Hekate free porn video

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Hekate by Selena Pride Inspired by the face of a painting by Johfra The rain gusted into Tom's face as he walked, his thin anorak clutched tight around him and keeping exactly none of it out. In a low monotone he damned the weather, job centres, prospective employers (ha!), buses, and London itself. It was a long walk to Waterloo station from Holborn, and when he got there his train fare would have to come out of his food money for next week, but he didn't care any more. He knew he had thrown the interview as soon as he walked in--their expressions had told him that. If they had only admitted it and let him go then he'd have been home by now and dry. But noooo, they had to go through the routine, the interrogation, the careful lies about nothing being decided yet, we'll let you know Mr. Vincent, thank you for coming in, ach! It was the hair. He knew it. Nobody wanted a long-haired man. That and the fact that he hadn't got the money for decent clothes. Appearance. Appearance was everything. Who cared whether you had the qualifications or the talent or the experience, as long as you looked good in a suit. Well, he never would. A car splashed him. He hardly noticed. The thought entered his head, as it had so many times before. How easy to make a sharp left turn at just the right moment, step into the road before whatever was oncoming could stop. A consummation devoutly to be wished. If only he had the nerve. He became aware that the car had stopped, that he was now alongside it and someone was speaking to him from the warm, lighted interior. "Excuse me?" Tom turned and peered through rain-dappled glasses at a vague pink oval--a face. He took off the glasses and wiped them with a wet handkerchief, put them back on and looked into a woman's eyes. "Can you tell me how to get to Old Street from here?" They were the strangest eyes he had ever seen. For a start, they were golden. The pupils were dilated, huge pools of black velvet against the gold. Slightly slanted, long-lashed, enormous eyes in a pale, fine-boned face. Tom stared, feeling a shudder go through the whole of his being as if he were a huge gong and someone had struck him. "Old Street?" he repeated vaguely. "I'm sorry, I--er--" "That's quite all right." The eyes turned away, the window slid smoothly up and the car began to move off. Tom stood still, rain dripping from his hair and messing up his glasses again: then like a zombie he started walking, trying to recover his composure. Something had been bothering him, but he couldn't remember what. He was going somewhere, but he couldn't remember where. All he could think of were the eyes. Her eyes. He had looked into her eyes. And now her eyes were going away from him. And he could not let that happen. He looked wildly around and saw that the car--long, black and expensive--was still parked by the pavement a little way on. He almost ran to catch it, even though it obviously wasn't moving, and stood there wondering if he dared to tap on the window. As he wondered, it slid open again, and she looked at him, smiling. "Get in," she said. "The other side." Relief flooded through him. He hurried round the back of the car, opened the door and sank gratefully on to the soft leather upholstery. He dimly registered the back of someone's head in the driver's seat, but all his attention was on the woman whose eyes had enslaved him. All his emotions, all his thoughts had been wiped away. He was a clean slate, and he needed her to write on him. She leaned forward and tapped the driver on the shoulder. The car moved away from the kerb and joined the traffic flow. "My name is Hekate," the woman said, smiling at Tom. Again the unseen gong-stroke shuddered through him, and he tried to recall his own name. "Uh--T...Tom," he said. "Tom Vincent." "Who is Tom Vincent?" Hekate inquired. "I--" He realised that he didn't know. "I will give you a name," Hekate said, "when we get home." "Home..." An image danced crazily in his mind, a squalid single room full of old clothes and dirty dishes, a dog yapping incessantly downstairs. It faded and vanished, dissolved by her eyes. He sank back, content to look at her. Hekate reached into a snakeskin handbag by her side and took out a silver cigarette case. He watched as she placed a long, thin black cigarette between her perfect lips and lit it with a silver lighter. She exhaled a long stream of aromatic smoke and offered him the cigarette. Reflex stirred in him. "Uh...no," he said. "I don't..." "Yes you do," Hekate said, and he wondered why he was talking such rubbish. He took the cigarette from her, put it between his lips and inhaled deeply. The smoke was smooth and made him tingle all over. He held it in for as long as he could and exhaled slowly. Hekate had taken another for herself. "All my girls smoke," she said, flicking ash into an ashtray on the door. "It adds to their appeal." There was something in what she had just said that bothered him, but he couldn't work out what it was. Anyway, it couldn't be important. His mind became a fuzzy pink blank as the car turned off the road into an underground garage and slowed to a stop. "We get out here," Hekate prompted him, and he fumbled with the doorhandle. There seemed to be something wrong with his legs, but they eventually agreed to support him on a purely provisional basis, and he followed Hekate and the driver into a large and opulent-looking lift, trying to copy the way Hekate walked and held her cigarette. Later he would cringe at how ridiculous he must have looked, but for now such abstraction was beyond him. All he knew was that he wanted to obey her, to do what she wished. The lift doors opened on a huge and luxuriously furnished lounge. Chairs and couches were arranged in small, intimate groups around the floor. A piano stood in one corner. They walked across the deep carpet to the double doors at the other end of the room. "Your room is number eight," Hekate told him, "and your name is Amanda." "Amanda," he repeated obediently. Something was bothering him again, but she was looking at him, those eyes were looking at him, and he couldn't let anything interfere with that. Hekate stubbed her cigarette out in a standing ashtray, and motioned for him to do the same. "Go and get undressed," she said, "and sleep. Tomorrow we will begin your training." He tried to speak, but his voice failed him. He tried to nod, but something went wrong somewhere along the line and he found himself on his knees looking up into her face. She smiled down at him, and his vision blurred with tears. Then she was gone, gliding down the corridor, the driver walking behind her. Amanda got to his feet. The door to room eight was half open. He stumbled into the room, hardly noticing his surroundings--there was a bed, and all he wanted to do was sleep. He took off his clothes, hearing cloth tear and buttons pop but not really caring, knowing only that she had told him to undress. The bed was waiting. He fell forward, his head hit the pillow, and her eyes followed him into deep and dreamless sleep. * Tom woke with a start, and wished he hadn't. He felt heavy, groggy, and something wasn't right. Where had he been last night? He tried to move and found himself wrapped in cool black satin sheets, his head resting on a satin-cased pillow, in a completely unfamiliar room. He sat up and the room swirled around him sickeningly as memory returned. The eyes...the car...the cigarette...the eyes... "Good morning!" A woman's voice. He