Thumper Ch. 08 free porn video

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George didn’t want a slave.

That’s not to say that a small part of him — a small pinkish part, say — wouldn’t rise admirably to a slave who responded with sexual verve to his every perverse beck and call. Someone, for example, forever clad in a sheer, flowing garment that left little to the imagination, someone who lived for the pleasure of giving pleasure and launched into mind-blowing, erotic gymnastics on command. No, he didn’t want that. The problem was that Abby, all recent evidence of submissiveness aside, wasn’t that woman, nor did he want her to be. Not really. Besides, he wasn’t the type of man who’d be long satisfied with mindless acquiescence to every carnal whim.

George sighed and allowed the fantasy to dissolve.

So, no, George didn’t want a slave.

The alternative was infinitely trickier. Abby had, over the last several weeks, demonstrated a grudging acceptance of submissiveness, just as he had reluctantly accepted the mantle of authority over her. They were at a delicate stage, he realized. He hadn’t wanted to leave home so soon after what was, by all accounts, the last session with Britt and Damian. He’d wanted some time with Abby to build upon the foundation that Britt and Damian had helped lay for them. He wondered whether the old patterns had re-established themselves during his absence, or whether he’d return home to a fundamentally different relationship with Abby.

As he waited to board the plane, he pulled out his Blackberry and texted Abby. Two words. Perhaps it was a command, but it was one that granted room for interpretation. ‘Surprise me,’ he typed.

After boarding, he settled into his seat for the flight home. He’d presented a paper at an academic conference, disentangling his thoughts from Abby and the last few weeks just long enough to deliver a talk that had been, by all accounts, well-received.

Yes, they were at a delicate stage. He and Abby were on their own now. Britt and Damian had helped them adjust the course of their marriage and had finally nudged them into the current, it was now up to them to navigate their way by themselves.

Damn, it would be a lot easier with a slave…

The plane’s engines spooled up and George let his thoughts drift back in time to the strange brand of marriage counselling that Abby had introduced them to. He still didn’t know how she’d stumbled upon Britt and Damian and didn’t much care. Perhaps the truth would come out at some point. He still couldn’t quite believe how much had changed in those few weeks — how he’d gone from cuckold to master and Abby from ice queen to submissive. Even now, as he allowed himself to think back, he could scarcely believe what he and Abby had gone through. As the plane taxied to the runway, the recollections passed like photographs in his mind’s eye.

Of him, on that first session, with his face buried between Britt’s legs, having been issued a challenge to make her come in fifteen minutes.

Of Abby, emerging from behind Damian, looking unusually vulnerable and beautiful, clad in little more than a breast binder and sporting a pony tail from a part of the human anatomy that had evolved to be tailless.

Of him again, being taught the possibilities of discipline, the moon of Britt’s exposed ass growing redder with each blow.

And of Abby again, willingly subjecting herself to the pillory while he claimed her from behind, her body stretched out before him like an extension of himself.

This could have been someone else’s mental photo album, but it was his.

With a start, he realized that his small pinkish part was no longer quite so small. Damn. In public, no less.

He turned his mind instead to a more recent memory. Before this trip, George and Damian had met for lunch at a pub close the campus.

‘You should feel blessed,’ said Damian.

‘I do.’

Damian sipped his beer thoughtfully. ‘Both Britt and I had our doubts about Abby. About you too, but perhaps less so. Abby had a longer, harder journey. Most women would never have agreed to our contract. A lot of those would have told us to go to hell when they realized what it entailed. But Abby is incredibly strong and determined.’

‘So now?’ asked George.

‘Now you dedicate your life to reinforcing the trust she has placed in you. You have the responsibility of guiding your relationship through the next chapters. If the relationship fails, it’s because you haven’t listened, haven’t placed Abby’s well-being and happiness above all else. You have to be more attentive and more creative than you’ve ever been. In return, Abby will bestow those same gifts on you. She’s now capable of doing so.’

The plane lifted off, pressing George more deeply into the seat.

