TGTV: Bewitched free porn video

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TGTV: Bewitched By Heather St. Claire "Oh, Rob!" I sobbed, taking great, heaving breaths; it seemed if I was going to hyperventilate. I'm not even sure what had set me off this time--all I knew was that I was crying, and falling into the comforting arms of my husband Rob. Thanks to the magic of my new TGTV cable, I had spent nearly a week as Laura Petrie--the very young, beautiful, sexy wife of Rob Petrie on "The Dick Van Dyke Show." (TGTV is a cable service that allows you to enter any television program, taking over the body of any female character; and to change the sex of any of your fellow cast members.) I loved this body, I loved this life, and I especially loved being able to change the whiny son of the Petries, Richie, into sweet, well-behaved Rachel. But I was also getting curious...itchy....I wanted to be another beautiful television woman. But who? I couldn't decide right away, but chose, somewhat reluctantly, to exit my television for the time being. To be male again, and to be back in my humdrum apartment, was a disappointment, to say the least. The beautiful woman who had hooked me up to the service had promised to deliver a comprehensive instruction book, but so far, it seemed that she still hadn't appeared with it. So I did what I had done before....started channel surfing until a likely program came along. (It didn't take too long, by the way. One of the other wonders of TGTV appeared to be an unusually wide channel selection, including programs I hadn't seen in years. If I ever did want to just watch television, there would be no lack of choice.) I quickly settled on another enduring classic, "Bewitched," which had run from 1965 to 1972 on ABC and in reruns uninterrupted ever since. I focused the remote on the set, pressed the ENTER button, and felt myself being drawn into the set.... much as I tried to get a feel for the experience, it was over too quickly; there was a brief sense of being out of body, and that my consciousness was traveling, things I had already surmised; but I couldn't see or feel anything.... .....until I opened my eyes, and found myself standing in the Stevens living room. It had worked again! I was Samantha! This second time as a woman was just as wonderful as the first. I hurried to the first mirror I could find, to take a close look at my new body. I felt womanly, beautiful, and powerful. I had slim, shapely legs that were shown off to fine advantage by the green polyester mini-dress that Samantha wore. (Oh, the sixties!) This was a lush, curvy figure, with full hips and buttocks, a nice narrow waist, and two full breasts, supported by what I immediately realized was an underwire bra. My new, oval face was framed by long, flowing blonde hair that was upswept right before it reached my shoulders.... longer, but not all that dissimilar from Laura's style, and another sixties classic. The classic features of Samantha's face--my face now--seemed just about perfect. Nice, full lips, a slim nose; two luminous eyes, set off by a pair of carefully thinned brows. I was so absorbed in my face and the sensations of this body that it took me a minute or two to notice that I was wearing an apron. What was going on? I concentrated for a minute, and it came to me. This was a Thursday afternoon....Darrin was at work....Tabitha was asleep upstairs.....and I was baking cookies! That realization came too late, unfortunately, to keep those cookies from being burnt. I must have missed the timer while I was staring at myself in the mirror...and the first thing I knew, I was smelling smoke. I hurried into the kitchen (my time as Laura had helped me master the art of running in heels), but by the time I pulled the cookie sheet from the oven, all I had were a series of blackened circles of dough. Before I could decide what to do about the burned cookies, I heard a voice from upstairs calling, "Mommy! Mommy!" Tabitha was awake. I headed up the stairs and into Tabitha's bedroom. There she was--my beautiful, angelic, daughter--ready to wreak havoc on the world! I knew this was the stage of life where Samantha was still batting to contain Tabitha's budding witchly powers. "Can I have a cookie, Mommy?" she said. "You promised when I got up from my nap!" I thought for a moment and opened my mouth, thought about the burned mess downstairs, and heard a "Wellllll...." come out. I had to stifle a chuckle. It was one of Sam's trademark lines. "Just a minute, dear," I said, lifting Tabitha out of the crib. Back in the kitchen , I looked at the cookies, and pondered. It would be so easy to use magic to fix this mess. But Darrin--my husband!