Wife Pic Trading
- 1 year ago
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John and I worked for the same health care company. I was the president of the company and I hired John on a recommendation from a business associate at a previous job I had held. John and I had passed paths only briefly in the past, but I was happy to bring him on to the team in an operational role. Although I was technically John’s boss, I looked at him as an equal and tried to treat him that way. Our business relationship soon blossomed into a personal relationship. Lucky for me, John had an engaging and socially active wife, named Cindy, who immediately hit it off with my wife, Sandy.
Most of our initial contacts away from work involved going out to eat. It was amazing – the similarities of our family dynamics. We all had kids and we all had kids who were challenges. Sandy was a stay-at-home mother, as was Cindy. John and I both liked baseball and Sandy and Cindy liked to go shopping.
Sandy and I had a great marriage, although I would have to admit, it was more because she made things happen than did I. For me, I was always plugged into work stuff.
Then, out of the clue blue one day, John called me and said he needed to take a few days off to handle some family matters.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“Yes,” John replied. I could tell that John was a bit troubled, but since he didn’t want to disclose what was transpiring, I decided not to pry. I knew that in due course, I’d find out.
Several days went by. I was needing an update on a business merger John had been working on, so I called him.
“I’ll email you over the business transaction agreement,” John replied. I asked him how things were, and John nondescriptly replied, “We’re working on a few things.”
I deduced from his response that he and Cindy were probably having some marital issues. I had Sandy make a call to see if she could figure anything out.
"Cindy seems fine," Sandy told me in a follow-up call, noting that we would be going to dinner later in the week. "We're set for dinner at O’Hare’s on Friday night.”
The dinner didn’t shed much light on any issues and John and Cindy seemed like the same old John and Cindy. As we finished off our dinner, the girls decided to order drinks from the bar. Before doing so, they excused themselves to the ladies’ room.
As they sauntered off, I couldn’t help but take note of Cindy’s unusually short outfit. Cindy had a gorgeous set of legs and she loved to show them off.
“You’re one lucky guy,” I told John, taking a sip from my drink.
“Everything is not always as nice as it may seem,” John replied. It was my first hint of trouble.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” I replied. “I’m very happy with Sandy, but I’ll have to admit, you’ve got quite a lovely wife.”
John chuckled.
“You can have her,” John replied nonchalantly. “She’s a great fuck, but she can be quite a bitch at the same time.”
Whoa. I guess the surprise registered on my face,
“I’m serious,” John replied. “She’s probably like you.”
The thought of banging Cindy was not one I had seriously entertained, but I had to admit that in the recesses of my mind, I found her quite attractive.
“Are you guys having issues?” I asked.
“Yeah,” John replied, taking a sip from his bourbon and coke.
“Anything I can do to help out?” I asked. I was trying to be sincere in my approach.
John scratched the side of his nose. I could tell he was nervous. I knew John’s mannerisms all too well. I had sat in way too many business meetings with John to not know when John was feeling unsettled. I pressed John for some details.
“It’ll be okay," he responded. “I’m fine with whatever you decide to do.”
I was completely lost. I didn’t understand how I had to make a decision that might affect the outcome of John and Cindy’s marriage. Time didn’t allow me to delve any deeper, as Sandy and Cindy approached the table, chatting away.
Cindy suggested we head to the bar area where there was a band gearing up to play. I was more than happy to get out of the restaurant and into a less formal environment. As we made our way towards the club bar, I discretely whispered to Sandy that we needed to chat.
I told Sandy that I suspected there were issues between John and Cindy. Sandy was shocked. Sandy said she suspected something was amiss but didn’t know what was going on. We quickly rejoined John and Cindy in a darkened corner of the dance club. Sandy slipped onto the Naugahyde bench seat next to Cindy, with John and I taking the outside seats beside our wives. The waiter came by and we ordered some drinks.
The DJ cranked up the music. Sandy glanced in my direction. I was not a great dancer, but I had learned to accept my inadequacies long ago. We headed for the dance floor. As we did, I glanced back at John and Cindy. John was like me. He only danced because his wife insisted on it.
I was only good for a couple of sets. The same with John. Sandy and Cindy had no issues with staying on the dance floor. Girls are like that.
