I Started free porn video

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I Started This is a story of my life, the early years. This story contains No Rape, No Forced Feminization. This story contains Love, Lust and hopefully good Sex. Parts of this story are pure Fantasy (they could happen). All names and locations have been changed to protect the SEXY. All standard disclaimers are in effect. Chapter-1 The Beginning. I Started Reminiscing about my life as I lay in the Delivery Room about to give birth to our first child, we have been told it is a girl. I'm going to be a Mother. Breast-feeding is one of things I look forward to; my panties get wet just thinking about it. Cindy my wife is holding my hand. She is pregnant also, but has another two weeks to go before she gives birth to her first baby, our second daughter. I am the Father of both babies. Confused? I Started Crossdressing when I was 13 years old, which was long before I knew what Crossdressing, Transvestite, Transsexual or Transgender meant. My dad had been killed in an auto accident two years prior, along with his business partner, Keith Williams. Keith left behind his wife Helen and his daughter Kathy. My dad, Bill Johnson, left behind my mother, Jessica, and myself, Jim. With all of the insurance money, and the sale of the company, both families were set for life. Prior to the accident, my mother and I had been close with the Williams family and after the accident we became inseparable. Kathy and I were like brother and sister and our mothers were like sisters; we had sleepovers, swim parties, went shopping together, did everything together, and we gained strength from each other. We used first names, and as time went on, the women started calling me Jimmy and sometimes would refer to us kids as if we were two girls; you girls do this or do that, you girls go play or go swimming. This didn't bother me and it made me feel like I belonged, I was one of the girls. In school I was always picked on for being smaller then the other boys and for having long red hair which I refused to cut. It hangs just below my shoulders. I wear it in a ponytail low on my neck and my voice hasn't changed. But when I'm at home, and with the Williams; I felt like I belonged. I Started My story on the day after school let out for summer vacation. Mom woke me up early and said, "Get dressed we're running late." After breakfast I asked where we were going? She said we were going shopping for some summer clothes. We were getting close to Helen and Kathy's turn off when mom suggested we stop by and see if they would like to join us? I said that was O.K. with me. They were just sitting down to breakfast and offered us some. Mom said she would have some coffee, and I had a second meal. Helen said they were waiting for the plumber to come repair the dishwasher, and they would love to join us when he was finished. Kathy and I got up and did the dishes, then we went into her room to play. We had been at it for a couple of hours when Helen and Jessica came in and said the plumber was delayed and they were going swimming, also we would spend the night and go shopping in the morning. Kathy jumped up to change and noticed my lip was quivering and my eyes were weeping. She wanted to know what was wrong and I started fully crying. "I don't have anything to wear, no swimsuit, no pajamas no nothing!" She came over, gave me a hug to comfort me, and let me cry myself out. Kathy said, "Let's play pretend." "Pretend what, I asked?" "Pretend you're a girl! I have a suit that should fit, and with a little makeup and your nails polished, you'll make a cute girl." "Okay," I said, "but if I look silly, or if anyone makes fun of me, promise you'll change me back!" Kathy is a year older and I knew I could trust her. Kathy pulled me to my feet and told me to strip, I was heading to the bathroom when she grabbed me and told me that girl's dress and undress in front of each other all the time, then she started pulling off my pants. She looked me over and then started putting some foul smelling stuff on my body to remove the few hairs I had. She also said she was shaping my bikini line. Kathy instructed me to go shower it off and to wash and condition my hair. When I came out, I wrapped a towel around my torso and one around my head like I had seen my mother do so many times. Kathy started painting my toenails and had me rub a body lotion all over my now hairless body. She then brushed my hair back and put the ponytail high on my head and held it in place with a bright pink banana clip. She also curled my ponytail with her curling iron, then pulled some hair down and cut my bangs, oh my! She's going too far, I'm thinking, but I don't want her to stop, I want to go all the way, all the way to becoming a girl. I Started Thinking, why do I like this? Why am I at peace with what Kathy is doing? I've never done anything like this before, why, I ask myself, why? When I snap out of my daydream, Kathy is saying, "I hate you!" I'm shocked! She starts smiling and says, "It's just not fair!" "Jimmy, you're a boy, you have beautiful red hair, no freckles, a