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Opposites By Morpheus The college campus was alive with countless students, some walking towards classes while others towards home or other unknown destinations. Yet others had no destinations at all but were milling about, some scattered across the green lawns for studies, conversations or lunches. Corey Mathews hurried across the campus, looking around nervously and darting out of the way of anyone coming toward him. "Sorry," he called out to one boy who nearly ran into him, then continued towards his destination, hoping that he wouldn't be late. Hoping that the others wouldn't be mad at him. He had just started college that year and had yet to make many friends, though he tried his best. In fact, it was his trying too hard that drove most of those who might have been friends away and made others snicker at him slightly behind his back. Because of his lack of friends, Corey valued the few that he did have and was afraid of doing something to make them not like him anymore. Finally Corey spotted the large tree he had been looking for, with several people sitting below it. He smiled to himself and ran the rest of the way, stopping short and breathing deeply. "Sorry I'm late," Corey blurted out, nervously looking at the other for any sign of anger. The first in the group was Tom Hartwell, the 'big man on campus' and Corey's idol. He was everything that Corey was not... tall, handsome and confident. Tom never seemed to hesitate or doubt himself, and he always knew what to do. And he had a knack of getting other people to do exactly what he wanted. Tom just rolled his eyes slightly at Corey and said, "Sit down." Sitting several feet away was another boy, one who was a bit overweight and wearing expensive... though wrinkled clothes. Paul Canton was Tom's closest friend and usually by his side. He came from a wealthy family so never lacked money, or people to take care of things for him. That was fortunate as he was reluctant to do anything himself, preferring to let others do the work while he sat back and relaxed. And then there was Stephanie Lewis, a rather slender blonde girl who was Tom's most recent girlfriend. Though she was very attractive, Stephanie was not the stereotypical blonde, disliking the physical activities of cheerleading and preferring to use her intelligence and cunning, the very attributes that she planned to use in business one day. However Stephanie was also a bit of a snob at times, as well as having a reputation as an ice queen. The nickname of 'Iron Virgin' was sometimes even whispered behind her back. After Corey had taken a look at the others and promptly sat down, not seeming to be aware that he was tolerated more than liked by his 'friends'. "So what are we going to do this weekend?" Stephanie asked, looking at Tom for an answer. One weekend a month was reserved for some activity, for something interesting. Previous trips had included a skiing, a trip to Vegas and even an airplane ride in a Cessna owned by one of Paul's uncles. The question However was what they were going to do this time, and who was going to take care of the details. Paul just shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. "Don't look at me." That was little surprising, as he never volunteered for anything. Corey just gulped, feeling a slight knot begin to form in his stomach as he thought that Tom might ask him to choose something. He didn't like making those kinds of decisions, always being afraid that he'd make a big mistake or choose the wrong thing. Instead Corey preferred to leave the decisions... and the responsibility to others. Tom just gave a confident grin. "We're going to a haunted house." He said it as a fact, not a suggestion. "A haunted house?" Stephanie repeated. With a yawn, Paul responded with an, "Interesting." "Wow," Corey blurted out excitedly, "that's a really neat idea." Paul rolled his eyes at this, though Tom went on casually, "Not really haunted, though there have been rumors." He paused for a moment grinning, then continued, "Still, it's been vacant for awhile and should be a cool place for a big party." "Parties are cool." Paul grinned. Stephanie nodded in agreement. "Oh definitely." "We'll go and check the place out tonight," Tom stated, "and if it checks out good, we'll hold a bash there this weekend." Corey frowned slightly at that, not really liking parties himself. The very few times that he'd been to any, he always felt shy and self- conscious, ending up sitting in some corner while everyone else was busy drinking and having a good time. Whenever he was around so many people, he always felt like crawling into a hole and hiding, so the idea of a party was the last thing that he wanted to deal with. "But what about our thing?" Corey asked quietly, cringing under the glare that the others gave him. "But what about our thing?" Paul mocked, making Corey wince in shame. Stephanie just giggled at that. "Quiet!" Tom snapped, glaring at Corey which made him feel even worse, though he hadn't thought it was possible. With a gulp, Corey whispered, "Sorry." Tom just shook his head as he stood up, not looking at Corey. "We'll meet at my place around 5 and take off from there." Then he finally looked at Corey, giving a bit of a grin. "And Corey, can you bring the snacks and drinks?" Without waiting for the Corey's answer, he quickly added, "Thanks." With a glance at his watch, Corey realized that he had better get going if he wanted to stop by the store and get his homework done by before meeting with the others. And with an excited, "Bye guys, I'll see you later," he hurried off. "What a dweeb," Paul muttered, smirking as he did so. Stephanie nodded her complete agreement, as did Tom. "Still," Tom grinned, "he is useful to have around." And with that Tom hurried away from the tree, leaving the others to follow behind. He'd barely gotten a dozen feet away when he nearly ran into another boy who'd just stepped backwards, right into Tom's way. "Watch where you're going!" Tom growled, pushing the other boy to the side and continuing on his way. He wasn't even aware of the other boy's glares to his back as he made his way back across campus. --- Tom, Paul, Corey and Stephanie climbed out of the car and stood there for a moment, none of them saying a word as they stared up at the huge house before them. It could almost be described as a small mansion, though perhaps not quite. This was the place that Tom had told them about, the place that he thought would be perfect for a large party. "This is it," Tom said, stating the obvious. "Looks sort of haunted," Paul commented with a frown. "But why did you drag me down here? I could have been back home watching the tube." Stephanie glanced at Paul. "Isn't this a little more interesting?" He just shrugged in response. Without another word, Tom walked straight up the walk to the house and stopped in front of the heavy wooden front door. "Damn," he muttered after trying it, "it's locked." "What now?" Stephanie asked, seemingly unconcerned. Tom just looked down at her and smiled, then bent down to kiss her. However Stephanie took a slightly step back, allowing herself to be kissed but not giving much effort to kiss back. After a moment, Tom just shook his head slightly and sighed. "We find a way in," Tom finally said, gesturing to the side. "Maybe we can find an open window." Corey gulped, glancing around nervously, half afraid that they were going to get caught at any moment. "But aren't we trespassing?" he asked weakly. "Yeah," Tom answered with a cocky grin. "So?" For a moment, Corey tried to think of a response, then he just gave up and followed silently behind Tom and the others as they slowly circled the house. Most of the windows were too high, but they did find a few of them that seemed to go into the basement. Unfortunately those were locked and barred. "So what now?" Paul asked, looking as if he wanted to just turn around and go home. "If we can't find an open window," Tom said firmly, "we'll just make one of our own." With a nervous gulp, Corey started, "But..." However after a glare from Tom, he cut off. "The place is empty," Tom said. "Has been for several years, so it's not like anyone's going to know we were here." Then with almost no hesitation, Tom jumped up, grabbing one of the window ledges and pulling himself up. A rock that had been hidden in his hand smashed through the glass and a moment later, he undid the window latch and climbed the rest of the way inside. "I'll open the front door," Tom called down, and then disappeared from sight. The others went back around to the front, with Paul complaining under his breath the whole way. "I can't believe I'm wasting my time out here," Paul muttered. When neither Stephanie or Corey said anything, he went on, "That girl I hired to clean my dorm room went and lost my car keys somewhere in my room. I had to call her to come back and find them for me?" "Why didn't you just look for them yourself?" Stephanie asked, her voice tinged with annoyance and disdain. However Paul just shrugged at that. A minute later, they were at the front door, just in time to have it open up, with Tom standing there with a grin. "You have to take a look at this place," he announced, "it's even better than I figured." As they went in, Corey whined, "Should we really be doing this? I mean, we could get in a lot of trouble." "Shut up," Tom snapped in annoyance. "If you're too scared, you can just go." He glared at Corey for a moment, making Corey cringe back silently. With that Tom held the door open so that Paul and Stephanie could get inside. Corey only hesitated for a moment before rushing in after them. Then he almost immediately ran right into Paul's back as he and Stephanie were standing still. A single look revealed that they were standing in a large room, with winding stairs at the far end. The floor was all of wood, but with an expensive looking rug spread in the middle, and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, already lit and filling the room with light. The style was old though elegant. "There's a lot of room for the party," Stephanie commented, looking around critically, as though trying to find some fault. Tom grinned smugly. "Of course. When I heard about this place just sitting here empty, I figured it would be perfect." "And it is," Stephanie agreed. A moment later, Tom led them off to the side, commenting, "I came through here a minute ago." He gestured at the huge living room, filled with antique furniture. "Must be worth a fortune." "And this place is empty?" Stephanie asked in amazement. "Convenient, isn't it?" Paul asked with a smile. Corey just looked around in amazement, feeling rather nervous about being there but impressed nonetheless. He couldn't believe that some place that no one really lived in had such nice... and obviously expensive furniture. It was then that Stephanie ran her finger over a table, staring at it thoughtfully. "There's almost no dust," she said. Then she looked around suspiciously. "The owner must have somebody come in to clean every once in awhile." "Just as long as they don't show up when we're having the party," Tom grinned. "It's a bit old fashioned, but kind of cool." Suddenly a woman's voice came from behind them, "I'm so glad that you approve." Almost as one, they all snapped around in surprise, seeing a woman standing in the way they had just come. She was about 5 foot 9 and looked like she was in her mid to late twenties, with shoulder length hair that was all violet in color. And though her body was covered in a red dress, it was immediately obvious that she was very shapely, with a beautiful face to go with it. "Shit!" Tom gasped. "I thought that this place was empty," Stephanie blurted out, glaring at Tom coldly. The woman just glared at them all, smiling as she said, "It appears not." Then she added, "And you are all trespassing." She said it, not with amusement, almost as though she were commenting on the weather. However there was a darker gleam from her eyes. Corey gulped and took an instinctive step back, nervously looking around for the nearest way out. He looked over at Tom, and then glanced at Paul who was scowling. "We were just leaving," Tom blurted out in obvious embarrassment, quickly trying to get around the strange woman and back towards the door. Just then another voice boomed out, "I think not." It was a man's voice. Suddenly Tom froze in mid-step, gasping in surprise, "I can't move..." Stephanie tried running to Tom's side, but was shocked to find that her feet seemed to be glued to the floor, refusing to move at all. "My feet..." she