As I settled back into the dark recess of the club, John sat down next to me. Neither of us said a word as we watched Sandy and Cindy dancing away, silhouetted in the lights, just a few feet from us. John leaned over and whispered, “I think I have a crush on your wife.”
At first, I wasn’t sure I heard what I thought I’d heard. I didn’t know whether to be flattered or taken aback. Sandy was definitely a head-turner and age had made her only more appealing to me. It was the first time that I had ever heard anyone disclose a “crush” on her.
I chuckled as John’s words settled into my mind. Not knowing what to say, I blurted out, “Well don’t leave yours alone, good buddy.”
“I’ll trade you,” John sheepishly replied. Racy and lascivious thoughts filled my alcohol-infused mind.
“I don’t think our wives would go for it,” I jokingly replied.
“You never know,” John shot back. “We should ask them.”
“Yeah, right,” I replied. “I don’t think they’re the husband-swapping type.”
John smiled.
“It never hurts to ask,” John replied. I didn’t really take John seriously, but he had planted a thought. I looked at Cindy and Sandy dancing away in front of us. I knew instinctively Sandy would never agree to anything like a wife-swapping arrangement. We had done some crazy things, but her conservativeness in the bedroom, while endearing, was firmly cemented in place. She was a one-man woman and there would be no way, I was sure, she’d even entertain such a lascivious thought, much less go through with it.
Boy, would I be proven wrong!
Alcohol is a funny thing. It loosens one up. It opens the mind. It is also a great aphrodisiac.
“Cindy isn’t wearing any underwear,” John disclosed as he leaned in next to me. His not-so-discreet disclosure set my mind ablaze. I had a secret fascination with sex in a public place, but I could never get Sandy to go along.
“What if we get caught?” Sandy pressed.
“We’re married,” I always replied.
“But we can still be arrested,” Sandy would argue.
“Not if we are discreet,” I would counter. Sandy would give me her trademarked 'No’ stare and that would end the conversation.
I laughed at John’s disclosure.
“I’m not wearing any underwear either,” I replied. Of course, I was lying, but I simply wanted to see the expression on John’s face.
“Dude!” he replied, “TMI.”
Sandy and Cindy headed towards our little dark corner in the club.
“Are you guys going to be wallflowers all night?” Sandy pressed, looking down at John and me.
“No,” I replied, “We were just enjoying the show.”
Sandy laughed.
“You guys need to get up and have some fun,” Sandy replied.
John smiled. He looked at Sandy and boldly replied, “I can show you some fun.”
I was speechless. To my surprise, Sandy ran with the comment. I don’t know if it was the liquor or what, but she replied, “Be careful what you wish for.”
It was a response I had not anticipated. Sandy looked at me.
“Do you think he can keep up with me?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “You’ve almost put me in an early grave a time or two.”
John glanced at Cindy.
“Do you mind?”
“No,” Cindy replied, “Do you mind?”
Cindy glanced in my direction and I peered back in her direction.
“I’m fine as long as John doesn’t mind,” I dutifully and honestly replied. John stood up and stepped past me, extending his hand towards Sandy. I guess I should have felt a tinge of jealousy, but I didn’t. I watched as they made their way to the dance floor a few feet away.
Cindy looked down at me and smiled. I practically melted. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I started to stand up, but she stepped between my legs, parting them with a slight tap of the inside of my foot. She spun around and planted herself straight onto my lap.
“I hope you don’t mind me making myself comfortable,” she declared as she settled on to my lap. I wasn’t really able to argue, so I simply replied,
“No, I’m okay.”
Cindy shifted her butt, pressing her cute little ass right onto my rapidly expanding man tool.
“I’m not too heavy, am I?” she pressed.
“No, not at all,” I replied.
Cindy was a small-framed woman. She probably stood all of five-foot-one and probably weighed a little less than a hundred pounds, soaking wet. She casually leaned back against me as we watched John and Sandy dancing on the dance floor about ten feet away from us.
I placed my hands onto Cindy’s round shoulders and then slowly worked my hands down her bare arms, until I was able to settle them into her lap.
“You are too sexy,” I whispered into her left ear.
Cindy cocked her head to one side and then glanced back over her shoulder at me.
“Behave,” Cindy politely scolded.
“You’re sitting on my lap,” I answered, “and you expect me to behave?”
“Yes,” Cindy shot back, grasping my hands in hers.
