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A Novel Approach By Jennifer White John Summers had always wished he were a girl. Ever since he was young, he had been jealous of his sisters. They clothes they got to wear, they toys they got to play with, the way they talked, the things they did... all what he longed for. As he grew older, he started to wear their clothes in secret. As he sexually matured, his first orgasm occurred when he lay on his stomach while wearing a plaid skirt. The rough fabric rubbed against his penis, and he had his first orgasm. He didn't even know what it was! It just felt *right* to wear his sister's clothes. And the pleasure from his orgasm? It was the icing on the cake for him. Ever since then, he knew that he was destined to be a girl. That was his goal in life. But how could he tell anyone? How could he reveal his secret? He knew that he wasn't gay or anything; he desired only women. But when he saw a pretty girl on the street, his first thought always was: 'I wish I was her.' *** One day, John was flying home from Atlanta, at the end of a week long business trip. He half hoped the plane would explode on takeoff, so he could start his life over again, as it was supposed to be. A female life. He sighed. He went back into the bathroom on the plane, so that he could take one of the maxipads out of the dispenser, and put it on. It gave him comfort somehow. And an erection as well. *He* was wearing a pad! When he returned to his seat, he went to pull out the airline magazine to read for the rest of the ride home. When he got it out, he noticed that there was a book in the pocket as well. He was in the right seat, and the one next to him was empty, so nobody else had left it, not on that flight. It must have been someone earlier in the day. The lazy cleaners must have skipped that row. He looked at the cover. It was called "Passion's Rage", with a picture of a buxom woman on the cover, being swept off her feet by a handsome shirtless man, with a picture of a mansion and grove of trees in the background. The thought came into his mind that this was the type of book, which women read. Perhaps he was meant to find it! He would read it, and could better understand what women looked for. And how they felt. And what turns *them* on. He truly wanted to understand it. He wanted to feel feminine inside. He decided to take the book home and read it. Passion's Rage Chapter 1: A New Summer Summer Johnson was twenty seven years old, and came home to Collingswood for the first time in ten years. Collingswood was a sprawling ancient mansion, with cotton fields stretching out as far as the river to the south, and as far as the eye could see in every other direction. Once a crowning glory of the old south, it was now starting to go to shambles. Ever since her great grandfather Christopher had passed away, nobody in the family had farming in their blood. Except her. Yet she had been the ugly duckling of the family. As a girl, she was heavy for her size, never losing her baby fat or roundness of face. Her mousy hair and quiet demeanor left her as an outcast. The girls all teased her. The boys shunned her. Yet the quiet dignity of her demeanor, and the bright flash of her eyes told those who cared to look that behind her initial impression that she was a child of destiny. A destiny, which would someday come to affect the quiet rural world of the Deep South. *** John Summers looked up from the book. What was all that? Huh? A child of destiny? Farming in the blood? He hoped it got better. As he read on, he learned that Summer returned to town to take over the family business, fix up the mansion, and settle old business. She was now beautiful 'in the full flower of womanhood', and every man in town was after her. She shunned them all, because they had been so mean to her as a child. Summer needed help around the farm (being 'just' a weak, frail, feminine 'woman-child', without the skills or power to turn around the farm. After an incident involving a ladder, attempts at painting, a horse, and many tears, she decided to take on help. She didn't want anyone from before, yet few families moved into Kentwood County. Except one: a young Mexican man, Carlos, who was looked down on by the community. In that part of the country, any type of interracial relations were frowned upon. Very greatly. The last time Carlos had a girl from the town, they burned down his house as a warning. Summer's family hated her for hiring him. Yet he was a good worker, smart, honest, a great cook, and even played guitar. *** John Summers liked to dress up in his collection of female clothes. He thought that his French maid uniform was particularly exciting to wear, with his fake breasts and his wig. He was expert at applying makeup, and had learned how to dress, and make the most of his slender legs. He sometimes went out into public, and did a good job of not standing out. All be the most discriminating eyes thought he was female. His company where he worked wasn't doing very well, and they started to cut back his hours. He liked buying women's clothes, but they were expensive! He decided that if he was going to keep up with his 'habit', he was going to have to take up a second job. He did not like the idea of working at some burger joint, and there weren't too many jobs, which sounded very appealing. Reading the classified ads, he finally found something: there was an ad for a part time maid. He called the number, and spoke with a woman who said they were interviewing the next day. He decided to show up, but dressed in his French maid uniform. What if he got the work? He'd get paid for dressing up! What a brilliant idea! The next evening, dressed from head to toe as a girl, he went to the interview. He answered their questions, and told them that he had experience doing such work. He was hired on the