Un-Excess Baggage free porn video

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Just a little something I've been playing around with. I thought about rolling the story out a little but I've never liked padding for the sake of padding and anyway, I decided I liked it at the pace it runs at. Hope you like it too, and, as ever, please feel free to tell me what you think of it. Thank you all so much for your support, as long as you keep reading I'll keep writing! Kindest regards, Jennifer Un-Excess Baggage By Jennifer Richardson. [email protected] I watched the ground rushing up to meet the aircraft as we made our final approach into Manchester International Airport. I was still feeling that sense of self satisfaction and smugness since clinching my first overseas order after my promotion to the international sales department. I'm not saying that I'd blown the clients in Amsterdam away but I knew my presentation had been good, that I'd certainly made a good impression and that once word got back my own boss would be just as pleased as I was. After all, it wasn't every day that the most junior member of a department brought in a deal worth six figures. I remembered hearing of the gossip in the department on my promotion. Old Albert Jenkinson complaining; "Sean Crosby? That young upstart with the long hair? You can't be serious!" "And he wears earrings!" That had come from Jenkinson's partner in crime, the equally quarrelsome and bad tempered Stanley Marsh. Thankfully my boss, Charlotte Andrews, known as Cally to her friends which I'm very glad to say included me, was able to see a little further than what I looked like and saw my capabilities. True my hair falls well past my shoulders and I do wear a stud and a hoop in each ear but I always wear suits, shirts and ties to the office, though granted I'm usually in a bike jacket and black jeans away from work but away from work I'm not meeting clients. The plane touched down and taxied to its designated position. Now came the worst bit of travelling, the long wait for the luggage to be unloaded from the hold and processed through delay after delay. As I wasn't in any particular rush I hung back and was one of the last off. Dressed in T-shirt and jeans I was a little lightly dressed for the typical wet and windy Manchester weather and I felt the cold as soon as I stepped out of the aircraft. By the time I was on the airport bus I was soaked to the skin and shivering fit to drop. After going through the hassle of passport control and customs I was in a foul mood and it didn't get any better during the overly long wait in the crowded baggage hall. After a thousand years I saw my suitcase coming up the ramp and had to push through the press of people in order to grab it. As soon as I had it I fought my way back through the muttering throng and headed out of the airport as fast as I could. Being soaked and chilled I felt the need for a hot bath and a long drink so instead of getting a taxi straight to the railway station at Manchester Piccadily, I took one to the Metro Hotel, it being the nearest to the station. There was enough left on one of my credit cards to cover the one night at the hotel and I had enough cash to see me through an evening meal and a few drinks in the bar. My rail ticket was already paid for and was safely in my wallet. So, having checked in and amused the reception staff by dripping all over the floor I went up to my room on the third floor. As soon as I was inside I put the suitcase on the bed and wriggled out of by soaked clothes. I was literally soaked to the skin. I hurried through to the bathroom and turned the hot tap on, filling it with hot water, while it was steaming I rang down to reception. "Hi, it's the drowned rat here, I'm going to dump my clothes in the bin if that's okay?" There was a laugh at the other end of the line. "Sure, go for it, I'll send someone up to dispose of them." "Thanks, tell them just to help themselves, I'll be in the bath." I hung up and was soon soaking in a bath filled with bubbles, feeling warm for the first time in hours. When I finally emerged I was glowing pink and had a white towel wrapped round my waist. I noticed that the bin had been emptied and that there was a complimentary half bottle of wine on the bedside table. There was a note with it. To the drowned rat, thanks for the giggle, the girls on reception. I poured myself a glass and then turned to my suitcase. I had a sinking feeling when I couldn't get the combination lock open, had I used my birthday or the office extension number? I tried both and neither worked. Still, if all else fails there was always the old trick I'd seen a million times in films. I dug into my shoulder bag and picked out my emergency kit, like sewing stuff, a metal nail file and a small first aid kit. It was the nail file that I turned to, angling it into the lock with the hooked end turning under the bar. There was a satisfying click and the bar flicked up out of its nook. The second soon followed and I idly wondered why on earth luggage makers hadn't come up with a better method of securing their products. Just to prove the point I snapped that bars back in and out again a couple of times. I threw back the lid and the modesty sheet and then rocked back on my heels, hitting the carpet on my behind. Where there should have been a carefully folded grey suit there was a short red vest dress and the lower I dug the worse it got. Somewhere in the Greater Manchester area there was a young lady who liked to look sexy wondering why she was supposed to be wearing a grey suit. I on the other hand was lifting out enough satin and lace to open a lingerie shop and enough in the way of tight tops, short skirts and dresses to open a boutique. Even the footwear said sexy girl, high heeled strappy sandals, high heeled court shoes and a pair of ankle high red patent boots that screamed tart! The only thing that was usable was a black leather motorbike jacket covered in zips. Even that was cropped at the waist and when I held it up leather tassels tumbled from the sleeves and across the shoulders. The top half of the case was no better though there was at least a hairdryer along with half a hair and beauty salons equipment. There were two skirts which were a little more modest in length, like they'd maybe meet the knee, but one was a layer of black lace over red satin and the other was red lace over black satin. The small jewellery