Inside Area 51 free porn video

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Warning: Contains Satyr, Dryad and Pixie sex; no gerbils were harmed during the writing of this story. Authors Notes This story is a sequel to "Beyond Area 51" I suggest you read that first for Jaay?s origin A nod of respect for the lesbian story "Fruition". (found on Erotic mind control archive.) NOTE: a different ?victim? tells each chapter Inside Area 51 Chapter 1 Jaay's Journey Deep in an unnaturally lush plateau at the heart of the Area 51 firing range... I awoke surrounded by warm bodies, a flaccid cock still tickling my pussy. As usual the orgy had continued until sleep had overcome six husbands and I that is to say. Oh before we go any further, perhaps I should explain, I'm one of those relatively rare creatures, a female Satyri, I used to be a human but that?s another story as they say. For now Just assume I'm a sex obsessed little minx reveling in the first days of her adult (Satyri) life. Anyways... Something important was about to happen; I sensed it. Careful not to awaken my numerous lovers I picked my way out onto the soft grass, luxuriating in the soft texture as it squiggled between my cloven hooves. Two stern faced sentinels waited for me. They were magnificent, the very fittest, most handsome of satyri warriors, muscular without looking pumped up. I thought to myself, when I am a couple of centuries older it would be a fine thing to seduce a few warriors like them. I allowed them a good view of my cute little pussy to show that I appreciated them. "The Shaman wants to speak with you Jaay Saah's scion" said the one on the right. I nodded and followed them to where the Shaman sat in his sacred grove. The dryad, the one that I had known when she was a human, stood tied to one of the trees. She alternated between fury at her captivity and attempts to seduce any male or female within sight. Her mate, a male dryad that resembled a mass of flowers and vines, lurked nervously at the tree line, torn between fear of our Sentinels and love of his mate. "I have a task for you young Jaay, one that puts you at great risk. Should the humans catch you it would cost your life" said the Shaman, in a voice that sounded vaguely like Alex Guinness (whoever he was, my memory of human names is fading encouragingly fast) Where was I? Oh yeah..Shaman..he?s like a Satyri of great age, his horns are nearly six inches long indicating the six millennia of his existence. "Why me? I am only two weeks old, and I?m still in my first mating season, surely one of our males would be better suited" I replied, wanting to get back to my husbands for totally selfish reasons "It is your youth, your femininity and your lustiness that makes you so suitable Jaay, you still remember being a human, you can still pass as one of them...just about" I ran a finger along my tiny horn-nubbins and looked pointedly at my sandy furred legs and hooves "You think?" "Catch" he said throwing me a ring, which I caught one handed. Did I mention we Satyri have considerably better hand eye coordination than you humans? I held the ring up the light, there were runes carved into its inner face. I went to put it on my finger. The Shaman grinned "Not there...hold it to your nipple." I did as I was told and found that the cold gold had painlessly made its own hole. I felt a chill go through me and I looked down. I gasped in dismay, my hard won, permanently pert breasts flattened into muscular slabs and my shapely legs morphed appearing completely, horribly human. "Hey!" I complained in a voice that sounded disturbingly like the 25-year-old human male I used to be. "The humans think they know exactly how many Satyri exist on the plateau, they think we are all males and therefore unable to reproduce. As long as we did not seek to leave or cause harm they have been content to study us and do us no harm in return. They have miscounted. They do not know that you, your Sisters Eius and Shel or the dryad stumbled upon our groves. You four are unique, uncounted and unreported, you can go where you please without alarming them." "I want you to find your way into the human's fortress called Area 51 and persuade them to relax and be our friends...our close personal friends" explained The Shaman Slowly a broad grin formed on my face...after all, what Satyri can resist the promise of gratuitous sex with a small army. I knew from my own delightful transformation that I could quickly provide brides for many a lonely Satyri boy. But I was still puzzled. "Why are Eius and Shel not here? Wouldn't our little get acquainted session go better with all of us going?" "Firstly you were eldest before your human life ended, you have more experience. And secondly your enthusiastic little sisters, although they don't yet know it, are both pregnant." "Can I tell them? They'll be so pleased!" *** Three days later the Dryad and I reached the human's road. I was uneasy about the trail we had left. The Shaman had given me the Dryad and her mate, saying that they might prove useful. The vulnerable male Dryad was riding safe from harm in his mate?s vaginal pouch, only his cock visible sticking out of her crotch like a polished wooden carving of an erection. Unfortunately the desert had bloomed wherever her body had touched it...a green swath led back to the mountains should anyone care to look. Even the black road stuff was not a barrier, small saplings punching through where she had trodden. I sniffed the air, a vehicle was approaching, a few minutes later I could hear it. I thought about it for a while trying to match it's type with the blurry memories I had of my life as Jay Stewart, the human trail guide. Finally I had it. It was a HumVee, a thing for carrying between one and eight warriors. "Hey Dryad, see that thing, its got humans in it" I said in warning, expecting her to hide. "oooh!" exclaimed the Dryad Pointing at the black stuff she caused a redwood tree to grow blocking the oncoming humvee thing's path...This was not what I had had in mind. The humvee thing screeched to a halt and four humans piled out, weapons ready. All were in peak physical condition and in a selection of skin tones. I flattened myself against the dusty ground hoping not to be seen. I winced; The Shaman's illusion was still only that, not a real reversion to human form, the sharp stony desert hurt my soft sensitive breasts as I tried to look very small against the ground. I need not have worried; their entire attention was focused on the Dryad who was closing in on her prey, her sweet pollen odor heavy on the air. "Its one of those aliens!" exclaimed the younger coffee colored one "should I call this in...sarge? uh, Sarge ? < Achoo!>" "Wow, look at the tits on her" said one of his companions taking a step forward. "Lets Par-tay!" said a second. "Fucking A!" said the third, his weapon dragging in the dirt as he also walked toward the Dryad. "Something's not right, stop!" exclaimed the first I sniffed the air, my suspicions confirmed, the one who had spoken first was a virgin and as such, less susceptible to the dryad's pollen enhanced charms. We Satyri can smell a virgin at 50 paces, we like virgins. Pulling out my paan pipes I began playing a basic distraction, nothing complicated yet, just beyond a human's hearing range, it would keep him from doing anything new or unexpected. It was all too easy, the three that the Dryad had attracted were busy, one sucking on each of her breasts, the third, head buried between her muscular thighs licking the male dryad's pollen coated member. Left alone they would die of starvation before they thought of doing anything else. That?s why Dryads are so dangerous; their primary need is a nutrient rich soil for their treelike mates... not human or Satyri lovers. Feeling safe, I got up, brushed myself down and went to inspect the remaining one, careful to keep playing the distraction tune. He was about 21 years old, with short cut stubble of hair, his face smooth. A quick hands on inspection revealed a nice six-pack, small hard nipples and, for a human, an impressively proportioned uncut cock. What a shame that he'd be losing it soon. Still it would produce a fine deep vagina when it inverted. I forced myself to stop stroking him and remember my mission, my Satyri instincts were screaming 'let him fuck you now' so that he turns into a sister! But that wouldn't do at all, I was sure the humans sentinels would be alert to strangeness, like say a trooper with a rapidly swelling chest, I had to be cautious at least at first. Playing the pipes I switched to a command harmonic and let my voice slip in between the notes. "What is your name?" "Tirado, Jose" "I am Lieutenant Stewart, I have been with you since you set out on this secret mission. When I tell you to "remember your orders" you will obey me without question, is that understood?" "Sir, Yes Sir" Satisfied, I stopped playing. Jose blinked and then went for his weapon. I had forgotten that he had not seen me approach...or that I was naked. "Remember your orders!" I said quickly "Stand to attention" Jose returned to the stiff military pose. "Of course!" I said to myself, mentally slapping myself, I needed to adjust my disguise; these