Erica Olafson, Voyages Of The Tigershark (Vol 8)Chapter 21: Subtle Approach free porn video

I was sitting on the main diagnostic table of our sickbay. Cateria had taken me out of a regen tank just moments ago and was now examining me.
“What did you do, Captain? Fight a blast furnace” I could not find the emotions to smile, Tyron’s demise was heavy on my mind.
“What I faced was certainly hot enough to melt metal.
“Har-Hi was standing outside the privacy bubble and said.
“Whatever you guys did, worked the run-away Orlan equipment is inactive and we can no longer detect any random transplacement activity.
“Shea who had no need for a privacy field stood right next to Cateria.
“Narth and I were able to crack into that central unit. As we expected, it was a combination of Krabbel diverting the main core energy into some kind of sending unit and the incorrect and garbled chants of the Farnok priests that made this command center react the way it did. Other factors include the great age and the partially deteriorated system control levels.”
Narth shimmered into existence right next to her.
“I will compose a detailed report, but it was the actions of Luitenant 3452-991 isolating the energy tap and shutting it down, that made the system inert and thus ended the trans-spatial activity.’
“Can you explain, why I fought or almost fought myself and then was face to face with an Anti-universe goon of considerable size, torching hear and the desire to kill me?” “I can only speculate, Captain. Maybe it was your emotions or similar factors that triggered these meetings.”
Silently and directly to my mind, he said.
“You are no longer just human. You are developing into an entity that is beyond Narth, but Narth knows there are many that fear your rise and there are those who want to prevent it.”
I responded in the same silent way.
“You know more about this, don’t you?” “I can now sense two personalities that starting to separate. You are the Dark One and you are Erica. Not I not all Narth knows you, only a few aspects about you.
“Cateria put down her handheld med scanner and wiped the info bubbles out of existence.
“Medically you are as fine as ever.
““Where are we with the Farnok evacuation. It is no longer needed, right?” While I stepped into the auto-dresser, Har-Hi said.
“We rendezvoused with the Apparition to get our toasted captain to sickbay. We have suspended taking children aboard and are now reversing the procedure, as we have taken on three hundred of them already.
““How long?” “They are kids and despite their Non-human nature, they are scared, not very organized or disciplined. We are doing it as fast as we can, Captain.
“He looked up to the ceiling.
“SHIP how long do you think?” “About two hours, Captain.
“With a careful motion, I took the container with the rest of Suit.
“After we have done this, I want to commemorate Tyron Suit, our first casualty. The suit has become a friend to me and many.
““He has indeed.
“Har-Hi agreed.
“Cateria is not a suit or Seenian tech expert, but she thinks Tyron can be restored.
““I care not about the suit, but its personality. Is there a chance it has survived?” Cateria said.
“It is not a patient I can help, but the core still has energy. Maybe it can self-repair, if not, we should take Tyron to the depot. The last servant has the technology and the knowledge to answer your question.
““Then there is hope and we will go there. Tyron saved my life.”
The Shetland had settled on the landing field of Kelly’s planet, just outside of New Limerick. This was a planet deep in Union space, just a few regions removed from Pluribus and technically under the protection of Nineteenth fleet. But like many of the ‘old core fleets’, the nineteenth was stripped of many dreadnoughts and battleships and have been replaced by Frigates, cruisers and the like. Their daily missions involved trade lane patrol, assisting Union police, parade, recruitment and training. It was McElligott himself who made these changes, as he did not expect an enemy penetrating that deep without clashing with the more battle ready fleets. He also handed the command positions to admirals that were excellent administrators, often had great contacts with the justice department and even legal expertise. The admiral of the 19th, for example, was an excellent golf player, had a brilliant legal mind often used to draft the more complicated fleet rules and regulations. He certainly was capable enough to fight an unknown aggressor, but the admiral and commandant of the nineteenth had been taking an extended vacation on Para-Para. While he was notified right away regarding the situation, he made a few awkward command decisions that delayed rapid deployment. The Admiral of the fleet, debarked and was met by that admiral. There was a tight cordon of marines and robots around the high ranking officers and their entourage. Beyond them, the evidence of the recent attack was very evident. There were craters in the landing field, the wreckage of a Union Postal service ship and many spaceport service buildings damaged. Admiral Herbert Gaylord, the commandant of the 19th wore a condor suit. While this would have been perfectly normal for a Wolfcraft pilot, McElligott knew that this man had no fighter craft experience or clearance at all. The old admiral always thought very highly of this man who was born on New Connecticut, planet and came from a very old and influential family of that similar old and well-developed world that had been colonized by United Earth, even before Union times. Gaylord’s suit displayed urban camouflage patterns, the fabric image frozen and not active adapting. He also had decided to wear two TKU Eight in leg strap holsters. Over it all, he wore an officer’s jacket with the logo of the 19th and a duckbill cap, complete with scrambled eggs across the shield and the stylized silhouette of the USS Albany, an Arthur class Battleship and the flagship of the 19th. He swiped his right index finger across his thin pencil beard and gave McElligott a very sloppy salute.