little button nose, high cheekbones, a beautiful chin and your skin is flawless, big almond shaped eyes! You have all the features girls want, and girls will spend lots of money to look the way you do. It's just not fair! There I'm done do you want to see?" I look in the mirror and I'm in shock. Kathy has shaped my eyebrows, curled my eyelashes, and put on waterproof mascara. She has painted my lips, which match my nails. Still wrapped in a towel I'm looking at a very cute girl, and that girl was ME and what do I do? I squeal and giggle just like any girl would do. I Started To hide when Helen hollered through the door, "Aren't you two ready yet?" Kathy said, "Mom! We're looking for something that Jimmy can wear, he didn't bring his trunks, we'll be out in a few minutes." "Okay," Helen said, "Jessica and I will be out at the pool, don't be long." Kathy went into her closet and came out with a couple of suits; the first one she wanted me to try on was a cute, pink, one piece. I let my towel drop and stepped into it. As I'm pulling up the straps, Kathy is pulling it off, saying, "That just won't do! You have no hips! Let's try this bikini," she said, as she handed me the bottoms of a jet-black bikini. As I pulled the bottom up, she was shaking her head. I just didn't have the hips for her suits. Kathy was deep in thought, then she jumped up and bolted for the door. "Be back in a second," she said. She was back as quickly as she left, holding a bag from Nordstrom's. "Mom bought this for me and it's too small, but it should fit you." She pulled out a black bikini with three strategically placed hot-pink diamonds; the suit to die for, and it still had the tags attached and the paper panty shield intact. I was quivering as I stepped into it, oh, how I wanted this suit to fit! "Wow!" she said, "it fits you like a second skin, can you tuck your thingie in?" she asked. "You don't look good with that little bump." I reached in and removed the panty shield. This suit is mine, I thought. I pressed on my testicles and they slid into a cavity just below my pelvic bone, I then pulled my penis back between my legs and pulled my suit back into place, "Wow!" Kathy said again, "you're flat just like a girl, look at me! We look the same!" I did, and she was right, from the waist down you couldn't tell who was the boy and who was the girl. Kathy had me hold my arms straight out as she slid the top up to my chest, she spun me around hooking the bra and adjusting the straps. "You're flat!" she said, "but I have the girl's best kept secret in my drawer." She pulled out a pair of breast forms, explaining to me that she used these before she filled out...she had been too inpatient to wait for Mother Nature. Kathy had me pull off my top and lay on the bed. She applied some glue to my chest and then placed the breast forms in their proper place. "The glue will dry in just a minute." When she was satisfied, she had me put my top back on and she made some final adjustments, declaring me ready for my debut. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I was running my hands all over body and my breasts, my breasts wiggled, moved, and jiggled, when I did... everything was perfect. Kathy hit me on my arm, saying, "snap out of it, girl! Lets go swimming!" I Started Shaking as we got closer to the pool. Kathy said, "Helen and Jessica, I would like to introduce you to my sister, 'J'." Both of our mothers were speechless as they stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I wanted to run, but I didn't..."in for a Penny, in for a Pound." "Wow!" Helen said, "turn around, let me look at you, girl, you're a fox! What do you think, Jessica, isn't your daughter cute? And look at her breasts!" We looked over at my mom, and she was crying! I got really scared, thinking, what have I done? I ran over to my mom, throwing my arms around her. I started apologizing to her and said I was sorry for upsetting her. "Mommy, I'm sorry, I'll go change." "No! No!" my mom said, its not you honey; you've done nothing wrong." "Then what is it," I asked? "When you were born, I was told you would be a girl and even had a name picked out. Seeing you, just now, dressed like this, brought back a flood of memories. Honey, you've made me so happy! Now step back and let me have a look at my new daughter!" She held her arms open, I stepped up, we hugged and kissed each other, then we both started to cry. Helen and Kathy came over, throwing their arms around us both, Helen saying they needed a hug too, before we all start to cry. After drying our tears, I asked Mommy what was the name she had picked out? She said it was Janet Jean, after her grandmother. "Why do you ask?" she said. "Mom, with your permission, I would like to call myself Janet when I'm dressed like this. Is it okay with you?" "Oh! Yes, yes, yes, I would love that Janet." We all started laughing; Helen said, "You girls go swim now, while Jessica and I talk and discuss what we'll do next." I Started Running toward the water hand in hand with Kathy, we jumped and flew half way into the pool. We splashed around and splashed each other...we were having so