Jake and Jackie
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Jake and Me PartOn and Me PartOne
It was my own fault, I suppose that I allowed Jake to lead
me down the path
to my own complete humiliation degradation and destruction.
After all he
had just turned eighteen and I was thirty-five. What made
me think he would
ever be interested in me to begin with? Well, I know the
answer. Lonely
middle aged gay guys who are in good shape, still prowl
dance clubs and bars
and malls and streets looking for that sweet young cute
"true love" that
will give their lives meaning. Reality goes right out the
window. And when
I said complete destruction, I was not exaggerating.
I'm an actor or was...I am nothing now but a fucked up
demented cum rag.
I was an actor, which means that I was poor. So I took
jobs at local urban
high schools directing high school plays and staging swing
choir numbers.
It brought in rent money and I got to hang around with cute
young kids,
which always was my weakness.
The first day at Central, I spotted Jake and he spotted
me. He was not
only one of the main soloists for the swing choir, but
obviously one of the
most popular boys in the school. A well built lanky moving
high spirited
boy who always had a gang hanging around him laughing at
his jokes. Girls
and boys alike seemed drawn to him, and he flung his arms
casually around
the shoulders of both sexes as he joked and played. He was
gorgeous. Not muscular, but well built...he played soccer,
I found out. He
had a modern lazy slouch to his walk and he looked good
enough to eat in his
kaki pants and layered tee shirt and sweater combinations.
He had a narrow
sensitive face with lips that permanently curled into a
sneer and showed
flashing, even white teeth. His hair looked uncombed and
sexy as hell.
Sometimes, he wore a necklace and other days he wore an
earring. He made
eye contact with me that first day, and I was putty in his
hands. He would
get my attention by asking stupid questions that would
bring snickers from
the some of the other boys. Jake knew at once I was gay,
and I couldn't
tell if his eye contact was telling me he was too...or just
that he was on
to me. I broke out in a cold sweat.
Each time I tried to stage the kids in couples
movements, he would
ask some question and put his hands on me, making me the
girl, asking me to
show him how to do a step. I could hear some of the guys
laughing, but I
could do nothing about it, I was already hypnotized by
Jake. The worst was
after I had shown him one step, he said, "Thanks..Teach"
and slapped me
casually on the ass. Everyone laughed. and I had to laugh
as well to cover
my embrarrassment and my excitement. I should have stopped
the whole thing
right there, and called him to account for his behavioralled him to account for his behavior,
but I was too
I was so happy when the bell rang, I almost fell into
the folding
chair next to me. But as the kids wandered out, talking,
laughing and
singing, and some of them did stop to thank me, Jake
walked over to me and
stood too close for comfort between my legs as I sat in the
chair to catch
my breath.
"Mr. G. I'm not so sure of some of the steps...do you
think you could
meet with me sometimes and give me some private help?"
"Eh...sure." I couldn't resist his killer smile and
flashing eyes. How
could a kid so young be in such fucking control?
"Is there a room we could meet in during a free
period or after
school?" I asked him. But he wasn?t having any of that.
"I'd rather do it in the evening when I can relax and
How about at your place?" He hooked his thumbs in the
pockets of his pants
and pulled them down low enough for some boxer underwear to
"Oh, I don't think it would be right for a student to
come to my
apartment Jake." I was sweating so badly you could see the
rings under my
He smiled and ran one hand through his mop of unruly
hair. " I think
it would be just fine." Then he just stared me down.
I was dumbstruck. Did this kid want sex with me?
Was that it? What
was going on? My heart almost exploded out of my chest
when I dared to
think that maybe this punk kid really liked me, was
attracted to me a
thirty-five year old man. I was after all, in good shape.
I worked out, and
I was considered good looking if not drop-dead gorgeous
like Jake.
"Tell you what, Jake. Let me look at my schedule for
the week, and
maybe later we can work something out."
"How about tonight?" He winked. He actually winked.
"I..eh...I've got a date tonight, sorry." I lied.
"Break it! Give me your address. I'll be there at
six thirty so we
have lots of time."
"Jake I don't think this is a good idea."
"Maybe you think too much. Maybe you should just go
with the flow
more. Now give me your fucking address." He wasn't asking.
He was telling
I sat there unable to move, stunned, shocked,
looking at this high
school boy who was eighteen but looked more sixteen. My
eyes went down over
his body and, Jesus Christ, he had a hard on. The front of
his pants was
tented out quite far, pushing he material straight at me.
He had a fucking
boner right in front of me.
"That happens sometimes...." he laughed and thrust
his young
slender hips out toward me. "I'm really sorry, Mr. G. I'll
fuck some
freshman girl between classes and it will be better. "
"See here Jake, you can't talk this way to me.
Although I am not a
teacher, I am hired by the school....."
'Look, I can't stand here all day. I gotta go.
Are you going to
give me your address or not?" One of his hands brushed
lightly over his
distended crotch and I saw the teenage prick jump in the
baggy pants. I was
hooked and we both knew it.
"Maybe it would be a good idea to meet just to
talk about this?to
sort out what exactly is going on..." I stammered
something like that, I
don't even remember what, and grabbed a piece of paper and
a pen and
scribbled my address down. He took it form me, letting his
long slender
fingers brush my hand just long enough to make me really
Then, he stuffed the paper into his pants pocked and turned
and slouched
toward the door. At the door he turned once more to me.
"Oh yeah, make sure you have two hundred dollars
in twenties.
And Mr. G., you made a mistake. I will talk to you any
fucking way I want
to. See you tonight."
I swore I wouldn't open the door. I swore I
would go to a
movie so I would not be there. Then I got two hundred
dollars in twenties
from the bank, bought some beer and vodka and brandy and
mixer and snacks
from the store, rushed home and showered twice. I played
with my dick in
the shower and saw the beautiful high school student naked
in my mind's eye.
