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BioMorph This story is not about my early life, so I'll just give you a few details about it and then get into the more important stuff. I was born Alex Morgan. I grew up in a small farming town in southern New Hampshire. My childhood was fairly pleasant and filled mostly with friends but sprinkled with a few bullies and jerks here and there to keep me on my toes. Through a bit of luck, money from home (until my parents passed away my fifth year of college), mediocre grades, and a fascination with science, by the skin of my teeth I obtained a bachelor's degree in physiology, a master's in computer science and another master's in electronic engineering. I didn't graduate with honors. Maybe I could have with enough work, but I chose to slack and skip classes now and then to pursue at least some kind of social life. My particular skills well suited me for my first job and the company snatched me up as soon as they saw my resume. At the age of twenty-five I began work at Maryland Medical, Inc., (MMI) in Bethesda. This was October 6, 1988. The pay was a bit lower than I had hoped but the work was certainly fascinating and rewarding. MMI designed and sold various medical instruments like ultrasound machines, CAT scanners, MRI machines, along with a line of smaller gadgets like IV regulators and endoscopes. They hired me as a systems engineer. I found myself doing everything from writing software to designing hardware to entertaining customers. My boss, Arnie Foster, and I became friends during this time. Arnie was seven years older than me, divorced, with one twelve-year-old son that lived with his mother in South Carolina. Arnie and I double-dated a few times and I guess I should admit that it was Arnie who supplied several of my dates for me. He was one of those humble, well-mannered, clean-cut, farmer boy types with the looks and build to match. He didn't have the southern accent to go with it, though. He was born and raised in the Midwest. It seemed girls were always falling in love with him. It was a little irritating to be out on a double date and my date would often seem more interested in Arnie than in me. I realized this was partly because the typical girl willing to double-date with Arnie's date just might be doing it out of interest in Arnie. Such was my rationalization, anyway. Arnie was a nice guy, though. He was also as smart as a whip. We could go into the wee hours of the morning discussing all kinds of interesting subjects. The first responsibilities given me at MMI involved making minor improvements to a machine that had already been selling for a couple years. This machine could non-intrusively do the job of liposuction by focusing high-power ultrasound beneath the skin to destroy fat without damaging the skin. It was called Sonoblast. After the fat was destroyed the body would then absorb it. The whole procedure sometimes had to be done in several sessions so that the body was not over-burdened with an excessive amount of waste from the dead fat cells. Killing the fat too quickly caused nausea in the patient, and sometimes in the operator, if you know what I mean. The procedure could be accelerated by giving the patient a constant flow of new, clean, blood through an IV, but blood is too valuable to be used only for convenience. So the procedure was typically staggered over several days. As I said, the machine focused ultrasound. It used large, flat panels of tens of thousands of tiny piezo-electric ultrasonic transducers. These transducers are really just little high-powered audio tweeters, one-thirtieth millimeter square. Each transducer could convert electrical impulses to sound waves. Also, just like any audio speaker or tweeter, a transducer could convert audio waves back into electrical impulses like a microphone. It worked on exactly the same principle as an ultrasound machine but with higher-power transducers. The ultrasonic energy was focused by pulsing an electrical signal in each transducer at the proper point in time so that the wave coming away from the panel would converge at a single point beneath the skin. By adjusting the timing of the pulse in each transducer, the wave from the whole panel could be made to converge at any point in front of the panel. Another way to look at this is that the individual pulses from all the transducers were timed so that there was some point beneath the skin where they all met at the same time. At this point the wave peaks and troughs added to form one big pulse, resulting in an extremely high intensity of wave pressure strong enough to break cell walls. So only at the focal point would the sound intensity be sufficient to destroy flesh. On the skin surface the sound waves were spread over enough area so that no part of the skin would be damaged. It's a little like putting your hand under a magnifying glass when the sun is shining through it. You get burned only when the beam is focused to a point. The really amazing feature of the machine, though, was the software. Without the software a doctor could still manually move the transducer over skin, but he would have little idea what he was destroying, and the wave-pattern coming from the panel would be set to a certain depth and presume certain refractive qualities of the flesh it traversed. In layman's terms, the non-software version of the device didn't do a good job of focusing the energy. The feat of the software was its ability to make the procedure safe and accurate. The software caused the machine to first send a weak sound signal (not strong enough to cause damage) to the focal point. This signal would reflect and refract its way back to more transducers, where it would be converted back to an electrical signal. The pattern of the sound waves received by the transducers was used to ascertain the makeup of the flesh. When the software was convinced the flesh was only fat, it would pulse higher power until the fat became liquid, indicating destruction of the cell walls, and death of the cells. It repeated this cycle in a matter of milliseconds. Unfortunately the FDA never licensed it. Apparently there was too much danger that an untrained operator might accidentally point the thing at a more vital part of the body. I tended to agree with their decision. One software bug and a slip of the doctor's grip could sever your spinal cord. We sold a total of 26 machines overseas over a span of about 4 years. That's $2.3 million per machine--nothing to sneeze at. We required customers to sign a massive disclaimer agreement and only sold the machine in countries that would honor it. From the experience gained from the Sonoblast, MMI moved on to some contraptions that could be more precisely pointed and that could destroy cells of types other than fat. With more precision we could kill small groups of cells, sometimes single cells, leaving other nearby cells intact. This made it possible to shrink tissue by killing only some of the cells scattered throughout the tissue. By 1991 we had a prototype of a device that could shrink skin, fat, tendons (partially), muscle, some organs, cartilage, and, amazingly, bone. Most of the soft flesh that didn't have a complex structure was a cinch. Cartilage was also surprisingly easy because its homogenous-the surface of cartilage has the same make-up as its interior-so we could destroy the surface to reshape the cartilage without affecting its functionality. Bone was a bear. Bone is composed of a lattice of mostly easily metabolized metals. The specific material of the lattice is called hydroxy-apatate-a molecule containing mostly calcium. The lattice is kept intact and restored by cells called osteoblasts, which produce a thick liquid of giant smart molecules (that is, proteins) infiltrating and nourishing the lattice. The liquid, along with the cells, is called osteoid. It was the lattice that needed alteration such that channels were still available for the osteoid to flow. If there were no channels for the osteoid to flow then the bone would die. To destroy and reshape bone, the machine had to have a resolution that would at least barely be able to discern the individual branches of the lattice, and then the software had to figure a way to destroy a section of the bone so that the remaining bone would fall together such that the lattice would still hold together well during healing. Altering bone required some fairly sophisticated software. The recovery time was upwards of that required when one breaks a bone, because that's exactly what we were doing-breaking bones. By 1993 we found a way to send much shorter ultrasound waves through the body without them being much absorbed until they arrived at the focal point. Shorter waves gave higher resolution (precision) but had, until then, been too well absorbed by the body to penetrate it very far. The sound wave we used was complex, rather than a sine-wave, in such a way that little of its energy was absorbed by the salt water that makes up much of the body. With these extremely short waves and the proper software we were able to partially perform a form of on-the-spot bone healing by locally vaporizing the hydroxy-apatate lattice, which would fuse back together as solid calcium as it quickly cooled. We were, in effect, able to weld bone. Major alterations could be done in a matter of hours and with faster and more complete healing afterwards. Money continued to pour in from the sale of other products and with it the company pursued BioMorph. BioMorph looked like a long rectangular bathtub lined with transducer panels, each holding millions of tiny transducers, covering the inside walls and floor. A big transducer panel folded down over the top of the victi.... er, "patient". He would lie in the tub with a breathing tube in his nose. A clear, inert, odorless hydraulic fluid (for conducting the ultrasonic waves) would fill the entire tub and then things would begin to happen. A video monitor let the operator see the patient. The procedure was fully automated. A program was selected and the operator just stepped back to wait for it to complete. The software would send weak ultrasonic signals to examine the section to be altered, and then more powerful signals to make the alteration according to the current position and make-up of the organ to be altered. There was also a scan-only mode in which a subject could be placed in the machine and the shapes of the various body parts and organs could be recorded by the software for later viewing. In this mode it was really just an elaborate ultrasound machine. Arnie wrote most of the higher-level software and I was systems engineer. There were a total of 8 engineers, several more medical professionals, and probably 30 other technical support personnel on the team. The very first test of the complete machine was done on a T-bone steak. Then we moved on to mice. We had to find the safety limits of the shrinkage and reshaping of various organs. Arnie would sit at the controls and I would drop in the mice. There was a standing joke that Arnie's finger on the switch just might "slip" when my hand was in the tub. I'd have my hand partly in the tub retrieving a mouse (we'd tie little weights to the tails which we called 'concrete galoshes') and just before my hand was out he'd yell "OOOPS... oh, no! Are you OK?". He stopped this tiring little gag when one day he really did slip. No damage was done to my hand, though. We weren't trying to fry the mouse--just shrink his tissues a little. The software was written to recognize certain parts of the mouse and ignore anything else it saw, so I didn't feel a thing. But afterward my continuing joke was that, strangely, my class ring kept slipping off. Even so, the safety people made us make a wire 'mouse manipulator' so I didn't have to stick my hand in there anymore. We moved on to rhesus monkeys and then to human subjects. We started with the more tried and true process of fat removal. Eventually we were able to perform fairly major alterations on human subjects, but only through our sister companies overseas because the machine was never approved by the FDA, except for the scanning mode. Several of us went to South Africa once to watch a middle aged lady get a birth defect in her jaw fixed. Even we, the designers, were amazed at the results. We also shortened a Brazilian guy's spine but I didn't get to see it. He had a defect in which most of the lumbar vertebrae were malformed and too long. The machine could not, of course, shrink such a complex organ as the spinal cord without causing permanent damage. So that wouldn't be shrunk. Some of us were