* * *

Abby received his text message an hour ago at work. His plane would have taken off by now. ‘Surprise me’ was all it said. Those two words encapsulated a world of possibility. She smiled as packed her things and left the office early.

She hadn’t wanted him to take the trip, but it had been planned long ago, before Britt and Damian had entered their lives. When the trip had been planned months ago, she’d considered his week-long absence with indifference. At the time, he was little more than a fixture in her life, a reminder of her failure. For the last week, however, she’d mentally checked off each day, growing excited as his return grew closer.

Absence not only made the heart grow fonder, it made it hungry.

Once home, Abby placed her heavy briefcase in the hall closet and vowed to forget that it existed until Monday. She kicked off her pumps and gratefully wiggled her toes. She walked upstairs, shrugging out of her dress jacket as she went, and hung it carelessly from the baluster. Feeling lighter already, she quickly shed her blouse and skirt, letting them fall to the floor like discarded skin. She shimmied out of her underwear, a thong, and flicked it with her foot, caught it in mid-flight, and tossed it into the hamper for three points.

Naked, having left the outer trappings of authority and responsibility scattered through the house, she sighed and felt liberated. She stretched and caught her reflection in the mirror. She liked what she saw.

Abby took an unhurried shower, it would take George more than two hours to clear customs, collect his luggage and return home. She washed with leisurely care, stoking herself where, she hoped, George’s hands would soon linger.

After drying, she anointed herself with a hint of perfume in the cleft between her full breasts and lit some candles on the bedside tables and antique dresser. It was too early for candles, but lighting them seemed oddly appropriate.

She knelt before an old steamer trunk that sat at the foot of the four-poster bed, lifted the lid, and examined the contents with a sense of wonder and anticipation.

Britt had called out of the blue yesterday, perhaps knowing that Abby was alone, to suggest a shopping excursion.

There had been a mischievous tone to her voice, of challenge and playfulness. ‘We’re going shopping for your graduation frock,’ Britt had added.


‘You and George don’t need us anymore. You’re ready now to go it alone.’

It was true. Abby felt a momentary sense of loss, knowing that the architects of their recent adventures were now exiting stage-left. She and George would have to find their own way now, and in a flash she realized that they were both now capable of doing so.

Britt had driven Abby to a shop called Her Mistress’s Closet. The mannequins in the window sported all manner of leather and latex. It was the kind of establishment from which Abby would have averted her eyes in the past, recoiling at the depravity of those maladjusted souls who frequented it. Now her heart skipped a beat. Britt ushered her in and Abby stopped at the threshold. The shop was tastefully decorated, completely devoid of the seediness
Abby would have imagined.

‘Hi, Britt,’ greeted the saleswoman, a remarkably beautiful Asian woman.

‘Go browse,’ suggested Britt, propelling her into the shop with a little push on the small of her back.

Abby strolled past the lingerie. She had, she realized sadly, plenty of that, gifts from George that she’d ignored and relegated to the dark corners of her closet. She’d have to see about those, she decided. No, she wasn’t here for lingerie, but something more emphatic. She continued to the back of the store where she spied more provocative items — leatherwear, corsets, bustiers. There was a world of possibility here, each item unleashing visions of potential. As Abby strolled through the store, she found herself surprisingly engaged where a few months before she would have been mortified, shuddering at the symbolism of such items — submission, degradation, objectification. Now she now considered the impact that such outfits would have on George. Would they please him? Would they arouse him?

They would. What man wouldn’t be aroused? She felt herself growing excited at the mere thought of surprising George on his return. Perhaps she really had graduated.

She settled on a leather corset with a shelf bra and laces up the back.

‘Find anything you like?’ asked Britt, who had silently come to her side.

Abby raised the corset.

Britt nodded and smiled. ‘That’ll do nicely.’

They strolled past a display of restraints and Britt stopped. ‘Have you considered these?’

Abby hesitated. ‘No.’

‘You might,’ suggested Britt.

