Zodiac Coin: Sagittarius free porn video

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Zodiac Coin: Sagittarius By JRD 2300 YEARS AGO... He was a king, the great-grandson of the wisest ruler the kingdom had ever known. This king, however, lacked any of the wisdom of his great grand sire. He was, in fact, making a name for himself as the most brutal, most abusive leader the people ever had. Already, many had tried to end his reign. Arrows from hidden snipers, daggers in the back, and other such means had all been tried, but none had succeeded. Most thought that he was getting some kind of supernatural protection, and they were right. The king had inherited a magic breastplate made of some strange metal that had been dug up over a century ago. While the breastplate was being worn, the wearer was all but invincible. No weapon would even scratch the skin of the wearer, and even fate seemed to aid him. Weapons that the breastplate wouldn't protect against, like boiling oil or ballista, would break down in some way if they endangered the wearer. And the king never left his private chambers without it on, not even to walk in his own castle. He was in his chambers one night, alone except for the farm girl that he had blackmailed into attending him that night. Her father owed more in taxes than their family farm was worth, and was currently languishing in a cell in the dungeon. When the girl had come to the king to beg for her father, the king had promised her father's release if she would spend the night with him, a promise he never intended to keep. The king figured that as long as he held the girl's father, he held absolute control over her. Which is why it was such a surprise when he got naked, and then felt a blade jammed into his side. The girl's father was a wise man. He knew it was unlikely that the king would ever honor his promise, but even if he did, the farmer was too old to work his farm, and too poor to hire help. So when the girl had come to visit before she gave himself to the king, he instructed her to try to kill the king, steal his breastplate, and run far away. She planned to do all of that, plus one thing more. After taking the breastplates, she put it on, covered herself with a robe, snuck down to the dungeon and freed her father; then they both ran off together. A SMALL TOWN IN THE MIDWEST... Kate shifted uncomfortably in the bed. There was some odd feeling poking at the edges of the consciousness as she woke up. Kate dragged herself to consciousness, opened her eyes, and bolted backwards, falling off the bed, when she saw the face of a strange woman rather than her husband lying next to her in bed. The woman sat up, rubbing her eyes, and said, "What's wrong with you?" The woman then seemed to notice something about herself and looked down, saying, "What's wrong with-" Then, with extreme shock and surprise, she said, "Holy crap! I've got tits!" as though she had never had them before. Kate was still so surprised at having found a woman in her bed that what the woman had said barely sunk in. Kate was about to start asking questions and demanding answers when she noticed a small tattoo on the woman's right shoulder. It was a picture of two hearts with a small arrow piercing both of them and a ribbon wrapping around all of it. Upon the ribbon, the name Kate was written in cursive script. On her own shoulder was a similar tattoo with her husband's name on it. The couple had gotten the tattoos on the night after they got engaged as a symbol of their undying love. As all the things she had seen since waking up filtered in to her still sleepy mind, she came to a conclusion so strange that it just wouldn't be denied. She squinted at the woman and asked, "Mark?" The woman looked up at her, pointed to her rather ample bosom, and said, "I've got tits!" as though Kate hadn't noticed them yet. "Mark? Is that you?" "Who else would be in our bed?" The woman looked down at her tits again and, still not believing it, said again, "I've got tits!" "The only person I would expect to be in my bed would be my husband, but... you don't exactly look like him. You don't even look like a him." "What do you mean?" "Go take a look," Kate said, pointing to the mirror. The stranger threw off the covers and ran to look at herself in the mirror mounted on the back of the bedroom dresser. When she saw that she did indeed look like a woman, all she could say was, "Holy..." She turned to Kate and said, "Honey, it's me. It really is me, your husband, Mark." Kate said, "There is still one part of you that looks like it used to," and pointed to her (his?) crotch. The stranger looked down (having to move her breasts out of the way) and saw that there was a cock and not a cunt between her legs. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "At least that's something." Coming out from behind the bed, Kate said, "Sit down and spread your legs." "Why?" "Because I know every detail of my husband's cock in intimate familiarity. If that is Mark's cock, no matter how womanly the rest of the body is, I will know it." With a hesitant, "Okay," the woman walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, leaned back, and spread her legs. She fought off the urge to clamp her legs shut and allowed Kate to inspect her. After she finished, Kate stood up, looked the woman up and down, looked at the woman's dick, looked her up and down once more, then asked, "What the hell happened to you, Mark?" Bordering on yelling, Mark loudly said, "You think I know?!" Before either of them could discuss (or argue about) Mark's changes any further, they heard a scream coming from the bedroom of Elliott, their oldest child. Both parents sprang into motion and ran through the hall to their son's room. As soon as they got through the door, they saw what appeared to be a busty, teenage girl sitting in the bed, staring at her own chest. The girl looked up and said, "Mom, I've got tits!" Kate, suddenly struck by the total unreality of the situation, could only quip, "Well, he's definitely your son." Mark slipped around his (her?) wife and stepped up to his son's bed. "Elliott?" The girl looked up into Mark's eyes and said, "Dad?" Not wanting to panic his son, Mark smiled, shrugged, and said, "Yeah, it's me in here." "What the fuck happened to us?" Reacting in instinctive mother mode, Kate said, "Elliott, watch your language!" Her transformed son sheepishly said, "Sorry, Mom." Mark said, "He does ask a much-needed question. What did happen to us?" Just then, their youngest daughter, 10 year-old Iris, wandered into the room, rubbing her eyes, and asked, "What's going on in here?" When she saw the, to her, two strange women in the room, she asked her mother, "Who are them?" "They," Kate said, stressing the word in an attempt to get her daughter to recognize it as the proper word, "are your father and your brother. Something happened to them to make them look, well, more like you and me. Well, like you will look like when you get a little older." Iris stared intently at the transformees, then looked up at her mother and said, "Are you serious?" "Yes, I am." Iris stared four little while longer. Then she chanted, "Elliott's a girl! Elliott's a girl!" whereupon Elliott lurched towards her angrily. Although Mark restrained his son with a hand on the shoulder, Iris still shrieked and hid behind her mother. Kate said, "All right! That's enough! This bickering is not going to get anything accomplished. Iris, you will not tease your brother