In Each Other's Arms free porn video

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IN EACH OTHERS ARMS By Regina Lawson The seduction had begun. In the subdued lighting of the Mexican resort bar, cigarette smoke swirled with the currents of the overhead fans, the interior light itself seemed to bend and become opaque to those sitting at the bar. Maybe it was because of that, or because anyone sitting at the bar was already seeing things opaque after a few drinks, but the three men sitting, nursing their drinks, had to admire the woman who walked in the door. The lighting, the smoke, the heat, did little to disguise the beautiful woman's figure as she paused at the door, briefly eyed the men at the bar, and strolled away to the corner. The three men, the bartender and even the waitress, followed her with their eyes noting the easy lithe stroll, and the long tanned legs. As she passed, a whiff of perfume, and a glimpse of her breast's profile left a feeling of anticipation and hope among those men present. After all, this was a singles resort, and each man and woman knew what the other was there for. First to emerge off his barstool was a young, slender collegial type, full of his youth and cocky with his past successes. His deliberate walk, his sinewy gait, and his gaze intent upon the woman would remind a casual observer of a jungle cat and its prey. The remaining two men at the bar already felt they had lost. There was such an air of confidence to this young man that they felt they would never get a chance. Much to their surprise though, a minute later, the young man almost ran out of the bar, muttering under his breath, "Bitch!" The two remaining men looked at one another and the bartender considering their chances. If this woman had shot this man down what would their chances be? A second after making eye contact with the other customers, another man slid off his barstool and plodded over to the corner booth. This man was older in age, a little more inebriated, and a little unsure of himself, yet he came bearing a gift in the form of a drink for the 'lady.' The last man at the bar let out a sigh, and what sounded to the bartender like a chuckle. He turned away from the scene in the corner and went back to his beer. This last man seemed little more than ordinary. A little under six feet, dark brown hair with a dash of gray and wide shoulders that spoke of a previous athleticism that had disappeared into the growing flab around his waist. He was not fat, but the spread on his middle spoke of many hours away from regular exercise. The scene in the corner took a strange turn when the drunken man sat across from the comely woman and began a conversation. Now the remaining man at the bar shifted uneasily on his barstool, looking through veiled eyes at the couple in the corner. He sipped his beer slowly and turned back to the bar to watch the couple surreptitiously in the bar mirror, his fingers beginning to dance in nervousness on the bar. Several times he turned and began to dismount from his stool, but he always held back after gazing very deliberately at the couple in the corner. More than twenty minutes had passed when the drunken man returned to the bar and took his place from before. "Boy!" He said, "She's a tough one." He turned to the overweight man near him, "I tried every line, every strategy I ever knew on her, and it was all for nothing. Either she's a lesbian or she's already taken. If it wasn't for the lack of a wedding ring on her finger I'd say that she was married." The other man stifled a small laugh and said slowly, "Do you mind if I try my luck?" "Fat chance you'll have. Go ahead. She's sure worth it." The overweight man plucked himself off the stool with an alacrity that belied his size and years. "Thanks, I will." As he left the bar his gaze focused more deliberately on the lovely woman, yet he could still not meet her eyes as he approached her. "May I join you?" The lady lifted her eyes from her drink, looking intently with a touch of disdain at the interruption. When she did not answer him right away the man almost turned tail back to the bar, but he knew he had to pursue this to the end. "I said may I join you?" The lady continued to stare at him through her long lashes and just when the man was becoming uneasy under her stare she said, "If you'll buy me another drink." The man turned and signaled back to the bartender and waitress, happy for a moment to be facing away from the woman to hide his obvious relief. When he was sure the drink was on its way and he was composed again, he turned back to the woman and sat down across from her. "My name's Richard, what's yours?" "Rosemary." "Glad to meet you." "I bet you are." Momentarily at a loss, Richard coughed then chuckled into his hand. "Boy, you are sure rough on us men. Is there something wrong?" The woman laughed softly in response, "Nothing that you can do anything about." "Perhaps I can," stated Richard flatly, "We men from Albuquerque are known for our ways with women in distress." With those words, Rosemary seemed to brighten up considerably, sitting up straighter and touching her hair. "How's the weather there?" She stated the countersign. "Fine, if you like snow." Her face broke out in a huge smile that wiped away all traces of doubt from Richard's mind. "So, you finally found me. How many women did you hit on this time before you found me?" Richard's sigh of relief was almost audible to those at the bar. "I swear I hit on every woman between 18 and forty in this whole resort. I've been looking for you for three days. I've seen you around the resort but I've always been with someone else and couldn't get away easily." "Well you didn't move very fast in this bar. The college jerk looked at me like I was fresh meat for the taking, and that drunk was so caught up in his two bit lines that he failed to notice that I had absolutely no interest in him. When you came up to me I thought 'Oh no, another asshole.' Not realizing it was my husband. Gee, the people at The Shop sure screwed you this time. That body is so far gone; if you hadn't said the code words I would never have believed it was you." "You're right, I was screwed. This body is so ordinary that it was becoming really hard to put up with all the rejections. That's why I didn't jump up right away when you came in. God, there's only so many NO's a man can take." "Well I'm glad you persevered honey, I was getting tired of shooting down one persistent asshole after another waiting for you to show." Richard reached across the table and took her hand, "No matter what body you are in you are always worth the effort, but I have to say that this is one of your best ever. If you look at the two of us together it's hard to believe that these two bodies are married to each other." "I don't care about these bodies; I just know I love you." "I love you too." "Next vacation, could we just start it together so we wouldn't have to go through this whole charade." "But the charade is half the fun. It's nice to know that I'm pursuing my 'one true love' and that you are waiting out there for me." "Richard, I tell you, I'm tired of this scene. Every vacation it's the same thing. We go to The Shop and pick out a couple whose bodies we'll vacation in, but you refuse to let me see you and you spend half the first week looking for me. I'm done with this. Next time we'll take an ordinary vacation in our own bodies, or I'm not going." "But honey, I thought you loved these games we play?" "I do, but after ten years and some eighteen vacations I need a little variety. And different bodies each time doesn't count. Perhaps we could play a different game?" "I don't want to fight right now; I'm just too glad that I found you and I only know that I love you with all my heart. Now we can spend the next two weeks enjoying each others company." He leaned over the bar and whispered with a leer. "I really need you." "I bet you do. But what do I get out of this deal?" She teased him. "It's going to be really hard to get romantic with that body you have now." "When I looked at it when I booked the vacation it seemed a lot better. I bet the vids they used were five to ten years old. Next time I won't make that mistake. But we just have to live with it for the rest of our time here." "If you say so. C'mon, let's blow this joint and go to the beach. I've been waiting to break out the bikini until you showed up." "There's no stopping you now. Let's go." And the couple left the bar hand in hand to the consternation of the waitress, the bartender and the two remaining men at the bar. Hidden in the shadows and the high backed booth behind Rosemary, a man sat and thought coolly about all that he had just heard. He had heard this same scenario played out before. Rosemary whispered softly to Richard as they exited the bar, "I swear, for you it's not the chase. When I see that grin of triumph on your face when we get up to leave and you look over at the bar I swear you just love having this big joke on those men. After all, who would ever have thought that a looker like me would leave with a nebbish like you?" Unseen to Rosemary, Richard cringed slightly at her insight. Her statement was far too close to his real needs of The Game. For him it was like stealing the head cheerleader from the captain of the football team, and he wanted, no, he needed to do this every time. Rosemary and Richard's vacation proceeded smoothly and they both enjoyed it so much that they agreed to try The Shop again on their next vacation. Seven months later. Rosemary wandered around her home trying to figure what she should pack for the vacation. Using The Shop for their vacations meant that they didn't have to do any real packing because they really didn't know what the bodies they would be in would be like. The Shop was a travel and vacation company that specialized in matching wealthy couples whose bodies were older with younger couples who lacked resources for a good vacation. Therefore, the older couple could spend their vacation in a young beautiful body and the younger couple could take an exotic vacation somewhere at the older couples expense. Rosemary loved Richard. He had worked hard in their youth to build up his commercial real estate business, and even though his pursuit of money and success had led him often to ignore his wife and her needs, he had provided her with a good life and two wonderful kids, (now since grown and moved away). In the last ten years Richard had developed a wandering eye that was definitely noticed by Rosemary, and when he had first brought up