Maggies Dark Side
- 4 years ago
- 23
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This is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it.
The cabin lights flickered each time the wind picked up. Snow swirled across the fields, piling up against anything in its way. Maggie poked at the fire in the wood stove before adding another log. It was two days before Christmas, and she was alone.
His shoes sat by the door, right where he left them after slipping his boots on. An empty hook waited for his jacket. Images of him stomping through the snow on his way up the trail made her smile. Steve loved the outdoors. And winter was his favorite season.
There was a pot of stew simmering on the stove. Maggie hoped the power stayed on at least until he made it back. It was one thing to be alone, adding the darkness to it didn’t appeal to her at all. Finding a book to read, she curled up on the big leather sofa. A yellow fleece blanket warmed her as she turned the pages.
The wind rattled the old windows, the panes tinted from the layers of frost. Maggie closed the novel that wasn’t holding her attention, deciding to make some cookies. Before she even stood, there was an odd knock on the door.
‘Steve? You’re back earl—oh.’
An old man leaned against the doorframe. Snow clung to his beard, masking the true color. Neither his hands nor his head had protection from the weather. Maggie knew their cabin was the only one around for several miles, and didn’t recognize the stranger. Wary, she wondered where he had come from.
‘Are you all right?’
‘Cold, so . . . so cold,’ he whispered, his breath ragged.
Something told her the man wasn’t a danger to her. Whatever it was, she knew he had been in the storm far too long dressed as he was.
‘Lean on me so we can get you close to the fire,’ she said, putting her arm around his waist.
She didn’t drag him in, though she came close. The man did little more than shuffle his feet the entire way. Maggie held back her shock when she saw he didn’t have boots or even shoes on.
‘My name is Maggie. I’m going to help you get warm again, all right?’
His raised his head enough to look at her, then nodded. The sadness Maggie saw in his eyes made her wonder what put it there. Prying the buttons loose on the thin jacket he wore, she let it fall to the floor behind him. A red T-shirt was all that covered his thin frame.
‘Let’s get you dried off a bit, okay?’ She grabbed the blanket she had just been under and wrapped it around his shoulders. ‘My sister left this here the last time she visited. It’s so soft and cozy. I probably should send it back to her some time.’
With a chance of frostbite from the frigid air, his wet clothes wouldn’t help. Yet she hesitated to undress him.
‘Go ahead . . .’
The raspy words startled her. Had he read her thoughts? Or did he know enough about the winters up in the mountains to realize the risks? Nervous about being alone with a stranger all of a sudden, she didn’t move.
‘Don’t be scared.’
The look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. This man, this weary stranger, needed her help. Maggie felt a calm come over her before reaching for his belt.
‘I have dinner on—stew, with some biscuits. When we get you warmed up, I think you’ll be ready to eat something.’
Lifting his left foot, his weight fell onto her. There wasn’t much of it though, she realized as they repeated the motion with the right one. Dragging his jeans off wasn’t easy. Maggie tried to keep the blanket around him while she tugged on the frozen denim without letting him fall.
‘Did you see the gorgeous sunrise we had this morning? I think Mother Nature was teasing us knowing she was going to turn this storm our way. Maybe that means tomorrow will be bright and sunny again though.’
Finally she stood again. The only clothing he wore was the T-shirt and faded boxers. She rubbed his cheeks with the end of the blanket, drying the icy skin. Small puddles of water appeared from the pile of clothing next to the stove. Sweat trickled down her back and across her forehead.
‘I’m going to reach over for the chair so you can sit. I won’t let you fall.’
Again his weight rested on her. This time, she was ready for it as she leaned forward enough to grab the arm of the wooden rocker.
‘I know this isn’t the softest piece of furniture in here, but we’ll work on that. Once you’re sitting, I’ll get some more blankets and a pillow . . .’
He didn’t sit in the chair as much as he fell into it. Maggie could tell his time in the inclement weather exhausted him. The blanket cushioned his frail body from the old oak chair just a bit. She tucked it around him as much as she could before running into the spare bedroom.
‘Here, let’s get this quilt around your legs,’ she said when she returned.
She felt him watching her. It wasn’t a freaky, scary feeling. No, it was more like a trusting child who adored the person helping them.
