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Tigress By Lynn LeFey To say that I am a gentleman may be somewhat incorrect. Certainly by all outward appearances, this would be the case. I wear the dress of nobles, in an understated elegance. This does not include gaudy displays of wealth. Only a gold ring, and those baubles of magic I choose to display. I am of the aristocracy. My father, a landed noble, is well liked, and manages his Barony well. Sometimes I sit and marvel at the complexity of its machinations. All the peasants, working like ants. It really warms me to know that even their type have a function in this world. There is, however, a truth to the concept of bored wealth. You could most likely not grasp the staggering power of my intellect. Few are the learned more keen of wit than I. This is both a blessing and a curse. Others may live an entire life, satisfied to learn the nuances of their art, where I, vastly more clear of mind, make the same levels of mastery quickly. There are so few things that truly challenge my mind. This has created an odd hunger in me, one that I fill with experiences beyond the thoughts of most lay people. The things I have done, and the experiences I have lived through would shock the most worldly. As you hold this journal, I assume you too have come to seek such unclean knowledge. Spare me the airs of indignation you cast. Be not ashamed of your lust. If you were a normal... a mundane, you would have never come looking for such lore. The account that follows is far from the well-trodden lanes awash with horse shit and human refuse. If you wanted such a life, you would never have found this tome. But let me continue with the tale, as I'm sure I have teased your demented appetite sufficiently. The spice routes to the south are well traveled, and a man of resource such as myself may turn a handsome profit along such lanes. Already, your mind reels with thoughts of the danger from the highwaymen that travel such thoroughfares. If you have no spine, you will never find the true gems of experience. True, this way is not for the faint of heart. I have studied the ways of arcane lore for over fifteen years, and can honestly boast the capacity for incantations of the fifth circle. Still, it is true that even I would not wish to wander such paths without a stout retainer. It was along these paths, in the arid lands of Kal-Ath-Hadeen, that I and my retainer came across the great caravans of the Kal-Kothan Sheik. In the low pass, with sandstone cliffs on either side, there was no avoiding the encampment. It didn't matter. It was this very camp that I had come searching for. I had heard whispers amongst others with similar tastes, that among these people was a shaman, who promised the ultimate experience, for those with an eye open to possibilities. The day was hot, even in the shade provided by the deep sandstone walls around us. The blistering wind blew up from the south, bringing whipping sands. I spoke to the sentries, explaining in their own tongue that I was here to make trades with their caravans, and perhaps to speak to the sheik and shaman, if such things could be arranged. Here, of course, I oiled the gears of progress with the proper amount of northern trade coins. I turned over five silver coins. I would stop here to note for those unfamiliar with the ways of barbarians to the south, that such pay was seen as immense wealth to a sentry. Do not pass gold to the lesser class, even half crowns. This will only arouse suspicion from their masters if it is found in the guard's possession. It is well worth the weight of a few pounds of silver coins to make the little people act as you wish. As a second point, for those of you knowledgeable in the arcane arts... charms are never so reliable as trade coin. Save your strength for true magic. Here is the next truth... While they are in many ways very barbaric, the nomadic peoples of these caravans held the most elaborate celebrations one could imagine. In one night, if you had made the favor of the Sheik's entourage with a prosperous trade, you might find yourself feasting with the Sheik himself. This is what I must urge of you if you are to taste the true fruits of life. My dealings for the day included purchase of bundles of silk. Then came bartering for various kinds of herbs. Some were sweet spices, some rare specimens sought by alchemists, and some simply my own indulgences. They grew somewhere in the south the most wonderful teas. Oh, does it surprise you that I indulge in pleasures less bizarre? There are things both simple and extraordinary in this world to be savored, my dear reader. If you have never seen the kind of caravan I speak of, I can only describe it as a small city, able to uproot itself, and move to another location. There was a strict order to placement of tents, such that one stayed within one's station. When all was concluded, I returned to my tent. I had been left word there earlier from the Sheik that I had taken his favor, and he would invite me to his tents this evening as an honored guest. I changed into attire more appropriate for my evening activities and dismissed my retainer. Anyone causing me harm would answer to the Sheik. This fellow I have traveled with for so long is sometimes really quite amusing, but he is a commoner, and enjoys more common things. This caravan holds multitudes of possibilities, no matter your tastes. I doubted little that he would enjoy his evening almost as much as I. The silver trade coins were divided in two and he set about arranging his half into small pouches of coins. He would be throwing money all evening. It was really a small portion of his salary. I will not mince words here. You may find it foolish that I spend my wealth in such a manner. In this instance, be absolutely certain that you get what you pay for. Your retainer should be a stout swordsman, brave enough to face anything... for about three seconds. That is your margin, where you get to select one incantation. Pay those people well and you may find yourself utterly unscathed after facing marauders. Through the late afternoon, into evening I sat, listening to the wind whistle through our tent, and sipped tea. It was truly glorious. Our tent was laden in various places with my acquisitions, and I rested against a bolt of bright blue silk. The scent of the herbs I purchased was wonderful. This expedition might turn over a profit, considering what I returned with, but it was a slow investment. There were faster ways to make money. I had done this simply because it was enjoyable. As night fell, and oil lamps were lit, the thin valley between the sandstone cliffs began ever so slightly to glow. The winds slowed and the sky was clear of clouds. The evening cooled rapidly and soon could be considered brisk. Music swelled from the tents of the Sheik. I made for the grand