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Dreamscape Iv By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 4: When It Rains... After a traumatic first working day in the body of Lucy Maya, I had braced myself for them all to be that way. But they were not. A fortnight into the life and job, I was beginning to settle in a little more comfortably. Although in my more relaxed times I was still capable of making large "un-Lucy like" mistakes which raised the occasional eyebrow. In one particularly surreal moment, I told a male co-worker something going wrong was no different than when I "took a hit" as a line backer. It was a phrase quite ingrained in Craig Morton's phraseology, but patently crazy in Lucy's. If I did not have the luxury of falling back onto the excuse of diminished memory and quirks caused by a week of being in a coma, there was no way possible I would be able to pull this off. Over those next two weeks I forged a stronger relationship with my teenaged neighbor Janet along with her mother Betty. Janet was a sixteen-year-old whom Lucy had been trying to instill a philosophy based upon Lucy's view of the world. This philosophy could be loosely described as Sexual Feminism. This philosophy can only be described as by using the body to gain attention, then using the brain and personality to maximize the situation. I suspected it would give even the most flexibly modern feminist more than a little heartburn. In addition to this, I was able to discern Lucy had been sleeping quite often, unbeknownst to Janet, with Janet's mother. This woman who quite recently, accepted that she was a lesbian. Whether Lucy was a lesbian, or was using Betty for some other means (perhaps to allow her free access to schooling the daughter in Lucy's ways.) was unknown to me at this point. Whatever the motives, I suspected Betty still carried something for Lucy, still believing over time it could be rekindled. That aside, what forging a friendship with mother and daughter allowed me to do was gain more insight into Lucy. I would spend hours hearing Lucy's world philosophy regurgitated back to me from the daughter. I learned much about how Lucy handled personal situations from the mother. After hanging out with them, I would go back to my apartment to write copious notes in the growing collection of notebooks bearing the facts and rumors of Lucy's life. Alex and I had started these notebooks when he pretended to be my psychologist, calling everyone in Lucy address book. According to our story it was to "re-establish" the bits and pieces of my missing memory lost in the coma. Several weeks and many re-reads later, the notebooks were turning out to be a valuable, if not incomplete, tool. With all of this at my fingertips, especially the mother/daughter input, I realized Lucy took very little crap from anyone. This knowledge, combined with a growing confidence in my role as Lucy, allowed me to fend off the hazards of the work place more easily by simply being in the character that was expected of me. Kirk Baron, who I was now convinced had with Lucy slept to gain the job. This helped to register my growing confidence, scaling back, but did not cease his sexually predatory behavior of me. He was a slick operator with a moral compass stuck on "Kirk". I suspected much of his attitude toward me stemmed from the fact that Lucy may have been a morally rudderless operator as well. Simply detecting the change in me, feeling the more straightforward motivations toward the work place in the post coma Lucy made me less of a threat to him. He knew how to handle challenging bright newcomers, who played by the standard rules, they could be suppressed. It was challenging bright newcomers, who played by his off the book rules, which frightened him. Merely, scaling back or not, I am quite certain that he still carried something up his sleeve. However, not everything was getting easier. After going into the fatal car accident as Craig Morton, and coming out of a coma trapped in the body of Lucy Maya, Alex had been overwhelming understanding and helpful. After revealing the truth to him, I suspected that he would not be able to handle my new female form... or even the fact that I was not dead. Only for the first few days he had been more flexible of mind and understanding than I could have hoped for. Simply without being able to put my finger on it, I felt something had been altered between us since the revelation. I had spoken to my brother on the phone a handful of times. Each conversation we had was becoming more terse and infrequent, with the last being over four days ago. We had not been out of touch that long since before our parents died. I needed to sort this out. I picked up the phone on my desk, now covered completely in neat stacks of paper, dialing it. I put my stockinged feet up on the desk, glancing over them at the painting on the wall. I purchased the painting on a whim last week because the saleswoman assured me it looked decidedly feminine yet professional. I wasn't particularly fond of its abstractness, but it was titled "Mother Nature Arises". The title seemed better suited to Lucy's aggressive womanhood than the 1972 Miami Dolphins print that hung in my office when I was Craig. The phone rang several times more than it should have, indicating to me that Alex had turned his answering machine off. After allowing it to ring fifteen or twenty more times, he finally picked up. "Hello?" He sounded resigned. "Alex, it's me." I never identified myself as Craig when I spoke to him from the office phone. "Yeah, hey there. What's going on?" "Well, per your instructions, I'm checking in just to let you know what's going on. Remember a couple of weeks back when you didn't want to let a day go by without hearing from me? Well you're pretty hard to reach for the man who uttered those words," I was taking full advantage of a brothers' ability to be roughly honest with one another. "It's my son and work. You know. I just don't seem to have the time. It's nothing to get worked up about. Just circumstance," Alex replied. I knew him well enough to know he was circling around the truth. "Alex, listen, I'm not thinking so. There's something up. When ... the unique ... circumstances surrounding my coming out of a coma pops up, I would think anyone aware of it would be very interested in my progress. Especially someone close. Besides, you took your answering machine off-line Alex. You're avoiding someone, since I haven't talked to you in days. I have to assume that someone is me." There was a pause, and finally "Look. I'll drive into town. Meet me for lunch at Darwin's Cafe. Make it a late lunch, say, two o'clock so we can talk without the crowds." The Darwin Cafe. Looking at the decor, I could imagine people who thought evolution is a crock would hate this place intensely with its heavy "Evolution of the Species" motif. It may have the best sandwiches in the city, but I was quite certain they had no plans to make this place a restaurant chain in some parts of the country. I sipped my Diet Coke, not because I particularly enjoyed the completely artificial tasting liquid, but because buried in the notebook on Lucy's life, were several notations that she was an infamous Diet Coke drinker consuming close to a six pack a day. Like the abstract print, which hung in my office, it was just another form of being in what I thought was character. Alex walked in (spotting me immediately) sitting down. He was obviously troubled, even as he tried to disguise it. An astronomical ten years difference between us or not, you have gut feelings about your only sibling. His nervous running of his hand through his hair did not help his cause. As we opened every face to face conversation, we small talked about his son, ex-wife, and the job, before I cut to the chase. "Listen, I don't want to be out of the office too long, so I'm going to ask you straight out. Why are you avoiding me?" He finished the beer in front of him, quickly ordering another via long distance hand signal to the waiter. It must be, I thought, nice to work from home, drinking when and as much as you please. He received the second beer, gathered himself, and began talking, forming his sentences carefully, and speaking in low tones. "Let's say that one can get used to the idea of his brother showing up from the dead. Let's also say one can get used to the idea that he turns up by jumping into the body of a woman who was alive. This, I might add, are monster steps all by themselves. But I seemed to have pulled off with my sanity in check." I nodded in agreement, as he continued. "It turns out there are other factors to consider. People like to talk, so be it," he