--was resolutely opposed to me doing that; he wanted us to live as normal a life as possible, despite my powers. I could understand it intellectually; and in this body, I felt Samantha's true desire to follow her husband's wishes. But I was Samantha now. I had a hungry daughter....and to be honest, I was dying to try out my new powers. I looked at the mess, thought about a perfect sheet of hot fresh cookies, and twitched my nose. I expected a "tinka-tinka" sound....but nothing. That is, if you call the miraculous transformation that took place "nothing." Soon, I was back upstairs, with a glass of milk and a plate of hot, steaming, absolutely perfect chocolate chip cookies for Tabitha. After she finished her snack, she wanted to have a pretend tea party; I happily lost myself in a world of girlish childhood fantasy, and once again felt a small pang of sadness that I had never been able to have a girlhood of my own. But that slight empty ache was soon overwhelmed by the happiness I felt in this body, and the closeness I felt to my lovely daughter. Yes, I thought, it would be nice to stay here for a while. But something was still nagging at me? What? It seemed that if I concentrated, I could access Samantha's memories. It didn't take too long for it to come to me....Samantha and Darrin hadn't had sex in nine weeks! How could that be? They had their ups and downs, sure, like any television family...but they appeared to be genuinely in love, and....nine weeks? In heaven's name, why? I asked myself...but no answer seemed to be forthcoming. I heard a sudden loud thud, and was momentarily startled; but I remembered that unusual phenomena were the norm in this house. I left Tabitha to play, while I went to see what the source of this disturbance was. Standing in the middle of the living room was Samantha's Uncle Arthur, possessor of the sharpest wit and tongue since Oscar Wilde. With him was Cousin Serena, my raven-haired twin. I knew that the arrival of either of them usually meant mischief.; together, it was a dose of double trouble. "What's up with you two?" I said warily. Uncle Arthur looked stricken. "Oh, Sammy. Please don't be mean to me now. Not now." Adopting a softer tone, I said, "Why Uncle Arthur, what's the matter?" He bit his lip and looked at me with hesitation and fear written on his face. Serena seemed to be totally out of things, as usual, filing her nails. Finally, Arthur spoke. "I've come to a realization, Sammy.....I'm a witch trapped in a warlock's body." I felt my eyes pop out a bit at this revelation. "Uncle Arthur," I said, "You're 467 years old. Just how did you come to this conclusion now?" "Well, Sammy," he said with a wistful sigh. "I've just never felt...right in this body. I've always wanted to be able to wear women's clothing. It was one thing to skip the era of petticoats and hoop skirts, but if I miss out on the min-skirt age, I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself . Darn it," he said, stomping a foot, "I want to feel pretty!" "Okay," I said with a resigned air. "It's your life." "So why are you here, Serena?" I asked. She sighed deeply. "Because I'm bored, bored, bored.....Nothing seems interesting anymore." I thought of a solution that might help both of them. I proposed it, and to my relief, they both agreed. This would be my first chance to try a spell. I concentrated as deeply as I could, and declared, "It's more than a wish, More than a whim, Let him be her, And her be him." There was a flash of lightning, a thunderclap, and both of their bodies jerked. I looked at Serena, who seemed particularly dazed, and asked, "Are you in there, Uncle Arthur?" He--or she--giggled. "Oh yes, Sammy, and it feels just wonderful!" Meanwhile, Serena, now in Arthur's body, seemed to be taking the measure of her new form, carefully smoothing out the lapels of her jacket. "Hmmm....not bad. Not bad at all. I think this will be a nice change." Serena gave me a big kiss, Arthur waved goodbye, and they both vanished in a whirlwind. I wondered why we witches had to make such a big show of everything...but was inwardly very relieved I had been able to get rid of them so quickly. After checking on Tabitha, I headed back downstairs to fix our dinner; meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and sherbet for dessert. It seemed like the Stevenses had upper class aspirations, but Darrin still had middle American tastes. It was fine with me; this was the kind of food I had grown