I'd heard he had a girlfriend, and he made a point of
talking about fucking
a girl, so was he gay or not? Did he like me? Was the
macho act just that?
Something to hide his affection, his attraction for me? Oh
myGod, how stupid
I was. I put on a tee shirt and pair of tight jeans, and
when the door bell
rang, I almost flew across the room, and then stood in
stark terror behind
the closed door. It rang again. I swallowed and opened the
"Hi'ya Mr. G." he flashed me one of those
smiles and sailed
passed me into my apartment. "Cool place...good fuck pad."
He threw his
jacket on a chair. "Maybe I'll bring some chicks here to
fuck them when we
haven't got any place to crash"
"Like hell you will Jake...look we have to
He turned to look at me, and with one hand
scratched his right
pec through his tee shirt. "Ooooh...are you mad at me Mr.
G? Why are you
mad at me? I thought you liked me. " His fingers started
to pinch the
nipple through the tee shirt.
I knew I was in trouble and had better back
off. " I don't
dislike you, I think you are a fine young man."
He threw back his head and laughed. God he
was magnificent. "A
fine young man? That's not what you thought in Swing
Choir...when you were
looking at my dick all period and practically
drooling...everybody saw it.
Then you were thinking..what a tasty young hunk of teenage
boy cock."
I got scared then. " I think you ought to
leave Jake."
"Without you sucking my dick?" He gave me a
pout that got my
prick growing in my jeans. Why was my body doing this? He
saw my reaction
and laughed again. "Faggots suck dick so much better than
twats. You gotta
teach a cunt how to give a decent blow job..but faggots
already know."
"Jake, you are making me really
angry...and I won't let
"You got any beer?" He kicked off his
shoes...and peeled
off his socks and I was hypnotized staring at his fine
arched athletic
teenage feet. " I asked you a question Mr. G. You got any
"Eh...I think..eh...yeah..in the
fridge. " I couldnt
take my eyes off his feet...his smooth flesh going up
inside the cuffs of
his pants.
"Well, why the fuck don't you go get
me one?"
"I'll give him the beer and then
I'll tell him to
leave..." I told myself in the kitchen getting my strength
and dignity back
in order. But when I came back, I saw that he had removed
his tee shirt.
His naked hairless torso...not muscular but tight and
teenagy, well formed
pecs with pink nickel sized nipples, flat stomach, sprouts
of thick armpit
hair, youthful srong teenage arms, destroyed me. I got a
terrible hardon
just standing there.
"It's too fucking hot in here, so I
thought I'd make
myself comfortable. Gimmee the beer and make yourself
comfortable too."
I handed him the beer. "I'm.....I'm
"Mr. G...take off your tee shirt. I'm
only a kid and
you're making me feel embarrassed standing her with my tits
showing and you
all covered up like that. It's just not fair."
I could feel my lower lip
tremble. "Jake, I
don't know what you are doing or why. We need to talk this
out...we need to
communicate. I have no intention of doing anything sexual
with you. It
wouldn't be right."
He laughed long and hard then and
rubbed the cold beer
can over his chest..making his nipples stand up hard and
proud. "That's
almost exactly what Jenny Carson said to me at lunch today
just before I
shoved my dick in her mouth."
"Jake, you are obviously very popular
at school...you
have lots of friends and lots of opportunities for sex...."
"Yeah... I got three cunts pregnant
last semester. "
I felt sick. "I can tell you are
very proud of that.
In that case, you don't need me."
He walked over to me. I could smell
soap and cologne
and boysweat. "Of course I don't need you. But you need
me. You need me
real bad." He put one hand on my face, and I could not
move. He stroked me
cheek and ran a finger over my lips. "You need me so bad,
there is nothing
you won't do for me. And I'm going to prove that to you."
He winked again
and made a kissy mouth at me. He reached down and pinched
one of my nipples
through my teen shirt. "Now take off the fucking shirt
before I get angry
and have to spank you."
I hadn't had sex with anyone in six
months?good sex in
almost a year. Do you know what it is like to be in the
control of an
eighteen year old high school senior? I peeled off the
teen shirt and stood
before him.
"Not bad for an old man." He whisperedispered.
"How big is
your dick..hard?"
I was lost in his eyes...I didn't know
where I was?who I
was. "Six and a half inches." I answered.
"Mine is nine." He smiled and held his
beer can up to my
lips. Is that what gave him his confidence...his big dick?
is that how it
worked? He put the beer can to my lips and I drank. Then
he drank from the
same can...never taking his eyes off me. Then he spit on
the lip of the can,
then he wiped the spit around the top with his tongue, then
he spit again
right into the can, then he held it up to my lips. Where
the fuck did he
learn all of this? I drank...tasting his spit and the
beer. He was only
about five foot ten and I was six foot two..but he was way
in control. He
tipped the beer can and let beer run down over my chest.
The dam inside of
me broke.
"Oh Jake, you are a very sexy young man,
and yes I do have
feelings for you. I had very strong feelings instantly for
you...I...I...have a kind of crush on you."
"Fuck man, what will my steady
girlfriend say about
that...and all the guys in swing choir?"
"Jake I hope to God you won't tell anyone
about this. It
could be very bad for both of us.or both of us."
He shook his head and his hair fell
over his forehead.
He looked like a little boy. "No,it could be very bad for
you. My father is
a cop."
I didn't say anything because I
didn't know what to
say. His laugh this time was that of a naughty little boy.
" I hate the
fucker!" He said. "Do you want to open my pants for me?"
Oh God help me, I did. I did want to
so badly. I was
transposed by sex. With shaking fingers I reached out to
his belt buckle.
