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Wax By Jacquie Windsor 'The world was created neither by gods nor by men; it has always existed; it is, and it always will be, an everlasting fire, burning according to a law and dying according to a law.' ----Heraclitus I am free. I serve no master. I walk as a king upon this island of Taquus--Queen of the Adriatic. My subjects are the souls of men and women who rode in chariots led by a single evil horse. I know that all human beings were borne originally by a team of horses, one good, the other evil. Harmon, my closest advisor, is typical of the men and women who now call Taquus their home. After the good horse bolted, he had a choice: He could let go of the reins, whereupon the evil horse would also run away, allowing his soul to descend to earth in the form of an animal; or, he could hang on for dear life. "I held on," he once admitted, "since I would rather have half the sense of a man than none at all." "So then you arrived on Taquus to be judged although the judgment has already been made," I had rebuked him. ### Hiero Friogato, sailing along the northwest coast of Africa in a vessel borrowed from a Balearic merchant, saw land off his starboard bow. Unless the carrack had somehow turned around, the place was not a promontory of the continent. Hiero's first mate, an old seahand who nevertheless had three of his own teeth, approached the captain with his own theory on the discovery. "We've turned about almost certain of it." "We might know better," replied Friogato, "if you hadn't tossed the astrolabe overboard with the admiral." "Cagamosto was in the way," snarled the mate. "Asides, he was a Pisan, and them from Pisa don't know Africa from Norway. Did you hear how he always shrieked? 'A fjord! Oh look, dear fellows a fjord, a fjord.' Like a sissy. And every time we bumped into a piece of land that had a hill on it." The first mate, a callous, sunburned Portuguese--the same nationality as the captain--gambolled in a fey mockery of the Italian who had splashed into the ocean after only three days sail from Porto Xira. Hiero Friogato was suddenly elevated to the captaincy by popular demand. He'd had the foresight to steal the admiral's personal effects before the mutiny, and could afford to pay those who remained aboard double what they were previously promised. All the Italians, roughly half the crew, were defeated in a bloody pitched battle on the deck. That was a half hour prior to the admiral's ignominious exit. Only the loyal Portuguese stayed with the vessel. Hiero remembered the point at which he realised the voyage was in danger. The admiral had summoned the five passengers to his cabin; unaware that one of them had already taken his money from its hiding place. There was a creased, ink stained map tacked to a long oaken table inside the admiral's quarters. The room was cramped. Not only did it contain an enormous bed, which had been rebuilt after being brought aboard in pieces, but there was also a bronze cannon pointing aft. The gun should have been directed towards the port, where its shuttered hole was, but any attempt to fire it from that spot would probably splinter the bed during the recoil. "You are all my personal guests. I have invited you along, on this historical journey, for you are all veterans of the struggle to destroy the power of the Moslems in the peninsula." The admiral stuck a bony finger on the map. The peninsula to which he pointed was marked in eighth century Latin. Friogato knew it was not Iberia. It was in fact the Crimea. "We sailed from Porto Xira two days ago," explained the admiral, indicating the Genoese trading station of Furia Brava in the Black Sea. "We intend to discover the Ex Quadra Navigium, where the Atlantic Sea connects to the Great Holy Waterway here." "Uh where did you learn about this?" asked Hiero, peering closer at the chart where, indeed, a four-branched canal clearly connected Jerusalem with Samarkand, the Black Sea with the Indian Ocean. The Black Sea, though, was marked as the Atlantic. "From Spurcus the Elder his book about sailing from the Holy Land to the country of the Ghuzz. Look, too, at the wonderful mountains through which the Holy Canal makes its way. A fjord!" "Are you planning to sail from Porto Xira to Jerusalem?" "No, silly. From Porto Xira to Samarkand." The admiral scarcely needed to say more. From that point on, Hiero conspired tactlessly with his countrymen to rid themselves of the deluded officer. ### I am free to use fire, to warm my house, to cook my food, to punish my subjects when they default on their taxes. Harmon, as the others who dwell here on Taquus, must endure the morning fog and the winter winds without warmth. Heat and fire are the products of what is good, and what is purely good is godly. Frigid nights, cold rains and January squalls must be endured by good and evil people alike, but those who chose to become evil before they formed as sentient earthbound bipeds even to escape the bonds of animal existence are forced to do so without Providence. "I sometimes wish I'd let go of the evil horse," Harmon confided to his wife. "Me too," she whispered, shivering between frosty breaths. Harmon had found his wife, now a mature woman of thirty- seven years, as a beautiful, embittered vixen, deposited on Taquus during the Cimbri raids. Then she was half her present age, blessed with the appearance of youth and vigour, cursed with a dark brooding and particularly indisposed towards straight lines, the number seven and happiness. She remained vigorous, and her antipathies had become obsessive. "Slouch, damn you," she once screamed at Harmon. He was forced to bow his spine in her presence, to contort his limbs in