Entertaining M'Lady free porn video

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As soon as i awoke the first conscious thought i had was of the unaccustomed weight of something in my loins; an odd constraint which meant i was not nearly as tumescent as perhaps i might be. Very much awake yet with my eyes still shut, my hand eased itself there so i could investigate. Of course i knew full well what it was, it had just not been sufficiently long for me to have become quite used to it. A hard plastic shell encased my most intimate part and though it strained to rise valiantly the shell prevented this. It prevented touch as well, i was constantly confined and being aware of such was to a greater or lesser degree aroused by the thing but at the same time unable to find my pleasure or the heat of friction that my hand might have offered. Yet still the thing pleased me greatly; for it confirmed M’Lady’s regard for me and control of me. Even though it would have no effect upon my state i caressed the plastic; it was smooth and rigid. i smiled at the pun i made of calling it a helmet. Behind it closer yet to the flesh of my lower stomach was the silk of M’Lady’s other gift; Her ribbon, favour and plume of the helm.
i really couldn’t stay abed though; there were ingredients to buy and a trip to make before i could even start on the actual baking. Though i do not consider myself a cook, let alone a chef i can bake and i have always found pleasure in doing so for others. Today i would be doing so for M’Lady and Her guests and as such i must be very careful indeed that all was as perfect as i could make it. After swift ablutions i inserted the plug that i was used to wearing whenever i attend M’Lady and dressed. Perhaps choosing the tighter of the two pairs of trousers i can boast was an error though since they made the bulge at my loins caused by the helm all the more apparent. Still it couldn’t be helped, and it wasn’t as though anyone would care to notice that part of me. So it was; confined and plugged that i set off for the shops with a shopping list and a smile at my private condition.
The list wasn’t long; melon, preserved ginger, chestnuts, cream, corn meal, eggs, butter, sugar snap peas, carrots, honey, trout fillets, chocolate and sugar. Even so it meant visiting several different stores and a bus there and back. Although i was intent upon finding the best of what i searched for it did seem that from some people i was attracting an unusual amount of interest. Not a few Women regarded me but when i turned they looked away with an almost predatory smile; perhaps my confinement was somehow evident after all, or maybe my gait was affected by the intrusion to my fundament? At first i tried to convince myself that my prideful state at being so confined for M’Lady meant i imagined, it continued though. Indeed whilst queuing at the till in the greengrocer’s the Lady in front of me – elegant, well dressed and perhaps ten years my senior – reached back and cupped the helm...! When thus assured it was what She evidently thought it might be She turned to me, smiled wickedly and in a soft voice barely above a whisper said; “I envy greatly the Woman for you’re bound young man and hope you honour Her correctly” as the warmth of her hand teased my intimate part. By some unknown intuition it seemed that those Women who were aware and assured of their supremacy to me knew the state in which i had dared venture forth. My shopping trip now became something of a trial; my embarrassment becoming all the more obvious which only seemed to encourage some Women and i received a plethora of subtle teasing caresses and once a quick pinch to my glutials. i was quite breathless and relieved when i finally made it home.
i prepared what i could and packed it into sealed plastic boxes so that it could be easily transported to M’Lady’s residence and then went to have a shower; it would not do to arrive sweating and travel wearied at M’Lady’s. i shaved my head, chin and as much of my genitals as the helm allowed and then cleansed myself in the cool water. The play of which upon my skin reminded me of the interest of the Women from earlier and i swelled as much as i was able in the plastic. Once clean and relaxed to some degree i tied about my person a clean ribbon and for a few seconds admired the figure thus presented in the mirror. Perhaps to some to be thus in so obvious a submissive fashion would be shocking or an embarrassment, but i still found pride in my appearance for it proved M’Lady’s regard for me. Once dry i donned the best clothes i had, collected up all the food (Some still raw and packaged and some part way to being cooked.) to await the car M’Lady would send for me. i did not wait long to hear a single note from the car horn and collecting everything up i hastened into its big back seat. Whenever the car comes the windows are always darkened and i do not see the driver, the partition between the back and front of the car is also dark so i do not yet know if M’Lady has only one driver or several, or the sex of any there might be.
