Hannah's Pregnant Pleasure free porn video

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Hannah sighed as she pulled her top over her distended belly. Her large
breasts heaved against the flimsy material, the closeness of the garment
causing her sensitive nipples to spring up in response.

She hadn't meant to get pregnant but sometimes these things happen and
forced into circumstances she hadn't chosen, she made a brave decision and
opted to keep the baby. Seven months down the line though and she was
beginning to regret the decision. For one, she was only young herself. At
19, the world was meant to be her oyster but now she found herself
housebound while all her friends were off around the world, discovering
themselves and other people. And the real tragedy, she thought to herself
was that she still had a lot to offer.

Quite a petite woman, Hannah had a pixie like face, with a sweet little
smile and wonderful strawberry blonde hair. Quite busty, her short stature
just emphasised her large breasts and her petite bottom. The smattering of
freckles that appeared over her nose when she blushed just added to her

The front door bell rang, snapping her from her daydream. Her cable TV had
died on her earlier in the week and the company had told her that a
repairman would be calling on Wednesday. He's early, she thought, as she
struggled into a pair of black leggings, stretching the waistband to
accommodate her massive stomach. Waddling to the door as fast as she
could, she flung it open, eager for some company, even if it was some
sweaty middle-aged repairman.

Hi, said the repairman, I hear you need a service?

Hannah stopped to take in the sight before her. Instead of the typical
serviceman with a three-day growth of stubble, a beer gut and displaying
three inches of bum cleavage, there was a tall, smiling, twenty-something
young man on her doorstep.

Oh! she exclaimed. Err, yes, do come this way.

She let the man in and tried to hide the blush that was spreading across
her face. That had been a blatant flirt and she felt exceptionally
embarrassed. It had been ages since anyone had made a pass at her. They
made their way into the lounge and she indicated the black box which sat
atop her TV set.

All I get is snow, she said. I've tried all the cables and nothing
seems to be wrong.

Ok love, he said, I'll have a look, you go stick the kettle on.

Sure, she said, smiling. He had a great smile, she thought as she made
her way to the kitchen. And a cute arse, added a little voice at the back
of her head. It took her only a few minutes to set the kettle going and
put some teabags in the mugs. After which she leaned against the sideboard
and rested her hands on her belly. She hadn't had sex now since she fell
pregnant and for a change a guy was smiling at her in a way that made her
feel attractive rather than some bloated whale. And a cute guy at that.

Snapping out of her fantasy, she realised that she had slid her hands over
her big belly and down to her pussy, which was becoming quite moist at the
thought of sex. Hurriedly pushing such thoughts to the back of her mind,
she walked back to the lounge.

The repairman was bent over the box, tinkering away. He was only a young
man, about mid-twenties by her reckoning. He had long hair, tied back into
a ponytail and bright blue eyes. The sight of him made her start to think
about sex again.

Excuse me? she said, not sure of his name.

Alex, he provided.

Alex, do you take sugar in your tea?

Nah, just as it is thanks gorgeous, he smiled, his eyes sparkling.

Hannah ducked out of the doorway quickly and headed back to the kitchen.
She could feel the blush as it made its way over her face. Not only had he
called her gorgeous, he was looking at her in a way that suggested he was
mentally undressing her with his eyes. The look had started her off again
and she had to get out of his way before she jumped on him. Tea, she
thought, tea. Let's make tea.

She had just poured his cup when he appeared in the doorway.

All done, he said, and just in time for tea. He gratefully accepted
his cup.

What was wrong? she asked, knowing full well she wouldn't understand the
answer. She just wanted to be near him for a bit longer.

Ah, you'd just tuned into Eskimo TV, he smiled, that's why you got
nothing but snow.

Hannah giggled. It was a dumb joke but she laughed anyway. His mere
presence was sending her silly. Her giggles made her boobs jiggle in her
top, the movement making her nipples stick right back up again. She
swiftly crossed her arms to hide it but she knew he had seen it. In fact,
it was enough for him to down his tea quickly and put the mug back.

Anyway, he said, I'd better be off. I'll just pick up my tools.

With that Alex went to leave the kitchen. However, Hannah moved at the
same time and the two of them ended up pressed up against one another in
the door frame, facing each other.

There was an uncomfortable silence as they stood there. Neither of them
was making an effort to move. Hannah's big belly was pushed into Alex's
stomach, her closeness having an obvious effect on him. She could feel his
cock growing larger beneath her bulge, feel it's length pressing into her
pregnant belly. She was about to say something when she felt his hands on

He was groping her stomach, feeling the taught flesh beneath her top. His
hands were very hot and she could feel their warmth as they caressed her

You know you're very beautiful, he said.

Hannah blushed again despite the circumstances. She so wanted this! Thank
you. So, do you have to take all your tools away? she asked as her hand
dropped to his groin and sought out his expanding member.

Alex gasped as she began to caress him, her small hands sliding up his
trouser leg. He leant forward to kiss her, reaching over her distended
belly. She responded in kind, her small mouth kissing his lips, meeting
them, probing, opening to catch his tongue. His hands found their way up
her belly, feeling the smoothness beneath. He touched the underneath of
her breasts, cupping them in his hands, their weight resting in his palms.

Hannah moaned softly as he caressed them, his thumbs toying with her
excited nipples through the material of her top. His cock was hard against
her and she knew that she was wet and wanting it inside her very soon. She
could feel the blood pumping in her veins and the way her skin was
flushed, ready for him. Breaking off the kiss, she took his hand and led
him away from the kitchen and into the bedroom.

Alex offered no resistance as she led him to her bed. Her curvy body was
making him very horny indeed, the way her perfectly smooth breasts sat
atop her hugely distended stomach, her belly button sticking out from
underneath her top like a third nipple. Her pert buttocks led down to
shapely thighs, kept taught by months of exercise before her pregnancy.
His prick was fully erect under his jeans and begging to be released, so
when she sat down on the bed in front of him and began to undo his belt,
he offered no resistance.

Hannah gasped as his big prick sprung out in front of her. It was a good
length and very wide indeed. She gripped it in her hand and wondered how
she'd get it inside her. Taking him inside her little mouth, the thought
of him fucking her pussy made her groan in expectation and she slid a hand
under her pregnant belly and into her moist panties.

