Transfictive Dream free porn video

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Transfictive Dreams By Alan Teague Bittig It is four thirty in the morning. The night has peaked; the darkness is complete and inescapable. Thick mist rises from the ground and coats the air with a heavy, sad smelling perfume of ozone and pollutants. I am walking down a lonely street in the temporarily abandoned heart of the cities downtown. Just two hours ago these streets swarmed with thousands of reckless bodies, this road played stage in countless dramatic reproductions of human issues. Now it is a distant path, silent with the exception of the dull rattle of beer cans which a smooth, quick breeze blow down the street almost like leaves in a late autumn stream. I could kick myself out of desperation and still wouldn't feel anything at all. Crazy way to be, I guess, but not one that begs for contemplation. I should be asleep right now in a thirty-dollar hotel room, a bunch of people I barely like and only call friends out of some insane need to be liked passed out all around me. That would be the plan. Too much beer and little weed can sometimes send plans off course, though. Oh well. I continue walking and try not to wonder how I'm going to travel 200 miles on foot. I try not to wonder if I'm even going to bother going home. Suddenly, inexplicably, a light half a block down blinks on in the stillborn morning. It's long after bar close, long before respectable shops will open. I am filled with a strange compulsion to find out what it is. I start walking faster, hopping cracks, not quite running but moving faster than my drained body wants too. Getting closer I can make out the building in the hazy semi-reality of the flickering orange street lamps. It is an old building; firm Carolina red brick with heavy storm windows filled with colored scraps of paper, newspaper clippings and faded posters. It has all the qualities of an antique shop or a thrift store. I move closer. The street sign sputters against the empty night with a garish pallet of neon colors. First Street School of Awareness, it reads. I see a faded poster hung neatly in one of the crowded windows, its corners peeling inward against the flamboyant text. All visitors and students welcome, it says. Hours of operation will vary. Please come in. The door is slightly ajar, glowing around the edges with an almost magical quality. Tentatively, I push it open. A small bell cheerfully chimes, warning the inhabitants of an impending guest. I walk in coughing lightly and stomping my feet. The yellow floorboards creak and pop as I walk down the narrow hallway. "Hello?" I call out into the lightness. "Is there anyone here?" The interior is almost as surreal as the windows. I am standing in a long, narrow hallway with heavy doors leading off sporadically on either side. The paint is peeling from the walls and the light fixtures are pulling themselves loose of the ceiling. I take another few steps forward. Starting to feel nervous I raise my voice again. "Hello, are you open?" "Please, come in," cries a voice from behind a door at the far end of the hallway. "Come talk to me." "Um... Maybe I should go." Instead I shuffle a few feet forward. "No, not at all. I've been waiting for you all night." "I'm sorry," I say with shame, stopping in my tracks. "I'm not who you're waiting for. I'm sorry to break into your place." Again the voice, calm, reasoned, still. "No, come to me." "But I don't have an appointment here. I just stumbled in." "And I've been waiting all night for someone to stumble in. So come here." "Um, all right." Swallowing the dry spit in my mouth and quickly licking my lips I force myself to cover the distance to the end of the hallway. I slowly push the wooden door open and step inside. The first thing I see is a woman with blond wavy hair that hangs from her malformed head in lose clumps. She is sitting in a brown chair reading a newspaper dated three days ago. Above my head florescent lights hum and purr, spreading even, unbroken brightness into every corner of the room. Slowly and with undeniable grace she folds the paper and tucks it up into her armpit. She stands and wiggles her finger at me. "Come a little closer," she says lightly. I mutter a series of incoherent sounds and divert my eyes to the floor. "Are you scared of me?" she asks. I grunt. "Well that just doesn't make any sense. After all, you're the one who walked into my house uninvited at four in the morning!" "I just saw the sign outside," I whisper. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry." "Don't worry about. Just come a little bit closer and let me get a good look at you. I don't get to see many new people these days." I comply, hesitantly, barely lifting the souls of my shoes from the ground as I shuffle towards her chair. Standing beside her I quickly realize why she seems so unhealthy. Her pale skin is deeply scared, in the corners of her lips and on her forehead fresh eruptions bubble in sickening shades of white and red and black. "I'm Penelope," she says coyly. "My name is Harold," I tell her. "Well, Harold. Good morning." "Same to you." There is a strange silence for several minutes. She looks at me and nods her head, then shakes it, then nods again. I stand as still as I can, though my knees shake with some bizarre nervous energy and my hands have an odd compulsion to travel to my face, so that by the time I realize I'm covering my mouth and jerk them down to my side they have already climbed back up. She breaks the silence with a loud sigh. "What's wrong," I ask, feigning concern. "Oh, nothing, nothing at all. In fact, I think I can help you." "Help me what?" "Help you be aware." "Oh. Okay. And how do I become aware. I don't have any money on me so I hope it's just advice and not classes or anything because really if it's class..." She interrupts me. "You really shouldn't ramble like that." "Sorry." "It's all right." "So what's up?" "How old are you?" "Twenty-two. What's going on?" "You weigh what? One fifty, one sixty?" "You've really lost me." "One fifty sounds right. And you're about six feet tall, blonde hair, blue eyes..." "Look, you're steaming right on ahead and you've definitely lost me. What do you want?" "Harold, right now I want you to sit down. If you want you can have my chair." "That's all right, I'll take the floor." I crouch against the wall, resting on my heels, my knees pulled tightly against my chest. She grins at me, her face shifting in the light, almost melting. From the upward angle she has suddenly become beautiful, with pale, unmarked skin and gleaming blue eyes. I blink and look away, then back. I must be hallucinating again. When I look back everything is as it was before. "Now," she says. "Now that we have the basic information I need you to answer a few questions for me. It's important that you answer me honestly." "All right, I guess. Won't you tell me what's going on first though?" She cuts me a look somewhere between a warning and a reprimand. Live and learn, her face seems to say, but don't expect to know everything all at once. "Let's start with an easy one," she says brightly, tapping her foot. "Who are you?" "I'm Harold," I answer; too curious to find out what she's doing to protest any further. "Harold," she nods and smiles, a bead of spit flies out of her mouth and lands on the tip of my nose. "And who is Harold?" "Harold is all kinds of crazy different people, I guess. I kind of change to fit my surroundings." "Do you?" "Well, yeah. It's kind of funny you go and ask me that cause I'm always wondering the same thing myself. I don't really have a unique personality or anything. I just kind of shift into whatever mode I need to be in." "Is this an intentional shift?" "Not really. It just kind of happens." "And does it work?" "I guess it works fine. People don't seem to mind. It doesn't really work for me though." "How many women have you been with?" she asks. This girl is all about tangents. I am starting to think that her entire goal is to confuse and then somehow humiliate me. I'm paranoid like that. "Six, but five of those were in high school." "And how many women have you been?" "Well, none." "But you told me that you're never the same person. That you're always shifting and changing and being something different than before." "I only meant that metaphorically." "But have you ever wondered?" "Wondered what. How things would be different if I was a chick?" "Well, uh-huh. Yeah." "I don't really follow you." "Follow me into the kitchen." Only a minute or two later, I am standing on a sticky linoleum floor. Odors of dust and dried flowers and bacon grease battle inside my nostrils. She opens an old nineteen fifties style green refrigerator and pulls out a coke. Her hands barely make it halfway around the faded can. She hands it too me, there is a dent in the lower right hand side. "Do you want me to drink this?" She nods. The heavy fluid rolls across my tongue. The carbonation burns the back of my throat and the sticky, metallic, not quite sweet taste fills my mouth. My world spins a little. There is a pervasive buzzing in my hands and feet. As I slowly fade back into awareness I wonder why I am lying on my floor, and then whose floor it is and then where I am and why. Comprehension returns to my mind slowly, and not without its share of questions. "Did I pass out," I moan, still buzzing. "Yes," a voice answers. Whose voice? That woman, Penelope, I'm in her house and it's five in the morning on a Sunday and I'm over two hundred miles from the comfort of my home without a ride back. "I'm sorry," I sputter, talking more to myself than anyone else. "It's okay. Lay there as long as you need to. We'll talk when you can stand up." Moments pass, godless lonely moments. The tingling slowly fades to be replaced by a much more uncomfortable feeling of incorrectness. "Ugh," I mutter, then stop. "Are you ready," Penelope asks me. "I don't know. My voice sounds wrong." "Your voice has changed." "And my body feels wrong." "Your body has changed." "Am I going to like things if I stand up?" "I don't know," she laughs. "I don't know you 'that' well. You