The Dragon Staff Of The Master Druid Part 3 free porn video

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The third installment of this story is dedicated to Sapphire and her Significant Other. They have encouraged me to continue this work by making it more interesting to you the reader and me the writer. Standard warnings do apply! This Story does is not for the faint of heart due to the Transgendered/Transsexual Themes. If you are under the age of 18, BEGONE! This is not for your reading pleasure. Now to the Story: The Dragon's Staff of the Master Druid III By Lorraine B. Copyright 2001 by Lorraine B. The Wiccan Rede Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give Form the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcomed spirits out To bind ye spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little, listen much Deosil go by the waxing moon, sing and dance the Wiccan Rune Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out a baleful tune When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss ye hand to Her times two When the Moon rides at Her peak, then ye heart's desire seek Heed the North wind's mighty gale. Lock the door and trim the sail When the wind comes from the South. Love and kiss thee on the mouth When the wind blows from the East. Expect the new and set the feast Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed you'll be When the wheel begins to turn, soon the Beltane fires will burn When the wheel hath turned to Yule, light the log-the Horned One rules Heed each flower, bush and tree; by the Lady Blessed Be Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone; the truth you'll know When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to other's greed With a fool no season spend, or be counted as his friend Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart Mind the threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good When misfortune is enow, wear the star upon thy brow True in love must ye ever be, least thy love be false to thee These eight words the Rede fulfill; an harm ye none, do what ye will... *** It seems to have been a long journey by the Helicopters to the new Base Camp. The amount of equipment was unbelievable. It was a logistics nightmare! In the past, few weeks we have accomplished much, the new initiates have gone from First Degree to Second Degree. Liz and Amena commented they had never seen such devotion to the Craft. The learning capabilities and devotion to the Craft and the Mother Goddess, of those that were initiated seemed to have put us all to shame. Although they were inexperienced to the ways of the Craft, they were all eager students. A few have even developed a unique strong psychic awareness! All of us have developed a deeper sense of awareness of themselves and the world around them. The Covens that helped to initiate everyone were enamored with the new or old Rituals of the Craft. It seemed as though the rituals written in the Primus would be around for many generations to use and follow. The Covens had said the Rituals had made sense to them. It was more comfortable to them. They were more ethereal! All had said they have a deeper meaning of peace, harmony, tranquility, and substance. Those cerebral bonds between man and nature tended to be more intense with these Rituals. This was not to say that the rest including Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Saxon, etc. wasn't! We allowed for the all rituals to be copied to the Coven members Grimoire. A promise was made by each member to pass the rituals freely to any Coven or Hidden Child of the Mother Goddess that sought them out. The most undignified preparation before coming to the Site was the Purification Ritual. It was not only uncomfortable to me, but to all of us. It was followed verbatim from the ancient scrolls. There was to be No Deviation from the ancient scrolls or the preparation. We were warned in our revelation to follows the Olde Ways or be prepared for failure and banishment from this life. Evelyn, Gerri, Carolyn, Amena and Liz had been showing me how to take care of my new body. I was embarrassed at first but came to the realization that feminine hygiene was an important part of being female. The worst part of my transition was to have my first menses. Pardon the pun it was a bloody mess! I had managed to learn to block the pain from the cramps by meditation, which I eventually taught everyone. Gerri and Carolyn were quick to point out to me that what could happen to me internally if the hygiene was not performed. I had no other choice but to comply with the ritual of the Primus as well as my physician's mouth. I had no intention of getting sick or disease ridden. We just were too close to the prize of the lair! It has been an ongoing task for the Security Teams to keep the World Press from banging down our doors. It would seem we had a small security leak! This was the subtle work of the American Embassy in retaliation for their embarrassment we inevitably found out. Eventually Evelyn and Colonel Thompson took care of the relentlessness of the Press Hounds by giving them a Prepared Statement. I prepared that Statement! I had stated that the Legends of Merlin and King Arthur could quite possibly be true. If this was the case, a new chapter could be written into the history of the British Isles. The Historical and Archeological significance of the British Isles would quite overshadow the archeological Finds of Egypt, Italy and Greece. I had not lost my direction to the Olde Ways. I was concerned that the Press would compare our Finds, to the largest hoax of the Archeological World, Pilthdown Man. After the Press statement was given, all was in readiness for departure form our Base of Operation at the compound. As we left the compound by the helicopters enroute to the Site of Merlin's Lair and Draclyon. Our pilots had to request Interceptor assistance from the R.A.F. and the Royal Navy to keep the Press Hounds at bay. It seemed as if the Press had scrounged up anything that could fly to follow us. A few of the hardiest Reporters had even taken to the skies in UltraLight Aircraft. Until the Reporters were warned, by the Interceptor Aircraft and a few fired rounds, the Reporters finally realized they could and would be fired upon if they continued their route to follow us. Not even the bravest or hardiest of those reporters wanted to test the combat skills of the pilots involved. Our helicopters flew to the Site via a round about way to avoid detection. I assumed this was done as most of the Press aircraft had Radar. They could for all intents and purposes follow us by electronic means. We were just a few nautical miles from the Site when a massive electrical storm of monumental proportions came from nowhere. The pilots had said that the storm seemed to center around our helicopters. The Lightning severity was such that they were worried all of our Helicopters could be hit by it. After landing the pilots stated to Colonel Thompson that all the Lightning Strikes seemed to hit just one area. That area that was shown to us on the map was where the Sorcerers Stone was! All our Pilots then the found the seclusion of the trees to relieve themselves and calm their nervous stomachs. Logic was telling me that this was a diversion or protection to keep the essence of Merlin from sensing us or knowing our purpose. Blessed Be! Our main Camp was fully erected approximately 2 miles from our objective. Cecil had made sure that Security was of the utmost importance. He had called for additional security personnel that included Royal Marines, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force to maintain a 10-mile perimeter with Aircraft AWACS and Surface Ship RADAR Pickets setting up a PIRAZ (Positive Identification Radar Advisory Zone) at 40 nautical miles from the location of the Lair. They were not to come toward the Lair for any reason no matter what they saw visually or electronically. Cecil said they had to remain safe and we agreed. We seemed to be covered on land, sea, and air! We weren't concerned of intruders we were concerned with what lay in store for us in just a few hours at sundown. The uncertainty of the unknown is frightening to any Human Being! We all had decided to rest and to meditate. As our time was getting shorter, it seemed as if I was starting to get apprehensive in working the Banishment of the Master Practitioner of Magick of all time. We had all decided to stay close together to form a Circle of Protection to ward any potential Magick Spells that might be worked against us. As I reached a meditative state, the reality around me seemed to change: *** All of us were in a lush pastoral setting sitting within a circle made of salt. Suddenly a woman appeared within our midst directly in the center of our circle. It was Nimue wearing the brightest armor I had ever seen with Excalibur attached at her side in scabbard. War was here! "Merry Meet Daughters, I bid thee welcome. Art thee at ready? He be weak in spirit, but he be strong in mind. Thy Mother Goddess sends thee her champions her Favors and Blessings. Thee are Chosen Ones! Thee are the vanquishers of Myrddin! Do not be Feared! Thee will not be lone in your trials and quest." The Lady Nimue said while pointing at them all one by one. "Dear Lady, we are but novitiates compared to you in power of the Craft. The unknown is always to be feared." Amena said with a wavering to her voice. With the sound of thunder and an effulgent flash, Chyaedar appeared next to the Lady Nimue. She was dressed in the most brilliant emerald green armor. The armor consisted of helmet, arm braces, breastplate and skirt of chain mail and green leather, leg guards and sandals. Her armor was more atypical to the sort worn by the Roman Legionnaires. She held a green bladed two- handed Great Sword aloft over her head in both of her delicate hands. As a bolt of lightning struck the blade of the sword as the Lady spoke, "Be that true! Thee shall hast three thousand fold thy strength from Lady Bri(de and Lady Nimue. Thy will be guided with thy Magick of Banishment from the Primus! Chydaer will make the Myrddin fight through this plain of reality. Thee will fight the Myrddin on thy plain of reality." "Thee are pure in heart, mind, and body. Thee hast our strength and from Mother Goddess her Love. As told your rewards of Blessings shall be great as thee hast seen just a small brook of