Invocation free porn video

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Invocation By Irene Lew It was Friday night. I practically whistled all the way home. I shucked my shoes and went to the studio. At last I was ready to put my plan into action. I was afraid, for I knew that, however prepared, it would be risky - but I was excited as well. There was a large open space in the middle of the wood floor. I got out the powdered moonbeams and the calligraphy brush, and drew a large circle in the center - just a single line - and a smaller one to the side. Then I linked them with a line of goats' blood, selected a single orange blossom and placed it in my pocket, and put away the materials. I drew a deep breath and stepped into the small circle. In a language spoken by no nation, I called for the one I sought. I tossed the bloom into the center of the other circle, and prepared to wait. Exactly thirteen minutes later (the idea being that amateurs have usually given up and erased the circle by then, or so I'd been told), he came, noiselessly. He stood perhaps seven feet tall, perhaps more. His face was unyielding and his eyes bore into me. His skin was the red of blood. He bore no hair save on his face, but his ears stuck up like a cat's, or like a pitchfork. His muscles rippled with strength, yet he moved not as if by force but simply as one who is totally confident those things will give way before him. And, of course, like all demons, he was completely nude, with his soldier at permanent full attention. He paced for a good two minutes, inspecting his surroundings, before he spoke. "What'll it be?" He radiated disinterest. I answered in the same tone, "The usual, Bill." Bill looked directly at my eyes and grinned, showing his pointed teeth. "Are you sure, even now, that I cannot tempt you with more? My realm has much knowledge which has been lost to yours." He always said that, the teaser. I shook my head. "Not tonight." He nodded soberly. "As you say, so shall it be. This will hurt!" I had always loved to watch the process. Perhaps that would provide me with some cover for what I had to do. I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it out of my protective circle (Bill incinerated it as it passed the boundary). I pulled off my socks, then balled them together, whispered a word to give them speed, and spitefully flung them at his head; they were a small blue fireball. He laughed. Then the pain began. My hips were immediately in agony. Though not the worst, perhaps the sharpest pain short of an actual injury is that of a dislocated joint. Unable to stand, I fell on my behind. Fortunately I was significantly more padded there than I had been a moment ago, but it still hurt. I kept my legs within my circle; I had made it large enough for this. I looked down at myself; my nipples were already swollen to the size of plums (it felt like my skin was being torn apart), and I could see my erection through my pants. Suddenly I screamed in sheer horror. Surely my nether region had just been torn out. I rolled, shouting and weeping for minutes. When I could see again, it was only because all the nerves in my groin had been cauterized. Bill had vaporized my genitals, artfully leaving a hole in my pants where my penis had pressed up moments before. I could see the volumes of blood still welling out from the wound. I ignored them for the moment and felt my chest again. I fondled my sensitive nipples, not quite the size of baseballs. As my hands touched them, all my body hairs burst into flame, opening a few small cuts, which formed scabs quickly. Since my palms were against my chest, they were stung. That was worse timing than usual - revenge for my socks? Timing! I had almost forgotten. If my plan, for which I had waited so long, was to work, I absolutely had to get my pants off now. If I took much longer at it, Bill would know something was up. I moaned something about heat, and slid the pants off; the remains of my underwear clung to them. Now I was nude on the floor. I heard a laugh. A cold wind blew, and just a little water accompanied it; it swept away all my powdered body hairs quite cleanly, but merely caused the blood which covered me to form a crust. The wind died... but not completely. I curled into a ball and shivered. My breasts were really coming along now... and I hadn't inspected my face at all. I ran hands along it, feeling the smooth skin. The healing must have started - yes, a glance at my crotch showed that my vulva was beginning to grow in where my male genitalia had been. It was still burnt enough that I would regret it if I touched it now; I refrained. Instead I felt my angular cheeks, tender eyelids, and soft chin. My Adam's Apple was gone; I tested my voice. "Much more bearable than usual. You're slipping." It came out in the dulcet way that meant everything to me. I kept any trace of spite from my voice; I didn't like being mad and was determined not to act it. "Sure, you say that now, when you know the hard part is over." Well, what did I expect? From there, the pain reduced steadily. Just to test, I ran a finger down my clitoris; it felt wonderful. The first masturbation with new equipment always did. My breasts had reached full size, a nice C-cup. Just the way I liked them. My hair was shoulder-length, and peach-red. Many people have a false idea of red hair. The real thing isn't like fire. In men it can be like copper; in women, well, I've heard every description: Like roses, with all the beauty of the smell put into the way they curl. (Damn flatterers, how I love them.) Like clear peach wine. Like the sun. Most of the rest center around flowers. To me, though, the most