tent, where I knew his feast would be taking place. ... The wines and music were wonderful, as is always the case in the Sheik's feasts. I found out that I had in fact come on a night sacred to the Sheik's shaman. It was the eve of fertility rights. This had been my plan, but the timing was critical, and I had worried I may have miscalculated my astrology. It was good to know that I was exactly when and where I needed to be for these events to coincide. The fertility rites represented a pure carnal pleasure to me. The feasting was soon done, and I lay tranquilly against the huge silk pillows. The men passed pipes and made small talk. While some were so rude to bring business matters to a feast, this land recognized a simple law, that no matter of business was legal after sunset. This ensured that men could not be plied with wine at dinner, and lose their head. Yes, I am afraid to say that it was a male culture. Women were subservient, seen only slightly greater in worth than a Bull. And while that may be true, the women of the Sheik's harem lived more opulently than any farm worker and some merchants of my lands. The women were thus paraded like prizes, and sometimes shared among the powerful. Certainly, the women in these tents were worthy of being considered prizes. Their lovely bodies had been painted, adorned in silk veils, and perfumed. The women... the ones with any education in this society, were taught sexual skills, alongside calligraphy and dance. Many prided themselves in their skills of pleasure. Soon, the Sheik himself passed near, and took note of me. With him were perhaps half a dozen beautiful women. The Sheik offered two for the evening. I selected the two I found most lovely, and was quickly spirited away to another tent nearby. Inside was a bath, and several more beautiful young ladies who quickly stripped me and began delicately washing my body. Flowery scents wafted up from incense burners, and I simply laid back and relaxed. The evening was young, and I needed to pace myself. Leaving my clothing behind meant sacrificing many spells that needed some trinket or other component. I kept only one silver earring, which looked like a small plain cuff, but in fact held great magic. It was a receptacle for a great deal of my magical power at the moment. The bath lasted perhaps half an hour, with the four young ladies washing me, drying me, massaging me, and fulfilling my sexual desires. While it was very pleasurable, and the skill of the women was great, it was something of an appetizer to the main course. ... I was wrapped in only silk robes, and led through small adjoining tents, finally leading to one huge open tent. Within were only dim lights. Torches bracketed onto tent poles sent a shiver of fear through me momentarily. It only took a second to realize the flames of the torches were really only illusions, made to provide illumination without heat. Within the great tent were five beds, of a sort, spaced perfectly as points of a star. Three of the beds were occupied. I was escorted to the edge of a circle that had been drawn on the sandstone beneath our feet. There, the shaman of their people greeted me. He had a sprig of some herb and passed it over my left shoulder and then my right. I had not been aware that I was to be part of a ritual. This did make sense however. I was then led to the fourth bed, and my hands and feet were lashed in. In my right hand was placed a bell. I was instructed that the... experience... would continue until I rang the bell. I felt my heart jump, anticipating what may lie in wait for me. At some length, I noticed a spot of light on the floor. It must have been cast by the moon. I noticed then that this tent had a portion of the top open to the sky. The spot crossed the reddish sandstone, moving to the line inscribed on the floor. As it neared, another man was brought in to the circle. His silk robes were drawn away, and he was placed in the last of the beds. In moments, the light of the moon touched the edge of the circle. A powder in the sand began to fully glow. My guess was that the circle had been traced with silver. The illumination shone against the tent walls, which slowly moved in the cool night winds. When the circle had illuminated, I felt a most peculiar hum through me, a near palpable charge of sexual energies. I stood fully erect, and began to sweat heavily. The priest began incantations, calling forth the spirit of their goddess, the great Tigress Mal-Ath-Na-Quain. From outside the circle, the form of another person was led in. This figure was in the same white robes we'd all been brought here wearing. As the person crossed into the circle, it became clear that it was a woman, by the shape and the movements it made. Here the holy man anointed her and spoke a flowing rhythmic chant. The words became louder and faster, but the meaning and exact sounds seemed stolen from my mind as soon as they were heard. Finally, she was led to the center of the circle, where four young women waited. The robes were stripped away, revealing the lean, feminine form beneath. She was now manifesting their Goddess. Her lovely dark skin was covered in a fine fur. Her belly and throat were white, fading to orange on her sides. Bold black stripes fell across her back, and the backs of her arms. Her eyes were emerald green, and open wide. Her body moved with an inhuman grace, which made me nearly climax at the mere thought of her. She was in every aspect, perfect. She leisurely sashayed to the first bed, climbing erotically over the foot of the bed, straddling the participant. I could hear mild moans escaping his lips. The manifestation of the goddess flicked her nimble tongue across the head of his phallus. He moaned again, and released. He did not lose his potency, however. The tigress straddled him. I thought that watching this beast woman was quite painful... a torture of anticipation. For perhaps ten minutes, they thrashed and writhed against each other. Finally, the soft chimes of a bell could be heard, and the tigress slid slowly off of the man. His body was covered in gashes from her claws, and while he was obviously injured, he appeared in to be in spent rapture. The tigress wandered back to the center of the circle. There, she was washed by the four handmaidens. As sensual as it had been watching her in the state of intercourse, it was every bit as exhilarating to see the feline mannerisms portrayed in bathing. Tigers were well known for loving water. The manifestation was certainly no different. Still, the bath was simply another tease, before she continued her ravenous lust. She came toward the second man, slowly creeping up. She had a short tail that twitched at the tip. Again, for a painfully long time, she used the man to fulfill some bestial urge. This then was followed by a second bath. The third man the tigress took lasted