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Part 1

"Come on now, stop it!"

Amber pushed the hand off her breast and stepped back.
The boy jumped behind her and put his arms around her
waist. He kissed her neck.

"You're so sexy. I can't keep my hands off you."

Amber rolled her head back and laughed. The boy put his
hand under her shirt.

"Okay, but you better not tell anybody."

"Relax Amber, we're friends."

Amber moved her feet apart so he could feel between her


Amber's little brother, Willy, peered through the
fence. He rubbed himself as he watched his sibling
being groped.

"My sister's a slut."

Willy remembered when he had tried to feel her up. She
pushed him away and laughed. Now she was letting the
neighbor boy do anything he wanted. It was time to get
even. Willy ran home to his parents.

"Mom! Dad! Amber's letting the neighbor k** do things
to her."

"Willy, I won't have you talking trash about your
sister." His father looked over the top of a newspaper.

"Go look out the upstairs window if you don't believe

"I wouldn't be surprised," said his mother, Edna. "I've
seen it coming. That girl's headed for trouble."

The three of them went upstairs and looked into the
back yard. Hiram's heart raced at the sight of the
boy's hand between his daughter's legs.

"Amber lets guys feel her up as school."

"She'll be pregnant before she gets a driver's
license." Edna shook her head.

Willy looked up at his dad. "I hate it when guys brag
about what they do to my sister."

"Son, this is a private, family matter. We'll handle it
in our own way, in our own time. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. Is she going to get in trouble?"

Hiram looked out the window. His daughter way laying on
the grass with the boy. She spread her leg wide open.
The boy crawled on top of her and began dry humping.

"Dad, are you going to do something?"

"Let him pluck her low hanging fruit," said Edna. She
put her hand on her son's shoulder.

Hiram ran downstairs.


"I probably should be going," said Amber.

"Just a little longer." The boy smiled and pulled down
her zipper. He tried to get his hand inside her pants.

"I'm mean it, I have to go inside now." Amber pushed
her hips upward.

The boy kissed her. His humping became more urgent and
then stopped. Amber felt a twitching in his pants.

"Oh Amber." The boy relaxed in her arms.

Amber opened her eyes and saw her father looking down
at her. He took hold of the boy's belt and shirt collar
and lifted him into the air. The boy's arms and legs
flailed, like an insect pinched in a bird's beak.

"Hey, let me down." Hiram released his grip. The boy
groaned when he hit the ground.

The boy stood up. A stain soaked through the crotch of
his pants. He tried to cover the spot with his hand.

"Dad, please don't be mad. It's my fault too."

"Okay, but I don't want to see you two together again.
Do you understand?" The boy nodded his head and then
walked away.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Amber."

Hiram picked up his daughter and carried her home. He
took her into the garage and closed the door. Amber
knew he normally went here to get away from the family.
This time he'd brought her to be with him.

"Are you going to beat-up every guy who kisses me?"

"Amber, be serious. We watched you from the upstairs
window. You were letting him do anything he wanted."

"I'm so embarrassed. I didn't think it was a big deal.
I wasn't going to go all the way."

His daughter licked her lips and swallowed. He brushed
grass clipping and twigs out of her hair. Hiram looked
at where the boy had touched his daughter, between her

"Have there been others?"

"Dad, remember when I was little. We used to spend a
lot more time together. You'd tell me I was pretty and
kiss me goodnight. We'd even wrestle and tickle. When I
got older you pulled away. I felt lost. I think I've
been looking for the closeness we used to have."

Amber watched her dad's face for a reaction. Her
parents had married young and her dad still looked
handsome. He put his arms around her. His heart thumped
against her chest. He kissed her forehead.

"I need you too. We can be like that again."

Hiram straightened the front of her blouse. His
forearms brushed against her breasts. He stared when he
saw his daughter's nipples getting hard.

Hiram dug his fingers into her ribs.

"So you miss tickling huh?"

Amber shrieked and playfully resisted her father. Their
bodies rubbed together. Hiram's prick pressed upon her
crotch. Amber laughed hysterically as he tormented her
rib cage.

"You ambushed me Dad." Amber's eyes looked wild after
the tickling stopped. Hiram smiled and stepped back.

"Look Amber, your zipper's open." Her jaw dropped when
she saw her panty through the open front of her jeans.
She tried to pull up the zipper, but it was stuck.

"Let me give it try," her father said.

Amber leaned back against the car and put her hands on
the fender. Her jeans curved around her hips. In
another year his daughter would be in high school. She
already filled out her pants like a woman.

Hiram held the inside of her thigh and raised the
zipper. Her jeans pulled into her crotch, making a
prominent display of her pubic mound. His hand moved
over the zipper and between her legs.

"Dad, um, thanks for fixing my zipper." Her cheeks
glowed red and her mouth hung open. Hiram put a finger
on her lips. Amber looked down at her father's hand,
rubbing her pussy.

Their mouths joined in a kiss. Amber held her hand on
her father's neck as their tongues entwined. She opened
her legs to accept his fondling.