Alex felt Hannah's small mouth lock around his cock and he groaned at how
tight her mouth was. Looking down, he saw her with her eyes closed in
pleasure, one hand vigorously rubbing her left tit, the other under her
stomach, rubbing her pussy with enthusiasm. As she sucked, he could feel
her hot breath on his turgid member and the rippling of her tongue
underneath it. Too much more of that and he would cum in her mouth. He
hastily pulled away and pushed her back on the bed.

How long's it been since anyone ate you pussy? he asked, slowly easing
her leggings over her bulge and down her shapely legs.

Seven months, she stammered as the clingy material peeled away from her
legs, her wet slit exposed to the air.

Far too long, he whispered and lowered his mouth to her lips. Pushing
past her damp pubes, his mouth met her pussy and she squirmed in delight.
He licked her long channel, gently sucking on the lips either side and
teasing the erect clit at the top. Beyond the huge dome of her belly,
Hannah sighed, her hands gripping her nipples as Alex plunged his long
tongue into her crease.

Uurgh, she grunted, feeling waves of pleasure shoot through her from his
ministrations. Don't stop, I want to cum so badly!

Looking upwards, all Alex could see of her was her gigantic quivering
belly as it rose above him. She had one hand on it, rubbing its stretched
surface as the other hand groped her tits. Feeling his cock twitch in
anticipation, Alex took her clit in his mouth and flicked it over and over
again with his tongue. Shuddering in response, Hannah took hold of her
flimsy top and tore it wide open, the material ripping in two to reveal
her mighty breasts. They were swollen and heavy with milk, her massive
nipples surrounded by three inch wide aureoles. Cupping them with both
hands, Hannah tugged at them, the tips flushing a deep red as she squeezed
them. When Alex's sucking of her clit reached its peak, she bucked her
hips up and down, the orgasm tearing through her body like a lightening
bolt. Fluids gushed from her pussy, spitting them into Alex's face as he
licked her clit. Squeezing her huge tits, milk spurted from the nipples,
soaking her chest and her face as she lay there, wide mouthed in ecstasy.

Alex stood to take in Hannah's milk drenched form. She smiled at him as
his cock rose into view, still erect and ready for her. No words need to
be exchanged between them. Hannah rolled over onto all fours, her wet
pussy pointed at Alex as if to urge him on. She spread her legs wide,
giving him a good view of her cunt and her rotund belly hanging beneath
it. Placing a hand on her back to steady himself, Alex pushed his purple
head against her opening, the slick lips parting to accept him. As his
girth entered her, Hannah groaned. He felt bigger than he looked and she
at first felt uncomfortable as his big cock split her channel wide.
Wriggling a little to try and accept his width, she lowered her head to
the bed, exposing more of her moist little slit to him.

Needing no further invitation, Alex began to push into her, inch after
turgid inch sinking into her impregnated snatch. Hannah sighed as he
slipped inside her, pleasure radiating through her form. Once his cock was
firmly inside her, she slowly rocked on her knees, her strong pussy
sucking at him. Alex began to gently thrust in and out, her fabulous cunt
working him so well, he worried about his ability to stay the distance. He
leant forward, sliding his hands up her sweaty back, feeling her strong
muscles. She knew what he was after and rose on her hands, allowing Alex
to grasp her heavy, full breasts.

Caressing her shapely boobs, he ran his hands along the outside of her
form, descending to her gravid belly as it hung below her. The vast globe
felt huge in his hands, the flesh so warm to the touch as she slowly
bucked and forth against him. He discovered her belly button as he felt
his way towards her pussy, it's fleshy knob popped out due to the pressure
from below. He toyed with it as he pushed in and out of her, his other
hand cupping one of her soft boobs and teasing its nipple, tugging on it,
causing milk to dribble from it.

Hannah whimpered as he extracted milk from her breast, the warm fluid
trickling down her body and dripping onto the bed covers. She had resumed
her slow thrusting in response to his toying, her pussy muscles milking
him as she rocked on his cock. The feeling of his member deep inside was
sending thrills through her as they began to pick up speed. She could feel
another orgasm building but she had experienced so many jolts of
excitement as he fucked her, that it was growing hard to tell the
difference between them. However, she knew this one was going to be a big
one and she jerked back and forth on his cock in an effort to bring it

Hannah's pregnant form in front of him was rocking faster and faster, her
tight pussy pulling Alex deeper and deeper into her. He could feel his own
climax building as he cupped both her tits, the milk dribbling over his
hands. She was just too damn good, he thought as she matched his own
thrusts, her body slick with sweat from their union. Her cunt clenched
around his cock and he felt his balls contract in readiness. Not sure of
where she'd want him to cum, he began to back out.

No! cried Hannah, Don't stop! Keep going and cum in me! Her own orgasm
was almost upon her as she felt Alex's cock twitch inside her. Fill me

Conceding to her wishes, Alex redoubled his efforts, Hannah's tits
jiggling in his hands. But it was then that she rose up to look over her
shoulder, her hand gripping the back of his neck.

Cum in me! she repeated, Fill up my big belly with your seed!

Gouts of thick semen gushed from Alex's cock, spurting inside of Hannah as
she squeezed her cunt tight around him. He pulled hard on her taut
nipples, streams of warm milk squirting over the bed, his hands and her
heavy, gravid belly. The sudden rush of cum in her pussy was all that
Hannah had needed to send her over the edge, her broad belly shaking as a
thunderous orgasm shot through her, her mouth wide open in an
ear-shattering scream of joy.

Both spent, they slid silently to the bed, Alex rubbing the creamy
combination of sweat and milk into Hannah's belly. She kissed him,
fondling his cock and wiping the semen away from its end. An eternity
seemed to pass between them as they lay there, staring into each other's
eyes. It was Alex's sudden move to get up that made Hannah speak up.

Are you going? she asked as he got to his feet.

Not yet, he replied, I can't leave you in this state. Do you have a
shower? He extended his hand to her.

Of course, she smiled, accepting his offer of help up. It's this way.
She walked over to the door, before glancing over her shoulder at him.
Coming to rub me down?

Alex's limp member suddenly twitched as he took in the sight of her naked
pregnant body in the doorway. It seemed like her problem was going to take
slightly longer to fix than he had previously thought.

"Oh yes, that's great...!" sighed Hannah.