worried that the spinal cord would start to crumple and twist in the spine as it was forced to span a shorter distance-kind of like a rope being pushed into a pipe-and cause numbness or pain or motor problems. But, as some of the experts pointed out, nerve tissue is unbelievably stretchy and bendable. It has to be. It must traverse the lengths of so many movable appendages. Most nerves can be stretched up to 70% without permanent damage. Nerves can also practically be folded in two without hurting them. Ever see a contortionist bend backward until she's looking at the bottoms of her feet? A rhesus monkey's spine could be stretched about 30%, or crumpled within the spinal column by a length of about 20% without a problem, and over several months it would partially adjust its length. There seemed to be no ill effects in the Brazilian man who's spine was shortened, and the malformed section of his spine was shortened 10% in one session and 8% more in a session a month later. Because it first had been fairly well tested on animals, the machine rarely made mistakes in the human subjects and those it did make were minor-a little too much fat removed here, a little extra bone healing needed there. Once or twice there was minor nerve damage but we learned from our mistakes and were able to cause the software to better recognize nerves through a sort of self-teaching algorithm that merged a knowledge-base of general anatomy to its image of the patient in order to make some pretty educated guesses on what was a nerve and what wasn't. This same algorithm was later expanded to help the machine handle the entire physiology as well as generate its own procedures from making alterations. With this algorithm, it became possible for the system programmer to configure more general alterations and let the machine figure the best way to do them. Arnie and I would come in early and stay late out of pure fascination with the potential of the machine. We spent a lot of time together and became pretty good friends. One night Arnie, after complimenting me on an engineering problem I'd solved, said, "Alex, if you were a girl, I'd ask you to marry me". Saying something like that in a joking way was not all that weird between guys, but I somehow sensed he meant a little more than just a silly joke. In the same guy, joking, way I said "Oh, I guess I'd marry a hunk like you if I were a girl". This statement was probably a bit weird for one guy to say to another and I was a little surprised at myself when I said it, yet there was a bit of truth in it. Arnie didn't flinch. He just looked at me for about 15 seconds. Then he said very matter-of-factly, "You know it isn't completely impossible". I was a little shocked at this statement and wasn't sure how to take it. I knew he was talking about the BioMorph. Most of the engineering team had mused over the fact that, with the right programming, the BioMorph had the capability to do completely convincing sex changes. I'll also admit that I had fantasized it. You see, I have what some people would call a 'quirk' in my libido. I won't get into that right now. It should suffice, here, to say that I had learned to live with it. Anyway, as I said, I had fantasized about it, but I would always be yanked back to reality by the fact that the company would not, of course, allow it nor would I ever be able to stand before all my friends and coworkers and say, "Is tomorrow payday? ...and, oh, by the way, I'm going to convert my body into a beautiful woman's body this afternoon". I said to Arnie, "Ok, I'd like a 38-22-36 figure, blonde hair, and one-inch eyelashes, please." Then Arnie said that he had already written the program. I said, "You have? Why?" He paused, and said, "Would you really consider doing it, Alex?" For lack of anything else to say, I said half-consciously, "I don't know.". I wanted to say 'yes' but I wasn't about to say it, so I said, "It would take a lot of testing". "Well, all the pieces have already been tested.", he said. "On real human subjects--the specific bone, fat, muscle, intestine, lung, cartilage, and liver procedures have been done successfully on other patients for other reasons. You saw the results of that spine being shortened on that Brazilian guy last month. And remember the cadaver that was missing a couple weeks ago?-I took it. I did a full test on it and it worked. Alex, I did a biopsy and saw nothing to indicate it would have damaged a living human." I said, "I can't believe we're having this conversation". I sat there for a minute looking at Arnie, looking at the floor, looking out the window. He didn't move from his spot. Then Arnie said, "I know this is a surprise, and maybe kind of weird. Ok, very weird-but I've sensed it might be something you would consider. We could take it slow... and watch the progress." He was serious. He was actually suggesting the real thing. Man! First, I said to myself, 'you'd end up a mass of dying flesh, Alex'. Yet I knew that simply wasn't so. I knew the reliability and safety of the machine as well as anybody. I knew that performing the procedure in many small steps was safer than was really even necessary. I knew that, in effect, the whole procedure had pretty much been done to some degree-it was just spread out over many patients. I had also known that to do it would require an accomplice, but I never dreamed anyone, including Arnie, would be game for it. Also, the machine could shrink but it couldn't grow. Oh, the few things about a woman's body that required growth of flesh could be done-the machine was capable of selectively shrinking nearby flesh to pull flesh in the desired direction, and even somewhat capable of rearranging softer flesh like skin, fat, and muscle enough to produce breasts and other such shapely features. It was just the permanency of it all. I could not just hop back in the machine and snap myself back into a man when I got tired of being a girl. I would live out the rest of my life as a female. Arnie stood up and pulled out his wallet. "Arnie...", I said. He didn't answer, but pulled a small photograph out of his wallet and handed it to me. The photo was rubbed in places but one could still see the two women in the picture. Arnie pointed to one of them. The girl looked to be in her early twenties and of western European decent. She had almost shoulder length blonde hair that fanned out above her shoulders but didn't touch them. Her face was broad, and her eyes wide-set and dark. Her eyebrows were high and sparse on a smooth, oriental brow. She had a small, slightly up-turned nose and perfectly shaped elongated-oval lips. She wore no makeup and didn't need it. She was standing beside another, taller, girl which gave the impression that Arnie's girl was rather short. She was not smiling in the picture, but seemed to be intently staring at whomever was taking the picture. I couldn't see the rest of her-it was a face and shoulders shot of two girls-but I got the impression she was a knockout from head to toe. "That's someone I knew... a long time ago", He said. It was obvious from the tone of Arnie's voice that he had held something for this girl. "The program will make you just like her, Alex". Hmm, he wants me to be an old flame. My first thought was skepticism. But my next was intrigue. To be Arnie's old flame.... I must admit it was kind-of appealing. I could do a lot worse than spend the rest of my life as such a beautiful girl-and with a boyfriend-or husband!-like Arnie. Sheesh, what was I thinking? A voice in my head was screaming at me. "are you crazy?". Strangely, my answer to it was, "No. This might very well be the sanest thing I ever did". I said to Arnie, "I don't know what I'd tell everybody. I'd have to resign... and move away." "You'd have to resign, but you wouldn't have to move away. You'd come back as... this girl, and make your friends over again." He almost said her name. I guess he was letting me pick my own name. Even so, my curiosity needed satisfaction. "What was her name?", I said. "Kate. Short for Kathleen." Somehow, without me agreeing to it verbally, it became fairly settled that night that I was going to be changed into a 5 foot 3 inch girl named Kate. I guess it was embarrassment that kept me from simply saying to Arnie or myself, 'Yep, I wanna be a girl, all right'. But the truth was that I did wanna be a girl, all right. Especially that girl in the picture-Arnie's girl. She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, and I think I knew how Arnie must have felt about losing her. The idea of pleasing Arnie as that girl-one whom he would be in love with-was most desirable to me. Arnie and I discussed it over the next few days and soon the decision became pretty much final. I submitted my resignation letter and gave the company two more weeks. Arnie rented a house which I would move to after the change. He took responsibility for the payments, but told the landlord he was making the arrangements for some friends. I told my friends and coworkers that I was moving to Topeka, Kansas. It was kind of an inside joke with myself-you know... Kansas, there's no place like home, and all. Some of them said keep in touch and I said sure. I wouldn't, of course! I went through all these motions without really dwelling much on the reason. I still had in the back of my mind the perfectly acceptable notion of changing my mind and staying a guy. Maybe it was this assurance that allowed me to prepare for the change without much anxiety or thought of the future. Arnie suggested for my safety that we do the procedure in 15 or 20 sessions spread over several months, but I said let's go ahead and do it as quickly as was reasonable, which, we both agreed would be two or three sessions as close as several days apart. Arnie knew doing it in just a few sessions was fairly safe, as I did, but he wanted to give me the option. Doing it with just a few sessions eliminated having to sneak me in to the company many times over months. The probability of being caught was vastly decreased with just three sessions. If we did it with many sessions and were caught right around the time I was neither a guy nor a girl, but an "it", I would have to go through the rest of my life like that! We decided on two main sessions and a follow-up calibration session, spread over a week. I left the company on a Friday. That weekend and the next Monday and Tuesday I sold or donated most of my belongings, closed out all my affairs, and moved into my new house. I was becoming a 'man who did not exist'-as far as bank accounts go, etc.. Arnie gave me one of his credit cards to use for expenses until I got settled into my new role. I gave Arnie a call on Wednesday morning and he stopped by in the afternoon to discuss plans. There was a shipping and receiving dock that would serve our purpose. Arnie would open the dock garage door and let me in at 1 AM on next Sunday morning. He said he'd have everything ready. The first session would take several hours. If all went well, we'd do two more sessions spread about three or four days apart. Arnie called me or stopped by every day telling me of his preparations, and assuring me things were going well. He said he'd made some final changes to the software and wanted to do a quick system test before the real thing. "Another cadaver will be needed from the morgue", he said. "Are you kidding? The company will become rather suspicious, don't you think!", I said. "They won't notice its missing for a while. Besides, they'll get over it. Especially when no more are missed for months. I just want to do everything safely. Its better to risk being caught stealing a cadaver than risk bodily damage to you, Alex!" Arnie stopped by my place Saturday afternoon and we went over our plans. I'd show up at the dock door a little earlier than planned-11:30 that evening. Arnie would let me in and have everything ready. I'd be on IV and require a flow of clean blood. I'd also have an abdominal drain-which I didn't much look forward to. The IV and abdominal drain were to quickly remove the waste of all the dead flesh so that we could do the procedure over such a short time. The idea of a lung drain had also come up but I quickly rejected it in favor of having to cough up a little extra fluid from my lungs-which wouldn't be all THAT much fun, either. By 5:00 AM, if all went well, as far as my general size and shape I'd be about one-half of the way to being the girl in the picture, and my facial features would look enough like a girl's that no one would have to look twice-I'd just not be very shapely. The second session, which would virtually complete the process, would