The Shop and what they did, she thought it would be an excellent way for him to satisfy the craving for conquest that he felt while still staying true to their marriage. After a few years, to make the vacation even more interesting, Richard had come up with The Game. In The Game, Richard chose the couple sight unseen so that he could spend time hunting down his wife among potentially hundreds of beautiful women at any given resort. Rosemary was tired of The Game. She just wanted to spend time with her husband. Period. She certainly didn't want to spend a large proportion of her vacation getting hit on by one dope after another until her husband showed up. Sometimes she thought that he intentionally went after the wrong women in order to prolong The Game and fulfill his desire to flirt with many women. This time, Rosemary would have none of it. After Richard had booked the couple for their switch, Rosemary had called The Shop and had rebooked. Richard was going to wake up to one hell of a surprise. Richard and Rosemary arrived at The Shop at the agreed time as did the other couple, though each couple did not see the other. This was not the usual practice, but Richard had wanted to play The Game, and wanted to be able to seek out his mate without knowing what she looked like. They always had the code word Albuquerque to ascertain the validity of each other. On this early spring day, they arrived at the resort location of The Shop and went through all the usual procedures. They had to sign injury waivers and a contract that stipulated that they would not be deprived of their original body through any action of the controlling company, in this case The Shop. The agreements also limited each couple to where they could take the new host body. In this case each couple was restricted to a certain resort and each couple was in a separate resort near one another. In addition they were restricted from doing any high risk recreation like sky diving or mountain climbing unless all the proper cautions were taken to ensure the return of the host body to its proper owner. As per the agreement, Richard woke up in his room at the resort rather than the facilities of The Shop. The drugs, and electronic methods used to induce the brain swap left one feeling rather lethargic afterward so Richard wasn't particularly alarmed by his overall feelings, so he took his time and let himself become accustomed to the new feelings coming from this new host body. Over a period of an hour Richard felt the increasing awareness of body parts as the new brain developed a synthesis with the new body. Richard spent this time usually planning out his campaign for finding his wife. He liked to start off in the least likely place first because; frankly he enjoyed the time spent with every woman he met. What even made it more enjoyable was that the male bodies he had been in, in the past, were usually of the buffed kind and required little in the way of encouragement to attract a comely female target. His wife didn't know that he had slept with many different women before he ever was able to find her. It's a pity he wasn't better at locating her among all these beautiful women, but he refused to be abrupt with the women he approached and just blurt out the code word. It would be lacking in manners and be inconsiderate. After about an hour of this daydreaming and planning Richard finally felt it was time to get dressed and begin his 'search.' As he pushed himself up to a sitting position he immediately noticed a 'wrongness' in his body; an overall feeling unlike any he had felt before. "What the hell is this?" Richard said to himself as he felt and saw long strands of blonde hair next to his face and down his neck. "Oh my god, my voice sounds too high!" Looking down, Richard expected to see the large developed pectorals of the weight lifter he had chosen, instead he saw ripe firm breasts pushing out a cherry red cotton top and showing allot of cleavage to boot. "No, no, this can't be! This is not what I agreed to." Richard stood up and immediately felt overwhelmed by the variety of new signals this body was sending him. He couldn't tell whether it was the pressure of the cotton top as it brushed against his bare nipples (must means I'm braless), the taste of lipstick on his tongue when he licked his lips, the feel of the hair on his neck and cheeks, or the brush of matching cherry red short shorts against his new pubic region that sent unrecognizable new signals to his brain and threatened to overload it with its sensory tonnage. Whatever it was, it took Richard several minutes to begin walking without falling over from vertigo. *I'll call The Shop here at the resort and get this straightened out,* Richard said to himself as he walked unsteadily to the phone in the living room area of the suite. "Hello, yes operator, get me The Shop. No, not the beauty shop, the shop that handles brain swaps. No, not the bait shop. Hold on wait a minute." Richard noticed a purse sitting beside the phone and hurriedly searched the insides for an address book that might have the number. He found instead a wallet with a number of business cards that included one for The Shop. "Operator, please call 919-555-1212. Thank You!" After two rings a female voice answered. "Hello, May I help you?" "Yes, you sure as Hell can! This is Richard Carlton and I've just awakened from my swap in the body of a woman. There has been a big mistake." "Oh yes, Mr. Carlton, this is Judith Peters. We met yesterday. Let me look into this while I put you on hold." Immediately some bland canned rehash of late 20th century heavy metal music played by violin and cello was heard in the receiver. After what seemed like forever, when Richard was beginning to lose what little patience was left, Judith's voice came back on the phone. "Are you still there? Yes? Well I looked up your agreement and the original contract stipulated a male body for you and a female body for your wife. But a week ago, your wife came into our office and asked to redraw the contract that gave the female to you and the male to her. The new agreement was also signed off on by you." Richard did remember something about signing a contract that his wife handed him, but he thought it was just an extended warranty on the hot tub they had just installed in their house. "I never agreed to any such thing!" "Mr. Carlton, your signature is right here in black and white; there is nothing we can do about this. Besides the fact of your signature, there is a time lapse that must occur before a new brain swap. I'm afraid that you must remain in that body for at least two weeks." "WHAT! ARE YOU INSANE! I'M NOT A WOMAN! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOR TWO WEEKS!" Richard shouted at the phone. "There must be something you can do. I know, give me the room number of my wife. At least I'll feel safer if I'm with her." "Again Mr. Carlton, you have stipulated not to be notified of your spouse's new body, identity or room number in your contract unless a physical emergency arises." "What do you call this?" Richard blurted out beginning to get exasperated. "I would consider this a contractual obligation on both our parts that must be met. If you contact us in two weeks we can do a new swap when you've located your spouse. At an extra charge of course. But you will have to return to your original bodies." "But what if I can't find her?" "Then you won't be able to change to the male body. All other contract points must be honored." "Oh No!" "Yes, Mr. Carlton. So if there is nothing else to discuss I suggest that you contact us two weeks from today. Good-bye." Richard stared at the phone and the dial tone seemed to him to be the sound of doom as it dangled in his hand. He finally let it slip from his hand to land softly on the thick plush carpet while his legs slowly gave way beneath him and he fell, or should I say almost folded in upon himself, onto the couch, beside the phone. Richard lost consciousness as he touched the couch. An indeterminate time later, Richard awoke. This time he remembered immediately what had transpired and began to black out again. Fighting back to consciousness, Richard shook his head and strands of blond hair fell in front of his face and into his mouth. Blowing and spitting out the errant hairs, Richard sat up and began to formulate a new plan for finding his wife. At least if he was with her there would be a semblance of normality for the next two weeks and he could spend his time here in the privacy of his rooms. His logical mind began to assess the situation. *Clothes are appropriate though a little revealing. Certainly within the norm for a tropical resort. Shoes? He needed shoes* Richard strode purposefully to the bedroom and searched the closet. *Yes, there are some sandals that'll go with this ensemble.* *What next? I know, I need to take a good look at myself and my purse and find out what I look like and what my name is.* He strolled more slowly, now that he had the makings of a plan and he began to put it in motion, totally unaware of the rolling of his hips and the sway of his buttocks as he walked. He reluctantly entered the bathroom and faced the full length mirror behind the door. What he saw momentarily dumbfounded him. He knew he was going to find an attractive young blond woman, but he was totally unprepared for the vision of loveliness that he saw before him now. The blond hair fell in waves down just past his shoulders and its color was the natural blonde that doesn't come from a bottle but was the product of nature and loving care. His tresses shone lightly in the morning sun and he could see how some hair was darker or lighter depending upon its exposure to the sun. When he pushed back the hair behind his ears he could see two pearl earrings in each delicate earlobe. Richard then turned to the image of his face in the mirror. His eyes, framed by thin brown arches of eyebrows stood out from his face and served to immediately attract attention. They were blue gray limpid pools that a man could get lost in. His nose was straight and pert without an upturn, but fine and dainty nevertheless. Below, her lips were painted cherry red to match her ensemble and they were full and luscious. Richard felt a strong desire to lean forward and kiss those oh so delicate lips. Richard swallowed loudly as he focused on his chest. As he pulled the red top over his head he noticed the light pearl like luminescent color on his longer square tipped fingernails and the slim, dainty hands they adorned. Revealed to him were two breasts of unimaginable