these. First, the Myrddin must be vanquished! Follow the Primus! Do not Deviate! The Mother Goddess hath given thee added Strengths when thee arrive on thy plain. Blessed Be!" Lady Nimue said as she and Lady Chydaer faded. *** Within moments, we seemed to all awaken at the same time. Before each of us lay a pile of neatly arranged clothing and Armor similar in style to what the Lady Chydaer wore in our vision. The difference was it seemed to be crafted in a highly polished silver colored metal we had never seen before. Each of us had a Great Sword, Short Sword and a Dirk (Athame) in highly polished scabbards attached to a leather girdle belt. The Pommel sides of each weapon were made of a dark colored wood. We each had a silver threaded hooded cloak and undergarments made of the same soft thread that had been folded neatly. Silver sandals of again Roman styling completed our clothing. Under the pile was a shield shaped in the old Roman foot soldier style high and wide moreover forged of the same material as the armor. Added to this were silver colored arm braces, leg guards, breastplate and helm. As everyone started to change into the clothing and armor not a word was said. We were fully attired in less than thirty minutes helping each other. When we all tied on our cloaks we noticed there was some sort of amulet inside the pocket. It was a silver Three-inch diameter pentagram that had a lightening bolt that went from the uppermost point to just below the center. The lightening bolt had a Star Sapphire in its center. The pentagram was suspended on a finely crafted Silver Chain that hung the Pentagram between our breasts along with our protective crystal that we have had since the beginning of this adventure. We had just completed dressing when Cecil, Prince Henry and Taylor saw us, their mouths hung open in surprise. "I don't recall having loaded that gear in the Hellies. Although I must say it is fetching on all of you." Cecil said in complete amazement. "You didn't Dear, and Please don't ask where we got it from. It would be a little difficult to explain with so short of time and please close your mouth you might swallow an insect." Evelyn said "We came to investigate the thunder and lightning. We don't intend to ask but we need to have this event photographed and documented. There are those that will be disbelievers as to this event. We have made arrangements to utilize several satellites and AWACS Aircraft to record your exploits from high altitudes." Prince Henry said. "Sire, I don't see any problem with doing those things, but we have no idea what we are even getting into. If the lightning we saw enroute to here is any indication of what we may encounter I would say photographic surveillance may be useless." Amena said. "As it stands they will attempt to record your adventure. We will submit to our earlier discussions that we will not try to assist any of you unless you request our aid. Quite frankly, for some unknown reason I don't think anything we do could help you in this quest. May you all be protected by the Mother Goddess and the Gods, bring the light into the darkness." Cecil said very solemnly. "All of you better come back! After what we have all gone through, I refuse to grow old again by myself." Taylor said giving me a loving kiss. I for one could tell there was worry in their voices. Although our immediate area we were in was outside of the main camp, we had heard the soldiers talking in their normal tones of voice earlier. As we listened, now there was an absolute silence from the sparse small animal life in the wooded area. This was not a good omen! As if on cue an owl started to hoot which turned into a blood- curdling shriek. In the old superstitions, the owl could be taken for a sign of impending death of someone close. Liz and Jamie leaned toward me and whispered, "There's someone in the bushes over there to your left. I just saw a brief outline in the shadows and they're wearing dark clothing." I didn't dare turn my head but looked through my peripheral vision. Liz was right! For some reason, our whole group had seen this person and felt their presence. The only ones oblivious to the person's presence were the men. It had seemed that since putting on the armor and clothing our senses and instincts had increased. Our awareness, to the natural wonders around had also increased. As the wind changed direction, I could smell the faint odor of a women's scented soap or perfume. This was totally a new experience! The others around me noticed it too but not a word was said. I could hear all their voices in my head talking. I was on the edge! I almost totally panicked! A new voice spoke to us in our thoughts, "Daughters, do not be alarmed. Thee hast been given many new gifts this eve of battle. Thee can now speak to others without voice. Be aware, this cannot be used for thy Magick! Be aware, of all things around thee! Thy senses be heightened! There is one close at hand that would do harm to thee Bri'de and all ye. Take care! Do Thee No Harm! All life must be spared, but the Myrddin must be banished! Protect thy selves to Protect Life!" The voice said. As I listened, I thought I could hear Ashley say "Interesting". By the Gods! Now my daughter thinks she's the Vulcan, Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame. I laughed to myself imagining my adopted daughter with a set of pointed ears. That would truly be a sight to behold! Well she always was a little Spacey! "That's not funny mother! Besides, I'm better looking then Mr. Spock. Furthermore I am not nor ever was Spacey! Mother, we have more company there's six more of them hiding around us in the brush." Ashley said in my head. A plan was being formulated in my head as I thought of our present situation. All of us except the men knew what had to be done. As I turned to face the closest hidden figure I felt the air in front of me expand, contract and heard a slight almost inaudible sound similar to a PHUFT. For an unknown reason, I lifted my arm to my face. In doing this, I felt something hit me with a tremendous force on the arm brace and gauntlet I was wearing. Damn, I thought, now I'm going to have a bruise there. Not for one split second did I think of my safety or anyone else's. My mind became a total blank slate, as the figure in the bushes, had fired a silenced weapon at me. That person fired several more rounds each being deflected by my shield. Whomever it was reacted and fired quickly! They again fired this time placing their weapon on full automatic firing directly at me. An unsilenced weapon staccato shattered the silence of the woods as each bullet hit my shield. Again and again they were deflected! One bullet had actually ricocheted back at my assailant! The person took the bullet in the groin area of the upper right thigh. I saw that person going down hard to the earth and spilling their blood upon the woodland floor. As I walked cautiously to the assailant's body a few scant feet away, I smelled the perfume again, only heavier. This was the one that I had smelled the perfume scent on! That scent was stronger as I crept closer with a distinct caution I had never had before. The distance between my assailant and myself closed quickly. I could see that this person was injured gravely. If the wound was not taken care of quickly it could be a mortal! The sanctity of life must prevail! I heard a distinct click sound! The person on the ground somehow had found the strength to try to attack me with a knife this time. It was a simple matter to disarm my assailant taking the knife away. I distinctly heard her screams of pain going into sudden silence! Her? I knelt by the prone body ripping the hooded mask from the head. I was beyond angry! It was Millicent Kravitz the Spook! She was already in shock and about ready to go into deeper shock due to blood loss. I had to assume the bullet hit the Femoral Artery in the groin area. I thought of perhaps just walking away and letting her die. Only two things prevented me from doing that, the Witches Rede and our Three-Fold Law. To Do No Harm! What we do for Good or Bad, shall be returned to us Threefold! I applied pressure in the general area feeling the wound and covering it with my hand. This action seemed to slow her blood loss. An SAS medic, SAS doctor with Gerri and Carolyn came directly to me seeing Millicent prone. They then took over the care of Millicent. Her face was ashen as I gazed upon it. If she survived, the Mother Goddess had smiled upon Millicent sparing her life. Vindictiveness would not be sweet for her! The others that joined Millicent in their foray were captured in almost the same way as Millicent had been, except they were unconscious. All had been captured by the Coven and restrained by SAS personnel called in by Cecil. The entire Coven had not been injured or scratched during the skirmish. The SAS were very through in searching the people that tried to attack us. Other than the weapons they had brought with them, they had nothing else. Or so was thought until one of the captured men regained consciousness went into an immediate cataleptic state. There was a distinct smell of Almonds on his breath that only Potassium Cyanide or a Black Pill has. Already we had a fatality! Each of the prisoners was checked again with a Strip Search. It was found that all the attackers including Millicent had a Black Pill in a hollowed out molar tooth in their mouths. "Apparently this was to be a Suicide Mission as well as an Assassination Mission. Our Unit Doctor and Doctor Carolyn report that Millicent Kravitz will recover after her surgery. The men and Millicent, who attacked you all, will be transferred to a holding area for future transfer and prosecution under Military Tribunal. The Sergeant Major is investigating how they infiltrated our picket lines." Colonel Thompson said slightly miffed. "Cecil, our time is near! The Mother Goddess and all the Gods be thanked that none of us were injured or slain. At least you had your senses about and radioed for more personnel." Bri'de said giving the colonel a kiss on the cheek. "My only regret is that I should have seen this occurrence was to happen. The vehemence in her eyes should have told me she was a vengeful sort. We should have Dispatched her and Neil Farnsworth that first night at the Base Camp house. The message would have been clear to our American Cousins we will not be tolerating their "Mucking About" in our operations." Cecil