Is It Worth It? free porn video

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First of all, I have to thank cK1, Skribble, and TGMaster for ideas in this story and Steve Zink for editing it. Is It Worth It? By Troy My life, while far from perfect, was going all right. I was nearing the end of school, and I had a job waiting for me when I graduated. Therefore, it was in a bit of irony that my life was about to be turned upside-down. It all started three months ago, when I got a strange gift. I was flipping through the boring mail. It was mostly junk. However, as I headed back inside, I noticed a large package sitting on the porch next to the mailbox. It was too big to fit inside the mailbox. Shrugging my shoulders, I picked it up and noticed that it was addressed to me. That made things pretty simple. I wondered what it was, as I brought it inside and began to open up the package. The package was marked fragile, so that made me doubly curious. Inside the package were a bottle and a card. I put the bottle aside and began to read the card. It was unsigned, which worried me a bit. The return address on the package was a PO Box, which did nothing to calm me down. Still, I was curious. The card simply stated, "I know you've wanted this for a long time. This will allow your heart's desire to come true." I decided to look at the bottle. It said on the label "Essence of Alyssa Milano". I was surprised by that. Then, I looked at the side of the bottle, and there was additional writing. It stated that the drinker of this potion would find that his or her physical form would be transformed into a duplicate of Alyssa's. The potion could do nothing else. I wouldn't have her memories or her tattoos. I stared at the blue bottle with it's red contents, and began to debate. I really liked the idea of becoming Alyssa's twin. Who was I kidding; I loved the idea, and would have gulped the potion down in an instant if it weren't for that warning. I just couldn't change without thinking of all of the consequences. What was I going to do? I decided to seek some advice from the only people who would understand this problem. I emailed a few of my friends. I was interested in seeing what they would do if they were in my place. I also knew I could trust the advice they gave me. This was the toughest choice I ever faced. My life would never be the same, no matter what I chose to do. Could I really pass up the chance to have my dream body? Could I really leave my old life behind, no matter how boring and mundane it was? I knew I would have to make my mind up soon. I decided to think it over as I slept. I continued to debate as I fell asleep. My dreams were extremely unusual that night. In some of my dreams, I looked like myself but acted female. In other dreams, I looked like Alyssa, but acted male. In others, I was myself acting like me. While still, in others, I was Alyssa and acting female. Come morning, I woke up and felt really confused. I knew that I was going to have to make a decision soon, or I would simply go insane. Keep my old life, or start a brand new one? These options were weighing me down, and I knew I was going to have to choose. I looked over all of the email messages I'd gotten in reply, and it was exactly what I thought it would be. Some people were for doing it, others were against the choice. A couple wanted me to send the potion to them. I smiled. That was not an option. Carl provided the best advice to me, though. He not only was for me doing it, but he also gave me some suggestions on what I should do to adjust. His advice would be quite helpful in getting myself through this transition if I chose to do so. Finally, I weighed the consequences. This was by far the biggest decision in my life. Once I finished, there was no going back. I was so scared. If the potion worked, I'd have the body of a beautiful actress. If the potion failed, who knew what would happen. This was no game, nor was it some intricate role-playing session. This was real life. I would have to live with whatever the results were forever. I garnered all the courage in my body, and finally arrived at my decision. I knew it was the right one. It hadn't been an easy choice, but I realized it was the only way I was going to be happy. I shrugged my shoulders, popped out the rubber cork, and read the directions. Once I had those down, I poured myself a glass. The red potion filled the glass nicely. I stifled a chuckle as the potion reminded me of wine. The potion (I wasn't sure whether it was alcoholic or not) sat in the glass. Mustering my courage, I thought, 'Here goes everything.' I slowly drank the potion down, and wondered what would happen. I felt a slight tingling all over my body, and then nothing. I was actually both a bit glad, and at the same time, a bit sad. Sad, because I was worried it might not work. Glad, in that if it did work, I would need time to make the preparations for my new life. I went to various Alyssa sites to get some physical information. I would need clothes very soon. I hoped that I had enough money to pay for this. This transformation would not be cheap. Still, I was going to be the girl of my dreams, and that, for now, was enough. I made a list of things that had to be done before my transformation was complete. I began to think that the change wouldn't be instantaneous. I finished up, and left for work. Work was so boring; I couldn't wait to go home. This transformation was completely on my mind. I was very curious about when the changes were going to begin. My dreams were very different that night. They were much more feminine and erotic in nature. I was rather enjoying them, before I woke up. I looked at the clock, and realized that I was glad that I had just finished school. That would have been a lot of hassle. I wouldn't want to even try to explain what was going on with my body. Of course, I would have to change my identity, including my degree, before I changed much further. Luckily, I had read about how to do this many times, so I started working on doing it. I made a few phone calls, and got all the necessary paperwork. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a big deal. I filled out all the forms, and then took another drink. Just three more left, I realized. That was all I needed to become the girl of my dreams. Of course, I wouldn't transform immediately. That was all right with me. In fact, I was rather glad about that. I wanted to make sure that I had everything done, before I changed into Alyssa's twin. I flipped on the television, and wondered how much my mind would change, if at all; it might occur after the change started. Since I wasn't sure, I chalked it up to wait and see. I was too curious wondering how the changes would start. I had no real way of discovering. So I could only wait. This was going to be tough. I sighed, and worked on deciding what I was going to do today. This change would be terrific, but I hoped I could stand the waiting time involved with it. I thought about it, and realized that waiting would be best. This would give me time not only to make the necessary changes, but also would allow me to adjust to my new body. I was sitting on my couch, trying to collect my thoughts, when the phone rang. I picked it up, and said hello. It was Jessica, a girl whom I had become quite close to during college. "Hi, Jessica, how are you?" "Very