be Wednesday. The final session would be a sort of checkup and calibration of my new body, with only very minor alteration. That session would be next Sunday. "It's now 3:30. Maybe you'd better get to bed soon and try to get some sleep", Arnie said. "Yeah, right", I said. Maybe it was the excitement of the past week, but I fell asleep within fifteen minutes of crawling in bed. The alarm woke me up at 10:00 PM. I popped out of bed feeling a need to hurry even though it wasn't necessary. Needless to say I was trembling-kind of the way you do when you have to get up before dawn for an important trip. I quickly shaved (for the last time), brushed my teeth, showered, and dressed in blue-jeans and black T-shirt. That's all I'd need, and it would make me inconspicuous. I drove my car to a 24-hour department store near MMI, the whole time fighting the urge to speed. I really didn't feel much like getting stopped by a cop just then! I drove into the department store parking lot and parked my car among the others. I checked the time, paused just a second to review the plans in my mind to make sure I hadn't forgotten something, looked around the parking lot, then got out and casually walked around the side of the department store through some trees to the company grounds. I crawled under the fence. At about 11:20 I found myself waiting in the shadows near the dock door. I stood there shivering for about five minutes, partly from the cool night air but mostly from nerves. Then I heard Arnie throw the latch and as he rolled the door up I ran up to it and climbed onto the concrete floor of the dock. "Hi, Alex", he said. He scanned the dock grounds for unwelcome onlookers-there were none. Arnie shut the door and we strolled out of the dock area and down the wide, main hall as if we were suppose to be there. A guard was making his rounds far down the hall and waved to us. Everything was fine. We entered the BioMorph lab and it was obvious Arnie had been busy. All the equipment was ready, along with ten units of blood in a cooler beside the blood circulator. I stood for a moment, then shrugged my shoulders and said, "I guess I might as well get ready". Arnie nodded. I stripped, got into the tub and sat upright. Arnie broke open the IV needles. I was still shaking a little and Arnie patted me on the arm and said, "just relax, it'll be fine". I laid back. Arnie put in the two IVs-one in each arm to form a circuit for blood in, blood out-and started the blood circulator. Then he broke open the abdominal drain and said, "These things actually aren't too bad. Its slightly more uncomfortable than getting a shot." I clenched my fists and concentrated on the ceiling. Arnie disinfected my navel and poked the drain in. Man it hurt. I closed my eyes tight, gritted my teeth, and thought about my favorite baseball team. It hurt considerably more than an IV and for a longer time. After it was in, I let out the breath I'd been holding and tried to relax. I opened my eyes. "You lied to me", I said with a pant. Arnie just smiled sheepishly and shrugged. Just like an IV, though, once it was in I no longer felt it. Arnie pushed the plastic catheter through the needle and into my abdomen several inches. Then he pulled out the needle from around the catheter, and connected the external end of the catheter to a plastic tube that led to a suction pump beside the BioMorph. He patted me on the arm and said, "Sorry. You OK?". "Oh, just peachy!", I said. Arnie waited a couple minutes while I calmed down. Then I said, "I'm ready when you are". He said, "Ok", and gave me the breathing tube and I put it in my nose. Arnie made sure I was positioned properly and asked if I were breathing OK through the tube. I answered with a stuffy-nosed "yes". He watched me take a few breaths and then folded down the upper transducer panel over me until it clicked into place. I could just see out a little through the spaces between the panels. I heard him walk over to the console and say, "For this step we're going to do about 5% of the alterations on your bones, lungs, and bowels, but about 20% of the alterations on your external flesh. It will take 20 minutes and then we'll see how you are doing". Exterior alterations were very easy to do and could be done quickly because they were all soft-flesh alterations and the waste they produced was not excessive. Bone had to be done more slowly because it took the machine longer to destroy and weld it, and major reduction of internal organs had to be done more slowly for two reasons. First, so that the machine could consider how the body was adapting to the shrinking over multiple sessions (for example, in some early tests we'd had problems with pleurisy from inaccurate shrinkage of lung tissue balanced with the size & shape of the chest cavity), and second, to give the body a chance to absorb the mass of the killed flesh. In my case this mass would total about 70 pounds over all three sessions. Much would be removed through the IV and abdominal drain but the remainder my body would have to remove. I said, "Ok. I'm ready", and Arnie hit the switch and I shut my eyes. A valve clicked and the tub filled slowly with fluid. I heard the faint hum of the transducer power supplies, but felt nothing except the oily fluid, temperature set at a comfortable 80 degrees Fahrenheit, raising to cover my body. When I was well submersed I heard through the fluid the muffled click of the fluid valve shut off. You have to lay there two minutes while the fluid is sloshed a little to force all the air bubbles to the surface. Then the transducer supplies clicked to the slightly louder hum indicating they were driving the transducers with higher power. I took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. After about three minutes I began to sense a very slight queasiness, and I became a little achy all over, especially in my back. It was rather similar to suffering from a mild influenza-including sinus pain in my face and achiness in my jaw. I could hear Arnie-muffled through the fluid-and periodically he would ask if I were alright. I'd reply with a thumbs-up and he could see it on the video monitor. After several minutes I was getting a slight headache and started feeling a little nauseated, but was nowhere near throwing up. So I let things continue. It seemed just a few minutes later that the power suddenly cut-off and I felt the fluid draining. I thought something was wrong and Arnie had aborted the procedure. I heard Arnie raise the top panel. When the fluid lowered past my eyes I felt Arnie wipe my eyes with a cloth and remove the breathing tube. I opened my eyes and squinted a bit while they got used to the light. Arnie slightly nodded his head as he said, "Its working". I guess I'd been in there the whole twenty minutes. If feeling really sick was an indication that it was working, then he was right! "I don't feel so good", I moaned. In fact, every inch of my body ached. Even when I spoke my throat hurt. Oh, man. Even though the moan was more a croak, I could tell my voice was more, well, feminine isn't the word. It was a little like the voice you here from a recording that is played back at an ever so slightly higher rate. The twenty minutes of morphing had already partially shrunk and reshaped my trachea, larynx, and upper throat. "We'll let you recover for fifteen minutes. In the mean time...", he walked across the room and came back with a hand-held mirror and held it over my face as I lay in the tub. I looked pretty swollen from the dead tissue not yet absorbed by my body, but my features were smoother. I couldn't tell for sure but it seemed my masculine brow was slightly receding, facial hair follicles had all been quickly killed and filled in, and my long masculine face was very slightly rounder and shorter. Skin had been adjusted to pull my hairline down and shape it around my forehead, hormones would do the rest. Most noticeable, though, was my nose. Since it was just skin and cartilage, it was already practically that of the girl in the picture. All of these effects put together made it possible for me to pass, in a pinch, as a girl already, although I'd be a rather lanky, broad-shouldered girl, with a deepish voice. I was anxious to feel the other parts of my body that would be quickly altered because they were mostly skin and soft flesh, but frankly felt too sick to really want to move my hand to feel them. "I've got to urinate", I said. I'd be doing this frequently over the next week. My body had a lot of extra waste to get rid of. Arnie helped me do it while lying in the tub. I wasn't sure what I looked like down there, but he did have to use a sucker when I went-indicating I wasn't able to point the stream all that well any more. He also gave me a big drink of water from a squeeze bottle. After resting for several minutes, I began to feel the effect of the IV circulating new blood in me and was able to move my hand to my genitals. Well, my testes had been completely destroyed, the scrotum seemed softer and smoother, with the beginnings of a depression along the center line and about a one-inch deep hole at the base, and my middle leg was now just a narrow stub, moved down near the hole and pointing in an oddball direction. I hoped the machine knew what it was doing! I then moved my hand up to my right breast and thought I barely felt a little extra flesh there, but couldn't be sure because I was puffy all over. It would take a little more work by the machine to fill them out properly. Moving fat, muscle, and skin cells is harder than destroying them. I rubbed my hand over my belly, being careful not to snag the abdominal drain, and noted it was smooth and hairless. I knew the extra fat I had had there was now just an oily mass of dead cells; and the muscles, bowels, lungs, and liver had all shrunk slightly, but I didn't feel these changes much yet because my abdominal cavity would still contain much dead flesh that the abdominal drain was unable to remove, and it would take days for this to be absorbed. The fifteen minutes passed, during which Arnie had taken my temperature and blood pressure and checked my blood for various toxins, especially those from the destruction of liver tissue. I felt much better from the clean blood I was getting. Over the next few hours I got a lot sicker and then slightly better six times. At 5:00 AM the last step ended, and I felt totally rotten. I was afraid I'd throw up before the step completed, but I held it back. As soon as the tub emptied, I mumbled to Arnie that I might throw up, and that I also wanted to sleep. I rested for about an hour in the tub, all the while new blood was entering my body. When I awoke I saw that Arnie had already removed the abdominal drain and was removing the IVs. I wasn't nearly as nauseated, but I was in pain. I felt as if I'd been playing tackle football all the day before, hiked up a mountain that evening, fell back down the mountain spraining most of my tendons and muscles in the process, had caught a bad flu, and was full of gas from having eaten a giant bowl of beans-all at the same time. I felt some fluid in my lungs but it was too low down to cough up. I knew I was now officially upwards of one-half girl on the inside and three-quarters girl on the outside (albeit a very puffy, bloated semi-girl) but didn't have the energy to get excited about it. In fact, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to throw up and get some sleep. "You OK?", Arnie asked. I nodded my head and reached my hand to his to get out of the tub. Then it struck me. My hand was smaller. It was smoother and the visible veins were all gone. I moved my fingers in front of my face for a full minute examining my small hand-and to think it would be far smaller still after a week! I also noticed my arm was much thinner and seemed slightly shorter. Arnie helped me out of the tub-which took a minute or two-and I stood straight up beside him. The pain killer from the IV made me shaky and Arnie had to help me keep my balance. I was quite groggy from it and my whole memory of this is slightly fuzzy. I looked up at him. He was now about four inches taller than me. I looked around the room and it seemed as if I were standing in a four-inch hole in the floor. I bent my head downward as best I could without causing too much pain in my neck, and saw my feet on the floor at the same level they should be. But that wasn't the shocker. My eyes saw the beginnings of small, young, firm breasts, a hairless, rather bloated waist, and wider hips. My torso was uncannily shorter. My shoulders were uncannily narrower. I turned slightly and saw the edge of a smooth round bottom in the back. Looking further down I saw hairless long legs lacking the muscles I once had there, and noticeably smaller feet. There was a full length mirror nearby but I chose not to look. I probably looked pretty horrible even to Arnie-I was a bloated one-half female 'it', and I wanted to get dressed and out of there so I could recover in my own bed. After a quick trip to the rest room (at which time I was first introduced to that distinctive hissing sound I now produce on a regular basis), I went over to the table where were my clothes and slowly put them back on while wincing now and then. "You look OK, Alex, really. You know you haven't said much yet, though", I knew why he said this. Until then I had only muttered a groan or two through the whole procedure. I cleared my throat-and even that was definitely the sound of a girl clearing her throat-and I said, "Hi Arnie". Of all I'd seen so far this was the biggest shock. I wasn't displeased with the voice, but to open your mouth and hear an almost completely female voice come out is most unnerving. Even so, it was not quite the totally female voice I would have soon. I hesitated to say anything else for a moment as Arnie looked on, but I thought I might as well get used to it. "I guess I'd better get out of here!"