Mare's Tales - 27 free porn video

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Mare's Tales - Chapter 27 ? by: Beverly Taff We had chosen the classical transatlantic small boat route to America and we arrived off Florida at early dawn with the sun rising behind us. We had long ago decided to boldly present ourselves at their borders and see what reception the centaurs would get. Technically, we had broken no laws back in Europe so we deemed unlikely for us to have broken any in the U.S.A. Provided we adhered to their immigration laws we could see no problems. With this assumption we casually declared our arrival by radio and docked at the yacht club to present our documents. As we were tying up a coastguard officer and an immigration officer arrived to clear us. "Hi," they called friendlily, "Where've you just come from?" I introduced myself and stepped into the wheelhouse to produce all our documents. They smiled and followed me into the wheelhouse and produced some forms for us to fill in. "There are a few of us aboard," I explained, "so we'd better go below." "O.K. Thanks. How many are there?" "Eight adults, three minors and five infants. But you had better come and meet them for yourselves." Innocently they stepped down into the main saloon. "Who's in command?" asked the coastguard as we descended the steps. "I am," I replied with a polite smile, "and I'm also the owner of the boat." "Very good ma-am," replied the coastguard inspector, "and are they all here?" "They should be." I put a call out on the intercom and my friends appeared from all directions. I was, by now, long inured to the reactions of government officials when they sighted my friends. The Coastguard official fell speechless as she flopped down on a saloon chair whilst the immigration inspector gasped as the centaurs clattered into the saloon. It was all of five or ten seconds before they showed any reaction. The immigration officer looked at me for several more seconds then let out a loud snort of laughter and slammed his file down on the table. His shoulders shook with mirth as he sorted his documents and studied my friends. Eventually, he regained his composure and looked at me as he chuckled. "That's one hell of a stunt to play lady. I remember you now. You were in all the papers a while back." I smiled a little guiltily and shrugged my shoulders as I spoke. "We couldn't think of anyway to do it." "Jeez! This is one hell of a crack Annie," he chuckled to his colleague. "What the hell d'you think we aught to do?" "It's your problem Jack. Its gorr'a be an immigration thing," laughed Annie. He had seen some crazy things in his time but this one definitely wasn't in the book. Wearily he turned to me again. "Have you got a phone lady?" "Not an American one but you can use the marine band V.H.F., and make a link call. Please be discreet though and not pass anything over the air." "You bet lady." He shook his head and turned to the coastguard officer again. "Annie, can you do the honours and call Max on the V.H.F. Don't pass anything over the air just tell him to get down here real fast." Annie had been inspecting my friends more closely and turned reluctantly to go up to the wheelhouse. Veronica followed her up as the immigration officer turned to me again. "Could you ask your friend to stay down here? I wouldn't want her to try to escape or something." I laughed softly and smiled politely. "I don't think a centaur would get very far galloping through Miami yacht club and up the main drag. Do you?" He stared at me and a slow grin spread across his face as he realised the stupidity of his mistake. He shook his head and let out another loud laugh. "Ha. Of course, stupid of me to even think of it. I've been too long in Miami and I keep thinking everybody wants to be an illegal immigrant." He shook his head again as he chuckled at his blunder. "Yeah, she'd have some problem trying to hide around Miami. She might get away with it in a mustang herd out west." This last remark broke the ice with my friends and they visibly relaxed. The tension evaporated as the immigration officer realised that he had answered his own question. There was no way that my centaur friends could ever try to become illegal immigrants. He sat down and took out his pen. "Ah well," he sighed, "I suppose we can fill out the passenger list before Max gets here. Right, lets have names please and passport details. This is going to be fun." We all knew that the next few minutes were going to be hilarious and even Jack looked forward to his boss's reaction. He smiled as he sat poised with his pen in hand. "Right ma-am. You're in charge so I'll take you first. Your full name please?" I gave my name and passport details as he slowly noted them. I was glad my passport entry read 'female'. It avoided any further complications; anyway it's hard to deny somebody is a woman when they've borne two sets of twins. I could tell he was being deliberately slow because he wanted his boss 'Max' to have to deal with my friends the centaurs. As he plodded methodically through my friend's particulars, there was a shout from the wheelhouse. "They're on the way Jack. I gave them a code seven." "Oh Come on Annie! It's hardly a national security risk is it?" There was the distant howl of a siren as a four by four station wagon picked its way through the city traffic. Jack shuffled his papers and grinned. "On second thoughts, this'll cause one hell of a flap. Come on then I'll do you, the dark haired centaur first." He studied Jenny as she placed her passport on the table, then he paused reflectively before replacing his pencil and drumming his fingers on the table. "On second thoughts. I better hadn't enter you just yet. It'd be just like my boss to declare you as livestock. He's funny like that. Can you sort of sit around the table so's he won't notice at first. It's gonn'a be one hell of a turn when he comes in." The centaurs shuffled around and finally presented nothing but their human parts to view. Only Cye couldn't squeeze in. "Shall I put the coffee on?" she asked. "Well that's the best thing I've heard since I came aboard this crazy boat," he laughed. Cye turned and deliberately wiggled her delicious rump and swished her long palomino tail. Jack couldn't help staring as she made her way into the galley. He caught me looking at him and realised he'd been caught so he shuffled his papers about to hide his embarrassment. Annie had rejoined us in the cabin and it was obvious she was itching to learn more. Eventually her official reserve got the better of her and she plunged in with her questions. "Where the hell did you guys come from?" she demanded. "Europe," I replied vaguely. "Hell I know that! I mean how did you become like you are? Were you born like that or something? What does your government think about you guys?" Her questions came thick and fast without time to answer. I had to hold my hand up to gain space and time. "Whoa! Whoa! One question at a time please! To the last question, our government can't do much about us because they aren't sure what, if any, laws we have broken. To your second question; no they weren't born like that and to your first question; - how much time d'you have?" "O.K.," conceded Annie, "But what about your government?" "Well I've got some documents here declaring the case to be sub-judice. The lawyers haven't decided what to do. That is if they do anything." A slow smile crept over Annie's face as I continued. "It'll take years for them to sort it all out; if they ever do." Both Americans chuckled cynically. They knew all about the law and lawyers. Jack sucked on his pencil before speaking again. "Well technically I suppose you haven't committed any offence over here if all this business was done over in Europe. All your immigration procedures so far have been letter perfect." He paused thoughtfully as he pored over the papers before adding. "That is for humans or animals or- uhmm, whatever." The centaurs glared at him and showed obvious offence at being described as 'a- animals- or whatever'. He raised his hands pacifically. "No offence folks, no offence." "None taken Sir," I replied for all of us. It was no good upsetting Jack. He was after all only trying to do his job and the centaurs certainly put him in a quandary. Furthermore we had to remember that it was his country, we were only guests. He realised that we were nervous so he changed the subject and produced another form. "Are you able to show that have sufficient means of support and are not likely to be stranded in the United States." "You mean do we have the air fare home?" I queried. "In a nutshell; yes." In addition to a fistful of traveler's cheques and high denomination dollar bills, I produced a banker's draught of several hundred thousand dollars and a bonded cashier's cheque for several millions more. "This can be deposited with the federal bank as a bond if you wish. It simply requires some more signatures by your bank officials in Miami." His eyes widened slightly as he studied the cheque and then he smiled philosophically as he noted the value of the cheque on his form. "Another stupid question," he grinned, "Plenty more where that came from I suppose." I smiled back. "Certainly. It all comes from the royalties and licensing