said in a composed anger. "And all of us would have had a hand in it! We have all taken an oath and live by our Rede and Three Fold Law, to do no harm to anyone or anything living. This armor that was given to us was for our preservation!" Bri'de said trying to keep her anger in total control as she cleaned herself from the blood spilled. As I thought back to the voice, we had heard in our minds. She said to protect ourselves; to protect all life! My anger started to dissipate. None of us had taken a life! The only life that was lost was by the person's own hand. We had all come to terms with our changes despite the road being filled with as many potholes as a Chicago Street. As we checked over our backpacks containing our altar tools and spell casting implements, we carefully thought about how our lives had changed. They had changed to such a degree our past lives had been virtually forgotten. Our new paths in life seemed to be orchestrated and now to be played in a true symphony. Our minds and bodies are the true instruments of the Mother Goddess. All of our preparation was to be fruitful this eve. Merlin is to be vanquished by our hands! Taylor, Prince Henry, and Cecil kissed each of us before walking into the woods. Our hearts were with them but our minds were on other matters as we put on or carried our backpacks. We had planned to walk to the Site through a route that had been discovered by the aerial photography. It was overgrown with vegetation but it looked passable. We found the beginning of the route without any trouble. You could tell that at one time stones had been set into the earth that formed the path. Branches from trees long dead covered the trail. There where fern trees that had grown over the years and centuries that hid the stones. Long grasses, wild flowers and a multitude of weeds seemed abundant. The reality of this wild flora and fauna made it seem that there was nothing unusual about this area. There wasn't until we came to what we referred to as the Moat. After centuries of rains, snows and neglect, this area appeared to be a stagnant pond. I'd surmised at one time that it might have been spring fed. It was close to a hundred feet across. It seemed to curve in both directions to what we had seen in the photos, a complete circle. There was nowhere to cross this barrier! The swill that was once water had a green covering of algae and who knew what else. Nothing was seen floating but with the low light of our Chemical Light sticks it was hard to say. The putrefied water was up to the brim or what you could call its banks. The only disturbance in the water was what I thought as Air or Methane Gas bubbles breaking the surface from something decaying. The smell that came from the water was foul as foul could be. All of us went back up the path and started to gather the largest of the tree limbs we could find. We had gathered more than enough to build our rafts. Amena and Liz had made some ropes from the Climbing Ivy vines that were very abundant. Within a short breadth of time, we had the limbs lashed together. Our rafts were ready to launch! As the rafts were placed into the stagnant brew the stench seemed to increase in intensity. We made sure that the rafts were sound before climbing onto them. We all pushed away from the shoreline together. The stench seemed to assault our sense of smell. We did all we could to get to the other side as expeditiously as we could. We had to move several floating trees from our path as we proceeded. All I could think of was to take a bath to remove this rancid smell and to remove the slime from my feet. We all thought the same thing! All of us made it safely to the other side of the Moat. With all the added weight of the armor and our backpacks I thought we just might have to swim! Now that truly would have been the revenge of Merlin! I just hoped that Merlin's essence could smell. If it did, we'd banish it with just the smell we had accumulated. We wouldn't even have to cast a Spell! Amena and Jamie were the first to jump to land. Amena was already running, looking for a way to the Lair while we briefly sat below a tree to rest. We all were a bit tired the brief rest seemed to rejuvenate us. I could hear everyone's thoughts as before. I was proud of the way everyone had been working as a team. There were no complaints from anyone, not even Evelyn! "We should be close to the Lair. What I don't understand is we were told to expect anything. Have you seen any insects or wildlife?" Evelyn said as she, Gerri, Jamie, Miriam, and Liz sat next to me. "No, this could very well be the proverbial lull before the storm. My hair at the nape of my neck keeps on raising. Either we're going to have a storm or there's going to be a great deal of trouble soon." I said. As we spoke we kept our voices low. To this day I don't know if it was fright or reverence to the essence of the people that once traipsed through and lived within these wooded groves. Centuries ago they might have been majestic, today they still are, but overgrown by other plant life. My heart was heavy with sadness it seemed a pity to see such neglect. Why was I suddenly so maudlin? I looked at Evelyn she was close to tears so were the others. I realized immediately we were under some type of attack. "Ashley, Liz, Miriam, Jamie, Gerri, Evelyn get everyone together. Now! We're under an attack! Evelyn, snap out of it! Liz, We need a protective spell now! I've got to find Amena!" I said as I started to run in the general direction Amena had gone. The light was almost nonexistent as I ran blindly through the woodland. For some reason as I ran I noticed that I could see fairly well in the imminent pre darkness. Eventually I found Amena's trail. I continued to run. The attack seemed to lessen! My adrenaline was pumping; the metabolism of my body was increased. That must be the key to ward off the psychic attack! I noticed a shadow ahead of me as I got closer. I felt the presence of Amena but I also felt a chilling dark presence that could not be described. That presence seemed to be farther from me but moving closer to Amena. She seemed to be unconscious lying on the ground. The presence was also human! I ran as fast and as quietly as I could. I was nearly at Amena's side just as the presence was starting to bend over her. I had managed to take my shield off my arm. Firmly with both hands I raised it and came down upon the head of the presence. With a mighty sound of metal hitting bone, the presence was unconscious. It had fallen next to Amena's side. Suddenly Amena's eyes opened and she said, "You really take all fun out of this little outing of ours." "What! You mean you weren't unconscious?" I said in surprise. "No! I felt both of you and also felt as if someone or something was trying to manipulate my senses. I suddenly became very overemotional that's also when I felt our friend here. I also heard you tell Evelyn and Liz we we're under attack. That's when I realized all of us were. I managed to lay down here and started to meditate to fight the tampering of my mind. By the way, I really don't like sharing my bed with strangers or my meditation techniques. Who is our blackhearted friend next to me?" Amena said "I really don't know. Shall we find out?" I said. I never had a chance to say another word before Amena was on her feet bending over the unconscious body of our unknown victim. With swift movement of her hands the hooded garment was off. A full head of red hair and a femininely picture perfect face was released from the hood like covering. I thought for a moment and finally came to the conclusion I had seen her before. I suddenly remembered she was one of our doctoral candidate interns from the States. By the expression on Amena's face, I could tell she too had recognized her. I was about to say something verbally when I heard Amena thoughts. She had recognized the person to be Carrie Fuller, one of Julie's assistants. From out of nowhere, Amena produced some leather strips. Carrie's wrists were bound tightly but not her feet. I noticed on her hairline behind the ear what appeared to be the symbol Miriam had found so many months ago on the Primus. The Symbol of Merlin! I looked behind the other ear finding what appeared to be a dragon in flight. These markings were not tattoos, but appeared to have been burned into the skin and the hair allowed to cover them. I was entirely confused! I must have had a look of bewilderment on my face until Amena dropped to her knees and started pulling down Carrie's slacks and panties. Amena gazed intently at the pubic hair. "What are you doing? We don't have time for this!" I said whispering. It was at moment that she grasped my hand and made me feel what she had found. It was a Pentagram! Inside the top point of the Pentagram was the symbol of Merlin. In the center was the dragon. This was a blasphemy of the Sacred Symbol! It was in defiance to the Mother Goddess! To yet all the Gods! Had we found a follower of Merlin? Are there more? My hostility seemed to grow! I was beyond anger I was incensed to the point of rage! Amena adjusted Carrie's clothing and saw the anger in my eyes. Suddenly I heard her calming words within the confines of my mind. Her thoughts said, "An It Harm None, Do What Thee Will". Those words of the Witches' Rede brought me back to reality immediately. This girl that was bound had some questions to answer! Our Time was getting short! Amena looked at me and touched my hand. I heard her in my mind. The others are coming and quickly! I could vaguely see the others. I could sense that the attack had stopped. All was at peace again! Within a matter of moments all were assembled around our prisoner, Amena and myself. Everyone wanted to know who our prisoner was. Several of our group looked down and gasped as they saw it was Carrie our former Intern. "How did she get here?" Miriam asked slightly confused. Amena showed her the hidden markings on Carrie's Head. I could hear Miriam gasp loudly saying, "I should think we have a disciple of Merlin here. Gerri how old would you say the scars are?" "They are almost blended into the skin. I would guess as old as Carrie is. Possibly from Birth even." Gerri said after looking at the scars behind the ears. "Should we revive her?" Julie asked. "I should say so! She just may be our key to get safely inside the Lair." Miriam said without hesitation. "I think it best to leave her here. She may be a detriment to what