Could she? She examined the cuffs and collars, some plain, others studded and fur-lined, and allowed herself to imagine. These were not the tools of enslavement, but of consent to be George’s erotic canvas. Her body answered for her by means of a tingle of anticipation in the pit of her belly.

‘Okay,’ said Abby.

Their next stop was the beauty salon. Britt was recognized here too. Britt and a pair of hairdressers gathered around Abby and deliberated earnestly, as an artist might before a blank canvas.

Abby’s current style just wouldn’t do. They decided on a something radically different, something that would frame the geometry of her face, and add a few highlights to draw the eye and liven thing up.

She could barely follow their conversation, her mind on her new purchases and considering how they might best be employed. The hairdresser and Britt looked at her expectantly, as though expecting an answer. ‘Whatever you want,’ she said. ‘Just do it.’

Abby scarcely noticed the stares that she and Britt drew, in equal measure, from the men who were returning to their offices after a late lunch. If she had, she would have been flattered. As it was, her thoughts were never far from George and his homecoming.

Over coffee when their shopping was done, Britt beamed at Abby. ‘You’ve come a long way, baby.’

Britt could feel the blush rising to her cheeks. ‘I couldn’t have done it without you and Damian.’

‘It was in you all the time.’

‘I have a question for you,’ said Abby, changing the subject.

Britt raised an eyebrow. ‘Shoot.’

‘Are you and Damian a couple? You know, in the way that you’ve… trained George and me.’

Britt hesitated for a moment. ‘If you’re asking whether Damian and I are master and slave in the strict sense, we’d say no. But then, neither are you and George.’

‘And in the loose sense?’

‘Possibly. Certainly anyone looking in from the outside would say so. I prefer to think that we’re partners. Are we equal partners? No. He’s a demon, after all, and I have no wish to be his equal. Besides which, we’ve both seen too many equal partnerships dissolve under the weight of constant bickering over power and real or imagined threats to equality. So I defer to him because he has earned my trust and respect. In return, he constantly seeks new ways to reinforce that trust and respect. While some masters might be tempted to control a submissive through fear and humiliation, a good master will foster such a relationship through discipline tempered with love. ‘

‘So it’s a partnership?’


‘But not an equal one?’

‘I prefer to call it symbiotic.’

That was yesterday. Today she was on her own and the heady confidence instilled by Britt seemed a long way off.

Around her narrow waist she fastened the corset, removing it to make adjustments to the laces and then trying it on again. When the fit was perfect, she strapped on the black leather wrist and ankle cuffs. She saved the collar for last. Her breasts lifted as she fastened it around her neck and fed the tongue through the clasp. Studs and rings glinted in the flickering candlelight.

She looked at herself in the mirror, almost disbelieving what she saw. Not so much that she wore nothing more than leather and looked every inch a slave, but that she saw the unmistakable glow of confidence and anticipation that had been absent not so long ago. At that time, she would have averted her eyes from the sight in the mirror — that and questioned her sanity. Now she appraised herself with satisfaction, knowing she would soon be giving and receiving pleasure in equal measure.

The leather would be a surprise for George, much as it was for her. She was still a little uneasy with the symbolism of enslavement, but she trusted George to see it for what it was — consent.

She wrapped a silk robe around herself and cinched the belt. She reclined on the bed, sipped some wine, and waited for her man.

At the sound of George’s key in the front door, Abby slipped from the bed and assumed the position. She felt a little ridiculous doing so, but a tremor of excitement coursed through her nonetheless. She knelt on the floor and rested her buttocks on her heels. Her hands lay open and palms up on her spread thighs and she paid special attention to holding her posture erect, not that her corset would have allowed much in the way of slouching. Britt had instructed her to bow her head, but she couldn’t, not when she wanted to see George’s reaction.

* * *

George opened the door to the bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks.

‘Oh my God,’ he stammered.

Abby sat on her haunches in the middle of the room. Her back was straight and her chest swelled with each breath, visible beneath the diaphanous robe. Her palms lay face-up where her thighs emerged from her leather boots. A nervous smile played on her mouth.