As is ever the case there was a small card left on the back seat, it was via this that M’Lady instructed me in what state i should be when i attend Her. As i had rather expected it would considering that i was to cook the only words upon it were; “remain clothed”. The drive to the house i still knew so little of was about twenty minutes and still stuck behind the dark glass – which at first had surprised me to find was not one way, but in fact no way – i had no idea where I was being taken. Perhaps if i were a driver or cared to try and work out direction and distance from the speed at which we travelled i could have, but it was of no great importance to me. Instead i tried to slow my breathing and maintain a calm i certainly did not feel.
M’Lady’s house is large and surrounded by what seem to be extensive grounds around all of which are i think high red brick walls, all of this i can only gather from the snatches of view i gain whilst crossing the crunchy gravel from the car to Her grand front door. As ever She opens this before i have even reached for it to knock and i am unable to suppress a smile rising to my lips or my heart racing at merely seeing Her. She wears a tight white silk blouse under which just the ghost of a camisole is visible and a black satin skirt that falls to just below Her knees all of which cling to Her delicious subtle curves as though the material is wet. i stirred again within the helm, She always has this effect upon me but i hurried to obey as She asked I make my way to the kitchen and start. She left me to it as i had expected Her to; it is certainly not Her place to be involved with the preparation of Her food. So i set to making amuse-bouche of tiny melon and ginger kebabs with the melon baller on cocktail sticks, a rich thick chestnut soup and cornbread. Being a vegetarian it is hard for me to cook trout – or for that matter any meat or fish since i cannot taste it – but poached the fillets in milk and thickened this to make a sauce and added a few complementing herbs which would be served with the peas, honey glazed carrots and new potatoes. i put most effort into the dessert; chocolate chestnut gateau with a piped cream topping. All were now baking, restring or in position so that a few moments heating through or finishing was all that was needed before service. Without my informing anyone M’Lady arrived to check on my progress, “Whilst I taste everything please go and remove your clothes and store them in the cupboard under the stairs, await me in the hall.” I moved quickly to do so.
The marble floor was cold on my naked feet and the interior of the entrance hall was shadowed and cool, i tried to convince myself i shuddered from cold but i knew it was actually from the adrenaline fizzing through me. The clicking of M’Lady’s heels across Her marble floor excites me in ways it is impossible to explain except to those who love the sound as i do. i judged She stopped a pace or two behind me and when She spoke it was to allow me the honour of turning to look upon Her. Still dressed as before She carried a collar and lead which She buckled about my neck and once these were in place i was turned again and my hands were secure with leather cuffs. To my surprise i was turned yet again and taking the small key from Her blouse pocket She undid the lock which secured my helm! i could not have stopped myself rising to the occasion if i had wanted to, and beamed with pleasure. After breathing into Her hand to warm it slightly She took me in hand and massaged the straining length of me a couple of times. “You’ve done well; everything tastes wonderful. If my guests are pleased with their meal i might even go as far as rewarding you later.”
“Thank You M’Lady.”
“Quickly now on your knees, you will attend me thus as my guests arrive and take their coats from them as they do.” i was a little surprised at this since with my hands tied behind me how could i do so? Obediently though i sank to my knees beside Her, the end of the lead just hooked on a single dainty finger. It was only a couple of minutes that we waited thus before i heard a car upon the gravel and with a gentle tug at the lead i stood once more. The bell chimed somewhere off in the depths of the house and with me following close behind M’Lady sashayed forward to open the door. The first guest was Female as i had expected She would be, tall and elegant and wore a skirt not dissimilar to M’Lady’s but with a tight jacket. She had already removed Her coat, it was light and silky. With an obvious affection She greeted M’Lady and They started that infuriating air kissing with exaggerated “Mwah” sounds that i must admit even when M’Lady does it i find superficial and annoying. Without being instructed to though She d****d Her coat upon my still straining member! The weight of it and the softness of the material were quite delightful. “Go and make yourself comfortable in the lounge dear you know the way. I’ll just go hang your coat.” the guest made Her way to the comfortable lounge and M’Lady led me; the weight of the coast still very much teasing me to the cloakroom where She removed it after caressing me through the material a couple of times and hung it on a hook. We returned to the hall, there were two further guests; both Female. Each time I carried Their coats – one a ticklish fur and the other a soft, but heavy leather thing – to the cloakroom in the same manner. After being so long denied any stimulation; that which the garments gave me was quite wonderful and almost too much for me. Seeing this M’Lady released my hands and once i had subsided sufficiently I was locked once more back in the helm and instructed to go and continue the cooking.