honest description is simply that it's the color of a peach near its pit. Mine has a tendency to curl in a way that I just adore (except when Bill changes it for a lark, of course), and I wear it down most of the time, so that it falls in ripples. Today, despite having been through fire, tearing, and sweat, my hair was looking simply radiant. That's how I know Bill can appreciate beauty. The changes reached completion. I stood and faced the other circle, my hands at my side. My hair hung across my cheeks and my breathing was slow. The demon waved a hand, and a mirror appeared before me. In it I saw... My male self, horribly scarred, probably castrated for life. He got me for a second. Then I evoked, "Arbelos o nator!" and my true mirror appeared beside his. I inhaled! I was stunning. From the shoulders up I was perfectly clean. My face had the cheery look I remembered, and I giggled, just to see that face with a smile on it. The rest of my nudity looked unappealing at the moment; the dried blood was still there. My skin was all perfectly smooth though. Wait - it wasn't all dirty; a neat little triangle of fuzz grew in my crotch. Cool, free grooming. It also probably indicated that my transformer was turned on (his erection was everlasting but his arousal was not), which boded favorably for my plan. The masculine chuckle brought me back to the present. I dismissed the mirrors and they turned to steam, which rose out of sight. "Yes, very funny." As I spoke, I looked at the ground and noticed that my stash of feminine clothes was across the room, out of reach. "You should have seen your face." The stash turned to smoke. He'd seen where they were from the beginning, of course. "I couldn't. Somebody had replaced it." I cast my hands in mock dismay at my unclothedness. We were both laughing. "I'll bet you enjoy the pain." "If you really thought that, you'd make it painless. I hate it, of course... but it's worth it." "True enough. Though making it painless would be almost impossible." He paused and looked at me. "Well, I suppose you'll be wanting to go see your date now -" Now was the time. "Hold!" I commanded, "For I do not release you." That stopped him. "Something more?" "I don't have a date tonight." What I was trying was risky. I had to seduce him - but the older demons can always control their urges, so I had to get it far enough along before he realized what I was doing, or he'd just turn off his arousedness and leave me embarrassed. And hopeless - if I failed once I had begun, I would never get another chance. "Oh? I thought the programmer..." "I dumped him." "Well, certainly I can give you access to our male harems. Of course, there is a price." That was no empty offer; most of Hell is far less than its repute, but the harems are the best in the multiverse. I'd stolen my way into them before, but I didn't think he knew that. "I don't want your harems." "We have fat men, thin, short, tall, strong, weak. Would you like to take revenge on someone for the pain you were in tonight? We can arrange that." As he spoke I strategically repositioned my hips, putting my best angle forward. "No." "I can sell you a love philtre. Find the man for you in your clubs, and I can assure you he will be jumping your bones within minutes - and a happy marriage is our guarantee." "Love doesn't come in philtres and you know it. I can spell my own pomegranate seeds. They don't work on the man I want." I certainly had his interest by now... in both ways, I hoped. Demons saw innuendoes in everything; well, so did I, so what matter? "Oh? One of the fey then. Or a God? Either one will surely be difficult to deal with." He paused for thought. "I think I can help you, though." Damn it all, it wasn't working. I had his interest, all right, but he was about as horny as a jellyfish. I hadn't worked out much more of my story; I had to stall for time and hope I could be sexy enough. I raised my arms and spun a pirouette, knowing it was silly. Without shoes it was difficult, but I had studied for a long time, and of course the Art aided me. "He's a very handsome man, and thoughtful. Any woman would love him, except for his station." True enough. I can twist words with the best of them. Was that a smirk I saw? Was he on to me? - No, surely he just imagined that I had foolishly allowed myself to love the Prince of the Mabh, or some such personage. "Have you a plan, or is it lore you seek?" "Both, I think. I seek the lore to learn whether my plan will work." "Always you were a wise one." "Not always. In this, I hope." I was staring at his chest now. He might not be aroused, but his muscles were making my nipples solid as stone, and I was nearly leaking down below. Keeping focus was hard. "Tell me, then, of your plan. Coming from you it will surely work." It had already failed. If he weren't aroused by the gestures of submission I'd been making all evening, he never would be. He might even have caught on. How could I get out of this in a way that would leave me a second chance? My mind was giving no ideas. To buy a few more seconds I did another pirouette, and held the spin. He waited patiently. Of course. My Bill is always patient. Patient, but did he not wonder at why I was stalling? As soon as it occurred to me, it was a certainty. He knew. Even now he must be trying to figure out what I had sought to gain from him. The longer I delayed, the more I dug my own grave. I came to a halt, looked at the ground to ease my dizziness. What could I do? I was already defeated. My cheeks were burning. I stepped forward, out of my circle. "Curse you, Beelzebub Beelzebubsson the Thirtieth! Couldn't you let me get what I want?" If he'd wanted to test my