spot. Inspired by the book, he used the name 'Summer'. The next evening, he showed up, right on time, fully dressed. He began his work, and did a good job. Mr. Carlson owned a large townhouse he had inherited from his family. It had seen better days, and needed a lot of work. John was going to be able to come in as often as he wanted, for as long as he wanted. There would be plenty of money to be had! He was a dedicated worker, and did a great job. "You are so dedicated, Summer." "Thank you!" he said. "I try my best." "You are such a find! I think you are a keeper." They laughed, and said good-bye. Mr. Carlson said he had a big job for tomorrow, and he couldn't wait to get started. *** That night, wearing his nightie, John read some more from the book. It continued in the same vein, but he read on. He was in a groove reading, starting to get drowsy, when he read something, which shocked him. Summer was overjoyed at the job Carlos had been doing. Things were looking so much better around Collingswood since he had arrived. "You are so dedicated!" she said glowingly. "Thank you!" he said. "I try my best." "You are such a find! I think you are a keeper." They laughed as they said their tender good-byes. Summer told Carlos that she had a big job for him tomorrow, and she couldn't wait to get started. The dialog matched what Mr. Carlson had said earlier in the day! Down to the word! How was that possible? It must be a mistake. John read on about Summer's feelings: It was forbidden, it was wrong, but she felt something for him. Something which could develop into the pure and true love she desperately longed for. *** The next day at his second job, as a maid, John was feeling upset. He came in as usual, and started on the chores. But when Mr. Carlson started to talk to him, he felt his heart leap. He had never felt that before! And this was a man! It was so wrong! This wasn't what he wanted. Perhaps he should quit. He was confused, and didn't know what to do. He got through the day, struggling with his conflicting emotions. Back home that evening, he sipped a glass of wine as he read the book, now unable to put it down. In the book, Summer started to doubt herself about the attraction she felt towards Carlos. It was so wrong! She felt confused. Perhaps she should fire him. She decided that she would have to confront him. "Look Carlos, you and I... this cannot be. We have such longing in our hearts, but we must keep our relationship professional. We cannot be together." *** When John went into work the next day. He decided to do what Summer did in the book. When Mr. Carlson started to make an advance, and putting his hand on John's butt, John told him that the relationship could not be. "We cannot be together," he said. All seemed well, until it was time to leave. They looked each other in the eye, and Mr. Carlson kissed him on the hand as a token of departure. Mr. Carlson told John of his feelings of love. Against his better judgment, John was stirred. No! He was going to end it! How could he be falling in love? After work, he raced home to see what happened next in "Passion's Rage". In the book, Carlos kissed Summer's hand upon their parting, and she was stirred. Although her head told her that it was wrong, and no good could come from it, Summer's heart was wakened. She began to give in to her emotions, which were welling up from her soul, their shimmering effervescence making her heart sing. Perhaps they could do this after all... The passage made John's heart race. He went to sleep, laying there in his nightie, tossing and turning. He tried to reflect on what was going on with his life. He hadn't really thought about it, but he was working almost all his time for Mr. Carlson now, and very little at his other job. The only time he ever dressed as a man anymore was at his old job, and even then he was somewhat androgynous. Perhaps he should just quit that, so he wouldn't have to go back and forth so often. That would make life much easier. Perhaps he should be 'Summer' all the time. Perhaps things could work out for him after all... *** In the morning, John's heart was singing. He knew that he had made the right decision. From that day on, he was going to think of himself as Summer all the time. John was no more. He skipped on his way to work. During his afternoon break, he and Mr. Carlson held hands, and took a long walk. He felt like a woman. For the first time he felt feminine. He felt like a girl! He actually thought of himself as a 'she'. That night, Summer (formerly known as John) read about her alter ego in the book. Summer and Carlos, now closer than ever, took a long walk through the rolling green hills of Collingswood, holding hands. They paused by the babbling waters of the brook to admire the view, and their growing love they felt in their hearts. Although no words were spoken, the tacit bond between them was cemented. That evening, the decided to set a date to debut as a couple in public... *** Summer called her old job, trying her best to come up with a 'John' voice. Her vocal patterns, inflections, and even pitch had drifted to its current feminine tonality. She told them that she was no longer going to work there. She was going to spend all her time working for Mr. Carlson. That afternoon at work, Mr. Carlson asked her out to dinner. She knew it would be coming, because of the inevitable clue from the book. She gladly accepted, glowing with excitement for their first official date in public. Mr. Carlson took Summer to a four star bistro, where they shared an excellent meal and a bottle of wine. After the meal the creme brulee dessert, Mr. Carlson asked Summer to move in with him at the townhouse. He had plenty of extra room, and why should Summer have to spend so much of her money on rent? *** At home, Summer started to pack up her things. Those that had belonged to John were boxed