we must do." Jamie said looking at me. "I have to agree with Jamie. There's no doubt she has to be connected with Merlin and the Lair. Our priorities stand as before. Make sure that Carrie is tied up good and tight she may not be the only one we meet. Also I think it might be advisable to see to it she cannot call verbally for help." I said with determination and sadness. "Bri'de Honey, it has to be done this way. We must follow the path to our destiny. Part of the human essence to have free will. If we do not we return to the age of the Serf and slavery rampant. Technology for the benefit of man will be gone forever, my Sister." Miriam said taking my hand into hers. After looking around at the faces of my daughters and the Sisters of my Coven I knew that Miriam was correct in her assessments of the situation. I noticed that Amena and Liz took a longer time to assure that Carrie was secured in her bindings. I thought about it but dismissed my thoughts, as I knew that they would follow the Rede and would not risk violating it for any purpose. "Daughters, thee are within reach of Sorcerers Stone. Thy woman thee call Carrie is but an unseen minion of Myrddin. She has been entranced and bound to Myrddin for perpetuity to do his bidding. She is not of your time! Do not be alarmed that thee hast transgressed the Rede. Thee hast not! We await you at the Sorcerer's Stone! Thy journey end is near at hand. Juliet, Jamie thy must orate well from Primus. Thy words ought be precise for thy banishment of Myrddin. Bri'de daughter of mine, thee will enter Myrddin Lair as he weakens. Thee will know thy time! Thee will be guided! All thee know thy Rite of Banishment! Mother Goddess is with thee!" The voice had spoken again to us. We gathered up our backpacks, again following the overgrow path of vegetation. We could see where Carrie had walked trampling the grasses. I think we all hoped we weren't walking into a trap of some type down this once beautiful garden path. As we got closer to our objective the Sorcerers Stone I could sense the foreboding being generated by the children. I couldn't quite blame them for being afraid. We all were! Evelyn made a comment through our mind link about the growing amount of thorn bushes in our path. With every step the bushes seemed to multiply. The weird thing was all the bushes seemed to be devoid of leaves leaving just the branch and thorn. If this was Merlin's doing it was a pitiful attempt to stop us unless there was more to the eye then just the thorns. I called for a brief stop. I gazed at a thorn, which seemed to have a milky white undried substance on it. I called Gerri over to my location to see the thorn pointing at it to show her. "Without the proper equipment and considering our circumstances I would venture a guess and say it's poisonous. To what type it is I couldn't say but it does look dry enough for kindling." Gerri said smiling. I told everyone to gather several piles of kindling together, which were lit by the matches I brought along. The Thorn Bushes caught immediately causing a Bush Fire that was threatening to encompass us. As the Bush Fire burned it gave off a dark green hue the likes of which we had never seen before. I told everyone to wet down their cloaks and put them back on breathing through the Hood material. As we completed the chore a wind picked up blowing the flames from us. Fortunately none of us had taken a breath of the hazardous air. The consequences may have proved lethal after all we are not immortal. The burning brush fire had done its job clearing an unobstructed path, which we followed quickly but cautiously. As our eyes adjusted to the light given off by the flames we all could see the ahead finally. The fire had done its job it had even cleared the area where the Altars could be seen. The vegetated overgrown covered area that had once been a clearing was once again clear of its vegetation. This was quite unusual as the photos showed it was very green with vegetative chlorophylled growth. All of us quickly accelerated our pace to go to the Points of the two Pentagrams. We had been told to go to those locations earlier by the Ladies Nimue, Chyaedar, and Bri'de. Amena and Brittany took points North. Elizabeth and Alva took the points of Earth. Miriam and Ashley took the points of Fire. Gerri and Lesley took the points of Water. Kimberly and Evelyn took the places on each side of the Sorcerer's Stone. Julie and Jamie were to stand on the Sorcerer's Stone with the Primus. I was to go and stand near where the Lightning Strikes had been. I felt the greatest at personal risk and vulnerability. It was imperative my belief in the Maiden, Mother Goddess, Crone and all the Gods never to be swayed. Perhaps this is why the Lady Nimue placed me in the position I was in. I had doubted their existence during my former lifetime but I had returned to the Craft. As the Circle of Protection was closed, the Christian equivalent of the furies of Hell began. The night became darker until the lightning strikes lit the skies bringing forth light to the darkness. The air had a heaviness from the Ozone that was normal to summer storms until I saw a ball of plasma energy appear to the side of me heading toward the Spell Protected Altars. It struck Amena's Shield with a force that could be felt were I was yards away from them. Julie and Jamie spoke the reading from the Primus as they had the greatest understanding of it. As they became more comfortable in the wording of the Primus, their voices grew louder that I could almost hear what they were saying. The Balled Lightning and the Bolts seemed to increase on a larger scale with the intensity increasing. As I peered at the stonewall I thought I saw a set of ebony colored human eyes staring at those at the Altars. I know I wasn't hallucinating from fasting I was sure I saw those eyes. They had a look of dementia to them. The ferocity of the lightning was starting to retard. Julie and Jamie's voices seemed to take a vocal quality we had never heard. The sincerity of the Julie's spoken words appeared to take a tonal quality of her deceased genetic mother's. Julie's tones were the same exact tone Kristen used when she admonished our daughters for their misdeeds. Those days were in the past! I had to concentrate on the present. I looked at the place where the stonewall had been hit by the lightning. It seemed to be losing the characteristics of a stonewall, becoming a cave entrance! An old frail looking man seemed to be standing inside this entrance. He wore a heavy majestic gold and blue robe with ancient druidic Magick symbols on it. His hair was long and silvered and his face hairless hiding the ravages of age or time. Only the color of his hair betrayed his age. His form was not solid but semi-transparent. As I peered at him he locked his eyes upon me pointing his hand at me releasing an intense energy bolt. With a swift reaction I placed my shield in front of myself. The Shield took the full amount of energy, absorbing it, which it returned to the man. The Mother Goddess and all the Gods have Blessed me! I live! I thought to myself not letting my fear show. "Begone Thee All! Spawn of Whores! Wenches, Begone I say, thee will suffer my wraith! The Myrddin speaks! Thy deaths mean naught!" Merlin's voice said rattling the very thick air and my being as a whole. "You, the unspeakable one, who have defied the Mother Goddess, all the Gods and her Hidden Children. You who have broken our laws of the Craft we have come to battle and banish you. You are weak from the ages of being imprisoned by the Lady Nimue. You're powers are waning!" I said with my face covered by my shield. "Thee be Fools! Thee will Die this eve!" Merlin said vehemently releasing another bolt of plasma energy. As Merlin did this I noticed that he became more transparent. I thought that was the key to weaken him further. If I had figured this out, I also knew he realized this fact also. He would be a formidable foe indeed! "Old man your time is past! Atone to the Mother Goddess and all the Gods. The present and future belong to all humankind! We will not kneel to you! We will not be your slaves! You will be nothing but a memory to all on this earth. Atone for your errors in judgement and actions." I said hoping for Merlin to see his errors. If not to anger the apparition further. Wow, did I anger him! Plasma bolts seemed to rain on all of us. Evelyn touched me with a thought. "The Sorcerer's Stone is glowing blue and getting brighter." I needed to concentrate on Merlin! My hypothesis was correct! But, why was the Sorcerer's Stone glowing? What were these new implications? Was the Stone a Hindrance or a Help to us? "Old man, your essence is losing this fight. Your time on this earth is but a grain of sand in a time glass. Again I say to Atone! You will be forgiven!" I said bracing myself for the oncoming onslaught. The plasma lightning continued! Merlin's attack seemed to be getting weaker. It was weakening! "You are an anachronism to this time, old man. Your banishment is imminent if you do not ask forgiveness! Mother Goddess and the Gods have decreed to the Hidden Children to make you harmless. The Mother Goddess and the Gods gave your powers to you they seek it returned to them. Accept the Great Void for your misdeeds. Accept your mortality! Only kneeling at the feet of Mother Goddess and the Gods seeking forgiveness will spare you. Atone!" What I had thought before as to his weakening was wrong. Merlin must have had energy reserves! His attack was even stronger then the previous ones. We had one chance to defeat the Mad Mage and that was through our talismans we were wearing. I concentrated as hard as I could as I was being beaten to my knees. I hoped that Julie, Jamie and the others would hear my thoughts. Julie and Jamie together must read the passage of the Primus that charged our Crystals. At full charge we were all to unclasp them. I hoped at the same time! If I was correct our energy bolts might just stun or blind Merlin enough for me to run into the cave to destroy his essence. If we didn't we would be destroyed! Merlin would win to enslave humankind! My essence soared as I saw my crystal starting to glow but so did the center stone of my Pentagram. I followed my instincts passing my thoughts to all. My hands found the clasps of both pendants. Both pendants turned the darkness into a red and blue light. When I thought they were at full charge I kicked my