Zodiac Coin: Capricorn free porn video

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Zodiac Coin: Capricorn By JRD 2250 YEARS AGO... He was an artisan, an artisan who liked to work with metal. He had started life as a smith, but after a successful time doing all the regular things as a smith, he had left the forge behind in order to pursue a career working the metal to make it pretty instead of just functional. It was nighttime when he saw it happen. There was a streak of light coming out of the heavens that crashed in the field near his home. He immediately grabbed an overcoat and ran out to where the streak had landed. When he got there, he found in a small crater a large piece of metal, roughly square, about the size of a man's torso, and curved, like a shield or the front half of a breastplate of armor. He carefully slid down into the crater. He had heard stories of things that had fallen from the sky before, and all the stories had in common that whatever had fallen from the sky was always as hot as the fires of Vulcan's forge. Which is why he was so surprised to find the piece of metal at the bottom of the crater to be no more or less hot or cold than the rocks around it, as though it had been sitting there for hours, rather than minutes. Taking the metal's temperature to be a sign from the gods, he picked up the metal, surprisingly light for its size, and took it back to his home, to his workspace. It wasn't much longer before others from the nearby village came to investigate, but the artisan found himself possessed by an idea as to what to do with the metal. His wife handled the visiting questioners as he worked and worked. It was a full day and a half later when he finished, and he had worked straight through. When he left his workshop, he carried a metal hoop about the size of a discus with the center removed. On the surface of the hoop, he had worked his own personal representations of the patterns of stars over which the planets wandered. He hung the hoop over the door to his workspace, a testimony both to his ability and to the heavens that had given him the materials he had used. *** Donald knocked on the door of his Uncle Lewis's home. Almost immediately, the door opened, revealing his Aunt Jenny, Uncle Lewis's wife. She smiled at him and said, "Donald! Come in. Your mother just called and let me know that you would be coming over." With a quick thanks, Donald stepped into the house and took a seat on the couch. "I'm not exactly sure why mom sent me over here. She told me you could help with my problem, but I'm not sure how." Jenny said, "Well, why don't you have a cookie and tell me all about it," and sat on the couch beside him. Donald reached out to the cookie jar sitting on the coffee table. This was always the great thing about visiting Uncle Lewis and Aunt Jenny. Aunt Jenny was like some 1950's housewife, and she always had fresh cookies readily available. Grandma, a die-hard woman's rights activist from the 1960's, was always trying to push Jenny into getting out and getting some kind of career, or at least some kind of part-time job, but Jenny seemed content to be a stay at home wife. After munching down a couple of cookies and drinking some of the milk that Aunt Jenny had ready for him, Jenny asked, "So what's the problem?" "It's just... There is this guy at school. He's so cute and handsome and sexy and... Oh, he's just perfect!" "Well, aside from the fact that the three adjectives you used might all be considered to be synonyms of one another, and thus redundant, my guess is that your problem would be that this boy is neither gay nor bisexual?" "Well, actually, I'm sure that he really is gay. He just doesn't know it yet." Jenny arched one eyebrow in suspicion. "And how exactly do you know that?" "Well, he's always making this really big deal of dating all the pretty girls. I mean a really big deal. So I figure that, down deep, he's really gay, but he's just not ready to admit it yet." Jenny stared at Donald for a while before asking, "How old is this boy?" "He just turned 18 a couple of months ago." "Uh-huh, and let me guess, he's one of the most popular boys in school, maybe a hero for one of the school's sports teams?" "Team captain and first string quarterback for the school's football team." "Donny boy, I think you're just fooling yourself. Most likely, this boy is just a stupid, womanizing cad of a teenager. He dates as many girls as he does, because he's got the looks and the popularity to convince the girls that they can't get any better." "You sound just like mom." "Your mom's got a good head on her shoulders. She's helped keep me on the straight and narrow, and that wasn't easy, considering she was a single mom, raising you all by her lonesome." "You and her both. You're as much my mother as she is." "I appreciate the sentiment, but don't slight what your mother has done for you. But that is neither here nor there. If you are so convinced that this boy is gay, what is it you want from me? Any tricks I have for catching a man are a couple of decades out of date." "Not to mention that any tricks you have are for catching heterosexual men." "Well, I may know a few things that you could use for men who swing the other way, but that's not the issue. Why did your mom send you over here?" "I don't know. If it was grandma, I'd say she sent me over here so that you could work your magic and 'fix' me. Any time the issue of my bisexuality comes up, she likes to remind me how Uncle Lewis used to be gay before he met you. Keeps saying how all I need to do is find the right girl, and all thoughts about sex with men will leave my head. You'd think that a woman as staunchly pro women's rights as her would be a little more tolerant of alternative sexuality." "Well, your grandmother was raised in an era when the women's rights movement with just on its upswing, but things like homosexuality were still kept in the closet. But we're getting off the subject again. What did your mom say when she sent you over to me?" "She said something weird about you having just the coin to buy my solution." Jenny sighed. "Well, at least I know what she's thinking; although I'm not sure I agree with her. Look, Donny, before I go give your mother a call and discuss this with her, let me ask you, why does this mean so much to you? You're only 16, with your whole life ahead of you. You're good looking. You've got more than a few girls and even a few boys chasing after you. Why do you feel the need to have this particular boy? Even if he was gay and you were his boyfriend, chances are, the relationship eventually would end." "Oh, no, it wouldn't. He and I are soulmates. I'm sure of it." Jenny thought about it for a very long time. Finally, she said, "I've got to talk to your mother. Wait right here." "But you may be able to help me?" "Maybe. That's all I'm saying." Jenny left the room, leaving Donald to scarf down a few more cookies while he waited. After about 15 minutes, Jenny returned and sat back down beside him. "Well, I discussed it with your mother. She's afraid that you're gonna go off and do something stupid; she figures it would be better if you did it with a little supervision. She asked me to give you something. Originally, I was planning on giving it to you when you got a little older, but I guess I could give it to you now." "What is it?" Jenny lifted her hand and opened it. Within was a small gold coin about the size of a quarter. Taking a close look at it, Donald noticed there was a goat head in profile embossed on its surface. "A gold coin? What good is that going to do me? Surely, you don't expect me to buy his love." "Of course not. This coin grants wishes." "Come on. You expect me to believe that? I may have been born at night, but not last night." "Don't sass your elders, boy. Besides, you were born at 1:13 p.m. on a Tuesday, so that bit of colloquial witticism doesn't work." "That's beside the point. A magic coin that grants wishes? That's like something right out of a fairy tale." "Perhaps, but I assure you, it's true. It's called the Capricorn coin." "Capricorn? As in the sign of the Zodiac? It grants wishes when the signs are right?" "You know, you're trying to be clever, but you're just gonna wind up with egg