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If you are under the league age to read stories or accounts containing sexual activities or are offended by such stories please leave now. The following story is for the private non-commercial use of our audience any reposting or use of this story is completely fine as long as It is not done for profit. Enjoy. HAZING ? by: Deviant Dave It was simple the only way to be anyone or have any fun at college was to join a frat. I was a freshman attending a Podunk rural college in Pennsylvania. I wasn't a super popular kind of guy but I had been able to get along with most people in high school. I was smart enough to be third in my class of about 70 people (obviously I came from a small town). I wasn't terribly athletic as I was a little on the heavy side so I chose a frat that had a reputation for not being too selective but also being a lot of fun. I figured I could have a good time and still keep my grades up if I worked at it, so a party frat would be perfect. Also, they might have use for someone who can help keep the house's GPA up and the dean off their neck. The house wasn't Delta House from the movie 'Animal House' but it was pretty wild as a pledge and had an underlying reputation for wildness in it's hazy and member behavior. I hadn't witnessed too much but other than some drinking I had been pretty low key and square in high school and I was looking forward to some excitement. The hazing process was pretty much what I'd expected some pranks in the middle of the night by the brothers, stunts that we were forced to perform like wearing girl's panties under our clothes for a week, doing household chores in only our panties, etc. Some of it was pretty embarrassing but nothing too bad. That was until the final week or hell week. The college had a long weekend coming up so we were informed that from Monday until Sunday we were going have to earn our brotherhood and the new members would be introduced at a party on the following Monday (the holiday). There were 6 of us pledges and the brothers made it clear that they we're fair and that if we all made it through the week successfully we'd all be in the frat. This cheered us all up some, as we knew that most frats made sure they booted a fair share of the pledges for image sake. Anyway Monday started out with us cleaning the house in our pretty pink panties, which up until then had been the worst thing we'd had to do. Tuesday we had a meeting again in only our panties and the brothers quizzed us and every wrong answer received a whack of the frat paddle on our only half covered asses. At the end of the quizzing we were all in tears with bright red asses. The brothers then loaded us in the back of a pickup and made us stand 3 to a side with facing in so our asses were on display then drove very slowly around the whole campus honking the horn for the better part of an hour. It wasn't bad enough that we were wearing only panties but it was about 55 degrees out so by the time we got back to the house were we all half frozen. Wednesday we found out why we had cleaned the house so well. The frat was having a party that night and we were to be the waitresses. Each of us was given a white frilly apron and a skimpy pink thong bikini to wear nothing more. Also, we were told that body hair was not lady-like so we were paired off given depilatory and told to be completely hairless any place the guests could see. This meant all hair from the neck down except for our pubes. I was paired with a blonde guy named Kevin who was 6'3" 200# and well built. Other brothers made sure we applied each other's depilatory that was very embarrassing. I had to rub Kevin all over expect for his groin the worst was his ass. I turned scarlet and so did he. Then he did the same for me and they made us get in the shower together. After that we were inspected by our big brothers and thankfully we passed. We later learned that Ken and Sam had to do rub each other down 3 times before they passed the test and James and Mike had to go twice. Thank God for small favors anyway. Once we were dressed in our bikinis and aprons we went to the kitchen to get the snacks etc ready for the guests. About 7:30 we were told that the guests would be here any minute and then they dropped the bombshell the guests were our sister sorority all 24 girls! This was going to be so humiliating for all of us, but especially for Sam and I. Ken, Kevin, Mike and James were well built but we weren't. Sam was short and skinny and I was heavy so I knew we'd take the bulk of the abuse. Sure enough when the girls arrived with their 6 pledges in tow Sam and I were sent to the door to greet them and take their coats. The one cool thing is that their pledges were wearing only thin white t-shirts and boxer shorts. At least at first I thought that was a good thing until they were ordered to help us and it soon became obvious that their only duty was to get us rock hard in our tiny bikini bottoms. The evening went on forever with us being pinched, poked, prodded, and squeeze by every girl there. Sandy, the pledge assigned to me, took great pleasure in reaching under my bikini top and pinching my nipples as hard as she could with her sharp bright red nails and thrusting her hand under my apron and putting an uncomfortable level of pressure on my balls. Finally, about midnight the brothers said we could stop serving drinks and come sit in the large meeting room with everyone else. The guests and brothers were all quite drunk and we were instructed to sit next to our paired pledge from the sorority. Then each of the male pledges was handed a pencil and paper. We were told to write out names and our pledge partner for the evening in at the top, in my case Dave/Sandy. Then the girls took the paper and were told to write 5 numbers from 1 thru 10 down on the sheet and pass it back. Sandy handed me back the list with 1,5,7,8, and 9 on it. Then the frat president Karl handed each group a sheet with 10 items that corresponded to the 10 possible numbers. Sandy and I looked at the list to be honest I think we picked the worst 5 of the bunch though I don't specifically remember the others the ones we chose were: 1) Remove one item of clothing 5) Perform fellatio on a dildo 