretarial pool and he'd have to work for some lecherous old coot and it wasn't fair, he was a good secretary, Jim sobbed to himself. 'Now, Stephanie. I need to talk to you,' Marissa buzzed again. Jim tried to compose himself. He looked down at his cleavage revealing blouse and his olive suit. This is my power suit, Jim sobbed, if I was working for some old coot I could charm my way out of this, but that damn Marissa was so frigid that the sexiest of suits just made her even colder. Quickly checking his mascara, he did his best to hold his head high and walked in to Marissa's office. Jim walked in with as much force as he could muster. I wish I'd worn my Blahnik heels with the ankle strap, he thought, those always make me feel powerful. Marissa was behind her desk, and she looked like a whole new woman. She wore a sleeveless bodysuit that magnified her gorgeous breasts. Her black hair was swept up into a tight twist, red lipstick, and dark eye shadow. She looked like a dark goddess of sexuality, and her frigid demeanor made her all the more imposing. Her necklace with its hypnotic silver pendant glinted in the sunlight. Marissa looked at Jim staring raptly at her necklace, and she smiled a thin, bloodless smile. Her hand crept slowly up her chest, and when her fingers touched the pendant, the fog in Jim's mind cleared. He stood facing Marissa in what used to be his office. It was like being snapped out of a strange dream to find yourself in a stranger one. Jim's head felt clear, but everything else felt different. Funny, those shelves with my sales trophies look like they're up higher now, was his first thought. The cool nylon that hugged every inch of his legs got his attention next, and what he saw when he looked down shocked him and made his blood run cold. The first thing he saw was his cleavage (cleavage?)... there was no denying it, that odd weight on his chest was a pair of perfectly rounded tits, and those were his hips, and those were his legs in those opaque olive tights that slid into a pair of flats. He was a woman, but how? And the office, his office, was different. Everything was up higher, the trophies had Marissa's name on it, not his... 'Earth tones suit you,' purred Marissa. She was dressed sexier than he had ever seen her, and he felt a dampness in his crotch... dampness? My cock? He realized it was gone, and the fear charged him up more, his nipples stood erect... 'What have you done to me?' 'Just making some improvements to your taste. If you were in sales, that'd be a very appropriate suit. You, however, are now a secretary, and a very bad one at that, so let's make some adjustments,' Marissa said. She made a fist around the pendant, and Jim felt the world lurch sideways and forward and backward at the same time. His suit jacket and skirt melted into a shiny, coppery colored sleeveless dress with a maroon flower pattern. He had to brush his growing hair out of his eyes to watch his flats melt into a three inch heel with a high ankle strap and an open toe, and somehow it felt like a relief when the heel lifted his leg up, the three inch heel was much more comfortable than his flats. His dark maroon tights coordinated perfectly with the accents in his dress and his shoes. 'What the hell are you doing to me?' Jim demanded in a pleasant contralto voice. 'Careful with that first step, dear, it can be a doozy in those heels.' Jim tilted perilously forward as he found himself perched on four-inch heels. Was he shorter? He was wearing four-inch heels now, but everything still looked the same. Marissa smiled at him as he regained his balance. 'Yes, I've done this to you. Why? Why not? I'm a witch and a bitch. I don't like you, and when I'm done with you, I'll make you into a perfect little secretary.' Jim wobbled across the floor. 'You fucking cunt, when I get my hands on you...' 'Not likely, Jim, my dear.' Marissa danced away to the other side of the office. 'You see, I can read your simple little male mind like a book. I know every thought you've had. How you think a sexy skirt and a tit-revealing blouse would put me on a par with you - the great salesman. How a sexy suit would give you a run for your money all by itself, and how you condescended to Alison, thinking the same thing. That a sexy body is all you need to get by. Well, now you're going to learn how you can get by with a sexy body. You'll learn exactly what a sexy body can do, and my sweet, it won't make software sales.' Jim stood there stunned. Somewhere, a deeply felt female response that wanted to cry. It was so unfair, punishing me just for having a sexy body. 'Now you'll learn what it's like to be seen for nothing other than your sexy body. I haven't just changed your shape; I've changed your reality. There never was a Jim Marsden, sales king. Now there is only Stephanie Marsden, a secretary who is only kept around because of her sexy body.' 'Change me back, I never thought that all you had to do was...' Jim whined. 'Bullshit! I know your thoughts, and even now, your male half is turned on and proud of those tits,' Marissa charged. Jim knew it was true, he was sexy, and he could easily dream about shoving a hard cock into this body. 'Besides, Stephanie, as you are now known, there is nothing to change you back to. You were born this woman, you've always been this woman, and only you will remember the man that you once were. Now get back out there and type these letters.' The rest of his day at work was awful. Jim had control over his body, but he could feel it slowly changing. His hips filled out and his breasts swelled until they were pouring out of their bra. He could remember so much about being a man, so vividly, and at the same time, his body moved forward on its own. Every time the part that was Jim wanted to deny what had happened, as if on cue, a manicured hand would readjust a bra strap or hitch up nylons. Secretarial work is tedious at best, and his body could make it through the day on autopilot while Jim looked outward helplessly. It was raining that night, and there wasn't a taxi to be found anywhere. Besides, on his salary, he could only afford taxis on rare occasions. Summoning up all his courage, he descended into the subway. The platform was crowded, and the train was full. Jim found himself packed into a car full of people. 'My feet are killing me, I just want to sit down, I just want to go home and forget this day ever happened, I just want...' 