on your face. Let me show you something." Jenny reached down and pulled up the hem of her skirt. She spread her legs and said, "Take a look at my crotch." Donald instinctively looked away, saying, "Aunt Jenny!" "Don't worry about it. You're family. Besides, don't think I didn't notice all your little shenanigans when you were younger. You spent most of your preteen years trying to look up my skirt. I'm not going to let you touch, but since I'm giving you permission, it's okay to look." Truth was, Aunt Jenny was right. She was hot, and despite the fact that she was Uncle Lewis's wife, Donald found himself fantasizing about her. He was always decently ashamed about that, but as a kid, he had spent a good deal of his time trying to peek up her skirts. Now, if he was being given a chance to fulfill that fantasy, no guilt involved. He leaned over and took a look, shocked at what he saw. There, under her panties, was a very manly, very large bulge. He blurted out, "You've got a cock!" "Yes, I know. And this is our secret. Other than Uncle Lewis, only your mother knows about this." "Okay, but what is this supposed to prove? So you used to be a guy. They've got, like, pills and stuff that can make a guy look like a woman." "Those pills and stuff are of limited efficacy. I suppose with enough money, a guy could wind up looking like me, but the plain fact of the matter is, I used the coin to wish myself to look like this, fantastic looks, natural triple D's, and a big ten incher. Even with surgery, you couldn't get that combination." "Even assuming I believe you, why did you do it in the first place?" "It was for your Uncle Lewis. We met in college. He knew he had been gay all his life, but only when he was away at college did he feel he could actually be actively gay without having his mother jump down his throat. We met at a party, and it was love at first sight. One year later, during Christmas break, Lewis took me home to meet the family." "Grandma must have had a cow." "Believe me, she did. She kept the whole thing pretty quiet though, as in silent treatment quiet. For the five days that I was there, I think she said maybe a dozen words altogether to me, and even fewer to Lewis. When we went back to college, he was morose. As asinine as your grandmother can be, Lewis still loved her dearly, and shutting him out like that was about the most effective punishment your grandmother could do. "Then your Great Aunt Linda sent me this coin. As soon as I held it, I knew what it was and what it could do. I got Lewis and wished myself into this shape. Publicly, Lewis would be dating this perfect girl, but privately, we'd be doing, well, what two men would do to each other." "Sounds crazy, but say I believe you. What's the catch?" "The catch is the price the coin demands for its wishes. Capricorn is the symbol for the goat. Did you know that according to anthropologists the goat is one of the first, if not the first, animals domesticated for use by man in work?" "So?" "So the Capricorn coin, the goat coin, domesticates you. After the first wish, for every two hours you spend working outside the house, you have to spend one working on domestic chores within the home, cooking, cleaning, sewing, that kind of stuff, and you have to spend at least four hours out of every day working domestic chores, regardless of whether or not you work outside the home as well. After the second wish, you have to spend as much time working in the home as you do outside it, with a six hour minimum within the home. With your third and final wish, you can't work at anything but domestic chores, with at least eight hours being spent working everyday on domestic chores." "Well, as long as he only wished one, or maybe two, wishes, that doesn't sound that bad." "Really? Are you willing to give up your future in order to make a wish?" "My future? I thought you said you just had to do domestic stuff." "Tell me, Donald, what is it you'd like to do with your life? Do you want to be a doctor? Maybe a police officer? Or perhaps something more sedate like an accountant? That was what I wanted to be. Feel free to snicker. I loved numbers. Still do. When I go shopping, I can keep a running tally of literally hundreds of items in my head, but you put a set of accounting books in front of me, and my vision blurs or the number start jumping around. Regardless, I couldn't even add two numbers together." "That started happening after just one wish?" "No, it took all three wishes, but think about it. You're only 15, so you don't have to have made a firm decision on what you want to be, but you must have some idea. How good do you think you could get at that job, whatever it is, if one out of every three hours out of your day is spent working on other stuff? And that's with only one wish." "Well, couldn't you work 40 hours or more during the week, then work off the coin during the weekends?" "It doesn't work like that. However long you work in one day, as soon as you're finished, you're compelled to work off the time immediately, and that includes school work. You go to school for what, six or seven hours out of the day? Tack on a couple extra hours for homework, and you're up to around nine hours a day. With even one wish, you'll have to do another four and a half hours of housework." "That's a pretty heavy schedule, but doable, and you would still have your weekends." "After you did your minimum four hours of work, yes, but realize also, there's no free time in that. If you were to take even so much as a 15 minute break while doing your homework, you immediately shift into household work mode. When I made my wishes, I was in college. If I had the time between classes, I was compelled to rush home and clean, then rush back to school, even if that meant that I was only cleaning for five or ten minutes. And speaking of college, your mom may make a pretty good chunk of change as a legal secretary, but there's no way she gonna be able to handle your college costs all by her lonesome, which means, unless you get some big scholarships, a part-time job. Figure a light schedule of five hours of classes, two or three hours of homework, and five or six hours of job, and even with only one wish, you'll wind up needing to work six extra hours just cleaning your house or apartment." "You don't make it sound real appealing." Jenny shrugged. "How appealing it is, is up to you. Depending on how well you wish, the coin will give you the opportunity to get almost anything you'd like." Jenny placed the coin into Donald's hand. As soon as he held it, images of everything Jenny had explained flashed through his mind. Immediately thereafter, Donald's mind started envisioning what he could wish for. He started to say, "I wish," but Jenny put her hand haltingly on his hands. "Hold on a second, kid. Think what you're gonna say before you say it. My first wish was to have this fantastic body, but then I soon found out that no one knew who I was. I figured that once I made the wish, everyone would remember me as a fantastic babe, but instead I had to use a second wish to get myself an identity. Why don't you bounce your ideas of a wish off of me?" "I was gonna wish that Lance would realize that he was really gay." "What if he isn't gay? What if he is, like you, bisexual? And even if he is everything you've said already, his just realizing that he's gay doesn't mean that he's immediately gonna come chasing you. Have you two even met face-to- face?" "Well, only in passing." "Then maybe he would fall in love with you if he got a chance to know you. Or maybe you two were just meant to be best friends for the rest of your life. Maybe you should set the coin aside and try being his friend for a while." "I tried getting closer to him, but he's got too many people around him all the time. Besides, now that I've got this coin, I don't think I could be satisfied with anything less than a complete relationship." "I figured you'd say that. I wish that I had thought of these arguments before I showed you the coin, but what's done is done. What are you going to wish for?" "I could wish that he'd love me like I loved him." "Your great aunt made that mistake. She was sure that Uncle Nelson loved her in the same way that you are sure that