"Twenty bucks...." he said very sweetly. That hit me hard,
but I was too
gone to care.
"Sure, if that's what you want, I'll
pay you after the
sex, I promise."
His hand grabbed my wrist. It was
surprisingly strong.
"No Mr G. Twenty bucks...now ...for the honor of opening
my pants." What
should I do. I was so close to his throbbing nine inch
teenage dick. I had
to see it. I had to taste it. Nothing else mattered. I
fished in my jeans
pocket...all the tighter because my dick was very hard too
and handed him a
twenty. He put it in his trouser pocket. "Ok...enjoy
yourself...open my
pants Mr. G." I did...even the act of unbuttoning his
pants and lowering
his zipper was more erotic than the wildest sex I had evethe wildest sex I had ever
does that to you. His loose casual trousers were so baggy,
they fell around
his ankles, showing me his beautiful legs, lightly haired,
and his boxer
shorts with an enormous tent where his hard dick poked out.
The front of
the boxers was all wet.
"I leak an awful lot. I'm always leaving
pecker tracks all
over the place." He was so golden and glorious, so young
and smooth and
sexual, I was out of my mind. I reached for his boxers,
brushed my hand
across his smooth tight tummy And slid my fingers into the
"That will cost you another twenty...Mr. G."
"You are a fucking bastard Jake." I was
shaking so bad my
fingers made a drum sound on his flat stomach. I could feel
his prick hair
as it trailed up toward his belly button.
"Do you want to see my nine inch dripping
dick? If you do,
apologize for calling me a bad name and give me an extra
twenty as
punishment. That's forty bucks, Teach."
I handed him the forty, which he dropped onto
the floor with no
concern. I slipped the boxers down off his hips, he sucked
in his stomach,
and his fat beer can thick nine inch dick flopped up and
down in front of
me, spraying flecks of pre fuck everywhere. It was the most
beautiful dick I
had ever seen...a huge fucking dickhead all pink and with a
fat knob and
thick piss slit. A fleshy and fat stalk with blue veins
clearly visible.
Gigantic balls hanging low in a thick smooth, saggy sack.
They swung gently
with his breathing. Perfectly trimmed prick bush. It
wasthe dick of a God,
not of a teenage boy. I knew then, no matter what happend,
I would never
ever get over Jake. Never forget this magnificent slab of
teenage fuckmeat.
This work of art. This prizewinning boy pisser. The other
boys must be so
fucking jealous. I was so fucking jealous. I had a rather
normal six and a
half inch prick. This teenager had the fuckmeat of an
"Sorry, I'm leaking all over your rug. " he
laughed, stepping
out of his pants and his underwear. His big balls danced
and his dick
slapped up against his stomach but then hung heavy out from
his groin, too
big and thick to stand up straight. "I'm usually bigger,
but I fucked twice
and jerked off once already today."
"Oh my God, Jake...oh My God Jake...." I said
over and
over...It's all I could say. He stood there with his hands
on his slender
hips. I could hardly swallow, I was so consumed by this
teenage fucktool.
"I bet you want to kiss it and suck it real
bad...huh Mr. G?
Don't you want to run your tongue over my big dripping
"Yes Jake..I do. I really do. "
"That will cost you another forty bucks...I
hope you got
enough money. The evening is still young, and I got two
cunts doing my
homework for me, so I am free all night."
I was on my knees in front of Jake the eighteen year
old high school kid
who had captured my mind, my heart, and my lust. He had the
most perfect
dick I ever saw.(and I have seen none as beautiful since)
He stood there,
arrogant as hell, tightening his tummy so the prick would
dance and bounce
in front of me, drooling pre-fuck like a leaky faucet. His
pre-fuck was
cloudy and thick, almost like cum. Some of the fuck
splashed onto my chest
and neck. It stung my skin and almost sent me over the
edge. I handed him
the forty dollars. He chuckled and dropped it onto the
"Ok Mr. G. Now we've got a good understanding going. I
tell you what I
want, and you do it. And then you pay me for the honor of
doing what I want.
That sound pretty good to you?" He was not big
boned..except for his prick,
and his body looked like tha tof a sixteen year old. It
made my agony all
the greater. And when he laughed, which he did alot, and
flashed his even
white teeth, I was lost. But my eyes weren't on his teeth.
They were on his
fucking huge teenage prick and balls. I leaned in to licck
a dollop of pre
cum off his prick head, but he stepped back out of the way.
"I gave you the money...you said I could..."
"I said you could kiss and lick my prick...my dick
juice will cost you
an extra twenty."
"Jake, I'm an actor...I don't have a lot of money,
that's why I help
out at the school. I can hardly pay my rent every
"Look at all that sticky stringy fuck slime. I'll bet
you really want to
taste it, don?t you? Nice fresh teenage boy fucksnot? Does
it taste
different from when you suck some old fart's dick? I bet it
juicy teeage boy pisser juice. You want it bad...don't
My shaking hand fished out another twenty which got
tossed lightly on
the pile, then Jake stepped close to me once again, and I
was in Heaven
smelling the ripe odor of his teen boy cock and balls. I
leaned in and put
my lips to his plumb sized dickhead, wanting to make this
special...to remember it all my life. My lips touched his
dickhead. Prick
slop transferred from his piss hole to my lips. His dick
bounced and
slapped my nose and left a spray of pre-cum on my cheek. I
started to lick
the cockhead. It was the most delicious thing I ever
tasted.I lifted my
hands to take hold of the huge prick. Jake slapped my
hands away...
"Piggy mouth only Mr. G. " I began to lick down the
slimy shaft of
the teen cock. I traced a big blue boy vein with my tongue.
I buried my
face in his teenage prick hair. "I'm so happy, it's ok God
if I die now, "
I thought to myself, using my lips to gum the thick hard
prick stalk. Then I
leaned down and started to lick his gigantic shaved nuts.