fees from our researches when my friends were operated on." "You mean you did all this work yourselves?" gasped Annie. "Yes, we're all guilty I'm afraid," interrupted Margaret, "All of us are scientists and we worked on each other." Annie was about to delve further when our conversations were interrupted by the deafening wail of a siren announcing the arrival of Max, Jack's boss at the immigration bureau. There were some other tyre squeals and we peered out of the saloon ports. There were several more cars and some police had spilled out onto the pier. Jack muttered a low curse under his breath and made his way on deck. Annie and I followed him as a large florid man approached the gangway. It was Max. "Hi Jack. What's all the beef?" "Hi Max. No need for all that now." He waved towards the police as a young officer followed the immigration boss up the gangway. "This is a Miss Beverly Hart and she's the captain of the yacht. I warn you, this is going to be one hell of a hum-dinger." I held my hand out and Max took it warmly. The young police lieutenant offered his as well and I responded similarly. "Howdy Miss, so what's the problem?" asked Max. "You'd better come inside," interjected Jack softly, "You're gonna love this one." For a bulky man Max was surprisingly nimble and he followed Jack and I into the cabin without any of the usual awkwardness associated with large men in small confined cabins. The young police lieutenant elected to stay on deck where his men could see him in case of any trouble. He was obviously street-wise and hard-bitten despite his apparent youth. Down below Cynthia was serving coffee but the harsh Florida sunlight had left Max temporarily blinded in the dim shadow of the saloon. He did not notice Cye for a few seconds. As the realisation dawned on him he let out a startled curse and whipped his sunglasses off. "Holy shit! Uh, oh heck! I-I mean, excuse me ma'am. I was complete thrown by this one. Christ Jack! This is a real curve ball. Talk about left field." He let out a short snort before exploding into a loud hoot of laughter. "Hell Jack I was about to tear your butt off for calling me out to a little half-arsed yacht. We all thought it was drugs or terrorists or refugees; or; - well any bloody thing but this. What the hell is this anyway?" Jack was enjoying himself immensely. "Well unless I'm very much mistaken Max, it looks like a centaur. "Uhhm- I beg your pardon! She looks like a centaur, if you don't mind," corrected Cynthia. Max's gaze swept around the cabin before his eyes settled on me again. "O.K. Ma'am, I think you've got some explaining to do. Before you do though, I'm going to have the young police lieutenant move your boat to a more secure place. When the press get hold of this, the shit is going to hit the fan." He called the young lieutenant down- as much to see his reaction as to organise our new berth. Nobody was disappointed. The young officer nearly shot himself in the foot for he had come down with his gun at the ready half expecting a trap. Luckily the bullet lodged in some heavy floor timbers. If it had struck the steelwork god knows where the ricocheted would have gone. Also he had the presence of mind to scream into his radio and prevent his colleagues from opening fire from the pier. This was to be the low point of our arrival and after the pandemonium had settled down Max was able to organise a suitable berth. The young lieutenant dispatched his police to meet us at their own pier while Max, Jack and Annie accompanied us as we shifted berth. Again I noticed Jack's admiring glances as he watched Cynthia move with graceful ease around the deck. Cye had also noticed his curiosity and she deliberately worked her way close to him as she attended to the stern lines. Finally with all the sails stored away she took the helm from me and I joined Max and Annie in the saloon amidst the rest my friends. Here we completed the immigration formalities as Max explained his dilemmas. "Well Ma'am," he explained patiently, "as I see it the best way is to declare everybody on a passenger list. Pets and humans can be deemed as passengers so that gets us around the importation of livestock laws. This way, I hope the arguments about live-stock wont even arise." I smiled inwardly at the idea of my friends being deemed 'pets'. 'Still' I thought, 'if 'pets' got us around any importing restrictions, then I was all for it.' It was a novel solution and I mentally thanked Max for his ingenuity. He carried on in the same vein. "This federal bond check will amply cover any problems with the immigration or the police and I'll get it sorted as soon as we have berthed at the police pier." After a few more additional forms Max turned to Annie. "Any problems with the Coast-Guard Annie?" "No. She's a sound craft and all her papers are in order. She's behaved impeccably from our point of view. The cargo's your problem Max." "Gee thanks." A gentle bump announced our arrival at the police pier. The lieutenant was waiting with the police chief and a lady officer whom I'd seen earlier on the yacht club quay. Max called them aboard. "Boy! Have I got one for you this time Chuck. Just go down there and take a look. There's no danger but boy can we promise you something!" "It's O.K. Max. The young lady here's told me about it. So it's true is it?" "Yup. It's you're problem now Chuck. They're entered legally. Public order is your scene." A loud oath emerged from the saloon as the police chief re-emerged. "We're going to have to be bloody careful with this one." "I'm afraid it's a bit late, look." Grinned Max as he glanced significantly towards the sky. A helicopter was already approaching carrying a reporter who had been monitoring the police band. The police chief produced his radio and ordered the chopper to land on the pier. He turned to me wearily. "Lady. It's gonn'a be a bummer of a night." I smiled and stepped forward. "We're used to dealing with the press. The best thing is to let the television station have its scoop then organise proper press meetings." "I think the lady may be right chuck. She's been around the press since day one." "Maybe so Max, but this is the good ol' Yankee press. I can only -" The clatter of the helicopter drowned out his last words as we stepped down the gangway to meet the reporter. There on the pier, as the chopper wheezed to a stop, I gave the excited reporter his scoop and my friends made their grand entrance. We had 'arrived in America. The press in any country have an inexhaustible appetite for sensationalism and we spent over an hour being interviewed by the one reporter. By then the situation outside the police pier was becoming uncontrollable as the crowds gathered. I could see the police cordon struggling to control the crush and the police chief's worried expression. He turned to me. "Lady, I don't think I can control this much longer, we're going to have to find some way out of here." "A large helicopter's the only way Officer," I suggested. "Hell! Ma-am. Where d'you think I can get one of those. D'you know what sort of tiny budget I've-" "Don't worry about that chief," interrupted Max as he emerged from the police station. "These folks are good for anything you want to rustle up. I've just confirmed this check with the federal bank. Its good for what it says." He showed the police chief the cheques and the man let out a low whistle. "Hell lady. This'll solve all my problems. How many choppers d'you want?" "One would be enough, but it'll have to be one of those big double things." "You mean a Chinook lady. It'll take a bit of time and time's what I ain't got." We both studied the crowd outside the pier. It was obvious the cordon would break soon. "Isn't there a more private pier we can go to?" I asked. "Well we could use the Coast-Guard base," suggested Annie. "If we go around there in the yacht we could easily rustle up a fleet of choppers to land there." This was without doubt the best idea and the chief ushered us back to the yacht. Our activities were invisible to the crowd and our departure went un-noticed. Within the hour we were departing from the Coast-Guard station by Chinook helicopter. These large choppers were regular visitors to the base and nobody noticed our final departure. We arranged to do some more interviews with the press and T.V Stations within a couple of days and we left for a secret destination. As my friends departed in the Chinook, my final act was to accompany Max and the police chief to the Federal Court to post my bond. Once this was done their attitudes become considerably less officious and their more friendly natures prevailed. I grew to like them as we tightened up the arrangements for our stay. On the freeway they chatted away about the judge. "Did you see old Dick's face when he saw the television news video," Chuckled Max. 