whatever way she fancied, and to whirl about in a wonderful circular path as he walked with her into the main marketplace on Taquus. "Grant me solace; divorce me from this wretch," he henceforth implored me, knowing full well that it was outside my power to do anything to alleviate the pain of evil. "Wretch? Dear Counsellor, you are the wretch. Now, be off. I have seen that Uitula Rumperius is late with her rents." I whistled on the way down from my hearth to her hovel in the meadow, then read her the eviction in a loud voice before scattering lit coals on the thatch. I stood close to the warm blaze, keeping Uitula at a safe distance from its succour. ### "Sailing to Samarkand can you believe it?" Hiero asked his adjutant. "Samarkand is in the middle of the desert." "Yeah, the admiral got too many cracks on the bean from fight in' the Corsicans " The first mate was interrupted by a loud 'Haloo!' from the masthead. A gnarled grin appeared. Toothless he may have been, but the sailor was genuinely happy with the command of the hitherto land based captain. The admiral, among many of his idiosyncrasies, had forbidden shouting on the ship. To the chagrin of everybody, mess call was announced by formal written invitation although less than a tenth of those aboard could read, and the lookout was made to relay sightings by a flagless semaphore system--not terribly distinct from the pantomime. The crew frequently ignored the signals. Most of them were ill equipped to remember the two hundred coded messages communicated through strange waving and flapping of the arms. Others were near sighted or simply heedless. "Aye, there's a call I'm glad to hear," beamed the first mate. "Shouts from the riggin' land, I'd garner should be Africa, nothin' more. We'd better steer clear." "How long have you been at sea, sailor?" asked Hiero. "Comin' up, five days." "No how many years have you plied the waters in various ships and so forth?" "Ah oh, you mean, most o' my life--five and twenty years, I think." Hiero knew that the man must have been telling the truth. He had to be in his mid-thirties, possibly older, certainly looking aged and bent from a lifetime of hard labour. "When we try to follow the African coast, we must do so at some distance from the shore, right?" "Aye." "And why is that?" "Oh, because," growled the mate, "if we didn't then we'd wrack up on the shoals--them miserable African shoals " "Driven onto the offshore rocks. Barely submerged rocks. And what would throw us onto them?" "Yeah the wind. That steady breeze a flappin' landward," said the first mate. "And yet?" "I see. Right now the wind is comin' from that land just seen." "So," prompted Hiero, continuing without awaiting the experienced sailor's reply. "Either the wind is blowing the wrong way, or that land out there isn't Africa at all." "You make an excellent skipper," asserted the lifelong mariner. "I wouldn't have ever figgered it out so fast. What is that place, then? I've heard that Kara Khitai lies somewhere out in the Atlantic." His last statement was full of encouragement. Friogato had heard his children speak in the same tone when they expected gifts from him. The men in his cavalry company El Carosello had expressed a similar sentiment during a vespers, the previous autumn. That came eight hours before they all plundered a Castilean depot outside Palos. The elected ship's captain smiled in fond memory of this last incident. "My Lord," had exhorted the priest after the vespers. "May you please restrain your men? The Castileans have helped us against the Hafsids many times. I implore you to spare them this insult." "Castileans? Hafsids? Weigh the one against the other, Frater Fedorigo," had replied the conquistador, a veteran of several battles against both neighbours to the Portuguese. "Strip them of their crosses and crescents and they stand as one--the enemy." Fedorigo had hastened to back down from his position. The smile now broadening across Hiero Friogato's face belied nothing to his first mate, any more than El Carosello had revealed to its detractors that its membership was exclusively Jewish. ### I resist fluctuations. I am unhappy with change. I abhor turmoil. It was with this last thing in mind that Harmon's wife stomped into my private study on Taquus. "You keep filling the head of that idiot husband of mine with the same nonsense, day after day," she cried. "Nonsense? What nonsense?" "Oh that you're a god and that he's so special because he can talk to you even though he's a mortal and so on." "Well, I am a god." "Oh yeah? Do something god-like," she challenged. The woman was easily as bitter as when I had first seen her with Harmon. I did not remember exactly when I allowed her to land on Taquus, but it must have been during one of those times when I was excessively tired. "God-like. Hmm," I thought aloud. Brandishing a long necked metal flask from my desk, I then shouted my proud reply: "Here this will prove my divinity." "What's this?" "Ambrosia. Only gods drink ambrosia. It was brought to me by my good friend Poseidon." "Let me taste it." "You aren't a goddess," I spat. "Drinking this will only injure you--maybe even kill you--or worse--" I began to think evil thoughts. I attributed this, instantly, to my environs. Specifically, I realised that the presence of this iniquitous woman was defeating my good sense. "Ambrosia, shmambrosia," she screeched. "Give me that " I was so lost in thought that the intruder was easily able to snatch the flagon from my limp grasp and drain it of half of its contents before I could stop her. "Brr-rechh," she belched. "Uh huh, big shot. Bit of a kick, maybe, but deadly?" I waited a moment. Harmon's wife stared at me. I peered at her eyes. Were