up to give to the poor. Summer had a sizable wardrobe, so it would take several trips to move everything over to Mr. Carlson's place. She did her nightly reading, from "Passion's Rage." Of course, in the book, Summer invited Carlos to move in with her, because she has so many extra rooms, and why should he waste his money on rent? "Her emotions swirled like the eddies from an oar cutting through the calm blue waters of the placid lake." Back in the real world, Summer's emotions swirled. She decided to accept Mr. Carlson's offer. She came to work with a fully packed bag, with her most essential items. She also decided that she needed to be prettier to please him, and that she would go get breast implants. She was going to speak to a doctor to get a prescription for female hormones too. Once she had better 'assets', she could start to dress sexier. She was a woman now, and she would alter her body to match her world view. *** In the recovery room, Summer read from the book. The fictional heroine decided to start dressing in sexier clothes to be more attractive for Carlos. She was really falling for him now, and decided that she would do anything he asked. He was her world. Summer was tired, so she put down the book. She had told Mr. Carlson that she was going out of town to visit her sister. She hated to lie to him. He really was her world, and she knew in her heart that she would do anything he asked. She was really falling for him now. Yet she had a sense of fear. She had peeked at the end when she first found the book, and she knew there was a love scene coming up. She could not stop. But she knew that if she read further, she would make love to Mr. Carlson. Yet she felt compelled to continue on. *** Summer was afraid of what would happen next. The people in the town were all talking about her and Carlos. Some were jealous, others with a spite born out of hatred. "But I am a vivacious woman!" said Summer out loud, yelling although only the young cotton plants and the fertile soil of the delta could hear her voice. "I can do anything! Whatever I want!" Summer searched her feelings, which were growing stronger day by day. Her life was starting to be ruled more and more by her emotions. Perhaps it was the effects of the estrogen? She truly felt like a woman now. She realized that as a woman, she could do whatever she wanted. Anything! There was only one thing holding her back though. She had a lovely look, nice breasts, subtle curves, and soft smooth skin. She had long ago shed the wig, with her own real hair now coming down to her shoulders. But in between her legs, she was held back. She knew what she had to do; she called the plastic surgeon, and scheduled 'The Operation'. Soon she would complete. *** Summer told Mr. Carlson that she had to go away for a few weeks to settle some family business, and soon she would return forever. She checked into the clinic, and read some of the book as she prepared for the surgery the next morning. Summer was sick, and had to go away to recover. The doctors told her it could be up to a month before she was well again. *** While off at the resort, Summer began to doubt her love for Carlos. Was it real, or was it just because they were together so much? She was going to devote her entire life to him. Was this the right thing? The right thing for her? Could she live her life devoted to a man? A man with whom love was forbidden by the social norms of the rural south? She was only a woman, not strong like a man. Her mind was clouded by her emotions. Oh what longing she felt in her heart! *** In the recovery room, it really hit Summer that it was done. It was permanent. She was a woman now, in every way. Should she really have done this? She had a moment of doubt, and wondered if this is what she really wanted? But no, this was her dream come true! She resolved to give it a real try. She picked up the book again. In the next to last chapter, Summer resolved to give her love with Carlos a real try too! She ran back to Carlos, and they ended up making love. *** Once fully recovered, Summer returned to Mr. Carlson's house. They longing they felt in their hearts after their separation was too much, and they ended up making love. For the first time, Summer was penetrated, and enjoyed sex as a woman. Mr. Carlson was so overwhelmed by the event, that he proposed to Summer. He found his grandmother's wedding ring, and gave it to Summer. Summer was overjoyed. She was going to be a bride! She was going to live out her life as a happy woman. What could be better? She smiled as she read the last chapter in "Passion's Rage". Summer woke up in love. The true love which any woman dreams of, from they days of their girlhood, when love is but an abstract image, an ideal dreamed of in the far off reaches of adulthood. For most women, as they grow up, and grow out of their dreams. But for a lucky few, love does in fact grow. Such was the fate for Summer, now Mrs. Summer Lopez. Summer felt the pang of new life stirring within her, and smiled, reflecting on her life and her love. She had not been prepared for the storm of passion's rage, and had been overwhelmed by it. Against all odds, she found her one true love. Summer put down the book and smiled. She had felt some pangs in her stomach, but had attributed it to having eaten Mexican food that night. She wondered what was possible in this world? Epilogue: Summer walked through the mall, shopping for a new dress to wear when she went out dancing Saturday. Out of habit, she still had the book in her purse. She saw a young man sitting dejectedly, alone on a bench near the shoe store. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears. "Hi." she said softly. He didn't answer. "Here, read this. This will help you," she said, handing the book over to him. It was time for another man to be caught in the web of passion's rage...