I served the amuse-bouche with glasses of champagne the name of which i am not sure i can pronounce. I was all set to return to the kitchen to prepare the soup (Which i was pleased to do, for though it was pleasant to be amongst the guests and M’Lady naked as i was whilst they remained clothed it was not a little embarrassing.) but M’Lady instructed that I should stay and “entertain”. i was a little taken aback since i had no idea just what She meant… She told me to kneel on the floor in front of the soft deep chairs in which She and Her guests lounged; getting up She knelt before me too and once more took the key from Her pocket! Once released again, even so soon after the last time it was mere seconds before i rose in homage again. I was instructed to spread my knees at least as far apart as my shoulder width whilst M’Lady moved behind me and cinched my cuffs together. From somewhere She produced cuffs for my ankles too and these too were also secured together and finally the two sets of cuffs were connected by a short chain only a few links in length. Balanced on my knees and my toes whilst my shoulders were pulled back my member thus reared proudly in front of me. M’Lady returned again to Her soft chair and once comfortable said; “Right then girls, the first to score gets the use of him until he manages to satisfy you.” At which point each of the Women drew a bag from beside the arm rest of Their chairs all were of linen and different colours and once opened revealed elastic bands of a colour to match the bag. Some of these were long and thin whilst others were wider and heavier but shorter; it was only too apparent what the game was…
The bands were to be flicked by the Women until one managed to get a band over my straining member. It would remain to be seen however just how desperate or not they were to actually score a point. With each miss though there might well be some pain on my part and this was obviously just more of the fun for Them. The thin bands even if they hit directly and at full stretch were tolerable but the thicker ones smarted badly. They took turns loosing at Their target and not so very accurately it turned out; each miss was greeted with progressively more raucous peals of laughter as more champagne was consumed. By the time the Woman who had arrived first managed to loop a long band lazily over me my lower stomach and intimate parts were painful and red.
As soon as the point was made M’Lady called a halt and told me to lie back on the carpet, still secured as i was though this of course meant my knees now reared upward and i was lying uncomfortably on my arms. The winner was removing Her skirt as i did so and i caught a glimpse of long fine stockinged legs and a French style nether garment of grey silk as it was removed too. She walked around me till Her feet straddled my head and i looked upward directly into Her delta; such a lovely view…. With a fluid grace She lowered Herself upon my face and caught my member in Her hand. Whilst riding my nose and chin to Her pleasure She strongly pumped me. It was the most stimulation my senses had had in months; though i could see little, the scent and taste of Her and the sound of the audience and Her as Their excitement blossomed flooded me with sensation. Yet still She knew just when to stop Her ministrations so that i did not reach a crisis.
She rode me thus for much longer than She massaged me, but even so i enjoyed it and revelled in the gush of Her pleasure Her crisis provided. Once She had caught Her breath and composed Herself again She rose and when my member had sunk again M’Lady confined me once more in the helm and released the cuffs. “Go and finish cooking now.”
Once i had served each course at a table that was higher than normal (It was as high as a bar with stools to match.) M’Lady buckled on the lead again and bade me kneel beneath the table with my hands secured behind. The crisp linen table cloth fell to the floor and i knelt beneath; my lips paying service to the nether mouths of M’Lady and Her guests. When each Woman was sufficiently pleased a tiny tug of the lead that She held indicated that i move on. So i acted as butler and source of pleasure for all. Each Woman with gentle tongue’s homage i licked to a little death three times and though they had the delight in the taste of the food i too found pleasure in a nectar sweeter yet than the honey and chocolate i had used in preparation for the meal. i had become just an unseen tool for the pleasure of Woman, a role which I found enormous joy in.
All the food was done with and my tongue and jaw ached from the effort, i remained hidden beneath the cloth whilst the Women left after thanking M’Lady for Her wonderful hosting and the enjoyable time they’d spent. When all of them had gone, M‘Lady called me forth and thanked me for all my efforts, releasing me I was lain down upon the soft carpet once more and She too rode me to Her pleasure. This time though my part was inside Her and I too found at last my release…
Everyone had enjoyed the evening, but certainly none so much as i!