good, you?" she said. "Well, I'm doing good. Actually, I've got a favor to ask." "What?" she asked. "Come over to my house, and I'll explain it all." She agreed to meet me, and hung up. I was looking forward to her arrival, but I was also quite worried. I was about to reveal a startling secret to one of my friends. This was a huge step. What to do, what to do? I knew she would be over shortly, and I worked on getting my story straight. I finally worked it out. I was going to tell her the truth, but I knew it was unbelievable. People can't just transform into celebrities. Well, they could, but who would believe them? I just hoped that she would. Shortly thereafter, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and Jessica was standing in front of me. Gathering my courage, I began to explain what was occurring, and what was necessary. She looked totally stunned. After a minute, she finally spoke. "Wow! I'm shocked." She then paused for a bit before saying, "Sure, I'll help you." I sighed in relief. This removed a major obstacle I was facing. I was feeling a lot better now. Jessica had questions, though. "Troy, why would you do that?" I told her that it was always my dream. I was in love with her, and her body, the moment I first saw her. I couldn't pass up the chance to be her. She continued, "You mean, you'd rather be a woman than a man? Are you sure?" I told her, "Yes... I debated this for a long time. It was really tough. I know that I can't go back. But the chance to be Alyssa, or at least her double... it was too good an opportunity to miss. I'll always enjoy the memories of my time as Troy, but I'm anxious to start my new life as Alyssa, or whatever I choose to call myself." Jessica seemed hesitant, but could see that I meant what I was saying. "Oh... okay, Troy. But, why are you telling me? What can I do to help?" "Well, I chose to tell you," I answered, "because you are easy to talk to, and I know you won't betray my trust. What you can do to help is to show me how to be a woman. You've been one all your life. I need to get twenty plus years of training in about a month or two." She nodded. "Okay, but it's not going to be easy. I mean, you'll have to learn how to dress, how to deal with things like periods and pregnancy, how to deal with the way men look at you. There's a lot to it, Troy." I nodded and said, "I know...but it's not like I'm totally clueless... I more need fine-tuning... except for the clothing part." My face slightly reddened. She smiled a little, "You know about women's clothes?" She thinks for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you would, huh." "Ummmm, uhhhh... well, a little bit, yeah, but color-coordination has never been my strong point." Jessica paused for a second before saying, "With Alyssa's coloring, you'll probably look good in almost anything. You really picked a nice body to...get into." "Uhhh, thanks." My face started reddening again. "So... ummmm... where shall we start?" Jessica asked. "Do you have any... specific questions, first of all?" I thought about it for a moment, and asked, "Uummm... well... geesh... I probably do... but... I don't know where to start." "Let's start with what makes a woman different from a man. The body. Any... body questions for me? Like you said, I've had mine a long time." I stuttered before finally spitting out, "Ummm, okay... sure... let me think... why don't you... ummmm, demonstrate the proper way to wipe." My face was bright red. Jessica also blushed bright red. "Are you sure, I mean... well..." She looked very seriously at me. "If I do this, you'd better turn into a girl!" I nodded. "I promise, Hon... trust me... I couldn't ask it, otherwise." Jessica took me into the bathroom and, very hesitantly, showed me how to wipe without removing her panties. We were both red-faced, yet it seemed to break a lot of the tension in the room. "You just have to make sure that you get all the urine." I nodded, and then asked, "Okay... now... ummmm... could you show me the proper way to put on a bra?" I felt embarrassed, but I knew that this knowledge was important. She nodded and took off her blouse and bra. She looked a little bit uncomfortable, but she could tell that I was really embarrassed, too. "Okay, for you, I'd say you should slip it on backwards around your belly, clasping it, then spinning it around cups forward, and sliding your shoulders into the straps. Just make sure you're all into it when you pull up." "Okay." I began to feel a little more comfortable. "Thanks, this is a big help, Jess. Hmmmm, okay... let's see... other body issues," I said. "I guess this won't be nearly as embarrassing. Show me how to do makeup." She seemed a little jealous as she said, "Well, if Alyssa looks like I remember, that shouldn't be too much of a problem for you. She's got a really beautiful face." I agreed. "Yeah, I know; I also know there are occasions when makeup is a must." Jessica then asked, "Do you have a picture of her, Troy?" Distracted by my thoughts, I asked, "A picture of who?" Jessica grinned. "Of Alyssa, silly!" I smiled, and said, "Ahh... on my computer." Jess smiled with a mischievous little grin. "Show me." I grinned wide and said, "Okay!" I booted up my computer, and then went to where I kept my Alyssa pictures. "Here we go." I showed her a couple Alyssa pictures. "Good enough?" I asked. "Wow!" Jess responded. She studied the pictures for a moment. "With that face, you'll probably want to learn how to pick lipstick, how to apply blush, and definitely mascara and eyeshadow. You'll be... gorgeous." I was a bit startled. "Okay... wow... you think?" She nodded, looked at me, then at the pictures, then me again, then the pictures again. "You'll be a knockout." She paused, and then said, "You'll need to know how to take care of that hair, though. You can't just hop in the shower and then hop out again. That kind of hair takes real care, Troy." I nodded, and asked, "Really? Oh man... okay... ummmm, what's different?" Jess ran her hands through my hair. "You'll be dealing with hair that has to be styled, and carefully dried. It's not like guys' hair. When you're a woman, you have to take care of your hair. Of course, you could always just cut it short, like a guy's." "No, I've seen her with short hair, she looks better with long. I guess I'll just have to learn." "Could I suggest something, Troy?" Jess asked. "What?" "Keep it short in the beginning, and as you learn to be more feminine, you can let it grow out to whatever length you like." I thought for a moment. "Hmmmm, that could work, I think I could manage it at neck length." "Do you think so?" I nodded. She said she would be happy to help me, but she had to leave for now. I thanked her, and started to think. The conversation with Jessica was very enlightening. I was getting excited. With her help, I could really pull this off. I was happy that I had someone to help me through this transition. Now to make some plans. The first thing on my list was clothing. That would be top priority. Second on the list was to get my identity changed. Third was to figure a way to explain all of this to people. I knew I was committed to this action, and couldn't change my mind if I wanted. I was ready to go to the mall to start my new life. I hadn't been very color-coordinated so I was going to need assistance. I knew that the ID would soon be an issue, but that wasn't really important at the moment. As long as I looked mostly male, it wasn't a big deal. Right now, I had to make sure my finances were in proper order, so that while my body was changing, I could still have access to my money. That would be very important. Making a few calls, I realized I had enough to get some of the clothes my new body would require. ***** I was debating where to go shopping. I remembered going with Jessica one time to the shop where she worked. They had some nice stuff. I'd start there, and then try a few other places. This would be embarrassing and quite tough, but what choice did I have? I garnered my money and got in my car. Man, how was I going to explain this? At least they wouldn't think it was for me. The clothes would be way too small. I found a parking space and walked into the store. Man, this shopping trip felt so strange. Buying clothes was never a real thrill for me, and now I was going to try and select clothing for a gender I had never been. 