MagicianChapter 66 free porn video

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1997 saw much of my training reach a peak, in that the gains I had achieved went into a period of consolidation. Morgana assured me that the plateau that I had achieved was common to those Mages studying higher magic and indeed she thought it a necessary phase where a Mage in training could explore many of the minor bands in the quantum layers without being distracted by the next big thing. I was still forbidden to play about with tachyons, save under direct supervision, although I was aware that Simon had set up a group to observe key events in history to see just exactly what had happened. This was hampered slightly by the Higher Powers in that they blocked access to certain historical events, mostly to do with religion. All it really meant was that we could not observe Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed and others as well as some of the events associated with their lives and the aftermaths. Why? We did not know for sure and we certainly weren’t overcome with suicidal tendencies enough to ask.

The most interesting event for me was investigating why a Korean Airline plane crashed on Guam as the Seers working for the Magical Control Committee had detected a malign influence being exerted in the area. This had brought down the plane as well as causing several of the passengers listed to disappear. Mage Liang had sent a team to investigate, only for the team to disappear too. This was enough to send alarm bells ringing in the Council and so Mage Thea and I had been sent out with a second team assembled by Mage Liang to assist if possible.

Getting out into the field with Thea was a first for me. Yes, we’d worked together, but we’d never been alone together, always there had been other Mages with us. Naturally I was hoping to get some details of how Thea had taught Róisín some pretty neat offensive tricks as well as hoping to get past what I can only describe as a ‘difficult’ phase Thea and I were going through.

Essentially conversations between Thea and I had become increasingly difficult, despite a good start (I thought). Conversations not work related were stilted and Thea would more often than not avoid me in any social situation. Róisín and Abi were no help at all, other than the odd cryptic hint that the problem stemmed from me being too focussed on work. Yet on this, I was coming to the belief that the problem was actually with Thea, as every attempt I’d made to engage her in any sort of non-work related activities had simply foundered on the fact that the woman wouldn’t even look me in the eye when I made the effort.

Naturally I had a suspicion that something else was going on, but, the few Mages that I felt I could talk to assured me that Thea did not have a problem with me or working with me, which left me confused and resigned to the situation.

Mage Liang welcomed us both profusely in his Peking office and went over what had been discovered before his team had gone missing without trace.

“All we know is that something affected the pilot causing him to bring down the aircraft into the side of a hill. We’ve allowed the mundane authorities to come to the conclusion that it was a technical difficulty, even adjusted the logs and memories of a few to cover this,” he explained.

“Any local ‘legends’ we ought to know about?” Thea asked.

“Nothing particularly nasty,” Liang admitted. “Usual bunch of magical creatures, but no variant human genomes that we’re aware of, nor have the Seers ever indicated anything unusual happening in Guam. We don’t even have an office there. There’s a weird tale about a young girl becoming a mermaid, but it’s just a folk tale as far as I’m aware.”

“You appear to have covered all the bases, Mage Liang,” Thea confirmed. “I doubt we’d have done anything different. There’s nothing to account for anything that might have affected your team.”

“As soon as they failed to report, we had a response team in the area they’d been known to be operating in, but they found not a trace,” Liang replied.

“Yes, your reports were very clear on this,” Thea mused. “The Seer gestalt could not identify anything either, simply that it was malign.”

“Well, I’ve assembled a new team of some of my most experienced Mages to assist you on this, most you’ll know having been passed through your office to gain more experience in Council matters,” Liang added.

“Thank you, Mage Liang. That’s most appreciated. We’ll port to the island and meet them and get their feelings on the matter. Hopefully they’ll have made a little progress in this mystery,” Thea replied as she opened a portal to Guam.

The team Mage Liang had assembled was quite a mix of nationalities, mostly East Asians, but a couple of Aussies and a Kiwi too. All were pleased to see us and most I recognised having been seconded to the Enforcement Office or having trained with me when Morgana had us preparing to remove the Coalition from Russia.

“Anything new?” Thea asked after the formal greetings had been given.

“I’m afraid not, Mage Thea. There’s no trace of our team, nor any clues as to what had our Seers so stirred up,” Mage Malou replied for all of them.

“Nor have there been any such incidents in the past,” Mage Aroha added.