perhaps only four minutes. I could smell them. They reeked of sexual desire. I could hear her soft husky breathing and his yelps of pleasure/pain. Like the others, he looked nearly brutalized before he sounded the bell. She slid again from the male form, and turned to her bath. ... I knew her bathing ritual well. I'd seen it enough times to know when she would return for me. I ran through the spells I had stored in the cuff on my ear. It was a small selection designed to keep me alive in most situations. However, tonight it would serve to give me stamina not known to mortals. As she finished her washing, I concentrated for a moment, willing the release of magics. I was flooded with a potent sense of vigor. Finally the Goddess manifestation drew near. I could hear the low nearly sub-vocal purr she emitted. Her breasts rose and fell as she breathed deeply. She circled to my right, unlike her tactic with the others. She came up behind me, softly taking in my scent, and moving to beside my head, on the right. She pressed her nose into my hair over my temple and breathed my scent. Surely it could not have been by accident that her breast lay in my bound hand. I ran my fingers delicately over the petal-soft flesh of her nipple. She ran the tip of her tongue across the edge of my ear. She nuzzled against me, purring. Her scent was strong, and drove me insane with passion. Finally, she slid her body against mine and pressed her breasts against me. Her soft fur caressed my body, as she straddled me. Slowly, she slid back, pressing my rock hard organ inside her. There was a flush of warmth in me. I was awash with sexual energies, and only barely aware that the tigress was already grinding her hips against mine. The sounds she made were not like those of a woman. They were more animalistic, growls and occasional high yowls. She dug her claws into my shoulders, and somehow the pain was utterly trivial at that moment. Her belly lightly brushed against mine as she thrust and bucked over me. Her breasts brushed against my bare chest. I do not know how long this continued, but eventually, I realized I had not released, nor honestly could I. The tigress controlled this encounter, and I laid, being whipped into new levels of ecstasy, craving release. Through waves of bliss, I was vaguely aware that my fragile mortal form could not likely stand the stresses much longer. With great regret, I shook the bell tethered to my hand. At that moment, as if trained, the muscles in her contracted. I was squeezed so hard that when I finally did orgasm, nothing could find release, and for a second, it was as if my testicles threatened to explode. Then her body again relaxed, and I convulsed as a sexual flood like nothing I've ever experienced before exploded through me. By the time it ended, it hurt. The intensity of the experience left me dazed. She pulled away, and walked back toward the bath. I was left flooded with an ecstasy that no human words could convey. Waves of pleasure masked the injuries she'd inflicted. I was certainly spent, and began to understand why there was more than one man present. If her sexual appetites were not sated, she might kill her lover in the throws of her passion. I laid there, staring at the ceiling, and finally came to sufficient presence of mind to release the healing powers in my ear ring. Afterward, I simply laid in a nearly visible sexual afterglow. I was snapped out of my trance by the high priest, who was untying me. Apparently, the ritual had ended, and I was being escorted back to the bath tent I'd been in before so that my wounds might be tended. I finally spoke to the shaman, saying that for certain, there could be no sexual encounter greater than what I'd just experienced. He actually smiled at this, and told me that what I said was nearly true, but there was one experience which made this one pale. I pleaded to feel this greater encounter. He seemed reluctant. Apparently we had only finished the rising moon portion of the ceremony. The apex of the moon was the height of the ritual. I offered everything I had with me. He told me it was not a matter of money. He doubted that I would be able to handle the rigors of the ceremony. I offered the ear cuff I wore, explaining its power. He pondered the matter for a moment, then relented. I would be in the apex ritual. ... So it was that my wounds were treated. They were truly minor, and my own magics had healed them well already. Still, the perfumed water they used was intoxicating, and my body seemed to melt as they washed me, massaged my muscles, and occasionally teased me sexually. The shaman came in at one point asking if the tigress was prepared. The girls seemed all in agreement. I remember realizing at that point that they were speaking of me. I felt heavy in my mind and could not quite think clearly. Had they drugged me? No... somehow I believed this to be part of the ritual. The stunning sharpness of intellect would do me no good where I was going. The four handmaidens wrapped me in soft silk robes. They felt so very nice... the cool, soft fabric against my ever hardening nipples. I had a most peculiar sensation as my hips and the bones in my legs seemed to waiver, changing more than imperceptibly. My body was like mist around me. My form shifted as subtly as smoke and the chanting of the shaman had come to an end. I stood in the center of the circle I had seen before. The scene was both familiar and eerily new. The light was brighter, the scents more intense, and I burned to fulfill a desire which maddened me nearly to frenzy. The first scent fell upon my keen nostrils. I felt an immediate reaction, I opened my mouth now, letting the scent roll off the back of my tongue like a succulent flavor. I turned to move toward my prey, when I first truly felt the liquid grace of this form. A perfect, glossy coat of short cat hair covered my naked body. I looked down, seeing my beautiful form. My perfect breasts with their sharply erect nipples.... My wet, waiting vagina. Perhaps at any other moment in my life, such a sight might make me give pause. Not then. At that point, I cannot truly say that I was in control of my actions. I stalked with purpose toward the delicious smell that commanded my attention. It was the smell of man. It was a sharp smell, thick with musk. Before me was a beautiful morsel of a man. He lay on a bed, his legs tied together, and his arms tied individually, by the wrists. Other than the binding chords, he was naked. I pressed near... my breath nearly catching as I inhaled his wonderful fragrance. I slowly moved my head, barely touching my nose to his belly. My long, wild hair brushed against his chest, and he gasped. Slowly I moved my head down to his waiting penis and gently suckled the tip of it. Immediately he released, sending an impressive fountain of fluids into the air. The smell of his