The ball bag of a
teenage boy is so soft., so different from that of an older
man...Jake was
right, there is nothing like a teenager. The nuts were a
bit salty with
sweat. The flesh was like velvet. Suddenly he grabbed my
head by the ears
and shoved his dick deep into my mouth, butting my throat
and making me
"Come on Asswipe, I wanna fuck your facehole now." He
began to fuck
brutally in and out of my throat., yanking my head all the
way down to this
prickhair. I had never had a dick that big in my mouth
before...a nine inch
prick, and I doubted I could take it balls deep. Jake
never doubted me. He
knew damn well I could take it as deep as he wanted to go,
and he wanted to
go scrotum depth into my gullet. That meant that nine
inches of boy dick had
to pierce my throat. When he fucked a girl, she knew she
was fucked...she
could hardly walk afterwards. I can't claim his partners
ever really
enjoyed the feeling of sex with Jake...it always hurt too
damn much, but it
was exactly the fact that he didn't give a fuck abou give a fuck about
anyone's pleasure but
his own, that made him so damned attractive. All that
mattered was Jake's
dick having pleasure.
He lifted one strong slender soccer player leg and
threw it over my
shoulder...so he could grind his prick even deeper into my
throat. He
slammed my head against his crotch, and I thought I would
pass out from pain
and lack of air. His huge cock was imbedded way into my
throat., and I
thought its girth must be ripping the skin. With one leg
over my shoulder
and across my back, he rode me like that, fucking deep into
my face. My face
had become a cunt for this randy teenage boy to fuck. I
was just a fuck
hole for him. "Come on you fucking faggot, suck
dick...take that big teen
prick you cocksucking pig you...you piece of homo shit...."
That was how I received my first load of Jake
Jism...sprayed down my
throat...scalding, strong, salty, his fat teen pisser
throbbing and gushing
a huge load of stud scum into me. Finally when the teen
prick stopped
spurting and he released me from the hold of his strong
smooth leg, I fell
back onto the carpet...some cum dripping from my lips.
"Whew, you are a way kewl facefuck Mr. G. Wait until I
tell the guys at
"Jake, listen to me, you must never tell anyone what we
have done. Do you
He smiled and scratched one hunky ass cheek. "We'll
"No Jake...not we'll see...not a soul. I am serious
about this....."
He pouted and shook his darling head at me. "Ooohhh Mr.
G. is
serious...serious with boy spooge dripping down his chin.
Get your faggot
ass up here and clean off my dick. Don't you know the
first rule of cunt
service...after the sex, the cunt cleans the cock with her
filthy sow
"Jake, where did you ever learn at such a young age to
be so cruel...so
"Just a natural talent, I guess...now come on...clean
off Mr. Dick. " I
lovingly licked the flaccid cum covered teenage cock clean,
wondering about
the school girls who had been fucked by that dick. I
wondered if they knew
how lucky they were. If I had been a young school girl, I
would have done
anything to keep Jake as my boyfriend, absolutely
anything! When his dick
was clean, he flopped back on the couch and sat there, legs
spread wide,
toes curling and uncurling, scratching his pec and smiling.
"Get me another beer will you?"
"Jake, maybe you should go home now...."
"Oh sure, you selfish fucker...you have your fun and
then want to throw
me out. What about my feelings?"
"I sucked your cock..you had..."
"You had the extreme pleasure of taking the most
beautiful dick in the
world down your sow gullet. You had the pleasure of
worshipping a young
teenage God. Now I want some fun. I want to play. First go
get me a beer.
Oh take off your pants first. "
I wanted to throw him out on his ass, but something
about the way he
said he wanted to "play" made my dick jump in my jeans and
squirt another
jolt of pre fuck. I quickly peeled off my jeans and stood
naked in front of
the kid. Like I said, I have a nice body and am proud of
"You're right, Mr. G. That is a pretty pathetic little
dick you've got
there, isn't it?"
I tried to regain some pride. "It's six and a half
inches Jake, larger
than average. "
He did laugh then. "Ha...pencil prick. No wonder you
became a
faggot...you couldn't even fuck a chick with that
dick...she'd never even
feel it. Is it in yet Honey?"
My dick was harder than it had ever been. "Yes, well
not everyone is
hung like you Jake. "
He spread his legs wider and patted his flaccid prick
and huge saggy
balls. "Damn straight...now crawl into the kitchen and get
me a beer."
I must have intentionally missed the key word in that
last sentence,
for I turned and started to walk out of the room. His voice
became harsh and
I turned to face him...trying to look dignified with my
six and a half
inch throbbing hard on all red and drooling. "I will not
crawl for anyone,
Jake. You may be the most handsome teen I have ever seen,
and I may have a
stupid crazy crush on you...I admit that...I admit that I
have lost my
senses...but I have never crawled for anyone, and I will
not do it now."
He never said a word. He didn't have to. He lifted one
leg and bent the
knee, putting his sexy big naked teenage foot up on the
couch. This spread
him wide enough for me to see up his ass crack and I saw
his perfect pink
asshole, all crinkled and tight and beautiful. He started
to play with his
dick and it grew hard again in an instant. With his other
hand he pulled at
his nipples until they were hard as little stones. He
sucked in his bottom
lip and chewed on it and looked at me that way, batting his
rather large
I felt sick to my stomach, and my legs lost their
strength. I wanted to
laugh and cry at the same time. My head felt light and my
body was covered
with a cold sweat. It was like coming down with some kind
of instantaneous
flu. My dick was so hard the skin felt like ripping and
it itched
terribly. I needed this young punk's cock..I needed his ass
like I had never
needed anything in my whole entire life. I blinked the
sweat or tears from
my eyes, looked around...and found myself on my knees. How
could I let
anyone do this to me? A boy! How could I demean myself in
this way. On
hands and knees I crawled into the kitchen for the beer. I
know ou no longer
have any sympathy for me or my plight. You think me
disgusting. Well, all I
can say is, you didn?t know Jake.