up on. Before too long, I heard the front door, and a cheery, "Honey, I'm home." I briefly wondered if every television husband used that greeting; but my flash of sarcasm was quickly overwhelmed by a warm, happy, secure feeling that I recognized as a wife's love for her husband. I took off my apron, and took a moment to check my hair, before heading out to give him a cheery greeting. I put my arms around his neck and looked up into his eyes (this was the first Darrin, so I didn't have as far to look--the second one was a lit taller) and said, "Hi, darling, how was your day?" "Well, this is the best part of it," he said with a slightly crooked grin that I realized had been a big part of his charm. Then he kissed me, and I forgot in that instant that I had the power to move the world out of its orbit; I was completely under the spell of this strong, caring man. When we finally broke the embrace, I said, "Well, Mr. Stevens, was the rest of your day so rough? Was Larry being an ogre again?" Darrin went to hang up his coat while I returned to the kitchen (I didn't want to have to resort to magic to fix burned cooking when he was home!). He called from the living room, "I swear that man is never satisfied!..." He went on to share the latest tantrum by his boss at the advertising agency where he worked. Darrin seemed to be the idea man, it had always seemed to me; Larry Tate's sole purpose in life seemed to be making our lives more complicated. As we proceeded through the dinner, we exhausted the usual store of family small talk. When there seemed to a natural lull, I finally broached the main subject on my mind. "Darrin, honey?" I began. "Doesn't it seem like we haven't had very much time for us lately--if you know what I mean?" I snuck a glance in Tabitha's direction. His shoulders slumped, and he looked downcast. "I know just what you mean," he said quietly. Good! I thought. Then he was feeling the same way. "Darling?" I suggested. "It never seems to work out when we try to get what if we let Tabitha spend the weekend with Mother, you get away a little early tomorrow, and we have a nice romantic weekend right here at home!" He smiled broadly and said, "Let's do it, Sam!" he realized, just as I did, that having Tabitha with mother for the weekend would keep her out of OUR hair for the entire time. The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough; before I knew it, I found myself in a light blue, silky floor-length nightgown with lace trim, sitting in front of my vanity, and brushing my blonde hair. I was carefully counting the strokes, and wondering why any woman would find this a chore. I was feeling wonderfully feminine and relaxed. I would have felt better if Darrin had been able to join me in bed; but he was downstairs in his study, slaving away at a series of storyboards for a new commercial campaign. He said he had to finish it tonight if we had any hope of being free for the weekend. Before I knew it, it was Friday afternoon. I had what I thought was a rather classy duck dinner cooking in the oven.....I had put on a little black dress; this one had a short skirt (no reason to hide these lovely legs) and was sleeveless. I wore a single strand of pearls that Darrin had given me for our third anniversary. (It was amazing how I seemed to know there things!) Mother had already picked up Tabitha; soon Darrin would be home. I heard the front doorbell ring. That would be, it wouldn't! Why would he ring the bell? I opened the door to find a very agitated Larry Tate standing there! "Hi Sam, isn't Darrin home yet?" "No Larry," I said, "You managed to beat him here." He burst in, uninvited. He seemed as dithery, and I hated to say it, as womanish as ever. "Oh dear. Look at your beautiful dress. I bet you two have plans. I'm really sorry about this Sam, but..." Before I could ask, "But what?" the door swung open and Darrin walked in. Darrin's smile disappeared as soon as he saw Larry. "Not that I'm not glad to see you Larry, but I'm not...what are you doing here.?" He then spilled out the whole sad story of an angry client at a meat-packing firm in Chicago; of course, the account would be lost unless action was taken immediately, and of course, Darrin was the one who had to fly there to fix things. I saw a look in Darrin's anger of such intensity I had never seen it before. I was scared for a moment; he signaled for me to follow him into the kitchen. Yes, Darrin, was angry, but not at me; rather, at our situation. "Sam, this is too much! Between my job and your family and all the rest of the craziness in our lives, we