Gentle, sensual pleasure crept through her being as she felt the magic
hands on her back. Peace flowed along her limbs and she felt like flying.
Sighing in ecstasy, she turned to face her friend.

"You have the best hands in the business," she said to Laura as she pulled
her shirt back down.

Laura smiled. "Yeah, but how much longer will I be in the business?" she
asked peering down at her stomach.

Hannah was sat in the living room of her best friend's house after having
the best massage she'd experienced in a long time. Laura had been a
masseur for as long as she had known her but she'd never used her services
until recently. As her pregnancy had passed her sixth month, the back pain
had started getting more intense and she found herself having to restrict
her activities. At Laura's suggestion though, she had gone to visit her
friend only to find all her pains taken away by her magic hands. Since
then, she had been coming for over a month twice a week. Any other masseur
may not have been so understanding but Laura was different.

Voluptuous and dark haired, Laura was a direct contrast to Hannah's
willowy, redheaded frame. But she was still quite striking and had a
reputation around the area for being something of a nymphomaniac. Hannah
knew that her friend was very sexually active but most of the stories told
about her were untrue. She'd done pretty much everything when she was at
college and it took a long time for men to stop retelling the tales.
Besides, very soon, her wild nights out on the town were going to come
forcibly to an end. Below her large breasts sat her belly, eight months
pregnant and still growing. Laura had managed to get pregnant from her
ex-boyfriend earlier in the year and despite her initial reluctance, she
had agreed to go full term with it. Grant, her then boyfriend had been
pleased at first. But three months into the pregnancy, he decided to leave
her for some blonde bimbo he'd been seeing behind her back. There were
tears, fights and bitterness right up until the day that he left.

However, barely a month after Grant had walked out and she was back out on
the town again. Unlike Hannah, who stayed at home and hid her form
underneath baggy jumpers, Laura flaunted her new shape, adapting clothes
where she could, buying new ones where she couldn't. Plus, there was no
way she would have been able to hide her belly anyway. After the doctor
told her that it was going to be twins, she knew she was going to be huge.
And she was.

"So have you finally stopped going out now you're bigger than a bus?"
asked Hannah as she turned to face her friend.

"Are you k**ding me?" answered Laura as she settled back into the sofa.
"The attention I get in a club now is incredible! The men just go crazy
for my big belly. They all want to touch it, and you know I don't mind

Laura smiled, absently stroking her stomach. She'd disclosed to Hannah
long ago what a massive turn on she found having her belly rubbed was.

"If I'd have known how men were attracted to pregnant women, I would have
got up the duff years ago!"

Hannah smiled and tried to hide her face. The blush was spreading over her
face as she thought back to last week with Alex the cable repairman. Too
late though, Laura saw the look and clicked immediately.

"Looks like I'm not the only one to have found this out am I?" she smiled.
"Come on, who was he?" Laura leant forward, or as forward as she could
manage to listen to her friend's tale.

"Some guy," she started, slightly embarrassed. "He came round to fix my

"You banged the cable guy!?" cried Laura. "The one with the ponytail? He's
nice her is."

Hannah looked up surprised. Did she know Alex as well?

"What? Surprised?" said Laura. "He's been round to see me too. Has quite a
thing about pregnant women it seems."

"Laura, have you no shame?" she exclaimed, "you're pregnant with twins for
Gods' sake."

"Still no reason I can't have some fun is it?" she replied. "Besides, I
knew he'd banged you anyway. He was talking about you last week." Laura
had pulled up her vest and was rubbing her bellybutton. Talking about Alex
and his big cock was turning her on.

"You're still seeing him?" said Hannah, slightly jealous.

"Oh yes, he comes round every week to service me," she smiled. Last time I
saw him he was telling me all about you though. I reckon he'd like to get
us both in a three-way." Laura smiled at her friend. She'd known her long
enough to know what turned her on. Hannah may well have appeared to be a
shy, innocent girl on the outside, but Laura had known her too many years
to buy that image. She knew talk like this was turning her on but she
wasn't ashamed of doing so. In fact, it was exactly what she had intended.

"Oh stop it," laughed Hannah, waving her hand dismissively. "I know I'm a
little kinky, but not that kinky. Besides, despite what Alex may think,
I'm not into women."

Seeing her opportunity, Laura stood up as gracefully as she could for her
size. Tugging at her tee-shirt, she lifted it up over her head, her large,
soft boobs popping out into view. She stood in front of Laura, cupping her
belly in her hands. She could see Hannah's reaction was one of surprise
but there was a tell-tale flush spreading over her chest that said

"Are you sure about that?" purred Laura, smiling like a cat.

Hannah looked up at her friend as she stood, stripped to the waist in
front of her. Laura's large breasts stood out proud, her nipples
tightening from being exposed to the air. All their talking about sex had
made Hannah quite aroused and as Laura stood exposed in front of her, her
sex began to throb. She had to resist the urge to touch herself as she
admired her friend's body.

Seeing Hannah shift in her seat, Laura leaned towards her, brushing her
hair from her face and gently kissing her on the lips. Hannah smiled, not
sure how to respond when her body did it for her. Opening her delicate
mouth, she returned the kiss, Laura's tongue caressing her lips and
slipping inside. The feeling of her hand on her breast made Hannah jump at
first but her rapidly hardening nipple betrayed the pleasure she felt.
Laura's large belly was rubbing at her own as her friend stood over her.
Cursing the summer dress that she wore, she began to pull it upwards, the
material bunching up beneath her boobs. Her gravid belly exposed, she
could feel the curve of Laura's pressing into her, the heat and touch of
human flesh exciting her.

Feeling Hannah respond to her, Laura began to kiss her way down her face,
her neck, tracing a path to her breasts. She kissed the available
cleavage, her hands pawing at Hannah's tits through the dress. She could
feel her hard nipples, begging to be released and sucked and teased. In
time, thought Laura. First she needed to be sure Hannah wouldn't change
her mind. Dropping to her knees, Laura's mouth encountered Hannah's belly
as it sat, a huge dome rising from her body. She kissed and licked her way
across its distended surface, stopping to toy with her belly-button, stuck
out like a third nipple. As she nibbled at it, she dropped her hand to
Hannah's groin, gently feeling around the plain cotton panties that
covered her pussy.

"Oh!" cried Hannah as Laura stroked her mound. "Don't stop....!"