do need to stand sometime, though, so you might as well do it now." I do, placing my hands firmly on the tiles and forcing my frame upward, trying my best to ignore odd signals and motions I know my body should not be making. Now, firm and steady against the sink I begin to take in the oddities of everything around me. My reference points in the room have inexplicably changed. I feel as if I have shrunk six inches. I can no longer see the top of the refrigerator and my hips come no higher than the top of the counter. Frightened, confused, I look down at my body, at the strange gravity, which pulls against me in such a subtle way. What I see is unimaginable. My chest has swollen into a couple of bulbous, fleshy sacks. They hang freely and firmly, perhaps the size of grapefruits, though less circular, they look like a woman's breasts. I know, somewhere inside, that they are. Hoping to prove my conclusion wrong I move my hand down towards the strange aching void in my most sensitive of areas. I reach deep, cup my crouch and fill my hand with hair. Now the terror strikes. "It can't be true," I scream. "It's impossible. It's wrong." "It is very true, Harold," Penelope tells me. "Or at least it's as true as anything else." "I'm crazy. I don't believe you. It's not right." "It's right and it's real. Look at yourself," she tells me, pointing to an old, dusty cupboard door. "Open it up, there's a mirror in there." I move towards it, anxious and unsupported in places I have never needed support before. Everything feels wrong, weighs wrong, hangs wrong. Still hoping for the hallucination to die I step up to the door, hesitate for god knows how long, steal myself and lose my nerve again, then, with a final wheeze of desperation, throw it open. My mind does not at first catch what my eyes now see. Finally, securing my fragile sanity and stepping back from the brink of total mental collapse, I stare in awe at this person who stands in the same space as me, so much the same and so much different. I cannot even begin to describe what I see. Staring at me in that cracked piece of glass was the woman I feared I'd become. Her hair still brown, like mine, cut uneven across the bangs and short down the sides. Her eyes were blistering gray, wrapped in puffed tired flesh, which is jarringly red on her pale face. I wink, she winks, I sigh, and she sighs. She has the same porcelain beauty that graces my mother and sisters. Even the details are perfect, down to the unopened whitehead above my left eyebrow. Gone are my five days of facial growth, though I still somehow manage to look rough. Gone are the sharpest contours of my face, smoothed and sanded but still cut from the same block of wood. A tear pools in this woman's eye and I feel it run down my cheek. "You really did do it to me," I shriek, overwhelmed by a hideous feeling of fear and despair and hate. "It was the only way," Penelope says. "You came for help and I have helped you. Your life will be clearer now." "But how is this supposed to make me more content?" "Not more content, Harold. You completely misunderstand. Our mission is to make people aware of who they are and set them on the path to their potential." "But why a girl? I never wanted to be a girl." "Desire and necessity are two different things. You could never have been anything more than lost the way you were. Now you have the ability to find the answers to everything you have ever wondered about." "But how does changing people into girls give them that ability?" "Not girls, not at all. People are different, and people need different things. Sometimes it's the color of their eyes; sometimes it's the size of their feet. I have made fat men thin and thin women fat. I've healed lameness and caused horrific deformities. One man came in as a genius and left with an IQ of seventy-five. The only common thread that binds our clientele is an abstract desire to discover their own inner uniqueness and an absolute inhibition, call it laziness, to actually go out and track it down." "But how is it right for me, I don't want it, so how is it right?" "You do want it, though. You want it somewhere." "No." "Yes," she states. "You must. Somewhere in your mind is a block. Something stops you from doing anything at all. This desire, however hidden, is that block. That, dear little oh so beautifully feminine Harold, is what we do here." "But how am I supposed to go home?" I beg. "Did you want to go home?" she counters. "How am I going to get a job? I don't have any kind of identification." She shrugs. "Will finds way, or something like that, right?" "All I'm going to be able to do is wander around." "What were you doing before?" Defeated, I sigh. "Wandering around." "Well, enough of this," she says. "Let's go into the other room." She firmly grasps my hand and leads me away from the kitchen. The 'other' room is as bare as the rest of the place. White walls, hardwood floors, narrow shaded windows. In the corner there is a chalkboard. It is dim filthy green and hangs neatly on the wall. Written across it in large, block letters