beauty. These D cup beauties hung high upon his chest, even without a bra; with inch long pink nipples sticking up and out from three inch wide aureoles. The fullness of his tits seemed to echo of the very same fullness he used to feel in his groin when he looked at such beautiful accouterments. Unwilling to disrobe further, Richard slipped his right hand beneath the waist band of the red shorts, past the downy pubic growth to the soft folds of skin below. A brief shudder passed through his body as he touched the little knob near the top of the dewy folds and he wasted little time continuing down to the moist hole that was his new vagina. His pussy! His cunt! Tracing along the outside of his pussy lips, Richard felt the growing wetness and the electric like pulses that emanated from this region traveling through his whole body. Sticking his index finger in his hole, the wetness increased and his new vagina began to vibrate and pulse like electric lines overloaded with energy. Too engrossed now to stop, Richard sped up his ministrations, feeling the little button that was his clitoris begin to emerge from its sheath begging for attention, and Richard provided that attention. Suddenly, with little warning, the pulsing overwhelmed what little conscious thought was left to Richard as he began his first orgasm as a woman. Keeping up his work with his left hand, (as he bucked and sighed and screamed and convulsed), his left hand found his hardened right nipple, pinching it and prolonging the orgasm until it briefly subsided to emerge anew into a fresh and more potent orgasm. Many minutes later, Richard regained a semblance of normal thought as he lay breathless on the bathroom floor where he didn't remember falling. *Wow, I have to stay away from this, I am liking this way too much.* Richard cleaned his new pussy with a soft cloth and some mild soap in the bathroom and decided to take the plunge and go find his wife. *Maybe I can get someone in the resort to yell 'Albuquerque' over their P.A.* --- Five days later and Richard was no closer to finding his wife unless you can count eliminating fifty men out of more than five hundred that were here. *I'm certainly attractive enough.* He thought. *With this body and this face my wife should be attracted to this body right away; every other man here seems to be.* He was walking along the boardwalk, enjoying a light breeze that wafted so gently up his skirt, and enjoying the sudden absence of men to hit on him. It hadn't been easy trying to attract men but keep them at a distance to boot. If he was too aggressive with men he found that they either ran away not too subtly, or they interpreted his aggression as a sign that he was easy and could be gotten into the sack for little more than a smile and a drink. As the fifty men had found out, Richard was not easy. Richard had had most of these men grope and kiss him so many times he was beginning to believe there were no gentlemen left in this world. After the first twenty, Richard was almost getting used to the unwanted attention, and sometimes was even looking forward to it when he met some exceptionally handsome hunk. After each such encounter Richard felt a total disgust for himself and a growing anger with Rosemary for not finding him. *I thought we were supposed to spend this vacation together. I thought she loved me. She's probably doing this on purpose just to get even with me for doing this to her.* Richard suddenly stopped in his tracks. There before him was the very bar that he had found Rosemary in on their last vacation. Throwing back his shoulders and making his new found breasts stick out all the more, Richard proceeded into the darkened bar, past the faux Polynesian entranceway to the cool interior within. Inside, he stopped briefly surveying the five or six men sitting at the bar, the bartender, the waitress and the scattering of couples at booths and tables situated in a half circle around the bar. Pausing just long enough to announce his presence and to scan the inhabitants, Richard moved smoothly through the room, his backside softly swaying to some unheard beat, his breasts bobbing ever so slightly as he made his way to the same booth he found his wife on their last vacation. As he sat at the table waiting for the waitress he was able to witness out of the corner of his eye and from a surreptitious glance that he was being sized up by the contingent at the bar and that some vague signals were being passed between them as they decided who was going to have first shot at this goddess in their midst. First up to bat was a young stud. Hung, dumb and full of cum, this tall, slim, sinewy piece of man walked purposefully toward Richard's table, as if he had cornered his prey and was going in for the kill. "Hi hun, you're just too beautiful for anyone to leave alone. I hope you don't mind some company? My names Ted, but my friends call me Frisco." Richard looked up from his drink and looked deep into the dark brown eyes of the man who stood before her. He certainly was direct enough without being crude. *This could at least be a change from the others.* Richard thought. "Please sit down. We can talk." "Talking's fine, but right now I just like to look." Richard blushed once, then blushed brighter under the continued stare of this man named Frisco. Recovering enough, Richard responded, "Is Frisco really your nickname?" He laughed, "No, but I always wished it was. There's nothing particularly interesting about Ted." "Why does there have to be anything interesting about a name? You're already interesting enough." Ted replied, "Hey, now you're gonna make me blush." "Well Ted, my name is Daria; glad to meet you." "Daria's a pretty name." "Don't start me blushing again." "Okay, how about while I look at you, you can tell me about yourself. Like are you here alone? Do you have a boyfriend? And what are you doing this evening? "Yes, no, and depends." "Depends on what?" "Depends on where you're from." "Well I'm from the great state of New Mexico honey, near Albuquerque..." Trying to remember his countersign he blurted out, "Um, well, what's the weather like there?" "Fine, if you like snow." Richard's face flushed first with relief, then anger, then relief again as he stammered out, "Oh God, I'm so glad you're finally here." Ted smiled brighter, "Me too." "I don't know how you ever agreed to do this stupid game more than once. My nerves have been on edge ever since I got here. Why did you do this to me?" Richard asked directly, searching Ted's face and gesturing to the female body that Richard now wore. Ted seemed at a loss for words at first, but soon recovered, "You needed to be taught a lesson." "The lesson has been received. No more games for me. Let's get out of here and enjoy the rest of our vacation." "Sure thing honey." --- After a day of sun and sightseeing and multiple margaritas, Ted and Daria returned to their separate suites to get dressed for the evening's festivities. Ted knew what he had planned, but Richard, (now Daria), was more than a little tipsy and any plans went unrealized amid confused feelings of relief and anxiety. "Don't forget to wear something nice." Ted reminded Daria as they parted. "I want to see my girl looking her best for me." Daria hid her blush behind her retreating back. *Rosemary really expects me to carry on with this charade. I guess I had it coming. I've been doing it for five days already, and I have another week or so before I can become male again, so I might as well play along. Maybe she won't make me suffer for this after the vacation is over.* Back in her room, Daria surveyed the clothes hanging in her closet. *I might as well go all the way. I'll wear this flowered sheath dress that comes down around my knees. It won't be too revealing yet it will show of the curves of this feminine body.* Doffing his tight shorts and crop top, Daria wiggled over to the dresser and perused the lingerie. *A peach colored bra and matching French cut panties are just the ticket for underneath that dress. These high heel sandals here will also work. How should I do my hair? Rosemary always put her hair up when we went out, but I always preferred to see her with her hair down. This beautiful hair would be wasted up in a bun; it would look so much better framing this lovely face.* Unconsciously, Richard's Daria persona seemed to be directing him now, making his movements sexier and more feminine by the minute ever since she had found her spouse. Daria took a fast bath, making sure she shaved her legs and underarms; rubbing in moisturizer, then douching her blond haired pussy so that the days sweat and secretions were washed away and she was again, 'fresh as a new day.' No pantyhose were needed because her legs were hairless and long and tanned by the sun of the last five days. Daria struggled briefly with the cosmetics, and considered briefly abandoning them altogether, but the new found pride in this feminine host body and the skills he had learned over the last few days served him well and within a surprisingly short time her face was ready and she capped it off with a shimmering, wet look, peach colored lipstick, that seemed to thoroughly please this new female mind. Daria slid the clingy dress on, smoothing it out along her long slim frame, feeling it settle close against her skin, revealing more than a little bit of cleavage. She stepped into her sandals, brushed her hair, placed a gold necklace with an ivory locket around her neck where it hung down to the tops of her creamy white breasts. Knowing that Ted would be there soon, Daria hurriedly brushed out her hair, using a little hair spray to hold it back behind her ears and display the discreet little diamond earrings as she pushed them on. Lastly, Daria used an atomizer to spray a bit of perfume on her breasts before stepping into a mist she briefly produced in front of her. She was ready, and when she heard the tap, tap at her door, the inner voice of Richard tried to make itself heard above the inner chatter of his feminine alter ego. Though it was a losing battle, Richard's inner voice served to sober the rising female excitement in Daria, and it was with a less excited wiggle and walk that she opened the door to her spouse. Ted stood there in navy blue blazer, tan slacks, and flowered open collar Hawaiian shirt, displaying a generous amount of chest hair that immediately caught Daria's attention. Ted stood there dumbfounded. "I, um, ah're beautiful." Daria blushed scarlet and inwardly preened. It felt good to be complimented about her appearance when she went to such