“Best go and have a look at where the missing team were last reported, though I doubt we’ll find anything you missed,” Thea replied.

As it was daylight we got into a few cabs and headed out to Nimitz Hill where the plane had crashed and where the investigating team had vanished.

“Can’t sense a thing, Mage Thea,” I said once we’d got out of the taxi.

“Not the only one, John. Believe me this hill has been scanned down to its roots by more skilled Mages than you or I,” Thea admitted.

“That’s it, Mage Thea. I can’t even sense any magical activity and there ought to be some,” I said.

“Hmmm! Seems Morgana was right to insist on you coming along, John,” Thea chuckled. “We’ve all been looking for something, not the absence of something.”

“Not Null,” I said.

“No. It would show up on a scan. This is more a nothingness, an absence of power, rather than an absorption of it,” Thea admitted. “I suggest caution. We’ll cover the ground on the hill, however no using our powers to communicate, use these,” she ordered, pulling several walkie-talkies out of a pocket dimension. “You all used them in Rwanda. Use the same protocols here and keep in touch.”

“Yes, Mage Thea,” they responded and set off in teams of two to cover the hill and hopefully discover some secrets.

“Mage Thea, a question?” I asked politely as we headed onto the hill.

“Yes, John?”

“Whilst it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that we may find something here, I rather doubt it will be the missing Mage team as there’s simply not enough room to lose them here, it’s not much of a hill after all,” I stated.

“I agree, John, but that’s no reason not to look anyway,” she replied.

“Just that the absence of magic may well mask what, if anything, is really going on,” I added.

“Oh, most certainly, John. Which is why we’re here actually having a look in the hope that our eyes might see what our minds cannot,” Thea chuckled.

“Agreed, though I do not think it was wise to split our teams, after all, we’ve already lost a team of four,” I noted.

“Are you questioning my judgement, John?” Thea asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, Mage Thea. Just wondering what you hope to achieve,” I replied carefully.

“I’m aware of the danger of splitting the team. However, whatever took down four competent Mages without causing any warning cries for help might also not have an issue with ten of us. That said if one team gets into trouble, the rest of us will either rush to their aid, or if things are bad observe and report,” Thea explained at length.

“Right. Hope it works,” I chuckled.

“Me too, John, me too,” Thea replied with a smile before calling out for a radio check.

The other four teams all responded and reported back nothing of any note, save the total absence of any magic in the area.

“Weird, it’s like walking through thick fog.” Thea remarked.

“Just hope it doesn’t cause any issues with the air crash investigators,” I replied.

“Mage Liang pulled some strings. They’re working today in a warehouse on the parts they recovered,” Thea explained.

“This is team four. We’re under attack!” the radio crackled.

“Team four respond. Under attack by whom or what?” Thea requested as we turned along with the other teams and started running up the hill to where team four were supposed to be.

There was no reply, which struck me as particularly ominous, nor was there any sign of team four when we and the other panting teams reached the area.

“Mages Lin and Adelaide, move down to the road and summon help,” Thea ordered. “The rest of you close search of the area, be very careful, draw your weapons.”

I carefully looked around looking for any signs of a struggle. The only noticeable things were a few flattened plants, but no tracks or signs of a struggle.

“John, anything?”

“No, Mage Thea. But I’m going to do a circuit of the area to see what, if anything, I can find,” I replied.

“Not too far, John. Try and remain in sight,” Thea acknowledged.

I circled around the area looking for anything out of place, all seemed in order, if anything in too much order. It was then that I noticed my footprints were vanishing after a couple of steps only to reappear if I stepped back. I could still see Thea and the other Mages, so I knew it wasn’t a full weave, but someone, or something was clearly doing a hell of a job of concealment as well as putting out a massive if undetectable magic dampening field.

“We’re being watched,” I said to Thea as I returned to her side.

“By whom or what? I wonder,” she replied as I reached into my pocket to pull out a box of micronull.

For all I’d invented micronull, it wasn’t actually a null field as such. It was simply attracted to the energies a Mage would use when casting and would burn itself out when interacting with the energy as it wasn’t tapped to a destination as such. I’d once been taken to task by Mage Thomas over the name used, but in the end he was forced to agree that the inventor got to name it. It did need to be kept in a magic free environment hence the box, but was blasted out in a circle by an aerosol effect, getting far enough away from the user before it affected them.