letters is 'Malaise'. Beneath, in a smaller, less fluid script are the words 'An indefinite feeling of uneasiness, or of being sick or ill at ease.' "Leftovers," Penelope sighs. "A lesson for someone else." She is tall and slim now, wearing a gray dress that hangs from her body without contour or form. I turn and blink. I must be hallucinating again. This time she does not change back and retains her new form. Almost like smoke she moves across the room and wipes her arm over the board, erasing the writing. She stares at it for an insane amount of time, motionless except for the slight breaths, which barely dent her statuesque posture. Eventually, she shakes her head and looks directly at me. "I've always thought it was funny how we have words for vague feelings of depression and descriptions of unprovoked displeasure, but we have nothing, or at least I know of nothing, which would describe a similar emotion of happiness or pleasure." The curtains have begun to glow, light scraping around their edges. I realize that I have been here an eternally short amount of time. I can no longer help it, my eyes feel heavy and my body feels light. Moisture pools, I try to wink it away, but it pools... and pours. "It's insane," I whimper. "It's gone and crazy and nothing's right and I can't handle this and..." I gag, huff, make small noises, and curl inward onto myself. And then, before I can collapse, Penelope grabs me. She leans closer still and sucks my lower lip inside her mouth, gently teasing my shaking flesh with her hopelessly soft hands. Suddenly, she pulls back, flicking her raven hair behind her shoulder and exposing her blemished neck. She smiles, revealing a mouth full of rotting teeth, and she sighs. "Don't worry about anything, Harold. Don't worry about your mind or your life or any of the years that will inevitably come and go. You'll be all right." "Maybe." I turn away from her, shifting again but now slightly more comfortable with that particular displaced weight. I pull open the shades, staring out the window and trying, for just a moment, to wake myself up. For a moment I think I have, coming to sudden awareness on a hard hotel bed, rolling into the body of women I never loved, gasping is quick desperation. I look away and blink. I am hallucinating again. Outside the sun has not yet risen but the sky is an opaque shield of maroon and lavender and gray. There is a silent purity to the sky and I think for a moment that I might be able to lose myself in its swirling beauty. After several minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Will you walk outside with me?" Penelope asks. "Sure, I guess I might as well." She leads me by my arm out the back door and into the sticky freshness of another acid sunrise. "This is our garden," she tells me. "Our only source of life and light." Her voice is animated. Her now green eyes are sparkling. "We all love it very much," she adds sharply. "We love it more than we love ourselves." "It's a nice looking garden," I say. "I can see that you put a lot of effort into keeping it healthy." "Effort?" she asks. "Oh, no. We do nothing to it. The garden cares for itself." "So now, after this, after you did this, now that I'm able to know who I am, now I'll finally find what I've always wanted, right?" She shrugs. "Do you know what you want now? Has it come to you yet? What were you looking so hard for that you wound up finding me?" "I don't know." "Sure you do, you must. You wouldn't be standing here right now if you weren't starting to become aware. So are you. Are you aware yet?" "Maybe?" "So what is it?" "I guess it's just somewhere that I can blend into, you know. A place where I can completely immerse myself in the ways and the skills and just be a vibrant, sought after member of some community." "But you'll never find that." "Why not?" "Because it's the kind of thing that you just come across. It either happens or it doesn't. The more energy you spend looking the less you have to live." It drizzles, stops, and drizzles again. There is nothing to do or say except stand in the mud and watch the countless showing of dawn in the theater of the sky. And slowly, ever so painfully, the light climbs over the roofs of the buildings and causes the garden to glow. I decide that my name, from now until eternity, from here until the end, must pay homage to this moment. I will call myself Morning. The sun finally appears, hung gracefully from the middle branches of the ancient tree like a giant fruit. It is partially obscured by dusty Spanish moss. For several minutes it seems to be trapped and time itself feels tangled and motionless. Then, with an enormous effort it crests the top of the tree, burns against the morning mist, and climbs quickly and purposefully up into the winter sky. The dead wildflowers and bare shrubs in the garden begin to dance in the wind while the pervasive dampness slowly seems to fade. I turn towards Penelope and smile. She smiles back. Can I get out through that gate over there?" I ask her. "Of course," she answers. "I don't think it's locked." End