defenses, our fight would have finished in seconds. He'd been here so often that this was as much his home ground as mine. I looked up. He hadn't left. Why hadn't he? I raised my volume. "Do you think just because you're tenth in line for the throne, you have to be immune to women?" I took another step. He still hadn't said a thing. I lowered my gaze to his nether area. Pointing straight at me, as always. "You knew I was trying to seduce you. But you could have let me. What could I ever really have done? Didn't you trust me at all?" We were only two steps apart now. I raised my head to meet his eyes. They were already looking into mine. I placed my hands defiantly at my waist and glared into his soft, pointed eyes. I had had sex many times, but never had I felt more feminine. "You were the one I wanted, Billsy. Ever since we met, who else have I told my deepest secrets to? Who is the only Artist I had no reason to fear?" Our power was roughly equal; the few human practitioners I knew were all far beyond me. "I wanted to bind you! The Prince of Hades. My greatest secret was the same as the one which Persephone kept so well that even the Greeks got it backwards. I loved a demon, though I should always have known he could feel naught but lust" - I spat the word; the tiny drop of spittle evaporated when it touched Bill's chest - "in return." I advanced. We stared at each other for the longest few seconds of my life, and I nearly lost my resolve. Knowing I could not foreswear myself this time, I stepped forward once more and was within his circle. Instantly he had grabbed me. He had one arm behind my back and one under my knees; I was in his arms butt-downward, and could do nothing about it - physically. Magically we could still have had a fair fight, I think. I started to speak, but he interrupted. "Now, you listen to me -" he paused, called me by what I had long considered my real name, "- Irene." I shivered. Yes, whether live or die, I would never be male again past this day. Yet his arms warmed me; this would be the last time I was ever to feel them, but they gave me comfort. "All night you've been acting like some sort of whore. Modesty may be superfluous when we've known each other this long, but you seemed to have the idea I wanted to dominate you. That's what they all think. I thought you were smarter. You've been a bad girl and you owe me an apology. "And then what would you have done if your seduction had worked? Bound me? Yes... Like any demon, I could be bound. Would you want that? Truly?" He stopped, seemed to want an answer. I had lost it all, but I had to say it. "No! No, Bill... anything but that... but how could you ever have come to me otherwise? How could we have ever had anything, where you have Hell's Aristocracy and I have the Circle as our chaperones? At least then we could have been together. It was wrong, I'm sorry." My tears were genuine. It felt GOOD to cry them; as a man I never would have. It was like a release from a lifetime of secrets. I knew that the tears would gain me nothing, though. His voice softened. "Irene... Innocent Irene." I snorted. "I'm as perverted as you." "Yet you know so little about being a woman. You thought it was being gentle, demure - your dance lessons - submissive, the way you acted tonight. And you spoke of pomegranate seeds as if you would want coerced love. In your way, you were the one who thought it was all about sex, never me." I stopped crying, blinked. Beelzebub, my sweet prince, continued, "Demonesses are like fire. They don't want men; they want creatures they can dominate. All who they touch, they burn. Oh, some of our kind do try to couple with each other, but they are always uneven relationships. Always the man, or the woman, secretly wants to be tortured. Among young demons ill-fated relationships are even common. Those of us who grow up, know that love as equals is the only true way. Yet politics makes it hard for us even then. Most despair of love and pretend they were never able to feel it. "No, by far the best for a demon wanting love would be to mate with a human. Yet this can only be allowed when the human is our prisoner. I could never imprison you, Irene." Ever since I chose it, I have loved the sound of my name. "I waited, oh, I waited, for you to say something. But never you did. I had to conclude that you were too much a coward to break with tradition. It saddened me very much - for I knew that you were not a coward. "I told you that you had not understood femininity. In the past minutes, as you walked toward me, you gave the most wonderful display of femininity I have ever seen." As I understood, I am sure that - for the first time - I blushed. "Womanhood is defending your own - in primitive times, your nest. These days, perhaps you're right to a man. Womanhood is the way you were enraged when I scorned you tonight. Womanhood is being businesslike, too, something you have ever done admirably. And, most of all," My eyes were dry now; I looked at him as if seeing his face for the first time. "Womanhood is how cute your face looks right now." Later there would be plans. We would have to elope; neither of our sides would want us around. Perhaps to another plane? Perhaps merely to the mapless lands. With our powers, faking my death here should be no problem. The Circle didn't know of my gender-changing habit; keeping it secret had been the whole point of calling a demon that first time. They would never find us. Nor was there any need for delay; we might as well start tomorrow, so that I would not have to become male again. I don't think I could have borne being a man after that night. Adventures would come. For then, we kissed.