they flickering? "Are you all right?" I asked. "Are you?" she countered. "I--I guess so. Maybe that was old ambrosia or something." "Yeah, right. If you're a god and everything, the passing of time shouldn't affect you or any of your god stuff. Like this weak, watery stuff in the flask." The woman, still possessing the fire of youth as well as the remnants of my ambrosia, stalked out of the study. She wheeled to face me just before slamming the door. "Listen, you fake god stay away from my Harmon and quit filling his little mind with stupid ideas. Advisor to the gods. How insipid." Wham! "I'm going to have to get a lock for that door," I vowed. ### Hiero Friogato promised to quintuple the wine ration if landfall was made before twilight. That meant some eight hours of skilful sailing by the green crew. "Should've kept at least one of the Italians around," muttered the skipper before retiring to the admiral's cabin. He sprawled lazily across the enormous bed and quickly fell asleep as the carrack eased through the calm Atlantic waters. Bang! Friogato awoke with a start. A candlestick grazed his head, falling onto the mattress beside him from its perch on the bedstead. The cabin door had been torn from its hinges, and the bronze cannon was no longer crowding the room. The floor tilted forwards and to port. Noise from the deck penetrated the dimly lit quarters. "Oh no let me guess," shuddered Hiero. He blinked four times to purge the sleep from his eyes and set out to investigate the commotion. The vessel became level as the popularly chosen skipper got to the doorway, then continued to list backward, gradually, and finally to starboard. A low rumble. Hiero looked up in time to see the gun, still mounted on its carriage, rolling toward him on the shifting deck. He dived back onto the bed. The cannon narrowly missed him, crashing first through the table holding the inaccurate map, then through the aft timbers of the ship. When Friogato recovered from his desperate manoeuvre, little more than the breech was visible. The better part of the barrel was stuck through the untidy gash it had punched through the wall. "Damn! I hope the ship isn't ruined," fumed the captain. He crept from the bed a second time, up the tilting floor toward the door. Bedlam prevailed among the crew. "Drunk. They're all drunk. First mate! Report to me immediately." "Yesshir," slurred the ruffian. "We're maked it dalanding. Shee? Shee fer yershelf." Hiero brushed the sailor aside, furious as much at himself as at anyone for quintupling the rations before hiding the wine barrels. The ship had been dashed against the shore of the new land with sails full. The breeze was fresh and out of the north-northeast. The mast was cracked in three places, and the lookout who first spotted their destination had fallen from a considerable height to have his brains splattered onto a capstan. All the rest of the crew was sloshed, singing and quite oblivious to the world. ### Harmon's wife was still angry. She walked away from the palace on Taquus, down one of the many paths radiating from that central location, past the charred remains of many huts, until at last she came to the beach. "What's this? A floating house?" she asked herself. It was the borrowed vessel, now occupied by a besotted crew, run aground through Friogato's thoughtlessness. He was struggling with two large barrels that he had lowered from the swamped ship by means of an improvised block and tackle. "You there," challenged the woman. "What strange conveyance is this? Or is it some kind of winged house?" Hiero saw her staring up at the crumpled rigging. "Do you live in this land?" he asked. "What place is this?" "Taquus is its name, and yes I live here." "Well, my name is Hiero Friogato. I am a Portuguese explorer. I appear to be lost somewhere in the Atlantic, and my crew is out of their heads. Is there someone here in Taquus who could help me re- pair my ship?" "Hold it," said the woman. "Did you say you're in the Atlantic? The god--uh--I mean, our king thinks this is the Adriatic Sea." "No, this is the Atlantic Ocean. Africa is somewhere over that way." Hiero was about to ask another question, when he followed the woman's silent gaze. Upward. The figurehead on the bow of the carrack. She seemed to be mesmerised by it. "Do you appreciate fine woodcarving?" he asked. "She's a beautiful piece of work." "Sure--sure is." "Is there something about it? It is said to be the likeness of a dead Pisan admiral's own mother. You seem to be--" "Yes. Yes there is something about it. I'm thinking." Harmon's wife allowed the self-proclaimed explorer to continue to struggle with the two barrels. He managed to roll them up the sandy incline to where the vegetation began. He returned to stand beside the woman, who was still gazing intently at the wooden sculpture attached to the front of the vessel. "Does it remind you of anyone?" he queried, showing a remarkable empathy for the woman's thoughts. "Uitula." "Who?" "Nev-never mind. Is it possible to remove that statue? To bring it down onto the beach?" she asked sweetly. Not one to refuse a polite request, especially from a woman of such poise as the one before him, Hiero Friogato climbed up the side of the ship and gently pried the figurehead from its spot using a straight iron pole. He looped a rope under its arms and around its back once it had been partly dislodged from the ship. The line was secured to the bowsprit so that the statue would not tumble to the beach once he was done prying the rivets loose. All the while he engaged in a lively dialogue with the woman, who remained on the sand below. He knew the crew wouldn't interfere in any way, as all of them were either exhausted from their