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Sissy Denises nightmare is her Mistress sweet dream

I dreamed I had Denise absolutely at my fingertips. I know I couldn't do that in reality to her, but it was a dream. After a long foreplay I had her finally tied with her belly down and her ass up. But she was curiously tied. Not hands and feet, firmly in leather and chains in an X over the bed. Her legs, from feet to knees were firmly tied and her breasts also, with big broader leather straps. Denise couldn't move those parts. Her head was free to move so I guess I could kiss her. But her...

5 years ago
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My favorite dream

I don't know how long I was under...days, weeks...who knows, maybe evenmonths. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut intoby cold scalpels and stuck with needles, filling me with horriblypersuasive dreams of a beautiful new body. I tried to imagine myself as aman, just to see if I still could, but it was futile. Every dream I hadfeatured me with bouncing breasts, an hourglass figure that told everyonewhen it was time to fuck me...which was all the time, and a face of...

3 years ago
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Step Dads Dating App 4 Ricks Dream

I can't remember the first part of the dream but things become clear and memorable when I was lying on my back. A woman, I can’t tell who it was at first is straddling me. We’re fucking, she is riding me, pretty hard. It's so fucking vivid! I can feel how hard my cock is. How it feels inside her but I can't see who she is, can't see her face. I look to see if she has the same recognizable thin arms and dark hair as my step daughter. And she does, it's Selena! I can finally see her face...

4 years ago
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A Dream

*** Note: This is my story from another site. Enjoy! ***I had a dream this morning that was so intense and vivid. It was also nasty, depraved, and twisted.My dream starts with me finding myself in a house. Its dark, all the shades are drawn. I quickly come to realize that I’m in a tweaker house. Its not overly crowded with people, but there are quite a few people around, males and females, all ages, sizes, and races. The constant is they’re all naked, sexing, and very, very high. I can smell...

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Dirty Wolf Dream

(The following story is in a fantasy world setting)Loping through tall grass, the wind rippled over his soft thick curly fur. Greg ghosted through the meadow, his wide paws making almost no sound. A shadow of black with only the high sun to highlight the deep red that lies within as well. Golden eyes survey his surroundings. The day was perfect. The sky was bright and blue with only the sparse thin high clouds to break it up. Hundreds of butterflies danced atop the high grass, in a swirling...