Laura smiled to herself. She had no intention of stopping. Hannah was
horny and wanting, just as Laura had hoped. For years she'd been attracted
to her but knew her prudish sensibilities would never allow a union
between them. But now, deprived of regular sex and a slave to her
hormones, seducing her couldn't have been easier. She kissed her way
around the base of Hannah's belly, running her tongue along the line of
her panties where a couple of ginger hairs could be seen poking out.
Hooking her fingers around the knickers, she gently pulled them down,
Hannah's red-haired pussy finally hers. Hannah cooed as the air hit her
cunt, Laura gently breathing on it as she took off the dowdy underwear.

Laura pulled herself upright, kneeling in between Hannah's legs. Their
bellies touched, the feel of Hannah's bulge rubbing against Laura's own
was enough to make her moan in pleasure. Running her hands over the
curvaceous surface, Laura descended on Hannah, drawing a line of kisses
down her belly and towards her pussy.

"Laura," she sighed, "I've never let a woman..."

"Relax hun," said Laura, "I know what to do with one of these." And with a
wicked grin on her face, she placed her lips on Hannah's cunt.

The moment Laura's mouth touched the sensitive outer lips of her pussy,
Hannah squirmed in pleasure. She was delicate to the touch, moist and
ready. Laura knelt between Hannah's pale thighs and let her tongue do the
talking. Gently caressing her exposed belly, Laura kissed around Hannah's
outer lips, slipping her tongue gently beyond them, absently touching the
tender nub at the top. Hannah moaned, one hand perched on the top of her
friend's head, the other rubbing the hard nipple that was poking through
her dress. Never in her life had she experienced anything so good. Men had
been down on her before, but Laura knew just where to kiss and tease. She
knew Laura played both ends of the field, she'd confessed as much to her.
The thought of making love to a woman had crossed her mind, but she never
thought she'd see the day when her best mate was going down on her. But it
just felt so good...! She idly glanced past her huge belly to see Laura's
face entrenched in her pussy. Laura's hungry eyes spoke volumes as they
connected with hers.

Withdrawing her mouth, Laura inserted two fingers into Hannah's pussy,
leaving her thumb idly rubbing against her clit. Hannah squirmed beneath
her touch, sighs of pleasure escaping her. Laura leaned down and kissed
her, the taste of Hannah's pussy still on her lips. As she leaned over the
supine Hannah, she felt soft hands cupping her breasts, a curious thumb
brushing against her dark, distended nipples. Looking down, she saw Hannah
had grasped her tits and was exploring them like a foreign country.
Seeming a little lost, she took Hannah's hands and placed them firmly on
her own tits, pressing her nipples into her palms just the way she liked.
Sighing in pleasure, she slid her hand back over Hannah's massive belly
and into her cunt again.

The sudden jab of Laura's hands made Hannah jump but not in an unpleasant
way. As she caressed her friend's big boobs, she fingered the nipples,
squeezing them slightly. After only a few minutes, small drops of fluid
appeared, lubricating her hands as she slid them over Laura's tits.
Curiosity called to her, inviting her to taste it.

Laura was watching Hannah as she explored her body. She was moving against
her hand as she pumped it back and forth into her body. She could feel
Hannah's body responding to her ministrations, her pussy contracting as
she thrust her fingers deeper and deeper into her moist snatch. As much as
she enjoyed watching her friend approach orgasm, she desired stimulation

Shifting so that she leaned over Hannah, she lowered her tits to her face,
bringing her friend closer to what she desired. As Laura pushed harder on
Hannah's clit, Hannah stared at her friend's large breasts as they hung
over her. Inching closer and closer, she reached up towards them with her
mouth. As she felt the turgid nipple pass between her lips, she felt the
onset of a violent orgasm. Stimulated, she clamped down hard on Laura's
nipple, sucking with some force.

Laura gasped as her friend tugged on her tits, her hand wrapping around
the back of Hannah's head to encourage her closer. As she sucked, Laura
yelped and jammed her fingers into Hannah's moist cunt, pushing her thumb
up against her clit.

Laura's finger fucking finally pushed Hannah over the edge. She came, the
wave of pleasure sweeping over her. Just as it peaked, Laura's tits began
to spurt forth milk into her mouth, the creamy substance filling her up so
that it spilled over the sides and down her neck. Laura gasped at her
sudden surge, the feeling of her friend sucking on her sending shudders
down her spine. Beneath her, she could see Hannah juddering to a climax,
Laura's magic hands proving to be as good massaging pussy as they were at
massaging her back. Just to make sure her friend remembered it, Laura
pushed her thumb onto Hannah's clit and rubbed it with a staccato motion.
A guttural grunting from her tit guaranteed that she'd just pushed Hannah
onto the next level. Watching her best friend grunt her way to climax was
turning her on even more. As Hannah's cunt-shattering orgasm subsided,
Laura demanded satisfaction from her convert.

"Your turn," she declared as she reclined on the sofa, quickly snapping
open her maternity trousers.

Hannah sat up as the last ebbs of her orgasm drifted away. Despite having
the best orgasm in years, she still felt aroused, the sheer naughtiness of
letting her best mate fuck her meant her pussy was still warm with desire.
Looking down at her friend, she took in the sight of Laura's massive
pregnant belly, her plump tits, her nipples erect and flushed red. Laura
was calling to her with her eyes, playing with her breasts, offering them
to her.

"I've never..." Hannah started.

"You'll learn," finished Laura. "I'll teach you. Now come on, lick my
pussy Hannah. Please?"

Seeking reassurance from her friend, Hannah slid her way down Laura's
body, running her hands over her distended belly down towards her cunt.
Laura kept her pussy moderately shaved even this far into her pregnancy,
her lips moist and inviting below a small covering of hair. She leaned
towards it, the musky smell inviting her to come closer. Lightly kissing
her outer lips, Hannah dared to run her novice tongue around Laura's wet
hole, gently lapping at its sides. Beyond her giant belly, Laura moaned,
grasping her breasts with both hands and teasing her sensitive nipples.

"Lick my clit Hannah," she groaned, "put your fingers in me!"

Obliging her request, Hannah pushed her first finger into Laura's pussy,
flicking her tongue over her sensitive clit. Laura squirmed in response,
Hannah's inexpert tongue setting off fireworks around her cunt. Her
persistently pumping fingers were driving her wild but she longed to feel
Hannah sucking at her tit again.

