The Kingdom Of The Blind
Sorry it has taken a while but real life and a number of other stories on the go
got in the way. I hope you enjoy.
"Seeker are you there?" I asked in my mind
"Yes I'm here Sarah" Came the reply in the dark.
"Tell me more about your people I know so little, I don't even know what you look
like" I said
"We are an old race, not the oldest as there are many who we call ancient, but those
ancient ones seldom communicate with young races. Our culture has developed over
the years into a caste system, as you would call it. This means everyone of us is
created to fulfil the task that will become ours at maturity" Seeker explained
"So you don't have free will to do as you want?" I asked
"No it is not a case of free will to do anything else, it is more a case of wanting to do
what I was designed and created for. When I wish to do anything else I can
experience it if one of my race has done it" Seeker continued.
"I can see where that would be useful in some respects, people here can wander
around all their lives and never find what they are good at, hating everything that they
do. But the idea of being pre-programmed for life before your life starts is scary" I
"Yes our culture is closer to some of the Oriental societies than to yours but in other
ways the difference between us is immense"
"What about how you look?" I asked
"Sarah human beings have a natural fear for that that is different from them. The
further away from the known you get, the more fear, hate and revulsion is generated.
Just look how snakes and spiders are treated and they are a totally natural occurrence
on your planet. For the moment I will just say that we do not have bi-lateral symmetry
and we are not bipeds" Sarah replied
"Your worried if I saw you we wouldn't be able to carry on with our relationship like
"Yes" She admitted
"I'll leave it be for the moment, but I think you might be a little harsh on me," I
informed her.
I broke off contact for a while and I could hear Mike snoring softly behind me and I
concentrated on that part of my mind where Seeker resided and pushed. I was in the
bedroom a few feet from my body.
I headed up into the night climbing slowly with the lights of the city visible first, then
climbing till the disk of the earth was visible the terminator from night to day paused
in its relentless journey over India. Here close in to the Earth I could hear the
whispers of the people on the planet, always too quiet to hear properly or make out
what was being said. I found the thin filament of light that was Seekers presence and
touched it.
"Can you hear it, the whispers of millions of people sleeping?" I asked
"No I can not" Seeker asked "but I can feel it through your experience"
"Do any of the other races experience what I can hear now?" I asked Seeker
"I do not know of the Ancient races, but of the races I have contact with no. Your
people are so different when they sleep to when they are awake, do you feel it the
absence of hate or malice?"
"Yes, it is almost a warm pleasant sensation coming from the hemisphere" I replied
enjoying basking in the sensations.
"I am leaving for a little bit I will be back soon" I told seeker and climbed. Leaving
the twin disks behind I headed out towards Sagittarius.
Behind the great star clouds in Sagittarius lies the Galactic Centre; I headed in this
direction feeling for anyone out there. I felt prickles on my body as I approached one
system and headed in. It was a strange looking system I thought as I approached
closer only five planet but two asteroid belts. Close in nearest to the sun was a huge
gas giant, but the bands associated with Jupiter were nowhere to be seen. Instead this
had such a dynamic atmosphere that bands would be impossible to survive. I felt
around trying to find the planet that had life and paused for a moment to admire the
huge nebula dominating half the sky. There it was I could feel and see the reason I
was drawn to this system. I moved in close.
Orbiting the planet was a sphere of grey with the recognisable tendril of light of one
of seekers races mind contact heading down. I touched it gently.
"I am sorry to intrude and please do not be alarmed" I said.
"Who are you? What do you want of me?" the contact said sharply then more
curiosity came into the voice "Where are you?"
"Forgive me for intruding I am known as Sarah and I am known to your race" I gave a
flash of the Earth from orbit.
"Sarah?" came the reply with a flash of an Elf then a dwarf.
"Yes that's me," I admitted, "Do you mind if I have a look around?"
"No not at all, this is a fascinating planet. The species I watch are a subterranean
species with little technology but their thoughts are rich in quality" I got a long burst
of intense happiness and sadness of joy and fear.
"This is what the one I know as Seeker searches for?" I asked
"Yes, Oh yes. The power of these feelings and expressions of emotions in a young
race indicates the potential a race has for development." The individual said "and as
one who watches, I must admit they are sensations to be savoured."
"You enjoy your work?"
"Oh this isn't my work this is my life" The Watcher replied.
"Is this system unusual with such a large gas giant so close in to the star?" I asked
giving images of our own solar system.
"This is more like a double system where one of the primaries failed to develop
properly, this is a normal system the single primary of a system is in the minority"
The Watcher informed me.
"If I have a look around down there do you mind telling the one I know as Seeker
where I am?" I asked and I got a flash of how Seeker felt in my mind from The
"Yes that is her," I said
"Her?" came the confused reply.
"Within my species it seems that we find it easier to relate to an object, even
inanimate objects, if we give it human characteristics such as a sex. One of our
languages bases it's grammatical structure around the premise that all objects are
either masculine or feminine," I told The Watcher
"I feel Seeker is more female than male. The Judge" I gave a blast of the feel of The
Judge in my mind "Is a masculine personality"
"So you associate the empathic ties Seeker forms with races in her searching with
females. The Judge who is a being who's function forbids emotional ties with the
creatures he must assess you consider masculine. This is interesting are these
attributes you would associate with males and females on your planet?" The Watcher
"Yes I suppose it is," I admitted
"In my experience it is usually the other way around, the females, the ones who bare
the young, are the most aggressive. In most cultures the protection of the young is the
greatest inherited instinct and to that effect they are the aggressive sex willing to die
protecting them. Males tend to be more deferential and more peaceful as aggression
against a female can have fatal consequences," Watcher explained.
"Oh, with the bonding situation within our species the male tends to be the protector
of both the female and the young" I answered.
"That is unusual, very unusual has this situation been reported?" Watcher asked
"Not that I know of why?" I asked
"Because this changes the whole outlook on the case against your planet. We accept
that inherited instincts are hard to overcome but they are treatable, females on most
planets will come into conflict for resources and to protect their young. If these facts
aren't known this could change the whole viewpoint on your planet" The Watcher
was getting excited now.
"What do you mean? The Seeker and The Judge misunderstood the situation on our
planet so much that they have turned me into a female, not understanding the sexual
situation that existed on the planet" I said giving flashes of what had been done to me
and the pain that had been inflicted.