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Slutty Bitch And His Dream

“Aaahhh .. Aahhhhh…. Aaahhhhh” Rituraj was moaning very loud. His hands were rough and was moving all over on Rituraj’s smooth buttery body. He pressed Rituraj’s small but cute boobs very hard. He rimmed. He licked. He fucked Rituraj’s ass royally. “Yeahhhhhh …. Aaahhhh Ritu… Aaahhhhh … I am gonna make you go crazy, you slutty bitch…” With each push Rituraj felt that he’s in heaven & finally all the cum was to be feed in his cute, round ass. ******************** “Wake up Raj, wake up” said...

Gay Male
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 18 My Days Have Been a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, thus much let me avow — You are not wrong, who deem that my days have been a dream; yet if hope has flown away in a night, or in a day, in a vision, or in none, is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar of a surf-tormented shore, and I hold within my hand grains of the golden sand — How few! Yet how they creep through my fingers to the deep, while I weep — while...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

3 years ago
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Lucid Wet Dream

Twenty five years on, one can easily see the mistakes made in their youth. But, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. There is little to be gained by rehashing past mistakes in your head again and again, losing sleep over it, and making yourself mental in the process. And yet this is exactly what I did on a regular basis. It's said that without closure, no relationship is ever truly over. It's also been written that sometimes closure can come from writing a letter to your ex that you never...

2 years ago
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It Started With ChristmasChapter 8 I Have A Dream

It was still early when we got back to the apartment. We cycled through the bathroom, and the girls decided that a conversation would go better in comfy clothes, so they changed into the Christmas jammies I had put into their stockings. Jess mixed a rum and Coke for me and for herself, and Kate put some background music on. I made a mental note to find out how these two children of the 1990s had been introduced to ABBA. Soon we were settled on the couch, with me on one end, Kate on the other,...

4 years ago
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Imaginary Fact Appeared In Day Night Dream

I was totally at loss, frustrated. I was aimlessly roaming here and there with broken heart, broken health. I lost everything. My bank account made nil to my so called wife’s account. My house was taken forcefully. My son, my daughter, my wife, even my parents… all, all had thrown me out. My neighbors have left me. My childhood friend Shakti Chaudhary abandoned my company by slapping. I was, not first class student, but above average student. I bagged several merit awards. My class mates, my...

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TGirls Dream

T-Girl's dream (With apologies to Katy Perry) Wish I was pretty I'd put some make-up on I'll tell you hunny the feeling is quite strong Can you get me can I let my walls come down ... Down ... If I just let me stop trying to be a fake But things can be real heavy Time to bring me to life Yes I think it might be my time ... my time Gonna go all the way tonight no more fear just time start to live, before I die Yes can I Now be real forever I'll be...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Dream

Hi to all, I’m “Cross Dresser and Lesbian from Bangalore and I served so many lesbian in my life time. Most of them are my friends and they telling their story in these stories I am sending you the following stories and this is one of my real story which took place at Shimogga Koppa. I and Ashu are the two close friends from our collage days. We are in different class. But we meet daily and chat till to end of the school. She is at hostel and I am coming from home day by day our friendship...

4 years ago
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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream

--- Living the Dream (MF, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angela stirred from her sleep, feeling warm flesh pressed into her back. Graham, her boyfriend, had moved into the "spoon" position, his pelvis grinding into her butt. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. His pelvis dipped lower, allowing his erect penis to stray under her bum, searching for that magical spot. Angela blushed. He hadn't said she was beautiful in months, and she was beginning to think...

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Mr Sandman Bring Me a Dream

I was dreaming; I had to be. I was sure no place like this ever existed. Golden sand stretched toward the horizon in every direction. The sun was high in the sky, but I couldn’t feel the heat that was coming off it. The sand didn’t burn my bare feet. I wiggled my toes, making sure I could feel them, making sure that I could feel at all in this mysterious dream world. The sand didn’t even feel like sand! It felt like the finest silk was swaddling my feet, reminding me of the costumes I made for...