'Well, here goes nothing,' I thought as I began my selection process. I was more surprised before a sales clerk had even spotted me. I had glanced in a mirror, and noticed my face. Well, it was sort of my face. The skin was quite different. All sorts of marks and blemishes that I had were now gone. Instead, what I saw was creamy, smooth, white skin. I wasn't sure how to react to this development, when a sales clerk approached me. Many thoughts flooded my mind about what I would say. I tried to think of a specific answer as she approached me. I greeted her and asked about getting some clothes. She nodded, and asked me what sizes. Luckily, I had ways of getting such information, and told the woman. Since it was obvious these clothes were too small for me, she didn't give me a second glance. She asked what kinds of clothes I needed. I told her that she (the girl I was shopping for) wanted a peasant blouse, a couple of strapped tank tops, a few sweaters, both cardigan and shells, a pair of sandals, some mid-thigh skirts, plus a couple of longer ones. Also, the essentials... bras, panties, and anklets. The woman nodded, and went back to get the items. When the woman came back with the stack of clothes, she also encouraged me to have her come over for a makeover sometime. I smiled and nodded. That would give me the first actual lesson in makeup once I was in my new body. I then went to another store to get shoes. I was surprised to see the bewildering variety of styles available for women. I finally decided on about a half-dozen pairs, and left to ponder what I needed next. I decided it was time to get some lacy underthings. I smiled, feeling like I was a teenage girl. Perhaps, in some ways, that was true. I walked over to Victoria's Secret. 'Hmmm, this is going to be interesting,' I thought. It wasn't going to be easy getting the sizes I needed, but I found a way. I entered, and it was like I was in a new world. I started looking at the various offerings they had. This was going to be fun. I counted my money just to be safe. Yes, I could get some good stuff, and not become broke in the process. I started to look around. The first item I chose to examine was a blue bra. It reminded me of a story I had once read. I found some other lacy goodies, and bought what I needed. I was wondering what I was going to do once I was fully changed. I shrugged my shoulders, and decided to cross that bridge when I came to it. I looked in my wallet once I'd finished, and hoped I had enough money to left to pay for the remainder of my acquisitions. I found out that I did, but I quickly realized what an expensive proposition this would be. However, I did have this first day's selections out of the way. I headed home with all my purchases, and looked at all the clothes that I had purchased. These should do for a little while, at least. I then tried to figure where to put the stuff. Closet space wasn't a problem that I had foreseen. After a lot of work, I finally managed to move some little used stuff to the attic, and more of it to the basement. This allowed me to get enough closet space for all my new clothes. Of course, once I had completely changed, only my feminine clothes would need space in the closet! I looked in the mirror once I'd finished, and wondered what would happen to me next. I would find out the next morning, when I woke up. Arising, I went to the bathroom and glanced in the full-length mirror. The clothes I was carrying fell to the floor as I glanced at the image. I wasn't really different, yet the look was quite startling. My muscles were somewhat smaller, yet they were toned. That was strange to me. I was smaller and stronger. My body fat had shifted somewhat to being more feminine. I knew that I was beginning to truly shift from male to female. The thought excited me. I looked at my chest. There were signs of budding breasts. Also, my butt was getting a little bigger. This was very strange, and very exciting. I got dressed in some of my older male clothing, and noticed that both the shirt and pants were feeling a little tight in some places, and loose in others. Not much later, at the rate I was changing, I wouldn't be able to wear my old clothes at all. I actually smiled at that thought. It was somewhat strange. I was really getting into this transformation. Compared to my mindset a few days ago, it was a 180-degree turnaround. I had trouble not examining this body of mine constantly. It was becoming so beautiful, and felt so good. I shuddered to think what I would do once I was fully changed. That brought me to an even scarier thought. Would I still prefer women, and be a lesbian? Would this body want men? I didn't know the answers to these questions, or what to think, but this was really starting to get to me. Sighing, I prepared to go to work. Soon enough, even that simple chore was going to become complicated. I would have to decide if I wanted to stay at my current job, or if I wanted to change to a different job, perhaps one more suited for my new gender. It would be a difficult choice. Then again, all these choices were. Work was all right, but I was still thinking about what to do when the changes became more evident. I ate dinner, realizing I wasn't nearly as hungry as I had been in the past. Smaller stomach, I guessed. I chalked that up as another thing I was learning. I was tired, so I got ready for bed. I actually found myself debating whether I should actually wear a nightgown. This was making me feel a bit strange. I finally decided not to do it, but I realized that it wouldn't be much longer. My mind was changing, and I was accepting it. I finally fell asleep. I started to dream, and it was very strange. In the dream, I was Alyssa, and I was talking to Denise Richards. I soon realized, however, that she was really my pal, Carl. This was totally cool. She and I had a lot of fun doing all sorts of things, both normal and sexual. We acted like two normal women, and felt really good about it. I really hated it when the dream finally ended. I got out of bed, and was glad that I wasn't going to work that day. I decided to go to the bookstore. I decided to get some books to learn more about being female. It was going to be difficult, but I vowed to make it through. A few minutes later, I was walking through the store searching for books. I was looking for some that could prove to be of use in my new role in life. I