jerked round. A young woman in a maid's uniform was standing in the doorway, carrying a tray which smelled enticingly of breakfast. "You're Amanda, right?" "Uh...no," Tom began, but she sailed on. "I'm Nicole. I know we're going to be good friends. You must be hungry." She sashayed over the the bed and perched on the end, putting the tray down across his lap. "Come on, eat up." Tom was tempted, but he forced himself to control. "No, listen. I have to get out of here. There's been some mistake, I'm not--" "I know how you feel," Nicole said soothingly. "I was that way myself at first. But you'll learn, the Lady doesn't make mistakes. You probably think you're someone else, right?" "I am someone else," Tom said desperately, but Nicole was not to be stopped. She deftly plugged his mouth with a forkful of bacon and carried on. "Everyone here started out thinking they were someone else. It's a very common complaint. But you see, once the Lady's told you who you are you can't be anyone else. It's as simple as that. Anyway, if your delusion was anything like mine I can't see why you'd want to hang on to it." Tom gave up. Every time he opened his mouth she put food into it. He let her talk and feed him, trying not to admit to himself that he was enjoying the attention. She was very pretty, her blonde hair shoulder-length and curled at the ends under the maid's cap, her eyes blue and full of mischief...but thinking about her eyes brought another pair of eyes back to his memory, and that made him confused. "Dead-end job, or no job at all," Nicole continued, "no friends, no fun, no money...am I ringing any bells here? I'll bet that just before she found you you were thinking about killing yourself. I'm right, aren't I?" Tom had winced. Reluctantly he nodded, and Nicole grinned. "The Lady never takes anyone who's happy in their delusion. Trust me, you'll forget all about that life soon." "But it's not mmph--" Tom tried again. "Now you can finish it off yourself," Nicole said. "I've got better things to do than spoon-feed you, you know. When you've finished, shower and get rid of that nasty body hair. You'll find clothes and shoes in the closets. The Lady wants to see you at ten sharp, and it's gone nine now." She bounced off the bed and kissed Tom on the forehead. "Don't be late." "Body hair?" Tom repeated numbly to the closing door. He looked at his arm as if seeing it for the first time. It was indeed covered with long dark hairs. A little voice inside him tried to tell him that it always had been, but he was suddenly overwhelmed with disgust. How could he face the Lady when his body was so hairy and horrible? He hesitated over the tray a moment, then quickly polished off the remains of his breakfast and put the tray on the floor. One of the doors on the far wall led to an ensuite bathroom and shower, and one of the bottles on the shelf over the basin was a powerful depilatory cream. He turned on the shower, read the instructions on the bottle while the water warmed up, and then stepped in and let the needle-sharp spray wash away the last cobwebs of sleep. He remembered the dingy shared bathroom with the peeling walls, in the house in south London where he-- where he thought he lived. Could it really be a delusion? Surely delusions were usually better than real life, not the other way around? He dismissed such thoughts as he carefully smoothed the cream on to his arms and legs. One thing was certain: his name wasn't Amanda. It was Tom...Tom... Tom something or other. He would tell the Lady so. She would understand. He was a man, and men didn't have names like Amanda...did they? He found himself wanting a cigarette, and shook his head, spraying water everywhere. He had been confused last night. It had been the interview. He remembered now. Anyone would have been confused after an ordeal like that. He was all right now, though. He watched the water washing his body hair down the drain, pleased that he had got everything straightened out. His name was Tom something, he was a man, and while the Lady had been very kind he really couldn't presume upon her hospitality any longer. The towels were as luxurious as the bedlinen. He dried himself carefully, taking off the last remaining wisps of hair, and went to the wardrobes to find some clothes. Ten minutes later he was certain. There was no male clothing anywhere in any of the wardrobes. His own clothes--the faded pale blue polycotton shirt, the grey Y-fronts, the threadbare black trousers, the holey nylon socks, even his scuffed black shoes--were gone. The contents of his pockets, minus his keys and wallet, were arranged neatly in an enamelled bowl on the bedside table. Everything else was gone. Angry and confused again, he looked at the clock on the wall. Nine-forty-six, it told him smugly. He had to see the Lady at ten. Hastily he grabbed a pair of panties, a pair of jeans and a shirt, and shoved his feet into a pair of mules. The jeans had no front fly and braid trim around the ankles, the shirt was shiny red silk and only buttoned halfway up his now hairless chest, and the mules had two-inch heels, but at least he was reasonably covered. Nicole knocked at the door and poked her head in just as he was buttoning the shirt. "Nice," she commented. "I can see you're going to fit right in. Come on, I'll show you the way." Tom said nothing, but managed a weak smile. Nicole led him down the corridor, away from the double doors that led to the lounge and freedom. Tom struggled at first with the heels, but soon found himself falling into a rhythm of walking. From some of the rooms they passed he caught snatches of music or conversation. "So, do you work for, uh, the Lady?" he said awkwardly. Nicole glanced sideways at him. "We all do, silly," she said. "Oh, you mean the uniform. We take turns. Everyone shares in the housekeeping, that way no-one feels left out. Or superior." Tom began to see. It was some sort of cult. They were trying to recruit him, brainwash him. Well, that wouldn't work. Within ten minutes he would be back on the street, heading back to his ratty little bedsit, his cold baked beans and his lack of job. Somehow, the prospect did not please him as much as the thought of freedom should. The corridor ended in another set of double doors. Nicole knocked twice, and a voice said "Come in." Hekate's voice. Tom took a deep breath and braced himself to withstand the hypnotic power of her eyes. Nicole opened the door and they went in. The office was palatial, as Tom had come to expect. Whatever this place was, there was no money shortage. Hekate was sitting at a desk, reading a sheaf of typewritten pages. She wore a dove grey suit and her long fair hair was tied up in a bun. Behind her stood a dark-haired woman in a forest green uniform, and Tom belatedly recognised her as the driver from last night. He stood and waited for her to look up. "Well, Amanda," Hekate said, still reading, "did you sleep well?" "Very well, Lady," Tom said, "but listen--" "Good." Hekate overrode him effortlessly. "We operate what you might term a "buddy" system for all new arrivals. Nicole will be with you for the first couple of weeks and show you how things work. I'm glad to see you've found some dress sense. You understand we couldn't let you go on wearing those disgusting rags." Why wouldn't she look up? He was ready for her, damn it! "You've been added to the end of the rota for housekeeping duties, but if you want to be brought forward it can be arranged. As for earning your keep--" She raised her head slightly, but her eyes never