Lance loves you, and she made just that wish. When she gave me the coin, she told me that most of the time she still believes that, but occasionally, she wondered if the only reason that he loved her was because of that wish." "Well, what would you suggest I wish for?" "I'd suggest that you wish to make a change in your own life. Wish to be a big, buff guy on the football team, so that you can get close to him. Or wish that you and he were already best friends, and then let whatever develops start from there." Donald thought about it for a few seconds. Then, before Jenny could stop him, he blurted out, "I wish that I was a person whose body is perfect for inflaming all my soulmate's desires." Just like that, the rough, yet handsome young man was gone. In his place sat a pretty, young, Japanese girl with immense tits. Upon seeing those tits, the once boy exclaimed, "I'm a girl!" His hand immediately went to his crotch, and he said, "A full girl, too!" "So much for the theory that this guy is really gay." "Yes, but now it makes sense. You were right. He wasn't gay, so we would've just wound up being good friends. Now, we could actually be boyfriend and girlfriend, and later husband and wife." Jenny sighed, knowing that she'd never talk him out of his belief that Lance was his soulmate. Instead, she asked, "Now what?" "Well, when I go to school tomorrow-" "What school? You are not registered in any school." "What are you talking about?" "Donald was registered in school. You are clearly not Donald. You made the same mistake I did, even after I warned you about it." "Oh, God, I did, didn't I? What am I going to do? If I can't go to school, then how am I going to get close to Lance?" "Oh, relax. As a kid, it should be easier to establish a fake identity for you. I know your mom knows some people through work that can get her some fake documents for you. If worse comes to worst, you may just have to use another wish. But first things first. What do you want call yourself?" "What about Donna?" "That's too close to your old name. We'll probably have to use a cover story of you being a friend of the family or distant relative who has come to stay for a while. Having a name too close to your old would be too coincidental." "Okay, what about Judy?" "Sounds good. I wouldn't say you look much like a Judy, but in today's society, that's not really a big deal." "Why? What do I look like?" Without waiting for an answer, the new girl ran off into the bathroom. Once she got a look at herself in the mirror, she said, "Holy cow! I'm Japanese!" She returned to the room and said, "I guess Judy is not gonna work." "Nonsense. You can just say your parents decided to give you an American name." "No, no. If my body is Japanese, then that must mean that Lance is attracted to Japanese people, so a Japanese name can only help." Jenny rolled her eyes while the person who used to be Donald thought. Finally, the youth said, "I think I'll be called Akita." "Sounds great. Now let's go see if we can find you something to wear in my wardrobe. Those old, male clothes may have been magically changed to fit your new shape, but they definitely don't look good on you." "Then what?" "Then we take you home and introduce your mother to her new daughter." NEXT MONDAY... Everyone, both male and female, couldn't help but stare at the new student as she came up the walk. In her three inch heels (which she had spent many hours of walking practice on over the week since her transformation), her butt wiggled sexily and her H cup breasts bounced with every step. Her body seemed ready to burst out of the low cut blouse and short, tight skirt she was wearing. Akita had wanted to wear a miniskirt and a blouse so low cut that it would have shown her bra, but her mother threatened to lock her in the basement before she would let that happen. Linda, Akita's mother, seemed ready to put her daughter in baggy turtlenecks and hoop skirts. There had been a bit of an argument about that, but Aunt Jenny solved it by suggesting that they consult teen fashion magazines. Both women had agreed that Akita would restrain herself to wearing only what was in fashion. Unfortunately for Linda, what was currently in fashion showed off far more of her daughter then she would like. That was really the only problem that mother and new daughter had encountered so far. Akita had been a little worried that her mother would freak over her son deciding he wanted to be a girl, but Linda had been so worried that Donald would do something stupid, like make a pass at a boy that would have beaten him up for it, that the almost elegant solution of Donald becoming Akita had been almost welcome. For the first couple of days after her transformation, Akita had actually been hard pressed to find four hours in which to do housework. Practically from the moment she woke up, her mother seemed determined to do everything she possibly could with her new daughter, as though she were making up for the 15 years in which Akita had been Donald. Akita had been worried that her mother liked her more as a girl and asked her mother about it. Linda assured her daughter that she loved and would love her no matter what form she took. It was just that the two of them could do more together now. Donald might have tried to go with his mother on an all day shopping trip, but he would've hated it before lunch. Akita, however, took to it as though born a girl. The next couple of days after that weren't quite such a happy time for Akita. Linda's gynecologist had had a cancellation, so Linda surprised her daughter with her first visit. Akita found the visit more than a little embarrassing, but slightly less embarrassing than when her mother sat her down and discussed all the ins and outs of keeping "down there" clean and well cared for. Then, after a weekend filled with lessons on how to seduce men (from both Linda and Jenny) went by, Akita was off on her first day of school as a girl. As Akita strode up to the doors of the school, she flirted as coyly as she could, with a few special looks towards Lance. Akita figured that it would be love at first sight, so all she would have to do was walk up to him, and then they'd ride off together into the sunset. (She actually fantasized that, never quite working out the details of where the horse came from.) Her mom and Jenny, however, convinced her to start out coy, saying that no matter how much that Akita was in love with Lance, she should still make the boy chase after her. And it definitely seemed to be working. Every time Akita looked over to the group of boys where Lance was hanging out, they definitely seemed to be looking back, pointing, and chattering excitedly. Akita was so preoccupied with trying to see if Lance was interested, that she almost walked into one of the other girls. She quickly recovered and noticed that it was Luisa Gonzales, the hottest girl in school. Luisa was in the fantasies of most of the boys in school, although she had dated none of them. The rumor was that she had dated only college guys, but that didn't keep the boys from fantasizing. Before Akita could say anything, Luisa said, "Excuse me. I wasn't really watching where I was going." She extended her hand. "My name is Luisa Gonzales." Akita almost blurted out that she knew, but instead just took Luisa's hand and said, "My name is Akita Archer. I just recently moved into town." "Archer? Any relation to Donald Archer, cute freshman a little taller than you?" "He's my cousin. My great-grandfather and his were brothers." It was the story that she, her mother, and Jenny had come up with. If pressed, she would say that her great- grandfather married a Japanese girl, and all successive generations had married Japanese as well. She could, if necessary, also attribute her large bosom to her Caucasian heritage. Changing the subject, she asked, "Did you really think my cousin was cute? I never thought so, but hey, he is my cousin." "Well, he was just a freshman and definitely rough around the edges, but he did show potential. I suppose if he were two years older rather than two years younger than me, I might have encouraged him to ask me out. So where is he?" "He's visiting a sick relative, my aunt. He and my mother were closest to her, so