started. "Oh God," Corey exclaimed, frantically tugging at his own feet which were equally frozen. His heart raced in near panic and confusion. At the same time, Paul pulled at his own feet, looking up at Tom. "Someone help me..." "You didn't have to get them so soon," the woman told a man who just stepped up beside her. The man was just a little shorter than Tom, standing at 6 foot 1. He was slender, with long black hair and a slightly angular face, though still somewhat handsome. His clothes were a pair of pants and a loose long sleeved shirt, both of them made of light purple and gold in fancy patterns. "I apologize for cutting short your amusement dear sister," the man commented with an amused smile of his own. "But I prefer to deal with things directly." With a faint snort, the woman responded, "Then why didn't you stop them as soon as they entered?" She looked up at him smugly. "You were the one who wanted to let them wander the house a bit and play with them." Then the man bent over and kissed the woman whom he'd called his sister... in a very unbrotherly fashion. She seemed equally pleased to kiss him back before they stepped apart and both turned their attention back to their prisoners. While Corey cringed back, Tom demanded, "What the hell did you do to me?" He glared back at them with a gaze that almost equaled theirs in intensity. "Let me go you fucking freaks!" The woman laughed out at that. "Tsk tsk," she told him with an amused expression, "that's not very polite. But then again, neither is coming into another's home." "This place was supposed to be empty," Paul blurted out. "Definitely," the man said casually, looking towards his 'sister', "but technically, I suppose that it is not our house. At least not legally." "We... removed the owner," the woman giggled, explaining to their prisoners, "and have occasionally stayed here since." Her expression turned serious as she continued, "With all of the paperwork and accounts he'd set up to pay the taxes, this house should remain free for decades at least." The man just nodded silent agreement. "Let us go!" Tom demanded again, a hint of nervousness in his voice though he stubbornly tried to remain tough. "We'll sue if you don't," Stephanie threatened, which didn't seem to faze the strange couple in the least. Paul gulped. "I... I'll pay you whatever you want. Just let us go." "Please," Corey pleaded quietly, looking to Tom who he hoped could get them out. After all, Tom always knew what to do. Now couldn't be any different... could it? However the woman just laughed while the man stood there silently, looking mildly amused, though almost bored at the same time. "Now what do you suppose we should do with them dear sister?" he asked her calmly, then giving everyone a speculative look. Tom blurted out, "Let us go you fucking freaks..." Neither of them paid him any attention though, acting as if they hadn't heard him. After a moment, the woman grinned to her brother. "How about opposites?" Then she laughed lightly. "That's always been MY favorite." The man nodded his head slightly, looking back towards the frozen students. "Opposites it shall be." "What the hell are you talking about?" Stephanie demanded. "Quiet!" the woman snapped, holding out her hand. Corey tried to cry out, but found that no sound came from his mouth. And from the way Stephanie was silently moving her mouth, as well as from the expression on her face, it was obvious that he wasn't the only one who'd suddenly gone mute. They all had. "Magic," the purple haired woman commented in explanation, winking at Paul's stunned expression. All he could do was gulp in fear and confusion. At that the man stepped in front of Paul, commenting, "Now let us see who our intruders are..." He muttered something and gestured with his fingers, staring at Paul intently. "Aw, yes..." After a few seconds, the woman asked him, "What do you see dear brother?" "Interesting," the man responded slowly, a half smile threatening to form on his lips. "Our trespasser is rather... slothful." He glanced back at his sister before returning his gaze to Paul, who was shaking in fear but unable to do anything, even run. "You live in distasteful slobbery, wallowing like a swine if left to your own devices. It is laziness that is your creed, doing nothing for yourself, only having others do for you." Corey gasped at that, staring at the man in surprise, feeling shivers go down his spine as he saw the look in his eyes. It was as if he was looking right through Paul... right into him. Tears were even threatening to come from Paul's eyes. "Then his fate shall be..." the woman mused thoughtfully, a mischievous expression forming on her face. Suddenly Paul began to glow faintly, just before his very flesh seemed to shudder and ripple. This was even seen from beneath his clothes, a moment before they began to dissolve. Paul gasped from the sensations running through his body, though no sound escaped his lips. Instead he was forced to remain silent as his very flesh began to move... began to take a different shape. With an intense look, the woman smiled, "I love this part..." Just then Paul started to pull into himself, his stomach thinning drastically while at the same time, he started to shrink. Every inch of his body seemed to shimmer and change, taking a form that was not his own. He was too shocked to even think as his flesh began to firm up again, though in an almost alien shape. Then he could feel his chest beginning to push out, swelling into two spheres, while at the same time, there was a pulling in his crotch. "What's going on?" Paul gasped out in a sexy feminine voice, no longer silenced by whatever force had kept him mute. Even as Paul frantically grabbed at himself, everyone else stared at him in shock, or at least the sexy young woman that had been Paul a minute before. She was about 5 foot 7, with a sexy body and strawberry blonde hair as opposed to his previously light brown hair. There was nothing to say that she had even been a man, except for Paul's look of confusion. Then Paul's expression changed, looking dazed as his hands lowered to his sides. There was another shimmer around him, and as they watched, spots of black began to appear against his skin and spread, quickly forming into clothes... specifically, a skimpy maid's uniform, including black stockings and stiletto heeled shoes. The woman who had been Paul looked around in confusion, "Oh dear," she exclaimed in her sexy new voice, "Zis place," she gasped in her new French accent, "eeet es a mess." At that the man just smiled faintly. "Then why don't you clean dear Monique?" "Oui monsieur," she exclaimed with a slight curtsy, and then she hurried off with no apparent problem walking in high heels, walking with a sexy gait as though she'd done so for years. All that the others could do was stare in shock. Corey's eyes were wide and he felt as though he was about to feint in disbelief, while Tom's fists were clenched and he looked for an opportunity to escape, or at least to attack the man and woman. Stephanie just glared at them, the fear and disbelief visible in her eyes. "It is always... amusing," the man stated simply, "to see one forced to act opposite their true nature." The woman just smiled. "A French maid is so much more satisfying." Then she looked around and asked, "Who's next?" For a moment, the man and woman just looked back and forth at the other three, each of them cringing slightly when it was their turn to be stared at. Each one of them afraid that they were next, fearing the impossible things that would happen to them, just as they had to Paul. "You," the woman stated, suddenly stopping in front of Stephanie, a cruel smile of amusement on her lips. With a faint nod, the man stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at Stephanie almost lazily. "Ambitious," he stated casually, "but distant. You fear physical intercourse, or more specifically, what it may lead to. Pregnancy and disease..." he mused thoughtfully, bending over for an even closer look at Stephanie. He reached out and gently rubbed her cheek. "She is a cute one," the woman commented with a smile, and a lick to her lips. "It would almost be shame, but after all, a game is a game." "There is a fear that you would enjoy sex too much," the man continued, staring at a visibly shaken Stephanie, "that you might become pregnant or infected with some disease. And then, there is the fear that somehow it could distract you from your goals and ambitions." The woman just shook her head at that, giving a mock look of disappointment. "Such a waste." With that she grabbed her brother's crotch with her free hand and winked at Stephanie. "You don't know what you are missing." A moment later, Stephanie started to glow. She could feel it running through her body, the strange but powerful sensations that couldn't be put into words. Terror filled her mind as she felt her body beginning to change, to swell out of her disintegrating clothes. Tom and Corey could only watch in shock as Stephanie began to grow, her breasts flattening out as muscle and hair began to sprout in their place. Her long hair pulled up short, while her whole body bulked up. There was almost nothing feminine left about her body, and even less so as she stopped changing, looking every inch a man, including the rather large genitals that were hanging from her naked body. "Not bad," the woman stated, "but I've seen lots better." What had been a beautiful woman mere minutes earlier, was now a 6 foot 3 man, covered with muscle, though not ripped like a bodybuilder. And while he wasn't extremely handsome, neither was he ugly. Then, while everyone watched, clothes started to form around him, just as they had with Stephanie earlier. "Huh," the man that had been Stephanie blinked as he looked around, a look of confusion on his face for a moment. Then his eyes settled on the woman and he started to smirk, staring directly at her breasts and looking as if he was about to drool. There was an obvious bulge in the front of his pants. "Whoah baby. What say you and I go into the next room so's I can fuck yer brains out?" Corey gasped silently, staring at the man he couldn't imagine ever having been Stephanie. Tom was shaken but glaring stubbornly at their captors, looking as if he would attack them violently if given the slightest chance. He even cursed a stream of mute profanities, which never made it past his lips, but the meanings were clear anyway. With a speculative look, the woman purred, "I'll hold you to that big guy," running her fingers over the former Stephanie's chest. "Now wait over there Mac and we'll play in awhile." He nodded and stood to the side, taking turns between leering at the strange woman and at Monique who was busy dusting. "Now her ambition is gone," the nameless man told his sister with a slightly amused look, "as is the reason for his inhibitions." Tom lashed out, punching as hard as he could and trying to catch the woman who was standing closest to him, bit missing by a good distance. She just laughed at his attempts and said, "I think we found the next volunteer." A moment later, Tom shook in fear as the nameless man stood before him, looking into his eyes with an intense, dark expression. Corey just cringed back, terrified for his friends. He silently prayed that Tom would be alright, knowing that if anyone could save them, it would be him. "I see confidence and determination," the nameless man said as he stared into Tom, "and a need to be in control." He smiled faintly. "You have a talent for getting others to do as you wish... one way or another. Yes, there is a bully within, as well as a leader." Tom just struggled silently, the fear becoming more and more evident with every moment. Both he and Corey already knew that something was going to happen and both dreaded it. There was a brief moment of silence, then the woman gestured and the glowing began, quickly followed by the rippling flesh. Once again, Corey watched helplessly as one of his friends clothes disintegrated, while at the same time his body started to change. "I do so love this part brother," the woman told the man with an excited but slightly cruel smile. "It's my favorite part." "It is amusing," he responded slowly, smiling faintly himself. Tom's changes continued, with his whole body seeming to sink in upon itself, the changes almost the opposite of what had happened to Stephanie a minute before. His height dwindled while his hair sprouted out, growing longer and longer. With a silent howl of horror, Tom felt his chest pushing out into what was obvious a pair of breasts, and large ones at that. His waist