stupid humans wore clothes so I must appear to also. I felt stupid, having gone to the trouble making me appear male, the old Shaman had forgotten about clothing and I hadn't remembered about either! I'd almost blown it by being uncovered. It was amazing I've only been Satyri a few days and already something as obvious as the fact that humans wear clothing had slipped from my mind. The Shaman had been right; I'm sure given a few more weeks I wouldn't have remembered enough about being human to pass off as one at all. Grabbing my nipple ring, I briefly dispelled the illusion and reformed it, this time wearing a duplicate of Jose's uniform. "Remember your orders. Get the others into the vehicle, you have captured a dryad and must return it to the base, you will drive." I instructed. "Sir, Yes Sir!" I felt it was better that the human did the driving. Given how things had gone with clothing, I didn't want to make a mistake with the complicated looking controls whose exact function was a bit fuzzy in my mind. Chapter 2: Tirado's Tale It all started whilst I was on patrol with Pansini, Tegtmeier, White and that new lieutenant who had come along for the ride. One minute we were hammering along the desert road, the next there was a fucking tree in the middle of the road, and an alien babe stood right there next to it, ... and she was endowed with the biggest pair of tits. We got out of the HMV, there was some weird music playing, filling my mind, hard to concentrate. Suddenly the music stopped and it was like everything had changed place; Pansini, Tegtmeier, White were no longer stood next to me, I could see them over by the Alien. Lieutenant Stewart was nowhere to be seen and a naked, blonde haired guy had appeared close in front of me. Alarmed, I grabbed for my assault rifle only to hear Lieutenant Stewart's reassuring voice. For an instant the naked guy flickered out to be replaced by a cloven hoofed alien babe...but I must have been mistaken because it was really Lt Stewart stood there. "Get the others into the vehicle, you have captured a dryad and must return it to the base, you will drive." ordered Lt Stewart. I nodded and got back into the HMV, the others followed. At first I was concerned that the others seemed a little distracted, but the lieutenant pointed out that they were guarding the busty alien so everything was ok. Thinking about it, they never actually took their eyes off her tits. Lt Stewart ordered me to slow up as we approached the main gate. "Remember your orders, tell me about how the gate is guarded." Ordered the Lieutenant "Four guards at the gate, a surveillance camera and a platoon on standby." I replied, feeling oddly light headed "You will do the talking at the gate, you will tell the guards things and they will believe them. You will invent a reason that I am to stay at the guardhouse and tell them to ignore my presence. You will then reveal the presence of the captured Dryad." he instructed "Sir, Yes Sir. Do you have an security access card Sir?" I asked "No, what does one of those do?" "Sir, it allows you to open the doors, and identifies you Sir." "The dryad's capture will cause much excitement, as soon as you are able you will return to the gatehouse and collect me, you will be my access card" he ordered I pulled up at the gate, recognizing fellow members of my company as they surrounded the vehicle "Hey Brad" I said "Hey yourself Jose, you know the drill lets see some ID" In the background that odd music started playing. "You don't need to see our Identification" Brad swayed on his feet for a moment and then announced, "We don't need to see their identification" "The Lieutenant will stay here for a while to monitor the situation, you are to act as if he wasn't there." I explained Brad blinked and looked puzzled for a moment. "Could have sworn you had an officer with you Jose, heat must be getting to me" Lt Stewart quietly slipped out the passenger side door and began making his way to the guardhouse. "Forget about the officer, we caught us a Alien bitch" I said proudly Brad looked shocked and rushed back to the guardhouse, bumping past Lt Stewart as if he'd not seen him in the guardhouse doorway. The music stopped abruptly. Within five minutes the base was on high alert and a group of scientists in biohazard suits had arrived to take the unconscious alien babe away. The rest of us were required to go through decontamination and a debriefing that took a good hour. By the end I was getting worried, I needed to be at the gatehouse for some reason I couldn't seem to recall. Finally I was released, the others were kept under observation; something about their DNA was causing excitement. I rushed back to the Gatehouse so that I could be the lieutenant?s access card. When I entered the room I was shocked to see that Brad and Carl had their cocks out having a wank, each had a hand inside his fatigues tweaking his nipples. "Oooo, unprofessional guys" I exclaimed "I bet my nipples will look great when they?re bigger" replied Brad, continuing to beat the meat. "Remember your orders. These guards are not your concern. Take me to the barracks." said the Lieutenant. I shrugged. Don't ask, don't tell, it wasn't any of my business if Brad wanted to cum all over the security desk. As we headed back, I noticed that the two guards outside on the dusty road were stood close together surreptitiously tweaking each other's nipples; thinking about the alien girl I guessed. The barracks was a typical open plan room with beds for a platoon of 40 troops, gray walls, a gun rack and regulation sized beds (sheets neatly folded). As with any army, word of our encounter had already reached the rest of the company and pretty much anyone not on duty had turned up to hear how we'd captured a naked green skinned woman. I started to tell them how a tree had suddenly grown up out of the tarmac and then faltered. I realized I didn't actually remember the capture. In fact, thinking about it, she'd just gotten in the back without us doing any capturing at all! I was about to warn the others when the music started, I'd heard that tune before, but couldn't recall where. We all turned to look, it was Lieutenant Stewart, He had removed his clothes and was sat cross-legged on one of the beds, playing a set of panpipes. I watched in amazement as a ghostly pair breasts formed on the officer's slim rather un-muscular chest, the two images seemed to merge and there she was ...Wow! In a 2+2=5 leap of logic I realized that Lt Stewart was really a girl and had obviously decided to hide her femininity to further her career. That particular brainless rationalization disappeared shortly after replaced with a deep appreciation of her exotic tanned beauty...damn she was one hot officer "Remember your orders Tirado, secure the room." Somehow she was able to give orders and play the pipes at the same time, I hadn't realized she could do that, neat trick. I turned around and flipped the lock, just to be certain I also grabbed a bed and hauled it across in front of the doorway, nobody made a move to stop me. "This is a surprise medical inspection, you will all remove your clothes and stand by your beds. Those of you without beds in this room will stand at parade rest with your clothes folded neatly in front of you. Once you are in position you will remain motionless until relieved." instructed the Lieutenant. Instantly we leapt to obey, after a few hasty moments we were all in position, surprise inspections were a fact of life, as were medical inspections...a surprise medical inspection by a naked young female officer seemed plausible to my military mind. The lieutenant walked down the line inspecting each man in turn, she seemed most interested in their physique, muscle tone and genitals, as she passed each one she seemed to sniff as if savoring a fine perfume. When it came to my turn she didn't bother inspecting, just indicated that I take a step forward. "You boys are going to enjoy this almost as much as I will." said the naked officer before turning to me; "I want you to take this ring and hold it to your nipple" The metal was cold, then hot as it made its own hole. It tingled and then I couldn't feel it at all. It was there but I couldn't feel it. "Tirado, Remember your orders, it's time for you to eat my snatch." "Sir, Yes Sir" I replied dropping to my knees and opening my mouth, ready to run my tongue into my officer's pussy. It was not something I wanted to do in public, I might be a virgin but I was no hedonist, but this is the army and orders are orders. Aren?t they? Her pussy tasted strange. Being a virgin I don't know what a pussy is supposed to taste like, but there was a definite taste of wine, like she'd poured it in a bottle of Chardonnay in there or something. Her pubic hair was different too, shorter, curlier more like a fine fur than what a male had. Satisfied that I had tasted enough of her she grabbed my head and pulled me up level with her wonderful breasts. As my lips closed on her nipple, a shot of ultra rich milk filled my mouth, dribbling from my lips. She pulled my head back and paused waiting for something. Tentatively I ran my tongue around the inside of my mouth, tasting. It tasted fucking excellent! I licked my lips and used my hand to wipe up the dribbles, licking the last dribble from my fingers. I was getting hot, I don't know how to describe it, but to say my awareness of my nipples was increasing, I knew the exact position of each hair on my chest and how they touched my pectoral muscles tickling as they fell away. My cock seemed numb, but at the same time I was aware precisely how much I needed to cum..fuck did I need to cum. The Lieutenant...there was something else odd about her I realized. I sniffed the air and found that she smelled different to the others, not just soft and feminine but more virile, more desirable, infinitely more desirable. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the troops stood at parade rest were wide eyed with expressions of surprise or envy etched on their faces. All the while I was getting hornier and hornier, it was getting so that all I could think of was sex...not just regular sex, sex with guys, sex with horses, gerbil sex?! All of it penetrative with me getting it up the pussy I didn't own. Damn why couldn't I have been born as a bitch? The Lieutenant caressed my hairless smooth cheek; I moved to lick her fingers. "You have to ask for it, of your own free will,? she said "Fuck me!" the words were out before I had even given it an instant of thought. "I thought you might want to" smiled the Lieutenant She ran her finger down the groove between my muscles until she found my numb erect cock and pressed down on the little dimple just above it's root. Her finger disappeared into me, my cock appearing to project through her hand like some bizarre ghostly hologram. It really should have alarmed and terrified me seeing my manhood become insubstantial. But right at that moment it was the last thing on my mind. My fantasy of a second ago was being given full reality. She slid her finger inside me, and then further in, god that felt good; filling a space that I had not realized was there or needed filling, a space I found I wanted filled as regularly as possible. Something gushed inside me lubricating the delicate finger thrusts turning into the smooth action of a piston in its chamber. Just when it couldn't get any better She inserted two more fingers. I clenched my.. my.. insides determined to keep that warm fluid (blood? not blood I hoped) from dribbling out. My chest suddenly felt like it was going to explode, I looked down, and my pectorals were swollen! Bigger, softer than they had always been...I put my hand around the swelling cones and felt gravity tug them into proper breast shape. The slightest touch was all that was needed to send me over the edge. My insides seemed to expand, the lieutenant?s fingers no longer fully filling my cavity. And then I came, orgasming from crotch to neck. The world went odd for a moment, my legs itched and felt back to front, I wavered trying to adjust my balance, staggering on my cloven hooves. ..and then I was back to normal, except for one important thing I was a girl and Lieutenant was now "us" and the troopers were "them". "Wow" I said "That was awesome Lieutenant" "Call me Jaay, what?s your name young one?" replied the Lieutenant I thought for a moment, I had been about to say "Jose Tirado" but that wasn't true anymore. Jose was just someone I knew a lot about; he wasn't me. I was Tir my name was Tir! It was like a revelation, I was a brand new person and my name is Tir! "I am Tir!" I said...and after a moment's thought added "Can I have the others fuck me now?" "Go for it" ordered Jaay winking in a knowing way. Chapter 3: Jaay: Takeover Plan I couldn't believe my luck, a virgin in the group, and over 40 of the human warriors within hypnotic range of my pipes. Mischievously I decided not to tell Tir, that she was also a Satyri, her true appearance masked by one of the shaman's rings. That she was now female seemed more than enough to occupy her, doubtless she was eager to explore her new sex. Having an extra satyri on hand was going to speed things up, all we needed to do was give these boys a small taste of satyri sex, not enough to change them greatly, just enough to adjust their loyalties and then we could move out into the rest of the base. It seemed the rings had a limit on how far they could bend perceptions. Each man started out believing Tir and I were male right up the point his cock disappeared into a place he 'knew' we didn't have. Once he was securely plugged into our love socket of course, rational thought wasn't his problem. We went through them pretty fast, I was deliberately using my internal muscles to make them cum quickly, my young daughter Tir was still in her first frenzy of lust and cared nothing for making it last anyway. For variety and speed I allowed some of them to get their taste for Satyri by suckling on our breasts. As we finished each one, he would curl up on his bed, wanking like mad, tweaking his nipples, eyes closed as he got used to his new need for satyrsex, the fact that the nipple was now his primary erogenous zone and the beginnings of an interest in being penetrated. The only problem we had was with the last trooper in the line. The effects of the pipes must have begun to wear off or perhaps he was extremely misogynist. He broke out of his parade rest stance and made to dive for a weapons rack. I had no choice but to use the Paan Pipe's other weapon, the blowpipe disguised as one of the playing tubes, and a dart tipped with pixie dust. The man froze in position as the pixie dust began to take effect. " he ok?" asked Tir nervously A few seconds later the soldier disintegrated, exploding outward into a swarm of butterfly winged pixies, each one a 2" tall female version of the soldier. They fluttered around for a moment and then began to pair up with each other. After a while the swarm returned to a roughly humanoid shaped cloud as the ex-soldier became acclimatized to having 1000 small semi-intelligent bodies rather than one big body. "Yes, she'll be fine once she stops fucking herselves." I replied turning to inspect my horde of partly feminized humans. "Ok troops, happy hour is over, if you find your breasts are getting too prominent, bandage them flat. Don't worry its only a short term measure. It's time to get back into your clothing stuff... I know you want to keep on wanking, but we mustn't let your friends suspect anything, and I'm sure you all want them to discover how good it feels to have breasts. Now then, who was your leader... Your (what?s the word?)...Commander." I asked "Sir, Master Sergeant Jameson, Sir!" replied Tir indicating a powerfully built black man who was trying to get into clothing things which were already very tight across his slightly expanded chest. "Jameson, I want to see a map of this place with the guard posts marked on it, I want to see where they have the dryad held, where the female barracks are and when the shift change is due. Also I want you to think up a plan for taking over base security." I instructed The master sergeant reluctantly let go of the button he was trying to force closed and began drawing up plans. It's really quite handy having people to do the hard work. I lay back on one of the beds, hands behind my head, whilst my fem-boys gathered the information. After about 15 minutes another human entered the barracks and 5 minutes later a second, both were quickly grabbed and held by the fem-boys while Tir introduced them to his pussy...She was getting better with practice, delaying their orgasms for almost five minutes. Finally Jameson presented me with his plan...which seemed to involve far too much killing, and almost no fucking at all...Humans!, they have no idea how to organize an invasion! Scratching the spot wear my horns should have been I set about adding some entertainment and reducing the body count. Chapter 4: I/we: The Plural Perspective Whatever had been holding me in place seemed to be weakening. I didn't like the way the guys were reacting after fucking the two naked bitches, it seemed obvious to me that Lieutenant Stewart and Pvt Tirado were disguised aliens. I figured my only chance of breaking this up was to kill the aliens. Finally the last of the restraining force had dissipated, I dived for the weapons locker just before the traitor Tirado reached me. I nearly made it, but then something stung me in the calf, a numbness spreading upward faster than I could react...there was a moment of darkness, and then I was free. My perspective had changed, everything seemed bigger, or I was smaller, much smaller. There was a naked girl in front of me, wearing a face that looked like a feminine version of my own with a pair of colorful wings beating fast against her back. I never saw her coming, she dived down, pinning me and shoving a finger deep into the pussy I hadn't realized I had. Right well two can play at that game bitch! My own slim fingers slipped into her pussy. After a few seconds we orgasmed, my/our mind got bigger, I/we had two bodies now both penetrated, the other wiggling her/my fingers inside my/her cunt. Another of me fluttered close, I/we realized that if I/we fucked her I/we would get smarter. I/we swept in, I grabbed her head and pushing it against my/our pussy. Her surprised