binge or fast asleep. "What's in the barrels that's so important?" asked the woman. "Wine and powder," he called back. "Powder?" "Yeah--you know, gunpowder." The concept of guns was alien to the woman, whose soul had fallen intact to earth, unsullied by schooling or technology. He had to explain partially through onomatopoeic syllables like 'bang' and 'pow'. "Bang? Pow? Yes, I think I understand," she shouted. "Fire and smoke?" "That's right." She smiled upward, nonspeaking, while Friogato completed his task and brought the statue down to the beach. She continued to radiate friendliness while quietly admiring the remarkable likeness of the figurehead to Uitula Rumperius. ### I like light. I dislike motion, except where it produces light. Such is the nature of fire. Here on Taquus, I am the only one allowed the pleasure of enjoying a fine twilight fire in my magnificent hearth. The crippled Hephaestus made the masonry and iron structure for me. "I salute you, dear friend," I stated quietly, lifting a silver goblet of ambrosia to my lips. "You! You in there. Get out here. I have a bone to pick with you." "That infernal woman, again. If she didn't live with that noble wretch, Harmon, I would have long ago burned her house until only ashes remained. "What is it?" I asked, carefully unlocking the door, but pressing my foot up against it in case the woman tried to burst in. "You keep insisting you're a god. Well, I can prove I'm a goddess--just come on out here and I'll show you." "That'll be the day. You? A goddess? Even Harmon is twice the goddess that you are." I placed a pair of slippers on my feet and walked out of my palace to the front gate of the property, where Harmon's wife urged me to follow. Out on the lawn, not far from a large maple tree, stood Uitula Rumperius. "So?" I asked. "You have brought me a tax evader. Are you the Goddess of Unpaid Rents? Foreclosuria?" "Cut the sarcasm, you windbag, and watch!" The woman hurled a fistful of sand at the ground next to Uitula. The flat patch where she stood looked yellowish and powdery, even in the dim moonlight. Flash--Bam! PWAFFFT!! I recoiled slightly, averting my eyes for a second from the unexpected pyrotechnics. When I looked back at Uitula, all I saw was a wooden statue. "There, big shot. I turned Uitula into wood. Now, prove you're a god. Anyway you want--no big deal." I walked closer to my transformed tenant. "I'm surprised. I really am. I--I--" "Quit stalling, or I'll turn you to wood, too," cried the woman, readying another fistful of sand. "Ah uh uh. No need to do that. I'll prove it." I took a sharp knife from my belt and drew it slowly and purposely across my wrist. Where a mere mortal would have begun to bleed in crimson profusion, a translucent white substance issued from my veins. "So, what's that?" demanded my challenger. "Ichor. Gods carry ichor in their circulatory systems. This is ichor." "That's not ichor, you retard," laughed the woman, "it's wax. It's molten wax." I heard some rustling in the branches of the maple, followed by the sight of a man I'd never seen before. He jumped from one of the larger limbs onto the ground near Uitula's image. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded. "Who is this person? He didn't arrive by one-horsed chariot." "No, but he has some pretty interesting claims. Hiero, darling, tell this fake god where we are." "On an island in the Atlantic." "No," I countered. "This is the Adriatic--the Adriatic Sea." "Not true," said Harmon's wife. "Your mind is gone has been for a while, I'd imagine, and so is your life's essence, there." She was pointing at a congealing puddle of wax at my feet. My goodness. It really was wax. I continued to reaffirm my divinity, albeit with some alarm. "Life's essence is blood, dear madam, not wax--um--ichor. Whatever. A man dies when he loses too much blood. This isn't blood." "You don't get it, do you?" Scorn gripped her voice. She summoned the very much alive Uitula Rumperius from where she had hidden behind the massive trunk of the maple during the explosion. "Eighteen millenniums have gone since Taquus was born. Your power is gone. There won't be any more chariots coming here. It's a different era now. Nobody needs good horses or evil ones for that matter. Or chariots." "There have to...be...chariots," I muttered, shaken by the sardonic blasphemy reaching my ears. "It can't be...wax..." "You know how out of touch you are?" she continued. "This is land used to be square. Now it's round. Explain that, you pretender. It's moved from one ocean to another without you even figuring it out. Taquus is irrelevant and so are you. You're no god--you're a big fool." "And that's not simply the end of it," sneered Uitula. "I would not have been here to enjoy your fate without the available substance of a certain admiral from Pisa. Those deeds ascribed to destiny are more often those of souls free of the tendons of one mere bag of skin." "I hope you'll forgive me for throwing you overboard," sighed Friogato. "Sometimes I get carried away." "If I deigned to hold a grudge," answered Uitula, "you'd have still been sleeping when that big metal thing rolled off the deck through your cabin." I couldn't believe the innocent patter being exchanged while the wax kept flowing from my arteries. "You--you brought that vessel here?" I fell forward onto my knees, now drenched in slippery ooze. Waxy tears filled my eyes. Before they solidified, I watched as the man who had arrived without a chariot took Harmon's wife firmly in one arm and Uitula Rumperius in the other. The wax still flowed. Just before my sight and my doom were sealed, I watched the three turn their backs on me, and slowly wander down the path towards the sea. THE END