7) Spank your partner 8) Take a walk across campus 9) Lick your partners toes Talk about humiliating. Then we were told that by a random draw made earlier with the frat and sorority presidents the guys had numbers 1, 2, 7, 9 & 10 and the girls had 3,4,5, 6, & 8. What this meant we were told is that the guys got to pick whose name (theirs or the girl's) went next to any items with their number on their list and the girls got to do the same. So I had 1, 7, & 9 and Sandy had 5 & 8. We were each given a separate piece of paper to write our choices. I figured that 1 was something I could do as I had the apron and that it would be too cruel to make her remove her top so I put my name down there. With 9 I took the same approach as I had done that with my one girlfriend in high school and sucking toes wasn't that bad. Now came number 7 I thought long and hard and decided to be the gentleman and put down Sandy's name and take my beating (how bad could it be). I looked at it this way that was fair and hopefully she's take her 2 herself so we'd be pretty even. And even if I got stuck walking across the campus in the bikini it wouldn't be any worse than the paddled ass in the panties the other night. And this time I would be in control and jog across and back hiding from people as I went. Well, the sheets were handle in and Karl the frat pres drew the first number, which was 9. Three groups didn't have number 9. James and Kelly had "Suckle a nipple" and he of course picked to do that to her. Red faced she lower one half of her top and James locked his lips on for the required 2 minutes. Actually once the initial embarrassment was past it appeared she really liked it. Ken and Cindy had 'French a bellybutton' again he picked to do to her and again they enjoyed themselves. When it came us Sandy and I, 'Lick your partners feet was announced and the place got pretty loud and the guys were taunting her about sucking my toes until Karen the sorority president announced that I had picked myself. Amongst many jeers I kneeled at Sandy's feet and took her right foot in my hands and started sucking each toe. When I looked up at her she appeared dumbfound that I had chose myself. After the required 5 minutes on the right I moved to the left and by the time I was done Sandy was squirming in her chair and I was rock hard and thankful that I had the apron on. When I finished and returned to my seat next to her Sandy asked why I had chosen myself. I explained that I thought that it would be awful embarrassing for her and I didn't mind that much. She smiled at me but then had a look of concern. When I asked her why she clammed up so on went the trials. Items 2 and 3 were next and Mike and Sue, Ken and Alicia, and Kevin and Tammy all had to perform one act or another. For the most part people were pretty fair and the guys did guys things and the girls did girl things. Item 5 was next and after a 4 other couples did rather mundane but somewhat embarrassing things it came to Sandy and I 'Perform fellatio on a dildo' three other couples had already done this 1 on a guy's number (2) and 2 on a girl's number (3) and every one had been the girl's performing so I was sure that Sandy would have picked herself. Karen announced that Sandy's pick was for me to do it. I was stunned and utterly humiliated. The group erupted in laughter and I turned to Sandy in disbelief. She would only half look and me and said that she was sorry but she thought I was going to be an asshole with my picks after she was so mean all night pinching my nipples and squeezing my balls so she'd been mean too. It took a couple minutes for the room to calm down and me to get up the nerve to go to the middle of the room. I finally did accepting the 7-inch dildo from Karen and kneeling in the middle of the room. I had 5 minutes to enthusiastically suck on this rubber cock. My face went from pink to scarlet as I slid the fake dick between my lips and I closed my eyes and started stroking a couple inches in and out of my mouth. The room erupted with catcalls and humiliating remarks. Including comments about letting me in the frat just for the nights when the brothers can't get a date etc. I nearly lost it and started crying but I kept my composure fairly well. I was ordered to open my eyes and look around the room I made sure to look passed people and not make eye contact or I new I'd lose it. With 2 minutes left I was told I had to try and deep throat and that if I didn't either succeed or gag myself several times trying I would have to go another 5 minutes in the middle of campus! I immediately drove the latex bastard into my throat and gagged mightily. This happened again and again probably 7 times before I managed to swallow somewhat and the fake balls hit my chin. I was allowed to return to bobbing on only 2-3 inches after that but the comments and jeers were now twice as bad. Finally the time ended and it returned to my seat humiliated and staring at the floor. Sandy tried to apologize but I couldn't look at her after that. The games continued with Item 6 and then Item 7. At this point I was regretting my choice here. Sandy and I were the only number 7's so we were the center of attention and the 'Spank your partner' really got the crowd going but, not as much as the fact that I had given Sandy's name as my choice. She whispered a thank you to me and said that she'd take it easy. The girl's seemed to be on my side for being gallant but the guys were now opening routing for me to really get it for not picking Sandy. I was told to lie across her lap and she began a fairly gentle spanking. We were told that it was to be 20 whacks on each cheek. After about 10 smacks the guys yelled that she wasn't hitting hard enough and that if I wanted it I should really get spanked. I hoped that the presidents would be kind but after conferring they decided that Sandy should use a hairbrush and start over. Also, if she didn't hit hard enough she would get 25 on each cheek with the frat paddle. This of course spurred her on and I think she hit me as hard as she could. I was crying loudly and had a very bright red ass by the time the spanking was over. I returned to my seat and gingerly sat down realizing my scarlet ass would be sore for a couple of days. I barely noticed the