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Mrs Jims Revenge

Mrs  Jim’s Revenge by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])M+/F, Grp, Interr, hetero, oral, anal, torture, abd, beast, scat, piss, forced proThis is a work of sexual fiction and fantasy. All characters and actions are purely imaginary.A teacher angers a powerful woman and pays the price.Prologue:Helen was in trouble. She didn’t know it yet but she was scheduled for a very unpleasant and prolonged set of experiences. She was a 30 year old high school teacher, about 5’ 4? tall, 120 pounds withcreamy...

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How I started Cross Dressing and other first times

I love to cross-dress! I love everything about it!Like most of us cross dressers, I love everything about ladies undergarments. I like seeing lingerie in ads, in stores, on models, on TV, on women, on men and of course on me! I love the feel when I am dressed up. I love the taboo of wearing them. I love the thrill of being “underdressed”, which is wearing lots of lingerie under your manly clothes, when I go to work. I especially love the incredible horniness and lack of all boundaries...

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Carmens early present pt2

The three of us relaxed for a few minutes until Matt told Joe to move off to the chair and while he sat down on the sofa. Looking at me, "Get your fuckin' ass over here" he said sternly to me and I went over and was ready to sit down next to him "Get on your fuckin' knees whore" he said as he reached up and slapped my face. I immediately got down on my knees in front of him. "Rise up a little" he ordered and I moved up a bit higher when he again slapped my face hard. "So you'd like to be my...

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WildOnCam Graycee Baybee Blonde And Naughty Graycee Baybee Cumming LIVE

Horny sweetheart Graycee Baybee loves to show off her baby blue lingerie for you with her long legs encased in sexy soft white stockings! She can’t wait to get more naked and comfortable so you can see how she likes to cum. She is not bashful in the least letting you get nice and close to her trimmed pussy while she masturbates with her dildo. How badly do you want to taste those sweet juices or make her moan when your big cock penetrates her tight little hole. Graycee would love it....

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 4 The Other Minister Revisited

The Mission Luna Lovegood was just finishing an article for the next edition of the Quibbler, when an owl flew in through her partially open window and arrived on her desk. It held out its leg to which an envelope had been attached. She unfastened it, gave the owl a little tit bit and watched it fly off. The envelope carried the seal of the minister for magic whom she had seen almost a week ago. She slit it open and read its contents. Dear Luna, I have seen the Muggle prime minister and...

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My Two Dirty Older LadiesTogether

I stepped out of the hot shower, so excited at what may lie in wait this evening. I was lucky enough to know a beautiful and very naughty lady called June, who satisfied all my wildest desires, and has done so over the past several years. She's amazing for her age, in her mid-sixties, and we have shared some amazing dirty times in hotel rooms (and bathrooms!) around the world.She was due here to my hotel room any minute, but this night was different, very different. With any luck, it would...

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A trip home with a man we met dogging

I met a nice chap Jay, who is in his fifties, when I was parked in a car park one night. It was too hot in the house for me to get comfortable so I had gone for a drive to cool off and I was sitting in a car park known for dogging (if I saw any “shows” it would be a bonus!). We had spoken several times before (I am quite regular at this car park) and I had mentioned him to Dee, who is in her thirties, when she asked who I had seen whilst I was out. She had even met him once on a...

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Irenes new Life

She was no longer her own person She was no longer her own person.? She was now property.? To her, it meant never having to make another decision, work at a job 5 days a week, or answer to anyone but her mistress for her actions.? What she never considered was the full scope of her ownership.? At this very moment, her mistress was organizing her future, with no input from her.? Her needs and wants were, after all, not all that important to her mistress. Janice had enticed the beautiful...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 5 The Game Heats Up

“Robin, since you seemed to like to show off ... I dare you to go into the kitchen. Remove the rest of your clothes, stacking them on a chair, and then coming back in here, and stay that way for one whole round.” Robin gasped, but not really shocked, she’d played dare games before ... it was only that this was really rather early in the game for such things ... but ... it seemed the alcohol was loosening everyone up rather rapidly. She debated about protesting, but even if she won, she’d be...