He had told himself that he hadn’t wanted a slave, yet here she was.

‘Are you pleased?’

‘Oh my God,’ George repeated.

He approached her slowly, eyes devouring her. He gazed down at her for a moment and then gave her his hand and drew her up.

‘You’re beautiful.’

Abby blushed.

He placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up so that he could gaze at her fully.

They kissed hungrily, bodies pressed together. A part of him wanted to throw her onto the bed and take her now but he sensed that she’d given this some thought and was curious to see where it would go.

She disengaged herself from his arms. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him gently backward until he sat on the edge of the bed.

‘I’ve been shopping,’ she said.

‘I can see that.’

Abby stepped back and stood before him with arms outstretched. She had changed her hairstyle, George realized. Her unruly curls had been tamed and framed her face. Her makeup flattered her eyes and well-defined cheek bones. Deep red lipstick accentuated the fullness of her lips.

A collar with silver rings encircled her neck, the black leather contrasting with the tender, pale flesh of her throat. She wore cuffs on her wrists, the rings of which glimmered as they swayed in the flickering candlelight. The leather bodice she wore hugged her torso and thrust her bosom forward.

Abby closed her eyes a
nd pirouetted with slow and deliberate grace on the toe of a leather boot. George’s eyes followed the laces up to her shapely thigh and glimpsed the freshly shaved pubic area until Abby’s slow revolution removed it from view.

She presented her back and George followed the lacing of the corset to the womanly flare of her hips and the firm roundness of her buttocks.

George was utterly gobsmacked as Abby stopped, legs apart, and placed her arms behind her back. Her breasts lifted becomingly in response.

‘What do you think, master?’ she asked with a wink and a smirk.

George smiled and said, ‘I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.’

Abby approached languorously and lowered herself onto his lap. She draped her arms lazily over his shoulders and straddled his legs with her leather-clad ones.

‘That would make me an angel,’ she murmured into his ear before taking the lobe into her mouth. She bit the soft flesh and a low moan issued from George’s throat. She pressed her lips to his and insinuated her tongue teasingly between his lips. ‘I’m not.’

Abby slid off George’s lap and lowered herself between his legs. She placed a hand on his groin and traced the contours of his cock with the tip of her index finger.

‘May I?’ she asked.


Abby slipped his trousers and underwear off. George’s manhood sprang free.

Abby’s fingernails stroked the underside of his erection and George couldn’t restrain an unmasterful whimper. He’d asked for Abby to surprise him, and so far she had.

She held his cock against his abdomen as her tongue laved his testicles. Gently, she took one in her mouth and played her tongue over its surface. Then she repeated the action with its twin.

More arousing than her actions was the way in which she performed them. She lingered over him, exploring him with unhurried engagement. Before, when he could cajole her into doing these things, she performed with scarcely contained impatience, rushing through the script as though nothing were more important than the falling of the curtain. Now she lingered, following no script.

Her hand held the base of his cock as her tongue trailed up its length and explored the contours of its crown. He felt the leather of her wrist cuff against the inside of his thigh. She took the head in her mouth and her tongue flitted over its surface.

He gave himself over to the sensation of her lips descending over him, the warmth of her mouth and tongue enveloping him and then withdrawing.

Whether it was the week of absence or Abby’s actions — possibly both — George responded quickly. A few minutes later he felt that familiar tingling and sat up. ‘Abby,’ he gasped.

She stroked his saliva-slick length and peered up at him, a smile quirking on her lips. She shook her head. ‘Let me,’ she whispered. ‘We have time.’

George perched himself on his elbows and watched as he vanished into her mouth again.

The velvet softness of her lips descended over his hardness in slow increments, deeper than he would have thought possible. Her hands reached behind his back and pulled as her mouth descended the last few inches until her lips encircles his base.

‘Oh God,’ he groaned as she withdrew and plunged upon him yet again.

Abby had evoked a scarcely contained fullness to his erection that he hadn’t felt since adolescence. He wasn’t far now. Arresting the effect of her actions was now out of the question and he surrendered himself to her. The muscles in his legs trembled and seemed to signal Abby to redouble her efforts.