lengths to be lovely for him. "You do to, sir." Ted held out his arm, "Shall we go." Ted and Daria both had a great time that night. The dinner was superb, the company was attractive, the music was soft and insinuating, the conversation was flirtatious, and the stars cooperated by burgeoning out in all there glory in the moody indigo of the night sky. They danced for hours with Daria loving the feeling of being held close by this strong handsome man, and Ted trying to keep his mind off of the growing erection in his pants as it occasionally brushed against Daria's midsection or was trapped between them when they danced close and intimately. When the night wound down there was no doubt in either Ted's or Daria's mind where the evening was headed. The new feelings brought on by the female hormones raging out of control left Daria helpless and willing when Ted led her back to her suite. In no time at all, even before they were in the door, they were excitedly tearing each others clothes off, while kissing and caressing and licking and sucking, 'til they were both naked and panting in each others arms. There was no hesitation on either's part as they jumped in the bed without once losing contact with each other. For Daria it was a whole new experience. Never before had she felt such passion from her partner; never had she felt such an overwhelming need for a man to do what he was doing to her now. To Daria, Ted seemed like a whirling Dervish of sexual energy and passion as he went from one erogenous zone on her body to another. Inside, Daria and Richard were both buried under the avalanche of feelings, and when Ted finally pushed his tongue into her quivering, sopping wet pussy, there was no holding back as a cascade of pulses, and electric like waves, shot through her like the hottest, brightest fire, right to her very soul. His mouth sought hers, his hands fingered her juicy swollen clit, and his stiff member pushed strongly against her leg, demanding attention and getting it. With little thought, Daria grabbed the large, warm cock, and felt it get even harder under her ministrations. When she thought she was coming down, the probing of Ted's cock at the entrance to her vagina brought her quickly back to the brink. Rainbows, stars, and velvety waves of pleasures washed over her 'til she could barely breathe. As Ted's velvet hammer pounded inside her again and again the pleasure kept coming and coming and after what seemed an eternity of ecstasy, Ted's throbbing love missile got even harder within her pussy and with one final thrust, Ted shot his load of baby makers deep within the belly of Daria. Daria could hardly move beneath the heavy weight of Ted, nor did he want to. The aftermath of that series of orgasm left her with a series of aftershocks that continued to ravage her and leave her breathless under the spent and sweating torso of her lover. Never before had she, or he, felt such pure unadulterated pleasure. It wasn't long before Ted's cock began to grow again and Daria couldn't wait as she began to move her pelvis and push her pussy 'til Ted's cock was back inside her where she knew it belonged. Thus began a sexual marathon of several hours where both Ted and Daria tried every position they could think of and some they only found through zealous experimentation. Daria was even able to quell the last bit of resistance of Richard's to her giving Ted a long and lascivious blowjob. She even liked the taste and when the night ended and both she and Ted lay in her bed spent and totally sated, Daria could only think about the sexual gymnastics that the two of them could do for the next two weeks. As they both finally drifted off to sleep, neither one noticed the first rays of the new morning, but both knew and felt their own private dawn as their most private dreams had already been fulfilled and they slept soundly with satisfied smiles upon their faces. --- Over the next ten days Ted and Daria were inseparable. When they weren't sunning on the beach or dancing the night away, they were doing the horizontal mambo 'til the wee hours of the morning. Daria had taken very little time to ditch his inner Richard persona in favor of his present sensual form. How could he not when every day he woke up and looked in the mirror and saw this beautiful woman? How could he not when every day Ted reminded him who was the woman and who was the man? Still, it bothered Daria somewhat that Ted refused to be addressed as Rosemary and refused to address her as Richard. He said it was because they were in bodies now that were in direct contradiction to those names and that if anyone ever heard them used that they would be quickly ostracized within the limited area of the resort. Daria didn't quite get that, but went along anyhow because she was having such a great time and was only to glad to immerse herself in this Daria role completely. It was in their last week, when they only had three days to go, that they decided to return to that watering hole that they had met at on two previous occasions. This time Daria dressed to the nines with a white silk wraparound dress that clung to him like a second skin. The skirt of the dress hung halfway up her thighs and the nude silk stockings displayed her long and attractive legs, and hinted at the garter belt they hung from. On her feet she wore three inch sling back heels that propped her up higher and further accentuated the juicy curves of her calves and made her push out her prominent breasts and kissable ass. She wore her hair upswept this time, showing off her slim, vulnerable neck and her delicate ears. Her makeup was impeccable, only serving to highlight her already radiant and gorgeous face. It was all Ted could do to keep from grabbing her as they left her suite, and take her there right on the floor; and it was all Daria could do to not give in to this very same desire and let him have his way with her. Instead they made their grand entrance into the fake Polynesian bar to a much larger crowd than the previous times. Ted proudly displayed the ravishing beauty on his arm, and Daria basked in the blatant leers and admiring glances that he was getting. Managing to corral a table near the bar, they ordered their drinks and got up to dance. Every male eye in the place seemed to be glued to the thoroughly enticing backside of Daria as she swayed and shimmied to the entrancing beat for her man. Many men tried to cut in, but Daria would have none of that, she would only say quietly and forcefully, "I am here to be with my man." The bar became more crowded as the night wore on and the dance floor began to resemble the floor of a political convention, with little room to move and couples close all around Ted and Daria. It was toward midnight that Daria, at peace with her head on Ted's shoulder and his strong arms around her heard a conversation from a couple next to her that sobered her instantly. A rather muscle-bound man with short blond hair and a beard was dancing closely with a lithe redhead next to Ted and Daria when Daria heard the man say, "Did you know, I'm from Albuquerque?" She then heard the lady respond, "That's nice; I'm from Santa Barbara." "You don't understand; I'm from Albuquerque." "I heard you the first time." Ted heard this conversation too, and began maneuvering Daria away from the talkative couple. But Daria wouldn't be escorted away. She pushed her way back through the crowd and walked up to the couple. "What did you say about Albuquerque?" The blond Adonis was annoyed, "I said to her that I was from Albuquerque." Daria quickly responded with a sinking feeling beginning in her stomach, "What if I asked you how the weather was there?" The Adonis stopped dancing suddenly and stared openmouthed at Daria. "I would say that it's fine if you like snow." His partner quickly interjected, "That make's no sense, there's no snow there this time of the year." But Daria and the Adonis were too busy staring at each other to notice. Ted was quickly by her side and tried to lead her away saying, "I hope this man isn't bothering you." But the Adonis stepped forward quickly and grabbed Daria's arm, "Who are you?" I'm Richard Carlton, who are you?" "I'm Rosemary Carlton." Daria's hand flew up to her mouth and she held back by the barest of margins a sickening scream. "Rosemary?" Turning to Ted she demanded, "I thought you were Rosemary?" "I never said I was. I'm Ted." Daria couldn't hold back the scream this time, her voice piercing through the heavy dance music and stopping all the dancers in their tracks. Daria though had lost her breath with that scream and slowly crumpled to the floor like a drunken puppet bereft of its master. --- Daria awoke sometime later to the feel of light fingertips and a cool wetness on her brow. Looking up, she expected to see Rosemary but instead saw a woman. Daria tried to recall if this was her. Then he remembered that Rosemary was now a man and he, Richard, was now a woman called Daria. As it all began coming back to her, Daria could hear loud male voices and the sound of men grunting with pain and exertion. Raising her head from the lap of the woman, Daria saw the Adonis being repeatedly punched by Ted and the Adonis coming to close grips and using his obvious power to wrestle Ted to the ground and pummel him with a left, right and a left. "Stop!" She yelled. "No more." At that moment though five uniformed men grabbed the two on the ground and hauled them away to a waiting police van. When they disappeared down the street, one of the policemen approached the crowd gathered outside the bar behind where Daria and the other woman stood. (*How did she get outside the bar.