case made me wonder, plenty of it but not expensive and most was rather gaudy. I had a suspicion that I may have come to posses the case of a working girl. Maybe she'd been working on holiday? No, it was clean, so, a foreign girl coming in to work in England? So my duty as a citizen was to report it immediately. Like hell, I began to suffer flashbacks. Flashbacks that haunted me still, every now and again I'd wake up sweating from a recurring dream. A dream that had never happened but was at least based on fact. The fact being that from the age of six or seven I'd been fascinated with my sisters clothes, not just the touch and the look but how they felt to wear. Being a mere two years younger than her and having a sister who was a devoted follower of fashion it had been a young transvestites dream. Not that I knew I was a transvestite of course, not then, I discovered that word when I was fourteen, from a problem page in one of my sisters ever so grown up magazines. The same magazines that had taught me about make up and hair styles and through them and my constant raids on Samantha's wardrobes I became extremely convincing. I was never caught, never read, as far as I could tell and by the time I was away living on campus at university I was dressed almost full time apart from at lectures and as everyone knows there are precious few of them. After graduating I'd made the huge step of leaving it all behind me. A ceremonial bonfire of Sian's huge wardrobe brought a tear to my mascara free lashes. Sian, my femme self, hadn't only gathered a large wardrobe of her own but she'd developed a character of her own. Even to the point of going on girl's nights out with fellow students who to the best of my knowledge never knew. Whereas Sean can get boisterous after a drink or to Sian was quiet and a little shy. Sean was articulate and measured in a debate, Sian kept her mouth firmly closed unless something really needed to be said. Perhaps that was why Sian was more popular with the girls than Sean was, something that still annoyed me. Ever since the funeral pyre I'd lived guilt free and without the nagging paranoia concerning discovery. Now wouldn't the office gossips have had fun with that if they'd known. I was still wondering what to do when the faint sounds of my mobile phone intruded my thoughts. I pulled it out of my shoulder bag and answered it. "Hello?" "Sean? Hi, you're back! I just got the confirmations through! You've played a blinder!" "Thanks Cally." I said without much emotion. "Hey what's the matter? I thought you'd be out celebrating?" "Well, let's just say I've run into a bit of a problem." "Everything looks fine to me Sean." A note of concern entered her voice. "No, the contracts are fine, I went over them again and again. Erm, I don't suppose you fancy a trip up to Manchester?" "Manchester? What for? It's Friday afternoon, I was looking forward to a nice weekend off." "Cally, you're not going to believe this." I told her the story, not of my past, just what had happened at the airport. I was far from amused when she found the whole thing hugely funny. "Isn't there anything in the case that you can, adapt?" She asked when she stopped laughing. "Not unless you want one of your department arrested as soon as he steps out of the hotel." "So what do you want me to do Sean?" "Can you bring me a T-shirt, a pair of jeans socks and some trainers?" "You want me to call at your flat? The caretaker might let me in." "My locker at work, there's some sports kit in there and a change of clothes. The spare key is stuck under my keyboard on my desk." "Okay, I'll ring you back in a minute." It was a long minute, even longer when I remembered that the was a photo stuck on the inside of the door. I don't know why I'd kept it really, sentimental? Better times? I don't know, what I do know is that it showed Sian draped on an ivory silk sheet at a photographers studio. Hand propping up her head, smiling into the camera, long legs sheathed in sheer black stockings and feet in six inch heels. The black silk teddy with its spaghetti shoulder straps was slashed in a low V, trimmed with black lace which did little to hide the upper curves of her breasts almost to the nipples. Granted they were perfectly weighted silicon breasts which were fixed to her skin by medical grade adhesive but they looked and felt totally natural. There was now tell tale bulge visible, even though one leg was raised a little and the other pushed toward the camera. Thighs parted slightly revealed a very feminine looking profile thanks to the very tight extremely sheer thong that held everything back between the legs and tight up into the abdomen. It had been uncomfortable at first, even though there wasn't much to talk about, but gradually I'd got used to it and even if I got an erection nothing in the way of a bulge was revealed. Make up perfect, hair perfect, left hand laying a red rose across her slim waist and flat stomach. It was Sian at her most glamorous, her sexiest and she'd down the whole shoot for three hundred pounds and they'd been published in a lingerie catalogue for a very well known department store without there ever being an eyebrow raised or a suspicion cast. It wasn't so much the picture that would cause the trouble it was what was written on the back in Sian's flowery handwriting. Yes, she even had her own style of writing. Sean, you really should let me out a bit more! Still, it's not such a bad body to borrow! Love Sian, xxx. So, I had to hope that Cally would get my things, without looking around in my locker, without looking at the photo and without reading the back. Then I would have to hope that she would still bring me my things and not ask any awkward questions on the way back. How many hopes is that? Too many. The phone rang. "Hi." I nearly choked. "Hi Sean, I've got your things, I should be with you in about an hour and a half." "You're a Saint Cally!" I breathed a sigh of relief. "What room are you in?" "Erm, 314, I'll ring down to the desk and let them know that you're expected." "No, I've a better idea, I'll meet you in the bar." "You what?" "I'll meet you in the bar, Sian." "Cally, what are you going on about?" I tried to think rapidly but didn't get much passed panic. "I'll see you soon Sian, just you, not Sean, his job depends on it." I just sat and stared at the mobile when the line went dead. Then I drained the complimentary wine and finally raided the mini bar where