TGTV: WKRP In Cincinnati free porn video

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TGTV: WKRP in Cincinnati By Heather St. Claire How does an adventure in fantasy become a journey of self-discovery? Well...I guess it happens when your fantasy overlaps too much with things you're dealing with in real life. As you may know by now, I'm one of the charter subscribers to TGTV, a new cable service that allows you to enter any television program, to occupy the body of any female character, and to change the sex of any of your fellow cast members. Neat, huh? My first two stops were in the bodies of two quite lovely 1960s television icons...Laura Petrie and Samantha Stevens. Being Laura was wonderful; being Samantha was even better. And not just because of her magical powers; while it seemed like Laura was the perfect picture of the 60s era TV housewife, Samantha was something new; besides being a wife, a mother, a housewife, and a real beauty, she had something more going for...and it wasn't just magic! It was power. She was a woman who was feminine, sexy, beautiful, and powerful....and I liked it. This was a bit disconcerting to me in some ways. It didn't quite fit with my self-image as a woman. From a man, that would sound like an odd least to most people. But I think some of my readers and friends at Fictionmania will understand what I'm talking about. There had been a lot of reasons why I had dreamed of being female from an earlier age. Certainly, a love of the female form was a big part of it. I just didn't like the rough, hairy male body. The soft curves of the female, clad in beautiful clothing, seemed to be what I was meant for. But there was a lot more to my female dream life than a mere wish to be an animated mannequin. No, to me, the essence of being female was being a gentle, loving nurturer; the male was the hunter, the gatherer, the protector. The female was the protected one. How I longed to be the mother tending the nest. That seemed to be the true essence of womanhood. So my time as Samantha was something of a revelation. Here was a beautiful wife, loving mother, unquestionably feminine...and unquestionably a strong person in her own right. Part of me didn't want to leave her...but as ever, I was too curious about what life in another program would be like, so I reluctantly exited my television again. Besides, I would have to spend enough time working to pay my bills...keep my apartment, and most important, keep my subscription to TGTV. I knew my free trial would be running out, and no matter what the cost, I HAD to keep this. I thought for quite a while about my next stop, and finally settled on "WKRP in Cincinnati." I thought I could feel comfortable there; after all, I work for a radio station in real life. Now, guys-and gals-I don't want to disappoint you all too much, but I didn't pick Jennifer Marlowe. I can hear the collective groan right now. That face-that hair-THAT body-I know it just seems like too much to pass up. But it seemed to me that life as Jennifer would be too much like life as an animated mannequin. After all, she really didn't seem to do much during the run of the program except look gorgeous. (I know, I know, that's what we all want. But what did she DO, other than wait around for some millionaire to propose?) No!, I chose Bailey. Lovely, timid Bailey Quarters. Talk about an honest, beautiful face. Lustrous light brown hair that flowed down her back. A nicely proportioned figure that was beautiful, yet seemed a lot more like a real woman's than Jennifer's. Though I have to admit to a moment of second thought.... It came right after I had jumped into Bailey's office. I seemed to be in the hallway right outside the station. I was wearing brown shoes with two-inch chunky heels; beige slacks that showed off the curves of my butt nicely; a light tan shirt with a medium brown sweater over it. Top this off ensemble with my large glasses, and I thought I had a classic, Annie Hall, preppy sort of look. I felt good about myself. That feeling lasted until I walked through the front door of the station, made that familiar right turn, and found myself face-to-face with Jennifer. Good lord, the woman was a Goddess. It wasn't like her body was looked more like the work of a sculptor. Of course, she had it displayed in a skin-tight green sweater dress. She was watering the plants-one of the few things she seemed to actually *do*-- and bending over in just such a way that every one of her delicious curves was shown off to maximum advantage. That's when I had a brief second thought about my choice. Here I was, a pleasantly attractive woman....standing a few feet from a Goddess. Yet the feeling didn't last. I felt a great loneliness radiating from Jennifer. It must be awfully tough, just marking time in this way.....and I realized she didn't have any real friends at the station...except maybe for me; the "other woman." And then, I thought about how Bailey's character had grown, evolved over the course of the series. She had grown from an almost invisible presence in the background to a confident, assured woman who was playing a greater role in the operation of the station all the time. Of course, it may not have been much of a st!ation. Still, we had risen from 16th to 6th in the market under the leadership of program director Andy Travis. As wacky a place as it was, WKRP actually seemed to be going places. I'll let people who haven't been in radio in on a secret...those characters (with the exception of Jennifer) aren't fiction...they're all drawn from real life! I guess I had been standing there thinking about all of this, just sort of starting into space. Suddenly, I heard Jennifer saying, "Bailey! Earth to Bailey! Are you there?" "Huh? Oh, sorry, Jennifer, I just zoned out there for a minute." Then, to my surprise, I found myself asking her, "How was your date last night?" It still puzzled me how easily I acquired the memories of these character's lives, even incidents that hadn't been shown on TV. If I thought hard enough, I could recall Bailey's first period, first