constricted, making him gasp for breath at the sudden change. However that was nothing compared to the pulling sensation that hit his crotch a moment later. Once the physical transformation was complete, Corey could only stare at the extremely sexy looking girl that stood in front of him. She could only be about 5 foot 3 or so, but she had the breasts of a woman who was somewhat larger. He doubted that they could be smaller than an E cup, though he was certainly no expert. The woman who had been Tom had long blonde hair that went to her ass, and a face that practically screamed 'fuck me', with wide doe eyes and sexy kissable lips. Suddenly her expression changed, going from angry and scared, to one of blank confusion. Her eyes suddenly went wider as she gasped an "Oh," looking extremely sexy but innocent at the same time. And just as she started to look around the room, her new clothes started to form around her, developing into a pair of sexy high heels, a tight mini skirt and halter top that did little to contain her generous cleavage. "Why don't you sit down on the couch," the nameless man suggested to the new woman, gesturing to one of the couches off to the side. With a cheerful nod, she exclaimed, "Okay," and hurried over to sit down, looking back at the man and woman as if trying to determine if she'd done it right. "Good girl Tandy," the woman told her with a smile. Then Corey cringed back even more if it was possible as they slowly turned their attention to him. He looked around at the three stranger people who had been his friends such a short time before, knowing horribly well that he was next. He just closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to look at them, not wanting to face those people. All he could do was silently pray that it would be over quickly. "He looks like he's going to wet himself," the woman gasped from in front of Corey. Corey slowly opened his eyes again, gulping at the sight of the man and woman both standing in front of him, with the man looking him straight in the face. "There is fear," the man said with an amused smirk, "obviously." Then his eyes seemed to look right into Corey and he continued, "You value other's opinions of you, fearing that they might not like you. You dislike responsibility and having to make decisions, dreading that you will make the wrong ones. Instead you prefer to let others take the responsibility, to make the decisions for you." At that the woman sneered, "Pathetic." Once again, Corey cringed back, his stomach pulling into a knot after the way that man had said those things about him. And about how true they were. He'd known it deep down inside, though he'd never consciously thought about it, nor had he ever heard it said aloud. The words shook him more than he would have imagined. Then Corey realized what was coming next, or at least part of it. He still didn't know what exactly they were going to do to him and snapped his eyes shut again, not wanting to deal with it... but he could feel the sudden burning run through his body. He gasped, just as everything started to feel strange. Like the others, his very flesh started to ripple and move, with his clothes vanishing at the same time. All he could do was remain frozen as the dreaded changes started to overtake him. At first it was pulling and twisting throughout every bit of Corey's body, then he could feel something tickling his shoulders. However he was still unable to speak, only stand there silently as the changes continued. But the moment he felt something pushing out of his chest, he gasped, knowing without a doubt that he was turning into a girl too. After less than a minute, the physical changes stopped, with almost nothing being the same except for his height of 5 foot 11. Standing in Corey's place was a sexy woman with generous breasts, though not quite as large as Tandy's. Her body was well toned and she had a raven black hair cascading down her back. Corey gasped in shock as he stared down at himself, though the shock faded as his mind started to fill with a thick fog. Everything started to fade out, leaving only a blank confusion. Then the new thoughts started to pour in, the new memories and sense of self. A moment later, the new Cynthia took a slow look around, her dark eyes staring with a deep intensity. She seemed completely unaware of the clothes that were forming around her body. Of the black thigh length stiletto heeled boots or the shiny black one-piece suit that seemed to serve as panties, corset and bra simultaneously. There was even a black choker around her neck with a silver skull emblem. "Very nice..." the strange woman purred. "Don't you dare speak to me like that!" Cynthia snapped, obviously surprising the purple haired woman. Then Cynthia's hand quickly shot out, grabbing the nameless woman by her dress and lifting her several inches off the ground. "I am to be respected at ALL times," she said in a cold, hard tone, "is that understood?" For a moment, the woman looked at her creation surprise, obviously startled by the sudden role reversal. The tiny kitten of a man had indeed become his complete opposite, transforming into a veritable tiger. "Of course... Mistress Cynthia," the woman responded in exaggeration, smiling to herself in amusement... and fascination. "Definitely interesting," the nameless man mused with a smile from several feet away. Cynthia started to glare at him, but he gave a slight wave of his hand and she looked past him as though he were not there. "You," she snapped, pointing at Mac, "You look like you might be useful." "Tandy," the man said, "Monique. You two will come with me." Monique gave a slight curtsy. "Oui monsieur." Tandy just giggled slightly, "Tee hee," but she moved to his side without hesitation. Then the man turned to his sister. "I will leave the other two with you dear sister." She just smiled over at Cynthia who seemed unaware of the exchange. "This should definitely prove interesting." Then she laughed slightly. "You take care of him well Monique... and enjoy yourself." "Oui mademoiselle," Monique nodded in all seriousness, "and merci." With that the nameless man went upstairs with his new women, smiling as he thought about how amusing it would be to induct them into full womanhood... though neither of them would actually realize it. However he would and that was the important thing. The woman turned her attention back to Cynthia, who was temporarily paused, and then she adjusted her expression to get into character and waved her hand. "Oh mistress..." Cynthia snapped, "What do YOU want?" "Just to serve," the nameless woman gushed, waving her hand again to ensure that things would go the way she wished for the next several hours. "Then serve me," Cynthia ordered firmly, "and serve me well whore." With that Cynthia pushed the woman onto the couch and gestured to Mac. "And as for you..." --- It was mid-morning, with the sun just coming up, its light gleaming through the windows. The house was silent save for several footsteps as the purple haired woman and her brother slowly walked side by side down the stairs, each with an amused expression. "That was... interesting," the woman commented with a satisfied smirk. "Mac was what I expected, but Cynthia..." She shook her head slightly. "I had to put her to sleep in order to get away." The man gave a low chuckle at that. "Feisty?" "A tiger," she responded with a wink. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they paused and gave each other a kiss before pulling back. "I so love doing the opposites," she laughed, tossing her hair back with a shake. "It's always so... fascinating." He nodded at that, even smiling faintly. "That it is." After a moment of silence as they both stared out the window, the man quietly mused, "A slothful one, living in disorder and knowing only how to be served has become the servant himself." Then almost as an afterthought, he added, "She was just starting to clean as I left." "She was an ambitious little flirt," the girl exclaimed more cheerfully, "but now nothing more than a tease." She looked at her brother with a playful wink. "Now the ambition is gone, along with her reasons for being cold." Then the woman laughed lightly, knowing very well from personal experience that Mac was anything but frigid. "Confidence or arrogance," the man said, "decisiveness and the will to force upon others. Now to passive... now to please. A leader no more," he continued with a faint smile, "only a follower remains." "And then there's her," she responded with a smirk. "Yes," he chuckled faintly, "your tiger." "Rrrrowr." The woman gave a playful roar, rubbing at her his chest. "Now tell me of her my dear brother," she teased. He smiled faintly at that. "Perhaps the most amusing. Nearly the reverse of little Tandy as well. A heart once filled with insecurities and petty fears, now with confidence and control." The man looked as though he might continue, but before he could, the woman exclaimed, "I tire of this place." They were both silent for a minute before he stated, "You think it is time to leave." When she nodded, he continued, "Then we shall move on to new amusements." "What of them?" she asked, gesturing in the direction of the bedrooms, her intent obvious. "What of them?" he asked back nonchalantly. "They will do as they would. They may even stay here if they wish it." He smiled faintly as he pointed out, "We no longer have need of this place, or of them." The woman nodded slowly, looking thoughtful. Then she suddenly brightened. "Florida might be a nice change." "Perhaps," he commented noncommittally. "But next time we do opposites," she said with a grin, "maybe we should leave a little of the old personalities so that they can appreciate our... improvements." With a faint smile, the man repeated, "Perhaps." They looked at each other for a few seconds before he gave a faint, barely noticeable nod. And with that, they both went to the front door, neither hesitating nor looking back before they strolled out and on their way. *** A girl sat silently on the hood of her car, staring intently at a photograph in her hands with a sad expression on her face. She was almost 17, with light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. And though she was fairly cute, she could not be called a real beauty, being a little more average in appearance. She trembled slightly as a single tear fell onto the photo, then she slowly looked up. It had been 3 months and everyone else had given up hope, even her parents. But she hadn't. She refused to, even if she had to do it herself. After all, the police didn't seem to care. With a sigh, Becky Mathews put the picture of her brother Corey back into her pocket and hopped off of the hood. "C'mon," she whispered, "where are you..." Becky took another look at the college her big brother had attended until his disappearance 3 months earlier, along with several other students. Though the cops had done a brief investigation, they hadn't found anything. In fact, they seemed to think that the missing students had likely just gone on vacation without telling anyone. But Becky didn't. She hoped that maybe she could find something, some clue about what happened to her brother. Though she knew that it was a longshot at best, Becky still had to try. "Back to playing Nancy Drew," Becky told herself, trying to decide what she was going to do next. It wasn't easy though as she couldn't help remembering that the cops couldn't find anything, and if they didn't, what hope did she have? But then again, she reminded herself, they weren't really trying either. A minute later, Becky pulled out the notepad that she'd been using, going over what she'd already done. First there had been the missing person posters she'd hung all over the area, then all of the people she'd talked to, asking if any of them had any idea where Corey might be. She'd even looked through all of her brother's things, without finding any clues there either. Becky took a deep breath and looked at her list again, realizing for the first time that she'd just been focusing on Corey. Of course he was the one that she really wanted to find, but what if one of the other people had left some clues? What if his friends had? Her eyes narrowed slightly as new ideas raced through her mind and new plans were made. There were some more people she needed to talk and she hoped that they might be able to help her. Maybe... maybe soon she'd find her brother. She just prayed that he was still all right. --- It was a large room, lit by chandeliers and decorated with an elegance of ages past. Towards one end of the room, there was a large chair with a high