the miniature vodka's came in handy. If Cally was going to be an hour and a half I figured I had a little time to relax and let Sian come out from hibernation. One look at the hairs on my arms and legs was enough to get me moving. If she wanted Sian, she'd get Sian, thankfully I had my razor in my shoulder bag and soon enough all the time Sian had spent shaving arms, legs and everywhere that needed shaving served as good training. By the time I was smooth all over and my skin was absorbing the moisturising cream from the suit case Sian was well on her way back. I took the hair styling kit into the bathroom and set them to one side while I plucked and shaped my eyebrows into soft arches. Sian loved doing it while I was at University, usually when the Sean half was a little worse for wear. Eventually no one seemed to notice that every now and again a feminine arch would describe itself across my brows. I used the curling tongs and dryer to create a mass of corkscrew curls, then held them back from my face with an Alice band from my benefactors beauty kit. Then I set to work with applicators, pens, pencils and brushes, watching Sian appear in the mirror before me and Sean fading from sight. I didn't go overly sexy in style, the clothes would do enough of that. I kept things as softly feminine as I could but with a touch of sophistication that was sexier than sexy in any case. Just a touch of foundation, then the first coat of mascara to my lashes with a style of brush that was new to me. It was more of a loop than a brush but really gave my lashes a lift and a curl, the second coat lengthened them beautifully. A little eyeliner just at the outside to emphasise shape and then a dusting of shadows, soft pink at the inner, blended into a bronze edged with a hint of gold. Lips lined and then filled with crimson then just a little coral gloss over the top which gave a wonderful softened sheen. A dab of blush to either cheek, no more than a touch, then a light powder to finish and remove shine. Then it was nail time, first my toes, then my fingers. Coral pink for both sets of nails, I only wished there had been some false ones in the case. I'd often let them grow a little long, just so Sian could manicure them. In this event I had little option than to go with what I had, not a lot, so once the first coat of coral pink had dried I painted them with a clear sparkling gloss. From the case I selected a black lace suspender belt, a black satin thong and over the thong I slid into a pair of black briefs with lace trim which were cut very high on the thigh. I was pleased to see that the thong trick still worked. No silicons to fit into the under wire black satin bra, still, there's a trick there too. In my first aid kit was a pair of surgical gloves. Filled to the cuff with warm water and whirled round a bit the water fills out into the middle finger. Tie the cuff off as you would a balloon and you have a perfectly weighted bouncing breast. Granted there is a slight risk of them bursting but in a padded bra the risk is lessened and an under wire provides them plenty of support. Once I had my stockings on I turned my attention to accessories, bracelets for each wrist, larger hoops in each ear and a gold coloured rope necklace. In this case it was definitely less is more, had I gone with much more than that the word slut might as well have been tattooed across my forehead. I stepped into a black velvet body with lace trim to the plunging neckline. Most of my shoulders remained bared but at least the bra straps were covered. I hate seeing bra straps on show when a girl is still wearing her top. Once the top is off I don't mind seeing them at all. I chose the red satin skirt with the black lace overlay and settled it about my waist and hips. There wasn't a belt that would go with it that I could see, so I was a bit concerned that my waist wouldn't be defined, from the chest down I looked to flat and straight edged. I solved the problem by using the sash fastening from a gold coloured wrap, loosely tied it looked ridiculous. Wound round twice with the ends tucked in just on the skirts waist band and it looked much better. Last but by no means least, shoes, it just had to be the high heeled court shoes and once in them all the old sensations of stretched muscles, different way of walking and deportment in general came back in a rush. I opened the wardrobe door to look at my reflection in the mirror mounted on the back of the door. Sian smiled back at me, slipped the Alice band from the hair and the curls fell in long corkscrew tresses. That was it, ready for anything, I packed a clutch bag with cosmetics, eyed the tasselled leather jacket and giggled. What the hell. I slipped into it and added Vamp to the descriptive words that could have been used to paint the look. Size wise whoever owned the suitcase and I weren't too far apart. I guessed that I was a little taller, she was bigger across the chest, hips wasn't much different and I was a little wider in the waist. Shoe size was a different matter, the heels nipped but not overly, though, depending how long I was going to end up being in them it might get a lot worse. My throat bothered me a little, though I had never had any trouble when out before I was generally in places where I was known or at least recognised as a regular or with people who never commented that my trachea might have been a little more pronounced than it should have been. The only thing that might have done was a four strand pearl choker. I wasn't keen but it was better than nothing and there was the advantage that it squeezed my throat enough to give my voice a softer breathless tone. All set for the off, but perhaps just one miniature bottle of brandy then, for Dutch courage. I downed the bottle in one go, picked up the clutch bag and the key card to the room and closed the door behind me before I could run back in. How did I feel going down all those stairs, that's right, the stairs, when you're back in heels after any length of time going up or down stairs is the quickest and easiest way to get used to them again. By the time you get to the bottom or the top you're moving easily and a lot more nicely. As to my feelings? Well the ones I didn't like were worrying about how Cally would react to seeing me in the flesh. Frightened of her making a huge scene about it. Fear that I'd trip up half way across to the bar or give myself away with some stupid