about this. Is that clear?" "Yes, mother." "Elliott, don't you forget she's your little sister. You're supposed to be older and more mature, so you don't get to fly off the handle every time you get angry at her. Is that clear?" Elliott meekly replied, "Yes, mother." "Okay then. The first thing we need to do is get dressed. Walking around in our nothings may be fine for the bedrooms, but unless we get really lucky, whatever changed us, changed you, will probably not be in our bedrooms." Elliott petulantly asked, "Am I going to have to wear a bra?" Kate stopped cold. To no one in particular, she said, "Just when I think I'm getting a hold on this... My son not only wearing but needing a bra," and shook her head. Clearly not liking the idea, Elliott asked, "Does that mean I have to wear one?" Kate thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Around the house, no, but if you plan on spending any time outside, even just in the yard, you're too big to go without one." Whining, Elliott replied, "Do I have to?" "Yes, you have to. Unless you want every boy in town, including all your friends, staring at your chest." Elliott's eyes went wide in shock. Clearly the concept of anyone, much less other boys, staring at him had not previously occurred to him. "Hopefully, we won't have to worry about any of this. Right now, we need to get dressed, and then we need to turn this house upside down to see if we can find something, anything, that might have caused this." Kate and Mark sent Iris back to her room, then headed down the hall back to their own room. As they walked, Mark commented, "Y'know, the likelihood of finding anything in this house is about slim to none. Unless it's something really unusual, we wouldn't know it even if we were looking right at it, whatever IT is." "Honey, my son and my husband now look like a couple of fantastic babes. I've got to do something, even if it's utterly useless, so don't bother me with facts." Mark just smiled as they walked into their bedroom. Once inside, he asked, "Kate, we look about the same size, don't we?" "Same size?" Shaking his breasts, he replied, "These things. I think we're about the same size." "I... suppose so. I hadn't really looked before." "Well, let's see. Give me one of your bras." "You WANT to wear one of my bras?" "Hell no, but if Elliott is too large to leave the house without wearing one, then I certainly don't have any excuse. Besides, if he sees his dad wearing one, we're likely to get less of a fight if he winds up needing to wear one." In a very sardonic voice, Kate said, "Great. My husband needs a bra. I can just see the next PTA meeting. 'Y'know, this girdle is really binding on me, and speaking of feminine undergarments, what kind of bra is your husband wearing these days?'" Mark chuckled and gave his wife a one arm hug. "Don't worry, love. We'll get through this. Somehow." "Yeah, we always do. As long as we're together, we'll make it. Now, let's see if my bra really will fit." As Kate started digging in her drawer, Mark asked, "Honey, do you and the other wives really talk about girdles at PTA meetings?" "Occasionally. We talk about a lot of stuff. Why? What did you think we talked about?" "I can honestly say I didn't think about it." Kate snorted. "Just like a man. Here. This is a good, functional bra." Kate brought a plain, white bra over and helped Mark into it. "There. A perfect fit." "Yeah, this isn't so bad." "After a few hours, you probably won't be singing the same tune. Let's finish getting dressed." Mark went over to his own dresser, got out some clothes, and started getting dressed. His own underwear barely stayed on, and when he put on some pants, those fell off, taking the underwear with them. "Damn! Nothing fits any more." "I'm not surprised. You are almost a foot smaller than you used to be. In fact, taking a good look at you..." Kate dug in her drawers for a second or two, then pulled out a T- shirt, and tossed it to Mark. "Try that on." Mark pulled the shirt on and said, "Perfect fit." Kate tossed him a pair of pants next, saying, "Try those." Mark put them on without any underwear. "These fit, too." "Apparently whatever changed you changed your proportions so that they're exactly the same as mine. Your face looks like a female version of yourself, kind of like a sister or something, but from the neck down, you and I could be twins." "That's convenient. But what about Elliott? Who is he supposed to be a body double for?" "I'm not sure for anybody. He definitely looks like Iris and Petunia." "Speaking of our second child, when does she get back from summer camp?" "She comes in at 6:00 p.m. tonight." "Any guesses if we'll be back to normal by then?" "I have no idea. C'mon. Let's see if our kids are ready." Their kids were indeed dressed and ready, and they then proceeded to use the better part of the morning searching the house, looking for anything out of the ordinary. At about 11:00 a.m., Kate said, "I don't think there's anything in here. I'm going to start searching outside." Kate went outside and started looking around, looking at the house, the yard, and anything she could, not even sure what she was looking for, or if there was even anything to look for. At one point, she heard someone mowing the lawn. When she looked over, she saw her next-door neighbor and best friend, Kelly, mowing her lawn with the sit-down mower that she had. Kate almost called out to her friend, when she thought about something. Kelly's husband, David, was almost pathological about his lawn. He considered all aspects of its care, including mowing, trimming, and fertilizing, to be his job and he got rather upset with anybody who tried to do it for him. Between that and the fact that Kelly really had no interest in sitting on a mower on a hot, sunny day like today (or any day), the fact that she was doing it now seemed very odd. Kate stared at her friend, or who she thought was her friend, for a while, beginning to notice small differences. This person's facial features were a little different, and her hair color was a little darker, but if it wasn't Kelly, then it could possibly be her twin. Then another of those strange ideas that wouldn't be ignored popped into Kate's head. At first she thought she was crazy, but she called out, "David!" anyway. When the woman snapped her head around, but then bolted for her door like a frightened rabbit, Kate knew that her own family was not the only one to be affected by this strange transformation. She called out, "Mark, get out here!" Not waiting for her husband, Kate ran to the door of her neighbor's home and pounded loudly until Kelly opened up. Kelly said, "Oh, hello, Kate. Is this really important? David's feeling a little under the weather, and I need to get back to him." Sure of herself, Kate said, "David's feeling and looking like a girl. He woke up this morning with breasts, curves, and, in every way except for what's between his legs, looking like a woman." Kelly was mystified. "How did you know?" Kate didn't explain, instead saying, "Grab David and, if necessary, drag him out to the fence," before running back to her own house. When she got to the door, Mark was there. He asked, "What's going on?" Kate didn't answer, instead pushing the door open, grabbing him by the arm, and yanking him outside before he had a chance to object. He tried to protest and pull back. She just ignored him and continued to drag him to the fence, constantly saying, "C'mon. C'mon." The fence was a chain-link