back that almost gave the impression of being a throne. And though she wouldn't admit it, the person sitting in the chair halfway thought of it as her throne. Cynthia frowned as she shifted position in her chair ever so slightly, one hand tapping her nails as she waited. She was slightly tempted to get up and chase down Monique, but she refused to give in to that urge, knowing that Monique would come soon enough. She was rather predictable that way. Then Cynthia shifted position again, crossing her legs while simultaneously bringing her cigarette to her lips. She took a slow, languid drag and blew the smoke off to the side, staring at the door intently. Someone was going to pay for making her wait, and they were going to pay well. Cynthia smiled faintly in anticipation, then took another drag. A moment later, Monique came through the door, holding a tray with a bottle of scotch and a glass full of ice. "Your drink mademoiselle," Monique announced, setting the tray down and filling the glass with scotch before handing it to Cynthia. Without a word of thanks, Cynthia snatched the glass from her maid's hand and took a long drink. Then she turned her attention back to Monique, who was already starting to do more cleaning in the room. Nevermind the fact that she'd cleaned it that morning and there hadn't been enough time for dust to gather. It almost amused Cynthia by the way Monique worked, as though she were obsessed with keeping everything neat and clean. She needed no direction to do so, though didn't hesitate to do other things when instructed with nearly equal enthusiasm. Her only goals in life seemed to be cleaning and serving others, which pleased Cynthia a great deal, though she would never admit to it. In fact, when it came to those things, she showed quite a bit of initiative, which Cynthia had mixed feelings about. "Girl," Cynthia finally said, a sharp edge in her voice. "Oui madame?" Monique asked. Cynthia snubbed out her cigarette then took another drink of scotch, well aware that Monique was waiting on her. Then she finally instructed, "Come, lick out my pussy." Monique nodded, "Oui madame," coming over and bending down to do as she was told. There were no words said as Monique did her work, while Cynthia remained in her chair, savoring the pleasure that she was being given. Of course it was merely her due, but Cynthia enjoyed it nonetheless. Once Monique was finished, at least to Cynthia's satisfaction, Cynthia gestured, "Go. Take the tray away and send Tandy in to me." Then Cynthia smiled faintly, though only for a moment before she noticed that Monique was waiting for further instructions. "GO!" Cynthia snapped, slapping Monique across her cheek. Monique immediately hurried to do as she was told. "Yes," Cynthia mused to herself, "she is rather useful... though slow at times." A minute later, the voluptuous blonde Tandy came into the room, looking as though she were about to burst right out of her clothes. Cynthia smiled faintly at the sight, though only faintly. Still, it was nice to see Tandy dressed so sexily, though she had never been otherwise since Cynthia had instructed it. "Hello," Tandy exclaimed, which was quickly followed by a giggle. "Bring me my dildo," Cynthia demanded, finishing the rest of the scotch off. Tandy didn't hesitate to do as she was asked, quickly bringing Cynthia a large strap-on dildo and then waiting for instructions. "Get on the couch." Again Tandy did as she was told without hesitation. Cynthia smirked as she stood up and strapped the dildo on, and then slowly moved towards the waiting Tandy. She stopped just several feet short to stare at Tandy in amusement. Tandy was a bimbo for sure, but more, she seemed almost unable to make even the smallest decisions for herself. Instead, she waited for others to tell her what to do, which Cynthia was more than willing to do. Then Cynthia scowled as she thought about Mac, wondering where the hell that lazy bastard had gone to. She had more than half a mind to beat him senseless when she found him. After all the good she'd done for him, giving him a job as her gardener and even more, giving him the honor of serving her... He was good for nothing except sex, though she had to admit that he was quite good at that. In fact, he had incredible stamina and was always hard and ready to perform for her, even shortly after having done so already. But then again, that was the only thing that he seemed capable of thinking about. "I will deal with him when he returns," Cynthia mused to herself, a cruel grin forming as she thought of how he might be punished. However Cynthia wasn't about to waste her time thinking about such a weak creature, instead focusing her attention her current activities. She moved closer to Tandy and smirked, deciding that she was going to enjoy this a great deal. --- Becky paused in front of the heavy wooden doors, looking down to the paper in her hand and scowling. It was the right address all right, though she still didn't see any reason why her brother could be there. Still, at the moment it was the only lead that she had. Just the day before, Becky had gone to see the roommate of one of the guy's who'd disappeared along with her brother. It had taken a little talking, but the roommate finally told her what he knew, which was almost nothing. He couldn't even show her that Tom guy's stuff since it had all been packed up and sent to his parents. However he did still have Tom's address book. For a moment, Becky let herself smile faintly as she remembered opening that address book and having a small piece of paper fall out. The only things on it were an address and what looked like a date. The same date that her brother and the others had last been seen. Becky immediately knew that she should probably turn the paper over to the cops, but she was a little skeptical that they'd take it seriously or do anything at all. Besides, she knew that there was a pretty good chance that it wasn't connected at all. Still, something told her that it was connected to her disappearance so Becky had come to check it out herself... just in case. "Well here I am," Becky muttered, taking another look at the address on the paper and then the one on the house. "And here goes nothing." With that she pushed the doorbell. After a short wait, the front door slowly opened up and Becky was startled to see a gorgeous woman in a skimpy French maid's uniform standing there. For a moment Becky just stared at the woman in surprise... and a little envy. "Bon jour," Monique greeted Becky with a sexy accent. "May I help you?" "Um..." Becky blinked, then took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you might have seen my brother." She held out a picture of Corey, and then ones she'd gotten of his friends who'd disappeared as well. "And maybe them?" Monique looked at the pictures and then blinked in confusion. They looked... familiar, though she couldn't tell where from. In fact she was almost sure that she'd seen the people in the pictures before, but she couldn't remember ever having done so. "I am not sure," she said slowly, "Zey look familiar...but..." "Yeah?" Becky urged hopefully, seeing the flash of recognition in the eyes in front of her, though the maid also looked completely confused. "Perhaps ze madame would know," Monique responded slowly, looking a little hesitant. Becky smiled faintly, almost positive that she was close. However she felt wary as well, realizing that if whoever lived here did have something to do with Corey's disappearance, then she could be in danger too. However she also knew that if they didn't, they still might know something about where Corey was or what had happened to him. "Can I talk to her then?" Becky asked, trying to keep both the pleading and the demanding out of her voice. "Please." "Ze madame does not like to be interrupted," Monique responded slowly, looking as though she really wanted to help Becky but as though she were nervous about doing as Becky asked, perhaps even slightly afraid. But after looking at Becky again, Monique sighed, "Please step inside and I will ask ze madame..." After a moment of hesitation, Becky slowly went in, then paused where Monique directed her to wait just inside the door. She slowly looked around in amazement, hoping that this would help her find her brother. Hoping that Corey was still alive. Suddenly a woman's voice called out, "What is this?" "Madame..." Monique gasped out in surprise from where she was just starting up the stairs. "And who is THIS?" the woman's voice demanded, the tone firm and imperious. Becky looked up to the top of the stairs where a woman was standing, her mouth nearly dropping in surprise. The woman had long black hair and was extremely gorgeous, but dressed in some sort of slinky black outfit that Becky could have imagined coming straight out of some porn movie or fetish magazine. Cynthia took the first several steps down the stairs, glaring intently at the unwelcome visitor with such force of will that Becky instinctively took a step back and cringed. However Cynthia seemed to accept this as merely her due. But when she had descended several more steps and had a better look at Becky, she frowned even deeper, having an odd feeling of familiarity. "Your name girl!" Cynthia demanded in a cold voice, slightly startled by the feeling of recognition when she knew that she'd never met that girl. It was confusing and Cynthia did NOT like to be confused. That was for those far weaker than herself. "NOW!" "B... Becky Mathews," Becky sputtered out, feeling extremely nervous, even somewhat afraid. And as she stared at the imposing woman who was coming down the stairs towards her, Becky felt something... strange. She felt something almost familiar about the woman, which only confused her more. "Madame," Monique bowed apologetically, "she eez looking for some people and I told her zat you might know zem." Without a word, Cynthia came the rest of the way down the stairs and marched straight up to Becky, stopping just in front of her and looking down at the girl intently. Then she grabbed the surprised Becky's face with one hand and moved it from side to side so that she could get a better look. The feeling of familiarity... even long familiarity was there, though she did not recognize the girl. Even the girl's name rang bells of familiarity. "Um... um..." Becky gulped, relieved when the woman let go of her. "I was looking for my brother..." Cynthia just sneered and snapped the photos right out of Becky's hand and took a look at them. Once again she felt the stirring of familiarity, though she recognized none of the faces. It was only because of that sense of familiarity and the unanswered questions that she hadn't just thrown the girl out. She wanted... demanded answers. "Tell me what you know girl," Cynthia growled, her tone indicating that it was not a request. It was the voice of someone who never requested... just demanded. Becky didn't even think to resist as she blurted out what she knew about her brother and his friends vanishing, as well as the address. She was skeptical about these people seeming not to know them, but she was not about to call them liars. Or at least not the black haired woman in front of her. Once Becky was finished, Cynthia tossed the photos at her, not seeming to care whether Becky caught them or not. She stared at Becky intently again, as if willing the answers to appear. Then she scowled, annoyed that this tiny slip of a girl would take up her time, but at the same time, refusing to just let the unanswered familiarly just go. "Tandy!" Cynthia called out. "Come here." It was the same tone that was usually reserved for calling troublesome dogs. Several seconds later, a voluptuous blonde woman appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing very little besides her stiletto heeled shoes. And as she quickly came down the stairs, Becky could see that she was wearing stockings, garters, panties and bra, but absolutely nothing else except for a choker around her neck. "Yes mistress?" Tandy giggled as she came closer to the bottom of the stairs. Becky's mouth nearly dropped open in shock as she stared at the newcomer. From the look on her face, there was almost no doubt in Becky's mind that she was the ultimate stereotypical bimbo. She certainly looked the part and with that vapid expression and giggle... "Give her the pictures," Cynthia ordered, not even bothering to glance at Becky. It was as though she expected instant obedience. Becky didn't disappoint her either. Tandy accepted the pictures but didn't look at them, not until Cynthia specifically told her to. "They look cute," Tandy