never have time for ourselves! That's why we've gone nine weeks know." (I smiled to myself, wondering if there was some unseen censor out there keeping us from actually uttering the words.) "Sam, I want you to get rid of him! I don't care what it takes!" It took a moment for the full import of those words to sink in. "You mean...use magic?" "Yes," he said with a tone of angry defiance in his voice. "Use magic! I don't care anymore!" I told him about the spell I had used on Uncle Arthur and Serena the day before, and suggested it might be appropriate in this situation. He nodded in agreement, so I began: "It's more than a wish, more than a whim...." Pretty soon, there was a thunderclap; we felt the house shake, and headed out in the living room, doing our best to act as if nothing had happened. We greeted Louise Tate, Larry's wife, who now occupied his body. "So, Larry, what was it you were telling me you wanted me to take care of?" Darrin said with what I thought was a particularly wicked grin. Larry, naturally, looked dazed. "I--I don't remember, Darrin. I'm sure it's nothing that can't wait until the weekend is over. You and Samantha have a nice time." He turned and found his way out. Darrin had closed the front door, and took me in his arms. "Well, Mrs. Stevens," he said with a grin. "I think we're finally alone." He had closed his eyes and was about to kiss me when I looked over his shoulder and spotted a familiar figure lurking in the bushes outside. "Oh no!" I shrieked, heading for the door. "Mrs. Kravitz!" I said crossly. "What on earth are you doing out there?" She started babbling some lame excuse, but by this time, I was totally fed up, and so was Darrin. I didn't even wait for his approval before I began the now familiar chant, "It's more than a wish, more than a whim...." Instantly, a very surprised Abner Kravitz stood there in his wife's body. He didn't say a thing before running back to his--or her--house. This was starting to get confusing! I closed the door. "I think we're alone." "At last," Darrin said. We headed upstairs, hand in hand, and I soon learned one more reason why the Stevens marriage was so happy. Darrin was a gentle, but passionate lover. He showered my face and neck with kisses; he continued his slow descent until he was covering every square inch of my supremely sensitive breasts with his soft lips. I found myself beginning to lubricate quickly. Before I knew it, Darrin was slipping his manhood inside of me; his strokes were expert in their steadily rising and falling intensity and frequency; just when I thought he was carrying me to the edge of a climax, he eased off again. It was exquisite torture, and I loved every second of it. I had to admire my husband's timing; he managed the oh-so-difficult feat of a simultaneous orgasm; we held each other tightly as the house rocked with a power just as intense, if not more so, than that generated by any of my spells. After we held each other for a long moment, I turned away for a second, hoping that he wouldn't notice my nose twitch. I don't think Darrin ever wondered why he was ready to go again so soon; or why he remained that way for the rest of the weekend. I hated to send him off to work that following Monday, but I knew that even in TV land, life goes on. I decided to indulge myself in a long shopping trip; Endora--mother--had offered to keep Tabitha for another day. I called Darrin from a phone booth to see if we could have lunch together. "Oh sure!" he said cheerily. "So how's Louise--I mean Larry?" I asked hesitantly. "Just fine," Darrin replied. "Louise is a lot more together than Larry, to be honest. He's just doing his job...and leaving me alone to do mine. It's strange...but awfully pleasant. So what about the Kravitzes?" "As far as I know, they're both still zonked on tranquilizers." "And Uncle Arthur and Serena?" "Well, as I understand it, Uncle Arthur got a job as a Playboy Bunny at the Los Angeles club...and Serena was last seen in a leather bar in a rather seedy part of the city." "Well, I guess everyone's happy then," Darrin said. "Yes," I agreed. "And most of all, you and me. See you later." Among my purchases had been some new lingerie. I decided to return to the changing room to put it on. I held the boxes in my hands. "Living Bra"; "Living Girdle." I thought for a moment, twitched my nose, and soon I had two garments that lived up to their names. I enjoyed constant breast and vaginal stimulation every moment I had them on after that. After all, what's the use of being a witch if you can't have a little fun with it?