This wasn’t how he’d imagined his homecoming. He’d imagined taking her, yet here he was being taken. Not that it wasn’t great — his body told him that much — it was just…

With a groan he shot into her mouth.

* * *

George emptied himself into her mouth and the spasms gradually diminished. Abby revelled in her power over him.

George lay limp on the bed and Abby climbed alongside and wrapped an arm around his chest.

‘That was…’ he whispered.

‘Yes,’ she said with a smile.

George sighed contentedly. After a few minutes, he spoke again. ‘These cuffs…’


‘They give me an idea.’

‘I’d hoped they would.’

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I left a note for me. I was 16 in 1991, but I was 18 in 1993 ... and when I was 18 I took a trip to 1932 and bought a 1932 Ford Model 18 three window coupe. The reason I bought it? Because I wanted one really bad when I was 16. I could pay for it with gold. Next year, in 1933 I couldn't ... thank you very much, Mr. Franklin ... but it's 1932 ... gold is twenty dollars and sixty-nine cents an ounce so I needed two pounds of gold to pay for a Four hundred and ninety dollar car. That was the...

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Tim Me and Big Willie

This story may anger some of you, some of you may find it hard to believe and still others may think it's a funny story. In truth, now that I see it written down, I find it to be all of these things. It actually started five years ago when Tim and I got married. Well, maybe it was never meant to be from the day we met. We were both in our last year of collage. We met at a graduation party. Having had two classes together, I knew who he was, but he hadn't really been someone who interested me...

3 years ago
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Erotic Sex With An ISS Reader

My love to all iss readers… After reading my previous story, i received a mail from an random women.. We had good conversation over email for few days, after which she decided to meet up and by this time.. We knew most of the things about each other but i had never seen her yet and it made blasted my curiosity.. Ruhi decided the place and we were supposed to meet at west of chord road, bangalore.. She told me that i was going to picked by her and then she would take me to some place.. Next day,...

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Under my neighbors command MMF Bisex

XXX WARNING XXXThis story contains very explicit hot consenting sex between person's of the same sex. If this is not your thing, read no further, but if it does ... enjoy ... ===I kiss the purple swollen head. It is warm and soft. With my tongue I lick up the drop of precum. He sighs with delight as he watches me do it. I smile back up at him, and gently lick around the large mushroom head of his magnificent cock.My own cock is rock hard and throbbing with excitement.I reach up and cup his...

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A Deal That Cant Be Refused

Hiii guys this is Raj here and I am from Chennai My family consists of 4 dad, mom ,sister and me. Well I am an average built guy and I am currently Working .My dick is 6” and I guess thats the normal average size. I have been reading stories in this page from 2008 but I am writing a story for the first time and hence please excuse if any mistakes. The heroine of this story is my elder cousin sister Riya. Her age is 26. She has a figure 34 28 34 to die for and She is sexy but had no clue about...

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Maya My Colleague part 1

Hi to all ISS readers, fuckers and choot ke dewaane. Do you need some introduction or want to go straightaway. Whatever you wish for, i’ll introduce myself first. I’m Raj from Delhi, my physique is 179 cms height, weight 72 kgs and a good athlete body and age is 32 years. Women, girls are always satisfied with me and very often they call me a complete man. Now to begin with let me tell you about one of my recent experiences with my colleague and her younger sister. My colleague is of 30 years...

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Daniel 11

Immediately I notice the curve of his ass, I would know that bubblebutt anywhere. The jeans he wore fit perfectly around those two sexy asscheeks. I quietly approached his locker and put my arms around his waistand pulled him close to me. I wanted him to feel the bulge of my hardeningcock that was growing in my pants. Sean settled right in against my crotch and turned his head towardsmine. I kissed him softly on the lips and released him as we heard thejeers from our fellow...

