Summer with Miss Gill
- 2 years ago
- 22
- 0
Chapter 1
‘John,’ Gill started the conversation rolling.
Everyone at the bank referred to John Jacob Nicholls as John. It was his given first name, although his family always called him by an abbreviation of his middle name, as both his father and grandfather had been Johns. His great grandfather had been a Jacob, so were a number of uncles and strangely enough even a couple of great-aunts shared it as a middle name. There was no way that Gill would have known that, of course.
‘Everyone tells me that you are the person to ask,’ continued Gill, a little nervously. Usually so decisive, the department head was clearly out of her element here.
‘Ask me what?’ Jake looked up from filing his daily copy logs in his binder, and concentrated his warm brown eyes, smiling expectantly at her.
‘Oh my god,’ the thought almost escaped her lips, ‘he looks like a cute puppy!’ She so wanted to kiss him and clutch his slim, hard body to her breast. She cleared her throat, ‘concentrate, girl!’
John Jacob Nicholls, or Jake to his family, had a thing about Gillian Jarvis. He always had, ever since he first saw her. She started working at the Standhope Winter merchant bank, off Cornhill, deep in the heart of the City of London, twelve years ago. This was about two years after Jake started working there in the copy/fax room.
When she first started at the bank, Gill Jarvis worked part-time, as she still had two young children in nursery, and, as office gopher, she had to go to the copy room several times a day. So Jake got to know her quite well, which only reinforced his initial positive feelings towards her. Okay, he noticed the wedding band on her finger almost immediately and soon found out that she had two young children. That didn’t concern him, or affect his friendly relationship with her, as an actual design on her affections was quite the last thing on his mind.
Even if Gillian Jarvis had been single he would have been reluctant to approach her with any romantic expectations, in fact, to approach any woman in that respect was at that time considered by him to be impossible.
But that was when he first knew her, would Jake make a move now, so many years later, if they were both single?
In the January update of the company telephone list, that Jake had printed out and circulated a couple of months earlier, the entry ‘Gillian Jarvis assistant manager enterprise asset management division’ had disappeared and a new entry, ‘Gillian Moorhouse manager enterprise asset management division’ appeared instead, a page or two further down the alphabetical list. Jake noted that she was taking the opportunity of her latest promotion to revise her surname.
Gill was what you would call petite, about 5 foot 3 inches tall, and naturally of slim build. Her hair was dark brown, thick, wavy and shoulder length. Her face was open and generally cheerful, with deep brown eyes, an upward curling mouth and the faintest cleft in her chin. She was pretty by any standards but Jake thought she was singularly beautiful. She was an efficient worker, had performed well in banking and management examinations, and performed to exceed expectations in each of the positions she had undertaken. Jake thought she could go all the way to the top and he was aware that others were of the same opinion.
Jake was about six inches taller and also slim, perhaps a little too slim, most of his acquaintance might suggest. He too, had an open countenance and was noticeably bright and attentive. He always dressed smartly and was extremely cool under pressure, he never let anyone down. Most of the girls, and some of the guys too, thought Jake was handsome, but he always fended off amorous advances. The girls assumed therefore that he was gay, while the gays were under no illusions that he was anything other than straight.
When he first started working at the private merchant bank, the copy room managed to carry a busy staff of four, with the room populated by a complex assortment of telex machines, faxes of different resolutions and speeds as well as a range of the latest photocopiers. Now he was the only print room technician manning the department, the telexes and fax machines having long gone and the staff to operate them departed. There were slightly more multitasking copiers, which acted as scanners and computer printers of various sizes, and binding equipment than before, but the degree of automation meant they were a lot less labour-intensive. Jake also stocked general office stationery and he scanned archive copies of documentation for the bank. He had now been in the same basic but continually evolving job for fourteen years.
Gill was aware of the fact that Jake was not actually employed directly by the bank any more, but worked for a separate facilities management company, which leased and maintained their own copying equipment. That policy had been put in place shortly after Gill started at the bank and the move was thought to have brought benefits in cost savings and efficiency. In theory, Gill thought, if Jake’s little department was closed at the bank, his company could move him onto another managed facility, in practice, in the current economic and banking crisis, she thought he would probably be laid off.
