E125: The Beginning Of A New Life Together free porn video

Donald wants to talk to Emma about something that evening when they reach home after the celebration, but he realizes it should wait until morning. Especially when their passion from seeing the couple at the Institute and just the joy of the whole evening overtakes them.
They can’t get undressed fast enough. When Donald sits on the side of the bed, pulling his pants off, Emma plops on his lap, her legs on each side of him. She jerks his prick quickly to get it hard and then slides it into her hot, sticky, waiting cunt. Donald is surprised at how quickly she gets them in this position.
Emma, feet on the floor, hands on Donald’s shoulders, lifts herself up and down on his cock, pressing it in fully. She moves to kiss him each time she rises up, pulling back some with each thrust down fully to his thighs. She feels Donald’s balls bouncing against her spread asshole on each plunge.
Emma, as she bounces, remembers meeting the chairman of ISE last night, a man in his late sixties. He has been with the Institute since its founding, but the comments he made about planning to retire soon, and hints that Donald will be his successor seem to arouse her more. For her, Donald, her Professor, to have such an exalted position stirs her so.
Emma bobbles faster and faster, seeking that great release for both of them. She kisses Donald deeply and murmurs in his ear, “Fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me how a chairman would.”
Donald laughs, hearing Emma talk this way. She rarely uses such language even in the thralls of ecstasy, so to hear her now is delightful. And that the thought of him being Chairman of ISE is getting her off so. He takes hold of her hips and pushes her up and down on him faster and faster.
Both are almost to that longed-for moment. Donald can see Emma starting to arch her back, and he tells her in a commanding voice, “Hold back, not yet, I want us to cum together. Just a few moments more. Can you do that?”
Emma, beyond words, nods her head in response. Oh, he so is suited to be the chairman. She is at the peak, ready to crash through the wall of climax, but she holds herself in this state as she feels Donald’s cock starting to tremble in anticipation of the discharge about to escape him. Emma looks in his eyes and sees the signs of the impending liberation of his semen.
As Emma feels the first escape from Donald, she allows herself to crash through that wall herself. And as she clasps at his cock milking every drop of sperm out of him, draining him, she enjoys the waves of electrifying sparks running through her body spreading from her pussy outward.
After such an arousing pairing, the two soon are in bed and falling asleep. Donald’s last thought is, ‘yes, tomorrow we need to have a talk about Emma’s future.’
The next morning dawns bright and beautiful. Spring is arriving, the temperature is rising, and the flowers are even starting to bloom. It is nice being in the south when the warm and sunny season lasts so long.
The spirit of the day fills both Emma and Donald. They enjoy their morning ritual, taking extra time to soap and wash each other in the shower. Both reach a semi-state of arousal, but that will wait until later in the day.
Over breakfast, Donald broaches the subject he wants to talk with Emma about.
“Emma, I have been reading your comments for my diary I kept as you earned each pearl. These are insightful and add to the research so well. Between that and how you chat and counsel individuals on the meet sites we are on with such insight, compassion, and sound advice, make me realize something,” Donald begins.
Emma looks quizzically at him. Her eyebrows are raised some, wondering what Donald is going to suggest. She is overcome with emotions as she hears him continue.
“Emma, I think you would be a sterling asset to the Institute of Sexual Exploration. The knowledge you have accumulated over the last few months, and your instincts about things would give us a new perspective on our studies. Would you consider joining our staff? You could work whatever schedule, however much you want to. That office I showed you yesterday would be yours. You could finish your part of our pearl study and help me find a way we can use parts of it to publish and share. And you can work on any other project which interests you,” Donald knows he is just babbling on and on now, wanting Emma to say yes so much.
Emma laughs with glee; she would have never imagined Donald suggesting such a thing. It warms her heart to hear how he feels about her abilities and talents. “Donald, this is a lot to take in the first thing in the morning, it is so kind of you to suggest. Are you sure the board would agree to such a plan?” Emma responds with tears in her eyes from happiness.
“The board approved the proposal the other day. They really wanted me to ask you before the celebration so they could announce you're joining us, but I said I wanted you to see the Institute and meet the staff before I asked you. But I couldn't hold off any longer, I do want you to be part of that section of my life too. You have so much to offer to it,” Donald confides in her.
Emma jumps up and in his lap, not like last night, rather her legs together hanging off his thighs as she hugs and kisses him, telling him she would love the opportunity to do so.
It is good that they had not consummated anything in the shower, because at that moment, kissing Emma in return, the need and want is there front and center. Donald lowers Emma to the floor, pulls her panties off, unzips and lowers his pants, and is between her legs, pressing his dick up into her again hard and fast.
“Emma, you make me so happy. I think this will be the start of a wonderful marriage and partnership between us,” Donald says in bated breath as he pumps into her deeper and deeper.
After a few minutes inside her, Donald feels he should shower her with thanks even more. He pulls out of her and lowers himself to begin sucking on her labia, stretching and swelling them to fat little sausages on each side of the entrance to her magical, tasty, awaiting snack between her legs.
Emma moans with rapture as Donald carefully spreads the outer and inner labia to display his prize. She is dripping so much; her slit is glistening with sticky beads of her joy. There even is a stream gushing from her. Down over her taint and pooling in her ass crack, wetting her back hole so nicely.
As Donald begins to enter Emma’s vulva with his lips and tongue, he reaches down to run a finger around her rosebud and then using the wetness dripping there presses up into her ass as his tongue licks at her hymen and up into her vagina. The fingers of his other hand are rubbing and pinching Emma’s clit to add to her pleasure.