tongue instinctively finding the right spot whilst another of me/us took her in her pussy...and then I/we had three bodies. I/we took two more of me, easy fucks with hardly any self-awareness before being incorporated into my/our growing mind. As my/our mind got bigger I/we began to understand our environment, we were surrounded in a loose cloud of other selves fluttering on colorful wings each one with just enough self- awareness to realize that they had a wonderful new set of female organs to explore. I/we could fuck the lot, making our I/We-ness larger and then I/we would be as smart as a human. I/we took a few seconds to explore the marvels of having my/our own breasts, before embarking on the fucking of my/our remaining selves. The next of me I/we fucked was a surprise, I was part of an I/other and when I/we fucked me, I/we became twice as smart as usual. I/we felt dizzy as I/we realized that there was no word in English to describe the way my/our mind worked. Was this how a swarm thought? I/we decided to watch out for pairs and threes of I/others to swoop down upon. Suddenly I was grabbed, lips fastening to my nipples, my pussy and a fourth me slipping expertly up to rim my/our ass. I wriggled excitedly, an I/other had thought I was a loner and now I/they were now going to be a part of me/us as the other parts of me/us swooped in to grope my attackers, two of me/us attending each me/other until each had been orgasmed into my/our swarm consciousness. The I/other's mistake had given Me/us a great advantage I/we were much more numerous and smarter than the remaining I/others, it didn't take long for me/us to hunt down and finger-fuck every last one of me. The immediate imperative of assembling my/our swarm mind complete, I had time to assess my/our situation. It was obvious to me/us that the Satyri was responsible for my/our condition. By way of thanks I/we sent six of me to lick the nectar from her pussy, each of me hungered for those juices even though I/we knew it was intoxicating. It seemed the Satyri had a plan and that it was quite likely that others like Me/us might be created. The thought of getting it on with someone that might not become part of me/us when I/we orgasmed them was making every one of me wet with anticipation. I/we sent me to perch on the Satyri's shoulder and shout in her ear that I/ we were ready for some action, if She needed our help. She smiled and used her little finger to caress my/our busty little torso, brushing against my/our tiny pussy, six-pack, nipples. The plan was soon explained, we would wait until after the shift change, the Satyri would ambush and recruit the rest of the soldiers when they came off duty. I/we and one of the entranced humans would go to the cells, release a dryad and then go to the female human's barracks. With nothing much to do for a while, I/we perched on one of the bedside kit boxes and orgied whilst the Satyri finished off the second shift of humans. When the time came I/we sent one of me flying down the corridors to see what we faced. When I got to the biohazard containment cell I could see just one guard and a female scientist. Behind an Armour-glass wall the bored dryad had filled her cell with plants and male dryad saplings, that visibly moved seeking a way out. I flew back to where the swarm of I/we was hovering next to the slightly busty human assigned to the mission one of me/us perched on the human's shoulder and ordered him to open the door. I/we flowed into the room arrowing straight at the guard. He let out a cry of alarm and let off a burst of gunfire. Two of me/us died and I/we felt my/ourself get slightly dumber as result. The gun didn't stop me/us, and I/we quickly covered him from head to toe in a carpet of butterfly-winged bodies. For a while the "we" vanished as I focused entirely on having sex with the human, rubbing my pussy and titties against him. I had wriggled under his uniform and had gotten a handhold on a nipple, instinctively squeezing and squirting my milk onto the vast expanse of muscle and rubbing it in. The skin puckered forming the beginnings of a pussy crack for me to slip a finger into. Soon the pussy was fully functional clenching on intrusive digit , the human's flesh morphing into a lower torso and legs as my milk turned that part of the guard into one of us. The awareness of my/ourself returned, I/we had to concentrate on what the others were doing, not just my/our individual lusts, I/we realized. The human I/we were finger fucking was already well on his way to becoming another swarm like me/us. While I/we had been distracted my/our tame human had smashed the glass wall and the dryad's plants were growing throughout the chamber. A dryad sapling had aimed one of its flower appendages and opened its petals revealing an iridescent color pattern that hurt my/our eyes to look at. The scientist was having no trouble at all looking at that fact she seemed unable to take her eyes off it. As if unaware of what she did, her left hand was groping around under her skirt. There was a snapping sound and a small red thong dropped to the ground. The human I/we were fucking completed his fragmentation about then and I/we became fully occupied assimilating her/them in spectacular aerial bitchfuck not unlike a WW2 dogfight but sexier When I/We returned our attention to the room the dryad sapling had sent vine-like runners spiraling up as far as the scientist's knees and was slowly inching further up. The scientist didn't resist, just standing passively hands hung limp at her sides waiting. My/our tame human was faring no less well, the dryad had him pinned against the wall tearing off shreds of his uniform. I/we sent one of me to perch on her shoulder and shout that we knew where there were lots more humans. She didn't want to listen until finally I/we managed to communicate with her mate, the plant-like male...the Dryad obeyed almost instantly once he had commanded her to cease. Chapter 5: Lara: Going to Seed The US Army might be an equal opportunity employer but that didn't stop them putting all eight of us girls in the same squad on the same shitty detail...the result - all of the base's "combat bitches" had just come off duty and were in the room getting ready to shower when the alarm sounded. "Condition red, containment breach in sector 7.3" announced a computerized female voice "Lock and load girls. This sounds like the real thing." announced Sgt Brandy checking the magazine on her assault rifle. Brandy was the Army-Bitch stereotype, muscles harder than steel, with a stubble haircut, and an eat acid- for-blood-Aliens for breakfast attitude ... our role model. Before we reached the door something green and vine- like punched its way between the door hinge and frame. The tip had a vaguely phallic look to it. Brandy wasted no time putting four-rounds-rapid into it splattering the obscene plant against the wall. "That was a fucking Type 2 Dryad, the fucking aliens must have crossed the line. Remember the briefing; shoot any buds before they open. Do not look directly at open flowers, they have a paralyzing hypnotic effect." "How could it get this far into the base undetected?" I asked, smashing another vine as it punched through the doorframe. The vine began to branch from just below its shattered head sending runners along the wall in six directions at once. Our second volley ripped it to shreds. A movement in one of the bullet holes that peppered the wall attracted my attention. "Its in the fuckin? wall!" Suddenly buds were pushing through all of the holes, there was no way we could target them all and our shots were making it easier for it to get at us. "Fall back to the rear exit. And don't look...look. Look at that flower!" Brandy's voice changed mid- sentence from concerned order giving to awed enthusiasm. "Damn it. Emily, break the sarge's eye contact an," my voice trailed off. Emily, the flat chested dark haired Kansas girl was standing still, a dreamy smile on her lips. The racket of gunfire had stopped, having toward Sarge, I was the only one facing away from the flowers, and the others were all hypno-snared! I grabbed the sarge and dragged her toward the barracks fire exit at far end of the room. We nearly made it; just as we were getting close a glint of light caught my eye. I glanced, it was a mirror and in the reflection the pulsing glow of a hundred dryad flowers. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, the inside of each flower was like glowing cuttlefish skin, pulsing with ever changing patterns that seemed to have a fractal component that sucked you deeper into its ever changing symmetry. It's only a reflection, I thought trying hard to look away before it got to me; trying to remember what the dryad vines did to those they hypnotized. It was getting to me at the deepest levels, boosting my sex drive, using my own secret lusts and fantasies to turn me, that?s how it worked, insidious. I managed to focus on a different part of the mirror's image, Emily. Hot flat chested little Emily so like a boy, so envious of my tit size, better than a boy, she'd know exactly how to give the pleasures I so desperately needed. Unlike me, she was well out of it, one hand in her panties, other one tweaking a nipple. I was fortunate, my mind was still intact...and then I realized that my own hand was well south of my panty line. I took a step closer to the mirror, If I could smash it, I'd be free again. In the mirror I could see the vines were spiraling up emily's legs, her panties were off now, her legs spaced wide ready to receive. I reached the mirror and raised my hand to smash my surprise I found I was holding my snapped panties; I discarded the useless garment and punched the glass breaking the flower's grip on my mind. Finally able to think clearly I ran for the door, behind me I could hear popping noises, a yellow mist swirled about me, pollen, the dryad's second weapon, and no NBC gear anyplace near. I tried not to breath it, but it was impossible to ignore it, I caught the smell of it and inhaled deeply. The need for sex increased tenfold, I needed a penis inside me, like right now. A human penis was preferred but anything even vaguely phallic would do. I began looking around for something to use, a handgun would be about the right size, and then I saw the ideal sex toy...that plant bud looked about the right size. I walked determinedly up to a particularly large bud that seemed to unravel before me revealing its pulsating inner core; its petals blossomed outward, rapping around my hips as its pollen coated cock eased its way forward The petals clutched my buttocks pulling the cock to the edge of my lips; I squirmed with anticipation and tried to adjust my stance for a better penetration. The petals pulled again and this time the plant's penis surged up into me, a tiny tendril wrapping around my clit as its mighty head rammed deep. By now my only thoughts were "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" repeating over and over. I felt a sting on my clit and a line of fire shot up my spine and into the base of my brain, connection made. Suddenly I was in contact with his mind, his love for me a pure uncomplicated thing, he was an adolescent male dryad, I was his first love, we would live happily together for the rest of our lives. That was his fantasy; it had never occurred to him that love was more complicated than that; perhaps for his species it really was that simple. I found myself warming to him, like any male in the heat of first true love he'd tried everything he could to attract me, he'd given me pretty flowers and scented airs, that?s what ladies liked his brothers had told him. He was concerned; almost terrified that he wasn't doing me right. Was he fucking me ok? Did I like the way his vines tickled my breasts? Was there anything else he should do? True love is the dryad's ultimate seduction, how can anyone resist the honesty of a mind that holds nothing back, no deception and no selfish whims, just a total selfless desire to please. It would kill him if I rejected him and I couldn't let such a pure persona die of a broken heart ...and besides he really was a good fuck for a plant. I made my decision and sent my own love pouring down the link he had created, I was his, and I would do everything in my power to keep him safe. In return he shared his vision of how, if I wanted, I could be redesigned so that he could snuggle inside me. Redesigned he could be giving me pleasure full time with just his rather fine penis protruding from my crotch. I found myself getting off on the idea of looking like a shemale, his wooden woody projecting outward whilst secretly inside he would be doing good things to my little clitty. Carefully I sat down so that he could wrap himself around me and start work on redesigning my body. With trembling delicate care he moved around me wrapping me in an airtight cocoon of his leaves. A minute later Plant's mother strode into the room caressing each pod in turn, proud of her sons and welcoming their mates into the family. Chapter 6 Tir: The Hyperdrive-bomb "The barracks, and cellblock are secured, and our guys are on duty at all the security checkpoints, Jaay" I reported "that just leaves the scientists in the main lab, there's a particularly nice undergraduate in there that I fancy, if you could let me have him.." Jaay smiled at me and ruffled my hair, which was no longer the regulation stubble it had been. "Once we have control he's all yours." she replied I smiled back and licked my lips in anticipation. I still didn't understand what Jaay had done to me, sure I was a girl now, but somehow I was more than that, I now had, lightning fast reactions and awesome stamina, I had fucked and cum on over a hundred guys in the last hour and was still ready to do another one? or three. I must also be one hot lover. Our guys would bring in a straggler and pin him down while I straddled him, usually he'd be begging me not to stop by the time I came. And once fucked they stay hungry for it. One of the brighter boys even persuaded his mates to "capture" him so that he'd get fucked a second time. What a difference it made! It seems my new femininity is highly infectious, within minutes his ebony brown breasts were bigger than mine. Once they saw it the other boys definitely wanted their second turn. But Mistress Jaay said No, not yet. Jaay doesn't like me calling her Mistress, but that doesn't change the fact that I think of her that way and do whatever she asks. I fondly remembered lying down my head resting on her thigh waiting for yet another squirt of her milk to splatter across my face Leading the way to the main lab, I explained to Jaay what the scientists did in there, about the spaceship and how they hoped to repair it. Turning a corner I was brought up short by a steel blast shield. "They must have been warned" I exclaimed, "They've closed the blast doors, that lab is a sealed system, even your pixies won't find a way in." "Can they do damage in there? Or call the outside?" asked Jaay worriedly "They've got some dangerous stuff in there...but no outside communications." I replied, "We can see what they are up to from the security control room." "Show me." instructed Jaay I guided Jaay to the control room with its array of security camera monitors. I switched the view of lab onto the main screen. In the main lab five scientists and a General could be seen doing something to a large device that trailed wires and components across the room "Can we talk to them?" Jaay asked "Sure" "I'm not very good with tech stuff, you talk them out of there. I?ll just play some background music." Ordered Jaay perching on one of the consoles "Umm ok" "Attention in the lab, This is Acting Security Chief Tir'ado. The situation is under control, ye can all come out now." I said into to mic One of the young scientists I was lusting after turned to face the camera. "We know what?s happening out there, me and Pete had a web-cam wired into the girl's barracks, you fucking alien. You made your last mistake alien, this here's the engine from the ship, we're setting it to overload, when it goes its gonna take the whole fucking state with it" I clicked off the transmit button and turned to Jaay, expecting her to be worried, she wasn't. "They can do it, that thing runs on fusion, if it detonates there won't be anything living within 200 miles" I pointed out. "Not a problem. They're already beaten, they just don't realize it yet" replied Jaay "See the bald one in the corner, take a closer look." I looked; the man had his hand in his pocket trying to adjust himself to hide the boner that tented his white coat. "That?s Dr Picard, rumor is he likes to wear panties." I commented "Probably does, my little tune has more effect if there's an element of cooperation...and now that we know, I can fine tune it for his ears only. Talk to them Tir darling, say anything, I'll handle the real message." "There was an incident, but its under control now. If you activate that hyper engine we'll all die for nothing...think ... What if you're wrong,? I said improvising "If it's under control, how come the web-cam shows Sgt Brandy with an all over green tan giving head to a triffid!" interrupted Pete Jaay tapped my arm and I stopped transmitting. "Got him!" she smiled "Great...and I just had an idea, if they still have a web-cam looking at the girls barracks we could find it and point a dryad flower at it, serve those pervs right for snooping" I suggested feeling a sisterly comradeship with the combat bitches. "Brilliant idea, I'll get some Pixies right on it" Jaay replied kissing me Three of the diminutive butterfly winged babes nodded and fluttered out the door heading to the Dryads improvised greenhouse. "What did you instruct him to do?" I asked snuggling close to my mistress Jaay. "Watch" Dr Picard gave no indication of anything odd, even his hard-on had subsided. He walked purposefully to the engine, removed a circuit board and took it back to his desk where he began adding things to it. "He disabled it?" "I told him to switch the thing that makes the engine start for the thing that makes the door open; If they set it off all it will do is open those pesky doors" I laughed, delighted by my Mistress' practical joke. "Jaay, you could set all sorts of things to trigger when they activate the engine...and I don't mean machinery" "Yes...this should be fun" she agreed using a finger