Acting Like A Girl (Complete) free porn video

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I was probably the loneliest person on the planet despite having over a thousand friends. I was very popular on Facebook, Tumblr & Twitter, but in the real world I didn't have a life. My existence revolved around my MacBook Pro laptop. I would return home from High School and spend the bulk of my day gradually working through my homework while connecting to my diverse pool of internet friends. There were a few local friends mixed in, but I hardly thought of them that way. Besides my I-Friends, I would use my computer to watch movies. I loved film and to a somewhat lesser extent, theater. A lot of my friends came from my blogs about films. I guess since I did not live a very exciting life, I took pleasure in throwing my emotions into film study and drama. I knew every site where I could download films for free, even some that were still in the theaters. At my High School in Northbrook I was not an outcast, but my niche of friends was pretty small. I did well academically, but I always sat in the back and spoke only when I had to. As a result, I always managed decent grades, but would be one of those students that the teachers would soon forget. The only school extracurricular activities that I ever got involved with revolved around theater or film club. Even the film club was a bit of a bore, because I knew more about film and film techniques than the teacher that acted as the sponsor. I only stuck with that because I wanted to go to USC film school in two years when I would graduate. My small group of school friends mostly came as a result of acting class and drama. For some reason I could pull myself out of my shell when it came to acting. I guess throwing my emotions into a role allowed me to express myself in a safe way and provided an emotional outlet. As soon as my acting scenes ended, I would tend to quickly regress back to my invisible shy self. I was reasonably graceful on stage, but I had no real skills when it came to dancing or singing. I was fine for a background role in musicals, but my preference was for straight theater. The good parts in these shows usually went to students that had paid their dues in other shows which were mostly musicals. I had made the cast in three shows, which thrilled my divorced parents. My mother and father got divorced nearly ten years ago but still got along when they were not lamenting about money. My father was a gynecologist at the local hospital and made a decent living, but he always felt the need drive fancy sport cars and own other yuppy toys. My father and I got along fine, but I always felt he was a little disappointed that I was not more like him in his macho pursuits. He never said anything specific, but I sensed he wished I was more of a guy's guy. When it came to the shows, however, they were both there together as proud parents. In my three previous shows I had only had about a half dozen total lines, but I still managed to be on stage and sing as part of the ensemble. I was hoping that in the Spring play or one of the productions my senior year that I would get a bigger part. I would be applying to college early in my senior year and they all consider activities as part of the holistic college application process. My grades and ACT would be more than enough to get me into USC, but I needed something a little special to enhance my application. I felt I had some talent, but I needed the right part to audition for. I was not exactly leading man material. I was barely 5' 8'' in shoes and you could blow me over with a strong fan. I had pleasant looking facial features, but I maintained the artist look with hair that easily rested on my shoulders. It was long enough to clip behind in the back, but my chosen look was a backwards baseball style hat. My favorite cap was a green Israeli army hat. It kept the hair out of my eyes and I thought it looked cool. The big Spring show was always student written. It would be based upon classic themes in literature or older established productions, but would be re-written to reflect modern themes and more current cultural concepts. Last year they did a modern version of the Grapes of Wrath. Instead of focusing on life during the depression, the story focused on survival of an unemployed family trying to make do in the current economic world. It was an especially challenging story for students to put on in a school district that was generally populated by families that were financially well off. The production got good reviews, but was a little on the depressing side. This year the show was called "Political Side Story." It was a modern take on Romeo & Juliet and West Side Story. The general storyline followed a young woman from a wealthy conservative family that falls in love with a boy from a liberal working class family. The student team that had worked on the script for the last 6 months had the task of bringing in as many political themes without directly insulting the audience or taking too much of a political position. Originally, the writers wanted to make the doomed couple a Gay couple, but the faculty advisers thought that making the central leads Gay, might be too edgy for a High School show. Having gay characters or leads were fine, but they did not think that the audience was ready for them to be the central love affair. The final script included a lot of social commentary and quite a few pokes at the Tea Party, the debt ceiling and Obamacare. It was a well thought out script, but the doomed central love affair almost seemed like an afterthought to the storyline about the worlds separating them. The casting for the roles of Tony and Maria (names taken from West Side Story) could make or break the production. The tryouts for the show were held the week after Thanksgiving even though the actual show would not be staged until mid March. There needed to be a lot of complex staging work and preparation to pull the show together. The play had a lot of juicy roles because the central lovebirds each had family and friends that had to be developed, each with their diverse social agendas. There were three or four parts I would have been thrilled to get, but I could only try out for one. They could cast you in a different (usually smaller) part if they liked someone else for your chosen role, but you only got one chance to make your initial impression. Sometimes you would get a call back or be asked to read a different part, but if you showed well enough, you could be cast without actually receiving a call back. I chose to read the part of Maria's brother Alexander. The consensus best actress in the school was a girl named Monica. She could sing and dance with the best of them. She was also the star of our state ranked volleyball team. Unfortunately for the role of Maria, the character needed someone more delicate. Monica was attractive, but she was both too tall and possessed an athletic build. This was to be Monica's final show before graduating and the directing team wanted her to get a decent part. Monica read for the Maria part and probably would have been adequate. With the right Tony it might be possible for her to look the part, but no one special emerged as a front runner for Tony. The casting crew decided on three call backs for both Maria and Tony, but were a little disappointed in the alternatives. There just didn't seem to be any natural combos. During the call back readings, one of the writers made an offhand comment that Monica could probably read the part of Tony better than any of the guys that were called back. The other two lead writers were immediately drawn to Jenny's comment. It was probably an accurate assessment, but the concept was really the brilliance of the statement. Jack quickly added, "that would be a great twist on the story. If she played the lead male role, it would add some modern intrigue. It would not be a gay relationship, just something extra to make people think." "I am not sure that is what I really meant, but maybe." Kaya also through her thoughts into the mix. "If we cast Monica as Tony, we ought to cast one of the guys as Maria." Mr. Jackson, the theater teacher and our faculty advisor, began to object. Kaya quickly cut him off. "In Shakespearean theater men originally played all the parts. This would just be our modern twist on the concept." "I see your point Kaya, but this is a play with serious themes and is not a comedy." "I really think Monica would be a great Tony, Mr. Jackson." Both Jenny and Jack shook their heads in agreement. "Okay for the moment, assuming she would take on that role, who would you have in mind for Maria?" The room took on a long silence. Jack was first to speak. "Getting a guy to play a female role as anything but for laughs could be a challenge. None of the call backs for Tony could possibly pull it off." Kaya nodded affirmatively as she said "We have to go back to square one with our Maria casting. Let's rethink the auditions; specifically as it pertains to Maria, we have to think outside the box." "We don't want people seeing a masculine guy parading in a dress no matter how good an actor he is. This part needs someone who is less recognizable that can carry it off," responded Jenny. Over the next half hour the committee went over every person that had auditioned for a part. Chapter 2--- I was surprised when I got a call just before dinner on the day the afternoon call backs were being held. I had not received a call back, but the actual casting was not going to be posted for a couple of days. My mother yelled to me to pick up the land line. I almost never used that phone. I slid my computer off my lap and went into my Mom's room to find a phone. She told me Mr. Jackson from school was on the line. "Hello" "Hi Mr. Jackson, what's up?" "Nate, this may seem like a late request, but can you come back to the school at 7:00 to read for a part in the play?" "I thought the call backs were this afternoon." "They were, but we are still trying to cast the show and wanted you to read for another part." "That's cool, which part should I prepare myself for." "We would rather you just came and did it with no preparation." "Why's that?" "There is not much time for you to learn this part and we do not want you over-thinking it." "Alright, I will see you in a little over an hour, thanks..." My heart was racing the moment I got off the phone. My mother was almost as excited as I was when I told her about the audition. She joked that anything that got me off my computer was a good thing. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to select the right clothes to wear. I had no idea what I was going to be reading for, so I didn't know whether a casual or conservative look would fit the part. Ultimately, I selected standard theater duds. I wore tailored jeans and a V-neck purple sweater. I wanted to show I had some fashion sense, but I didn't want to look like I got all dressed up for the last minute opportunity. I also wore my black Dansko clogs because the made me appear about an inch taller. I was greeted warmly by the whole casting committee. They all seemed too social for a call back. This last minute reading was already strange to begin with, but everyone just felt overly friendly. I had only gotten there a few minutes before 7:00, but until Monica walked through the door, I was the only call back there. It was all very confusing, especially since I knew I would not be reading for the same part as Monica. To me Monica was like royalty. She was popular, talented and of course, a senior. I was confident in my abilities, but felt like a child next to her. Her mere presence dominated me, as did her towering physical stature. I was waiting for a cue on what was next. I plopped down into the second row of seats and patiently sat there silently. Monica did likewise a few seats over. I glanced in her directions a few times while trying not to stare. We both shrugged our shoulders and made polite half smiles to each other as we both contemplated what was up. Finally, we were both asked to sit down on the edge of the stage as the casting committee and Mr. Jackson sat down in the first row of seats. This was not how I envisioned a call back. Jenny broke the silence by asking us about the play and the statements that the storyline was trying to make. Before long we were all much more relaxed and the conversation was flowing. Ultimately we all agreed that a majority of the story was about how opposites and people of different cultures could fall in love, but that society was not always ready for this forbidden love. "Jenny, I think we all grasp the meaning that you have written into the plot, but I am still confused as to why Monica and I are sitting down and discussing this with you." "Well, Nate, we have been looking for something to profoundly show that the differences in people are all just a matter of viewpoint. It doesn't matter if you are white, black rich or poor, republican or democratic, even male or female, ultimately love is between two people." "Well I am confident that I can express that feeling given the opportunity. I am sure Monica feels the same way." It was Monica's turn to interject. "I have been to more than a few auditions before; you must be talking about something outside the existing script or we would have already been reading for you." "Monica, your intuition is correct. We have tweaked the main characters to add a twist to the storyline and emphasize that people are just people." Monica looked in my direction and caught my grin before saying, "So you would like us to play the leads, because we are physically a little mis- matched?" "Well, that is sort of..." Mr. Jackson cut off Jenny to get to the point. "What we are about to ask you is not quite so simple. You both have talent and Monica you have always been a shining light in our theater program. The roles we have envisioned for both of you will challenge you beyond anything you might have considered. If you take the leads in the production, it will take all of your skills and efforts and not always be comfortable." "Mr. Jackson, I am sure I speak for Monica, but I would be honored to take on the role of Tony, it would be a fantastic experience to play her unlikely opposite." "As I was saying Nate, the leads are yours, but not exactly as you are envisioning." "What am I missing?" "Well Nate, quite simply, the casting committee would like you to play the lead role of Maria and Monica to play Tony!" "What! You're kidding aren't you? I can't play a girl's part." "This play is a modern take on a Shakespeare classic and in his day all the parts were played by men. Many of the most famous actors of theater and film have played across gender types." "But..... I just can't imagine how I could pull that off. This is supposed to be a serious play and not a comedy." "With the right direction and some coaching we think you have the skills to pull it off. We wouldn't be here right now if we didn't think you could do it." "I just don't know. I am sure Monica does not want to play a guy." "Well Nate, actually I think it would be a rush. I have played so many traditional parts, but this would be a great statement role. I think the challenge would expand my acting resume." Kaya softly clapped her hands as she looked in my direction. If Monica is willing and excited to play Tony's part, it's not like you would be playing a girl's part falling in love with a man. What we are offering is really a phenomenal opportunity for someone that has never had a major part before. I think you could be wonderful, but if you are not willing I am sure we can find a replacement quickly." "I didn't say I was not willing, I am just a little shocked." "Do to the nature of these parts, you will both have to have one of your parents sign a permission slip to fully except these lead roles," added Mr. Jackson. "Can I think about this?" "Come on Nate, you can do this. We will be a great couple." "Monica, you are one of the most popular people in parents sometimes forget my name! I don't want to be a joke." "If you really feel that way this should be great for you. We will be hanging out a lot together, besides if you put your soul into the part you will not be a joke. I didn't even get a lead role when I was a junior." "I guess that is true, but I still think I will look ridiculous on stage playing a girl." "It will be our job, to help you get ready for the part," barked Jenny. "The production is still months away, so you will have plenty of time to rehearse and mentally prepare yourself. Don't take this wrong, but making you look the part will be the easiest aspect." "You certainly know how to make a guy feel good," I responded sarcastically. "So are you going to jump on your opportunity?" "I hope I am not making a mistake, but if my mother says it's alright, I am in." "Is she home now?" interjected Mr. Jackson. "Yes, she is waiting for my call to pick me up." I will call her and explain things and I would like to do that with your parents too, Monica. Why don't you both go and relax for a while and I will make the calls." Monica and I walked out into the hall together. It was an awkward few minutes, but we congratulated each other and gave each other a casual hug. Monica was more excited about her part than I was mine. She couldn't stop talking about how much fun it would be to play such a unique role. She tried her best to encourage me. "We are in this together, Nate. I will be by your side and make sure that everyone gives you the respect you deserve for getting this part. I guess you could say, I will be looking out for you like a good boyfriend should." "Please don't tease me. This is going to be hard enough." "I didn't mean to. I just want you to know you are not on your own, and I will be by your side all the way." "Thanks." Chapter 3---- By the time my mother pulled into the circle to get me, she already knew all about my starring role and what was being asked of me. I was grateful I didn't have to explain the casting twist and have to ask her if it would be OK to play a female character. Her first words were "Congratulations on getting the lead role." I had not really thought about it quite that matter-of-factly. I knew it was one of the two starring roles, but in reality the story revolved around Maria. I would probably make or break the show. "So are you excited?" "I think shocked would be a better choice of words. I am thrilled to get such an important part, but I am playing a girl! In my wildest imagination I would never have contemplated that." "I guess that is a bit shocking, but you probably never imagined getting a lead either. You will have an opportunity to become a real thespian." "That may be true, but I will get there looking like a lesbian." My mother smiled at my little play on words. "What's dad going to say when he hears about this? He's going to think his son is a sissy or something." "Now let's stop this self deprecating nonsense right now. If you don't want people to give you a hard time, you better start by accepting and being proud of your own accomplishments. Your dad will be happy for you and proud just like I am. I will talk to him tonight or tomorrow. Don't fret about your father." "I know I should be happy, but I also don't want to be a joke. I am not sure I can handle performing as a girl. It's all so out there." "It won't be simple, but you have always been creative and a good actor. You have a lot of time to work on your character and get comfortable in being a girl." "By tomorrow everyone at school will know about this, so I guess I will have to get over my anxiety quick. I am not that popular at school now, and I don't think this will help my reputation." "Don't be so sure. You are now a big-shot in the play. You will probably make some new friends." "We'll see." "Your father and I will be in your corner all the way. I know a little about being a girl and I will help you. You are not going to be ready for your stage debut if you spend all of your time up in your room on your computer. I will give you some of my own brand of directing to make things easier." "I will probably get plenty of that at rehearsals, but I know you mean well." "It's going to take a lot more than rehearsals for you to make a convincing Maria. Trust me; your actual director is going to appreciate any help I can give you. Just relax and we can discuss this all later after it all sets in." My fate became official shortly before 10:00 pm, when the cast list was posted online. Under normal circumstances I would have been online every few minutes looking for the casting post, but I already knew my name would be there. I was sort of curious about the other characters, but the thought of seeing my name next to Maria kept me from looking. It didn't take long for my phone to ring. Almost simultaneously, I also began to receive text messages. The first text probably said it best "Is this for real?" My closest school friend Sam was on the line. Most of my friendships were the internet variety and while a few were also schoolmates, I did not hang that much with