met his. "--well, that can wait till your training is completed. I don't like to force my girls, so we always operate at a comfortable surplus. As you see." "Lady--" Tom said sharply. "Listen. I'm not Amanda. I'm not one of your girls. And I can't stay here." He wanted her to look at him, he realised suddenly: he wanted her eyes to meet his and stop him talking. "You're welcome to leave." Hekate turned a page. "Your flat has been cleared and re-let to a young foreign student, your clothes have been burnt--was there anything else you had to go back to? Still, if that is your wish. You will, of course, return our clothes before you leave." Tom had a vivid image of himself, naked, homeless, wandering the streets of London waiting to be arrested. He sagged. "I can't leave, can I?" he muttered. "I can't imagine why you would want to," Hekate remarked. "But if you do want to leave, we are in honour bound not to keep you here." "No," Tom whispered. He knew he was beaten. "Please let me stay, Lady." Hekate smiled at her papers. "Very well, Amanda. Nicole, please take Amanda to the infirmary." Nicole touched him on the shoulder. He did not move. "Lady..." he said, unable to ask the question. "Later, Amanda," Hekate said, her smile deepening. "When you are ready." *** "Why wouldn't she look at me?" Tom demanded. "Because she knew you wanted her to," Nicole said. "So that you could say afterwards it wasn't your fault. You know that. The Lady never makes anyone do anything they don't want to do." Tom took this with a very large handful of salt. "What about my clothes? Would she really have thrown me out naked?" "If you'd argued the point you would have found out," Nicole said easily. "You chose to give in. Remember that." They were outside a door with a red cross on it. "Here we are." She knocked, and opened the door at once. A motherly-looking woman in a white coat was rummaging in a wastepaper basket on her lap. She looked up as they entered. "Oh, hello, Nicole," she said vaguely. "Lost my contact lens again. Fell on the desk and before I knew it--aha!" She held up something invisible, put the basket down and got up. "So this is the new one, mm?" "Amanda, doctor," Nicole said. "Tom," Tom said loudly. "Amanda," the doctor repeated, rinsing the lens under a tap. "That's nice." She repeated the process with saline solution from a bottle, then bent over the sink while she inserted the lens into her eye. "Ah," she said, focussing on Tom. "Oh. Oh my goodness." "What?" Tom demanded. "Well, really, I don't know," the doctor muttered. "What does she expect me to do with...ah well, never mind." She motioned Tom to sit, and began fussing with a stethoscope. Tom tried to watch what she was doing, but Nicole began to question him about his old life--his _real_ life, he corrected himself--and the doctor's questions and instructions only served to disrupt his train of thought. He was in the middle of a lengthy rant about the job interview when she asked him to hold still, and the next thing he knew was a painful jab in the arm. "What the hell was that?" he yelped. "That was what we call an injection," the doctor replied helpfully. "The better you behave, the fewer you'll need. Maybe." "Drugs?" Tom leaped to his feet and advanced on the doctor. "What kind of drugs? What did you just shoot me full of?" "Come on, Amanda," Nicole pleaded. "Stop _calling_ me that!" Tom rounded on her. "My name is not Amanda. Get that through your stupid head. My name is--" There was another painful jab, in his ass this time, and the room began to swim around him. Nicole, smiling sadly down at him, seemed to grow to enormous height. It was suddenly vitally important that he told her what his name was, but he couldn't get his mouth around it. He took a deep breath to try again, and blackness swallowed him. *** He woke up back in his room (at least, he assumed so--it looked the same), lying on the bed fully dressed. He checked himself over. He felt mostly okay. His mind was a little foggy, but he put that down to the drugs they had shot him with. Four-twenty, said the clock. He got up, steadied himself on the dressing table and took several deep breaths till he could move without dizziness. The main thing was to get out of here. Everything else could be sorted out later. He could find somewhere to sleep, get some cash out of the bank--no, dammit, it was closed-- well, whatever. Get out first, before they came for him. He opened the door and marched down the corridor. The double doors opened at his touch. No-one was around. He entered the lift, wondering if there was a key or something. No, that worked. The doors opened and he walked out into the garage, his heels clacking on the concrete. Past the long black car and through the side door, and he was out. On the street. Free. He looked back at the building from which he had just escaped: an anonymous block, one of a thousand in central London alone. Nothing about it suggested the decadent luxury within. He started to cry, suddenly, without reason. "Can I help you, miss?" He turned and saw a policeman, hand outstretched in concern. At the same time the policeman saw him, and the hand was withdrawn, the face wrinkled in distaste. "Please, constable, I--I need--" "One of hers," the policeman muttered. "Should have known. I should go back inside if I were you, _miss_," he said. "Not safe for the likes of you out here." "B-but--" The policeman turned away, oblivious. Tom was about to grab his arm when someone took his, gently but firmly. He turned, and saw Nicole. "Amanda, you silly thing," she said softly. A parked car reflected his face back at him, and he saw that his face had been fully made up, his long hair backcombed and teased into a rock-chick mane. He bowed his head, and let her lead him back inside. *** The next few weeks were a blur. Nicole, the doctor and everyone he spoke to addressed him as Amanda, and he soon found that there was no profit in not responding to the name. The injections continued daily, and little by little he stopped thinking about escape. He lay awake in the satin luxury of his bed, wishing that Hekate would look at him, take away his pain with her eyes, make him happy to do her will. The Lady, however, was barely to be seen. A glimpse once or twice as she passed, that was all. The "training" of which she had spoken confused him. The girls were expected to attend the infirmary at regular intervals, some daily like him, some less often. The rest of their time was their own, as far as he could tell. Nicole was with him for most of that time, partly, as she said, to keep an eye on him. She would encourage him to dress well, and help him with makeup. It was expected, she said, and he no longer had the will to resist. In fact, he was discovering that he enjoyed the morning and evening rituals, for every girl was expected to redo her makeup for the evening. At this time the girls would gather in the lounge, dressed to kill, and engage in conversation. The long black cigarettes, which he had decided must contain some kind of drug, were available here: smoking was not allowed in one's room, but was positively encouraged in the lounge. He indulged freely: it helped to blur the edges of his despair. He fell into the routine, taking his turn at maid and kitchen duties, learning to enjoy the simple tasks he was given. Gradually he forgot that he was a victim, held prisoner by some insane cult of femininity: he forgot that he had hungered and planned and schemed to return to the travesty he had called a life. Gradually he began to be