giggled after she'd looked at the pictures. "Am I gonna fuck them?" That caused Becky to nearly choke in surprise, wondering what the hell kind of freaks she was dealing with. There was no longer any doubt in her mind that these people had something to do with her brother's disappearance. "Do you recognize them?" Cynthia snapped, a cold edge to her voice. With a shrug, Tandy just responded, "I dunno." Then she giggled. "I don't think so..." Cynthia glared at Monique as though this trouble was all her fault. "You?" "Oh, no madame," Monique answered quickly. "Zat was why I brought er in..." She was cut off as Cynthia suddenly slapped her with enough force to make Becky wince. "That was not your decision to make," Cynthia told her coldly. "I will deal with your indiscretion later." Monique just stepped back and hung her head in shame. Just then there was a loud knocking from the door. Before Cynthia even had a chance to glare at Monique, the maid was already at the door and answering it. There was a moment of silence, then Monique slowly opened the door, a confused expression on her face. It was almost as though she did not know why she was opening the door. A moment later, a figure stepped inside, pausing to take a slow look around. It was obviously a man, wearing a gray overcoat and hat. He had long, dark blonde hair and looked to be in his mid to late twenties, though his eyes looked far wearier than that. Cynthia's eyes flashed with fury. "How dare you come into my home..." Her hands were already clenched and she started storming towards the figure with a definite purpose. "Who do you think you are?" Suddenly the figure held up his hand and Cynthia froze, finding herself unable to move. "My dear lady," the man said calmly, "I know quite well who I am, though it is sad to say that you can not claim the same." His reaction startled Cynthia even more than her sudden helplessness. She couldn't imagine who this stranger was to defy her in such a way. "Let me go this instant," she threatened in a cold, cruel tone, "or you will suffer as you couldn't imagine." However the man acted as though he hadn't heard her threats. "And as to whom I am," he continued grimly, "I am often called Joshua." "I am pleased to meet you monsieur," Monique said. Tandy looked around nervously, obviously confused by the situation and looking for some guidance. But there was none coming as everyone stared at Joshua in amazement, except for Cynthia who glared viciously, a cruel sneer on her lips as she thought of what she was going to do to the intruder. Just as Cynthia was about to give another threat, Joshua said, "I believe that I can answer your questions." "You had better," Cynthia sneered, though he again acted as though he hadn't heard her. "You know where Corey is?" Becky gasped, half with open and half with suspicion. Joshua just nodded. "He and his friends are closer than you might imagine." "Where?" Becky pleaded. "Where's Corey?" For a moment, Joshua just slowly looked at the women in the room, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then he responded, "It might be easier to tell you what became of your brother and the others." Once again Cynthia was about to make her demands but she suddenly found herself mute as well as motionless. She screamed out in silent frustration, helpless to do anything save move her head about and watch. "They were victims of magic," Joshua said, making the word 'magic' sound as though it were a profanity. "A pair of cruel magic users used your brother and his friends for entertainment." "There's no such things as magic," Becky protested, glancing at the frozen woman in front of her and doubting her own claim. With a slightly angry tone, Joshua spat, "I wish that were true." Then he held his hand out and a ball of glowing light appeared in it, swirling around with countless colors. He pulled his hand back yet the ball remained hovering in the air. "I am a magician," he told Becky quietly, "though I fear not a very powerful one." She stood there, full of questions but not sure how to frame them. From the look in Joshua's eyes, as well as the glowing sphere, she no longer doubted his claim that magic existed. Still, that only left even more questions. Questions, which she was near bursting to ask, but unable to quite frame. "I think that it might be easier to show you," Joshua told Becky, gesturing at the glowing ball and muttering something under his breath. At that moment, the ball started to grow, from the size of a tennis ball to the size of a basketball. Becky could see images beginning to form inside of it, taking the shapes of people. Of her brother. She gasped at that, realizing that it was like watching a TV. "Corey..." she gasped in shock. Becky could only watch as the ball showed her brother and his friends going into the house, then being met by a strange looking man and woman. Her mouth nearly dropped open as she saw the first of the missing people change... into someone who looked very familiar. "YOU?" she gasped at Monique, who looked equally confused. However Becky quickly glanced back at the sphere, only to watch the rest of the changes in fast forward. Her jaw dropped open as she saw Corey's image changing, transforming into the statuesque bitch beside her. "She doesn't remember," Joshua explained as Becky snapped towards Cynthia with a look of disbelief. "None of them do." Cynthia didn't believe it herself. There was absolutely no way that she could ever have been some weak boy. It was complete foolishness to even consider that she could have some fake past that she didn't remember. She glared furiously at Joshua in defiance, just waiting for the chance to get her hands on him. NOBODY did this to her. "Can zis be true?" Monique asked quietly from the side, looking around, "Bit I remember none of zis." Then she absently reached over and started polishing the door handle with a rag, seeming comforted by the action. All Becky could do was stare at Cynthia, who just stood there with a sneer. "Can... can you change them back?" she asked Joshua. "Can you change Corey back?" Joshua slowly shook his head apologetically. "I fear that I am nowhere near powerful enough to undo such a thing." Then he looked Becky in the eyes. "More than just their bodies were changed. Their minds... their very personalities were overwritten." At this, Becky started to cry, ashamed of herself but unable to help it. "But..." "I do not posses the ability to change them back," Joshua told her gently, "but there is something that I can do for them." Becky looked at him hopefully, wiping the tears from her eyes and glancing sideways at Cynthia. The thought that this bitch used to be Corey was extremely disconcerting. After a moment, Joshua said, "Their bodies are beyond my scope, but there is something that I can do with their minds." He paused, then frowned apologetically. "Their new personalities are too engrained to simply restore even that to normal though." "What do you mean?" Becky asked, beginning to get really worried again. "The longer the new personalities are in place," Joshua explained, "the stronger they become and the weaker the originals become. If I had caught them within the first few days, then it would be much easier. As it is, the new personalities have been dominant for 3 months and if I had gotten here much later, there would have been nothing for me to do." Joshua paused again, looking at Monique, then Tandy before finally looking at Cynthia with an intent expression. "I will have to integrate them." Suddenly Joshua threw up his hands, whispering something in words that Becky couldn't quite make out, though it didn't sound like English. Then his hands actually started to glow, though only for a brief moment. A second later though, Tandy, Monique and Cynthia each staggered slightly and fell to the ground while Becky watched in fearful confusion. "I hate magic," Joshua muttered. Tanya let out a gasp of surprise, as her memories seemed to break apart, but filled back in with other memories... more solid ones. Memories which she instinctively knew were her real ones. It was her real past again, and her real identity. "I'm Tom," Tanya whispered in amazement. At the same time, Monique stood back up, shaking her head as her memories similarly shifted around. She blinked slowly, and then grinned as she remembered being Paul. "Zees is so... strange," she whispered in her French accent, slowly looking down at herself with a little confusion. Cynthia just grimaced at the shifting inside her head, trying to fight back against it to no effect. A moment later, her own memories began to return, filling in the spaces left by the fake ones when they disintegrated. There was no doubt that the memories were fake as they were all too clear to her, having a substance that the others had sorely lacked. She slowly looked around at the others, and then glanced at Joshua before finally looking at the familiar girl in front of her. "Becky..." Cynthia whispered, smiling as she stared at her little sister, truly recognizing her for the first time. Becky just stared at Cynthia skeptically for a moment before asking, "Corey? Is that really you?" "Yes," Cynthia started to answer, though she paused and added, "I think so." As Cynthia stood there, she looked down at herself, realizing that she certainly didn't look anything like Corey. But at the same time, her body didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable or strange to her. It was just... her body. "I think that we need to talk," Cynthia stated, gesturing to the living room to the side, the same one where they'd originally been transformed. "We can sit and talk in here." With that she started towards the living room, with the others all following behind. Once everyone had started sitting down, Monique looked around at them and asked, "Would anyone like something to drink?" She didn't want them being uncomfortable and was eager to make sure that they weren't. "Bring me a scotch," Cynthia said, then with a slight frown she added an almost reluctant, "Please." Several minutes later, Monique was back with the drinks, feeling rather pleased with herself when everyone was happy. Then she frowned as she noticed something on one of the end tables, absently reaching for her dust rag. "Stop that and sit down," Cynthia snapped with a glare, earning an odd look from Becky as a result. Monique froze and stared at her dust rag nervously, realizing that it was something the old Paul never would have done. But seeing that smudge on the table annoyed her. "I... I've turned into a neat freak," she gasped in surprise. She looked around in embarrassment and sat down, though she still glanced back at the smudge, tempted to finish cleaning it. Tandy just remained sitting where she was, frowning slightly as she thought about what had happened to them. She knew very well that she was Tom, or at least had been. She could remember being Tom very well. However she just didn't feel quite like she did before. It wasn't quite something that she could put her finger on though, nor did she try very hard. "Um..." Becky started, staring at Tandy. "Are you all right?" "I think so," Tandy answered after a moment, not completely sure. She felt a little confused and looked to Cynthia for direction. "I can't believe I found you," Becky gushed, staring at Cynthia in amazement, as well as some curiosity. "But this is so weird." "I know," Cynthia responded with a smirk, "this is rather unusual." Then she looked to Joshua, giving him an intent stare. "You said that you were restoring our personalities, but Paul would never behave as Monique was a moment ago. Nor would Tom just sit there silently." Joshua nodded, giving an apologetic look. "As I said, I could not truly restore your minds. Only your memories and part of the rest. Your new personalities had become too ingrained so all that I was able to do was reintegrate your personalities. It was the only way to reclaim any of the original." "I see," Cynthia responded thoughtfully, leaning back in the couch and lighting a cigarette as she considered what Joshua had said. She took a deep drag and then blew the smoke back out, only then aware that Becky was staring at her. Becky gasped in surprise. "But you don't smoke..." "Corey didn't smoke," Cynthia answered sharply, annoyed that someone would dare to question what she did, "and as Joshua just stated, I am not just Corey anymore. In fact, even that name no longer suits me. I will continue to use Cynthia as it is somewhat more appropriate." That was somewhat startling for Becky and she wasn't sure what to think of such a thing. The fact that her brother had