'Dick' was the judge whom the police chief and Max knew personally. "Jeez! He's gonn'a have nightmares about centaurs forever. He' wants to come out to my brother's ranch tommorrow to see them. He still thinks it's a scam." "He always was a sceptical ol' bugger," observed Chuck. "I'd give another million jus' to be there. He'll never touch another drop." He turned and smiled to me. "Lady you've sure caused a stir. It's a good job Max's brother was so co-operative." I smiled coyly. It was best to let them chat away as the car sped onwards. We had several hours drive before we reached the ranch and I was desperately tired. By nightfall we had arrived to meet my friends. The ranch was set deep in its own lands and nobody could approach without trespassing. This suited us ideally and I greeted my friends happily before going straight to bed. There was no faulting Max's brother's hospitality and we all slept the sleep of the innocents. The following day the judge arrived to set his mind at rest. The bond had been certified and we were free to stay as long as we wanted. I won't dwell upon the judge's reactions. To be frank I was becoming tired of all the sensationalism. Suffice to say that after his visit all our legal problems were over. The judge stayed to enjoy an excellent barbeque on the ranch that evening and left with Max and Chuck for Miami. We were on our own at last. Our next task was to arrange some transport and we completed this in short order. Some large mobile homes were purchased and modified to suite the differing needs of the centaurs. Additionally we bought some 'crew-cab' four by fours and modified the seats for the centaurs. Within a few days we were ready to roll. Our intention was to travel America. Firstly we had to satisfy the press and we spent a couple of weeks giving endless press and T.V, conferences. Americans seemed to have an endless insatiable appetite for the unusual and it was a worn out bunch of us that finally felt we had completed the media circuit. Our trials were not over however for our lectures and published papers had simply created more questions amongst the academic circles. As the sensationalist press circus gradually died down we found ourselves being inundated with further questions about our work by the scientific field. It was a few months before we had finally satisfied their curiosity and even our police escorts were finally glad when things calmed down to manageable proportions. They had enjoyed the show and the additional overtime pay but, like us, they were glad for the eventual peace. It was a happy day when were finally able to creep from the ranch by road without being hounded by press and television cameras. We still couldn't simply walk out in public because of the crowds that gathered but we were able to visit some of the more remote sights and spectacles outside normal times. My centaur friends received some spectacular offers and fabulous sums to appear in films or sponsor some product but they turned them all down for the immediate present. They simply wanted to visit various places like the Grand Canyon or New England in the fall. They even received offers of marriage, which they ridiculed. It caused uproar amongst some fundamentalist churches when they mentioned these offers on a television chat show. Fortunately their impeccable public behaviour prevented any problems from arising but it proved a cautionary and salutary experience of the pitfalls to be avoided. Within the bounds of fame and its attendant problems we saw most of what we wanted as we toured the country. By and large they proved a very hospitable people and very friendly once we met them on a personal level. 'Small-town' America proved to be a friendly place once they had got to know you. Their excellent treatment of us far outweighed the occasional threat we received from some fundamentalist extremist or oddball. Notwithstanding the general friendliness we still had to treat the threats seriously. We never made our itinerary public in advance for we could never be sure if a bullet was waiting to find its mark. Sadly it was the 'bullets' that finally decided it for us. We were enjoying a peaceful 'bake-out' in the western desert when some idiot mistook one of my friends for a deer. The bullet lodged in Jacky's shoulder and we had to rush her to a hospital. It was only the hospital's excellent facilities, the total co-operation of a local surgeon and Margaret and my skills that saved her from having a permanently frozen shoulder. The hunter was all apologies and contriteness but the damage was done. The next bullet could have been a malicious one and America had proved to be a 'gun society'. Sadly we decided to return to our boat and leave the country. It was with heavy hearts that we made our farewell but we simply couldn't risk the dangers of the guns. As we returned to Florida Jane received some bad news about her family and was forced to bid us farewell. We departed from Florida without her and journeyed back across the Atlantic for the Mediterranean Sea. This time we had following winds all the way and within a month we were sailing through the straights of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco. We docked in Gibraltar for a few days then crossed to Morocco for a flying visit. Our little boat picked its way into the Mediterranean where we spent the long summer months visiting the ancient sights of Italy, Greece and Turkey. Everywhere we went, the centaurs created a sensation but we had become inured to the publicity and had become well practised at avoiding the crowds. We only made public appearances when it suited us. Frequently we left the boat at a handy berth while we hired transport for excursions. Often our group broke up for several days as different parties wanted to visit different things. As the summer ended we arrived at the Suez Canal and Egypt where we spent another month amongst the famous sights. Strangely we found the old world peoples far more respectful and friendly as they recognised our rights to privacy. That was not to say that the usual hawkers and street urchins didn't pester us as they tried to press their wares upon us. In the evenings however we found much more privacy and peace than in the USA and Europe. I put it down to the endless publicity we had been subjected to. Most of the people we met had seen us on television and were more inured to the shock when we met. Despite their reserve however, we still grew weary of the circus that ensued every time we turned up in public. We decided that enough was enough and we rejoined the boat at Hurgharda on the Red Sea. We took our leave of Egypt and joined the main shipping lanes as we motored south. We kept company with various ships as we dashed through the Red Sea because we had heard about the piracy near Somalia. Fortunately we met up with a warship and traveled under his watchful eye as we rounded the Horn of Africa. Our next destination was Mombassa and an African Safari. Again we caused another sensation but we managed to avoid the crowds and escaped into the bush on our safari. By the time anybody was alert to our arrival, we had sped on. It was a bit hectic but we managed an enjoyable holiday amongst the wild life of Africa. Cye, Jenny, Vee and Jacky took the opportunity to get amongst the animals where our legs couldn't get us. This however, led to an exciting little incident when a zebra stallion decided to investigate the strange new interlopers. His pursuit caused mayhem amongst my friends as they galloped frantically back to the Landrovers. We all sat helpless with laughter as our friends scattered and squealed with fright until they reached the security of our little convoy. Even then we had to toot the horns to persuade the stallion to go away. The tears of laughter streamed from my eyes as we gasped out the words. "Ha-ha. Y-you nearly had it then girls," I spluttered between gasps. "I- I don't think that's funny," panted Cye as she slumped across the Landrover bonnet, "we- we could have been raped or something." This reduced us to howls of laughter. Even the other centaurs saw the funny side and fell to tittering amongst themselves. "Yeah," chuckled Jenny. "Just imagine little centaurs with stripy pyjamas." "No need to be perverse about it Jenny," scolded Cye. "Well next time don't go amongst a Zebra herd when you're on heat," retorted Jenny, "It's your own fault." The zebra stallion was still hanging around and snorting so it was obvious that one of the girls was on heat. Cye glanced at the stallion and blushed as she turned to face us again. She bit her lip coyly and self-consciously climbed into the four-wheel drive lorry we'd organised. Jenny shouted at the Zebra angrily and it reluctantly sidled away as the other centaurs followed Cye. We had had enough fun for one day and we drove off to search out some (for the centaurs at least,), less dangerous wild life like lions or buffalo. A few days more and we had seen enough to satisfy our hunger for Africa. We rejoined our boat and set off south for Durban. Fair winds and weather soon brought us to our destination and we stayed a few weeks in South Africa before the big jump to Australia. We were now competent ocean yachtsmen and the daunting voyage via the roaring forties to Australia held only modest fears for us. Several of my friends had other ideas though. Margaret and her daughter Susan wanted to spend more time on a South African safari so they elected to miss the southern ocean passage and rejoin us in Freemantle, Australia. The centaurs and my children wanted to see the icebergs of the southern ocean so they elected to make the passage. I was unsure about going so far south. It was a very remote part of the