‘You saved my life,’ he mumbled through the blanket covering his mouth.
‘I think someone else had a hand in that. He led you to our door, I have the easy part.’
‘He don’t help people like me.’
Maggie didn’t want to upset the stranger, so ignored his statement. She checked the fire instead, intending to get him some food.
‘Damn it’s nasty out there!’
Cold air swirled across the room, tossing fresh snow in with it. Maggie touched the old man’s arm when he jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice.
‘No, don’t be afraid. That’s Steve, my husband.’
Tired eyes looked at her. Maggie saw pain along with the sadness in them. She smiled before going to the door.
‘I was getting worried. The storm turned far worse after you left,’ she said, reaching for the jacket he had just taken off.
The main living space of the cabin wasn’t visible from the entryway. Maggie knew that meant Steve hadn’t seen the stranger. Using hand signals for him to be quiet, she pressed him forward a few feet. She knew the second he eyed the man huddled under the blankets.
Steve stared at her, confusion in his eyes. He tugged his boots off and slipped into the loafers waiting to warm his feet. That his wife let a complete stranger into the cabin with her was odd to him. Of course, danger in the city was far more common than where they were in the mountains. The bundle of wet clothing on the floor clued him in to what might have happened.
‘Mags?’ he asked, using one of his nicknames for her.
‘I think he escaped frostbite, but you know more about the signs than I do. He’s only been here a few minutes.’
They whispered, leaning close to each other to hear. Steve tipped his head to check the stranger before nodding.
‘My name is Steve,’ he said as he walked toward the man. ‘My wife did the right things by getting your wet clothes off. Are you feeling warmer yet?’
He kept his voice friendly, casual, and low. The old man stared, just as he did when Maggie undressed him.
‘Is it all right if I check you for any signs of frostbite? I’m not a professional, but I grew up in snow country.’
A slight nod was the only answer Steve got. Pale skin covered the arthritic feet, goose bumps covered the spindly legs. Pushing the blanket away revealed arms the color of mausoleum tile. Steve took extra time with the gnarled fingers, still icy cold. Before crouching next to the old man, he tucked the ends of the fleecy material around him.
‘Got a name?’
‘Nice to meet you, Nick. It looks as if you escaped frostbite. Are you hungry? Maggie’s stew will give you some energy.’
Hearing Nick’s stomach grumble, he winked. Maggie had already gone into the kitchen, leaving the men alone.
‘What say we find you something to wear first? There’s a pair of sweatpants in there with your name on them.’
‘Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome,’ Steve said. ‘You’re safe here, Nick. When you’re ready to talk, let me know.’
‘Why what?’
‘You don’t know me. I could be a killer. Why are you being kind to me?’
‘I suppose you’re right on that one. But my Maggie is a good judge of character. I trust her instincts. She let you in. That’s good enough for me.’
Nick gripped the arms of the rocker to support himself as he rose. Grimacing, he grabbed the yellow fleece and tucked it around him. Steve led the way into the spare bedroom.
‘My brother comes up here with us sometimes, and always leaves a few clothes behind. These have a string you can use to make them fit better, but I think they’re close to your size.’ Steve rummaged through the drawer for a pair of boxers and some socks. Tossing them onto the bed with the pants, he went to the closet.
‘Would you like a sweatshirt or something lighter?’
‘Either is fine,’ Nick replied at last.
‘Here’s one of each. If you want a shower, there’s one right through that door. Clean towels are in the smaller of the two cabinets. If you need help, let me know.’
‘A shower would be good.’
‘The water takes a bit to heat up in this part of the cabin. You going to be all right?’
Nick nodded before shuffling into the bathroom. After waiting a few minutes, Steve heard the water go on. Leaving the bedroom door open a few inches, he went into the kitchen.
‘He’s taking a shower, and I put out some of Tommy’s clothes for him to wear.’
‘Oh Steve, he looked so sad when I was helping him. It was almost as if he didn’t care if he . . .’
‘Yeah, I saw that too. He can stay here as long as this storm keeps up, but after that it’s his choice.’
‘What did it look like when you were out there?’
‘I only made it halfway down the ridge before I turned back. The wind picked up and made it impossible to see. I used the fence as my guide until I reached the top. Mags, it was so strange. The clouds lifted, and the snow stopped long enough for me to see the cabin. About twenty feet from the door, the blizzard descended on me again.’