anyone from school. Sam would easily be classified as my best bud at school. He lived across town so I did not see him that much outside of school, but we did stick together whenever possible at school. Socially, like me, he did not have a great many close school buds. I liked him because he was a great artist and always appreciated all forms of creative expression, including my film blogs. He was also involved in theater, but usually on the set design side of things. "So Nate, you and Monica are the talk of the school. The role reversal is going viral." "I guess I am not anonymous anymore. This thing just happened." "It's so cool! You're famous now." "Yah, but in a weird way." "It's different, but the whole concept is so rad. I can't believe those straight laced theater nerds came up with such a amazing twist. And you are perfect for the part." "I'm not sure I like that comment. Why am I so perfect to play a girl's part." "I didn't mean it in a bad way. Nobody really knows you, so they won't be thinking about Nate in drag. You are a good actor and are one of the few people in drama that could probably pull it off convincingly." "I'm still not sure I like what you mean by that, but I will try and take it as a compliment." "Get used to it. The play is not for over 3 months and rehearsals don't begin until after break. You are going to be the center of attention for a long time." "What's everyone else saying?" "I haven't talked to anyone yet, but it's all over Facebook. Mostly "did you hear?" kind of stuff. I haven't seen anything nasty." "I am getting texts from people I didn't even know had my phone number. Mostly congrats type of bullshit, but I haven't responded to anyone yet. I guess I will just say thanks and leave it at that." "You and Monica are going to be quite a team. How is she doing with this?" "Better than me. She says she loves the challenge." "You should too. Don't forget your old friends when you become a famous actress." "Stop!" "Sorry, I just think it is way cool." "Glad you're thrilled...see you at school tomorrow." "Chio" I spent the next half hour responding to messages. I was a little evasive, but tried to sound excited and appreciative. I wasn't sure what the next few days would bring, but I tried not to think too much about it. I couldn't shake the apprehensive feelings I was experiencing. It took me longer than usual to fall asleep. The built up nervous energy refused to let my mind wind down. When I finally did fall asleep, I was out like a light. When the morning alarm sounded I did not want to get out of my slumber. As I suspected, I received a lot more than the usual level of attention at school. Just about all of my small circle of friends congratulated me and gave me some good natured teasing. I also received hugs and positive attention from theater people I barely knew. More than a few of them affectionately referred to me as Maria. It was not meant as a tease or insult, but rather as a honorary label for my knew found celebrity standing. I was called Maria more than Nate during most of the new attention directed at me. I played along and took it all in stride. I didn't cross paths with Monica until after 3rd period. She was clearly in a good mood and was already into the spirit of the show. As if to make a point, she was wearing a white collared shirt with a black narrow tie. It was stylish, but the implication that she was going to be playing a boy could not be missed in her morning fashion selection. "Nate, now that the reality of your fabulous role has sunk in, are you ready?" "Pretty much. I have not received so much attention since... well, never! So far, I guess it has been easier than I expected." "Well today should be easy. After today the back patting is over and we have to get to work. Rehearsals will begin after break, but you and I have a lot of lines to learn and we both are going to need to practice, practice, practice. Between now and formal rehearsals we need to get into our characters and learn most of our lines. By the time formal rehearsals begin, we should be mostly working on details and staging. We have less than six weeks to be ready." "You certainly have more experience with this than me. What's the best way to get prepared?" "Well you can start memorizing some of your lines, but because this is a student written script, some of them will probably get changed as they work on the staging. The best thing is to get into your character and practice scenes." "That's going to be hard to do before rehearsals." "Not really. You and I are in a majority of scenes together. We can do readings together." "Okay...When do you want to start?" "ASAP. How about tomorrow?" "Where? "My house. We have a pretty big house and both of my brothers are already off to college. We can get a lot of privacy there." "Sounds reasonable. After dinner?" "7:00 or there about" "That works. By the way, tomorrow night you don't have to wear a tie for me..." "Don't joke about this. You need to start thinking more about getting into your part. Loosen up, remember you have to act like a girl." "I'm just saying..." "Tomorrow 7:00 and leave the attitude behind." "Will do" Chapter 4-- I was starting to get comfortable being noticed. My status as invisible was fading away and at least for now I was enjoying it. The next day at school when I crossed paths with Monica she gave me a strange once over and reminded me to be over promptly at 7:00. I noticed she was still intentionally trying to look slightly butch. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. but it was bunched with a simple rubber- band low along her neck. She did not appear to have on any makeup and her clothes included a Chicago Bears T-shirt, jeans and converse gym shoes. She came across as almost androgynous. It might have been my imagination, but even the way she walked seemed more like one of the guys. I wanted to get off on a good start so I rang her doorbell exactly at 7:00. Monica quickly ushered me in and up to her room. She had a huge bedroom with her own attached bathroom. It was definitely a girl's room with the exception of some sports memorabilia. Once we were in her private lair she wasted no time in telling me I needed to get with the program. I was a shocked by her blunt criticism. I was clueless as to her attitude. "What? I am here. I even read through the script a couple of times." "Duh! I know you will learn your lines. Anyone can do that." "So, I still don't get it." "Obviously. You have so much to learn." "That's why I am here." "Have you noticed anything different about me the past two days?" "I guess." "You guess what?" "Well you have changed your look a bit." "Anything else?" "Well today you seemed to be carrying yourself a little differently." "At least you are observant. That's a start." "Monica, I thought you were doing that for fun." "Acting is fun to me. The best actors all have a passion for it. When you get a good role you have to live and breathe it. Some call it method acting, but whatever you call it, you need to think like your character." "I plan to throw myself into as much rehearsing as it takes." "You can't possibly expect to act like the heroine in the play by simply showing up for rehearsals, unless you want to fail." "I am here to get ready. We can work together until we are hoarse." "You are missing the point. You can read the lines all you want and still fail." "I'm listening." "I can't rehearse with Nate." "What?" "You need to be and think like Maria. To play a female role you need to assimilate so much. It is not just a costume. You need to walk, talk, gesture, and naturally send out subtle cues. If you want to be successful you have to lose your inhibitions and for all intents and purposes try and be and think like a Maria." "How am I supposed to do that?" "You committed to this play and everyone knows that. You need to start getting into the role. Throw your male ego out the window. Start showing me and the world some girl." "Say what!" "I have tried to start thinking like a Tony and dressing like one. It's not easy, and I have a long way to go. I haven't seen a thing from you yet. You even showed up here without so much as a hint of your pending character. I know it is a challenge, but you won't be able to snap your fingers and get into the role." "What were you expecting me to do?" "I didn't expect you to show up at school dressed as a cheerleader, but I thought you might at least try and soften your look; maybe a little makeup or at a minimum some attitude adjustment." "I can't act like a girl at school... people will laugh at me." "Has anyone laughed at you yet? The school has shown it is behind you. You might get a smile or two, but it will only be an issue if you make it one." "It's harder for a guy to be accepted acting feminine than for a girl to be accepted acting masculine." "That's a guy talking right now. You have no idea how it is for me." "I'm just not sure I can do that." "You should not have taken the part then." "I just didn't think it would carryover beyond the stage." "Get real! If you are going to pull this off you have to open your mind and go all in." "I don't even know where to begin?" "Exactly! That's why each journey starts with a first step." "What will my mom think if I start acting weird?" "It's not weird and she has already talked with Mr. Jackson and said she would help you in any way she can." "I'll talk with her then... what now?" "You are all questions..... let's get you over some of your fear." "Easier said than done." "I want you to sit down in this chair. I am going to put some makeup on you and brush out your hair. I want you to see a girl in the mirror." "Fine... if you think that will help me get adjusted. I hope I don't look too stupid." Monica worked me over for about 20 minutes. She spent a big chunk of the time on my eyes, but also added facial blush and even some light pink lipstick. When she finished my makeup she removed my ponytail and brushed out my hair. She teased it in a couple of areas and added some a couple of swift puffs of hairspray. As if to add insult to my misery, she dabbed a small amount of perfume on me before she would let me see her handwork. When I asked why she did that she said I needed to feel feminine with all of my senses. My heart skipped a couple of beats when I finally saw my image on her closet mirror. My face looked attractive. I looked a little older, but I knew I was not kidding myself in that I was actually more than a little pretty. I didn't think that would be so easy." "So Maria, how does my girl feel?" "Strange. I