to tickle my pussy lips. "ah-mmm, hey look at Pete the Letch, I'd guess his viewing habits just changed" I replied, squirming to get the finger inside. Pete hadn't moved in several minutes, his right hand was inside his lab coat as if reaching for a pen...or tweaking a nipple. "Two down, four to go" said Jaay "Talk to them, so I can set things up" "You in the room, look, its really not that bad out here, nobody died and we're all having some wild sex. I'm sure some of the girls and boys would be more than eager to get you in the mood...all you have to do is open the door." I improvised "What are you going to offer us next food? An airplane?" growled the General "I knew you soulless demons couldn't be trusted. I've been praying to the Lord for months that you'd give me the opportunity to cleanse this valley" "I could feed you the sweetest pussy cum you ever tasted...all you have to do is suck" "Foul creature, The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not..." I switched off the transmit "Well, that went well, he's quoting religious texts now. I am running out of ideas" I admitted "Tell them you've set the thing that changes how hot the room is so it gets lots hotter" said Jaay "I'm finished playing the pipes.... so you can sit on my lap whilst this plays out If you'd like" instructed Jaay I moved across and snuggled close, adjusting myself until the fit was perfect, her hands wrapping around to stroke my breasts. "Listen in the lab, we've been nice, we've offered you the ?wild sex carrot?, so now its stick time, the thermostat?s set to 40?c it's time to choose get hot or get roasted" I said hammering out the words before the needs of my pussy took all my attention. As they worked the scientists began to appear more and more distressed, first collars were undone, then the lab coats discarded, then naked to the to go were the pants, leaving only underpants and some obvious erections that the scientists tried to laugh off. "What were your instructions to them?" I asked Jaay after inducing her second orgasm "The nearer to finishing they get, the hotter it gets, the thirstier they get, but not for water...they also get to make dramatic speech so that we know when its time to get down to the door" It took two more orgasms before the lab rats were ready to destroy New Mexico. "For the sake of humanity we go to our doom!" shouted the corpulent General dressed only in his regulation khaki boxer shorts. "That?s the signal! Lets get down to the doors!" *** Inside the lab Dr Alex Bishop prayed that their sacrifice would stop the invasion and hit the detonator, at first nothing seemed to happen and then he realized that he was moving slower. Had they got it wrong? Had they activated a temporal inversion by mistake? In the blink of an eye the doors were open and fast moving blurs of speed gusted around him, and then the precious hyper engine was gone; hauled away whilst he and the others were trapped in slowness... even now the thirst gnawed at him. *** "They're not moving" I commented "They think their machine stopped time for them" explained Jaay I sniffed the air; there was something about the General that smelled different, infinitely attractive despite his bulk. "The General smells strange" I reported Jaay inhaled and looked at the General with surprise. "A virgin, how extraordinary" "Why General? Don't you like sex?" "Sex before marriage is an abomination unto the lord, demon" replied the General spitting in pious impotence. "Well, I only had two disguise rings, so I guess you'll need mine" said Jaay pulling the ring from her nipple. I couldn't believe my eyes, Jaay's body shimmered and faded away revealing an even sexier body underneath. Blonde hair, a cute pair of horns parting her fringe, the hottest pair of goat legs I'd ever seen. Jaay was really a Satyri...and that made my pussy tingle just thinking about it. "Awesome" "Well General lets see if we can't change your views on you feel thirsty?" "Yes, damn you!" Jaay cupped a hand under her breast and squeezed filling her palm to overflowing. I hungered after the taste of it, but it was obvious that the General would be the one getting it. "My Shaman wants us to be friends General, so here, drink up, I promise you won't regret it." The General hesitated a long moment as he tried to resist the raging thirst we had slid into his subconscious mind...and then tentatively took a lick. The effect was nearly instantaneous He then grabbed Jaay's hand sucking last creamy drops from her fingers. Finding no more cream he bent forward his lips eagerly seeking the source. I remembered the effect Jaay's cum and milk had had on me, how it had improved my sex drive, right before it reversed my gender. I recalled my transformation imagining how good the general was going to feel as I went about the business of feeding my own less potent milk to the other desperately thirsty scientists. By the time I had a second scientist suckling on my other breast, the General was on all fours his head buried in Jaay's furry crotch, his khaki boxer shorts discarded to leave his sweaty, flabby, body fully exposed. "Do you still wish to abstain until marriage General?" asked Jaay "Screw Religion! Fuck with me!" I moved to the last of the scientists, Alex, the young one that I'd lusted after. I decided to take longer with this one, inserting his cock into me and seducing him that way rather than the simple suckling the others had had. I climbed up his immobile body and lowered myself onto his cock wrapping my legs around his waist. For the next few minutes I focused entirely upon my internal manipulation of his cock holding him at the edge of orgasm until I was ready. It's amazing that within only a few hours of gaining my pussy I had gained complete mastery of its use, no mere man will cum in me until the moment I am ready. I decided to orgasm, coating my scientist's cock in my juices, allowing him release and finishing his mental transformation into a loyal fem boy. Sweaty and sated I glanced over at what Jaay was doing to the General. The general was looking vastly different now, his hair growing in long and blonde, most of his bulk gone and the rest visibly contracting, breasts expanding to perfect proportion. He staggered back a pace writhing in ecstasy running his hands over his body as it continued to change, hips swelling. And then he came, shouting his ecstasy his voice starting as bull like roar and ending in a high pitched breathy "Ooooo!" As he orgasmed his cock pulled back into him. For a moment I thought her feminization was complete, but then it went further. Tiny horns sprouted from her brow, tawny hair rapidly coating her legs in fur and then her feet morphing, bifurcated into cute little hooves. The new Satyri staggered to her feet, getting used to her backward hinged knees and altered centre of gravity. "My name is Gen!" she announced in her young voice as if it were a surprise to her. I dismounted from the scientist boy who was now busy inspecting his breasts to see if they were slightly bigger and walked over to Jaay. "Please, can you turn me into a Satyri too?" Jaay smiled that "gotcha" smile. "Tir, you've been a Satyri for nearly four hours" she laughed pulling the ring from my nipple. I felt strange and looked down to see my cloven hooves, sandy fur and at my back a nice bushy tail that I could wiggle in the most erotic way. I was whole again, the nagging sense that I was not what I appeared vanished to be replaced by a certainty...I am Satyri. And Jaay is not my Mistress...she's my mom! Jaay took the ring that had disguised me and flipped it to the breast inspecting fem boy that had been my scientist. "Figure out how to make copies of that ring and construct 600 of them. Someone else go and change the genders on all the computer records. The dryads can pretend they are wearing green face paint, but after a few more fucks each, it will be pretty obvious that you boys are not exactly male." instructed Jaay The young scientist caught the ring one handed...his other hand was busy swapping between massaging his cock and tweaking the slightly expanded nipples. With every human in range in a nice post-coital bliss I began considering the implications. Every human we fucked gradually turned into another Satyri sister, if spread ourselves about a bit and things went as fast elsewhere as here then soon there'd be no nice cocks to squeeze inside my needy little crack. "Mom...what happens when there aren't any human men left?" "Don't worry Tir. There are plenty of male Satyri up in the hills. And take it from me our boys don't wilt after a single orgasm and have equipment worthy of the job! Of course; I'd been so busy I hadn't thought to look in Jose Tirado's memories. He'd seen a photo of a Satyri male during his hazard briefing. Oh yes...Satyri cock would definitely fit just fine. "In the meantime, if things get boring, there's still some chimps around here someplace." giggled Jaay giving my cleavage a quick sisterly caress. I looked disgusted, I frowned, and I blushed and then thought about it and realized she was being perfectly serious. "Any primate in a storm' as they say". I replied with a lusty grin taking her by the hand "Lets go say hi to Bobo"