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Sharmistha And Me 8211 Part I

Hi, Subhasish again sharing with you another real incident. Engineering College, got employment as a Management Trainee in a small manufacturing unit around 400 km away from my native place Kolkata. Initial posting was at corporate office. It was not a big sized office. But quite cohesive group was there. I met a married lady there, she was quite glamorous being in that small town and had quite good sense of dress and make up which was quite unusual being in that area. That lady is the heroine...

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Close Encounter

Copyright© 2005 The train looked older than what I was expecting, but it had character. The interior was spacious, and there was an Old World charm to the wooden paneling and worn leather seats. Looking around, I decided the place was just a bit threadbare but still inviting. I threw my bags into an overhead rack and settled down into one of the booths. The high-back seats were comfortable and provided a lot of privacy. I had gotten to the train almost a half hour early and was the first one...

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CherryPop Lily Jordan Unfaithful Girlfriend

Brandon and Mike are scared their girlfriends will cheat. They decide to test their girlfriends’ faithfulness. Brandon will try to sleep with Mike’s girlfriend and Mike will do the same. Let the seductions begin…Brandon visits Mike’s house to find Kat, Mike’s girlfriend, home alone. It’s perfect because he needs ‘girl advice.’ Kat is eager to help. Looks like Brandon’s big dick is a problem with his girl…it’s just too big. Kat...

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I Wish This Had Happened

This is what I imagined/hoped would have happened many years ago when my wife and I were dating in college. We were young and adventurous then, and experimented sexually but not to the degree in this story. Some of the scenes are based on actual events but the majority of the story is pure fantasy. And I'm going to call my wife (then girlfriend), Louise, from this point on. Obviously this is not her real name but I feel that it is rather stupid to not refer to her by a name in all of my...

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Sister Sleeping

I had just come home from school and was going up to change when I passed by my sister's room. She's in high school and her school day starts and ends before mine so she gets home before I do. Before I tell you more, I should tell you about myself and my sister. My name is Jason, I'm fourteen years old, five foot six, brown eyes, nice looking (I've been told) with an average build. I'm not a sports guy but have some muscles. I get good grades and want to be an engineer, not sure what kind...

3 years ago
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Blinded By The Night

One day you are online and you see an advert for discreet sex dating pleasure garuanteed, you feel a slight feeling stir deep within and think why not! Very nervously you fill in details and press enter. You now wonder why did you do that? But you hopefully they might not get back to you and you carry on with what you were doing. As the next hour goes past you get an email from the site about your request for a sex date and your heart skips a beat as you open the message and read on. It gives...

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HandsOnHardcore Jasmine Waterful Slutty School Girl Jasmine Waterful DPed in Doctors Office

Jasmine Waterful is a young, sexy nympho who can’t resist her constant sexual urges. During a visit to her gynecologist’s office, Jasmine takes a liking to Josh, the receptionist, and lets him fuck her in the waiting room. Before Josh can blow a load in her Jasmine’s mouth, their fuck session comes to an abrupt end when they hear another patient arriving at the office. Jasmine quickly gets dressed and is called in to see her doctor. The gynecologist, who is well aware that Jasmine is a whore...