shield and released the clasps. Everyone did the same as if the movement was orchestrated. The released energy converged onto Merlin! It seemed as if he was immobilized. I got to my feet running past Merlin into the cave entrance carrying my pendants in my hand. As I ran I reattached my talismans around my neck. I noticed that they were still glowing brightly. The floor of the tunnel sloped downward. I was guessing the main cave was far below the earth's surface. I continued to run until I came to two tunnel branches. As I entered the right branch my talismans stopped glowing but when I went back to the entry they both glowed brightly. I entered the other tunnel branch they both continued to glow. I had a directional compass! All I could do was offer silent praise to Mother Goddess and thank her and all the Gods. Blessed Be! I continued to run through the semi darkness. I finally saw faint light ahead. I ran toward the light! The chamber I entered was magnificent to the eye. There was a vast myriad of colors blending to form the light that brought me to this chamber. There were veins of a chemical substance that gave off a low intensity light that seemed to bend. The colors came from different objects and vials that were throughout the chamber amplifying the light. In the center of the chamber was a bier. On the bier were five silver caskets, chests or crypts. All of them were of the same size and type. One of these crypts had to contain the essence of Merlin. But, which one was it? I was about to start looking around the cavern when I heard to footfalls of running feet. My sword was partially removed from its scabbard as Amena, Evelyn and Ashley entered. My sword went fully back into its scabbard and I exhaled. It was then that I realized I was holding my breath. "Hey Sis, we thought we'd come and help you." Evelyn said without hesitation or reservation. Evelyn has somewhat flippant but I was happy to see her, Amena and Ashley. I was about to say something equally sarcastic when something was caught by the corner of my eye as it flashed. I turned my head into that direction and saw what appeared to be a black long staff with the largest red colored stone or jewel I had ever seen. It seemed as if it was floating in the air! The staff itself was perhaps six feet long. The jewel stone was a very deep red as large as a grown mans two fists put together. The staff had to be Draclyon! The Stone had to be the Dragon's Heart! It was suspended at a height beyond my reach! As I pondered the situation I heard the voice in my mind again saying, "My Daughter, thee must think of the staff in thy hands. It whilst come to thee if commanded! Thee are Mistress of Draclyon now! Draclyon whilst show thee thy way to Myrddin's Essence!" Having always been a skeptic in believing in the powers of the mind in my former life. I somehow believed in the voice. As I concentrated on the staff I saw it vibrate and start to move in my direction. My hand and arm seemed to extend to its full length by itself. Draclyon nestled tenderly into my hand! As my fingers closed around the staff the Dragon's Heart came to life giving off a warm, peaceful radiated high colored, red luminescent glow. You could sense the power in your whole being down to the very simplistic nature of the cells in your body. "Place Draclyon down or prepare for thy doom, strumpet! Draclyon be mine!" A resounding disembodied voice said. As I took in my surroundings I noticed that both Evelyn, Amena, and Ashley placed themselves on each side of me, and back, their shields at the ready for an attack. In my haste into the cave I had somehow lost my shield. My thoughts focused on Mother Goddess, all the Gods, Bri'de, Nimue, Chyaedar and Draclyon to protect us. As I thought of the Ladies they appeared each by one of us. "Mine eyes behold the sight of six bitches that call thyselves Sorceress. Thy banishment work for naught! Thy Master is before thee! Behold Him! Bow or Die! Ah, Mine former apprentice, the Deceiver. Thy existence will be torturous! Mortal man will see Myrddin as Master of all planes of reality! I will not atone!" as Merlin finished speaking he started to reappear. He was even more translucent then before. The anger was even more apparent in his eyes. His judgement or sanity was not in focus. "Thee hast been warned! I command thee to bow to thy Master!" Merlin said with more force in his voice. "Old man, we will not bow to you. We are not nor ever will be your servants. Draclyon is mine! I have exceeded you in your powers of Magick and the Craft! You will be banished! Atone now and receive the Gods forgiveness. If not the Great Void awaits you for all eternity!" I said in a lilting silver-tongued voice. I was baiting him to expend more of his power. Merlin still needed to be weakened further! It suddenly came in the form of a plasma bolt. I continued to concentrate to put up a barrier of protection. The plasma bolt appeared to have hit a wall of invisible energy that absorbed the balled lightning rendering it harmless. Multiple plasma bolts came at us from Merlin's outstretched hands with no effect. Draclyon was as powerful as I had thought. I could see the anger building and his apparition further losing its stability. His lack of mental control and control of his Magick was becoming evident. The time was close for the Master's demise to the Great Void. I prayed to the Gods and Mother Goddess to spare this delusional Master Sorcerer and help him to regain his wits. As a group we took steps closer to the bier that had all the Crypts. Merlin was watching our movement with no emotion showing upon his face. He knew his banishment was close at hand. It was Imminent! "Old Man, your fate is sealed! You have showed the nature of your deceit to all humankind. I pray Mother Goddess and all the Gods show you mercy." I said to the apparition looking at it showing no emotion. I concentrated on Draclyon and my talismans to show the true crypt contain the Black Heart or true essence of the defeated apparition before us. We moved step by step closer to the bier. As we moved closer, Draclyon started to emit what sounded as a woman's voice in song just humming. We were at the bier when I looked at Merlin. His head was lowered as if further to accept defeat and his fate. We started from the middle of the bier and then to the right. The sounds from Draclyon remained the same until we reached the far left at the end of the bier. Draclyon emitted an extremely loud and powerful high note on the musical scale. We had found the crypt! I reached for the crypt with one hand, holding Draclyon in the other. As I did so, Merlin the Master of Deceit let loose another volley of plasma bolts saying, "Be warned Myrddin is not in need to destroy thee and thou! Atonement be Damned!" As Merlin's energy waned to nothingness Draclyon sang. I again reached for the crypt. Success! I had it but it would not open "Daughter, Draclyon is thyne! Draclyon is thy key!" the voice said to me. I called to Draclyon telling it to release the bonds of the crypt. I was its new mistress! The Mother Goddess had commanded it so! Without further words thought, Draclyon broke the Binding Spell of the crypt. The top of the crypt slowly opened showing an unfathomable darkness within its open cavity. "Draclyon, by the Mother Goddess, her consort, all the Gods the Ladies Bri'de, Nimue and Chyaedar. We command you to destroy the infinite demented essence of Myrddin your former Master. He is the enslaver of you and your kind, the slayer of your kind. What good deeds Myrddin did overshadow his evil though his sick twisted mind. It has been decreed by all the Gods and Goddesses and the Mother Goddess his essence be destroyed." With those words, Draclyon took on a reddish hue beyond the deepest red. A black object, which looked to be a human heart, rose from the crypt. As it rose it absorbed the light in the cavern. As the available light was being absorbed Draclyon emitted a deep ruby red light that was intensified, the likes of which I had never seen before. The cries of anguish from Merlin due to his misdeeds increased in intensity. The torment was a suitable warning to this entire plane of reality. This man or apparition still should be honored and given his respect due. I called to the Mother Goddess and to all the Gods to mend Merlin's mind and essence. To eventually forgive him and let him be reborn. The indirect heat from the energy generated by Draclyon was so intense that we were all perspiring greatly. We had to close our eyes as the intensity increased. Within a matter of milliseconds, the heat was no more. Draclyon's vibration ceased in my hand. There were no more cries of anguish or pleading from Merlin. I asked again from all the Gods and Mother Goddess for his spirit to rest, mend and to be reborn. After what we had seen, you had to believe in another plane of reality. If not you were a fool! The world as we know it in our reality may never know how close humankind was to total enslavement due to someone's mental instability. The Master Druid was forever gone. I would see to it that only his Tales of good would survive the ages. No one except from the archeological team, SAS and of course certain members of the Crown would ever know what happened. As I turned the apparitions of the Ladies Nimue, Chyaedar and Bri'de smiled. I noticed that the entire Coven was here in the cavern called Merlin's Dragons Lair. How long or what they saw was a different matter. "Daughters, gather round." I heard Lady Nimue say in my head. "Thee hast done well. Myrddin be banished for all eternity never to harm thee or thyne nevermore. All thee are blessed by Mother Goddess and the Gods. Thou all hast proven thy skills in the Craft. Magick of the ages hast returned to thy plane of existence." "Daughters behold yonder crypt." Lady Chyaedar said. As we all turned to face the bier where the crypts laid. We saw one of them open. The crypt left the bier floating majestically towards all of us. Eventually the crypt stopped in front of Miriam. "Lady Miriam, future spouse of the future monarch, behold the crypt." Miriam took the crypt very gently into her small hands. We all heard a gasp of air expend from her mouth in astonishment. Very gently, she reached into the crypt withdrawing what appeared to be a large Ostrich sized red egg of some type. "Daughter behold a gift to the people of Isles. It is a female yet unborn, but of the blood of Draclyon. Thee