world and there would be no hope of help if we hit trouble. After three days out of Durban the children proved to be excellent crewmen and we decided to take the plunge. It was now midsummer in the southern hemisphere and the southern ocean wouldn't be so inhospitable. Cautiously we decided to try for the ice. We would take each day as it came and decide on an ad-hoc basis. Steadily our yacht ploughed its lonely furrow southwards and the weather became steadily colder. We encountered plenty of storms but we had expected them. The Southern Ocean is the most inhospitable place on earth and the winds are constantly circling the globe on their unrestricted trek. The wind moaned incessantly in the rigging as we hurtled along under a single scrap of storm sail and huge seas heaped up around our lonely little cockleshell as it bobbed along with the minimum of control. Many times the seas swept right over us but the boat was built for survival not speed. She was an ocean cruiser not a racer and during one storm she even survived a complete rollover without breaking her masts. This was a splendid tribute to her strength and it gave us the confidence to carry on. Steadily we beat our way towards the southern continent and the ice. The only communication we had was when we listened to the southern ocean weather forecasts and the occasional brief conversation with a remote survey ship or scientific station. Eventually the rigging iced up and we had trouble setting any sail at all. Finally our tiny craft began to resemble the Fram when she was trapped in the ice. Fortunately, our steel built boat was built of sterner stuff. The steel of the hull was nearly two centimetres thick and we knew she could withstand being trapped in the ice without being crushed. Her broad rounded barrel shape would cause her to pop up if she became trapped. Still we ploughed south until, with jubilation, the children spotted their first iceberg. Everybody was excited at our sighting and we decided to sail right around it to be able to say we had been amongst the Antarctic Ice. This proved to be more difficult than we anticipated for the southern edge of the berg was inundated with bergy bits and ice flows. It took us nearly a day to circumnavigate the berg using the engines all the time. The children even launched the inflatable rigid, in an endeavour to land on the iceberg but its huge tabular form simply presented sheer cliffs of ice on all sides and their efforts ended in failure. They returned disappointed and we resumed our course for MacDonald and Heard Islands. Two days later we made our landfall in a remote sheltered bay on the leeward side of the islands. Here we found clean water and replenished our tanks. We spent about three weeks on the island as the children enjoyed the unique experience of wild life displaying no fear at their approach. The centaurs enjoyed the luxury of being able to gallop across the beaches to stretch their cramped limbs whilst I enjoyed long walks in quiet solitude as I recharged my emotional batteries in the long cold Antarctic summer days. The voyage south had been a big responsibility and I had not realised how much it had drained me. The boat was safe in the sheltered bay for a few weeks and I could get her safety out of my mind. My batteries needed recharging and the long peaceful walks were just the therapy I needed. Then a large tabular berg grounded at the entrance to the bay and it was another month before it broke up enough for us to squeeze past it. Glad to be free again and with the Southern Autumn approaching, we paid our last respects to the remote island and resumed our lonely journey for Freemantle in Australia. The long stop at the islands had added an unexpected delay to our voyage but we benefited from the subsequent autumnal gales that blew strong and steadily on our port quarter. Not a single ship did we see or speak to during our lonely passage through the grey wastes. Day after day the only outside link with the rest of the world was the weather forecasts. Eventually we entered the regular shipping lanes as we approached Australia and started to pick up the regular chatter of the radio waves. In these lower latitudes the same storms that had driven us eastwards were now just gales and stiff breezes. The entry into Freemantle proved easy and we docked to find Jane, Margaret and Susan waiting for us on the quay. They had been concerned until we had confirmed that our delay was caused by the iceberg and not through distress or storm. After tying up we spent the next few hours chatting and catching up on all the news and gossip. It was then, and only then, that we learned about the meteor that had visited the earth from deep space. During our lonely voyage we had savoured our isolation. We had paid little or no attention to the news and only switched on the radio for weather reports. Consequently we had no idea about the meteor. Apparently, the meteor had arrived from deep space and approached the Earth from the north polar area. It had been captured by the Earth's gravitational pull and entered a captive orbit in a north-south direction. The rotation of the Earth had meant that the orbits had slowly precessed westwards so that everybody on the planet had enjoyed a spectacular view of the Earth's new satellite as the sun illuminated it like a second moon. For a few brief days everybody had watched the breathless spectacle of a shining rock many times brighter than Venus and even visible during daylight. Slowly it tumbled end over end as it swept from pole to pole. Like any spectacular firework however, the show was not to last. The new satellite eventually came into conjunction with the moon and the moon's gravity suddenly grabbed the meteor and flung it back into space. Astronomers watched sadly as their pet satellite plunged towards the sun to be consumed in the nuclear furnace. By the time we had arrived in Freemantle nearly a month had passed since the spectacle. The whole spectacular event had become a 'nine- day' wonder. Little more was said or heard about it. We were disappointed to have missed the display for we had been in the only remaining tiny north-south segment of the Earth's surface that had not enjoyed the view. Regretfully we swallowed the bitter cup of disappointment and tried to console ourselves in the fact that we had enjoyed a unique experience of our own in the Southern Seas. There was no disguising our disappointment however and we all fell into a subdued mood. Such was the children's pride and disappointment that all mention of our not having seen it was dropped. It put a bit of a damper on the reunion but the general excitement of seeing our friends soon pulled us out of our depressions. We eventually forgot all reference to the meteor and prepared to visit the Outback. Our intention was to cross Australia by car while our friends sailed the boat round to Sydney. Soon we were deep in the remote outback and visiting the various sights. It was only when we arrived in Sydney that the bombshell struck. Scientists the world over was dumbstruck to discover the lingering legacy of the meteor. Six weeks after the visit the incidence of pregnancies started to sharply reduce until by the seventh week not a single pregnancy was being reported anywhere on the planet. Apparently, there had been some form of intermittent short-wave radiation that had rendered all the male population sterile. It is needless to dwell upon the outcome of this situation except to relate that the human race faced extinction like the dinosaurs after the Yucatan impact. Even if scientists managed to clone some humans they would lose the capacity for variation that sexual reproduction presented. Humans would become totally vulnerable to microscopic attack by bacteria and viruses as they lost the ability to evolve. Politicians and scientists held meetings all around the world but the upshot was that no more babies were being conceived and mankind was facing Armageddon. Religious leaders preached that it was the hand of God and warned that the last trumpet had been blown. Riots and religion broke out in equal proportions as the normal fabric of society was torn asunder. Small wars erupted as one state accused another of having found a solution and not sharing it. A world war was averted because the only thing the more rational leaders could agree on was the fact that the meteor had caused it and everybody was affected. Everybody assumed that the whole surface of the Earth was affected and the whole of mankind had been exposed to its deadly effects. As these facts were presented and argued publicly, I became more and more certain that neither Bernard nor I had been affected. We had neither seen nor heard about the comet for we had been delayed on the remote and uninhabited island deep in the Southern Ocean from long before the meteors arrival until long after its departure. My child was still a little too young to understand the facts yet and I resolved to keep it that way until I could see my way clear. If I could keep it a secret during the whole of my world cruise then I could investigate more fully back in my laboratories at home. Fortunately, none of the others put two and two together so Bernard and I enjoyed our peace and tranquility for that