Crawling back into the living room, I noticed two
things. One, I was
breathing through my mouth, my lower jaw hanging slack,
like I was some kind
of village idiot or something. Second, Jake was no longer
on the couch. Then
I felt his weight on my back, as he sat naked on me...like
a rider on a
horse. "Put the beer down Mr. G., and ride me around the
room" Here I was,
a naked man in his mid-thirties, naked on my hands and
knees in my own
living room with a bare assed eighteen year old kid sitting
on me, wanting
to ride me like a horse. I could feel his balls and prick
on my back.
"Look Jake, I don't want to...." He slapped my ass
hard and dug one
foot into my rips.
"Come on, be a good horsey...giddyup....? I crawleawled
around my living
with this naked teenage boy on my back. For ten minutes I
crawled, until I
fell to the floor in exhaustion and Jake stood up and
fetched his beer.
"You make a shitty horse...no stamina. You're going to
need to work on
that. "
I lifted my sweat slick head. "For what?'
He stood over me and poured some beer on me. "For the
future. So I can
get a decent ride in the future. Cripes are you stupid."
The future...I hadn't even thought of the future. But
he had. "Oh,
tomorrow by the way, get me a set of keys to this pace, so
I can come and go
as I please. And we'll have to put some kind of sign on
the door, so if I
am fucking some chick here, you know to stay away until I
am finished.
Unless of course I allow you to watch. He stood there
legs spread on his
big teen feet, flaccid prick swinging over a low hanging
ball bag, tight
stomach, well shaped boy pecs with beautiful nipples,
shoulders straight,
head back, slugging down the beer. I almost came just
looking at him. He
raised one arm and sniffed his armpit.
"Whew...my pits really stink, its so damn warm in here.
You better lick
them clean for me, don't you think, Mr. G.?"
You should have heard the voice in my skull right
then..."Oh God
yes..God yes, let me lick your armpits Jake...let me suck
the boy sweat from
your pit bushes, and taste the foul bitter taste of teenage
armpit. Cover my
face with your pit stink so when you go home, I still can
smell you." I
know now, I am a real sicko, but I didn?t know it then. I
crawled to the
couch to lick his armpits. It cost me ten bucks for each
pit, well worth
it when you consider the price of cocktails in a classy
bar. I sucked and
licked his armpits for fifteen minutes and never would have
stopped if he
hadn't pushed my head back. "I gotta piss, " he said
rising and walking in
that casual way he had toward the bathroom, his ass globes
hypnotizing me as
they kind of rolled with each step. He had well muscled,
smooth skinned ass
cheeks with a deep crack. "Come on......" I crawled
after him...I
actually crawled after him. Have any of you ever done
something so demeaning...so disgusting. I crawled
after a teenage boy going to take a piss.
?You?ll want to bring some money,? he said with a smile,
his fat dick swinging.
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.----------------------------Breakfast Sunday morning was a lot less awkward than...
Whilst Millie was sailing through her pregnancy with no problems, other, of course, than those of which all women not unnaturally complain, Caroline’s condition was still causing concern. She was, unfortunately, not a good patient since she wanted to be out working, although she did realise that physically that simply wasn’t possible. Always the more placid of the two sisters she was now developing a temper to match Victoria’s. Jake spent a lot of time with her when he wasn’t working, but...
“A little job, Mr Hatherley? So far they seem to have developed into rather more than little.” said Jake. “Oh, this is simple enough. Take a letter over and deliver it to an address I shall give you, and collect a parcel from the same address. No problems, I assure you.” Jake raised an eyebrow. “When?” “I’m not sure. Probably not until ‘Moonfleet’s’ next trip after this one. I expect you’ll have young Fitzherbert with you by then. In fact I’m sure of it. I’ll be in touch. Good day.” “Good...
Introduction: Again, sorry about the paragraphs. I dont care about the format, I just care about getting the story on here. I am gonna make a series of these two people so yes there will be a second episode. There are hints in this story as to what the second episode is about. Hope you enjoy! Ahhhhhhh! Shouts a young Mrs. Housened. Its just a spider, sweetie. Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are...
Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake was sitting in his office with several large ledgers in front of him. After studying them for some time he sat back and relaxed. There was no doubt that the business, or rather businesses, were in good shape. He had some time ago decided that each division should be accounted separately in order that he could keep an eye on how they were performing. There were profits showing from all the divisions, although some were better than others. The difference was that...
“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...
St Petersburg station was an impressive building, but so, Jake and Hermione discovered, were the rest of the buildings in the city. And the hotel was wonderful, with first class service, comfortable suites and every modern convenience, and, much to Hermione’s delight, French cuisine. The next morning after a breakfast of French style viennoiserie, which Hermione found most acceptable, they considered their options. These, or more accurately, this, came down to starting at the police...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.-------------Jake walked into the steakhouse with his favorite two women close...
Editing by Old Rotorhead Stunned silence would be the best description of the scene in the studio. Nerissa had run up the stairs after Jake had left. She burst into the studio to give the news to Victoria that Millie had been run over and taken to hospital. Victoria’s reaction had been simply to leave. They could hear her footsteps running down the stairs, and then silence after she went through the front door, leaving the other three looking at each other. Nerissa knew Millie only from a...
It had been several weeks since the evening that Hermione spent with Jake, and which had ended up with the beginnings of her sexual education. She had been very busy between her royal duties, although now that the Queen had become a virtual recluse that had become much less onerous, and being required to spend time with her aunt. Why Aunt Honoria, despite being the Duchess of Skegness, should want to live in a draughty castle on the east coast she could not imagine. Alright, it wasn’t a...
