What Really Happened Was... free porn video

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What really happened was... By Donna Dee This story dates back to just after the second world war - try as I may I cannot remember exactly when, but that's not really important. I didn't graduate, I finished school at 17 when I was orphaned and needed to work. I had just started my first job as a cub reporter in the offices of our principal local newspaper but so far my duties had been those of a gopher, (Go For). My name is Kenneth T. Clarke and I was as keen as mustard to make an impression and perhaps be allowed to submit a story or two, consequently I kept my eyes open at all times. Things went well for me; I had the occasional girlfriend though I wasn't sufficiently experienced to get them into my flat and thus my male virginity was still intact. The incident I want to tell you about began a few days before Christmas - quite a lot of us were at the staff party, but with me being still fairly new to the job and being somewhat introverted, I hadn't really wanted to go. I didn't have a girl friend at the time and one of the more senior male reporters, Brian Cull, (he was about 25) was pulling my leg about him taking ME home! At least I hoped he was pulling my leg. One thing I didn't like about the job was that all the senior reporters, editors and copywriters thought they were the cream on top of the milk, we juniors had to call them Mr. Cull, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Jacobs or Miss Lane or whatever, whereas they only ever used surnames when they yelled for a boy across a busy office. All day long it was Clarke get this - Clarke take that - Clarke go and get - and while I was by now used to it, it grated a bit when they still called me Clarke at the Christmas party. It was mainly for this reason that I made to leave just after 10 pm and was collecting my coat when I became aware of an older woman collecting hers at the same time. She was about my mother's age, (maybe 35 to 40, but that's just a guess) her manner suggested she was top management at least but whether or not she was I still treated her with proper respect as I had been brought up to do. I took another look, I couldn't remember seeing her before - but then again it was a very large building with several hundred staff - but this lady was exceptionally attractive, even to my young eyes. She had long blonde hair, beautifully styled, a lovely smiling face, a halter neck dress that just about covered her gorgeous breasts while leaving her back bare to the waist - no bra of course, and the 3/4 length skirt she wore was split to the waist on four sides showing she had magnificent legs atop her 5-inch heels and even provided me with a quick glimpse of her panties (the same colour as the dress) every time she moved. It fair made me sweat, I can tell you. Her make up was perfect, especially her mouth, which was heavily coated with the reddest, juiciest looking lipstick, I had ever seen in my life. I thought briefly of the mess I'd like to make of that, given half a chance. I wished I were ten years older or that she were ten years younger - (or both) because for all the difference in our ages she had already made me very hard just by purring my name. "Hello Clarke, how's it going?" I was surprised she knew me, but then I realised I was still wearing my name badge which, like everyone else's, gave the surname first and given names last. It was because she too had used my surname I presumed she was one of the bosses and because she wasn't wearing a badge herself. I could only reply, "Fine, thanks." I helped her on with her coat, she smiled her thanks and as I donned my bomber jacket I heard one of the waiters telling her she would have to wait another half an hour or so for a taxi - it was a very busy night, hardly surprising just before Christmas. Purely out of politeness, because obviously there was no chance of my getting off with a walking, living, breathing sensation like her, I offered her a lift that to my surprise she immediately accepted. As it happened she only lived a mile or so away from me anyway. I was a bit embarrassed by the fact that my car was something of a wreck, but it was all I could afford on my meagre salary and it was too late to worry about that now - but at least the heater worked and we were comfortably warm throughout the twenty-minute journey. She directed me north - I followed the main road for some 6 miles until we left the town behind. "It's only another half mile or so Clarke, slow down a bit, ah yes, here it is." As far as I could see we were out in the country, I could see no houses, until she pointed to a shadowy outline of a building that looked more like an old barn than a posh house among some trees about a hundred yards off the road. I felt very foolish when I switched off the engine only for her to refuse my offer to escort her to her door. "That won't be necessary, but thank you anyway," she smiled, then leant towards me and kissed me on the lips - gently at first but firmly enough to make it clear that she wouldn't mind if it continued a while longer. It felt so good that after about ten seconds I slipped my right arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, she didn't resist and began to kiss me even harder. I felt her tongue part my lips and flick around my teeth, it felt fantastic; her passion matched mine as we seemingly fought to establish mastery of the occasion. She showed no sign of wanting to stop and though we paused for breath occasionally, during which time I held her tightly against me, (her arm was wrapped around my neck too) we were quickly at it again, mouths open wide and tongues shooting back and forth as if competing in some fencing competition; I promise you she was as eager as I was. I couldn't think while in the throes of passion or I might have realised I was at best a candidate to be her latest toy boy, but even if I had thought about it I would still have carried on because I was getting a lesson in kissing that I'd never forget. Eventually it had to stop of course, to my amazement it had lasted around an hour already, but she still refused my offer to see her to her door and insisted I stay in the car while she threaded her way along an unmade path alone. I couldn't just let her go without saying something, and a simple 'thank you very much' seemed totally inadequate, but I didn't know what to say that wouldn't sound presumptuous or idiotic, given the age difference. I had discovered her name was Helen and I stumbled over my words (and felt extremely foolish) as I asked if I could see her again and I could hardly believe my luck when, after she'd thought about it for a few seconds, she replied, "Yes, all right then Clarke, why not? Thank you, I'd like that very much. I've no husband to worry