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The warehouse in question was not a large building as such things usually go. It was about the equivalent of two-storeys tall and had a couple of large doors on each of its long sides. Normal doors could be found at either of the short ends. There were a few windows up high for light, but none at ground level. The roof had four large skylights and hardly sloped at all, only the minimum necessary for rain to drain off. As soon as it was dark enough, The Ghost went up on the roof and looked...

3 years ago
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SAM Ch 03

This is the Third Chapter of SAM. In this I have changed style mostly because the main FiFi’s training is all but over but also because the story now becomes an erotic crime. If you want background information on the Sam and the other members of the Shelley Resort I recommend my Story The Webber Family Secret. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER THREE FRIDAY Friday was an easier day for FiFi, her Master subjected her to an intensive examination on the layout of the Lodge which she passed with one hundred...

4 years ago
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Turning Anna into a Woman

My wife, Hailey, had never been close with any of her family. She officially moved out of her parents’ house the day she turned 18 but had been living with older friends for over two years before that. We met towards the end of both our college careers, dated for two years and married during our third year together. We had just celebrated her 26th birthday (I was 27) and both were shocked when we got a call from her younger sister, Anna (then 17). It was the first time in over four years that...

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Denise and her family Part 3 James Enjoys Being On The Farm1

Part 3 James Enjoys Being On The Farm By Docker5000 Introductory. James and his dad are on a remote Scottish farm miles from anywhere helping his dads widowed aunt and cousin after the death of his dads uncle. James hates it until his dad’s cousin show him the fun you can have on a farm with no other men around. James and his dad with his dad’s aunt and cousin were now in Gwendolyn's old Land-rover heading the 50 miles to where she had a small farm. James looked completely board as...

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Show me your cock

There I was standing in his doorway just staring at him in the buff. He was tan all over, in good shape for someone in their late 40's. His cock was swinging between his legs as he shifted around. I was in a daze just looking at the amount of hair that crowned his meat stick. I couldn't believe that I was there and what I was going to happen next.Just a few hours earlier, I was delivering pizzas on a Friday night. I wasn't initially scheduled but was called in. I needed the money. I was finding...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 3

When My Dreams Came True. Written and posted by hard93 Chapter 3. Learning to be the Couple we always wanted to be: There is more story than sex if that not what youre look for, sorry but try a another writer. In the previous chapter Andy found out he won the lottery. Rachel his longtime crush, the girl Andy dreamed of as long as hes known her also had a crush on him. From their second kiss on their crush become love and Rachel insisted all she really cared about was Andys love. Andy is not...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 16

The ferry sailing was an overnight trip leaving Rosyth at 17:00 and docking in Belgium, at Zeebrugge, at 12:00 the following day. Kenny hadn't booked any accommodation so he settled himself down in one of the ferry's public lounge areas and passed some of the time by playing with his new computer. At first the 3G card allowed him to connect to the Internet but the ferry was soon out in the North Sea and coverage halted abruptly. Before that happened Kenny had managed to download some road...

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Im telling mom PT 3

I'm telling mom - PT 3Are you fucking your da(u)ghter John?Carroll, what kind of question is that?It's OK John. I just want to know, are you fucking your da(u)ghter?Yes Carroll we fucked a few times at the beach.I'm glad to hear you say that. My father worked a lot he was never home. Long story short my br(o)ther would fuck me and my mother. That's the reason my husband left me. It got to the point where he couldn't take knowing my br(o)ther was the first to take my virginity, he was the first...