much longer. The irony of our situation was not lost on me. I secretly laughed at the world and the whole human race as it sought a solution that I was sure I already had. My secret self-assurance was not to last however. Some two weeks after we had left New Zealand bound for Polynesia Bernard came up to me whilst Jenny and I were enjoying a quiet evening spell on watch. He gently inveigled himself alongside me on the chartroom settee and nervously whispered in my ear. "Mummy, I know that I'm a hermaphrodite and that I have both sets of stuff down there," he paused nervously. "Yes. Go on." I prompted. "Well- being as I now look just like a girl and things, can I live like a girl just as you do?" "Are you quite sure you really want that darling?" I probed. "Well I find girl's clothes much softer and silkier than boy things and it's much more exciting to wear them. Look- I have to wear a bra now all the time now that these have grown, (He cupped his breasts in his bikini top.) So I may as well become a girl." "Surely you don't want to lose your penis my love?" "I'm not sure mummy. Jeanette seems to have much more fun with her stiff little tickly. It seems to be much more sensitive than this, (he tapped the bulge in his bikini bottom) and Susan will let her use it on her because it doesn't penetrate and hurt her. They get all the fun and I get nothing. It's not fair." I was stunned at the thought of Bernard wanting a full sex change. The thought of his wanting that had never crossed my mind and the irony of one of the only two fertile males on the whole planet wanting a sex change left me breathless with confusion. I cuddled Bernard to me and cautioned him to be patient. I hinted at the many pleasures he would enjoy when he was older provided he kept his dual sexuality. He peered in to my face uncertainly and bit his lip so I squeezed him again to try and reassure him. As he pressed against me I felt his maidenly breasts against my own and his nipples start to harden. He became a little embarrassed and pulled away from me slightly. The bulge in his bikini bottoms had grown and I realised he was embarrassed by his own body. He discreetly crossed his legs in an attempt to cover his condition then he spoke again. "Well can I change my name to Bernadette and live completely like a girl? "Alright my darling. But we'll have to change your passport and that will take some time. Do you think you can hold out until then?" He nodded and gave me a happy cuddle before slipping self-consciously onto the deck to attend to one of the sails that was flapping. Jenny studied Bernard's efforts with the sail before turning and smiling at me. "Just look at her. She's a girl in every respect except one." I studied Bernard's soft lithe rounded shape as he deftly handled the sail, and I was forced to agree with Jenny. Bernard was definitely a Bernadette. "It's only a matter of time now," finished Jenny sagely. I frowned inwardly. There was no way I could let Bernard have a sex change. He had yet to realise that he and I were the only sources of sperm on the whole planet and I had to complete some tests to determine what, if any, genetic variation there was between us. Jenny intuitively realised that I had something on my mind and slipped below to make some cocoa. There was little to do steering-wise. It was fine evening and the yacht was running free before the breeze. I decided to chat with Margaret when she came up to take over. After I had handed over I settled on the settee and voiced my concerns to her. Margaret was well experienced in these things for all her experience at Miss Lanes Academy could be brought to bear. After I had mentioned Bernard's wishes she sat silently digesting her thoughts before opening up. "Well there's no problem as I see it. If he wants to be a girl that can easily be arranged. It's the sooner the better at his age. The passport shouldn't present a problem for he's on your passport at the moment. His birth certificate had a special endorsement under sex so it should be no problem to get him a passport as a girl. If we post the photos and forms from the consulate in Tahiti we could collect the passport at the consulate in San Francisco. Then Bernard can restart life as Bernadette whenever he likes. It surprises me though that he wants to go fully as a girl. Have you explained all the options open to him yet?" I stalled for a moment debating whether to reveal all to Margaret. She studied my body language and spoke again. "There's something you're not telling me isn't there?" "Well yes and no," I admitted, "I've just been talking to him for the last half our or so." "Well it all seems superfluous anyway what with this meteor problem." I bit my lower lip as I debated whether to take the plunge or not. Margaret realised that there was still some unfinished business and waited patiently. We knew each other's ways exactly and she could tell I still had something on my mind. "I'm waiting," she prompted. "Well the truth is Mags, I haven't been entirely honest with you. It's only this sex-change thing of Bernard's that has really precipitated it." "Go on." "Well- I- I really need know what your opinions are before I tell you but I have to have your sworn promise that you'll never divulge what I say here to anybody." Margaret stared at me and leaned across the wheelhouse to close the door to the cabins. We had been through many storms together and she knew I had a problem. She realised I was going through hell and had something of great portent to divulge. "Well, come on. I promise I won't tell anybody. What's the big secret?" "Well you know this meteor visit that's done for men." "Yes," replied Margaret softly. "A- and we were down south when it came." "Uh-huh." "Well we never actually saw the thing. I mean we were never exposed to its effects. I plotted its course and everything. It didn't come within thousands of miles of us. There was never less than a couple of hundred miles of rock between us. Nearer a couple of thousand miles I'd guess. There was a deafening silence as Margaret's brain made the connection. "What!" she squeaked, "You mean you never saw it at all." "Not once," I confirmed, "I checked some astronomical publications in the Wellington Library in New Zealand and we were stranded on the island in that tiny segment of the earth for the whole of the duration." "So- You- You- You may not be affected," she finished in a small voice. "Well done," I muttered, "I wondered how long it would take you?" "You're absolutely certain," she queried nervously. "Of course I'm bloody certain," I snapped, "I've studied my sperm under the children's microscope in their study. My sperm are wriggling and alive. According to the publications I've managed to see. There is no live sperm produced at all by the rest of the population, simply a sterile fluid with no signs of any sperm; dead or alive." "So it means that you and Bernard are not affected." "Brilliant," I snapped again, "So now you see why I don't want him to become entirely a girl; to the exclusion of all traces of masculinity." "Quite, quite," replied Margaret soothingly. The sun had set by now. The whispering breeze and creaking rigging forced themselves into my brain as we sat in silence. As the realisation entered Margaret's brain she went pale and gripped a handrail to stop from falling off the pilot chair. I gently eased her over towards the settee where I loosened the buttons of her blouse and undid her bra so she could breath more easily. I then sat stroking her head as she slowly recovered. She lay with her head in my lap and eventually looked up into my eyes. "D'you want a drink of water?" "Please," she whispered. I fetched a glass and some tablets from the medicine cabinet as she sat upright again and studied me from the corner of the settee. Her gaze un-nerved me and I felt forced to speak. "So, don't just stare like that. I thought you'd be a bit more resistant to shocks than this. What do you suggest?" As she swallowed the second pill she spoke slowly. "Are you absolutely certain Bev?" "Of course I'm sure bloody Mags! I tell you, the only place on Earth that any semen is being made is right here on this boat; in here," I added, pointing to my cock for emphasis, "-Oh and of course, by Bernadette, as she likes to call herself now." "Are you certain about him as well?" "Well of course I can't be certain. I haven't had a chance to check her semen. If I demanded a sample she might put two and two together. She's growing up and she's not slow. I can only assume that if I wasn't affected then she wasn't either." "And he wants to become a girl?" "Exactly! Now you can see the dilemma and why I want your advice." "Well my advice would be to make her wait." "One small problem," I added, "She's trying like crazy to screw Susan, our daughter, her sister. If she got Susan pregnant, then she shit would really hit the fan." Margaret swallowed nervously and rubbed her chin. "Hmmm- I see what you mean. There would be no stopping the authorities." "Tell me about it," I added, "Not to mention all the weirdoes and religious nuts." "Well we'd better put all of them on the pill. After all, if Bernard's anything like you, he could get himself pregnant." Margaret still hadn't come to terms with the idea of Bernard