about and I don't suppose you have a wife yet, but even so perhaps we should go somewhere quiet; you know, just the two of us; people might talk, say you are my toy boy or something equally rude." "I don't really care what they say, Helen, I'd still love to see you again. I do have a flat. Perhaps we could watch TV or something." "The or something sounds nicest," she smiled as she kissed me again and laid her hand on the huge bulge in my trousers. "Besides, it looks like we'll have to take care of that before much longer, doesn't it?" She smiled suggestively as she got out of the car; "Pick me up here tomorrow, about seven," she said and turned to walk up to the house - a house I could still hardly see even though my eyes had got used to the dark, what's more I saw no light come on through the door or window when she got to it. It took me several minutes of deep breathing exercises to get myself fit to drive home, my thoughts being centred entirely on Helen and why she'd be interested in a mere boy like me - not that I was complaining. I showered and got into bed and, since it seemed I was on a promise, found it essential to relieve the pressure in my groin, but even that happened far too quickly to give real satisfaction. At work the following day I said nothing to anyone about my new lady friend, I felt sure, hoped even that someone had seen me with her, I'd have been so proud, but no one mentioned it if they did. Comments were being made about the party, some had stayed there drinking all night and there was talk about who got off with who, but no one seemed to have noticed Helen - perhaps just as well because if someone older had fancied her I'd have got nowhere - at least that's how it seemed to me. At lunchtime I went shopping for some wine and some food - just snacks I thought should be adequate. That evening I drove to the spot where I dropped her off - and to my surprise she was there waiting for me. We kissed - fairly briefly - and she suggested we get to my place as quickly as possible. I looked at her frequently as I drove, and every time I did she was gazing at me with eyes full of love - or was that just wishful thinking on my part? I thought about how lovely she was and I remember thinking that she no longer seemed quite as old as she had the previous night but perhaps I was getting used to her or else I was mistaken last night. When we arrived at my flat we scampered upstairs as eagerly as teenagers in love, she ran as quickly as I did in spite of the age gap, and it wasn't long before we were both naked and in my bed making the most wonderful love imaginable - far better than anything I had ever imagined or read about because until then I had been a virgin. Helen stayed all night - I know I didn't go to sleep because neither did I and I counted seven times that we made love - each one better than the time before as she instructed me in what to do and how to do it. I gave her head - she gave me a blowjob and by the time morning came I know I was satisfying her as much as myself, what's more I wasn't in the least bit tired. As daylight came we lay side-by-side, facing each other, touching each other intimately, whispering sweet nothings and exchanging small kisses every few seconds. She was smiling in such a way that I really thought she was as much in love with me as I unquestionably was with her. I wanted her to really love me that is for sure, however improbable it seemed. "Time you went to work," she smiled eventually, showing no sign of getting up to go herself. "Helen," I said, "I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have had your love for a whole night like this, and I don't want it to end." "Neither do I Clarke, though it must eventually, you do realise that, don't you?" "Common sense tells me something as good as this can't last forever, though I wish it could. Helen, why do you keep calling me Clarke, my name is Ken." "Is it? But your name badge said Clarke KenT. I thought Ken was your surname, but in any case I like Clarke better so I am going to keep calling you that, if you don't mind; you don't mind, do you?" "Not if it's what you want to do." And then I asked the question that had been buzzing away at my sub conscious ever since Saturday night; "Which department do you work in?" Helen laughed - it was more of an amused chuckle really. "I don't work for the paper, Clarke." "Then how come you were at the staff Christmas Party?" "To meet you, of course. Now, you ask too many questions. Be satisfied with the present, Clarke, until something better comes along. Just leave the future to me." What was that supposed to mean? Leave the future to her? I thought it better to let the subject drop. "What could possibly be better than this?" I asked, cuddling in to her once more. "You are so sweet, do you know that, Clarke? But fate has something really special coming your way quite soon. It's true," she insisted as I went to protest that I would much rather my life be with her no matter what. "We still have a few days we can spend together during which we can make love as often as you like and then I will start to explain what's going to happen." "Are you a fortune teller then, Helen?" "Good gracious me no, Clarke, I have far greater powers than that as you will soon see for yourself. Go to work now and I will be here waiting for you when you come back. Oh yes, can you go on the bus? I'd like to borrow your car to fetch my things." Jumping firecrackers, she was going to move in with me! "Oh, Helen, wait until this evening then I will help you fetch them, it's the least I can do." "You mean you'd rather help me fetch a suitcase this evening when we could be here together making love? That's not much of a compliment! But anyway, I don't need your help, darling, it's only a little case and I can manage it quite easily." "You said you'd look different, how different will you look? - And why? I like you just as you are. Are you really going to move in with me, Helen?" "Yes, just for a few days, if you'll have me. Now, I have told you once already that you ask too many questions so be off with you." She sounded just like my Mum then. "You said earlier you were not a fortune teller, that you had far greater powers than that, what kind of powers, Helen?" "I am a witch, darling, a fully paid up member of W.A.W.A., (Witches and Warlocks Amalgamated), a card carrying, broomstick riding witch. It's true," she laughed as she saw the doubt in my eyes. "You don't look like a witch." "How many witches have you seen then, Clarke?" "If you really are a witch then how can I be sure? I thought witches wore pointed black hats, that they were wrinkled old women with long noses, big black warts and a horrid laugh." "I can look like that if you want me to, but before you say yes, just remember you will still have to make love to me tonight, warts