"Hannah, come here." She beckoned. "I want to feel you against me."

Pulling her bloated body up onto the sofa, Hannah kept her fingers in her
friend's cunt, her thumb gently rubbing Laura's clit. Seeing the effects
it was having on her, she pressed down, the tiny organ sending fire
through her veins. Gently working her hips against her friend's hand,
Laura cupped one of her breasts and proffered it forth.

"Suck me," she asked, "please?"

Hannah leaned down, taking Laura's big nipple in her mouth once more.
Barely had she began to suck when milk started to issue from it. Laura was
squeezing her breast, gently massaging the area around the nipple as her
friend sucked on it. She could feel Hannah's big belly rubbing against her
as she moved against the fingers entrenched in her pussy, the humongous
mound pressing against her own gravid stomach. The feeling of their two
pregnant bodies pushing up against each other was driving her wild. As
Hannah's fingers pumped in and out of her, she squirted milk from her
tits, spilling it into the open and willing mouth of her friend who
swallowed it greedily. Laura smiled to herself as she felt the beginnings
of her orgasm built.

She was watching Hannah, the quiet redhead she had gone to school with
finger her pregnant pussy while sucking on her tits, swallowing her rich
milk. She'd always suspected Hannah could be dirty, now she had proof. She
caught the eye of her friend as she nursed at her breast and saw lust in
her eyes, a consuming lust that demanded satisfaction. Laura could feel
her legs tremble, the impending climax rushing towards her as Hannah
violated her pussy.

"Hannah," she murmured, bliss almost overpowering her.

Hannah looked up from her sucking, her mouth full of warm milk.

"I'm...I'm cumming Hannah!" she squealed, "Kiss me! Let me drink my own

As the lightening bolt of pure joy shot through Laura from groin to brain
and back, Hannah sucked a mouthful of milk from her tits and pressed her
lips to Laura's mouth. Laura opened her mouth to groan and milk spilled
between them, thick and rich, overflowing her mouth and dribbling down her
neck to run between her huge, heaving breasts. Left unfettered, her tits
shot milk from them as she squeezed, the white liquid spurting between
herself and Laura as their gravid bellies rubbed together.

Grunting to a halt from the monstrous orgasm, Laura looked down at her
friend, covered in her milk from where it had sprayed her. Their motion
had forced them almost sideways on the couch so that Hannah lay almost on
top of her. Laura kissed her tenderly, the long build up having been well
worth it.

"Mmmm," murmured Hannah, "that felt so good...!"

Laura smiled again, proud of her new convert. As she stroked her hair,
Hannah began to play with Laura's rosy nipples. There was a tingling
feeling still in her pussy.

"Laura?" she said.

"What's up hun?" whispered her friend.

"Can we do it again? Now...?"

Laura smiled a wicked smile...

Same as Hannah's Pregnant Pleasure Videos

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Nadia the Nymphomaniac Pregnant and Gangbanged

Introduction: Young, sexually precocious Nadia is a few months pregnant and more cock hungry than ever, venturing further into the realm of group sex and loving it! Continued from Nadia the Nymphomaniac: Pregnant and Addicted to Cock Part 9 – Brotherly Love John, are you sure? This is crazy! said Derrick softly. Hed arrived at his older brothers house not too long ago, and over coffee his brother had just informed him that his 13 year old niece was almost 5 months pregnant and aching for a...

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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

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Pregnant With Puppies

Carolyn Sanders glanced at her 14-year-old daughter as they drove along the country road. At nearly 5'5" and with long blonde hair, Lisa was becoming a young woman--her legs were getting longer, she was already wearing an A-cup bra, her waist was getting thinner and she was always talking with her girlfriends about boys. Carolyn had been putting off the birds-and-the-bees talk because she knew it was impossible for Lisa to get pregnant until she experienced something that none of her other...

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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 9 Pregnant Mommy and Sis

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Pregnant Mommy and Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Jenny Wilson I pressed my face into my mother's sweet pussy, her thick labia rubbing on my lips while her ticklish pubic hair caressed my cheeks. It was so wonderfully naughty to do this. Just this morning, I was so angry at her, hating her for calling me a slut and a whore and a hussy for the last few weeks. Ever since she found out I was...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant PART 1 TO PART 5====== PART 1 ======Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt...

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Pregnant Indian Slut

Fortunately my chance came when I heard from a friend that she was looking for a boyfriend. Her fuckbuddy got a girlfriend and she was left feeling jealous and lonely. We were both sophomores at Temple and I had gotten her number from a business class project. It was time to make a move. I called her up and asked her out to dinner. To my surprise she sounded ecstatic! I was her type after all, a tall white guy with brown eyes and black hair. “Hey Noah,” Raksha cooed as she sat down. I had...

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getting candice pregnant

THE FUN BEGINS… Bill was excited and he had reason to be. He was a young man in his early twenties and this was to be his first real holiday on his own with no parents around. He’d been planning this holiday for the last couple of years, saved up for this moment for several months and today was finally that day he was going away. Not wanting to try something unknown and too different, he picked a place he knew very well from c***dhood holidays and a place he had previously enjoyed many...

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getting candice pregnant

THE FUN BEGINS... Bill was excited and he had reason to be. He was a young man in his early twenties and this was to be his first real holiday on his own with no parents around. He’d been planning this holiday for the last couple of years, saved up for this moment for several months and today was finally that day he was going away. Not wanting to try something unknown and too different, he picked a place he knew very well from c***dhood holidays and a place he had previously enjoyed many times....

2 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4Cherri discovers the men using Yolanda for a sex toy, using her for a movie. The older woman finds out more about the girl and decides to have Yolanda live with her to teach the immature girl more about sex and life after making the gullible youngster cum. Cherri tells Jim about a Thai movie on Xhamster with a girl she knows.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 3 Pregnant Twins

Chapter 3: Pregnant Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Mushroom Ring, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I clutched my pregnant belly, my stomach twisting. It couldn't be Seamus's child. I licked my lips, the familiar flavor of cum coating my mouth. My breasts both ached. They had swollen larger, ripe with breast milk. The creamy liquid beaded at my nipples, mixing with the cum smeared across my body. “I'm filthy,” I said and...