never thought I would look like this." "The directors obviously did, but that is just your face. It's a good start." "Ok, but you know I can't go to school like this." "Why not... besides you need more than just makeup. You have to stop fighting it. I should send you home with some of my clothes, but I think you probably need a smaller size than me. Your Mom can probably get you some things." "She'd probably freak if she saw me now." "I bet she would love it." "After she fainted..." "I think we ought to dress you up and see." "I already look different enough to shock her." "I have a sweater dress that would look acceptable on you. Add some boots and maybe a wide belt and you would probably look phenomenal." "What happened to taking small first steps?" "You need an initial shove to get you into the right frame of mind." "If we keep this up we will not get much rehearsing in." "This is better for you than hours and hours of line reading. Until you can accept looking and feeling feminine you will be worthless reading the part." "Ok, get me the dress." "Slow down girl. You need to get ready for it first." "Now what?" I would never have thought this evening was going to turn out like this. Monica had somehow taken over my self control. I guess seeing my pretty face had somehow changed my attitude. As if in a hypnotic trance Monica had convinced me to shave off the minimal fuzz on my arms, legs and even under my arms. I didn't have any yet on my face, so that was not an issue. After rubbing some lotion onto my skin she insisted that I put on a pair of her panties and one of her bras. I changed in her bathroom and she slipped two rubber stress balls through the door. These were sand filled and once in place gave me a pretty big set of breasts. I felt naked and quickly slipped the maroon dress over my head. After coming out of the bathroom she gave me a pair of tall black leather boots that had about 3 inch heels. A matching wide black belt with a chrome buckle was positioned around my waste. The shoes were snug, but actually fit reasonably well. Monica never let me pause as she kept adding elements to the mix. Before she was done I had on a series of wrist bangles and some clip-on earrings. As Monica finished her work she re-brushed my hair. I think I let out nervous giggle, which prompted, "somebody is getting into this." Monica had a huge grin on her face as she stepped back, "Now you are Maria." I just couldn't stop looking at myself in her closet mirror. I was terrified, but also fascinated over my transformation. I looked almost as good as most of the girls at school. An hour ago I would never have thought this possible, but here I was dressed completely from head to toe. "So Tony, what do you think?" "I may turn into a jealous boyfriend... you are going to get a lot of attention from the other boys. How do you feel?" Stealing a line from West Side Story, I said "I feel pretty." "Well you are. It's a good first step for getting into your part. You look like a Maria and that was the first time you acted like one. The more you dress this way the better an actress you will make." "You are probably right, but it's not like I can do this all the time." "And why not? You are probably a little dressy for school, but you need to start bringing some of this expression to school. Girls wear jeans, but you have to start incorporating feminine personality traits into your life 24-7." "That scares me. I am just not sure I can do it." "No one will care and everyone knows you are playing a girl's part. My guess is that your friends and classmates will think it's cool and really get into it." "A couple of them have already started calling me Maria and even that feels so odd." "Maria is such and old fashion name. I think I like Mia better. Nate from now until the final curtain goes down, I christen you Mia." "Let's just say I am willing to try and be more Mia and less Nate, my parents may have something to say about that." "Well Mia, that's why we dressed you up,. It is time for your Mom to meet her daughter." "I think I need to tone this down for her." "No way. That would defeat the point. Put your old clothes in this bag, time for me to drive you home." I was petrified as I walked down the driveway and got into Monica's CRV. Even the simple task of walking in heels was something that I had to learn. Not much was said on the short drive to my house. After we parked in the driveway I called my mom on the phone and asked her if she could meet me and Monica alone in the kitchen. She wanted to know what was up, but agreed to meeting us there. It was kind of funny, but she commented that I did not sound like myself on the phone. It was probably because I was nervous and talking softly, but my voice was obviously the least of the change she was about to notice. I wasn't sure what to expect when my mother saw me decked out in Monica's clothes, but her reaction wasn't what I expected. She must have suspected something like this because there was no shock on her face as she first laid eyes on me. Her first words were "Stand up straight and pull your shoulders back a little." "I can explain." "I understand honey, you're anxious to start getting ready for the show." "You're not mad or upset?" "Of course not, I was planning to get you some things and see how you looked this weekend. Turn around for me, so I can get the full view." "This just sort of happened tonight on a whim." "Nate, that dress looks adorable on you, but may be just a little long for you." "It's Monica's and she is taller than me." "I sort of assumed that, unless you already had been accumulating some girl's clothes that I did not know about." "What? No, Why would I have done that?" "It's OK, Nate, I am not trying to say anything." It was Monica's turn to speak up. "Mrs. Adams, it is important that Mia spend as much time as possible learning to be a girl. Even at school she needs to include as much of her feminine side as possible. Everyone knows about the play and will be behind her all the way. If she is going to be a convincing Maria in the show, she needs to get totally comfortable being a Mia when off the stage." "Monica, why are you calling her Mia?" "That's the name that Nate settled on since he doesn't really look like a Nate now and Maria sounded kind of old fashioned. She will probably better fit in with the other girls as a Mia." "Hey you both, you keep calling me a she. I'm still a guy even if I don't look like one right now." "Honey, you picked out a pretty name for yourself. I think it best that we think of you as a she so long as you are being Mia. That is part of the learning. Your sensitivity to that is why you have to practice." "It just seems so unnecessary. That sounds like you expect me to be a girl all the time." "Well honey, Monica is right. If you really want to make the best of your big theatrical opportunity, you really do need to basically try and get used to being Mia. I can help you at home and Monica and her friends can help you blend in at school." "I'm not wearing a dress to school." Monica jumped on his attitude "It doesn't matter if you wear a dress or not. It's almost better if you don't. If you can change enough elements of your look and attitude to become a convincing Mia without screaming look at me in a dress, Then you will be ready for the stage and be a convincing woman." "Monica, I had a long conversation with the drama teacher, Mr. Jackson. He asked that I help my little actress with things only a mother could. I told him that I would and we agreed that practice, practice, practice would be the only way to pull this off. I am sure he would be on board if 'Mia' began to spread her wings a little at school." "Mom, I appreciate your understanding, but don't get carried away; besides Dad will freak if he knows I am prancing around as a girl." "You are probably correct and your father may take some time to fully get comfortable about this. I told him last night about your part in the show and he took it hard. You know he loves you, but it took a while for him to settle down." "I was afraid of that." "Your dad is not homophobic and not completely un-sympathetic, but you know he always dreamed of you being more the fraternity boy type. I don't think he ever forgave me for buying you that Princess costume for Halloween when you were 5." "I don't remember that... I was a princess for Halloween?" "I am surprised you don't remember it. You were so cute; no one suspected you were a boy. You were having such fun I never gave away your secret." "Wow, I really don't remember, but what about all of this and Dad?" "Well he went on about boys should act like boys and girls like girls. I started to get angry with him, when he cut me off and said he wasn't naive or an idiot. He commented that he didn't have a problem with boys that wanted to be girls or girls that wanted to be boys, just that it is just something a parent doesn't wish for. He explained that it is definitely different for kids today, but he may need some time to get used to you as a girl." "You told him the girl stuff was for the play, RIGHT!" "I did, but he just sounded defeated. When we were all done with the discussion, he said he would be supportive. It might take him a while, but he would learn to adjust. He even said he would do whatever he could to help. I am not sure how he can do that, but giving you some space and being supportive is probably enough." "I am having dinner with him Saturday, so I guess I will find out. He has always been good about my theater stuff, so I hope he knows why this is such a big deal. I imagine him seeing me dressed girlishly off the stage might be asking too much. I will keep the Mia thing as far from him as I can." "Honey, he is going to know and besides I already warned him that if he came by the house he would likely see you practicing. When you meet him Saturday it is best that you get this confrontation over with. You will feel better if you don't need to sneak around behind his back. Tomorrow is Friday and after school we will go and get you some of your own things and we have all day Saturday to prepare as well. From Now until the show is over you are going to be my Mia." "Mom, I won't need that much." "Monica will tell you, a girl needs a lot of help looking her best. You are starting from scratch." "Mia, your mother is right. You don't want to wear the same outfit to school every day." "Outfits? I thought I just needed some things to express a more feminine appearance." "Some of the things we will get for you will not be that different than some