date, first kiss.....and I would, in the days ahead. It was a fascinating learning experience. "Oh," Jennifer said with a shrug. "You date one oil millionaire, you've dated them all." I thought I could hear the laughter of an unseen studio audience, in the distance; yet I could tell that she meant every word. "Tell me, Jennifer," I found myself asking, "is it worth it? All the dates? All the gifts?" "Yeah," she said with a dazzling smile. "It is." But somehow, I wasn't convinced. At that point, Andy came bounding in, greeting us with a cheery, "Morning Bailey, morning Jennifer." "Uh...Hi, Andy." I was puzzled at my tentativeness. Why, when Bailey had been growing steadily more confident in just about every aspect of her life, was she still shy and awkward around Andy? Then it dawned on me: "You're attracted to him, you dope," an inner voice said. "Yeah, I guess I am," I muttered to myself. "You are what, Bailey?" a perplexed voice asked. I looked in front of me to see the brush-cut top of Les Nessman's head. In heels, I was taller than he was! I hadn't been taller than many men as a woman; it was an odd feeling. I gulped and said, "I guess I am a little behind on getting ready for the 10 o'clock news," I stammered. "I better get to work." As I headed back to the bullpen, I found my thoughts straying back to Andy. I thought about his kindness, his sense of humor, his wavy hair (seemingly never out of place)....and his nice, tight butt. This was strange...I don't think I had ever had quite such passionate feelings for a man! Even during my time as Laura Petrie or Samantha Stevens, when I had been a married woman, I had felt what seemed more like a warm affection for my TV husbands. This was different...exciting....and a little scary. I suddenly realized another one of my co-workers was trying to get my attention. It was the man at the desk in front of mine, the one and only Herb Tarleck, general sales manager for WKRP. The only man for whom a plaid jacket, white shoes and matching belt still represented a dynamic fashion statement. "Yo! Bailey!" he said for what must have been the fourth or fifth time. "I asked if you had the copy ready yet for that new promotional campaign." I quickly started searching through the paper piles atop Bailey', my desk. Suddenly, something kicked in, and I knew what Herb was talking about, and just where to find it. "Here you, go, Herb," I said, handing him the papers. "Thanks," he said snappily, grabbing them out of my hand. He headed toward the front office. "Now don't try to tell Mr. Carlson that you did all the work on this one!" I called after him. He glanced back with a "Who? Me?" innocent-type expression. I just shook my head. I was quickly settling down here. With my background in radio, my years of avidly watching the program, and my growing confidence as a female, I thought life as Bailey could be very pleasant for some time. As the hours sped by, I found myself getting more and more comfortable in my new fact, I began to not even think of it as a was almost scary to feel this comfortable, this quickly! Before I knew it, it was time to head home. In the lobby, I ran into dear, dithery, Mr. Carlson. "Hey, Bailey," he said with a big grin, "You know I don't tell you often enough what a good job you do." I felt myself blushing. "Thank you, Mr. Carlson," I said. I had no trouble finding my way to Bailey's clean, but modest apartment. This apartment of 1982 didn't seem too different from the world I left...the big thing that seemed to be missing were the modern electronics. No home computer. The Internet, of course, wasn't even a gleam in Al Gore's eye. The answering machine seemed big and clunky. No VCR; they were still big ticket items then, and Bailey couldn't afford one on her salary. (If she had, there would have been that difficult choice-VHS or Beta?) And of course, there had been that morning when Andy came in proudly displaying that hot new gadget....the Walkman!. I changed into a nightgown, made a pasta salad for my dinner, and settled down to watch TV. (Yes, I know you rarely see TV characters actually watching TV, but I had to do something to pass the time.) This was a strange feeling, compared to my other forays into TV land....both times previously, I had been a married woman. But now I was single. And lonely. I had known plenty of loneliness as a man, but as a woman, this was a new experience, and I didn't care for it. I didn't exactly feel incomplete without a man, but I thought my life would seem fuller, happier if I could connect with one. So what should I do? The answer seemed obvious-go after one. One who I already realized was available, and who I found very attractive. Namely, Andy Travis. As a man, I had found it difficult to initiate relationships with women. Now, as a woman, I was setting my sights on landing a man. It seemed ironic in more ways than one. Over the next couple of days, my approach was fairly simple. I would look for opportunities to seek out Andy's counsel as much as possible. No matter how inconsequential, I'd bring just about everything I did to him. Finally, when Thursday arrived, I knocked on his office door, heard him call for me to come in, opened the door, and found him staring out the window at the streets of Cincinnati below. Before he had a chance to turn around, I took advantage of the moment to really get a good look at that nice, tight butt of his. I didn't understand these feelings....I tried to figure if it was the kind of sensation I used to experience looking at a beautiful woman. No, I decided, that was an esthetic appreciation, perhaps mixed with a little jealousy. This...this was pure lust! Then he turned, and I got the full force of that charming smile. He tossed his head back, ever so slightly, and that perfect hair bounced just a little bit. I felt a fluttery feeling inside. "Uh, Andy, I don't want to disturb you, but-" "Oh, Bailey, it's never a disturbance when you come to see me." As much as I wanted this to mean something more, my womanly intuition told me he was speaking as a co-worker and