much fun. I was so happy I have a sister a real sister. Hell! I'm the younger sister! I was having the most fun that I've had in a long time, and then it dawned on me, (the light came on) I have so much to learn. As we swam and played, I started observing how everyone walked, talked, how real girls hold their hands and their heads, all of their gestures. Body language and eye contact are so important. We were sunning ourselves when Jessica called us in for lunch; you don't need to call me twice when food is involved. We were finishing up when Helen dropped the ball. "Kathy, did you use the glue on Jimmy to attach the breast forms?" "Yes, Mommy, aren't they fantastic?" " Oh my!" Helen said, holding her hand to her mouth. "Helen! What's wrong?" Jessica asked. "We don't have any solvent to remove them and if we can't find some tomorrow, it will take three to four weeks for them to fall off on their own; trying to take them off any sooner will do permanent damage to Jimmy's skin, I mean Janet." "Come here, Honey," my mom called. She pulled my top up and was looking at the breast forms when she went white as a ghost. She pulled down my bikini bottoms. This happened so fast that I couldn't react to stop her. "Oh My God!" she said, "Jimmy has tan lines!" She started laughing, and everyone started laughing. I Started Running to the hallway mirror, what a sight I made! My bikini bottoms down to my knees, my halter top up under my armpits, and my breasts bouncing as I ran down the hall. Everyone followed and watched as I examined myself in the mirror, I ran my red polished fingers over my tan lines, My Tan Lines! I was so pleased with what I saw...I am a girl! I explained...I'm a girl! Jessica put her arm around me, as we looked in the mirror. "Yes Honey, you make a very beautiful girl. Now pull yourself together, young ladies don't expose themselves in public." Everyone was laughing as I started tucking my penis back in. Helen asked, "Doesn't that hurt?" "No it doesn't, it tucks under and is actually very comfortable." "Well, it looks like it would hurt," she added. Smiling, I spun around, striking a models pose, "Tada! its magic!" I said. "Can we go swimming?" "Not for another half-hour, you just finished eating." Kathy and I were already out the door when Helen hollered, "I'll tell you when its safe." "Okay," we yelled back. Kathy and I went back to sunning ourselves; she looked at me and asked, "Jimmy, are you really okay with this?" Sitting up, I looked at her and explained that, "this feels so natural, it's like I was meant to be a girl not a boy, yes I'm more then okay with it, I'm at peace with it. Does that make sense, I asked?" "Ah, I guess," she said. I bent over and kissed her saying, "Thank you, thank you, sis, I love what you've done." Helen and Jessica sat down in the kitchen starring at each other. "What are we going to do?" Jessica asked. After some deep thinking, interrupted only by the plumber showing up to do his thing, Helen came up with a solution. "Let's go into the front room so we can talk." "Jessica, why don't the two of you move in here for a few weeks, you can go home and get some clothes and your toothbrush. Sending Jimmy home with breasts and tan lines will just confuse him and I'm sure his friends and your neighbors won't be as understanding as we are. We can go shopping tomorrow and buy Janet everything she needs, we can train her, and we won't be forced to make any snap decisions. I have a gut feeling that what Jimmy is doing; and what she is feeling goes deeper then we may think. Look at her out there, she looks natural and peaceful." Jessica asked, "What about the solvent?" "There isn't any! The solvent that came with the breast forms was toxic and they had a recall, we can look, but I don't think we will find any." Thinking about what Helen had said, what she had observed, Jessica explained, "Okay, we'll do it!" Jessica headed for the bedroom to change. When she finished, she picked up Jimmy's clothes. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. Keep a close eye on our children." She gave Helen a hug and a kiss, then headed out the door. Helen came outside to talk to us. She had explained what would be happening during the next few weeks. She said, "Jessica and I will pose as sisters, and the two of you will become cousins; if anyone asks, tell them you'll be here for part of the summer, don't be specific, don't commit to a specific length of time. The two of you must be very careful; don't slip and call Janet, "Jimmy" by mistake, you both will be on your best behavior, you will use your best manners. We have a lot to teach Janet and we will be teaching her the best. No shortcuts, no slang, nothing but the best for this family, any questions?" "Yes, Aunt Helen, I have to use the bathroom!" She smiled while saying, "You must sit and blot like a young lady." I must have had a real dumb look because Kathy took my hand saying, "I'll show you, I need to go too." We started to run when Aunt Helen said, "Walk, and take smaller steps, Janet! Kathy you know better!" "Yes mother!" is all Kathy had time to say, as we went into the house.