*) "Are any of you a witness to this fight?" The man asked in heavily Spanish accented English. The rest of the crowd quickly returned to the bar, unwilling to get involved in the dispute and ruin their evening sitting in a police station filling out forms. The only ones left were Daria and the woman who she now recognized as the dance partner to the Adonis. "You will come with me." The policeman stated flatly brooking no argument, and before either woman knew it they were in the back of a police cruiser and rapidly leaving the fake Polynesian bar behind. --- The whole altercation was explained to the police sergeant by the two women, though the other woman (Carol) had no real explanation for the fight. Daria though went into detail about The Shop and the mind swap, (not telling them about the change of genders), and soon an employee of The Shop was at the station recounting their side of the story and who their clients were. It was with a sickened stomach that Daria heard that the man, Ted, who she thought was her wife, Rosemary, was not; and that the Adonis (called Hal), was really her wife. This time she could not hold back her nausea and spewed her evenings meal in desperate heaves into a convenient trash can. Hours later, Hal and a confused and bedraggled Daria exited the station to the calls of Ted proclaiming in a loud voice, "Daria, I love you! I need you! You'll never be happy with him!" Back at Daria's suite, Hal carried the exhausted Daria from the squad car and set her down lightly on the sofa. Noticing blood on her arm, Daria surveyed Hal and saw a bloody gash near his right hand and a torn fingernail on his left. Doing what she could, she tore off bits of a petticoat she had retrieved from the bedroom and doctored the injured parts of her wife's male body. Finally done, Daria lay back on the sofa and breathed deeply before asking, "What happened? Are you really Rosemary? If not, how did Ted know the passwords and the countersigns?" Hal, looking beaten (no pun intended), softly replied. "I'm Rosemary. He told the detectives he had heard us give the code words on two previous occasions and had thought it was some secret organization for romantic dates. He said it wasn't his intention to pose as me, but after he knew you for a few days and began to piece together our situation and our Game, he said he fell in love with you and couldn't explain his deceit, he thought, without losing you." Daria blanched, "You mean he deliberately fooled me from the beginning?" "How else could he know the code words? He said he had tried those code words on every woman he met at this resort for the whole last year, and that's allot of time seeing as he works at the resort." Daria sat staring at Hal, "Where were you all the time? And why did you change the contract so I ended up in this body?" Before she could get an answer, Daria whitened some more and she began to cry softly. "What have you done to me?" "What do you mean what have I done to you? I just gave you a taste of your own medicine. You have to admit you deserved it." "But you don't understand; you don't know what I did." Suddenly very still, Hal asked, "What?" Between deepening sobs Daria told him, "You have to remember, I thought he was you. I was with him for ten days, ten days! And that whole time I did what I thought was natural to do with someone I thought was my wife in a male body." "You mean you.....?" "YES, I FUCKED HIM! Again and again and again." She sputtered and sobbed a little, then she yelled. "I did that for ten days and now I feel so dirty; so used. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT." "My fault; I didn't tell you to fuck him. Wait a minute, you cheated on me." Hal yelled in his strong baritone voice, momentarily frightening Daria. "I thought it was you." Daria reached out to Hal, but Hal pulled back, curling up his lips and spitting out, "You cheated on me. I can never trust you again. I thought that you had cheated on me in the past, but now you admit it. You can't even restrain yourself when you're a female. What kind of WHORE are you?" Hal got up and went to the door and exited without further comment. "But I thought it was you." Daria screamed. Then her voice trailed off as her crying overcame her voice and all that came out of her mouth was a continuous repeat of the same words. "I thought he was you. I thought he was you. I thought he was you. I thought he was you." And she kept saying it until exhaustion swept over her. --- Daria spent the few remaining days of her vacation pleading her case to the closed door of Hal's suite or angrily pacing her living room cursing her wife for her part in the debacle. There was no middle ground. Each beautiful sunset over the ocean only left Daria feeling empty and crying and wondering how everything had gone so wrong. When the time came for the return to his own body, Daria was in The Shop's office in the resort waiting for her wife. A technician entered the door and approached Daria. "Your wife will not be joining you. She will switch back separately. Daria nodded sadly. "When do we start?" When Richard awakened some time later he was lying on a narrow bed and the bright overhead florescent lights were oppressive to his sensitive eyes. Not delaying this time he rose from the bed with alacrity and smiled a little smile when he felt the familiar touch of hair against his neck and the sway and wobble of breasts upon his chest. "Wait a minute. I don't have breasts!" He rang the bell next to the door to summon the technician. When he entered Richard spat out, "Why didn't I change back?" "What do you mean? You have been returned to your own body Mrs. Carlton." "I'm not Mrs. Carlton, I'm Mr. Carlton you idiot." "I supervised the switch myself. I switched the female body with the female body and the male body with the male body. It's not that complicated." "But I was in the wrong body to begin with. I should have been returned to my male body." "Let me check the contract terms." He briefly scanned a nearby computer screen. "Ah, here's the problem. When the original terms were amended before your vacation there was no change made to the return portion of your switch." "It was just an oversight of my wife's. You must put me in the right body!" "We can't Mrs. Carlton. We can only perform two changes within a six month period. You cannot switch bodies again for about five months." "Oh God! Not again!" Richard, now Rosemary Carlton, slumped down into an overstuffed chair near the door. "Where's my wife....I mean my husband?" "Mr. Carlton left a moment ago in a cab." "Did he say anything?" "No." "Is my car still parked outside?" "Yes Mrs. Carlton. May I assist you with anything else?" "No thanks, I think you've assisted me enough already." The new Rosemary Carlton stepped cautiously out the main entrance to The Shop and searched the nearly empty parking lot for her car. "It's going to be a long ride home." --- Days had passed and Rosemary hadn't left her house. And her husband, who used to be her wife, had neither returned home nor called but he did have an executive assistant from his office stop by and retrieve some clothes and accessories. Rosemary had passed a note to the assistant begging her husband to call but there had been no response. A week passed. Then another. The new Rosemary had yet to emerge from her house. She wandered the house and grounds in a daze, barely eating, and drinking way too much bourbon until she ran out of it, and then she turned to vodka and gin. She wasn't particular. There she sat on a morning three weeks after the return swap, on her kitchen bench staring out the window to the back yard. She was numb with the implication of all that had happened. She saw that every thing she had done for years before this had led inexorably to this point in time where she was in the wrong body and her spouse hated her, and she still felt quite a bit of anger toward him too. Behind her she heard footsteps. Must be her neighbors or her friend Ginny checking up on her again. Instead she heard a very familiar baritone voice. "You look like shit Richard." Rosemary turned to the voice, her eyes reddened from lack of sleep, her auburn hair tangled, her voice deadened from too much booze. "I'm Rosemary now. You're Richard." "I've done allot of thinking...Rosemary. I want to work this out." "What's to work out? You punished me at the resort. You punished me by leaving me to the attentions of every predatory male in sight and a thoroughly amoral impostor, and then to top it off you punished me again by stranding me in your body, taking over my job and disappearing for weeks. What are you going to do next...rape me and get me pregnant? Send me home to your, no I mean my mother. Or do you just want to rub it all in and see up close how much I hate being alive." The new Richard was shocked by the words of the sloppy vision before him, but he wasn't going to walk away from this confrontation. "I didn't mean to leave you in my body. It was an oversight. I thought they would return us to the right bodies." "Then why did you disappear right after the switch and proceed to take over at my job. What do you know about corporate real estate?" "I know allot just from living with you for twenty years, and I found that there was quite allot of information that had been transferred in the switch. No one at your office suspected a thing. To them you came back from your vacation and took up just where you left off. When I awoke, they told me at The Shop that we could not switch back for five months and I was still mad at you so I knew that you couldn't do the job, so I just went and did it. I couldn't be near you for awhile. I had to think." "So you punished me some more." "No, it wasn't like that. I just had to be by myself. I couldn't face you then not only because of the anger I felt over your cheating, but because I felt responsible for it. I felt I was to blame for all that happened and especially leaving you, with no experience of being a woman, subject to manipulation by sneaky, aggressive men. Can I move back in here and try to make things right?" Rosemary looked down at the floor, shaking her head side to side in negative response, yet when she looked up she said calmly and with deliberation. "Yes! I need you. But don't expect too much too soon, I've been sitting on a precipice for so long all I see before me is a big fall. I've thought time and time again for the last few days about downing a load of tranquilizers with some booze and ending it, but every time I went in the bathroom I saw your face in the mirror and I could never kill you." Horror, and relief, washed over Richard's face. He rushed forward and pulled the unresisting body of his wife to him. There was no response. She just acquiesced to him, standing there silently in his strong grasp. --- Weeks and months passed and things slowly improved between the husband and wife. Rosemary dropped the booze and began to eat right again. Color returned to her cheeks and she began to stand more upright with pride and took care in her clothing and appearance. Neither one had talked about the switch back, but both knew that the time was fast approaching. Rosemary had entered therapy after they reunited and had been exploring the feelings he had from the gender switch and the sexual liaison with the impostor. Rosemary and Richard, along with the therapist agreed that Rosemary's stint as Daria and subsequent sex with Ted had been the equivalent to Daria being raped. The guilt of that affair had