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Respect Chapter 2

/// 5 months later: “Don’t stop.” Evelyn breathes out and grasps at the shirt her lover is wearing. Her heart is beating a mile a minute, her breathing escalating, and her grip so incredibly tight on the younger woman that her knuckles are white. Suddenly the pleasure she is receiving from the other woman stops as a beautiful dark head of hair raises from between her thighs. “Did you say stop?” Maria gasps out in concern and confusion. Evelyn’s thighs had been wrapped around her head...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ki Chudaai

Hi friends.. Its your Mr. Pleasure here again back a superb Hot Story of my friend & his mother. As you know that I am a male 23 & email is . You are always welcome to share your fantacies & feelings . Now the story begins in his wordings : Baat un dino ki ha jab me 7 saal ki thia. Hum jaipur (Rajasthan) me rahta hia. Papa soft ware engineer hia aur aksar kaam se ghar se bhar rahta hia.Meri mummy bhout khoob surat hia un ki umr 30 saal hia gori rang gadria hua badan bada bada boobs aur mota...

3 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 05

At this moment, Harson was sat naked in the palace living room. He was having his cock sucked by a naked servant girl, while two more stroked his skin and fed him grapes. “This is the life, isn’t it, Lexia?” He asked. “Yes Master,” Lexia said, sitting watching him. “May I please be dismissed?” “Certainly not. I need you here in case I need something else. Well, something that these girls cannot give me. Because you’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you girls?” “Of course your highness,” said...

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Run Ch 05

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. ————— —————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of...

2 years ago
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Found Mom On The Internet

Found Mom On The Internet I stumbled onto an Internet site that features nude pictures of wives and girlfriends. After a very long look around the free area I spotted several pictures of my mother. It had to be her, it looked just like her, and to top it off the pictures had been taken in her bedroom. There was a picture of me on her nightstand. Her sign-in name was Sexy34inNY. I copied all ten of her pictures to my hard drive and then I made a back up copy to hide. I thought about...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBookworms Riley Star 23165

Busted…again! Riley Star is taking nude, explicit selfies in her professor’s classroom, at his desk…and she gets caught! Not just that, but it’s the second time the horny student’s been busted by him. He threatens to report Riley to the dean, but she has the perfect solution for him: a blowjob! Being the liberal professor that he is, he can’t turn down the petite blonde coed’s offer. What he can do is fuck her, cum all over her eyes and resume all...

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The visitor Part 4

My husband was leading Jake to the bathroom for a shower. My husband had asked that they be just the two of them, I hopped my way to the kitchen on my crutches where I had the intention of preparing a light meal and, of course listen. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. My husband left the door slightly open. Maybe he wanted me to listen in. I heard him speak first. - What is your wife like? Does she know you are here? She is OK with it? - My wife is a beautiful woman, older than yours, I...

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john never saw this coming

you have all read how john started and what he went through so i won't be going into that.john was in his late teens 18 to be exact he had a nice set of tits from all the hormones he was taking and his tiny clit had shrunk to nothing he did have a virgina without an operation.with his tiny thing sewn in place by a mistress he was made into a fulltime sissy girl what was great about his pussy is that it was tucked in such a way that john got fucked like a girl there was enough room for a cock to...

3 years ago
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ExamsChapter 2

Next morning there was a change in the appearance of his mother. The sari was replaced by a negligee. Shobha had seen that her body was well covered as she had put on a veil over it. Rahul was pleased to see the change, as whenever his mother came under the sunlight the impression of her voluptuous body was clearly visible. Shobha had not realized this. She had dressed up in negligee as it freed her movements and was light on her. Rahul's eyes had a field day ogling over his mother's...

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FNAF Lust Tale

It was my first night working at a new Fazbear Entertainment restaurant. But what makes this place different from the others, it that all of the animatronics from the first location, second location, and even Fazbear's Fright are all hear and female. I swiped my white hair out of my eyes. I looked down at my uniform which was just a buttoned up shirt with a name tag that said "Jack Cypher" on it, a pair of jeans, and a hat with "Fazbear Entertainment" on it. I sighed as I sat down in the large...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 3 Initiation

Rachel’s tone rose in excitement, “My dad told me about your plan for cohousing. I think that will be such a cool community. I know he asked to belong, and I certainly want to make my own interest known. I’d love to live in that setting. I know I’m young, but I will find ways to contribute.” Dave teased, “Well, I’m sure you’ll pass the test. The written part is all day next Saturday.” “TEST?!?” Rachel almost screamed. “What do you mean test?” What test? What’s on it? Where do I take it?...

