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"I thought you were gone for good! When I took you home I felt the longing in you to stay there." Hanging his head Alan whispered, "I thought you'd be happier there than here with me. Alright! Yes damn it! I missed you that bad ok?"

Hopix couldn't believe what she'd just heard, Alan had missed her? Why? She was just a simple Fairixie, trying to do her job for the council, to save as many as she could before Alan was either tired of the job or was killed. Just the fact that he'd freed her planet, plus saved what was left of her family, she would devote the rest of her life to him.

"Alan," she breathed out trying to control her shaky breath, "I am here to help you, many things that are wrong were my fault, such as the one that had taken my planet." Here she hung her head, she couldn't tell him not yet, if he wasn't ready she'd loose him forever, she'd waited far too long to allow that to happen. "I am hoping that we can set right so many wrongs that were done by the recruits that I tried to train." Again she hung her head.

"Hopix," Alan started. "I am more than willing to help you and accept your help, we're a team and a damn good team at that."

Hopix had been hoping he would say something like that but it was still too soon for her to say anything, if she lost him right as they were getting started, she'd never recover. She'd been researching this at home the whole time after her grandfather had said what he had, or she'd have been back a hell of a lot sooner.

"I hope so Alan, as I said there is so much to do yet, we have barely scratched the surface." Hopix almost whispered.

Alan was still slightly in shock, not only had Hopix come back but she still wanted to work with him. Hell he still felt he was the worse mage that any of them had ever seen.

"Alan you really have to stop thinking like that! You are truly a rare find of a mage, you are accomplishing things that haven't been seen in thousands of years."

Again Alan was a little shocked, he didn't think that his thoughts were that strong. Was Hopix actually a mind reader or was she more sensitive than most?

Hopix had to bite her lip damn it! Her and her big mouth! She wasn't used to being this excited. As a matter of fact she wasn't this used to being as confident in her abilities as she was now. She looked at Alan a feeling of pride growing in her chest, something else she wasn't used to. What Alan had said was true, at first she had wanted to stay home with her mother and sister, god she had missed them for so long. Now thanks to Alan she had a family again another thing that she could never truly repay him for.

"I went over a report of your last job, you did extremely well Alan," Hpoix said.

"I don't know how you think I did well, it took Queen Glimmer and your people to convince them to let me help them, not exactly a glowing review," Alan replied.

"No but, you have to think of it this way," started Hopix, "you wasted no time and found a solution within minutes of thinking of it. To me and I'm sure to them you are definitely a hero, your quick thinking saved them even more suffering."

Ok, Alan thought, when you thought of it that way he ... might have helped a bit. Hopix sighed what was she going to do with this man? It seemed he had no confidence at all, had his female partner drained it that much from him? Suddenly anger swelled in her chest, she wanted to do violent and terrible things to Alan's mate.

Shocked Hopix shook her head then she felt the icy cold tendril of the dark council pull away. Hmmm trying to hurt Alan through her, crafty but wasn't going to work, sticking her tongue out at them she felt them bristle then they were gone. She had to do something to bring Alan's confidence up but nothing she thought of would really work, she'd have to work on this she sighed.

"The council has given you a few days off Alan, they think you need rest and a chance to relax. The only problem is I have no idea what people of this time enjoy, the previous selections liked different things." Hopix could feel one of the things Alan desired above all the others, blushing she knew she couldn't supply him with THAT! Well, not yet anyway but someday she hoped to, it all depended on Alan and his feelings if any that he had for her.

"It's alright, I'm just glad I've given your people, the Slimtori, and the Tribocs a new lease on life." Alan said with a sad smile.

Hopix hated to see Alan so sad, she vowed that no matter what she would cheer him up. Again she blushed, true she hadn't in well over a thousand years, and Alan more than peeked her interest still she had to make sure of her and Alan's feelings. It wouldn't do to confess to Alan just to have him reject her crushing her feelings forever.