friend. I smiled back at him and asked him to look at the scripts I had prepared for a new news series. He took the papers from my hand and quickly began scanning them. Soon, he was handing them back with a smile and an affirmative nod. "Bailey, this copy is great, and thanks for showing it to me, but you really don't have to, I trust you to get this kind of stuff right." I found myself averting my gaze, almost an involuntary reflex, so I forced myself to look straight at him. "Thanks, Andy," I said, drawing in a deep breath. (I had stepped into the ladies room right before coming in here. Everything looked fine, but I couldn't help but wonder if my makeup was OK!) "There was another reason why I wanted to see you, though." "What's that?" "I wanted to know...." I found my voice losing strength, so I cleared my throat and began again. "I wanted to know if you were free tomorrow night, and if you were, whether you'd like to have dinner and see a movie or something." He looked at me with an open-mouthed expression of amazement. I felt my cheeks begin to flush. I was sure I was blushing! Feeling very uncomfortable in the silence, I began to stammer. "But if you don't want to, that's okay too, and could we maybe pretend....." Thankfully, he cut me off in mid-sentence. "Bailey, I'd love to take you out! It's just that....we've worked together for four years now, and I never had any idea you were interested!" I smiled, "I guess that's my fault. But I hope you understand the shy young girl who was hired here not long before you were is growing in confidence as a woman in a lot of ways...not all of them related to work." As I said this, I pulled off my glasses and stepped closer to him. He took the cue, and soon had wrapped his powerful arms around me and was kissing me. God, it felt wonderful! I loved the feeling of my female body enveloped in his strong masculine one, his scents...everything about him. The kiss seemed to go on forever, and it might have, except for the unexpected sound of Andy's office door opening. It was Dr. Johnny Fever, just off the air after his morning drive shift. He was wearing his dark sunglasses, indoors, even though it was cloudy outside. He mumbled "Hi Andy, Hi Bailey," and made a beeline straight for the coffee urn. He filled his mug, flopped down on the couch, and before he could take a sip, promptly fell asleep. Four years of morning drive, and it hadn't gotten any easier for him.... Andy and I looked at each other and laughed. "Thank goodness it wasn't someone who had their eyes open," Andy said. The next night, I rushed home from work to have plenty of time to get ready for our date. Andy had warned me that we wouldn't be going anywhere too fancy, but I still wanted to look my best. I gave myself the luxury of a bubble bath, followed by a quick shave of my legs. I still delighted in these feminine acts....perhaps a genetic woman looked upon this as just as much a chore as I once thought of shaving my face...but for me, this was still new, and wonderful. I delighted in putting on fresh lingerie, and perfume, and makeup. I must have wasted 20 minutes going through Bailey's closet-my closet- before I picked out a silky blue one-piece dress with long sleeves and a self belt. I put on a pair of white pumps and an imitation pearl necklace. Okay, I thought, as I did some last-minute primping in front of the hall mirror, maybe I looked more ready for church on Sunday than a night on the town, but Andy struck me as a guy with old fashioned values. It was a feeling reconfirmed when I opened the front door a few minutes later. Andy stood there, in a sport coat, slacks and tie, looking very sharp and more than a little uncomfortable. I could tell he would have much preferred being in his jeans and cowboy boots. He held a bouquet of carnations. "Oh, thanks, Andy," I said, taking the flowers. "How sweet. These are for me?" "Well, they're not for Mrs. Carlson," he said with a chuckle. After I asked him if he wanted something to drink, and I headed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for each of us, I said, "When is she going to just let go and let her son really run the station?" Andy stretched out his legs on my coffee table as I returned. I thought about saying something, but quickly decided not to. "The day she dies, Bailey," he said with a sad shake of his head. "The day she dies." He took us to a nice seafood restaurant, and afterward, we went to a showing of "Tootsie." When he asked me if I had seen it, I had to remind myself not to say, "Oh, I own it on video, I've watched it dozens of times..." and simply replied, "No. I've heard it's really funny." As I expected, Andy was a perfect gentleman, throughout the evening, always holding doors and pulling out chairs for me. At the movie, he waited what seemed like a respectable amount of time before trying to hold my hand and put his arm around me. I snuggled closer to show him I enjoyed it....very much! The film was almost over before he kissed me. I felt the same electric tingle I had felt in his office a few days earlier; if anything. this was even better. Back at my apartment, I invited him upstairs for coffee, but he graciously turned down the invitation. We didn't sleep together on the second date either, or the third. But on the fourth...well! Let me tell you that Mr. Andy Travis is quite a lover....strong, yet gentle.....loving and creative....and nicely limber. He may not have ever done time as a real cowboy back home in Texas, but believe me, he could have! He knew how to ride a wildly bucking filly-me! By this point, everyone at the station was aware of our budding romance. In a workplace the size of ours, things like that don't stay secret for very long. Jennifer seemed to be very happy for us, and so did Les. I think Herb was a little jealous (and here I thought all his lust was directed toward Jennifer). I sensed a little sadness in Johnny, too, which didn't surprise me; I always thought he had hidden feelings for Bailey-for me. Venus was, well Venus-cool, hip, and a bit distant. The days passed into