-whew. This voice would take some getting used to. "Ok. Its starting to get light out so let's hurry". I sensed nervous embarrassment, as well as excitement, in Arnie and I'm sure he sensed it in me. We didn't talk much. We walked down the hall without meeting anyone, fortunately, although the company was big enough that if we had met a guard he'd probably just assume we were employees. In the dock room Arnie opened the garage door and said, "See you in fifteen minutes". I was to wait in my car for Arnie and he would drive me home. I climbed off the platform, waved, and moved as quickly as I could, which wasn't very quickly, along the dock wall to the trees beyond. I made my way through a small wood to the fence and slowly crawled under it. Then I just had to relieve myself, so I did. Guys, being able to direct your urine is a most convenient skill when a rest-room is unavailable, you don't fully appreciate it until you miss it. It was here that I realized I should probably take a look between my legs, I hadn't thought of it in the lab. I looked, and noticed the work seemed almost complete on the outside. I resisted the temptation to feel the depth of my vagina, though. I guess I was afraid of noticing something there that hadn't been completely altered yet, and I didn't feel like being unpleasantly surprised. I pulled up my pants and casually walked into the department store parking lot and got in my car. I plopped down on the passenger seat and relaxed for a few minutes. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was Arnie opening the driver-side door and patting me on the leg, "How's it going?", he said. "Ok... jus' very tired..". The pain killer was still doing its stuff and I pretty much was out of it all the way home. I vaguely remember going to the bathroom as soon as I got home. Then I drank some water and went over to my bed and crawled in. Arnie stayed in the living room and checked on me from time to time. My sleep was interrupted every hour, or so, to get up to urinate and get a big swig of water. I wasn't hungry at all-apparently because my blood was loaded with nutrients that had once been my flesh. I coughed up some of the fluid in my lungs during these trips to the bathroom. In a nutshell, I wasn't feeling all that well. I woke up that evening feeling better, but not really well enough to move around much. Arnie brought me some dinner while I stayed under the covers. This was a most embarrassing time in my life because I knew this one-half girl thing must have looked quite unattractive to him. Yet through it all he was totally considerate and supportive. Even so, I refused to let him get a good look at me. Arnie was going to take part of each day off to take care of me. I spent the whole time in my bedroom and when Arnie entered was sure to be under covers. The following Wednesday I was feeling pretty good, and that evening I found myself again standing in the shadows by the dock. I was very anxious to get this session over because being a neuter is not fun. I had certainly no desire to go out in public and I hardly let Arnie see me at all. I was anxious to look like a girl, and after this session I would-the last session being mainly to make the final adjustments that weren't all that visible, anyway. When I entered the lab, everything was as it had been before, but I noticed on Arnie's lab desk a pair of jeans, a woman's knit short sleeve shirt, bra, panties, socks, and tennis shoes. There was also a blonde wig. The BioMorph couldn't do a thing about hair color and length. It could destroy hair follicles and move skin containing hair follicles, though. The hormones and hair stylists would have to do the rest. I quickly stripped and got in the tub. Arnie put in the IV's as before, and the abdominal drain was just as uncomfortable, but at least I knew what to expect this time. Soon my body's cells were being precisely and calculatingly obliterated, moved, stretched, and reconnected. Each step I got sicker as before, and in between the last two steps I couldn't care less what was happening-I again wanted to throw up and get some sleep. After the last step Arnie let me rest an hour while the IV pumped new blood in me. He had to wake me up when it was time to get up. "Hey...", he said as he slightly jostled my arm. My eyes gradually squinted open and he was standing over me. "Hi...", I croaked. Even though it was a croak, the voice I heard was pure female, and was the one I now have. I cleared my throat and spoke again. "How did it come out?", I said. "It came out just fine... Kate", said Arnie. He helped me out of the tub. I caught a glimpse of my hand. It was the dainty hand of a girl. Seeing it made me excited in spite of the pain-killer. I stood up knowing what to expect but was still surprised. The hole in which I stood was now a full eight inches deep. Arnie stood very near and in front of me and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. Arnie looked at my face, shook his head and simply said, "Wow". I looked around the room. It wasn't bigger, but I felt a need to step out of that hole! I walked a few paces and found that the hole in which I stood was actually a trench, and I was still in it! Such a strange feeling. Arnie was holding me up with his arm around my waist. I felt a funny feeling about his arm being there. He looked intently at me as if I were the only thing worth looking at in the world. I looked down at my body and saw for the first time the body I now have. I was better prepared for a shorter torso and larger breasts, so that wasn't too surprising. This session had also given me nipples. I think the real shocker this time was to turn my head looking for my shoulder and not seeing it! I had to now strain my eyes downward where I found it not more than a couple inches beyond my chin, and rather than the more massive male shoulder I once had, this was thin and small-boned, with pretty much no visible muscle about it and a thin, hairless, feminine, arm extending from it where there had once been a muscular, thick, man's arm. I still wasn't going to look in the mirror, though. I wanted to save that for when I was no longer excessively bloated. I stepped over to the clothing he had supplied and said, "well, here goes". The panties were certainly more comfortable than the male counterpart I'd worn all my life, but I was not so happy with the bra. They're tight, and bite into you after hours of wear. I never quite got used to them and now usually wear nothing, tight cotton tops, or sport bras. I considered not bothering with the blonde wig-there's nothing wrong with a short-haired girl walking around, but then I thought maybe Arnie was anxious to see me in it. The wig was hot and uncomfortable. Fortunately I wouldn't have to wear it more than a month or so. After I dressed Arnie stood in front of me and looked me over from head to toe. "You are absolutely gorgeous!", he said. I knew he was being kind. I really wouldn't describe my bloated belly as 'absolutely gorgeous'. We again walked down the hall without incident and Arnie helped me off the dock landing. Then Arnie jumped down, too, and said, "Kate". I turned to look at him and he held out a little box and opened it before me. Inside was a pair of earrings. They were very simple little five point stars. I said, "I'll have to get my ears pierced". He said, "Come closer". I stood in front of him and he removed the earrings from the box and reached up to my right ear. 'What on earth is he doing?', I thought. Then I felt something apparently being connected to my ear and realized what had happened. He had programmed the BioMorph to pierce my ears! "Uh!", I exclaimed. Arnie smiled and put in the other ring, then stepped back and held his hands gently on the sides of my neck to examine me. "Ravishingly beautiful only partly describes you", he said. "Thank you, Arnie". Wow, I thought. This guy is romantic! No wonder he always had girls to spare! I turned and hobbled toward the trees. Arnie soon met me in the parking lot and drove me home, where I again went to the bathroom once, got a drink, plopped down in bed, and fell immediately to sleep. I was awakened in an hour by wet bed sheets. I didn't tell Arnie I had wet the bed until weeks later-he found it quite funny, of course. I pulled off the wet sheets and stuck them in the bathroom hamper, and then got another sheet from the closet and threw it on the bed. I quickly jumped back in and pulled up the covers, collapsing back on my pillow. At about seven that evening I slowly woke up and, without opening my eyes, recalled my condition. I rubbed my hands over my bottom, over my short waste, and across my breasts, lightly feeling my new, and definitely female, nipples. An hourglass figure if ever there was one! Or at least it would be when I got rid of the last of this bloating. I got out of bed and stuck my head out the door and saw Arnie on the sofa reading. We said Hi and talked for a minute-the whole time with me still peeking out the door. He invited me out but I wanted to wait until I was thinner. He said he didn't care, but I said I did. Besides, I was still weak and tired. I went to the bathroom and got back in bed. He brought me some dinner on a tray that evening and I was soon ready for more sleep. Arnie had to work the next day. I woke up in the morning about 9:30. After some good stretching, I realized I felt considerably better. I reached for the phone and called Arnie. We chatted a while. It was a good way for both of us to get used to my new voice, I think. I had slept naked, and I got up and went to the bathroom to see what I could see. I stood before the half-length mirror above the sink and didn't move for what must have been two minutes, just soaking in the vision I saw. My waist was now fairly thin, and my shoulders and chest were 100% female. I placed small hands under firm breasts and lifted them and moved them around a bit. I dropped thin arms and wiggled my chest and watched my breasts bounce. They were perfect. I raised my arms, turned around for a side view, and then looked over my shoulder for a back view. Wow, I thought, there's still a bit of male libido in me-the view was most inspiring. I had a belly-dancer's figure. Today was the day. Today I would let Arnie and the world see me-with clothes on, of course! I took a shower, brushed my hair in an attempt to make the short mass look as feminine as possible, and put on the jeans and shirt Arnie had supplied me the day before. I took one more look in the mirror and decided my own hair just wouldn't hack it yet. It was way too short. I grabbed the wig and fitted it on. Looking in the mirror again, I saw that I was more than just a knock out. I was becoming very, very, pleased with Arnie's taste. With this body and face, I felt any red-blooded guy could fall in love with me given half a chance. Maybe that would come in handy some day! I vowed not to hurt any guy for my own selfish purpose, though. I knew what it felt like to be hurt that way. I slipped on the tennis shoes and stepped out the front door, took a quick look around the neighborhood but didn't see anyone. I stepped over to my car and got in. My destination was the mall. I drove as carefully as possible because I had no driver's license! The first person (besides Arnie) to see me as a girl was