other groups' activities. In fact the next thing I noticed was when Karl announce Dave and Sandy Item number 1 'Remove an Item of clothes'. The guys again were all excited this time about seeing Sandy's big tits and again I booed heartily when Karen announced I had picked myself. I stood and began to remove the apron but was stopped by Karl when several of the frat brothers approached him and started whispering in his ears. He then announced that since I was intent on being a masochist and taking all the punishment for my team there would be a vote on whether I remove the apron or something else. I cringed at the thought of bikini bottoms being removed in this group They didn't cover anything in back but at least they kept my family jewels hidden away. Slips of paper were passed to all the sorority and frat members and they were told to each write bikini top, apron, or bikini bottom and hand them in. The girls were merciful and basically all voted for me to keep my bottoms unfortunately they split their vote 11 / 13 between the top and the apron. The frat vote was 5 tops/ 2 aprons and 17 bottoms. This meant the final tally was 16 tops, 15 aprons, and 17 bottoms. I again turned scarlet but complied by stepping out of the bikini bottoms and beating a haste retreat to my chair. I had everything I could do to get back to my seat without someone raising the apron. I sat with my head hung in complete shock dreading item 8 and hoping against hope that Sandy had picked herself for that one. When Item 8 came up it was the last item and Sandy and I were the last group. When Karen said my name I wanted to die. Here I was wearing only an apron from the waist down with my ass shining bright red and I was going to have to walk across the campus and back. The group decided that to make it a little more interesting they would all come along to look out for me. I cringed at the thought, as I knew they'd draw as much attention as possible. I was right about this. They were hooping and hollering and grabbing everyone they could find to come and look as my bright red cheeks bounced as I walked quickly across campus. This was worse than the truck ride for several reasons. First I had only the apron instead of the panties of the other night so I felt much more exposed. This became worse about half way across as a heavy wind blew up making it a challenge for me to keep the little modesty I had left. The other reasons this was worse is that tons of the girls looking on now knew me, I was there by myself on display as the other pledges male and female were allowed to stay at the house to clean up, and finally it was colder and I was barefoot. I tried to pick up the pace and jog but I was reminded that the stunt was titled walk. Finally after over an hour I had made it across campus and back. I was freezing and nearly sick to my stomach from the shame. I started to go to bed but was told to report to the meeting room. The only people there were the frat and the sorority presidents. Karl demanded an accounting from me of why I had chosen the items I did the way I did. I did my best to explain my reasons and as Karl and Karen listen I saw a smirk form on her face. Karl said that he understood that I was trying to be a gentleman but, that he was a bit disappointed that I wasn't a bit more ruthless. Karen's only comment was that it was sweet of me. They then said I could go to bed. Thursday they actually gave us a rest just panties to school and house work in panties. We gave a collective sigh of relief over that. The other pledges ribbed me over my cocksucking skills and my parading around with just an apron but, they were fairly understanding especially when I explained that I was trying to be a gentleman when I made my choices. I just wasn't brought up to take advantage of a girl that way. The brothers were a little rougher with me but not too bad after Karl talked to them. They did vote me a punishment though of wearing diapers instead of panties to school on Friday. They also made me wear plastic pants ("too stop leaks") and a pair of tight fitting shorts (that belonged to one of the brothers) to show off the diapers. It was quite humiliating especially as the plastic pants made a ton of noise with every step so anyone not noticing right away had their attention drawn to the diapers. That wasn't the worst though as I found out later they had ordered the other brothers to make sure I used the diapers. I found this out right before my second to last class that I had with two of the other pledges. I started to enter the men's room when I was grabbed by my two classmates and another pledge who didn't have class this period. They pulled me on to class even though I tried to explain that I had to urinate. When all they did was grin in response I realized what was up. I had to go pretty bad but I figured I'd make my way out in the middle of class, as they couldn't stop me then. About half way through the lecture I realized that I had my chance so I grabbed my stuff and ducked out the back of the lecture hall. Into the waiting arms of the other three pledges! They explained that unless I used my diapers they were going to get the same treatment next week. I struggled but, when they pinned me down and put pressure on my bladder it was too much and I felt the flow start. I tried to stop it but, I had to go too bad and they were now tickling me. Soon my diaper was soaked and I was red faced. They also explained that they were going to see to it that I made my last class. I begged and pleaded as it would be obvious not just that I was wearing a diaper but a wet one from the urine smell. They explained I could go as I was or without the shorts. Obviously, I found myself sitting through a lecture in a soggy smelly diaper with everyone around me laughing at me. Finally, the class ended and I made a beeline for the frat house hoping to get out of this mess and back into my considerably less humiliating pink bikini or whatever outfit they had arranged for all of us tonight. The brothers explained that I had to remain diapered until after dinner. When I complained about being wet they said that they had a solution, that my nanny could change me. I almost died when Sandy entered the room on cue carrying a diaper bag. (The end?)