having become Bernadette. "Shit! I hadn't thought of that," I cursed. "I think it's time we had a little talk with them. Do you think Bernard will catch on?" "I don't know. Eventually he- I mean she-, will. Its older and wiser she's getting and even if Bernadette doesn't realise it, either or both of his sister's might." Margaret sat silently as I paced agitatedly around the wheelhouse. Eventually she spoke again. "To be honest Bev. I think it would be better if we did tell him: - or her as she likes to be known now." Margaret had said more or less what I had been hoping to hear. I had only been looking for another and perhaps wiser head to support my conclusions. Additionally, if we were going to get a sperm sample from her, we would have to honest otherwise it would only worry her. There was no time like the present so we called Bernadette back to the wheelhouse where Margaret could chat with her. Bernadette returned with a mug of cocoa that she had prepared as a nightcap. She was wearing one of Jeanette's nighties because we had never had a chance to complete her shopping after all the publicity and hullabaloo with the centaurs. On the boat she generally wore shorts and a halter-top or one of Susan or Jeanette's bikinis. Margaret and I had often exchanged glances when we had studied Bernadette in her bathing outfits. The costumes was nicely filled out by Bernadette's well-formed breasts, tapering to a slender waist and then flaring out to her nicely rounded hips and buttocks. The only incongruence was the telltale bulge straining at the front of her costume. It was her 'bulge' that precipitated the teasing from Susan and Jeanette and had persuaded Bernadette that it was better to have the complete operation and become a singular girl without the dual problems of her hermaphrodism. As she waited in the wheelhouse we couldn't help noticing that she had an erection under her nighty and she was trying to tuck her tummy in and cross her legs to hide it. She was extremely embarrassed by it and it was obvious that Margaret and I were going to have a job persuading her to keep her male characteristics. Bernadette now moved, thought, behaved and lived entirely as a girl. We knew we would have to explain the situation and then describe the range of options open to her. Gently we broke the news to her and described what we wanted. She was extremely nervous at first but eventually, like a frightened young filly, she fidgeted and fretted as we finally managed to persuade her of a sample. Then after some more questions and answers we gently tucked her into bed to sleep on the options. I took the sample to the microscope and my fears were confirmed, Bernadette's sperm was even more virile and numerous than mine, mainly because her testicles were still located externally whereas mine had long since been located internally to accommodate my dual function. If Bernadette decided to be the same as me then she would have to have her testicles relocated internally. This would of course reduce the sperm count but it gave her the splendid dual options of fatherhood and motherhood. Wearily I told Margaret and then I slumped onto the bed alongside Veronica. My head rested between her forelegs with my lips close to her pussy. I gently breathed her soft aroma and she whinnied softly in her sleep. Gently she arched around and her hands reached unconsciously around my breasts. I fell into a deep slumber as the boat rocked and creaked in the warm tropical breeze. The following morning I was so tired that Veronica managed to pick her way out of bed without waking me. There were few if any problems to handle. The boat was sailing easily before a steady breeze and needed little attention. We also had a landfall to make that afternoon so she decided to let me sleep on during the morning watch. It was to be our last island landfall before the long leg across the Pacific to America. As I savoured the luxury of an extra watch in bed I suddenly felt someone creeping into my bed. It was Bernadette and she had something important to say. We lay together for several minutes as I waited for her to pluck up enough courage. Eventually she turned and rested her head on my breasts. "Mummy, I think I would like to the same as you, but without such a- (she paused nervously) a- b- big penis." I smiled inwardly and squeezed her to me. "Are you absolutely sure about this now?" I cautioned softly. "Y- yes I think so." "Do you realise what it means," I added, "You will always have to squat and pull your knickers down to pee. You wont be able to run very far or fast, you will become an extremely sensitive and vulnerable woman. "Yes I know all about that mummy. I've seen you." I frowned inwardly for I hadn't realised that my actions had been so obvious to the children. "You must realise that if a man tries to seduce you, you wont be able to have a normal relationship because of your penis." "It's girls I like mummy. Not boys." I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Bernadette was a heterosexual transvestite in her head, which was where it all mattered. Like me she would be able to enjoy all the pleasures of both sexes. There were plenty of 'lesbian' women who would die for the chance to share her soft feminine body. I shrugged philosophically before replying. "Well, I'll do the best I can to see that you don't suffer all the little inconveniences that I experience. I'll endeavour to ensure that your sperm count is not badly reduced by body temperature when your testicles are relocated internally and I'll try to arrange it so that you don't have such a small bladder as me. It might mean that your vagina wont be quite as accommodating as mine and you'll have a slightly more rounded tummy." Bernadette snuggled closer to me and smiled. "But girls do have more rounded tummies than boys and if I have a tighter pussy the boy's will like it." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders as I savoured the scent of her hair. Margaret had always reckoned that my tummy was a little too flat and masculine. It was one of her few regrets about my general appearance after all her surgery. I still had a remarkably tight stomach even after having had both sets of twins. Self-consciously I gently pressed my tummy with a hand and suddenly felt Bernadette's soft fingers following mine. "Will I be able to have babies like you?" My tummy gave a little flip of excitement. "Of course my darling. You're almost capable now. In fact the bigger danger is that you might get yourself pregnant. That would give the whole game away." "Does that mean I'll have to go on the pill?" "Yes dear. But it's no problem; we can manufacture those back home in the labs. You realise that if any 'girl' went into a chemist these days and asked for the pill she would have a lot of questions to answer." Bernadette gave me a squeeze by way of an answer but it didn't reassure me. "You do realise all the dangers facing you now, don't you?" I pressed. I felt her slump against me and her sadness showed clearly in her eyes. "So how long do I have to wait mummy?" "Until we get back home to the hall and the labs. There we can operate. You can either wait until we get back by boat or we can fly home directly from America. Which would you prefer?" "I'd rather see the rest of America mummy. The operation can wait." "Good," I sighed with relief, "Now to more mundane matters. Aunty Margaret and I want to check your fertility. You'll have to remember that nobody knows about you and I except aunty Margaret and us. O.K." "I understand mummy." "Good. Now the other thing is that you mustn't make love to Susan or, for that matter, Jeanette. O.K. The last thing we want is for either of them to get pregnant. It would give the game away completely." A cloud crossed her face as she contemplated the restraint and sacrifice she'd have to endure. She reached her arms around me and pulled herself tight to me. I felt her soft breasts meshing against mine and the soft sobs building up inside her. I couldn't tell if it was anguish or relief but we held each other for a long time before she finally relinquished her desperate grip and sat up disconsolately with her legs over the edge of the bunk. A call from the chartroom diverted our attentions. They had sighted land a little earlier than expected owing to atmospheric conditions. I dressed and went upstairs as Bernadette shuffled dejectedly to her own cabin to get dressed. She joined me in the wheelhouse dressed in jeans and a loose shirt. It was almost a statement of her decision to defer the operation. Despite her having dressed as a boy there was no mistaking the soft swell of her breasts and the rounded form under the tough denim material. Bernadette was more than ready for the operation. We docked at the island in the late afternoon and immediately went ashore to enjoy the sights and sensations of the town and dry land. A few days were spent replenishing our supplies before we embarked upon the final leg to America. Our best destination was to be San Francisco. The winds were best suited for that landfall and Margaret had some friends there who knew the various gay scenes. The letters were sent about the children's new passports and arrangements were made for Margaret's friends to be there when we arrived.