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The ContractChapter 3

As we drove home from the doctor's office that day John began to question me. I could tell he was very suspicious of Samantha's sudden and fortuitous arrival. "So... you never mentioned Samantha before. If she was such a friend, why not?" "It was a long time ago John. After college we were so busy with our lives, and by then Samantha was going to college on her own. It never came up, and we kind of went our separate ways. I thought of her often. You had friends in college I never knew...

1 year ago
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Melody8217s Life With Daddy

The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...

1 year ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 9 Share and share alike Summer 886 AD

Scott's demonstrations had clearly affected Sigurd and his men. They looked around themselves, stunned by the noise, fire, smoke and destruction of his grenade and the cannon. Some men had dived to the ground and covered their heads; others had jumped up and now stared at the Bay and Scott's ship. Sigurd was no less affected. The Viking was almost like a deflated balloon, his bravado gone like the smoke from the cannon fire on the wind over Kirkwall harbour. "So Sigurd, can I take it...

3 years ago
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Weekend Fantast aftermath

Our exploratory fantasy weekends achieved their goal of refreshing our sex life as this side of our relationship went off the scale, better even than when we first met. The experience had awoken something within my wife - Sarah - who was discovering just how kinky she was, surprising us both with what kind of things she was prepared to try and how hot she got reading all the suggestions posted on her videos (though some were way too far out to even consider trying). She now often indulged me...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl

I met the man I call "Daddy" when I was in college. I was a first year student in business administration and management at Indiana Tech. It was beautiful, sunny, springtime day in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and I was in the backyard of the apartment I had rented off-campus, just soaking up some sun one Saturday afternoon. It had been an unusually long cold winter that year and the sun felt wonderful on my skin. I was wearing my mini-shorts (think the shorts that professional cheerleaders wear) and...

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Roxy Chapter 1 I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Lifetime Lovers

The excitement was bubbling inside her. It was almost time for him to arrive. The crotch of her white cotton panties was getting moist just thinking about it. She was right on schedule. She had just enough time to take a hot bath and put on the special things she had just for this occasion. She wanted everything to be perfect. It was Valentine’s Day. As she lay in the hot, steamy tub, she closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to have him here with her now. It was hard to resist...

3 years ago
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Losing a bet to my girlfriend

"Full house," I said triumphantly, laying down three kings and two tens."That's very impressive, dear," she said. "But I've got three aces and two jacks." I stared in disbelief as she laid her cards on the table. "Let's see, that means that I've won three hands, and you've won two. Hmmmm.... What shall I do with my winnings? I wonder...."I laughed at her attempt to play coy. We both knew what her winning this tie-breaker meant: For the rest of the day, she would have total control over my body,...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 29 Interfaces

The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...

1 year ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa the beginning

Introduction: my first story, hope you enjoy it Hi, my name is Lara. I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9 I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7 length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with...

2 years ago
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Since it was getting dark out, I lost track of where we were, where they were taking us and how long it took to get my sister and I back to their camp site. As we walked into their campsite, I saw a whole group of guys sitting around the campfire drinking beer, there was 7 more guys including the three who had us, that made 10 guys! They guy holding my sister yelled out, "Hey guys! I found us some entertainment." They all stood up and circled around my sister, as they were doing that, the...

3 years ago
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halloween at eh omega pi frat house with my wife

My wife had a young friend hat had been invited to a frat party. We realized it was a Halloween party and we took up the offer to join him.Jerry got sick that afternoon, but since we were going to join him there and drive separate, we already had our invites in hand.Peg was excited and said we can meet some more young guys and Jerry won't be hovering and jealous like he was at the pig roast.We got there around 9:30 and since it was supposed to start at 8:30, we knew it would be in swing...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Theatre Part 2

On the way Jeremy turned up Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’ up full blast and I sat back quietly and allowed the events of the last hour to sink in. Strangely I didn’t feel as guilty as I expected to be. I had just been unfaithful to my husband on our wedding anniversary and yet I was feeling so alive. I had just done things to a man which even a street hardened hooker would have blanched at and yet it didn’t feel as though it was me who did it.Having parked the car we made our way to the theatre...

2 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 8 The Next Day

Larry collared me the next day and said "Your wife got quite an earful last night". I believe the girls have got to know one another. How about the four of us going out for a drink one evening?" We went to Lascara's, a new "liberated" club on the other side of the city. It had become popular with "free" drinks before midnight and even more free conversation, plus the sight of people doing things normally reserved for the brothel or the bedroom. The four of us handed over our coats...