"This is what the Council of Watchers has been arguing for, the inclusion of a
Watcher with every planet that is called to judgement. The one you know as a Seeker
is sensitive to races but has little understanding of them, besides their technological
level. The one you know as The Judge well" Watcher gave me a blast of disgust with
hate mixed in as well.
"So it may be we have been falsely accused and brought to Judgement?" I said
astounded at this information.
"Yes" Watcher admitted.
"I need to talk to The Judge and Seeker" I said and broke off the contact.
I headed back to the Earth as fast as I could, no instantaneous movement from one
place to another. I had to cover the distance between the two points but that I could do
in a little time and the yellow rays of the sun became visible.
I approached the Earth and the Moon and came down on the Arabian Peninsula in the
darkness and headed to my body, using the gravitational attraction my body seemed to
have to me in this form rather than seeking it out. I opened my eyes and I was back
Mike still sleeping next to me.
I got out of the bed, picked up a nightdress that had been left for me and walked
through to the living area, closing the bedroom door behind me. The pain in my feet
was less than it had been last time I walked without Seeker's assistance. The slight
pain and stickiness between my thighs reminded me of what I had done and enjoyed
such a short time ago. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, the
dishevelled young woman in the mirror, still wearing jewellery surprising me slightly.
I cleaned up between my legs while sat on the toilet; the still puffy lips were sore with
the chafing that they had received from our long walk. I stood up and walked across
to the sink and looked in the mirror on the wall there. The makeup that had been so
carefully applied had been smeared and in places my sunburn was clearly visible, I
decided a shower was needed to clean it off and make myself look more normal if
extremely burnt. I removed the jewellery that had been provided for me to use and
slipped into the shower washing myself carefully.
I sat down on the sofa the lights of the city providing the only illumination to the
room the towels wrapped around my body soft and fluffy against my sensitive and
abused skin. I sat there for a while composing myself trying to figure out why I was
not angry over what had been done to me, though my anger over what was nearly
done to my planet was immense.
"Seeker are you there?" I asked
"Yes Sarah, something troubles you" Seeker said
"Yes I need your companion to listen to this can you link with The Judge?" I asked
"Yes?He is here now," Seeker said
"What the hell do you two think you are doing judging my people, from the
information I have received you shouldn't have even started this process, let alone be
thinking about the extinction of a race. I wouldn't trust you two to judge a dog show,"
I roared at them
"I have no experience of canines Sarah so I would not be an effective judge" Seeker
answered nearly making me lose the determination I had built up with laughter.
"Look you two I have been talking to a watcher," I said giving them the feel of the
watcher I had spoken to and a picture of the system and the planet I had visited.
"How can you have been there?" Demanded The Judge his presence forcing it's way
into my mind.
"Listen you," I said firmly forcing him back "you will be pleasant with me and I will
be pleasant with you. Because if we both get nasty then I guarantee I am a lot nastier
than you. I have been trained to be nasty and kill people who I have no hate for, you I
could quite easily hate"
"I am not a politician or a diplomat I have no need for such qualities" came The
Judges voice back and the personality forced its way back into my head. I surrounded
it and squeezed hard for a moment.
"Listen to me very carefully" I said while holding The Judge "You will be polite you
will be pleasant or I will keep you here like this for a very long time. I will not even
leave you the option of suicide to escape me, because if you do I will be there waiting
to find you and drag you back.
"I will comply for the moment Sarah" he answered the hate evident in the voice in my
"Good now listen to me very carefully from what I gather my race should not be
being judged" I told them and outlined the conversation that had taken place.
"We need to confer with others," The Judge announced and he left my mind
"Oh Sarah, I am so sorry. How could we have made such a basic error" Seeker
announced her voice full of grief.
"Look I am not happy about the situation that we as a race faced from you and your
people. The situation with me now is strange I do not hate it and I must admit I have
enjoyed it" I said giving her a quick flash of the pleasure I felt with Mike.
"Your adaptability has been remarkable and I wonder if this has something to do with
the ability you have to believe in events that have never taken place, your fiction."
Seeker answered
"Maybe it is this adaptability that creates the fiction," I said back.
"Perhaps" Seeker mused for a moment or two "What is the value of the crystallised
carbon products that are attached as ornaments to your body, for they were the object
of much emotion in your evening"
I thought about this for a moment or two "I think that you might be mistaken as others
may have been. I think they are very good copies which have fooled other people and
that might have cause the envy" I answered and then thought a moment.
I walked through to the bathroom again and picked up the jewellery and the watch
and coming back into the living area I switched on the light. I looked at the large,
what I had presumed to be glass or cubic zirconium pendant earrings. They looked
real and I placed them on the table then the tiara and again it looked very real. Finally
I looked at the small watch, which I now noticed bore the legend Rolex.
"Billy you sneaky bastard "I thought, "Well tomorrow you get all this lot back"
"Sarah are you alright?" came Mike's voice.
"Yes" I said, "I have just had a lot of things happening tonight" I admitted looking
around to find Mike in his trousers and his shirt.
"Leaving me?" I asked
"Well I didn't want you to have any embarrassment tomorrow morning as we have
only met a few days ago" Mike said sitting down next to me.
"Yes that might be better for now but I wish it was otherwise" I admitted, "Though
you probably think it is sick"
"Sarah, I know the situation is strange and neither one of us would have chosen this a
week ago." He said holding my hand
"The thing is except for a few moments tonight when I felt I would be taking
advantage of you, I wouldn't have it any other way. You are everything I ever wanted
in a woman looks wise, I am prejudiced but I think you are perfect. But more
importantly than that you are still everything I ever wanted from my best friend, you
are still intelligent, brave and selfless in your actions. I think I love you Sarah" Mike
admitted the final words barely a whisper.
My stomach went into somersaults at this point, my nipples tightened and I felt the
moisture start in my groin again. I moved over and sat on his knee throwing my arms
around him and kissing long and passionately.
"I guess I shouldn't have been so worried about saying it" Mike said when I released
"No, you had every reason to worry about my reactions and if I am honest I should be
very concerned about it. But with all the things that have been going on the
reassurance of having you near, having you care for me and the contact when you
touch me or hold me has helped me keep it together, to stay somewhat focused" I
explained his arms surrounding me as I sat there.
"Look Sarah as Simon you were one of the most together people I knew. Why do you
think I was always willing to fly your wing? I'll tell you, because I wouldn't trust
anyone else watching your arse and at least behind you I could hope to learn
something," Mike said squeezing me tighter.
