Another Approach free porn video

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This story features graphic, detailed acts of a sexual nature, including themesof violence, humiliation and rape. If this does not appeal to your tastes,please, don't read it. I don't want to offend you. Please do not copy or distributethis material without direct permission of the author: me.

If you like it, or even if you don't, I'd be overjoyed if you left a comment.I write for the feedback, after all :) drop me a line at the email addressprovided, if you like. I check my mail regularly.

Thanks, and enjoy.


Another Approach

Three months after his release, Michael sat in his car, in the pouring rain,watching the entrance of the neon-lit nightclub from the parking lot. The pulsingmusic had come to an abrupt halt a quarter of an hour ago, and the drunkenpunters had been trickling out ever since, swaggering off down the street towardsthe various fast food outlets which stayed open specifically for this moment.Michael watched it all with open contempt, occasionally switching on his windowwipers when the rain obsured his view.

It represented humanity at a serious low to Michael. Men, drunk as skunks,pissing their nights away. Women, dressed like hookers, doing much the same.Why? All because, whether they admitted it to themselves or not, they wantedto get laid. All this pathetic expense over a carnal desire. But Michael wouldnot be led astray; no, he'd given up the nightclub lifestyle a few months ago.Too many expensive rejections. Besides, he had a better way of getting hisend away.

She'd be out soon. Her shift usually ended about half an hour after close,assuming she wasn't on clean-up duty. Michael hoped she wasn't, because hedidn't want to spend another hour sitting hunched in his car, his body pumpedso full of nervous adrenaline that he wanted to puke. He wanted to do thisnow. Plus, he didn't think he could stand listening to any more of the early-morningradio channels on his car's stereo.

He'd known about her for a while. First time he met her, she'd served hima drink. Of course, if she remembered him at all, it was the time he askedher out several weeks after their first encounter, when she'd politely toldhim she wasn't interested. Well, fuck her interest. Michael was sick of thedance, sick of the rules and regulations, sick of the conformity. He wantedto fuck her, and he was going to fuck her. He knew where she lived, he knewher route home, he knew she'd take a shortcut through a park; he'd been watchingher for a while, after all. Michael knew he could do it. It was only a matterof time now.

He glanced at the dashboard. The digital clock read 03:24 in green numbers.Michael sighed, and rapped his hands on the steering wheel impatiently. Hereached across the passenger's seat to the glove compartment, tugging it open.He reached in and pulled out a knife, long and sharp, with a wooden handle.It was a carving knife, taken from his own kitchen. It'd do. There was a balaclavain there, too. It was cliche, sure, but fuck it: it was cliche for a good reason.

At 03:27, she left the nightclub. Michael practically fell over himself clamberingout of his car, desperate not to lose his opportunity. She walked quickly,did his prey. The night always made her nervous, especially with so many rowdy,drunken men prowling the street. She knew she was pretty, even in her standarduniform, which consisted of a rather worn black t-shirt emblazoned with theclub's logo and her black work trousers which hugged her tight around the hips.

Michael stashed the knife in his overcoat and stalked her through the rain,avoiding the streetlights, keeping to the shadows. She always shyed away fromthe crowds of people queueing outside the chip shops and kebab shops, preferringthe quieter routes. Perhaps not very bright, this girl. But that just madethings easier. She walked slowly, probably exhausted after a hectic fridaynight. She had earphones in her ears, focusing on the sound of her music. Shewasn't even going to hear him coming.

Michael struck when she cut through the park, tearing after her across thedamp grass, safe in the near-absolute darkness of the night. There were nostreetlights in this park; the glow of the streets nearby, like lights on thehorizon, were all that guided the girl to her home from here. She made it pasta kids' swing park before Michael pounced, throwing his entire body weightat her back, knocking them both to the ground. Her earphones fell out of herears and she grunted as she connected with the soft, wet earth, the wind knockedout of her. Michael used the opportunity to turn her over onto her back andclamp his hand down over her mouth. With his other hand, he held the knifeup to her eye so she saw it clearly. It shone with a sick, pale light underthe moon. She started to scream through his hand, so he tightened his holdand brought the knife-point closer to her eye.

"Quiet," he told her. His eyes were wild. "Or I'll cut you."

She fell silent instantly. Michael straddled her, pinning her arms with hisknees, squatting on her perky teenage breasts. He figured he had her full attention,at long last.

"If you scream, I'm going to cut you, so keep your voice down," Michaeltold her. His voice sounded smooth and cold. He was relieved, because his heartwas going a mile a minute, and his knife hand kept twitching; something thegirl had certainly noticed. Her watery eyes were locked on that lethal blade'spoint. Mascara tears were running.

"Remember me?" Michael asked, but she just looked at him dumbly,clearly in shock, likely terrified. "Nah, I didn't think so. Let's justsay I'm the result of every guy you gave that cute, shy smile to when you flirtedover the bar."