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“Hey great game guys—gotta jet” “What's up Dillon—gotta hot date”? “Ya, I think so” “No shower ? Hope she likes funk” ! “ya, me too” I grabbed my duffel bag from my locker, and quickly ran out the shower house. We had a good game that night, and I was pretty excited. Even at 10:00 at night, it's was pretty fuckin hot in East Texas—about 80. I was sweatin like a pig, and damm near smelled like one. I hopped in the GTO with Mark Mattox. Catching me right after the game he said he had a...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Threesome Surprise On My Birthday

My girlfriend decided to fly from Bangalore on my birthday night. It was pre-decided that we will stay in my apartment and fuck each other as my birthday gift. But it turned out to be the best sex experience. We had an amazing threesome and a sex tape recorded by my girlfriend’s hot friend. I have a black tinted Honda Civic car, which I drove down towards the Mumbai airport in the evening. Vania, my girlfriend’s flight landed on the eve of my birthday about 7. She was coming to Mumbai for the...

3 years ago
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The UpgradeChapter 8

Dedink, Dedink, Dedink! “It’s Saturday fucking morning. Who the fuck set that fucking alarm!” “You did, Daddy. You said something about calling someone, first thing in the morning. It’s already second thing, now, you know. Almost seven, but still, you did it!” And, at that, Jen hightailed it out of the room so I couldn’t grab her and smack her insubordinate ass. She was laughing all the way, too. “Coffee in 5 minutes!!” We had a couple of Bunn coffee makers that were pretty quick to make...

3 years ago
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Decadence and Beyond

Obviously this had been going on for a while, though I stood there in shock, briefly chastising myself for not realizing it. Not having a clue, a single hint. A myriad of emotions washing over and through me as I stood there, staring. And neither one of them yet aware that their older brother had come home early ... unexpectedly. How many other times before had my own sister and brother, fraternal twins, been so engaged like this before now? Our parents had died a few years ago in a horrible...