Afterward they held each other in silence. Amber
slithered against him. For a moment, Hiram tried to
think of a way to undo what he'd begun. Then, he softly
rubbed his prick on his daughter's pussy.

The door to the house opened and Willy stuck his head
inside the garage.

"There you are. Mom says to come inside for dinner."

"Alright, we're coming," Hiram said. Amber turned to
face Willy. Her father's hand moved over her back

"Everyone knows, Amber. We all saw you in the

"Shut up Willy," Amber said.

Willy laughed and dashed back inside.

Part 2

Amber ran into the kitchen. Her breasts bounced under
her shirt. She bent over the kitchen sink and washed
her hands. Her high-cut shorts exposed the curvature of
her bottom.

"Sorry I took so long. I had to take a shower." Amber
sat down at the dinner table. Steam rose from the stew
that her mother spooned onto her plate.

"Smells good Mom, I'm starving," Amber said.

Edna peered over the rim of her eyeglasses at her
daughter. "You've had an exhausting afternoon. No
wonder you have an appetite."

"Is being felt-up hard work Amber?" Willy said.

"I told you to shut up."

"I'm tired of being the brother of a slut."

"Don't call me that name."

"Why not, it's true."

"At least the opposite sex finds me attractive. You
wouldn't know what to do with a girlfriend even if you
did have one."

"If I had a girlfriend she wouldn't be a slut like

Amber was silent for a moment. "You know Willy, I can
hear you jacking-off in your bedroom at night."

"Mom, did you hear what Amber said?"

"Now Willy," Edna said, "I think you're being part of
the problem."

Willy stuck out his tongue. "Slut."

Amber looked down at her plate. She stuck her fork into
a piece of stew meat and soaked it in gravy.

"Oh look, there's a bug on my meat."

Amber held up the fork. Willy leaned forward and
squinted at the meat. Amber flicked her wrist,
launching the meat into her brother's face. Gravy
dripped down his cheek.

Amber grinned. "You're so stupid."

Hiram stood up. "Alright, both of you, stop this

"He started it."

"Amber, you're the older one, I expect you to be a good

"I'm only one year older."

Hiram took Amber by the hand and led her to a chair
across the room. He sat down and pulled his daughter
over his lap. Her shorts pulled up to expose a good
portion of her bottom. His hand crashed down on her

"Ow! That hurt." He spanked both cheeks and the inside
of her thigh.

"Dad, ow, oh ow, ow!"

Willy stood up to get a better view. His sister looked
nice, bent over her father's lap. He could see her

"Dad, you haven't spanked me since I was a little

Hiram stopped for a moment. He massaged Amber's
enflamed flesh. Willy watched his dad stroking her
inner thigh. Hiram pulled Amber's shorts and panty down
over her ankles.

"Dad, not in front of Willy and Mom." Her father's
prick poked up underneath her.

Amber looked back and saw her brother staring between
her legs. Her mother stood behind him. Her father
repeatedly spanked her ass and thighs, and occasionally
swatted her pussy.

"Ow, ow, oh ow!"

Willy watched his sister's ass jiggle and turn red
under the discipline. It was the first time that he'd
seen a girl's cunt lips. Amber saw her brother rubbing
himself. Her mother was smiling. Amber started to cry.

"Ouch, oh, I'm sorry about everything. Please, no

Hiram took pity and ended the spanking. He ordered his
wife to bring out some skin moisturizer. He squeezed
out several white drops of lotion and rubbed it into
her skin.

"That feels good, Dad." Amber forgot her modesty and
spread her legs. Her cunt lips parted, like a flower
opening its petals in the morning sun.

Amber stood up and wiped her eyes. She wiggled her hips
as she pulled up her panty and shorts. Edna dug her
fingers into her son's shoulder as they watched Hiram
kiss his daughter on the lips.

"It's time for dessert," Hiram said. "Edna, bring out
that cherry pie and ice cream. Put the servings for
Amber and me on a single plate." Edna looked unhappy,
but did as she was told.

Amber sat on her father's lap at the dinner table. She
adjusted herself so that her pussy rested upon the
mound in his pants.

"Daddy, am I hurting you?"

"Not at all, Amber. That's just fine."

Hiram spooned the cherry pie and ice cream into her
mouth. When they were done, Edna picked up the dishes.
She frowned at the sight of her husband's hand on
Amber's bare leg.

"Amber, what would you like to do now?"

"Can we watch television together?"

"I'd like that."


Amber ran upstairs to her bedroom and got a blanket.
When she returned to the living room she found the
light dimmed. Her dad sat alone on the recliner. Her
mom and Willy were on the sofa.

"Amber, come sit here with me," Hiram said.

Amber smiled and crawled onto the recliner with her
dad. Hiram wrapped his daughter inside the blanket and
massaged the back of her neck. Her mom's lips pinched

Amber drifted off to sleep under the warm blanket. She
smelled fresh. Hiram undid a couple buttons on her
shirt and slid his hand inside. Her breast fit into the
palm of his hand. Her flesh felt smooth and soft. He
teased his daughter's nipples until they became taut.
Amber made a whimper.

