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In light of recent events, I debated on posting this story. The following was complete and in the final stages of editing when tragedy struck our nation. Although not related to any of the recent events, there are elements that may be reminiscent. Unable to decide how to proceed, I finally asked the advice of a pro. I finally decided to post, but this story was written for entertainment only. If you have any doubt you will enjoy it as intended, please stop reading now. Survivor By Island Riter Approaching Lucky's, the sole remaining "gentlemen's club" that had sprung up in the area, Mike noted the parking lot was rather crowded for a Wednesday night. Gravel crunching softly under his boots as he exited his truck, he also noticed the acrid odors from Pharmacorp (known to the locals only as "The Farm") hung unusually heavy in the air. The smell was an everyday occurrence, especially being so close to the main manufacturing facility, but generally he was able to ignore it. Tonight, he wanted to gag. Pharmacorp was a pharmaceutical conglomerate that supported 75% of the economy of the small town where he lived. If you didn't work for the Farm, you worked for a company that provided a service or commodity to the Farm. Because of scientific advancements and heavy competition, Pharmacorp had lost money for several years straight taking the local economy down with it. The Farm's stock prices dropped to the point where it was ripe for hostile takeover or even worse, bankruptcy. But, that was all before a brilliant, but accidental, discovery breathed life back into the suffocating giant. Pharmacorp was now the sole manufacturer of a new, yet widely used, compound that encouraged growth of new tissue. Marketed as "Regen", the compound had a 98% success rate in helping surgeons reattach severed limbs and nearly the same for helping patients with damaged or severed spinal cords walk again! Simply put, Regen had put Pharmacorp back on the Wall Street map. Unfortunately for Pharmacorp, Regen did nothing for foreign tissue transplants such as hearts, kidneys and livers. Regen was simply unable to bridge the gap between different cell structures. But thanks to President Bush's policies on stem cell research, Pharmacorp was nearly ready to patent a new compound - code named Alteron - that was able to artificially reproduce these primitive cells. It was believed that this new research would allow for great advancements in the areas of Parkinson's Disease, MS, etc. Knowing they were on the verge of another multi-billion dollar patent, Pharmacorp's top echelon were pushing their research team, where Mike worked as a lab assistant, to work night and day to stabilize the process. After the third consecutive week with no days off and working a minimum of 12-hour shifts, Jerry, Mike's lifelong best friend, talked him into a well deserved "after work drink". With all of the overtime and bonus money on Mike's checks lately, Linda would never notice if he blew some money tonight. Nor would she be suspect to his lateness in coming home because of the precedence he had set working. *** Jerry and Mike had met twenty-some years earlier in Mrs. Bridgestone's kindergarten class. Watching as Jerry cried in the corner his first day, Mike approached and shared his ABC gum. From that day forward they had been inseparable. In junior high, Jerry had shown Mike his first Playboy (stolen from his older brothers collection). In high school, Mike had hooked Jerry up with "Easy Ellie" for his first taste of manhood. They roomed together through college where Jerry spent endless nights tutoring Mike through Chem classes. After college, the bright young Jerry had been offered a position on the research team at none other than, the Farm. Quickly establishing himself, Jerry continued the mutual tradition of helping each other by finding a job for his friend. *** Not seeing Jerry's car in the parking lot, Mike continued towards Lucky's glancing up at the flashing marquee advertising "Gorgeous Gloria", and her mammoth 44FF mammaries, as the feature dancer. This advertisement led Mike to wonder if such a size was possible to achieve in nature - deciding he didn't much care about the answer, he proceeded inside. Eyes still adjusting to the gloom, Mike paid the oversized doorman (again wondering about the naturalness of such size) his $10 cover fee and proceeded to the long polished bar nestled just inside the door. Enjoying the atmosphere of the club and drinking the icy cold Corona, particularly enjoying the tangy bit of lime that clung tenaciously to the rim, he was in no hurry for Jerry to arrive. Although an ex-smoker, he was even enjoying the rich smell of the cigar smoke that hung in thick bluish clouds. Nearly finished with his second beer, Mike began to visually explore the club paying more attention to the dancers as his body began to react to the alcohol and finally relax. Jerry was right, all work and no play does make you "one fucked up mess." "Gentlemen, let's hear it for these beautiful ladies and all of their HARD work tonight." the MC's voice boomed "As we say goodbye to Dusty on the main stage and Barbie on the side stage, let's welcome our next dancers. The lovely Tanya is making her way to the side stage and our feature dancer Gorgeous Gloria will be TAKING POSITION on our main stage. Give it up guys!" Trying to catch a glimpse of Gloria was nearly impossible! The guys that weren't already sitting at pervert's row (the chairs closest to the stage) began to move in from other parts of the bar to catch a glimpse of her monstrous tits. All that Mike could see was an occasional glimpse of blonde hair. Giving up on Gloria, Mike instead began to focus on Tanya. She was indeed lovely, more striking than he would have thought for the typical dancer working here. Her long chestnut colored hair and angelic face should have been starring in a role on the silver screen - not the surrogate role of these guy's wives when they got home tonight. Armed with a thick stack of one-dollar bills he had obtained from the bartender, Mike maneuvered closer to his intended target for a more thorough visual reconnaissance. Thick brown nipples at least 3/4 inch long jutted proudly from Tanya's more moderate - Mike estimated 36D - breasts. Mike fancied himself a breast man and while these were a fine pair to observe with the biggest nipples he had ever seen, it was the dumps on this truck that held his attention. Her ass was so fine it was beginning to sway his taste to a more "southerly" area of the female anatomy. After discharging about half the supply of his ammunition into Tanya's g-string and basking in the temporary light of her attention, Mike finally sat. With no sign of Jerry, Mike was impatiently looking at his watch when Tanya's set finished. "Ready for a lap dance?" Tanya asked in breathy voice eyes firmly fixed on Mike's large... pile of bills. Caught off guard by her unnoticed approach, Mike responded "What? Oh, uh... sure, why not?" "Let's go someplace a little more private." Mike stood to follow Tanya noticing that she was extremely tall for a woman - at least 6'0 with moderate heels. He had noticed her incredible height when she was on the stage, but not to this degree. 'What I'd give to get her in the sack!' Mike thought wistfully. Enjoying the "rear view" as he followed Tanya to the semi-private room where lap dances were performed, the gloomy bar was suddenly lit as bright as the noon sun on a summer day. Barely having time to register the possibility that something was not right, the bright flash was followed by a sonic boom and shock wave that registered on the same scale as a small nuclear explosion. As Mike's decapitated head was catapulted from his body, his last thoughts were "Dear God - something happened at the Farm!" *** Joy filled his heart! He missed his grandmother so much since she had passed away. He always loved the way she held him in her lap when he was a small boy and listened to him recount his day. He loved the way she reminded him of homemade cookies fresh from the oven and of Sunday dinner at her house. Grandpa, who had bought him his first pocketknife and taught him to carve a whistle from a hunk of basswood, was here too! He couldn't remember feeling such peace and joy in his heart. As he began to walk towards his grandparents, troubling thoughts kept trying to push their way into his mind. How can Grandma and Grandpa be here? They passed away when I was still a young boy? But the joy kept filling his heart; his ears resonated with beautiful music - if only that other noise would stop. What was that, a truck backing up? But wait! Jerry was here as well! This didn't make any sense either; why would Jerry be sitting with his deceased grandparents smiling at Mike? Pushing these thoughts aside, he continued walking towards the trio. It looked as though others were here to greet him too. Joy! Ecstasy! Was that a fire alarm going off somewhere? His concentration disrupted, Mike felt a pulling sensation through his body. Almost as if he were the nail being drug across the table in his sixth grade science experiment with electromagnets. No! He must focus! Must keep walking toward his loved ones. But why were they looking sad now when he was so filled with joy? Why was he still walking but seemed to be further away? Why did they look as if they waving goodbye? Why couldn't he hear anything but that DAMN ALARM CLOCK RINGING IN HIS HEAD? Bright lights -- intense pain - someone beating his chest with incredible strength - impossible to breathe - mouth too dry to even plead for mercy from his unknown assailant. Voices yelling. Some sort of mechanical device blaring a nonstop monotone. "Please stop!" he pleaded but couldn't raise the strength to form the words. More pain - more intense this time - an electric shock coursing through his body! The monotone was now punctuated with spaces of silence. Then thankfully, the pain began to subside as the welcoming blackness swallowed his thoughts. Distant voices as he lapsed into unconsciousness. "You brought him