'Would you like to sit down, miss.' It was him, with the broad shoulders and dark eyes. He looked at him for a moment and his whole body started to tingle. The man offered the seat again, and this time, Jim smiled and gratefully took it. The train had six more stops to go, and all Jim could do was stare into this man's eyes. Somewhere, deep down inside, he was repulsed, he was staring at a man, dreaming about his cock, a cock like he used to have, a cock that he wanted to suck, to hold, to feel its hardness slowly pushing into him... 'Isn't this your stop,' he asked? Jim smiled again, rocketing out of his daydream. 'I know a great sushi bar around the corner if you'd like to join me for dinner.' Jim froze. He was a man, he thought he was a man, but here he was in a dress and pantyhose and makeup and heels about to accept a dinner offer from a man whose cock he was dreaming about. 'Sure, I'd love to.' 'You know, I don't know your name.' 'It's Stephanie.' 'Stephanie. That's a lovely name. You may call me Ben.' They walked silently to the restaurant. Stephanie was a mess inside, trying to fight off what had taken hold of her but it was no use. She shifted her purse to her other shoulder and took Ben's hand. Inside the restaurant, Ben whisked her off to a secluded table in the back. He spoke quickly and in Japanese to the waiter, who bowed to Ben and ignored Stephanie completely. Ben didn't say a word, he just stared at Stephanie. She felt her insides melt and burn. She wanted to run away screaming, but she felt helpless and riveted under his manly gaze. She managed to wrench her eyes away for just a moment, and caught sight of Marissa smiling from the sushi bar. Marissa stared evilly at her, and Stephanie felt another wave of changes. Her heels climbed up to five inches with a stiletto heel. Her silky tights became sheer black hose with golden sequins laced in. Her dress shrank and darkened into a little black dress with her ample cleavage spilling out and a gold lame shawl completing her outfit. Marissa grinned one last time and touched her pendant. Immediately, Jim shifted uncomfortably in his new body. Ben reached out a hand clamped it securely on Jim's leg. Jim was overcome with emotions and sensations and wanted to cry, wanted to run away, but his body betrayed him. His body took a finely manicured hand and put it on top of Ben's. Stephanie closed her eyes to try and hide but all she felt was her hand running up Ben's well-muscled arm. She slid closer to him and dropped her hand to his knee, drifting closer and closer to his dick. She felt its heat and it hardness through his jeans, and her hand almost leapt to touch it. Even under his jeans, she knew it was a monster, and she knew that she wanted it badly. Her gold polished nails fumbled with his fly. With her eyes still closed, Stephanie slipped off her wrap and slid under the table. She could smell his cock, and when her hands freed it, she could feel its heat on her lips. Slowly, gently, she licked the top of it. She tasted the salty pre-cum and she found herself squeezing her legs together in delight. Her frosted lips opened and wrapped around the head of Ben's cock. She heard him moan and felt him shiver as she ran her tongue down his shaft. She cupped his balls and started to suck on his cock. Jim felt the hot, smooth cock sliding in and out of his mouth, felt his saliva making it slick and wet, running her fingers over his belly and around his balls and the inside of his thighs as she devoted herself to the wonderful cock in her mouth. Ben's big hands came down and held her head tightly as his hips started to rock forward and backward. He fucked her mouth, used it like an anonymous hole, Jim felt the cock in his mouth jump and his body reflexively started to swallow, hungrily swallowed as that monstrous cock filled her mouth with semen. She swallowed and sucked and swallowed until she felt every drop slide down her throat, then she used a womanly finger to wipe the remnants off her chin, and looking up and smiling at her man, Jim felt himself longingly suck the last drops of Ben's cum off his finger. His pussy burned for cock and Jim felt himself slip deeper and deeper into Stephanie. Stephanie controlled this body now and she wanted cock. Dinner was quick and Stephanie squirmed through it all. Ben did nothing but stare at her like a piece of meat, not saying a word. By the time the geisha waitress brought them tea, Stephanie would have done anything to have a hot cock rammed into her. Marissa was nowhere to be seen, and all Jim wanted was release. Deep, sexual release. Jim sauntered along the street next to Ben, feeling the stares that her body was drawing. This is what it is like; this is how it is to get by with your body. Stephanie could barely spell Dolce & Gabanna, but she knew how to keep herself clothed in it. Holding Stephanie tightly, Ben led her back down the subway steps. She still had an apartment up here, but she wouldn't be getting back to it tonight, Jim realized. Stephanie had to work tonight. Again, he felt the world shift forwards and backwards and sideways while nothing moved. With Ben leading her, they went down another flight of steps. The air was musty and humid and she could feel it hot and moist around her bare legs. Ben simply picked her up and carried her down the last steps, then helped her find her balance, perching precariously on five inch heels, a leather strap binding her ankles with only six inches of play, the black lycra miniskirt and a snakeskin bustier that her ample tits were spilling out of. Ben gently pushed a lock of strawberry blonde hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, and then he clamped a silver band around her wrist. It was intricate; the design on the band, and now it was skintight. It looked like an exotic bracelet, but Jim felt panic rise as he saw it. It was entrancing to look at, but it was the mark of someone who was owned by... Ben started pulling Stephanie forward to the end of the subway platform. The bracelet riveted her, and it made her afraid. A downtown train roared into the station and made Stephanie look up. A dark haired man stood right in front of her, appraising her. He spoke to Ben but she couldn't hear a word of it. Ben let go and the dark haired man took her wrist. She wouldn't be coming home tonight, she knew, as the man took her onto the train. Ben smiled at her as the doors closed, and in the windows reflection, she saw herself, barely five feet tall without her heels, hair pulled back into a sexy style, lips pouting with red lipstick, breasts spilling out. She couldn't see the man who had her now, but some part of Stephanie knew where she was going... she was going downtown, where she would get her fill of sex, where she would be a toy, used for her body, downtown.