I sat there the pressure on my body felt good, I could smell both the smell of his
aftershave and the musky smell of his sweat from our earlier activities. Both were
pleasant to me now and I leant my head into his chest. I breathed deeply of his scent
and I felt my body respond to it. Beneath my buttocks I could feel him responding to
my presence.
I admit we were too wrapped up in our own little world to notice much going on.
Some people later reported the flash in the sky and lots of people gave reports of the
sound. It is believed that the Taliban controlled government of the Persian
Confederacy was intending to take out the government, the Royal Family and cause
mass panic and disruption. This had worked prior to the invasion of Iran by Pakistan
and Afghanistan. Watching their long time neighbour and enemy falling Iraq was only
too glad to help. Iran with its political structure destroyed in a wave of suicide attacks
was left in no position to respond fully.
It is still not clear how many people died as I sat there on Mike's knee and I don't
know what I could of done to stop it but at least a million people in the city of Ar-
Riyad died in a second as for a short time the fury of the sun burnt on the planets face.
"Sarah something's happened" Seeker shouted urgently and I was out of my body to
see what she meant. I didn't have to climb far before it became visible a fire on the
ground consuming and destroying the city. I didn't want to get too close but the power
of this weapon was awesome and despite the horror and disaster of the moment it was
beautiful in it's slow motion crawl. I moved in close skirting the fireball that was
expanding in the city. I could do nothing here and ran for my body.
"Mike we have a ground burst nuclear detonation in Riyadh," I screamed as I ran for
the door leaving him sitting there.
"Billy" I screamed as loud as I could in the hall
"BILLY QUICK" I shouted and a European man emerged from a room opposite.
"Will you shut up now young lady as some of us are trying to sleep?" he said standing
there in his pyjamas.
"FUCK OFF ARSEHOLE" I snarled at him and continued to walk along the corridor.
"BILLY GET OUT HERE NOW" I screamed my voice sounding shrill.
"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" the man said behind me pulling
me around to face him. I reacted on instinct my forehead found his nose with a crunch
and I carried on along the corridor ignoring the pain it caused.
"Sarah what is up?" He said appearing wearing just boxer shorts.
"Riyadh has been hit by a nuclear ground burst," I shouted as behind me I heard a
I turned around to find Mike fighting with the man who I had argued with.
"Listen will you stop it" I screamed as they rolled around.
"Listen they just fucking nuked a city. We could be next." I said turning back to Billy.
"What?" he said
"I had no warning of this so it wasn't a missile that delivered it. It was a ground burst
as well, I think it might have been a suicide bomb" I said to him and opened my mind
to Seeker.
"Yes Sarah?" she asked her 'voice' seemed stunned.
"Can you detect a bomb before it blows?" I asked rapidly
"Possibly" she said, "It will take some time to reconfigure though"
"Time may be the one thing we don't have," I answered breaking off contact.
"Billy there could be other devices hidden. Pakistan has nuclear devices and Russian
hardware isn't exactly difficult to come by for the right price?" I paused thinking for
a moment could I detect nuclear devices? I didn't know exactly what I saw when I
was out of my mind, I had no eyes to see with yet I saw and I saw things it would be
impossible to see with visible light.
I focused on that portion of my brain where Seeker resided and left the hotel. I
ignored the huge glowing monstrosity, which hung over the burning ruins of the city
to the north west and headed towards Britain. I needed to know what radiation looked
like to me no matter what breed. Alpha, Beta or Gamma. Or even if I could see it at
all. I worked quickly up the west coast over the Bristol Channel and the mountains of
Wales. I crossed the River Dee and Mersey then started to slow down as I worked up
the coast of Lancashire and into Cumbria. If you live in Britain and you hear the word
radiation odds are you would think of this place. A factory with a reputation so bad
they renamed it.
Wind scale it used to be called but that was a name that became synonymous with
scares and leaks. So doing the thing that people expected least they renamed it. 'No
more disasters at Wind scale, we have changed the name to Selafield'.
As I approached the factory I could see a bluish glow. As I looked carefully I could
see as it got nearer to the factory I could see a second colour merging with the blue, a
greenish light. Was this the Beta radiation, I wondered for a fraction of a second? I
turned climbed and returned to the east. From the height I was at the fireball of the
blast was clearly visible far below. I could also now differentiate the visible light from
the other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that I now recognised.
I move close to the city of Dhahran and started searching for any sign of the radiation
signature. I crossed the city backwards and forwards searching out any sign of the
bluish light but getting some interference from the fireball now visible over the
horizon as it climbed into the sky. I was just on the point of giving up when
something caught my eye. I moved in close to have a look at it.
Deep in the cellar of a house sat a man alone with a box. Not a huge thing only about
three feet by three feet. On the side was an open panel with a key in it and the
numerals on the side said 16:37.
The box must have been heavily shielded as the glow was not exactly strong outside
but inside was alive with fire. Within the centre of the box was a sphere surrounded
by small plates with a wire from each. I examined it closely and tried with all my
force to pull one of these plates off. I couldn't they were tight on the Plutonium
sphere a second structure was also in the box.
"Shit Billy we have one here" I screamed at him "Plutonium sphere surrounded by
shaped charges, I can't do anything to them I can't apply enough force"
"Where?" he demanded
"Close I can show you we only have sixteen minutes," I said.
"Mike was dragged off the man with who he was fighting and Billy ran into his room.
Returning a matter of seconds later with his phone and two of the flowing robes he
normally wore. He bundled the two of us in the lift and as the lift descended he threw
one of them to me.
"The phones are not working," he said as he put on his own robe and I tried not to be
lost inside the one I was putting on.
In the foyer of the hotel was a scene of some panic for those who were still awake.
Billy roared in his own language and a set of keys was shoved in his hand. We ran to
the door my feet again sore with the lack of footwear and Mike saw me stumble. He
had me up in his arms and was running carrying me before I had time to object. I was
shoved in the back of a car and Billy screamed away from the hotel.
"Which way?" He demanded
I started flicking backwards and forwards between an aerial view of the city and the
back of the car. Shouting directions we arrived outside the house in a matter of five
"Billy not yet" I shouted as he ran to the door "There is someone in there"
I left my body and entered the house ignoring the frozen figure of Billy. I searched the
house first knowing that the time differential was in my favour. No one else was in
the house so I descended into the cellar.