Gill had headed up a cross-department committee looking into cost-cutting and efficient reduction of overheads a couple of years previously and the print department was the leading favourite to be shut down entirely, with the bank staff forced to do their own copying and printing in addition to their normal duties. However, the top management at the bank had vetoed her committee’s recommendations without supplying any supporting arguments for overriding their decision.
There was nothing personal in Gill’s assessment of the cost-cutting exercise, it was purely based on economics. She had liked the young John Nicholls from the moment when she first started working at the bank and was required to pop into the copy shop half a dozen times a day. The older staff in the room were generally always rude, negative and annoyingly vague about when her jobs would be ready. As the office junior she had no seniority and her jobs were often bumped down in order of priority, causing her to waste time making fruitless journeys and adding anxiety to her other pressures.
Jake though, who Gill had always known as John, was the most approachable of the team. He gave precise promises when her request would be ready and would come up with helpful suggestions for her when schedules were too tight for him to meet in their entirety. He was always bright and cheerful, in fact with his potential, he was wasted in the copy shop, Gill thought early on, and she was still of that opinion, although her opportunities to see him became increasingly limited the higher up the promotion ladder she climbed.
When the print room inevitably closed, as she was convinced in time it would, she would definitely seek to find a place for him in her department. As far as she was concerned, the bank really couldn’t downsize any more than they had over the past two years.
In contrast to Jake’s apparent immobility, tied as he was to the print room, as it was now labelled, Gill had made significant career progress in the bank and was now a firmly respected member of the senior management team. This in effect meant that Jake had seen less and less of her in the print room over the past few years and had long ago resigned himself to continue observing her from a distance. His feelings for her hadn’t diminished one iota over the years.
So, he was quite pleasantly surprised to see Gill – indeed it was unusual to see anyone at all at that early hour – just three minutes past seven in the morning.
As usual the print room office door was wide open to show that they were open for business, with a stack of the previous day’s jobs ready for collection, piled up by custom on the table near the door. Jake had only been in for a fe
w minutes and he was still in the process of getting the equipment switched on and warmed up, when he looked up and there she was, standing in the doorway, quietly watching him while he worked.
It was still very early for the rest of the office workers. Jake usually arrived at least an hour or so earlier than the bank staff, in order to sort out any prints that had appeared in the delivery trays overnight, so they were ready to collect or deliver as appropriate first thing.
Gill stood there empty-handed with her usual brilliant welcoming smile, while hesitating to declare what was on her mind. Jake swapped a ready smile with her and continued to bustle round the office, waiting for Gill to declare what she had come to say. She clearly wasn’t carrying anything she wanted him to copy, and there was nothing in the overnight prints addressed to her nor anything urgent for her department.
While he busied himself around the office, he stole the occasional glance in her direction and realised how much slimmer she was since the last time he had seen her just a few weeks ago. She was 36 now, three years older than he was, and her weight had been creeping up ever so slightly over the years, he had noticed by his close observations. However, in quite a short space of time, since Christmas he thought, she appeared to have lost all that excess, without appearing gaunt. She looked good, very good in fact.
She was similarly noticing how slim and athletic he looked and even this early in the spring season his skin appeared to have a tanned and healthy glow. Jake had a good-looking boyish face, he could’ve passed for twenty, but she knew he must be late twenties at least, he had worked at the bank as long as she had, maybe even longer. He might even be as old as thirty, she mused, a gap between them of around six years. Would that be too big a gap? ‘Yes,’ she thought sadly, ‘it probably would.’ She had just lost her marriage, she wouldn’t want to compound that shame by losing every scrap of her dignity as well.
He was much too young for her then, she thought, but instantly dismissed the thought as a silly idea, he had never showed the slightest bit of romantic interest in her. Nor had he appeared to show interest any of the other girls in the office. He was simply equally friendly with everyone, it seemed, without going over the top.
Gill knew for a fact that over the years more than a couple of handfuls of the single girls, and she was certainly aware of one married woman, who had tried their luck tipping their hats in his direction, without him taking the slightest notice of the offer. They were all sure he was still single, as he never brought a date to any of the bank’s social functions, although she wasn’t sure about last Christmas, as that was the first one that she and her ex-husband Wayne had missed. Anyway, the rumour among the young single ladies in Gill’s department, accompanied by deep meaningful sighs, was that John Nicholls was, unfortunately, almost certainly gay.
His dark, almost black hair was cut short with a partly receding hairline at the front and a slight bald patch appearing on the crown of his head. He only really lacked a drooping moustache to tip him firmly into the gay category, Gill surmised.