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Caspians Confessions Chapter 4

Caspian was commanded to kneel on the futon once more, and did so in absolute obedience; the women smiling smugly at their complete control over a male they would continue to toy with, until their arousal reached a point which demanded the physical stimulation of his service in utter submission. Velvet in particular, was close to that point, her cunt tingled incessantly as she toyed with the whip in one hand whilst clutching the sordid tale he’d written in the other. Her face was solemn with...

3 years ago
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I Like Making Sociopaths Suffer

Last week, I returned to my alma mater, a small college in the state of Massachusetts. I went to the campus library, the site of many battles, much inspiration and whatnot. It’s where I wrote my book about men’s rights and men’s issues in the modern world. It’s also where I matched wits with a female sociopath named Lou, who abused the male students and she was eventually removed from her post when, during my last semester, I led a coalition of students to faculty offices to demand that she...

2 years ago
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THE CHASE part 2

THE CHASE part 2 ( part 1 )I apologize in advance for my bad English, if someone wants to help correct mistakes I will be grateful....a last thing! tomorrow morning when you will wake up me.... I want you come and bring with you the 5 clothespins that today you lost when we got home ......- yes MistressFrancesco was worried. He would have had to go out early in the next morning and do it all the way and look for the clips in the mud!! will be...

4 years ago
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Journey From Best Friends To Fuck Friends Part 2

Hello Guys, This is Mohit back in action. Thanks for all your responses on the first part even though it didn’t have erotic content. I got many mails asking what had happened after it. Without wasting much time, here is the next part. For those who have not read my first part, the link is on top. We both lied on the bed and she slowly came and hugged me. I reciprocated and kissed on her forehead. We lied in there like that for some time and she slowly drifted into sleep. I was feeling horny but...

3 years ago
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Plumbers Helper

I took a deep breath, screwed up my courage and knocked on thedoor. It was like seven-thirty in the morning, but if this was the rightaddress, then.... "Who is it?" came the female voice, faint through the closed door. "Roger!" I called back. "Roger! Come on in!" I turned the doorknob and walked in. I'd never been to this housebefore, but this was going to be the first of a long series of suchmornings if this worked out. But the living room was deserted. "Hello!" "In the...

2 years ago
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Eyes Wide Open on Capitol Hill

“I just can’t believe you did this,” the eldest sister chastised over the phone.“It’s the truth, Donna,” he shot back.“How dare you dishonor the memory of mother and daddy,” she hissed. “But you’re used to it.”“What is that supposed to mean.”“You know…”“I’m afraid I don’t,” the community college English instructor eased back into his favorite wingback chair.”“You’re lifestyle,” she scoffed, then ended the call without notice.Matthew Jay. or Matt as he had always been known in the family, was...