they got elected to take care of her, and I got to come here." "Sounds rough, particularly for someone so young. At least you're not too far along in the semester. I hope your sick aunt recovers soon. Can I help you find your way around?" She didn't need someone to show her around, but since there would be no way to explain that, and since hanging out with the hottest girl in school could only help establish her as one of the popular girls, Akita smiled and said, "That'd be great! Donald sent me a map of the school that he drew up for me on his computer, but someone to show me around would be tons better." "So it's set. The first thing we need to do is head to your locker, or don't you have one yet?" "Actually, my mom arranged it with admin so that I could just step into Donald's schedule and set up, same locker and stuff. I was basically taking the same stuff anyway. Probably a different name, but how many ways can you say 9th Grade English or Algebra I?" "Probably hundreds, but it's probably all the same stuff anyway." The two walked together into the school. They maneuvered quickly through the halls until they got to the end of the hall where Akita's locker was. It was colloquially known as "Freshman Hall", so Luisa waited at the end while Akita got her stuff. They then made a quick consultation of where all of Akita's class's would be, and then Luisa escorted her to where her first class, leaving only after getting a promise that they would meet for lunch. At the beginning of lunch, they met just outside the cafeteria. Luisa bought them lunch and led them over to the "popular table". The other kids at the table, mostly girls, hassled Luisa about being with a freshman and Akita about just being a freshman, but Luisa told them to back off, explaining about Akita's sick aunt. The girls were sympathetic enough to offer to let Akita sit with them as long as Luisa was willing to vouch for her. During lunch, Akita asked, "So what's the dating scene like around here?" One of the girls at the table asked, "What are you looking for?" In an exaggeratedly sweet tone, one of the other girls said, "The man of her dreams, of course." All of the girls, including Akita, had a quick chuckle over that. Akita said, "Seriously though, what are the boys like around here? If I accept a date from a boy who asks real nice, do I put a bottle of perfume or a bottle of mace in my purse?" The girl who had asked what Akita was looking for said, "Well, most of the boys around here are, well, they're high school boys. You keep them on a short leash, you encourage them without promising too much, and you should be okay. We have our share of octopi, of course, so with a specific guy asks you, ask around about him before going out. The other girls will tell you what he's like." "What about..." Akita looked around and, trying not to seem too obvious, pointed to Lance, "him, the boy in the Letterman's jacket?" "Lance is... a special case." "Special case? What does that mean?" "Lance is a womanizing hound, but he is nice about it. If he dates you, his one goal is to get in your panties, if you know what I mean. While he is doing it, he wines you and dines you, takes you to all the nice places, but at some point, either you put out for him, in which case he loses all interest, or you don't put out for him, in which case he moves on to an easier target. He won't mistreat you or anything, but he's definitely not dating for the long haul." "Maybe he's looking for the perfect girl." "A lot of girls have thought that, only to get burned in the end. Trust me, if you're looking for someone to treat you nice for a while before you part company, or you're actually looking for sex, then he's worth dating. Otherwise, stay clear of him. Despite the warnings, Akita was still sure that she and Lance were meant to be together. She said nothing, though, and after lunch, the second half of the day was spent doing pretty much the same as the first half. After school, Luisa offered to give Akita a ride home. Akita was tempted to say no, thinking that maybe she could get Lance a little more interested in her. However, she quickly decided against that and accepted the ride, figuring that she had plenty of time to work up an interest in Lance. On the way home, the two made small talk and got to working up a good friendship. For the next couple of weeks, the day to day events went pretty much the same. Akita got to be friends with more than a few of the girls at the table, so even after her "sick aunt" started getting better, she was allowed to continue sitting with them, even though she was a freshman. A few of the girls noticed the interest that Akita was taking in Lance and asked her about it. Akita told them that she was trying get Lance as a boyfriend, but told them it was to help solidify her popularity in school. She told him that she didn't plan on having sex with him, so for a few weeks, or however long it would be, she got to be the girl friend of the football star, and he got a big busted hottie to show off, so they'd be using each other. Most thought she was being silly, but a few did actually think it was a good idea, and fewer still offered a few suggestions to help trap the boy. Finally, after three weeks of school as Akita, on Friday, Lance approached Akita before school while she was just chatting with Luisa and said, "Excuse me, but could you and I talk privately?" Without being prompted, Luisa said, "I'll be inside if you need me," and got up and left. After she was gone, Akita asked, "What can I do for you?" "Well," he said as he shuffled nervously, "I can't help but notice that you seem to be doing a lot to get my attention." Playing it coyly, but Akita just smiled and said, "Maybe I have; maybe I haven't. Let's say I have. If I have, has it worked?" "Definitely. I think I've noticed you every time you walked in the room." Akita crossed her arms under her bosom and juggled it a little. "You and every other guy in the school." Lance was quick to jump to his defense. "Oh, no! It wasn't just your boobs. I'm not going to pretend I didn't notice them, but everything else about you is great, too. You have such a pretty face, and such pretty, brown, almond shaped eyes. You're just so beautiful." Lance stared down at his own feet. "Do you think you and me can go out tonight or tomorrow night?" "I think that might be possible. I'll have to ask my mom first. Can you wait till after lunch for my answer?" Lance took her hand and kissed it. "I'd be willing to wait a lot longer for you." After Lance took off, Akita went inside. When she was just through the doors, she heard Luisa ask, "So did he ask you out?" Akita was a little startled, but quickly recovered and said, "Yup. I've got him on the hook, and now it's time to just reel him in." In a low drone, Luisa said, "Congratulations. I suppose it was just a matter of time." "You don't sound too happy for me." Luisa shrugged. "It's just that I think you can do better. And please, spare me the 'I'm just using him to get popular' routine. It may fool some of the girls, maybe even most of the girls, but not me. I know you too well. You're sprung on this boy and don't try to deny it." "Well, what if I am? I finally got a chance to see if it'll go anywhere. What's wrong with that?" "Because Lance is a player. I'm afraid you'll get your hopes up thinking that there's gonna be something more. Then Lance will dump you, and you'll wind up being miserable. I just don't want to see that." Akita turned her back on Luisa. "Well, I think we're meant to be together, so if you don't wanna see that, you don't have to stick around." Akita felt Luisa's hand on her shoulder. "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it. Look, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you will be the girl to turn Lance around." Akita turned back. "You really think so?" Luisa shook her head. "Not really, but I'm the first to admit I could be wrong, and if I am, then I'll be the happiest girl in the world for you." "Thanks." During lunch, Akita called her mother and asked for permission for the date. Her mom wasn't happy, saying that she felt that things were going too fast, but she said that as long as she met the boy, she agreed to let Akita go out