deal that stood barely waist high used mostly to mark the property line, but also made a great place to stand over and just chat. However, it made no barrier at all to each couple seeing the other, and each transformed male, seeing someone else being dragged in the same way they were, was only moderately surprised when Kate said, "David, meet Mark. Mark, meet David." Mark was the first to speak, saying simply, "You, too?" David said, "I guess so. What about Elliott? Was he affected, too?" "Yes, he was. You think anybody else was affected?" Kelly, who was looking around, said, "I think a lot more. Maybe everybody." "What makes you say that?" "Take a look around. It's Saturday afternoon, well, nearly so. Where are all the boys? We should be able to see at least a few, riding bikes, playing catch, or just hanging out." Kate said, "Yeah, you're right, but do you really think that everybody was affected?" "There's only one way to find out. We'll have to go down the street knocking on doors and asking." David said, "You want us to go down the street and knock on doors looking like this?" "It's got to be done. If necessary Kelly and I could do it alone, but four will do it a lot faster than two will." Mark said, "She's right. We've got to bite the bullet and get this done." "So now that we've got that settled, we can split up and head down the streets. We girls will take the opposite side of the street. We'll split up, each couple going in a separate direction." Having a plan, they proceeded to implement it. They went down the street a few blocks and knocked on every door. It started slow, with only a few people trickling out at first, but it quickly picked up speed, and within the hour, the street was filled with what appeared to be a large group of women. With others helping, the group soon grew to hundreds, then thousands. Apparently, everyone male in the small town where they lived had been transformed into a shemale. Any man who was married or who lived with his girlfriend had been given a body exactly the same as his significant other's. Every other male, to best guess, had been transformed into a female version of himself. There was a lot of discussion about what had done it, but it was all guessing. No one really had any clues. Kate expected some arguments and fights, but mostly everyone was too stunned to fight. In the next few hours, there was more interaction, more milling about, between the people then had occurred in Time Square every New Year's Eve since they first started dropping the ball. Kate got to meet a bunch of people she otherwise would never have met, as well as get to know all over again some who she hadn't seen in a long time. One of the people she got to meet again was her sister, Amanda. About a year ago, Amanda had gotten married. They meant to keep in touch, but after the marriage and the honeymoon, this thing or that thing had always seemed to crop up in one of their lives, so despite only living across town, they rarely heard from one another. After some brief pleasantries, including some introductions (Amanda and some of her friends meeting Kate and some of her friends), Amanda asked, "So what do you make of all this?" Kate shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. Whatever it is, it seems to be limited to our town. The TV still shows plenty of guys everywhere except here." "Any idea about who or what did this?" "I wouldn't even want to hazard a guess, but I think the bigger question right now is why. What possible reason could there be for this?" Kate asked, making a sweeping gesture with her arms to encompass the view of everyone. Susie, one of Amanda's friends, guessed, "Maybe it's some kind of an invasion. They use some kind of device to turn all our men into women, then, while we're all confused and disoriented, they just march in and take over." Amanda derisively replied, "Yeah, we're such a big military target, what with our zero military bases, no easy accessibility to major airport or bus terminal, and nothing more than branch offices for all our banks and credit unions." Kate said, "Not necessarily that bad of an idea. I don't think there's anything to be gained from the takeover of our sleepy, little hamlet, but our relative isolation might make us a target for somebody who wanted to prove that he could hit anyone, at any time." Jane, one of Kate's friends, asked, "Y'know what I think?" Kelly said, "Let me guess. Government conspiracy?" "How'd you know?" "Because you could find a government conspiracy in the fact that your favorite brand of toothpaste changed its flavor." After everybody had a brief chuckle, Jane said, "Very funny. But this does make sense. The government develops some kind of device for changing the sex of enemies, but they need to test it first, so they pick a little town that isn't close enough to any major city where they might be able to warn the news service." "That's silly. First off, if we were the victims of some secret government experiment, they'd have troops ready to move in to ensure that we didn't go squawking to anybody. It'd be easy to claim that we were the victims of some viral agent used by terrorists, and we needed to be quarantined. Secondly, it'd be too easy to use something like this in a war on terrorism and be totally justified. Could you imagine the effect a weapon that could do this would have on the misogynistic factions of fundamentalist Islam?" Kate was finding the discussion intriguing, but was distracted by a tap on the shoulder. She turned and saw Mark and asked, "Hey, honey, what's up?" "It's time for someone to go pick up Petunia. Considering what happened, I think you better go pick her up without me, so you can let her know what's happened and get her used to the idea of what Elliott and I look like." "That'd probably be best. Kelly and I can go together in the minivan." Kelly and Kate quickly headed back home, got the minivan, and drove the 40 minute trip to the bus station where they would pick up Petunia and Kelly's daughter, Deborah. After a brief wait, the bus pulled in, the passengers disembarked, and the mothers and daughters quickly found each other. One of the first things Petunia said was, "Where's dad? I've got some neat stuff I want to show him." "Your father couldn't make it. He was feeling a little under the weather." Just then, Kate heard some people talking. It was just snippets here and there, but it scared her witless. The bits about, "Changed into women," and, "All a bunch of bimbos now," didn't scare her so much as, "Caused by some kind of biological weapon," and, "Whole town needs to be quarantined." so, without explaining it immediately to their kids, Kate and Kelly quickly collected the luggage, ushered everyone back to the minivan, and drove home as fast as possible. On the way back, Kelly explained what had happened to the men of the town. Petunia's reaction was, "So now dad and Elliot have boobs? That is so cool!" With all the stress of the day, Kate found herself yelling, "IT IS NOT COOL! Your father and brother had been transformed against their will by something or someone! Until the authorities know what to do, they may be taken away from us, thrown in jail or God knows what! WE MIGHT LOSE THEM! So this is definitely NOT cool! UNDERSTAND?!" Kate felt Kelly's hand on her arm, both comforting and warning. She heard Petunia say, "I'm sorry, mommy. I didn't..." Petunia wasn't sure what it was she wasn't supposed to have done, but she was clearly afraid that she had