must sustain it for the Isles. The sacred name must not be shared except by Mother Goddess, the Gods and by other dragons. The human name will be Valorus as was decided by Draclyon centuries past. Her Magick will be great and courage abundant. She will grow with thy bairnes and a symbol of your Keep." The Lady Bri'de was the next to speak saying, "Daughters, thee all have been blessed by the Mother Goddess as well as thy families and future ones. Thee all hast gifts given far beyond those of thy plane of reality. Lady Geraldine thy Hippocratic Oath serves thee well thou art a true Healer. Thee hast made Hypocrites proud of thy vocation. What was lost to man hath now been regiven through thee to heal all sick and injured. Share thy knowledge! Ladies Elizabeth, Jamie and Amena thou hast always served the Mother Goddess in many different ways thee have shown knowledge of thy Craft. Thy Magick is flawed by misreadings of ancient symbolic lore. Thee now shall be great teachers of the Craft. Thee hath the ability to read all ancients from all areas of thyne known seas. Ladies Kimberly, Brittany, Lesley, Lynn and Alva thee all have thyne chance to gain much wisdom to benefit all. Thy sense of working thy mathematics is grand. Thee all will make benefit to all that seek your knowledge. First thee must learn ways foreign to thee. Within thy grasp is the knowledge of the Old Ones. Seek out this knowledge with thyne Ladies Amena, Elisabeth, Geraldine, Miriam, Evelyn, Jamie, Juliet and Bri'de. When thee all come of age thee will all Handfast with thy mates and bear wee ones. Be thee Proud to be called Witch! Always follow thy Rede with Primus. Remain on thy Path! Lady Ashley, thee hath greatly suffered at thyne hands of thy abuser. Thee hast had no child life. Thee hath taken thy place of mate to thy abuser. Thy Dreams of thy abuser hath stopped! Thee now have a Family! Mother, soon a true Father, thy sisters, aunts and uncles. Soon thee shall have a mate and be blessed with wee bairnes of thy own. Learn from all Present! Mother thy young! Love all! Open thy Heart to all! Mother Goddess, her Consort and the Gods shall bless thee and thyne. Blessed Be!" Evelyn and I went to Ashley taking her hands in ours. We could see the joy in her face that we had never seen before. Ashley is and would always be my daughter until the ends of time! "Ladies Evelyn and Bri'de, thee hast come to a place of great knowledge and wonderment. All of thee thyne essence was in peril, thee Bri'de fought the Myrddin well with thy logic. Thee Evelyn made Bri'de center her thoughts to Banishment. Myrddin Lair be yours! Share thy gifts of wonderment with all that seek. Let thy Lair be a solitude for study and tribute to Mother Goddess. Magick is vast and plentiful in thy Lair! Learn thy Craft teach thy Craft thee be High Lady Sorceress! Be thee kindly mates! Be thee honorable mothers! Be thee Worthy Witches with thyne powers of magicks, love, heart and mind. Draclyon is thyne and thee belong to Draclyon! It has been decreed! So Mote It Be! Bri'de, Mother Goddess, Her Consort and all Gods hast heard thee. Thy Myrddin will be reborn! He tried to spoilt thee yet thee showed mercy. Thy words were heard and just. Thy hast followed thy Rede!" With those final words the Blessed Ladies faded from our sight. We as a Coven, group, and yes even a family were in total awe of what had happened. We had defeated the deadliest foe of all humankind. However, Mercy was shown! No one on this planet was going to believe us but we had the evidence of our trials around us. The skeptics be Damned! "Mother, to whom do we give our cameras to?" Ashley inquired. I looked at my daughter quizzically saying, "What cameras?" "These cameras Mother. They've been recording the past events of tonight." Ashley recorded everything in the Lair? "Taylor and Cecil gave them to us before leaving Base Camp. I think Baby Sis is a keeper, Mom." Julie said smiling. "Wait a minute! Are those electronic!" I asked. "No Mother, they're the old style 8mm wind up type with infrared, high speed, and Still Frames film in the rest." Ashley said laughing. "Alright let's go back to camp. I think we have some very nervous men waiting for us. We'll come back later and start our catalogs." I said. As we left Myrddin's Lair into the dawn of a new day I held Draclyon with a newly found pride and honor. We entered the Sun's light together. This was the first day of many centuries that Draclyon was in the light of the Sun. As a group we went to the Sorcerers Stone encircling ourselves around it. We all gave our thanks to Mother Goddess, her Consort, and all the Gods for our lives and gifts given to us by them. We all made an oath to her and them, to be the Protectors of the Grove and the Lair. Evelyn looked at me pointing to Draclyon saying, "It's getting that funny red color again!" When she said that there was a long burst of what appeared to be pure energy as white as a Summer Sun. I was too frightened to move! I saw and heard the energy bolt leave with a thunderous roar to the heavens above. We watched, as it got higher until our eyes could no longer see it. It was a magnificent sight to behold! Unexpectedly we then heard a radically loud thunderclap above us. The thunderclap seemed to resonate deep into your very being down to you bowels, lasting for several seconds of time. "My Daughters, Behold thy sights around thee!" The mysterious female sounding voice said. As we looked around us the barren and dead wooded areas changed into plants and trees that were once more alive. Weeds became hearty blades of grass! Thorn Bushes and Brambles became wild flowers and Rose Bushes! Wildlife was once again visible and heard in the woods. We saw deer, rabbits, birds and other animals along with their young. It was a marvel to gaze at these creatures. The light surely has overcome the darkness! Life had overcome the Great Void! Mother Goddess, Her Consort and all the Gods be Praised! We all gathered together taking each other into each other's arms. We had each been a part of the awakening of mankind to the glories and mysteries of the earth. It was time to go to the ones concerned about us. It was time to go to back to the Base Camp. We would all return later. We came to the path that led us to the Lair and the Sorcerers Stone. The vegetation was rich and teeming with life. We expected to see Carrie still bound as we had left her when we arrived at that point on the path. There was no sign or trace that she had ever existed. We abandoned our search for her. I hoped Mother Goddess, Her Consort and the Gods would be merciful to Carrie. Merlin had possessed her in every conceivable way. If the Gods could forgive him I implored they would forgive her also. We at last came to the area of the Moat. There was a stone bridge going across it to the other side. The waters were crystal clear, gone forever was the stagnancy that permeated it. It too had life in its waters from fish, insects and amphibians to reeds and Lilly pads. The stench of decay was no longer evident; the air was robust with the fresh smells of botanic life. We decided to stop briefly to rest on the other side of the Moat. All of us had been talking non-stop about what we have seen. Miriam sat next to me cradling the off spring of Draclyon. You could see her maternal instincts of protection of the young take hold of her. I speculated if I would be the same as Miriam or of my departed wife Kristen in what came naturally by birth to them. Merlin was correct in saying I was a Changeling but so were others of us gathered here. As I thought about my doubts, I must have dozed off. I was very tired from the past night's events. My subconscious mind must have made me dream. *** I awoke in the same location I had been in with Draclyon at my side. Everything was the same except that everyone was gone; I was alone and still wearing my armor. I wondered if everyone decided to let me sleep and went on without me. I raised myself to my feet standing erect holding Draclyon. I heard the sound of light footsteps of two persons upon the grass coming toward me from the rear. I spun quickly only to see the Lady Nimue with another female following her in a long white dress. It looked like Kristen! It couldn't be she was deceased! "My Sister, Bri'de Merry Meet. Thee have been having doubts." Nimue said to me. "Yes My Lady, I have. Perhaps Myrddin was right! I am just a Changeling having none of the instincts of being a wife and mother." "Myrddin was a deceiver of words and actions though not his total fault. His words mean naught! I bring thee a person that thou knowst to speak to thee." Lady Nimue said. "You were once my mate, lover to me, parent to our children. In a sense, you have been reincarnated to do a majestic purpose fulfilling a prophecy. You are once again a parent to the young born of my flesh. Soon you will be a wife and bring forth more children from yours. You are a woman now! You will guide them all onto the right path. Your worries are unfounded as you are now and will always be female. Being a female carries with it the maternal instincts and responsibilities for the children, which you do have. I love you now and forever no matter what form you are in. Tell all my girls they are loved! I and all around you love you, my Dearest. You must eliminate your doubts! Maintain your memories of me but also your husband and children! You are now a Mother! Raise your children well on the path! All of you especially you my dear, have been given a gift of part of my essence to be the mother I once was. My love will always be with you." Kristen said as she vanished. I cried heavily on hearing Kristen's words until the Lady Nimue touched me saying, "Sister, thy will give birth to six bairnes one of thy wee ones will have the essence of Kristen. It is her time to be reborn!" Upon hearing this, my heart filled with joy. Part of life's mysteries had been solved. It is the Wiccan belief of Reincarnation after death. It was true! "Lady Nimue, I thank the Mother Goddess and you my Sister for your enlightening me. I, my mate, and children will continue to follow the path. The Rede, the Rule of Three and Primus will be followed. The Protector's of the Grove and Lair will honor Mother Goddess, the Gods and all the Ladies forever." A fog drifted to were I stood enclosing me. I was back by the tree as was everyone else. Any fears or doubts that I had once had were gone. It was noti