wasn't really sure how women thought, and maybe this would help. I decided that I had had enough of the mall once I'd obtained my books, and left. I got home with the books, and opened the first one. By the time I had skimmed through them all, many myths I might have had were shattered. I wondered if I was in over my head. This was very intense, and incredibly scary. Still, there was something thrilling about this entire transformation. I thought about the facts and all the changes I was undergoing. These books and Jessica's help were of great use, but I realized that a lot of the decisions would still be my responsibility. I started thinking of decisions and urges this body might have. It was kind of frightening to me. Would my body try to overrule my mind? This was something that definitely caused me a great deal of worry. I sighed. I guess I was worried that I would be forced to want to have sex with men, or something crazy (or was it normal?) like that. Feeling the call of nature, I headed to the restroom. I unzipped my pants, and realized I wouldn't be doing that much longer. I looked at my slightly shrunken genitals, and realized it wouldn't be too long before I was sitting at the toilet all the time. That was a curious thought, I realized. Practicing what Jessica taught me, I finished and headed back to my bedroom. I tried to decide what I wanted to do next. I flipped on the television, and was surprised to see Charmed on the tube. I watched, but mostly just to examine Alyssa. 'Not long,' I thought, 'not long, till I have your lovely body.' I watched the show to completion, and then decided to read until it was time to go to bed. I fell asleep, and again had vivid dreams of my new life as Alyssa. This was intense, and I felt a strange wetness in my crotch when I awoke. Then I realized what it was. CK had warned me about this. It was urine. He had told me that I might have some bladder control problems as my muscles began to shift from the male position to the female position. I took care of this little problem, and got ready for work. I was a little worried about this incident. Luckily, CK assured me this would be temporary. Until it did, though, it would be quite embarrassing. Work again passed at a crawl. The only thing that kept me going was thinking about being Alyssa's twin. Finally, the time passed and I headed home. On the way, I was pulled over by a cop. The cop looked at my license and then at me for a long time, before finally deciding it wasn't really worth the trouble. He let me go, and I finally got home and settled. I was now definitely looking forward to finishing this process. I had finished all the draughts, but it would take a while for the potion to have full effect. This was good, in that it gave me both time to adjust, and time to take care of things like legal identity and clothing. However, I would also have to go through this "androgynous stage" where I looked somewhat like Alyssa and somewhat like my old male self. I glanced in the mirror again. The changes were rather subtle. I wasn't really resembling her yet. But, I didn't look really male, either. The best way to put it was that I looked like myself with a feminine frame. Over the next few days though, I wouldn't have to worry about that too much. Looks weren't the only thing I had to deal with, though. I knew that I had to deal with telling people that I was changing from male to female. Also, I had to decide who to tell, and how to tell them. This was a really tough decision, and I put some real thought into it. My parents definitely had to know. A few friends I kept in close contact would also be told. No one else came to mind. It wasn't easy, but eventually people accepted it. That was, until I told Linda at work. She told me pointblank that I had made the most stupid mistake of my life. She then wouldn't say a word to me. Instead, she just glared. I gulped. Was she right? Had I made a dumb mistake? I was filled with doubt now about my decision. As I headed home, my eyes were welling with tears. I was more emotional than I had ever been. In the past, if someone had rejected me, I could just roll with the punches and move on. But this time, I felt a bitterness and sadness that I had never before experienced. I was not sure what I would do. The pain was bitter. I entered my home, and ended up in the bathroom to wash away my tears. I never did speak to Linda again after her rejection of me. With the emotions running high, I looked in the mirror. I wasn't worried what I would see now. I gasped as I looked at my image. It was so different now. I looked more female than male now. I was also starting to see some slight resemblance between myself and Alyssa. My body felt so strange, yet so familiar at the same time. I knew I was past the 50% mark. I decided to take inventory of all the changes that had occurred. The first thing I noticed was my hair. It wasn't a lot longer, but it was much softer and much darker. I would have to get this new hair styled soon. I moved down to my face. My eyes were no longer blue; instead, they were now brown. My nose was slightly smaller, and my lips were a little bigger. My whole face was softer and more delicate. Then I moved down my body to where it really counts. My first glance where it counted was my new chest. There was still some hair on my chest, but it was thinner and much more sparse. I felt my, oh let's say it, budding breasts. There were two enlarging masses beneath my once male chest. The skin around them was slightly stretched. Lastly, my nipples no longer pointed forward, but instead, they pointed slightly away from each other. The next place of examination was my groin. First, I checked my pubic hair. My loose brown hair was tightening, growing curlier, and becoming darker. Also, there was more hair down there. I began thinking about options I had. Then I looked at my genitals themselves. My penis was a lot smaller. Beneath was my deflating scrotum. With a great deal of effort, I found my testicles. I also noticed my scrotum seemed to be splitting in an effort to become my new lips. The last place I decided to look was my rear. It had been feeling really heavy recently. I checked it out. No wonder it felt heavy, it looked really shapely and filled out. I could see where two terms came from. My butt did look like it was cut from a teardrop. Also, I understood what they meant by sitting on two pillows. I finished my examination, and got dressed again. Nothing much else happened, so eventually I went to bed. The next morning, I decided to go visit Jessica and update her on my progress. Finally, I arrived at her front door and knocked. Jessica answered. She was so startled to see who it was. "Troy?" "Yes, Jess, it's me." She stared for a moment, and finally said, "You look great." I noticed that Jess seemed to be concentrating on my butt. Jess seemed a little jealous at how good my ass looked already! I said, "Like what you see?" Jess ignored the comment, and said, "Come on, let's go get you something to wear." I mused, "It's a good thing you work at a clothing store." Jess continued, "My roommate is smaller, and since she's away, you can borrow some of her stuff." She then told me to strip down. I did as she said. Jess started looking over my body, and was amazed at the transformation I'd undergone to this point. "My God, Troy, you're really changing. I can't