Alan rested the rest of the day 'bout damn time he thought, Hopix was just glad she had him back though it killed her not to reveal her true feelings she stayed by Alan's side through the night. The next day Alan went to eat, Hopix actually went with him though no one else could see her, she was still a little afraid. Half way to the diner a shadowy figure stepped from an alley way, her eyes wide when they saw the Fairixie that was hovering close to her target. Hmm, she thought, at least the council was using their head this time, she'd kill his ass where all the others had failed! Alan ate watching everything that was going on, no point in going to sleep there were too many of those bastards on earth to ignore. He and Hopix had just left when he felt rather than saw the evil presence that was following him. Never subtle are they. Walking into the same alley Alan waited telling Hopix to stay back and what he'd felt.

Moments later a gorgeous woman walked around the corner, immediately Alan sealed the alley way.

"I don't know why you idiots keep trying to get me to switch sides, it ain't gonna happen!" Alan shouted, his anger rising.

The woman in front of him, her mouth dropped open, he was on earth! There was no way he had control of his power! "We no longer wish to get you to switch! You are now targeted for DEATH!" She screamed as she shot (go figure) a fire ball at him.

Extremely pissed off they were now trying to kill him, Hopix noticed that he was glowing brighter than ever before, but how? This planet always dampened all magic, it had for centuries! Yelling no, the fireball bounced back at the woman, screaming she tried to stop it, then hold it. Finally she cursed Alan telling him he was a dead man he was only one man they would kill him soon. "You can try but right now I have a count of twenty-three to nothing you make twenty-four, bye bitch!" Alan said as the fireball engulfed the woman then was gone as soon as her screams stopped.

Taking a deep breath Alan tried to calm down still not noticing his skin was glowing an intense reddish blue color. Hopix was startled she had to contact the council as soon as she could, in all the thousands of years she'd been doing this she'd never seen a human express his power visually while on earth. Smiling she thought it had to be Alan he was the most unusual human she'd ever met or ... shaking her head no! He couldn't be! There was no way! Sighing she could see she would have to take another trip home too, things were starting to get stranger by the moment.

They'd both just gotten in to his room when the light council contacted them. "Alan please forgive us but we have a case that we need you on, it appears that this planet is about to die. It has been drained to the point that the core has started to destabilize. It also appears to be the same one you met on the last planet, Do you think you are rested enough to face him?"

Alan thought for a moment feeling the strength he had, "I believe I am, though not as strong as his brother he is still powerful enough to harm a great many." Alan replied.

"Good, please leave at once," the council ordered. Alan laid down, Hopix flying to his side, "be careful Alan, this one is far smarter than his brother, plus I feel that he will have many escape plans."

Alan nodded, lying down he closed his eyes and reached out for a planet like the council had described. Within moments he was there, the sky was dark, the air foul. Reaching out Alan found the source of all the planet's distress.

Again Alan felt the same entity that he had on the Tribocs planet. Reaching deep Alan powered up as much as he could, his anger also building. Releasing it he sent as big a fist shape charge at the entity as he could. He felt the other crumple from the onslaught almost all the energy fleeing back into the planet.

Appearing next to the again lizard shaped magic user, Alan reached in crushing his shape shifting ability. The lizard creature screamed looking at Alan, again Alan crushed two, then three, and then a fourth ability before the lizard's eyes got huge and he flashed out. Damn it! Hopix had warned me but I was so anxious to stop him I let him escape, at least he can never do this again, nor feed off others but the other two abilities Alan was unsure of. Alan reached out, feeling all the beings on the planet close to death, freezing all of it, Alan tried to accelerate the energy feeding back into the planet, finally the planet started to feel more like it should.

Releasing all the life was harder than he thought, within moments a massive amount of green fuzzy life forms were crowded around him. Alan, though tired, had to make this planet safe, extending, he first protected the core, then the beings.

They all stared at Alan with wide eyes then they all bowed, "We thank you Tranzarie no other has ever shown the caring and compassion that you have. If you ever have need of us, you forever have an ally and friend in all of us." the leader said.

"May I ask what you call yourselves? Alan asked feeling a little stupid asking but had been taught if you didn't know ask there was always power in knowledge.

"Yes Tranzarie, we are called Trembly," the leader replied. "We will raise an effigy to you so that all will know that we are not alone that at least one being cares for us."

"I do not like to be praised as a god that I am not, at present I am trying to stop many with power like me who think they are." Alan explained.