an older heavy-set fellow out mowing his lawn. I drove by and noticed him glance my way. He looked back to his mowing and then glanced up one more time as I drove past. The mall was not too busy. I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot, turned the motor off and said out loud "here goes". I got out of the car and began walking toward the entrance. Then I realized it. I didn't have a purse! I had Arnie's credit card in my jeans pocket, and that's all I had to carry. What a social faux pas to be without a purse and all its contents! The purse, and things to put in it, would be my first purchase. Entering the main mall doors, I walked down the huge hall toward the Parisian store. Understandably, I was anxious to see what looks I'd get from the guys-any guys! Even a look from an old guy with a pot belly would be better than nothing. It didn't take long for me to get a bite. I stopped by a shoe shop and was checking out the display window, and also glancing at my own reflection in the window. I could also see the reflection of people walking behind me past the store. I stood there a minute waiting for it to happen. I was finally pleasantly rewarded. A tall thin guy walking with a heavy-set woman, possibly his wife, walked past and suddenly stopped talking to his wife, slowed down, and glanced at my rear end, obviously trying to get a view without his wife noticing. There was a pause in their conversation and after they had passed I heard the women say "hey...", as if she knew exactly what he was up to. Hmmm, I thought, this could be fun. I walked down the hall and into the clothing store. As I entered the women's section I walked past a narrow, full-length mirror on one of the clothing racks. I stopped, stood back to get a full picture, and stared. I realized I hadn't really seen a full image of myself in clothes yet. I moved my arms and turned to each side. I felt as if I were looking into some kind of computer simulation which was depicting a cute, short, blonde that moved according to my own movements. Yet this simulation was amazingly precise. I walked up to the mirror and examined my face. It was the face from Arnie's picture. I had to resist the temptation to stand there examining my features in the mirror, moving my mouth around, making shapes with my lips, moving my eyebrows up and down, squinting-I'd be hauled to the nearest loony bin. Maybe the BioMorph had turned me into an irresponsible buyer, but I spent an hour and a half selecting everything I saw that I felt was becoming for a young lady as myself. What a blast! I never new shopping could be so fun!-especially when you have someone else's credit card. While I shopped I walked near a few other shoppers and gradually began to warm-up to the idea of what I was now. In the eyes of everyone around me I looked perfectly normal. I casually said 'hi' to people as I walked past, still enjoying the cute voice I heard when I did so. As I browsed through the clothing I was constantly reminded of my short stature. Everything was higher up. I had to reach up to get this, I had to look up to say hello to a tall fellow customer. Its strange how one's stature, looks, and sex can change one's opinion of one's self. I felt, well, certainly not inferior, just more in need of attention, if that makes any sense. I felt I was now the "weaker" sex in that I required pampering and protection by the opposite sex-that is, by males. That was a strange thought-males are the opposite sex! That morning I stocked up on clothing: a purse, five pairs of shoes, six dresses, four tops, three skirts, casual wear, underclothes, pajamas, a few pairs of earrings, a solid, broad, metal bracelet with Aztec-looking designs on it. The bracelet was not completely closed. You didn't slip it over your hand, but squeezed your wrist sideways through a gap in the bracelet to put it on. I even bought some pink lipstick. I put over $600 on Arnie's credit card. By the time I arrived at my home it was 1:30 in the afternoon. I dumped all the stuff I had bought on the couch, grabbed a bite to eat, took from the pile of clothes a huge pajama T-shirt that had 'Fort Lauderdale' written across it with some dolphins jumping out of the water-real sexy. I went to the bathroom and then got back in bed. I was exhausted and probably had overdone it. When I awoke it was 7:30 in the evening. I decided to get up and see if Arnie was home from work. I stretched for a minute and then crawled out of bed, noticing that my waist was now no longer distended, and that it was a thin waist that quickly flared to a nice large bottom that I could shake like a belly dancer. I practiced doing it for a minute-never know when you'll need such a skill. I went to the bedroom door and peeked out. Arnie wasn't there, but there was my pile of clothes. I walked to the pile and selected something a little more becoming than the jeans and shirt I had worn before. It was a short brown knit dress made of heavy stretchable cloth. I grabbed some panties. There would be no bra today, for two reasons. One, I didn't like them because they were uncomfortable and a pain to put on, and two, I wanted certain of my features to be visible to Arnie when I saw him next. Hobbling back to the bedroom, I put on the dress. Then I opened the bedroom door and called for Arnie. There was no response. I searched the house but didn't find him. Now I was disappointed. I grabbed a pair of white platform sandals I'd bought, tried them on, pulled off the tag, and experimented with walking. Not too hard-it would take a little getting used to. At least I was an inch taller! Anyway they were cute-that's what I was after. I started out the front door and noticed Arnie's car was in the driveway. He was here-probably in the backyard! I rushed, as fast as I could with stiff joints and platform shoes, to the back door and saw him lounging lazily in a lawn chair with a newspaper over his face. Quietly I stepped out to the yard and, when I had positioned myself in front of him, softly said "Arnie". He stirred and lifted the paper from his head. When he saw me his expression turned from squinty-eyed 'why did you wake me up' to flabbergastedness. All he could bring to his lips was a subdued "Wow!". He couldn't have given me a better compliment! I smiled and moved toward him. "Do you like it?", I asked. He slowly nodded his head, swallowed, and said, "Uh, huh". Arnie brought me out to eat that night AND I brought my purse, pink lipstick and all. In fact, all I had in my purse was the lipstick and Arnie's credit card. I told Arnie about the $600 buying binge and he snapped his fingers in the air and said, "A mere pittance, for you, my dear"-which made me laugh. Arnie wouldn't take his eyes off me. We danced a little. I tried one fast song but was too sore to do a good job. I was also afraid my movements would appear masculine. When I brought it up to Arnie later he assured me I most certainly did NOT look masculine-dancing or otherwise. We didn't stay out too late because Arnie kept worrying that I'd over-do it. When he brought me home we came in and he flipped a lamp on and looked over at me while I kicked my shoes off. My feet hurt and I began to see some of the pain a girl must go through to be attractive! He kissed me goodnight on the cheek and made sure the phone was beside my bed before he left. I had my last BioMorph session the next Sunday. It had virtually no effect on my appearance and was much easier on me than the first two. The best part was that I didn't need the abdominal drain or IVs. Over the next few weeks I began the legal arrangements necessary. It was decided that I would be a new person and not just change my name and sex through the legal channels. I got a new social security number, which is quite a task when you're an adult. My scholastic degrees were lost, of course, unless I chose to list them on my resume without intending to prove them, but I didn't mind too much. I won't go in to all the mushy details, but Arnie and I became quite an item over the next few weeks. I was re-introduced to some of our mutual friends and they all seemed to feel, and many expressed, that Arnie was 'moving up in the world' as one friend put it after seeing me for the first time. Other than a few pulled muscles, and some minor, temporary gastric disturbances, everything seemed to be healing just fine. After a month I was able to discard the wig and dye my hair blonde. It was still a bit short. Lee and Karen, a couple we had known for some time before my change, invited themselves over to Arnie's for dinner and cards. We all chatted as old friends, although I had to be careful not to mention anything that Alex would have known but not Kate. In fact, the subject of Alex came up once in passing. I didn't say anything, although I was tempted to say 'wow, he sounds like a wonderful guy' as an inside joke to Arnie. After dinner Karen and I cleaned up while the men went into the living room to talk 'man' talk, whatever that is. I was beginning to enjoy women talk more and more. I'm sure it was the fact that my mind was adapting to my role fully and accurately. Karen and I chatted for a while in the kitchen and eventually the subject got around to Lee. "Did you know Lee and I have been dating for two years?" "Yes, Arnie told me", I often used the 'Arnie told me' phrase these days. "I wish I could know what his plans are. I think if he asked me to marry him I'd say yes. I've talked to him about it and he always seems to change the subject. I guess I don't want to admit to myself that its possible he isn't serious about us." I knew she was asking for advice, so I thought I'd just jump in and give it a try. I felt I knew a bit about male psychology. I said, "You know, I've always thought there really is something to the idea of 'playing hard to get'. When a guy sees his girl drifting away, I think he subconsciously wonders if its because she expects a better man than he". I was on a roll and it was fun. I wasn't shooting the bull, either. I really felt I knew what I was talking about and my heart kind-of went out to Karen. Somehow, I knew how she felt. "Its kind of a way of telling him 'I'm better than you deserve' ". We both giggled at that thought and she looked thoughtful. "Well, I don't want to loose him. I'm afraid if I start drifting away from him he'll just drift away from me." "I can't guarantee this plan won't backfire", I said, "but if it's the way you say, its possible he might even feel you are pushing the relationship-which could cause more damage than anything". I hoped Karen wouldn't take this the wrong way. I actually did feel she was a little too clingy to Lee because I'd seen her, on more than one occasion, stick by his side when he'd had an expression of 'give me some space, please'. So I felt this was good advice. We finished with the dishes and went into the living room. The guys had set up the card table by the sofa and were talking about computers. I went over and sat, cross-legged, against Arnie on the sofa. Karen sat in the fold-out chair next to Lee, patted him on the back and said, "Have you guys decided about this weekend?" I had no idea what she was talking about, but Lee picked up the cards and began to shuffle them and said, "Not yet". I looked at Arnie and he turned to me and said, "They've invited us to Atlantic City for the weekend, wanna go?" This may seem strange to you but Arnie and I, although we had been seeing much of each other lately, had not 'consummated' our relationship. I think Arnie didn't want to rush me, considering it would be a rather new experience for me! I hadn't mentioned my desires to him because I felt that was the guy's prerogative, and I guess I kind-of liked the idea that Arnie might just make his move without me encouraging him. Anyway, I guess we both knew that we would be expected to share a hotel room on this trip. We settled it that night. We'd all go to Atlantic City for the weekend. I was feeling pretty excited about it. I sensed Arnie was excited, but apprehensive about my feelings. I realized I'd need to let him know I was here for him. I had the chance on our drive to Atlantic City. We had stopped at a rest stop and were stretching our legs. We'd strolled a short distance from the car and Karen and Lee were sitting at a picnic table some distance away. Arnie brought up the subject first. "How do you feel about this Kate? If you like, we can get two rooms and I'm sure Karen and Lee won't think anything of it." "Oh, that's not necessary". I looked up at him and said, "Arnie, I wish to please you any way I can". He'd have to be pretty dumb not to get that h