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Nadia the Nymphomanic Pregnant and Addicted to Cock

Introduction: This story is continued from Nadia the Nymphomaniac – The Beginning. The wild adventures of young sex addict Nadia, fucking as many cocks as she can! Part 6 – Cant Rape the Willing Nadia had just turned 13 years old and had lost her virginity about 3 months prior to her 13th birthday. She had developed much faster than other girls and boys her age, becoming interested in sex by age 12 Despite her youth, she was already 57 and her tits were more than a handful. Her mom was white...

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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Porn

OHGirl:I bent over the bed, holding onto my stomach and tits as my current client drove his cock deep into my ass. He was my third customer of the day and my asshole had taken on all three of them. My pregnant belly didn’t keep the men from wanting blow jobs or from fucking me, but most of them wanted to take me anally, due to their uncomfortable feelings about fucking a pregnant hooker. I had been very busy lately and had grown used to having lots of anal sex, but I spent most of the time...

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pregnant and horny pt 1

David sat staring at his computer screen, trying to will the machine to complete the boot operation. The desktop showed up on the screen and he was just about to let out a whoop of triumph, when the screen turned that unmistakable bright blue and the machine shutdown."Pig fucking piece of shit!" he said, his hand sweeping out to destroy the carefully built stack of Mountain Dew cans. Outside his window the sky was black. How had that happened? He let out an exasperated sigh and looked at his...

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Pregnant And Lactating White Wife Fucked By Black Neighbors

There can be huge cultural and social differences in being brought up in the Deep South, as compared to the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. My husband, Ed, and I were born and raised in a mostly white, suburb of Jackson, Mississippi that has a very low African-American population. Our families and friends are racists, and always preferred to be segregated from black people. It was only natural that we would grow up thinking the same way, but that is a source of shame for us now.My...

2 years ago
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My wife wanted to become pregnant

First, before the story: English is not my mother tongue. When working on this story there were occations when I could not find the exact words I was looking for - but I guess you'll get the general idea.My wife Helen is a petite blonde beauty. We started dating when she was 16, ten years later, when this took place, she still acted like a teenager from time to time. Maybe because she still looked like being a teenager. People who did not know us could assume we were closely related. We are...

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Doctors Incestuous FamilyChapter 9 Pregnant Mommy and Sis

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Jenny Wilson I pressed my face into my mother’s sweet pussy, her thick labia rubbing on my lips while her ticklish pubic hair caressed my cheeks. It was so wonderfully naughty to do this. Just this morning, I was so angry at her, hating her for calling me a slut and a whore and a hussy for the last few weeks. Ever since she found out I was pregnant, she had acted like a real cunt. And then it turned out she was fucking my brother, too. And she...

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Pennys Promiscuity 17 Pregnant Pause

'Pregnant! Oh my God, no!'The effort it took to keep behaving normally in the face of this entirely unexpected and completely unwelcome news deserves an Oscar. The shock and horror almost made me faint; my blood ran cold and a strange buzzing noise came into my ears. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out; thank goodness I still had the presence of mind to slip the test with its dreadful news into the pocket of my dressing gown before my daughter could see it.Izzy didn’t notice but she...

1 year ago
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My Pregnant Stepmom

When I was still young my mother died in an accident, and my father brought me up, until he finally met another woman.Her name was Beth, she was a very pretty brunette, pretty fit, and younger than him, only thirty, where as my father was in his early fifties, but they seemed to like each other a lot, and with in two years were getting married.Now I was in my late teens as this was all happening and felt as long as my father was happy, then so was I, but secretly from the moment I met Beth i...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty men's lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-2-702218====== OPENINGYolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black...

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Fucking Pregnant in the Forest Preserve

My name is Sue, and at the time of this story I was thirty years old and my husband, Ed, was thirty-three, and we lived in a northwest suburb of Chicago. I am an executive for a large insurance company located in downtown Chicago, and Edias a production manager for a manufacturing company near O’Hare airport. We have a nine-month-old daughter who I was still nursing, and I was also four and a half months pregnant with another child.I knew from discussions with my OB/GYN doctor during my two...

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Pregnant girl

*************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a particular bed that I would be so thankful for the fruits of my labor. I pulled up to the house of 7777 Lucky Lane, an interesting address to say the least. I wondered if lady luck just so happened to live here as I rang the door bell. When the door opened I was happy to see that I hit the jackpot. Standing...

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A guy helps his neighbor8217s pregnant wife out when she reveals that her husband won8217t have sex with her while she8217s heavily pregnant

Neighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don’t. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We’ve never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don’t know the people. On the right, next door, we’re cordial with them,...

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making them pregnant pt 4

The next dayWhen I got up the next day Dad had already left the house for the office. Mother was having tea at the table and my breakfast was waiting for me. I sat down after kissing mother good morning.Mother started the conversation with, “We need to talk about what protection we plan to take after my period, if I have one this month at all, I hope I do have one. I really should go on the Pill with the amount of semen you shoot when you reach orgasm.”“Mother, I really want to make you...

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Pregnant Workout

"Are you nuts? You want ME to lead the pregnant women's class?"Harold, the owner of the fitness club where I work, shrugged and leaned back behind his desk. "Fred, you know that Mimi went in to have her own baby last night. Her students will be here in half an hour and there's no one else." He pointed to the door. "Go on, get ready. It's only for a few weeks, and it won't hurt you."Fuming, I stalked out of his office and headed for the instructors' locker room. Damn! A roomful of pregnant...

3 years ago
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Becoming pregnant

Hi, my name is Sucheeta, I originally hail from Gujarat. I have settled in Bangalore after my marriage. I got married early at my age of 23. My husband is running finance business along with his family members. Ours is a joint family of 6 and financially healthy. My marriage is a happier one as everybody would respect and care me well. But this didn’t continue for long. After two years of our marriage we lost of peace of mind inside the family the reason behind is that i could not get pregnant....

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My Best Friends Pregnant Wife Part 1

OK, a little background:My name is David, I'm 27 yrs old single and I continue to play the field. My best friend is Brad he is also 27 yrs old and his wife is Cindy, she is 26.Brad and I have known each other since high school so we go back at least 10 yrs and did the usual like hang out, drink, and chase girls. The girl chasing continued right on until about 5 yrs ago for Brad.Brad was dating Cindy then he decided to make it permanent and they were married about 3 yrs ago. We both knew Cindy...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5Yolanda is taught about enemas and plays as a daughter for her new Mommy. Cherri watches on the new hidden cameras as Yolanda's husband Jack messes with Beth.====== OPENINGCherri started talking to the young girl as soon as they got in her car to drive home. The woman wanted to bring out the youngster's sexuality and make her more comfortable with having and doing sexual things. Especially with Cherri."Yolanda baby I want you to be my girlfriend and I'm going to...