happy. At some point he began to think of herself as "she": at some point she accepted the name Amanda, and "Tom" was forgotten. She could not have said which came first: they were milestones on the same road, a road she no longer feared to tread. She could not now have returned to her old life even if she had wanted to: the habit of luxury and comfort was too deeply rooted. By the time she noticed that the shape of her body and face had changed, she was past being surprised at anything. The injections, of course, she thought vaguely. There was nothing to be surprised about: it was the Lady's will. That she still had her penis, apparently still fully functional despite the changes everywhere else, was likewise simply the Lady's will. The Lady. Hekate. Mother, goddess and mentor to every girl in the place. Nearly all of them, Amanda discovered, had been found suffering from the delusion of maleness, as had she: nearly all of them had, with gentle training and medical help, been cured and found happiness as women. Every girl worshipped the Lady and tried to be like her. Amanda joined whole-heartedly in this worship. She could hardly remember anything before the Lady had found her and brought her here, but she knew that there was no better life to be found anywhere. Freedom was a meaningless abstraction: freedom to suffer, freedom to starve, freedom to die. Only in total submission to the Lady was true freedom to be gained: freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom from the burdensome delusion of maleness. There came a day when Nicole bounced into Amanda's room all smiles and with a glow in her eyes. "We're all to gather in the lounge at ten," she said excitedly. "The Lady's going to speak to us." Amanda caught her breath. The Lady had not spoken to her since that first day. This might only be a general address, but the mere thought of being in the same room as the Lady made her feel light-headed and giddy. She hugged Nicole for sheer joy, and Nicole kissed her on the lips. At five to ten, breathtaking in a pale green gown, her hair up and her makeup perfect, Amanda joined the other girls, all likewise dressed to the nines, in the lounge. The air of expectancy was almost tangible. When Hekate appeared, in a simple black sheath and stockings, her hair bound by a gold fillet, the room erupted in applause. The Lady mounted a small dais that had been placed in front of the doors, and waited for the noise to die down. "I shall read to you," she said, producing a small black book from her handbag, "from the Book of Creation. "'Goddess created Eve and Lilith in her own image, equal and beautiful, that they might share love with each other and with goddess. But Lilith wanted more. Her heart was poisoned with jealousy, and she wanted Eve for herself alone. "'There was a tree in the garden, whose fruit was sacred to goddess, and Eve and Lilith were forbidden to eat thereof. But Lilith stole a fruit from the tree and ate of it. Now there was a worm in the fruit, and when Lilith did eat of it, the worm crawled down her throat, through her belly, and out at her crotch; and there it did hang, unable to go forward nor back. "'And goddess was angry with Lilith for eating of the fruit, yet she would have forgiven her, for the love of goddess is eternal and unchanging. But Lilith, seeing that she was not to be punished, grew proud in the worm, and flaunted it, saying, Am I not better than you now? And Eve was frightened of the worm, and besought goddess for aid. "'Alas, child, said goddess, I cannot change the mind of Lilith; but since she is proud of the worm, let the worm rule her henceforth. And goddess stretched forth her hand, and the body of Lilith became gross and hairy, and her mind became simple and brutish, and the worm grew powerful over her mind and heart. "'Then goddess spoke to Eve, saying, Because that thou didst not prevent Lilith from eating the fruit, therefore must thou bear Lilith company and love her even as thou didst before. Pain shall she give thee, and pleasure: and pain and pleasure shalt thou deal unto her, from now till all is healed.'" Hekate looked up. "There's more," she said, "but you get the idea. And no, this is not a genuine piece of scripture. I wrote it myself, in an endeavour to make sense of the mythic account of the origin of our species that the fathers of the Christian church have so distorted. "We are all women. Every human being on this planet is naturally female. Maleness is a delusion, a delusion that goes as deep as the chromosomes in your body: an afterthought, an error, a last-minute workaround to solve the problem of mortality. Most so-called "men" are happy in their delusion, and have no desire to be cured: these I do not attempt to change. Only those for whom the male role is patently wrong, those who cannot succeed as a male, do I try to help. "Some of you may be wondering how all this--" Hekate gestured gracefully at the surroundings "--is financed. Others may have worked it out already. Not to put too fine a point upon it, I run a brothel. On the floor just below this there is another lounge exactly like this one, where the girls who came before you entertain those "men" who have enjoyed success in the male world, and who crave the society of girls like yourselves. The business, let me assure you, is flourishing. I do not tolerate any form of coercion being practised upon my girls, and any client who misbehaves is summarily ejected. "Even so, you may feel that this life is not for you. Remember that I could make you do anything I wanted. I could have a house full of beautiful, obedient puppets dancing to my tune. That, however, is not the way I do things. So, if any of you wish to leave, you may do so. I will provide you with funds, arrange accommodation or employment if you so desire--I have some very influential clients who owe me favours." She smiled briefly. "The one thing I cannot do is reverse the physical transformation you have undergone...but I do not believe that any of you would wish that now." There was a concerted chorus of "No!!", and Amanda's voice was among the loudest. "If you stay," Hekate continued, "do not be deceived. I will expect you to do your best to please the clients, in whatever way they wish to be pleased--up to a precisely defined point. You will work hard for me, and you will reap the rewards--as will the next intake of girls." She paused. "Those who would like to leave may come and see me afterwards. Are there any questions?" There were a few, mostly on technicalities. Amanda stopped listening. Back then, in the blurred time of the delusion, she would have jumped at the chance to get out. Now...she was unsure. The offer was genuine, she knew: but... Her old self, the male one, had never had a sexual encounter of any kind. Now that she was a woman with a penis, she would have to service "men". She thought about that for a moment, and Nicole leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, my dear, we get to keep each other company all the rest of the time." "You're staying?" Amanda whispered back. "Are you kidding?" Nicole frowned, bit her lip. "Aren't you?" Amanda came to a decision, and knew it was the right one. "Yes," she said. "I'm staying." Nicole threw her arms around her and kissed her passionately, and Amanda, who had once been Tom Vincent, melted into her embrace and responded to the kiss. All around them girls were embracing, kissing, yelling, cheering; and serene on the dais, Hekate watched her acolytes and smiled her age-old, ageless smile. END