action or other. As for any others? Those that I welcomed and enjoyed all over again, that sense of vulnerability, the feeling of the clothes upon me, of being who I appeared to be. Nervous anticipation, of being free from the threat of discovery by someone who knew me. Cally had found out so there was no longer the threat. The way the high heels made my legs appear longer and slimmer, the way my boobs jiggled when I moved. It was, at that point more than it ever had before, the feeling that there wasn't anything for me to feel guilty about any more and that the good things out weighed the bad ten fold. I crossed the lobby without incident though I knew I had attracted attention. I felt no fear from the attention, I welcomed it and used it to fuel my confidence. When I caught the smile on the barman's face I knew it wasn't a smile that was a precursor to laughter, his smile was a reaction to him having seen something he liked the look of. Something fluttered around in my head for a moment before I recognised it for what it was. Freedom, I sensed it and seized on it. With little time to prepare, in clothes belonging to someone I didn't know and was never likely to meet. In a strange place in front of strangers I had passed with flying colours and nobody could take that away from me. Whatever that saying is about out of adversity? Well I figured Sian had found her place in the world and regardless of what happened in the next few hours I was never going to lock her away again. I came to understand that she was an important part of who I was and it might well be that she was the greater part of the whole. Certainly Sean could learn more from Sian than Sian could ever learn from Sean, after all, she's a much nicer person. And all that in the short moments it took me to reach the bar, perch on a stool and order a white wine and soda. Cally was a fashionable twenty minutes late and I cursed myself for not having considered the notion. I waited for the pointing finger and the explosion of laughter. Waited for the screaming denouncement, waited for the slap to the side of my face and to be sacked on the spot. She smiled, leaned over and kissed me briefly on the cheek and whispered. "You're beautiful." At least I didn't fall off the stool. I saw that she'd come straight from work, still in her tailored jacket and skirt, white body beneath the jacket. "Will you be okay here for a minute while I go and change?" She asked with a smile. "I'll be okay, I can't exactly go anywhere fast at the moment can I?" She took my key card to my room and she was longer than a minute but it was worth it. When she came back into the bar her long brown hair fell straight to the middle of her back, short white mini dress clinging to her beneath the long black raincoat. "Ready?" "Ready for what?" "Dinner." She said simply and smiled again. "Where?" "Anywhere, anywhere we can talk, rather you talk and I'll listen." We ate in the hotel dining room in a corner booth where we were largely undisturbed except when we wanted to be. I began at the beginning, which is a pretty good place to start, as I spoke I became more confident that she wasn't just pretending to listen. I found myself talking about feelings and emotions more than just the dressing, Cally prompted me with gentle questions until I finished by repeating the events of the day. "As soon as I mentioned my locker to you on the phone I knew I was in trouble." I ended. "When I saw it I wondered what you were doing with a lingerie shot of your sister. I thought it a little unhealthy. You do look very much as if you could be a female twin to Sean, though you don't look like Sean at all. If that makes any sense. Anyway, when I read the back of the picture it didn't click for a moment and then it was just me thinking, well, no, it can't be, but at the same time I was convinced that you and Sean are one in the same." She smiled brightly, "That's when I knew that I just had to meet you." "So, where do we go from here? Or rather, where do I go? I suppressed my need for so long, now that my hand has been forced I know that I was wrong to ignore who I am. I know it sounds like I'm talking about split personality, like I'm schizophrenic or something but it isn't like that. Sian, is Sean's feminine side. It just so happens that it's developed far further than most men ever allow." I tried to explain but knew I hadn't made a very good job of it. "If I had walked into that bar without having seen the photo I would have thought that I was looking at a girl who had a hint of Sean about her, no more than the briefest hint. As soon as you smiled Sean disappeared and you were, well, you." "So, do I resign?" "What the hell for!" Cally exclaimed. "Well, if it got out that, well, you know." "Who knows? You and me. That's as many as will know, unless you're going to turn up for work in a skirt suit and announce yourself to the department." "So, I just carry on as normal?" I asked, half stunned. "Sure, but I want to spend an awful lot of time with Sian." Cally reached across the table and gently squeezed my hand. She smiled at my look of surprise. The way I was reading it was that she was coming on to me. "I've got two questions for you Sian, okay?" "Okay." "One, are you gay?" "No, I'm not gay." "Two, are you planning to undergo any surgery?" "No, I'm transvestite not transsexual. Why do you ask?" "Just making sure that I'm not wasting my time Sian. I swing both ways and I want both of you." "How about me tonight and Sean in the morning?" I giggled. "No can do, I didn't bring his clothes, brought mine and a camcorder though. Sean can wait until we get home on Sunday evening." She laughed at the look on my face. "Sunday?" "Sunday, I rang the hotel before I set off, told them who I was and that Sean would be leaving in the early hours but I'd like his room for an extra night. You know how hotels are when it comes to business accounts? They were only too happy to make the arrangements. So, shall we take a bottle of wine up with us Sian?" Our affair was interrupted three months later when Cally was promoted to a directorship based at the London office. Around the same time Sean resigned and soon after Cally took on her new PA. The PA stopped the office dead on he first day of work, the black motorbike jacket was hardly the regulation office wear after all. Oh, and the show of cleavage on display was entirely natural though she still wore a very tight fitting thong.