4 years ago
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Fun With Girlfriend In Movie Hall

This is my first story on ISS, so let me first tell something about myself. My name is Mukul from Delhi. I am 28 year old who loves to have fun chats and discussions with females. Coming to my story, this story is about how me and my girl friend had fun inside a movie hall. Before that, let me tell you a little about my girl friend, her name is Ritu, she is of the same age as mine, fair, 5’4” in height, and a nice body of 32b 28 32. Now on to the story, it was the week of valentine and I...

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Club Inzest 12

Chapter 12: Wedding Bells by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 We were all having a late lunch one afternoon and Christina ran into the room, squealing and nearly hysterical. Neither her mother nor I could understand a single word she was saying, she was crying and emotional. Chris, who can normally understand his twin in the oddest of situations, was equally baffled. Sharon was trying to get her stepsister calmed down so that she could clue us in as to the goings-on when Paul walked...

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blowjob 101

“Who was that Mom”, I ask. Mom smiled at me and said, “The principal, he wants to come over tomorrow, and give you some more tests”. Mr. Walker smiled saying, “more tests my ass, I think he wants you go over blowjob 101 again, we will be seeing a lot of him. Kalynn you need to be ready for all this, are you?” “Yes I think I am”, I replied. “Okay, then we all know tomorrow is Saturday, and school will not be in session, Kalynn I want you up early, and you need to wear the black panties, with...

3 years ago
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Union in CrisisChapter 26

It was a long day of forced inactivity. They traded off every two hours and Kat, exhausted, slept when she could. The temporary lumberjacks came back to the camp in the early afternoon, and put in a couple of hours trimming and shaping the logs they had cut. They added them to the already stacked wood under the tarp on the partially built structure, and then retired to their cabin. The officers only came out of the ship once all day, and were seen lugging a single small pack each, back to...

2 years ago
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Pete Repete And SnookieChapter 7 In Bed With Snookie At Last

Snookie came back to the bed, and quickly slipped under the sheet. I was lying on my side, propping my head up with one hand. She was lying on her back next to me. There was an awkward moment while neither one of us made a more, both unsure of what to do next. One of the problems with two virgins having sex is that there is no background of experience to draw from. Should I hug her? Should I kiss her? Should I push up her nightgown and play with her breasts? She put an end to my indecision...

4 years ago
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Be My Girl

I run my hand through your long silky hair.You whimper as chills run down your back.I slide the back of my hand down your face, stroking your soft skin.You take one of my fingers and slide it into your mouth.I massage your tongue with my finger.I slide my hand down your dress, sqeezing your tiny breasts.I pull you close to me as my other hand grabs your tight ass.You take my ear in your mouth, sucking gently and blowing cool air.I slide my pants down, my cock staring at you, fully erect.You...

2 years ago
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After SchoolChapter 4

Susie's legs felt a little weak as she walked down the street. She could still feel the Vastos family's huge schlongs in her asshole and taste them in her mouth, and the memory of the dear old man's cock in her cunt made her pussy twitch with remembered pleasure. She was so glad she had stopped at the restaurant and discovered the wonderful things they had that were not on the menu. She would like to eat there every day, but she doubted if there would be enough for her that often. Unless...

3 years ago
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Dawn over Sun Valley Ch 01

Author’s note: Hello y’all, and welcome to my new story! I am writing this one for the #NaNoWriMo Challenge — the National Novel Writing Month, where the challenge is to write a full-length novel (50K+ words) within 30 days. I’ve never done this before, but I do believe I can make it! I’ll be posting chapters as I write them, so expect a new one every day or two. This story is the first under this category for me, and I hope to strike the right tone for it — will you please tell me if I...

1 year ago
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Back Pain Part 2

After swimming for the allotted five minutes, Lori climbed out of the pool and gratefully wrapped herself in the large towel the attendant handed her. She looked around whilst drying off. “I wonder if anyone could see through those rhododendrons” she wondered to herself. “I bet the male staff could have a great time without anyone knowing!” With that, she walked over to the attendant. “Dinner at 7:00?” she inquired, wondering really if there were anymore planned activities first. “It’s 6:05...

2 years ago
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SWMS Redux Sugar and VinegarChapter 14

‘Holy fucking shit, what the fuck was that thing? I’m hurt, and the manacle is damaged. Wait. I’m hurt? How is that even possible? I thought with the changes to my body that I couldn’t be hurt like this. My arm is bleeding!’ My mind was racing. I fell out of the gateway into the middle of a town, a small street. I was dazed and my vision blurred. I heard shouting. Screaming. I closed my eyes and shook my head to get things back into focus. An explosion? I think I heard an explosion. A crying...