Hiram moved his hand to her thigh. Amber u*********sly
parted her legs. He put his finger inside the leg
opening of her shorts and felt the wet folds of her
cunt. Amber's breathing quickened.

Hiram took his daughter's hand and placed it on his
prick. Her fingers squeezed him a little, even though
she was asleep. Hiram rubbed his daughter's pussy under
the blanket. His wife looked at him from across the
across the room.

Amber woke up and yawned. "I'm must have fallen asleep.
Oh, I'm sorry." She pulled her hand off her dad's
crotch. He smiled and put her hand back where it was.
His prick swelled inside her fingers.

"Did I miss anything good on television?"

"Girlie, your father was only paying attention to you."

Amber's mom jerked away the blanket that covered them.
Hiram's hand rested between her daughter's legs.
Amber's shirt was open, exposing one breast. Amber
rubbed her dad's prick.

"It's no big deal Mom. Dad and I have decided to become
close again, like we were in the old days."

"Amber, you're too young and dumb to see what's
happening. Hiram, how could you do this to your own

"What Amber said is true."

Hiram turned Amber's head to face him. He kissed her on
the lips. Amber opened her mouth. Edna watched her
daughter's tongue flick inside her husband's lips.
Hiram rubbed his daughter's pussy under the eyes of his
wife and son. Willy became erect.

"You won't be acting like this in my house, little
girl." Edna yanked Amber away from her father."

"Mom, let go of me."

"I'm disgusted with you, young lady. I'm going to put
you in a boarding school for girls only. That way, you
wont get into trouble with boys."

"I'll run away."

"And you Hiram. What kind of monster are you to seduce
your own daughter?"

"She's more of a woman that you are."

"He's not seducing. Dad and I need each other."

"Go to your room, you little whore. You've got school

"Fine, but I won't be going to any private school."
Amber stomped out of the living room, followed by her


Hiram went to bed. His balls ached. Edna lay silently
beside him. He took her hand and placed it on his
prick. His wife jerked her hand away. She turned her
back to him, farted, and went to sleep. A couple hours
later they were awoken by a commotion.

"I heard something down the hallway," Edna said.

Hiram rubbed his eyes. "Your son's probably
masturbating again, go back to sleep."

"No, it's different this time. Go check it out."

"Okay." Hiram got up, put on a bathrobe and walked down
the hall. Edna ran after him in her pajamas.

"I'm coming too. I don't want you alone with our

Part 3

The noise came from Amber's bedroom. Edna put her ear
against the door. She turned to Hiram and whispered.

"She's got a boy in there with her."

Edna opened the door enough to peek inside. Hiram heard
muffled voices. Edna turned around and pushed Hiram
away from the door.

"It's just as I thought. Your daughter's having her way
with her brother. Depraved little tramp."

Hiram stopped breathing. "I don't believe it."

He went to Amber's door and looked inside. Willy was
naked, leaning over Amber on the bed. She pushed him
back with her feet and giggled.

"Come on Amber, I know you want some of this." Willy
pointed at his prick.

"Oh sure, as if you'd know what to do with it." Amber
feigned boredom.

Willy jostled his sister back on the bed. He pushed her
knees apart and pulled her panty aside. Willy lay down
on top of her. His buttocks pressed down as he
attempted to enter his sister.

Amber laughed, "You don't even know where to put it."

"Shut up, I do to."

Hiram closed the door and turned to Edna. A knot
squeezed his throat.

"I think Willy's the one who started this. Are you
going to stop him?"

"No, he can have her."

"I won't let Amber be a training toy for your son."

Edna poked a finger into Hiram's chest. "You're just
jealous. You want the little girl all for yourself."

Hiram pushed his wife aside.

Willy jabbed his erection against his sister's pussy,
but he couldn't attain penetration. Amber looked up and
saw her mother and father coming into her bedroom.

"Mom, Dad!"

Hiram grabbed his son by the hair and spun the boy into
his mother's arms.

"Amber was right. You don't know what to do with a

A drop of semen fell from his son's erection onto the
carpet. Hiram looked at his wife. He snapped his
fingers and pointed at Willy's prick. Edna pinched her
eyebrows together.

"I always get the dirty jobs around here."

Edna bent over and took a close look at her son's
erection. Her tongue angled out of her mouth like a
viper. The tip of her tongue spooned a drop of semen
from the hole in end of his prick. She pulled her
tongue into her mouth and swallowed. Edna opened her
lips and took her son's prick inside her mouth. Willy's
eyelids clicked wide open, like a doll. Edna stood up
and pulled him by the earlobe.

"Come with me, we'll let the fox guard the henhouse."
Edna led Willy out of the room.


Amber propped herself up on her elbows. Her nipples
made peaks under her tank top. She pulled her panty
back over her pussy.