Cindy rocked slowly back and forth in my lap to the heavy beat of the music. We watched as John moved in closer to Sandy on the dance floor. The music broke and a slow song began to play. I could see John immediately take Sandy and pull her in close. At first, she resisted, but then she caved.
John rested his hands in the small of Sandy’s back as they pressed into each other on the dance floor, swaying to the music. I guess I should have been overwhelmed with jealousy, but strangely enough, I wasn’t. I asked Cindy if she wanted to dance.
“We are already dancing,” Cindy replied as she leaned back against me, wiggling her ass. “You don’t like my lap dance?”
“Yes,” I replied. “Very much so.”
Cindy leaned forward and placed her hands on my knees, intentionally lifting her buttocks off my lap. She then readjusted herself and replanted herself onto my lap.
“I have a question,” I blurted out.
“Go for it,” Cindy replied.
“Are you wearing any panties?” I asked.
Cindy leaned back and placed her head on my shoulder. She peered up at me.
“You tell me,” she replied.
I gently pushed Cindy forward, forcing her to stand up. I pushed my hand up under her short-pleated skirt and onto her bare ass and squeezed it. She leaned forward, hiking up her short skirt. To my delight and great pleasure, I discovered she was indeed without any panties. I quickly loosened the belt to my pants and unsnapped the fastener, as Cindy settled back onto my lap.
“Behave,” Cindy scolded a second time as she settled back on to my lap. “We don’t want to get busted.”
“Discretion,” I replied, “is the better part of valor.”
Cindy continued to shift her weight back and forth as she sat in my lap, listening to the soft melodic beat of the music. Her hand found its way in past the opening of my pants as she felt for her prize. I was never so happy for the cover of darkness, punctuated only briefly by the revolving strobes. Cindy’s nimble fingers found their way to the top of my enlarged tool. I was already leaking pre-cum.
I took in a deep breath and forcefully exhaled. My wife and my best friend were just a few feet away, suggestively slow-dancing to the same music that seemed to shelter Cindy and me. We had to be crazy.
Cindy managed to find a way to pull my eight-and-a-half-inch steel rod out of my pants as she sat on my lap.
“Be cool,” Cindy whispered as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft of my tool. She stood up between my parted legs. She then re-settled her ass backwards and onto my lap, slipping the head of my cock into the moist folds of her vagina in the process. I could feel my cock easily sliding into her very wet and warm vagina and the walls of her womanhood clamping down on me. This was unbelievably crazy.
Cindy leaned back and looked up at me.
“How does it feel?” she asked, slipping her hand around my head and to the base of my neck.
“Unfreaking believable,” I gasped as Cindy slowly worked her hips back and forth.
“You’re going to make me cum,” I extolled.
“Give it to me,” she pleaded. “Fill me up.”
Cindy placed her hands on my knees and then leaned forward, quickly working herself back and forth along the length of my tool. That did it and I shot my load deep inside her as my wife and best friend gyrated, hip to hip, on the dance floor only a few feet in front of us.
Cindy pulled off from my lap and quickly pirouetted in front of me to face me, my stiff cock totally exposed and hanging down between my legs. She grabbed some napkins from the table and quickly wiped me clean, even as the remnants of my explosion dripped from my manhood.
The musty smell of sex filled the small darkened part of the club. I just knew we were busted. I watched as Cindy wiped herself clean, her back to the dance floor.
We had just finished up our little-unexpected lusciousness when suddenly, the little alcove was filled with others who had decided to descend upon our little hideaway. John and Sandy rejoined us, totally oblivious to the happenings of only moments before.
Cindy and Sandy headed off to the ladies’ room, as John settled onto the bench seat beside me.
“You’ve got a very sexy wife,” John extolled.
“Take good care of her,” I replied, proffering a wink.
“I’ll do my best,” John replied. I finished off the drink on the table, as did John, while we waited for the ladies. Sandy and Cindy giddily returned a few minutes later.
“Why don’t we head back to our place?” Cindy recommended. Sandy, who was now “four sheets to the wind” drunk, was perfectly fine with the suggestion, to my surprise. John slipped his hand into Sandy’s hand.
‘Babe,” said John, “Let’s go light up some fireworks.”
I had seen Sandy drunk before, but not like this night. She slipped out of her stilettos and handed them to John, probably thinking John was me. I wasn’t going to tell her otherwise.