weeks, then into months. I seemed to be settling into a whole new life. I began to entertain thoughts of staying as Bailey. My romance with Andy was going beautifully; professionally, I seemed to be gaining more confidence all the time. With that increased self-assurance, I found myself more willing to take chances of all kinds. I gradually moved Bailey's work wardrobe out of the Annie Hall/preppy look toward something more fitting my own tastes; I began to wear more blouses, skirts and dresses, especially soft florals and pastels. It wasn't what was considered "professional" attire in those power-suited mid-80s, but it was what I liked,and what made me feel feminine. And if I felt like Andy and I needed a long weekend together, I'd call in sick for both of us on Thursday night, show up at his place early Friday with a couple of airline tickets and a packed overnight bag already in hand. Everything seemed great until that day in mid-March when Andy called me into his office. I saw a look on his face that told me he was trying to contain some kind of strong emotion. "Sit down, Bailey, my darlin'" he said. "Big news." "Well," I said with a toss of my long hair. "Are you going to keep me waiting, Mr. Travis," I said sweetly, "Or do I have to torture you to find out what's going on?" "It's WLS in Chicago...they want me to be assistant program director!" he was practically gushing. WLS, I knew was one of the country's prime rock and roll stations....this was an enormous opportunity for Andy. But I couldn't help but ask, "But...what I didn't know that you were out looking." "Baby, I wasn't! It was a headhunter firm. THEY called ME! Can you believe it!" "Well, it's a fabulous opportunity, no doubt about it." I waited for some word about where, if anywhere, this left our relationship. "Oh!" he said, as if a switch was suddenly tripped. "About us....well, gee, I sure hope you'll come to Chicago with me." My mind was heavy with the question: AND? Live together? Get married? What? But if he didn't want to answer, I didn't want to ask. I stood up and said, "I'm very happy for you honey, really I am. I'm going to need some time to think. I know you've got a lot to deal with right now." I figured he would be giving his notice to Mr. Carlson. I didn't want to burden him with the big news I had. My period was now three days late in starting. I thought about looking for a home pregnancy test in a drugstore, but I knew the early ones weren't reliable; I wasn't even sure if they were on sale yet. Anyway, with so much riding on this, I had made a doctor's appointment for the next day. I had to be sure. I tried to get work done that afternoon, but found it hard to concentrate. It would have been even more difficult had I known about a conversation going on in the front office at that same time. Although I don't know the exact dialogue, I can imagine it went something like this: Andy leaves after giving his notice, thanking Mr. Carlson and wishing him well. Mr. Carlson scrambles back to his desk, picks up the phone, and dials a familiar number, and squeals, "Mama? Help!" After listening to the situation, Mrs. Carlson probably told her son something like, "Obviously, there's no way to keep from losing Travis. This is too good an opportunity; we're lucky to have had him for as long as we have. But we can't afford to lose Quarters, too. There's only one way to keep her here, and you know what it is, Arthur." "I do? Oh, sure I do! (pause) "What is it, Mama?" That would have set the stage for what happened first thing the next morning, when I walked in, and Jennifer told me that Mr. Carlson wanted to see me right away. I knocked, he told me to come in, and asked me to sit down on the couch. He sat next to me. "Bailey," he said. "I'm sure you know Andy is leaving us." I nodded. "I don't know where things stand in your relationship, but I want you to think about something. If for some reason, you're not going to go to Chicago with him, we'd like you to stay the new program director." Now it was my turn to have my breath taken away. "Mr. Carlson, really? I can't believe it!" "Bailey, you've grown a lot in the time you've been here, and we have every confidence in your ability to do the job. We'd love to have you stay, but I know you have to do what's best for you." "Can I have a day or two to think things through?" "Sure." I left the office more dazed then ever. The final piece of my dilemma fell into place at the doctor's that afternoon. I was pregnant! I phoned the office and told Jennifer I wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. I had to get home, had to be alone, had to think. Well, I had wanted to be a woman. A woman with all the joys and sorrows, all the potential, all the choices....and now I had those choices to make. Boy did I! I went to bed, cried, prayed, cried, prayed some more, and finally fell into a fitful sleep. The next morning, I woke up with a strangely calm feeling. I knew what I was going to do, and set out to do it. First, I met with Andy, and told him that I was pregnant, and that I wouldn't be going to Chicago with him. Gentleman that he was, he even offered to marry me! But I told him I didn't want him to marry me out of any sense of duty; I wanted it to be purely out of love. "Face it Andy, we've loved each other, for a season, a wonderful season....but we aren't meant to spend the rest of our lives together." He had his head down; I think he was fighting back tears. I stood up to leave, and he stood too; we embraced for a long moment, then I went to see Mr. Carlson. I told him that I was willing to accept the job, but that he had to be willing to deal with a single mother as his new program director! "Oh! Wow! Uh..." he said. I put my arms on his shoulders, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Thanks, Mr. Carlson. I'll do my best to fulfill your faith in me." I stuck around as Bailey a couple of more weeks, getting settled into her new job, and preparing for her motherhood. It seemed like it was time to move on, although I knew a part of me would always remain at WKRP.