The man was still there he now appeared to be trying to see what the fuss was through
a small window. I glanced at the clock 8:03 it now said. I turned my attention to the
man and hovered over his motionless form. I dropped down into his skull; I could feel
his fear, anger and an acceptance for what was about to happen to him. Though there
was no light inside his skull I could see the structure of the cells around me. I moved
through wondering where would cause the most damage to at least incapacitate this
man. I came to the channel separating the two halves of the brain. I had heard
something about damage to this causing death in car crashes, with no apparent
damage elsewhere. I hit the interconnecting tissue with all the force I could muster.
Then for good measure I repeated the operation on both frontal portions of the
separate hemispheres.
"One second" I shouted at Billy returning to my body for a second to let the results of
my actions take effect then returned to find the man sinking to the floor.
"He's down. Go, only eight minutes" I shouted and Mike and Billy took down the
door as I stumbled, following in the oversize robe.
"In the cellar" I shouted and they were gone as I reached the door.
I made my way to the cellar and found Billy and Mike examining the large box.
"Look this thing is counting down despite the key being turned back," Mike was
"What if we rip out the electrics?" Billy asked
"If it is a device they don't want stopped they will have it on a collapsing circuit. Pull
the wires and it goes bang," He said "But?" he paused
"Get that fucker out of here he may be some use" Mike said to Billy who obliged
dragging the fallen man.
"Get going Sarah" Mike said after looking around the room.
"No. Why?" I demanded of him as Billy returned having dumped my victim.
"Billy get her out and get as far away as you can" Mike said to him looking at the
selection of tools in the basement.
"Mike what are you doing?" Billy asked.
"Look if I can vent the tritium the secondary part of the blast won't occur but you still
have a big bang. Not one tenth of the full device going up you two can survive now
get her away from here quickly. MOVE" Mike shouted
"MIKE NO!" I screamed as Billy started dragging me away from him and up the
stairs. As we left the house with me still kicking and screaming I could hear him
going to work.
"Billy no. Mike please" I was crying as I was shoved into the car. Billy shouted
something in Arabic before jumping in and putting his foot down hard. I wept in the
seat next to him.
"Maybe he can stop it all together," Billy said gently.
"He might be able to" I answered "but it will cost him his life"
"Why?" Billy asked his face suddenly worried.
"The radiation that is going to be in that cellar just from the tritium might kill him.
Then he will have a go at the primary system, which will mean dismantling the
shaped charge and possibly the plutonium sphere. With that he stands no chance." I
said to him and returned to my tears.
"You mean he knew that there was no chance?" Billy said his face ashen and I just
"How long?" he asked as the engine roared
"I don't know and I can't look and see him there" I protested through my tears.
"Don't try," he said gently
We drove for over seven miles at roughly fifty to sixty miles an hour and there was no
"You can stop," I said
"Are you sure?"
"Yes he did it. But I don't want to look and see him" I said firmly
"But we might be able to do something for him" Billy answered
"We might be able to make him comfortable" I said "But I can't look there to see
what has happened to him"
"Don't then" he said gently "I will make some phone calls"
He pulled over into a petrol station forecourt and stopped, we both went inside, as I
didn't wish to be left with the man in the car. Billy had a swift argument with the
young man in there and was passed the phone where he had a long conversation,
followed by three shorter ones. I stood there numb and shaking, I kept breaking into
tears and the young man said something I presume was comforting which I couldn't
understand. He offered me his chair indicating I should sit down. As I walked around
the counter I glanced out of the window and saw our prisoner was out of the car
stumbling around holding his head.
Picking up a baseball bat that was hidden behind the counter I walked out and over to
the stumbling man. With all my force I swung bringing it across his kneecap on the
left hand side. The force of the blow drove it from my grasp, but the man still went
down hard.
"Please Sarah no" came Billy's voice behind me.
"This fucker wants to meet his god, I will help him on his way" I said walking over to
the bat again.
"Do not give him that honour," Billy said
"What?" I said confused
"If he dies now at your hands then we can't interrogate him and he dies on his
mission. If we get information from him then later he is executed his beliefs are that
he will not find his place with god" Billy said gently to me.
"But this fucker tried to kill us, he killed Mike" I screamed back at him.
"This man will pay for that but not this way" Billy insisted holding out his hand for
the bat that I now held again.
"No" I shouted and brought it down hard on the mans legs again. I stood up for
another swing and Billy grabbed me from behind.
"You can't. We need to know if there are more out there," he said as his huge arms
encompassed me.
"I can find out just let me finish" I screamed
"No" he said his hands preventing me from swinging and my struggles pointless
against his strength.
"Sarah he is right" came Seekers voice in my mind projecting sorrow and comfort in
my mind.
"No" I thought back at her but now with little conviction in my voice.
"Yes he is and I have just been informed that two more devices have been found,"
She answered drawing me out of my misery.
"Where?" I demanded and she showed me.
"We have another two of them Kuwait city and Jiddah" I told Billy then went out to
find them.
Again I followed my view of the radiation to home in on the devices. The one in
Kuwait City was in a disused factory a man was standing over it. I looked at the clock
it hadn't been activated yet. I entered his mind and with all the force I could muster I
repeatedly hit at the structure of his brain, ignoring the effort I was now finding it I
kept battering away. I left the man and headed to the Red Sea and followed the coast
down. As I approached the city I could see the blue glow of the radiation as I
approached it started to brighten significantly.
I dove in through the casing into weapon the primary was compressing to produce the
initial fission reaction before my eyes. I looked there was no way to stop the primary
so I placed myself between the primary and the secondary enveloping the secondary
and trying to force back all I couldn't see. The effort was immense though I couldn't
see what I was holding back.
"Oh god somebody help me," I screamed as I felt the energy flow from me with the
I was suddenly aware of a second presence then a third and more all giving me a bit of
their energy. Like many people pushing a car the effort required was less as now
thousands and hundreds of thousands joined me. The fury was building up now in
front of me the reaction building up rapidly as I watched, even in my distorted time
sense this was happening quickly. As I forced everything away from me I could feel
all those helping me getting weaker as they gave me all they could.
The casing of the device was starting to dissolve around me it seemed to be
sublimating directly to a gaseous form, I couldn't keep this force up for much longer
even with the help I was getting from the unknown minds helping me. I threw them
free of me not wanting to take them with me and I was lost in the expanding fireball.
I floated semi-aware of my existence for what seemed like days or possibly weeks. As
I gradually started pulling myself together, I realised I was high in the atmosphere
over the Pacific. I slowly started moving towards the west crossing the Indian Ocean
and then the sub continent before crossing the Arabian Sea and working my way up
the coast. I floated over the city trying to feel the pull of my body.