believe it!" "What's different?" I asked, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear what she'd say. "You're just so..." she paused, "female looking. You're like a girl. It's unbelievable!" I smiled, "Oh, you can be more specific." I giggled a bit. Jessica then produced a pair of panties for me. "Well, you've already got... A- cups, I think." I nodded, and said, "Oh... well... let's see." I thought for a second, then added, "What do you think about my crotch?" I giggled again. Jessica giggled too, "I don't think it's done yet, do you?" ***** Jessica once again returned to the closet. I waited for her to return. She returned with a white blouse and a pair of loose-fitting jeans. "These will be more accommodating to that ass of yours, Troy." I grinned, "Oh... okay, thanks, Jess." I changed clothes, including the panties. "No bra?" Jessica answered, "You're... er, young enough to get along without one." "Young? I'm not young." Jessica corrected herself. "Your breasts are. They're small enough to not need a bra yet." "Oh, okay, I thought you might have meant that." She then told me to stand up. I complied. She nodded, "You look very nice, Troy. Is it everything you wanted?" I nodded, "I think so, yeah." Jessica smiled. "I'm glad. You seem happy." I agreed, "I am, and you've been a great help." Jessica smiled, "I just want to help my friend." "Thanks, the only thing I am still stuck on is my new name." "Oh?" Jess replied. "You haven't thought of one for yourself yet?" "No, I like a lot, but I'm not sure which one." Jess then stated, "I guess you don't want to use Alyssa, huh?" I paused before saying, "Well, I love the name, but that feels like I'm trying to steal her identity, and I don't want to do that." Jessica agreed, "Yeah, I understand. Who do you feel like?" "I don't know, what do you mean?" Jessica thought for a moment, and said, "You know how sometimes you see someone, and you know what their name should be. When you look at yourself, what do you see?" I paused again. "I'm not sure. It isn't really coming to me. Maybe... April?" Jessica smiled, "April is a pretty name. And, you do kinda look like an April." I felt relieved. "Thanks. You know, the weirdest thing to me is adjusting to having two pillows glued to my backside." I then broke down into giggles. Jessica grinned. "You've already got a great ass. And after seeing Alyssa's pictures, I'm betting you're gonna have a great set of boobs, too." I smiled at the remark, and told her that I had to leave. She hugged me, and we parted. The meeting with Jessica was great. I felt good, and decided that I needed to reward myself. I started to think what I could do that would be a nice reward. I thought that maybe a makeover would be just the ticket. I was really nervous. I knew this meant that I had accepted my femininity, and was reveling in it. Now that I had decided on a feminine name, I made the last necessary changes to my female identity. Now, I was officially April. I looked over my identification, and it all said April and female. It felt strange, yet exhilarating. Now that I felt secure in my new identity, I made the phone call to set up my makeover. I started going through my clothes, trying to figure out something to wear for this makeover. I looked through my closet, and decided that I would wear something a bit on the masculine side for total contrast when I was totally made over. I decided on wearing a basically unisex outfit: a tight gray T-shirt and navy blue nylon board shorts, drawstring closings and Hawaiian print up the sides, teva sandals on my feet. On a suggestion from a friend, I even wore men's cotton boxers. I was curious to see what a makeover was like. I arrived at the shoppe, and was quickly ushered back. They looked me over, and decided that they had a lot of work to do, but there was also a lot of potential beneath me. They fussed and primped a bit, and then finally started. I was surprised by all the work that went into a makeover. They did everything, from my hair, to my nails, to my clothes. I was glad they didn't notice the little maleness that was still with me. While the makeover actually took quite a while, it seemed like only a few moments, with my intense interest in what they were doing. I went to the mirror, and saw what they had done to me. First, I looked at my hair. They had given me a haircut, layered, with some nice soft bangs, and highlights. For clothes, I was given a fitted pink floral sundress with an asymmetrical hem, and a gathered neckline with a pull string tied in a bow, along with very small puffy sleeves just off the shoulder. The whole thing was made of a soft, light cotton. I wore a silk slip underneath, with satin French cut panties and matching bra. On my feet were platform sandals, red, with cork soles, and Greek sandal style straps tied around my legs up the calves. I was also carrying a small red PVC handbag. I left the shoppe, and felt so beautiful and so feminine. This clinched my decision. I was a female, and I was loving it. I loved the stares as I walked down the street. I noticed a lot of guys (and a few women) were staring at my backside as I walked. A few obvious ones were also staring at my frontside. I was so giddy. People thought I was beautiful, and I was happy to be that way. I'll never forget that morning in October. Ironically, my transformation finished on my birthday. That was strange, yet totally cool. I looked down at my crotch at the now feminine pubic mound I possessed. I didn't touch it. It was too soon (and too stereotypical). I looked at my body as a whole. My breasts were nice and perky, and now at their awesome full size. My body was now smooth, instead of hairy. My tiny feet, with cute little toes, just stood out to me. I had always had big feet, and it was nice to have these little feet now. I looked up to my new sexy legs. Yes, I had to shave them, but the effort was worth it. They were gorgeous. I skipped the obvious part for the moment, and looked at my flat stomach. I knew it would take a lot of work to keep it looking this good, but I was all for it. I noticed that my new body seemed to prefer different foods, anyway. I moved up to my nice perky breasts again, and cupped them. That felt so good. I wondered what it would feel like if someone else were groping them. I knew that I wouldn't have long to wait, if I so wanted. I realized that I still wasn't sure whether I'd be heterosexual or homosexual. I guess it didn't really matter. I decided to take a nice hot shower. I remembered my early days on Fictionmania, and a certain friend who encouraged hot showers. Boy, she was right about them. They felt great with this new body. I slowly soaped each contour of my new body, and found every crevice. I looked at my crotch, and realized it was time to shave the hair a bit. I had to make it all look nice and trim. I got out of the shower and started drying my new body. This new body felt so nice. Each nook and cranny made me feel so nice and so sexy. I then did the usual getting ready, but in totally new and different way, and got dressed in a simple pair of shorts and a T-shirt plus bra and panties. I then went to my room, and grabbed anklets and tennis shoes. I felt so good as I decided to go to the library. I was beginning to relish the small pleasures of being an attractive woman, and being watched without being harassed. I knew the problems of being an attractive female and being harassed, so I looked forward to these moments. I went inside and decided to find some new stuff to read. I was looking through some books and arrived in the travel section. I picked up some, and started reading. That made me start to think. I had had a good life here, but it was Troy's life. I started to think that maybe it was time for April to start her own life, somewhere else. The big thing, though, was that I had to get a new job. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet. I headed back home. When I got home, I started reading some of the books I had checked out. I hadn't decided where I was going to move, but several places looked promising. I had to smile as I realized that after going through all the legal trouble to change my identity here, I would get to do it wherever I moved. Luckily, it would be much easier, as I already had the female identification I needed. I kept thinking about my life, both as Troy and now as April. I had enjoyed my life as Troy, at least, most of the time. Right at that moment, my life as April had been good, and it had been fun. I knew I would have problems as April, but I looked forward to meeting them and facing them. I was still planning what to do when the phone rang. "April?" "This is her." "April, are you looking for a job?" I recognized her voice as one of the ladies who'd done my makeover. "I could use one." "Would you like to do modeling? They're having a show at the mall." "Sure." "Okay." I started to giggle. A few months ago, no one would even think of having me model anything. Now, they were willing to pay me a lot of money to do so. I got to the mall where they were having the session. It wasn't anything big, but it paid money, and I was curious to see what it would be like. One of the stores had some new outfits they wanted to show off. I was lucky to have connections to fashion students from my days as a college student. I knew that would pay off someday. It took only one modeling assignment to love it. I wasn't planning on doing it full-time, but I enjoyed it immensely. I even got a chance to wear that nice black outfit the real Alyssa wore during her collect call commercials. I was so glad, because that outfit made my body look so hot. I seemed to be a natural at modeling, because after the session, all I heard were rave reviews about my performance. I knew that I had chosen the right career, even if it was only going to be temporary. An after-session party gave me an opportunity to practice flirting and hanging around with other attractive women. I found that was a funny thought: 'other attractive women'. It was true, though. I also remembered that I had a smaller appetite, though I refused to be a simple watercress and cracker model. I would have a normal diet, a normal exercise program, and a normal life, no matter the pressures to perform otherwise. I didn't like the waif look, and this body would never have it. I was having fun modeling. I knew, though, that I couldn't stay where I was living and do it. I sighed, and knew it was time to move. I got out of bed the next morning, and headed to my shower. I got out, toweled off, and looked into the mirror at my totally feminine body one last time before getting dressed. Three months had passed, just like that. No matter what else occurred, I would have a clone body of Alyssa Milano for the rest of my life. I grinned at that thought. Troy was officially gone, only April existed now. I got to thinking about all the things that had led to this change, and wondered if it was inevitable. I would never know that answer. I got dressed in a paisley skirt down to my cute ankles, and a spaghetti strapped tank top; the paisley skirt was purple, the tank-top red with yellow piping/ribbing and had a "Sweet Girl" logo across the front with a lollipop embossed behind the script. I had on yellow Keds and yellow cats-eye sunglasses, a purple bandanna wrapped around my head like a do-rag. Beneath I was wearing silk panties, and a white, strapless bra. I then grabbed my purse and keys and headed to my car. I had one more thing to do to close out my old life before moving into my new one as April. I drove over to Jessica's place to have one last conversation. I knocked on the door, and Jessica answered. "Hi, Jess, you look great, honey." Jessica took a moment to recognize me. "T... Troy?!" I giggled, "April... not Troy anymore! How do I look?" Jessica then invited me inside. "My God, T... April! You're... gorgeous!" I blushed, and said, "Oh, thank you so much. Would you like to see the whole works?" Jessica seemed a little confused about what I meant. "What?" I then explained. "See me without my clothes." She smiled broadly, and replied, "Okay, I... I guess so." I then undressed. A few minutes later, I opened the door. "Ready, Jessica?" "Okay," she replied. "Take a look at the new me," I giggled, as I opened the door. "Tada!" I twirled around. Jessica stared at me. "April, you are... you're perfect! I can't believe that you used to be a guy!" I smiled. "Oh, thank you." I blushed again. "You can examine me closely, if you'd like. I want you to get the whole effect." She walked around me, admiring the gorgeous girl in her home. "Are you enjoying it?" I nodded, "Oh, yes, it's great. I love my new job and everything." "New job?" I changed the subject. "Look at my nipples. I love them." Then I answered her question, "Yes!" I started to giggle before finishing. "I do modeling now!" I then tweaked my new nipples. I didn't know why I was acting like this. I guessed I wanted to show how feminine this body was. Jessica stared at my nipples. "I can't believe it. Most girls would pay a lot for boobs like those!" I smiled, "Yeah, here." I tossed my bra to her instinctively. "That's the size I wear." Jessica smiled. "A C-cup, huh?" I smiled, "Mmmm, I was hoping for a D cup... but these seem to satisfy the guys. I love modeling, especially nude modeling." Jessica then asked, "Have you... you know?" Jessica grinned after the remark. I picked up on it. "Oh, not yet, but soon." Jessica laughed, "You're kidding!!!" "Why do you think that?" I asked. Jessica continued, "I mean, I remember when you were a guy! And now, you're thinking of having sex with guys!" I grinned, "I know, it's funny how things change." She then hugged me. "You're really a woman now, April." I smiled, and decided to have a little fun with her before I left. "Thanks, I feel good being female. Mmmm, Jess, I know you've had a boyfriend for quite a while, and that you were talking about getting married, but your nipples are quite hard right now. So, I was wondering..." I had to work hard to stifle any giggles. Jessica smiled, "Yeah, but I'm not really into gals, April. I'm just reacting to a naked beauty in my living room." I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Oh, sure!" I dissolved into giggles. "That's what they all say. Well, I guess I'd better get going. Take care, hon, and keep in touch. This may be the last time I see you." Jessica seemed surprised. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm moving." She seemed startled. "Oh! Where to?" I smiled, "I am going down south somewhere. I'm not sure just where yet." Jessica hugged me again. "I'll miss you, but as long as you're happy, I'm glad." "You take care," I said. I dressed, and left into my new life. The End