done something very wrong. Kate reached between the seats and said, "No, dear, mommy is sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just been a really bad day. Do you forgive me?" Petunia reached out and took her mother's hand. "I forgive you, mommy, and it'll be okay. Isn't that what you're always saying? As long as the family stays together, it'll be okay?" Kate told her daughter, "Yes, dear, it'll be okay," and Petunia seemed to accept that, but Kate couldn't quite convince herself. When they got home, there were a few people milling about, but most of the people seemed to have gone home. As they pulled up in front of Kate's house, Kate warned, "Now, remember, no teasing." Both of the girls agreed, and they then and got out and started unloading the car. Soon, Mark came out, and Petunia said, "Dad, is that you? You look great!" "Thank you, darling, but let's get your stuff inside. We've been holding dinner for you, and everybody else is starved." Elliott came running out of the house and jumped from the porch over the steps to the front walk. It was nothing he hadn't done dozens of times before, but this time his breasts (which still weren't inside a bra) bounced painfully, forcing a short pause before he took off down the walk towards the minivan. Kate paused, wondering whether she should lecture him on running around without a bra, or just let him discover the problems on his own. She decided that, at least for the time being, she'd go with the latter. As Mark handed a couple of bags to Elliott, Kate leaned over and whispered to him, "We need to talk." Mark just nodded. David came out and started getting Deborah's bags and said, "We decided we'd have a backyard picnic for dinner. It'll give us a chance to socialize, what with the girl's return and our changes." After everybody got their bags and returned to their houses, Kate pulled Mark the side and quickly explained what she had overheard at the bus station. Mark sighed and said, "I was afraid of this." Kate said, "We've got to get out of here, grab some clothes and run for the hills!" "No, hun, we can't do that." "But the government might come and try to take you away!" "I suppose that's a real possibility." "AND YOU'RE OKAY WITH THAT?!" "Not okay, but it may be the best option." "How can you say that?!" "Honey, we don't know what caused this. It may very well be viral in nature. The government may have to quarantine us for the sake of the nation. Could you imagine what would happen if every male in the USA changed like us?" "Oh, honey, I don't want to lose you." Mark took Kate in his arms and hugged her. "Don't worry. They probably won't take us away. It's far more likely that they'll surround the town with a military cordon and quarantine us, not allowing anybody in or out. I didn't think about this until you were gone, but you might be a carrier, not affected by the virus, but capable of spreading it. Of course, that presupposes a viral cause." "How likely do you think that is?" "Not very. This is too perfect. Each man becomes an exact body double for his wife or lover, but only if they're living together? It certainly makes things easy on a lot of us." "So what do you think caused it?" Mark shrugged. "I wish I knew. It would solve a lot of problems." After a few seconds, without discussing it, they just decided to end the conversation since neither one could figure out anything to say. They instead decided to focus on the minutiae of dinner, getting plates, silverware, food, etc. Halfway through dinner, the army came. The parents kept their children calm by concentrating on their meal and pretended like nothing was happening. As Mark had said earlier, the military surrounded the town and closed off all access, in and out. The only people who weren't residents who walked through the town were all clad in bulky BIOS suits. All the men from the army kept saying that they were only there to help, and that they would try to interfere as little as possible, but few, if any, really believed them. EARLY THE NEXT DAY... Mark was incredulous. "So that's it?!" The head of the scientific team, who was walking around without his headgear, said, "Yeah, that's it. Sorry for all the trouble. If I had known how easy this was going to be, we could have come in early yesterday afternoon and had it all done by dinner. Instead, we come in like we're invading and wind up scaring the hell out of everybody." "Uh-huh. Now tell me again what gave me these," Mark said, pointing to his boobs. "Well, apparently it's a unique combination of solar radiation filtered through the magnetic effects that cause sun spots, a particularly intense blast of cosmic radiation that managed to get through to the town, and some normally harmless local gases escaping from the earth." "Uh-huh. So why do most of us look like our wives/significant others?" "Close proximity to your loved one resulted in adapting to their body shape." "Right. And you're all finished here? You don't plan on coming back?" "Well, we'll come back if we find some kind of way to turn you back, but since we don't know the exact levels of everything that combined to do this, I don't think there's much chance of that. I'm sorry, but it looks like you just have to get used to living looking like a woman." "Right. I have to get back to my wife now." Mark walked back to his wife and as soon as he was within earshot, said, "What a crock." In a stern whisper, Kate said, "Be quiet! They're leaving. That's the important thing." Mark dropped his voice to a whisper. "All right, but did you hear that explanation? I may only be a high-school science teacher, but that was the biggest load of crap I ever heard." "Do you think he was lying?" "No, I don't. As far as I could tell, he believes everything he said." "So what's the problem? He probably knows a lot more about this thing than you do." "I have no doubt about that. But that just makes one more mystery to add to all this." "What do you mean?" "Think about it. Something transforms a whole town of men into female look-alikes, forcing the military to move in and cordon off the whole town, and the scientist who can clear it all up finds enough evidence to do so after just a few hours of work? It's just too fantastic." "So what do you think is behind it?" "I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure there's a who involved. Someone did this to us." "How can you be so sure?" "I already told you about my opinions regarding men turning into exact body doubles of their wives. Now you can add in the fact that, according to our tests, we've lost no virility, despite our appearance we can still father children, and that unbelievable explanation for all this. Someone out there wants us to look like women, but wants to minimize the amount of suffering that causes." "But who? Who would have the power to do this, and why would they want to?" "I don't know, but I suspect if we answer that second question, we'll probably get the answer to the first." Kate didn't know what to say. The concept that there was someone out there with that kind of power was nothing short of mind boggling, and yet, her husband made way too much sense to just ignore. Luckily, both of them were distracted when a couple of Kate's friends called to them. Mark said, "You go talk to your friends. I'll go check on the kids." Kate went over to her friends, and Susie said, "I'm glad that's over." Kate replied, "I'm not so sure," and told the girls about Mark's theories. Jane said, "There's