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

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The Dragon Invasion Chapter 1

I acknowledge this story will not be everyone's cup of tea. I also acknowledge that this is probably a rather niche genre. I make no apologies for that but I do hope it finds an audience. The tags below should give you an idea of what content is within. The sex in this chapter is somewhat limited but I promise there will be far far more of it in Chapter 2 and it will involve both men and women. Finally. I'm definitely a bit of an aviation geek, as you'll probably tell if you read on,...

2 years ago
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The Dragon and the Wager

The Dragon and the Wager By Morpheus With a deafening roar, the enormous reptilian creature easily soared through the air, his body held aloft by a pair of powerful leather wings. Nearly every inch of the creature was covered with thick, virtually impervious scales and from the end of his long tail to the tip of his snout, he was a creature to be feared. If his sheer size alone weren't enough, a single glance at his long claws or vicious saber like teeth were enough to terrify any...

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Dragon WytchChapter 12

The following new characters appear in this chapter: Muadhnait Graham Doctor, OB/GYN, an older woman of indeterminate age, but surely more than 70 years old. She was about 5’-6’’ tall and thin with short gray hair. Her eyes were as black as coal. Gerald Employee, Dragon offspring, 5’-11’’ tall, 185 pounds, 28 years old, black hair, dark eyes By the time we were finished, I was famished. All of the flying, and the repairs had taken a lot of work and Magic. The four of us flew back...

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Dragons Flight Pt2

Dragon's first Flight pt.2As Dragon slowly returns to the land of present, I remove the spreader bar from between her legs and decide I need one last taste of her lovely pussy juice. On my way back up to untie her hands from above her head, my tongue finds each of her still perky nipples and gives them a little flick each. Finally, I untie her hands and I help her ease them down to her side. If anyone has had their arms tied above their head, they'll know that your arm muscles kind of go...

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Horny DragonChapter 2

Over the course of the next three months the dragon had to sleep spell the woman a lot as she would go into hysterics or act as though she was going to try to hurt herself. But by the end of the third month, they both knew there was something different and wrong going on. The child was growing at a very fast rate and the dragon decided that the woman couldn't grow any more and size shifted the child so that it could continue to grow as well as letting the woman survive. That was also when...

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She Ra v Dragon Queen

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN  ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])  Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 4 Taming the Naughty DragonMother

Chapter Four: Taming the Naughty Dragon-Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea My dragon mother seized me by the shoulders and...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 the Flaming WomanChapter 11 The Dragonrsquos Pain

Knight Angela – Dominari’s Lair, The Despeir Mountains Lady Delilah’s draconic jaws opened above me. My arms burned. The power of Gewin’s blessing buttressed my limbs, keeping the immense weight of the dragon from crushing me as her claw pinned me to the cave floor. But as I looked into her open jaw at the sharp teeth dripping, the reek of sulfur of her breath, I saw my death. I had failed. My companions were scattered, dead or dying. She was too much for us. I grit my teeth, straining...

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The Dragon Mistress Heathers Trade

Heather couldn't believe she was standing in the castle keep of the Dragon Mistress. Legends were told of this woman's power. The fear she command was only exceeded by her beauty. Her hair was long and thick, a fiery copper coloured. Her eyes were a commanding bright green, so green it was as though even in human form she couldn't keep the dragon from showing inside her. She sat on a throne and stared at Heather in a way that was both enticing and dismissive. Heather wanted to shuffle her...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 13

The water was cold, and dark, but the hands that gripped her ankles and pulled her down were colder. The babes in her womb stirred. Fear. Her babies were scared. Anger boiled in Alluna’s veins and her body began to glow beneath the inky black sea water. The mermaids’ faces looked at her in alarm. They were not pretty creatures. Their hair swirled around their scaly fish-eyed faces. Full lips pulled back to reveal their needle-like teeth as they dragged her deeper. “Release me,” Alluna...

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Dragon WytchChapter 6

New characters appearing in this chapter: Barchanaus Leader of the Light Blue Dragon Clan, created Al and Alva as Familiars Kildarcsh Leader of the Red Dragon Clan, Ken’s great grandfather a number of times removed Khawlhring Red Dragon, Maddy’s husband, father of her twins, Kennith Sweeney in his Dragon form That evening, David and those on the Executive Committee who had gone with him went to meet with the Mayor and the City Council to explain the results, or rather, the lack of...

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Dragon WytchChapter 9

It appeared that the world had turned upside down during our time in the mountain. A few quick looks outside revealed a number of things. The light from the mid-afternoon sun, which was on the west side of the mountain, revealed at least 20 Dragons in the sky over and around this side of the mountain from my point of view. There were probably more that I couldn’t see. They were in a multitude of colors. In the cove below, there were a large number of their followers, or as I realized now,...

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Dragons flight Pt1

Dragon's first flightOn my way to the airport to pick up Dragon, I'm sweating already, even though it's only 50 degrees outside. I arrive at the short term parking lot at the airport with my balls aching at the workout I'm sure they will get over the next 2 days. You see, Dragon and I have been KIK friends for over 2 years now and have been, how do I say it, very intimate with each other. We've both exchanged nude pics of ourselves to the other one and even had a couple of video calls,...

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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

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Dragon WytchChapter 3

Tintaglia Maddy’s Dragon name, she is a Light Blue Dragon, the only Female in the last 4,000 years or so. The trio of young Wizards appeared outside of the building where Kennith had previously worked a few seconds after leaving the Ley Line Wizards building. They smiled on seeing the wards around the building. Joining hands, they cast a spell to crash not only all of the wards protecting the building, but in addition, all of the wards that those working there were monitoring or closing...

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Horny DragonChapter 3

The sun was half way down when they saw the village. In the woman's mind it had not changed one bit as they came to land in the field behind her home. It had also been decided that Dracon would not call her mother as that would start a whole new set of problems. There were screams and yells and then men with axes, pitchforks and bows, there were even a sword or two came running. They all stopped as the woman's son set his mother down gently. "You can put your weapons away." None moved....

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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

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Kiss of the Dragon A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

Introduction: The Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga continues Highacre Dragon Breeders part 3 Impregnation A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management....

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Dragons Flight Pt3

Dragon's Flight pt3Seeing Dragon laying there with her gaping pussy gets my juices flowing and I climb on top of her pushing her legs together. As I begin to slide my cock into her, I grab a handful of her hair and pull her head back toward me. My cock is rock hard as I ease into her pussy and I can feel her juices flowing along my shaft. Slowly I fuck her and with every stroke Dragon moans. I lean over to her right ear and whisper, "Are you enjoying yourself? I know that I am." All that...

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Bad Dragon

Oh, you already know what it is, it’s Bad Dragon, and I’m about to pop off. These things have been taking over the market like it’s nobody’s business, and I am not surprised. Bad Dragon, as a company, has changed the shape of the ideal male penis. That’s how fucking influential they’ve become. It is now out of style to have a regularly shaped penis. You have to sport a dragon cock, or else you don’t get the pussy. I have a gigantic penis, so naturally, none of the women I’ve ever fucked have...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management. Viktoria had told her she wanted to train her to be her replacement when she retired. Mimi was both...

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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

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The Dragon

We were close to the cave; you could see a thin trail of smoke fluttering out of its entrance; the air warming the closer we got. My ears detected some mix of a growl and a purr emanating from the cave as well that sent a strong tingle fluttering down my spine making my muscles clench; I knew I was being watched. “Send him in…” the deep voice rumbled; more tingles and not just in my spine… They took off my chains and got me just out of site into the darkness; and left me for dead. Or so...