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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 2 Her First Wedding Night

Naveen stood up from the couch, still trying to recover from the shock. He was at a loss for words. Naveen knew about Ridhima’s past. He knew it wasn’t good. But he never knew that it was this bad, especially her first wedding night. Naveen: Ha… How? Who did…? That’s all he could say. He felt so sad and dejected that he couldn’t even speak. All this while, Ridhima stood like a rock in front of her husband. She finally turned to look at Naveen. He seemed broken. Looking at his condition, she...

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My First Older Woman

After freshman year of college, I rented out a house with a few friends of mine. It was in a relatively quiet neighbourhood full of families and students. At the time, I had amassed quite a bit of sexual experience fucking my way through the dorm in my first year. However, I still hadn't fucked an older woman. I loved stroking my fat cock to MILF porn online. All I wanted was a thick mature woman to ride me until my dick fell off. You can imagine how quickly my cock got hard when on the second...

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The Classmate 8211 Part I

Hello people…my name is Akash(changed)..I’m doing my engineering just entering my final year….well this incident happened around 6 months ago in Goa it was just the beginning of our 6th sem when my friends decided to go to Goa all of a sudden…I was like so be it lets go…v end up in Goa the next day. I was with 4 of my classmates all guys.. we checked into a hotel freshened up n went out to the beach which was right beside the hotel…we grabbed a beer n smoke n having a good time chatting n...

3 years ago
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Santa Cums Early

Santa, aka Justin, sat in his chair in the middle of Santa’s Wonderland, half-listening to the children while his eyes scanned the scurrying shoppers. Seeing a group of young women, he eyed them up and down, noticing that they kept giving him glances and were giggling.Although he couldn’t hear what the three girls were saying, he sensed they were up to something. It seemed to happen each year when he played Santa.That little redhead is pretty cute. Any other time, he would probably have made a...

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Free From Hell Enter In Heaven

Hi friends am a regular reader of this site since last two years. Am 21 male from Vizag processing my BTech in Hydrabad. This incident happened to me 2 years ago with my elder cousin sister. she is very complex, white in colour. She have an attractive body with long hair on her back.She has stiff boobs and butt by which i was attracted towards her. As per my knowledge her measurements are 34d-28-34.by seeing her structure on first glance one thinks to fuck her until his energy level goes to...

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The Massage

*NOTE* this story is an original work by ME. copyright 2009. you can copy this and switch it around and change the names and make it your own if you wish. if you make money off it, consider cutting me a slice of the pie. this story can also be found Literotica.com enjoy!I'm on the table waiting for the masseuse. My eyes are closed and in my mind I am working on another chapter to my "Sensual, Sexy Massage Ther****t" fantasy.I watch as that hot little vixen goes down on my girlfriend when,...

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Visiting my Uncle

Me and my uncle. I had just finished my 2yr mba course and was called for an interview in mumbai for a MNC. I am basically from Gujarat and had never been out of my state alone, so i was a little nervous bout going to mumbai.My uncle, Raj had a place there but i had never visited him, as he used to come to gujarat during holidays to our place and i never was interested in travelling. Raj was bout 35yo but still a bachelor, reallyhandsome and we all wondered why he never got married when he cud...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 184

Friday morning the office started off as a madhouse with things coming from every direction. General Ingram was in first with the logistics update. It had made big improvements in the last twenty four hours. Fifty percent of the guard units arrived this morning in dozens of C5s at the operating airfield inside Iran. Army and Marine units had covered every inch of the base looking for hiding Iranian soldiers and anyone else for that matter. Every trench, every bunker, every room, nook and...

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The Dance

Jon Garden had disappeared. No one knew his whereabouts. His family had gone into hiding, having fallen out of favor with the political elite of a corrupt African government. They were being hunted by the authorities.The belated news came from half a world away, through an old email message in an account I had all but abandoned. The message was sent nearly three years before by his cousin to everyone on Jon's contact list, and had sat unopened in my inbox all that time. Had I not decided to...

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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #2 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] Yahoo IM Chat: joyce_devriestv October 2002 Please read Part #1 to understand this part of the story. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you...

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How I Became Michelle

How I Became Michelle By CrAzY Sk8r My name is Michelle, but I wasn't always Michelle. I used to be Mike but that was a long time ago. This is my story... It's summer vacation in-between my sophomore and junior years in high school. I wake up at noon wearily, with the sun beaming in my face. "Uhhh..." I moan and rub my eyes. I sit up in bed and stretch my arms in the air. I get out of bed and walk drowsily to the bathroom. "I guess mom and dad...

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NuruMassage Silvia Saige My StepMoms Secret

Zac Wild returns home from class to what he thinks is an empty house. He calls out for his dad and his step-mom but nobody answers. On the counter are some snacks and a mysterious jug of something called ‘Magic NURU Gel’ which Zac assumes must have been left there by his parents. He brings it upstairs to put it back in their room when he overhears a soft voice speaking in the other room — the voice is talking about rubbing gel all over someone’s body, what the fuck is...

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My Education

My name is Marc. At the beginning of the story, I want to tell I just had celebrated my 18th birthday. I grew up in a little sleepy village not far from the coast. Really, nothing was going on here. Therefore, I never had the chance to make some experiences with girls I must admit. After I left school, I finally succeeded in finding the chance for an education. This would take place in a well-known company in a big city. A big city! My parents helped me to find a little flat there. Full of...

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Sex Party With My Female Cousin Part 5

I went back to my cousin’s house for memorial day weekend. See she and I had been having sex with each other for a couple of years now. Her sissy husband usually joins us and sometimes their friends as well. I arrived at Amy’s house Friday afternoon. Amy opened the door for me in a semi-transparent teddy. She kissed me and ran her hand over my dick through my shorts. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the passionate kiss while I ran my hands over her c-cup breasts. “God I’ve been so hot thinking...

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Wendy52KWendy took her time exiting from the car. She made a pretence of looking for something in the glove box, the car door was open, so that as she stretched across the passenger seat, she was showing her naked ass.This was all done for show, a show meant for the two young men stood near some trees at the edge of the car park.They watched as Wendy seemed to be struggling to find whatever she was looking for. Wendy eventually sat back in the driver’s seat, then swung her legs out of the car,...

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EvilAngel Kiara Lord Chrystal Sinn Anal 3Way

Sex analyst Vince Karter’s pretty, strawberry blonde assistant, Kiara Lord, dresses up for her boss and playfully teases him in an evening dress. Enter blonde cutie pie Chrystal Sinn! Kiara shows off her voluptuous ass, Vince rims Kiara’s butthole and licks her wet twat. The two babes kneel before Vince; Chrystal delivers a deepthroat blowjob. Chrystal sucks Kiara’s sphincter as Kiara licks Vince’s dick. Kiara buries her face in cunt while Vince slams Kiara’s hairy...

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To Tomorrow

I was sick. A very simple truth that I denied to accept during last few years but instinctively knew. Not some kind of ‘take-your-pills-and-it’s-ok’ or ‘surgery-and-survive’ sickness. Something more sinister, more diffused through my body. Maybe even my through soul. One more time I read the e-mail that I was going to send to my boss. I really wanted to talk to him in the face, but it was not possible since he was in Italy and it would take at least one more week till he returned, and I didn’t...

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Archbaroness Vs The Photo Shoot

Archbaroness was in the Megatropolis Amazons’ meeting room standing proudly before the floor to ceiling window and looking down upon Megatropolis. The team’s base of operations, Freedom Tower, was one of many buildings that composed Megatropolis’ world famous skyline. Her view here in the meeting room, close to the very top of the building, was a sight to behold. Of course, Archbaroness was herself as awe inspiring as the view. She was equally known for her astounding beauty as her long...

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Second ChanceChapter 50

"Carl," the Judge was in full jurist mode. "This conversation never happened. You have presented us with a perplexing problem, wrapped up in a fortuitous opportunity." We were in the family room. We waited, talking about mundane things while the Judge's guys swept the house for listening devices and installed some new toys they happened to bring along. Once we were found to be 'clean, ' the Judge came right to the point. "There is merit in what you wish to accomplish, but the risk...

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Etched In StoneChapter 9

"Why am I learning how to fight with a knife?" Jorie said to Dothan. "Knife fighting builds mental strength and coordination. It teaches one to overcome the fear of death and to fight it," Dothan said. "I hope this hurts you more than it hurts me," Jorie said. He looked at the stone face of the royal and admitted aloud, "probably not." An hour later, Jorie sat on the table in the med lab enduring the application of strips of skin melt. Mista was taking her time and trying to be...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Sweet Young Bryce Big Daddy Daves Favorite

*** This story is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in such work are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, that you yourself have knowledge of is entirely coincidental. All comments as to this story are greatly appreciated. I was born and raised in a small town in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York that was about thirty miles west of South Fallsburg. My...

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That Erotic Saturday

Yeh un dino ki baat hai , jab shalini or rohan ki nayi nayi shadi hui thi. Halanki abhi abhi honeymoon se laute the dono miyan biwi, magar fir bhi chudai ka koi mauka nahi chorte the. Bedroom me , bathroom me, kitchen me, terrace pr, movie hall me , lift me , seedhiyon me, yahan tak ki garden me bhi apni chaap chor chuka tha yeh horny couple. Lekin pichle kuch dini se apni apni jobs me itne busy ho gye the ki ek hafte se kuch nahi hua tha. Rohan ki pyaas ne us se 2-3 bar koshish krwai, magr hr...