4 years ago
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Dream Dream Dream

Dream. Dream. Dream.At 28 years old, Abby (short for Abbigail) was happy. At 30 years old, Jason was happy too.Abby, was a loving wife of 5 years, having known Jason for nearly 8 years. They were totally in love from the first moment they saw each other.Not just a normal Husband & Wife, they were Master and Slave. They were made for each other.Abby was a looker, no doubt about that. 5ft 3 tall, slim body she had worked hard to keep in shape, nice blonde hair just past shoulder length and light...

3 years ago
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Living the Dream

I would like to thank Cassandra Morgan's 'A Few More Favourite Themes' for putting me on to the stories by Mrs Anyonamrs and Miss Anyonamiss : Careful and Careful 2. They were basically one story from two perspectives, but provided the inspiration for my short and comparatively dim shadow of an offering here. The original stories seemed to hang in the air, have the author(s) thought of giving them both a definite finish? They were too good to be just left with unanswered...

2 years ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 7 Franks Dream

Everything went well this week; we even ordered some more electric vehicles for the property. I guess we could officially call it a ranch now, since we have horses. We also came up with a bio-fuel formula that Kristy could easily produce; the vehicles could be easily converted to run on it, while still accept regular fuel. I love it when a plan comes together, as my old TV buddy (Hannibal Smith) used to say. We were just about to sit down to dinner when it happened. "Spatial anomaly...

3 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 4 The Dream

After watching Renée drive away, I turned back to the dorm. Replaying the night's events over and over again, I made my way back to my room. The feel of her skin, the way she smiled at me and the unbelievable way she totally had her way with me all made me smile. I could still smell her scent lightly on my hands, and it gave me another charge. Once in my room, I got undressed and climbed into bed. For a few minutes I relived portions of the night in my mind. The feel of Renée's body...

2 years ago
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The Sorrowful Shores of Dream

I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. – Job 30:29 (For Robin, who asked me to write a story about dragons, elves, and unicorns . . . . ) Melissa came awake with a start, her heart beating in great excitement. Her husband Tim had turned over in his sleep, tearing her from the world of dreams, and the transition was so jarring that she almost wept for the loss. Melissa glanced over at the alarm clock on the bedside counter, it’s glaring red 6:45 mocked her. Time enough to fall...

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After the Dream

Ever since I turned 16 sex had preoccupied most of my dreams, but the dream last night had felt so real. Standing under the shower hot water pouring down over me, my pussy was still sticky and wet with cum. Closing my eyes I could still feel his fingers rubbing my clit and his voice whispering in my ear.“You love it don't you?”By the time I finished my shower he was already at the table eating breakfast. I tried to keep my voice cheerful, "Good morning Daddy."I leaned down to kiss his cheek,...

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Erotic Dream

I woke up suddenly from a vivid erotic dream that I couldn't remember at first. It was late Saturday morning, the sun was streaming in through my curtains and I was lying naked on the bed, cold. I had the makings of a full hangover too, my head spun as I reached over to pull the quilt around me. "That's your own fault girl", I admonished myself, "That second bottle of red wine was defiantly not a good idea." I felt sticky and was about to get up and take a shower when I noticed Duke had...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that's why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copperblond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

2 years ago
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Freddie in the Dream

I didn’t know which was worse, being an out of work writer like me, or being an over the hill, out of work movie star like Lois. Lois was her real name by the way. Her stage name was Marietta Miles. Some hack agent had given her the name when she arrived in the Dream. She had stopped going by it the second year after she stopped working in the flicks. She had gone back to Lois Nelson of Hastings Kansas. Why she didn’t go home to her family was beyond me. It was just as well for me, since she...

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Lindas dream

I don't know quite what to make of this dream. I've never dared to tell anyone about it, and I don't think I ever will. I don't dream it every night. I don't know when it will make its presence known. Sometimes it's infrequent enough that I've almost forgotten about it.It starts somewhere in the middle of a normal day. I volunteer at a modern art museum four days a week, as a roving guide of sorts - answering questions for people or getting them to spit out their gum into the trash or...