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My mood poem, a short interlude of disgust.I am wanking(again).Across the room Lewis fucks my wife.I am of little or no consequence. I wank because Lewis tells me to. It's better than facing his anger. I'm embarassed about masturbating. Not the act itself you understand, no I've long outgrown the Adrian Mole anxieties of my teenage years. No I'm, embarassed about masturbating when I listen to my wife Chloe fuck and even more so if I tug on my cock when I watch her with Lewis. It is the noises...

3 years ago
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Hypnotic Adventures of Beauty Ch 02

The Beast Okay, so here’s what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible, well, that’s derogatory, right? There’s no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he’s saying it about a girl… well, that’s a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman… especially a pretty woman… turn men on, make them hard, make them aggressive, appeal to them. I’ve had that problem my whole life. I’m too trusting, too quick to agree, too...

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Agents of Gor Part 75 Second Interlude

Agents of Gor: Part 7.5 - Second Interlude A Girl Reflects on her Night of Service in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves....

4 years ago
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My sexy hijab neighbor

This is just a story:The story first begins on the first day of Summer. My first year of college just ended and I'm finally home for summer break. The day I came home I met our new neighbors from across the street. Since I live in townhouses the house is honestly a couple of steps away from my home. They were a Muslim couple , the husband looked like a strict man but was very polite when I met him. His wife was in a jilbab and a niqab on so I her face was covered by a veil. I couldn’t tell if...

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Snack Run

It was like two in the morning, and it was foggy out. I saw the lady through the big front windows of the Mini-Mart, standing at the counter under the fluorescent lights. There weren't any cars in the parking lot. Mom and Dad were fast asleep after a night of loud fucking that I heard from my bedroom before I snuck out of the house. I walked out of the fog in my platform sandals, the ones with the cork heels and the pink straps that tie halfway up my calves. I have to take short steps in...

2 years ago
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The SaviorsChapter 12 The new ability

They had not bothered to get dressed and when they arrived at the sandy beach that bordered the lake the women waded into the water. The men stood guard, Kurt's watchful eyes surveyed up and down the shore and the jungle behind them, while Troy kept watchful eyes on the water and sky above. They would not be taken by surprise by flying ants or any thing else again. The women bathed and refreshed themselves and waded ashore to relieve the men of guard duty so that they too could wash off. The...

1 year ago
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What the Hell

Well Came home from work early the other day and caught my bitch cheating for the second time.. And this time with her Uncle.. No shit well he was married to her aunt at one time no blood there but still nasty as fuck if you ask me.. But thru it all I kept a level head cause we have a 1yr girl together...and Was not about to ruin me being in her life because her mother is a stupid whore.. My first thought was to snap and kill them to be honest.. But That would serve no purpose.. I instead did...

2 years ago
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Unusual Punishment Conclusion

Unusual Punishment: Conclusion By Norman O. Johnson Part Six: Life Sentence Electrodes were glued to my forehead, my right forearm, and the top of my breastbone. "Is your name Karen Lauterbach?" asked my investigator. He was a stocky SBI man with a flattop and a well-trimmed moustache. The moustache looked rather good on him. "No," I said. This was the preliminary phase. I was supposed to reply 'no' so they could test how the lie detector's needle would bounce if I told a...

3 years ago
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Perfect Stranges

After seeing a photo of Sharleen on a network channel, Jay could not get her out of his mind. She was beautiful. He was a lover of good women and saw them as pieces of art. She was the best; nice composition and a lovely facial angle. He loved her radiant smile. Ted so much wanted to meet her in person. All he had to do was make contact; he knew he had to make the first move. One night after work he went home. After shutting off his computer much later, he still could not get her off his mind....

1 year ago
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Punished For Spying Part 2

Tom could only stare at his sister as she entered his room. Tammy had clad herself in a makeshift costume that resembled one of the girls in his beloved hentai videos. A short pleated skirt, white stockings and a crisp white blouse under a blue blazer. The blouse was unbuttoned just enough to display her tiny white bra to be visible. Wasn't she the same girl that he had caught balling her boyfriend not a few hours ago? She looked up from being boned and saw him looking through the partially...