The pipes creaked, signaling the water going off. Steve gave his wife a quick kiss and grinned.
‘That was for being such an awesome wife.’
‘It’s easy to do with a husband like you.’
She ran her fingers down his cheek and gazed into his eyes. This Christmas was going to be their first one as a married couple. She adored him, and reminded him often. Second marriages for both of them, he was her soul mate. Steve worshiped her, spoiling her as often as he could. He made sure she knew he had never loved until he met her. Friends envied their closeness, trying to figure out the secret to happiness through them.
‘Oh, ‘scuse me,’ Nick said from the doorway.
‘No worries. How do you feel?’ Steve asked.
‘Better, thanks.’
‘I have dinner ready. Why don’t you two take a seat and I’ll get the stew,’ Maggie said.
‘You heard the lady, Nick. I smelled that stew as soon as I opened the door. It’s about time I get to eat some of it.’
Nick sat in the chair closest to him, looking relieved to be off his feet. Steve sat down just as Maggie returned with the pot of stew.
‘Man, I’m hungry,’ Steve said while reaching for the ladle. ‘Hold your bowl up here Nick, and tell me how much you want.’
From the look in the old man’s eyes, Steve wondered when he’d had a decent meal last. He scooped up chunks of beef, potatoes, carrots, and onions along with the rich broth it simmered in. Nick held his hand up after the second one.
‘Maggie uses some special spices in this. The recipe came from her grandmother. You might want to try it before you add salt though.’
Again Nick only nodded, his spoon already digging into the rich stew. Maggie brought out some fresh rolls and butter, placing them nearest to the stranger.
‘Did I hear my husband call you Nick?’ Maggie asked when she joined them at the table.
‘Well, Nick, I hope you leave some room for dessert. There’s a pan of frosted brownies on the counter just waiting for us.’
She almost laughed at the look Steve gave her. He was the king of chocolate, if there was such a thing. His friends teased him that he was worse than a woman at craving the rich flavor.
‘I’ll make sure I do, ma’am.’
‘Please, call me Maggie.’
Nick looked over at Steve as if seeking his permission. The younger man winked before nodding.
‘Thank you, Maggie. This stew is the best I ever tasted. You’re a good cook,’ Nick said.
It was the most he had spoken since he entered the cabin. The sound of his own voice startled him. Nick glanced around as if someone behind him did the speaking.
‘Thank you. Grandma lived with my family when I was growing up, and did all the cooking. She taught me a few of her secret recipes,’ Maggie said, smiling at the memories. ‘I never did master making bread though.’
‘Tain’t nothing to that,’ Nick replied.
‘Then maybe you’ll have to show her tomorrow, Nick,’ Steve said.
Nick went back to eating—a signal he didn’t want to talk anymore. Neither Maggie nor Steve wanted to push him. When the man was ready to talk, he would.
Steve helped with the dishes, a ritual they began even before their wedding. Nick lay stretched out on the sofa, the yellow blanket tucked under his chin. His soft snores made Maggie smile.
‘He looked better after dinner, don’t you think?’ she asked.
‘Yeah, he didn’t look as pale as before.’
‘I think we should let him sleep right where he is. When he wakes up he can go into the spare bedroom.’
‘Good thought, honey. So how do you propose we spend the evening?’
Her eyes told him what she wanted to do. Her words didn’t match it though.
‘Let’s go outside. The storm seems to be over.’
‘And the moon is breaking through the clouds, so there will be enough light. Don’t forget to bundle up good though, because it’s bitter cold out there,’ he said.
‘Yes dear.’
He laughed at her mocking tone. ‘All right, I should remember that you’re a big girl and know a few things.’
‘A few? I know lots of stuff, mister.’
‘Yeah? Like what?’
She walked up to him and kissed him. ‘I know how to make you beg,’ she whispered.
Steve hissed at the image from her words. Before they met he was always holding tight to his control. But Maggie showed him how to let go, giving the power to her. Now he craved what she did to him.
‘You’re a minx. I should paddle you.’
‘It feels good, doesn’t it?’
Images from the night before flashed through his head. Wild and free, she gave him everything.