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Vixen Accomodates

Shortly after school began for her second year at Seaside U., Vixen established an interesting and pleasurable relationship with the college dean. He was a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties with a shrewish wife and three demanding children. His Friday afternoon assignations with the lovely sophomore became the highlight of his busy week and a way for him to find relief from the pressures of his home and job. For Vixen they were an exciting duty as well as a joy for the dean was a...

4 years ago
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Debbie let out a hissing sound as my full length filled her arse she tried to speak but the vibrating egg was still working its magic & she doubled up into a tight ball as yet another orgasm was teased from her young body Whether she was aware it was me in her arse & not the butt plug i could not tell or for that matter really care , all my attention was now focused on my cock in its tight embrace , I kept as still as was possible letting Debbies twitching writhing body do all the work ,...

2 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 20 An understanding woman

It was Sunday, December 30, 1990. We woke up to find it had snowed most of the night. I went outside and helped Ned clean the steps and clear the snow around the garage doors where the snowplow had missed. Shirley followed us, snapping pictures with her new camera. Just as we were finishing, Mr. Oldham joined us, wanting to talk to me. Ned thanked me for helping with the shoveling, excused himself and went upstairs. Shirley busied herself with photographing the snow while Mr. Oldham told me...

1 year ago
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Being asked to Breed a White Married Woman Chapter Three

The next morning, I woke with a smile on my face as I remembered I was going to get more time with my white slut, Sally. I was wondering how well it had gone for Sally to get Ben on board with us spending another time together. I got up and went to the bathroom for my morning ritual and then went to the kitchen to start the coffee brewing. I went back to the bedroom and got dressed for work.‘I wish I didn’t have this meeting this morning but I did need to finalize the firm’s offer to present to...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 18 Starlit jacuzzi bliss

The girls are swimming a few laps. Oh my goodness! At the end of the lap Nadine is tumble turning like a professional swimmer. As she dives down her ass and pussy surface for the shortest moment. What a view! I’m joining the girls for a few laps and plant myself in the jacuzzi. Katia follows, sits down next to me and Nadine sits down opposite of us. I’m putting my arm around Katia’s waist under water. Her naked body feels so pleasant. So soft! “Who’s switching the jets on?” Katia asks. “I’ll...

3 years ago
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Quartet Julie Ch 02

Ch. 02 The Transformation Just after two in the morning, Julie awoke, realizing she had to go to the bathroom. She got up, not bothering to put on her dressing gown, and padded toward the bathroom across the hall. She turned on the light and closed the door behind her. After flushing the toilet she washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. Her Aunt Eleanor was right, she needed to get herself back to her normal size. The image looking back at her was not pretty. She opened the door...

1 year ago
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It is safe to say that Net Porn Sex is a very basic porn site with a lot of naughty crap that I am sure you will enjoy. Of course, just like any other porn site out there, this one is also not flawless, and I am here to tell you what is so good and shitty about this place. I think that if you came here looking for basic pornography, you will surely find what you are looking for.Variety of hot clips for you to check out!We all know that the reason you are here is to check out their videos, so I...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Obeying Her Master

I'm laid on my back on a cold, marble table in the middle of the room. Hands holding my ankles, I am tied down with my knees bent in the air. My breathing is heavy with anticipation as I wait for my Master to enter the room. I can already feel that my black lace knickers are becoming moist between my legs. I hear the door shut with force and immediately my body shudders with excitement. Each footstep against the tiled floor thrills me... He comes to a stop. I can't see him due to the silk...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 11

Sunday lunchtime, 3rd June 2018Jill and I were enjoying a very late Sunday breakfast. We’d only got home from the party at three-thirty in the morning, and so breakfast was just this side of noon. Jill keeping it to a very light breakfast as she wanted to look her best for John and Becky’s upcoming wedding, now only three weeks away.The portions and choice of food she served me making clear that she expected me to give her moral support in her efforts to lose those last pounds so she’d look her...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Prelude to Sharing my wife 3

In my first two posts, I wrote about what led us to my wife fucking other guys. Quick recap, shortly into our marriage, my wife started telling stories about her slutty past when we would fuck. The more stories I heard, the wilder her stories. In 6-7 months of her telling me stories, she never repeated a story. I have to admit, I was shocked at the magnitude of her sluttyness, and I was obviously totally turned on by the number of cocks that had been in her pussy but it also turned her on...

3 years ago
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The Second Foundation Pt 03

Warning: Parts of this series may contain violence, coercion, extortion, blackmail, non consensual sex, same sex copulation, derogatory terms, interracial sex, political statements, cheating and a lot of other stuff good boys and girls should not read (on porn websites). If any of the above are not your cup of tea, please don’t waste your time reading this. * Chapter 1 It was however Laura and Aisha who gave him a good tip. They told him they were looking looking for someone to clean the...

3 years ago
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Riskantes Spiel

Anna Lena Meyers: Jung, erfolgreich, arrogant. All dies trifft sicher auf Anna Lena zu. Allerdings nur in ihrem Beruflichen und öffentlichen Leben. Die 25 Jährige Schönheit ist Chefin ihres eigenen Startups in der Medienbranche. Sie Arbeitet praktisch rund im die Uhr und muss als Chefin oft unbeliebte Entscheidungen treffen. Sie ist unnahbar und hatte schon seit dem sie 18 ist keinen festen Freund mehr. Das liegt allerdings keineswegs an ihrem aussehen, sie ist mit 1.78m nicht gerade die...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 71 Spring Break Part II

March 15, 1984, Gettysburg and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “You’re OK?” Clarissa asked when she and I got out of bed on Thursday morning. “Yes. Just kissing was fine, Lissa. Let’s get our showers and meet Jocelyn. We need to get on the road by 6:30am so we can be in Philadelphia by 10:00am.” We both quickly showered and dressed, then we met Jocelyn in the hotel lobby. We went across the street for breakfast, and from there, straight to the car so we could get on the road. We followed US 30,...