"Yes, we have sensed this, take this," the leader handed a box to Alan... which fell through his hand. Again there were a great many gasps. Many withdrew in awe, "you ... aren't really here are you?"

"No, I am still on my planet, though I do wish to help as many as I can I am not always truly there." Alan said.

The leader bowed, "we respect your wishes Tranzarie when you can we would greatly love a chance to actually meet you. When you depart this will follow you and be near you, it has a great many more benefits than just travel. Please be well Tranzarie."

Alan just blinked, ok where was the fight? The suffering he had to ease? This was an unusual case there was nothing that he's gone through in the first three cases he'd been on. Still unable to move Alan just stood there waiting there had to be something that he'd missed. The cases were never that easy, and to win the love of a people for really doing nothing but showing that he cared? Alright he thought what was the trick! Nothing was ever that easy especially for me! Suddenly Alan felt a tug and was opening his eyes on the bed in his room.

"How was it?" Hopix asked as soon as he appeared.

"Something is going on." Alan said, "I've never had a case go that easily!"

A moment later he summoned the council, "Alright what the hell is going on?" They all looked at Alan with questioning looks, I've never had an easy case." He then proceeded to tell the council everything that had happened.

"Wait," the elder spoke up, "you actually entered his mind and crushed his abilities?"

"Yes. I thought that's what I said, he can't change form anymore he's a lizard 'til I let him change, he can't absorb power anymore. The other two I'm unsure of I made sure they wouldn't come back I sealed them after I broke them.

All of the council members were sitting there with open mouths, they'd thought it a fluke when Alan had done it to the man on Hopix's world but for him to actually do it in a battle was far more impressive.

"Also I set the core of the Trembly world so that it could not be hurt again." Alan said.

Again the council members were amazed not only had he defeated the lizard man, taken some of his power but the Trembly had actually spoken to Alan an unheard of thing! A moment later the multicolored box appeared next to Alan.

"Oh yeah, they also gave me this and wish to actually meet me some time, I told them I would when I can."

Hopix's heart swelled with pride, she knew when she'd found him that he was special, but it wasn't 'til now that she realized just how special he truly was. The council all stared in dumbstruck appreciation of the control block that Alan had, a block that could let Alan go anywhere he desired, even the few thousands of blocked worlds. It had been no wonder the dark council had attack the Trembly world.

Alan held the cube in his hands feeling all the love and compassion that had been poured into it. He was about to set it down when he heard a weak call for help, huh? looking around he thought he heard it again.

"I've heard a call for help," Alan said, "I don't know how to use this yet nor...." Alan felt a short shock then he could see where the call was coming from. "I can see it, I can see the people, they look so much like Hopix and her people; though they are very pale in color, paler than even Hopix was."

Hopix's eyes grew large, but how? No one had heard anything from that planet in over 5000 years she should know she'd sent her younger brother to investigate. If it were true perhaps her family could be whole again. Tears began to fall from her face she hoped it was true she had missed her brother fiercely.

Alan stood transfixed staring at the cube seeing scenes that only he could see playing before his eyes. Moving closer Hopix touched Alan's shoulder suddenly she was immersed in the same images standing next to Alan.

"My god!" Whispered Hopix, "it's our sister planet, so far away."

Alan turned to stare at Hopix he could see her staring in sadness at the ruin and decay. Suddenly they both heard a small cry for help, rapidly they were drawn to where the voice had come from. The council was all opened mouth again Alan was seeing a blocked word? Was it possible that they had given him the power to go there?

Rushing forward they came upon a younger looking version of Hopix. Hopix gasp, "that's my brother he's hurt."

The council looked at Alan, "you can obviously go there but you are on your own Alan, we lost any chance of helping the people there centuries ago. If you free enough of them we will then be able to intervene, but not 'til then. We wish you well and success, you go in blind as we have no information about this place."

Alan just nodded then turned, "I realize this but this was a genuine cry for help that I cannot ignore, if I can free the world, I will, if not, then I will leave it with those, that wish to leave. Please be ready either way, we both know that the dark council is upset over losing those four worlds I feel Hopix's world would have given them an advantage that might not have been overcome. They know I have the cube and I feel they are preparing for my arrival."