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New Client is my Dad

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I rolled over and reached for my phone so I can shut off my alarm. "Thank god it's Friday" I thought to myself as I laid back on the bed. Unable to even open my eyes yet I rolled over on my husband's chest being cautious not to let myself fall back asleep. Just in case though, I always have 3 alarms set on my phone... Yeah... I'm not a morning person. My husband Neil wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed my forehead. "One more day"...

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BULLS COCKS, COWS & HEIFERS Phil was newly divorced, his wife had given him several c***dren who were away at college. She had taken the house as part of the settlement & $20k a year from the business. Phil had converted an old warehouse into a bachelor pad. The main storage area downstairs he had it insulated and alarmed to store his vintage & classic collections.The wasted area space was enough to install two levels above the vintage & classic collections area.Phil is in his...

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SeniorChapter 8 Megan Freeman

Patricia was in a jovial mood when she dropped me off at the apartment. "That was fun. We should take our clothes off and have another long talk sometime," she said. I was tempted to tell her that I was sorry we hadn't fucked. It would have been true. "I enjoyed our goodnight kiss," I said. She promised to come to the pizza party on Friday night, and we parted friends. I hadn't fulfilled my goal to make Kenny regret that he'd forced himself on my girlfriend. After my long talk with...

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I Managed The Parttime Maid Noori

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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Female DelightsChapter 34 Zubeydehs Return

The harem was all coming and going and whispers and giggles. The normally tranquil, even languid boredom was changed. Everyone knew why within minutes; the Princess Zubeydeh was coming back! Someone had heard the Chief Eunuch giving orders for her reception at the doors of the Golden Palace. That in itself was strange; usually the escorting eunuchs brought new women straight into the harem anteroom, but it seemed that the Princess Zubeydeh was expected to arrive alone and possibly even...

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BIG man

Big man In my late teens I got seduced a lot by older men. Now I'm 46 , any markedlyolder men would be pensioners, but back then there was pleEEEnty of scope. There was a huge Karaoke party at a hotel in Birmingham, arranged and hosted by my then employer. There was a huge amount of free booze available. I didn't like to go home to my mom's really drunk, so I tended to book hotel rooms, and if I'd booked a hotel room, I may just as well have my fill of the free booze.By midnight everyone was...

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A Bound Present

I had been out doing errands for the past few hours, getting ready to head home. I instantly felt my cock harden a bit. It stayed hard the whole ride home as I thought about what waited for me.As I pulled into the driveway, my neighbors waved from their front porch. They were enjoying a few drinks and looked intent on inviting me over. I mumbled a quick excuse as I entered the house. I needed to get to the basement as soon as possible, the last thing I wanted was to chat idly with my...

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The Path Of Exhibitionist Whore

Hi guys, this is Jyothi again to continue where I left last week. Thanks for the responses and comments. Slowly, I started to become restless. It was heated boiling in between my thighs. With all the kneading and caressing my body received along with horny porn, I could just say that a thermometer is inserted in my pussy now would burst in the heat generated. I slowly got up from their laps and sat over the empty dinner table as if inviting everyone for the dinner of sex feast. Kumar and...

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First Experience As Gigolo

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers, this is my real sex story. I’m Karan from Delhi. I’m new here, I’m 23, athletic, 6 feet tall and a good looking guy. Right now, I work in an MNC and work as a part time gigolo. My dick is 6 inches big and very thick and got great stamina. This is my first experience of how I tried and became a gigolo, many more stories will follow. Please do share your love on It started when I came back from the US and broke up with my girl. Then, I started using tinder and had...

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part two several cocks are better than one of cou

I had just had the most cum I've ever had in my mouth, and it was still on my neck and my chest. My new friend had left, I had dinner sitting there but I wasn't hungry. I had to wait for more cock and the anticipation was killing me. I took a plastic spoon off from my dinner delivery and I scooped up a whole spoonful from my face, neck and chest. I looked at it and thought do I eat it now or later? I decided to save it. I carefully balanced the spoon onto the table to keep it even not wanting...

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SusanChapter 10

It was two weeks later and close to Thanksgiving. This time it was Susan's chance to get even with Colette for keeping her wedding a secret. The two girls had spent a lot of time preparing for what Colette thought was to be her change of ownership. She was going to Jim Fletcher as his body slave, but the two girls spent a lot of time getting things together for her to bring with her. What everyone else knew was that there was another palatial penthouse just waiting for her to return from her...