3 years ago
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Reunion time at the ranch

Part 1.When you live in the country, as we do. And come from an i****tuous family like mine, family reunions are so much fun!My wife and I were in bed Friday morning, and we were laughing and talking about how much fun we were going to have this week. You see our family reunion lasts all week long, and this year was no exception. We were talking mainly about our twins who were of age to party with the grownups. We've watched them bloom into beautiful young adults. My daughter Cory now stands...

1 year ago
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Sissification Suite

Pink. Everything is pink. The walls are pink, the carpet is pink, by God the fucking chairs are pink. "Really stuck with a theme here didn't you" Your voice carries on towards the ears of a tall blonde woman, dressed shockingly, in pure white. The tender fibers of her ivory dress hug her hips like no one's business, and your eyes can't help to flick all over her sultry curve. She catches the minimal of your eyes like a cougar, her teeth revealing themselves in a harrowing grin, your dick can't...

3 years ago
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Teenage SorceressChapter 2

Suddenly, Mark’s beautiful fourteen year old daughter became the mistress of the house without a shot being fired. “Mom”, she told her mother. “Daddy likes it when you are sexy. When you finish your shower, he wants you to wear your black lace peignoir to breakfast and there is no need to close the front. He likes to see your wonderful boobs being showcased by the built in support and to see your pussy flash when you walk.” “Yes, Dear. Why are you naked?” “Because Daddy likes it when I am...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Mother And My Sister

Dear ISS friends, Namaskar.This is my 5th story on ISS. Being encourgased by the ISS readers by their valueable feedbacks, I wrote my 5th story. Some brothers are using very objectionable wording in their mail. It is not fair. So the friends who are mailing are requested to be patient and polite while mailing. Some couples have been chating with me and my hubby with fake cell nos and enjoying the moments. They are gentle, educated and fun loving. So this is the way. Let us come to the...

2 years ago
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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 8

The sun was just rising when their little flotilla of grey battle-weary ships silently slid past the rocky cliffs at the south end of the long island. They were close enough to the shore for Nurse Heidi to see the guns sticking out of the caves near the top of the barren face. The remainder of the island was overrun in lush green vines and thick brush. She did not see many trees but that was sort of common in this part of the world. The piers were smoking with ruined hulks and there was no...

4 years ago
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Time bomb

In my own mind I was now a walking time bomb, my new woman's body was designed to have babies created and grow within it. When I got screwed by some man there was a good chance he could impregnate me, cause me to swell with human life. My boobs would grow too, fill with milk to feed the baby. Or babies. What if I was fucked by a really virile man and he gave me twins, or worse. How big would I get? How many babies could I make? If I fill up with too many, surely they can't all fit inside...

2 years ago
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Biggest Black Meat Ever

“Shit” I said when his big black dick pushed slowly in my dark hole. My ass was up and my face in the carpet, his left hand was pushing my back down while his right hand held on to my hip. I closed my eyes as I felt his inches dig deeper in my ass. “Remember to breath” I said to myself as I grip the carpet, this was the first time him and me were fucking and he did say I wouldn’t be able to handle it… Now I see why. This guy had to have at least 14 inches of black meat, and I do mean black....

1 year ago
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I went shopping with my husbands ex wife

One month into my affair, Kirsten and, I had gotten to know each other, inside, and out. Thoughts of an affair never entered my mind before, and of course the shock of it being with my husband’s ex-wife, shot my nerves to bits. Jack was ignorant that I was spending time with Kirsten. As we both had needs, even times when Jack wasn’t away, we had small sex sessions. I began lying to Jack, telling him I was going out with other friends, or just going shopping. After that night, I received many...

1 year ago
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ODD The OnDemand Detectives

"Testing, testing. Mic is on. Camera is on. Beginning junior detective's interview for Katsumi Hojo, age 20. It's recording? Okay. Beginning interview..." The suited, Japanese man sitting across from me fumbled with his recording equipment, acting as though this was the first time he'd ever questioned a new hire. I'd been worried about getting a stomachache from the nervousness I felt, when I imagined sitting down to interview for the first "real job" I'd applied to since I graduated college. I...

4 years ago
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Me and my brother

Hi, I am Jothi 20 years from Chennai. I came across ISS recently and like to share my experience with the readers. Let me not waste your time as well as mine in narrating the family background. I used to be alone in the house as everybody goes for their work or to the college, school. The loneliness made me think of sex, and at the beginning and end of my menstrual cycle the urge would be more. Whenever my under becomes wet, I used to rub my vagina and tits as I do not have much knowledge about...

4 years ago
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My Sister and Her Friends Part 1

Warning #1: Long story. May take 90 minutes or more for both parts. Warning #2: First story I ever wrote, it is a grammatical mess! I have left it alone over the years and not fixed any of it. You don't have to comment that it's problematic, I know that. Warning #3: The buildup takes awhile, but hang in there! Thanks for checking it out! ) My Sister and Her Friends! ------------------------------ So I've been masturbating ever since I can remember. I thought I was a sex...

1 year ago
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Cousin Sister The Slut Dreams Are Made Of

I looked at her a long time. It came as a surprise to see her in a random Saturday when I was out clubbing. The truth is, she wore this white colored very mini-skirt along with a tight top, and even though she was my cousin sister, my eyes were totally fixated at her for a few minutes and I had an instant hard-on looking at her slutty and sexy appearance. I would have fucked her right there and then if I could. I went ahead surprised her “Hey Naina, What a goddamn surprise! So you clubbing...


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