waved his hands dismissively, "But when the older brother of the deceased, steps in out of nowhere and is seen with her all over the place. He's staying at her place, she staying at his, it creates questions that are very difficult for the older brother to answer. Sure, you were ... Lucy was ... close to my brother and the last person to see her alive. Sure it would be natural for me to help you out considering your condition. However, it gets to the point where tongues start to wag. Especially since I'm paying a hell of a lot of attention to a woman Craig had only known for half a year. My ex even called me about it." "Your ex? Really? I don't get it. Who they hell cares enough to watch what the hell we're doing?" "Keep in mind Craig," Alex explained, "Lucy Maya was the focus of quite a bit of local media when she pulled out of her coma. Whether you accepted the invitations to interview or not. Therefore, while you ... as Lucy ... are no Madonna, you're not perfectly anonymous as you would like to believe. The odd person here and there notice us." I was growing angry. If he was telling me that he was avoiding me because of a handful of ill-conceived rumors, I was going to blow my top. "Alex, you better have a stronger reason than this crap." "Listen," Alex said, "I know this whole thing is very hard on you, but it is also hard on me. Can you imagine what it is like to be romantically linked to your brother?" He shifted in his seat and downed the rest of his beer. He sounded a little bitter now, "Well, I'll tell you. All of it swirls around in my subconscious, until finally the other week it gave me a pretty nasty dream. A dream where I was ... banging the hell out of Lucy. Do you know what woke me up?" the question was never intended to be answered, "Lucy opened her mouth and out came your voice. I woke up, running straight to the bathroom to throw up." He sat back, looking me straight in the eyes. "I don't put much credence into dreams, despite the fact that you feel there may be a connection to Lucy through yours. I may on one level be attracted to Lucy Maya's body, however I have no illusions that I carry a conscious desire to bang her while you're in it. You have to understand how uncomfortable I am. I have spent my life looking at women who look like you do now. It's just like I get that queasy shock when I look at the ass of a nice looking girl and she turns around. She turns out to be a very young kid dressed way too mature. Well that's what you're doing to me." He pulled out his wallet and threw a couple of fives on the table. "Listen, there will come a point in time where I grow used to your appearance, just as if you were a sister. The shock and the crazy dreams will go away. However, you can't expect that after a just a few weeks. It's just too much too soon. Believe me, I've tried very hard." He stood. "So keep in touch, let me know of anything that goes wrong of course. I'm not abandoning you, you'll always be my brother. It's just until the rumors die down. I have to get my mind around to accept your appearance. Let's just keep a little distance. I wish I could be there for you bro', you know I love you, but I just can't. Not yet at least." He turned abruptly and was gone. It was strange, in some ways Betty, Janet and I were becoming a little hybrid family. I invited Betty and Janet over for meals when I grilled on the large balcony. They would invite me over for dinner on the days I didn't cook. For someone as private as Craig Morton, it seemed incredibly strange to be breaking bread with newly made friends so often. On the other hand, to Lucy, it may have not been strange. I only had a sketchy but increasing working knowledge of the depths of the friendship Lucy had with these two, separately, as a mother and daughter unit. Tonight we were sitting in their quite large apartment, enjoying a particularly well made lasagna. I talked about work in general terms, as did Betty. Janet went on at length about a history teacher that she absolutely didn't like. She labeled him several things that were so unknown to my twenty-five year olds vocabulary, that if it weren't for context, I wouldn't even be sure if they were bad or not. She wrapped up her tale of school with what she thought was a minor observation. "When I got home, those weirdoes were knocking on your door again." My head snapped in the direction of Janet more sharply than I had intended. "At my door again? What weirdoes would that be Janet?" This was a secure building requiring a key or a "buzz up" from a resident. No one should be able to just arrive at your door. I was hoping Janet was about to tell me a story about a strange salesman. Betty, as an adult, more clearly registered my discomfort and was watching me carefully. "Oh, right, I forgot to tell you the first two times. A bus driver and a priest, reverend, or whatever were knocking on your door a couple of times last week. I'm not sure what they wanted." "What time was this?" I asked. "Oh, I guess four o'clock the first time, maybe eight at night the second. Today it was around five." "Why would a bus driver, and a priest be at your apartment door?" Betty asked, "It's like the beginning of a bad joke: A priest, a bus driver and a soldier all go to a woman's apartment one day..." She was making a joke, but Betty, like her daughter, was sharp. Even as she couched it in humor, she knew there was something off about the visit and my reaction to it. "The bus driver's name is Arnie and he was the one who hit us." I said honestly before speculating, "I figure the clergy is his friend, maybe he wants to find out if I was closer to God, or something, while in my coma. I get a lot of that." This would be a benign observation if it weren't for the threats that Arnie had made when he correctly assessed that the "spirit" occupying this body was not Lucy's. He further speculated that I had "slipped past the eyes of God", and he therefore, would have to "make it right". Perhaps he had an old fashioned exorcism in mind. Janet was mildly interested in the explanation, this didn't satisfy Betty, "Why are they coming up without phoning first? How are they getting in the building? Have they tried to contact you before? I don't mean to pry." Whether she was doing because she a protective former lover, or out of concern, I was quite certain that she fully meant to pry,. "It's interesting, that's all. We're all concerned about building security." I put large piece of lasagna in my mouth to give me a moment to think as I chewed. I decided on the partial truth. "The bus driver came by before. He is, to put it mildly, a little stressed out at being instrument of Craig's death. Regardless of whether it was his fault or not. He sat in the hospital room every day reading to me. He believed the sound of his voice would bring me out of the coma." I shrugged. Janet regained interest in the conversation. "Maybe it did. Who knows? Yet, because I came out of the coma with a damaged memory, he is under the impression that I am possessed or something." "Possessed? Really by whom?" Janet asked beating her mother by a second to the question. "I'm not sure. The devil. A ghost of some kind." I took a breath, if they run into Arnie in the hallway, or he knocked on their door, I wanted to prepare them. I meant it to come out more flippantly but I failed, regretting it the moment I said it, "Craig Morton, maybe." Both women looked at me great interest for a moment taking in the madness of these claims. I could see them dismiss the idea for being as completely ludicrous as it sounded, but the seed was planted. I phoned the moment I returned to my apartment. "Alex, it's Lucy. It's Craig, I mean. Listen, I realize your taking some time off from me, but something very interesting popped up today," I told him the story of the bus driver Arnie and the priest hanging around my apartment. "Exorcism maybe?" he asked humorously although he still sounded a bit high strung as he did this afternoon. "You know, I honestly thought about that, but I am not willing to jump to that conclusion. It is pretty crazy stuff after all." "Any more crazy than your existence?" he asked rhetorically, "I think its time to reassess what we define as 'crazy'." He launched into his big brotherly advice, "Listen I think you should confront this Arnie on neutral ground. That way he can't do anything rash. I don't take him for a fly off the handle guy, but you do represent a major breach in his belief system. A breach he created by the way. Who knows how people handle having their religious reality challenged." "No telling. So you're thinking I can talk him into being reasonable? Suck him into the big lie." Despite his inability to see