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Sex on a volcano

Behind the high walls out of the gaze of the curious, an orgy was taking place. Francesca was being screwed by two men one in each hole. Being double done was one of her favourite activities. One stud was on top whilst she bounced on the other taking her up the arse. The one at the front had to be pretty athletic to keep up with her. Across the room Lucia was receiving the same treatment only in her case she was lying on top of the young waiter whilst her boyfriend was inside her anus. Like...

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A Strange Place Called Florida

"So that's it, huh? Just gonna kick me outta this house and send me to some psychiatrist like I am some crazy person!" said Raul."Well, you are a damn moron for blowing a scholarship and getting yourself on probation. No more talking, go to sleep; your stuff is packed and you are heading out tomorrow morning. Do not even look at us, Raul, you are a fucking disgrace!" said Raul's dad.Raul went to sleep sad because his father had requested that he not spend time with the family during the summer....

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Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold (List of Characters is located at the end of the story) Chapter 1 "Yes, It is a fact...that bastard... waiting to be executed by California is a monster...he may have even been the one who got my mother pregnant...but he's not...

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The Orc Queen

Rohkella felt anxious, and not in the good, usual way like just before a battle. This was more like when she first became chieftain of her clan, the Stormhounds, and had to make her first speech to get them riled up enough to take on Bloodaxe clan. She didn't like to be this kind of anxious, but then she was the one to have this arranged, or rather ordered, in the first place. Brushing a strand of black hair out of her face with a toned green arm, she looked over at her axe resting against teh...

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The Amazing Mind Control MachineChapter 5

I made a plan. Wednesday I knocked on Marilyn’s front door. Regina had been there about 15 minutes. Marilyn answered the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “I brought those college entrance forms for you to sign” I said as I held up some folders. I brushed by Marilyn and entered the living room. Regina was sitting on the sofa with a book in her lap. She looked up at me and smiled. “Hi” I said and waved as I crossed the room and entered the kitchen. Marilyn followed me and closed the...

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Me aunt and cousin

It all started when I had visited my native place in kerela two years back. I was visiting my mom’s brother, his family consists of his wife 45, eldest daughter 19, and two other siblings. My aunt was a seductress from the beginning. She always used to change with the door open. This led to many of my fantasies being fulfilled. Once she had just come out of the bath and was changing as usual. I suddenly stepped into the bedroom without realizing that she was inside. That was the first time I...

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Our Tattered LivesChapter 11

The Christmas present With the pass of time and paying attention to her, her moods and how she behaved when problems or difficulties in the ranch arises, her reactions, her tantrums and her forlorn attitude I had realized that she was a lonely woman a very lonely woman, a woman with the need to have someone to lean on, a love-starved woman; a woman in need of someone who would love her. And in the closed boundaries of the ranch house with a particularly inclement weather on the outside that...

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My Brothers Wife

I was a little jealous when my brother got married to Lee-Ann, he was the only adult male I have ever been in contact with. Not that we had done anything together of course, but I would see his semi naked body coming from the bathroom, or smell his maleness in the laundry basket. Lee was a nice girl though, we got on great; she had these long, long slim legs, much nicer than mine. Her bust was large for a slim girl, but mine were even bigger. After they came back from their honeymoon, they...

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The wet spot again

Rachel stood in the middle of her living room, large eyes surveyed the furniture in a sweeping arc, taking in the expensive carpet, the beige leather sofa, coffee table with its customary one or two magazines carelessly strewn on the polished ash effect top. Jim’s television sat brooding and silent in the far corner, silently observing her return to her home after so long. Her reflection dimly mirrored her image in the black glass. A still, thin figure, dressed in jeans and a shirt as it...

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The London Underground0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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My Fathers Boss

There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event; my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I am more the type of girl that goes to rock concerts and biker bars. I have always felt more comfortable in a black tank top and split jeans. I could never have seen myself in a...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 15

When I arose from my slumber, my vampire nest had literally doubled in size, from three vampires to six. Justen, Damon, Jenny, Carrie, Bancey, and me were all vampires now, and relatively speaking, we were all newborns. Officially, my progeny included only Justen and Jenny, but now my offspring were Makers themselves. We were already a potential menace to several folks, and not just humans. Testing the waters, we hit Merlotte’s just in time to see Andy Bellefleur pop inside there as Acting...

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