"Dad, I'm so glad you showed up."

Amber waited for response. Her father stared at her,
but didn't say anything. There was something different
in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Dad, I guess I've caused you a lot of
trouble today.

The front of his robe was coming loose, but it still
kept him covered. He put a hand on top of her head.

"Amber, I think you were right about the need for us to
spend more time together."

Hiram opened his robe. Amber gulped. His prick looked
menacing. It was thick, with veins twisting under the
skin. Amber turned her head away.

"Um, Dad, I have to get up for school tomorrow."

"Then how about we spend some time on your homework?"

Hiram held the tip of his prick to his daughter's
mouth. Amber slowly parted her lips. His prick passed
over her lips and onto her tongue. She made a muffled
squeal. Amber moved her lips along the shaft. She
licked him like a lollipop.

"You're mouth feels good. Have you ever done this

"No Daddy, you're the first one." Amber blushed. Saliva
drooled from the corner of her mouth.

Hiram stood his daughter up and held her close. His
prick swung like a pipe between her legs. Amber
realized that a course of events had been set in motion
that was beyond her ability to control. She rested her
head on his chest. A tear fell from her eye.

"Let's see how your mother and brother are doing."

Hiram led his daughter down the hallway to the master
bedroom. Amber looked around the doorjamb. Her mom lay
naked on her back with her legs spread open. Willy
climbed on top of his her. Edna took her son's prick in
her hand and guided him into her cunt. Willy thrashed
about inside his mother.

"Easy Willy," his mom said. "There's no rush." Amber
watched her brother have intercourse with her mom.
Amber's cheeks felt hot.

Amber's nipples were engorged and stiff. Hiram pulled
the back of her panty down and slipped his prick
between her legs. Amber looked down and saw the tip of
her father's prick bulging the front of her panty.

Hiram's whispered into his daughter's ear, "You're

"Oh no Dad, not that."

Amber broke free of her father and ran down the hallway
to her room. Hiram chased after her. She tried to hold
the door shut, but he forced it open.

Amber hopped across the bed to the opposite side of the
room. She lunged for the door, but he blocked her path.
She ducked and dodged when he reached for her. He
finally trapped her in a corner. His prick slid under
her pussy like a banister.

"No Dad, stop it."

She held her father's hand's down as he pulled up her
tank top. The fabric made a ripping sound when he tore
the shirt off her body. There was another rip when he
yanked off her panty.

"Dad, what's come over you?"

His fingers explored the folds of her pussy. He kissed
her and pressed his finger into her cunt hole. Her will
weakened. Their tongues once again entwined. She opened
herself to the fingering. Her hand wrapped around his

"Daddy, I'm such a tease. I know I deserve this."

Hiram took his daughter to bed. He pushed her legs
apart and lowered his mouth to her pussy. Her clitoris
stood at attention, like a sentry guarding a palace
gate. He licked the protuberance and slid a finger
inside her.

"Oh, Daddy, nobody ever did that to me." Amber arched
her hips toward her father's tongue. Her father took
his middle finger, soaked in cunt juice, and rubbed it
on her anus.

"That feels nice, Daddy." Her father kissed her. Amber
tasted her own nectar on his lips.

Hiram climbed on top of his daughter. He pinned her
down on her back, with her legs spread wide open. He
slid his prick up her thigh, as he guided himself
toward her cunt. The tip of his prick parted her pussy

"Dad, this is my first time."

"Honey, it's my first time with you too."

Hiram pushed his prick into his daughter.

"Oh Daddy, oh, oh!"

Hiram buried his shaft in his daughter and began
humping. Tears rolled from the corner of her eyes.

"Daddy, I can't believe you're really inside me."

"You're doing very well, Amber."

"Daddy, your cock is hard in my pussy. I like it."

Amber's mind succumbed to the pleasure. A sloshing
sound came from her cunt as her dad stroked his prick
inside her. She pulled back her knees, so her father
could delve more deeply into her.

"Daddy, from this night on, I want you all for myself."

"What about your mother?"

"She can have Willy."

"Okay then, but no other boy can touch you."

"I promise Daddy. You're the only guy who can put a
cock in me."

Hiram plowed into his daughter. The bed rocked in time
with their copulation. Amber's mind drifted away. She
felt waves of ecstasy rippling through her flesh and

"Daddy, fuck my pussy."

Her father gripped her so tight it almost squeezed the
breath out of her. He pressed himself deeply into her
and moaned.

"Oh Amber, I love you."

Amber felt his prick pulsating. She ran her fingers
through her father's hair as he pumped sperm into her
belly. Afterward, he lay spent and exhausted in her
arms. Now she had him, under her control.

"Dad, I expect you to keep your promise."

"Yes dear."

"Oh, and by the way, Dad. You'll be staying in my
bedroom for now on."


In the morning the family gathered at the breakfast
table. There was no mention of what had occurred
overnight. Edna glared at her daughter as she ate.
Amber finished her breakfast first. She got up and took
her dishes to the kitchen.