Interrupting her thoughts just then, Jake had to reach over one of the printers at the back wall of the print room to grab a binder from a shelf. Gill’s eyes were instantly drawn to the smoothly rounded shape of his buns as he stretched his body to reach.
Gill tore her eyes away and tried to focus on the ‘In Case of Fire’ notice on the wall.
‘Christ!’ she thought, ‘I must be on fire! I’m so sexually frustrated that I’m actually checking out a gay boy’s cute bum!’
She remembered all too vividly that the last time she had sex was a furtive quickie that she felt extremely guilty about at Christmas, almost three and a half months ago. It was a rather unsatisfactory reconciliation-romp with Wayne, her ex-husband. That had been a total disaster, which meant the last meaningful sex she had had was the previous summer, although that session and maybe the dozen or so before that had been pretty awful. As that was some time before she was aware of Wayne’s long-established affair, the gloss was taken right off most of the experiences of her marriage, other than the births of her two children.
‘Get real girl,’ Gill forcefully said to herself, ‘ask him what you came for and get out of this office and back onto safer ground.’
‘John,’ she started. ‘everyone tells me that you are the person to ask,’ continued Gill, a little nervously.
‘Ask me what?’ Jake looked up from filing his daily copy logs in his binder, and concentrated his warm brown eyes, smiling expectantly at her.
‘Well, I have a couple of inactive teenagers at home and, since Christmas, I have been trying to lick them into shape.’
‘Oh dear, maybe ‘lick’ wasn’t the best word to use here,’ she thought, especially as she felt more and more like licking him all over. Gill was so wishing he was not gay and that he had an hitherto unrecognised fetish about older divorcees, especially about one older divorcee in particular who had been working her butt off in the gym for months.
She pulled herself together and continued, ‘I have them eating better food while they are at home with me, but I just can’t get them to do any exercise at all, I’ve even taken out a rather pricey family membership at my local gym but neither of them will get off their backsides and make use of it. Any suggestions, John?’
While talking, her hands had moved expressively, pleadingly, but now she had finished what she wanted to say, she folded her arms across her chest, below her breasts, an unconsciously challenging stance for him to provide an answer.
Jake remembered both her children quite well and had taken a keen interest in them at the time when he used to see them often, although somewhat irregularly. When Gill first started as a part-timer in the bank, she sometimes had to bring them into work when she had been let down by school holiday childminders, or if school was closed for inset days. Once she was full-time and rapidly gaining promotion after promotion, they came in less frequently for a while, and then not at all.
‘The girl was Jenny,’ he thought, ‘a girl as pretty and petite as her mother, and would be about 15 or 16 now I guess, the boy was a couple of years younger and was big for his age, called Carl, no not Carl, but something similar.’
When Gill brought them to the bank, which didn’t have a crèche back then, the children would spend most of their time in the copy room, where there were benches, pens and markers and plenty of spare scrap paper to write or draw on and it didn’t matter if they made a bit of a noise in there. Jenny was a nice kid, quiet and almost as shy as Jake, and the boy, whatever name he answered to, was clumsy, chatty, boisterous, loud and, back then, could be trouble with a capital T if his interest wasn’t fully engaged.
‘I think I remember them,’ Jake said, ‘Jenny and …?’ he hesitated for a moment.
‘Clay,’ filled in Gill, ‘short for Clayton.’
‘So, what do they do now and what things are they particularly interested in?’ Jake asked.
Gill moved one of her hands to stroke her chin, leaving the other arm across her chest.
‘Jenny stays in her room most evenings, finishing her homework, watching her own television and texting her friends, at the weekends she normally hangs around with her pals at the town centre. Clay also goes to his room straight after dinner, to play on his games consoles, and he hardly goes out at all, if friends do come over, they just hang out in his room, playing games. I am worried that Jen doesn’t quite eat enough and Clay eats far too much of the wrong things without taking any exercise. Neither of them are interested in sport or keeping fit and when they stay with their father, they tell me that they all just sit ar
ound and eat bought-in junk food … Their step-mother doesn’t cook much, if at all.’
Gill paused, just as the print room phone rang.
‘Excuse me,’ Jake apologised with a smile and picked up the handset before it rang a second time.