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BangBros18 Bailey Base Yumi Sin Cosplay Overload UWU

Bailey Base and Yumi Sin decided to cosplay and take pictures. However, after taking some pics things took a different turn. Watching each other dressed up turned them on. So they began eating each other out and scissoring. Once they finished, Yumi went downstairs to grab some water. Bailey’s step brother, Johnny, happened to see her walk by still in her cosplay. From there, he proceed to watch her and jerk off as she bent over. Eventually, Yumi caught him. She was surprised at first but...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 32

Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...

3 years ago
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How to detect copyright violations[edit]Often, people upload images, particularly photographs, that do not abide by our licensing requirements. This is done sometimes in good faith, sometimes in bad faith. So here a brief how-to for detecting many copyvios with a high probability. It is not possible for us to detect all copyright violations. However, we can detect a great number of them by simply having a look around, especially in Special:Newimages, and watching for tell-tale signs. Here is a...

3 years ago
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Tendencies Part One

Over time, our playful banter and private innuendos morphed into flirting, and it had become a guilty pleasure of mine to see how wet he could make me during those brief exchanges. It didn’t hurt that his athletic and toned frame always smelled good, and his scent often wafted in the air long after his departure. He was sexy, he knew it and he didn’t apologize for the women who almost openly flirted with him. He laughed it off like a gentleman, and was always professional with his subordinates....

Office Sex
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Devil in the Flesh

Have you ever met the Devil? It’s a completely serious question. I wouldn’t joke around about something like that. So, have you? Have you ever met the Devil himself face to face? Well, I have so let me tell you all about it. I met the Devil in July of ’99. I met him a couple hundred yards from my house where three old logging roads converge and a bubbling creek cuts one of those roads in half. I was standing on one side of the creek and he was on the other a little bit further up but still...

1 year ago
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Basement surprise

The four of us spend part of the afternoon kissing and sucking on each others tits and cunts until Edna suggested we take a short break and relax with some tea and cookies. After we settled down the talk got around to how I liked what had happened and if it was something I would like to do more often. "Oh yeah" I replied "I love the taste of another woman" I added "I know Joe would love to see me with another woman as well" I then added Thinking about it for a minute or so, Edna finally spoke...

1 year ago
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Raz the Farmer

The plains of Oklahoma passed by beneath the shuttle as the pilot took it low over the flat terrain, fields dotted with small farmhouses and silos whizzing past as the only points of interest in the sea of green grass and yellow crops. Raz was sat across from me in the troop bay, her giant alien figure secured to an appropriately sized crash couch with a harness as the engines shook the deck beneath our feet. She was looking out of a nearby porthole, her yellow, feline eyes tracking the passing...

3 years ago
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Andee Learns Just What Stays in Vegas

Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked ‘Just For You.’ She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...

3 years ago
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Not That Kind Of Woman

Copyright© 2005 A lady with features cherubic Was famed for her area pubic. When they asked her its size She replied in surprise, "Are you speaking of square feet, or cubic?" Waking to the pain-filled glare of the mid-morning light streaming through a crack in my blinds was not something I enjoyed experiencing. Not when my head felt twice the size and ten times as heavy as normal from the drinking I had done the night before. I do remember going out to that pub, dancing with a host...

1 year ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 35

[Bryan] Mid May There had been no commitment from the DA people when they left after discussing more naked 'sentences' for troubled kids, but none had been expected. About three weeks later, Julia's admin caught her between appointments and said "A very distraught woman called. She said she was given your name and number by someone in the DA's office." Five days later, there was a replay of Brett's entrance into Lindsey's. There were some differences, though. Only a mother stood...