me, I shrugged, "It's worth the piece of mind. Are you coming with me?" "We talked about that before. I'm not going to be able to do it. Not yet anyway. If you want to run over strategies leading up to meeting him, I'll be here for you by phone. I'll put my machine back on, in fact." He yawned. He was finished. As good as his word in Darwin Cafe this afternoon, he was leaving me on my own. He ended the conversation with a simple "Good luck." Alex was right. I should try to straighten Arnie out, or more accurately, drive him away from the truth. At the very least, I could gauge where he was mentally. I had to see if he presented a danger to me or just a nuisance. In any case, I wasn't going to do that now. As Alex alluded, I would need a strategy at the very least. I would call him, but not quite yet. The next morning Kirk Baron was waiting for me in my office sitting on my desk. He was holding a framed picture of Lucy's mother in his hand that I had brought in from home. The photograph was one of the many props I used to be "in character". He looked up as I walked in, indicating for me to close the door behind me. He started speaking while he again stared at the picture in his hand. "It must be strange to have these pictures on your desk, not having a clue as to who they are. I mean, somewhere, intellectually, you understand that this one is your mother, and this one over here," he pointed to the picture of the gray haired man near the printer, "is your father, but they don't create anything in you emotionally do they?" "I don't remember them, really. I keep them on my desk hoping something will spark my memory, things will start coming back." This came out well practiced and smooth. Over the past few weeks, I had used similar lines hundreds of times. "So what do you remember exactly? Stop me if this is getting personal, but do you remember any of your childhood? Your teen years, college, anything?" What was he up to? "No, not my childhood or my teen years. Nothing." "But you do remember some things don't you?" He was obviously setting up a pattern of logic to circle in around a point. I needed to answer carefully. "Well, certainly I can walk and talk. I remember how to drive a car, things like that. Only, the brain is a strange complex organ. It seems like I remember mechanical basics, tying shoes, driving, etc. Although I am missing many pieces of my narrative history, so to speak." "It sure is one complex organ, that brain. During our interview I noted you were a sociology major. We talked about it a bit. Do you recall anything about your sociology studies?" He finally put the picture of Lucy's mother back on the desk. He was watching me now. "No, not at all. It's missing as well." "Really nothing at all? Indulge me. I know its a tough situation, however I find this situation fascinating," his eyes glimmered with snake like malevolent mischief, "How did you even know to come to work when you woke up?" "I've had tons of conversation with people who informed me I had a new job. I saw the letter of offer in with the rest of my mail. There was plenty of information to clue me in." "So getting here wasn't so hard, then. How about performance? I guess what I'm asking is, how you do this job at all? You're very good at it you know. Your team really respects you. You are up on demographic trends, the latest surveys and consumer polls roll right off of your tongue. On this account you know exactly what the competitors are up to." With growing alarm, I knew exactly where he was leading this conversation. Kirk Baron was deviously intelligent. He continued, "I've been thinking about it. How is it a person who needed to find their letter of offer to even know they had a job, quote regularly and quite accurately from trade magazines that came out around the same time she was interviewing? How does a person who doesn't remember anything from her sociology classes three years ago, remember how the Ford Motor people handled their advertising buys five years ago?" He had me dead to rights, but there wasn't a chance I was going to let him know it. "Again," I said as testily as I could within the parameters of work place etiquette, "my memory isn't missing completely but it is spotty. And by spotty, I mean huge holes." "Perhaps. But laid out as I have done it seems very suspicious. Like someone faked this to get out of a certain work arrangement," he said, alluding to the fact that he thought we would be sleeping together once I came to work here. I laughed, and said exactly what I was thinking, "Wow, now that's an ego. Do you really believe that I would go through this elaborate and painful ruse, to renege on some underhanded deal we had? I don't think so." "Well that's good to hear. Then you are probably okay that I got human resources to approve a therapist to help you pull some of those memories back. Oh, a hypno-therapist, by the way. I know how expensive they are. I also realized our health plan doesn't cover it, but you have such potential, having been through so much, I thought it was a good idea," he paused dramatically to let the next part sink in, "Unless of course you have objections. It is not my place to recommend what an employee should do regarding their health. Nevertheless, a hypno-therapist would do wonders for anyone in your situation. That is except for someone who was faking it, of course. I'll let you think about it. Let me know what you're going to do. I need to give human resources the final sign off." With that, he left my office very pleased with himself even as I cursed my carelessness. Without realizing it I had painted myself into a corner, and he quickly figured it out. In order to do my job, I needed to be on top of what was current in the field, the history of the client, as well as a host of other things. These things were blatantly inconsistent with the pattern of my alleged memory loss. Kirk knows that I am not going to let myself be put under by a hypno-therapist to roam about my subconscious, especially since he is fairly certain I am faking it. My denial of the therapist will probably not directly challenge my job, but he will take this as his cue to put the pressure back on. But what I didn't find out until much later, was Kirk began applying the pressure the moment he left the office. Quietly he insinuated to the ever-hungry rumor mill, what was probably the truth, that I had slept my way into the position. He changed it from himself to an unnamed "big wig". He also raised questions as to why, by my own admission, I wasn't seeing a physician or therapist. This was a strange behavior for someone who doesn't even remember her parents. He then subversively pointed out the convenient gaps in my memory of my past, versus my full memory of the business. He also let the grapevine know that there was a therapist at my disposal, wondering to anyone who cared whether I would use the help. If not, why not? This time, he left an envelope was taped to my door. Perhaps they had given up taking me by surprise. I walked into my apartment, slung my briefcase onto the couch opening the envelope. The letter was in script, its handwriting as simple as its message: It is imperative that we see you. Please call. Arnie" Underneath his name was his phone number. I assumed by "we" he was referring to the clergy who seemed to be in his company much of late. Well, Alex and I had decided that confronting him was the best way to handle this. I expected it to be more on my timetable. I looked at the note again. Its lack of emotion or descriptiveness was a bit unnerving. It spelled trouble to me in a way I couldn't define. If I didn't want an off balance chance encounter with Arnie one day when I opened my door to find him standing there. I should call meet with him, getting it over with. After reading this letter bearing all the charm of a ransom note, I was quite certain that it was going to be a very neutral, very public, place. I walked over to the phone and dialed. It wasn't Arnie's number, which I tapped out onto the keypad. It was Janet's private line. "Janet speaking." "Hey kid. It's Lucy. I'm stressed as hell right now. Tell me, what is it I did to relax?" I did want some ideas on how to unwind, but mostly, I wanted to talk to someone. "You run, you know. Miles actually. You always say that alleviates your stress." she noted, "You also like to shop ... and ... well ... you did promise a certain someone that you would go shopping with them for some ... stuff." I grimaced. I had been trying to back away from Lucy's promise to help Janet endow herself through padded means, since I first learned of it. But Lucy was apparently more convincing than I was. I sighed the sigh of the defeated, "Put