The entire council nodded each impressed with Alan's desire to free all that he could on the sister world. Looking at Hopix he nodded, "I'll bring him home if I can, know this," Hopix nodded and threw her arms around Alan's neck, tears falling freely and unashamedly then Alan touched his other hand to the cube and was gone.

Oh my god! Hopix thought he actually went there! Hopix knew that the Trembly were powerful but she didn't think they were that powerful! I have to do something she thought, thinking of the last place he'd gone Hopix concentrated 'til she was standing on the surface of the planet. Her mouth opened in amazement it was beautiful! She sat not sure what to do or who to talk to. Looking at many of the flowers she smiled using her magic to bring them fully into bloom. They were so lovely! The beings here must love them, no longer concentrating she started to bring as many of the flowers to bloom as she could, the aroma was so good she just couldn't stop. It was about this time that she noticed quite a few of the green fuzzy beings watching her. Suddenly afraid, she went to the elder, "Elder sir, I wish to apologize to you and your people for bringing your flowers out early. They were so lovely and I thought I'd try to make it more beautiful for you and them. I meant no harm, I am not thinking clearly."

"Little one," the elder started, "never in our history have we had a powerful magical being help us, and in the same day another powerful magical being apologize to us. Tell me little one, are you acquainted with the Tranzarie Alan?"

Hopix mouth dropped open, she was just trying to help a habit she'd gotten from Alan, how did they know?

Bowing Hopix nodded and said, "yes elder, I am his magic watchdog for the council."

"Ah! I see! You had a chance to go home yet you came back to Tranzarie Alan, how long have you had a room in your heart for him?"

Again Hopix could only stare opened mouthed, no one knew! "I don't..."

The elder chuckled, "be still little one, to us emotions are nothing to feel and read, it is how we truly know when a being means us harm or not. Now then, why are you here, and don't worry you actually helped, Alan forgot the flowers when he saved us all, a minor point compared to all the other life here."

"I am worried elder, Alan has gone to the sister world of my planet, my brother is there. The council has no knowledge of it, as it has been blocked by the dark council for a long time." Hopix said still worried about Alan.

"I feel Alan is more ready than you think, the cube helps him to focus and think clearer he will be fine but he needs you little one, don't think he doesn't and don't wait too long before you tell him or the secret of your people."

Again Hopix could only stare at the elder.

Alan appeared on an open field, there seemed to be nothing alive at all. Even as he stood there a small squad of Fairixies moved in to attack him, it was almost the same as before.

Reaching out he caught the leader wrapping her tight he saw she was just as the one's on Hopix's world had been, clearing her mind then blocking outside control she looked up at Alan, "Where am I?" then her eyes grew large, "Please protect me," she begged.

Damn here we go again, Alan thought.


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CHRIS-CROSSED! By C.C. I have heard about the problems that racially mixed marriages can bring, and I've also heard about the difficulties that sometimes arise from marrying twins who have a close affinity for one another - a sort of psychic bond stronger than the ties of matrimony. But I never dreamed that they would lead to the situation I eventually ended up in! Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Norman Drake and I have for most of my life been a man of considerable...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 28

Earth time: Saturday, March 30, 2019 5:51 AM Central Standard Time Aina time: 1:50 PM, day 243 of 1418 H.E. I love my weekends. I love working out. My routine is to take Route 61 southeast from home at Minneapolis Minnesota and drive out to the Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest. A huge place, thousands of square kilometers of virgin forest, and with all the preoccupation with the plague, almost deserted. I love turning my body loose to run. I locked my car and looked around,...

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A Glory Hole in my Bedroom

Some years back I had an experience, which ranks with the audacious and unbelievable, but when executed with the right person, it does work.My job as a stewardess with a well known airline, saw myself with overnight stays, sometimes extending to a couple of days, depending on scheduals and staff shortages.These overnight stays were usually in a cost cutting hotel or as in this case, little challets, consisting of bed and shower.I arrived early morning and after signing-in I was shown to my...

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I Get My Kicks on Route 66

The last town had faded away some time ago when Molly's car started having problems somewhere off of route 66 in New Mexico. That'll teach me to veer off the main road, she thought, really pissed off now that she was not only lost but her car appeared to be taking it's last breath. Her cell was just as useless and she guessed she had really gone way off the road she'd wanted. It was also hot as hell and way too quiet in the moon like landscape all around her. At least it was a paved road...