seed only drove me into a higher state of frenzied passion. Quickly I slid over his body, now wet with his own sweat. I could feel the heat from my own body radiating from his. Slowly I slid my hips back until the head of his manhood pressed against me. I pressed slowly, I could hear the man groan. I pressed again, sliding in completely. I was filled with a man. It fulfilled some desire raging in my form. Try as I might, I could not fulfill some burning desire within me. I found that I had dragged my claws over the man's chest, kneading his muscles. This left furrows in his body, but he did not relent. I heaved and thrust against him, gyrating my pelvis, trying to hit some spot in me. Finally, the small sound of the bell rang, and then it struck me. I was washed over with a wave of euphoria, and deep in me, I felt muscles contract. A flood of warmth bathed me, and I felt for a moment as though I might know what heaven was. Only a moment later, I slid off my spent lover, and slipped sinuously to the waiting bath. There, I was washed by the four handmaidens. The cooling waters with their gentle fragrances served to some degree to calm my lust. The soft caresses of the beautiful young women against my fur was in its own way very sensual. Finally, they dried me, and brushed my coat with soft bristled brushes. Already, the scent of the water was losing it's potency, and my mind was again flooded with man-scent. ... The ceremony became something of a blur, with the mortal lovers always falling somewhat short of the true ecstasy. Finally, when the five were all spent, I was bathed one last time, and bid to leave the tent. I was instructed to find the God, and to pass blessings on the way. I was bewildered, and failed to understand the meaning of the shaman's words. As a wandered from the tent, I was nearly shocked by the throng of people waiting outside. Hundreds of women crowded about, all seeming to press for just a caress of my silky coat. I understood that my mere touch was a boon to fertility. I lovingly touched the women as I passed. Somehow this was as much a pleasure as the carnal act. Some women I would simply brush against. Some I touched with my hands. Those who seemed particularly infertile, I would nuzzle and kiss. Many women bowed at my feet in tears. It is fair to say that this was perhaps the most profound experience of my life. I was manifesting a Goddess, and she bathed me in her energies. I had come looking for a sexual encounter, and found something vastly more powerful. I was fertility incarnate. ... Even as I passed through the crowd of people, I could smell something new on the wind. There was a scent, which consumed my mind. It was like the man-scent, but more closely attuned to my desire. I thought that it might be coming from somewhere above, and when I looked to the heavens, there on the top of the great cliff walls above me was a creature of singular beauty. Like me, he wore the fur of a tiger, but stood on two legs like a man. His body was powerful, rippling with muscle. I leapt easily from crag to ledge, bounding up the face of the wall with no effort. His presence empowered me. The sight of him intoxicated me. His mere scent sent quakes of passion through me. There at the top of the sandstone wall, he waited. The tiger. In the bright light of the moon, he came to me, first gently, with caresses, petting, and purring. As our encounter grew more intense, we pounced upon each other, wrestling, licking, and lightly clawing one another. Finally, with a force I could scarcely have imagined, he pinned me, and thrust himself inside me. I laid in a state of bliss, finally knowing the ultimate in sexual experience. As the God manifestation reached climax, he relaxed, and lay holding me. This gesture ignited in me some previously unknown sense of safety. I was under his protection. I could feel a stirring in my belly. The tiger rose from his protective embrace, and sped off into the night. I laid watching the moon, feeling life grow inside me. It was... Here I am afraid there is no way to describe the feeling. The moon wandered down the sky, and as it did, my belly grew with new life. Finally, I felt the time arrive. I could feel my body leaking fluids. Soon, I began having contractions. I was vaguely aware that I was about to give birth to something. I remember thinking it should seem more foreign to me, but the manifestation of the Goddess found this nothing but completely natural. Within minutes, I had pushed out four kittens. I was somewhat in awe to see that they were in no way human. They appeared to me in every way to be newborn tiger cubs. In truth, the pain in their birth was minor. Soon, I laid on my side nursing the newborn cubs. To my surprise, I had discovered that I actually had six nipples. Only the two farthest up my chest had human-like breasts. The kittens grew even as I watched them. I was vaguely aware that the God manifestation had returned, carrying some beast of the field. He lay down the fresh kill for the young, then came to me. As the young fed, he gathered me in his arms and deftly leapt back down the sandstone wall to the caravan tents below. He carried me back into the circle, and laid me down in the bathing water. I was once again washed and escorted to the center of the circle. Likewise, he was washed and brought to sit next to me. The handmaidens departed, leaving only me, the tiger, and the shaman. I saw that the moon's light was now about to leave the circle. The shaman again waived some herb sprig over each of us, and walked to the edge of the circle, finally breaking it, and thereby ending the ritual. I found myself immediately taken by sleep. ... By the light of the morning, I found myself still in the great tent where the ceremony had taken place. Curled up with me was one of the two young ladies I'd selected from the Sheik. She simply smiled at me and in her native tongue called me 'Mother of Tigers'. Upon departure from the encampment later in the morning, I noted that we were followed. On either side of us, far above on the cliff tops, were tigers, four in total. Their great huge muscular forms rippled as they walked. These tigers were more reddish, like the sands around us, than the orange color I was accustomed to seeing. My retainer, with his sharp eyes, made mention of them, and I told him to pay them no heed. Those cats were well known in those parts and thought to be protectors of the people. However, their origins were now much clearer to me. Since those days, I have taken to wearing a simple gold ring, set with a red tiger-eye stone. I could say quite honestly with the days and months I've had to reflect on these events, that it has changed me at a profound level. Before that experience, sex was simply satisfying my own need for coitus. Now, I understood the gift of fertility and the power of creating new life.