Gill watched him as he listened to the caller, a smile playing on his lips all the while as he nodded silently. Gill had to think back to when she had ever seen John without a smile on his face and she realised she couldn’t. It was as if he was an extremely slimmed down but serene Buddha.
Jake nestled the phone between his chin and shoulder as he stood at a computer screen and rattled away at the keyboard, uttering the odd affirmative and then ‘no problem’.
Listening to his voice, Gill thought it was a pleasantly deep baritone, not at all gay sounding. He spoke with perfect diction too, which was unexpected for an unskilled worker. Well, that’s what copy technicians were, weren’t they? Some of the cleaners for example had distinctly London East End accents. And his telephone voice was exactly the same as his normal conversational voice. It was clear to Gill that he had received a good education and probably came from a good family. It occurred to Gill that she really didn’t know anything about him at all. It was also curious to Gill why John Nicholls wasn’t on the bank’s management training circuit that she herself had worked through so successively, despite having taken time out from her career for her children.
Jake finished his call saying, ‘I’ve changed your password to ‘monday14′ all lowercase Gerry, so you’ll need to change it again immediately.’ Jake paused for a moment and finished with ‘Bye’, replaced the receiver and grinned at Gill.
‘Was that Gerald?’ asked Gill, the chairman of the board of the bank being the only ‘Gerry’ that she could think of in the company, not that she would ever call him Gerry, ever.
‘Yes, he’s always forgetting his computer password. Now, what games does Clay play on his console?’
Gill was still absorbing the earlier conversation, ‘Why didn’t Gerald…’ she couldn’t bring herself to call him ‘Gerry’ even in private, ‘call IT?’
‘Because’ replied Jake, looking at the big clock on the wall, ‘they don’t start work for another 35 minutes and Gerry doesn’t like using the out of hours service. To be honest, nobody does…. Now, I bet Clay is really into Max Payne 4?’
Gill still couldn’t get Gerald Standhope out of her head, why would he ring Jake, the print room ex-copy boy, for help with getting into his computer?
Jake waited patiently for Gill to ask the next question, but as the pause extended he jumped in by way of explanation, anyway.
‘I expect Gerry needs to download and translate the interim figures for Societé Transport de Paris SA, which will be announced on the Paris Stock Exchange an hour before they are released in London, due to the time difference. Now is Clay into Max Payne?’
‘Oh, er, yes, I think he got that for his birthday last month, but I’m not sure. Whatever he got, his father bought for him.’ She continued, ‘I got him some trousers for school, it was then I noticed how much weight he had put on, as his waist had gone up another size.’
‘Hence the need to keep Clay active?’
‘Yes, I hardly seem to see them these days, just a snatched meal before they disappear to their rooms, and then they are with their father every other weekend,’ she said wistfully. ‘We hardly function as a family any more,’ she realised. ‘What do you do to keep in such good shape?’
She had said much more than she intended and looked at Jake to see if he was reading anything into what sounded to her like tacit admittance that she found him attractive. Jake smiled broadly at her with a sparkle in his eyes. She hoped he wasn’t laughing at her. The way she felt about her self-image was at such a low ebb at the moment that she couldn’t bear being treated as a joke, or even worse, as someone to be pitied for her marriage failure.
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NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.----------------------------Breakfast Sunday morning was a lot less awkward than...
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Introduction: Again, sorry about the paragraphs. I dont care about the format, I just care about getting the story on here. I am gonna make a series of these two people so yes there will be a second episode. There are hints in this story as to what the second episode is about. Hope you enjoy! Ahhhhhhh! Shouts a young Mrs. Housened. Its just a spider, sweetie. Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are...
Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake was sitting in his office with several large ledgers in front of him. After studying them for some time he sat back and relaxed. There was no doubt that the business, or rather businesses, were in good shape. He had some time ago decided that each division should be accounted separately in order that he could keep an eye on how they were performing. There were profits showing from all the divisions, although some were better than others. The difference was that...
“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...
St Petersburg station was an impressive building, but so, Jake and Hermione discovered, were the rest of the buildings in the city. And the hotel was wonderful, with first class service, comfortable suites and every modern convenience, and, much to Hermione’s delight, French cuisine. The next morning after a breakfast of French style viennoiserie, which Hermione found most acceptable, they considered their options. These, or more accurately, this, came down to starting at the police...