Michael pulled at the hem of her t-shirt, attacking it suddenly with the knife.The girl squealed, whimpering when the fabric ripped, but she kept her voicedown, scared to defy the one order he'd given her. So far. Michael tore hertop to shreds with the knife, pawing at her breasts through the remains ofher clothes, through her bra, his lust obvious.

"I'm what happens when you lead boys astray," Michael breathed,his voice thick with desire. Could she feel his dick through his pants yet?

"Please," she begged. Her voice was small and delicate, just likethe rest of her. "Don't hurt me."

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you. Girl like you; this shit'sexactly what you want anyway."

"Money," she gasped, struggling in futility as he tore her bra fromher chest and tossed it over her shoulders, freeing her pert, milky tits. Hegroped at her chest, pinching and squeezing her nipples, grinning like a maniac. "Ihave money... tips... an iPod... please!"

"Know how you got those tips, whore," Michael said snidely. "Allthat fucking posing behind the bar, eh?" He slapped one of her breasts,hard, and she cried out, so he slapped it again and warned her to keep quietor 'bad things would happen'.

"Tell me, what's your name? I've been aching to put a name to your facefor a while now."

"Rebecca," she said, sobbing the name out.

"Rebecca. Rebecca. Becky. Becks," Michael tried out the variations. "Ithink 'slut' suits you better, don't you? Our names should befit us, I think.You can be Slut, and I'll be Mister Rapist. We're going to have a little roleplay,Becky!"

"Please, just let me go..." Rebecca whined, but Michael held hersteady.

"No," he said, evenly. "No, slut. Not 'til you live up to yourname. Not 'til you give me what all those shy looks and sweet words have promised.I didn't spend all that money on fucking alcohol to be turned down!"

"You're crazy!" Rebecca practically shrieked, which earned her aviolent smack to the face. It knocked her senseless for a moment, her headspinning. Her lip seemed to swell up instantly. She could taste blood in hermouth. It was hot and metallic.

"Certifiably so, slut. At least that's what the doctors tell me. Youdon't get a certificate for that, though," Michael said, sounding almostsad. "They just lock you up for a while until you're 'no longer a dangerto society'. Guess they made a bit of a boo-boo letting me out. Too bad foryou!"

Rebecca just looked at him, bewildered and frightened. Michael leant backand let one grubby hand slide up her thigh until it rested between her legs,where he massaged her crotch lewdly. Rebecca squirmed, and more tears slippeddown her cheeks.

Michael moved suddenly, twisting round on her helpless, gorgeous body, andforced himself upon her, pressing his lips against hers, worming his tongueagainst her clenched teeth. He sucked on her lips, swallowing her sweet blood,his body crushing hers down into the soaking, freezing grass. He broke freeof the kiss and laughed, trailing his knife down her cheek, down her neck andover one breast, pausing to play with a nipple until it bled.

"Enough foreplay!" Michael said suddenly. "It's time we madelove, slut. Do you even understand that concept, you fucking whore?" Heeased off her torso and pointed the knife at her seriously. "Now, you'regoing to get on your hands and knees, hike down your trousers and cute littlepanties, and beg me to fuck you like the hot little slut you are. I preferconsensual sex."

Slowly, moaning, Rebecca turned over in the grass, her tits pressing intothe biting cold ground. She was wet all over and shivering. Her jaw ached.Her dark, brown locks clung to her face in wet bangs. Her bottom lip was puffyand red. She felt abused, hurt, helpless, humiliated and so weak it was difficultto move. It was as if all her energy had just upped and abandoned her. Allshe felt was fear and dread. Her face burning with humiliation, she slowlyloosened her belt and slid her trousers down around her thighs, pulling herpanties with them, exposing her sex to this stranger, this lunatic.

"Please," she heard herself talking, but it was if someone elsewas saying the words. She couldn't possibly be asking this madman to fuck her,surely? "Please, fuck me! I'm begging you!"

"Mmm," Michael moaned, unzipping his pants and introducing her pussyto his cock. They'd never met before, but his dick had sure as hell thoughtabout being here an awful lot. It was ecstacy for Michael, feeling her flinchas he entered her, knowing she'd remember this moment for the rest of her life.No matter what she did, no matter where she went, she still got fucked in apark one night after work, and she barely even tried to stop her assailant.She'd begged him to rape her, in fact. That part'd hurt a lot in the morning.That part especially.

He fucked her hard and he fucked her fast, humping her like a rabbit, gigglingto himself, jeering at her. Rebecca heard names that she thought she'd neverbe called. He spanked her ass so hard she cried out. He pulled her hair backhard, yanking her head 'til she faced the sky just so he could spit in herface. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, his balls tightened and shefelt his dick twitching inside her, spewing its vile load into her tight cunt.