back!" A brief pause then the response "Yes, but to what?" *** Consciousness stole upon him in small degrees. Pain like no other he had ever felt continued to course through his body only growing more intense as he came closer to full awareness. Every nerve in his body felt as if it were on fire, so intense he began to silently cry and plead to God for unconsciousness again, but God didn't seem to be listening right then. The pain seemed to last for days, maybe even months or years, but he knew in reality it could only have minutes - hours at the most. So slowly that at first he didn't even realize it, the pain was starting to lose its edge. As the pain subsided he began to become more aware of his surroundings. The smell of strong disinfectant, distant echoing voices and the elevated position of his body made him sure that he was in the hospital. Not yet able to gather enough strength to open his eyes, Mike began to fight his intense headache to recapture the events that would have brought him here. The last he remembered he had been talking to Jerry at the Farm about going out after work, then nothing. No memories at all, only a vague impression of homemade cookies -- but that made no sense... *** Still exhausted from his injures; Mike gave up on trying to remember anything else and fell into a fitful sleep. Though his conscious mind had blocked his memories of the incident that had occurred now three days past, his subconscious mind continued to play the scenes back to him through his dreams in its own unique way. Mike was having a nightmare like no other before. He was at home trimming the hedges, except the hedges weren't really hedges. They had no leaves, but instead were growing one-dollar bills. As he was trimming his money bearing hedges, a car backfired on the street sounding as loud as a gunshot! Startled by the noise, he turned to see the cause. This was when he discovered he was wearing a pair of shoes with extremely high heels! Never having worn heels, Mike stumbled dropping the trimmer and fell face first towards the ground. Unfortunately, the gas powered hedge trimmer was still running as Mike's fall caused him to land on the trimmer disconnecting his head from his body. With the detail only a dream can provide, Mike had complete awareness as his head rolled to a stop, and he watched as his body wandered aimlessly around the yard still animated despite all medical reasons why it could not be. Yelling for his body to stop and come back to get him, he felt something crawling on his face. Although Mike couldn't see what it was, he instinctively knew that it was the one thing that sickened him most. Maggots. When he had been a little boy, his parents had taken him on vacation camping for two weeks. When they returned he had run to his room to check on his pet gerbil, Gerty. What Mike didn't know was the neighbor boy his parents had paid to come over, water the plants and care for Gerty had come down with a severe case of Chicken Pox the second week of their absence. While the parents of the sick boy continued to care for the plants, they had no idea Gerty existed. As Mike prodded Gerty to wake, the only movement he encountered was the hundreds of maggots that poured from her stiff body. From that moment forward, he had never been able to disassociate his feelings between maggots and death. Now lying on the ground, mad with fear, the creatures were beginning to cover his face. Although horrified beyond reason, he dared not open his mouth to scream lest they begin to pour into his mouth. Unable to do anything but feel the tiny invaders begin to crawl over his eyes and into his ears and nose, Mike awoke with a scream still caught in his throat, still fearing that the horrible creatures would fill his mouth if he dared open it. Coming full awake, bathed in sweat after his horrible dream, Mike needed something to focus on. Not wanting to think about the dream, he finally felt well enough to open his eyes and examine his surroundings. Bland colored walls, inclined bed, crisp white sheets and a thin blanket stretching over his legs and feet told him it was indeed a hospital as he had suspected. Feeling a sense of dread, Mike began to try again to recount what had happened for him to end up here. Even more frightening, what was the extent of his injury? Shutting his eyes once again, Mike began a self-evaluation. He actually felt pretty good, sore yes, but he had been mentally noting that he did have feeling in his toes. Excellent! No paralysis, because he could wiggle his toes. Wiggling his fingers, he could feel his hands functioning as expected. Well, only one way to see the extent of the damages, pull off the sheet and check everything out. The nagging sensation in his mind kept him from pulling the sheet off immediately. Something was not right; he just wasn't sure what it was. There was something here that his mind wasn't ready to face yet. Fortunately as he was struggling with his fear, the door opened and an elderly man wearing a white physicians coat with a nametag identifying him as "DR. HOWARD" entered. "How long have you been awake?" the doctor asked moving quickly to Mike's side. "How are you doing? How are you coping? Have you talked to anyone yet?" he asked without pausing between questions seeming extremely concerned. "I... I just woke up." Mike answered hesitantly having opened his eyes upon hearing the door open. The doctor's demeanor unnerved him a little; he seemed a little too concerned about his well being when he should know by his charts his physical condition. "Have you..." the doctor paused. "Have you had a chance to... to examine yourself yet?" the doctor asked hesitantly. "You're scaring me doctor." Mike answered his stomach suddenly tied in knots, he felt as if he were going to vomit all over the doctors clean white coat. "What do you mean by 'examine myself'? What happened doctor? I don't remember anything!" Mike was more scared than he ever remembered being. "Mike, I want you to listen to me very carefully." Dr. Howard started carefully choosing his words "There has been a terrible accident at the Farm, an explosion of a magnitude seldom seen. Hundreds of people were killed and countless others injured. There were few survivors within a 3-mile radius. You were one of the lucky few." Suddenly images began to flood Mike's mind. An after work drink with Jerry at Lucky's, the blinding white light, the sonic boom, the view of the room as his detached head toppled from his body. Mike flung back the sheets that were covering him and began a nonstop scream as he looked upon his naked body with thick brown nipples that jutted at least 3/4 inch out from his 36D sized breasts. So focused on his large breasts, he never noticed Dr. Howard introducing a sedative into his intravenous line. His scream eventually faded as he fell again into a deep sleep. *** Lying in bed trying to ignore the way the sheets rubbing across his nipples seemed to cause them to be constantly erect, Mike tried to relax. Having nothing but time being confined to the hospital bed until he was fully recovered and every test known to mankind was performed on him, Mike thought again about what he had learned over the past days. The death toll from the explosion had reached over 500. The crew on premises had been literally vaporized - including Jerry. His heart was still heavy over this loss. Only a handful of those injured had survived. The cause of the explosion was of course a mystery and would remain so although Mike had to believe that it had something to do with the research he had been involved in. Which led up to his current condition. Lifting the sheets, Mike examined his new body for at least the hundredth time. Looking past his large breasts proudly jutting huge nipples, he could almost make out the shaved mound that now defined his sexuality. Extremely long legs led to feet with toenails still painted a glossy shade of pink. He had to wiggle his toes again to make sure they were actually attached to him! The pink nails corresponded with a movement that his brain had commanded. Dropping the sheet with a sigh, he examined arms that seemed impossibly thin and ended in long delicate fingers with perfectly manicured nails. His fingers seemed more sensitive now, when he would scratch an itch on his unshaven face, his more delicate senses seemed to protest whereas before, he never seemed to notice. Possibly it was because of the lack of calluses on his dainty appendages. Nor had he worked up the courage to touch himself below his neck. For now he was still catheterized and receiving sponge baths, although he knew it would only be a matter of time before he would have to start performing these duties on his own. For now, he was being treated like a king - or was that queen? His "miraculous" survival was being attributed to a new compound that rained down on the area in the midst of the explosion. This new chemical cocktail seemed to have taken on some of the properties of Regen and some of the properties of the test compound Alteron when combined at high temperatures. The result: a substance that allows growth of new tissue between unlike cell structures. The researchers only had theories of how his present condition came about. From the little evidence they had, it appeared that the red-hot shrapnel responsible for severing Mike's head had done the same to Tanya. Then when Mike's detached head came to rest against the lovely Tanya's body, something miraculous happened. Severed nerve endings began to heal, skin began to knit itself together and voila! Mike with the buxom young body of Tanya the stripper! Although not all blood vessels had connected themselves and the trachea endings were not exactly matched, enough had bonded to keep Mike's brain alive and Tanya's heart beating until the surgical team could finish the job. *** Linda had come to visit him earlier. When she arrived, she looked briefly at Mike with tears welling in her eyes and pulled back the sheet that was covering him. Without a word, she turned and walked out of his life forever. While this bothered him to some