and all." "No, I'll believe you; where's your broomstick?" "It's at my house, that's why I need your car today, now will you please stop asking so many questions?" She refused to say more, and so I reluctantly set off for work, wishing the hours away until 5 pm when I could get back to her. I realised I was starving hungry so popped into a burger bar for an early breakfast, wondering what Helen would do for food. When I did get back to my flat that afternoon, she did indeed look very different - younger again, maybe about 25 and this time I was quite sure of my facts. She was wearing a completely different outfit, extremely formal and with her hair piled up on top - professionally done of course as was the makeover. She then suggested we went out to dinner first. First? That sounded promising. Helen told me to put on my dinner jacket, I said I didn't have one at which she laughed. "Of course you have one, Clarke, now go put it on, there's a good boy." When I went into the bedroom there was indeed a dinner suit in my wardrobe and it was a perfect fit. She had me in that frame of mind now that I expected nothing less. It was in a very up-market restaurant we had our meal, with wine, and I was dreading the bill, but thank the lord I had my American Express card, just in case. When I took out my wallet to pay there was a wad of high denomination banknotes in the fold. She smiled demurely and simply winked. If I hadn't been so besotted with her I'd have been starting to worry. For the rest of that week we ate well every evening and made love all night - I really didn't sleep at all, but in the end I had to demand that she told me what was going on - she looked younger every day and I loved her - I really loved her, more and more and more. This just had to last forever. It was the day before New Years Eve that she dropped the first of her bombshells. We had been making love for a couple of hours, (and, of course for a full week), less urgently now that I knew it was going to last all night, but equally satisfying for both of us. We were nevertheless both panting and soaked in sweat when she asked me if I had ever worn a girl's clothes. I was stunned at the suggestion for I had truly never considered doing anything of the kind, besides it wasn't so widespread in those days. "Why would I want to do that?" "Because you are so very beautiful and I think you'd make a lovely looking girl." "Well the answer is no - I never have and I have never wanted to. Besides, with you to love, I would be extremely stupid to do so." "Oh I understand your reluctance, but I think you would really enjoy the experience, so will you try dressing up, please, as a special favour, just for me?" What the hell did I answer now? I'd have cut my arm off to please her if she really wanted me to, so how could I say no. "You mean that you really want to dress me up, Helen?" "Yes," she replied emphatically, "I really want to dress you up, darling." "But I wont have to go outside, will I," I asked, nervously. "Perhaps not, certainly not straight away, but I think you'll like it when you try it and will be delighted to go out with me dressed as my girlfriend." Oh my goodness - I was terrified at the thought, especially if I went out with her and that senior reporter that wanted to take me home from the Christmas party happened to see me - I'd never live it down. "All right," I replied, "If that's what you want, you know I'll do anything you ask of me, don't you?" "Wonderful darling, thank you, and if you're worried about somebody reading you then you needn't be. No one will recognise you, I promise and you wont regret it, I promise you that as well. We'll start in the morning. Now then, make love to me again, it's been nearly an hour since you did." It was just as well she was a fantastic lover because that enabled me to forget what tomorrow held, or rather to stop imagining what it might have in store. We did it in four different positions, added a fair measure of oral stimulation and ending up with a good old fashioned me on top finale. We stopped just before eight - and for Helen it was straight down to the business of dressing me up. "Come on Clarke, we've a lot to do." Her orders came thick and fast - "Into the bath with you," (water heavily scented of course) "then an all over shave, legs, arms, underarms and toes." Much to my surprise I enjoyed it, especially when she inspected my ass and removed a few hairs from it. This was followed by a body massage (heavenly) as she kneaded all my joints, soothing the razor burn with a cooling lotion. Smiling, she held up a flimsy pair of panties - pink of course, a padded bra, a garter belt, a full-length slip and a half petticoat, all silky and lacy. I tried hard not to purr too loudly over the silky feel of the panties and I refused to admit how good they felt against my skin when she rolled the nylon stockings up my legs and then she clipped them to the garter belt, stretching them so tightly that I thought they might split. Then she made me sit on the dining chair she had brought in from the lounge. Helen began to brush my hair, which was, in my case worn fairly short, and yet it gradually got longer and longer the more she brushed it and soon it comfortably touched my shoulder blades. There was some kind of magic afoot, of that I was certain as I watched her pull it into a high ponytail and fix it with a pink rubber band. Then I almost had a fit as she plucked my eyebrows quite severely. I protested that she shouldn't make me too feminine yet - that this was only a trial. "Poof," she said, "you won't want to go back to being a boy again my dear." Not go back? Did she want me to change permanently? Was cross-dressing just a preliminary trial? She began to make-up my face, foundation, rouge, eye make up, all applied sparingly and just a little lipstick before she helped me into a frilly dress that made me feel like a school girl. When she allowed me to look at my reflection I felt quite happy with how pretty I looked until I realised that I looked younger than ever - about 12 or 13 maybe. "Why have you made me look like a school girl?" I demanded. "Don't be alarmed, Clarke, no one is going to see you like this, I promise. If you are going to look like a girl you have to feel like a girl and you can't do that overnight as it were. To be convincing you need practice and you need to experience the delights of femininity, you need to enjoy the delights of growing up from puberty to the present day and that's just what you're going to do now." What happened next was truly amazing. Helen told me to stand where I was and watch myself in the full-length mirror I didn't even know I had. Suddenly my clothes changed, the ponytail vanished as my hair was dressed down to my shoulders and there was a ribbon in it; my shoes had a slightly higher heel too - I actually felt myself grow. Five seconds later I changed again - same hairstyle, dark skirt and white jumper, black bead necklace, Alice band and black shoes. It was just like looking at a photograph album in which there was a picture of every day of my life from when I was 12 to the present day, except that it was actually happening to me - live! I was shown over 2000 pictures of myself in hundreds of different female outfits - only they weren't pictures, they were reflections of me as I was magically changed into one outfit after another, hair style after hairstyle; every few seconds I was dressed in different clothes. I caught several glimpses of myself in these dresses as I glanced down from time to time. Each day of the year I was dressed in something different, as I undoubtedly would have been had it been real. I wore different school uniforms as I went through my freshman and sophomore years, different formal and casual clothes, shoes with heels that got gradually higher and higher, heavier and more elaborate make up and expensive looking jewellery. It took over 3 hours to see all the reflections. Each scene, if that's the right word, was on show for about 5 or 6 seconds, but when I was dressed up specially, for my first prom for instance, with my (now) very long hair piled up on top, I was able to see myself for maybe 10 or 12 seconds. When we got up to the current date I was in a superb outfit befitting an 18-year-old young lady, and I really was wearing it and I felt beautiful. The images I had seen depicted me with blonde, dark brown and red hair, getting longer and then, occasionally being cut and I really didn't know which I liked best. I had seen myself wearing all shades of lipstick and eye shadow - they all seemed lovely with the clothes I'd had on at the time. Nevertheless I still didn't know why all this was happening to me. "I don't understand, Helen, why do you want to turn me into a girl?" "I hoped you might want to make the change of your own free will once you saw how fantastic you could look, but you are right, Clarke, I do have to change you, which is why I was sent to see you. I do accept you are entitled to know why I must turn you into a woman before I actually do, so listen carefully. "I imagine now that you believe me when I say I'm a witch and you probably realise that I'm not the only one, there are thousands of witches in this world, all under the control of the Grand Wizard all dating back to the dark ages, but created to do good. However, it seems we have enemies who wish to harm mankind with forces that a mere witch cannot hope to defeat and so he is sending in someone from another planet to combat this evil. Because this person is an alien he needs a human body, and we are going to give him yours." "Why mine?" "You were chosen because of where you work and because you have no relatives to confuse matters when you become a girl - it's as simple as that. The alien will take over your body and life style, you will take on Veronica's, she will move to her new life and so on. Think of it as if you were buying a house, a chain reaction if you like until we get back to a baby, someone who you could think of as a first time buyer. "Who's Veronica?" "I've told you before, you ask too many questions. Veronica is the girl you will become and that's all you need to know. One of my colleagues is preparing her for her change even as we speak." "What will become of her?" "That doesn't concern you," she almost snapped. "But let's get back to our alien; like everybody he is vulnerable to certain things and it is essential he remain incognito, so it has been arranged that he will take over your name and persona at The Daily Planet where he will work with your former colleague Lois. Unfortunately I misread your badge and so his name is going to be Clarke KenT while he is in the office, but when the need arises, he will change into something quite phenomenal to do his world saving work, then revert to your name and position when the job is done. That, in a nutshell is why you have to become someone else, so at least you now know the reason why. Your memory of this and what I've just told you will be eradicated in due course." "But I don't understand why I must be a female." "I have done this kind of thing before, Clarke, - many times and for many different reasons. If I changed you into another man your subconscious personalities would clash from time to time and so the only changes that really work are when the subject male is changed into a woman, because being a woman is so much more enjoyable than being a man. Do you need me to explain or has my little demonstration convinced you?" "Standing here with you now in these lovely clothes, with my hair looking so nice and this makeup on my face I am inclined to believe you are right - actually I am sure you are right as far as clothes are concerned, but there is more to life than just appearance, isn't there? I cannot imagine loving a man in the same way I have loved you these last few days, nor do women earn the kind of money a man can make, so my standard of living will fall, wont it?" "Oh Clarke, you don't think I'd let you be disadvantaged after all we've meant to each other, do you? You will become an attractive young lady doing a job you will love, even though it is completely different to anything you can imagine at the moment, it might not appeal to you as a male but trust me, it will appeal to your feminine side. By way of thanks you will have a posh new apartment and you will earn far more than you do at present." "But that means I shall lose you, and that's unthinkable. I love you Helen." "And I love you, but we were never intended to be a permanent couple. You will forget me..." "Never." "... You WILL forget me, just as you will forget all that's happened between us. But Clarke, I shall never forget you and I will take care of you for the rest of your life. I will look in on you from time to time, even though you won't know me, so in reality our parting is just temporary." "Just temporary?" I asked, hopefully. "Well, no, not really, but it will be temporary if you need me, and I will be the judge of whether your need is genuine or not. All kinds of things might happen. Anyway, we have a few days yet to get you used to being a girl and I don't intend to take your Willy away until the very last minute, so get that dress off and come back to bed." We made love again and again and then I had an idea. "If I MUST be a woman and since you are obviously a very senior witch, why can't you become a warlock?" I asked "Now why didn't I think of that," she smiled. To be continued... I apologise to those purist's who put their own interpretation as to the identity of the characters in this story and who may, therefore, regard some parts of it as a blasphemous misrepresentation...