on her date. That evening, Lance was the consummate gentleman, not just for meeting Akita's mother, but for the entire date. He never tried to take liberties with her, and never put his hands anywhere on her but on her hand. That began a series of weekend dates between Lance and Akita. Every Friday and Saturday, Lance would come pick up Akita, always coming up to the door and coming in, always waiting whenever it was necessary (very rarely), and always being very deferential and respectful to Akita, her mom, and Aunt Jenny whenever she was around. This went on for a couple of months until Thanksgiving weekend vacation. Thanksgiving Thursday was spent with family (Aunt Jenny always had the best spread). Friday night, Lance and Akita had their regularly scheduled date. Lance took her out to a movie, then up to the local "Lookout Point". Once there, Lance turned on the radio, and wrapped one arm around Akita as she snuggled up against him. They had done this many times before, and Lance had always stopped with snuggling before. This time, he reached up and gently stroked her boob. Akita sighed and said, "That's nice." "I hope you don't mind. I've been wanting to touch you like this for a while." "I don't mind. In fact, I've been wanting you to touch me like that for a while, too." "You should've told me." "And get a reputation for being easy? I don't think so. Now kiss me, you fool." Lance quickly did as he was told. He started with light kissing. Light kissing led to heavy kissing. Heavy kissing led to heavy groping. That in turn led to Lance sliding his hands underneath her blouse. Before either of them knew it, they were in the back seat with their clothes half off doing the wild thing. All that weekend, Friday, Saturday, and even Sunday, they got together and had sex. The next week, things started going bad. Lance avoided Akita all week, and even canceled their weekend dates, saying that he had family things to do. The week after that was no better, and actually ended worse when, on Friday, Akita overheard Lance trying to get a date with one of the cheerleaders. Akita immediately confronted him, demanding, "What the hell is going on, Lance?" "Oh, hey, babe. Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you." Susie, the cheerleader that Lance had been trying to get with, said, "Apparently, you forgot to tell her that you had broken up with her. Well, I think I'll leave you two to talk." After Susie had walked off, Akita said, "Well? What's going on? Did you tell Susie that we had broken up?" Lance put a smile on his face. "Look, babe, let's not make a scene. We both know it wasn't working out. We had some fun times, but now it's over. Let's just go our separate ways." Akita couldn't find her voice to say a thing. Her eyes watered up with tears, and she had to choke down her sobs. Finally, she just slapped Lance and ran off crying. There's no telling where she might have gone, but before she really got anywhere, she ran right into the arms of Luisa. She tried to struggle free, but Luisa held her tight and said, "It's okay, girlfriend. Just let it out." Akita soon stopped struggling and dissolved in tears. After Akita stopped sobbing, Luisa said, "Let me give you a ride home." Akita nodded and allowed Luisa to escort her to her locker to get her stuff, then out to Luisa's car. On the way home, Akita asked, "Could you take me to my Aunt Jenny's? Mom's not home, and I need to talk to Aunt Jenny anyway." Luisa said that it was no problem and gladly drove Akita to her aunt's house. Once there, Akita said a quick thanks and ran into the kitchen where Jenny was. After explaining things to her aunt, Akita asked, "Could I have the coin again? I want to punish Lance." Jenny got a sad look on her face and said, "Okay," and got the coin out of one of her drawers. Akita quickly took the coin and wished, "I wish that Lance's dick would shrink up to the size of a pencil nub." After a few seconds, Akita asked, "Did it work?" "Do you feel any stronger urges to do domestic work?" "Not really." "Then it didn't work. I didn't really expect it to. The coin won't grant mean or malicious wishes." "You mean I can't get vengeance?!" "Not with the coin." Jenny watched her niece shiver with anger. After a little while, she said, "If you're really willing to incur the second cost, then maybe you ought to just wish to go back." Both Jenny and Akita were surprised when they heard Luisa ask, "Go back to what?" Looking over, they saw Luisa step in and say, "No one said to leave, so go back to what?" Jenny and Akita looked to each other and to Luisa for a while before Akita asked, "Can you keep a secret?" "You know I can." Deciding to take a chance, Akita told Luisa the whole story. After she was finished, she said, "You probably think I'm nuts now, but that's the truth." "I don't know what to think. You're telling me that you and Donald are actually the same person?" "Yeah." "And you wished to become Akita just to chase after Lance?" "Yeah." "That's kind of... pathetic. Sorry to say it, but it is." "Yeah, I know." "But why did you choose this particular form? The big boobs I understand, but what convinced you that Lance would be any more attracted to a Japanese girl?" "I didn't really choose this form. I just wished that I would become my soulmate's idea of a perfect person. I was so sure that Lance and I were meant to be together forever, that I didn't really think about what it would do to me if I was wrong." Jenny said, "Now, she's just got to decide whether or not she wants to incur the cost of a second wish in order to go back to being Donald." "I think I probably do. There's way too much pain in this form right now." Luisa said, "You know, there's another option." "What's that?" "I've always believed that there was a perfect someone, a soulmate if you will, out there for everyone. It was just that the odds were against those two people ever finding each other, or knowing that they were soulmates if they did meet. Maybe, on your first wish, the coin found that person and transformed you into a perfect physical mate for that person. You were just too caught up in your obsession with Lance to consider that." "I suppose that's possible, but so what if it is?" "So, if you're gonna use a second wish, use it to bring this person to you. Maybe give whoever it is the power to teleport. If your soulmate is Japanese, like your body is now, you wanna give them the ability to get home." Jenny said, "I don't like it. You've already used, possibly wasted, one wish. Now you're talking about using another on someone who might not even exist." Akita said, "If the person doesn't exist, no cost is incurred." "How do you know that?" Akita held up the coin. "It told me." "I forgot that the coin tells you how it works." "You still not want me to make that wish?" "I don't think it's a good idea, but I'll leave it up to you. I'd recommend that you go back, if you decide to use a wish at all, but I'd also recommend that you wait until the end of the semester if you do go that route." Akita thought about it for a while. Then she clenched the coin tight and said, "I wish that my soulmate would know who I was and have the power to teleport to my side and back to where he or she teleported from whenever he or she wished." When nothing seemed to happen, Jenny asked, "Did it work?" Akita looked around, saying, "It worked, I can feel it, but I guess my soulmate doesn't want be with me." Luisa said, "Or maybe," then stepped through the kitchen door back into the living room. After less than a second, she reappeared in the kitchen right in front of Akita, saying, "She was already here." Akita was shocked, and before she could recover, Luisa grabbed her and plastered their lips together. Akita soon relaxed and just enjoyed the kiss. After they finished, Luisa pulled back just a little and said, "After you told me your story, part of me thought you were crazy, but a larger part hoped that this was true, that we were meant to be together. Girl, since you walking into school on that first day, I have had to use extra thick panty shields just keep from ruining every set of the underwear I had." "I never knew. Why didn't you say anything?" "Because, from the first day, you flirted with all the