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There were several highlights during the rest of the concert. Liz started out her second set with a heartfelt speech thanking Glen Carter. The original that we’d put together simply expressed gratitude for his appearance. Liz did a good job of ad-libbing her other expressions of thankfulness. Then she did her best to live up to her title by putting on one of the most amazing performances of her career. The entire stadium was on its feet by the time the last song wrapped up. I glanced down...

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Claudias Heimweg

Der Abend war einfach nur Scheiße. Sie war mit ihrem Freund zu dieser Feier gegangen. Mit ihrem Freund war sie jetzt ein halbes Jahr zusammen und er war für sie die erste große Liebe. Vor zwei Wochen an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag hatte sie mit ihm ihren ersten Sex. Eigentlich wollte sie noch warten aber die schöne Stimmung und der Alkohol brachten sie doch dazu sich von ihm ficken zu lassen. Aber auf der Party flirtete er mit einer anderen und ging ihr ständig aus dem Weg. Als sie ihn darauf...

2 years ago
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First time

So we were on vacation and I was enjoying reading a book in my favorite spot, overlooking the lake. I had dosed off and was awaken by the feeling that someone was in the room. Instead of the view of the lake, was the view of my wife standing in front of me, with nothing on. Needless to say, I was awe struck. The way her body was framed by the view from outside was magical. I grinned and asked her what was on her mind. She answered me by climbing on the arms of the chair I was in and...