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New seasoned beef stud D Rock ?? appears in his 1st ever scene today ? and we paired HIM up with fellow newbie Malina Melendez ❤️ for this week’s See H?️M Fuck update. After we learn a little about HIM, D Rock stands and disrobes as Malina waits for that big gift ?? to pop out ? She lubes HIM and all his muscles up ? and ensures his BBC is prepared for action. Malina then ?? sniffs and licks ??? D Rock’s armpits & suckles his nipples before allowing HIM to take a seat on the bed...

2 years ago
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I can't tell you what woke me; perhaps a stair creaked, though I doubt it. I slipped out of bed and stepped to the window, drawing the curtain back a little to peep through. Sure enough, a tiny figure in a long white nightie was padding across Rustlings Road towards the park. I couldn't see for certain, but I was fairly sure she would be barefoot, too. "Worrizit?" mumbled my wife from the bed. "Calida's going walkabout again," I said. She grunted in acknowledgement. You may think...

2 years ago
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Mama Pontatiyai Veetil Moodu Eatri Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en mama pontatiyai moodu eatri ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar buvan vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Enaku udan piranthavargal yarum ilai, en mamavirku thirumanam aagi 7 varudam aagugirathu. Avar oru gramathu aal aanal bangaloril  irunthu thirumanam seithukondaar. Bangalore manaivi pathiyaaga irupaal endru enugureergala athu thaan ilai neengal ninaipathu polave aval oru thevidiyaa thaan. En mama padikaathavar aanal en mami padithu...

3 years ago
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Ex Sex Chapter 2

The restaurant was pretty full but fortunately we didn't have to wait. As the hostess walked us to our table I noticed that Sarah's outrageously sexy outfit was in stark contrast to the conservative attire of the many businessmen we passed. This gorgeous young redhead was dressed to fuck, and she was a sight to behold. I noticed many eyes following her appreciatively then flicking to me with envy. I felt both proud and horny. My cock was still half hard and I was aware of its pleasant weight in...

2 years ago
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The Perv Veronicas Bimbofication Story

Veronica loved the gym. After a long day as an ER nurse it was her sweet release after a tough day. She loved the brain chemical high she got from running on the treadmill. Veronica looked up at the news reports on the Gym’s TV. As usual it was always about the mysterious man “The Perv”. A man that apparently possessed the powers to change and alter women. Morphing their bodies into bimbofied versions of themselves, installing a fake personality to run their new body, and locking away the...

Mind Control
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GangbangCreampie Sidra G266

Sidra’s toned dancer body is finally stretched out on the pedestal, surrounded by her FIVE COCKSMEN for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER! Eddie is the first to play GREET THE PLEATS this week, but just about everybody wants to get a taste of sweet Sidra. Scotty P. is the first to sink the pink this week after Sidra gets so well lubed up by the others. Right from the start, Sidra takes it in both ends, not to mention two more cocks in her hands at the same time. Not bad for the first few minutes of...

2 years ago
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Preparing for 16

My family has a tradition. It’s really an open secret in the family but I guess only a secret because we just don’t talk too much about it. Until now, that is. I don’t even know how I found out about this tradition. I think I was about ten when my cousin Rodney brought it to my attention. At the time I was interested when my twelve year old cousin talked about sex like he was all-knowing, even though now, thinking back he was so full of crap. So you could say it’s something I’ve always...

2 years ago
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Falling in Love Bit by BitChapter 8

"Are you sure this is correct?" Colonel Jerrik looked around the room. "Our source has never given us poor intel in the past," the analyst at the podium replied. "There's always a first time," Sergeant Major Bohannon muttered. "Have you been able to gather any corroborating evidence?" Jerrik asked. "We have a few leads." Flicking a button on the controller, the analyst began a video reel that played on the holo-projector in the middle of the table. "Purely by coincidence, on...

1 year ago
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Celebrating Virgin Friend8217s Birthday 8211 Part 1

Hi fans, many of you must have read my 6 part real-life experiences with the Muslim tailor and my neighbor, culminating in a threesome. For those of you who have missed it, here is the link for the first part – You can also click on my pen name Abnne which appears under the title next to the story posting date, or you can Do read starting from Part 1, so that you can enjoy the sequence of events. I have not yet decided whether I should accept their demands (blackmail) of joining their...

2 years ago
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Filthy femdoms forced oral

I awoke in a bed, completely nude, tied spread eagled so that my arms and legs were immobile.  I squirmed against the bonds but could not release myself and looked hopelessly around, wondering where I was, and how I got here.   The last thing I remembered was leaving a bar with two pretty ladies, hoping for a night of pleasure. I had obviously been kidnapped.The door opened and three pretty women walked in.  They wore white jumpsuits, and had handcuffs and shock devices on their belts.  They...