In Jake’s first year of university, he was paired up in residence with a guy named David, who bore such a striking resemblance to Orlando Bloom that everyone on their floor just started calling him Elf. Jake himself was quite good-looking, but never quite saw himself that way. He was in fact deeply insecure about his looks because he’d been a little too nerdy in high school to ever get the attention of girls. He didn’t realize that what had made him unattractive in high school—his bookishness,...
Gay MaleThank you all for being such faithful readers. I love interacting with my fans! If you want to read these faster, please go to my post on voat:https://voat.co/v/TimeStop/comments/138397I post there first, Reddit second, and here last because it's harder to get to through work firewalls and it has that long wait time for posting.After all the excitement and sunshine at the beach, Jake wanted to go somewhere cool and relaxing. Petra agreed with him about the heat, but had other ideas about the...
Jake returned to Bristol alone the next morning. Victoria was staying for another day or two to make sure that the painters were aware of exactly what she wanted. And, he was quite sure, she would make certain that Annabelle got what Victoria wanted. He arrived back in his office to find that since he was now available to be consulted that was exactly what was happening. “Dennis, what have you been doing for the past few months,” he asked his assistant. “Umm ... well, I’ve been running...
Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”“...like hell,” Petra offered.Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”Carol...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, i****t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------Jake uploaded all his work and went to lunch early....
This story is continued from "Daydreaming on the Hardintown Bus" here is a link:http://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/451995.htmlJake walked home from the bus as fast as he could he really wanted nothing more than to jack off and think of Natalie feeling his cock! It had only been an accidental touch but for a teen boy it did not take much!He arrived at home and was alone. He quickly went to the dirty clothes hamper. With two sisters and a mom there was always a pair of used panties to sniff...
Jake winked at Petra as she returned from the bathroom. “Everything alright in there?” he asked. “Just fine, Daddy,” she said. She walked over and leaned in close to where he sat in his recliner. “What did you do? That was hilarious.” Jake chuckled. “Just a little teasing. You want me to keep going?” “Yes, please!” She kissed his cheek, then turned to head upstairs to her room. Halfway up the stairs she flipped up her bathrobe to show off the way her panties hugged her ass. Of course, as...
Editing by Old Rotorhead Florence’s new dress was ready by mid morning, and it would have been impossible to have found a girl who was happier. She was dancing up and down the workshop, and all production ceased as everyone watched her. Kaitlyn had to catch her and wave the women back to work. The dress was one of their finest creations and fitted Josephine perfectly. Whilst Josephine was undoubtedly female, her figure was almost straight up and down, with just a small amount of padding on...
The evening of the day of Victoria’s chastisement both girls looked absolutely lovely at dinner and the flow of conversation showed no sign from either of the girls regarding the day’s events, but only discussions of how things could move forward. Aunt Lydia of course disapproved of business being discussed over dinner but the enthusiasm of the younger members of the family was infectious. After dinner Jake had a short discussion with his uncle before retiring to bed. It was less than half...
Jake had been feeling pretty good about himself lately. He had answered two more “summons” as Danica’s “not-Jake” in the last week, and it was starting to make a marked difference in the girl. She was bolder, more outspoken and confident, and smiled a lot more. It was as if some great burden of stress had been lifted from her. Which made sense, because in a way it was true. Danica liked being brought down to the level of an a****l; in fact, she loved it. She’d told him as much after their last...
Jake called on the bank and met with his contact. They sorted out the financial aspects of the business, and established lines of credit. Having completed that he hailed a cab and gave the driver the number of the pier where the ‘Rigel’ was berthed. When he arrived he stood for a few minutes looking at the ship. She was rigged as a barquentine, having square sails on the foremast and gaff rigging on the main and mizzen. This would reduce the size of the crew required to sail her. Jake already...
Although the wedding was not a major event in the life of Bristol, it nevertheless made waves in the family. The ladies had, of course, turned out in their finery, and Uncle John was taken into the church in a chair with wheels attached. He took little interest in the proceedings and returned to his room at home immediately after the ceremony. The waves in the family were caused by the fact the the house was simply no longer big enough, and the answer would be to move, but in the meantime...
Jake goes for help Chapter 1 - The first Session Jake Carstairs buzzed the office of the councilors, and went inside when the door unlocked. He went to the receptionist desk, and told the lady his name. "Who are you seeing?" she asked. Jake pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans and read the name. "Jill. I think." "Ah, yes. She's just about done with her current client. Just have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" "Sure." Jake moved into the waiting area,...
Jake and Mari - Part One It had been one of those frustrating evenings. Jake loved his beautiful wife. She had proved to be submissive to him. Over the years they had played at Master and sex slave, but there was always an underlying current of resistance from Mari. Even when they engaged in ?vanilla? sex, she would tend to resist turning loose and enjoying the action. This was one of those evenings. Jake had tied her hands behind her back, and had spanked her delicious ass...
Jake was a twenty year old sophomore in college. He loved the college life, and why shouldn't he? Sure, the workouts for the wrestling team were grueling, but they kept him in fantastic shape. That really paid off at parties, and he could always find at least one party to go to on the weekend. Usually though, he was partying both Friday and Saturday night with knowledge of multiple parties on either night so that he could switch venues if he wasn't making any progress with the available women...
It's funny how random events can impact our lives. Emma and I had been married less than a year when our marriage sailed into parts unknown. It turned out to be a hell of a detour, but in the end one we're both glad we took. She's 22, and blessed with girl next door good looks. She was a gymnast in high school and college, as well as part of the dance team. At 5'2" and 105 pounds, she is an incredibly fit blue-eyed blonde and prides herself in staying in shape. As a football and soccer jock in...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.“And ever since then, you’ve been able to-”“Stop time, yes.”Petra blinked, staring...