2 years ago
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Fucking Married Lady Of Ludhiana In Chandiagarh

Hi , its vineet here back with new incident happened with me in ludhiana (punjab). I m regular reader of Indian sex stories and my favorite pass time is to read stories here, chalo ab time na waste karte hue story pe aata hun, if any girl, lady or couple want to share some naughty time with me, than feel free to contact @ Aage ki story hindi main continue karunga, baat diwali ki hai , main kaafi dino se busy ho rakha tha or routine bus yeh tha ki roj roj office , late night ghar thats it, fir...

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Alpine Climbing

My girlfriend and me met through a mutual friend in a bar one day and have been together for 3 years now. They say opposites attract in our case it could not be further from the truth, she is a driven business women with blue eyes, blond hair pert subtle breasts and a firm well shaped behind an all raped up in 5ft 6 size ten frame. Where I do a manual job and an 5ft 8 loosing my hair and have an average build nothing special. It all starts one November with me coming back off an alpine climbing...

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Incidental black pregnancy

Mature white wife was visiting a secluded nude beach in Italy. She received many stares as she walked along the beach, few bathers here and there. They loved her curvy figure, 44EE-37-45, gorgeous long blonde hair (okay, it's dyed now, she can't stand grey), stunning blue eyes, chiseled jaw, basically a gorgeous voluptuous mature woman!She notices a young handsome black man lying in a semi-shaded area on his towel facing upward. She stops to say hi to him, makes sure her towel is over her far...

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The Sweetest Sin Ch 09

Chapter 9 Jeremy awoke alone in the huge bed. Wiping the sleep from his eyes he sauntered into the kitchen. Tucker was sitting at the table with a blank expression on his face. ‘Where are the ladies? Out getting breakfast I hope.’ Jeremy asked, sitting in the chair across from Tucker. ‘They’re gone Jer.’ ‘Gone?’ ‘All their stuff… it’s gone… I tried the number they gave us, it’s says it’s not a working number.’ ‘So they just left, without saying anything…nothing?’ Jeremy asked not quit...

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Modern Amazon Feminist Society

Modern Amazon Feminist Society By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), bondage, trangender (TG), Body Modification and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the...

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NFBusty Bunny Madison Banging My Girlfriends Mom

Alex Mack is waiting for his girlfriend Jessie to come home from work. His girlfriend’s mom, Bunny Madison, takes Alex through a photo album of old pics. Then she begins to talk about how she’s had to beat off lots of men. Bunny continues to quiz Alex about his intentions for her daughter. She gets closer and handsier, rubbing her palms all over Alex’s thighs and crotch. When she can tell Alex has popped a boner, Bunny drops to a crouch and begins sucking Alex down while...

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Unsatisfied Wife by Jayp

One day Vivek and Disha invited me over for a dinner and I accepted without hesitation. Whilst having dinner Vivek broke the news that he has been promoted at work and he has to go abroad for a year on assignment. I congratulated him as a good friend would and told him that I am really glad its all working out. Vivek also clarified because its a temporary assignment he is not allowed take his wife with him. I was shocked to hear that as they only been married for a year. He asked if I can help...

4 years ago
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Erotic Expectations Letters 4 and 5

My hands shook as I ripped open letter four. A tiny amount of spunk dripped onto the envelope before I discarded it. After reading the first few lines, I glanced at the towel on the bed. Picking it up, I cleaned the spunk from my face and body, but not before I swallowed every drop I could rescue.I had to wear the blindfold again. I had to kneel on the bed facing the headboard. I rang the bell in anticipation of the next session and placed my hands behind my back as instructed.This time I...