3 years ago
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My drunk wife and a trucker

This is a follow on to some earlier stories about my wife for which there are links at the bottom of this page. A few weeks after our session with Tim at the hotel in we found ourselves again travelling south, but this time to visit family. We set out quite late because we’d been out for a meal with friends. Jackie was quite buzzed after a few drinks, but I was driving so was stone cold sober. It was quite dark when we got to Birmingham, but the M6 there is very well lit which makes driving so...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 90

The alarm clock awakened Shelly and Adam at 6 a.m. Neither of them wanted to head to class but they knew they had to. Allie groaned a little when Adam moved her off top of him but soon cuddled up around Sarah and both girls drifted off to sleep. Karlie was already awake and sitting at the table with Shelly, Rebecca and Trinity when Adam came out of the shower. Rebecca and Karlie looked fresh and awake but Shelly and Trinity looked like part of the living dead. But the three students...

3 years ago
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Final Preggo Day

Ok, last day now.Aching with a fat belly, Joe's boy in me, kicking and rolling about.Usual afternoon playing with Joe, this time in mine and Mick's(hubby) bed.Mick sent to shopping, I have done nothing for 2 weeks as I can't hardly walk!Joe pants off and his big black 12" poker in the air leaking cum, lovely.Me in a very now tight white baby doll, his favorite, with white stilettos.Fuck that thing is now so tight, my ass hanging down out of it and belly won't let it over my belly button!I sit...

2 years ago
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Southern Style

Southern Style by Ashley Michaels Prologue: (Ashley's Story) My wife and I have been living in a small city in the Northwest for several years. I told her of my cross dressing soon after we married and rather than be shocked by it, she made every effort to encourage me in my dressing. She took me from a very rudimentary phase of dressing to the lifestyle I now enjoy. When I first revealed my cross dressing to her I had only experimented with items such as bras and panties....

4 years ago
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I found heaven online Part 3

I woke up the next day confused and sad. One day Paul seemed to be interested but the next I didn’t hear from him for hours or days. I already had one man in my life that wasn’t sensitive to my needs, did I really want another? I went through my normal work day routine, but things were not going well so I gave up and logged onto my phone.  ‘Good morning. Are you awake?’ he asked. ‘Got up to get ready for work, but too exhausted to drive myself. I don’t have any meetings and I have my laptop so...

Love Stories
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It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I've been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I've been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I'm in with a wonderful woman I met at the YMCA matured, but didn't meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I met her daughter (Jen), and she's the that got us together. Meeting Cindy I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my...

3 years ago
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Being A Complete Slut For Hubby Part 3

It looked like a busy and thrilling week coming up for me.My regular Monday night fling with Hazel was back on, Emre was coming round on Wednesday with four new friends, and I was off to Ufuk's place on Friday for another gang bang, this time with seven guys plus himself.I wasn't quite sure how Monday night would go as it would be the first time I'd seen Hazel since her partner had beaten her up, but I was really looking forward to seeing her whatever.As it turned out, it was fabulous. Hazel...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 188

At the end of the tax year, the IRS sent an inspector to audit a local hospital. While the agent was checking the books, he turned to the CEO of the hospital and said, "I notice you buy a lot of bandages." What do you do with the end of the roll when there's too little left to be of any use? "Good question," noted the CEO. "We save them up and send them back to the bandage company, and every once in a while they send us a free roll." "Oh," replied the auditor, somewhat...

4 years ago
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Wife Becomes An Actress Act 3

When we got back Sandra caught us as we walked in. She was very excited and said, “Come with me to Ben’s dressing room, we need to talk.” Titan had already told me he was going home and would be back at 10:00 to pick me up and take me home. We kissed goodbye and I went with Sandra to Ben’s dressing room. When she closed the door she said, “Everyone is raving about the play. I spoke with five different critics and they all agree that this is a very, very good play. One of the most erotic in...

Wife Lovers
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Chase and Sharon

Chase and Sharon Chase and Sharon were stuck in grid lock. He fidgeted as his bladder hurt needing to take a piss. Sharon rubbed his shoulder as he suffered saying, “My Baby, I can't let you suffer like this”. Her hand fished his cock from his pants, she kissed his cheek before her face swooped into his lap saying, “give it to me, Chase”. Her lips locked on him as his piss exploded. Sharon sank alighting her throat as his fluids shot directly into her stomach. She held her breath a full minute...