degree, it just seemed to be another part of this long nightmare that had become his life. He and Linda hadn't been getting along well recently and he suspected (hell, he knew) that she was having an affair with her boss and that it was only a matter of time before she left anyway. He himself had been guilty of infidelity as well with a very cute coworker who had been spared from the blast by a fortuitous case of stomach flu. He didn't see much hope of that relationship continuing. What bothered Mike the most was the loss of his lifelong friend. It still didn't seem possible he was gone. Mike was angry. Angry with Jerry for talking him into going to the strip club instead of home. Angry with Linda for not even acknowledging 10 years of their life together - regardless of how bad things had been at the end. Angry with the doctor who had brought him back from death. Angry with his maker for playing this cosmic joke on him. But most of all, Mike was angry because his life no longer was comfortable. What had he done to deserve this? *** Mike decided that physical therapy sucked! While his new body was in excellent shape and his nerve endings, spinal cord, muscles and all other connections that tethered his head to this beautiful body had healed quite well, there was still the issue of training his brain to correctly operate the body. At least he was able to wear street clothes now. While first strongly objecting to wearing the large bra, it only took a couple of trips up and down the hall to change his mind. The constant motion of his large breasts and the extreme sensitivity of his nipples had ultimately made the decision easy. Mike had made great progress over the last two weeks. The necessity to move him to a more private (and secure) area of the hospital became quickly apparent after word got out about his condition. The news media covered the hospital lawn and surrounding area for miles. Use of telephoto lenses in an attempt to peer through the window of Mike's room, reporters dressed as hospital staff and people attempting to force their way through had convinced the hospital administration of this need. *** After a thorough PT session, Mike felt the desperate need of a shower. This was not his first shower by himself, but at this point, all were memorable. As he peeled off his top and unhooked his bra, he started the water running. Finally removing his pants and underpants, he stood completely nude before the mirror. Each time he did this, he was still stunned at the image presented to him. Tanya had been quite tall; indeed, he had gained some height. He stared at his breasts again. They were huge! His flat tummy led to the patch of pubic hair that had once been shaved, but was now neglected. He stood sideways admiring the reflection of his butt in the mirror again. Of all Tanya's (now his) attributes, his butt had to be the best. He actually got a funny tickle in his stomach every time he say his new body in the mirror. This booty was definitely meant for dancing! Running his hands up and down his body made the tickle in his stomach a little more urgent, spreading a warm feeling through his groin making the tickle more of an indefinable craving, an emptiness that needed filled. Finally building up the courage, Mike moved his hand gently over the outer lips of his pussy. As he slowly rubbed his outer lips, the moisture from within began to lubricate him and his finger easily passed to the softness beyond. Groaning aloud as he hit his ultra sensitive clitoris, Mike knew he was beyond stopping now. Lying on the floor, he began rubbing one finger gently over his now stimulated clit and slowly pushed a single finger into his eager vagina. Gasping at how wonderful it felt and shocked by the fact that he actually had sensations on the inside, Mike thrust a second finger in. Working both fingers in and out while rubbing faster on his clitoris, Mike lost all sense of time and surroundings as the feelings in his body slowly blossomed then consumed his body. Vaguely aware of someone screaming, Mike quickly regained his senses only to realize it was his own voice that he had been hearing. Still gasping for air, completely overcome by the feelings he had just experienced, Mike couldn't help but bring his fingers close to his face and sample the scent left behind as he had done with so many women before. No sweeter smell had he ever experienced than that that which was covering his delicate digits. He immediately shoved both fingers in his mouth overcome with the need to taste this delicate nectar and was immediately rewarded by the slippery, tangy taste of his own juices. Standing in the shower with the warm water sluicing over him, watching as the cascade funneled into twin waterfalls dropping from his erect nipples, Mike felt relieved. He had been very worried that the woman's body that he now called his own would take control of his mind and he would begin to desire men. After his experimentation, he no longer had doubts that his sexual orientation was still pointing at the female side of the species. However, this realization came with its own set of problems. Relief quickly turned to anger. Mike wasn't at all sure that he really wanted to live life as it was. To live as a freak in the eye of the public held no appeal for him, he had always liked living in the nondescript manner he had. Anger eventually gave way to tears. Mike just wasn't sure if he could live this life. *** He was expecting the legal staff that represented Pharmacorp, what he wasn't expecting was their offer. Having worked as a lab tech for 7 years with the company, Mike's annual salary (with overtime) was now in the neighborhood of $40,000/yr. This fact only added to his puzzlement of an offer of a one-time lump sum settlement of $500,000 and a full time contractual job. The only catch being, the terms of the contract and the job description would only be revealed upon his acceptance. With a salary of $100,000/yr and full benefits Mike harbored serious doubts as to the validity of the job. Was this just hush money? What was the catch? Unable to gain more details, Mike inquired about the alternative. His alternate choice was for a lump sum settlement of $1,000,000 -- but no job and he would have to sign a release waiving Pharmacorp of all future litigation and/or liability. Although he had little doubt he could hire an attorney and get considerably more, Mike was surprised with his interest in the job offer. If he hired an attorney and pushed for a larger settlement, he knew the job offer would not be a part of the new settlement. Mike sent the trio of suited men off without a final decision that day. It was something he would have to do some soul searching on. *** A week later Mike had made up his mind. Sick of life inside the hospital and talking several more times to the attorneys representing Pharmacorp, he accepted their offer. Mike decided that he needed something to give his life meaning and structure. Besides, if the job didn't work out, he could always carry out his alternate plan with a large dose of the sleeping pills the hospital had been providing him with of late. Being again reassured that the job did not consist of experimentation to his mind or body, Mike signed the final papers agreeing to his loyalty and secrecy in the position he had accepted. Ink still wet on the papers, he was helped into the disguise of a hospital staff member and whisked out to a waiting car through a service entrance. Mike's curiosity was certainly aroused as they entered the secure underground parking deck of Pharmacorp's world headquarters. He had only actually been in this building once and that had been during his initial interview; otherwise he had always worked at the manufacturing plant that had been located some 20 miles away. Exiting the car, Mike was escorted to the elevator by a young executive sort who openly gazed at Mike's cleavage. Using a special key card to activate the elevator, the executive pushed the button for the penthouse, now surreptitiously staring at Mike's ass. Stepping off the elevator on the top floor, Mike was puzzled. These offices were known to be the executive suites for the CEO of Pharmacorp, but they looked as though they had been hastily converted to a more sterile environment. He noticed makeshift labs filled with all types of equipment crammed into areas that were obviously not designed for the type of work they were being used for. Medical staff were busily moving up and down the hall that connected the office suites performing unknown tasks. Led down the hall by the young executive that had escorted him from the hospital, Mike quickly grew tired of the man's open staring at his body. Almost ready to tell the young man his unpleasant suggestion of where he could put his tongue, they arrived at their apparent destination. Another key card was produced and a red light indicating the status of the door lock turned green. Anxious to part company, Mike opened the door and entered the room. Inside, the room was quite plush. Furnished with a large leather couch, a full wet bar, what appeared to be a full bathroom, large screen television and much more. The only other occupant of the room was a beautiful young blonde woman lying on a hospital bed facing the TV. Mike stared helplessly at the beauty lying in the bed. Even from his position across the room, he couldn't help but notice her extraordinarily large breasts mounded beneath the bedding. Looking away from the news broadcast, the lovely young woman looked Mike over briefly; apparently as interested in his looks as he was hers. "Hello Mike. I'm so glad you decided to join us! Please, have a seat, we have much to discuss." she said motioning to a comfortable looking chair seated near the bed. As Mike approached, he began to feel a little uneasy. Something about the form of the woman under the bed covers didn't look quite natural. Unable to identify what was troubling him, Mike simply sat crossing his legs in a manner he had never been able to accomplish before, but was quite comfortable with now. "You look as though you are adjusting well