"Nooo," Rebecca moaned weakly. Michael pushed her back down intothe grass, triumphant.

"Fucked ya, whore!" He whooped, jubilant, waving the knife around. "Butwe aren't done yet..."

His dick in his hand, he crouched down and turned her over, almost gently,and knelt down over her face again. "I want you to lick it clean. ThenI'll let you go. Promise. Rapist's honour," and he gave the boy scout'ssign.

Rebecca stared at his fat, limp dick for a long time. Then, slowly, tentatively,she stuck her tongue out and started lapping at his prick, licking up her ownjuices, tasting his cum. Michael girnned and let her careful, gentle tonguedo its work. He knelt down a little more, and she let him put his dick in hermouth, enjoying her dutiful suckling until he was satisfied that he was clean.

He stood up, stashed his dick and zipped his pants back up. Rebecca lay inthe grass, her pussy raw and aching, her throat convulsing at the thought ofhaving just sucked her rapist's cock of their mess. She felt sick.

"I'll be around, slut," Michael warned her. "You'd better behaveyourself."

Laughing, he disappeared into the night, running back in the direction hecame, leaving the poor girl to have a good cry in the dark until she foundthe energy to walk home, hugging her shredded t-shirt to her naked breastsas she went.

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Another Welcomed Guest

Ephus - the godling man with an unusual power. Dr. Quinn - human wife of Ephus Egyption Goddesses and wives to Ephus _____________________________________ Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth...

3 years ago
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Another life for a farmgirl

RAPE/BONDAGE/S&M/INCEST/BEASTIALITY/LESBIANISM ******************************************** Copyright 1990 All rights reserved ******************************************** If there's any nasty thing a girl can do it's in this story. Our heroine is a young farm girl mad for sex. She gets it, and is punished for it by a variety of people including mom and dad. This may be the only story ever to appear on a.s.s. in which a girl is...

3 years ago
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Another Massage With Shi Shi

“Hello Eastern House, may I help you?” through a thick Chinese accent. I asked, “Is Shi Shi working today?” “Shi Shi? No, we have Karen and Bora.” After my first time with Shi Shi I knew I wanted her to be my regular masseuse. She told me she'd be working some Mondays. I meant to keep my visits monthly, but I just couldn't wait to see her again. I called the very next Monday. No Shi Shi, same thing the Monday after that. Maybe she felt guilty about fucking around on her old man? Maybe she...

3 years ago
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Another Fishing trip

The ringing of the alarm dragged me up out of a drunken sleep at four thirty in the morning. I lay there staring at the clock and wondering why it was ringing at this time. It was nearly one when I had fallen into bed after closing the bar. That rang a small bell in my hazy mind. I had promised someone I would take them fishing but for the life of me I couldn't remember who. I slapped the clock to kill the alarm that wasn't helping my head a bit and swung my feet to the floor. Coffee would be...

3 years ago
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Another Sexy Bus Ride

My car was in for its first service which was the main reason for taking the bus once again apart from the fact I was hoping for more fun on the back seat. Having experienced the Thursday night bus ride I decided I wanted to do it again so I went into town pretty late to see what would happen on the return journey. It was about 8.30 when I arrived in town so I decided to look round the places I knew that men would be hunting for other men. The first place I went was to the alley that led to the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 1324

It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 14: My Loving Wife My day was fairly normal for me, I went to work and completed three small moving jobs, in between I stopped by Dr. Cole's but only gave her one load for her to make some more lip balm with; I did let her suck what seed remained in...

2 years ago
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Another First for Sarah

All of that was in the past now, though she had kept taking the pills… with everything that had happened, she didn’t dare to go off them. This particular night, Sarah was back in her old job at the elder care unit. When they had asked her to fill in for the regular nurse who was on vacation for a couple of weeks, she had hesitated, but decided that she might as well, as long as it was a temporary assignment. It had already been a long shift at the nursing home when the night took a...

3 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 1324

Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If...

1 year ago
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Another Bad Date

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn’t be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can’t seem to meet anybody. I’m starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can’t find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking. Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but...

1 year ago
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Another one of those nights Part 4

Another one of those nights... Part 4 ? by: JennaGirl Once again, I was left wanting and begging... My mouth, smeared lipstick and all had just been sampled by my new masters; who I had been loaned to by my most recent, yet still very new master. Both cocks now appeared before me, still rock hard, glistening with my saliva and smeared with my lipstick and equipped with silver cock rings. "Did the little whore like the taste of our cocks?" asked Master Errict "Oh yes,...

3 years ago
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Another Slaviversary

Another Slaviversary 1 - The Slut's Slaviversaryby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail (dot) comI had been pre-rinsing the cookware to load into the dishwasher when little boy came in and set the table dishes next to the sink. "After you have the dishwasher running Mistress would like to have a word with you in the living room.""Yes Master. Please let Mistress know that the slut will be with her shortly.""Good slut." Little boy gave me a shit-eating grin; he knew what it was Mistress wanted me for....