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Jake McKnight was 45 years old, married to a stay-at-home drunk wench named Karen. Karen didn't put out anymore. And to make matters worse, Karen smelled like alcohol all the time. Jake had taken to sleeping at the corporate suite or on the couch in the den rather than sleep with his slobbering wife. Amy never noticed Jake eyeing her legs wrapped in nylons. Nor did she ever notice the slight movement in his crotch whenever she bent over in front of him, surreptitiously exposing her ample...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.-------------Jake walked into the steakhouse with his favorite two women close...
Editing by Old Rotorhead Stunned silence would be the best description of the scene in the studio. Nerissa had run up the stairs after Jake had left. She burst into the studio to give the news to Victoria that Millie had been run over and taken to hospital. Victoria’s reaction had been simply to leave. They could hear her footsteps running down the stairs, and then silence after she went through the front door, leaving the other three looking at each other. Nerissa knew Millie only from a...
It had been several weeks since the evening that Hermione spent with Jake, and which had ended up with the beginnings of her sexual education. She had been very busy between her royal duties, although now that the Queen had become a virtual recluse that had become much less onerous, and being required to spend time with her aunt. Why Aunt Honoria, despite being the Duchess of Skegness, should want to live in a draughty castle on the east coast she could not imagine. Alright, it wasn’t a...
In Jake’s first year of university, he was paired up in residence with a guy named David, who bore such a striking resemblance to Orlando Bloom that everyone on their floor just started calling him Elf. Jake himself was quite good-looking, but never quite saw himself that way. He was in fact deeply insecure about his looks because he’d been a little too nerdy in high school to ever get the attention of girls. He didn’t realize that what had made him unattractive in high school—his bookishness,...
Gay MaleThank you all for being such faithful readers. I love interacting with my fans! If you want to read these faster, please go to my post on voat: post there first, Reddit second, and here last because it's harder to get to through work firewalls and it has that long wait time for posting.After all the excitement and sunshine at the beach, Jake wanted to go somewhere cool and relaxing. Petra agreed with him about the heat, but had other ideas about the...
Jake returned to Bristol alone the next morning. Victoria was staying for another day or two to make sure that the painters were aware of exactly what she wanted. And, he was quite sure, she would make certain that Annabelle got what Victoria wanted. He arrived back in his office to find that since he was now available to be consulted that was exactly what was happening. “Dennis, what have you been doing for the past few months,” he asked his assistant. “Umm ... well, I’ve been running...
Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”“ hell,” Petra offered.Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”Carol...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, i****t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------Jake uploaded all his work and went to lunch early....
This story is continued from "Daydreaming on the Hardintown Bus" here is a link: walked home from the bus as fast as he could he really wanted nothing more than to jack off and think of Natalie feeling his cock! It had only been an accidental touch but for a teen boy it did not take much!He arrived at home and was alone. He quickly went to the dirty clothes hamper. With two sisters and a mom there was always a pair of used panties to sniff...
Jake winked at Petra as she returned from the bathroom. “Everything alright in there?” he asked. “Just fine, Daddy,” she said. She walked over and leaned in close to where he sat in his recliner. “What did you do? That was hilarious.” Jake chuckled. “Just a little teasing. You want me to keep going?” “Yes, please!” She kissed his cheek, then turned to head upstairs to her room. Halfway up the stairs she flipped up her bathrobe to show off the way her panties hugged her ass. Of course, as...
Editing by Old Rotorhead Florence’s new dress was ready by mid morning, and it would have been impossible to have found a girl who was happier. She was dancing up and down the workshop, and all production ceased as everyone watched her. Kaitlyn had to catch her and wave the women back to work. The dress was one of their finest creations and fitted Josephine perfectly. Whilst Josephine was undoubtedly female, her figure was almost straight up and down, with just a small amount of padding on...
Jake and Me PartOn and Me PartOne by Dale10 It was my own fault, I suppose that I allowed Jake to lead me down the path to my own complete humiliation degradation and destruction. After all he had just turned eighteen and I was thirty-five. What made me think he would ever be interested in me to begin with? Well, I know the answer. Lonely middle aged gay guys who are in good shape, still prowl dance clubs and bars and malls and streets looking for that sweet young cute "true love" that...