4 years ago
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Room for a small one

A young girl answered the ad I had placed in the paper to let my spare bedroom. I had requested that males would be preferred, mainly because I didn't want to waste time interviewing females who would shy away when they realized that they would sharing a smallish flat with a middle-aged, divorced man. However, this delightful, petite blonde appeared at my door, saying she was desperate for accommodation in the area and asking if I would consider allowing her to take the room. I could feel my...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 70 Wolf Pack Whore

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 16 Epilogue The Rogues Loving Harem

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...

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Jimi Chapter 1

In pain, Luna let go of her boyfriend’s cock. She grabbed her wrist and flexed her numb fingers with a sick grimace. How could he stand it? She felt enormous relief when the blood flowed through the veins in her hand once again.Sitting on her heels, between his stretched out legs and bent over his pelvis she had been stroking as if her life depended on it, that gnarled prick. She had used every ounce of energy from her healthy teen body, every trick learned from her naughty-fairy book.The old...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyari Maa Part 1

Hello everyone, Mera naam arun hai mein 18 saal ka hun , height hai 5,11. Mein engineering kar raha hun bijapur sheher mein. Mere ghar mein total 3 log rahte hain mein meri maa aur mere papa. Mere papa ka grossary ka dukan hai unki umar hai 46 saal. Meri maa shraddha house wife hai aur unki umar hai 37 saal. Mom ka height kaafi achcha hai aur figure bhi 38 28 42. Maa ghar mein usually saari pehen thi hai par occasions pe salwar bhi pehena karti hai. Ab story pe aatein hain. Papa roz subah...

4 years ago
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Mum Was My Teacher

I am a 24-year old woman from Manchester,UK. My family consists of mother, Amy, father,Lee, sister, Claire and myself, Sarah. When I wasgrowing up we lived in a semi detached house. Wewere like most of our neighbors, just making a livingand going to school. My life changed when I wassixteen. I went to a school that required that all of thestudents wear a uniform. All of us girls hated havingto wear the same type of clothes every day. Wetried to rebel by doing things like making the...

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Stable GirlChapter 2

It took a long time for the Henrietta sky to darken. Since there was no sign of Larry, Tamara figured the coast was clear by nine thirty. There were still no clouds. Tamara took off all of her clothes in her bedroom and walked down the stairs naked. She was soon out the back door and down the porch steps, standing nude in the night air, in between the house and the stables. The only light was provided by the full moon, which was almost directly overhead, even though it was early...

2 years ago
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No Inhibitions

They had known each other for years and had sex a few times, but always with rules. No kissing, no direct eye contact, just fucking without feelings. His best friend, her husband, entrusted him to help fulfill her fantasies over the years in threesomes with two guys and her. He also participated in a couple of group sex parties, occupying her while her husband played with another female. Because of the men's friendship, she kept things very impersonal though she often fantasized about...

1 year ago
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He had me in tuitions

Hi all, Ashlee again. I hope you all loved my other story “Gang bang in Goa”. I have many more experiences to share with all of you lovely people, but this experience that I am about to share is something which even I did not imagine, would happen to me. I was only 18 at that time and still studying in college (SYJC). As I was weak in Maths, I needed some immediate guidance to secure good marks. I am sure all Indians know the importance of getting good marks in HSC. My Mom arranged a Maths Sir...

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The Halloween Party

I am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably. My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length...

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The Apartment ManagerChapter 3

I put some clothes on and decided to take a walking tour around the premises before going to the supermarket. I needed everything and I needed to stock up on Sprite too. I went out the back door, then instead of going outside. I went through another door marked private and it went back into the hallway that leads to the back of the complex units. The complex is laid out like a huge ‘ X ‘ with one wing extending toward the street, where the entrance to the office is located. The wings are...

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My Sex Experience With The Chennai Couple

Hi this is rohit her from Bangalore this is my 5th experience but first time I am writing story if any mistake please forgive me. First about me my name is rohit as you guys know I am 26 year old, 5.11 height, weight 65, and average body with the good big dick ok 7.8 inch with the good stamina to fuck longer time.About that couple is they are M42 and F38, they are from Chennai wife is very sexy with the figure of 36-34-40, she had sexy and huge ass, which I liked it very much. Hubby is...