‘I’m going outside to cool off,’ he said after giving her a heated look.
Her laughter stayed with him even after he left the cabin. For just a moment, Steve regretted the intrusion on their vacation from the stranger. That changed as soon as he realized the man could have died. He didn’t hear Maggie join him. But he felt the snowball she whipped at him.
‘Oh, you’re in for it now, Mags!’
She ran away from the cabin, the drifts impeding her get-away. Lunging at her, he fell into the snow when he missed. That gave her a good lead. But in the end, he always caught her. She made sure of that. Playing like young children, they made snow angels and a lopsided snowman.
‘Think we should get back inside? I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some of those brownies,’ Steve said.
‘Yeah, I’m worn out. Must be cause I’m so old.’
Though she was teasing, Steve was indeed the younger of the two at forty-five. Maggie was fifty-three, but no one ever guessed that from her looks.
‘Lean on me, you old woman you.’ Steve held out his arm and grinned.
‘Old lady? Who you calling a lady?’
Facing him, she shoved him into the snow. Then she put her hands on her hips at the same time she put a boot on his stomach. She knew the second she did that she shouldn’t have. Steve grabbed her leg and pushed.
Shrieks of laughter echoed across the mountain. Nick rested on the couch, listening to the couple play. He smiled, remembering the times he and his Mary had laughed together.
Cold air rushed into the room when Maggie opened the door. Snow swirled around her feet, melting as it hit the floor. Steve brushed the excess snow off his jacket before following her inside.
‘Ah, you’re awake. Are you feeling better?’ Maggie asked as soon as she saw Nick sitting up.
‘Yes, thank you. Have fun out there, did you?’
‘I did. Before I met Steve, I wasn’t too fond of the snow. He loves the cold weather, so I decided to see what was so special about it by looking through his eyes. The crisp night air is amazing.’
‘Don’t let her fool ya, Nick. She prefers lounging around the pool,’ Steve said.
Maggie shook her head and gave him a soft push on the arm. ‘Just for that, you don’t get any brownies.’
‘I take it back, I swear!’
‘I knew that would get you to behave. Nick, want to join us in the kitchen?’ she asked.
Along with the brownies, Maggie set out milk and coffee.
‘These are almost as good as the ones my Mary made,’ Nick said as he took a second brownie. ‘I miss her.’
The words held a world of emotion in them—pain, sadness, and loneliness.
‘Has she been gone long, Nick?’ she asked.
Staring into space, he nodded. ‘Eight years.
‘I’m sorry. Losing someone we love is so hard.’
His gaze shifted to her and she answered before he even asked.
‘My daughter died when she was twenty-six. A drunk driver trying to outrun the police hit her broadside. He had an outstanding warrant for assault, and didn’t want to go to jail. So when the cops tried to pull him over for running a red light, he sped up. Trish was on her way home from work.’
‘I hope the bastard rots in prison,’ Nick replied.
‘He died in the hospital a few days after the accident. That was ten years ago. The pain eases, but it’s always there in the background.’
Steve reached over and took her hand. He gave it a little squeeze to remind her he was there for her.
‘So, is everyone full now?’ she asked, changing the subject to something less maudlin.
‘Stuffed and then some,’ Steve replied.
Nick shifted his gaze from the plate of brownies to the couple across from him.
‘Go ahead, Nick. Don’t be shy.’
The old man blushed but took another brownie. He hadn’t eaten the day before, though he hadn’t said anything.
‘Honey, you stay sitting and I’ll take care of this.’
‘I think he’s trying to make a good impression, Nick,’ she whispered, leaning closer to him, hoping to get a smile from him.
But as he had done so many times in the few hours since he showed up, he just nodded. Maggie hid her disappointment by going into the living room.
‘She means well, Nick,’ Steve said.
Steve saw defeat in the pale blue eyes looking back at him. There was not a doubt in his mind that Nick had a problem bigger than he knew how to handle.
‘Maybe I can help. I’m a lawyer, though not in the public sector anymore.’
‘Fat lot of good the last lawyer did me.’
‘We’re not all crooked,’ Steve said in a soft voice.
‘I should go. Where’s my clothes?’
‘You can’t go in the dark!’
‘You gonna stop me?’ Nick asked, staring at Steve.