“Welcome to Kelly’s Planet, Sir. My experts have the situation well in hand. We are assessing the damage right now.
““And?” “The damage is well within reason, Sir. We think two or three billion credits will have it all fixed. There are just 21,000 fatalities, so far, there might be a few more here and there. If we take the numbers of the local civilians, there might be 1500 missing, taken for slaves by the unknowns perhaps.
“He made a nonchalant gesture.
“You know how it is with civilians, they are so unprecise.
“A bulky man with a torn, bloodstained shirt tried unsuccessfully to shoulder himself past the marines. He yelled.
“I am the planet manager. If you jack-boots don’t let me through, I will add this to my complaint I will carry before the Assembly!” Gaylord rolled his eyes annoyed.
“That simpleton is getting to me. Marines remove that man from sight. We are professionals and have it all under control.
“McElligott knew about the showboating character of Gaylord for years, but he always thought of it as an acceptable quirk. He was such a brilliant administrator and excellent golfer, he helped him win several times against his arch nemesis General McKenzie of the Union Army. However seeing it unchanged in the face of real tragedy and losses, it was more than disturbing. Why the marines suddenly stepped aside was anyone’s guess, but the marines let the planet manager through. Gaylord protested mildly and with a superior grin.
“I warned you, Sir. He is abrasive, to say the least.
“The man had stormed close.
“Oh, I am going to be so much more!” He eyed McElligott.
“Kilt and sporran. You are McElligott, are you not?” “Yes, I am Admiral McElligott. I came personally to assess the situation and make sure this will not happen again.
““Where are the ones that have been abducted? And in sweet Mary’s name can anyone tell us who it was that attacked us?” McElligott tried to put some of his immortal gravity into his voice.
“Good man, we are still investigating and once we know more...
““You and that arrogant prick can go back from where you came from. You should be out there and hunt whoever did that and bring our people back.
““I understand your anger and frustration, we are doing what we can.
““Yes, I can see that coming in battleships, after the attack, there are almost 22,000 dead.
“Gaylord sighed.
“And here we go, unprecise civilian exaggerations. There are just 21,000 fatalities, we could have had much more.
“McElligott frowned.
“I feel your loss, the attack occurred from unknowns that utilized a suddenly active and previously unknown spatial gateway of sorts. This planet has over 12 million inhabitants, while this is a terrible loss, it is a small percentage. Admiral Gaylord may have phrased it without enough empathy.
“The planet manager held up his PDD and the projection of a face hovered over it. Very short high and tight haircut, a distinct scar under his left eye. Some considered the man displayed a myth, others considered him a propaganda construct, but most Union citizens knew this face and the man it belonged to, they called him Eternal Warrior. McElligott now knew why the marines made way and he silently groaned.
“That show boater had to stick his nose into everything. Why could he not fight the unknowns and let me do the rest?” Gaylord stood close enough to hear some of the old admiral’s words.
“He isn’t real anyway, isn’t he some sort of avatar you constructed?” “I am afraid he is very real.
“Stahl thundered.
“It is not a percentage, not a clinical number. Each and every single one had a face and loved ones. Even one single person lost to hostile action would be a terrible tragedy. Your callousness and absolutely despicable way dealing with this will have consequences.
“Stahl then turned to the planet manager.
“Mr. Berry, this attack was conducted by a species called the Nocenzi and they came from the M-110 Dwarf Galaxy. Captain Hendricks, of the USS Caledonia, is on his way bringing you back almost all we could rescue and liberate from the Nocenzi. I can’t be there personally, I am about to pass through that gate and teach them a thing or two about Union retaliation towards unprovoked attacks.
“The Planet Manager raised his fist and his eyes glowed.
“That is what needs to be done! Rescuing abductees and retaliate. Not prancing around in costumes and thinking we are consoled by the display of arrogance and incompetence.
“The planet manager ripped off the rest of the tattered sleeve.
“I helped to dig out victims, what have you done?” Gaylord said.
“We are command officers, we don’t dig in the rubble. We must assess and direct.
“The man identified by Stahl as Mr. Berry said.
“I am Master Sergeant Finbarr Berry former Marine. I commanded a Thor Gunboat. I am not a civilian, but I wore that uniform to serve each and every civilian. Because that is what the Union Military is here for. You never have seen the inside of a Wolfcraft, I can tell.
“Then he pointed at McElligott.
“And you need to retire, we don’t need you.
“That angry spat hit Elligott harder than a fist, and he had no response. Gaylord didn’t see it coming.
“You are out of order, a former marine. This is the Admiral of the Fleet and I am...
“Finbarr Berry, the planet manager relieved his frustration in a very traditional Irish fashion and hammered his sizeable fist into Gaylord’s face, the blow resulted in a cracking sound and a gush of crimson blood as Gaylord stumbled back. Finbarr shook the same fist at McElligott.