someone out there with the power to do this, but it's not the government? Even I am not a crackpot enough to think that." "Ha ha, very funny. Mark makes a good case. I don't think we can dismiss him out of hand." Susie said, "I don't care who is doing this. I just want them to change our husbands back to normal." Amanda said, "What's the big deal? So you snuggle up to a woman for a while. Your husband's still got all his male equipment as well as a couple boobs to play with. It's the best of both worlds." Susie shut her eyes and spoke slowly, barely keeping her exasperation in check. "Not everyone is bisexual like you, Amanda. I was raised to believe that the being a lesbian was wrong. I just can't bring myself to touch him anymore." "Are you saying you don't love him any more?" Kate said, "It's not about love. It's about a physiological reaction. I love Mark, but when I look at him, I just don't feel that... need to be naked with him that I used to." Amanda asked, "Is it really that big a deal?" A few of the girls nodded. Just then, Iris ran out and said, "Mom, Elliott says he's ready to go get his first bra, and dad says he doesn't know how to get him one that will fit, so I should come get you." Kate said, "A mother's work is never done. If you'll excuse me?" As she walked away, she added under her breath, "Buying my son a bra? I don't know if I'll ever get used to this." Kate took her son to the mall; got him sized (causing him no end of embarrassment), and bought him three, size 36 C bras. While she was paying, Elliott started pulling on her blouse sleeve. "Mom, hurry up. I'm going to miss the game!" Kate rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. You won't miss the game." The salesclerk chuckled and said, "I guess that shows how much they're still men. Even looking as they do, they're all still the biggest bunch of football fanatics on the planet." Kate smiled. "What a claim to fame. Before, our town could claim the most football fans per capita. Now, we can also claim the most bras sold to football fans." Elliott tugged on his mother's sleeves again and whined, "Mom, hurry up!" "Elliott, you're too old to go the acting like this. We'll get you home in plenty of time for the tip-off." "Kickoff, mom. It's called the kickoff." Kate looked back to the salesclerk. "And they still can't joke about their little game." Elliott just whined, "Mom!" and pulled harder. Kate handed Elliott the bag of bras and said, "Here. You can carry your own clothes." Elliott quickly took the bag and headed for the door to the store. Kate called after him, "Wait for your mother!" Shifting impatiently, Elliott waited by the door as Kate came over and said, "Y'know, you may look like a girl, but you sure don't shop like one." Elliott asked, "What do you mean?" barely keeping pace with his mother as he headed towards the doors to the outside. "When I came here to buy Petunia her first bra, we made an entire afternoon out of it. For you, it's still get in, get out." "Yeah, well next time, tell whatever changed us not to do it on the day before a big game." "Big game? I have been married to your father long enough to know that no preseason game is that big." "C'mon, mom. It's big to me. I'm young. I haven't seen that many games." "Oh, please. You've been watching football since before you could walk." "Yeah, but..." Although Elliott couldn't actually think of any more reasons to hurry, Kate said, "Don't worry. We'll get home as fast as possible." On the way home, Kate did drive as fast she could without speeding, and as soon as they pulled up in front of the house, Elliott all but jumped from the car. Before he could go anywhere, Kate yelled, "Hey!" When he turned back to her, she tossed him the bag of bras and said, "Before you plop yourself down in front of the TV, I want you to put those away," and then she added a very poignant, "neatly." As Elliot ran up the walk, Kate figured he'd probably just stuff them in a drawer, but that actually made her happy. It was one more reminder that he hadn't changed as much as appearances would lead to believe. Kate went inside and saw Elliott jump on to the couch beside his father. Mark said, "No jumping on the furniture, sport." Kate looked at her husband and felt a familiar stirring. It was the feeling of lust that had been absent since this whole thing had started. She headed towards the bedroom, calling out casually, "Mark, can I see you in the bedroom?" The game had just started, and Mark only took his eyes off the set for a moment to look at her and ask, "Right now?" "If you could." Mark gave a slightly disappointed, "Okay," and followed Kate into the bedroom. Once inside and the door shut behind them, he asked, "What's the problem?" Mark could only gape in surprise when Kate shoved him up against the door and plastered her lips to his. He was even more surprised when he felt her hand slide up under the shirt he was wearing and stroke his breast through the bra he was wearing. Without a word, the two stripped their clothes off, threw themselves on the bed, and coupled with a fury and passion that would've put a couple of teenagers to shame. After they were finished, Mark held his wife and said, "Thanks. I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to have sex again." "So was I. In fact..." When Kate didn't finish her thought, Mark asked, "What?" "Just something I thought of. Why don't you go back out and watch the game. It'll give Elliott some stability, doing what he does every Sunday during football season." "Okay, but what are you going to do?" "Where are the girls?" "Over at Deborah's where they don't have to watch icky boy games." "Then I'm going to go out for a little while." They both quickly got dressed. Mark then went out to watch the game, and Kate went back out to the car. In another flash of her feminine intuition, Kate drove to her sister's. Mark had been right. When sudden problems came up, something kept intervening to try to correct the problems. This sudden lack of reservations on her part about sex with her new husband proved it, and since it was so sudden, it said that whoever was doing all this hadn't considered sexual orientation a problem before. She supposed that could apply to a lot of people in town, but coming so soon after the conversation she had had just that afternoon made it too convenient. After she pulled up to her sister's house and got out of the car, Amanda came running out of the front of the house, crying. Kate stopped her and asked, "What's wrong?" "It didn't work. He's back to his old Sunday routine." "You mean changing the men to look like women?" Amanda was shocked. "How'd you know?" "That's not important. What's more important is how, and even more important than that is why. Why did you feel the need to change all the men in town and make them look like women?" "Because of him!" Amanda pointed back to the house. "Your husband? What did he do?" "What he does every weekend! Plops himself down in front of the TV and watches football games all afternoon!" "So?" "So I'm a newlywed. We should be going out. We should be doing things. I shouldn't have to lose my Sundays and my Monday nights to some stupid game where people just run up and down a field for two hours." "And for this you change every man in town?! What the hell were you thinking?!" "I was thinking that if he was more of a woman, he'd realize the stupidity of that game." "First off, I know a lot of women who like that game. Secondly, in the grand scheme