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After we got all our things together we started over to Chase and Amandas house.My wife Lilly, was so fired up by the waterfall encounter that I was sure things were going to be incredible this evening. "Are you turned on still by what had just happened in the water?" she asked. To answer I put her hand on my still thick cock."wow" she said. "you really must have liked it". Giggling, she started rubbing the growing bulge in my shorts . "Did you like seeing my hands on Amanda and Chase while...

Group Sex
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A Bride Chapter Nine

"Come on lazy bones, we need to get up.""Why?""Tomatoes, that's why."She giggled and ran her fingernails lightly up the length of my erection."I'll give you a choice.""Yeah?""Yeah.""Go on then.""Stay here and go to sleep again."I waited but so did she and I gave in first, mainly because of the way she was gently masturbating me."Or?""Or nothing." she whispered, "But I need a pee!"This time she drew me into her arms and kissed me as she stood and relieved herself, taking hold of my hand, she...

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A holiday in kerala

I had just finished my plus 2 finals when my father informed me that i should go to kerala to keep my granny company. “your uncle and aunty are going to mumbai to attend his boss’s son’s wedding. They are taking their anu and sutha (my young cousins) with them also as a holiday sight seeing. They will be away for two weeks . Granny will be alone. She cannot travel that far, you know. You can keep her company and the servants are there to look after the household.” I was overjoyed to here this...

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Market ForcesChapter 40 Market Research

Harry had a good laugh about my encounter with Kelly. I'd been a bit suspicious that it was a put up job but he assured me it wasn't. She was just one of the possibles that they'd had on a target list a while back. When they decided she didn't fit the customer profile they left her office on the list for possible training exercises. He seemed convincing enough about it. I didn't mind either way, it had been fun. I bumped into Freddie outside of his office. "Well," he said, "at least...

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Jacob Naked in School

"Would the following students please report to the Principal's Office?" Like every other student in the room, I tensed up and listened carefully. This was The Program. The students summoned would spend the next week attending school completely naked. That's right. Completely, totally, utterly naked. Not only naked but getting groped and felt up by every idiot in the school. The Program was some moron's brain-spasm of an idea about getting people to be more comfortable with themselves....

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The First EntryChapter 3

December 19, 2012 There were a few blissful moments of peace when I first awoke, but then panic brought me fully awake. I reached for my phone to check the time and turned off my alarm minutes before it was supposed to go off. Rolling out of bed, I grabbed some clothes and stumbled into the bathroom. My reflection looked the same, but there was shame burning through me. The cold morning made me shiver, but it was the fantasy of his strong hands on my body that made me shake my head, no, no,...

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The Princess of Russia

The Princess of Russia By Kellen Note from the author. These is the bare bones of a story I want to tell. I would like someone to help me with this as I am very inexperienced as a writer. I have this story in my head but not sure how to tell it. I hope it does not suck. I know I took some of our dark history and made it in the modern world. Six months prior to the story. Another day was ending for Heidi as she stood outside watching the warmth of the sun vanish. She watched the...

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Sexy Jilnar Jardalys Hot and Horny Fuckhouse

جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly's Hot and Horny Fuckhouse“Two minutes till show time, Ms Jardaly!” said the young stagehand, who was poking his head in Jilnar's dressing room as she waited anxiously to make her American television debut.Sweet, lovely Jilnar was so excited! She just couldn't wait to get out there and on with the show. She never dared to even dream that the very show she's always fantasized about doing was finally about to happen!Right up until she left the UAE, only days before,...

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Ex EducationChapter 3 Beach Boys

About six o’clock the sun was setting, with not being a million miles from the equator, and we were in a little beach cove about a kilometre along from the hotel. It’s one you normally only sail to, as it’s a good walk from the road, so although it can have people around during the day there was nobody else around now. The guys were there already and had a fire going with driftwood, that there’s lots of. They were smiling and eyeing us up as the three of us walked onto the warm beach from the...