“Babe," Sandy replied, slipping her arm under John’s, “I am all over it!”
I looked at Cindy. She had a huge grin on her face. She stepped closer to where I was standing, as I was trying to gather my wits. She placed her palm on to my chest.
“Let’s go party,” Cindy extolled, looping a lone finger into an opening of my button-down shirt. I chuckled out loud.
“Let’s go party.”
…and party we did. Oh my God! Did we party!
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Anya kept watch over Uri while I went across the street to tool up. I came back with the 10 mm glock on my hip, the hammerless .38 revolver in one of my jacket pockets, the .410 gauge derringer in pocket of my jeans and a recently acquired switchblade knife on the other side. I bought the knife for fun during a recent trip out of the country. I didn't think that I was going to be having any fun that night, excitement for sure, fun no. I also carried the shotgun cane, since I had to have a...
We were having lunch at the Belga Café near eastern market a couple weeks later when the subject of injecting my balls came up again. "Still up for a trade?" Lindz ask, snagging a mussel from the bowl in front of us and noisily slurping the contents. "Maybe." Things had mellowed some since our night with Anna and I could tell that Lindz was itching to try something new. "It sounds relatively safe," she murmured, breaking off some bread and dipping it in the sauce. "How...
"Come in, there is someone I want you to meet," said Alexandra. It was three days since Catherine's encounter with Rhonda at the restaurant. Once again after collecting her wits she had attempted to ignore her weekly session with Alexandra, so ashamed of her performance at the restaurant that she thought nothing could possibly persuade her to continue this decadence. Yet here she was, not simply in spite of, but mostly because of, the humiliation and erotic spell of subjugation in which...
No matter how late she was running, there was always time to make love to the mirror. It was the only way to keep doing her job and save just a smidgen of self-confidence. Gina Divine stood before the mirror in the bathroom preening for work. Hunter kohl eyeliner was applied in a single unwavering stroke to emphasize her emerald eyes. She brandished the wand to her mascara like a pro. Puckering her lips, she applied the final coat of shellac and pouted seductively. Gina wiggled into her slinky,...
My phone was ringing. I fished it out of my pocket and checked the number. It was Sophie, my wonderful, amazing, beautiful fiancée. I waited a moment before answering.“Hey, Soph. How are you?” I asked.“Hello, Mr. Grey,” she replied. “I’m fine, thank you. I’m just checking up on how your schedule is coming along?”“Everything is going right to schedule so far, Ms. Dunn. Just this last client to go. I’m parked outside, but he’s not quite ready for me to go in.”“I love you, Wade. So…,...
BisexualI opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...
Before you start…this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk...
“Did I mention I hate moving?” I asked my boyfriend Jack after I had carried what seemed to be my millionth box up a flight of stairs and into our new apartment. All he could do was smile and nod, he was as worn out as I was from a long day of moving. The two of us had been together for a year and a half before we decided to take the plunge and move in together, and let me say is was quite a daunting prospect. Being only 20, this was the first time I had ever lived away from home, and the...
"If only you spent as much time taking care of yourself as you did studying! Then, you might even have a date for prom...," Marie trailed off as she looked at her own test score. "Haha, you're just upset that she didn't get a D- like you did! Besides, not everyone's daddy buys their daughters luxury shampoo," Lisa came to Jackie's defense. But Marie was already checking her makeup and hair with a pocket mirror. Lisa looked back to Jackie and rolled her eyes. "But damn girl, you really must have...
Once upon a time, Jack had been a normal guy, like you or me. Well. Maybe a little more perverse than most. There was always so many beautiful ladies around, and he just wanted to touch them. One day, he woke up different, changed. There was no magic fairy, no voice of god, just the knowledge in his head that he could do as he wished, to anyone he wished. It was there firm in his head, as he got dressed in a simple black sleeveless shirt, with a v-neck and ties, a red vest, and a plain black...
Mind ControlYou wake up in your bed on a friday, thinking you were late for school after checking your alarm, only to remember you had the day off. You hop out of bed hearing a snore from above you, you think: is it a bad thing if I have sort of a hate for my sibling? You always get into fights and arguments about things only to stop because you didn't want to get into any trouble with a teacher or parent. You always slowly stand up and walk to your bathroom to splash some water on yourself to get yourself...