boys, particularly Lance, so I figured you wouldn't be interested in another girl." "I'm bisexual." "So am I. I prefer girls, but I like boys, too. Remember I said Donald was cute. If you had asked me out then, I think I'd have given you a try." "Why didn't you say anything?" "Because you were the guy. You were supposed be chasing me. I could bring myself to say yes if you had asked, but I couldn't bring myself to actually ask you. Now tell the truth, what did you think of me when you first saw me?" "I thought you were beautiful." "So why didn't you ask me out?" "You were a junior and the most popular girl in school. I figured you'd just laugh at me if I asked you out." "That's exactly what I meant. Just because two people would be perfect together, doesn't mean that they'd know it." Luisa kissed Akita again, this time with her as a more active participant. After the kiss, Akita asked, "Now what do we do?" "Now we take you home and get you into your best dress, so I can take you out on the town." Akita looked down at the floor. "I don't think that's going to be possible, not that I wouldn't love to." "Why not?" "The cost of the wish. I spent a total of seven hours in school today, so with two wishes, I'm going to have to spend at least that long at home cooking, cleaning, and doing stuff like that. Even now, and feeling the tug to go home and get started." Jenny said, "If you get home as soon as possible, then you should finish up slightly before 10. It would be a late start to a date, but I'm sure you can find something to do together. I'm pretty sure the movie theater still has a midnight showing on Fridays." "You think mom would let me?" "I don't think you should count on it being a regular thing, but this is a special occasion, what with your finding your soulmate and all. If your mother has any problems with it, have her give me a call. I'm sure I can talk her into it." Both girls squealed with glee and ran together out of the room. A few hours later, Jenny heard a knock on her door. Upon opening it, she was surprised to see Luisa him standing there. After inviting Luisa in, Jenny commented, "I'm surprised to see you here. I figured you would want to spend as much time with Akita as you could." "Believe me, I do, but there something I wanted to ask you, and since Akita is going to be stuck at home for a while with her mother, I figured there was no time like the present." "Alright, ask away." "I'm curious. Why did you let Donald wish for anything? Not that I'm complaining, considering the results, but, after all, Donald was just an impetuous teenager. That's an awful lot of power just to let him have access to." "Well, there were really two reasons we let him use the coin. First, Donald wasn't just impetuous, but also impulsive, willing to act on his impetuousness. There was a really good chance that he'd do something stupid in order to try to realize his dream of being with Lance." "That's one reason. What was the second?" "Well, Donald took after his father. He was just lucky enough that when he was impetuously impulsive, things tended to work out for the best. "Akita and I never talked much about it, but I got the impression that no one in the family knew who Donald's father was, that he was the result of a one night stand between his mother and someone else when she was in college." Jenny snorted. "Akita's mother has never had a one night stand in her life." "Then who is the father? Why keep his identity a secret?" Seeming to change the subject, Jenny asked, "Did Akita's mother say it was okay for you to go out tonight?" "Yeah, she did. In fact, she seemed almost enthusiastic about it." "Well, as a lesbian, I'm sure that she's much happier with Akita finding a woman to be her true love, rather than either Donald or Akita finding a man. Don't get me wrong, she'd still be happy, just not quite as happy." "But if she's a lesbian who has never had a one night stand, then who could Akita's father be?" Jenny sat down and relaxed. "You're a smart girl. I'm sure you can figure it out." Luisa thought about it for a few seconds. "Maybe Akita's mother got pregnant by another woman who happened to have a cock, like you?" "Exactly like me." "You're Akita's father?" "Let's say rather that it was my seed that brought Donald into existence. I don't exactly look like the role of a daddy." "But why the big secret? Why not tell Donald, particularly now that he's become Akita?" "Well, Akita's mother and I discussed it when she was young, when she was still Donald. We decided that as a youngster, Donald wouldn't be able to understand the duality of my existence. Later, when he got older, we didn't want him looking to me to become the father he never knew and then coming to resent me because I couldn't be that for him. Please honor our wishes. I can't stop you if you decide to tell Akita the truth, but I don't think telling her will do anyone any good." "Alright, I guess I can do that. What are you going to do with that coin now?" "Assuming that nothing comes up that needs a wish, I'll give it to Akita after she graduates. Then it will be hers to worry about. So what are you going to have her wish for?" "Me? It's her wish." "But you are her life now, and she yours, that is, if you feel half towards her what I feel towards Lewis. At the very least, she will consider you and your needs if, or more likely when, she makes her final wish." "Well, I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. It'll be weird, though." "What will?" "Having a girlfriend that puts more into housework on any one day than I will in any one week." Jenny laughed. "Off with you now. You'll probably be wanting to be right there once Akita gets finished with her work." Luisa did indeed run off excitedly thought. She went straight back to Akita's and waited impatiently until Akita was finished. It was indeed almost 10 o'clock when the girls were finally able to head out on their date. Once in the car, Akita sighed, and Luisa asked, "What's wrong?" "It's Lance. I just want to get him back somehow. Mom says I shouldn't worry about it. She says that the best revenge is living well. But still..." "Well, if you're really interested, I've got an idea." NEXT MONDAY... Luisa and Akita spent as much time before lunch as they could each other's arms. There were lots of looks, pointing, and even a few comments, but neither cared. At the beginning of lunch, they waited until they guessed that Lance and his buddies were discussing them, then they walked over to his table. Once close enough, Akita said, "Lance, I want to thank you." "Thank me for what?" "For being such a bad lover. I mean, if you had been any good, I wouldn't have discovered what a joy being with another woman was. So I just wanted to say thanks for being bad enough to turn me into a lesbian." Then Akita and Luisa walked away together to the sounds of Lance's friends' laughing and teasing. TEN YEARS LATER... Luisa was at work, and Akita had just finished her chores for the day. Luisa was now a nurse, and was working on her medical degree. Akita had recently finished getting an accounting degree with a minor in economics, which she used for home finances. With needing to use at least six hours a day on housework, she barely managed get the degree in the first place, much less hold down a job with it. Recently, the girls had decided to start a family. Luisa was talking adoption, but Akita had a different idea. After her chores, she went and got the coin from its hiding place and wished, "I wish that both Luisa and I had retractable cocks, extendable and withdraw-able at will, that were always hard when they were in full extension." Akita felt a slight difference in her crotch. She put the coin down, pulled down her panties, and just by thinking about it, extended her new cock out of her body. She shook it a bit, but then felt Luisa grabbed her from behind and give her a big hug, yelling, "You scamp! I love you!" After the hug, Akita said, "Just when I might be forgetting that you've got the power to teleport to my side, you go and remind me." Luisa guided Akita towards the bed. "I'm going to do more than that in just a few seconds." Feeling Luisa's cock through her pants, Akita giggled and said, "A woman's work is never done."