your mom on the phone. I'm not doing this unless she goes - " I didn't have a chance to finish. Janet emitted a high pitch squeal, and the next thing I heard was her calling for her mom. I smiled humorously fully grasping the irony of my taking a girl shopping so she could be womanly. Like me. Craig Morton hated malls with a resolute passion. Lucy, by all accounts, could spend hours, not to mention great amounts of money, in several malls over the span of days. Pulling into the parking lot, I felt the ambivalence of Betty in the passenger seat, and the excitement of Janet in the back seat. I wondered with grim humor if facing Arnie or any of the other obstacles of being Lucy could be any worse than this. The only upside was that now that I had "lost my memory" I didn't have to play the expert. My memory loss did not pull me out of the frank discussions of women's breasts, which, as the man I was internally, made me somewhat uncomfortable. Janet had worn a very tight top, so she could see how her soon to be artificially enhanced breasts looked under even the most form fitting clothes. The advertising executive in me marveled as we all automatically chose the Victoria Secrets store, chiefly because they had branded the image so well into our brains. Once in, Janet paraded in and out of the changing rooms. She had with her various types of padded, water and gel filled bras, with and without even more added volume from silicone breast enhancers. I made non-committal comments; mostly telling Janet that something "looked okay" and not to "go too big" which she informed me flew in the face of my previous philosophy. Betty stood close by, she was even more non-vocal about the situation than I. However, after a short while, to my complete discomfort, I found that I could not turn my male brain off. It was becoming difficult for me, as this nubile hard-bodied young lady came out of the dressing room practically shoved her large, rounded breasts in my face. I felt a certain warmness begin to gather in my pubic area. It was, unquestionably, arousal. I felt my face begin to go red. I was going to excuse myself for a moment when Betty seemed to pick up on my vibe. She leaned into my ear and asked quietly, "Is that what you like? Large breasted girls?" This shook me up to the very core of my being. "Look, it was your daughters idea - " Betty cut me off in hushed tones, "I didn't mean it to sound that way. I'm not talking about Janet; I'm talking about me. Is that what I should do, get myself a pair of nice big artificial tits to turn you on?" I could feel her hot breath on my ear, with myself growing warmer, growing moist, in my vaginal area. This was an area that I took great pains to perform basic hygiene on to prevent problems, but otherwise tried to ignore. It was the single part of Lucy's body that I could not fathom, I was oddly afraid of this area. Breasts albeit were strange, but they were after all external and a more far rounded, much heavier version of something that already existed on men. Quite simply everything to do with the area below, from its mysterious flaps, to its unknown insides brought anxiety upon me. Now, for the first time in the weeks I have occupied this body, the unmistakable feeling of arousal was taking over. Directly across the mall, I saw a shoe store. Betty smiled slyly as I stumbled over my words claiming I was going to look for some shoes to buy. She was not going to push the issue. Just being able to fluster me with sexual energy after all these weeks was a small victory. It was a sign to her, that she may be able to, over time, win me back. With her daughter in the changing booth, with no one around, she gently kissed my cheek and whispered, "It's okay, I understand you need to go. This is a bit much for you. Besides, I think I'm going to shop some too." She walked over to the changing door to check on her daughter and I walked out of the store. I just needed a bit of space, and time to come to terms with this feeling in my body and Betty's direct flirtation. As I said I would, I walked directly across the mall, pretending to look at the various shoe styles in the store window. I wandered back and forth in the mall, looking in store windows but seeing nothing, as my mind whirled. My feeling of arousal finally subsided. I felt as normal as I could be as a male locked into the body of a female. Nevertheless, mentally I was still a bit jumpy. I eventually wandered across from Victoria Secret where I was greeted by mom and daughter, wearing their brand new purchases. Their old bras stuffed into their bags and their "new" breasts pressing tightly against their tops as if screaming to get out. They did, despite the mental roadblocks I tried to put up, look very good. "What do you think? And Mom too! Who would have thought? She's not usually the dress up type." asked Janet, moving about side to side so I could get a good look at her mounds. "Looks great ladies," I answered honestly. Betty, who had been watching my eyes the entire time said, "Good. Now its your turn to buy something. And since we're in front of one of your favorite types of stores..." *** I sat on the bed unable to sleep. The image of the two women stuck in my head, as did the feeling of the uncharacteristic hug that Betty gave me. She made sure her padded breasts pressed firmly against mine as she quickly, ran her hand lightly across my ass. I recognized that move from my old days as Craig Morton. The motions were just enough to get her point across, at the same time subtle enough to leave no doubt in my mind. I stared at the top drawer of the nightstand for several minutes. I had spent the past few weeks getting into the role of Lucy. I was trying to understand what made her tick. I dug into her past, quizzing her acquaintances, this was merely all intellectual. Simultaneously, I had studiously avoided the physical aspects of her womanhood. I did this mostly because it more than anything else reminded me of how upside down my world had become. I was beginning to understand that part of my avoidance was out of fear. What if I like it? What did that say about me? Occupying the body was one thing; comfortably occupying the body with all of its physical aspects was losing Craig Morton to the female form I've become. After today, after those feelings of arousal in the store, I had to know about those feelings could achieve. Reaching into the nightstand drawer, I pulled out her vibrator. With a quick twist, it hummed heavily in my hand. I closed my eyes, settled on the bed, hiked the bottom of my nightdress to my stomach thinking about Betty. I tried my best to push out the thoughts of her daughter, which fought their way in. *** This morning, Janet seemed genuinely excited to go to school with her new sexier look. She took Lucy's advice from some week's back, buying a series of bras to mimic real growth. Janet's cleavage was larger, but not outrageously, so (definitely not as much as I saw it was going to be in few months). God help this girl, if she sprouts on her own, only her genes know. She was only in the apartment briefly this morning. Her job was more to oversee and touch me up. I was becoming more adept at applying my own makeup. I was not quite ready to handle all the nuances of application, especially enough to look as though I was wearing no make up at all, but it was coming. Once Janet left, I finished dressing, picking up the paper that Arnie had written his note on from the desk in my bedroom. Although I picked up the paper, my thoughts wandered to Betty. I was speculating how much more complex this situation was going to be with her coming on to me. What about my fantasizing about her last night? Were those thoughts pure sexual fantasy or was something developing? It became particularly touchy because of my dual role as her daughter's buddy. How did Lucy do it? Kirk had his keen observations about my faked memory loss. Those thoughts also drifted through my mind. He was unquestionably up to something; there was no doubt he was going to make my life much harder than he already had. I could almost feel the noose tighten around my neck in the work world. This was all getting to be too much. Just being trapped in Lucy's body, operating it without a manual was difficult enough. It was time for me to untangle some of the complexities knotting itself around my life. It was time for me to be a bit more proactive instead of being knocked around by circumstances beyond my control. I took the paper into the kitchen and dialed the number written on it. "Hello?" His quiet Southern voice sounded of sleep. "Hello Arnie? This is Lucy. Lucy Maya, I received your note. We have to talk." [To be continued]