"Amber, bring me a cup of coffee," her mother said.
Amber brought the coffee and returned to the kitchen.

"Amber, bring me some cream!" This time her mother

Hiram stood up. He brought Amber out of the kitchen and
positioned her behind the sofa. Edna and Willy watched
from the table. Hiram bent Amber over the back of the
sofa and raised her skirt. He pulled her panty aside
and unzipped his pants. He rubbed his prick on her
pussy until he became hard. He looked back at his wife
as he shoved his prick inside his daughter.

"You have a nice pussy, Amber."

"Thank you Daddy. It's nice to get some cock before

Hiram screwed his daughter in front of his wife and son
for several minutes. He then pulled his prick out,
walked over to the table, and masturbated in front of
his wife's face. Hiram pointed his prick downward and
ejaculated globs semen into her cup of coffee. Amber
came over to the table and stirred in a teaspoon of
sugar. She slid the cup in front of her mother.

Hiram looked at Edna. "Drink it."

Edna raised the cup and took a sip. She swallowed and
smacked her lips. "It looks like there's been some
changes around here."

The End

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Kai chuskiyaan leta raha main….jannat ka safar tha who…ek haath peeche uski ass daba rha tha…who meri god mein baithi..apne nipples chuswati hui…. Kuchh der mein uski thodi pyaas bujhi aur mera bhi dil uski ass par gaya. Maine usse ulta litaya bistar par aur uski pairo ki ungliyo se kiss karna shuru kiya dheere dheere oopar aate aate uski soft thighs tak aur phir uski ass pe pahucha…uski gaand maine munh me lekar ek chuski li…..usse behad maza aa raha tha…uski cheekhein nahi ruk rahi thi…..main...

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I have been going to truck stops since I was a very very young teen and have done all my life. One of my fetishes is sucking and getting used by strangers and truck stops are the best place. But last night was the best ever. It has been raining every day for the last 2 week. Saturday it started to rain heavy all day that cause many of the roads and highways to be closed due to flooding. I knew there would be many stranded truckers so I took a ride to the truck stop. As I pulled in every parking...

3 years ago
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Match And Fun 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Richa. I live at home with my brother Ravi (20), my mom and dad. My age is 18. I am good looking and fair color. My figure is 34 28 36. I am new in collage. I heard about “Sex stories and Sex” just three weak ago and I am also excited to share our incident. This is my first unforgettable incident of course real which I am going to present here in words. It’s about previous second weak incident when IPL was going on. Bhaiya and i are big fan of cricket. We watch cricket together...

2 years ago
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How I love being Johns worthless slave

It had been almost 3 weeks since I was last with John. Our last meet up was in his city, in his house, on his turf basically. It was definitely a rough, painful, and at times cruel night together, but it was the lesson I needed to live, learn, and experience. Once I understood how disrespectful I had been in the past to John, and learned I am not in the same class or league as John, I felt a release of guilt, and at John's permission I felt an abundance of pleasure. I now know what I am. I am...

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I Shared My Wife

My wife and I used to play a lot of tennis back in the day.I was pretty good and she went out to get a tan and tease the guys in her tennis dress.There was a regular group that we played and formed a friendship with.The women there would play a little then sat and talked but the guys played for who had to buy and get food. Everybody pitched in money in the end because the same guy always lost,he had to get the food though. I was close to a guy named Marc he was tall and had long...

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Acting Like A Girl Complete

I was probably the loneliest person on the planet despite having over a thousand friends. I was very popular on Facebook, Tumblr & Twitter, but in the real world I didn't have a life. My existence revolved around my MacBook Pro laptop. I would return home from High School and spend the bulk of my day gradually working through my homework while connecting to my diverse pool of internet friends. There were a few local friends mixed in, but I hardly thought of them that way. Besides...

3 years ago
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Farm LifeChapter 10

“Tom and I are having a new house built that will straddle the property of the two farms. Unbeknownst to Tom, I have talked with my sisters (Tammy, Pam, and Suzie) about the building of this house and have their agreement. We want to be sister wives to Tom, if he will have us.” “I wasn’t expecting all of the revelations that occurred here today, but I would be more than thrilled to have my sisters as my wives, if they will have me.” All four of my sisters stood by my side, in various stages...

2 years ago
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Hard TimeIntroduction

It started without any warning. One moment, I was walking to the luggage carousel in the airport after returning from a business trip and, at the next moment, I was lying on the ground face down in dirt and leaves. I was dressed as I had been with my overnight bag slung over my shoulder and my laptop bag on my other. There was no flash of light, no loud bang, nor any significant thing occurring to note the transition. For transition it was. I was now in a forest surrounded by tall trees and...

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A Sisters Suprise

I had just returned from college to my mother, step father and younger sisters house in small town Idaho. I had moved away five years earlier with my Father when Mom and Dad divorced. I attended college in California and money was tight for all of us so it just didn't work out for me to travel back to see them in Idaho. Now that I had graduated and before starting my new job, I was going to take the summer off and relax and spend some time with them. My last holiday fling before moving away and...