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Slumber Party Coin of Chaos

“Slumber Party” “I’ve got the popcorn!” giggled Sandy, flopping to the floor of her living room amongst her friends. “About time,” her twin sister Candace remarked with a smirk. The two blond girls, though their faces were mirror images of each other, were about as different personality-wise as twins could be. Sandy was perpetually happy and bubbly, with a tendency to giggle given the slightest excuse. Her long blond hair fell over smooth shoulders, beneath which the toned, curved body of a...

3 years ago
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The Sunday Coin Toss

The Sunday Coin Toss The Toss As I watched, the coin seemed to flip in slow motion as it looped lazily through the air. It was Jane’s turn to call it, and this time the said “tails” just as the quarter reached the apex of its flight. As the coin began the drop into my hand, before it even landed, I sensed I had lost the toss. A sense of excitement sent a rush of adrenaline into my stomach. Tails it was. Jane smiled with a sense of satisfaction, as if she had been waiting for this moment.

3 years ago
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The Coin Ch 01

The midday rush of people frantically making their way to or from lunch swarmed around Kelly as she dodged along the wide, hot sidewalk. Her muted apologies (Sorry!, Excuse me!, I'm so sorry!) were smothered by the buzzing of conversations, traffic and the sound of the world around her. At a little over five feet tall and a tiny bit under 110 pounds, she felt like a (Duck? Water bug? Hamster in a hamster ball thing?) fighting the raging current of a monstrous river. She grinned at the thought...

2 years ago
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The Coin Collection

Try to imagine this. You come home from work, park your car in the garage, and walk through the door that connects the house to the garage as you call out "Honey, I'm home." The door closes behind you before you see two men with guns and next to them you see your frightened wife tied to one of the swivel stools at the breakfast bar that separates the kitchen from the family room. She appears to be unhurt, but she has duct tape across her mouth. One of the men waves his gun at you and...

4 years ago
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Episode 1 Strip Coin Toss

"Hey, everyone! Welcome to the first episode of StripGames USA. I'm Donna. My dad and mom own and run the website. They're behind the camera. And these are my friends, Carrie and Linda." "Hi there!", Carrie says. "Hi!", Linda greets. Donna continues, "And we're going to play Strip Coin Toss. We're each gonna flip coins. And since there's three of us, whoever is the odd one out loses. They lose a piece of clothing. Then the two losers get to race out in the front yard, butt...

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The Guildmasters Coin

You exit the Guildmaster's office staring at the coin in your palm. You can't believe your luck. Ever since you joined the Freelancer Guild with hopes to be a grand adventurer you have been shocked by how bad you've had it. You were supposed to be Ty Goldleaf, hero and knight! The gold would flow freely and the wenches would be wrapped around your finger. But you've barely been able to make enough gold to keep your leather armor in one piece and a roof over your head at the tavern. And forget...

2 years ago
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Coin Toss

Saturday, February 9, 2019, 10:16 pm “Fuck!” Brandon complained bitterly. “I feel so fucking queer! This is so fucking queer, Andrew!” Andrew shook his head and pinched his fingertips to zoom in on Brandon’s face. Brandon glared at him and raised a middle finger in protest. Andrew zoomed out again to include the obscene gesture. “This doesn’t make us queer,” Andrew argued patiently. “All we’re doing is experimenting to see if this works. We haven’t touched each other, and we won’t undress at...

5 years ago
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I am the Puppet MAter Chapter One Coin Operated Girl

My name is Damien, at this point I had been seventeen for a grand total of twelve hours and so far it sucked. Maybe seventeen just sucks in general, maybe everyone who has even been there will agree with me. I mean, your still considered to be too young to do anything fun but for fuck sake your close enough that it shouldn’t really matter. I was still expected to listen to my parents (not that I even did that anyway) not drink, not smoke, (that I did anyway) and go to school, which was what I...

3 years ago
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The TwoSided Coin ch 1

It was said some Millennium ago; that love and hate; are just two sides to the same coin. This was also said about life and death. Chapter 1 Jack was almost ready. It was his first assignment to terminate someone since he had left the service as a Staff Sergeant, E-6. The last time he had killed anybody was in Iraq, eight years ago when he was twenty-one. He was part of a group of six, special black ops marines, who were assigned to take out a several Iraqi civilian combatants. The...

4 years ago
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the wishing coin

AUTHOR NOTE. HEY GUYS SORRY FOR THE ROUGH WRITING. THIS IS A SECOND LANGUAGE TO ME AND MY COMPUTER IS ON THE FRITZ SO I WAS UNABLE TO PARAGRAPH IT PROPERLY FEEL FREE TO ADD WHATEVER IM CURIOUS TO SEE EVERYONE'S THOUGHTS ON THIS. DEMONJEDI89 Connor sighed he was bored. his mother took him and his twin sister to a summer business trip to greece to get some culture and away from the madness of the video games he played all the time. culture apparently was sitting on the beaches watching the waves...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Two sides of the same coin

Good: 0 Evil: 0 We Start at Neutral. Hello and Welcome to Two Sides of the Same Coin. Here is the explanation of how this system works. Each page is limited to three continuing questions, one for each category Good: Doing something honorable, this does not mean not getting sexually involved, it means not performing...excessive acts. this adds 1 to score of Good or Detracts 1 from Evil Evil: Doing something negative, just benefits you. Adds 1 to Evil, Detracts 1 from good Human: Adds to neither....

4 years ago
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Wishing coins

Author's Note - Go ahead and add to this. I want to see where people will take this story. I'm not creative enough nor do I have enough time to properly explore this story, so go wild. This wasn’t normal. Last thing I remembered was sitting on our couch at the flat watching Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir mowing their way through uruk-hai, and now somehow I’m sitting on the same couch in the middle of a whole lot of nothing. Dave had just left to get drinks, and suddenly the world...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Magical Coins

Who shall be buying these wondrous coins? Will it be Jed and Paula, a loving couple in their late 20’s? Their relationship is the best part of both their lives, and with coins in hand, there's a lot they’ll want to change... Or maybe it's Derek and Jayden, adult seniors in high school and best friends? There bodies are already going through a lot of changes, but with the coins and their need to find themselves, I bet they'll go through even more... Or maybe it's Daisy, a freshman in university...

2 years ago
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The Coin pt 2

Please Read pt. 1 or you may be confused in the story. Thanks SSA…. One other thing you will read about is a car that is Murdered out, what that means is everything is blacked out. I took a shower and put on some extremely baggy shorts and a shirt you could use as a tent, luckily we had the same shoe size so they fit perfectly. Couldn’t wear any boxers Because they were too big. We walked outside and I saw the piece of shit car I drove for the first time and laughed at myself and mumbled...

2 years ago
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The Coin pt1

This story came to me after watching a episode of Supernatural, plus I LOVE the Wishmaster movies. So I thought ‘WHAT THE HELL’ let me give it a shot but I wanted to take go the NAUGHTY way with it. I woke up early on my day off climbing into the shower. I could feel like this was a great day to be alive (not knowing what is going to go down later in the day). Then making a very delicious breakfast eating slow enjoying ever bite. I didn’t have any plans so I deiced to go to the shops down main...