“Daddy!” someone whined. “Wake uuuuup!” Jake’s nostrils were filled with a familiar scent of strawberry bodywash. He inhaled deeply and smiled. “I know you’re awake,” Petra complained. “Shoosh,” Jake said, wrapping his arms around the girl who had woken him from his nap by straddling his lap. “sleep time is now.” Petra whined again, pushing her breasts in Jake’s face. He noticed that they were uncovered, and his eyes snapped open. “Petra, your mother-” “She’s out,” Petra said, smiling down...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------Jake’s mind was racing as he went through the motions of working. He’d...
Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake returned to the suite and tapped on the door. “Who is it?” asked Hermione. “Jake,” he replied. There was a click from the lock and the door opened. Gina was obviously behind the door, but Jake’s first sight was down the barrel of a very large revolver, and behind it Hermione. “I’d forgotten about that gun,” said Jake. “Would you mind waving it elsewhere? “Well you threw the hat overboard, so I had to keep something as a souvenir,” Hermione grinned. “Now come...
Introduction: Amy gets raped by her boss on a business trip Amy had been working for Jake McKnight for two years, a golden opportunity for her. McKnight was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and she was his Executive Assistant. Amy took care of the high-end, business-related aspects of Jakes life. She was efficient, hard-working, and under-appreciated. She had fantasized about Mr. McKnights cock for months, but the opportunity had never presented itself. Jake McKnight was 45 years old, married...
Jake had just completed his after-school assignments and wanted to take a shower before he went to his part-time job. He noticed that the student’s shower was out of order and he had no other choice but to use the teacher’s shower. He thought in his mind “It should be alright, its after-school and most of the teachers have left.” So he took his clothes off and entered the shower. As he was about to use the shower, he heard an angelic voice say “I think you might be in the wrong shower.” Jake...
Mr Hatherly gave a short laugh. “I’m sure our relationship will continue to be profitable to both of us Mr White,” he said. “I trust that ‘Moonfleet’ is proving useful.” Jake was well aware that Hatherly was referring to the fact that he had acquired the ship at no cost. “Yes,” replied Jake, “she’s in Dublin at the moment.” “Of course, but she’ll be back in about a week, and turned round in a couple of days, I think.” “That would be about right.” “I’d like you to take a passenger for me...
For years I had fantasized about watching my wife suck another mans cock. I know I am not alone amongst men in having this fantasy based on many of the stories that I have read over the years on the internet and other various venues. I have even mentioned it to my wife more than once. At times, usually when we are fucking, I have brought it up and she has said she would do it. I think we both knew that she was just saying this a part of the moment and neither of us thought it would ever advance...
“Well that was remarkably clever,” Hermione broke the immediate silence. The solution to this amazing feat made itself known as two burly men entered the room, both brandishing large calibre revolvers, the leader’s still smoking, and moved to ensure that neither of the men would be a further problem. “Do you think you could possibly give me a hand Jake?” said Hermione. “Oh, yes, of course,” Jake replied, breaking out of the momentary shock Hermione was on tip toe and the rope linking her...
Jake McKnight was 45 years old, married to a stay-at-home drunk wench named Karen. Karen didn't put out anymore. And to make matters worse, Karen smelled like alcohol all the time. Jake had taken to sleeping at the corporate suite or on the couch in the den rather than sleep with his slobbering wife. Amy never noticed Jake eyeing her legs wrapped in nylons. Nor did she ever notice the slight movement in his crotch whenever she bent over in front of him, surreptitiously exposing her ample...
Jake sat for a few minutes after Hatherly had left wondering what he had meant by ‘recognition of your efforts’; surely ‘Moonfleet’ had been sufficient. Still, no point in worrying, and he realised he was worrying rather than speculating, about the future. Maria O’Brien had returned to Dublin on ‘Moonfleet’ with samples of dresses and a draught of an agreement to discuss with her father. He felt sure that there was good business to be had there. Turning his mind to other things, he wondered...
Edited by Old Rotorhead It was an odd thing, thought Jake, but something that he was fairly used to. Both Caroline and Victoria had always been at pains to explain every minute detail of their successful, or sometimes unsuccessful, business deals. He now had Hermione explaining in minute detail everything which had happened on her trip to Newton Abbott. So it must be a woman thing, he supposed. Nevertheless he was happy for her, and for the estate which would benefit from it. She did omit,...
Victoria did indeed prove to be ideal to set up and stock the shop with everything that would be required. Jake blanched at some of the expenditure, but could see that it was necessary. The first thing was premises and here she quickly found what she determined was required; a major corner premises on several floors in the centre of town. Jake was convinced that these were larger than they required, but, as Victoria pointed out, they only needed to outfit the ground floor to start with, and...
Introduction: Prequel of one of my stories ( Guardian Angel ) During a calm saturday morning, Jake slept peacefully in his room. There was a knocking on the door, and the door was opened slowly and quietly. A boy entered Jakes room, and gently sat next to the sleeping boy. Jake felt someone breathing next to his left ear, and as he opened his eyes, the boy joined his lips with Jakes. After a moment, the kiss was broken: Morning, sleepy head! shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing...
Jake saw Stacey as he drove up the street towards her house. She was standing outside in the white tennis skirt he had chosen for her last night, but she was covered from the waist up by a large green hoodie, hiding her best features. The baggy hoodie represented resistance to Jake's desires and this annoyed him.As Stacey opened the passenger door to get in he held his hand up to stop her. "Throw your backpack in the back and take off that ridiculous sweatshirt," he barked."What? It's cold...