1 year ago
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The Passage

She awoke from a pleasant dream filled with naughty thoughts. Her husband’s eyes met her’s instantly. “Been watching me sleep?” she asked, as she stretched her arms over her husband’s shoulders and embraced him. “Aye, like an angel.” Her husband stated as he gave her a morning kiss. She felt her body tremble slightly as he ran his fingers down her spine. “James, You’d better be careful or you might seduce me.” She giggled. She felt his fingers rise up her spine and she felt as though she was...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 13 Any Port in a Storm

They all slept for a little less than two hours until waking up when Kyle walked into the bedroom. No one had answered the door when he knocked, though the front door was unlocked, so he came on in. As soon as the door was closed he took of his clothes, the rules of the house settling about him, emphasized by the pile of Robin’s clothing near the front door. Seeing the pile of bodies on the bed, Kyle was instantly hard and throbbing. Moving near, he ran his hand along Samantha’s leg, getting...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 45 Fear of the Unknown

January 29, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “These cookies are excellent!” I took another bite and washed it down with a bit of hot cocoa. “Believe it not, it’s just the ‘Toll House’ recipe!” Kristin said. “I’m glad you like them.” “You liked my songs?” “Oh man, those love songs made me shiver! You must have really loved her.” “I did, and I still do, but it doesn’t really matter now.” “I guess not,” she said quietly. “Why pick me to sing to?” “I saw a pretty girl who didn’t have a guy with her,”...

4 years ago
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Ready for Domination, he watched her return across the restaurant. She looked great. Her knee length, black dress suited her and he loved the red, ankle strapped stilettos. She glided around the booth and sat closer to him than previously. She smelt lovely and her eyes sparkled.The waiter approached and he ordered some wine. As he did so she leaned across him and wiped his cheek with a soft cloth. As she wiped his face he caught a smell of something vaguely familiar. He took her hand and moved...

3 years ago
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Aces and EightsChapter 2 Week of Decisions

Sunday the 15TH I woke with my bladder full, and screaming for attention. Throwing the blanket off, I stumbled to the bathroom as I unsnapped my pants. Standing there, I pissed like a racehorse as I picked up the bottle of Advil, and popped the top off. I fumbled a couple of tablets out and slipped them in my mouth, as I finished pissing. Flushing the toilet, I snapped the lid back onto the Advil. I bent down and took a drink from the faucet. Shutting the sink water off, I reached over and...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 18

XVIII ‘l-a-d-i-e-s’ The next day, of course, Alicia was due to move in, so it was the last night Wendy would have me to herself and we made sure it was a good one. In the morning we shared an unhurried breakfast and she got ready to go and help Alicia with the move as promised, while I prepared to go to Uncle Albert’s. Just after Wendy had left, the phone rang. It was Fran. I could tell right away that she had recovered her poise after her astonishment the previous night. In fact, she...

1 year ago
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Baby Ohh

Mia was my best friend. I'd met her in high school and after we left there at 18, we went to seperate colleges. Today, I was meeting up for her for the first time in almost four years and made a special effort to look pretty. My auburn hair was tied up gracefully and I was wearing my favorite bright blue minidress with matching blue ribbon high heels. I heard the beep of an old truck outside my window and I ran outside the front door to see. Sure as everything, it was the same figure sitting,...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 34 Coming And Going

“Darling Nicola, I won’t be here when your son is born. I am leaving tomorrow to take up Stanford’s offer of a research post. I’m going to try for a D.Sc. there.” “So when I see you again, it will be Dr. Sharifa?” “Oh, I’ll be back for holidays, but eventually ... I hope so. And there will be no more of the Ms. Sharifa Abdullah nonsense that I used in Oxford. Americans are so snobbish that I shall travel and study as the Princess Sharifa, and at least four of my bodyguards will go...

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Wife Fucked By My Cousin

This is the story of my wife rittu whom I got fucked with my cousin dimpy. I got married to rittu in 1996 and before my marriage me and my cousin dimpy who was 3 years younger to me was very frank with each other. In fact I taught dimpy how to mastubarate in our teenage years….it was I used to hold his dick in my hands and used to stroke his cock and he often used to cum in my hands. Dimpy also stated jacking my hard cock and in fact we used to rub our cocks with each other until we came...