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Track Coach

My wife Veronica is the track coach for her high school. Veronica teaches biology but also coaches the girl’s track team. I teach mathematics so we both have the same time off. Veronica asked me to take pictures and video of the girls running. Then we review the film and she can make suggestions and the girls can see themselves running. It was Veronica’s first year coaching the team so it was new for the girls to see themselves on camera. The team formed as soon as it got warm enough...

3 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 15

“What do you want to bet that if you hadn’t specifically told them not to do it, Mark and Martin would be presently engaged in some serious buggery, Mark’s dick so far up Martin’s butt that my brother would feel it in his chest? Those two ... I’ve done some sodomy a few times, of course, especially at your direction of late, but those two have the serious hots for each other! Even the thought of fucking Martin in the ass has Mark hard every time!” Lowell chuckled as we talked of Mark and...

3 years ago
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This story passed a long time ago. I was married with Annette at that time and still 29 y/o. Let me start out by saying I make it a rule to avoid coveting another man's wife. But for my brother-in-law's wife, I had to make an exception. I'll be honest, I've lusted after her form the first day I saw Nelly in our family. I always assumed that my desire would be nothing more than fantasy.I mean, really, other than these stories I just didn't think that sort of thing happens.Well, a little about...

4 years ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 5

Marion got into her bed at half past midnight surrounded by an aura of good feelings. She couldn't believe that a meal could be such a great experience and so different to her dining experience with Charles. Charles was very formal especially when he was with others from the Department. They were very formal too and the conversation was usually work orientated. They would talk about people that Marion and the other wives didn't know and find wit in the most obscure references frequently...

4 years ago
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Es war Pfingsten und wir hatten auch Freitag schon frei. Kerstin, Frank und ich planten einen Ausflug an die Müritz. Wir hatten von Bekannten einen Tipp bekommen, wo man wunderbar am Ufer weitab von irgendwelchen Leuten schwarz zelten konnte. Das Wetter war traumhaft. Wir hatten nur ein kleines Zelt, was eigentlich für zwei Personen gedacht war, aber auch für drei Leute groß genug war.So machten wir uns Donnerstagabend mit dem Zug auf den Weg. Nach einer anschließenden Busfahrt und einen ewigen...

2 years ago
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The New Boy In The Office Part 5

Christine Haversham was a bit mixed up at the moment. Since she had suspected and then had confirmed the relationship between office colleagues Ruth Edrich and Liam Tabram, she had thought of little else. The fact that eighteen-year-old Liam was thirty years younger than Ruth, and indeed twenty years younger than Christine, seemed to be the main reason for her interest. That and the sight of the large bulge in Liam's trousers that she saw when she first actually saw him and Ruth in physical...

3 years ago
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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 0810

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

4 years ago
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Evening Light Ch 04

I adore your feedback as always. I am trying to get this out as fast as possible. Please enjoy *** Part 4 The next week passed very quietly. Grace kept her promise to Miss Em and had dinner with them every night. She and Lucas were very careful around each other. Miss Em kept looking from one to the other in exasperation at their overly formal manner. Grace wouldn’t have minded so much about the situation but those green eyes did something to her. The curve of his lips made her want to run...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 4 Hanging Around

Daniella rose, slowly, up out of the trance. Eyes closed. Mind completely empty and quiet. She was sucking... sucking... sucking... On something. She'd been thinking of MzDominica's pussy. But as she became more awake, the slave realized it was a hard plastic tube. Suck... swallow... suck... swallow... It tasted good. Felt so good, going down her throat. "That's right, slut. Suck. Drink all your water." Daniella opened her eyes. MzDominica was holding a big sipper bottle in front of...