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Luna rubbed her eyes as she woke to the sun shining on her beautiful face. She slowly got up from her bed and headed toward her bathroom for a shower. Luna pulled her pajama top off exposing her soft firm tits and her large nipples. She pulled her tiny panties off and she looked at herself in the mirror. At the age of 18 she was beautiful her long blond hair almost looked white fell past her hips. Her big eyes were the brightest green anyone had ever seen she almost looked supernatural. She ran...

2 years ago
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Grandmas Cousin Sharon Returns

It's been 8 years since I've seen my Grannies Cousin Sharon. She's now 76 years old and still a very beautiful woman.She decided to come visit my granny again and stay for the summer. She always reminds me that her and my granny are just pretend cousins but have know each other for so long they just continue to tell people that. After getting back from the airport I told Sharon how nice she looked. "Sharon let me take a picture real quick." Ok! She said excitedly! Standing by the door taking a...

1 year ago
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The ParkersChapter 49 Secrets

Frank and Janet Stone knew about their son's drinking habits. Greg was 16, old enough to be left alone when his parents left the house, but Frank and Janet realized that, in the last few weeks, there's always some bottle missing when they returned. They were not that worried. They didn't confront Greg, and thought he was simply being a teenager. It's not that they didn't care, but they realized that their only son was simply experimenting some alcohol. Both Frank and Janet had started...

3 years ago
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Star Trek Enterprise Universes Collide Welcome to

There are many realities, more diverse then just good and evil; there are different shades of each, all influencing the behavior of every person in that universe.‘How far out are we Travis?’ asked Captain Jonathan Archer, staring intently at the view screen from his Captain’s chair. The Enterprise was investigating a strange tear in space and time, forming near the border between Vulcan and the Andorian space. Because both Andoria and Vulcan could not trust one another, Commander Shran had...

4 years ago
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My first night in Ireland Part 1

No this is not a true story, but yes this is based on real people and what we can only hope to achieve. My name is Tehmeena, and I am from Syria. I am a flight attendant with British Airways. I have black hair though I usually lighten it up to a dark brown. I keep it so that the length usually hits just below my shoulders. I’m tan and toned, roughly 5 foot 10 inches. My greatest feature is my hourglass figure, at least I think. Stepping off the plane I felt feelings of delight and awe flood my...

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Isabella and daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! My mom was a single mother trying to raise four kids on her own. At times I thought she didn’t understand my siblings and I. I always thought she was just bitter. But as I got older I never realized how much she sacrificed for us or how much of my childhood memories I forgot when I turned eighteen and walked away. It was late December and I was flipping through a scrapbook with my daughter, Isabella. She was about sixteen and she had accidentally hit...

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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Book 2 Part 3

"Good girl, get on your knees. Hold the dildo in front of you where I can see your face." I dropped to my knees again in front of the dresser, holding the dildo pointing at my open mouth. "Not like that, you dirty slut. Hold it with both hands." I held the thick 9-inch dildo out like a sacred offering in both hands, showing Daddy, being obedient and trying to obey. My mind was still lightheaded from the belt around my neck, my cheeks red and stinging a bit, and I was falling...

1 year ago
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I Could See Her Panties

I Could See Her Panties Whenever Mom’s friend Rachael would come over for a visit she would always sit so that I could see her panties. I certainly didn’t mind at all. I liked seeing her panties, I always got an erection, and I always jerked off afterwards to the most wonderful thoughts of her panty-covered pussy. So one day Rachael came over for a visit. I was out in the driveway shooting hoops when she drove in. I rushed over to open her door for her and to watch her get out of...

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Sally My Niece

What happened in this story isn’t true, and does have a somewhat happy ending. I had just moved to this state after falling in love with who is now my wife, over the Internet. My wife and I fell in love in a chat room, talking late into every night on line, then, later in our relationship, on the telephone. One thing led to another, and we decided that we couldn’t live without each other, so I packed up everything I own, moved, and was very happy for a lot of years. I met Sally during...