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I was reluctant when you asked me to induce lactation, but not really surprised. You were always playing with my tits, suckling for what seemed like hours. You loved to fuck them, and spray cum all over them. When I found all the lactation porn on your computer, you seemed relived that now I knew about your fetish. We watched some together, and I had to admit it was fascinating. I wondered what it would be like to feel my breasts swell to the point of pain, filling up with milk until my nipples...

2 years ago
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Sissy diary episode 2 crossing the border

Dresden 10/21/17I’m sitting in front of my computer and trying to decide on what to write in my Sissy Diary. It’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. My entire life is entirely different now. I have so much to share.So, what’s changed? Let’s talk about the simple things first: My English has gotten so much better with every day, there is a soccer match currently on air and I’m not even tempted to have the TV on for background noise, for the first time in five...

1 year ago
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Driving Mrs Tandy Chapter 3

Her hand felt soft and warm in his. She had found some comfort, and was reluctant to let him go. John could sense her pain and tension, her misery. He was kneeling before her, as if in prayer, desperately wanting to make her feel better. But there was nothing he could do for her. “You were so kind to me,” she said and smoothly withdrew her hand. For a moment, he felt useless and empty. Then, he realized how important she was to him. He reached out and gently touched her cheek. Reflexively,...

4 years ago
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SurvivingChapter 21 Snow joke walking home

I calmed Gabrain down but decided he needed to hear a bit more of a constructive explanation of his actions as part of his education. "Gabrain as a lord and a leader, people will rely upon you. You will need to take tough decisions, often decisions that will put people in harms way. You need to act responsibly. I suggest you need to learn a better approach to decision making than the one you used tonight when you thought it was okay to disobey me. Or the one you used when you blindly...

2 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 9 Over our shoulder

We had run the horses until it grew too dark to do so. I had wanted to get as much distance between anyone who would follow. We kept a cold camp and didn’t sleep well. Up before dawn and back in the saddle, we ran the horses for an hour before we slowed. I had not spoken with Jasmine since we had sent the men back to their farm and little more than orders when I did speak. We spent all day in the saddle and skirted around the towns. Were they coming after us or not? There was no way to know...

2 years ago
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The Good Girl

The Good GirlGoing down memory lane, aka the spank bank, I remember a girl I dated as a young man. She was a clerk in a store and we struck up a conversation as she rung up my purchase. We set up a date when she got off from work and I picked her up at her car behind the business. Let me tell you about Andrea. She was about 4’11”, blonde with green eyes. She had the fairest skin. She was around 104lbs so she was a well-shaped petite woman. She was working between her senior year of high...

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Michelles Story

CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. Michelle's Story Book One: Falling, Smooth and Pink By Cindi Johnson, of Dallas Texas Part 1 Typical of lunch hour, the restaurant was crowded and noisy. Three young ladies sat in a booth in the back or the dining area, sipping coffee. They talked in hushed, earnest voices, as if the subject were of a...

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Once Upon A Preggo Daughter

Introduction: A sexually abusive relationship becomes a family. CHAPTER 1 Tara was 11 when her father raped her for the first time. Buck had been fantasizing about popping his prematurely developed daughter for some time now. Finally, on a particularly bad day at work, hed had a few beers before coming home with the biggest most painful hardon hed ever had. Taras mother had been a good little whore but took off one day and never came back. Buck decided hed waited long enough and it was time...

1 year ago
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Paige And The Old Guy PtII Cassidy And The Hole In The Fence

I had just finished mowing my lawn when I saw Cassidy waving to me from her back yard. She was looking very nice in her two-piece yellow bikini.“Hi, Mr. McDougal,” she said, waving to me.“Hello, Cassidy,” I said, waving back.There’s a wooden fence about five feet tall that runs between our yards. It hasn’t been stained in a while so some of the boards were starting to show signs of heavy wear. I had the wood to replace it, stacked off to the side, just hadn’t got to doing it yet.Cassidy trotted...

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Playing With Fire CAW 7

Introduction: Here is my story for CAW 7 hope you all like my entry, its the first story ive ever written. Be gentle with me. *Play with fire, youll get burned.* I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Bosss office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then...

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An unexpected workplace romance

Rachel finds herself lusting after a particular woman at her new workplace, even though she didn’t know if the woman was into chicks or not. Connie and Rachel work in different departments, but the office is small enough that everybody knows one another. It was lust at first sight for Rachel. Her manager took her around to meet everybody on her first day of work, and Rachel was instantly amazed by Connie’s beauty. Connie had a mop of silky-blond hair, sun-tanned skin, and smoldering blue...