to your condition," she noted conversationally, "but I'm sure your anxious to know what this is all about." Uneasy and beginning to doubt his decision, Mike simply sat and stared at the doe-eyed blonde. A stray thought suddenly ran through his head, "Why was the door locked - from the outside?" Mike's gaze began to wander the room searching for potential exits. "You see Mike, you were not the only survivor of the accident. The explosion that tore your body apart burned nearly 90% of mine -- leaving me near death." Mike's gaze snapped back to the young woman, his face a masque of confusion. He knew there had been other survivors, but to think this woman had been recently hurt to the degree she eluded to... seemed difficult to accept. "Ah, I see I have your full attention now. I bet you're wondering how I can look as good as I do now when just weeks ago I had stumps for arms and legs and my lips literally burned from my face. And the answer is quite simple really; it was the same random mixture of chemicals that saved your life. Only my recovery was affected a little differently. "This new miracle of Pharmacorp's has been nicknamed 'Phoenix'. Pretty appropriate don't you think? A wonderful little substance really, it not only allows unlike tissue to knit itself together, as in your case. But will take on the properties of outside cell structures it is combined with, as in my case. "I can tell you have no idea where this is heading, so I'll get the point. I know you Mike. As a matter of fact, I know you quite well - Mr. G.R. Brownstone." Mike began to feel faint as all the blood rushed from his face. Mr. G.R. Brownstone was the persona he used when checking into the local Motel 6 during his affair with Brenda. The only other person, who could possibly have known that name, was the person who helped create it - Jerry. "I can see by the look on your face that you have guessed my identity! Shall I continue? Or do you need a little more information to remove any doubts?" Mike sat open mouthed, too stunned to respond. "Okay, let's see." the blonde continued getting no response from Mike. "Anyone could know how you shared the ABC gum with me - we told that story a thousand times. But could anyone know about the time we snuck into your mom's room and found her book on sexual positions? Man, we laughed about that for days!" The young woman rambled on for a few minutes about many of the wild antics he and Jerry had enjoyed over the years then suddenly stopped and looked Mike directly in the eyes. "You're probably wondering why I look like a big titted blonde aren't you?" Mike numbly nodded his head in response. "Well my friend, I did make it to Lucky's that night. I was running late and by the time I got there you were just heading off for your little tease-n-tickle session with Tanya, so I decided I would get a better look at Gloria while I waited. That's when the explosion hit. "Like I told you, my body was burnt beyond recognition. As a matter of fact, my injuries were so severe they lost me on the operating table. I'm told I was on the table at the morgue waiting for identification when something miraculous happened. "One of the members of the Pharmacorp staff brought in to help clean up their mess noticed a movement from under my sheet. Quickly pulling the sheet back, she noticed a most interesting development - even beyond the miracle that I was alive. New skin had begun to grow and it had only been a few hours since the accident! As I'm sure you're aware, this is unheard of in burn victims, skin simply does not regenerate itself. They knew immediately something big was going on, especially in light of your condition. "I'm sure it was easy for them to sneak me out of the morgue, with so many people hurt in this terrible tragedy, one missing body would never be noticed. That's when I was brought here for further observation. "As you can see, something amazing did happen. Not only did I grow new skin, but my arms that had been lost were starting to regenerate! Do you have any idea how excited they were? They must have just been pissing in their pants thinking about the money they were going to make from this stuff! "But that's when things started to get weird. They knew when they brought me in that I was male, but as I healed, I developed female attributes, which I'm sure you have noticed by now. As it turns out, their wonderful new compound works in ways they never dreamed! "They've discovered that this compound when cultivated with a cells DNA, uses that cell structure as a blueprint to rebuild damaged tissue - no matter what the original structure was. Long story short, the stuff got mixed with Gorgeous Gloria's DNA, before landing on me. While my body was desperately fighting to rebuild the damage, this gunk helped me along - only it provided my cells with a set of plans nature never intended." Mike sat in stunned disbelief. This had to be Jerry, the way he spoke, held himself, the comments he made, and the things he knew! It could be no other! Besides, how could he dispute the evidence? He had only to glance down at his own set of mammaries to dispel any lingering doubts! Mike stood and began to slowly walk towards his oldest and dearest friend, tears streaming down his face when his eyes caught the movement from under the sheets again and his blood ran cold. That was not a set of legs hidden beneath the sheet. Something else had happened to Jerry. Something he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know! Jerry noticed Mike's sudden change in stature. "Ah, I see you noticed the other 'gift' I received from Gloria. Did you realize that her act included a snake as a prop? Not just a snake, but an eight-foot python named Max? Well my friend, apparently Gloria's DNA wasn't the only that I received." With this said, Jerry pulled back the sheet to reveal his naked body. Mike stood aghast. He kept looking at Jerry from top to bottom over and over, much the way he had examined his own body when he discovered his changes. From about the waist up, Jerry was a stunningly beautiful woman. She looked to be about 20 years old with a golden mane of hair that reached past her shoulders and a set of tits like Mike had never seen before; so big they looked unreal. Where Mike's senses began to feel more like they were being projected from the Twilight Zone was below Jerry's slender waist. Where his hips began to expand, there was a very natural looking, albeit hairless, vaginal opening complete with labia major and minor. The feminine slit was positioned in the approximate location one would expect, except it was not between Jerry's legs. But even this was not so unusual, because Jerry had no legs! Where his legs should have been was what Mike could only relate to as a serpent's, except covered in human flesh that matched the rest of the unique body. Jerry's lower extremities were about four foot in length tapering from his hips to a slender snake- like tail! Mike could only look on in horror with a strange sense of awe. Jerry watched Mike carefully for a long time. "Please, come touch. Don't be afraid. I assure you, you will be surprised." Helplessly watching as his legs propelled him closer to Jerry's bedside, Mike kept sending the signal to stop! But his body was callously ignoring him! As if watching from another point in the room, Mike watched as his hand reached out and at first tentatively touched, then gently began to stroke Jerry's 'legs'. Finally managing to break the control his body seemed to hold over him, Mike recoiled his hand as quickly as if he had been stroking a real snake! Jerry chuckled aloud "Don't worry, it's natural. Everyone reacts that way at first. But it's fascinating isn't it?" Mike could again only slowly nod. Jerry's tail felt as soft and smooth as he would have expected any other part to feel. Smooth, warm, and, well, sensual! This time in control, Jerry reached out again and began stroking Jerry's tail. Mike caught a different movement out of the corner of his eye coming from an area just below Jerry's vagina. Startled, he withdrew his hand again. Hearing Jerry laugh, Mike looked directly at his friends face then towards the movement he had noticed. Laughing so hard he was now crying, Jerry managed between gasps, "Did I forget to mention that Max was a male snake?" Mike looked on, still in disbelief of Jerry's tail. But this time his focus was on the gigantic erect, and startling enough, human- looking penis that protruded from a previously unnoticed slit below Jerry's vagina. Seeing the colossal penis on the beautiful woman gave Mike that odd feeling deep in the pit of his stomach again. Abruptly, Mike realized his pussy was growing very warm and damp. To make matters worse, his nipples had grown very erect and were straining for freedom through his bra creating small peaks in his shirt. Oh dear God, he was horny!!! Then something gave way in Mike's mind, perhaps it was the stress of everything that had happened, perhaps it was the totally bizarre situation he found himself in, or perhaps it was that he finally accepted the fact that no matter what, life was to be different from now on. Regardless of the cause, Mike began to feel as if the weight of the world had been taken from his shoulders. Despite all the strangeness, all the anger, all the grief. He intuitively felt everything was going to be okay. Hearing Jerry laugh at his own joke left no doubt in his mind that his friend was indeed the beauty that lay before him. The laughter also reminded him of how empty his life had become without Jerry in it. Now laughing himself, Mike flung himself on to Jerry's bed. He lay quietly beside his old friend for quite some time before he finally managed the courage to turn towards him. As he began tracing circles around the nipples of his friend's huge tits, Mike finally asked, "So, how do you feel about women that shave... their faces?" "I'm not sure yet, how do you feel about big-titted snake women with twelve inch cocks?" Jerry responded coyly, nipples hardening at the attention they were receiving. "Hmmm, I guess there's only one way to find out." Fini