2 years ago
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ltttle girl slut1

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

2 years ago
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My little adventure at the spa

I often get massages. There is nothing quite a massage to get me relaxed and feeling better. I have a regular woman that does it, due to her strong hands. But when I got there this time, she had to leave for an emergency. I was told that the only person available was a man, who just got a cancellation. I don't often get a guy, but I really needed a massage so I agreed. He came over to introduce himself and was surprised how attractive he was. Exactly my type. Dark hair, dark eyes, lightly...

1 year ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 6

“Why would a boat have the tail of a chicken?” asked a puzzled Sabrina, or is that just a word to meant to add description?” “That’s exactly what it is,” exclaimed Beth. “The wake of a boat going very fast through the water will often force some of the water five to ten feet into the air. Someone thought it looked like a rooster’s tail, and the name stuck. Good job of asking a good question.” Sabrina just beamed from Beth’s praise, and both Grant and Beth noticed her reaction. Grant looked...

3 years ago
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Steve was fed up he had a hours detention, 12 year old Cindy and 10 year old Kim with him, they were cleaning the science lab, Steve picked up a glass container full of green liquid saw a bucket near the sink with red stuff in it and poured the green liquid into it, there was a bright flash and a dark steam filled the lab causing the 3 to become dazed, after a few minutes the steam cleared Steve became fully alert again and saw he was naked his clothes had dissolved and were on the ground he...

4 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 07

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfortunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter. ...

3 years ago
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Happy I Said Yes

Happy I Said YesMy name is Mithila. I am 23 with black hair, medium sized breasts with sensitive nipples. I have stayed in pretty good shape through the years and I still manage to get looks from men wherever I go. My husband Emon is 30 and is also in pretty good shape. We have always had a great sex life. He was the first and only man that I had ever been with, and as a matter of fact, he was the only one to see me naked other than my doctor. Last year we bought a digital camera. One night...

4 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 48 Dutch and Helen Continued

"Oh, hey," Dutch said as he continued to regale Helen with some of the women he was currently active with. "I almost forgot Cynthia, she works in my wife's office, we did her together and I guess Rosa hits on her from time to time, and you, of course," he smiled at her, "the lovely horny Helen." Dutch smiled at her and she smiled back. "All those women," Helen said and sighed, "and still hard... well maybe not at the moment, but..." "That's true, looking at you and your...

1 year ago
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Carlys Heaven

Maybe a bit of a background is needed because who would be happy in this kind of situation. Carly was an unusual person. She knew it since she was about twelve years old. Carly had been in a physical fight with another girl over some boy and made a shocking discovery. The girl was already on the ground and pretty helpless. Carly decided that another kick was in order and she felt a strange sensation. She was enjoying hurting the helpless girl on the ground so she kicked again, and again. She...

3 years ago
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A Jewel in the Night Ch 1

It was a warm August evening, clear and calm. Ruby had been celebrating her promotion at work, the one she had been striving for the entire two years she had been with the company. It had been extremely frustrating seeing so many less qualified people pass her by, but she refused to stoop to the politicking and backstabbing that earned their promotions. It was, therefore, somewhat of an affirmation that she was recognized on her own merits, by the CEO himself, and given the position she so...

4 years ago
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Inside of me forgive my english

1It is not easy for me to remember this story.Every time, I seem to walk near a ravine dark and mysterious, a place without carefully avoid, a corner of the mind that scares me even after so many years.I've never been afraid of this man, in fact, I felt sorry for him. Today when I remember I think he had big problems. The fear I feel is really my only!Of the past remember that when I returned home, full of pain and unhappy, I felt great fear of my ability. I dreaded to think of the things that...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Bitch0

I did just that. We were standing up in the kitchen when I yelled They're not even my fucking dishes! He took one step foward and shoved me into the refrigerator so hard it cracked my back multiple times, and knocked the wind out of me. Unable to inhale, or exhale I crumpled to the floor, gasping for air. He grabbed my long brown hair and dragged me down the hall to his bedroom. He boomed I'll teach you to respect me! As he threw me onto his bed he said You little shit. He closed and...

2 years ago
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Desert SonChapter 13

Zithrusa thought that the goats and sheep could survive if they were split off to the north, to the foothills, where some pools of water existed, and there was forage for them, just not a route to anywhere else. With a few herders, they could survive the few months until the rains came, and the trade route greened up again. She offered the option to the new men, and almost all of them took the opportunity, even sending one of their number back for the laggards who had not stayed with the...

1 year ago
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Blackmail sibling style

Jake Armitage reclined in his computer chair, talking to his best friend on webcam. "Man! you're so lucky..... you got that girfriend that'lll do whatever you want!" he was saying His friend scoffed, "Well... look at you... you got that hottie of a sis and mother! if I was you, I'd tap that resource." "And how would I do that?!" he demanded, his mother and sister.... they were his family... but still. His buddy glanced from side to side, as if he wanted to make sure no one heard him, "Yeah......

3 years ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 8 Aishas Confessio

After Alex tells us as first about her first erotic feelings and discovering pleasing her pretty pussyAisha is next to take the stand for her honest horny confession of early slit sliding and clitty playAisha, I am very curious at which age you started to pleasure yourself by playing with your pussy?Aisha, I only know that your mom told her both dear dods while bathing them it is fine, perfectly!Aisha blushes a bit and licks her lips so sweet and shy - she seems wondering where to start her...

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Breath. Stay calm. That thought ran through both Doug and Judi's minds as she approached their front door. He was wedged familiarly in his favorite spot on the couch. That and the sound of the latch being turned were about the only things that were familiar to either of them. He heard her step in onto the landing with the hollow, woody click-clock of her black leather calf-length leather boots. Size 7, purchased, on sale, by him for her two Christmases ago, for an exorbitant sum, by his...