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Just to set the picture, my wife, Vanessa, is in her 50s but has kept her figure very well. She ran keep fit classes until well into her 40's and has always kept herself very toned and invariably gets looks and comments from men. She has a certain way about her that attracts men like bees to a honeypot. If she is out with a group of her friends, it is always her that ends up laughing and joking with the men in the pub, especially the younger ones.Despite all of this she has never ever strayed...

2 years ago
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I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

1 year ago
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Sex Note

Any human who has their name written in this book will have sex with the writer unless the writer writes down they have sex with someone or something else. You must know the name and face of the person you wish to bone. This is to protect others with the same name. If the method is written within 40 seconds, it will happen that way. If anything else about the intended experience is written within 6 minutes and 40 seconds, then the written actions will happen. Sex Note Will not affect those...

1 year ago
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TheDickSuckers Jayden Starr Your Own Personal Little Slut

Jayden Starr is hot ebony piece of Phat Ass who loves sucking off men. Lotsa men. It makes her shaved cunt wet. Really wet. Just look and listen to Jayden as she rubs one out using her favorite toy! Jayden delves into the real reasons she loves being a Dick Sucker. Listen as she talks about her favorite porno scene — one she starred in — that featured her sucking off 14 men. Jayden cums hard telling her sexy tale before going to town on Mr. POV. Her wet, eager mouth is really his...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Madison Summers Deepthroat SlamFuck

Longhaired blonde Madison Summers shows up on porn hipster Bryan Gozzling’s doorstep. The petite cutie wears a string bikini top, retro hot pants and a chain belt fastened with toy handcuffs. Dominant Bryan carefully explains the house rules for female conduct, and she joins him inside. He fondles the cheeks of her tiny bubble butt. He gently kisses her torso and sucks on her sweet, li’l natural tits. They’re nice handfuls! Bryan pulls down her drawers and shows her fat pussy...

1 year ago
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Boundaries Leaving Masculinity

Boundaries: Leaving masculinity: I always prided myself on being something of a rebel despite having attended public school and having come from a conventional conservative middle class family. My father had always been quite domineering and now that I was married I had started to think how he had had too much of an influence on my life. Germaine had always been a dutiful wife. One thing I noticed lately however, was that she would not wear skirts anymore. One evening after...

2 years ago
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Ive Been Naughty

"Daddy, I've been naughty." I looked at my watch. Right on time. "Yes, Sweetie?" I asked, as I picked up the remote and switched off the television. Natalie walked past the kitchen and into the room. She was wearing just a black silk camisole and panties that matched. Her strawberry-blonde hair was pulled back from her face with several bowed barrettes. She stood in front of me, her hands folded in front of her thighs and her eyes on the ground. "Daddy, I've been naughty," she...

2 years ago
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Seven Days of Lust Part 4

Kay and Dan awoke in the morning smelling breakfast. It seems the girls had made a meal after waking up hungry. As the two went downstairs not a sound was to be heard. When they reached the kitchen the other women had indeed made breakfast and left it for them. A small note thanking them was on the table along with hopes of future meetings.Dan kissed Kay deeply as they stood there in their robes. "Honey," he spoke softly in her ear as he held her around her waist, "I think you should call in...