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The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer By Toni Marks Copyright © 2017 Mary Robinson watched her son Tom finishing his oatmeal. She had lovingly prepared the hot cereal with raisins and brown sugar, just the way her son liked it. Tom was such a good boy, so unlike his older brother. In truth, they were only half brothers. Tom was the natural son of Ed Robinson, Mary's husband until his untimely death eighteen months ago. She and Tommy had taken it hard, but not as severely as Martin, her oldest...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 5 Dragonstone and Damsels

Training is in the eye of the beholder, like many other things, I guess. Being trained by a semi-imaginary six foot tall blue lizard? That's just a little strange, even for me, and I've seen some strange stuff. River has spent a good bit of time in the Imhur, so I know she's seen some stranger stuff than I have. What I found truly interesting was the lizard's continual use of what I would have called 'Earthisms', phases and attitudes that seemed to have been drawn from the...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 5 Damn Lizard

Introduction: A new-comer really does make everyone cum. Viktoria sat quietly at her desk, a pile of application forms for a Dragon Handler position in front of her. One of her prize studs, Stallion, needed a new handler because his last had recently retired. Viktoria didnt want to hire a woman for the position, knowing Stallions temperment and demeaner he would not listen to a female handler. Sadly so far all the applicants had been young boys fresh out of college with no real experience. She...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 1

Prologue Sunlight poked through the cracks of the window shutters; glittering rays dancing across the grey stones of the tower room floor. Alluna hadn’t opened the shutters, unable to bear the sight of another perfect day. The scene would be the same—the tall grass in the field rolling and swaying with the caress of summer breeze, surrounded by a sea of deep green forest beyond. The trees always danced and whispered amongst themselves, making Alluna envy them. They were surrounded by their own...

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Norman the Dragon

Note: This is part of a larger work featuring a Dragon called Norman. The land (the Kingdom) where he lives is not found on modern maps, and the stories are as passed down by the great story-tellers of history. It was/is written purely for fun. And yes, it is English English. If you are looking for a story loaded with sexual encounters, look elsewhere. Those who stay the course may find a little gentle amusement. Positive comments are welcome. © Handley_Page, 2011. From the annals of ‘Norman...

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Pretty Pretty Princess Johna the Dragon Slayer

Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 4 Taming the Naughty DragonMother

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea My dragon mother seized me by the shoulders and ripped me out of Mother Sianili’s pussy. I gasped as my pissed off mother threw me...

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Steven George the DragonHow to Slay a Dragon

BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...

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Dragon WytchChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter: The Spirits of Magic: The Spirit of Ley Line Magic, the largest of the Spirits, it appeared to be a strong young man of about twenty-five years of age or so. The Spirit of Ordinary Magic, the younger brother, appeared to be a young man of eighteen or nineteen years of age. The Spirit of Witch Magic, their sister, appeared to be a young woman of twenty or twenty-one years of age. The Spirit of Black Magic, their cousin, was a figure in...

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How to train your dragon sex with toothless

I apologize BIG-TIME THIS IS MY OFFICIAL WARNINGThis is a **** story... bad stuff happens.I deeply apologize for not warning you guys the first time, If you don't like this please don't read. I have not made any alterations to this chapter as a side note.Okay my first attempt at lemonyness... be nice please no trolls or flames constructive criticism please. Also I don't own Httyd... the mistakes I do.An eighteen year old Astrid Haddock cuts her way through the forest behind her home heading for...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 20

For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

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Dragon Fang and Claw

Isaac stared at the tiny glass bottle that had hung undisturbed around his neck for so many years. He had never thought to open it. Not once. But now it and a family legend were his only chance of surviving the night. In his other hand was the tiny dart which had pierced his skin. The rest of his squad had died in the ambush - twelve good men and women, dead at the hands of the Dark Mage's nightmarish creatures! He had survived, somehow, with only the dart in his shoulder. He might as well have...

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Dragon WytchChapter 4

The following characters are identified in this chapter: Tualvungi Female Dragon, Mandara’s former Mistress, a dark Blue Dragon, she protected Kreuzfeur when he was injured Kreuzfeur Male Green Dragon, wounded and lost an eye during the raid on the Demon-lands Over the next nine days, we made time each day to go flying. This was in addition to the studying that we continued to do. Book 6 just seemed to go on and on. New pages continued to appear each time I neared the end of what was...

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Tooth of a Dragon

Edited by Bird Dog Everyone said dragons did not exist, but my family had a story of a dragon. It told of how two dragons had fought and one had died. Of course, everyone laughed at us when we told the story. I guess we could have told them where the cave the dragon died was, but that was our family secret. I was fourteen and wanted to be a soldier or knight. Besides our farm, we had no money to pay for armor or weapons. I thought of the dragon story, and considered selling scales or a claw....

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Dragon WytchChapter 10

Sunday started out just like any other day lately. I woke up next to Ken warm and contented, after a great night’s sleep. We awoke a bit late today, as yesterday had been a very exciting and wearing day. Being made Dragon Queen and having all of those Dragons here had been different. We’d had to deal with the police and the reporters too. Being made Dragon Queen was not something that I was expecting. Things were all right until I started breakfast. The smell, on opening the first can of cat...

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The Dragon Maiden

The naked maiden’s holes were thoroughly lubed with lard. It helped, she was told. But her father never said sex with an ancient dragon was painless, even if he must have known that is what she wanted to hear most of all. Not many girls in the history of the realm could say they ever had sex with a dragon. Fewer still lost their virginity to one. The responsibility fell onto her shoulders earlier than her predecessors. Young Greta pondered vows of celibacy to put an end to the family curse...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Dragon Relocation

Juanita had tossed in spare blankets; in case it was cold. So, they had no trouble putting a bed together for Kyle. The others had all partnered up with their loved ones leaving Kyle, DT and Terry as singles. Kyle told DT he was happy to share if he was and wiggled his eyebrows at him. DT laughed but declined. He didn’t think his Leigh would approve and he was perfectly happy keeping his arse in its virgin state. The others pooh-poohed him and said he didn’t know what he was missing. Sean...

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Dragon WytchChapter 5

There were other meetings underway that evening in Atlanta. The Mayor was in a meeting with the City Council. The Police Chief and the Fire Chief were present. There were also representatives from the business community in attendance as well as those from the several Insurance Companies affected by the attack. All of them had no idea of what the Dragon was or what it had used during the chase and attack. They were sure, however, that Magic was involved, but had no way to prove it, as neither...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-96”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I live in a quiet...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 14

Alluna looked up to see the underbelly of a gold dragon. Just ahead was another Gold, and two Reds flew to either side of her. The one with the crown of horns turned his head. Alluna wasn’t sure, but she could have sworn the Red dragon grinned and winked at her. “Oh, gods,” she gasped. The air around her was getting thinner and colder as they soared higher. She was having trouble breathing. Her face was suddenly pressed against shimmering golden scales. The dragon clutched her to his chest....

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The Dragons Nest part 1

The year of our Lord, 1191. It is a beautiful Spring morning in northern England, and the sparse clouds drift across the sky as I stand watch over the flock. My mother and father are sheep farmers by trade, and I, their only son, have been occupying my time in the fields. Still just a young man of my twentieth year, my small height and slender frame keep me from fighting against the heathens under our king, Richard the Lionheart, but I am not saddened by this. Aggression is far too foreign a...

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Let The Dragon Free

I had four hours in between clients and I decided to go for a swim in the middle of the day. This wasn’t normal for me but I decided, fuck it, if I have the time, use it! I’m not sporty at all and you can see it – I’m a little chubby but I’m not bothered by it. I’m in my late twenties, average height and I’ve started to lose my hair. I don’t believe in shaving my body hair either. I couldn’t give a shit about keeping up appearances, I like the way I am. I found a new swimming pool, just a short...

Gay Male
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The Dragons Nest part two

Crunching and chewing. The foul stench of dead flesh assaults my nostrils. This is the first thing my mind registers upon regaining consciousness. Then comes the pain. A raw, aching pain in my jaw. I dare not move my mouth for fear that my jaw might fall limply off its hinge. Luckily it doesn’t happen. I’m tucked into a dark corner of the cavern, surrounded by leaves and dried bones. This must be where the dragon feeds itself. I’m still intact, with only minor scars from the b**st’s talons and...

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