of your old boy clothes, but it should all have some element of your new persona. Trust me, you will look very nice." "Mrs Adams, it sounds like you have this under control. I look forward to rehearsing with Mia. It also sounds like I should be focussed on upping my effort to be more of a believable Tony. It will help Nate adjust to being Mia if I also throw myself into being Tony at school. That way no one can question Nate's motivation if we are both doing this all the way." "Thank you, Monica. That is probably a very good idea. If both of you are clearly into your roles at school, I think almost any style might be possible." "Monica.." "Mia, you need to call me Tony. Get used to it." "Ok Tony, I think you dressing the part will probably make it easier for me, but let's not get carried too far away." "Mrs. Adams, I am going to head home now. You two can have some mother daughter time now." "Thank you for everything Monica. I will have Mia return your things after we get her some of her own items." "No hurry, I think they look cuter on Mia, anyway. Bye now." Chapter 5 --- Everything seemed to be happening so fast. A few hours ago I was heading to Monica's house to rehearse and now I found myself looking and being treated as a girl called Mia. I knew from the time I took this part that I would be bending the gender barriers, but I never really thought I would end up playing out the part so thoroughly off stage. My Mother expected me to dress, act and be her daughter almost completely when at home and even more disturbingly I was expected to extend much of that role playing to school. The school aspect was still not sitting well even as I was beginning to accept my crazy predicament. The conversation with my mother was brief after Monica had left. She just tried to reassure me that everything would work out and be OK. She reiterated that tomorrow was Friday and that we would begin my education after school. She brought a few things into my bedroom and also cleaned out one of my drawers and made some space in my closet. I was told that would be good enough as a start. The final reference to to my new found status came when it was time for me to get ready for bed. I was carefully shown how to properly remove my makeup and moisturize. I was emotionally exhausted as I headed to bed. I was quickly asleep even though I had a fitful night of strange dreams. When I finally awoke in the morning all that was on my mind was the pending challenges and changes that were coming. On my chair next to my backpack was a neatly folded gold sweater. I didn't remember it from the previous evening's activities. As I was rubbing my hand over its soft feel, my mom surprised me from the hall. "It is called cashmere. That is why it is so soft. I thought that wearing one new thing would be a good way for you to get into the right frame of mind for the future. It is a very basic sweater that is similar to your others. It has a boat neck opening which is just a little larger than most of your old tops. "Mom, I certainly don't have any this color." "Honey, let's not start this every time you try something new. Are we understood?" "Ok, Ok just saying." I went on to get myself ready for school and the last thing I did was put on the sweater. When I did, I also discovered other differences. It was longer than most of my sweaters and the sleeves were puffy except where they gathered back in at my wrists. The material felt luxurious but the style over my straight leg jeans sent out feminine signals. I knew that was the intent, but I was tensing up thinking about it. I mustered all the strength I could to not complain and just keep on getting ready to go. As we prepared to head out the door my Mom pulled me aside and repositioned the rubber band holding my hair in the back. She took it out, brushed my hair and then re-positioned it much higher on the back of my head. She also had left a few strands in the front on both sides to hang freely. When she felt satisfied she commented, "this will have to do for now." I would never had put my hair up like this, and again expressed some mild resistance. I considered that once at school I could change it, but with Monica and my mother working together I knew I had to be careful. Between my hair and the feminine sweater I knew my new look would be noticed. Even before school started, I began to get some comments from classmates. Most of my friends just smiled and many of them gave me some sort Maria compliment. While not everyone knew of my part in the play, the only ones who said anything were the ones that did. To the rest of the students I was just another classmate. I even had a senior boy that I did not know make an extra effort to hold a door for me. I was finding this almost too easy. When I crossed paths with Monica just before lunch she was genuinely happy to see me. I actually felt she cared when she asked how things were going today. She had obviously tried to look a little more butch than before. She had on some of her brothers work style boots and a checkered shirt. Even with the changes she still looked like a girl. There was no mistaking her chest and even with her hair pulled back her face looked female. For the first time since we received our lead roles, I was the one pushing the gender bender line further. My last period was drama class and Mr. Jackson seemed pleased with my appearance. We didn't talk about the changes, but he did say at the end of class that he had spoken with my mother again today and that both of them were on the same page. As I was leaving the studio after the bell, he said he looked forward to seeing even more of Mia. I had not mentioned that name to anyone, so it had to have come from my mother or Monica. Instead of taking the bus as I typically did, my mother was waiting for me as we had agreed. "So how was your day sweetheart?" "It went better than I thought. Most of the grief was good natured. To tell you the truth, outside of my friends and some of the theater crowd, nobody really cared." "More importantly, how did you feel?" "After the initial fear, I guess it wasn't much of a deal. The strangest problem I encountered was that after a while, the sweater kind of tickled." "That's probably because you had nothing on underneath. I should have at least had you wear a cami." "A what?" "Don't worry, you will learn." So now what? Head to Target and grab a couple of things?" "That is so cute. You are now a teenage girl that has absolutely nothing. Actually, you have less than nothing. You don't even own one bra. We can add things as we go along, but we have to start with the basics. After that, we can have fun and develop your personal look." "Whatever, I just wish I was invisible." "Just follow my lead and don't make faces or resist. Remember how easy it was at school. If you just go along like it is no big deal, it will go faster, easier and will be more fun." "Fun! We'll see." We pulled into a parking space in front of shop called Schwartz Intimate Apparel. "The first thing we need is to get you properly fitted for your first bras. My friend Sally is expecting us and she will measure you and help us give you some shape." I didn't want to get out of the car, but I knew I had no choice. I looked around to make sure I didn't recognize anyone and then quickly shuffled inside. I had never been inside a store like this. I had a few times walked through the lingerie department at Macy's at the mall out of curiosity, but never had I been inside a shop that exclusively sold that type of product. It was not a place a boy usually ventured. Inside it did not take long for my mother to find Sally. "So you must be our new actress. Your mother told me about your desired plans and special needs. I am sure we can find you some very pretty things to help you look and feel like all the other girls. I wanted to shrink out of sight.. "Thank you Sally, but can we do this in back?" "Don't be shy; you are not going to see any boys here." What little remaining male ego I possessed, had taken a fatal beat-down. "Fine. Mom lets pick out what I need so we can move on." To my relief, I was ushered into the changing room. "Strip down to your panties so I can measure you." I took off everything but my Jockeys. "That is not going to do. If you want to look appropriate we need to flatten you out down there." I did not like the sound of that. A few moments later Sally had a tape measure on my hips, chest and stomach. She even measured my modest 5"7' height. "You have a nice thin frame that with the right padding will look wonderful. First we need to give you some panties that will hold your boy-thing out of sight. Change into these and tuck yourself under before you pull them all the way up. These are tight enough that they should hold it out of the way." As I complied, I tried to just think I was home alone in my room. It was uncomfortable to position myself like that but the stretchy, off white panty did the trick. To my dismay my manhood was now hidden. I could hear Sally talking with my mother about additional panties. She even referenced some padded briefs that would add some curves which would enhance my shape depending on what I wore over them. I could see that my mother was not in the least distressed that her son was being fitted for girl's lingerie. There was even some delight as she handed me a matching satin bra. "Mia dear, slip this on." I slid it over my shoulders, but had trouble trying to close it in the back. Sally helped me secure it and mentioned that she also had front closing bras which might be easier for me at first. I tried not to think about getting used to this. "Mom, I didn't bring any extra socks to fill the empty cups." Almost on cue, Sally slipped two jelly filled forms into the empty cups. I could feel the weight pulling on the straps. Everything was holding and I was sporting a healthy looking pair of breasts. "These are so big." "Mia, it's ok that I call you that." "Yes, it's fine. As I was..." "Mia, your mother thought you should have proportional breasts for a girl your age and size. Remember you are going to be an actress on stage. The forms are a full "B" cup. but despite your thin frame you have a little baby fat on your boy boobs, so with these you are nearly a "C" cup. Probably a "B", but with a pushup bra, it will look like a full "C"." "Honey, your first bra. I know this probably feels strange, but for a girl this is a big deal. I never thought I would have the opportunity to go shopping for bras with you, so just try and be a little excited." I didn't have my mother's