4 years ago
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Juicy Yoon Jeong Love Letters 2


1 year ago
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KristinChapter 8

The next morning we went over to Nordstrom’s and saw Kay Snyder again. She was glowing, and I noticed her bottom was more than a bit sore. But did she ever look happy and well-fucked! We picked up all the new things that had been flown in overnight and then took our leave. The only disagreement we had was when I gave Kay ten hundred-dollar bills with instructions to buy something very nice for herself. I stressed it was for her, not for the kids and not for the house. I finally threatened to...

3 years ago
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Barish Me Maa Ki Chudai

Hi friends mera naam ravi he mai 21 saal ka mard hu mere ghar me maa aur papa rehte he aur mai jaipur se hu aur mai meri aur meri maa ki chudai ki kahaniki share karne wala hu jo ki meri pehli chudai he. Meri maa ka naam shobhna he age 38 saal mari maa ki fig.chuchiya 42 kamar 34 aur gand 48 ki he aur colour gora aur dikhne me khubsurat he ab mai kahani ko shuruat karta hu. Ek din mai aur meri maa hum dono hamare rishte daronke yaha gaye the aur hum bike pe gaye the aur hume aate wakt deri ho...

2 years ago
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A snapshot of novel My secret wife

The end… or almostOf course, dear reader, now you know how it ends, just like Don… who alone, at home knows that his wife is in the motel room with another man. He certainly imagines how things will turn out. ….however…If you like breathtaking descriptions, if you love to detect the most violent emotions of the characters, discover the most sinful abominable actions that will take place in that room… Then continue reading, and you will know what Ophelia is able to bare, between pain and...

1 year ago
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Girl Cum! Porno is known for massive blasts of cum showered everywhere from a woman’s beautiful face, to her juicy titties, and often into her twat in the form of a creampie. That’s great stuff, for sure, but have you ever seen a Girl Cum? They can be just as messy as the dudes sometimes when they start squirting.GirlCum.com popped up on the web in 2019 and was an immediate hit with their explicit depictions of girls cumming hard. They were getting thousands of visits per day a few weeks after...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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My Secret Sissy Life Exposed Pt 2

“So what did you think of the game?” Nick asked. I swallowed and tried to get my mouth to say something.“Thought we looked pretty good” I stammered. Nick rested on the couch, looking at the tv. Everything seemed fairly normal.“You want a beer?” I offered, trying to keep the conversation light.“Sure” Nick replied, “I could use one”. I could use 6 I thought to myself as I walked over to the fridge. “The purple ones were my favorite too” I heard Nick say as I was bent forward grabbing us drinks. I...

2 years ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 08

The next two weeks were tough. We were nearing the end of the academic year, and every professor seemed to be competing in which one could pile more on us. I wanted to spend time with Mom, but I needed to do well academically this first year. I texted her regularly, explaining, and she understood."Mom, I want to be there to get a good meal, but we're getting swamped and I'm struggling to keep up." What I was really saying was not "...to get a good meal," but rather, "...to get a good feel," and...

2 years ago
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Cinder Whore Chapter 7

The next morning, Mark woke up before the girls. He let them sleep a bit longer while he took his morning shower. He came back into the bedroom afterward with a towel wrapped around his waist. The girls were just getting up when he came in."It's about time you two lazy sluts got up! Look at me, I've already showered and am about to get dressed. And you two are just prying your naughty asses out of bed!" he said, mocking sternness."Mmm… a fresh, clean Master… all ready to get dirty again!" Kathy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Part of Keri’s excitement was that she had no idea what the new man would look like. She expects and enjoys a second man in her sex life at least once a month. Her girlfriend had assured her that he was very gifted ‘both ways’, would not be possessive or too curious about her or her man and absolute discretion was the key note. “We don’t send ugly men, but their looks are only secondary. The point is they can get it up and keep it up, they can really perform,” her girlfriend had told her. ‘We...

4 years ago
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Erotic Coupling With An Amazing Lady

Hello ISS readers. I am Rahul, a 28 year young guy, I live in Pune and I am going to narrate you an erotic incident which happened with me few weeks back. So let’s get to the story. I live in Pimpri area and also I work nearby. Few weeks back, me and my friend went to megamart for shopping as we needed certain ladies dresses for my friend’s fiancée. There came the a lady, short heighted, around 5 ft tall and extremely fair, with her domestic help who was a girl of age around 18 and her son,...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 3

"I should get going," I sigh as I watch the clock tick over to 9pm. "Flatmates get kinda paranoid about leaving the front door unlocked this late..." "Well, that makes me feel all the better about you travelling on the tube this late," mum sighs as I grab my backpack and head to the front door. "Are you SURE you don't want to stay over tonight, Steve?" I sigh again as I catch a glance of my make-up free, unshaven face in the hallway mirror. "Nah... Need to be up early tomorrow," I...

3 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 2

She moved through the day in a rosy haze, not really thinking about the daily chores she did through habit, her mind in a whirl from events of the day before. The day she had been so thoroughly fucked by her lover; the magic time when Chuck had gone down on her, when a man had actually eaten her pussy as if he was starving for it. Maybe he had been starving to taste her pussy, Regina thought, standing in the living room and looking about herself in a warm, loving glow. She felt giddy and...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Me

Summertime in Phoenix sucks!! Let me tell you unless you have a pool your summers will be full of boredom! The house I grew up in had a older style pool. Wasnt the beautiful pools we see now but it was something. My name is Alexandra but I go by Alex Allie or Al. I was excited summer had finally come and I could stay home and relax. My best friend Kate comes over all of the time. On a hot Monday she came over so we could swim in my pool. At the time I remember I was a little jealous of Kate...