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Shalini8217s USA Trip 8211 The Wife Tales

Introduction Hi Everyone, this is Shalini and it is my first story on ISS, Recently I went out for office trip to USA and had an awesome experience, I was discussing this with Yug and he suggested that I should write this experience in ISS. So here I am sharing my USA Previously you must have read stories posted by my husband about our European vacation (Dreamy vacation 1,2 &3), the feedback on those stories have been phenomenal. Thanks!! Just to refresh those who are reading it for the first...

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Two Tiny Tool Tales

TWO TINY TOOL TALES by Throne For years John had considered himself an accomplished cocksman. Many women had succumbed to his considerable charms and he had bedded them all. Then he picked the wrong woman and found himself in trouble with The Revenge Court, an all female group dedicated to vigilante justice for egotistical cads like himself. Their sentence had been simple. He was to have his eight inch tool reduced to a mere hint of its full glory. John was stunned. His life...

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Twisted Teen Tales

                                             Twisted Teen Tales                                                                                          by                                                                                    Rolf Palsy                                                                                    Chapter 1                                                                       Spanked and Raped by Daddy        When I was fourteen, mom took a powder, leaving me...

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Raynes Tales

Blood.. it had become my second skin, my mask of deception, my one true calling. Death, war and pain were the only things that ever pulled me back into this godforsaken reality, nothing could settle my unforgiving hands and the urge to bring never ending chaos upon this pitiful place we call earth. For many years I have wondered to many far and wide places but none of them seem to fill this gaping hole in my chest, those who I called friends have gone their separate ways from me and I can’t...