TeenEdited by Old Rotorhead Paris! Gay Paree, city of love and romance and ... to be honest, Victoria wasn’t overly impressed. Oh, there were smart new buildings, street long facades fronted fine apartments, but around the back there were the slums where the poor lived, and the smell on a hot day, well ... not much different to London, or indeed Bristol. There were, rather like London, many churches, and a magnificent cathedral, although she felt on balance that Wren’s masterpiece was better,...
I keep getting messages saying you love this story. Thank you all! Remember I am always open to comments, criticism and suggestions/requests. And this part is the end of Katie's sleepover, I promise.Katie came hard when Petra flashed her dad’s dick-pic at her. It was completely without warning; one moment she was eagerly anticipating the sight, and the next she was biting her lip and squirming, trying desperately not to moan. She felt empty inside, and she knew exactly how she wanted to fill...
"Morning, sleepy head!" shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing with Jake's hair. "Hunter! Can't you see I was sleeping?" complained Jake. "Not anymore! C'mon, we got stuff to do!" "Like what?" asked Jake, as he tried to fully wake up and get out of the bed. "You promised we'd go to Mount Gloria today!" shouted Hunter, as he followed Jake, wherever he went in the room, as the boy looked for some clothes to wear. "Mount Gloria?" asked Jake. "Yeah, it's where we...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of time stop, non-consent/reluctance, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.This is the first chapter of what will become (hopefully) a long story. I'm open to feedback, suggestions, and requests!---ONE---Jacob Stevens was a pretty average guy. 6 feet...
Jake stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Jake knew that she was watching the growing bulge in his pants. As for him, Jake could hardly tear his eyes away from the lovely sight before him. Janie was sitting with one leg pulled up under her, seeming to be unaware that the crotch of her white panties was clearly visible to him.Jake stood up. Janie...
Jake stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Jake knew that she was watching the growing bulge in his pants. As for him, Jake could hardly tear his eyes away from the lovely sight before him. Janie was sitting with one leg pulled up under her, seeming to be unaware that the crotch of her white panties was clearly visible to him.Jake stood up. Janie...
Jake was like a drug for teenage girls. He was attractive, charming, and had a way about him that made girls want his attention. A fun casual friend, but addictive and dangerous in large doses or repeated use. Jake was only and always out for himself. He didn't know what it meant to care for anyone else. To him, women were disposable and only meant for his entertainment and pleasure. Stacey was a beautiful girl who was always seeking to fill the void left by her estranged, deadbeat dad who...
MasturbationDorothy Owens needed to get a gift card for a friend's birthday. She drove over at three o'clock and walked into the restaurant. The hostess took her information and told her to wait in the bar area while working on the gift certificate.She had a small talk with the bartender and asked for water with lemon. She noticed two younger men who were about the age of her grandsons. She smiled at them and gazed up at the television and saw a baseball game was on, and it was a team that she enjoyed...
TabooJake White Continues The next day started far too early for Jake after his exertions the night before, but he was washed, dressed and breakfasted ready to accompany his uncle on their walk down to the chandlery ready for the day’s business. Over the next few months he was to learn about all the items that the chandlery stocked, how they bought and from whom, who they supplied and how, and about the accounting system too. Jake gradually adjusted to life at home too. Dinner was always a...
Jake was probably one of the most even tempered of men, and it was rare that he regarded a set back as anything other than an opportunity, whether to find a new solution or take a new direction. So it was most unusual to find him sitting behind his desk silently fuming. The reason for his anger was the note grasped in his right hand. He had, some ten days ago, sent a message via the new trans Atlantic telegraph, a cable newly laid under the Atlantic ocean all the way to New York, to enquire...
This story continues some of the characters from Hardintown. You can enjoy this story alone but at the end there are links to other connected appearances of Lisa and Jake.Life continued to change rapidly for Lisa and her family. Her husband and Sara were going away for lover’s weekend. Lisa was looking forward to going back to the glory hole where she would have sex with all kinds of men. Just the thought of what would happen later that night made her pussy cream!Lisa walked out to get the mail...
Jake was sitting deep in thought when Hermione and Susan returned just before lunch. The pair of them were clearly on a high after shopping, a curious state that almost all women seem to enjoy - or should that be suffer from? “We’ve had a wonderful time, Jake,” said Hermione, dropping several bags and boxes. “We did,” said Susan dropping some bags on the pile, twirling around and dropping into a chair. “And we’ve more stuff to be delivered when some alterations have been made,” Hermione...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests. I write more when I hear more from you, my beloved readers!Ladies, want to be...
Chapter 1 ‘John,’ Gill started the conversation rolling. Everyone at the bank referred to John Jacob Nicholls as John. It was his given first name, although his family always called him by an abbreviation of his middle name, as both his father and grandfather had been Johns. His great grandfather had been a Jacob, so were a number of uncles and strangely enough even a couple of great-aunts shared it as a middle name. There was no way that Gill would have known that, of course. ‘Everyone...
Introduction: Jake's hot aunt Jessie welcomes him into her home as his parents are finalizing their divorce. Marie and her husband David were going through some hard times. It seems that everything that had once defined their relationship was gone. They simply weren’t attracted to each other in the way that they were back when they were first married. Although they had both been faithful to one another during their 18 years of marriage, they were also both ready to move on. Sometimes these...
I'm so thrilled with the responses here! If anyone is on Reddit, I've also been posting in /r/timestop and /r/sexystories.This is a long chapter, but I think it's worth it!-------------Jake and Sarah were reading in the living room when the doorbell rang. Petra answered, knowing it would be Katie arriving, and welcomed her in.“Did you eat, Kat? We already did, but there’s some snacks if you want. Oh, you remember my parents.”Katie came around the corner with Petra and smiled. She was wearing a...