of things, this isn't that big a deal. Does he mistreat you? Does he fail to do anything else he's supposed to?" "Well, no, but I hear the other ladies talk. None of them like it." "No, and the men don't like the time we take to get ready, or running into wet panty hose, or dealing with a lot of the other things we go through as women. Marriage is about compromise." "Yeah, but-" "No buts! Your plan obviously didn't work, and even if it had any chance, why subject the entire town to it, and since it didn't work, why not just change everybody back, and how did you do all this in the first place?" "There's one answer to all of that." Amanda lifted her hand and opened it up. Inside it was a gold coin about the size of a quarter. Embossed on its surface was the figure of a man with a drawn bow. "It's called the Sagittarius coin. It grants wishes." "If I hadn't seen everything I had already seen... So why wish to change everybody, and why not wish everything back to normal now?" "It grants wishes, but just as the archers of old stood on castle walls defending every one, the wish can only be done for the benefit of the community. And you only get three wishes. I used my first wish to change every one, my second wish to get rid of the army, and the third one went to having women feel towards their husbands' bodies as they had towards their husbands." "So now you don't have any left to fix your mistakes?" "Yes, but you could do it." Amanda took the coin and put it into Kate's hand. "You could wish everyone back to normal, then maybe do something about the football fever." "Amanda, I just don't see it as that big a deal." "Maybe you don't, but a lot of wives do. Even if it is for only a couple of days, for those two days, we feel... abandoned." Kate thought about it for a minute. "Look, you go back in with your husband. Let big sister take care of this." Amanda hesitated for a bit, not sure what to do, but eventually decided to trust her sister, and did go back inside. Kate held the coin, deciding on her first wish. She actually decided against changing everybody back. Having everybody change back so soon after the military "explained" their change (if only to themselves) might prompt another invasion. Besides, thanks to Amanda's last wish, Kate actually liked what her husband was now. So that just left the issue of the football fever. Kate didn't see it as that big a deal. It was only a couple of days a week, and on the positive side, the fascination with football gave fathers and sons something to bond over and helped keep the kids, both girls and boys, active and healthy. After a bit of thinking, Kate said, "I wish that the women in this town were as interested in football as the men." She felt a change pass over herself, and she found herself wanting to learn about football. Now, she knew that Mark would probably be patient about teaching her the game, but she had heard other wives tell stories about the impatience of their husbands when they expressed an interest in learning the game, so she said, "I wish that all men in town would be patient and understanding about teaching the game to their wives." She tucked the coin into her purse and headed back to her car, ready to go home and learn the game of football from her husband and son. THREE AND A HALF YEARS LATER, JANUARY... Kate and Mark lay in bed, watching TV. It was the post Super Bowl interview with the quarterback of the winning team. The interviewer said, "We're here with Amanda Smith, quarterback for the Bengals. Miss Smith, you certainly put to rest all the stories about having been hired as just a curiosity, the first female quarterback in the NFL." "Well, Jack, I don't really hold those stories against anyone. I was hired as a curiosity. But that doesn't mean that I can't actually take this chance to really show what I can do." "You certainly did that. You not only won the Super Bowl, but hold the season record for most completed passes." "I may not be able to throw it as far as the guys do, but I can throw it with pinpoint accuracy. What's more, I can find my husband no matter where he is on the field." "Now I understand that your husband actually looks like a girl. What's the story with that?" Mark turned the TV off with the remote, and then said, "Since we know the real story, we don't need to listen to this." "I agree. It's still kind of amazing. Who'd have ever figured that once Amanda got interested in football, she'd be so good at it?" "I figured you'd finally used your last wish." Kate had explained everything to Mark. They had both found it moderately surprising that Mark didn't actually want to go back to his old body, only finding out later that Amanda's first wish had included a component that made the men feel comfortable in their new forms. Once the initial shock was gone, the only real concern that the men had was over how the women would react, and that problem had been solved with Amanda's last wish. "No, that was sheer luck that that scout showed up to that Saturday pickup game. I think I might use it to get the NFL to move one of its teams here. With all the new residents, we might be able to make it worthwhile." After the transformation, there had been an influx of people to the town. Most were just there to look, to see the town of men who had become women, but quite a few stayed, including a disproportionate number of lesbian couples and non-op transsexuals, who felt that, with its changes, the town was almost made for them. "Then what do you plan to do with the coin?" "I think I'm going to give it to Elliott's fiancee after they get married. That girl has got a really good head on her shoulders." "Yeah, I wasn't too sure about him getting married at 19, but I think those two will be as happy as we are." "I think so, too, but speaking of me being happy." Kate rolled over on top of Mark and started grinding her body against him. Mark grabbed her hips and held her in place. "Okay, what do you want?" With fake innocence, Kate responded, "What makes you think I want anything?" "Because whenever you climb on top of me and rub your breasts against mine, it means you're trying to excite me so much that I won't be able to make a clear headed decision. Most times, I let you get away with it, because I know what you want and have already made my decision, but right now, I don't know what you want, so spill it." "Well, you know that Elliott prefers dresses." "Yes, and I never held that against him. He was old enough when he was transformed so that as long as it was tasteful, he could choose his own clothes. Is this your way of telling me he's going to be wearing a wedding gown to the ceremony?" "Well, he will be wearing a wedding dress, but that's not the only thing." "So what else?" "They're not making it mandatory, but Elliott and Denise would like... everybody to be wearing dresses." Mark sighed. "All right, for Elliott, I will wear a dress." "You really do look great in them." "I know, but that doesn't keep them from pinching in all the wrong places." Mark released his wife. "You may now resume rubbing yourself against me." "Well now that you agreed to what I wanted, I don't really see a need to." "Oh, really?" Mark rolled them both over so that he was on top of her and proceeded to grind his body against hers, rubbing their breasts together. "Maybe I just ought to use the same technique to convince you it's a good idea." Kate giggled and said, "I think that's a great idea," and started wiggling underneath her husband.