Emma is beside herself with the enjoyment of this interlude between them. Donald is hitting all the perfect places to make her feel the tingling pulses running through her. She is in a state of continual climaxing; the waves of pleasure keep running through her body over and over. She is panting from the sensation.
Donald does not let up at all. Over and over, he moves his fingers and lips to pique every sexual nerve for Emma. He knows right now she is in an advanced state of frenzy, but he wants her to keep at this level as long as she is enjoying herself.
Donald knows that soon the extreme pleasure will begin to turn to a strange sense of pain. The pleasure going so far and long leads to a fever. The moment begins to rage to the point of aching. It is at that moment he must pull away for her to let her ride out the last of her climax to completion.
Shortly, that moment arrives, and Donald does lift away from Emma, just caressing her face as she shudders and shakes as the last electrical shocks crash through her body. As Emma continues to pant trying to get back in focus, Donald lifts her to him, and holding her in his arms, rubs her back to help calm her.
Emma has never experienced anything like this before. She is in awe of what came over her. Emma clings to Donald like a lifeline as she comes back down to earth.
As she regains her composure, Donald chuckles and kids her, “Did you enjoy your orientation for your new job? We do like to give a nice signing bonus to individuals who we feel will be key players.”
Emma laughs with him and tells him, “I hope this will be part of my performance reviews in the future too.”
They fall together laughing and with such pleasure being together. After a bit, Donald helps her put her panties back on, pulls up his pants, and helps her stand. Emma is worried that in that flurry, Donald did not get to cum. He assures her that it is alright, there is always next time.
They spend the rest of the day quietly, both working from home. Emma is now eager to finish her assessment of Donald’s diary, him on a new research study being created to gain more data from the public.
In the evening, after about an hour chatting online as their alter egos, Emma and Donald sit on the couch together in their favorite attire – nothing. Drinks in hand, Donald talks to her about needing to find new ways to collect data on individuals' sexual habits and choices.
Emma is thoughtful and then suggests something out of the blue, something so new and exciting Donald can hardly contain himself. He grabs his phone and calls Joseph first to tell him to plan on meeting tomorrow morning with the research team. He then calls his administrative manager to schedule the meeting and inform the appropriate people to be there. Also to arrange for board members to conference in.
Emma is spellbound at Donald’s enthusiasm for her suggestion. He goes and grabs his laptop, and they spend the next several hours researching the possibilities, developing a basic plan for implementing, pondering over the Institute’s financial position to see if it can be done, and preparing a presentation for Emma to deliver tomorrow.
“Emma, you are going to hit the ground running with this proposal. If anyone would have questioned your ability to be part of the ISE team, those concerns will be washed aside when they hear your idea,” Donald gushes.
It is after two in the morning when they finally go to bed. Both their heads are whirling with the possibilities, but sleep comes and in the morning, their eagerness about what is ahead makes them feel rested on only a few hours’ sleep.
At the Institute, Donald shows Emma to her office, which his administrative manager has completely ready for her. They go over the presentation one last time, and it is time for the meeting.
Donald starts by introducing Emma as the newest member of the research staff. All welcome her with some curiosity about how she is now part of their team. But as soon as Donald gives Emma the floor to introduce her idea that changes. Her addition to the team is applauded.
Emma nervously begins, “Donald and I were discussing needing to find new and different ways to collect data about individuals' sexual preferences last night. He told me about his concern for finding people willing to share the diversity of their choices in a consistent manner. In response, I suggested that to research different sexual penchants, there is a wealth of subjects available on the different adult meeting sites currently out there and used. Mining the data from people's’ profiles and results of the different quizzes offered on the sites would give a motherlode of relevant data.”
She continues, “And offering such services at a nominal price to those already in ISE database from the studies you have conducted over the past twenty-five years will extract even more data from those subjects. The site I would strongly suggest acquiring is one that does ask individuals to list their personal kinks and fetishes, along with profiles which can include the person’s fantasies and partialities.
“This site actually has several ‘sister’ sites under their umbrella, and while their audience is rather large, their profitability is not that great. An added bonus: their sites cover the whole world, which would bring in new data for you. I think with the right offer, their management would be open to a buyout,” Emma concludes.
The room explodes with everyone talking about the possibilities such a proposal would offer them. Their enthusiasm is overwhelming. Donald calls them to order and suggests that they think about how they can make this happen while he and the board discuss the financial ramifications.
The team leaves, but Donald motions for Emma to stay, “In case the board has questions about the proposition.” Together they spend the next two hours discussing the possibility with the board. All are enthusiastic about such a venture. They are already making calls to the financial and acquisitions department to begin studying the feasibility to make this happen.
By the end of the day, the wheels are turning. An initial offer is already given to the company, who is so surprised at the suggestion out of nowhere that they jump at the suggestion. Though they do hedge themselves, saying they will have to mull over the idea. Teams are already being formed to make the conversion to combine all the data from ISE site and the meet company along with a review of their surveys, profile questions, and quizzes to implement more meaningful data and expand the options given.
Even if it doesn’t work with this targeted company, there are so many more to consider as options.
At five o’clock, Donald enters Emma’s office with Joseph right behind him. Joseph tells them that the ten key researchers would like to invite them to join them for drinks at a nearby bar. They both agree, knowing this will speed up the process of Emma being accepted as a full member of the team.
They shouldn’t have worried. When they arrive, all are eager to talk with Emma. Their ideas and questions about this new project flow out of them. All are in high spirits and ready to take on the world with this. They see the possibilities of this idea as being endless.
Yes, Emma is a full and valued member of ISE already.

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