4 years ago
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Another Eye Opening

I have been out on my own now for over six months. Since the last time I wrote, my neighbor from across the way has moved. He sure was entertaining for a few weekends. But I did not always use my voyeurism for sexual pleasure.I did have a few of the single women that I know over for sex and one woman over more than once. Then she decided that she would leave a few things at my place. However, each time she left her things, I would find her the next day or so and give them back. She got the...

1 year ago
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Another visit with Karl and Francine but with a different twist

My name is Robert.  I was born in a smelly little oil town in south-east Texas.  Currently, I live on the North Sea coast of Germany, near the border with Holland.  I am the propreiter of an international software consulting firm.  That is what brought me to Europe in the first place.  I met and married a German woman and we have two children.  My now ex-wife ran off and married a Dutchman, so the kids and I live here alone, and that is why I am still here.  I wanted to tell you this, because...

3 years ago
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Another AirBNB Booking

I love playing games with Lisa, she is so good at the roles and we enjoyed a quiet evening until I got an alert from Anika that an enquiry had come through for another AirBNB booking. I logged on to see the following message:“Good evening, sorry for short notice but need to book your room for tomorrow evening, too s**tty and forgot, I am a 23yo medical student and in town for a conference on Tuesday and loved your easy going and friendly profile. I do drink (will bring wine) and smoke (happy to...

2 years ago
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Another wild gangbang at the beach

The second night of our vacation at Jamaica was the same…Tyrone came to our hotel after dinner and told us we could go again to have a walk by the beach side.I knew what he did want to mean: another wild bunch of niggers would be waiting in line to fuck my sexy wife at the sandy beach…And I was right. As soon as we got the same place at the beach like the night before, a group of six black men surrendered us.Tyrone said they all were his friends and my wife could enjoy as many black cocks as...

1 year ago
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Another breeding conference

White wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It's now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she's now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She'll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented...

2 years ago
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Another occult partymore Tales of the Evil FagHag

Just another new-age party ( more Tales of the Evil Fag-Hag) At age forty, Joan Davies managed to marry well and become known in local circles as a chic, society lady who also practiced astrology. Using her artful skills as entertainment (or benefit) for certain favoured friends and guests mostly; invitations to her Friday night social gatherings were much sought after within her upscale peer group. A respected member of society, she always tried to present the...

2 years ago
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Another Morning Surprise or two

Another Morning Surprise, or two... by Janet Harris 2007 As you'll remember, I fell asleep after a long day as Jenny, not knowing if I would wake up again as her or as someone else, since that is what had happened the night before. Well, the next thing I knew, I was staring at the green digits of the alarm clock I had owned as a man, feeling rather disappointed. My first thoughts were "What a vivid dream!" but then I began to reflect on all that had happened to me the day before....

1 year ago
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Another Strip for a friends Mum

Well as I told you about how I stripped for my friends Mum at her 50th birthday party and how another friend asked me if I would do it for his mum’s birthday, well it was nearly a year later and he asked me would I do a strip O’ gram for his Mum and her friends on her 50th birthday! They were having a Ladies night out for her birthday and he wanted me to strip for her, he was going to be there to video it and see what his mum would do. She was a very prim and proper Lady that would not watch...

4 years ago
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Another Punishmnt

Another Punishment By Cassandra Morgan Mary Jane Williams dropped her telephone and stormed through her house with nowhere to go. She wasn't a kicker, or the cat would have been at risk. She wasn't a plate-thrower, or she would have gone thought a place-setting for four. But she was a pacer, and so Mary Jane stalked through her house, from room to room, as if to try to escape her problems. Or, to be precise, her problem. Mikey. Damn it. Couldn't she get one good kid? Just one?...

4 years ago
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Another little horny princess

Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...

1 year ago
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Another Friday Evening at Miss Marks House Part Two

The Head Mistress continued to listen to the younger red-haired woman sniff and sob into the cushion for a while before she began to wipe the cooling antiseptic wipes over every inch of Amber’s red, hot and sore bottom. Miss Marks paid particular attention to the series of twelve deep red lines that had been left by her cane and she gently ran the cold wipes over them, smiling as she heard Miss Fox wince as she applied a little pressure to them.Amelia carefully touched the woman’s thighs with...

1 year ago
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Another Love Part 17

We left very early on a Saturday morning and drove over to the North West of England. The journey was uneventful and we made good time. As we had plenty of time until check-in my military training kicked in and I insisted that we drove the route from the hotel to the club. We turned into an industrial estate and drove past two-story flat-roofed office buildings before the sat nav announced that we had reached our destination. All we could see was another two-story office block, although this...


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