4 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 1

Danny and Dani shared the second story of their home. During the school year Danny had the whole floor to himself. His and Dani’s rooms were connected by a Jack and Jill bath. Each had a lavatory in their rooms with doors connecting to the bath with tub, shower and toilet. While Danielle was away at school, Danny had the floor to himself and would frequently walk around nude.. Danny was building muscles and was turning into quite a good looking young man. At his age, his hormones...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Friend is 2 Whore

Annie had been my wife’s best friend all through high school and college, as well as the through the five years that followed. She had not only been her maid of honor at our wedding, but she had also been present for the birth of both of our c***dren. In addition to the fact that she was one of the sweetest women I knew, she was also very easy on the eyes. In fact, she was one of the best advantages to me putting in the large in-ground pool in my back yard a couple summers ago; I figured it...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Alura Jenson 23941

Alura Jenson is taking care of her son’s sick friend Lucas, who’s been staying with her ever since her son shipped out for his tour of duty. Alura’s been enjoying his company so much that she spills the beans to him and tells him tales past of his mom and dad and how they would really “party” with her and her husband. Not one to be shy, Mrs. Jenson even reveals how she fucked Lucas’s father, with his mother right there banging Mr. Jenson! It was the days of swinging, she tells him, and those...

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Husband cheats with the pretty neighbor wife who8217s as horny as a cat on a hot tin roof

My next-door neighbor Patty reminded me a lot of Carol. Both had beautiful dark hair and exceptionally pretty faces, and although Carol was tall and Patty short, there was still something about both of them that somehow made them sisters. And while Carol, with her almond-shaped green eyes and long fine legs looked erotic, Patty was the very definition of erotic. “Do you like to masturbate?” Patty asked me softly, her voice barely audible over the hum of the fan. We were sitting next...

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He turned on the landing leading to the fourth flight of stairs and wearily hauled himself round and up on the wooden banister... The three cardboard boxes of cakes slid across the bottom of the wicker basket, crooked in at his free elbow, as he mounted the stone steps. It had been a long morning, cycling on the heavy old bike with its iron basket-holder on the front, making it so hard to manoeuvre. But now he was finished. Nearly. He always kept this customer to the last. For months he'd...

4 years ago
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Barnyard OrgyChapter 9

The door to the smokehouse stood open, allowing Lynn to look out directly upon the woods. She watched the dry breeze as it twisted and swooped through the summer leaves, making them quiver and turn and flutter, allowing Lynn to see them from every angle under the softening wash of the late-afternoon sun. The breeze seemed actually visible to her now, visible as a flow of heat waves scurrying this way and that among the leaves. The smokehouse was suffocatingly hot, but Lynn felt fairly...

1 year ago
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The Gym

Chris Johnson looked over the newest branch of his gym with pride. It was the morning of opening day and he was surveying the scene from the front counter, a few elderly women were on the treadmills, a couple of bulky men were lifting in the free weights section and he listened to the instructor in the side room running the very first Yoga class. The facility was state of the art, and was a dazzling display of open space and natural lighting. “Well, we did it!” Lisa said. “Fucking oath we did!”...

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Lindsays Valentines Day Surprise Party

Lindsay's Valentine's Day Surprise Party : Sequel to Lindsay's New Year's Surprise.My girlfriend Lindsay is a sexy little thing. She's 5'4" with jet black hair (though she sometimes tints it with blonde highlights), full 34D breasts, an olive complexion, sparkling green eyes and a tight little ass. Everyone I know wants to fuck her, but I'd always managed to keep her for myself. Then everything changed. Last New Year's Eve we found ourselves at a party in Compton where dozens of big black guys...

3 years ago
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Adventure in Cockholding 3

Jim and Peg watched the video the next evening, all he kept saying was “wow babe you really liked their cocks didn’t you”? She chuckled her reply was always the same “damn right”! About half wat through the video her cell rang, “honey I’ll take this in the other room its Larry”. She stood up and headed for the kitchen. Jim finished the video, turning off the TV he headed for the kitchen he stopped short as he heard her talking “yes honey I’d love to go but I need to discuss it with Jim and...

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Celebrity amnesia

You put down your phone for the evening and stand to head towards bed when there is a knock at the door. You open the door, annoyed at your late night disturbance, and can't believe who is standing there.

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How I Became a GigoloChapter 10

It was the end of the summer, and I was facing the prospect of returning to school. Dammit, I was making so much money as a gigolo that I hated the thought of what going to school was going to do to my working schedule. I now had enough older clients lined up that I was fucking them five days a week at a usual price of $200 per day before Jenny's share. The thought of losing $875 a week, plus all of that fucking that I would be missing, really had me in the dumps. Furthermore, I was dating...