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December 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How bad?” I asked. “Well, if my initial, off-the-cuff analysis is correct...” “Which it usually is,” I interrupted. “Thanks. So, if I’m right, the MBA playbook says cost-cutting, including rounds of layoffs, reductions in benefits, and increased fees for our products and services.” “That would wreck the company,” I said. “But it would improve the bottom line today!” Elyse countered. “And that’s how you know why I will never go public and never...

4 years ago
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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

2 years ago
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College Recommendation Coercion

Chapter 1 It's funny how things can come together for you when a sexual fantasy suddenly moves very much into the realm of sexual reality. I'd been fantasizing about a friend's high school age daughter, Catharine, for nearly three years. Like many young teenage girls, even as a high school sophomore, Catharine had been very sexy and increasingly mature physically during her last three years of high school. As a high school senior, she'd been nothing short of a total fox. I had enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part Six A weekend of c

Mutual Masturbation: Part Six "A weekend of cum"The next time the three of us were able to get together was about two weeks, but it was worth the wait! Jeff was going to have his house to himself for the entire weekend. He had invited John and myself to stay over Friday through Sunday. He said he had a surprise for us, but we would have to wait till we got there to find out what it was.I got to Jeffs around 7:00 on Friday night, put my bag in his room and went back into the family room. John...

3 years ago
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Susan at work Part 7

When they’d all left Lee told Susan to go and shower so that he could fuck her clean body.She knew she had no choice and went and has a long hot shower, glad to get rid of all the spunk that seemed to be everywhere. When she came out Lee was naked on the bed. “Come and suck it babe, get it nice and hard and I’ll give you a good fucking and make you cum”. She knew she had no choice and knelt over him and took his limp cock into her mouth. She’d now become quite an expert and soon had him hard...

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The FourDay Weekend Part II Truth or Dare

I woke up freezing. Lying naked on your bed all night without any covers will do that. At about the same time as I was pulling blankets over me I suddenly remembered why I was naked. “Do you feel that hard bump, near the top? That’s your clit. That’s what you want to focus on.” “Amy… Oh my God, Amy!” “Just relax, just let it happen.” “Augh… augh!” Last night, my best friend Minda and I had gotten a little experimental. One thing led to another, and before I...

1 year ago
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Epsilon Nu Zeta

Dear Sisters, Welcome to the Epsilon Nu Zeta sorority, formerly known as Kappa Sigma Phi at Eiko University. All legacy students are required to rush by alumni parents. Once you rush there is no going back. You must be 21 to rush, no exceptions. You must be female to rush, either born female or fully transitioned; we don't wish anyone to be uncomfortable or feel uncomfortable. You must maintain your grades, although the sorority has ways of dealing with failing sisters. You may not date any of...