2 years ago
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Bridgets NightsChapter 5

One good thing about being a vampire. When your government issued car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and you kick it, the car knows its been kicked. I surveyed the dented side of the vehicle and added one more good thump for spite. I checked my cell phone. Of course there was no signal. I swear, the only purpose of those infernal devices is to work when you don't want calls. I looked at my watch. Just about 3 AM. Being who I am, I naturally check the weather forecast for the time of...

1 year ago
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Maid Wendy gets a new Master

We communicated for quite some time on line before we ever met, so we knew of each other's interests. Not just the "kinks" but general as well. After meeting we had become friends. Our original contact was on a fetish sight so those interests were always basic to our relationship, though over time less discussed. My fantasy dealt with submitting as a sissy "service maid." He was more interested in a sexual submissive than a service one, though he did show a curiosity about...

1 year ago
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BangBus Eden Sinclair All up in Edens Garden

whats up fuckers, the bangbus is back this week and we found a nice unsuspecting girl to fuck on the bus, we pulled up to Eden and told her we were part of a game show that pays people money to do random dumb shit. of course this dumb bitch bought it and was totally game to play. after about $150 worth of her doing trivial bullshit we got to the good stuff. we offered her $500 come in the van ride along with us and show off her cutter. she said no and walked away. BUT money talks and she came...

4 years ago
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Birthday fun with roommate girlfriend

It all started 4 months ago in Chicago when I changed my job from New jersey to Chicago. This is a very common thing in a BPO sector in the day of induction I met a cool guy Sunny, before long we became good friends.We decided to take a common accommodation as he also relocated both of us had a crush on a girl since the day of induction, but he being better looking triumphed over me. Within a week they become lovers and after a month he started fucking her in our flat. Suddenly Sunny’s process...

2 years ago
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My ssbbw granny

Fictional story everyone When I was a young lad we use to summer at me grandmum's every year. My parents would drop off me and my 3 older brothers for a couple of weeks. Each of us were only about a year apart. my parents had us when they were young a d wanted a large family quick. Grandmum was a large gal to say the least. She was about 5 ft tall and weighed about 200 lbs when I was growing up. When I was 12 years old me granpappy passed away. Me grandmum was very depressed that first...

3 years ago
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Mom ke boobs

Hi ISS Readers , mai aapko meri sexy Mom ki ek nayi story suna raha hun. Yun to ab mom ke sath sex anand utha chukka tha, isiliye mai mauka dhoondhta tha kab mere papa koi tour par jayen aur mai mom ke sath masti karun. Ek din jaise hi mujhe pata chala papa outstation ja rahe hai mai khus ho gaya. Wo sham ki train se chale gaye the. Mai jab tution karke lauta to mom ne kaha jaldi khalo mujhe nind aa rahi hai mai aaj thak gayee hu. Maine mom se kaha kya koi special item hai, to wo boli khao tab...

3 years ago
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My Lovely Matured Maid

Hi, dear friends and this is Mohsin once again with a beautiful encounter with my lovely and sexy maid Lakshmi. I am thankful to for the replies you had given to my previous story. This is all happened in the last month. I am 30 years horny guy living with wife and a kid. I am good looking and somewhat friendly man. So everybody in our locality loves me very much. As I am a self owned business man I have lot of time to spend at home. I am very much horny guy who loves to attract the females for...

4 years ago
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Flight of the Griffin

Flight of the Griffin Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it changes just when you think you've got it figured out. It's that last part that can really throw you or maybe it can give you a new direction depending on how you see things. Not so long ago, I was just some guy trying to figure out where I belong in the grand scheme of things. To be totally honest, I wasn't having much luck. I didn't feel like I fit anywhere. After twenty-six...

2 years ago
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The Last Sunrise "Well for Christ's sakes. Where in the hell did the old fool get to now?" Son Bob began to bitch, just as he usually did when the old man wandered off the front porch. The old man heard his angry son and derived a bit of satisfaction he had been able to piss Bob off. It just wasn't right to make a man sit in one place all day long. It just wasn't right for a man who had been where he'd been and done what he'd done to be forced to sit and not be allowed to move about ......

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 11

Brody waited for Mark and Hilary near the Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro station. He was looking forward to the show and seeing Ryan perform. When he thought about growing up, he always remembered music in the background. Classical, rock, blues, even some punk—his parents had played a little bit of everything, and he and his siblings had all added their contributions as they'd grown up. He'd tried to learn an instrument, but it had been plain from the first squeak on the clarinet that music was not his...

Love Stories
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Classifieds Personal Ads

Dan's wife Debbie was going away for the weekend to visit her sister in Palm Beach. For the first time in forever Dan was going to be all alone. The kids were all grown and out of the house and now with Debbie gone It would just be him sitting home by his lonesome. After Debbie left Dan decided to go online and some fun on Craigslist, just to see what was out there. He had heard from a friend that there were a lot of personal ad's on there with women looking for NSA sex with men so he thought...

Erotic Fiction
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Investments control

I stepped into the lift and swore bitterly. I was so wrapped up in my own anger, that I hadn't noticed the two older ladies each with a bundle of files held against their chests, already occupying the elevator. As I stood there fuming, I felt stony eyes boring into me and when I turned around to face my antagonist, I saw the older of the two look at me very disapprovingly. Realising how things looked, I swallowed and apologized for my behaviour. All to no avail unfortunately. Having decided I...

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Enjoying Kitty

Is it a crime when teenaged girls flirt with middle-aged men?  Stanley Jenson was often embarrassed when his daughter’s friend Kitty Jones was over at their house.  She flirted and gave Stanley all kinds of compliments.  She talked about sexual things and liked to get attention from Stanley.She purposely would wear short-shorts and tight shirts.  She had luscious lips which she often licked but kept them shiny with clear lip gloss.  She would bat her eyes and act very flirtatious.  She acted...

2 years ago
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Sex Addict 2

This is a true story about me growing up a pervert. Maybe many guys would not have taken advantage of the opportunities and the people like I did. I have no regrets. Lexi slipped off her little bikini top showing her flat chest and big nipples, then quickly pulling her bottom off exposing her bald pussy. ‘My boobs are not growing yet but nipples are!’ she laughed. ‘ Come on Annie show him your big boobs,’ Annie unhooked her top and slipped it off revealing her nice pert tits and large cone...

1 year ago
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Aunt Sonja

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am driving across country to attend a funeral of a family member and all I could think about was a woman. Sonja, that was her name. The thought of her name alone stirs an emotion in me that time will never quiet. It’s been several years since I felt her skin, smelled her perfume and tasted her essence. She ruled over me even though she never wanted to be my queen. I lived for the opportunity to feel her passion and take her as my own. But there was...

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A Family MixupChapter 3

Nancy: So, I told him, come to my room after Amanda's in bed, I had his special present ready for him. I had candles lit and just a trace of perfume between my breasts and legs, places I knew he would want to explore. My hair was just right, my skin nicely smoothed by lotion, a fresh shave to welcome him to my body, I was ready as I slipped under the sheet, all naked and eager. A slight tap at the door, then it opened and Will came in wearing a pair of navy briefs, well-tented out in the...

2 years ago
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Bill Slut2

I was just thinking of the time my wife and i were at Brighton for a holiday,we went out to a local pub, the twist is she had me dressed in black stockings, suspender belt and g string under my jeans, she did not let me wear socks and had me wearing a hint of mascara.When we went into the pub i was told to sit on a barstool at the bar with her, this of course raised my jeans up so that anyone looking could see i was wearing stockings, we had a few drinks but the pub was quite empty apart from a...

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His wife their slut part 2

So once my husband was pushed out and the door slammed shut Derek turned and said now that he's gone we can get serious. He sat on the edge of the bed stroking himself and told me to come over to him. I went over to him and he told me to get on my knees. I got on my knees in front of he pulled my head down as his cock slid in my mouth. Forcing my head down while he trust forward pushing himself in as far as I could take gagging on his giant manhood. My eyes began to tear up as I gagged on him...

3 years ago
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Our liberating holiday Part 3

After rubbing each other to orgasm during our shower, Alice dressed and disappeared off to the shop to get some supplies for lunch, we had decided to have a lazy day in our room. I slipped on a gauzy see through tunic, no point in anything else as it was so private here and went out on the balcony to sit and read. I heard a knock on the door and presumed Alice had forgotten her key card, so I wandered through to the door and opened it, turning away saying, ‘That shopping didn’t take you...

4 years ago
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Brazillian Night

“That was a lot easier than I thought it would be, Leo was a tough old snake. Didn’t think we get him so easily.” Laughed one of the figures. “We got lucky, he was too preoccupied with this pussy to notice us.” Replied the other lifting Liana’s leg and revealing Leo’s cock still inside her pussy. “Alright, Carlos lets get out of here.” Said the first voice obviously nervous. “Calm down, Juan. Look around for any valuables. We got plenty of time.” Replied Carlos. Juan walked into the other...

1 year ago
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Helping an older neighbor out

It was 2008 and I was living in an apapartment complex for about a year or so. I had lived there for about a month when Jim the older gentleman that lived below me stopped me on the way in. He introduced his self and we chatted some and then he invited me over for dinner. We had dinner and he told me that he had lived there for a few years since he wife had passed and his k**s and grandk**s lived about 6 hours away. Over the next couple of months we would visit each other from time to time for...