The evening of the day of Victoria’s chastisement both girls looked absolutely lovely at dinner and the flow of conversation showed no sign from either of the girls regarding the day’s events, but only discussions of how things could move forward. Aunt Lydia of course disapproved of business being discussed over dinner but the enthusiasm of the younger members of the family was infectious. After dinner Jake had a short discussion with his uncle before retiring to bed. It was less than half...
Introduction: Prequel of one of my stories ( Guardian Angel ) During a calm saturday morning, Jake slept peacefully in his room. There was a knocking on the door, and the door was opened slowly and quietly. A boy entered Jakes room, and gently sat next to the sleeping boy. Jake felt someone breathing next to his left ear, and as he opened his eyes, the boy joined his lips with Jakes. After a moment, the kiss was broken: Morning, sleepy head! shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing...
Jake saw Stacey as he drove up the street towards her house. She was standing outside in the white tennis skirt he had chosen for her last night, but she was covered from the waist up by a large green hoodie, hiding her best features. The baggy hoodie represented resistance to Jake's desires and this annoyed him.As Stacey opened the passenger door to get in he held his hand up to stop her. "Throw your backpack in the back and take off that ridiculous sweatshirt," he barked."What? It's cold...
TeenJake had been feeling pretty good about himself lately. He had answered two more “summons” as Danica’s “not-Jake” in the last week, and it was starting to make a marked difference in the girl. She was bolder, more outspoken and confident, and smiled a lot more. It was as if some great burden of stress had been lifted from her. Which made sense, because in a way it was true. Danica liked being brought down to the level of an a****l; in fact, she loved it. She’d told him as much after their last...
Jake called on the bank and met with his contact. They sorted out the financial aspects of the business, and established lines of credit. Having completed that he hailed a cab and gave the driver the number of the pier where the ‘Rigel’ was berthed. When he arrived he stood for a few minutes looking at the ship. She was rigged as a barquentine, having square sails on the foremast and gaff rigging on the main and mizzen. This would reduce the size of the crew required to sail her. Jake already...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Although the wedding was not a major event in the life of Bristol, it nevertheless made waves in the family. The ladies had, of course, turned out in their finery, and Uncle John was taken into the church in a chair with wheels attached. He took little interest in the proceedings and returned to his room at home immediately after the ceremony. The waves in the family were caused by the fact the the house was simply no longer big enough, and the answer would be to move, but in the meantime...
Jake goes for help Chapter 1 - The first Session Jake Carstairs buzzed the office of the councilors, and went inside when the door unlocked. He went to the receptionist desk, and told the lady his name. "Who are you seeing?" she asked. Jake pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans and read the name. "Jill. I think." "Ah, yes. She's just about done with her current client. Just have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" "Sure." Jake moved into the waiting area,...
Jake and Mari - Part One It had been one of those frustrating evenings. Jake loved his beautiful wife. She had proved to be submissive to him. Over the years they had played at Master and sex slave, but there was always an underlying current of resistance from Mari. Even when they engaged in ?vanilla? sex, she would tend to resist turning loose and enjoying the action. This was one of those evenings. Jake had tied her hands behind her back, and had spanked her delicious ass...
It's funny how random events can impact our lives. Emma and I had been married less than a year when our marriage sailed into parts unknown. It turned out to be a hell of a detour, but in the end one we're both glad we took. She's 22, and blessed with girl next door good looks. She was a gymnast in high school and college, as well as part of the dance team. At 5'2" and 105 pounds, she is an incredibly fit blue-eyed blonde and prides herself in staying in shape. As a football and soccer jock in...
"Morning, sleepy head!" shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing with Jake's hair. "Hunter! Can't you see I was sleeping?" complained Jake. "Not anymore! C'mon, we got stuff to do!" "Like what?" asked Jake, as he tried to fully wake up and get out of the bed. "You promised we'd go to Mount Gloria today!" shouted Hunter, as he followed Jake, wherever he went in the room, as the boy looked for some clothes to wear. "Mount Gloria?" asked Jake. "Yeah, it's where we...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.“And ever since then, you’ve been able to-”“Stop time, yes.”Petra blinked, staring...
“Daddy!” someone whined. “Wake uuuuup!” Jake’s nostrils were filled with a familiar scent of strawberry bodywash. He inhaled deeply and smiled. “I know you’re awake,” Petra complained. “Shoosh,” Jake said, wrapping his arms around the girl who had woken him from his nap by straddling his lap. “sleep time is now.” Petra whined again, pushing her breasts in Jake’s face. He noticed that they were uncovered, and his eyes snapped open. “Petra, your mother-” “She’s out,” Petra said, smiling down...
NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------Jake’s mind was racing as he went through the motions of working. He’d...
Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake returned to the suite and tapped on the door. “Who is it?” asked Hermione. “Jake,” he replied. There was a click from the lock and the door opened. Gina was obviously behind the door, but Jake’s first sight was down the barrel of a very large revolver, and behind it Hermione. “I’d forgotten about that gun,” said Jake. “Would you mind waving it elsewhere? “Well you threw the hat overboard, so I had to keep something as a souvenir,” Hermione grinned. “Now come...
Jake had just completed his after-school assignments and wanted to take a shower before he went to his part-time job. He noticed that the student’s shower was out of order and he had no other choice but to use the teacher’s shower. He thought in his mind “It should be alright, its after-school and most of the teachers have left.” So he took his clothes off and entered the shower. As he was about to use the shower, he heard an angelic voice say “I think you might be in the wrong shower.” Jake...
Mr Hatherly gave a short laugh. “I’m sure our relationship will continue to be profitable to both of us Mr White,” he said. “I trust that ‘Moonfleet’ is proving useful.” Jake was well aware that Hatherly was referring to the fact that he had acquired the ship at no cost. “Yes,” replied Jake, “she’s in Dublin at the moment.” “Of course, but she’ll be back in about a week, and turned round in a couple of days, I think.” “That would be about right.” “I’d like you to take a passenger for me...
Jake was like a drug for teenage girls. He was attractive, charming, and had a way about him that made girls want his attention. A fun casual friend, but addictive and dangerous in large doses or repeated use. Jake was only and always out for himself. He didn't know what it meant to care for anyone else. To him, women were disposable and only meant for his entertainment and pleasure. Stacey was a beautiful girl who was always seeking to fill the void left by her estranged, deadbeat dad who...
Masturbation“Well that was remarkably clever,” Hermione broke the immediate silence. The solution to this amazing feat made itself known as two burly men entered the room, both brandishing large calibre revolvers, the leader’s still smoking, and moved to ensure that neither of the men would be a further problem. “Do you think you could possibly give me a hand Jake?” said Hermione. “Oh, yes, of course,” Jake replied, breaking out of the momentary shock Hermione was on tip toe and the rope linking her...
Jake sat for a few minutes after Hatherly had left wondering what he had meant by ‘recognition of your efforts’; surely ‘Moonfleet’ had been sufficient. Still, no point in worrying, and he realised he was worrying rather than speculating, about the future. Maria O’Brien had returned to Dublin on ‘Moonfleet’ with samples of dresses and a draught of an agreement to discuss with her father. He felt sure that there was good business to be had there. Turning his mind to other things, he wondered...
Edited by Old Rotorhead It was an odd thing, thought Jake, but something that he was fairly used to. Both Caroline and Victoria had always been at pains to explain every minute detail of their successful, or sometimes unsuccessful, business deals. He now had Hermione explaining in minute detail everything which had happened on her trip to Newton Abbott. So it must be a woman thing, he supposed. Nevertheless he was happy for her, and for the estate which would benefit from it. She did omit,...
Victoria did indeed prove to be ideal to set up and stock the shop with everything that would be required. Jake blanched at some of the expenditure, but could see that it was necessary. The first thing was premises and here she quickly found what she determined was required; a major corner premises on several floors in the centre of town. Jake was convinced that these were larger than they required, but, as Victoria pointed out, they only needed to outfit the ground floor to start with, and...
Jake And His Debi Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson Jake is my college roommate. We get along really well, and we have been sharing a dorm room for a little over two years now. I guess that you could say we have sort of gotten used to each other, so we do not have a lot of stress between us, which really helps, especially at exam times, when the last thing that anyone needs is a stressful relationship with a roomie. Jake is almost my complete opposite. He is tall,...
Edited by Old Rotorhead Paris! Gay Paree, city of love and romance and ... to be honest, Victoria wasn’t overly impressed. Oh, there were smart new buildings, street long facades fronted fine apartments, but around the back there were the slums where the poor lived, and the smell on a hot day, well ... not much different to London, or indeed Bristol. There were, rather like London, many churches, and a magnificent cathedral, although she felt on balance that Wren’s masterpiece was better,...