3 years ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

3 years ago
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Sexting mother in law

Andy had never tried to hide the lust he had for his mother in law. Why would he? Who knows what might happen? Ever since he was a spotty teenager dating her daughter Kath, he found it hard to control his desire for her. At the time she was in her mid 30’s and thus every teenage boys dream MILF, big tits, tight arse, short skirts made for looking up to catch a glimpse of panties. Yes every time he went to his girlfriend’s house it was hard to hide his hard cock and that wasn’t because he wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Birthday Ball Wish

It's your younger sister Triss's birthday today and you have been making rude pranks all day today, by the end of the night you made her slip on a slippery buttered floor and fall, "Fuck you!" Triss slammed her door behind her and layed in her bed crying. "I'm wish I could fucking destroy his nuts..." She muttered while falling asleep.

2 years ago
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Jacks Little Bitch

Steph had been gone for about one week out of her two week visit to her Mom. She’d asked me to pick up the mail and water the plants while she was away, because her boyfriend, Jack, was also going to be away for the month on a business trip abroad. “Jack wouldn’t remember to water the plants even if he was there,” said Steph, laughing. “At least I can trust you.” Steph was right inasmuch as I could be trusted to look after the place whilst both she and Jack were away, but sadly I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Inspiration Ch 01

A sweet voice sang, ‘I’m your biggest fan!’ The voice sounded so innocent with a tad hint of naughty flirt. His lips curved a slanted grin as he refused to lift his head or eyes to peer at the face that went with the voice. He asked, ‘And what is my biggest fan’s name?’ There was little flattery in his tone. That sweet voice replied, ‘Sally.’ His slanted grin somewhat faded, the name was so dull and average. His fingers gripped the pen then wisp the tip across the inside of his hard cover...

2 years ago
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Film for a few FriendsChapter 2

Lynn had said no adamantly, but Phil was a hard person to turn down. He had quickly found a way to remind her subtly that her marital happiness depended entirely on his keeping his big mouth shut about their wild life together prior to her marriage, and Lynn realized that in the long run she had very little choice. He had given her five minutes to dress while he smoked quietly in the living room and then bundled her into his car and driven rapidly to the studio. From the outside, everything...

1 year ago
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Rough and Tough

Tonight way going to be awesome. I just got home from work, took a shower, and now i was putting on my favorite outfit! It was Friday night and no one was going to stop me from having a good time tonight. I met up with some of my friends at a gas station down the street. We decided to hit a few clubs, then afterwards, if we didnt hook up with anyone, we were going to go to our favorite bar "Shouters". We had the whole night planned out. We were planning to be feeling the effects of tonight...

3 years ago
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Her passed out friend Kat

This is a shorter one about making up for a lost opportunity with one of Erin's old friends.This one happened about 10 years ago. We were having a get together with an old friend and her k**s and her new hubby. Kat had gotten married a few years before to a guy we found to be very loud and obnoxious. You know the type, 5 foot 7 with a big voice to compensate for his vertical challenges. Kat we’d known for well over a decade beforehand. She had 3 k**s from a previous relationship and they were...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Admired Lady

Hey guys, I am a daily reader of ISS but I never thought that one day the love magic will happen with me and I will be here to write and share my first story with you guys. So without wasting your time, I would directly come to the story. I would like to give you a brief background about me and the love of my story. My name is Sahil, 20 years old, 6feet 1 inches tall, fair in colour, currently residing in Delhi. My love’s name is Ritu, 35 years old, married, 5ft 4 inches, she resides in Delhi...

4 years ago
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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 6

My night shifts were over, but I wanted to be the one to take Josh to school for his first day of kindergarten, so I swapped shifts this one day. There was no problem at all when we reached his room. All of the friends his age were there. The room was ringed with concerned parents, waiting to see how things were going to go with the kids as the teacher introduced herself. I watched Josh and when I saw that he was okay with being in school, I stopped into the Dollar Store to tell Mary that...

2 years ago
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Super Bowl Bet

To start, let me say I am not a big sports fan. I have nothing against sports and do not mind going to an event every now and then but mostly I have no real grasp of the rules and no real interest to learn them. I rarely ever watch sports at home other than to watch a major event and that is really more so I can invite people to over for a little party. Super Bowl for me is just one of those times, drinks, food, funny commercials and friends. For a few weeks my boyfriend, who is a Giants fan,...

Straight Sex
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Stepping Out With Steph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Blair and Stephanie grew up in a household with a divorced mom, who was fairly conservative in her beliefs, being the sister of a minister. Blair was only 16 when his older sister caught him staring at her and her friends, and responded to this "lewdness" with an atypical sisterly gesture- she teased him by flashing him her breasts. No doubt their mother would have disapproved of this action, but she never learned of it. In any case, Blair's reaction...