I could barely feel it just a slight sensation of being drawn to a large building. I moved
in close, it was another hospital. I moved amongst the frozen people searching for
myself. I dropped down to ground level and came to a casualty department. I was
close now I could feel the pull stronger. But nowhere near as strong as what I felt
even faraway from the earth. I slid through a wall into a room five people were in
I looked at them the two doctors a man and a woman, two nurses both women and
Billy stood in a corner frozen. I didn't want to go back to my body and face life like
this without Mike, but he looked so worried. His face was a mask of anguish, a tear
frozen running down his cheek. I thought about slipping into his mind to feel what
was going through him at this moment and decided against it, I would not invade the
privacy of a friend like this. I slid over the table looking down at the sun burned form
of my body, the clothes cut open exposing me to the view of these people. I dropped
down into myself and for a moment or two I panicked, as I couldn't reintegrate
I relaxed for a moment and I felt myself being drawn down and suddenly I was back
in. I took a deep breath and my ears could hear the panic around me. I tried to sit up
and was pushed roughly down onto the bed again. I could hear urgent shouting and I
tried to push the hands on me away.
"Sarah can you hear me?" came a heavily accented voice. I opened my eyes and
looked into the face of a doctor working on me.
"Yes I can" I rasped, "Get off me"
"No you have been down for twenty seven minutes. Do you have any medical history
as we can find no cause for this?" he asked
"Need sugar" I said "exhaustion"
Again there was confused talking and I felt blood being taken. I lay there, eyes closed,
trying to regain my senses I felt a sheet being pulled over me.
"Sarah, how are you?" came Billy's voice and I opened my eyes.
"Not with these here" I said looking at the people still in the room. Billy spoke there
was a minor argument and the four left the room.
"Billy any news over Mike?" I asked
"Not yet it has been less than an hour and over half of that time you were not
breathing" he answered
"Look there were two more bombs one in Kuwait City the other?" I tried to think of
the cities name "Shit I can't think my mind won't work" I wanted to weep for a
moment about this apparent inability to think and then pulled myself back together.
"City on the coast near Mecca" I said still unable to make my mind work properly
"Gidda?" he asked
"I don't know. I got there too late and the detonation was in progress, I tried to protect
the secondary but it was too much. I couldn't stop it" I started weeping at the memory
and Billy stood there holding my hand.
The doctor came bursting back in the room with a nurse.
"Sarah are you a diabetic, have you been taking insulin?" he demanded.
"No, just too much effort" I mumbled stating to drift off again as I could hear
arguments around me. There was movement for a few minutes then I could feel
myself getting slightly stronger.
"Sarah, your blood sugar was very low do you know why?" came the doctor's
insistent question.
"Too difficult, it was too hard" I said and again I was shaken, I roused a little more
this time and opened my eyes.
"Have you been taking insulin?" the doctor asked.
"No" I said firmly "Billy do something please, I can't explain to him"
Billy immediately jumped in to my defence and a long argument ensued. Eventually
the doctor gave up and started nodding at what Billy was saying.
"Sarah there will be no more questions but they would like to keep you in for a night"
Billy announced
"No I don't need to" I protested
"For me will you? Please?" he asked
"Look I will stay here for a few hours but that is it. You have to keep me informed
what is going on" I insisted.
"I will, but I need to find out what the situation is at the moment. I don't know if any
of my family survived yet," he said sadly.
"Look go do what you have to I will be fine" I insisted ashamed for keeping him at a
time like this.
"I must go but I will send Alex" he said as he left.
I was left there amongst strangers, in a country and culture foreign to me and a body I
had yet to accept. Mike had helped me with that to the extent I would have been
happy with him, but I had failed. I was the senior officer it was my job to make sure
he came back and if anyone had to do what he did it should have been me. I couldn't
criticise his decision, it was the only one to make but it was my job.
I left my body and headed towards the house where the bomb had been hidden. A
massive police presence was frozen whilst cordoning off the area, clearing people
away. I looked at the house and decided I had to know.
I slipped through the walls and floor into the room and was not given the luxury of
being able to close my eyes. It looked like Mike had been working on the device up
until it blew. His body had been blown across the room when the high explosive
charge had gone off, near him lay a screwdriver. I could feel nothing from him and
decided I couldn't look too closely. I looked inside the device and found the reason it
hadn't gone off. He had been prying the explosives clear of the primary fission
package, as it had fired. The fact that half the charges were off had prevented the
initial blast. I left and headed back to myself, the attraction of my body firmer now
and reintegration instantaneous.
Back in my body I rolled onto my side carefully with the drip in me and cried for a
long time.
"I have something here to help you rest" The doctor said approaching the bed.
"No I don't need it," I said
"Young lady you need what I decide you need, I don't know what exactly is going on
but you need rest," he answered
I rolled on my back so I could see him approaching.
"No" I said again quietly.
"Now stop being silly" he said still approaching me.
"No" I shouted at him furious for being treated as if my opinion didn't count.
What happened next was almost like a sneeze my mind struck out in defence and the
syringe was knocked from his hand. I could feel his confusion and some fear over
what had happened.
"Perhaps you should leave" I suggested and applied a little pressure to him with my
mind, he couldn't move fast enough.
"Seeker what is happening?" I asked in my mind
"Sarah we are lost we have no idea what is happening within your mind. All we do
know is normally your species uses but a small proportion of your mind, you now
seem aware of the other parts and are starting to utilise them. With the nuclear device
you cried out to the stars and grasped those who offered to help. When you were done
you cast them off as if they were nothing" she answered.
"I didn't want to risk taking anyone with me if I died" I protested.
"Sarah we realise that, but this was a situation that has not been known before. You
took the energy of millions and used it yourself to complete a task that we could not
see" she said
"Can you see when you talk to others remotely?" I asked
"We can see what they see that is all. If nobody is at a location we can not see"
"You poor things it is beautiful when I travel the void choosing where to visit" I told
her honestly.
"You see where you are?" she asked confused.
"Yes I lift above myself and I am away, free to go where I want," I said
"We cannot, we can only go where others are before us," she answered
"Oh" was my only reply for a moment "Can you see the minds in a communion?"
"They are beautiful each race has a different texture and colour," I explained
"No we feel the contact that is all" Seeker admitted
"What about the moving of objects with the mind, the telekinesis?" I asked
"Oh many races have that ability but to try and hold back a fission reaction is
something new, as was the method of drawing force from others. This will have to be
investigated more" She said and paused for a long while.