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Sorry. Threw the key to my leash away, but I fount it. ;) I know this isn't my best work, but it's all apart of the story. You can probably skip if you want, but if you enjoy the story I guess you can read it *shrug* I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school....

2 years ago
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Whata Week Day 3

And don't worry about the boys, I have something different in mind for them =) Whata Week-Locker Room I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school. Everyone else was too focused on the ring on my finger to care about the long sleeves. Temporarily I'm lying saying that I...

2 years ago
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Whata Week Day 2

Micah and Zach came to sleep with me tonight, meaning I got their attention. But they were nervous and didn't try anything, but they did explore my body a little with their cute fingers when they thought I was asleep and their fingers were so soft, I got wet. I'm just glad they didn't explore my pussy and fount out. Sunday. Both Rob's and my family go to the same Church and so does half the neighborhood. Rob picks me up so I can go to church with his family and I take...

3 years ago
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Whata Week

Tell me, Am I boy or girl? =) My name is Alexandria, Alex for short. I'm a senior in high school and without much choice, abstinent. When I was about eight or nine, my parents- mostly my father, tricked me and my little brothers Micah and Zach into signing a contract to stay abstinent till married. When I figured what that meant and how it'll effect my social life I demanded changes, but they only changed one thing. Only when a good man, proposes to me and swears to marry...

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itiswhatitis Wedding 2

Angie is the sweetest teenage girl you can imagine. She has brown hair with blonde high lights, small in stature with heavy legs. Small breasted and she has a near Angelic personellity. One could not ask for a nicer girl. Near Sonia' age of sixteen I would think. I was about to say hello when I noticed she was upset ............. then I noticed way. Two black guys were bothering her. The nearer I got the more of the conversation I picked up. The short version is that they wanted to fuck...

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itiswhatitis Reflections 1

Memories! Huh! ..... the lady walking past the office reminds of a lady i new years ago. Edna, an older women, 65 too 70-ish if memory serves. I met Edna in a hospital room she shared with my mother in law. I remember Edna because of her back. My wife and i were visiting my mother in law and Edna was her roomy. The ladies were talking, i got bored and walked over to the window to look outside. When i turned i saw Edna's bare back, too the small of...

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whatyouwantcom Danny gets what he wants

what_you_want.com - Danny gets what he wants. Danny a 18 year old in the closet Crossdresser who live at home, visits a website and orders a necklace which, with a saying (Your mine now), can hipnotis a person or persons who you are looking at. Danny was aimlessly searching the internet, he had been on transgender website following link after link, untill coming accross a website, which sold a number of interesting items. One inperticular was a dimond neckless, which the site...