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Willows World

Willow hadn't intended for the spell to go this way. It was supposed to create a ball of sunlight, and sure enough, it did. But the spell had other effects, as she soon found out. Buffy had been staring straight into the spell for twenty minutes when Willow found her. By that time it was to late. The spell carried Willow's deepest desires with it, and in those twenty minutes Buffy went from straight to bisexual to lesbian. Willow was horrified to realize she'd turned her best friend into a...

4 years ago
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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 8 Trip To Auntie8217s House

In this part of the story, Riya goes to her Aunt’s house: The trip was uneventful, they unloaded their luggage. As Riya paid the driver she was conscious of his eyes taking in her figure and her curves. He licked his lips as she counted rupees into his hand, and then they were gone. Riya’s auntie welcomed them, she was a stately lady in her mid 50’s, soft-spoken and gentle, nothing seemed to upset her quiet countenance. Riya had always thought she would like to be just like her aunt. Being in...

1 year ago
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My Brothers Genie Chapter 05

“Give him some time,” Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. “He’s had quite the shock. We’ll need him conscious though for the journey.” “What journey?” Daniel asked. “Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he’s about to realise he’s been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can’t go home.” “Of course we can!” Charlie said. “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good idea. I’ve put protection on...

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My family

She had lived with her parents all her life in their very small apartment. They had only one bedroom so they all slept in the same bed. Every night since she was a baby, she had sucked her moms tits. Some nights she would suck one while her dad sucked the other. She had always watched her mom and dad fuck each other even tho at the young age she did not understand what they were doing. She loved watching her dad put his cock in her moms mouth and the mom suck on it till the dad screamed and...

1 year ago
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how we started having sex with other

we met a couple and then from there on sexily we didn't look back Hello, I'm Susan, I think I had better start by saying I'm 41 years old, married to James for over 20 years, and have one boy who is now in university, and I hadn't been with another man while James and have been together. when I was at college I messed around a bit and had sex with two of the boys there, not really a big event, I was drunk most of the time, After college I met James and I fell in love with him very quickly, I...

First Time
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The lover that came at night Chapter 2

The lover that came at night. Chapter 2** She was awoken by loud popping sounds from the party downstairs and the nurse checking her to make sure she was okay. They smiled at each other. Brenda smiled and said one more hour please. I'm okay and I feel better. The nurse said okay but I don't want you tiring yourself out. The nurse smiled and left her again. She misses her Philip so badly. She begins to remember their last night together in the cemetery. They were coming back to her house to drop...

4 years ago
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Five stallions and one Lady

-Who is that woman? Johnny was loking out the window in the barn. -She has been sneaking around here for several days Johnny and his buddys-Carlos,Pete,Peter and Lenny- was curios. All five guys are bodybuilder on parole from jail. They are around 23 to 25 years old They used to work out in the barn The woman was in her forties and good looking. They called her. -Looking for someone? Peter asked. -Well,You guys have fantastic bodies and have always been attracted by big hansom bodybuilders....

2 years ago
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Iddaru Girlfriends 8211 Part 2

“Rey Raghu, addu leguvu show kanpiyatledu” ani annanu. Appudu. Pranathi vadni pakkaki thosi na daggarki ochindhi. Na mundhu floor mdha kurchuni na pant lo tent vaipu na eyes lo ki chusthundhi. Raghu: “Enti pranu? Thinesthava enti vadni? Iddarni thineyochu ga. Ne capacity tho elano easy ga iddarni handle chesesthav” ani gudha meedha gattiga kottadu. Appudu pranathi lechi velli vadi dagara ninchundhi. Vadi kalla lo chusthu nekem problem ledu kadha ani adigthe vadu no problem enjoy chedham life...

4 years ago
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Karens Milk

Karen's Milk by J. Wadd This story is of an Adult Nature and meant to be read by Adults Only. It isa figment of a demented imagination and is in no way meant to encourage orsupport the actions described. In other words it is purely fictional and meantonly for readers enjoyment. If this type of material offends you, then don'tread it. Karen eyes struggled to open, her mind in a fog, her eyelids so heavy shekept drifting in an out of conciseness. She thought she was dreaming as shestruggled to...