"I know a lot has happened and you have been through a lot, but many individuals are
requesting that you read again. When you have time will you please?" she asked
"I will see what I can do" I assured her.
I lay there for a long time trying to keep my temper with Seeker and all those out
there who seemed to be oblivious to what I was going through. All they wanted was
their entertainment not to be disturbed, rather like the people here I thought.
Billy came back in and disturbed me from my thoughts.
"Sarah did you say you tried to intervene with the bomb in Gidda?" He asked
"Yes the primary was compressing as I arrived I tried to prevent the secondary firing.
But I wasn't strong enough to stop it" I said
"You were. I have been told it was a fizzle, the secondary didn't catch," he eagerly
"So we were talking kilotons instead of megatons, people still died didn't they?" I
shouted back angrily.
"Yes and we are talking tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands. It is a
tragedy but a far lesser tragedy than might have occurred"
"How did they get them here so quickly?" I demanded.
"It wasn't quickly. It is over thirty-six hours ago that you destroyed the aircraft
attacking. Pakistan has the nuclear weapons and sneaking them across the border is no
problem. I don't think they even needed to leave a man with them except for the fact
the devices might have been found" he answered
"What about Riyadh?" I asked
"There is not a lot left of the city, most of my family were there" he said his voice flat
without emotion.
""What is the situation now? How are the other nations reacting? Are we alone here?"
I asked rapidly.
"At the moment I don't know, I have been trying to organise rescue operations and
the search for any more bombs" he answered.
"Get me some clothes. I can warn you of any more bombs, I know what they look like
now. You need to start telling the world what has happened and get some help," I said
"But you should stay here" he said
"Look, what help have you got here now?" I asked
"None, I was here alone as you have seen" he answered.
"Right. You are in charge until we find if anyone else survived, so lets start things
moving. Get Alex here with some clothes for me and claim somewhere for a
temporary HQ. You can not do everything alone" I insisted.
Fifteen minutes later Alex arrived with some clothes for me. I carefully removed the
drip and then I dressed with her help.
"What happens now?" she asked her face scared.
"I can find anymore bombs on their way in. But Billy is suddenly dumped in charge
in a crisis like this, he needs all the help he can get" I told her
"Sarah, I am not strong like you. I am more scared than I ever have been in my life.
When you went to help those children I couldn't, I was too scared, what hope do I
have now?" she said the tears on her face.
"Look if the job has to be done, then you do it. Mike knew that and he was the only
one who could have had a hope in hell of stopping that bomb. He loved Star Trek and
as Spock used to say 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the
one'. He would have been glad to have a heroic death, one that will be remembered,"
I was crying again now.
"He will be remembered," she said holding me tight.
"Do I look presentable?" I asked as I managed to stop the tears. I stood up so she
could see me in the white linen skirt and top she had brought.
"Come here let me do something with your hair" she said "It is not exactly what I
think suits you but if we are working with Billy you need to be taken seriously today.
There are some of Billy's staff that are rather fundamental in their beliefs. You as a
woman are a problem, but if you are displaying too much flesh?"
"I keep forgetting we are in a Muslim nation" I said ", Billy seems so accepting of
"He is different, very different. He is a good Muslim but he is more tolerant of other
cultures and beliefs than any other high-ranking Muslim I have met. He would rather
irritate a few of the old timers than change his views and opinions," She said
"Well he is going to need help," I said and I walked out of the room in the casualty
unit that I had been left in. The doctor didn't object too hard to my leaving, in fact he
seemed glad to see me go.
The three of us stepped out into the early light of the sun, just rising in the east. If it
was not for the general panic in the city it would look like nothing had ever happened
last night. Millions of people had probably died and the world kept on going. Mike
had died yet I kept on living.
"What do we do first?" Billy asked me drawing me out of my contemplation.
"Tell the world first. Not just of the bombs that went off but the ones that didn't" I
said "they can't hide from this the fuel used for the bomb here is as individual as a
fingerprint. They should be able to tell you where it was manufactured and probably
when. If we contact the big news services BBC, CNN, SKY, NBC and whoever else
you can think of then you start working on the other countries. With CNN if you play
on the heroic efforts of the JFK and the callus disregard for all nationalities in Riyadh.
With SKY and the Beeb concentrate on the actions of Mike. With all of them ask the
question, what will happen if they decide to take out the oil fields. Whatever the
governments foreign policy is, with the loss of their own nationals and the possibility
of a fuel crisis, public pressure will do the rest" I told him.
"Should I start with the foreign leaders before the news services?" he asked.
"No use the public opinion first then talk to the leaders," I insisted.
"But?" he protested.
"Look Billy, you are now in control of this country until we find someone else who
can relive you of the position. The majority of the western leaders have their eyes on
the next election. You know the American Presidents dislike of foreign squabbles
'America can no longer be the police force and the conscience of the world' was what
he said in his election campaign. It worked he has lower taxes, but the people will
accept slightly higher taxes if it means the petrol prices stay low" I said
"What of Britain?" he asked.
"Play on the heroic efforts of Mike, a man who survived the Illustrious incident, then
gave his life knowingly to try to stop a bomb. Play on the bombing of the hospital and
the efforts of you, Mike and myself in saving the children. Then you hit them with the
fact that despite the aircraft you took out, you did with minimal loss of life and the
fact that you haven't launched any attacks against Persian soil. That they had no
compunctions about killing hundreds of thousand, if not millions in their anger at their
impotence against you", I said after some thought about how the British public would
"Are you sure? It might reveal your part in this," he asked
"This has got beyond my concerns or wishes. Let the governments think you have
some new weapon, if necessary I will claim asylum here. I can't think of better
company to be exiled in", I answered, with a little forced smile.
"Is Mike dead?" Alex asked
"Yes, I checked earlier. He was still working on the device when it went off. I don't
know if it was the radiation, the blast or the plutonium that killed him. I couldn't look
that closely at him" I said the tears in my eyes again. I sniffed a few times then
managed to force my grief back inside.
"Well lets start making phone calls and telling the world," I said.
"I have an official of the Saudi Government who wishes to make a statement" I
explained to the switchboard at the BBC.
"What?" the voice at the other end asked
"The Saudi Arabian Government wishes to make a statement. The question is who
gets it first you, Sky or CNN," I said
"One moment please", the voice said, and I was transferred.