4 years ago
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Cuming of AgeChapter 7

Finally, I was able to stand and finish washing myself, found a towel and dried off. My clothes had been put in a locker room so I dressed but didn’t know what to do until another young girl about my age came in and told me I could leave now if I wanted to or could go back on stage and fuck some other man. I picked leaving. I found Raymond outside the room and asked where my sister was. I found her nude in a room, covered in cum, piss and some blood. She was crying hysterically. I got her up...

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A Meeting of Maids Part2

I ran back to my house and breathlessly filled a bag. I packed my two favorite uniforms the black and the pink PVC. I selected a couple of sets of underwear and a couple of pairs of shoes. Because the bag was not very big I had to be selective. I wondered if I could get Roberta to come to my house for a dress up session, maybe in the future I hoped. Packed I hurried back to Roberta's house. Roberta ushered me in and we went upstairs to the spare bedroom, this was where Roberta kept her...

3 years ago
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Three Girls and a Swelling Cock

The three girls were best friends, Sue, Ann, and Jen. They were spending the night at Sue's house, and being normal 19 year olds the conversation turned to sex. They had been talking about all of the boys they desired, and Sue could see that all three of them were squirming in some wet panties now. Jen broke the ice though, as she usually did. "Let's each of us tell about some sexual experience, and masturbate while we do it. I am so ready to come, if I even touch my clit I am going to...

1 year ago
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Sissy erotica

The following is a fantasy sissy eroticaChapter one: Entering sissyhoodThis is a story about my first few experiences as a bottom sissy slut. I am now 21, my name is Alyssa and a dedicated slut for my daddy. I'm 5"9, very slender & smooth, feminine and i have long blonde hair. Ever since i was in my early teens i had been interested in trying to take a mans penis in my ass. At some point i decided to try playing with my butthole. I loved it right away. I would take a bath, get nice and...

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Costume Gun Goth Girl to Soccer Mom

Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...

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The GLOOrious Revolution

The stories popped up in various newspapers across the country but seemed random and many instances never made the papers. Finally enough instances took place that the authorities began to take notice and detect a pattern. Male Student Found Not Guilty of Date Rape is Found Dressed as a Prostitute Joe Ivy who had been recently found not guilty by an all male jury of the date rape of Cindy Barnes was found dazed and confused on a street corner normally habituated by sex workers. He was...

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Im Club begattet

Ricks Hände umklammerten das Lenkrad so fest, dass seine Finger rot wurden. Er suchte nach der Adresse, die er aus dem Willkommenspaket, das ihm der Club letzte Woche geschickt hatte, ausgedruckt hatte. Jen saß nervös auf der Beifahrerseite des Wagens und versuchte, die Adresse auf den Gebäuden zu sehen, als Rick langsam die Straße entlang fuhr. "Es ist das nächste Gebäude, Liebling. Bieg doch in die nächste Einfahrt ein." Rick nahm den Fuß vom Gaspedal und bog in die nächste Einfahrt ein. Die...

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PornWorld Susy Gala Horny Secretary Susy Gala Takes Pounding From Boss at the Office

Its the middle of the week and Susy Gala, a Spanish secretary, is horny and has very little work to do. As shes pleasuring herself at the desk of her boss, shes pleasantly surprised when he enters the office unexpectedly. Although theyve never fucked before, the two have chemistry, and in this instance, the boss takes the step thats needed to get in her pants. After warming Susy up with a quick message, the boss goes in for the kiss, and from there, things quickly escalate. Pretty soon hes...

2 years ago
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Psychic Sister

This is the first story I ever finished. I'd really like to know what you think about it. It's mostly a transsexual transition story with a little twist. No magic or sci-fi. Not much sex. Permission granted to include it into non-commercial archives, but please notify me. Psychic Sister by MonicaS, [email protected] Chapter 1 - The Vision I was woken by the doorbell at 6:30 a.m. on that Sunday in November 1997 which changed my life completely. I was in my senior year...

4 years ago
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Following Directions

This was the longest day of at least the last month. If something could be annoying, not necessarily wrong, it was. Always something that needed a little more attention or a tweak here or there. Let's just say I was glad to be heading home where I could relax with a drink and my comfy pajamas. I park my car in the driveway and enter the house. On my way upstairs I start to shed my work clothes. My jacket gets hung up on the hook as I walk by. Starting with the bottom button of my blouse I work...

Straight Sex
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My Secret Life

I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was a complete disaster, as in a royal F-U-C-K-UP catastrophe. You've heard of a 'life changing' event. Well, this was one. And it all started with a simple mistake, I just hit the wrong damn key on my computer, and the whole chain reaction was inevitable! Now, I must remember my manners, it isn't good to just ramble on like this to a stranger without even introducing yourself. My name is Janice Johnston, I'm thirty-something (its not polite...

1 year ago
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Ms Americanas RescueChapter 7

Angela Greer arose Saturday morning and headed for her bathroom and morning ritual and as she showered she thought of the day's events. As the city's DA she had been invited to be part of Senator Groves and Representative Vale's party for the day's speeches and tour of the troubled dock area and the tenderloin district. The legalization of prostitution was supposed to be a start to cleaning those areas up and the revenue generated by the prostitutes would increase funding to help the...