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Seduced And Dominated By An Aunt In Gujarat

Hi! This is Vatsal back again from Gujarat with my new experience. It has been days since I last updated my experience. I hope you find this interesting as much. This incident happened with me in the last week of February. I was roaming around in a mall in the afternoon. Being a student, visiting the mall during early warm days was a common thing. I was just loitering around from shop to shop and just enjoying my time. I never knew that someone had a watch on me since long. I went to the food...

3 years ago
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A Nightmare Unleashed Ch 01

BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: Wes Craven: A Nightmare on Elm Street Victor Miller: Friday the 13th Sam Raimi: The Evil Dead John Carpenter: Halloween EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Tessa Alexander, Sean Renaud & Simply_Cyn AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘This is the sequel to ‘A Nightmare Reborn.’ I hadn’t planned on writing a sequel, but the reader response to the first story was so good I figured what the hell? I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. This story is...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 412

RabbiRabbit lives out in the country now Country Wisdom Don't name a pig you plan to eat. Country fences need to be horse high, pig tight, and bull strong. Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce. Keep skunks and lawyers at a distance. Life is simpler when you plow around the stumps. A bumble bee is faster than a John Deere tractor. Trouble with a milk cow is she won't stay milked. Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles. Words that soak...

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The chamber maid

The Chamber Maid By: the Abbe I welcome any feed back you might want to share at: [email protected] Chapter 1Maggie was a naughty girl. That is why she found herself chained to the wall of the dungeon hidden beneath the main floor of the Estate of the Count and Countess De la Fountaine. She was still wearing her mistress’ black corset with pink lace and silk stockings. She felt the biting cold of the stone against her back even through the corset. Her nipples were hard and aching from the...

1 year ago
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My New Coffee Maker Part 2

As we raced towards town, you seemed lost in thought. You ran your fingertips across the back of my hand and forearm as I drove. ‘It doesn’t seem like we just met yesterday, does it?’ you asked, breaking the silence. I smiled broadly and answered, ‘No, not at all Lexi. I feel like I have known you for a long time. It’s almost like we both knew the other existed long before we were destined to meet. We were just waiting to find each other.’ You lifted my hand to your face, rubbing the back...

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CHAPTER 24: AMAZONA LIVESWhen my vision and senses cleared, I was still in the hut. More interesting, my head and shoulders were still resting on the thighs of the woman behind me. This woman … if this contact persisted, I was going to have to learn to pronounce their names. I have been reluctant to try their names for fear of butchering the pronunciation and offending them. I think, whatever was being determined here, I was gaining more points than my clumsiness could damage.I looked up at her...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 12

“What?” I pulled my head back in surprise. In a moment of emotional déjà vu, I felt exactly as when Violet had asked me to spank her just two days before: shocked, disbelieving, and instantly, deeply aroused. “I want you to slam-fuck me,” Violet repeated, her voice louder, more confident. I could feel her hands tugging at the waistband of my jeans, fingers pulling the zipper down. “But we should –” I looked up at the ceiling, towards the bedroom we now shared. “We don’t need condoms. I got...

2 years ago
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My secret sissy life exposed Pt 3

I felt lightheaded as i laid on my hip facing Nick. The excitement had reached a level I’d never experienced before. I had to stop myself and try and control my breathing as I was afraid I was going to pass out from the anticipation.A zing of electricity rushed through my body from head to toe as Nick gently touched my shoulder and our eyes met.Nick took control and pressed against my shoulder thrown his leg over my waist as I fell onto my back. He grasped each wrist and slowly moved them up...

2 years ago
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The Cheerleader Part 1

The Cheerleader 'But mum, why can't I be cheerleader; Jenny is ? I want to be one to!!!' Mrs. Sherman looked at her eight year old son with exasperation. 'As I have already explained for the 100th time ? at your age only girls can be cheerleaders ? not boys.' 'But that's not fair' whined Kim 'not fair...' Mrs. Sherman looked at her son ? he was right; it was not fair, but there was not a lot she could do about it. The Eastwood Dolphin Cheerleaders only had junior programs for...

3 years ago
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DeannaChapter 27 The Honeymoon

Dee and I got up about 6am that Sunday morning. We were the only ones to awaken and when we got to the living room we had a great laugh. There twisted on the couch were Bob, Janell, and Heather. Terri and Michelle were "passed out" with club Carol in the love seat next to the couch and Bill was on the floor with Maryanne wrapped all around him. Oh. They were all totally naked and there were clothes thrown all over the room. I thought they said they were going to turn in early. Only Carol,...

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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 10

TIFFANY He looked at me so damn intense, I shivered on the mattress. He still held his cock in his hand and damn I still didn't know if it'd fit inside of me without hurting like a mother. "You look so damn pretty lying there," he said, "You close to coming yet..." I bit my lip harder this time. Yeah, I felt the familiarity of something tightening just above my pussy, and the intensity of the sensations from my clit ... each time I rubbed it, I came closer to the edge. "You wet...

1 year ago
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University Life First Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE Kainene sighed to herself yet again. She had been staring at the same page for half an hour but could not understand a word that was written. She tried to focus but knew that it was hopeless. Who knew Criminal Law could be so boring? Boring, a voice slyly replied. It’s not boring, you just can’t get Rufus, who’s taken by the way, out of your scatty head. Kainene groaned inwardly at that. Now she knew she was definitely going crazy. When the stupid voice inside her head was...

1 year ago
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Daddys Rose Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! The rain was thick and cold as Tanu ran up the porch of her house. She fumbled in her backpack for the house keys, then slid one in with trembling fingers. Tanu burst inside, then quickly closed the front door to keep out the wet and chill. She ran small, delicate fingers through her long curly brown hair, then walked to the closet to hang up her plastic rain coat. "Is that you, Tanu?" asked a male voice from the kitchen. "Yes, daddy," replied Tanu...

1 year ago
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morning call from Sir

Morning call from sir As I lay sleeping, I felt a welcome presence in my room. I didn’t know my sir had come to me. He had a spare set of keys and waited hidden outside until everyone had left the house. He was a kind guy, but had a horny seductive side to him. He loved to fuck hard and abuse his women until they begged for mercy. Sir loved to watch as I slept. He had a huge cock. Any girl would love to ride him. He knew how to make a girl wet. He unlocked the door and walked in. He saw that I...