2 years ago
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Mouth Meet Cock

This is the true recounting of the first time a man's cock ever touched the inside of my mouth, with as much detail and in-the-moment sexual chronology as I can remember twelve years later. I have made no embellishments to make it a more exciting read. This is as it happened.It was in the summer of 2004, a few months after my separation and bifurcation of assets from my cheating ex-wife of thirteen years. The divorce actually came four years later, not because of any attempts at reconciliation,...

Gay Male
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Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate

1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand and licking the hand clean is the simplest method, but squirting into a shot glass, drink, or cup of coffee can also be fun. 2. When the slave has not come for...

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A Day At The Lake Part 2

As they loaded up and headed out, Jim gave Ted a call on his cell phone, to let him know that they would pick him up shortly. Jeannie looked fabulous! Wearing her cut off blue jean shorts and her tight fitting white tube top and a thin pink blouse over it. Jim already had racy thoughts running through his mind. He often thought, what a MFM threesome would be like with Jeannie? Would she enjoy being serviced by two men? Could it be possible that he would find out today? He could only...

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Rewritten Sin series

Well after I looked at it for awhile I decided that this series really needed a rewrite. So here yah go :)'ThoughtsLyrics to MagnetEnjoyThe lights go dark and as you walk off stage you are immediately engulfed in praises and congratulations from your co-workers. Though some are strange you love these people, they are like your family and one of them will forever mean more to you than that.As if on cue that one person comes out of the back dressed in a familiar costume and already your heart...

1 year ago
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kate monday

I woke up at six , I was alone, I walked down to my room Kate's door was shutI got dressed and went to make a cup of tea, I walked through the lounge, sally was still laying there on her stomach, her blanket was half on the floor her dress was half way up revealing her bum, her knickers half between her cheeks, she was sound asleepI made some tea and looked out the window,it was pouring with rain just what I needed on my paper round, I finished my tea and went to put my cup in the sink, there...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

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The Girl in a Country Song Ch13 Frustration Fuck

Some may say, “Lukah and Jessie have a fairytale marriage.”. But just as any couple, they occasionally had battles to overcome. Even in a fairytale, there are dragons or… Some may say, “Lukah and Jessie have a fairytale marriage.”. But just as any couple, they occasionally had battles to overcome. Even in a fairytale, there are dragons or such to conquer. But Lukah and Jessie had always found a way to be respectful, even during the heated times they were at odds....

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Wizards of Waywardly Place

"I'm gunna kick your ass Russo," the hulking teen said grabbing Justin by the neck, lifting him from his feet against the lockers. "Wait, what did I do?" he asked struggling to breath as his windpipe was crushed by the large hand. "It's what you didn't do, dweeb. I told you I wanted your sister and told you to make it happen or I'd expose your little family secret to the whole world and then I'd kick your ass. I think I'll kick your ass first and then tell everyone what you...

3 years ago
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Older Man Great Time Ch 3

I had had a few liaisons with other men since Steve and I first hooked up. But I had met a new guy since who was a little more adventurous than the rest. His name was Jerry. He was about 6', I'm guessing around 200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. He was 41. Older, just the way I like them. He liked younger guys so my being in my 20's worked out perfectly. The body on this guy was something you see in a magazine. He was very well built and his personality matched his physique perfectly. He loved to...

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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 28

"Karen," asked Terry at a group meeting, "would you tell us the important things about our target of Brer-3?" He could have asked the AIs, but he trusted Karen to extract the things most important for mission planning and the needs of the people involved. "According to the AIs, Brer-3 had had a small exploring party from the Zuman race, with which contact had been lost. While the Zuman were no more tolerant of other races than most of the Confederacy, they did explore apparently...

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The Straight Girl from the Gay Bar

It had been quite the summer for Richard. An emotional roller coaster had accompanied the warm breeze as his long term fiancée called off the engagement to figure out what she wanted in life. Richard had been offered free passes before but had never taken them, not believing he really needed one. This night was a different story, though. He’d been thinking about hooking up with a random for a while. It was a question of rebooting his ego and confidence, which both had plummeted within the last...

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My First Erotica Continues Part II

I’m horny, and she is clearly having fun, even if she is being a little brat about it. I don’t really care for her teasing. I absolutely love her teasing. How long did she say she was in the bedroom masturbating without me? Twenty minutes. Was I supposed to hear her? Was I supposed to join her? Is that part of her game too? I don’t exactly know what she is up to, and I’m not entirely convinced she has an ultimate destination herself, but rather that she is probably just enjoying watching me. I...