1 year ago
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How I Seduce And Fucked My Neighbor Girl

Hi friends thanks for your response for my last stories, this story happen in 2014, with my neighbor girl, she is married and have a kid in age of 3 years, she married is boyfriend, love started with wrong call. He is 200kms away from our place she was studying at the time of marriage, after marriage due to some misunderstandings with mother in law; she came back to our city and restarted her studies staying in her mother house. She is on the same street I’m in and was studying in college...

3 years ago
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CousinChapter 13

The next morning the two women woke a little later than planned, probably because it had taken them so long to get to sleep the night before. They decided just to eat a couple of the granola bars in the car so they could get on their way and were soon driving down the state highway. But after an hour or two, they encountered the bane of summer driving: road construction. After about the third twenty minute wait for their turn on a one way section Lisa said, "You know, with the late start and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Katie Kush AnalOilLatexFetish Fun

Petite, cute Katie Kush wears red latex (a tight skirt and gloves), with black tape X’s covering the nipples on her small, natural breasts. She slathers herself in glisteing oil, letting it flood her fetish wear. Heavily hung porn stud Mick Blue fucks her furry cunt from behind. He drizzles oil onto her body as she sucks his big cock in an energetic blowjob. Mick stretches the crimson latex over her head like taffy, tearing it open to allow for mouth fucking! He mounts Katie for a...

2 years ago
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Spectacular Pleasure Baby Part 1

Spectacular Pleasure Baby!By: SueATTENTION:THESE STORIES ARE NOT CONNECTED IN ANYWAY.THEY ARE THREE SEPERATE PIECES!STORY #1: PLEASURE'SKevin stepped out of the group's tour bus and stretched his body. His lean body cracked all over as if he were 70 years old, not the young age of twenty-two. He took his $60 sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on to sheild the bright sun rays from his pecan eyes. As he took a walk down the long, empty alley Kevin hummed a tune. He liked this walk to have...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 42 Monsieur Bertuccio

Meanwhile the count had arrived at his house; it had taken him six minutes to perform the distance, but these six minutes were sufficient to induce twenty young men who knew the price of the equipage they had been unable to purchase themselves, to put their horses in a gallop in order to see the rich foreigner who could afford to give 20,000 francs apiece for his horses. The house Ali had chosen, and which was to serve as a town residence to Monte Cristo, was situated on the right hand as you...

3 years ago
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Grandad Cleans Her Pussy and more

“Yessss, Chris, I have to clean up before we go to the beauty shop,” Kathy replied, “Grandad dumped a bigger load in me than he usually does. My panties are soaked and my car seat smells like a whore house.” “You’re shittin’ me, Kathy Davis. He didn’t really fuck his own granddaughter.” Kathy had already removed her shorts. She pulled off her panties and pitched them to her best friend, “Check ‘em out. They’re in a mess. He must have been saving it up.” “KATHY! He’s your fucking grandfather!...

2 years ago
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My esxperience

Hi friendz, i’m a frequent surfer of this site and most of my days in the last few years never ended without entering this site and reading all these stories. Despite being a good narrator, i should have been sharing my experiences here quite some time back, but i didn’t have that patience to sit and write own stories while balancing my personal and professional life. Not to keep you bored anymore, here i go with one of the glorious hits in my so far beautiful sex life!! Before i go… a quick...

1 year ago
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The Submission of Sophie

Sophie's submission They arrived at the small but selecthotel on Friday morning. If you happened to glance in their direction youreyes would immediately be drawn to the young woman. Even though she was bundledup to combat the cold her style was very evident. Her dark blonde hair, sun-streaked withlighter blonde, that spilled out from her woollen hat was shiny and straight.She wore little make-up and what she did was skilfully applied. The nip inthe air outside had added natural roses to her...

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Spa Story Part 4

Hekla’s joined Steve and I in our car to direct us with everyone else following. Her place turned out to be a fruit and tomato farm about 20 minutes drive from the spa. Hekla had us drive right up to the farm rather than her house. Her parents were due to go away for the weekend however they were still in the house, so we had to sneak into the greenhouses. The greenhouses in Iceland are heated from thermal springs and lit by geothermal electricity. So, on entering the doors we had to quickly...