3 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt all started when Jim needed to get his carpets cleaned and had...

1 year ago
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Helping out a pregnant lady

At 22, I found myself jobless and decided to do anything that comes my way. One day I saw an Ad in the newspaper. "Wanted: Helper for trucker's family. Good pay." I called the phone number in the ad, and a man on the other side told me that he wanted to hire someone for his pregnant wife. Since he has to go on long journeys he needed someone to help out his wife in case of an emergency. The pay had been good, plus lodging and meal. The only negative was that the place was away from town. I took...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Whores

Velvet: There was a knock on the door as I rode Shawn’s giant, black erection. My ass was impaled on his shaft while I rode him reverse cowgirl, looking at the door and waiting for the friends that he had called to come over and party with us. I had arrived 20 minutes earlier and had caught Shawn just as he had gotten out of the shower. He was getting up at his usual late afternoon time, but one thing I never worried about was his cleanliness. He enjoyed smelling good for his ladies, even if...

3 years ago
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Bari Sali ko Chod kar Pregnant Kiya

Hello friend’s mera naam Zeeshan hia aur main Karachi Pakistan main rehta hon, yeh meri real story hia meri age 34 married hon, meri 2 elder saliyan aur 2 younger saliyan hian abhi main app ko apni sab say bari sali ki chudae ki dastan sunaon ga meri sab say bari sali ka naam Nudrat hai uski age 32 years old and with figure 34 26 34 hai married hai uska husband USA Main rehta hia iska koe bacha nahi tha, us kay baad wali Sali Asiya jis ki age 30 married hia figure 36 28 36 hai iska ak beta hia...

3 years ago
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Pregnant SSBBW orgy of 1998

this story´s about my SSBBW M when she was pregnant with me. If you don´t like big women and stories about others folks, you shouldn´t read it. If you want to understand more about who these people in my stories are you´ll have to read my all previous stories from my profile.Story about her getting pregnant´s for other time. it´s as juicy as story i´m sharing now. I´ll tell this story as i´ve heard from them. My folks´ve been swingers from time when they start dating, he loved sharing her big...

2 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 24 MindControlled Pregnant Daughters

Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...

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OT Pregnant Pussy part 1

It started like any other O.T. session for the 18 year old senor boy as his O.T. came in and he notice that she was defiantly pregnant he was not sure so he did not bring it up. As he was working he would occasionally glance over at her protruding belly. Her name was miss Shelly and was about 31 years old and 4 months pregnant , Shelly was originally from India and her boobs had gotten bigger since he saw her 3 mouths ago when he first notice a belly forming.. Unknown to shell that her student...

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His Pregnant Lover Ch 05

The manager of the fish market called to Dave when he was collecting his check for the weeks catch. ‘Some of the workers from the processing department want to talk to you,’ he said as he wished Dave a merry Xmas. The girls were on smoko sitting along benches on the waterfront. ‘Hi I’m Rosita,’ a short slim dark skinned woman said as she thanked him for coming. ‘Can we call you Dave she asked?’ When he nodded ‘yes’ she went on. ‘There is a lot of mischievous talk about you and your camp....

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I love fucking pregnant women by PO469

For many years I have loved fucking pregnant women. When I was sixteen I had just finished doing yard work for my neighbors when she invited me in. She was twenty five and more than seven months pregnant and I was almost a virgin. While I was drinking the ice tea that she gave me, I watched her slowly pull her skirt up and spread her legs so I got a look at her pussy. She saw me looking and laughed and told me that I was blushing. Then she asked me if I had ever seen a girls cunt before. I told...

4 years ago
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My Pregnant Fling

Ever find yourself in a situation completely immoral, yet allowed you to live out one of your deepest, darkest fantasies?I'd been using Tumblr for about 6 months or so, just as a way to catalogue photos of pregnant women that I liked. Somehow, through my lurking around, I found that there were many people, including women, who shared my fetish, and even used the site as an outlet for themselves. I started following a woman who had recently declared herself pregnant and a few weeks later, she...

1 year ago
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Pregnant teen neighbor

He rarely saw the girl, just her parents, but one day he happened to look out the window of his bedroom that over looked the back yard and saw her tanning herself. She had on a very skimpy bikini, and was laying on her stomach. Jake felt lewd, but kept watching, till the she removed her top and rolled over. It was then he noticed her belly was larger then the last time he had seen her. "Pregnant?" He said as he kept watching. He had always loved pregnant women, yet had never been with...

1 year ago
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A couple meets an unhappy pregnant woman on the beach

I was walking down the beach when I spotted her. I knew my husband had not seen her. He can sometimes be in his own world. I don’t mind. When his mind is off, he is usually thinking of me. He is just enjoying being with me, thinking of what he’d like to do with (or to) me, or thinking of things he can do for me. He is amazingly good to me. I am madly in love with him and would do anything for him. I watched her for a moment. She looked to be in her late 20s early 30s. She had long...

2 years ago
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Horny Pregnant Mom

Introduction: Husbands gone, time to play… Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over-the-road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monicas hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didnt help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just...

2 years ago
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making them pregnant pt 7

Over two weeks laterI came down to breakfast and both Mother and Cindy were eating. I sat down after kissing Mother good morning. “What are the plans for today?” I asked.“Well, Cindy and I have to go to the Doctor. It seems that she is two days late and we did a pregnancy test this morning and the rabbit died. Cindy must have gotten ****d in the last month.” replied Mother smiling at off-hand comment she had made.I smiled at Mother and Cindy. Cindy glared at me. “When is the appointment,...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Sex

After waking up, Duncan felt his stiff, warm cock on his stomach. He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom and released the floodgates. After taking a long piss, he was surprised to see that his cock was still hard. With his cock practically bulging out of his underwear, he went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. As he poured his favorite cereal into the bowl, he heard female voices laughing. Running to his apartment window, he looked out. The...

3 years ago
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Pregnant mom

Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over the road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monica’s hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didn’t help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bath room. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just climbed out of the shower. She tried not to...