2 years ago
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Halo Ch 03

Ren stood on the front veranda looking out at the heavy storm clouds that had massed in the west. He turned his head as he heard footsteps beside him and he saw Brad stop and look out at the sky as well. ‘I’m glad we insisted Janey take Nicky home when we saw the storm clouds building up. It’s blowing a gale out there now,’ Ren said indicating the trees that were tossing wildly in the strong wind. ‘Yes, I’m glad they’re both back home safe and sound,’ Brad agreed. ‘So you get to see your son...

3 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 4 Gay

For a couple of weeks, a friend of mine since High School has been blackmailing me into having gay sex with him. Actually, I've been the one sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. He came over to my apartment about three weeks ago and was helping me fix my computer while we took in some of the NCAA tournament basketball games. He identified the virus on my computer but he also found some gay porn sites that I had viewed. I had never had sex with another man before. Nor had I really ever...

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Interlude Master is making me write an update about our daily lives and tells me I need to apologise for taking so long between chapters. So to all that enjoy the stories I am writing but get frustrated at the pacing I am sorry but I have a hectic life. It got a lot more hectic after I met Master online. Naturally I was very apprehensive about this and for a number of years in denial about my sexuality and of course my submissive desires. To compensate for this I would chase after...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1719

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 17 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. ...

3 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 9

In early afternoon of the third day after we'd left New York City after dark, we arrived in front of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis. It was a congested urban area, with railroad tracks and streets going every which-way around the big indoor stadium that rose high above us. I wasn't even certain that this was the "front," but Bridgett assured me that from our location we were, indeed, looking up at the main entrances to the facility. There was no sign of our...

4 years ago
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Days in the Island Sun

The Caribbean sun was sinking into the sea, coloring the waters copper and gold and setting the surface sparkling like a million diamonds. Jaquan relaxed on the beach. He'd had a long week working and was glad that Friday evening had come. He was nineteen, slender and toned from a boyhood of playing football and cricket, and swimming in the warm waters that surrounded his island home. His skin was a rich deep brown. His hair was black and kinky, and dusted with sand.The sun sank lower until it...

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the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. a midget walked onto the stage holding a dog chain and dragging two fat ladies. they were mother and daughter.both were very very fat (sbbw). the daughter was strapped into a chair and the dildo of a sybian slpped into her pussy. her mother was shackled to an XFRAME and then lowered in the horizontal position. both were naked and their rolls of fat were wobbling as they were placed into position. the Mandingos came on stage and surrounded mother and...

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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 8

The morning was busy just shopping for food and items for the house and farm. While they were out at the farm, Tom met with Hans and started talking about horses. Hans said, “What do you want to have here? A mule can breed with a horse and if you are looking for a puller that isn’t always bad. If you are breeding for speed, it could take a top mare out of production with something that is worthless.” “Hans, my goals are short and long term focused. I want a good-sized garden out here. We...

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Parents Just Dont UnderstandChapter 9

“This is going to be our last session,” Dr. Williamson said, and a soft smile appeared on his face as he saw our looks of horror. At least, I assume Mom’s face mirrored my own. How could we manage without him? He’d taught us so much, in such a short period of time. No, wait. We’d been seeing him for years. Ever since I was ... My forehead crinkled as the math somehow alluded me, but before I could think too much about it, Dr. Williamson drew my attention again. He was talking again, and we...

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This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too. At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6'tall athletic and she was 5'7" slim in excellent shape. I...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 109

By 10 o'clock, everyone was awake – even Sarah. Meredith had grabbed a quick shower and pulled her last change of clothing out of her overnight bag. It was something she should have considered. The $200 Ben had paid her wouldn't go far as a clothing budget – unless she shopped at Goodwill. Still, she was fairly certain that the apartment complex had a coin-op laundry and that no one would expect her to go around nude. Rachelle was in the room when Meredith pulled out her remaining folded...

2 years ago
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Thank you Angela

I got to visit Ted and Angela again. We had such a wild and hot night last year but I always thought that Ted was uncomfortable with it. We’ve bumped into each other here and there when our friends get together for dinner and drinks. I will flirt with Angela but respectfully keep my distance. This because I didn’t know how Ted felt about things.Ted and Angela had another dinner party. I plan on doing a lot of drinking so I asked if I could stay over tonight. "Yes... but only if you behave."...