coupled with the guilt he felt for his past indiscretions when he was Richard, combined with the sense of loss he felt when he found he was in Rosemary's body instead of his own, caused him to fall into a deep depression. Rosemary felt that she was both horribly responsible for her own rape and was also mad at her wife. (Who of course, was also herself?) The changing of identities only served to focus both the anger at himself and the anger at his wife, onto who he was in the present, Rosemary. With this breakthrough and all the improvement to Rosemary over the past months, she still seemed somewhat withdrawn to Richard and they hadn't yet slept in their bedroom together. The therapist suggested to Richard that she was still traumatized by the rape and it might take years before she was comfortable again with any physical closeness. Richard often gazed longingly at his wife, taking in the curves and the softness of her and felt an almost overwhelming desire to hold her and to tell her that he loved her. He was afraid though that any touching by him might traumatize her further. He tried to stay upbeat and to keep his distance from his wife but as the months passed and she still avoided him, he too began to feel the weight of depression and the hopelessness of their marriage. With only a week to go, Richard decided that they must begin to make plans for the switch back. Rosemary must learn about all the real estate deals he had pending and be brought up to date on present and future clients. When he mentioned it to Rosemary, she got this horrified look in her eyes and ran crying from the room. When he went to check on her, he found the door locked and all his entreaties were ignored. Richard was becoming desperate. He even thought about breaking down the door, but such a violent masculine action might cause his wife to go off the deep end. The next morning when Richard got up he found Rosemary sitting quietly at the breakfast nook seemingly waiting for him. He sat down and waiting quietly not wanting to spook her. "Richard," Rosemary said, "You know it still seems strange to call you that. Richard, I have to go away for awhile." "What do you mean you have to go away?" "I have to be away, by myself for a week, then I'll be back." "Where are you going?" "I can't tell you, but I've given instructions to our lawyer to inform you if I'm not back in a week." "But honey, you can't do this. You need to be here where I can take care of you. Besides, the switch is only a week away. You need to get up to date on everything." "I've been this way for six months, another week won't hurt. When you get home today from work I'll be gone." "Don't do this," Richard pleaded. "I must. Don't worry, I'll be all right. I tell you what; I'll call you every few days to let you know I'm okay." With those words she picked a suitcase off the floor and stepped to the door. "I love you!" She said just before she closed the door softly behind her. Richard leaned his elbows on the kitchen table and lowered his face into his hands. "God help us both," he whispered to himself, and repeated it like a mantra to help him through the bad time ahead. --- Rosemary left The Shop in the resort; the very same resort she had been in only six months earlier and where all her present problems began. This time she was in the body of a long, lean tanned brunette, with high uplifted breasts, and disconcerting deep blue eyes. As she strolled away from The Shop, she was wearing tiny denim cutoffs that revealed her amazingly long tanned legs, and a bikini top that barely covered her modest breasts. Her present body's name was Ellie, and she moved with purpose along the boardwalk toward a fake Polynesian bar hidden among palm trees near some other faux cocktail joints. She entered the bar without hesitation, but her nerves must have got the best of her when she saw the bars interior and smelled the rich pungent odor of whiskey and heard the sound of loud conversations and pop music from a juke box. So there she was, back in the bar that she had three times before visited with mixed results. This time she was looking for a man, and she needed to find him if she could ever move on with her life. Rosemary, now Ellie, planned on finding Ted and exacting some revenge. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do, but she knew she had to get some closure with him, and anything she might do to him he certainly deserved. She took a seat this time at the bar, to the surprise of the men sitting there, and sure enough it wasn't long before she was approached by a young stud, ready for action, gun ready and primed and her in his sights. Unfortunately, it also wasn't long before he was returning to his barstool in defeat. Over the next five hours, even as this beautiful woman sat there with her long lovely legs swinging so gently in time to the music, looking so exquisite and ready, one after another of the male patrons were shot down in there attempts at her. Finally, reaching some decision, Rosemary checked her watch, took one more careful look around the bar, and quietly left this sexual battleground that had only left her disappointed this time. *There'll be another time,* she thought as she briskly exited the bar and made her way back to her room. The next day she got up early and started systematically searching the resort from one end to the other, and she kept this up for two more days until she broke down and visited the police station. She told them she had been a witness to the altercation of six months before, and she wanted to know the last name of the man who called himself 'Ted', who had been involved. To her surprise and delight the woman officer on duty had no problem giving her the information she needed and before long she had left the station and was walking with new purpose. An hour later she saw him as he exited his bungalow and followed him as he walked casually under the starlit sky. It wasn't long before he made his way to an upscale bar close to the waters edge, with paper lanterns dotting the shoreline and the length of a pier that tailed off behind the bar into the dark of the ocean and the roar of the surf. Rosemary was not dressed for this kind of establishment, so she ran quickly back to her room that was thankfully not too far away, and changed her clothes. When she left her room she was decked out in a simple black dress with a short skirt that emphasized her handsome gams. She had fastened her hair up in a more sophisticated hairstyle that spoke of class and refinement. She was wearing a tasteful gold watch that encircled her left wrist, a strand of simple pearls around her lovely throat directed ones attention to her delicate neck and the bewitching expanse of her bosom that peeked so discretely out of the top of her dress. Her makeup matched her outfit and highlighted and distilled the very essence of femininity within her. She was hoping that Ted hadn't left the bar, and that she wouldn't have to repeat the search again the next day. When she entered the bar she was rewarded almost immediately for her diligence when she saw him sitting at the bar and looking directly at her as she came in the door. It was with some surprise and with no little consternation that she noticed him looking and she wondered if he knew why she was here. When she looked more closely at his eyes though, she could see more clearly the signs of lust and excitement that were so evident and clear there. Though she had briefly held his gaze, she wrenched it away with effort and took a seat at a table where she could be seen by him and from which she would not be tempted to peek. Rosemary knew she had caught his attention, and she knew that her brief but intense eye contact had fueled his libido and she knew it would not be long before he was sitting down at this very table. Though it took longer than she thought, (and she was beginning to think she should have given him a little more encouragement), Ted did appear at her side and asked to join her. She answered with a nod and a smile and after rounds of martinis and manhattans and a conversation in which they each recounted their life's story to the other, they got up and joined other couples swaying gracefully and slowly to a 'live' band's sensuous beat. As the evening progressed they grew closer and closer until their bodies were pressed so close together that they seemed just one body, dancing to some unheard music. The light was low, the music was soft, and so was the gorgeous woman that Ted held in his arms, and it was all he could do to keep his mind on the music and not the throbbing of his erection as it threatened to push then apart, or expose his desperate tumescence. "Shall we go back to my place?" Ted whispered in Ellie's ear as he nibbled on her ivory neck. She backed up a foot and with silent assent, took his hand in hers and led the way to the table to fetch her purse and then exit out the door. Awhile later they were nestled snugly together on his couch, and their hands were moving over each other and their clothes were beginning to pile up on the floor next to them in disarray. With a concerted effort Ellie stopped her roving hands and looked into Ted's eyes. "Honey, I need to visit the little girl's room first." She lifted herself from his embrace and slid noiselessly toward the bathroom. "I'll only be a minute, don't go away," she teased as she disappeared behind the door. When she was inside the door, Ellie leaned back against it and breathed deeply for a minute or two trying with little success to settle her thoughts and rethink the elements of her plan. When she had first thought of coming back to this resort, it was with the express purpose of finding this man and exacting some small measure of revenge on him. Wasn't it Ted who had ruined both Rosemary's and Richard's lives; and wasn't it Ted who had deliberately deceived her into thinking he was someone else? It was only right then that Ted should receive justice in the form of this lovely woman he now was, and Ellie's plans had succeeded so far. Ellie splashed some cold water on her face at the sink and looked herself squarely in the eye. "He deserves this," she said softly to herself, yet when she heard his voice pleading for her return from beyond the door, Ellie's thoughts became clouded with passion and the warring segments of her minds left her dazed and confused and hopelessly lost as she stood wordlessly facing the mirror. Behind her the door opened and Ted peaked in. "Hey sweetie, you ready for some lovin'?" When she didn't answer he moved behind her and wrapped hi