1 year ago
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The Guitar Player

I had been chatting on an online erotic site for months with Paula when I accidentally replied to an innocent question and gave away my general location. Not a big deal, but over a week or so, she put two and two together and realized we lived closer together than either of us thought.We have had lots of fun, erotic chats, exciting cybersex and what we could be doing sexually to each other if we ever met. Lots of simulated oral sex and teasing of the genitals were a weekly gratification for us...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Mistress H

Introduction: Wife helps out a freind On this fine mourning Helga meets a girl friend she hasnt seen in a few years at a coffee shop and start talking and Helga begins to notice the her girl friend Linda is wearing very expensive jewelry and clothes and Helga knows that her and her husband cant afford them and asks her about them and her friend says you wouldnt believe me if I told you. Helga keeps insisting and Linda finally tells her. Linda says, Helga believe it or not I am a dominatrix,...

3 years ago
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One of my good friends is a cum junkie

One of my good friends is a cum junkie. She'll take cum anywhere she can get it, and she'll swallow every last drop, but the one thing she loves the most and goes absolutely NUTS over is when guys cum inside her.She's obsessed with the feeling of it - she's, in her words, "addicted." When I asked her to explain why she loved it so much, she said that most women who can feel a guy cumming inside of them, but they can't necessarily feel the cum itself once the guy pulls out unless it oozes out of...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Eliza Ibarra Kuleana Favorite Babysitter

Eliza Ibarra and her hubby, Jake Adams, are eager for a night out with just the adults. They bring in their babysitter, Kuleana, to just watch over everything for the evening once everyone is in bed. Kuleana has a huge crush on Jake, so she’s happy to make some money chilling at his place and fantasizing about getting with him for the evening. When Kuleana realizes that Jake has left a jacket on the couch, she takes a deep sniff and then slips it on. Feeling wrapped in Jake’s scent,...

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BlacksOnBlondes Bunny Colby 08132019

Cute little Bunny…well maybe crazy little Bunny. Girl can’t help herself. She’s been stalking football star Prince. He already has a restraining order against her, but that doesn’t stop her. She not only sneaks into his house, but right into his bed while he’s in the shower. The things this girl will do just to get her hands on some big black cock. Well, maybe this time Prince won’t call the cops. Maybe, just maybe he’ll let her have what she’s...

2 years ago
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A New Pathway

I called Jim. He was busy so I quickly told him that it got out of hand and that was not me, or what I wanted. He apologized and said he had just felt a connection and assumed I was into guys. He offered, if I ever wanted, to make it up to me with a free ninety minute massage. I said, “See everything is clear, understood and good,”  I called the next week to take him up on his offer, and that led to my sexuality spinning out of control. Jim greeted me at the door. I showered and climbed onto...

Gay Male
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Once upon a lonely birthday

This story is completely fictional I was upset, to say the least. My birthday fell on a wednesday this year and it seemed to pass by just as fast as it arrived. All I did to celebrate my 18th, one of the most important birthdays in a young mans life, was split a store bought cake in the breakroom of my work with my co-workers (who I don't even talk to that much anyway)! My friends were at their respective jobs and busy for the rest of the week. Depression was beginning to follow me back to my...

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Cuckold Counselor

Cuckold CounselorByTappy McWidestanceAuthor?s Note: This story is a departure for me as it was written from the perspective of a submissive male. I wrote a couple of pages in response to a fantasy sent to me by a reader who dreamed of submitting to his wife and another man. After he read it we discussed his more of his fantasies and I continued writing. It became clear that he had many warped visions of what he wanted done to him. As a result, there are subjects I have not written about before....

3 years ago
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Sounds From the Attic The seventh chapter

Everyone in the room was naked, and Erin just asked me a very important question. To me, it was the question that literally makes or breaks any relationship forever. I knew how I felt about her, but on the other hand, she hadn’t given us any real details. What went on with Joe and her? They talked to each other for at least twenty minutes, so obviously they talked about something big. I needed to know, before I could possibly consider answering that important question. She began sparking a few...

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