Activating the trigger I blasted a jet of the particles straight at the area where my footprints were concealed causing a cry of outrage and a flickering as twelve concealing screens went down and an attack upon us began.

We all immediately opened fire with our hand weapons, only to realise that whatever was attacking us was immune to the effects. I still couldn’t quite make out what was attacking us, but it looked rather like a headless human form and clearly semi-magical in nature. All of us had now drawn our bladed weapons and proceeded to attempt to defend ourselves as we backed our way down towards the road where we had sent Mages Lin and Adelaide. Whilst our swords seemed to have a limited effect on the attackers, they were at least enough to keep them at bay until without warning the ground simply faded beneath our feet and we sank into the earth and out of consciousness.

I awoke with an intense headache and realised I was suspended by my feet from the roof of what appeared to be a natural cavern by what looked to me like some form of gum. Whatever it was, I could not free myself from it and I could not use magic as the dampening field still worked. Looking around I could see several of our party suspended in a similar manner including Mages Lin and Adelaide.

“So much for calling for the cavalry,” I croaked out.

“Indeed, John,” came a reply from Thea, whom I could not see and presumed was behind me.

“Any idea of who or what?” I asked at large.

“Duendes, I think,” came the reply of Mage Lin.

“What are Duendes?” Thea asked.

“A sort of dwarf people, normally they leave mankind alone these days, but they can be a handful if angered,” Lin explained. “Didn’t know there was a colony of them here though.”

“Someone must be goading them or controlling them,” Thea stated.

“Perhaps the Mananiti,” Lin replied. “A kind of Daemonette, as this has all the hallmarks of offended creatures calling on their gods.”

“Perhaps, but that isn’t going to help us escape,” Thea muttered. “Wonder what happened to the last team?”

“Don’t think it was anything good,” I said finally as I gazed at a set of human bones, all of which appeared to have been gnawed on.

There was a scuttling sound from the darker area of the cavern and several shapes came forward brandishing spears and looking distinctly hostile.

“Greetings,” Thea finally said after clearing her throat.

There was no reply, the leading creature simply aimed what appeared to be a sceptre at one of the team, Mage Fe, and she fell to the floor with a sickening crunch followed by some short lived desperate screams as the creatures threw themselves on her ripping her flesh off with their teeth and devouring it hungrily.

All I could do was watch in horror hearing the sounds of Mage Thea (and possibly a few others being violently sick at the sight of one of our own being eaten alive. Again and again Mages fell to the floor as the creatures tore them apart for food and sport.

“There will be a reckoning for this!” I stated calmly if menacingly to the creature with the sceptre.

“Our magic is more powerful than yours,” the creature slurred through pointed teeth.

“You think you can threaten Mages and survive?” I replied coldly.

“Our gods will protect us!” the creature said dismissively before pointing the sceptre at another Mage behind me for his fellow creatures to fall upon.

“John, I think we’re going to die here,” Thea said, fear making her voice tremble.

“Perhaps, but where there’s life...” I said.

“Perhaps,” Thea replied. “But if it does happen I want you to know that I love you.”

“You love me?” I said a little confused.

“Since we met and you vouched for me before Mage Morgana,” Thea replied.

“I thought you didn’t like me?” I said wondering how I’d missed knowing how she felt.

“No, I just couldn’t allow myself to get too close and Róisín said to wait until your training got easier, though it never seemed to,” she said wryly.

“We’ll talk more of this, should we escape,” I said as another Mage fell to the floor to be feasted upon.

The dampening field that the gods of the creatures were using was inhibiting all my magic, but I was determined to find a way to escape. There was no way I could activate any sort of Null as Null required a burst of energy to initiate it. The creatures had also removed our bladed weapons so there was nothing around me to grab if I fell. My chance however came as the creatures fell upon Mage Lin as she fell to the floor and the top of its spear came within reach. Grapping the shaft I pulled hard tearing myself away from the roof and using the shaft to right myself as I fell. Taking the now free spear I used it to jab at the creature with the sceptre, making it squeal as the point tore through the rags it was wearing and causing it to drop the sceptre. The other creatures had stopped their feasting and were now bearing down on me and I hurled the spear at the leading one and dived to grab the sceptre.