1 year ago
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What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out whatboyswant.com. This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The Waste Land is a longform poem written by T.S. Eliot. It is widely considered by literary critics to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century, if not the most important work of modernist poetry. The poem is divided into five sections: “The Burial of the Dead,” which tackles themes of disillusionment and despair; “A Game of Chess,” narrative riffs on the same themes; “The Fire Sermon,” an exploration of death and concepts of self-denial; “Death by Water,” a lyrical protest; and,...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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WASPS by BobH (c) 2009 (Note: A few months ago long-time Marvel Comics character Hank Pym took on the superhero identity of his dead ex-wife, the Wasp. No, he didn't change his gender as well, but an image released at a recent comic convention that looked an awful lot like a female version of him had me speculating that this was Marvel's next step with the character. As it happens I was mistaken and, despite looking nothing like her, this turned out to be a drawing of the...

4 years ago
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Uncle Bobs Carwash

by Lubrican CHAPTER ONE Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all High Schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob's, it looked brand new. Bob's always seemed...

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Anastasia the slut I always wasnted

Well she kept the job stripping on the weekends. She told me she was hoping to see her new found friends again the following weekend. All week she was anxious thinking about what happen last weekend and what she wanted to happen this weekend. By Wednesday she was at the stores picking out what she gonna wear Friday night when she strips. She was going on three times and had to choose three different outfits.. All I can is one of them was so sexy.. We had crazy sex all week talking about what...

3 years ago
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Mukuneiu 5 Whitewash

-----While her vision remained horribly distorted, her inward sense of salvation steadily leeched life back into her, and she forced herself onward through the blistering conditions. She knew in her heart, unknown to reason, that she would soon find what she had been seeking. But... what had that been? Surely it was peace, but, in what dimension of the word? Nothing seemed to make sense, and as hopeful as she was becoming, at the same time, she was becoming more lost, and on occassion, quite...

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Exploits with Rebecca Carwash

*Author’s note: This series of stories is intertwined only in the way that they feature the same girl. You don’t have to read previous stories in order to enjoy this one. In fact, on occasion the back story behind the characters may change to fix the details of the stories. I do recommend reading them all though because each one will give you a better feel for the personas of the characters. Thanks* There she stood. The sun bounced off her long straight blonde hair, magnifying its color to a...

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A very Naughty Girl Goes to the Carwash

I live in the modest little cottage in the countryside, not far from a small town. The one thing it lacks, and probably the only thing that I crave for at times, is nightlife. A nightlife with men, horny men are better, and women too. I don’t often get as much sex as normal city women of my age, but then I do live somewhere that is pretty, quiet and relaxing. I do get my share fair of sex I guess, but its irregular and confined to periods of seeing someone. Someone that is supposed to be...

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Anastasia the slut I always wasnted

Introduction: If you havent read my previous story Anastasia finally does it. I finally got my sexy wife to strip in front of men at a club and then got her to fuck a few of them afterwards. Her name is Anastasia and mine is Jacob. We are both 22 years old and have been together for close to 6 years. She is very sexy with brown hair the most perfect perky B cup tits and a shaved pierced pussy.. She is very sexy and now very open minded. If you havent read my previous story Anastasia finally...

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Leonie invites Fynn to the camping washhouse

Introduction: Every holiday, she finds a new special playmate I entered the somewhat hidden back-entrance of the wash house. God knows why the thing had two entrances, to two non-connected parts, and one was in the back where no one ever went. Sand and pine tree needles on the floor spoke of disuse, as did the damp and mildly musty smell. The shower was running in one of the cubicles, the other doors were either open or at least unlocked. Leonie? I asked tentatively. You there? Fynn? Her voice...

1 year ago
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Just so you guys know, I got the idea of this story from Fallout 4 so if you're getting a sense of dejavu at points, that's why. "Come on. I want a turn!" Groans your friend who is talking about the toy car in between your small hands. "No. It's still my turn." You groan back and carry on playing with the car. You then however look up and see her face which is covered in sadness. "I'm done now..." you say unwantingly whilst handing her the car without making eye contact. "We have to go. Now!"...

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A long day in the wastelands

Life had become both easier and more difficult since the crash as far as Katja was concerned.On one hand food could get a bit scarce and security had undeniably taken a turn for the worse, but on the other hand it was much easier to figure out if a day was successful or not.Survived the day? Check.Ended the day with more supplies than it started with? Hm-mh.Yep, looked like a good day, Katja thought as she closed the door behind herself and went over to her workbench to get the heavy backpack...

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The Making of A Cock Sucking Whore By Brain Washin

The Making of A Cock Sucking Whore By Brain Washing Chapter One My story might be a little different then most of the stories you have read on Xhamster but, I feel it might be a story you just might get some enjoyment and a warning out of. First, I am a average girl, at least I use to be until I accidentally brain washed myself without knowing that I was doing it. My name is Cindy J. and I stand five foot ten inches, with...

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A very Naughty Girl Goes to the Carwash

I live in the modest little cottage in the countryside, not far from a small town. The one thing it lacks, and probably the only thing that I crave for at times, is nightlife. A nightlife with men, horny men are better, and women too. I don’t often get as much sex as normal city women of my age, but then I do live somewhere that is pretty, quiet and relaxing. I do get my share fair of sex I guess, but its irregular and confined to periods of seeing someone. Someone that is supposed to be...