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EvilAngel London River DAP And DVP Threesome

Sizzling, busty blonde MILF London River teases in black nylons and garters.Veteran porn studs Ramon Nomar and Michael Stefano expose their big cocks for London’s deepthroat attention. Ramon fucks her pussy while she gives Michael a blowjob. She takes an anal ride on Ramon’s Latin boner. Michael fucks her cuntwhile Ramon buttfucks her in a fulfilling double-penetration! The two dudes team up to deliver a double-anal reaming! London slurps on their massive tools ass-to-mouth. Her...

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Soamess First Submissive

Harlan Soames was barely awake, and Ed was shaking him. "Wake up, Soames. This is going to be an awesome experience for you!"Soames sat up and then stood up as Ed motioned him to follow. "Remember how I told you there was something funky in this group house? You are going to be so glad you moved in, buddy." They went down the hall toward the bathroom, where Trixie, one of the women in the house was slowly opening the door. Trixie turned her pudgy face towards the guys and winked.Soames bit his...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Alexia Anders Exotic Alexia Anders Gets XXXtra Erotic

We start with an unforgettable erotic solo: super sultry Alexia Anders slowly stripteasing out of sexy turquoise lingerie until she’s finally on the couch, legs spread wide open, panties pushed to the side, and masturbating her sweet shaved pussy, all the while looking at you with “come fuck me” eyes. Then Ramon Nomar enters the scene to give XXXtra pleasure to the exotic babe with his tongue, fingers, and monster cock. Watch the Penthouse starlet get fucked until she’s...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 17

It was very late and everyone had gone to bed. It was raining outside, and Alison could hear the wind howling around the ill fitting windows. Alison had slipped a tampon inside her, to retain as much of John’s sperm as possible. She was lying on her back, staring at the canopy of her four-poster bed as it moved slightly in the draft. She was thinking about sex, and babies, and men, and husbands. She had turned the heating on and the bedrooms were warm and cosy. Mabel was wearing a baby...

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December holidays part 10 my ex girlfriend Cassi

Laying in bed Monday evening home alone I texted with my girlfriend Jessica chatting to her as well as messaging my ex girlfriend Cassi confirming that she would still be sleeping over tomorrow night. Cassi replied back most definitely baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and spending the night together.I was too excited to fuck her sexy body again and soon while laying in bed a fell asleep.Waking up the next morning just before 8 I got up and made myself breakfast and while eating I message...

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School Mistress POV

You are Marcus, a tall, athletic and smart student at Glamour High. You play soccer and basketball after school and has a girlfriend named Payton "Shit," you tell yourself silently as you exit Mrs. Drain's room, "I didn't think the test was going to be that difficult." A 150 question language arts test final was supposedly easy, at that's what your friends told you, but you are sure you flunked it. LA being the last class of the day, you take your backpack and drive home.

1 year ago
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A Hard Lesson

This happened about 10 years ago. I have 2 grown daughters. The oldest is divorced, has k**s, and is occasionally bi. The youngest is very bi. The youngest daughter's first girlfriend was VERY hot, but not very bright. The two girls went out clubbing one Saturday night, and stumbled back to my place about 1:30am, drunk on their asses. My daughter managed to crash on her bed, and passed out in about 5 minutes. Her girlfriend passed out on the living room floor. Not being one to pass up an...

3 years ago
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Carlas Party

Every year my old college friend Carla hosts her naughty party. It’s loosely themed on Christmas, but it can occur at any point in December. It just depends on when the most friends are available. Each year Carla will send out the invites and include the rules of the year. Last year everyone had to wear red undies. The year before it was fishnet stockings. This year it was a pearl thong. At this point I probably should mention that this is a girls only event. Carla works in PR and lives in a...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 9 Lovers

Wednesday, May 22, 1996, Sanford Maine “Wake up, Baby!” Mmmm, it was so warm underneath the blankets, and I didn’t want to get up. Maybe if I turned over, they wouldn’t be able to see us. Poke. “Ouch!” She-devil was back. She could see me still. Poke. Poke. Poke. “Oww! Fuck! OUCH!” something sharp had just poked numerous holes into my torso. I felt like I was going to sink. Or bleed out... “Wake up, lover, we need to get in the shower,” the She-Devil cackled, er, okay, maybe it was...

3 years ago
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Top 10 flirting tips

10. Flirting is all about attitude. A good flirt is self-confident and not afraid to take risks. Be enthusiastic, open and positive. It works!9. Start a conversation. The best opening line is saying hello. Talk about the surroundings, ask a question, ask for help, make a joke, state an opinion. Make sure you are calm and composed but just do it before the person you've got your eye on walks out of the bar or passed you in the street, never to be seen again!8. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 2

Someone was ringing a gong. Jake Hedron opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Last night his exiled wife, marooned on Earth, had visited him in his dreams. 'Dream-walking, ' she called it. It had been more than three months since she'd been exiled. Now, she lived alone on a dead, baked world. She'd actually told him she was happy with her life there – that she enjoyed the challenges of surviving in a barren, hostile wasteland where the sun cooks everything to a nice even hundred and...