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FilthyPOV Jordan Maxx My Hot StepAunt Thinks She8217s Cool

My step-aunt Jordan is a bit of a busybody, always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. She’s lucky she is so hot or I wouldn’t put up with her trying to relate to me about issues at college I’m having now. I was really happy when she said we don’t have to talk about it, but admittedly I was a little surprised when she started rubbing on my dick and then sucking me off! I didn’t stop her, she was too hot, instead I turned her around and filled my...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Teacher

Hello, guys, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 23 years old. I have an above average body. The Indian sex incident I’m sharing now happened with me during my engineering days. I used to study at XYZ engineering college in Bangalore. We had a very sexy teacher who used to teach a subject called Network Security during 7th semester. She was around 28-29 years, fair and she had an awesome huge pair of boobs of size 36D (size, of course, I got to know later ). She was an extremely beautiful lady....

1 year ago
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Mels Lunch Date

"Mel's Lunch Date""Oh she is so Gorgeous! 5 feet 2 inches tall. Long luscious auburn mane cascading over her back and shoulders. Her skin so soft and creamy, the softest eyes that have ever been cast upon me. She has a smile that will brighten the room on the gloomiest of days. Her name is Melody, and she is my fiancee and the woman with whom I plan to spend the rest of my life with. But I am certain from my own readings that it is not the soft sensual sappy stuff that has you here. Not long...

3 years ago
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Create a Fembot

You have one ticket to beta test a fembot. It is the most advanced fembot out there. The place is called Galaxy Labs. They have high AI. Their personalities are very detailed. They feel like real human beings. This is unique because you get to design it. You pick how old she looks. You pick her hair color. You pick her height. You pick her personality. Is she shy or aggressive? Every detail is up to you. When you have sex with her or date her that is up to you to. You also get to pick where you...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 368

I HOPE THIS BRINGS A CHUCKLE!! A neat summary of some of the quaint things that affect us today... LIFE IN TODAY’S WORLD!! - 2019: Stay away from negative people. - 2020: Stay away from positive people. - The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house, and their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors! - You think it’s bad now? In 20 years our country will be run by people home-schooled by day drinkers. - This virus has done what no woman has been able to do...

4 years ago
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Cookies Never Tasted So Good ndash Chapter 1

Dawn came home from school early that day. She told them all that she wasn't feeling well, but actually she was bored and restless. The last place she felt like spending an afternoon was sitting in some class room listening to the teacher drone on about ancient history.She opened the front door, and plopped down her books on the table. "I'm starved," she mumbled to herself. "I sure hope they left some desert for me."As she moved closer to the kitchen, she could hear sounds coming from the other...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 22

They ate the lunch they’d brought, swam again, and made love again before they got dressed and headed back for the cabin. Both of them were even more acutely aware of the changes that had taken place in their relationship during the time they’d spent together since arriving at the cabin, and each of them was lost in thought, trying to come to grips with what those changes really meant while they made their way back through the forest. When they walked into the cabin, they found Brenda there,...

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The Unexpected

It is the one memory that is burned so deep into my brain that I don't believe Alzheimer's could erase it. I wasn't supposed to be there. In fact, I wasn't supposed to be back for three days, which is probably why they were there. They were both naked and her large breasts (I found out later they were a 38D cup) were bouncing as she rode his cock. He was lying on his back on the couch and she had her hands on his shoulders, feet planted on the couch on either side of his hips and she was...

3 years ago
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Loving Mom In Difficult Times Part 3

Readers might perhaps remember how I and my mother had an explosive sexual encounter during the time my grandfather died. The night of the funeral, mother also made my dad fuck her so that if at all she got pregnant with my semen, she might put the burden of pregnancy on dad. And yes she was impregnated by me and dad took the responsibility. Soon all rituals pertaining to my grandfather’s death was completed and we all returned home. Father started attending his work as usual, and I started...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

4 years ago
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A Question Answered

Suzanne lay against me, her back beside my chest, my arms around her, in the dimly-lit den. We each held a cold beer (drinking beer was a common passion of ours, and something I had not been used to in previous relationships). I took a swig of mine, closed my eyes and felt her warmth on my body, thinking of her beauty, so understated yet stunning. There was no doubt I was falling for her, I had suspected the same was true from her standpoint, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure-not yet. As is...