2 years ago
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Tammy Tammy was delirious with climaxing release. Her voice was now a series of hoarse grunts as the spasms began to swell together in a final, exhausting explosion of pleasure. Her cunt was now overflowing with hot, frothy sperm, squirting out of her pussy lips with each of his thrusts. She felt the sticky fluid ooze down, warming up her asshole and thighs. When he gave a last, grinding pump, she felt her guts press into her lungs, causing her to lose her breath.After a few moments, he pulled...

3 years ago
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B Is For Girl chapter 1 B Is For Baby

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 1: "B" Is For Baby Hello everyone. My name is Beverly. I'm eight years old. I'm a good little girl now, but I used to be a very naughty little boy. I was so naughty that my mummy decided to punish me. Mummy said that when I learned to be a very good little girl, she would let me go back to being a little boy again. I'm now a good little girl, but I hope to be a very good little girl one day. Then I can go back to being a boy. My daddy doesn't live with...

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The maids knickers part four

I couldn't help noticing that Chi-chi's one night out on a Saturday was getting longer and longer. She always used to be back by ten or eleven in her virginal days, but then it got to midnight before I would hear her entering the house, quietly going into her quarters - and then sometimes it got to be even two o'clock or after before she'd get back. I'd stay awake, waiting for her return: sometimes walking back to our house or sometimes on the back of a motorbike. I knew then, of course, that...

1 year ago
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A Navigators Night

Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night that you celebrate that new job. Tonight's the night that you get to relax and take pride in what you have accomplished. Tonight's the night that is the first night of the rest of your life.

3 years ago
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Only Son Becomes Moms Best Lover Part II

The two weeks after our first mother/son fucking was very intense. We fucked almost everyday. After that it became three or four times a week. After about four months we only fucked occasionally, perhaps once or twice a week. But if I came up with something new and exciting she would asked to be fucked three or four time a week for about two weeks. And then it was back to the routine. She has a cute "come on" line for me. She would wriggle her behind and asked wantonly: "Hey, sony...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Of My Friend8217s Sister During Journey 8211 Part 1

Hii all!! This is a real story of of me my friends and cute sister of one of my friend who’s name is jyotika. We are group of four best friends me (anil), anand, Ramesh and rohit from Ahmadabad. We all were childhood friends and use to do all kinds of fun together. Now let me tell you about jyotika. She is a 1 year elder sister of my friend anand and she is always very friendly and fun loving with all of us. Now let me come to the incident happened. We were in second year of our college when we...

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A Chairished Adventure

The carpet is rough against my knees. I struggle to keep my body open and presented for his pleasure with my back arched and my breasts out, my knees apart and open, and my hands behind my back. My arousal is given away by my hard nipples and what I am sure is a visible wet spot on my panties. I'm sure he loves the sight of his slut holding her position of obedience for his pleasure, knowing she's enjoying every second of it. The moisture between my legs deepens as my thoughts wander to what he...

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The Things in the ClosetChapter 1

The four year old Toyota turned off the highway and onto the unpaved private road which led up the cape to the house. Lynette Dennison, black, 36, looked over to her daughter Cherie. The fifteen year old had taken the divorce hard and even though it had been husband Herb who had proven unfaithful not once, but repeatedly, the relationship between mother and daughter had been strained these last few months as they adjusted to life without a husband and father. Now, however, Lynette felt, they...

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with my sis

this story is not mine this sotory is of my friendWhen I was 17, I was living with my 24-year-old sister. She has a very high paying job as a fashion designer, and lives in her own house with a pool. I got kicked out of my parents house, so my sister let me move in with her temporarily until I get a job, and I get enough money to get back up on my feet, and get a place of my own.My sister and I have always been good friends, and have gotten along well throughout our whole c***dhood. We hardly...

4 years ago
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He was tall, yes tall and muscular, Bald head and walked like he was on ice. He wasn't my type but there was just something about the way he looked at me that made me instantly wet. I was 5'9 and a little on the thicker side. Think black kinky curls and 42 Double D's and a little extra package at the back. It was a rainy friday night and i just got off the treadmill, showered and began walking upstairs towards my condo door when he called my name. I wasn't the type to go to the condominium gym...

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