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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughters

Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 12 and Preachers Wife

Well we arrived at my house and we all three carried everything into Jaimies room and unloaded it, I had both mother (Pam) and daughter (Jaimie) wearing summer dresses without panties and bras. Whenever I wanted, I would get a feel or reach under a dress to feel their pussies or asses or down the top to cup a breast. Jaimies young firm tits that I knew soon would be getting full of my babies milk as her 23 year old now sex slave cum slut to me, little preachers daughter, had become, with her...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 11 and Preachers Wife

As relationships strained in her house, her being pregnant, unmarried, preacher angry and ashamed, coupled with issues with her mom, as they were both my now willing sex slaves, although, it took some unwilling time to make that psychological leap to needing their Master's control to let out their inner slut. Jaimie would be 24 in a few months and she really wanted to move in with Master and his family.Pam and Jaimie would argue over petty things,for instance Pam would comment about her moving...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 6 Sinning for the Cameras

Chapter Six: Sinning for the Cameras By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 3 Sinning Behind the School

Chapter Three: Sinning Behind the School By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I must be the most sinful preacher's daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills...

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Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 01

Blake How could things be the same after all we had gone through? It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the cover lied. Either it didn’t entice the reader enough to open the pages or it made you believe that the words on the inside were equivalent or better than the wonderful picture on the outside. That’s how we were, Samson and I. Sitting here on the 5th pew during morning worship made everyone think that he loved me so much. I was a strong woman but always...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 17 and Katrina

With my wife Charlotte away at the church ladies retreat being seduced (I hoped) by my number #2 sex slave slut Pam (the hot 38D preachers wife I had blackmailed that was now a willing sex slut) and I home alone fucking my pregnant 23 year old Number #1 cum slut sex slave Jaimie (preachers daughter) during the day while the k**s were at school, I decided on day two to bring in Katrina (Katrina, the young 19 year old mommy who first fucked me for money, then I also blackmailed her into being my...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 15

For those following the stories, here is a update.Jamie, the 23 year old preachers daughter slut is pregnant with my baby, unknown to my wife, and she is living with us. I use her. Pam, preachers wife has been meeting me Sunday mornings and getting fucked before church and her husband knows about it, but has not confronted them yet. I told John, the preachers to wait. He is ashamed she loved sucking my cock and getting his virgin ass pounded. He has been enjoying fucking his wife Pam and I it...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 6 More hidden cam bab

Well, now I had enough video to blackmail the sexy young slut and I was sure she was masturbating thinking of me and also of her d_d_y fucking her m_m_y! But, I wanted MORE to seal the deal, so to speak!My wife and I had a wedding anniversary coming up and I got us reservations at a cabin and planned a nice get away. I knew she would love it, be horny, and I would fuck her all weekend! Although she is a hottie, sometimes I would think of her but other times of Jaimie, the preachers daughter...

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Peaches the Limo Slut

Chapter 1 Sitting in the back of a stretch limo Steve Richmond was on the phone to his wife. "..I know" He apologised "But I'm only in Vegas for one more night and I'll be on the next flight home" He looked down at the pretty busty blonde as his wife spoke. "...I've already called Jane and had her reschedule!" The blonde had his hard cock in her hand. Staring up at him she seductively licked her full red lips and slowly continued jerking him off. He interupt his wife's chatter "We're...

Group Sex
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Peaches And Cream 1

Prositutes – lingerie – hookers – transsexual first time – butt plugsI have a little problem.Well, to be honest, it's more than just a little problem. Some might consider it to be a huge problem.I am addicted to prostitutes.I have been pretty much all of my adult life, since I first walked out of the front gate at Lackland Air force Base in Texas and saw a pretty young girl sitting on the hood of a car in front of a massage parlor. When I glanced over at her she had slipped her shorts aside and...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 5 Sinning with a Woman

Chapter Four: Sinning with a Woman By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You take care of your father,” Mother said as she stood in the foyer of our house, the summer heat spilling in through the open, front door. “Of course I will,” I said, trying to keep the naughty smile off my lips. I would take care of him so well. A weekend without Mother. She was about to leave on her annual women's retreat. It was every July. I have been waiting for this weekend. Tomorrow night, Daddy promised me...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 4 Sinning at the Club

Chapter Four: Sinning at the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “And you are sure this is a good idea, dear?” Mother asked Daddy. As always, Mother wore a conservative dress: skirt long, neckline high, though it was sleeveless, a concession to the summer heat. Her hair was perfectly coiffed even after a day spent weeding at the church. I didn't even recall her slipping into the bathroom to fix herself when we returned home, she just changed out of her garden jeans and looked...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 2 Sinning on Her Knees

Chapter One: Sinning on Her Knees By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “That's it, whore,” Daddy grunted as he rammed his cock into me from behind after bending me over the dining room table. Through the swinging door that connected this room to the kitchen, I could hear my mom humming as she worked on breakfast, oblivious to the naughty acts her husband, my preacher father, performed on my eighteen-year-old body. “Daddy,” I squealed, bucking back into his thrusts. “What are you...

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The taxi rolled slowly along the tree-lined street in suburbia. I watched kids bicycling and grown-ups setting up BBQs or lounging in the warm sunlight. It was a Sunday in July, and I had been gone for almost two years. Two long dusty years I had spent with my wife in a hell hole in Africa. We were both freelancers and had decided to fly over to report on the situation. The first eighteen months were fine that was until a group of German freelancers arrived and among them was Boris. Big, blond,...

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Just to see what difference it made, Geoff had selected ‘shortest route’ on the hired car SatNav.  He soon found out.  The ‘Southern Belle’ voice directed him off the Freeway and onto country roads, but he didn’t realise it was going to take him directly to a wonderful sexual experience.  It was early afternoon and he was just north of Marshallville in deep Georgian country side, with about one hundred miles to go to Atlanta and the airport hotel he was staying in for his last night in the...

Straight Sex
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Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 02

-IAN I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help. She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm. She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 9 and My WIfe and Wifes Fin

If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 9

Continued, so I decided it was time for some more forceful fucking again and I ordered Jaimie at church Sunday, to be at the mall Monday at noon, at the pet store.Sunday, Pam, the preachers wife did as told, she tried not to make contact with me and she was very nervous, but she passed we her wet panties that had been in her pussy (see previous post) and I briefly pulled Jaimies panties from my pocket and showed her, then returned them. I could tell there was tension when I was talking to both...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 8 Ass

Well, for the next ten days I used her sex young cunt hole and mouth at least twice a week. I told her that Sunday before she got in the choir to sing she was to remove her panties and stuff them in her pussy. After singing she was to go remove them and slide them to me as she left the ladies room and I went to the mens room. What a sexy trained slut. Even in church she was now giving me her panties. So, it was time to get rougher with her and take that tight ass. Not make love to it, not...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 7 Finally took that vir

Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 1

She was 23, 5'3" brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned...