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I am the Puppet MAter Chapter One Coin Operated Girl

My name is Damien, at this point I had been seventeen for a grand total of twelve hours and so far it sucked. Maybe seventeen just sucks in general, maybe everyone who has even been there will agree with me. I mean, your still considered to be too young to do anything fun but for fuck sake your close enough that it shouldn’t really matter. I was still expected to listen to my parents (not that I even did that anyway) not drink, not smoke, (that I did anyway) and go to school, which was what I...

2 years ago
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The TwoSided Coin ch 1

It was said some Millennium ago; that love and hate; are just two sides to the same coin. This was also said about life and death. Chapter 1 Jack was almost ready. It was his first assignment to terminate someone since he had left the service as a Staff Sergeant, E-6. The last time he had killed anybody was in Iraq, eight years ago when he was twenty-one. He was part of a group of six, special black ops marines, who were assigned to take out a several Iraqi civilian combatants. The...

3 years ago
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the wishing coin

AUTHOR NOTE. HEY GUYS SORRY FOR THE ROUGH WRITING. THIS IS A SECOND LANGUAGE TO ME AND MY COMPUTER IS ON THE FRITZ SO I WAS UNABLE TO PARAGRAPH IT PROPERLY FEEL FREE TO ADD WHATEVER IM CURIOUS TO SEE EVERYONE'S THOUGHTS ON THIS. DEMONJEDI89 Connor sighed he was bored. his mother took him and his twin sister to a summer business trip to greece to get some culture and away from the madness of the video games he played all the time. culture apparently was sitting on the beaches watching the waves...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Two sides of the same coin

Good: 0 Evil: 0 We Start at Neutral. Hello and Welcome to Two Sides of the Same Coin. Here is the explanation of how this system works. Each page is limited to three continuing questions, one for each category Good: Doing something honorable, this does not mean not getting sexually involved, it means not performing...excessive acts. this adds 1 to score of Good or Detracts 1 from Evil Evil: Doing something negative, just benefits you. Adds 1 to Evil, Detracts 1 from good Human: Adds to neither....

4 years ago
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Wishing coins

Author's Note - Go ahead and add to this. I want to see where people will take this story. I'm not creative enough nor do I have enough time to properly explore this story, so go wild. This wasn’t normal. Last thing I remembered was sitting on our couch at the flat watching Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir mowing their way through uruk-hai, and now somehow I’m sitting on the same couch in the middle of a whole lot of nothing. Dave had just left to get drinks, and suddenly the world...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Magical Coins

Who shall be buying these wondrous coins? Will it be Jed and Paula, a loving couple in their late 20’s? Their relationship is the best part of both their lives, and with coins in hand, there's a lot they’ll want to change... Or maybe it's Derek and Jayden, adult seniors in high school and best friends? There bodies are already going through a lot of changes, but with the coins and their need to find themselves, I bet they'll go through even more... Or maybe it's Daisy, a freshman in university...

1 year ago
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The Coin pt 2

Please Read pt. 1 or you may be confused in the story. Thanks SSA…. One other thing you will read about is a car that is Murdered out, what that means is everything is blacked out. I took a shower and put on some extremely baggy shorts and a shirt you could use as a tent, luckily we had the same shoe size so they fit perfectly. Couldn’t wear any boxers Because they were too big. We walked outside and I saw the piece of shit car I drove for the first time and laughed at myself and mumbled...

1 year ago
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The Coin pt1

This story came to me after watching a episode of Supernatural, plus I LOVE the Wishmaster movies. So I thought ‘WHAT THE HELL’ let me give it a shot but I wanted to take go the NAUGHTY way with it. I woke up early on my day off climbing into the shower. I could feel like this was a great day to be alive (not knowing what is going to go down later in the day). Then making a very delicious breakfast eating slow enjoying ever bite. I didn’t have any plans so I deiced to go to the shops down main...

3 years ago
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Coin of the Realm

“Well shit. Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, it did. The best thing I can say about my life right now is that I’m not quite stupid enough to actually say, ‘Well at least it isn’t raining.’” I couldn’t help but laugh at the grim situation I found myself in. Most people are optimistic when sitting in the park, but the storm clouds growing above seemed a perfect metaphor for my mood. My name is Mike, I’m a 32 IT Lead at a local business. Roughly six foot tall, I’m pretty average...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Same Coin

He watches her from his shaded spot amongst the pillars of their father’s house, smiling and talking with her parade of sycophants that surround her - one of whom, his own daughter, he thinks bitterly. She walks along in her stately, confidant manner, as she always does. And he hates her. Hates how sure of herself she always is. How tall and proud she always stands. How their father chooses her in all things. But most of all, he hates how much he desires her. Her long, straight hair is brown...