"You say you have a surviving member of the Saudi government wanting to make a
statement. We have been told none could have survived the blast in Riyadh" A mans
voice said.
"Look it has been on the news all day that not all of the royal family was in Riyadh. If
you want to speak to the prince, call me on this number, but I think CNN will be more
interested", I gave him the number and despite his protests, put the phone down.
It rang again less than a minute later.
"Billy you answer that and I will play with CNN" I said taking the phone off him.
"We have no proof of who you are and what your official position is within the Saudi
Arabian Royal Family now" came an American mans voice from the phone.
"Listen don't worry your little head about it," I said
"Who is this?" he demanded.
"I am no one, just a filthy girl who crawls through rubble with a British Naval Officer,
now dead after disarming a device here in Dhahran", I answered "Don't worry about
it I prefer to work with an organisation like the BBC and they are interviewing the
prince at the moment. If you want to talk later, give us a call on this number and we
may be able to fit you in somewhere", I said to them, and gave them the number
before putting the phone down. I heard Alex using similar tactics as I waited for the
phone to ring again.
We had more people working with us as Billy finished his last interview on the phone,
and sat there for a moment.
"What's up?" I asked
"I am trying to figure out how a Muslim could commit this massacre if he was a good
Muslim," He said
"It has little to do with beliefs", I answered, "It is usually for other reasons and Islam
is not the only faith that does these things. Look at the Christian faiths over the years"
"I know it is just for years I have been trying to change the view of the Islamic faith,
these people have destroyed all that in a moment. In the name of Allah they have
destroyed my family and my people with no thought for the innocent", he answered,
the magnitude of his loss just starting to sink in.
"Look Billy, now is the time to get things done, we have time to grieve later", I said.
"Yes", he said with a shudder, "I have things to do"
Seeker interrupted me at this point in the proceedings.
"Sarah we have aircraft coming in from the north" she said
"Show me where" I thought at her.
I left my body and headed north to the area that Seeker had shown me. I found the
first of them, Black aircraft heading towards the southern Mediterranean coast,
American stealth aircraft.
"Billy we have a retaliation attack coming in from the US, stealth aircraft. They had
to be launched before the bombs went off," I said
"Well let us start with the Americans and thank them for their help, "Billy said ", how
many are there?"
"Nine", I answered after a quick conference with Seeker.
You do not want to know how long it takes for anyone to get through the
switchboards to talk to the American President.
"Mr President, first of all I would like to thank you for the nine stealth bombers you
have authorised, but to avoid any unnecessary incidents, can you keep me informed of
such action when it over flies Saudi Arabian territory", Billy said, and there was a
pause where I could not hear the other side of the conversation.
"I realise the line of succession is compromised here at the moment, but I assure you
that nine Stealth Bombers are approaching and if you wish I will give exact positions.
But please remember that I am not working on a secure phone line", Billy said and
again a pause.
"Yes, I realise that you would have authorised steps to be taken in response to the
aggression against American military assets in the Persian Gulf. But, we are beyond
the needs of the American people for a visible revenge now. The situation now
impinges on the safety and prosperity of the world, we have had three nuclear devices
in this country and one in Kuwait City", Billy announced, and again paused.
"Mr President, thanks to actions by people in my country, the one here in Dhahran did
not explode, though it cost a brave British Naval Officer his life. The Jiddah bomb
was interfered with enough that it was a fizzle, and the Kuwait City one was not
initiated", Billy spoke into the phone.
"Mr President, they were willing to waste a bomb on Kuwait City, a city of less than
fifty thousand people. This is a direct statement to the western nations. That is the
only reason that a bomb was placed there. If you look to the west this is what
happens. So as for your condemnation of these actions, as much as I welcome this, I
feel I must ask for more firm propositions about your response", Billy was getting
quite irritated now and again there was a pause.
"Mr President I need your backing now. You waited a week and a half longer than it
took to get a response from the British, and this is a situation that has polarised since
western intervention during the Gulf War", Billy shouted and again a pause.
"Look, we have a death toll in the millions here, and you tell me you can do nothing
at the moment, yet you launch a strike against these nations for the loss of a carrier?
We had more women and children die than that in the bombing of Dhahran", he
"Well then Mr President, I refuse permission for your forces to enter Saudi Arabian
airspace, as a minor attack as you are suggesting will only add to the tensions here
and increase the risk to my people", Billy said firmly.
"Well then on entry to our territorial airspace one aircraft will have its crew separated
from it. We shall pick up the crew and they shall be returned to you immediately. If
the aircraft continue to cross our airspace then we will repeat this with all of them. I
will not allow you to provoke this situation further with a minor show of force for
your own popularity. You either go all the way or not at all, you know where I am if
you wish to talk to me further", Billy slammed the phone down.
"Problems?" I asked
"The most powerful and well informed country on earth and who do they elect for
president this time, not a leader, not a warrior, not even a wise man. This time of all
times they have to elect a professional politician", he shouted.
"Wait till you deal with the British Governmental structure", I said, "We have
something worse than politicians, we have Civil Servants"
Within minutes Billy had hit the British political subsystem and bounced a few times
with several different avenues of approach.
"Damn, I am going to have to call on some names here", he said, and started dialling
another number.
"Yes can I please talk to his highness it is extremely urgent please?" Billy said calmly
"Yes I realise the time?is that you Wendy?" he said with a grin
"Yes I always know that voice, it's Billy, can you put me through as you have heard
what's going on here?Yes I know, but I can't talk as I need to get through to the
Prime Minister and I keep getting Civil Servants. Yes, thanks Wendy", he said and
looked at me and covered the mouthpiece with one hand.
"An eye and a ear for the pretty ladies sometimes is in my favour", he said, "Though I
don't know what she looks like, I have had many conversations with the lady, as I
have waited for an answer"
"Yes Wendy thank you?No, we don't know if any of my family made it, we don't
even know who was in the city?thank you, it is most appreciated and I know you
mean it", he said back on the phone.
I checked on the incoming aircraft and found the first ones crossing Sinai Peninsula,
about to cross the Gulf of Aqaba and down into the Arabian Peninsular.
"Billy the first aircraft have crossed the coast," I said
"Can you take one out without risk to yourself?" he asked, and I nodded and was
The cockpit layout was unfamiliar but is always near enough to grab when necessary
was the ejection system. It was getting easier, I thought, as I applied the pressure and
came back to my body.
"It's done", I said, and he nodded, I closed my eyes for a moment, as I was still weak
from my earlier efforts.