2 years ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 8

Everyone heads towards their room, and certainly, Amelia, Alisha, and Saira are disappointed. Manisha and Pratyush reach their villa. Manisha gets a message from an unknown number, ‘Come to the restaurant in five minutes.’ As she looks at her phone, Pratyush grabs her ass from behind and slides his finger between her ass. “Something came up, see you, babe” Manisha turns around and gives a kiss to Pratyush. She then leaves. The first thing Amelia does is visit her sister Olivia. She expects her...

3 years ago
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Uncoditional Sex With Sexy Lady Of My Fantasy

Hi I am sam(name changed) currently living in pune. A not so tall guy with a penchant to satisfy my partners the way they wish to be. This story is about sakshi (name changed), my best friend from 8th standard and me making my fantasies come true. Any ladies interested in discreet relationships or orgasmic chats can email me at “”. It is a little long and please forgive me for that as the build up to this special moment was long and special. So lets begin. It all began when were in 8th...

1 year ago
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Accidental cruising

So one day, before lockdown, me and my wife went to a a friends for the evening. Normal chit chat kind of stuff and my wife had a few drinks. I was being the responsible one as I was… So one day, before lockdown, me and my wife went to a a friends for the evening. Normal chit chat kind of stuff and my wife had a few drinks. I was being the responsible one as I was driving. After we had the normal chit chat it was getting late and we decided to go home. On the way home a really thick fog...

Cheating Wife
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Let my husband have his job back

This is a story about cheating on your husband to prove how much you love your family.   Have you ever been so down on your luck that you thought you would do anything to make some money?   Well before you answer let me tell you of a story that proves the ultimate answer.   My name is John I own a small plumbing company in a little town in South Carolina.   I have a man named Simon working for me for the last five years.   He started out as an excellent employee over the last year his work...

2 years ago
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Filing Room 2A

Filing Room 2A was mine. No-one ever went in it, which was why I had chosen it. My colleagues all thought that its dusty filing cabinets were filled with reports and receipts from years past. Well, some were. The others I had commandeered to hold my personal items from home. The danger of someone discovering me or my toys, however unlikely, added to my buzz every time I stripped off and mounted the giant desk in there, a vibrator in hand.  I hadn't had a proper boyfriend in a year now, and...

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My Fetish For Panties Ch2

Well I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter and I will try and get more sexual in the next couple chapters, but for right now I'd like to continue sharing my earlier experiances and at the same time keep it short and sweet and in this chapter! So after my initial experiance, I continued my quest to find dirty panties, usually at friend's houses, visiting relatives etc. I would like to say though that I never once took my mothers underwear, as I never had the urge to, I know from talking to other...

3 years ago
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A Risque Encounter

It had been too long, and there wasn’t enough time. I needed her, to taste her essence as it dripped from her core. We decided on dinner, which was a mistake, at least for her. Sitting in the round booth, secluded from other customers, I pushed her skirt up her thighs, caressing bare skin as the waiter greeted us. "Would you like to start the evening with an appetizer?”Her breath caught as I slipped a finger into her already wet heat. "Su- sure, the calamari platter.”  We’d been here before,...

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Spring CarnivalChapter 11

George and I decided to head out to Jim's party that night. Jim was a friend of ours who had graduated about three years ago, but never left the area. He owned a good-sized house about a mile off campus, and used it to throw parties for his friends several times a year. His Carnival parties were famous; the guest list changed every year, because Jim only had one rule for it: If you've been invited, then he considers you cool enough to come. If you think somebody else is cool enough to come,...

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PART 2 After the beach Dawn was not happy and all i could say was we will sort something out for you about 3 days later we were sat in the house and i said why dont you walk round nude see how you feel she loved it so while i was at work Dawn was naked at home i asked her how far would she go to show her self all she said was only if there yng or over 60 then nothing is closed i said ok left it at that One day while at work i called home told my wife the car needed petrol could she go fill it...

1 year ago
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Charity AuctionChapter 8

Cheryl awoke some hours later to find herself no longer trapped inside the cage. Instead, she was now mounted in a kneeling position on the stage, her belly thrown over a padded frame to hold her in position, with her legs splayed widely by the restraints attached to her knees. Similar shackles held her wrists in place, leaving her abused tits to sway painfully below her like a cow's udder. A cord woven into her hair was attached to an overhead pulley, forcing her head to remain painfully...

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Weird Cousin

I have this weird cousin, let's call him Alfred. He was 20 and I was 16 at the time. He used to visit and sit around the pool watching everyone. Never got in the pool or even wore a bathing suit. He would just sit and stare at all of us. I noticed him looking at me a lot in my suit and following around but not talking to me just starring. He creeped me out. I tried just being nice to him but not really engaging him. Just the fact that he was 20 and still coming to our house with his Mom and Dad...

3 years ago
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Perks Promotions And Penises 8211 Part 3

Swati locked the door and then walked towards Angad’s table. She hastily unbuttoned her shirt and then kept it on a chair. Angad was sitting behind her on a couch at the other end of his cabin. Angad saw Swati’s hands on her back, looking for her bra hook. Within a second, she unhooked her bra and kept it on Angad’s table. She turned around and started walking towards Angad. Angad saw his petite secretary approaching him topless in black jeans. She tied her hair over her head as she sat down on...

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NewSensations Britt Blair Tiny Cute Blonde Teen Britt Says It8217s Cool

Little cutie blonde teen schoolgirl Britt runs to her favorite room to start rubbing her pussy in her school uniform as her dad’s employee follows her to the room too, to get a taste of her sweet pink teen pussy. Alex is very nervous though considering his boss, her dad is just in the other room. But persistent horny Britt says it’s cool and not to worry as she spreads her pussy for Alex to dig in and enjoy. Britt also showed good cock sucking skills before Alex slowly entered...

3 years ago
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Duplicate LoversChapter 4

It was not the greatest position in the world from which to do rational thinking. Nancy's robot rocked his prick in and out of her now, happily using up that overload of energy he had, his sensors activating all the sex reactors he had, sweat glands, deep breathing, flexing muscles, all the rest. A real male in passion could not have been more convincing. "Sam, Sam... you're so HOT!" complained Nancy. It was almost as if, having his sex with her interrupted that day in the robot lab,...

1 year ago
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An Old FlameChapter 3

However, that same promotion finally started Carolyn's plans in motion. We first had some inkling that she was plotting something when two of the company's more infamous pussyhounds asked Brooke out to lunch on consecutive days. Janice and Brooke had a pact to remain extremely discrete at work and Brooke accepted both offers in order to help maintain the illusion that she was unattached. We worried a bit about the offers, because both men planned extended lunches at fine restaurants, and we...