4 years ago
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Coin of the Realm

“Well shit. Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, it did. The best thing I can say about my life right now is that I’m not quite stupid enough to actually say, ‘Well at least it isn’t raining.’” I couldn’t help but laugh at the grim situation I found myself in. Most people are optimistic when sitting in the park, but the storm clouds growing above seemed a perfect metaphor for my mood. My name is Mike, I’m a 32 IT Lead at a local business. Roughly six foot tall, I’m pretty average...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Same Coin

He watches her from his shaded spot amongst the pillars of their father’s house, smiling and talking with her parade of sycophants that surround her - one of whom, his own daughter, he thinks bitterly. She walks along in her stately, confidant manner, as she always does. And he hates her. Hates how sure of herself she always is. How tall and proud she always stands. How their father chooses her in all things. But most of all, he hates how much he desires her. Her long, straight hair is brown...

3 years ago
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The Coin Ch 02

Over the next few weeks, David and Kelly restarted their relationship. Slowly. Carefully. On the third date after that night, Kelly wore the same outfit - outside of her apartment. At first, she refused to look at anyone around her but as the night wore on, she raised her head and started smiling again. When an older couple remarked on what a handsome couple they were, Kelly grinned with her teeth and pressed up against David, laying her head against him briefly. After every date, David walked...

3 years ago
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Three sides of the cucking coin

This tale is told inside of a large residential complex. Even though it is a brand new development close to a major city, luxurious with all sorts of amenities, including a private pool and gym, most of the apartments remain empty. So far, only three people have moved into the building. Two of them form a (slightly unhappy) couple: Aaron and Becky. Aaron is a well-known software engineer at a major tech company. He's rich, but little else about him is outstanding. Average in body and in bed, he...

3 years ago
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Lucky coin

por donde empezar esta history escuela en casa trabajo playa casa de invierno you can create from here as many branches as you want (it's the first time and report any error).

4 years ago
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The Other Side of the Coin

So many stories of extreme power and insane abilities come and go, well this is one of them, but you don't have that power. Others have the ability to control you're whim with a snap, change you're very thoughts, but not you. You're just an ordinary person who has to live through the torment and trauma that they cause. This is Their world, you're just a character in it.

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Two Sides of the Coin

Rico and Jonnyb were lying low after their last adventure, Without A Reason, at a house in the suburbs. Jonnyb had seen this guy loading a RV as they cruised around and Rico, disguised as a jogger, went by and talked to the guy about his "sweet ride" which got the guy on side and he revealed how his family was heading off for 10 days in the RV. Rico met the hot mom, the cute teen daughter and the snotty brat of a young boy. He was also shown the garage and parts of the house all because the...

4 years ago
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Two Sides Of The Coin

I had never been truly or expertly fucked by a man. I couldn't figure out why. I was attractive. I was smart and funny. I wasn't obnoxious or uninteresting. But the guys I had been with never put in the time, attention, or effort to pleasure my body. Maybe they were selfish. Maybe they just didn't know how. I was lucky if their fingers even brushed my clit; they acted as if this most erogenous place on my body was merely a passing stranger they were waving to in the dark. My tormented,...

2 years ago
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Dare Girl Goes AstrayChapter 2 the coin tosses

Mistress Mandy, It is now Monday morning and I have received the full report of Cindy's dare which took place on Friday night. I have cause to speak to you in connection with our mutual sub Cindy, as you are fully aware I issued a dare to Cindy, for last Friday night, which it seems you chose to hi jack. Whilst I am not in the habit of having my instructions altered let alone disregarded completely, you chose to alter the entire concept of her dare. Turning poor Cindy into nothing short...

3 years ago
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TangentChapter 17 The Reverse of the Coin

Freidal leaned back against a rock, weary beyond words. All night they had marched over ridge after ridge! After marching half the day before! His batman, Tiki, came and stood next to him. Freidal gestured for him to sit. The old sergeant laughed. "If I sit, it will take a half dozen hale men to move me again, Captain! Finding two tonight might be too much to expect." Freidal glanced at the bulk of the ridge looming in front of them. "I didn't hear pickets go up." The veteran...

4 years ago
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Meeting by coincident by Betty

The Phone rang and Betty was in the otherside of the line. Hi she said how are ya. I am fine tghen I answered. I just wanna talk to you and see how you are doin said Betty, It was a long time since last she said. I agreed that it was some time we since met and that moment were strictly buisness. Well trhat moment was nice and sexy but it was hard. and also some people watchand tell next moment we need do.We talked almost an hour about what we been doin to each and laughed and also talkin about...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Bhabhi 8211 Coincident

Myself Sameer Sharma from Bhopal, M.P. (). Mein aur mere dost bahut acche se ek dusre ko jaante hai sabhi. Sabhi ko sabhi ke baare me sab kuch pata hota hai. Hum aapas me sab kuch share karte hai. Mera ek dost hai Rishi, bahut accha friend hai aur wo uske bade bhai, mummy aur bhabhi ke saath rahta hai. Hamara aksar ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana rahta hai to hum ek dusre ki families acche se introduced the. Abhi se 3 mahine aur 4 din pahle ki baat hai. Rishi ke bhai ki job lagi hui thi forest...

4 years ago
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Surprise or coincedence

Having been married for three years, we were discovering the zest and excitement is slowly fading out of our relationship. I am 26, quite athletic though medium built with a very high libido. Rita, my wife is 24, and very attractive. Both of us work for a software company.if u like it plz reply me in o The other day, we had been to a disco. As usual, rita was dressed to kill. She had an off-shoulder top, revealing the bulge of her tits, and possibly a strapless bra. But her nipples still poked...

4 years ago
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"Your guest has arrived, Ms. King." As the large wooden doors to the library of the King estate are opened by one of the many assistants throughout the mansion, you are greeted by a red-headed woman, seated in a chair next to a roaring fireplace with a book in her lap and an ancient wooden box by her side. The box appeared to be decorated with Latin writing and paintings, but little else was obvious about it. It, like many things collecting dust on Emilia King's shelves looked like it belonged...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Classmate And My Cousin At A Time Coincidentally

Hi guys, This is Yathin from Bangalore. Actually speaking, ISS is my favourite website for sex stories. So, I also decided to post my experience. This happened when I was 17 years old. I was studying 12th standard and was very much curious to have sex. Our class girls also were very fond of sex and were demanding Rs. 500 for each session, I didn’t want to spend money on it. So, I posted an ad in some website asking for free sex. Coincidentally, my classmate only saw it and she was blackmailing...

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There are no coincidences

In the morning my neighbor always comes to taking out the trash and she always gets very carefree tiny shorts sleepwear or, in some cases I hide behind my window at her when stooping and to my amazement uses tiny underwear or simply does not get put ..... this makes me very excited .......... and every morning is the same.One day I will not hold and when she came out I went also with the excuse out the trash and we come ......... she was wearing a small robe that reached to his thighs almost...

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