4 years ago
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Getting My Wife to Loosen Up Part 1 Tanning

This is ultimately a story about my getting my wife to loosen up sexually. This first part sets the background for some of our first adventures. If it goes well I will continue on with more parts. It all started with a long needed vacation and I had been planning for years with my wife. We have been married for five years, but never really had a honeymoon. We both had been busy with our jobs and just kept putting it off mostly due to money. Not that we had money issues, but a real vacation...

3 years ago
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Isekai Game Master

(Author note: Hi guy!! If you are here only for sex then this is not for you, but there will sex scene but it won't happen for a while. And if you watch anime, read a manga or jp novel you might understand things easier in the story since I'm a weeb. Finally, my English is bad so forgive me if I made your eyes bleed, and I'll try to fix my mistake as much as possible. And for the reader of IFMG. Please don't worry I'm still writing the next chapter, I just need to expand to the other...

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I8217m a Tranny whore

My mom and dad divorced when I was 12. I was never too sure why, but it happened about the time my dad got very religious and wanted to become a minister. I used to see my mom on weekends, as my dad had custody, but she moved to the opposite coast when I was 15, so I spent summers there. The first time I went there, I met a guy next door to her, in his late 20s. I met him because I smelled him smoking pot in the backyard and asked if I could have some. He was a nice guy, and was curious about...

1 year ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

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It was my brother8217s girlfriend

Spring break of three years before had turned out to be everything I hoped. Aside from getting drunk out of my mind every single night, I had hooked up with a chick three out of the five nights I had been there. Oh, they weren’t anything special, just horny girls desperate to feel like they were fitting in and having a good time, but, a pussy is a pussy. I was having the time of my life, staying with my older brother who happened to already be established in the world and owned a house on...

3 years ago
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My Best Year So FarChapter 2

It was the middle of June and I was at the local produce market selecting fruit, veggies, nuts, grains, leaves and twigs for my new high-fiber-no-processed-foods diet when I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone said, "Tommy?" I looked around and saw a pretty face that was familiar but it didn't dawn on me who it was for a few seconds. Finally, "Margie? Wow, is it really you? Well, what a surprise! Jeez, woman, you're looking good! What are you doing back in town?" I hadn't seen my...

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Middle class couple8217s sex life

Hello readers. This is my first story, so please share our honest feedback. I am Sunil Chawan, in my mid-40s, married with 2 kids. I look like any ordinary middle-class man, average height. Not too fat but not fit by any standards. My wife was from our village, and she had rustic features. Post-pregnancy, she had become plump but had meat on all the right parts. Her bra size was 32C, and she had nice round buttocks. They were very soft and supple (I loved squeezing them). I have a very happy...

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My bosses wife

I am an African American male blessed with a 10" thick cock.After I got out of truck driving school I was only 22 and had a hard time finding a job, because of my age an insurance regulations. I had an older white gentlemen take me under his wing and hire me as his co-driver for his new Freightliner. He was very patient with me and it was a great learning experience and a good well paying job. He showed my pics of his grand c***dren and they were clearly bi-racial and said his daughter was...

2 years ago
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My dream Woman

Mai Pooja ko hamesha parties ya kisi shaadi ke functions me hi dekha tha. Pooja samaaj ki ek mani hui hasti thi. Kamyab business woman hone ke alawa wo samajik karyakarta bhi thi. Aksar uske kisi na kisi samajik karya ke liye charchit rahati the. Pooja ka akarshak vyaktitva aur uska sunder badan kisi bhi mard ko uski taraf aakarshit kar sakta tha. Ek function mai mujhe uske bagal me baithne ka mauka mila. Mai usse baat karna chahta tha par aisa hua nahi, use kisi charity function me jana tha...