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My First Time On A Nude Beach

My first visit to a nude beach occurred during a holiday to a Greek island when I was about 21 or 22. I had gone there for a week long summer holiday and I was really looking forward to the relaxation and a break from university. I had hired a car and was planning to exploring the island and see some sites of interest as well as trying to get a sun tan.On the fourth day, I think it was, I picked up a map/pamphlet and whilst browsing it , noticed that the island had three nude beaches. Never...

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Gangbanger Bro and Moms Ass

I live with my mom (Kamila), older sister (Luz), and fuckface brother. I'm Dillon by the way. My mom is from Venezuela. She met my dad down there when he was on vacation with his buddies. They both claim it was love at first sight. My sister likes to joke it was more like "ass at first sight" because mom has a serious booty that's hard not to notice. In fact men from the porn industry have approached her on two occasions to see if she would do either magazine modeling or videos. They...

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The New Mandy

“Damn!” The curse was heartfelt. Having just woken up I could see the time was just four minutes past three in the morning. Remembering I had deliberately unset my ‘Do not Disturb’ feature did nothing to help being woken up by the incoming text at such an ungodly hour of the day. Sighing to myself, I leaned over, grabbed my phone and looked to see who had sent me a ‘spam’ text. I cheered up a little to find it was from Mandy. Mandy, the ‘old friend, ‘ had turned out to be a sexy and...

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AssParade Eva Notty My StepMoms Hot

Juan “El Caballo” Loco is gonna be late to his first day of college, his step-mom is gonna drop him off on her way to the gym so that he can make it in time. However, once he got ready he walked y her bedroom as she was changing to go to the gym. He caught her as she’s trying to get into her yoga pants. He couldn’t control himself, so he pulled out his dick and started jerking off. His sep-mom eventually discovered what he was doing and pulled him in to her bedroom. Here’s where the real party...

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Bua Ki Chaddi Ka Ched

Hello friends, main mera naam Manish Singh hai, main indore ka rahne wala hu meri age 18 years hai, main aaj aaplogo ko ek kahani sunane ja raha hu ye ek incest sex story hai jisme maine apni ek bua ke sath sex kiya tha ye ghatna tab ki hai. Mujko sex ke bare main lagbhag kuch-kuch pata tha bachpan main mere gaon ke dosto ne bataya tha aur tabse mujko chudai karne ki iccha thi main jab bhi kisi aurat ke saath sota(mom,bua,any other ladies) tab jab wo so jati thi to main dheere-dheere unki saree...

2 years ago
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HobyBuchanon Kitt Lacey Newcomer Kitt Lacey Wants Rough Face Fucking

Hot porn newcomer Kitt Lacey tells us she wants to get face fucked hard! I walk up and slap her face and kiss her. I put my cock all the way down her throat and hold it there. I put my fingers down her throat and spit in her face and fuck her face roughly. I tell her to stand up and slap her tits and face and gag her with my fingers. I bend her over the couch and spank her ass with a whip. I put my cock in her and pound her fuck box hard from behind. I turn her around and fuck her face then...

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Smooci calls itself The Future of Escort Bookings. Claiming you’re the future of something or other is always a good marketing gimmick, but in this case, we’re talking about the oldest profession in the world. How have things changed from visiting a brothel in the days of yore? For that matter, what futuristic features does Smooci have to distinguish it from the escort sites of a decade ago, a year ago, or a month ago? By definition, the future of anything should have something you can’t get...

Escort Sites
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the reverse flash messes up history

I am Eobard Thon, called by history the Reverse Flash. I just messed up bad, I had gone back in time to kill the Flash`s mom, but in my rage I have killed his dad and had sex with both Nora Alan and a young lady named Hellion Quick. I am out running for now a time wave that can change me if it hits me. Than I find my self in a energy toob, I feel I am in the far future. "What did you do? Have any idea what efect what you did on history, small changes to your history may become history quakes by...

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Little Jakes Perversions pt2

Jake realized that he could not leave his cum there and he got a washcloth and wet it with warm water and a dry towel. He gently wiped his mother's ass cleaning it as best he could then he dried her with the towel. He was amazed at how erotic just cleaning his cum from her ass was and what a rush the whole adventure had been. By the time he returned to his bed he was hard and needed to masturbate again. At least he already had the towel.When Jake got up the next morning he was still thinking...

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The Crossing part 24

An escaped PoW who had taken on the identity of a dead woman, I was now a bride. It was my wedding day, and a sniper had just attempted to kill Adolf Hitler. THE CROSSING - part 24 by BobH (c) 2016 - 55 - Standing on a wooden box someone had found for him, Hitler addressed the wedding guests and onlookers milling outside the church, calm having been restored with the announcement of the sniper's capture. "This was the second cowardly...