2 years ago
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Right Out From Under Me

The events of the last 2 weeks of my life have utterly pulled the rug out from under me, and I've slowly started to learn that I was nowhere near as in-control as I thought. Thinking back, I would never have guessed what She really was like, and if I'd never had the courage speak my mind, I never would have known. This is definitely one of those moments where we need to work our way up from the beginning.. Next up; Step One, My Life in Perfect Order

2 years ago
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My brown beginning part 6

OK lets get this mess cleaned up and all jump in the shower I think we need it Mom declared.I put the chairs back and cleaned up the floor of the pee puddle which missed my mouth.Grandma shot a couple toots from some air freshener to clear the air a bit.In no time everything was back to normal and we all jumped in the shower for a quick clean off,My hair was a mess but I soon had it washed and rinsed off.We had to be quick cuz our little old water heater barely lasted for more than 10 minutes...

3 years ago
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hi im lia chap13

Hi, im Lia. I should probably start by telling you what I look like. im a 5’6 brunette with hair down to the middle of my back. Im a c-cup with round and full breasts that don’t really need a bra to stay up. I am skilled in jujutsu and kung-fu and I teach jujutsu, so I stay in pretty good shape. I am 23. At least that’s my cover story to humans. So, here I was thinking about why I was walking down this alley in the middle of the night. Stupid, stupid , stupid. I really don’t...

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This is continuation of ' THE TRAIN JOURNEY IN INDIA PART I '--------------well as you all read the ticket checker was in my cabin in the trainHe was in his mid forties i guess and 5ft9 with a beer belly and chubby all over.he was stared at me for a cpl of minutes and then removed his coat, shirt, pants and boxers. He had his back to me i couldnt get a view of his cock. he wore his pyjamas. I had meanwhile turned to face away from him and said "Bhanu did you lock the door?" and he replied "it...

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Taken in and Taught Chapter 2

‘My fucking whore, I can finally start training you, the way a cock whore should be.’ The tenderness in his voice close to disappeared and my Master fully came out. The look that came to his eyes, lust, desire, just a pure need to fuck, left my cunt tingling. My entire body tingling. ‘I’m going to fucking destroy your virgin holes. Claim each of them. Your cunt and ass are mine, and only mine. Your throat has become mine. If I choose to share them, then that is my prerogative, but only I make...

1 year ago
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My Breanna My Darling

_________________________________________ I Was Seventeen And At That Time I Was A Huge Masochist And Loved Anything To Do With Girls I Had Never Done The Do But I Have Dated A Million Chicks And Not One Liked Me In The End I Still Was Going To High school Ready For College But My House Was Kinda Awkward Since My Parents Were Wanting A New Baby Girl So My Parents Were At It All The Time And It Was Annoying But One Day I Came Home From School, My Parents Were Siting On The Couch...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 142 Lovin Touchin Squeezin

Glory was lying on top of Alan, happily bobbing on his shaft while he was licking her pussy, when she heard the doorbell ring. She said in a voice that was muffled by the thickness of his erection, "I'nore dat. Prob'bly sshomeone sellin' shomesing." But Alan gently managed to extricate himself from under her, bringing an end to their fun, for now at least. He said, "No, this is great! Quick, throw some clothes on. I want you to answer the door with the Televibe in you." She longed to...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 20

Mary had talked to Darcy and was on board for opening factories in the different countries or regions around the world but not to start importing goods made with cheaper labor to the wealthier countries. As I hung up, I found Sophia looking out over the city and I asked, “Are you ready to go?” “Yes, this place is amazing. This room is bigger than my whole house.” “It is a bit much but it lets me relax and not get too worn down as I travel. Why don’t we sit down and talk before we go out...

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Episode 147 Jennys Storu

DisclaimerThe information for this story was supplied to me by rawbadboyz in PMs for his teenage granddaughter Jenny. I merely wrote it up, softening some parts and adding a few explanations where necessary. I have no real idea how old Jenny and Cheryl are, or even whether they really exist outside his imagination, so don’t blame me for any parts you don’t approve of.Jenny“Grandpa will you please untie my hands so I can type this story”.Most evenings Jenny sat on grandpa’s lap, reading David’s...

2 years ago
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The Right Way to Start the Day

Melissa my friend at the time wanted to become a little more than friends. So one night I take her to my apartment and say I want to eat your pussy until you nut in my mouth. She smiles and motions for me to do it. I start licking her stomach and belly button down to her thighs where it really gets good she spreads her legs and I kiss her nappy pussy hair. My tongue is ravishing your pussy. I lick and pull her pearl tongue and suck her pussy lips. I let my tongue venture into her tight pussy...

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What Daddy Wants

His hand is on my throat and goose flesh breaks out over my ass and thighs. He loosens his grip and the goose flesh disappears. He tightens it again and watches as my eyes dilate, my breathing becomes shallower and the goose flesh reappears. I look up at Daddy and see he is smiling, which makes my heart zoom and my pussy swell and fill. I can feel all the power in Daddy’s arm as he squeezes my throat. His face is relaxed, amused at the slackness in my muscles and at the automatic opening of my...