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Ghostly Love Ch 03

He couldn’t understand why the woman put up with him. What he knew of the new American culture, women often stood up for their rights and didn’t let men walk all over them. Perhaps he was wrong. Nay, that wasn’t so. The last couple that lived on the premises fought like mad animals. Often it was the woman, Eva whom was doing the arguing. She said he treated her like less than a person. Kell didn’t know about that. She was treated like royalty compared to the way women were treated in his day....

3 years ago
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Shadisuda Padosan Ki Chudai

shadisuda padosan ki chudai hello dosto,yeh meri paheli story hai. mera naam subhash singh hai.meri age 30 per me abhi bachlor hun.mujhe log pyar se happy singh bulate hai.ye mera pet name hai. maine iss ki bahut sotri padi hai. tab maine socha ki me apni story bhi apke sath sayer karu.maine kuch samay pahle ek shadi shuda aurat (jiska name shobha aur age 33) ko choda tha. jiske do bachhe the . ek boy 13 saal(anuj) ka aur ek girl 8(tina) saal ki. husband (rupesh-40)railway me driver hai. baat...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Lola Fae Bratty Teens

Bratty teen goth Lola Fae cut school to take a dip in a stranger’s swimming pool, and gets caught masturbating by the owner, Tommy Pistol! He sure was annoyed, and the horny redhead saw an opportunity to get a sexy spanking! Tommy agreed to punish her and mentioned only fools leave school, which is good advice. Lola sucked and nibbled his dick like a thirsty slut and Tommy plunged his cock deep into her tight teen pussy. He could pound some sexual knowledge into her for ditching class....

4 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 12

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Do I have any questions? Before I give you an answer I want a confirmation from you that what You are saying is the absolute truth and that it is not just an over flow of your wonderful imagination. You have to admit that it does read like another one of your stories but if you swear to me that it is true then I will considering letting this relationship go ahead. I hope it is true because it sure sounds like a lot of fun for a whore like you. However, there...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

“You know, if I could just find a man like Jason, I would probably let him have his way most of the time without even a fight. Just my luck, you know. The one man that would be perfect for me, and he is off-limits because he came from my womb! That’s the fucking story of my life. My soul mate comes along and he happens to be my own son! Some lucky bitch will get to marry him and live happily ever after!” Valerie complained to her best friend Melina about her unusual predicament. “Not to put...

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His Fathers Pride and JoyChapter 5

"She didn't go because of me did she?" mum said in puzzlement, "No mum" I laughed, "She's gone home to change, she's coming round tonight and if we're not busy after Seamus has called with the boat, we'll probably sit upstairs or even in the garden" "Did you, you know?" "Yes mum" I looked at her curiously, "We slept together, what about you and Pete?" She blushed and looked at me from under her eyelids, "Would you be angry?" "Mum" I sighed in exasperation, "I can...

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Hentai at Mult Porn is so fucking great. Have you ever wanted to see your naughtiest, kinkiest desires acted out? You know the ones I’m talking about. With hentai/manga/SFM/doujinshi/Rule 34, the most incredible, twisted fetishes can become a reality. Watch women with insane proportions get totally railed by a tentacle monster or read through a story where your favorite cartoon characters finally fuck as you’ve always dreamed. I know it wasn’t just me that wanted to fuck Raven from Teen Titans....

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Submissived Luna Light Good Girl

Luna Light is what you would call a good girl. She is all about planning for the future, keeping her body fit and healthy, and studying for her classes. But when it comes to love, this good girl has a taste for bad boys. She wants a guy who’s going to bend her over and dominate her in every way she can imagine. Luckily, our stud fulfills her fantasies, choking her while he pounds her eager pussy. Luna moans while he grabs her hair and slams her from behind before feeding her a mouthful of sperm.