‘If I have to, yes.’
Nick shoved his chair back and stood. With one last glare, he left the kitchen. Maggie watched as he went right into the spare bedroom and shut the door. Steve came in next and shook his head.
‘Let’s go to bed, honey,’ she said.
‘I’ll check the fire and lock up.’
Knowing her husband as well as she did, she realized he needed a few minutes alone to work out whatever happened between the men. When he was ready to share with her, she would be right at his side waiting.
He couldn’t sleep. Nick didn’t like the man he had turned into over the past year. His Mary would hate it too. Everything seemed pointless anymore though. The same law that was supposed to protect him took everything away that he had. Chilled, he decided to go sit by the fire for a while.
That’s where Steve found him early the next morning. Covered with the yellow fleece blanket, he looked frailer than he had the night before. While thinking about what could be bothering the old man, Steve made coffee.
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This is Nish, I am 27 year old. I married 2 years ago. I am from Delhi, but I stay in Bangalore after marriage. This story happened 4 years back before marriage. It happened on my jiju’s b’day. I came to meet my sister, there I got to know it is my jiu’s b’day. I wished him “happy b’day jiju” Jiju: thanks, where is my gift, you are wishing me without gift. Sis: what she can give. Me: I could have got something if I knew before. Jiju: I was just kidding. Don’t mind. After that my jiju went to...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...
Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...
My Christmas Gift By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Where to start? Well, I suppose it started way before I was even born. My mom came from a wealthy family; rather, make that a filthy rich family. Her father, my grandfather, Randal Harper, was an investment banker and everything he touched made money. However, he also believed in the Andrew Carnegie model of making a fortune and then giving it back. My mom and her sister were given starter funds, and he then gave the...
A gods gift to women I've always loved women, Large women, petite women, butch women and pretty women. It doesn't matter to me. I love them all. Sometimes I have to admit I am also a little jealous of them as well. They get to wear pretty clothing and just be more open then men are allowed. I sometimes just wish I could find a woman who would enjoy me being a woman as well. It's a Friday night and I have nothing planned for the weekend. I hurry home as I planned on getting dressed...
“It’s good to see you again, Paul,” Lady Alexandra said, her gentle voice contradicted by the black leather bustier she spilled out of and the matching high, laced stiletto boots accentuating her long legs. She held a black riding crop she held in her hand and black cap perched on her blonde head. Her bound, gagged masked and leather-clad husband moaned something in sympathy. I understood. Sadists are not unnecessarily cruel, and most pain has nothing to do with pleasure. “I had to get away...
BDSMI tell you from starting. We both belong to Bhopal and we study in college away from Bhopal. We both belong to different branches. We always used to go back or college together. I. I tell you Shalinii’s so much sexy, hot and looks beautiful even without make up. She is around 5ft and has a perfect body. Our story started in 2nd year and we did sex 3rd year. It all started in 2nd year in the train back to our journey to Bhopal. Our journey is generally more than 30 hours and we traveled always...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentine's Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift; if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Wife LoversHi friends, I am Ramesh once again with a new story. in the previous story I told you how I fucked my elder sister Arti and she also enjoyed it now in this story I will tell you how I fucked by Younger sister Preeti Lets starts the story how I fucked my younger sister in my gift. Me and my elder sister were enjoying our body daily at night. And in month 4 time full sex session used to go means I used t fuck. One day at night sister came in blanket Arti sister : hi bhai lets enjoy I : not in...
IncestHi friends,, my name is kartik (name changed)…Age 35.. From vadodara(gujarat)…I am writing my first experience…. If you like my experience pls feel free to mail me at …I wl reply u sure..I am writing my story in Hindi.. So easy to speedy work… Maine kuch sal pahele lagbhag 8 sal jub main karib 26-27 ka tha.. Tab news channel pe gigolo ka racket ke bare main news pe let night show dekhatha usmeain mumbai ke kuch posh areas main hone wale is karrnamein ke bare main tv pe pura program dekha...
PROLOGUE Mary Dingel, age 43, is married to Howard, age 45. They have been married for 21 years. Howard worked in the aviation industry at a company that derived most of its business from contracts with the military. He was a middle manager, and he was let go, along with 2,000 other employees, when the military contracts became scarce. Fortunately his rank and time on the job qualified him for a decent buyout, and with Mary's income as an ICU nurse, there were no...