3 years ago
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My Tryst With the Professor Part IV

“Fuck,” Lexi repeated, a smile spreading across her face. “What the hell are you doing here?!” She skipped down the aisle and grabbed their uninvited audience, pulling her into a tight hug. It was one of her closest friends, Darcy, looking smug as ever for having caught her doing something so naughty. Lexi stepped back, holding their guest at arms’ length. “I think the better question is what the hell are you doing here?” Darcy asked, her eyes flitting toward Dr. Claar. Lexi giggled,...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 75 Amateur Pole Dancers

After our time at the spa, I spent a lot of time in my room trying out all the new sex toys we got from Richard and Monica. They were all exciting in their own ways and I came so much with each one. Some vibrated, some went deep and some felt good stretching my ass wide. The feeling of all the sensations I could get from my new plastic and electric friends were amazing and found myself spending long hours with them. Once I was finished, I had to stop to rest as they had left me completely...

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Gas Station

About a month ago my best friend Julie had talked me into sneaking out to a party. Later I learned it was an adult party with a reputation for being really wild. Even though Julie and I are only 15 years old and sophomores in high school, we have an adventurous streak. Everybody at the party assumed Julie and I were in our 20's and we were dressed to look older. Actually we were dressed to look as sexy and hot as possible. As it turned out I had sex for the first time at the party, with the...

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He Loves His Mother

Mark's true love is his mother. He has been having fantasies about her for a year or so now. His mother had no clue about it.Mark's mother, Helen is a 31 year old. She has 38D breasts and a figure to die for. She had Mark when she was just 17. Mark's father is long gone. He left as soon as he found out Helen was pregnant. She finished high school with the help of her parents. She worked and with her parents help, Mark never wanted.She loves her son with all her heart. She worked hard to care...

1 year ago
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Gaand Ki Band Bajai Padosi Ne

Hi dosto..mera naam karan hai. Me jalandhar ka rehne wala hu. Ye meri pehli story hai aur sach hai. Muje gay sex karne ka koi shauk nai tha but ha ladki ki tarah dresses pehne ka aur make up karne ka, gaand me ungli krna ka bahut shauk tha. me apni sister ka bra panty aur suit pehen k khud ko mirror me dkhta tha. O sach me apne baare me batana hi bhul gaya. Meri umar 23 saal hai aur ye story tab ki hai jab me 21 saal ka tha. me slim hu aur mera weight 55 kg hai, flat tummy hai. Hamare saath...

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Julies Parents

Julie's Wedding Marcia and Julie's Parents Angie Olsen awoke from a sound sleep with a sense of anticipation pounding so hard inside of her that she involuntarily wriggled. Elaine's niece was almost certainly no longer a virgin, and she was sleeping in the guest bedroom at that very moment. And Elaine should arrive the very next evening. "Let events take their course," Elaine had remarked, sardonically, in one of their many phone conversations before the...

2 years ago
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The Diver

The Diver This story was based on an idea by Debbie Cybill and written over a few weeks from September to November 2000. This story covers transgender issues and should not be read by minors. If there any comments or errors spotted in the story then please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Nothing in this story should be construed to be factual and all characters are fictional and not based on any person dead or alive. Copyright 2000 by Elaine. Synopsis A mine...

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Alia Butt

Alia Bhatt 'was' one of the most famous actress of bollywood cinema. 'Was' cause now she had fallen down to be one of the most infamous one. Though she well knew why she never accepted it to herself and always felt a self-righteous anger about how she had gotten into and rose up in the film industry. 'I used my family contacts. So what?!' This always has been her attitude. But now the hate she's been seeing in social media was giving her the heebie jeebies. She spent last night without any...

1 year ago
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The Book Store Chapter 1

THE BOOK STORE Chapter 1 I was on the way home from work and decided to stop at the book store and find a steamy erotic romance novel so I had something to read as I soaked in a hot bubble bath with a large glass of my favorite wine. I loved the feeling of having the warm bubbles all around me as I caressed myself in all the right places as I read. I arrived at the book store thirty minutes before closing. So I went straight to the adult section and began browsing the new books that were there...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 33

The sun shone high in the cloudless blue sky as he stood, out of sight, on a hill watching from behind a tree. Overwhelmed by how many people had remembered, he was both surprised and humbled. Focusing on the tears flowing down the cheeks of the ones he loved congregated around the plaque, every part of him become saturated with guilt and he wanted to run down to hold them. Made up of every colour of the rainbow, the floral tributes were beautiful. Gone but never forgotten had been spelled...

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UpgradeChapter 12 Dave Reese move in Big Bob Experience on film

After his wake-up fuck with Mel and breakfast, Dave gave me a high sign that he wanted to talk. I nodded towards the pool patio, and we took our coffee mugs and went outside. We were both nude and sort of pooped out sexually. Dave said, “I want to talk about your offer to move in here for a while. Reese has let me think about little else since we left here a few weeks ago. It’s a daily request of hers.” I said, “Yes, you said you had some questions.” “I do. First, are you, Pam, and Trish...

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