Group Sex
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My Friend8217s Mom Swastika

H, guys, this is Raj from Bangalore age 24. To start with I am a young guy pursuing my MBA from Bangalore. I like older woman mostly hot aunties in mid-40s. I used to chat with a few but never got a chance to sleep with one. I used to live with my friend Samar in a rented flat. Samar was just 21 years old and was from Kolkata. He used to live with his mom Swastika and his younger brother who was around 15 years old. She used to work in a nearby company. She was a divorcee and to be precise her...

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My First Bath House Experience Crew Club in Washi

Since everyone else seems to be lending an opinion on Crew Club I figured maybe I'd give it a go.Disclaimer: I'm a 20 y/o, versatile, slim, black guy with a healthy appetite for older white guys of all sorts. This was my first visit ever to a bath house of any sort. I have done orgies of all sorts but haven't done this.So I arrive into the smoky doors of Crew Club around 2:45pm on last Sunday afternoon after 33 minutes of locating a parking spot anywhere remotely close to the entrance.I am...

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at the carwash

i am a sucker for a girl who wears spandex only shiny!!i pulled in and parked next t a car on the other side she was wearing shiny white spandex right up the crack of her ass and pussy i said god dam under my breath well she must heard me she looked right at me i watched her for a sec till she went to the other side i was hard as hell iwent to my truck got like i was leaving just staring she looked at me a few times igot dark tint so she couldnt see me strokin my cock i keep lube in my truck...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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Lagnatali Punyachi Mawashi

Hi friends this is Rohan Patil from panvel Mumbai I am 5 feet 8 inch in height with average body n smart boy of 23 years old and I recently completed my eng mi iss cha khup juna wachak ahe n mala ithalya stories khup awadatat Tashya khup sides chya stories mi wachato pan iss chya stories chi majach khup vegali ahe. Karan maximum stories tar writers chya kharya goshti asatat tyamule khupach majja yete wachayala tar mag mi pan tharaval ki Apan suddha apala anubhav sangava mhanun mi hi story lihit...

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Wishy Washy

Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky,...

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Mai aur mera family shuru se hi bahut anand ke sath rahate the. Mere pitaji ek mnc me engineer ke pad par karzrat the aur meri ma ek degree college me lecturer thee. Mai ghar par akela tha aur isliye mujhko bachpan se dono ka dher sara pyar mila. Achanak ek ghtna se humare family ka such chain chin gaya. Pitajee ek bar bimar hue aur doctor ne kafi test ke bad pitajee ko cancer ke mariz karar kar diya. Doctorno ne pitajee ko sirh kuch mahina ka samay diya aur kaha Aap job hi karma chahate hai...

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COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 129 I Washu

"Ho, Ho, NO!" She finally waved him away. "Don't YOU even think of psychoanalyzing ME buster!" "Is the scientist afraid of what she might find?" Katsuhito asked mildly. "As a priest however I believe I'm equipped to tell you, confession is good for the soul!" "Brrrr!" Washu remarked, wrapping arms around her-self again. "Suddenly seems a little chilly up here!" She nodded emphasizing the stunning Yukatta she presently wore. "Maybe I should go get a coat?" "All have...

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Late For DinnerChapter 68 Times A Wastin

Kathy peeled her sheer stockings off her lanky long legs as Mommy steered the big white car into the parking lot. "Well, here we are," Mommy smiled bravely as she eyed the foreboding dark brick building in front of her. A brass sign next to the massive front door read "Trojan Home for Wayward Boys." "I wonder why they wanted us to meet them here?" Kathy asked tentatively as she tried to peer through the heavily barred windows. She thought -- but she wasn't sure -- that she saw a...

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Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...

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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

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Welcome to the wasteland

The irradiated waters felt cold against scales as I bathed in the radioactive lake. Though I was immune to the effects of radiation the waters always felt dirty and full of grime and impurities. Despite my best efforts to maintain good hygene, out here in the wastes you never stayed clean for long. Life was that much harder because of my traits.For I was half a man and dragon, I wouldent call myself a mutent but other than that, I dont know what I'd be called. Thier is a few bonuses to...

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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn’t easy to find the right spot – but I looked and looked – it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

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Women of the Wasteland

You were pretty young when the bombs fell. In the years leading up to the apocalypse, the world was ravaged by the Masculum Plague, a deadly disease that wiped out 99% of the male population. What followed was a total societal collapse. When the dust settled, women inherited the Earth. America, once controlled by a powerful patriarchy, is now a lawless wasteland dominated by leather-clad women, raiders and mutants. While raiders seized control of the land, you lived in a cramped bunker with...