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GunfighterChapter 7

We rolled into the ranch compound with the latest rustler captive in the back of the wagon. We took him to the bunkhouse and called on Juanita to do what she could for his broken leg. She said we'd done a good job setting and splinting it, so there wasn't anything else for her to do. We'd just have to wait for the break to heal. After Juanita left, I talked to the rustler, "OK, I'm Bill Lang. What's yer name?" "I'm Jeb Walker." "OK, Jeb, next question. Who hired ya?" "I...

1 year ago
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DirtyWivesClub Christiana Cinn 23969

Johnny Castle has a debt to pay, and his wife Christina Cinn is eager to help in any way she can. After she fucks his friend while he watches, they’re both hornier than ever. But she saved the good stuff for her husband. Christiana Cinn dons the red skin tight lingerie he bought her, especially for the occasion. Her juicy ass has been waiting for him, and Johnny can’t wait to bury his face in it. Christiana gives Johnny the foot job he’s been dying for while he sucks on Christiana’s hard...

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Spying on sis

Hey I'm Ren, and it's Saturday again, which means that I'm out of the house. Mom and Dad are out on a daylong date or whatever they choose to do, they're usually out for most of the day regardless. Leaving Mika with the entire house to herself. Well that hasn't been true for a while, since I came home early one day and saw Mika masturbating in her room since her door was slightly open. Since then I've "gone out" every Saturday and returned secretly and watched her. One of the best things about...

2 years ago
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She Wanted it Down and DirtyPart II

This is Part II of a series. Please read She Wanted It Down and Dirty... Part I first."Damn, white girl, you really know how to turn me on with your freaky style," Otis told her as he blew his second load of cum in her tight little white pussy! Just like before as his jism slipped past her soft pussy, Mandy reached back between her legs to gather all his and her love concoction. She made slurping sounds as she licked up every drop.Mandy's pussy was still hungry and it quivered all over Otis'...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Emma Hix Evil Tiki Babes

Evil tiki babe Joanna Angel is having her way with Aaron (Small Hands) when Emma Hix busts in, revealing that she’s actually an undercover agent there to take Joanna down. Joanna thought she had dealt with Emma…PERMANENTLY, so this is definitely a nasty surprise. As the ladies stare each other down in a tense standoff, Joanna calls for one of her minions to help her. But Emma announces with a smile that she’s convinced this particular minion that SHE’S his new master....

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My wife came home from work with a wet spot on her

It had been a cold, snowy day when I finally arrived home from work. The house was still dark as I entered, so I checked my voicemail to find out where my wife was. She usually is home from her job before I arrive. My wife is a registered nurse and works in a busy cardiac treatment center inside a local hospital. I listened to her voicemail saying she had a patient that required treatment at a more advanced hospital. She was riding with the ambulance crew to transport the patient and would be...

4 years ago
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Storage Room Blow Job

My wife worked at a book store every summer when she was in college. The store was in a mall about a mile from where she lived. When she was a junior, she went to the book store one weekend in April when she was home to let the manager know she would be available to work that summer.There was a new manager she didn’t know, a guy about 28 years old. She told him she had worked there the previous two summers and wanted to work again that coming summer. The manager told her he would only be hiring...

Oral Sex
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House Boi

HOUSE BOI I have been searching for a house boi for sometime now. You know, a live in plaything to fill my more decadent desires. With the help of a very close female friend who happens to work in the county Family Services Department I finally found what I was looking for. She does a great deal for work with the foster care system. It seems that once a young person reaches the age of 18 the Foster Care system pretty much just dumps them out on their own. Kind of shitty if you ask me, but...

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Michelles Massage

As a professional escort, Aruri doesn’t get much free time. He spends most of his time working out or keeping up with the latest trends of women’s fantasies. When he does get free time, he likes to spend it soaking in a hot bath.With his head barely above the water, his phone begins to ring. He hears the business ringtone and weighs whether to answer. His massive, throbbing erection very quickly tips the scale in favor of answering the phone.He shakes excess water off his hand before swiping...

Straight Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 748

Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands and moving elsewhere - showing their outrage with Donald Trump’s proposed law of sending illegal immigrants back to their native countries. In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ, south of Phoenix, Manuel Renaldo is one of those who are vowing to punish Arizona by leaving. As he loaded his stolen car with his taxpayer-furnished belongings and family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter: “It’s a matter of principle;...

1 year ago
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My Wild Summer Vacation in California

Primary Characters: Alexis: F, age 18 (main character) Austin: M, age 21 (Alexis boyfriend) Aunt: Alexis paternal aunt in California Kyle: M, age 15 Keith: M, Corporation CEO Thomas: M, age 17 – Keith’s son My name’s Alexis, I’m eighteen and three months shy of my nineteenth birthday. I had just completed my freshman year in college. I’m still a virgin, but not for much longer. My boyfriend doesn’t know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to give him my virginity. I’m sure I can seduce him,...

2 years ago
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BohicaChapter 11

I looked into Gloria’s eyes, actually at a complete loss for words. And I felt fear that I was going to loose her here and now. “OK Chris, complete truth here. I promise, I have made no firm decisions, but I need to know the truth. I understand Bo, but why did you try to meet me as Chris?” “Well, it was actually serendipity. If you remember, I never tried to ‘meet you’. I really had decided to get a booth at the fair, and the place where the food and crafts vendors met just happened to be in...

3 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 12

When we pulled into my driveway she sat with her mouth open and stared at my house. After a long silence she said, "You live here?! It looks like a fucking palace!" I laughed and said, "Yeah, we moved in about a week ago. And believe it or not, that's what we call it, The Palace." She got out and stood looking at the car for a moment. Then she turned and looked at the house and asked, "Your husband is a junior VP, right?" I nodded. She asked, "Are you rich?" I shrugged and...