"Sarah are you ok?" came Alex's concerned voice.
"Yes I am, just weak that's all. All these games take their toll", I explained, without
telling her anything.
"I thank you for your concern", I heard Billy saying, "But it would have been much
worse without the sacrifice of a British Naval Officer?Yes, he gave his life while
disarming the bomb here?No, he didn't, he used hand tools?Yes, he knew but
didn't hesitate"
I could feel my suppressed grief re-emerging as I listened to this one sided
conversation about Mike.
"Lieutenant Michael Jennings a pilot off Illustrious. I picked him and a young lady up
on the coast road the day of the air raid here, they had been picked up by a boat,
probably smugglers and dropped off on the coast?we believe she is British but she
has some memory problems, the yacht she was on was attacked, with all but her
killed. She is the young lady who saved those children at the hospital?I know, but I
need to talk to the Prime Minister but I keep hitting red tape, can you do anything?"
Billy asked, his eyes turning heavenward.
"Yes, thank you and I promise to talk to you properly as soon as we stabilise things
here. Thank you again, good night", he finished and put the phone down.
"Are you sorted then?" I asked
"Yes, though I thought I was going to be there all day. You British put your Royalty
on a pedestal and then send all your press out to find the dirt on them. This means
they have very few people they can trust to speak to, and to most of the world they
talk about the most inane things. Whenever I get talking to any member of the
Windsor family they never want to stop", He said
"No it is just you Billy", I said, "You are easy to talk to"
The phone rang and Alex answered it.
"One moment please sir he is on the other line", She said and mouthed the word
'Presidents Office'. We sat there for a couple of minutes and then Billy took the
"Sorry to keep you waiting Mr President but as you can probably gather a lot of things
are happening here?You say one of your aircraft has come down?Well I did warn
you that they did not have permission to cross into our airspace?Yes, as soon as the
aircrew is located they will be immediately returned?Well I am sure you wouldn't
share such interesting military developments with us, if you had them, and with your
reluctance to involve your forces here, I can see no reason to explain it. But I am not a
malicious man and will never try to kill men obeying orders?I don't care, you either
respond or you do not, no half measures are acceptable. These people have used
nuclear devices against my people?Terrorists? Well that can be checked out as we
have two devices intact and from that, you can identify the place, time and probably
the reactor the plutonium came from?Well if you can't risk military intervention on
what might be an act of terrorism, then I can not guarantee oil supplies as I am going
to have to try and help those people helping me?Yes, just like Faisal did in the
seventies?Goodbye", again the phone was put down.
"He is a good man but as you British say 'he farts around'. He will make the right
decision eventually, but at the moment, eventually might be too late", Billy said, the
strain of the situation on his face.
"He was elected for his lack of foreign policies and his single minded attention to
America", I said, "America needed the attention and the money being ploughed back
into its own people for a while. They had been neglected for too long. But he is
unwilling to change this attitude as the situation dictates"
"Yes, I know, but time is the one thing I do not have in my favour", he shouted at me.
"Listen, you are under strain and you haven't eaten yet. You did well with The
President there, but you are going to make a mistake unless you calm down and eat
something", I said gently.
"Calm down and eat", he shouted standing up from his chair, "Do you know what is
happening to my family, my people and my country?"
I pushed hard with my mind sending him back into his chair, and I kept the force on
him as I stood up and spoke.
"Listen Billy, you are a nice bloke under an unimaginable stress at the moment. But
remember, I am the reason that your city here isn't radioactive dust. I have more of an
idea than you what has happened. I have seen it. Mike stopped the bomb going off,
and I have also seen him dead in that basement. You calm yourself down, because an
angry and emotional leader is a bad leader", I shouted at him, then I let up on the
pressure, "Now, Alex and I will try and sort out some food and you shall eat, as I
would not like to have to get angry with you"
"Sarah?" he said
"Don't, I am angry with you at the moment", I said, "I will speak with you after you
have eaten. Come on Alex"
Alex stood there for a moment, indecision on her face.
"Go Alex, Sarah is right", Billy said, "and I apologise for my attitude with you"
"Don't worry about it, but both of us need some food", I said, "Have either of you got
any money as I have none?"
As Alex and I started walking through the streets of the city, the feeling of fear was
perceptible to me, but these people also had a fierce determination not to give in. Yes,
people were in a state of shock at the violation of their nation, but the shops and
businesses were opening as normal.
"Alex we need to get Billy out here", I said
"Why?" she asked confused.
"He needs to open his eyes and see", I said
We walked back inside, and Billy was back on the phone, I think to a member of the
British government, he eventually put the phone down.
"We at least have support", he said, slightly happier than he had been when we left.
"Come on outside with us for a few minutes", I said
"What do you mean, I have things to do", he said
"Look, come outside with me for a while. Alex, do you mind putting calls on hold for
half an hour at the most?" I asked
"I don't mind, what if something else starts?" she asked
"I will know first", I said, and grabbed Billy's hand ignoring his protests.
Outside Billy looked around, but didn't feel the determination of the people in the
city. I tried to concentrate what I was feeling and give it to him; it is a weird sensation
trying to tune your mind to do something it has never done before. By chance, and the
fact I could see Billy's face suddenly change I managed to hit the right combination
and hold it.
"What is this?" He asked, a look of shock and wonder on his face.
"It is how the people of this city feel, their fear, their anger and above all their
determination to survive", I said, projecting it stronger now.
"Which people?" He asked.
"I don't know, I feel it but I can't identify if it is from near or far", I said honestly.
An elderly man stopped in passing and looked at Billy. He asked a question in Arabic
and Billy answered nodding, eliciting a burst of happiness and pride from the old
man, before a short conversation and he continued on his way.
"He fought during the Six Day War, and he is ready to fight again, for me", Billy said,
sounding awed.
We continued walking till we found a small bar type affair, which appeared to be
serving coffee and a selection of pastries, we walked into the darker interior and
found it was full of men. I could feel the suspicion I was being regarded with and was
still broadcasting the emotions to Billy. Billy said something to them and I could
make out Sarah in the speech and suddenly the emotions changed to gratitude. It was
honest gratitude from the bottom of their hearts, at the girl who had risked herself for
the children, I was overwhelmed and tried to block it out.
"Sarah are you well", Billy asked
"Yes it is just rough, this much pure emotion being directed at me", I said honestly
"We are an emotional people unlike the British, by nature, I think that may be the
reason I have found it so difficult