2 years ago
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Down The Rabbit Hole Part V

I crawled my way to the hot tub after Adam, Bonny and Read got done with me. Their mission was to wreck me, and they did. I literally couldn't walk. My pussy just hurt, so I soaked it off in the hot tub. I fell asleep and woke up hours later to find someone dropped off chicken alfredo in the kitchen. My encounters over the next few days were pretty pedestrian - bored housewives and men wanting blowjobs or a quickie. They were all done way too fast but I'm a slut now so any sex is good sex,...

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A fun night with my X and her sister Pt 6

I came in behind Elen on the bed and I grabbed her lovely ass and pulled it apart revealing her little ass bud. I worked my thumb teasing her ass. I slowly pushed my thumb up her ass and Elen squirmed and wriggled as my thumb went into her ass. Jane came beside me to watch. I asked her, "Why don't you help me fuck this little bitch"."Ok, what do you want me to do". " Well you could lick her ass hole for me, I'm sure that would make it start to open for my cock".Jane looked at me a bit unsure,...

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Tigers and Bears Oh My

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Author: Euryleia Rider Contact: Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant Copyright 2007 Chapter One – The Wager Is Made“LSU kicks ass!”Sue stepped off the elevator and grinned at the cheer. She high-fived her fellow Cajun who was waiting for the lift. “Geaux Tigers!” she replied with a grin. The smile stayed on her face as she walked down the hallway to her office.She loved everything about autumn from the crisp morning air to the...

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Trish and Cyn 1

"Wake up, loser!" A slap on the head. "Now, little brother! Paaat-rick." My older sister, Cynthia, was always the one to wake me up. And take responsibility in general. But when I wanted to be lazy, the extended-out name always did that, I couldn't ignore it! "OK, what does Mom want?" "Sorry, we have to do some shopping for me, it will be boring for you, just take a shower so we can have breakfast and get out of here." Cynthia was always bossy to me, but not to be bad, just to keep me...

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Meri bibi Manasisali Bandita aur uski saheli Arpita 8211 4

Mein Prashanta Laundiabaz huin.Mere id hei – meri bibi Manasi dari hue sahmi si dhire paun se bed room mein akar door bandh kar di.Mein usper apni najar daudaya tou o mere pas akar khadi ho gaie.Mein usko bola, ‘kya re teri bahen akar teri kapda utaregi kya ? chal 2 teri bra ko chodkar aur sab kapde tere jism se nakal de.’ Manasi dhire 2 apni kapde utarne lagee.Bra mein mere samne khadi hokar muhn niche ki aur jhuka li. Mein apni dahene hath se uski bur ki koi ek bal ko pakad kar khincha tou o...

4 years ago
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No Such Thing

Hi Folks, this is a weird one. And I know that some parts of it are improbable. The stranger thing about it is that those improabable parts are mostly true. It's been said that real life is often stranger than fiction and after writing this one I realize how true that is. You should also look for me to tie up a lose end from a previous story that you guys have been on my back about. I need to mention as always how glad I am to have the incredible Mikothe baby editing my stories and she did her...

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Beware the Roasburies Pt 06

There are some things you don’t need to know and this is one of them. Before 15th February 1971, in Britain we had pounds ‘£’, shillings ‘s’, and pence ‘d’ (denarii). 12 pence in a shilling, 20 shillings in a pound. We also had guineas – 21 shillings to complicate matters further. The penny was divided into 2 halfpennies (pronounced haypny), and 4 farthings (fourth-things). The latter was discontinued in 1960, it was hardly used even before that. Two sayings using the halfpenny: ‘You daft...

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Students from Islamabad

My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...

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Chili Booze Nightmares and the Girl Next Door

Chili, Booze, Nightmares, and the Girl Next Door [1] Liar, Liar, Belly on Fire The chili cookout challenge my neighbor and I had sponsored turned out to be a huge success. More than a two dozen neighborhood and family member friends had submitted mouth-watering entries. The theme of the challenge was, ‘How hot can you get!’ Of course, as with many sporting contests, some asshole ringer presented a ‘mystery’ concoction with no clue as to its maker’s origin. No list of...

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Shy Indian Muslim Housewife Swapped 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation of my previous story. Let’s get it into the story without any delay. I took off my friend’s wife Zainab’s kurti and there were her white boobs caged in pink bra. Without waiting for anything, I unhooked her bra, and off came her boobs. They were much tighter then my wife’s and her nipples were pinkish brown. I took one nipple in my mouth and bit it. With my right hand, I played with her left boob. She gave out a moan as played with her. Within a moment, we had shed all...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 06

The summer was almost over and I had one class left, having flunked it, as I was too lazy to apply myself during the year. The blasted math had been giving me a headache throughout the entire high school. I had to stop at my dad’s apartment every day after summer classes and do my homework there. A punishment for a moment of weakness when I smoked in his place, forgetting that my dad, very much against the bad habit, would smell cigarettes on me within a mile. There was a long discussion...