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Rest Area

I decided I had better pull off at the next rest area to grab some coffee and use the bathroom to get me through the second half of my drive home. As I got out of my car and began walking, I suddenly realized how badly I needed to piss and I made a beeline for the bathroom. Being fairly late at night, the bathroom was completely empty and I had my choice of urinals. I walked up to one, unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out, and began to let loose. The piss felt so good that I just closed...

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Rest area

Not my story but can relate;)I love 'em! Maybe it's the risk of a public place; maybe it's just the fact that they can provide "a quickie" with no posturing and chit-chat to move to the sex. Whatever it is about them, they are the one thing that can make a long, boring highway drive more interesting and exciting. Of course, some are much better than others. Many of the newer modernized places on the interstates are no fun at all -- stainless steel dividers between the stalls that don't have any...

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Hitchhiking from a Rest Area

Yea. Probably the one of the most dangerous and stupid ideas ever. There was a perfectly good explanation. Seriously. It was spring break. I told my Mom I was going to My friend Lisa's mountain for the week. In actuality, I went to Florida with my friend Kara. And at the end of the week, She was driving me back halfway to meet up with a another friend who would take me home. Said friend dropped me off, but other said friend was a no show. She said he aunt died, but I didn't...

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We fucked out near the beach area

My mom married her father when i was 19 and out of the house already. I knew her when i was in school and she was on the cheerleading squad. When our parents got married we kidded around some about getting together and going out. It never paned out for her father was a real bastard and made sure we always had someone around if i took her someplace. He knew my reputation of fucking anything that moved or not. One weekend we decided to get around her father and get out, she told her father she...

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Hot Witches In Your Area

While aimlessly searching around the internet, a peculiar pop up appears on the screen. Usually you’d just exit out of it, but for some reason you find yourself intrigued by it. “HOT WITCHES IN YOUR AREA LOOKING TO PLAY” It says in bold text laid over a picture of an attractive woman dressed in a black see through camisole and what appears to be a black pointed witches hat. Clearly this must be some kind of joke, but it’s no where near Halloween, so it still seems strange. Against your better...

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A Gray Area

She was standing on the far side of the room. He had been having a conversation with some old friends when she walked in and stood near the wall next to the painting he had been drawn to look at all night. Now he wasn’t looking at the painting. He was looking at her. Her. Caden. He had asked Collin if anyone interesting was going to be at his ‘little’ get together and Collin had come back with a list of names that would definitely be attending but he had failed to mention that Caden was...

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Insides humiliation

The beautiful ebony lady was now bent over his knee getting her rear end seriously worked upon. He had not appreciated her refusal to wear his collar and he was making sure she was getting her priorities right. Despite being a proud young lady she soon was reduced to tears, more from shame than pain but the pain did help along the way. In any case she was now much more receptive to the idea of wearing the said collard. He even had her putting it on herself, just abdicating altogether. Once the...

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Inside Games of Cum

My name is Kerry. I am 30 years old and happily married to Robert with 2 c***dren. I am attractive. Have medium length dark hair and have two very large secrets. 1. I am addicted to CUM. Lovely male cum. I love the feel of it. I love the taste of it. I love watching it shoot out of the top of huge hard cocks. I love the feel as it hits the back of my throat. I love the feel of it on my tits. I love my husbands cum. I love any mans cum. Fortunately for me my husband loves to see me enjoying...

2 years ago
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Inside a Spunk Filled Cunt

When women glory in gangbangs, they adore being called sluts. These are women who know what they want; they get it by pleasing the men who circle them.A slut has special hands. Hardening men’s shafts is her hand’s essential job. She knows that when a cock feels a hand with rings on the finger it puts even more metal into the hardening rod. A hand isn’t enough though to prepare a man, a slut’s tongue and mouth are needed to send further electrical shocks from the point of contact straight...

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Inside The Car

“Madam, does this piece suits you.” These words from the shopkeeper suddenly brought her back in her senses. “This is the best piece we have Madam and since last few days it has been in high demand.” She looked at the light pink colored netted brassiere and its matching panties as the shopkeeper tried to convince her. She was completely lost in the world of dreams as to what Aditya, her husband is going to do with her today. She felt a kind of wetness inside her panties as she brought her legs...

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Inside Nelly

I’m a Filipina single mother , 26 years old , work as a shift supervisor for an electronics assembly plant , my son David 6 yrs old stays with me in my apartment for two years now , my female neighbor babysits for my son during the day when I’m gone for work. David’s father left him the same time I got pregnant, it was too late that I discovered that he’s a married man , it was somewhat of an unplanned event that I regreted all my life. Since then I raised my son alone as my...

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Inside Indian Secret Gardens

"And how did it go at school today?" I enquired as I handed Sarla my briefcase at the door. Sarla, my tall and slender wife, looked spectacular in green knee length kurta and tight white churidar over her round legs and the large leather wallet that hung around her waist through a long leather strap passing over her left shoulder. I was immediately captivated by her looks Her wavy black long hair were open and fell at her back well up to her broader hips."No problems! " looking around a bit she...

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Inside Me C06

----- 6 -- I woke up alone again the next morning. I couldn’t understand how he could leave me without me knowing all the time. Was I that heavy of a sleeper? If I was, Ean could do a lot to me in my sleep and I wouldn’t know. I knew he wouldn’t do anything on purpose though. In the shower as I washed my body off, I declared that after last night, Ean would never approach me for sex; at least not for several weeks while he tried to put his head around things. It was up to me. And I only...

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Inside Brother

Inside Brother: the story of Mac n Nash WolfeMac walks over to the studio door and pulls the shade. He turns off the outer sign and locks the door. As his key turns in the deadbolt he takes a stern look over his shoulder and says, "Pretty boy, slide your ass across that counter and bring it into my reach. I need to worship." "Yes Mac, I'm coming." Nash replies, boyish adoration emanating from his smile. He lifts his lean, toned 180lbs by his arms and leans over the counter, then plops back to...

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Inside Me C12

----- 12 -- The next day started off fairly slow. Bentlee woke Montana and I up and we all somehow made our way into the kitchen and started throwing random breakfast foods together on the stove. In the end, we all, including Ean, sat around the table eating eggs, bacon, and waffles. The conversation of what to do that day eventually came up while eating. Bentlee suggested the zoo. It was a good one I admit, but a bit extreme for no planning whatsoever. Montana, whether I should call...

4 years ago
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inside man

hi. you know me. i'm that slutty looking busty blond in all those porno movies you watch....sometimes. sometimes i'm a brunette. sometimes my hair is short, othertimes long. sometimes i look like i'm young, other times i'm that sexy milf. sometimes i look like i've had too much plastic surgery, other times i look like a knife never touched me. other times i'm the asian or latina chick, or the black chick. sometimes i have a nice fat ass, other times my boobs are smaller. sometimes...

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Inside me Ch6

I woke up alone again the next morning. I couldn’t understand how he could leave me without me knowing all the time. Was I that heavy of a sleeper If I was, Ean could do a lot to me in my sleep and I wouldn’t know. I knew he wouldn’t do anything on purpose though.  In the shower as I washed my body off, I declared that after last night, Ean would never approach me for sex; at least not for several weeks while he tried to put his head around things. It was up to me. And I only had one more night...

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Inside Me

She couldn't move, her body not obeying her. Her head felt foggy, and no sound came out of her mouth. She saw the girl approach, pulling her legs apart slowly, exposing her. They were both naked, the room dark. Krissy felt her heart pound, her voice not working. God, what was wrong with her? Last thing she remembered she was pretty drunk and she thought maybe she passed out. And then waking up with this woman's mouth on hers, her hands taking off her clothes. The girl put some sort of lubricant...