Mind Control
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 3 The Dream

Ryan thought about telling her the truth: I've been watching the new ball boy suck the dicks of all of my players, and then had a private visit of my own after everyone left. And then I had to shower, of course. The thought made him smile to himself. Obviously, that would not go over well. "Practice ran a little late. Sorry, hun." She smiled, walked over to him. "That's okay. I've been waiting to tell you: I have some exciting news!" Lacey proceeded to tell him that she'd been given...

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A Slave Pets Dream

Melanie looked out of the window. The rain splatters were drying and she hoped the rain would stop long enough so that she could leave the office and get to her car without getting drenched. It seemed, lately, that the rain was never going to stop. She sighed and moved back to her desk, sitting in her chair and staring at the papers scattered all over the place. Melanie was not a tidy person. On the contrary, some would say she was horribly untidy. Her house, her desk, her life, all a...

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October 31, 2018 – 3:00am CST – New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Sean Mallory slowly moved his cursor up to the little apple icon in the far left top corner of his massive twenty-seven inch Thunderbolt display. He clicked on it and then hovered over the words ‘shut down’. He paused briefly, and then, with an audible sigh, he confirmed his choice. The computer slowly began to shut down all open programs. The screen went grey, and then black, and the fan that had been cooling his hard drive came to a...

2 years ago
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Living Beyond the Dream

Living Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison My sister had finally arrived. It was like looking at myself ten years from now, or like looking at Missy. I was searching for words to convey how I felt but nothing seemed appropriate. "Malissa, are you ok?" she finally asked. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. This is just, well everything is happening so fast." "It usually does in battle," she commented. "Thankfully this one is staying peaceful. That's why we're moving so fast, before the...

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It started with a dream

It started out like any other Monday morning except this time I woke up from a dream. Not a nightmare, but a very realistic dream staring Tyler the 17 year-old that I’ve known since the 6th grade. You see I know things about Tyler; in fact my dream was about his biggest secret. I had dreamt that Tyler was finally coming out of the closet to the whole school with me by his side to help him through it. But it’s just a dream, it means nothing right? It was the third time I had had this dream,...

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A Life Ever Changing 43 Dream a Little Dream

"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams whatever they be Dream a little dream of me..." - Gus Kahn, Wilbur Schwandt and Fabian Andree A Life Ever Changing #43 Dream a Little Dream By Angel O'Hare Oh GEEZ! Barbara had a large manila envelope in her hands! She was smiling ear to ear and giggling as well! I knew what she had and I didn't like it much! Sylvia had given her some of the pictures! I made her promise...

2 years ago
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Hi Dear hope u are fine, well i guess i brought this on myself and all i can say is that i must now tell u about my dream,i shouldnt have told u about it in the first place , but it had to do with a conversation we had earlier or better it was my subconcious interpretation of what i said. let me start from the end, how i woke up with a very big erection and my underpants had a very suspecious wetness to them, i knew why i can still remember the dream perfectly, i sat there in my bed smoking my...

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Kevins Dream

Kevin's Dream I had the dream again last night. It used to be a once-in-a-while thing, now it seems like its happening every night, and I think I might be going crazy because of it. I mean, I'm a typical high-school boy, so why would I dream of being a girl? It always starts out the same - I go over to my girlfriend Tammy's house, and I change into her clothes. She doesnt seem to be freaked out by this, in fact in the dream she has a blast helping me strip the boy off of...

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Perchance to Dream

Perchance to Dream "Goodnight!" you type to me, finishing up another fun chat session. Anotherexhausting day behind you, you stretch in your computer chair and push backfrom the desk. It's almost 1am and you have to study again for most of theday tomorrow to get ready for your finals. You run your hands through your hair a few times to get it out of your eyes,and head over to your bed and begin taking your clothes off. A slight draftfrom one of the large windows in your room makes your nipples...

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