Same as Survivor Videos

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Casual Game Changed Into Fuck Game

Hi this is Vaibhav narrating a story about my lovely young office supervisor. I am an engineering student with decent looks and good body, after reading this story do tell me how you liked it and you can always contact me on for any help or any girl who want a new secret friend. This is a story of how I made love to my supervisor of the human resource department, her name is Jaya (name changed) who is 27 yrs. Old she has an oval shaped face pointed with a pointed nose, she has great brown eyes...

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Honey On the Farm1

I was a little annoyed to receive a routine email from the local agricultural society of which I’m a member and notice that the sender had failed to use the BCC feature so there was my personal email address openly broadcast to all 150 members. Darn! So I wasn’t really very surprised when I received an email a few days later from Milo, a farmer and dog- breeder whom I knew slightly from ag. society meetings and such. “I heard somewhere” he stated “that you are looking to obtain a Labradoodle...

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Career Opportunities Part Two

Career Opportunities, Part Two By Valerie Hope The 'diversions' arrived an hour or so later, delivered by two orderlies accompanied by more of the musclemen, which Dr. Kelly seemed to have in such great supply. Two large boxes were delivered, full of books, magazines, games and other such stuff. The men clomped over in their ungainly boots and tore into the treasure trove excitedly. "What the hell?" Hollis exclaimed in shock as he began pulling items out of the boxes. "What...

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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

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Betsy CarterChapter 10

It was a great day to be on a boat. The weather was great and the water was calmer than usual. Chuck stood on the deck of the Bloated Shark looking out at the horizon. Having grown up on an island, he knew for a fact that he wouldn’t get seasick. Most people who were raised on the islands spent a lot of time around the water. They surfed, boated, or swam. Chuck had done all three while growing up. So far, the trip had been rather boring. They had pulled out of port early that morning and...

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HIThis is another one of my real life experiences. All my cross dressing and sex experiences are on my work trips as that is the only time I am alone and I can indulge in my pleasures ( as I live in a joint family n India so cross dressing at home or in my home town is not possible).So here I was getting ready to go on another work trip to Lucknow ( a big town in the state of UP in India). I reached there by train around noon and since the office was about 60 kilometers out of town I hired a...

1 year ago
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A Better WorldChapter 8 Dr Marsha Savage Chemical Dependency Rehab Project

Hey! A new day. Joe, wake up. You and I have KP. I am going to need help this morning. I did something last night that may affect us all. Joe arose like a shot. "Oh! What a great sleep. Now what did you do?" I connected my first person. It was Adam's girl friend Katie Bowman. Who is she? Well, Adam was lonely and wanted some one to snuggle and do other things with. I told him that all of the women here were attached. I thought that maybe working his steps might help. So I had him make...

1 year ago
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A show for Greg

"There he is!" giggled Staci. "Are you sure we want to do this Amber?" "Come on Staci, you know we've been talking about this for days," Amber said. "Besides, I'm so horny right now, I don't care who watches." The girls had been noticing Greg watching them when he was out working on his car every day. Today was lawn cutting day, and the girls had decided to give him a show. Amber leaned up and opened the blinds to the bedroom window, and raised the window a bit..catching Gregs attention. She...