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Saturday morning, we lingered over our coffee as the kids got into their activities in the living room. No one needed chauffeuring that morning, which was good for us. Stacy was geared up with her questions for the weekend. I laughed at her thoughtfulness, and gave a gesture for her to start. Stacy said, "You sometimes travel for business, and your trips have been getting longer as you get more senior in your company. You used to do one overnight, but the number of nights you're away has...

4 years ago
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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 5

To all the Indian sex stories dot net readers and friends who read my previous posts, thank you all for your valuable and positive feedback and suggestions, I really feel glad to go through your emails with all the suggestions, advice and recommendations. It encourages me as well as helps me a lot to improve my ways of expression and writing. To all those(young girls) who don’t like reading my posts here, I kindly request you to not to waste your time nor mine in reading it and later lecturing...

2 years ago
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By July, 1968 I decided as I,d known my English girlfriend almost a year she was the love of my life. Though we,d only actually spent a month in each other,s company having fallen in love with each other on first sight helped though I wasn,t as confident that Sarah loved me as much as I loved her I gambled, borrowed the money for her engagement ring and thought about my love. Sarah was the first female I,d ever met who liked me for myself and fate had stepped in when we first met to draw us...

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FIL BIL took me

Iam a very beautiful and sexy looking housewife. To describe myself – Iam about 5’5″, fair skin, long black hair, big black eyes, smooth skin texture, big and firm rounded boobs, Curvy waistline and a sexy firm butts. I usually wear saree and also tight low waist jeans sometimes. Whenever, I go out I get all types of attention from my opposte sex. People from all age groups lust for me. I know how to all these people, as experience has taught me. My hubby has gone on a foriegn trip for last six...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 363 The Home Team Fights Back

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 The second battle in our war was going to be at Beale Air Force Base. According to the very helpful Wikipedia, it's the USAF's (US Air Force's) largest UAV operations center, almost certainly where the UAV that had taken out Mom and Dad's bedroom had been operated from and out of [half right, as it'd been operated from a Northrop Grumman's facility in LA]. The Government, media and public would recognize the appropriateness of the Guardian Angel's...

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After the Reunion Ch 16b

Friday night, Sept 29, 2028Addie called Joanie on our way home from DQ, hoping that she'd be available to babysit at the last minute. Why hadn't we thought of it earlier I'll never know, but we hadn't. She said we could bring the kids over, but not for about an hour since she was out shopping with her parents. She said she'd text when they got home. The kids were excited about getting to go to Joanie's later. She always makes sure they have fun at her house. In the meantime, after we got home,...

Wife Lovers
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It was well liked. Peter and Jennifer came back out together, her looking in love with him now... SID I don’t want to talk small talk Now that I am alone with you I don’t want to talk small talk We have got bigger things to do Let’s not talk of the weather Or the fashions for the fall Why don’t you stop all this small talk? I have got something better for your lips to do And that takes no talk at all BABE I have got to buy me a dressy dress, the one that I have is such a mess! SID Small...

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Joans story

When I was 15 and John, your dad, was 17, he started taking me out. We would go to movies, parties, plays, circuses, but the real excitement of the evening was always the sex that we had in the back seat of his father's car before he drove me home. We were using condoms, but one night we ran out of condoms and we both wanted another fuck, so we fucked without any protection. A few weeks later it dawned on me that I had missed my period and must be pregnant. Soon after I started vomiting up...

2 years ago
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Stormy week end

The weekend started with a bad storm coming through on friday night. I woke at 8am to find our pool and patio furniture blown all over the yard.My wife Vickie and I picked it up and then walked around the house picking up limps blown off the trees. That's when we saw a tree had been blown over. I called a tree sevice and the lady on the phone told me that the only crew available was from out of town, and they were going home in the morning. I said great, send them over.About 10am a truck pulled...