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sassur ne choda apni bhau ko

shrma hello app sabi ko mera pyar bhra namsker.mera name shrma hai umar 22 sall kad 5ft 10inch me iss site ko kafi pasand karta hno iss site ke jriye hum apne sex stroie ko sab ke samne rahk sakte hai.tho dosto ey meri phele kahni hai jo ki sachi hai ey khani mare rangin mosa or uske bhau ki hai.mare mosa W.B ke sher KATUA me unka kud ka bissnes hai UNKA KAPRE KA EK BADA DUKAN hai hemra gaon katua se 30km ki duri per hai.mare mosa ka ghar bhi hamre ghar ke bagl me hai. mare papa MP me coal...

4 years ago
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Meri Pyaas Khatam Hui

Hello indian sex stories readers,   Aap sabhi ko mera pyara salam, mera naam varun sharma h, meri age 23 years ki hai aur mai kolkata se hu and maaf karna dosto main kaam me busy hone ke karan apni sex story aap sabhi se share nhi kar paya uske liye mai tahe dilse maafi chahta hu.   Isse pehle maine apni story ‘kolkata ka male escort1’ , ‘kolkata ka male escort 2’ and ‘soni ki jawani meri jubani’ post ki thi aur sach kahu toh mujhe bahut mails aye aur jisme bahut ladko ne mujhse client k...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Julia Ann 22415

When you need to make some extra money, there’s always a hot horny MILF who needs some work done around the house! As is the case with Julia Ann, who’s willing to help her son’s friend Tyler put a little extra change in his pocket. She puts Tyler to work by having him clean her pool, and then sweetens the deal by putting him to work on her hot pussy! The big tits hot mom warms up Tyler’s dick with just enough time to spare to get cleaned up, proper and warm up dinner for her son when he gets...

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I've always been fascinated with my 48 year old mother for as long as I can remember. She's someone who prides herself on being the pillar of the community. In the middle-class suburban neighborhood where we live, my mother has always been actively involved in PTA meetings, charity events, and other community programs. She's prim and proper in every since of the word, and is always going out of her way to present herself in only the most positive light.We've always been close, and her career as...

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She could remember the first time she’d walked through campus to her Controller’s house, although that would change soon. Her Controller had promised her that. Soon, the last nagging worry that disturbed her perfect slavery would be gone, the very memory of the existence of a life outside of slavery, and she would belong, body and soul, to the Controller. She came hard at the notion, but no passer-by would see even a twitch of her body out of place as she walked. Her Controller had trained her...

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He Suggested a Nightcap

Em met him in the bar, during a break in the awards dinner she was attending. They chatted briefly and had a cigarette, and said they’d probably see each other at the bar again when next there was a break in proceedings. Or perhaps, he said, they could have a nightcap later. His name was Jean and he was French. He was a big man with a nice laugh and twinkling eyes. Em hadn’t met him before and wouldn’t again. He was from the other side of the world and was in town only for the convention of...

1 year ago
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First Time 3

You should read the first 2 parts of this first.........I began to orgasm and I clenched Andy's cock in my ass and he started shooting into me. I could hear my spurts of cum landing on the leaves beneath me and feel Andy's cum pulsating into me. The sensations were so intense I momentarily blacked out and slumped over the tree I was leaning on as Andy fell on top of me. As we recovered Andy slid to my right and slumped over next to me. I looked at him and he looked at me and we both said "Wow!"...

1 year ago
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Halloween HiJinx 2

Halloween Hi-Jinx 2 By Paul G. Jutras As the alarm clock rang, Jane climbed out of bed in her silk night dress. She stretched and went into the bathroom where she gave her face as close a shave as possible before she waxed her legs and body. She then fixed herself a bubble bath. After she was done she slid a pair of jet black pantyhose over her silver polished toes until it was snug about her waist. She stuck her breasts forms on good and tight and began to dress. She slipped a...