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Inside Ronnies Head

Inside Ronnie's Head By Dawna Thompson April, 2002 Every time Ronnie saw a beautiful woman he lusted for her. He wanted to get into her panties... and her pantyhose, bra, blouse, shoes, and skirt. Ronnie was a normal guy. He never felt strange or different. He grew up in suburbia playing baseball, swimming and hanging out with his boyhood friends. He got along well with all of them. As a kid he liked building blocks, trains, toy trucks and playing army. He was a good...

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Inside Job

Inside Job By Kelly Hunter "Mr. Johnson? My name is Rachel, please, follow me." The young woman led the gentleman past the front counter, past the tellers that handled the basic bank functions, and into the elevator. His eyes followed the swaying hips of her tight tan wool skirt, her long legs gracefully leading the way. Her delicate high heels of her matching tan pumps began to softly click as they left the carpet of the lift and onto the cold, marble floor of the lower level...

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Inside Grandpas Toolshed

Inside Grandpa's Tool ShedBy billy69boy(Sequel to "Grandpa Tucks Me In")Chapter OneLate the next morning I awoke to the sounds of hammering and sawing and other construction noises coming from my grandparents' back yard. A tingle ran down my spine as I figured that grandpa was out there preparing for me to help him "clean out" his toolshed. Now that I realized how kinky my grandparents were, I couldn't wait to find out what they had in mind next. All I knew for sure was that my so-called...

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Inside Stians Office

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out in...

4 years ago
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Inside These Four Walls

Introduction: Nikki is the exotic girl that always goes for what she wants. And Savannah happens to be one of the things she wants most at Richmond Academy. Nothing is stopping the mutual attraction that Nikki and Savannah feel towards each other, so why cant they shake off the feeling that theyre hiding this huge secret? I just want to have sex with you. Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. Not right now, Nik. Oh, cmon! She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while...

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Inside Out

Inside Out Inside the mind of Chris, were five emoticons that provided emotional order in his life. Each emoticon had their own personality, but they were oriented towards one emotion. The five were joy, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. These five worked together in a control center inside Chris' head and regulated the flow of memories. Joy was a bubbly woman that took the leading role in Chris' head. Fear was a man that discouraged Chris from making reckless decisions. ...

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Inside Me C01

----- 1 -- Why is it that in all the good stories, the guys are the protagonists? They’re the ones you cry over. They’re the ones with the emotions. The girl is always their support. Support. Their strength. Never them. Never the Protagonist. When the girl is in danger; when she gets hurt; why do we cry for the guy? When he’s sad because of her, why do we feel for him? Why not for her? Why do I weep when the guy gets hurt; regardless of whether the female is sad, regardless of whether she...

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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

Group Sex
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Inside Maple Grove Chapter 3

A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.Chapter 3Dear readers, the story continues of a black family's bid to conquer Boston's white middle classes. Please read pervious chapters here for maximum enjoyment. Hopefully this tale is being well received. Some feedback would be nice.Inside Maple GroveChapter3 - Penetration time.Michelle Jackson had been joined in the hot tub by her daughter Abbey and Stella Harris and they...

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Inside of me forgive my english

1It is not easy for me to remember this story.Every time, I seem to walk near a ravine dark and mysterious, a place without carefully avoid, a corner of the mind that scares me even after so many years.I've never been afraid of this man, in fact, I felt sorry for him. Today when I remember I think he had big problems. The fear I feel is really my only!Of the past remember that when I returned home, full of pain and unhappy, I felt great fear of my ability. I dreaded to think of the things that...

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A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 3 - Penetration time.Michelle Jackson had been joined in the hot tub by her daughter Abbey and Stella Harris and they were casually chatting and drinking champagne. Stella Harris was still feeling sexually aroused after her very brief dalliance with Abbey and even though absorbed in conversation in her head she...

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Inside Carls Computer

It was gone midday as Jay made her way groggily downstairs, still a little hungover from her late-night binge. She'd had a couple of glasses of wine with her parents at dinner the night before. Then, when they'd gone to bed she'd gone to her room and spent a few hours Skyping with her BFF Jamie, back in the UK. She'd taken the newly opened bottle of Pinot Grigio with her to keep her company. And, when that one was exhausted she'd opened another. She felt sore all over as she went into the...

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Inside Angela

Sex with Roxanne was scaring me. She was loud and forceful and aggressive, not so much having sex with me as trying to grind out my orgasm like a cigarette under foot. She was everything men dream of. I should have been ecstatic about being with her. She was stacked, fit, firm, with a long thick mane that she kept tossing back and forth with every bounce she made on me. She had bright blue eyes and full, suck-me lips. And she was on me, naked, bucking and grinding on my erection, making her...

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Inside the Athletes VillageChapter 2

Though I'd fallen asleep with a gorgeous 18-year-old swimmer flanking me on each side, I awoke in my room completely alone. Glancing over, I saw that my roommate's bed was still perfectly made; Tyler must have hooked up with someone last night and never come home. No biggie, bed-hopping was an unofficial sport at the Olympics. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I sat up and glanced down at the precious hardware still lying on my chest. I used my thumb to rub it, smiling proudly at the...

4 years ago
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Inside and Out

Author’s Note This is a sequel to my previous story, ‘He Reminds me of my Husband.’ If you haven’t already done so I strongly recommend that you read that story first. I am deeply indebted to DaveT for his editing skills. He has undoubtedly made my story more readable. ***** Inside and Out Angela stepped into her office and prepared for her first client. She placed a chair either side of the low coffee table. She opened a fresh box...

5 years ago
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Inside Out Not A Pretty Tale

Inside Out, Not A Pretty Tale ? by: My Introduction - This story is written as part of my therapy. It's not really meant for publication, but I'm only following my therapist's directions. I've been told that if I write it all out it will help me move along and feel better about myself. It contains my personally graphic language, my offensive attitudes, and my sexual descriptions that should offend anyone in their right mind. If you are bothered by this kind of thing, hang...

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Inside Out Part 2 The Last of Sheila

Inside Out Part 2 That Last of Sheila? By Suzanne Knight I got up around 7Am showered and shaved, went with a comfortable bra with weighted breast forms that moved naturally when I walked, put on the waist cincher, sheer taupe pantyhose and a gaffe. The Sheath Vee String Vagina had been pretty uncomfortable yesterday after only a few hours. I did understated make up except I still used the dark red lipstick that went with the finger nails. I slipped into the white blouse and the blue...

3 years ago
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Inside Out Part 6 Sheila Settles Down

Inside Out Part 6 Sheila Settles Down St Kitts is an island in the Caribbean part of the British commonwealth mostly known for growing sugar. It is English speaking, there are no income taxes, and you can buy citizenship for a $35,000 fee and either a $250,000 investment or a $200,000 10 year loan to the government. It was originally known as St Christopher's and eventually shortened to the nickname for Christopher " Kit" It seemed appropriate to settle there since St Christopher was...

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Inside Out Part 7 The End for Now

Inside Out Part 7 The End (for now) I answered the last question first and then all but one of the others then seemed irrelevant. Yes I did want to see him, I had never forgotten the kiss. The only relevant question was what the Hell did that message mean? Nutley dawnland4.54litersbyflwrightshowaday1400 I broke it into segments, the first was dawnland or perhaps dawn land. Another name for dawn is sunrise. Does sunrise land tell me anything? No but Land of the Rising Sun does,...

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Inside The Mind of Dr Agnes OBrien

PrologueI enjoy writing fictional stories that are based on characters created by others.? For example I am currently working on a BDSM Library serial based on the AMC TV series ?Mad Men?.? In the past I have written stories like "Candy Among the Christians" revisiting Voltaire’s novel ?Candide? and the opera by the same name by Bernstein.  "Constanza's Submission"?was inspired by the ?Abduction from the Seralio? by Mozart.? At another site I have written stories based on Lupus Pictures'...

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