Hi all sexy peoples who have been writing here and reading here. This is Rony here back again with one more story as I told u in my last story that I will tell u that how I fucked my mom in different places after getting caught by her while I was having sex with my aunt. I have in my story abt my n my aunts fucking story. Who was beautiful n sexy n hungry for sex with me where ever I want n when ever I want n what ever style I want . She would never object me from being fucking her. I fucked...
IncestThe Gift A sissy sextoy would make such a lovely gift. And being a sissy sextoy is such a lovely gift as well. Combine the two and... ~~~~ I shift my weight around again. I'm not uncomfortable in this position but nor am I comfortable either. I wish I could see what was going on around me. Or hear what was going on. The only thing I can see are the images being played on the goggles strapped over my eyes. The only thing I can hear is the voice of my master. The images...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Group SexHi friends i am ishita 22yrs from Delhi with assets of 36c 30 36,im a sexy and good looking girl,many guys had crush on me but i didnt care much,as i didnt like all that much,i have a cousin he is very close to me since my childhood as he used to come to my home regularly since childhood we used to like each other and it changed into love,and he became my bf,in this story i want to explain about the gift of life which my bf gave me on my birthday and which changed my life,friends this is my...
Joe was a doctor. A general practitioner. A family doctor seeing patients from 13 to 110. He'd already wrapped several of the normal gifts for Susan. Jewelry, clothes, a few music CD's and the like. This gift, however, he'd have to want as well. And tonight was Christmas Eve. He could still say no. "Hey, Susan," Joe was on the phone. "I plan on being home early today. I only have one more person to see. Are you ready?" "Yes. Surprised you went in at all today." "Yeah well, it's...
Niece’s Special Christmas Gift By Reeb This Christmas was going to very different from the ones in the past. For the first time, all the niece’s and nephew’s were old enough to be part of the family Pollyanna. My sister’s youngest daughter, Allison, or Ally as we called her, had just turned sixteen and since she was working, she had some money so she wanted in on the family tradition. At our Thanksgiving dinner, we always pick names for the Pollyanna. Our tradition is always the...
IncestI retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...
I was out walking, thinking about everything that was going on in school. It was a busy road so passing cars diddent scare me much, infill one pulled over behind me. I turned around when I hear a deep voice call my name, it was the school football coach, mr. Johnson. I was suprised when he said, "well hi there! Would you like a ride home? I've been meaning to talk to your parents!" to which I of course aggreed to get in the car. But after a minute or so of driving, we ended up at school. He...
Mike was proud of his gift, the nice 7inch pink vibrator with the cute pink la senza kit he bought for his friend , he had his bbc twitching just thinking it was finally gong to happen''tonight, you learn to take it up your pussy ''thinking of his friend little white bubble butt, that cute sissy to be tigt ass , was going to feel so nice, so tight as he makes it into a dick craving boy pussyhis gift in his bag he went to the party, drank and had fun all night ,until it was over, Mike in the...
At first i thought it was a joke from one of my friend, but the anal lube bottle and the pink panty with '' sissy '' font stamped in front made me drop the pink suction cock in the plastic package''wtf wtf wtf''is all i could say knowing too well it was made for a sissy to wear and fuck herselfi throw the gift box under my bed angry some one was making a bad jokebut after my birthday party that weekend , i didnt ear anyone talking of it drunk getting out of the uber alone and going staight to...
The Gift By Margaret Jeanette Carolyn Walker was checking the profit-loss report from the last quarter. They had made a profit but it was far short of what they had projected it to be. She looked for where they could improve the profit margin. Being the Vice President-Finance her suggestions would carry a lot of weight. She noticed two areas that needed a closer look. She had a few minutes free so she called her husband Jim and asked him if he could possibly do some laundry because...
Mothers Special Gift By: Malissa and Gang 5/12/2013 Happy Mother's Day Being the middle child of five boys wasn't easy, having five boys wasn't easy on my mother either. But at sixteen I knew how much she'd always wanted a daughter. And over the last few years I'd found myself wanting to give her that special gift, I just didn't know how to go about it. I was afraid to mention it to anyone, especially not my brothers who were very much stereotypical Males. My mother on the other...