4 years ago
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Neighbour Made Me Fuck Her Part 8211 2

Hello Indian sex stories dot net readers! This is Yash back with continuation of my story neighbour made me fuck her. If you’re reading my story for the first time please read the first part so you can have idea of the scene. So as you guys know, I was alone at home and already fucked niharika a day before. My parents weren’t going to return for a week so I could bang her everyday. We already made a plan to enjoy toady (I.E 2nd day). It was morning 9 a.M. I received a WhatsApp msg from niharika...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning

Sitting here during lockdown I think back over my life and especially my sexual life, the year was 1971, and little did I know that I was about to be introduced to something that would then lay dormant for far too many years.  It all started at a party in North London, I was sitting on the floor staring into space, the music was loud and no one could really hear the other person talk, but people were dancing.  He came over to me and said, "You look like the most bored person in the room." I...

3 years ago
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My Loving Family 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys, my name is Ragini. I live with my family which includes my elder brother Rahul my mom Sheetal and my dad, Ravi. Right now my age is 24 and my figure size is 36-30-38. And my mother’s sizes are 34-32-40. We live in Agra. This story took place when I was 18 yrs old and my Rahul was 21. So jumping on the story. It was a hot afternoon in summer and we all were just lying around in the house. Suddenly Rahul said that why don’t we go to Goa for vacation so that we can relax and have fun. My...

4 years ago
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Uncle Toms Desire

Uncle Tom barely has a chance to get out of his car before his niece Lilly wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly."I have missed you, Uncle Tom!" He had been gone for a year on business and during that year his niece had on into a fine young woman...very fine. He puts his arms around her has he feels her large DDD breasts press into his chest, he tries hard to keep from getting hard, sure she'd feel it with her body against him as it is.She lets go of him and takes a step back...

3 years ago
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Best Friends

It started at a sleep over in high school with one of my best friends. We were two young guys curious about porn and sex. After that first sleepover he would suck the cum out of me on a regular basis, and still does all these years later.I walk through the door as his girlfriend is leaving for work and we begin to hang out just like two normal guys. After chatting and making sure that his girlfriend was not coming back we move into the living room. He pulls out our stash of x rated movies,...

3 years ago
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Peppermint AnticipationChapter 4

Nigel groaned, and pushed himself upright. Rapidly wilting, his cock slipped out of Slave's formerly virginal asshole. Slave moaned at the sudden sense of loss. Her ass gaped open, a thick wad of his cum welling up then dripping down to coat the lips of her pussy. Both of them were covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Slave was smiling. Her ass was aching in the most wonderful way. Sir had popped her anal cherry. Or to be more specific, he had brooked no resistance and simply took it from...

4 years ago
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lil sisterdam it

so me n my gf were layin in bed cuddlin wen reach dwn n startd 2 rub my cock. i told her 2 stop bcuz her lil sister was aimlessly walkin around her house. she continue n got me hard. so i startd playin wit her tits. she got up,closed tha door n undressd. i did 2. she hops on top n stickz my cock inside her. she grabz my hands n places dem on her ass n tells me 2 smack it hard. about a minute into it her sister walks in n she startd screamin. i push my gf n cover her wit a blanket. her sister...

1 year ago
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Beach Daddy Sucks Me

However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all. Around mid morning today, I got myself motivated enough to get to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos bunch of selfies of me wearing those speedos on my blog if you are interested). As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and drive home. When I got home today I thought...

3 years ago
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The Plan2

It was our third night of the trip, but our first making it out of the hotel room. We decided to go out and pick up a stranger, but he didn’t know the stranger was already picked up. Carmen and I had been corresponding for a couple of weeks, since I found out about the trip. It was a pain to navigate the junk online, but finding her had been worth it. Her pictures didn’t do her justice. In person, she was an amazon beauty, curvy and tight. I suddenly felt nervous as I stepped away from Him to...

4 years ago
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Midsummer Night

“But Audrianna, you just don’t get it! I’ve been dry since New Year’s Eve!” Terri lamented — again — her non-existent sex life and wondered just how bad it would be to ring up her ex for a little booty call. Her reasons weren’t all that bad, thought her best friend Audrianna, recalling how Terri bragged about his skill and passion as a lover. And Terri should know. She couldn’t be called promiscuous but she certainly enjoyed sex. And with her shoulder-length wavy brown hair, brown eyes, trim...

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Driving Daughter to College

Brian! I’m sorry, I really am, but you know I have to go to Colorado! Mr. Atkinson is one of our most important customers and I have to go along to coordinate the showings. We have to show that the corporate office is personally attending to Mr. Atkinson!” We’d talked about this, but in the end, I had to give in. Julia was, after all, one of her company’s most successful executive account managers, and would fly to different parts of the country giving personal attention to their most...

2 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 21

After we went up and showered and changed; we all sat in the living room. Sari and I explained everything, including the GED test that was scheduled. They actually agreed that it was a good idea. We were taken to task for some of our more underhanded shenanigans. “Stuart,” dad said. “If it’s any consolation, that wasn’t the first time that the dining room table was used for such purposes. Isn’t that right dear?” Mom blushed deeply, and replied, “You’re correct, John. Sarah, don’t be mad at...

4 years ago
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Are you going through my daughters panties

It's a normal Friday night over at Rachael's house along with some the guys just hanging out chatting, watching tv, and trying out a few beers and such. At one point in the night Rachael asks if I can stay at her house tomorrow to watch her dogs while shes at work all day as well as her dad. Sure enough being a good friend I say yeah no problem. So the night goes on and we all have a good time and later that night we all go upstairs to sleep in her room.It's Saturday morning around 10am and I...

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Birthday BBW ThreeSome

I was late early getting home from work & for some reason I didn't pull in the garage. I went in my house through the back door. Rebecca was on the phone with someone she knew. I didn't know who it was, but it was someone she worked with by the conversation talking shop. Beca didn't know I was there.By the conversation, it was about adult sex. I quickly picked up the phone in the garage to listen in. Beca said, Tammi I want to surprise bob with a 3some. I know you can be trusted to keep...

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Through Our Eyes 3

Her Tuesday Day Three My eyes opened, feeling the warm sun playing on the bed. My dreams had been empty, but I suddenly remembered the previous nights dream. Being held down, my nude body so wanton for him, his eyes ravishing me, I was surprised to realize how much I missed him. ‘Missed him? How could I miss a stranger in a dream? Or, was I missing my handsome neighbor… were they the same?’ Rising quickly, I entered the bath and let the shower’s water heat to a misty steam before entering....

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 20

It was a Saturday afternoon; Mark Taylor was sitting in his recliner watching television when his daughter, Sarah, came into the room. At 5’4” and 118lbs, the fifteen-year-old was very developed, some would say overly developed, and sexy for a teenager her age. Her measurements were already 35-23-34 and causing her to have to wear C-cup bras. Another thing that set young Sarah apart was her beautiful mane of long medium dark-red hair that hung down past her small waist to the top of her...

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Learn To Like it

Chapter OneThe phone rang at his desk, which was annoying just like it was the 20 previous times it had rung that morning. It had been a busy time at work and every phone call was just another little interruption in his working day. He picked it up and reception told him that there was a client out the front to see him. He asked who it was and they said it was Jeannie. He checked his diary as he was sure he did not have clients booked in and said to the receptionist that he would be out there...