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Surviving the Wasteland

At the height of the 21st century, mankind believed he was destined for greatness and was years away from going to mars. While sources of unlimited energy seemed to be at the brink of society. That was before the bombs fell. Wiping out every major world power and leaving those left alive to suffer for years and years... Generations have passed; no one left alive remembers the days of the bombs dropping. The world is a different place. Most land that at one point had lush forests or snow-covered...

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The Capital Wasteland

War, war never changes... During the year 2077 there was a nuclear fallout. Most of the United States was reduced to a giant wasteland filled with survivors, ruins, and mutants. Fortunately for some, they had signed onto the Vault-tec program. a program that promised that in case of nuclear war, that people and their families would be safely tucked away in giant underground bunkers, called vaults. All the vaults were designed in specific ways, one might have a faulty water chip, one might be...

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One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle.  Water began spraying everywhere.  As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door.  Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?”  You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine.  He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...

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One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle.  Water began spraying everywhere.  As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door.  Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?”  You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine.  He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...

First Time
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 30 Washington

Over the next several months matters progressed pleasantly for Jack and his concubines. He continued spending personal time with each of them at the Hilton, as well as group fun at home, as they all made plans for when they could move into the mansion. By late fall Sharley had signed with Hot Mama Designs, a design studio for sexy maternity wear; their motto was ‘Remind him how you ended up like this!’ Sharley and the chief designer held a webcam press conference where Sharley wore a very...

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What Really Happened Was Part Two

You will enjoy this section more if you have already read part one What really happened was... By Donna Dee Part Two Helen and I screwed all night for the ninth night on the trot - I no longer needed sleep, just to keep on and on making love to my very beautiful real life witch. I was dreading the end of the affair and I was aware of Helen dragging the training process out as long as she could, so it seems I'd got to her as well. But for all that, the daytime hours were...

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Mam Ke Bachche Aur Maowadiyon Ki Hawas

Bachche apni apni class ki or ja rahe the , khoobsurat mausam ho raha tha. Kisi ko padhne ki ichchha nahi thi. Rohan ne bade pyar se mam ko bola ” aaj padhai chhod do mam please” , ” syllabus bhi lagbhag complete Hi hai”. Pehle to Shreya ne bachchon ko mana kar diya lekin bachchon ka udas chehra dekh kar sub ko ground Mein ekattha hone ko bola. Bachche bhi bahaut khush the . Sab ke sab line banakar ground ki taraf ja rahe the . Karib 1 ghanta hone ke bawjood jab ghanti nahi baji to Shreya ne...

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Bhai Bahan Ki Pyas Me Maa Ki Hawas

Sabhi randi bhno ko chutras bhra namaskaar.Sabhi bhanchod or maderchod bhaiyon ko meri chut ka salam. Sbse phle mai un logo se request krne ja ri hu jo mail pr hme bura khte hn.Hm ye khaniyan mnoranjan k liye likhte hn.Bahut si sch b hn.Agr aapko ni psnd h paariwarik chudai to aap inhe kholiye hi mt. Hm kisi ki emotions ko ni hurt kr rhe. Ek baar fir namaskaar lund k rajaon or chut ki ranoyon ko..Mai aapki jaisa ki aap sabhi meri phli khani me pd chuke hn kaise maine or mere bhai ne ghr me...

2 years ago
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Security Guard Ki Biwi Ki Hawas

Hi my dear friends, I am Aki from Lucknow 28yrs old man with hard and juicy dick, I can satisfy everyone through my love passion and sex. Aaj bhut dino bad mein apni koi story post kr rha hu i hope you like it and mail me on my id Ye bat last year October ki h jb meine apni new job ki vjh se aksar bahar rehta tha or bhut km time Lucknow me rehta tha so aise hi ek din mujhe meri bhabhi jo ek security guard ki wife h vo mili or mujhse bolne lgi k ab aate nhi ho. Me- bhabhi kam ki vjh se bhr...

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Meri Bhabi Ki Hawas

Hi friends mera nam vash hai mei Haryana k karnal sheher ka rehne wala hun meri age 22 yrs hai aur mei ISS ko bohot time se pad raha hun. Mera loda 6 inch lamba hai mjhe aurton ki lene mei bada maja ata hai aur bohot sari auntyo ko chod chukka hun aur jisko choda fan ho gai meri. Mei roz ek story pad kr muth marta hun aur apne din ki shuruwat krta hun. Agar apko story achi lagi to please mjhe mail krna Ye baat piche mahine ki hai mei law kr raha hun aur aj kal meri chutiya chal rahi hai mere...

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Yakima fucking Washington

I had business. Don't ask. I was in Yakima "fucking" Washington at the Holiday fucking Inn. I kept getting a hard on all day, I was so fucking horny. I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel, log on with my laptop, watch some videos on the you porn gay site and jack myself to satisfaction. Except, when I got back to the hotel, I knew I didn't want to pretend, what I really wanted was to shoot my load in another guy's willing mouth, hot ass or both. Anonymous sex is what I...

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