4 years ago
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Lillians Wacky World

Waking up to her throat being abused by her mothers gigantic cock was nothing new for Lillian. In fact thats how she woke up every morning. Knowing she had school soon Lillian started humming and massaging her mother's grapefruit sized balls. When Rebecca's, Lillian's mother, balls contracted she looked down and saw a sight that she loves to see in the morning, her favourite daughter with a bulge in her throat swallowing her very impressive load. When she pulls out Rebecca says...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Train Ride

“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Mickey Violet Fucks However She Desires LIVE

Mickey Violet is feeling retro and making it sexy as fuck! How do you like her attire? She feels very old fashioned with her leggings and stylish heels looking amazing in matching yellow lingerie too. It doesn’t take much for Charles to get a raging hard cock so he can fuck the hell out of this little petite babe. Mickey loves that cock fucking her little pussy so deep. She grinds on that cock doing all the work because she wants it so bad. Make Charles her own toy to use and fuck any way...

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Sebbys Way with Me Chapter Two

That night all that went through my mind was "I'll be seeing a lot more of you, you can count on that.", I mean what does that even mean. My mind was reeling trying to decode what Sebby wanted with me, well that was pretty clear he wanted his way with me. But why me, and why with blackmail? Does he really think that he can win me over with a stupid naked picture? The more I thought about it the more my answer was yes feeling defeated I stripped my clothes and got into bed. My house was...

3 years ago
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Strip Club MFF

Saturday July 25, 2015 This is the true story of my first MFF and I credit it with helping to expand my sexuality and simply make me feel better and more comfortable as a man. My girlfriend and I had been talking at great length for some time about bringing another girl into the bed. We had exhaustive conversations about how it would go and how to handle it. I don’t think it was a bad thing, just something that was always going to be relegated to conversation, rather than actually happening. ...

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It was late afternoon when the bus brought me back to town, and I carried my small daysack out to the parking lot. A car horn sounded and I looked around to see my Mom and sister standing beside it waving. I waved back and trotted over to them.We had come together for Mom's thirty-seventh birthday. Katie and I had not seen each other for more than half a year now, since we had both gone away to college. We were now almost exactly the same age as Mom had been when she had done the same thing,...

3 years ago
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The Success Path

Read this patiently , if you feel unsuccessful in life … ! Hello All , I’m kannan , 25 years young man , from Tamil Nadu . Usually people from tamilnadu are bit on the darker side. I, though not very fair but fair and built well. I look manly and my friends always say I look around 27 years and I look exactly like how a man should look…. My early life : Though I have been gifted with good brain (learning skills ) , I was forced to drop a year’s education after my 12th standard . Then I joined...

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Cuckold Or Twink

Sometimes he'd give her a lift home. They didn’t work at the same place, but once a week he’d be in that part of town on business and he’d see her waiting at the bus stop, the one on the high street outside the bank where she worked.His Merc would be parked outside our house when I arrived home, and I’d pull up by its side and see the pair of them sitting in the front, windows down and Frank smoking.  Talking, she said. They were forever talking.And then there were the times we were out as a...

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Fantasy Filling

This is a fantasy **** story that I wrote. I wrote it as both parties consenting to the actions that occur. You are alone in your house at night. It is just a normal evening for you. You have just finished watching some television when you hear the sound of some bushes rustling. You think that it is nothing and go back to watching television. I can see you from outside watching television on the couch drinking some hot tea. You are getting tired so you turn the television off and head to the...

1 year ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 20 Cleaning Ship

January, 1813 The brig Darlington had been specifically built for transporting passengers and mail. She was under government contract to connect Plymouth and Gibraltar, and her passenger quarters were purpose-built and more than adequate. Thomas had his own cabin whilst Mirabel and Florence shared the adjoining one. Other passengers included an Army major, two Navy lieutenants on their way to new appointments, and the wife of a Gibraltar ship chandler returning from visiting relatives in...

2 years ago
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Shellys Enslavement Begins

Story Thesis: Shelly Summers will be speaking with her online Master. When he suggests a meeting. She will go thinking it will be a night of loving and kink. After this night as his slave nothing else will ever be the same again. Who would have thought life can change so rapidly. Up to a few months ago I was your average closet case. Dressing to go to the clubs or a late night excursion to a local store for some late night fun. Well that all ended when I started...

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