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Biggest Surprise of the Night

…Fear set in when I saw our neighbors’ kitchen light turn on. They were a very nice, conservative couple in their late sixties, Ellen and George. I immediately grabbed my nightgown to cover myself, but my naughty husband grabbed it back with a smirk on his face. I sighed out loud in frustration as he tossed it to the far end of the room. He could act like such a horny teenager sometimes! Seriously, what would they think if they see my smirking husband holding my nightgown, and me naked, cream...

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Deal or No Deal

My entire body lit up with soreness as I turned over to meet theharsh glint of sun poking through the morning sky. I grew concerned as my nails dragged into a pavement-like material underneath me as I stretched. My eyes flashed open and I quickly realized that I was not sitting in the comfortable confines of my bed, nevertheless in my house. I was underneath the giant football bleachers at my high school and naked! The frigid pavement pressed against my breasts while I lied there, sprawled out...

Quickie Sex
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Help Me Rhonda a Cheated Husband Revenge StoryChapter 2

I didn't recognize the number on my cell phone. I had deleted Madison's number from my contacts but this number was different from it as I remembered. I cautiously said, "Hello." Rhonda was with me in my living room. "Fred, this is Madison. I need to talk to you. Where are you? The apartment was rented to someone else and I was told you quit your job." My voice was guarded. "Hello, Madison. I left the area. What do you want?" She said, "I broke up with Bob. I want you back. It was...

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I was making one of my obligatory visits that our mom insists on. My sister and I had never got along well together. She was the party girl; I was the brain, and the little sister to boot. I went on to marry a doctor, a good provider with a smart home and a new car every year. Yeah, and a low sperm count with no time for my conception schedule. We've missed my best time-of-the-month now six months in a row, all because of the job that made him attractive in the first place. I was pumped so...

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When Katherine Heigl Breastfed Me

A decade ago, Grey's Anatomy was a hit show on TV. Katherine Heigl was a lead actor on that show. I believe she played a doctor but I can't really remember. I was one of the lighting guys on the show. Every time I saw Katherine, she was always dressed in her doctor outfit.Even though Katherine Heigl was always dressed as a doctor on set, I could always tell one thing about her. Even though she she often had multiple shirts on, I could tell... ...

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St Trinians

“I saw you, Cassie.” She turned round to face me, smiling, “You saw what, Richard?” “In the test, I saw you cheating.” “Bullshit.” “I’ll tell Sir.” She stopped smiling. “No you wouldn’t.” “I have to. You’re a cheater. I thought you had learnt your lesson last year, they gave you one last chance didn’t they? Well it looks like you’ve made the same mistake again Cassie, and you’ve got to pay for it.” “Fuck off Richard.” “That’s pretty rude, considering I hold your future in my...

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Stuck4K Nelly Kent Dont look for your iPhone or youll get stuck

The cutie Nelly Kent is very sexy. Her long slender legs were driving a lot of men crazy. Today, Nelly was lying on the couch and scrolling through the feed on her iPhone. She got distracted for a couple of minutes, and she suddenly realized that the phone is not in her hand anymore, she lost it! ‘’ Oh God! Where did I put it? It was here a couple of moments ago!’’ Nelly thought. She looked around and, finally, noticed it in a small hole in between the couch cushions. She put her hand in there...

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Sales TeamChapter 2

When I woke the next morning, Holly was already up. When she heard me she yelled, "Fifteen minutes and the pancakes and sausage will be ready." It was a lazy Sunday. We walked about three miles around the city for exercise and then after a late lunch I took her to the swimming pool. When she took off her light swim robe I saw her new swimming suit. Her broad shoulders and bare chest highlighted her breasts, which were barely concealed by her black top. Her stomach was flat. Her suit bottom...

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best friends share part 1

An Accident Chelsea and Tami were best friends and had been for as long as they could remember. They even lived next door to each other, which facilitated their various conspiracies against their fathers. After all, a girl who is being raised by a single father has to use various ruses to get her way. Dads just don"t understand like a mom would, or so the girls convinced each other when they were planning to get something or do something their fathers might not approve of. So Chelsea and...

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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 2

I am sharing the second part after almost a year. So, Sorry for that. I will come with the next part sooner. Now let’s continue with the story. After climaxing herself, Malini wore the bathrobe provided by the hotel. Now that we have paid to stay in such a luxurious hotel, we should make good use of it, was her thought behind it. Before, she was reluctant to wear as she mostly wears a saree or other traditional dresses. But now she has changed her mind. Another benefit of wearing the bathrobe,...

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Mother in law

my mother in law is a knock out – married at 15 and pregnant at 16 with my wife – she never looked like the mother of a 22 year old women. My mother in law is Eva half Asian half Latina. She is 5’8 and its all legs and ass, she has great tits firm 36 D’s and long black hair that reaches her ass. She owns her own business and go to my gym 3 times a week. Eva dresses sexy but not slutty – I told my wife I wanted her to wear stockings(prefer thigh highs) and heels on a regular basis- shortly...

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Hijabi Humas sex adventures PART 1

ll the incidents in this story are 100% true only names have been changed and no offence is meant to any person.HUMA was a 18 year old Pakistani Hijabi girl living in the outskirts of Karachi. She belonged to a rich family but a very strict religious family but she was not a religious girl at all and she hated how she was forced to do all these religious things pray and fast and worst of all wear this stupid hijab. She hated all the men in her family her father and both her brothers but she...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 03

The two days turned into a week. Vera had never lived with humans before but she felt at home in that house. She joked with Chris in the kitchen and watched movies with David on the couch. They made love in his bed every night and some days. Vera took to doing chores around the house. She knew they were feeding her so she thought the least she could do was reciprocate with laundry and dishes. David drove Vera into town on the weekend and she filled out job applications at every place that...

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New Opportunities

I remember the summer after I graduated. It was an exciting time for me. So many opportunities waiting. As fate would have it, one of those opportunities presented itself to me one sunny afternoon.I pulled in the driveway to see my stepdad’s car there. He usually wasn’t home until late in the evening, so it was a bit odd. The house was quiet when I walked in so I figured he must have come home sick and was napping or something. I walked down the hall towards his room, and I could hear noise,...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Sommer Isabella 03022020

Sommer likes the idea of being in charge. A sexy badass woman. First she ties up Markus. Markus isn’t afraid of her, though…at least not yet. When she starts to seduce him and he’s still tied up…he begins to get anxious. He begs for her to untie him. When she finally does…they go at it. Sommer wraps her big beautiful lips around his cock, while he face fucks her. Markus turns her around and pounds her pussy from behind. She squeals with pleasure as he uses her...

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Evening At The CastleChapter 9 The Awakening of Lynne

Morning arrived about three hours earlier than anticipated. It had been after 1 AM before Richard and I returned to my hotel suite and nearly 2 AM before we had gotten to sleep. Now some hotel administrative idiot had decided that this would be the perfect time for a fire drill. The shrill bell was boring holes in my head as I fought my way out of bed with much thrashing of arms and legs. I finally found myself standing shakily in the center of the room; the top sheet wrapped around one leg,...

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an afternoon by the pool

Introduction: this is another fun afternoon my wife Clarice and I had with a few of our swinger friends. The weekend finally got here and after a fucked-up week at work, I decided to have a few friends over to relax and catch up a little. Mid morning , about 10:30, and four of my drinking buddies and I were huddled around the tv on the pool deck watching high-lites of the past weeks games and slamming down a few drinks. Wheres Clarice? one of them asked. Im surprised she doesnt have you...

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Love Sex And Video Tapes With Mother In Law 8211 Part II

Hi, this is Vinay again with the second part of my lusty life with my MIL. Hope u people liked my 1st story about me and my MIL. Life was cool; all was sex, sex & sex. I use to eat, drink, and do everything related to sex. There were few more encounters with more women’s in my life which will tell later. Any female interested in having a hot chat or secret encounter kindly mail me back at I can chat with u people thru yahoo, my id is “specialrods”. After doing all possible things with my MIL...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 6

June 4, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, This afternoon while Dad was out running errands, Mom came to my door and was about to knock but saw the door open and me reading on my bed in my usual lack of clothing there. “Come in, Mom.” “You weren’t kidding about being naked in your room.” “Nope.” “And your door is open; anyone could have seen you.” “Really, Mom? Not only is there no one here but you and me, I know what Dad sounds like on his way up the stairs and I could easily close the door before...

1 year ago
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The Show ndash Brent and Denna

Another original fiction story - enjoy and let me know what you thinkThe Show – Brent and DennaBrent has just turned 18 – tall, fit young man but very shy. He has the raging hormones of a typical high school boy and is always a bit aroused. He shares a home with his older s***** who is in school at the local community college in the dental hygiene program and his single mom. Denna is his 20 year old s***** is a hot looking brunette with a short pixie haircut slim waist and ample breast. Our...

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