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Peaches and the Poolboy

Peaches and the Poolboy“Karma is a bitch” No truer words were ever spoken. Here I am, in my early sixties at an age that a few years ago I looked forward to. If anyone thought they were immortal, it was me. Now I’m an expert on amyotrotrphic lateral sclerosis, ALS, or more commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s disease” It began about three years ago when I would trip on insignificant things. A crack in the sidewalk, a twig. It initially would be no more than a nuisance and would piss me off. As...

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Preacherman ch 14

Cindy shifted uncomfortably in the pew trying to keep her mind on the fact she was sitting in church. How on earth her mother talked her into going, she’d never know. Maybe it was because she was tired of her mother’s nagging, and decided one Sunday would not hurt. Leave it to her mother the matchmaker to tell her all the details of the new preacher, who was single, as if she was interested in the man of the cloth. However when she saw him, she muttered to herself, “Oh god, how can...

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Peaches Lashaun Part 1 How the Badest Bitches are Bred

After the guy, that claimed to love her deeply, dumped her a month after taking her virginity; it became difficult for Lashaun to mend her broken heart. She couldn’t bear seeing her ex-boyfriend gallivanting around with different girls all summer, so she begged and pleaded to her parents to allow her to visit her cousin Tara in Atlanta for the remainder of her summer vacation. It hadn’t been a week into her visit before she realized what her father meant when he warned that her sheltered...

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As a child, my favorite season was summer. I remember being young, perhaps six or seven, and my grandmother, my brother, my sisters and I would go to an orchard several miles away to pick peaches. We could have bought them at the supermarket, but store bought peaches were never as good as fresh ones. Picking peaches was yearly ritual until I was in my early teens. I reached puberty and thought that I was too mature to go pick fruit with my family. I never realized how lucky I was until I no...

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Cindy shifted uncomfortably in the pew trying to keep her mind on the fact she was sitting in church. How on earth her mother talked her into going, she’d never know. Maybe it was because she was tired of her mother’s nagging, and decided one Sunday would not hurt. Leave it to her mother the matchmaker to tell her all the details of the new preacher, who was single, as if she was interested in the man of the cloth. However when she saw him, she muttered to herself, “Oh god, how can someone that...

Straight Sex
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Valerie was swinging away in her back yard on a swing her father made out of a car tire. Each breeze that came from swinging made her long golden hair fly everywhere. She wore her short little blue jean shorts and a whitetank top. She wore two small braids on each side of her face to keep her long hair from getting in her eyes. She was glad it was finally summertime. That meant no school, no homework, and no more waking up early. It was extremely hot that summer day. It was still early in...

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Preacher Man

The man in black was standing alone on a dark street corner. In front of him was an old church. He stood there looking up at the church in awe. It was an enormous and impressive thing, looming overhead in the semi-darkness. It was misting rain that night. The streetlights tried feebly to penetrate the gloom. Standing in front of the church wearing a leather jacket and black denim jeans, the man in black was a shadow among shadows. Cold drops of rain beaded up in his hair, but he didn’t seem to...

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Preacher8217s Trap

Hi readers, I’m here to narrate my sexstory of how a preacher trapped my widow mother using her depression and weakness to have an illegitimate physical relationship with her. My father died in an accident when I was 19 yrs. and my mother was only 39 yrs. Old. The news of my father’s death hit us hard like a bullet. Me and my mother both went into a trauma and agony. Our relatives turned there back on us. No one helped us. As my father worked in a govt. the company I was offered a job in the...

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It had been four months at the church when I noticed the preacher's fourteen-year-old daughter. She was very beautiful for her age. She had long, curly blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes that spoke volumes to my soul. Her figure was slim, with slightly matured breasts and a sleek back that curved delicately to a round, toned ass. I enjoyed watching her in her skimpy little Sunday dresses. She rarely closed her legs when she sat down, so I constantly got a view of her floral print...

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To Mothers Group with Transgender Interest

"To: Mothers' Group with Transgender Interest" by Princess Pervette Seen on alt.transgendered: It happened to us. What a surprise. Despite all the tests and pills and MD guarantees, when the stork arrived...he delivered a baby boy. We were shocked and very disappointed. We found out through the net a number of couples and single parents have faced the same situation but find it difficult to deal with. We also found out that the disappointment need...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 7 and Young Mother from gar

Katrina, the young 19 year old money who fucked me for money, then blackmailed into being my sex slave cum slut #3 for 6 months, had wanted to fuck more than once a week. Apparently, she enjoyed the control and hard fucking I gave her.Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife MILF I had black mailed and was fucking as my number #2 slut, was now trained and willing to do all my commands. Her most humiliating moment was her hard ass fucking and mostly when I had her and Jaimie, my 23 year old number #1...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 4 from Peachers Daughter Se

Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughter s

After fucking Pam before church that Sunday I had her as I wanted her, obedient.I would watch her on hidden cam and she knowing the cam was there, would give me shows as I directed her too.I told her that when the church was told about Jaimie be pregnant, I would act shocked and in a few weeks talk my wife Charlotte into letter my number #1 slut move in with me. Pam did not really like it, as she knew what all I would be doing to her beautiful pregnant daughter. I wondered if it might be some...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 5 More Masturbation wit

Although the last chapter gave me the clearest video and loud audio of her masturbating in daylight... another wonder session was captured at night. In fact, only a couple nights later. The best part was as I reviewed recordings from the preacher and preacher wife's room, I realized Jaimie was masturbating the same time her p______ents were fucking in the other room, where she could no doubt hear them.Again, what wonderful video for future use, when I finally show her!It was a Tuesday night...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 4 The Masturbation

Over the next two weeks I watched and recorded a number of hot masturbation sessions unknown to the hot 23 year old virgin Jaimie, and a few of her MILF m_ _ _ _y and one of her parents fucking in their room. Near the end of two weeks, I even caught the preacher himself alone in Jaimie's room sniffing her worn panties and jacking off his little pecker over her bra, but that is another story for later!My favorite two masturbation recordings, other than her at night in the middle of the night...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 2

About 2 weeks after pressing my hard cock into "Jaimie" at church, I played it cool and stood back. Kind of ignored her but could see her looking at me. It made me semi hard and I sat so she could see my buldge in my slacks.Then the preachers lawn mower broke down and his car was not usable, nothing serious, just a starter solenoid on the mower and a alternator on his car. I told him I would be glad to fix them for him. Well I timed my arrival for when he was going to see folks at the...

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional  life.  My stories are based on my fantasies.  Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.   I hope you enjoy this story.  It?s dedicated to my favorite Puerto Rican bitch Miss Peaches.  I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.  Contact me at [email protected] a story...

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Preacherman ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?” She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious...

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Preacherman Ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?”She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious fanatic who...

Straight Sex
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Sitting absentmindedly stroking my shoulder length blond hair, I am sitting at my keyboard, staring blankly at my screen, as I have been since 9:00 this morning. My body is not in that bad shape for a woman my age, although I admit I could lose a few pounds. But my husband certainly appreciates my D-Cup breasts, which I admit have begun to sag a bit, and I know my ass isn't what it was when I was 19. I look at myself in the mirror, blushing instantly at what I see. I'm sitting here dressed in...

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Preachers Wifes Birthday Preparations

This is a continuation of the events described under the title Minister***** there are probably 4 stories. You can probably get the gist without reading the earlier stories. However, if you want to be fully up to speed better start at the beginning.On the way home from the clothes fitting in the city Jonny sat in the back with Preacher John's wife. She had been up for the fitting and purchase of the designer clothes from her skin out. Jonny had told Angela, often referred to as Ange Babe, that...

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