1 year ago
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As I told my story, my best friend Lynette's eyes grew wider with every passing moment. It was terrifying and humiliating, but at the same time I couldn't believe what a relief it was to finally talk about what Catherine had done to me. I had just admitted my most embarrassing personal secret to her, that when I was in college I had become the lesbian love slave of my then-roommate Catherine. The moment that had propelled me to this wrenching of the biggest skeleton from my closet out onto...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 13

Gabriella's Story – The Ghost Who Smiles Gabriella was only 11 years old when she had moved into a new condominium called The Wild Coyote. The Wild Coyote was a condominium located in Colorado Springs, a city within the state of Colorado. Gabriella was a native of the state of Colorado, except she was born in Denver, the capital of Colorado. She came from a family of five (including her two older siblings Jessica and Maria). The Wild Coyote was a condominium of four apartment blocks. The...

3 years ago
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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

2 years ago
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Behind Her Back

“Congratulations!” The shrieking teller’s voice pierced the silence of the bank lobby. Kaylah Leonard peered over her monitor looking at the scene across the room. She glanced around and was satisfied that her stodgy boss had his office door closed. “What are we celebrating?” She stood up and walked towards the counter.The one who screamed looked at her fellow cashier and held up her hands.“You can tell her,” approved a cool-toned brown-skinned woman with a shrug.“Charnae’s preggers,” revealed...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 14 Just Friends

April 2002, Spring Break There really are few simple pleasures in life better than just laying out on a beach, feeling the ocean breeze ruffling through your hair while you look around and ogle all the female flesh you can find. Yeah, I would probably choose naked over bikini any day; but nakedness stimulates me the point of boiling over. Bikinis, on the other hand, let my arousal simmer well above normal but below the threshold of instability. I could perpetually be aroused and kept at...

4 years ago
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From Shock to Awesome

To this day, I don't know what caused my wife to come home early from work that morning, and although at the time I was sick to my stomach with dread and fear when she walked in on me, I'm now glad that it happened. For the first time in over ten years of marriage, we can now finally talk about what sexual desires we have. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit.I met my wife almost fifteen years ago and we hit it off immediately. In every possible way that really mattered, she...

3 years ago
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Carol and 1 no 4

Story 4 Chapter 1I was a warm early morning in May, Carol was resting in her bed, drifting in and out of sleep. Rudeolph was flat out next to her and both were naked having spent the previous evening in yet another sexual encounter that had left both of them spent and exhausted. Carol had an additional twinkle in her eyes this morning, she lay there recalling her shopping trip the other day, she had eventually built up the courage to go and purchase the items she had spent weeks thinking about,...

4 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 8

I’m getting half-hard. My cock is still in her hand. I’m catching up to her and can’t resist but to grab her ass a little and gently run my finger between her cheeks over her pussy. “Hey!” Nadine fake protests. Now my face has a big smile on it too. We’re opening the bathroom door and are entering the spacious shower. Nadine is switching on the water. It’s splashing all over her head. She’s lifting both her arms putting them behind her head. Face tilted backwards. “Aahh! So nice!” she exhales....

2 years ago
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24 ChristmasesChapter 22

“Alright Mom,” Joni says, scooping up her backpack from the floor. “Kera’s here to pick me up.” Tara, her mother, looks up from the kitchen table. “Are you sure you want to spend Christmas over there? You’ve always been home for Christmas.” “Yeah, I know,” she says. “But you still have Galen and Dad to keep you company.” “Yeah, Mom,” Galen agrees. “Me and Dad will keep you busy.” “See?” Joni says. “Now can I go before Kera starts blowing the horn?” Tara grins. “Alright, honey. But you...

1 year ago
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My journey to the wild side part four

Graham called me the following day to tell me that he would be home on Monday and I felt sad because I knew this would keep me from my lovers. I got further disappointment when Gary called me to tell me that his daughter and grandchild were visiting him for the weekend and that he would be away until Monday!I explained to Gary that my husband would be home on Monday and he eased my sadness by telling me to fuck Dave tonight and Sunday!I went into town and bought a sexy short black dress for my...

3 years ago
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Just My Fantasy

Today is the day you’ve been longing for because we have been apart far too long. Even though we’ve seen one another many times your heart still skips a beat, you break out into a bit of a sweat, and your breaths are heavy with anticipation. You come in and I’m standing there waiting for you. We embrace and lock lips instantly. This is instinctive, no pretending, no faking. I reach for your hair at your neck. I stroke, caress, and tell you how so much I’ve missed you, missed your touch, your...