enthusiasm, but I could tell it was a special moment for her so I tried not to ruin it. Over the next 15 minutes I tried on about a half dozen other styles along with a very restricting garment that my mother called a cinch. Finally, I heard them both agree that I had enough items for the time being. "Can I take this off now that we are done?" "Honey, let Sally clip the tags off that one so you can wear it." "Is that really necessary?" "Mia, what did we talk about? You are going to need some shape to select your new clothes." I hoped that the sweater would hide my new cleavage, but it did the opposite. The sweater now hugged my new curves and gave me an unambiguous female body. We left there with a two full bags of items. I knew I was going to being wearing these more than just on a rare occasion. I was much more conscious of what I was wearing than I had been earlier. Previously, the sweater and carefully arranged hair might possibly be construed as androgynous, but now that I was sporting a healthy cleavage the image belonged to a girl. When we pulled into the parking lot at the local indoor mall called Northbrook Court, I was the recipient of a short lecture from my mother. "Mia, we are going to make a few stops and the only way this is going to work is if you start showing some of your acting skills. From the moment we get out of the car, you need to be my daughter. Even with only these minor changes you are looking very feminine, no one will suspect that you are anything but teenage girl. That is unless you give them reason too. Just follow my lead and I will try and give you some tips and instruction along the way. If you don't have an answer to a question, just look to me and I will help." "I know I agreed to do this, but it just now feels so hard core. It's almost like I switched teams and the acting opportunity is an excuse." "That's understandable, but immersing yourself all the way will allow you to become much more comfortable that if you reflected neither boy or girl. You have always enjoyed acting, so if you just allow yourself to try, it might turn out to be an illuminating experience. You will learn everything about girls, and one way or another that should help you down the road." "Ok where to?" We made our way to the MAC cosmetic counter at Macy's. When we departed there about 45 minutes later, I had a makeover that was typical of a girl a couple of years older than me. My eyes looked like saucers with a slightly smoky hint, my cheeks looked higher with what my cosmetologist called contouring and my lips were a deep pink. I suspected that our salesgirl knew I was a boy because of my utter cluelessness, but she never directly said anything. I left there with all the makeup any girl would ever need, including a makeup bag. I didn't see the total cost, but I knew from holding a few items that each item was very expensive. My mother did not seem to care. We were not finished at Macy's. Next was the clothing department. Once there I tried on garment after garment. I rarely left the woman's changing area after we had piled up more than a dozen different items. In the changing room I tried on dresses, slacks, leg hugging jeans, and an assortment mix and match separates. At first, I tried to relax and enjoy modeling the clothes. I actually thought I looked pretty nice in many of the styles. However, after a while the constant flow of clothes began to get tiring. When we checked out, the sales girl gave me smile and mentioned how lucky I was to be getting so much fabulous new clothes. We spent so much that they made my mother show her driver's license to verify that this was her credit card. In addition to a majority of the clothes I modeled, I found that my mother had added to our purchases various tights, socks and belts. My mother had me run our current haul of clothes and cosmetics to the car. I thought we had acquired so much more than I could possibly use, but she said we still need a few odds and ends. When I returned from the car she had made one additional purchase. She had me put my small wallet and the few items in my pockets into a NineWest cross-body purse. As we entered the atrium at the mall my mother looked in my direction and said "Shoes" "Ok where?" "They have shoes here, but I like the shoe department better at Lord & Taylor. Not today, but maybe another day we can go to Shoe Carnival or one of the other discount shoe warehouses. First, while we are here I want you to select a few quality pairs and we can add some inexpensive fun ones later on the cheap. You need some basics and I tam sure we can get that covered at the mall." As we headed through the mall my eyes drifted back and forth scanning the shoppers for people I knew. It wouldn't be long before I would be on display for friends at school, but I still had not overcome all of my anxiety. About halfway from Macy's to our stated destination, my mother spotted something that caught her eyes. "Let's make a quick detour." She led me into Clare stores. It was a store she certainly did not frequent, but she was obviously familiar with their products and services. Once inside she wasted no time chatting with the girl at the counter. The young lady then pulled out three boxes. "These will suffice for now." When I saw what she was looking at, I quickly realized what she was shopping for. "Mom, you can't be serious. This is not makeup. This is permanent!" "Mia, first off if you decide to stop wearing them, the holes will close naturally. It's not like you would be the only boy at your school to have pierced ears." "But Mom, it's usually only one ear." "Under your beautiful hair it's hardly going to be noticeable. Let's not quibble over this. Your ears are hardly going to be a noticeable change at this point." She was right, but her matter-of-factness was what I found distressing. Her eagerness to make me so completely girlish had graduated from cooperation to total transformation. Snap snap and I was now the owner of gold studs in both ears. In addition to paying for them, we left with a pair of hoops and a silver pair that looked a little like a hanging chandelier. We finally made our way to the shoe department. Once there I got an education on the endless styles available and what you would wear them with. I tried on heels, flats,. dress shoes with and without straps and various boot styles. It was very challenging for me to walk even a few steps in some of the higher heels. Ultimately, I left with two pairs of high boots, one ankle length pair and two pairs of casual shoes one with no heal and the other only a modest heel. I also ended up with a dressy set that would obviously not be for school. I ended up wearing the ankle boots out of the store. The clerk said they were perfect for jeans or tights. The new shoes adjusted my posture and pretty much finished off my remade image. Even if I wanted to, there was no pretending that I was anything other than a girl shopping at the mall. Looking back, I believe it was at that point that I consciously tried to act more feminine. My appearance was so altered that I saw no point in trying to hold on to my masculine pride. It was just easier for to me to re-enforce the image that people would see. I think my mother sensed when I abandoned my reluctance. The afternoon had shifted into evening and we were both getting tired. Even though we were ready to leave, we ended up at the upscale Bistro attached to the center. I was so hungry and had all but given up fretting about bumping into friends. I did see some people at the restaurant that I knew, but they were not close acquaintances and I don't think they recognized me. When we got home it took it took three trips to get everything into the house and up into my room. While I had been at school my mother had reorganized much of my clothing and rearranged my room. The top two drawers in my dresser were now completely empty and a majority of my closet was empty. All of the displaced clothing was either in the guest room or in bags for Goodwill. My mother insisted that I was long overdue for cleaning out my old things and getting rid of things I had outgrown or did not wear. Later, as I began the ritual of removing my makeup my mother informed me of my 10:00 appointment in the morning. I was set to see my mother's stylist named LuLu. She owned a chic salon in downtown Highland Park and had cut my mom's hair for the past few years. I was hoping for a relaxing day before my scheduled dinner with my father. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I did complain about her just dropping that on me. For the first time since this began my mother apologized for doing something without telling me. She said that not telling me earlier was an oversight and said she would try not to do that again. As I readied for bed I was grateful that I would have at least a short break from my immersion in femininity. My relief was quickly dashed as my mother handed me a pink pajama set. It included tap pants and a matching camisole. There was little doubt that she intended me to maintain some degree of femininity 24/7 until the show was over. This was apparently going to continue as part of my routine for months. I slept until I was roused by mother shortly after 9:00. "Get up sleepy head, time for your appointments." The plural appointments did not go un-noticed by me. "More than one?" "Not really, just beauty things at the Salon. It is really just one." "I am afraid to ask, but what should I wear?" "It's on your dresser. It will be much easier if you have a skirt." I wasn't sure why a skirt would matter, but I knew she wanted me dressed as Mia. It would be my first venture out during the day in a skirt, but it wasn't as if it made much of a difference at this point. "Don't worry about your hair; they will be washing it before they trim it." I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before working my way to the dainty outfit that awaited me. I tucked myself under then slipped on 'my' panties and bra before positioning the breast-forms in place. Even with my hair in a mess, I was transfixed with my female shape. It was a cross between fascination and infatuation. I knew I was doing this for a purpose, but the the new self image was oddly not repulsive. When I regained my composure I put on the black ruffled skirt and the maroon blouse. The blouse had a low neckline and draped down from my breast-line. The sleeves were three-quarter length and had a silver trim much like the collar. In front of the combo on the chair were my new low heeled black boots. Also la