IncestI paused briefly to admire the view of my cock halfway out of the woman's vagina. Her silky secretions coated my shaft, glistening softly in the light of her bedroom."See, this is how it is done." I instructed as I turned to the woman's husband who was standing by me to my left."Yes, I see," the miserable wretch agreed, "but your shaft is so much longer and thicker than mine. It reaches deeper in her.""Mmm,, oh yes it does. It feels wonderful." the woman breathed excitedly.Her face was buried...
A while back me and a friend of mine and his twenty year old girlfriend went to the next town over from ours for a long weekend. We were putting away some drinks in the hotel bar when a couple of older men approached us. My buddy, Mike, and I are twenty five and okay looking guys. Mike's girlfriend, Lisa, is a super hot twenty year old blonde, 100 lbs., nice "C" cup tits, about five foot tall. A petite thing that looks like she is ready to fuck. These men I am going to guess are in their...
Before you start...this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk about...
Group Sex“Did I mention I hate moving?” I asked my boyfriend Jack after I had carried what seemed to be my millionth box up a flight of stairs and into our new apartment. All he could do was smile and nod; he was as worn out as I was from a long day of moving. The two of us had been together for a year and a half before we decided to take the plunge and move in together, and let me say is was quite a daunting prospect. Being only 20, this was the first time I had ever lived away from home, and the...
Straight SexI opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...
BisexualWe often visited the sauna where my wife and I would occasionally indulge in threesomes. My wife Cathy is a petite brunet. She is only 19 and although she had a very limited sex life before we married she has certainly made up for it since. She prefers men who are well mannered and she can't abide rowdy types and bad language. Knowing this about her made what happened the other night, such a shock. We were alone in the Jacuzzi at the sauna, when we could hear some loud-mouthed men in the next...
I read a new story called "Brand New Whores" a couple weeks ago. It was written by Softly. If you haven't found and read it, do so. I think you can enjoy this story without it, but reading it would make it more understandable. Briefly, a plant closes in a small North Carolina town, throwing everyone in town out of work. One family, Dad, Mom, their three daughters and their husbands, and the mother of one of the husbands are all out of work. They decide to start their own business, so they...
I came out of the shower and looked at myself critically in the mirror. I was 29 years old, typically Jewish, though perhaps I could pass for Italian or Spanish extraction with my black hair, brown eyes, and sharp facial features. 5' 4". My breasts sagged a bit, no longer the pert tits they had been 10 years ago. I had a nice waist even though the hips spread a little too much. I turned to the side and looked at my ass. Still nice, I though, if a bit broader than it had once been. Everything...
Wednesday was my first full day on patrol, and pretty much went like Tuesday afternoon. Since the shift started at 0800, the graveyard shift patrolled the school zones in the morning. Otherwise, I was routed back over towards East Matucket, with Jerry pointing out various places to keep an eye out for. Some of it was amusing, such as when he pointed out a couple of popular places where high school students were likely to take their dates Friday and Saturday nights. “How hard do we come down...
I wrote all that and a lot more down, before I left his car. His car was actually my old minivan, which was actually Jen's old minivan. We might have gotten the only dependable Chrysler ever made, but it had been a good van. Lucas dropped me at the office a little after noon. I had in fact ridden with him to serve a few papers. It wasn't fun, but the conversation had been. Process servers have stories just like the cops, and the EMT personnel. Swapping stories about the mooches was like...
“Hand over the dark attribute’s essence and you will be let go!” A voice from Zax’s rear shouted. Ignoring the quickly approaching Martial Mortal, Zax immersed himself in converging kinetic energy to Kinetic Force and drilling faster. There were currently around fifty persistent experts on his tail. Five of which were Gong Vreil, Kirik and the other three who collaborated with him for the dark attribute’s essence. Another four, and at the lead, were four Martial Mortals. Pushing his...
“I still can’t believe my magic box opened for you?” I said, to Sable. “I’m as surprised as you are, daddy. I just told the box we needed to charge the crystals to help you, and it opened for me,” he replied. “You are probably the only person it would open for too, son,” I said. “My entity likes you for some obscure reason.” Sable chuckled, “It loves you, dad. I think you frightened it when you collapsed. So it was willing to trust me so Trixi and I could help you.” I looked around the...