3 years ago
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My First Time With My Best Friends Mother

Jake and myself; both now seventeen, grew up just a street apart and attended the same high school. I'd been over to Jake's house numerous times, but in the past several months I found myself taking more notice of his mother, Mia. I'd find myself catching a glance every opportunity I had, making sure Jake never saw me or he'd give me a beating I'd never forget, or worse, take the piss out of me.I considered Mia like a step-mother, who took care of me when my own parents went out of town. I know...

First Time
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The Road to ChaosChapter 25

Ellen, Hero Caretaker, for all that she’d chewed her nails to the quick over the last three days ... that’s the day they could come and the next two ... was so relieved when the portal opened that she lit into them. Worried half to death turned into pissed beyond belief. When the accusation, “YOU ARE LATE!” is accompanied by the “MOM” look, the party on the receiving end of that look shakes right down to his/her toes. And then the accuser notices the bandage wrapped head of the previously...

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Put Me In CoachChapter 7

I had a ballgame to play, and Alice had her own ballgame to coach, so there was no time for anything except the usual high-fives for her ballplayers before I left in the late innings. "Mind if I call you, later, find out who won?" I asked. "Sure. And you can tell me who won yours." "It'll be in all the papers," I said. "And on the ESPN website." "For some reason, they don't post our scores there," she said. "So. I'll call and ask. I've got the number -- on your business...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 23

I burst through the trees at a full run, and then stopped up short. Little Nita, about seven years old, was pointing due south. I turned my gaze in that direction. As I did, I saw what she had screamed at. About 400 yards away was a pride of cave lions. They had killed one of the Aurochs and were dining on it. I held my finger to my lips in shushing fashion and pushed her back toward the trees. I then held my hand up palm out and motioned for the other men to stay still. They knew better than...

2 years ago
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Mom Seduced Son When He Came Home And Went To Take Bath

This a real incident happened to me in last year. I am Naresh ( name changed ) I live in banglore with my parents. My mom name is vasundhara ( name changed ) she is around 40. When I was child my mom used to bath me regularlty but this habit was gone when I became adult. One day I went for hair dress when I came come no one was there only me and mom where there. After entering home I started going towards bath room suddenly mom called my name and told that you went for hair dress so you don’t...

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Helping a collage girl

I was checking out the local adds when I saw something that really got me thinking. It was an add for a woman that said she needed help to pay for her collage. She was willing to do cleaning and stuff for some help. It got me thinking and I decided to send her and e-mail and check out what she was willing to do. I sent out the e-mail and quickly she answered me and said she was happy to come over and talk to me about it so I sent her my address and told her to come on over. I was sitting around...

1 year ago
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I thought I was straight until I fucked my best friend

Ok here's my story of how I became gay. I was 17 at the time and me and friend bradley would always invite lisa and brook around to fuck the shit out of them, well this friday didn't go to plan, me and brad were waiting at my house after school on a friday for the girls to rock up as always, me and brad had a fair bit to drink when we noticed it was getting late and wondered where the girls where, Brad came up with this idea that we should go skinny dipping so when the girls rock up we where...

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Puberty and the AftermathChapter 7

Entering the dining room, behind Sue, I saw that she had swapped her jeans for a short skirt that showed off her legs wonderfully. During the meal I couldn't help myself from glancing at her and visualising those wonderful boobs and her tight little body covered in only those black panties. I think that Sue must have realised where my thoughts were going as every time she caught me staring she would turn a little red. When I glanced at Mom it was to receive something of a disapproving,...

1 year ago
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Why Racism Will Never Die

Angry White Person Syndrome. It’s the most widespread virus in the United States of America. I see it all the time. White women and White men don’t like having so-called ethnic minorities around. Especially those of us they see as ‘not knowing our place’. The person of color, whether Black, Hispanic, Asian or Middle-Eastern, who works hard and achieves things. Success and wealth are considered a White person’s territory. They don’t like to see non-Whites encroaching on their territory. That’s...

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