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

4 years ago
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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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Mark 2 Batgirl Who Me

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 02

((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 03

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the third and final part of this series covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Parts 1&2, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a...

2 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 01

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 8 – Batgirl Vexed’. I’ve had numerous comments about the ending to that particular piece, so in response, even though it’s a while since I posted that one, here’s a follow-up. I hope that you like it. As it seems with all my recent work, I’ve found it difficult to include all the content that I think that the story needs into one episode. As I also wanted to reduce the length of these pieces...

4 years ago
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Supergirl Part 2

Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...

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TGirlsxxx aka! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

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Batgirl and Robin

“ ... and on the social scene, Gotham’s best and brightest will be found at the Gotham Civic Center later tonight for Mayor Caruso’s Annual Children’s Benefit. The premiere event of the season, women the city over are still vying for a last minute invitation to what promises to be the most exciting night since...” The voice of the radio announcer brought a cheerful smile to Barbara Gordon as she again let the warmth of the overhead shower splash across her breasts. Not only was she one of the...

3 years ago
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Tgirl Jill initiated by 3 BBCs at nightclub

I'm a white whore blonde bubble butt Tgirl BBC fuck slut living in Las Vegas. I love it here because we get many big black studs who cum here to be serviced. I dance at a private unadvertized no-name shemale club off the strip which caters to big black studs only. I love the thrill of being on stage and "slut-dancing" to tease all of those big black studs. I absolutely love, love, love to tease BIG BLACK COCKS of any size or age until they are rock hard and dripping wet with precum...just the...

2 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 02

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 04 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 03’ and is the final part of this series. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. Of course you’ll probably need to know about the Alien spaceship, stranded in Gotham due to a lack of a key energy source, and the innovative way that they found to replenish it with some involuntary...