2 years ago
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The Coin Ch 02

Over the next few weeks, David and Kelly restarted their relationship. Slowly. Carefully. On the third date after that night, Kelly wore the same outfit - outside of her apartment. At first, she refused to look at anyone around her but as the night wore on, she raised her head and started smiling again. When an older couple remarked on what a handsome couple they were, Kelly grinned with her teeth and pressed up against David, laying her head against him briefly. After every date, David walked...

2 years ago
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Three sides of the cucking coin

This tale is told inside of a large residential complex. Even though it is a brand new development close to a major city, luxurious with all sorts of amenities, including a private pool and gym, most of the apartments remain empty. So far, only three people have moved into the building. Two of them form a (slightly unhappy) couple: Aaron and Becky. Aaron is a well-known software engineer at a major tech company. He's rich, but little else about him is outstanding. Average in body and in bed, he...

3 years ago
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Lucky coin

por donde empezar esta history escuela en casa trabajo playa casa de invierno you can create from here as many branches as you want (it's the first time and report any error).

4 years ago
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The Other Side of the Coin

So many stories of extreme power and insane abilities come and go, well this is one of them, but you don't have that power. Others have the ability to control you're whim with a snap, change you're very thoughts, but not you. You're just an ordinary person who has to live through the torment and trauma that they cause. This is Their world, you're just a character in it.

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Two Sides of the Coin

Rico and Jonnyb were lying low after their last adventure, Without A Reason, at a house in the suburbs. Jonnyb had seen this guy loading a RV as they cruised around and Rico, disguised as a jogger, went by and talked to the guy about his "sweet ride" which got the guy on side and he revealed how his family was heading off for 10 days in the RV. Rico met the hot mom, the cute teen daughter and the snotty brat of a young boy. He was also shown the garage and parts of the house all because the...

3 years ago
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Two Sides Of The Coin

I had never been truly or expertly fucked by a man. I couldn't figure out why. I was attractive. I was smart and funny. I wasn't obnoxious or uninteresting. But the guys I had been with never put in the time, attention, or effort to pleasure my body. Maybe they were selfish. Maybe they just didn't know how. I was lucky if their fingers even brushed my clit; they acted as if this most erogenous place on my body was merely a passing stranger they were waving to in the dark. My tormented,...

1 year ago
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Dare Girl Goes AstrayChapter 2 the coin tosses

Mistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy's dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of her dare. Turning poor Cindy into nothing short...

3 years ago
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TangentChapter 17 The Reverse of the Coin

Freidal leaned back against a rock, weary beyond words. All night they had marched over ridge after ridge! After marching half the day before! His batman, Tiki, came and stood next to him. Freidal gestured for him to sit. The old sergeant laughed. "If I sit, it will take a half dozen hale men to move me again, Captain! Finding two tonight might be too much to expect." Freidal glanced at the bulk of the ridge looming in front of them. "I didn't hear pickets go up." The veteran...

4 years ago
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Meeting by coincident by Betty

The Phone rang and Betty was in the otherside of the line. Hi she said how are ya. I am fine tghen I answered. I just wanna talk to you and see how you are doin said Betty, It was a long time since last she said. I agreed that it was some time we since met and that moment were strictly buisness. Well trhat moment was nice and sexy but it was hard. and also some people watchand tell next moment we need do.We talked almost an hour about what we been doin to each and laughed and also talkin about...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Bhabhi 8211 Coincident

Myself Sameer Sharma from Bhopal, M.P. (). Mein aur mere dost bahut acche se ek dusre ko jaante hai sabhi. Sabhi ko sabhi ke baare me sab kuch pata hota hai. Hum aapas me sab kuch share karte hai. Mera ek dost hai Rishi, bahut accha friend hai aur wo uske bade bhai, mummy aur bhabhi ke saath rahta hai. Hamara aksar ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rahta hai to hum ek dusre ki families acche se introduced the. Abhi se 3 mahine aur 4 din pahle ki baat hai. Rishi ke bhai ki job lagi hui thi forest...

3 years ago
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Surprise or coincedence

Having been married for three years, we were discovering the zest and excitement is slowly fading out of our relationship. I am 26, quite athletic though medium built with a very high libido. Rita, my wife is 24, and very attractive. Both of us work for a software company.if u like it plz reply me in o The other day, we had been to a disco. As usual, rita was dressed to kill. She had an off-shoulder top, revealing the bulge of her tits, and possibly a strapless bra. But her nipples still poked...

3 years ago
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"Your guest has arrived, Ms. King." As the large wooden doors to the library of the King estate are opened by one of the many assistants throughout the mansion, you are greeted by a red-headed woman, seated in a chair next to a roaring fireplace with a book in her lap and an ancient wooden box by her side. The box appeared to be decorated with Latin writing and paintings, but little else was obvious about it. It, like many things collecting dust on Emilia King's shelves looked like it belonged...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Classmate And My Cousin At A Time Coincidentally

Hi guys, This is Yathin from Bangalore. Actually speaking, ISS is my favourite website for sex stories. So, I also decided to post my experience. This happened when I was 17 years old. I was studying 12th standard and was very much curious to have sex. Our class girls also were very fond of sex and were demanding Rs. 500 for each session, I didn’t want to spend money on it. So, I posted an ad in some website asking for free sex. Coincidentally, my classmate only saw it and she was blackmailing...

4 years ago
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There are no coincidences

In the morning my neighbor always comes to taking out the trash and she always gets very carefree tiny shorts sleepwear or, in some cases I hide behind my window at her when stooping and to my amazement uses tiny underwear or simply does not get put ..... this makes me very excited .......... and every morning is the same.One day I will not hold and when she came out I went also with the excuse out the trash and we come ......... she was wearing a small robe that reached to his thighs almost...

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