Hi dosto mera nam vicky umer 20 ye gift mene apni 2 sal choti behan zoya ko 1 month pehle uski 18th birthday pe dia tha joke 1 gangbang tha meri behan zoya itni sexy hai ke koi bhi use dekh ker chudai ka man bana lega. Me use 14 sal ki umer se sirf forplay sex hi kar raha hu kunke zoya mere computer per internet per gangbang sites dekh dekh ke usne mujhe hamesha yahi keh ker roka hai ke bhai ap jab bhi mere lie gangbangb ka intizam kar lenge usi din me apni kwnari choot apse khulwaongi . Bas...
Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story in the series. It’s about Rahul’s birthday gift. In the evening, I looked at my boobs and saw Rahul’s bite mark clearly visible on it now. This aroused me a little bit, and I decided to text him. Me: Hi! Rahul: Who is this? Me: So you have stopped recognizing me already? Rahul: Haha, I could not forget that curvy figure of yours even if I wanted to. Me: So you like it that much? Rahul: Why else would I have unhooked your towel? Me: I am...
I grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her. My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something...
"Why are there no roads in this forest? This trail will ruin my shoes! And will this stupid mountain go up forever?" Joanna Styrgon, the auburn haired 40 year old president of aspiring Styrgon Industries, had complained for the last half hour at least. Removing the thousandth twig from her furred coat she glared at her lone company, her 23 year old personal assistant George Mason, who had, of course, no part in his boss's choice of designer shoes or the lack of infrastructure on this...
The Polaroid Christmas GiftBy Catalyst500 This story is very tame by XHamster's standards, but if you enjoy it, do so because it is a true story!When my father passed away, I was cleaning out his home so that I could prepare it for sale. I came across a metal strongbox in the back of his closet. I recognized it immediately and remembered that's where he kept all his important paperwork.After sorting through all the expected documents (his will, insurance policies, birth certificates etc.) I...
My name is Terrance Graves. To sum up, I have a decent sized family. Two older twin sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother… My parents were pretty busy people. But see, I was a mistake; the only mistake of the bunch, but a mistake. I must have been; my parents despised me. Absolutely despised me, to the point of cursing at me in front of my siblings. I don’t know what it was that I did or that I said, but it was all my fault, everything that had every gone wrong in our family. My...
This story is copyrighted by the author, but submitted freely for use on the Fictionmania web site. No other use of this work is authorized without the approval of the author. I welcome your comments, either on this site, or directly at [email protected] - Thank you, dear reader. Cleopatra's Gift ? by: Jerri Lea You're not going to believe the story I'm about to tell you, but why should you? I can hardly believe what has happened to me, and I lived it. But I have to...
TG: The Shapers Gift The start of a longer story for me and the first in a universe I hope to write more in over time. I'm also opening this universe up to anyone who wants to set stories in it which I know is rarely taken up. But the offer is there if you want to. I did design the setting so there is plenty of scope for any author to develop their story. I hope to have the next part out in a few weeks, and be a bit more productive than I have been the last few years. This story...
Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Nine: Unwrapping His Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies The edited Imogene walked into my office. The plump, tattooed, and pierced girl with the garish, purple hair looked completed different now. She was thinner, her hair its natural shade of brown, no longer short but flowing long and with a delicious bounce. No ear expanders distorted her lobes. No tattoo of a butterfly covered...
It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...
She forced herself to hold still. Made herself take a deep breath. She turned her attention to Maria instead. Maria smiled at the girl reassuringly. "Don't be nervous Katie cat," she said trying to calm the girl with the old pet name. "I'm trying Maria," Katie said quietly dropping her gaze to the floor. "I'm just worried that..." "I told you not to worry," Maria cut her off gently. She crossed the room and took the girls hand. "I have been in your...
Alone, standing in a darkened doorway in a city whose name escapes him, a man is leaning against the wall. His coat pulled up close around his neck trying to ward off the elements, oblivious to everything but his own thoughts, as cars with their passengers pass by on journeys of their own as the rain is pouring down all around him. The night hides his true intentions, that of a man unsure of his nature. Still he stands unmoving; people go by unaware or just uncaring of his presence, as no...