“Only the little respect I have for you saved you from the same treatment, Sir. Now if you excuse me, I see the USS Caledonia making planetfall. After that, I will travel to Pluribus.”
“Seems to be a lively place,” Har-Hi said as we approached the large asteroid that drifted without a sun in deep space. I lowered my seat back onto bridge level. Our sensors had picked up hundreds of energy signatures and contacts of all sizes. Mao said without turning.
“Captain, two signals are on a direct intercept.
“I sighed and reversed the direction of my seat and back into Battle-View. Since we were still at General Quarters I had Har-Hi announce Battle Stations. The Tactical analysis was already blinking and I acknowledged. Narth had summarized tactical and science and said.
“Both ships are of unknown configuration. All indications point to Tech level seven. Both are armed and well shielded. I could see the two ships, the tactical view clearly showed their changed course and indication plots confirmed their intercept intentions. They both were of considerable size. One was a six hundred meters unit and the other was almost seven hundred meters from bow to aft. They were under full shields and according to our energy distribution scan, their weapons active.
“Elfi, hail them, please. All channels, maximum transmission energy.
““You are on, Captain.
““This is Black Velvet of the Silver Streak. I might be new around these parts, but two ships on an intercept course with active shields and weapons are generally not part of the normal welcome procedures. So I give you the benefit of a doubt and ask before shooting starts.
““We know who you are, Velvet of the big star spiral. We know your rusty clipper is full of treasure. Now before shooting starts, we outnumber you and we have big guns. Let us board and give us a generous helping of your treasures and we consider the matter settled.
““Mao, target the left one, TL Kilo load where the transmission originated.
“The six hundred meter unit was indeed well shielded, but that didn’t prevent the equivalent of one kiloton of high explosives in the form of a matter-antimatter reaction obliterating that ships command center and ripped the rest to glowing shreds.
“Now you will tell me where Lia and the rest of her crew is, she had to be the one talking about me. Then you will beg for mercy and I might consider this matter settled.
““They try to run,” Mao reported. I could see the same as the remaining ship was reversing course. I opened the comm link and said.
“I didn’t give you permission to leave.
“To my tactical officer, I said.
“Target their drive and if you damage their engineering that’s fine too.
“After this ships aft had been shredded by Mao’s precision shots, we were hailed.
“Have mercy, please have mercy.
““The female from the big star spiral is with Plostrak and they should still be on Quarva.
““And you are objecting of us being here? Did whoever runs that rock sends you?” “No, we wanted to please Plostrak and get your treasure. Can we please go now?” “I can’t see how, without a drive section.
“A new voice said.
“We are Quarva and we have no objection of you being here, whatever business you have with Plostrak or his associates is none of ours.
““Odin’s beard, the first contact in this star cluster that says something I like.
“The voice actually sounded amused.
“Scrap and space ships can be sold here, Captain Velvet.
“To the contact on the damaged ship, I said.
“You heard Quarva. I am towing that junk in and sell it, anyone aboard I find alive, I feed to my monsters.
“After the connection was terminated. Narth asked.
“We have monsters?” “Yeah, one with a black hood for one,” I said with a smile.
“I do not eat beings and if we apply the Union dictionary accepted definition of monster, you will eventually be the biggest and most frightening monster.
“Har-Hi also grinned.
“He said it, not me.
““Focus ladies and gentlemen, we have a job to do. Prepare to tow that piece of scrap we just acquired and prepare for landing or docking. Stand down from Battle stations, but maintain condition yellow. We are surrounded by bad people and whoever this Plostrak is, seems to listen to Lia’s propaganda. I wonder how she knows we are here.
“Fifcheer said.
“This is no real mystery, Captain. We weren’t exactly hiding our names or origin while we were at Central Control planet of the Farnok. We furthermore made no secret about our intentions, I am certain there were plenty of ears and eyes with access to some sort of messaging system.
““Seems this Flickerfish jumped the net, and the subtle approach is out.
“Shea said.
“I think the whole subtle approach doctrine was never your strength, Captain.
““What a fine crew I have.
“SHIP interrupted our banter, while my bridge crew was preparing to tow an alien ship towards a humongous asteroid, the size of a small moon.
“Captain, I am sorry but I have fantastic news!” “You even sound excited, what is it SHIP?” “I was successful in reactivating Tyron’s core. It is the same Tyron and not just a Seenian Battlesuit. With Circuit’s help, we are replicating repair nanites. Tyron will soon be able to communicate and serve you again.
“A flood of warm emotions reached my throat and I noticed there weren’t many dry eyes on the bridge.
“SHIP, that is wonderful news. As a Captain, I should scold you for working on Tyron. If he would not have been the same, he would have posed a serious threat to the safety of this ship, but how can I? Tyron was and thankfully still is a dear friend and he is yours too.

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