3 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 02

Title A Day in Gotham — 2 – Batgirl Begins2 ((Author’s note — this is the second part of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. As with all multi-part stories, it would be better read after Batgirl Begins 1, but for anyone who wants to dive straight in I’ve added a very brief summary of events in the story so far below. I really, really recommend reading the first part first though! And, before moving on, a quick vote of thanks to NaughtyIrishGirl for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Please enjoy...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 01

(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

2 years ago
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Batgirl Returns Part One

Introduction: Oracle redons the latex costume as Batgirl once again. Oracle had redonned the Batgirl uniform once again, it had been a few nights since her intial return to crimefighting and subsequent take down. One she did not want to have happen again, her body still ached all over. She entered into the Old Gothaam Adult Toy factory, it had long since been abandoned and used by derilects and such. She walked through the main area, she walked past display vacbed, and tables that had custom...

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Batgirls predicament chapter 1

Batgirl slowly opened her eyes, moaning, only to find that it was all dark around her. Her head was pounding and she felt disoriented and weak. She immediatley knew on some level that something was not as it was supposed to be, but she couldn't get her mind to think straight. She struggled to keep her eyes open, only to find that it was too hard, and she drifted back to sleep again, her subconscious vaguely recognizing that she was restrained somehow...Sometime later, she awoke again, only to...

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Batgirl Returns Part One

It was a slow night for Roland. He hated the late shift, especially patrolling the adult toy factory. His girlfriend had left him several weeks ago and seeing all the sex toys made him wish he had someone to play with. But he didn't really have time for a relationship right now. But he needed to get laid though. As he walked the factory he heard a noise and he pointed his flashlight in the direction. He saw a woman in a skin tight costume. "Hold it right there!" he called...

3 years ago
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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Undone

A Day In Gotham – 7 — Batgirl Undone (Rejection, discipline, a stranger lights up the day) (Follows episode 6 — Batgirl’s Torment) (Author’s note — this represents a further episode in poor old Batgirl’s monumentally dysfunctional life — sorry for the delay — useful if you read the previous episodes first but not essential — hope you enjoy – comments welcome!) Contents, Chapter 1 — Keeping an Eye on Things Chapter 2 — Batgirl Prepares Chapter 3 – Robin’s Big Chance Chapter 4 – Batman’s...

2 years ago
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Tgirl Jills BBC pounding fantasy in casino s

A big black stud invited me up to his casino room when we were on the casino floor.When I entered his top floor casino room he was watching an IR porn video with a bubble butt blonde BBC slut getting anally gangbanged by 12 BIG BLACK COCKS balls deep.His BIG BLACK COCK was already rock hard and glistening with wonderful black precum.I immediately dropped down to my knees and placed my hot pink shiny lipstick lips on the head of what had to be a BIG BLACK 12" COCK and it must have been 2" in...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 3

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Part 2

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

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Supergirl Part 1

Chapter 1It was cold and snowflakes were slowly drifting to the ground around me where I sat on a thin piece of cardboard. The people around me hardly gave me a look as they entered or left the bus station.“Could you spare some change, please?” I said to an older woman.She ignored me and hurried off.“Change, please?” this to a man in his forties.“Get a fucking job.”“Can you help me with one?”“Yeah, you can give me a blowjob,” he laughed as he walked past.“Fucking asshole!” I screamed at him,...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 03

((Authors Note — here’s the third and final episode of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing about my favourite super-heroine. As with all such series, it’s probably best to read episodes one and two first, but if you can’t wait here’s a very, very brief summary of events so far. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) has just started out on solo patrols. With Batman’s help she captures a dangerous criminal called Marco. Flushed with success she goes to Wayne...

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Tgirl Jill teases BBCs at truck stops

I'm a white blonde bubble butt Tgirl living in Las Vegas and sometimes I go out and cruise the truck stops on I15 down south to I10. I do it at night and sometimes for a whole weekend in my mini van which has darkened windows.I love to get out of my mini van and walk around the back parking row at the truck stops. When I cruise to tease BIG BLACK COCKS like this I always wear my hot pink naughty schoolgirl BBC-teasing TGirl outfit. I love the clickity sound of my 8" hot pink platform high...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 4

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

4 years ago
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Ponygirl Sisters

Ponygirl SistersBy SarahChapter 1:  Making Ponies        Sarah and Julie squirmed as their father adjusted the ropes holding them to the bondage frame in the back yard.  Both girls had been hanging upside down by their ankles for the morning, but now their father had flipped them over, so they were now being suspended by their arms.         Sarah and Julie were 18, and had been living normally until their parents had found on their computers, multiple links, images, and videos of ponygirls. ...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P8

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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The Erotic Adventures of Supergirl

Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Batgirl Perspective of an Artist

“That was a great interview!” gushed Anita McCall as she and Dr Susannah Lascelles left the Gotham Museum of Modern Art. “Don’t mention it,” replied the tall woman with the long curly blonde hair, “It was a pleasure in every way. Not only did I get the chance to talk about my life’s’ passion for art but I did it with someone who is quite a work of art herself!” Anita laughed nervously. “Oh,” she chided, “I’m sure there are plenty more pretty girls in this fair city!” “Don’t sell yourself...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 5

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community...

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The Perils of Dating Supergirl

Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...

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Where Ponygirls come from

Where Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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The troubles of Supergirl

Hunting down a speedster was hard business - impossible for most people. For Kara In-Ze, also known as Supergirl, it was far less so. First, Kara had her Kryptonian Vision that enabled her to search large areas despite all obstacles - she was tracking the supervillain even then. Secondly, while she wasn't as fast as a speedster in her moves, she could fly, taking shortcuts the speedster could not. And third and most important (at least as far as Kara was concerned), she was eighteen now. Gone...

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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

2 years ago
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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

3 years ago
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Colleague knows my likes and dislikes

Hello all, I am posting one more reader’s story. It’s a real incident of Ankita. I am Ankita, 37 years old. I wanted to share my sexual story as I can’t share it with anyone. I won’t disclose my contact details, company name, or other personal things. I moved to Hyderabad for a job because of the low cost of living. I was pretty happy with the job. I got a job in a good information technology company. I don’t like western dress. So I used to wear Indian dress and never exposed my cleavage. I...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Vexed

A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...

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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 5

The time was somewhere 7 in the evening. There was a full moon up on the sky, shining very brightly. It was a very large restaurant, surrounded by palm trees and the sea behind it. In front of it was a vast car parking space. Tonight tons and tons of limousine have been coming by, as the filthy wealthy and the criminal elements from America and all over the world had been coming just for one thing — expensive nyotaimori dining. Inside the restaurant the space was very large, even larger than...

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The birth of Poison Ivy and fall of Supergirl

2150 A.D Los AngelesIt's been 150 years ago that we discovered the kryptonite on Earth and yet we know nothing about it only he weakened Superman and his cousin Supergirl. We know nothing about its power its effects on human. However it's gonna change. Indeed professor Pamela Isley experienced it against her will. But who is Pamela Isley? She is a young woman 25 years old brunette hair blue eyes 5.5 feet 32C this lovely girl has no lover but doesn't despair she has no friends either, indeed she...

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