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A teachers erotic adventure pt5

Oh, Peggy, ‘Jennie said tiredly, ‘If it’s alright with the guys, I’d very much like too. I’m too tired and exhausted to be any good at it right now,’ she said looking at the two husbands who seem only a little disappointed. ‘Maybe we could plan it for another time, okay,’ the little English Lit teacher suggested to the obviously disappointed husbands. Looking at Jennie, now slumping from tiredness and exhaustion, the two husbands quickly relented and agreed to call it an evening Slowly a...

3 years ago
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Black Guard TalesChapter 3

The sun was well up and streaming into the cabins. Rada saw Rasida's shutters were still firmly shut and she smiled. She opened the door and confirmed she was alone - there was only one lump under the blanket. "Hey!" she called. "You going up to Hook river?" "Mmm," Rasida mumbled. "You go." "George has already taken your place," Rada told her. "Left about an hour ago. Where's Schecter?" "Huh? Oh, he's gone." "Clearly. When?" "Shit, I dunno. Sometime ... Would you go...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 71 INTERLUDE LARTHOP

It was not as easy as she said it was and it took him quite a while to get the hang of this dangerous four wheeled contraption that kept bouncing like an unruly beast of burden over the uneven ground. It didn’t help that she made fun of him and told him that it would take Terran kids a few minutes to learn how to drive one of these. He asked her why the most advanced civilization in the Galaxy was not able to produce something more civilized and perhaps robotic and fully automatic. The Union...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 7 Skid Marks

Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt plug pumping, pumping, pumping into her ass -- left her with no resistance, no defenses against the needs of her body, the programmed needs of her mind. MzDominica drove the van down the highway, lit only by the occasional streetlight. Daniella couldn't make sense of the passing scenery. The bright streetlights left trails in her eyes, spelling "Dommmmmiiiiinnnnniiiiicaaaaaa" in her hazy...

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Cum for Dawn Book IV

Hello, my name is Dawn and these are my stories.At what age do you feel like you know everything? Nine? Thirteen? Eighteen? My sister told me you should have it all figured out at s*******n, I’m 24 now and I still don’t have it all figured out…neither does she.The summer of 94’ was something else to say the least. I spent a lot of time playing with my friend Petra; she had that cute pixie face and wild blonde hair, with a raging short temper! The slightest thing would set her off and she would...

4 years ago
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My sister and my friend

One of my very good friend Nihal, who is working abroad, was in station last month. He used to visit my home often. I never had any doubt about in my mind about him, as he is very nice person. But one thing is sure that he is very handsome man, any female looking at him will surely like to meet him once. One day when my wife had gone to her mothers home with kids my sister had taken off from court for the reason which I dint know. I had forgot some important document while going to my office so...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter17 Tribesmen of Uganda

Cecily had been sitting upon a stool, playing with her pencil and tapping its end against the transparent glass. She wasn't now. Neither was she standing at the centre of her office, pointing at coils of rope and holding her hands so that Howard might more easily tie them. No. She was outside, standing in the cold sunshine, tall and defiant; her shoulders straight and her hands bound behind her back. She was wearing the same clothes that she'd had on in her office: a knee length skirt...

2 years ago
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Sub cunt 2 on Omegle

Stranger: f 34 belgiumYou: i'm edwardYou: and you are/Stranger: KarenYou: hello karenYou: are you submissive?Stranger: yesYou: any limits or taboos/Stranger: noYou: **** or worse? can i hurt you?Stranger: yes you canStranger: just no visible marksYou: pity, i'd like to leave lots of marks in fantasyYou: what do you look like karen?Stranger: in fantasy everything is possibleYou: yesStranger: very sexyYou: very sexy indeedYou: any more pictures?Stranger: yesStranger:...

2 years ago
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In Front of the Fireplace at Cracker Barrel

After a long business trip, the Cracker Barrel sign off of I-95 was a nice sight. It meant Jacob was one more exit closer home. It also meant he would surprise Casey, who he knew was busing tables this evening. Jacob and Casey have dated now for eight months. She was a freshman at the local junior college. Her eighteen years had not prepared her for wearing an apron with five stars embroidered onto it, but she had to pay for college somehow. Taking orders and bringing them out to tables was the...

3 years ago
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becoming a cuckold

This is how I became a young cuckold. I just turned 19 and still live at home. My girlfriend is 18 and goes to school a couple hours away. We only get to see each other every few weeks. I wasn’t going to see Alison for nearly another week, she ws coming home for her birthday and I was super horny. So I did what I normally do when I am home alone and horny. I find some porn and stroke like crazy. I recently found porn on xhamster where guys give themselves facials. Alison won’t let me to it to...

2 years ago
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New rules 10

This episode may stand alone but, for maximum enjoyment, I think that you should read the earlier episodes first. If you want to be reminded of the earlier episodes, there is a summary at the top of “New Rules 9” After such an incredible evening at the swingers' club of course I had to tell someone, and next morning, when Mary saw the joy written all over my face, of course she wanted to hear my story. Fortunately, since it was Sunday morning, I had plenty of time and so gave Mary a...

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Straight up the wrong Alley

A short story about a 34-year-old college teacher in a new town. He went for a stroll, out and about. Takes a wrong turn and got chaste straight up an alleyway. He is taken, used, and abused by several mostly younger black men at the back-door of the Blue Oyster bar. Once the men are done with him, he is left tied-up in the alley at the gay leather bar. A college dude master shows him the ropes. Tying him up, hanging his body from the ceiling. Again the professor gets used viciously. But he...

4 years ago
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Time Warp Girls From Chester Ch 02

We all do Remy now go see what Brad wants to do now.’ Back outside the girls had all just finished looking at the mainland. Jack and John were just walking up the hill from the dock. I spoke with them privately John said, ‘That women was completely nuts and was a good thing she was by herself to live in her delusional world.’ ‘Okay let’s move on from here we have got a lot of work to do now if we are all going to survive.’ Out in the front yard I had John ring the dinner bell. Everyone...

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MagicChapter 4

Sean had a paper plane floating around the room doing acrobatics when his mother entered his bedroom carrying the change jar. She watched the plane flutter to the floor and shook her head. She asked, “Can’t you find something better to do?” “I’m grounded, remember?” Sean asked. He’d been forced to stay at home all week except for his excursions to the store. “Well, Max is up and around now so I guess your grounding can come to an end,” his mother said. “Gee, I’m thrilled,” Sean said...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Ashley Giving What She Doesnt Know She Needs

You know I need to start hanging out around the casinos on the Native American Reservations more because today’s jackpot and exploit Ashley is fucking hot, and who knew? I also can’t wait for Thanksgiving time because I also like my meat a little on the darker side and this hottie also has the most gorgeous darker side pussy meat vagina to boot. I mean come on! Who doesn’t enjoy a little change of pace hooking up with the shy unassuming girl who has a little hair around her pussy, and thank god...

3 years ago
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Camping and losing it with my cousin

Introduction: Welcome to my youth, this is the story of the first time me and my sweetheart made love. Hope you enjoy. Not everything in here is 100% accurate, but its how much I remember of my childhood. It was a camping trip like all the others, my parents would drag me and my sister up to the Adirondacks for one week with my aunt, uncle, and their daughter Sara who was my age, well younger by several months. I hated going because all that they ever did was sit around and talk, and Sara and...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

The bed was typical of all beds in hospitals, adjustable but only to uncomfortable positions. It was morning as Ed sat next to Linda holding her while she proceeded to throw up in a small bucket. Rubbing her back and massaging her neck didn’t help her relax. Mornings were the worst for her. In addition to the pains in her abdomen, she suffered from morning sickness. The morning sickness had started the morning after she had slept with John. Dr. Hayes came in the room about the time that...

2 years ago
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Nightmare come True

Authors Note: Just a quick story about some of the things that I wish would happen to me. I suspect I'm not alone in this collection of fantasies. I hope you enjoy this. If so, I will definitely expand the story into something more substantial. XOXOX Sissy Michelle As is the case with most of my best sexual experiences, this one all began on a late night when I'd had a little too much to drink. I wasn't drunk, mind you. Simply buzzed enough that my better judgment was passed...

3 years ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 16 Surprise Ass

On the following Thursday morning, I paid my sister Suhad another visit. She had a white blouse and a black miniskirt on. When she walked before me, her ass flexed invitingly, making my cock twitch. We sat on the love seat and chatted a little. She crossed her legs, exposing a lot of white flesh. My eyes followed her tightly wrapped ass as she walked to the kitchen. We had drinks then I sat her in my lap and we started making out. We kissed deeply while I stroked up and down her thighs,...

2 years ago
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Me and my cousin

  Now that was the start of it, and we did it a couple other times but one time I guess he was a little more worked up than others, "do you want to try and jack each other off?" Chris asked. "I'd be down if you think we should" I replied we were sitting side by side and I wrapped my hand around his hard cock, it was so warm in my hand and throbbed as i pulled his foreskin back revealing the head, he grabbed mine and it sent shivers through my body, it almost tickled as he pulled my skin...

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