1 year ago
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The InLaws Help DaughterInLaw To Get Pregnant Part Three

Gina was getting more depressed each day.  Her husband was shooting blanks, and their dreams of becoming parents were bleak.  Brian knew that he was sterile but would not come to terms with it. Gina collected a sample and had his sperm checked, and found out he was sterile.  Brian didn't want to adopt.  He wanted a child and prayed to God to grant him and his wife a miracle.  He actively went to church and hoped that God would hear his prayers.Gina spoke to his parents and sadly told them their...

3 years ago
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I love fucking pregnant women

If had the choice between the sexiest, most beautiful, hottest teen girl in town and her eight month pregnant mother, I would take the mother. The more pregnant the better. If I ever got a chance to fuck a woman after her water broke, that would be the ultimate dream. I remember when my wife was pregnant with our daughter a couple years ago, I couldn't fuck her enough. The more pregnant she got, the more I wanted to fuck her. The last couple of months of her pregnancy I must have...

4 years ago
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I May Be Pregnant But That Doesnt Mean I Cant Be A HotWife Part 2

What a night! I still can't believe I sucked Bill's cock while Jeff watched. And, boy did I feel like a slut when I swallowed all the cum that gushed from Bill's cock into my mouth.  And to think Jeff wasn't the least bit upset is still something that makes no sense to me. I do know that some men are cuckolds and like to watch their wife have sex with other men. I was more than a little confused.I never thought of Jeff as a cuckold, but I guess he is.  That makes me a hot-wife. I didn't...

Wife Lovers
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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 4

I lined up my achingly hard cock to her wet, glistening fuckhole and pushed into her slowly. She moaned loudly as my cock penetrated into her tight young model's body. I watched her face as I parted her thick soft lips, stopping just as my cock head nestled up against the entrance to her tunnel. "Look at me slut, I want to watch your face as I push my cock deep into your dirty cunt. I want to see your expression when I fill your womb with my Master seed!" Anna groaned again at my words, and...

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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 2

"I'm glad you agreed to show me around town, Chris. I have been wanting to talk to you alone," Anna said."I wanted to ask you something too Anna," I said."You go first then, Chris. What did you want to ask me?""Well, it's about this new you, to be honest. I mean before you left, you and I barely recognized each other's existence. We didn't fight, but we didn't talk either. We just happened to live in the same house together."But since you've been back, it's like I'm an old...

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My Friend8217s Pregnant Wife

My Friends Pregnant Wife * (a woman’s husband finds her unattractive when she’s pregnant but a good friend of his thinks entirely differently.) Rachael struggled to get up off the couch. “Let me get that for you,” Jason said as he jumped up quickly. “Don’t be silly,” Rachael laughed. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m an invalid.” “I know,” Jason offered. “It’s just that…...

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he New Pregnant Girl At School part 1

Introduction: Maddies the new girl in school and this is a story about her and her new high school ,) *Maddie Smith had just recently moved to New-town, Florida. Her family had actually moved around a lot the past few years, but this time her parents say they are staying here for good. Maddie would have believed them if it wasnt for the fact that they said this every time they moved! Since she had moved around so much and had been at many different types of schools, she often changed who she...

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Pregnant and Burning

She was alone with her deepest desires in the softly lighted up bedroom. Everything had changed in her body and now she was gently touching her enlarged breasts. She had the oddest feeling they were growing bigger every day. The nipples became more sensitive and the areolas got darker. Twenty-three old Melanie Harper was pregnant for the first time in her life and her being was surprising her with different moods and desires tens sometimes hundreds of times per day. Now, as she was reading a...

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Pregnant indian hijabi slut with white cock

It had been just over 7 months since Robert claimed me in the prayer room. I was now happily married to Robert and very pregnant. Robert impregnated me the night of the prayer room but we have continued to fuck more than 3 times a day since. Robert has matched my insatiable appetite for sex and perversion. Robert bought a house outside of the city that provided a lot of privacy due to the vast land surrounding the house. We married within the week and I finally told my family. My family were...

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pregnant emily pt 1

Emily rolled her eyes discreetly as several women behind her giggled when Ulysses entered the room. She was one of 20 women, in varying degrees of pregnancy, enrolled in a yoga class. It was a special yoga class designed for pregnant women. Emily's older sister, Christine, suggested she try it out. The exercises and poses were easy on the joints and easy to do. After several weeks, Emily noticed a significant improvement with her mobility and strength. This helped out tremendously as her...

2 years ago
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making them pregnant pt 6

About 2 weeks later Mother took Cindy to the OB/GYN for her first exam. Mother told me later that Cindy was a virgin and that the Doctor gave her a clean bill of health. She then told me to make the calendar, as today was the start of Cindy’s period. Mother and I were still having sex each day. Twelve days later, Mother was going to make breakfast and stuck her head in my room. “Your Dad’s already left for work. Cindy is in the shower. She is on a 28-day cycle. Today should be the best day. Are...

4 years ago
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Husband fucks our friends pregnant wife

Our Friends Pregnant Wife * (a woman's husband finds her unattractive when she's pregnant but a good friend of his thinks entirely differently.)Rachael struggled to get up off the couch."Let me get that for you," Jason said as he jumped up quickly."Don't be silly," Rachael laughed. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm an invalid.""I know," Jason offered. "It's just that... well, I want some too and I know where the cups are. I can get both of us some.""Your so nice Jason," she smiled as...

3 years ago
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The Pregnant Bachelor Party Whore Wife

The economy was bad in our small town in Mississippi. The only manufacturing plant in town laid off about a third of the workers. The ones that remained were only able to work partial shifts. My husband, Dave, was one of the lucky ones to still have a job at the reduced hours as an assembler, but that still made it hard for us to pay our bills. An even bigger problem is that I had recently been laid off from my job as a cashier at the super market. With a house and three-month-old baby to...

2 years ago
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A Cell Phone Made Me Pregnant Ch 4

For our readers who have gotten confused... (And I don't blame you!)Our group of authors has encountered a problem that we have been trying to cope with for quite some time. Due to the different policies of different Erotica websites, and the number of different contributors, each having their own accounts on different sites, we have been forced to get a little creative, and at the same time, confusing, with story names. I apologize for this, and hope the readers will understand we are doing...

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