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Happy anniversary

I was awoken this morning by the feeling of my blankets being pulled off of me. I knew it wasn’t my wife cause she had gone to work today. I open my eyes to see my hot stepdaughter, Sabrina dressed in white lingerie and white high heels, grab a hold of my dick in her hand with long bright red nails. “Good morning and happy anniversary Eric. ” said Sabrina as she started rubbing her hand up and down my stiffening shaft.Today is Sabrina’s Mom, Penny, and my 16th anniversary. When I met Penny,...

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wife in college 7

When she was living in the dorm her freshman year, she joined a study group with some of her classmates. She said that the first time she went to the study group, a guy pulled out some coke and they all did some lines before they began. They always had a couple of beers at the same time. They always rotated the location of the study group. Either a dorm or an apartment or the guys house who had the coke. One time, the guy with the coke suggested that she arrive to his house early. He...

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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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Slow Pussy Eating

My friend, Jess, is one of the sexiest women I know. When we go out as a group I can't help but watch as she moves about the bar. Her limbs swing with purpose and with deliberate action. Her eyes look at everything and never rest on any one thing for long. When they do, it's because she's found someone to entertain herself with. She reminds me of a Jaguar, but her hunt isn't bloody in nature; it's primitive and filled with slow-burning passion. She has a habit of needing to distract herself....

Oral Sex
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Sissy Story Chapter 02

Mom and I had obviously taken things to a different level. Just like when I had first worn pigtails and hair ribbons, our relationship, and understanding of that relationship became even more intense and our connection became even deeper. I was happy and Mom was obviously pleased coming out of the mall, me wearing clothes bought that day; a light t-shirt, some shorts, sandals that showed my toenails polished, panties and a training bra. She pushed a cart full of things for my new wardrobe....

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First Mind Blowing Sex Experience With Best Girl

My name is Raju and I belong to a decent family but always had a sex desire from my schooling and stayed in Coimbatore after completion of my UG joined a PG course for the scope. First day is an amassing day in my college meets a girl named Reviya. She is too sexy and calm nature, not spoke to any boys in our class. I gathered confident to speak her with casual talks and we become too close ones and I shared my all issues and happening to her she too respond as same. We really did have a bad...

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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 1 formatting corrected

Chapter 1 I've always had a fondness for women's clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered I had an entire wardrobe of women's clothes to try on whenever my wife wasn't around. Eventually, the fear that I might soil or tear something of hers and get caught pushed me to invest in my own female clothing, which I managed to keep hidden in the...

1 year ago
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Do Chut Ek Lund 8211 Part 1

Ye kahani teen doston ki hai, jo ki friends with benefits the. Is kahani ka har part alag hoga, aur apne aap mein poora hoga. Ek kahani padhne ke liye doosri kahani padhne ki zaroorat nahi padegi. Har kahani mein khoob chut lund ka khel hoga, aur jam kar chudai hogi. Prerna, Sana aur Ankit(main) ab pakke dost the. Hum sab kuch share karte the, aur hamari sari fantasies bhi, aur unko poori karne ki koshish karte the. Ye kahani wahi ek fantasy ko poora karne ke baare mein hai. Prerna aur Sana ne...

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PornWorld Lana Roy Passionate Anal Pound at the Gym with Skinny Yoga Babe

Sexy yoga babe Lana Roy is stretching in the gym when her partner Frankie is overcome by his desire. Since Lana has always wanted to fuck Frankie too, shes absolutely delighted that he’s made the first move. After anxiously undressing each other, the two give each other passionate oral sex, before Frankie slips his cock into Lanas tight little cunt as she leans up against the bars she was previously using to stretch. When her pussy has had enough, the two move to the floor where Frankie...

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Indian Bhabhi Ke Maze Liye

Hi mera naam deepak (change name) hai aaj mei aapko. Apni pehli sex story batane ja raha hu. Ye baat karib 4 se 5 saal purani hai jb collage start kiya tha ek friend ki mobile recharge ki shop thi to waha aana jana tha wahi pr samne rehne wali indian bhabhi bhi aati thi recharge karane dhire dhire baatchit hone lagi seema naam tha uska kuch varsho pahle hi uske husband ki death ho gyi thi. Age approx 34 ki thi medium size ke bobs the but figure well maintain. Savli thi pr mast ho rhi thi. Baat...

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House Sitter complete story

HOUSE SITTER (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ Part 1 It was summer vacation, and mom was being a pain. Making me do chores around the house, telling me to go out and find a job instead of just sitting at home playing games, nagging me to get a haircut. I'd just graduated from Edina High, and I figured a guy was entitled to kick back for a while, right? I didn't have any big college plans, we didn't have enough money for that, but I could always enroll in community college...

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Insatiable Little Tart

At home, I’ve been needy all day, so I make sure you can see me as I slide my leopard print thong up my bare legs and under my short black skirt so it presses snuggly against my already wet lips. I keep glancing at you over my shoulder, as I make sure you and everyone at the bar later will be able to see the curve of my big braless tits, always smiling when I catch you looking. I press myself against you, lifting up on my tiptoes to kiss you and feeling the bit of bulge in your pants before...

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The Making of a SlutChapter 6

Sunday afternoon I told BJ to dress as slutty as she could. "High heels, the shortest skirt you have, low cut blouse and no bra or panties. Oh, and no hose. Nothing looks sluttier than 'come fuck me' pumps and bare legs. As we drove across town she asked me where we were going. "To visit a friend of mine sweetie. I know how much you loved Claude's big dick and Dave tells me that his is pretty big so I thought I'd give you a chance to do some comparing." "How big is he?" "He...

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Raped TeaserChapter 7

Barbara now knew the supreme joy of total female liberation. It left her dazed and amazed that two strangers, two extremely horny and lustful men, were the ones to turn her on to fantastic sex. When the orgy was over, Glen and Fred very nicely drove the giddy girl back to town. They had her sit between them in the front seat. As Glen did the driving, his right hand remained busy on Barbara's open and juicy young cunt. Fred had a party with her delightful jutting tits. Barbara was creaming...

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The Training of Lucy epilogue

The alarm on Lucy's phone started to chime. She opened her eyes a little and looked over to it. 6 AM, Thursday morning. She was a fairly light sleeper. Sean, who lay next to her, could sleep through the end of the world. Still, she turned her alarm off and got up quietly so as not to disturb him and walked into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was nude, as she was most of the time now, except for her velvet collar. It was starting to show some signs of wear, now, but the...


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