4 years ago
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Mr Petersons Book Store

This Fictional Story is written and updated by JenniferThis is a recount of my first summer job working at Mr. Petersons Book Store. Mr Peterson had always told me that when I turned 18 I could come and work for him at the Book Store, I had to be 18 because some of the books and magazines he sold were erotic and adult material. I still remember the big smile on his face when I walked in to ask him if he had a “position” for me, and I blushed realizing what it sounded like. We had a big laugh...

2 years ago
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Family The Forbidden Fruit

(Note: This fictional story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author’s consent .This is a work of fiction, intended to entertain adult readers. It has graphic erotic scenes and offensive language. If you can’t legally view this, please don’t! All characters and names of the story are fictional! Any resemblance between these characters and any person is strictly coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18.) * Andy woke up to...

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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

Magic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...

First Time
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My Third Gangbang With Professor And His Two Sons

Mera naam Parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujarati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu.Mai Third time yaha pe mera naya incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai ke ap sabko pasand ayega.So apne comments parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com pe jaroor bheje Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke mai M.B.A just shuru kiya hai, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe tshirts aur jeans pehana pasand hai....

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 35 Beds Are Burning

Geography Classroom, Medway High School 2:36pm, Thursday, March 1, 1979 “ ... This song is called, Beds Are Burning,” I said with a sense of pride in my voice. As I was thinking of songs to play for this presentation, I just happened to remember the band, Midnight Oil. Then, I quickly stumbled upon this wonderful song and I just knew we’d have to play it. (Note: This song is from 1987. However, I liked how it fit with our presentation on various Australian performers or groups and their...

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Just got through security. The wait was boring, and boarding was tedious. Neither of us were searched or pat down though, which is nice. That always feels like a bad portent for the coming trip, no matter how random it is, or how benign their motivation might be. Harry’s nervous enough, and I don’t want her to start adding uncomfortable and self-conscious to her emotional palette. She’s never been out of the country, and here we are, getting ready sitting on the tarmac waiting for a plane bound...

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Magical night with Mom

John Daniels awoke screaming his body bathed in sweat, his sheets entangled in his legs as he fought his way from the dark depths of his dream. Sitting upright in the dark he heard footsteps on the landing before his bedroom door opened and the light came on. His parents stood in the doorway looking tossled and scared after being awoken by a scream in the night. His Mom quickly crossed to the bed and sat down beside him, enveloping him in her arms.“Are you OK John, Honey it’s alright, just a...

1 year ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 31 Emptiness

[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex.] Her ritual grew familiar, even comforting, in its tedious simplicity. Wake, assess damage, bathe and soothe a portion of the pain away. Eat and drink if possible. Wander back and forth between the two rooms to which she was allowed access, purposeless save to await her next ordeal. In an occasional fit of loneliness — curiosity was an emotion she was barely capable of feeling anymore — she tried the other doors, but they...

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The StallionChapter 8

Emily Elizabeth sits under her big oak tree reflecting on the events of the past week, specifically last night. The sun is starting to set and so it’s nearly time for dinner. Today she didn’t have a lot of time for herself because she took her time with her chores and found every reason to help her mother or find something to do for her father. She did everything she could to avoid Rick and Blackie. She is now torn between the horse and the man. Both could end up gone at any time, and only...

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BadDaddyPOV Alix Lynx Isn8217t Allowed To Leave The House Dressed Like That

Alix Lynx may be little but she knows how to get what she wants. The young blonde slut is getting ready to go out and get fucked hard by her boyfriend. Her step dad is watching over her for the weekend. Before her date, Alix Lynx is caught getting ready. Her new parent isn’t letting her out of the house dressed like a slut, but Alix has other plans. The big tits blonde wants cock tonight. She strips her tiny outfit off in front of her step daddy, distracting the man by her tight shaved...

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Bobbi Sue8217s Gym Orgy

Like I said, I love to show off my body. I just get the biggest thrill when I catch a guy looking at my nipples or pussy. I even do a lot of bending over in short skirts for the guys at work. Actually, if you’ve been keeping up with my adventures, you know that I do a lot more than bend over for those guys! but that’s a different story. Today I’d like to tell you about something that hap- pened last Saturday. I know I could get in really big trouble for what I...

2 years ago
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I Love College Part 1

I wanted a fresh start in college, wanted a new Josh and if I really want this to work, I have to do it well. I had always wanted to change my appearance but my parents were really interfering and since, this is college, I could do whatever I want without preying family eyes. After unpacking, I went downstairs, asked around for the Barbers and changed ma hair. I used to have long dark silky hair but I cut it short, I shaved of my facial hair and after the barber was done, I felt somewhat...