2 years ago
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Family Lessons 15 By Darklord

Introduction: The two Moms have phone sex. Good morning Sara, Josies voice said in Saras ear as she held the receiver between her chin and her shoulder. Morning Josie, she answered as she waved Jamey out of the room, on his way to pick up some supplies for the party. How are you this morning? Horny, as always, Josie answered. What about you? Oh, I could be, with just a little prodding, but Jameys out running errands and the kids are off doing who knows what. Yeah, pretty much the same here,...

1 year ago
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The Dance

(Author's note: The transformation is not my original idea, but what is these days? For those of you that have seen the movie Legends, you should recognize it as a variation from this movie.) The Dance By Grimbo The dream has come to me every night for the last three weeks and I've always awakened before it ended. It's gotten to the point where I've started writing down what I can remember and piecing it together so that I would have a written version. This story is that...

2 years ago
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My Hot Chubby Bhabhi 8211 Part I

Hello to all my friends who are members of ISS. I really do not know how to start just I will begin with this it’s about relationship of me and my hottest Bhabhi. I do not feel guilt at all now after having tremendous fuck with her and she is also equally responsible. Now my family member and we are 6 family members including my Bhabhi and 2 sisters who got married and living in Delhi, Father passed way long time ago. We have 3BHK apartment at Navi Mumbai area and there is close station nearby...

2 years ago
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Famil 2

My sis In laws by now, own a in ground pool behind their house. By now I'm divorced from her sister but we are all on good speaking terms and I realize I should have married the younger sister. Anyhow, it's coming up on my communities big party of the year. Former sis in law says that her and some friends, plus HER new sister in laws will be attending, and crashing at HER in laws. (Damn they are hotter than than my original sis in law, you probably are sayin yeah right, it's true, HUGE...

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The Girl Scout 9 Sleeping Beauty

Lisa’s mind swirled in an unconscious state. (Warming up for a meet Lisa looked across the track field. With the sun in her eyes she squinted to see a man walking toward her. Tall, strong strides she could make out the uniform. She started running. It had to be. But it couldn’t, not for another two weeks. Held in her Dad’s strong arms she felt safe. She didn’t want him to go back, not back to that terrible place.) Man dat sume crazy shit. Laughed Lamont. Did u hear her...

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Car play is to much fun to pass up ch2

My lover has such a great job not only does he get to deliver my restaurant's product but gets paid for 10 hours to sleep for some of that time and fuck me for the rest. This week’s delivery was his normal route in Tahoe, only this week it was snowing making everything take longer so it made his time run out and his layover time in Tahoe. Which meant he couldn’t drive for 10 hours. Yay for me, he got us an executive suite at one of the casinos out there we regularly go to. I needed...

3 years ago
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Jeri Ryan Sex Scandal

Introduction: The true account of what had been deleted from actress Jeri Ryans divorce papers. She has sex in a swingers club. Check online to read her account if you like, this story reads betweens the lines. When Senator Jack Ryan lost the election in 2004 much of the blame fell on their divorce papers in which his then wife actress Jeri Ryan disclosed a bunch of their personal information. Specifically she claims that she was taken to sex clubs by her husband who wanted to have sex while...

2 years ago
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Candice Parker Part 2

Candice Parker - Part 2 Chapter 5 - More Meetings Candice continued helping out with the housework, as she and her staff settled into a routine. While Mrs. Belfridge remained uncomfortable with her Mistress working as a maid, she accepted the fact that there was nothing she could do about it. Besides, she had to admit to herself that Miss Parker, while a bit clumsy, was a very thorough and energetic worker. With a little more experience and polish, Mrs. Belfridge thought, Miss...

1 year ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 28 Remodeling

2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....

3 years ago
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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 05

Introduction:This is the tale of my first Sexual encounter which I narrated to my wives and sisters in law on their insistance to know about my prior sexual life.continued from part 4....After bidding adieu to Ms. Jane & Ms. Daina when I reached home I met my parents there. On the dinner table, they told me to call Ms. Jane to request her to join them for breakfast tomorrow morning at 9 AM as they have to catch a flight to Kashmir at Noon.I messaged the instructions given to me by my...

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Me my sis her friend and the police women

Anyways it was 6:00am on a school day and i was extremly horny becuase i had a dream about mirander Kerr and she fucked me. Anyways i woke up with only my bra and panties on. I walked to my closet and got out my school uniform which consisted of Knee High socks, leather shoes (anycolour), Big skirts, knee skirts or 24 inch skiet (mini skirt), small buttoned shirt with a tie. I put them on and the 24 inch skirt. I was walking to get my bag an Sarah came into my room with her school uniform on...

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Aunty8217s Family Affairs 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, My name is Nilesh and I am 24 years old .This incident happened when I was in high school. I am from a typical Mumbai middle class background. My mom and dad both used to work for State Government and we lived in a Government quarter. I was quite studious and sincere boy in school. Suresh uncle and Radha Aunt were our immediate neighbors. Suresh uncle was state ministor’s PA and Radha aunt was housewife. Due to his important job Suresh uncle used to work almost all days in a week. I...

2 years ago
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Money is Power Part 8 reformatted

Why would anyone put up with this, you ask? Well, Mindy, over the course of a couple years, stole $30,000 from her church building fund. The church books are to be audited on Monday and Mindy will be busted. In addition to worrying about jail, Mindy was only able to take the money because her boyfriend/fiancé is the church treasurer. He will be disgraced and certainly dump her. Mindy is twice divorced, with two kids, and is certain this is her last real chance for love. She really wants this...

1 year ago
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Maid for Fun

The following morning they get up at the usual time, Lynn gets ready for work whilst he puts on his jeans and tee shirt as he has a day off work today. He makes the breakfast whilst Lynn baths and puts on her make-up. After she has eaten her cereal and drank her tea Lynn dresses, kisses him goodbye and leaves for her day at the office. As he has the whole day to himself he decides to go into town and do some shopping. The events of the previous evening fresh in his mind he decides to put one of...

2 years ago
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The Youth Pastor Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Saturday came faster than I thought it would. As my mom drove me down the gravel road she asked me if it was appropriate that I should be spending 5 hours alone with a man. I told her it would be fine and not to worry because we would be at the tack shop most of the time. So I arrived at Mr. Monroes house and knocked on the door. He answered and asked what we should do first. I told him that we should go to my favorite tack shop called The Big Red Barn. We went and bought some...

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Biriyani Virunthudan Oru Ool Sugam

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumanam aagiya oru akkavai matter adika kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Varungal, kathaikul selalam. En peyar Faisal, vayathu 27 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. Naan veetirku ore paiyan thaan, maduraiyil vasithu varugiren. Corona time enbathaal naan veetil iruntha padiye thaan velai seithu vanthen. En sonthakara akka oruval irukiraal, aval paarka sema sexyaaga irupaal. Oru nattukattai pola irupaal, aval pine niraiya aangal...