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Persona 5 Enf Tales

Shibuya Japan is one of the biggest cities in Tokyo Japan. With its large population, grand architecture, and impressive urban infrastructure who wouldn’t want to live there. Recently the group known as the Phantom Thieves have skyrocketed in popularity. Unknown to the rest of the city, what makes up this Rouges gallery of thieves consists of regular high schoolers. And like all regular high schoolers, they aren’t safe from societal fears of embarrassment. One of these tales of misfortune...

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Vallejo ABS Sucktales

When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...

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03 The Chico Tales

The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...

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Speedo Stains Tell Tales

It happened at the swimming-pool where I go two or three times a week, quite early in the morning. It’s a modern pool, shared with the Secondary School next door and sometimes the pool sessions during the day are shared too; on my days off, I’ve been there later in the day when the older boys of the Upper School are having their lessons – lean young 16 to 18 year-olds, nearly always wearing those baggy board-shorts; the serious ones sometimes wear compression-style “Jammers” but always in...

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

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Piano Lessons And Monster Tales

The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...

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A Tale of Two Tales

Part One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...

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Psychic Tales

I had an apartment in Torrance, California about 20 years ago. As my Dad was out of town, my Mom took me to dinner. On the way there I had this strong feeling that something horrible was about to happen..I couldn’t eat. I thought I might lose a grandmother, or a major earthquake, I just knew it! My Mom was concerned about me so she drove me the long route home so we could talk. I got home and friends were waiting for me, so I told them something was going to happen, but what? I decided to walk...

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01 The Chico Tales

It had seemed like a great idea at the time, having just finished her senior year at college, she remembered her parents offering her the prospect of six months in England, as a gap year, while she made up her mind whether to get a job or go to graduate school. It sounded so wonderful at the time, even though her Mom couldn’t accompany her & her Dad. While Mom would miss them both, she had to stay behind for her job. Michelle was excited though, that she could actually take Chico with her,...

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02 The Chico Tales

“Go to your room,“ Michelle’s mother said quietly to her daughter as she looked for a floor cloth. “Where’s Julie?” Michelle asked still in a post-orgasmic daze. “Thank goodness she wasn't here to witness you being a slut,” said her father, “now go to your room.” Michelle trudged up the stairs with leaden feet as the enormity of what had just happened started to sink in. Her parents had caught her with the family pet and heaven only knows what would happen now. ‘Oh no’ she thought in...

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05 The Chico Tales

**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...

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06 The Chico Tales

Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....

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07 The Chico Tales

"Yes," purred Julie, "Every member, myself, your mother and everyone you meet who is a fully-fledged member." Michelle drifted off to sleep, her head on Julie's shoulder, as she imagined her best friend and mentor Julie moaning with pleasure as she was fucked in the ass by a dog. The weird thing in her dream was that Michelle suddenly pictured Julie as Mary Poppins and she giggled in her sleep as Mary Poppins / Julie was fucked by a large dog. Michelle was still tired and struggled to...

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Witch Tales

-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...

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Three Tales

If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...

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Genie Tales

****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...

2 years ago
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Fairy Tales

Just as well, thought Daali. She'd been feeling the ache since last night, but unfortunately she had been responsible for accomplishing more important tasks before dawn. And so, tonight she exited and secured the locker, adjusting her black stockings before strolling down the avenue. Her hips, wrapped in the scarlet dress she had chosen for this evening, swayed in time to the beat of her stilettos against the asphalt. She loved the way her ass looked in this outfit - it (and she) would be...

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The Succubus Tales

It was more than just a house to me the house was part of who I was, most of my memories were of this house and most of them were happy ones. That was until the night when my father’s debts were prayed, in blood. my father’s first as he opened the door the knife was immediately plunged into his chest and he fell back with a gasp still alive as he watched the man step over him we were screaming, my fright burnt in my head bright hot screaming at me to run but my legs wouldn't move, mother...

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Real Horny Housewives Tales

Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...

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Marine Corps Tail Of All Tales

Here is how Justin looks in the eyes of the one man who had protected, sheltered Justin for his 18 years living on earth. Justin stood about 5’7” tall and weighed a solid 156 pounds. Since nobody had a clue as to whom his mother was, Justin’s skin complexion offered signs that he may have been born as a mixed race. His skin complexion is naturally an olive color with his hair being a brilliant blond, bordering pure white. Even Justin’s thin eyebrows were nearly invisible due to its white...

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The Succubus Tales

Introduction: Hey so Im writing something a bit darker than my normal stuff, it gets less dark as I continue, the start is the darkest so dont be put off. I liked my house, it was old set in the middle of the countryside just outside a small village. Before I came it had been empty for years no one wanted to buy the home which had been the site of such brutality. I loved it despite its history I had been happy there for a while, until we got into debt but even then my father had refused to sell...

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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn’t have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn’t know him that well, Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

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veggie tales

Me and my wife did some realy good cristal this one time, and after we did this is what happened. We were really spun so she decided to go shopping and I stayed home to watch porn because cristal makes me really horny. So she left and I put in my favorite flick and loaded up the bong. After a few hits and a couple of scenes showing toys and ass I decided it was time to try it for myself. I looked around trying to find an improvised dildo when I remembered my wife had gone shopping. Inside the...

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Chasing Fairy Tales

How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...

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Pussy Tales

That was a very difficult decision, but at that moment, common sense failed me and I became lost as I thought about Lorenzo’s offer           “You don’t have to have sex unless you want to.” Explained Lorenzo smiling and caressing my hands softly.             I was still speechless, and thought that possibility this was something that I could do. Finally, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of becoming an escort. This was unlike me. I was a wife and a mother. But none of...

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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

5 years ago
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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

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Old Mans Tales

    I am 60 years old as I write this, and it is all true. The only thing changed is the names. I have been married for 35 years, and for most of that time I have been true to my vows. Sometimes though, a person can only wait so long before their needs and desires overcome any resistance they may have. I met my wife Ann when we were in college, and both of us were virgins. She had gone out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. I had never even kissed a girl and I was very shy. I am just a...

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Stereotype gun tales

The stereotype gun created by why not go say hi to them and for more information on the gun and its origins check out the original story here; Stereotypes, who needs them right? The bimbo cheerleader, the meathead jock, the submissive Asian maid, that kind of thing. Just a bunch of cliches that only exist in porn and lazily written fiction. But what if they didn’t have to be?...

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Enf Tales

First you have the blonde Leonie, she’s 5’11 and D-cup breast’s and a good butt. Her hair goes down to just her neck. She’s athletic but is sometimes shy. Lucy- another blonde who’s hair comes down to just past her shoulders. She’s 5’7 and has D-cup breasts and a great butt, with a good build. She is nice but very embarrassed about being naked. Then there’s the brunette Carol, who is 5’8 and has C-cup breasts that goes well with her butt. She does athletics and isn’t very shy about being naked...

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