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Sex With My Hot Maid

Hi, Last month my regular maid went on holiday for 1 week. After 1 week she didn’t come so we got a new maid. Her name was sarika. She was around 30 years old. She was average looking slim and dark. She had small breasts. She had very less fat and her ass was a nice tight one. She would wear sarees or Punjabi suits. When I saw her for the first time my dick rose immediately! She wasn’t very good looking but her body was good! She was wearing a Punjabi suit and her ass was just awesome! It was...

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A Come BackChapter 2 Intro to Fun

Morning came when Cleo came. The door burst open and Cleo threw open the curtains and shouted "Good morning!" I groaned and rolled over. "Ah no. It's past time to get up. I gave you a break." She said and pulled the blankets off of me. "Hey!" "Op! how I was supposed to know you sleep nude now?" She gave my bare ass a stinging swat. "Get up anyway! It's nearly 10!" And out she went. 10? Wow! I'd slept almost 14 hours! Up and, what the hell, nude, I headed to the shower down...

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Bhabhi Or Nikita Ka Randipana

Hello ISS readers.Myself krishan and  I  am back with my new story. Meri phele ki story p aap sabke bhaut acha response mila. Or bhaut si aunties ne approach bhi ki or mere sath apne wild experience bhi share kiye. Ab m story p wapis aata hu. Jo log mere bare m nhai jantey unko bta du ki m rajasthan ki ek jgh kishangarh ka rhene wala hu jo ajmer ke pass h or m em clg student hu with average hight and big tool (7.5 inches) jo kisi ko bhi satisfy krne ke liye kafi h…..Jaisa ki mne meri phele ki...

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Stans Place

I last masturbated at my friend Stan’s apartment. He invited three friends over to watch me do it. When I arrived we had drinks. Stan suggested that I strip nude in front of everyone. I stood up and began undressing in front of Stan and his guests. Then we all stood around in a tight circle while drinking, Stan or one of his friends would occasionally place a hand on my ass and caress my bottom. My cock was at full attention because of the touching and my nudity. All of the men were looking at...

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AIChapter 15

That first night I took her to a posh resort in North Carolina, slightly out of route but cutting the long drive about in half. She was duly impressed by her surroundings, but it was me she cared about most; as soon as we'd got checked in to the luxury cottage I'd reserved we found ourselves on the bed making passionate love. It lasted a long, glorious time. Then we went to dinner, also long, also glorious in its own, albeit less intimate, way. We each had a couple of glasses of wine,...

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Jessica8217s Seductive Charms 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. This is Nihal from Bangalore, here to share my experience with you. I am currently in Bangalore, working in a reputed firm. Let me tell you a little bit about myself so you can picture me better in my story. I am 24 years old, 5’9 feet tall, a good athletic build, light brown skin and a pretty charming face to look at. This story of mine is the beginning of a series about my ex-girlfriend and the crazy sexperiences we had when we were together. This...

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Childhood Dreams Come True 8211 Part I

Hi every one this is Fucker prince from Delhi here I’m going to narrate my personal story that how the dream of my childhood came true on my teen age here I will write the story in Hindi that’s way everyone will be able to read and understand any unsatisfied girl bhabi and aunty from Delhi and NCR aged between 18-38 can mail me my id is ( Hello Doston kaise hain aap mera naam prince hai main Delhi main rehta hoon sabse pehlw main aapsab ko apne bare main batadoon meri age 20 years hai rang gora...

4 years ago
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Codex Luxuria Kapitel 31

Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.ZINNOBER/PURPURHallo mein Name ist Vallerie, bin in einer Woche 18 Jahre alt und habe gerade meine Ausbildung als Orgelbauerin angefangen. Schon seit meiner Kindheit, in der Kirche, haben mich Orgeln massiv fasziniert und auch irgendwie angemacht. Die ganzen Rohre...

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Fuck By Chance

Hi dear, this is J here, it’s my first post to any site.… I am going to tell you a story about an incident that happened some time back. Until this event happened, I always thought that the stories posted on this site are as true as a dream that we see with open eyes, but this incident really opened my eyes. It happened so that I was once going form Delhi to Kanpur to attend a friend’s function. Driving is my hobby so I decided to drive to Kanpur, a long journey for a single person to drive...

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