3 years ago
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The Wayfarer

There is actually a new universe in here, as anybody can be switched by the indian at the Wayfarer Inn. (By the way, the Wayfarer Inn is situated between the Professor's town of Ovid and Elizabeth Bennett's town of Zenith.) The Wayfarer by Raven and Caleb Jones That was it. I'd finally gotten tired of my life, packed up a few things, and hit the road. I wanted to start a new life somewhere else, where nobody knew me. I could be anybody I wanted to be. Anyone other than...

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This story is not for anyone under the age of 18. (21 in some areas) It contains explicit sex and adult situations. This is actually my second attempt at writing fiction. (I'm still working on the first project) Constructive criticism is OK, as are positive comments. Keep the rest to yourself. Surprised "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" I froze in place. Scared shitless, I almost peed my panties. I had just come down stairs and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Zara Durose Gettin8217 Kinky With The Cam

Zara Durose & Joss Lescaf are getting kinky with the cam in today’s Hands on Hardcore masterpiece by DDF Network. The two start making out on the pool table and continuously take pictures of each other while fucking on that green fabric! He takes a snapshot of her grabbing him by his balls, sucking his enormous black dick and licking his big balls. See that hot Redhead take off her top and reveal her big round tits to his smartphone camera. Zara Durose can’t wait to feel his big...

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A Very Special Evening

Whilemy husband was at work and I had my day off, I figured I’d have a romantic evening. I thought, to myself the possibilities, to make tonight romantic. I looked through my closet where I kept all my lingerie. I wanted something that said sexy, yet not slutty, sweet but not too innocent. I decided on my light blue silk lingerie with pink accent bows to make it sweet. I had matching garters and white thigh highs. I decided not to wear any panties to surprise him. I looked in the mirror...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Jazmine Cruz Fitness Fucking

How would you react if a hot, MILFy fitness instructor with a banging body and big tits started stretching in front of you, spreading her legs wide and showing off her flexibility while her face was inches from your cock, bending over to show off her ass? Well, you’d probably tent your shorts, which is what happens to the guy in this scene. While she’s getting loose, he’s getting hard. Fortunately, before long, the fitness instructor, 43-year-old Filipino wife and mom Jazmine...

4 years ago
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Eric Angel 1

I got up out of my bed showered quickly threw on some clothes and headed out the door to school i didnt bother to eat breakfast why bother ?. I got to school at 8:05 , five minutes before the bell for home room would ring. I had to go to my locker for my english book , just as I hit the corner to get to my locker. The reason why I hate coming to school was coming my way. Eric walters captain of the football team was walking down the hall way with his boys Kevin and Tarell. Now they all were...

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I Sell my mothers ass to a neighborhood stud

The next morning I took advantage of the situation. I heard Mom in the kitchen and knew my sister Sandy would sleep late that morning, and my brother Joey was out running around the yard. I came up behind my mother and grabbed her ass while reaching around and getting my hands firmly one of her 36C tits. She jumped the moment I grabbed her and tried to push away from me. I tell her “ I’ve got a woody and I want you to suck me”. Mom says “No!! I can’t do that. Sandy is sleeping and Joey could...

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District 2Chapter 4

Not long after Johann has left does the door open again. Story almost doesn’t bother looking up. When she does, however, she sees Doctor Reading standing before her. See recognizes the woman right away. “We don’t have much time to get you moving,” the doctor says, kneeling down to help Story to her feet. “You’re a little late,” Story says groggily to the other woman. “And I would have met you sooner, if had you not gotten caught or Johann not moved quite so fast.” The last part of the...

2 years ago
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A Gift for His Mistress

Mike came home from work with a gift for his mistress. The gift was a tall, blonde hunk named Nick. Once Mike and Nick arrived at his house, Mike was excited about seeing the look on Jana's face. Jana came down the stairs and saw Mike and her gift. Mike said, "Nick, this is Jana, my mistress." She said, "Hi, Nick. Mike, he's really cute." Jana got a look at Nick and liked what she had seen. Nick was tall, blonde, blue-eyed, well-porportioned, and had a sexy ass. She inspected him with...

2 years ago
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Gori Ladki Ki Choot Mari

Hello friends mera naam aadi hai or mai pichle 12 yrs se europe mai reh rha hu.. Mujhe yaad bhi nhi k aaj tk maine kitni ladkiyo or anties ki choot mari hai but apne kuch experience aap logo k sath share krna chahta hu.. To dosto ye baat 3 saal pehle ki hai tb maine ek bhout bdi international compney mai join kiya tha.. Jab mai interview dene gya to vaha 1 ladka jo k mera boss hai or ek ladki kim bethe the.. Jis ki age 26 yrs thi.. Uska figure 36,28,38 tha, jab mai office mai gya to maine...

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