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Sex started in bus

Hi ISS story readers this is Ashokkumar again here. With one more true story. I sent one more continues story of mine title how I fucked Sowmya aunties sister. But could not find that story in this couple section. Ok no problem I am mailing my one of true stories again. Once me and my friend Suman were going to Bangalore railway station to book the ticket to Bombay. We were in bus. Me and my friend were sitting in one seat. That too from the front left side it is second seat. We used to sit in...

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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 1

Mongobear, my brother’s beloved spouse, was a strange creature, resembling a pudgy, deformed child with Down syndrome. She had the voice tone of a retarded goat and the fashion sense of a toddler who snorted too many lines of crushed Smarties. Mongobear wore pastel-colored Mickey Mouse shirts that barely covered her gunt, with matching colored socks rolled over the bottoms of her stretched pant legs. Her hair was a conglomerated, omni-present braid in the back of her head with a White...

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Petes inheritance chapter 34

Pete was a hard worker, and he could already handle the physical end of the ranch. He could, for the most part, handle the mental aspects of running the ranch as well. People that dealt with him would actually forget that he was just 15, because of his mature attitude and the way he carried himself. There was a few things that being 15 would cause him some difficulties. He fixed up his Dad's old Indian chief so he could drive legally. Not actually being legal to drive the truck made...

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My First Time Having Anal Sex

This is my first sex story. It's based on a true story about my first time getting my ass fucked by a woman with a strapon. I hope you guys enjoy it and please, let me know what you guys think. My First Time Having Anal Sex By Ricky I am sitting at home, by myself. I'm watching Pornhub on my Xbox One. I heard someone knocking on my front door. I got up and walked to the door. I took a peek through the window to find one of my closest and bestest friends was here to visit me. Her name is...

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Moms Milk Part 5

It was cold and rainy, a very raw day in December. I skipped track practice, not wanting to run in this weather. There were only two things in the world I really loved; track, and routine. I didn’t do well when my normal routine was broken, so my mom was really surprised when I came home right after school. The baby was napping and Dan was out of town, so we had the house to ourselves. She offered to make me some hot cocoa, and we sat sipping our cocoa at the kitchen table as she asked me about...

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A Naughty Way of Entertaining His Nieces

Spring was quickly becoming summer and the Memorial Day weekend had finally arrived. Uncle Mike and his son Brad looked forward to this long weekend, because it was going to be their responsibility to watch over their nieces. Uncle Mike's sister finally believed her children were old enough to stay by themselves with their uncle as she and her husband were taking a long awaited mini-trip to Las Vegas. Goodbyes were said and the couple sped off to the airport. Uncle Mike lived on a large...

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Relaxing massage

The drive down to London had been horrendous. Five hours on motorways in pouring rain. Sonia felt tense, her shoulders and back were tight and aching, and her head was pounding. Flopping down on the bed in her hotel room, she grabbed the hotel information book to see what drinks to order from room service. While she flicked through the pages her eye was caught by the advert for the hotel’s health and beauty centre. A nice back massage would be absolutely fabulous she thought. When she rang up...

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What Mary gets up to part 6

I was given some suits which had been dry-cleaned for the Major to take to their rooms, so I knocked quietly and entered, the Major came out of the study and said quietly. ‘Good afternoon Mary, long time no see. Lady Morris is in the bedroom taking a nap, she has taken a sleeping pill, so we will not be disturbed, kindly put my cleaning in the closet and come through to the study.’ He turned on his heel and returned to the study, I placed his suits in their proper place and leaned...

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The Restaurant Part One

The Resataurant By Maria 2 Part One Publishing date -- about 270 years in your future. (In the past fews years) Jack loved women. He loved everything about them. He loved the way they looked. He loved the way they walked. He loved all their parts - their legs, their arms, their hair, their faces, the sounds of their voices, the looks of their eyes. There wasn't anything about a woman that Jack didn't like. He dreamed about their breasts and how he loved to kiss them,...

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