3 years ago
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A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 16

A Better Solution Than Divorce - Part 16 By Jennifer Allison Tommy Brothers I knew we were in trouble as soon as my dad drove up to Dr. Knox's cabin. I recognized one of the girl's parents standing outside the cabin. It was the parents of Kendra 'Olive Oyl' Watson. Kendra was given the nickname for her build. She could give Olive Oyl a run for her money for the skinniest person I have ever seen. "Oh NO!!!!" I screamed. "What is it Tommy?" asked my mom. "I just realized...

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Tits, and Ass Too! I’ve got to hand it to this next joint for coming up with one of the catchiest, most clever site names I’ve seen this week. It’s just two words, simple and to the point, but with more personality than other dead-on titles. It isn’t just Ass; it’s Ass, Too, meaning they’ve got ass in addition to whatever else is on the menu, and I have some ideas about what that might be. I’m no Michelin chef, but I can tell you that Tits and Ass go together just like carrots and peas. Oh man,...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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Lucas New Slave Family

Linda was extremely disturbed when she learned her youngest daughter had married a black man of 21. She disapproved of mixed marriages and was very vocal about it. As a businesswoman of 40, she was financially secured supporting her two daughters and was doing extremely well till June married Lucas. She tried to avoid going over whenever she could. Later she found out her older daughter, Kathy was also going there on a regular basis and after she had a yelling contest with her found out that...

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My wifes first BBC Friday night 121710

First, let me say that you should read my other posts before reading this one. It puts this personal account into perspective. My wife and I are conservative people, really! We've been married for 2 decades, and have a trusting relationship. She is 48 and I'm 44. She's in perfect shape, and I used to model 10 years ago.Again, read the previous personal stories I posted before reading further so you have perspective.We have not really ever talked about inviting a black man into our bed. We have...

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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 25

Monday morning was as perfect a day as I could have asked for from August. It was hot and sunny without a cloud in the sky. I longed to go to the beach, but today was my first day with the program officially. It was the most important day of my life. I just didn’t know it yet. I sighed and put my laptop and a couple of notepads and pens into the backpack I’d gotten from the Harvard bookstore after breakfast and the girls assured me that they weren’t going to be out in the sun either. They...

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Overnight Change part 2

Overnight Change - part 2 by Janet Harris 2014 As you will remember, I used to be Peter, but woke up one Sunday morning, quite unexpectedly, as Frances. The body-swapper visited me later in Peter's body and said I had until Friday to swap back, if I really wanted to. I wasn't at all sure, staying up late worrying about Monday at work in a completely strange job and wondering if another overnight change would occur anyway. I was rather pleased to find myself in my baby-doll nightie when I...

4 years ago
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Party Tiime 4 Krystal Watson 2

I allowed Krystal a few minutes recovery time, enjoying watching your young white body lying there on the carpet, 38DD *Y* breasts heaving & tears running down your face, trickling from your inconsistent eyes. The pleasure of taking you was immense & I felt My huge black cock twitch back into some sort of life, as I thought about having you again & then I decided that anticipation was its own pleasure, so I restrained Myself & tucked My huge black cock away.My foot in your...

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Texas Hold Them Part 2 of 2

I had finally left before Tim got home and my dick was raw and ravaged from his wife. Buffy had fucked me in just about every room of there house. She was one hot MILF that needed some cock. I am sure Tim will thank me for turning her back into a sex demon. If he gets mad I'll have Buffy deny his attempts and hold out on him. I made sure Buffy got my note and she delivered it to Summer, Tim wife and I watched her from my car as she went down the sidewalk to Summer house. Buffy had on a sundress...

2 years ago
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The Curse Sissy Story by sdvine

I wasn't really having a good time that night at the bar. Truth be told, I had been practically dragged out in the first place by my best friend Joe, who told me he was tired of me "sitting on (my) ass" every night "finding new ways to be boring." Quite frankly, if this is what qualified as being not boring, I'd rather be bored to tears. To begin with, I'm not much of a drinker, so leaving the house to go to place designed for buying and consuming alcohol made little sense to me. Additionally,...

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