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Popping The Cherry Of Sexy South Indian Intern Girl

I am Sam (name changed). I am an Orthopedic surgeon and I am 29 years old, an average built man with 6 inches long and thicker cock. Well, I consider myself a master at eating pussy and fucking in different positions. Coming to the story, it happened when I joined as a resident in Orthopedic Surgery. I had a very good looking, sexy south Indian intern girl working under me. She had been posted as an intern for a rotation of 1 month. She had a figure of 34-26-34 with awesome C cup boobs and...

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College Roommate needs support masturbating

This is a story about an experience I had with a college roommate. I didn’t originally think it was much but a bator friend I jerked off with last week persuaded me to write it after it made him so hard. As usual, this is not a fantasy story with huge cocks and tits or impossible situations, since it is a true story. But sometimes the fact that a story is true has as much impact. It's another story from my college years.In my senior year of college, I was an RA. That’s resident assistant and...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 37

After our adventure in the country picking berries in the open fields, we decided to take another day trip to a different farm that had loads of peaches ready for picking. They also had the added attraction of a nice country restaurant and Inn for tired visitors from the big city. I saw right away that the atmosphere was different at this farm because most of the customers were family groups with lot of little ones running in every direction and eating most of the fruit they picked right on...

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Caned White Buttocks in the English Countryside

This is a true story.During the 1990s I used to be involved with running residential summer conferences, it could get fairly intensive but I did get to meet some lovely sexy women, some of whom were up for some extra-curricular activity. One such woman was Sally, a 40 something blonde with a nice round bottom, and biggish bust. It was fairly obvious where things were headed just days into the conference Sally attended. By about the fourth day we were in bed, Sally stripping off to reveal a...

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Service SocietyChapter 19 The Waltz and Other Dances

Dexter managed to get his office moved to the new office space Sunday, while the kids were visiting their mother. He was pleased with the progress he had made in establishing his website as a real business. He sat behind the cheap desk ... a really cheap desk ... thinking that it wouldn’t last a year. The difference was two hundred dollars for a desk versus a two thousand dollars for a desk. He doubted the website would last five years. It was one of those temporary businesses: like pagers,...

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It was 10 years ago on a long weekend holiday that the whole family was gathered at my older uncle’s house in Seattle .   My uncle John was a 68 year old retired Colonel.   Some 50 or 60 people were invited to celebrate New Year the evening after.   Among them was Felicia, my 2 nd cousin’s aunt.   She was a very attractive 38 year old woman with a lusty look.   She stood at 5’9”, long straight black hair & brown eyes.   Giving birth to her then 7 year old son had given her a...

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My Innocent Addiction

Introduction: Mr. Thomas has always wanted the youngest girl in the Evans family. His sights set on her for years, watching her growing. Now, he has her, and can do whatever he pleases… Chapter One: Capturing An Angel She was so flawless. So sweet, youthful, innocent. Watching her from afar for years, he knew he would do anything to own her. Some call it obsession, if he was ever obsessed with anything, he supposed it would be her. The only problem? She was just barely 13. He had yearned for...

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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 4

Excited, Ricky scurried down the branch he had been perched on. He pressed on the tree trunk and an oval hole half his height and about 40cm wide appeared in the trunk. He dived in and crawled for a half meter before he hit an open chamber. The centres of the trunks of the three original trees that formed his home were made up of vacant cavities and sections of hard dead wood for at least half of the tree’s height. Over the hundred years that he had lived in the tree, mostly by himself, he...

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Hotel Fantasy Submitting to Older

The knock on the door startles me from my reverie. I walk over to it and peek through the spyhole to see an older, handsome, strong and tall man. It is you, my first Daddy coming to claim his boy as promised. I open the door and step aside for you to walk into my hotel room. You shut the door behind you, and I can hear the rattle as you apply the chain latch to guarantee the privacy of our little tryst. You turn back to face me and take me into your arms, my face is angled up towards yours as...

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Dees StoryChapter 4

Nothing. No pain, nothing. I had invested so much emotion, so much expectation, only for there to be nothing. The blindfold fitted so well that I couldn't see anything, not even light or dark, the sides covered my ears, not intended to block out all sound, they just muffled everything, except there was nothing to muffle. I tugged at the chains holding the cuffs, not to get loose, just to check they were still there, my mind working overtime, perhaps it was a joke? Perhaps nothing would...

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