1 year ago
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Introduction She took the bottle of beer and roll

Farah is my step-sister. My mother married her dad even before we could remember so she was by law and in my mind my full-blooded sister. I got adopted by dad so we even have the same last name which adds to the validity of our kinship. She and I had a pretty good sibling relationship most of the time, I didn’t hate her; sometimes I even felt like she was more of a friend than a close relative. We were completely comfortable with each other and could talk openly which helped a lot when either...

4 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 32

Bryant wandered downstairs and found Chuck sitting on the back deck. Chuck looked up when he heard Bryant descending. "Is everything okay in there?" Bryant asked. "It looks great!" Chuck enthused. "You even mopped the floor and cleaned the grill." "I've been down here while you get thing set up for the next day," Bryant said. He handed over the deposit slip that he'd carried upstairs the night before. "B'damn, boyo," Chuck said. "You had a $5,000 night! I've only had two of...

3 years ago
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The sun was high in the sky, the light glistening off the snow that lay like a soft, cotton blanket across the countryside. I leant my forehead against the cold window, condensation forming on the glass. I pulled my outstretched legs into me as I lay on the window seat, snuggling down into my woollen turtleneck as I did so, the fitted material stretching at my chest. The fire was roaring opposite me, the heat warming up my bare feet. I glanced down at my sweet little toes, with the nails...

2 years ago
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Romancing the Librarian Pt 03

A Decision at Chaco After the scare with Julie’s uncle and the other bikers at the edge of the Glen Canyon reservoir, we made our way carefully to the RV hidden in the wash. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the rig headed back to the road in the pitch black, but Marian did a great job with a hooded flashlight. She took the other seat and said the women were going to spell each other staying up with me. I didn’t say anything but wondered when I would get Julie in my lap again. On the low...

4 years ago
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Baby Sittin Blues

SOMEBODY HAS TO BABY SIT Well, it looked like it was my turn to baby sit. Not that I minded. Lucy (Lucinda) was our twenty-two-month-old daughter. I say daughter, but she is as much the love of my life as her mother is. She was a real surprise to us as we had been trying for kids since we got married eighteen years ago. Marla was out working at a blind auction at the church. She had some shopping to do afterwards and was going to be gone for a while. Believe it or not, I was actually pretty...

3 years ago
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E118 Subject J Donald almost reaches the end

When Donald finishes about Subject I, he does want to continue with the story about Subject J right away to be done with this.  But he knows there is something he needs to discuss with Emma alone first.  Julie and Karen do not know anything about this part of things which started when he came to The Institute here, and they should not know.He looks Emma in the eye and asks her to please come with him for a few minutes.  She can see from Donald’s demeanor that it is something important, so...

Love Stories
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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

3 years ago
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Scratching that Itch Gay

On Friday night, Lenny Post walked into The Rodeo, a gay pickup bar where he was well-known. He had an itch his dildo couldn't cure so he was looking to find the most well-hung stud he could. He enjoyed sucking cocks but there were some times when what he needed more than anything was for his ass to get a good cramming and this night was one of those times."Hi, Lenny. What'll it be?" asked Pete the bartender."White wine, Pete. Any action going on tonight?"The friendly bartender leaned forward...

2 years ago
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First time and more

First Time … and more!       I was eighteen years old the first time a man seduced me. His name, aptly, was Dick and he was sort of a mentor as I was learning about cars and racing. He was twenty years my senior and I trusted and admired him, listening intently to his stories from when he was my age about cars and racing. I was very naive but not shy sexually and was always ready to party and not afraid to try something different. He had lured me to his apartment before, offering drinks and...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Lena 25 year old

25 year old “Hotwife” Lena is ready to get into the adult biz. She had a conversation with the hubby, and he said do whatever it takes to get that money honey. So she’s gonna. Lena is a really really fun chick, she had me cracking up the whole time. I also had a great time bustin’ her proverbial balls, while unloading my actual balls in her asshole. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Lena is like the epitome of slut. I don’t know where the girls come from or how they come to be, but they...

3 years ago
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Serving Moms FriendsChapter 4

Lunchtime finally came and, really, I was ready for a break. Sure, I was sixteen and always horny but I'd already had lots of sex with my Aunt Suzanne and Helen and would be pairing-up with Sandra next for the afternoon. All eight of us, of course, were naked in the kitchen fixing lunch and playing with boobs, pussies and dicks the whole time. I did spend a little time with Mom asking her how it was for her so far and she told me that she never dreamed there could be so much sex in such a...

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Mass Effect Aftermath

Fleet Admiral Hackett observed the utterly destroyed Citadel, still orbiting Earths atmosphere. He had managed to establish contact with the inactive space station. Specifically, with one Armando Owen-Bailey, a Commander of C-Sec, who sent out a distress call Hackett picked up. Communication was fuzzy but Bailey seemed to understand Hacketts request after receiving the NavPoint to Shepards last known location. He was to find Shepard. Or recover the corpse. The Admiral hoped, for humanity's...