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Deep Undercover

Your name is John McQuaid. It is something you remind yourself everyday, for it is not your name. Not your real name, anyway. You reach down the lunch hamper you brought with you, your fingers seeking the comfort you always find in your gun.

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My First Orgasm and Sexual Experience

Note : This story is completely fictinal! When I was about 18 years old, I often found myself waking from  my sleep, lying on my side, with a pillow between my legs and against  myself. I did not think much of it but sometimes it would be moist  and the odor would be of my private self. One evening, while my parents were away, my babysitter came in to  check on me. She seemed to have noticed that my pillow had moved  from the head of the bed and, being kind tried to move it and place it  back...

First Time
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My New Job

Author's Note: Another quick story after far too much time away from writing. I was forced to use my vacation or lose it at work, thus the sudden flurry of activity. I am always looking for story suggestions, especially now that I have time to work on them. For example, this one is for a man who wanted a story featuring a much more willing sissy receptionist working at an auto shop. I hope you enjoy this. Once again, I welcome comments here or...

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A Step Up

London, England. July 2008. "I'm glad you know this city," one shapely dark-haired girl said to the other as they danced. "I never would have found this place!" "Oh come on!" the other laughed. "It stands out!" "No, really, Bluntz," Anne Hathaway countered, "it doesn't. No sign, old furniture outside- if not for the line, I wouldn't have even known it was a club!" Emily Blunt smiled in agreement. For her and many other customers of Inside Out, that was part of the place's...

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Henry and LnczeChapter 2 Lncze punished

"Daddy, this is Henry. I found him at the bottom of the old quarry ... I couldn't let him die daddy ... Henry this is J'cob my father," she stuttered. I noticed Ra'chel standing a little behind her husband looking a bit fearful too. I did the only thing I could think of and put out my hand and said, "Good afternoon sir. I do hope I haven't caused you too much trouble." Moving my arm caused me to wince with pain but J'cob's reaction was not what I expected. He didn't shake my hand...

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Barbaque 2

I grabbed my sister Sheila as she walked by where I was sitting and pulled her onto my lap. It was purely an impulsive move... or maybe not. I'd been obsessing about Sheila and my other sister Vanessa for a while. My name is Eric and I'm 16 years old. If you read "Barb-a-que" you know how I lost my virginity and acquired two lovers in one eventful day. That was almost a year ago. One lover was my own mother and the other was a friend of hers, Mrs. Alice Perry. I knocked up both women. Alice...

3 years ago
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My wife and I and Dave

Introduction: What are friends for? Earlier Story Late one evening, I was in the living room listening to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon and drinking Jack, when I heard a knock at the backdoor. I knew from the lateness of the hour it could only be my best friend Dave. He often dropped by late to see if I wanted to offer him a drink or jam a little on the guitar. My wife of twenty years had retired to her bathroom to have a hot soak and get ready for bed. She heard the knock at the door and...

2 years ago
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Fun at work prelude

Hello there. Let me firstly introduce myself, and tell you a bit more about me. My name is Bart, I’m 21 years young, and currently work for the government. Well, to be honest, I just work for a small part of our government. Our ‘section’ has roughly 1.400 employees, going from administration, to workers, and finally the ‘high placed’ people who decide things around here.   I’m part of the administration service if you wondered, so is everyone else who is working in this building.   As for...

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The First Time

Does everyone remember their first time? I wonder about that, and I wonder just how many people actually remember their first time with any accuracy and without enhancement for nostalgia or for ego or pride. I started early with my first girlfriend in high school, but nothing more than kissing, feeling each other up (or down, as the case may be) and some oral experimentation. I always went out with girls my own age, so I never had the benefit of the older, more experienced woman showing me the...

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Mom and Me Share a Dildo

100% fiction! I' 27 and my mom is 50. One of her friends asked if she could have an adult toy at our house and invite other women like a tupper ware party. My Mom said it was fine. The night came and about 20 women showed up. The woman putting it on would describe each toy and how you used it and you could place the order with her that night and have in about a week. After it was over, my Mom and I sat and drank some more wine and talked about the night. We were a little tipsy and didn't want...

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Out of Control

Young Marietta has public sex with her driving instructor.... Marietta was extremely pleased with herself. She hadn’t felt this self pumped since she parted with her useless virginity three months ago. She was on the cusp of womanly independence and she was going to take everything in her stride.Jonas her middle aged driving instructor, married with two k**s; had just informed her she was ready to take her full drivers licence test. She had nailed heavy traffic and reverse parking today. She...

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Diamond RoseChapter 3 Jason

"Hello the shop!" The voice was unfamiliar, but Jason hoped the man needed some work done. Since he'd moved back to his childhood home he'd spent much more of his savings than he'd anticipated and needed the extra money. "Hey," Jason said as he greeted the balding guy standing in the open bay doorway. "Can I help ya'?" "I hope so," he said and looked back at a bus-sized RV that was idling in the gravel driveway. "A guy named Ronny back at the gas station on 28 said you work on...

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