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Do For Love and HealingChapter 3

She nodded for he used to say those things when they were lovers. She was also feeling very stimulated as she pictured in her mind what they used to do and how it felt. God, she needed some type of release, she was wetter then she had been in months, maybe years. When he finally left she would have to go to the bathroom to take care of herself even if there was a chance of someone coming in while she was cuming. She was so preoccupied with those thoughts she didn't notice him slowly lean...

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The Visitors 2

If you haven’t read The Visitors please read that one first. My balls still hurt from the fucking Ashley & Amber gave me earlier that day. The girls wanted to fuck more that night (Oh how remember when I was in my early twenties). I or I should say we decided to order Chinese food & have it delivered. The girls knew a good Chinese food restaurant that delivered so they called an ordered the food. We watched the video of day 1, they climbing over the fence & playing in the pool naked....

2 years ago
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Obsessed with the Cock

Anyways, we punched a couple of brews, had a few laughs and I took him back to his house to drop him off. He seemed to want the good times to keep rolling when he asked me in for another beer. It sounded good to me, so I followed him into his house. He said to make my self at home while he grabbed us a couple more beers. He had a pretty nice house. I was checking out his living room....nice large flat screen television and what looked like a couple of hundred DVDs. He had a couple of large...

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Long RelieverChapter 3

Susan waited until eleven o'clock the following day, the Orioles' first day on the road, to call Zeke Taylor on his cell. She was trying for minimum feasible inconvenience to him. Knowing the club had a night game scheduled, she was trying to catch the ballplayer before he was likely to head out of his hotel room for lunch. "Mr. Taylor?" "Yes?" "This is Susan Munger. I'm the person Arlie Stone talked to you about. The writer looking for an agent to handle my novel." "Yes. What...

2 years ago
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Djunn Game II

Djinn Game II By Ellie Dauber (c) 2002 Leo Morgenstern sat on a finger of rock at the edge of Chapman's Cove, watching the crowd of people on the beach below. The cove was just a ten-minute drive from his college campus and very popular with the students, especially on a warm September afternoon like today when swimming was still possible. Leo was 6 foot 4 of solid muscle, a first string lineman on the college team, even though he was only a junior. He was taking advantage of...

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Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

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SeeHimFuck Camila Cortez The Southern Shooter

Long haired blond stud Julian Jaxon makes his See H?️M Fuck debut this week, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Camila Cortez ❤️ for this week’s update. After our delightful director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM and his python boots ?? Julian begins to strip for Camila (and you lol) and when that big girthy gift ?? pops out of his See HIM boxers ? well, she just had to get a taste. Camila then begins to slather lube ? all over HIM, paying special attention to...

3 years ago
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The Prescription Fill Generically or Dispense as WrittenChapter 2

I wasn't sure how to walk into Friends Pharmacy and Convenience on Sunday morning. Sunday we were just open 9 till 6 then and Evelyn Tucker was the manager on duty for the day. When I got there I was the fourth in the store. There was Evvy, a cashier Janice, and John Duponti the pharmacist. When I swung the backroom doors open to punch in I was aware of Evvy holding a packing list and looking over a shipment of fall bulbs and the like. "Good morning Dean. Once you sweep up outside the...

2 years ago
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still nitemare part 1 of 2 parts

Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time... Anyway she says he owes her now of course... to be continued Jan 20th and she is back there right now getting what he owes her. That’s right her friend is in town and it’s a Saturday night and still she drops everything tonight to get served up. This comes after lastnite when he was trying to get her to go...

4 years ago
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There Is Something About A Hotel Room

I have just experienced the best night of masturbation, ever. Here's how it all "came" down: I had checked into a very nice hotel for a business conference, and I always get way horny when in a fancy hotel room with king bed all by myself. Just me, my cock, my ass and my rock-hard nipples, which are very sensitive to the touch. As soon as I walked in the door and locked it behind me, the clothes came off rapidly. Soon I was standing naked in front of the mirror, rubbing and tweaking my nips as...

1 year ago
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My sexy twink Lewis

Hi my name is billy and I'm 21 and I'm newly found gay but I hadn't told any one yet I'm still in the closet. Lewis is already out gay but before I knew he was gay I use to fantasize about us to kissing and falling on the bed then stripping and sucking each others dicks till we both came in each others mouths. and now that I know his gay I had to find out how to make a move on him (because we are close friends). So I thought to my self how could I seduce him.......I got it I'll just stay round...

2 years ago
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Wifeys Panties

Our phone sex is always so hot; you egg me on in so many ways. My wife has no idea how much I wear her panties not to mention her lingerie, stockings and dresses. We talk about what I'd wear when we get together as I suck your cock. You always have me send you pictures of me dressed in panties, stockings and high heels, telling me how perfectly stunning my penis looks in silky panties and you tell me what a hottie little sissy bitch I have become. I tell you when I'm lucky and find a perfectly...

2 years ago
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Rashidha Chap10 Massages

Being a slutty schoolgirl was awesome. I got teased to go to school without underwear or bra or even something in me. I got fucked while I was doing homework or revising, either in ass or pussy, or even both. At the end of year, when the exams was over, I got to have sex whenever i wanted. We got to try new things, and new positions. Our sex became hardcore as we were doing it rougher. I like it rough though. When my dad would want me, he would say :"Pitin vine la [Slut, come here]" or even...

4 years ago
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Surya Ki Maa Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi dosto one’s again DILIP , aap k bohat sare mail mile aur jaan kar khushi hue k aap ko surya ki maa pasand aaye . ha ha ha ha mera e mail-add yad to hai na To yaro SURYA yad hai na ? Ha pata hai surya nahi uski MAA yad hogi aap logo ko aur laxmi bhi . To chlo hum apne agle part ki aur badte hai . Us din laxmi ki thukai kar k mai apne ghar ki aur chal pada , ye sochte hue k ab kis tarha surya ki maa ko apna bin bajane diya jaye aur kis tarha uski chut k namkin lekin bohat lajij pani piya...

4 years ago
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Mistletoe and HollyChapter 4

Rudolph was staying home tonight and once again I was helping my lovely date into the passenger seat of Mistletoe. Holly couldn't keep her hands at rest as she let then roam all over the interior and especially the stick shift. The memories of past years, and Holly's near constant erotic play with this phallic instrument certain brought back a lot of happy memories from the past and we just looked at each other and smiled. For a minute or so, I almost thought that Holly had missed my car...

2 years ago
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First time touched by a guy

When I was in 6th grade, we would have PE class where we would exercise, swim, gymnastics and other activities. We would change into gym clothes in the locker room before and after class because it was hot much of the year. We would shower after especially if we had swam. There was one student who was a little chubby that would run around naked after taking a shower and would try to grab the penis of anyone that was naked either drying off or getting dressed while he would be flipping his up...

3 years ago
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Dreadlock Holiday Day 13

Day 13Sally turned to me as we both woke up and I held her in my arms as we kissed each other, “good morning.”She asked, “Did you enjoy watching me last night?”I nodded replying, “Mmm, I did. I was just surprised you fucked a guy who looked like a thug.”She laughed and told me, “A lot of women like a bad boy, it’s a women thing.”With that we got out of bed and got ourselves ready for what was our last 48 hours here in Jamaica.I waited for Sally to join me outside wondering what slutty swimsuit...

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