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The first day with my black lover

Victor had warned me his business trip would take at least two weeks.Before leaving he had fucked my ass wildly, bearing in mind I was on my period. Later his assistant Jennifer had fingered my wet cunt in the bathroom, being my husband unaware of her presence there…By Tuesday I was feeling fine, but also very horny. Then I called my black lover Jimmy, as I had promised him. He was very excited and so was I that I had to finger myself to get rid of a bit of the sexual excitement that was...

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Rebecca in trouble part 8

The door was opened, the key in the metal lock waking Rebecca up. She sat up in bed, frightened, not sure where she was. The blanket fell down, her breasts, naked, her nipples hardening in the cool air of the cell. "Who is it?"The Commander moved into the light. Rebecca noticed a small black bag at his side and the fear began to form in her eyes. She knew that she was to be sexually abused again, but at the same time she could feel her pussy becoming wet."Wake up, Rebecca. You have been asleep...

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CaitlinChapter 5

Caitlin woke at 6 AM and quietly rolled out of bed. She realized Devon must have been as tired, as she was the night before based on the fact he didn't wake her through the night to pleasure him. She laid out his clothes and slipped out the door into the long open hallway. Her room was next to Devon's and there was a door joining the two but they rarely used it. The door had one lock on Devon's side so he could enter her room at any time. It hadn't happened since she had been there. Even...

3 years ago
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It Was Easy To Fuck Mother 8211 Part 1

Ours is a small nuclear family. It constitutes of my mother alka, father vikram, elder sister abha and me. Beside there always has been a part time servant or maid. I am going to narrate a story about short affair between my mother & a young man. That time mother was of 43 yrs of age and that young man was in late 20s. Let me first describe my mother alka. She was a very beautiful & attractive lady of 5’6” height, weighing about 60 kgs, having slim & slender figure. She was having breast full...

2 years ago
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Dating Dixie

CHAPTER 1 Waiting to be conferred with his double Master’s degree in business administration and computer science, Palmer Dumas waved back as his overly proud mom and Aunt Phyllis and now there was his sister Susan, who a week ago received her doctorate, waving. He wasn’t embarrassed because everyone in the crowded auditorium was waving at someone. He regretted his beloved high school teacher Miss Hoffman was not there to see Palmer Dumas, one of her star students, take to the stage. He was...

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Bi Cock Sucker Awakening

A few years ago, I attended a training conference in Long Beach, C.A. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the South West and California and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room at the Hilton with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment. I was 28 and my wife and I...

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PervTherapy Reese Robbins The Reese Robbins Show

Therapist Dr. Calvin gets a visit from his new patient Reese, who is a 20 year old student that often hallucinates that she’s a famous person acting in a show. Reese believes there’s a camera crew surrounding her at all times and she’s often under the pressure of entertaining “her fans”. Dr. Calvin decides to try some touch therapy with the purpose of grounding her into reality, so he places his hand on her shoulder while she does a little bit of yoga for her show. Reese starts snapping back...

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Chloe Moretzs 18th Birthday Party

You can't believe how lucky you are. You are walking up to the door of Chloe Moretz's house, and the sounds of a party are thundering from behind it. Today is Chloe's 18th birthday, and you managed to get an invitation. About a year ago you were an extra in a movie Chloe was starring in, and you must have made an impression on her, or else she just invited everyone she even remotely knew. Either way you can't wait to get to the party. There's sure to be many interesting famous people there to...

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Transylvania. 1861. Humanity's mettle is tested again at the brink of an irrevocable new technological age, with the warring dichotomy of what is right and what is easy. Far and removed from these secular conflicts stands an ugly and ominous monument to the wretchedness of human nature. The castle beckons to the heavens like the many, shapeless appendages of a monster scraping its way upwards against the sky. It is the shadow of its former glory, for at several points throughout history, this...

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Hidden Magic Ch 01

In the pitch black darkness, only her eyes glowed, as if floating in the night. Her body shifted against the dark stallion, hooves beating against the soggy ground, still wet from the rains that had plagued her day. Kethry wrapped her cloak tightly against her body, her limbs aching from hours of riding, her stomach clenching painfully from lack of nourishment. Soon, they would reach a village where she could settle for the night and seek welcome warmth form the damp, night air, so chilled, it...

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Bhabhi wants devar

Hello readers!!! I am Deepti.I am 32 yrs old.I am a regular reader of ISS and it prompted me to send a real experience of mine.I used to read the incest stories a lot and I used to rub my pussy while reading the bhabhi-devar stories.The primary reason for that was my attraction towards my devar.His name is Sandeep.He is 24 yrs old and is quite handsome.He had a muscular body and attracted me much more than my husband.My sex life was not satisfying at all.My husband is overweight and by no...


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