First Time
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Old Friends New Lovers Part 2

I have just drained Cathy’s wonderful pussy of all of Mick’s wonderful love juices ---- she rolls on to the bed, Cathy in the middle of me and Mick...I am kissing Cathy and whispering sweet nothings in her ear --- telling her how amazing she is and such a wonderful lover....Mick has his arm across her stomach --gently playing with my clit -- just teasing stroking --- it’s a wonderful way to wind down after such a hard session of love making ---- Mick however is insatiable --- he changes...

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Milking ItChapter 2

Before any plotting or planning can take place, Belle has to settle in. Like most girls these ones break off into little cliques. A few seem to already be looking to hook up with one another. Belle has to smile as she catches a glimpse of a sexy cow lying back on a couch in the common area. Her shirt is tugged up and her legs spread as another girl is sitting between them. This brunette hungrily strokes and slobbers along the length of her new friend’s shaft. Venturing further into the...

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This is a follow-up to the story of the first adventure, 'Testing the Limits' posted in my blog.The wife informs her husband she has to sleep with the stud in order to satisfy the terms of her agreement for his earlier cooperation. He requires some convincing, and her methods ensure my eventual agreement. (MMF, exh, bd, bi, mast, oral, reluc)***The very first time we had the house to ourselves, my wife had me sit down with her to watch the video she had made of me. It had been weeks since that...

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A Weekend with Alicia Sacramone

Alicia Sacramone flipped through her magazine somewhat impatiently on the plane ride home from China. The 2008 Olympics had been a letdown for her. She had hoped, just like her entire team, that the Americans would be able to leave with the Gold Medal, but due to her falling off the balance beam, and then falling on her floor routine, they had to settle for second. Alicia didn’t know what she would do next and she just wanted to get back home and not think. She was excited about seeing her...

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Penis Envy 1 The Mother of Invention

Christie was young when she first learned about penises. She was immediately fascinated by the seemingly handy appendage her younger brother had that she did not. It fascinated her and she wanted it. Her mother kept having to remind her not to stare at it or try to play with it. As she said, “It belongs to your brother. Leave it alone.” This didn't sway young Christie and she grew up wanting one of her own. Badly. Early in life Christie learned to hide her fascination. That energy was...

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Eva and I chapter 2

It was the beginning of the summer holiday and I had a surprise in store for my beautiful little girl. I had booked a 2 week long stay at a resort in the bahamas and decided to present her with the air tickets this morning. Her eyes lit up with excitement when I whipped out the tickets and she immediately hugged me with the enthusiasm of a five year old. Our holiday was due to resume tomorrow, so we had to get packing right away. Fast forward to the resort, we booked in around noon and...

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Busted by sister part 3

The morning of the first day we had together, I rushed into his room and pulled him out of his bed. He was still trying to wake up. Me: take those panties off, put these on. ( I handed him a purple pair of panties with the word "princess" written in the butt.) Andrew: can I go to the bathroom first?! Me: you know Andrew, I was gonna be nice, however you just had to give me an attitude. Just know, your next task is bc of your actions. Ohh and to answer your question... no, you can...

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ValChapter 24

Val had told me about her mother getting married again and how her mom, Tatsu, and her former uncle now stepfather had been busy having sex all night. I was a little worried for her, but then she said she was in the mood for some fun. I went from feeling sorry for her to feeling intrigued. But as she pulled me through the halls, she stopped in front of Tiffany's friend Pepper. I was now starting to feel worried. "Hey Pep. I just had a wonderful idea. I hope you like it," said Val. Pepper...

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I moped the entire Sunday afternoon and all night. When I wasn’t awake, my scant sleep was peppered with dreams of Matt. I couldn’t forget the taste of his kisses or the slow slide of his hands against my body no matter how hard I tried. He was like a ghost over my shoulder. The rainy Monday morning dawned as grey and dismal as my mood. I dragged myself from bed and ignored the haggard reflection in the mirror. I looked like shit. No surprise there considering I felt like shit too. Matt’s...

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What do you get for the wife who has everything on your third wedding anniversary? How about another cock?! Ella Knox and her husband are into swinging and hotwifing, so for the third annual installment of their marriage, her man gets her his friend’s big swinging dick to come through and pound her pussy into submission. The nipples on Ella’s big natural tits get so hard at the thought of that they practically poke through her bra! She answers the door in sexy lingerie when Johnny...

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