3 years ago
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A Cautious ManChapter 8

Zena moved in with Bill three weeks later. It was at his invitation. He was smitten with the striking young woman and he felt they were destined to be together. Zena did nothing to dissuade him. She complimented him frequently and showed her affection often. As they become more familiar with each other as lovers, Zena showed Bill the special touches she enjoyed and he took pleasure in giving her his complete attention. As their relationship deepened, Bill began to think about a long-term...

3 years ago
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Malsej Mein Mauj

Hi friends, its me again. I got your responses and I am very excited to post one more of my experience on this site. Also guys, remember, I am not a whore. Do not expect me to accept invitations for meets and other stuffs. I would like to keep my experiences to this site and my self only. I do not wish to sound rude, but enjoy sex, however that is not my profession guys. So learn to respect this please. Now coming to my experience at Malsej Ghat, some 100 to 150 odd KMS from Mumbai. This is...

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Hyperactive AlexChapter 7 Fall Semester

It was the last few days before the classes started at the university. Alex's fifteenth birthday party was held the day before. The restaurant organized everything well, and it was good to talk to his old buddies. Most of his friends from school were there, already back from summer trips, and there were the usual friends of his parents and their kids. Many of these family friends were uncomfortable with gift selection. Normally, they would have given him music discs or sports equipment. But...

4 years ago
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Precious Things

January 3 How is any of this possible? This damned body...how the hell can it be mine!? It feels do damned weird. The size, the shape, and these fucking hormones! I don't know who I feel like anymore, but it sure as hell isn't me... I don't know if anybody's going to believe me, except everybody who was there I guess. Hell, even some of them aren't fucking sure. But how could I expect anybody to believe any of this? This whole damned thing is absolutely beyond belief. It simply...

1 year ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 6

Grace had insisted that Axel and Rayner travel with the caravan heading towards the dungeon even though it would have been faster for them to travel on foot. Instead, they plodded along with hundreds, if not thousands, of travelers. But she’d been right in her recommendation for many reasons. Traveling with the caravan allowed them to see the might of the Coalition gods. A massive gaseous wall of blue bordered the entirety of the caravan, a blessing from a traveler god of the Coalition. The...

3 years ago
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Ghost Boyfriend

Jeff held Courtney's hand as she cried. Nick, Courtney's long time boyfriend of 2 years had passed away in a horrible car accident. Nick was also Jeff's best friend since grade school. The funeral ceremony was short and Courtney felt as if her world had been torn apart. Nick had been a wonderful, caring, and understanding boyfriend. They would stay up late at night talking about how they would marry after college and live happily ever after. Now all of that was gone. Courtney dried her eyes...

1 year ago
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My Sister My reluctance and my first time Part 2

Here is the second part to the story as I've been requested to make and I’m thrilled with the responses from the first one, please read that if you haven't already. I awaken and while my eyes adjust I expect to see my sister’s beautiful face either softly sleeping or awake staring back at me. I stretch my arms out to feel nothing and realise that she’s not here, but I take a quick look out the window and her car is parked on the drive. I shout “Stacey?” and hear no reply, “Stacey, are you...

2 years ago
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Sure Boss why not with pics

"Bill, your wife Cindy drives me crazy she's so gorgeous, have you ever thought about sharing her?"My boss surprised me with the openness with which he asked."Well, your wife Judy does the same for me to be honest. Do you mean you two are swingers?" I rebutted."As a matter of fact yes we are! he replied with a grin, "How do you feel about that?""Relieved!" I replied with a grin."Well, how about joining my wife and I for a nice dinner at that great steakhouse in the ritzy hotel in that city...

4 years ago
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My Lover8217s Monster

Hi…all I am kumar from Bangalore like to share one of my nice experiences with a co-passenger named veera. Daily Morning I used to travel by VOLVO bus to office. I used to see a person who travels in the same bus daily but we never introduced our self except a small smile. He is tall handsome and used to wear formals every day. I looks little fatty with hip size 36 and 5.8 feet ht. the bus will be always tightly packed and we have to travel at least 1 hour to reach my stop. One fine Wednesday I...

Gay Male
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Mindys FamilyChapter 2

By the time lunch was on the table the following midday, Sam had completely finished the beautifully seasoned oak casket's exterior; oops, the seasoned oak commode, for want of a better word, and was fitting out the entrapment shackles inside. He had to widen it so that Mindy's knees were nigh on up to her armpits, snuggled under where her armpits would be locked in place. A belt strap would encircle her hips; cinched tight, it wouldn't allow her to struggle as she was raped by her father...

2 years ago
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Like Old Times 3

John and I were finding special times together. I'd always thought that men could find physical intimacy to be fulfilling, but never saw myself in that role. But I was slowly starting to feel a closeness that I hadn't felt in a long time. Not that I didn't find women attractive and enjoy their company. I guess I had to admit that I was truly bi. But here and now, my situation was with another man, and I was truly enjoying his company, both socially and sexually. Friday nights we...

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