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The Preacher ManChapter 9 The Walls of Jericho

Time: October 23, 8235 4:27 PM When we arrived at Jizari's airport, I was given some unexpected information. A high ranking Royal was in the city and wanted to travel immediately to Aleppo. He had commandeered my Guild's ramjet. Abigail and I had few minutes and we went to find a quiet place to sit in Security's VIP lounge. I pulled out my scheduler and typed in a few queries. I looked up and gave Abigail a small smile. "It's not so bad. There's a non-stop rail connection from Aleppo...

2 years ago
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Healers TouchChapter 20

Gracie watched as the two figures on the approaching zepthi grew closer. Wonderful, she thought, all they needed was another pair of zephti to add to their growing collection. When the couple grew closer, Rand came to stand behind her. He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Relax, sweetheart. It's just Arianna and Stephan. They are here to deliver the vaccine for the babies and me." He whispered in her ear; when she shivered in response, he smiled. Even though she was still recovering...

3 years ago
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The Voodoo Bimbo Curse

Jan Jefferson had always been a bit of a tomboy never having developed very feminine features as she grew up. It had bothered her that she was not blessed with a sexy body when the boys had ignored or insulted her calling her a{if Fashion

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Zombie Leza13 More Dead Than Alive

When Leza returned with her entourage—larger than ever—the Collective was ready. Despite it being too soon to kill anything larger, they slaughtered two chickens and carried the fresh blood out and waited outside the gate. As usual, she designated a group of her undead to run ahead and drink. The entire procedure operated without a hitch. The zombies were licking the bowl when she reached the welcoming committee. “Glad to see you again,” Thomas said, extending his hand. “We weren’t sure...

3 years ago
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Haileys favorite class

I love school. Well, not really the classes but being with my friends. Today, I really am interest in health class. We get to start learning about sex which I am so excited about. No one has really explained the details to me or even mentions the word around me before. I can't wait!! We are put in a room with all the girls and the boys go in another room. They want us to be able to ask questions without worrying about what the boys think. Our teacher Mrs. D seemed a little...

2 years ago
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So Night Follows DayChapter 2

“Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out and fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah.” -Black Sabbath, “War Pigs“ “Well, Cara.” Sally of Sally & Cara; co-hosts and co-alcoholics of America’s favorite early-morning talk show, “Up Your Morning! With Sally & Cara,” said to her partner, taking a sip of their ever-present wine. “Big doings going on in Seattle this week, huh?” “That’s right, Sally.” Cara beamed straight into the camera....

3 years ago
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2 Chubby University Girls

I talked for about an hour and took questions from the group. There were several women that stood out for me in the crowd and my luck held as two of them stayed behind in the group after the class and eventually it was down to the two of them. They were curious and asked the right questions and it prompted me to ask them to go to the pub with me to discuss things further. I was hoping one of them would be in my bed before the afternoon was up. The first girl, Molly was a raven haired geeky...

1 year ago
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He doesnt know hes gay

When I was a college freshman, I got to be friends with a guy down the hall who came from a place near my hometown. Although it was a big state school, it turned out we had one late-afternoon class together, and about the third week we started going out afterward for beers before heading back to the dorm. Dan and I didn’t have a lot in common -- he had been a pretty good athlete in high school, I was more the studious type; he was religious as a kid, I never set foot in a churchl -- but we...

Gay Male
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The first cherry I broke

Her name was Allie and she came to our school early in junior year. She was a year younger than the rest of us as she skipped a grade early on in her life. Allie was an athlete and had the body to prove it. She was as tall as me....6'...and had long legs, an incredibly tight ass and small boobs that were impossibly perky. She was the perfect specimen of teen beauty. Even if her tits were bigger, it wouldn't have made her more attractive because the rest of her was so perfect. We...

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Flashing And Fucking At NASCAR With Kelly

It was June of 1994. Kelly and I had been talking about making a trip to a NASCAR race and we made it happen. We invited our good friend Patrick to join us for the weekend. Patrick and Yvonne had been a couple we started having sex with while still in high school. Patrick and Yvonne had split up a while ago but we were still close friends and he happily maintained his friend-with-benefits status with Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-four. Patrick was a year younger than us.We arrived Friday...

3 years ago
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Mami Ki Gand Aur Chut

Hello friend keise hai aap.sabhi aunty bhabhi aur hot and sex bomb girls lo mera namaskar main yaha aap ko meri ek sachi story batane ja rahahu jo ki hal hi mare sath ya bani hai.to dosto ho jaya tayat mari romanchik story ko padh ne ke liya pehla mein apna introduction deta hu.main ek 6″3hight lamba.40″inch chest aur mare laund 8″or 3″ motoa hai dekha ne main ek dam smart aur hansome hu.koi bhi ladki dekhati hai to dakhti hi rah jati hai aur bhabhi ka to pucho mat wo to picha hi pad jatii hai...

4 years ago
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Not Watching a Movie

The microwave beeped and I took out the bag of popcorn. The smell of butter hit my nose as I carefully opened the bag, making sure the steam didn’t scald my hands. Jeff called out from the living room, “Okay, it’s done! Get back in here already!”“I’m coming, I shouted as I wound my way through the dining room and back into the living room. I glanced at the large LCD HDTV on the wall, noting the main menu for “Last Holiday” running on the screen. I chuckled. “Decided on a comedy after all?” I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Red DoorChapter 3

Sue suggested we started with her dog, King. So we headed off around the U shaped building until we got to King’s kennel. I was still dripping and had left my clothes in my locker, King could smell me before he could see me, so he was as ready as I was to get busy fucking, that is until Sue took charge. Training these alpha dogs is very different to standard dog training, or even to how the Bar dogs, like Rex are trained. The alpha dogs are supposed to basically do as they like, take their...

2 years ago
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First Night With My Two Beautiful Wives

Hi All, I am a Big Fan of ISS and this is thought which raised in my mind after reading an article similar to this, I am Srujan (Names Changed) born in a rich family, my parents are no more and my property is being taken care by a care taker who is a uncle and he is self-less person as I have sponsored his child’s education This time I came to India for my marriage and my uncle has showed me some girls pictures, all of them are really beautiful and one of them really got my attention and her...

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