Paul's Summer Job free porn video

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August was finally here. Long time coming too. I had waited all year for this moment to come. The first of August. The big time had finally arrived, my six month trip to the remote islands of Italy. I suppose I was the lucky one. I had spent the last year searching for work abroad. All my other mates from school had not bothered their arses to look and had left it to the last moment. None of them succeeded in their quest. John was the only one to turn up at the airport to wish me good luck. It did not bother me all that much as john was the only one whom I would actually call a close friend. Jealous bastards the rest of them. At seventeen I suppose I was lucky I had this opportunity. Mum and dad had passed on in an accident some years back and I was well used to getting along by myself but this was my first time travelling abroad on my own. Six months as a waiter to Allesandra Ribera, an apparently eccentric doctor on the island of Levanso off the Sicilian coast Uninhabited except for the doc whom had his research facility there. I said farewell to John and told him I would call him as soon as I arrived. The flight to Palermo airport passed fairly quickly as the excitement built. I was to be picked up by Michel, his PA. Soon after I landed I wandered through customs to see a man holding a placard with my name Paul Williams written on it. Michel I presumed. This was a man mountain, at least 6'4 and built like the proverbial brick shithouse. "Hi!" I blurted out not thinking of what else to say. "Paul, Paul Williams." he said. I nodded and followed him back to his car. Not a man for words I thought. He hardly said another word as we travelled to Trapani to catch a boat to the island. We docked at a small pier and Michel grabbed my bags for me. A short drive later and we were at the gates of Mr Ribera's house. Boy this guy liked his privacy. It was surrounded by a large wall with barbed wire all around it. Michel took out a remote from his pocket and opened the large wrought iron gates with it. We went inside and as we approached the main door it creaked open. "Aah Paul how are you?" a fifty odd year old man beamed at me. "Your picture did you no service at all. You are indeed a pretty boy." Somewhat taken aback at this I blurted out, "Mr Ribera how are you. Very pleased to meet you." "Come inside boy you must be hungry and tired. Michel will show you to your room and I shall prepare you something to eat." That sounded good and I followed his PA down a long corridor until he stopped outside my room. Well this is it, my home for the next six months. Hope it has TV. Michel took a large key from his pocket and opened the lock. I walked inside. Holy shit I taught to myself as I gazed around the room. This is the most girlish room I had ever been in. Everything was pink and lacy. Even the girls I had been fortunate enough to cop off with back home never had a room like this. He must have someone come to stay with him sometimes I thought. A niece or something. How the fuck can I stay here. The door behind me shut. Oh well I suppose I better unpack. I can raise my concerns over dinner. I threw my bags on the bed and opened it up. I laid out all my gear, jeans, T-shirts, jocks and socks. I was aware I would have to wear a uniform, all part of the contract and that it would be supplied. I opened the large closet to hang my clothes in but it was already full. Every type of girl's clothes was inside. From evening gowns to what I think the other side called summer dresses. Now I know there is a mistake. That plank Michel has brought me to the wrong room. Further examination of storage space revealed drawers full of bras and the like. All very girly stuff. What girls would call pulling pants? Pink, red, lacy they were all here. At the base of the closet were shoes. Plenty of them. Again a variety of shapes and colours. How the fuck anyone stood in them let alone walked in them was beyond me. This is getting weirder by the second. "Dinner!" Mr Ribera shouted up the hallway. Good I'm starving and I want to get this sorted out now. No way was I living in a room like this. I walked down the corridor and followed my nose. Hmmm. smelled good. I turned into the kitchen to find Mr Ribera already eating dinner. Seafood pasta. Excellent, one of my favourites. "Sit down boy," exclaimed the doc. "let me explain to you what it is I have in mind for you." Oh well let him talk, I can bring up the room later. "I picked you from many application letters. You have just the face and body I have been looking for." What the fuck was he going on about now, I was feeling very uneasy now. "What is going to happen to you is this. I have for a long time now being working on a new super drug. Sex changes are big business now and what I have developed is a very fast acting hormone that will change a boy's body very fast. Of course it has to be tested before I can use it. Law suits and all that, I'm sure you understand." "What are you talking about!" I screamed and bolted for the door. "No point running dear boy, There is nowhere to go." I ran from the room and hurried for the main exit but I couldn't open it. Fear had now taken over; I could hear the doc's footsteps behind me. "What is the matter with you Paul, you should be pleased. Very many men will pay thousands of euros for this. You have the right face and body to make you very passable. Of course the hormones won't get rid of your cock but lucky you, in a couple of months we can operate." Any moment now I will wake up I told myself but I new this was for real. This fucking weirdo is going to change me into a girl. "Fuck you!" I screamed. "I won't do it." "You have very little choice dear boy. You can't go anywhere and if you want to keep living I suggest you do exactly as I say. Now here is your first injection." He pulled out a small syringe from his pocket and jabbed it into my arm. "You fucking moron!" I shouted back. "You won't get away with this." What could I do though? Mum and dad were dead. The only person who new exactly where I went was John. He will know there is something wrong and sort this mess out. "Now go to your room and take a rest. If you wish to you can wear your normal clothes until the operation. I understand you will need some time to get used to this. I'm not all bad. Every thing you need is in that room, makeup if you feel the urge; after all you are going to look right stupid being a girl and not knowing how to do your face." I lay on the bed not knowing what to do. Tears streamed down my face. What was to become of me? I continued to cry as I drifted off to sleep. I had not cheered up much the following morning. I got up and climbed into my favourite jeans and white T-shirt. "Good morning Paul." the doctor greeted me. "Not feel the urge to get into a mini skirt yet then?" he sniggered. "Fuck you!" I yelled back. "Take your time dear boy, well boy for another short time." he laughed. "The hormones will change you very quickly and speaking of which here is your dose for today." I cringed as he injected me with more of his drug. "In that drawer over there you will find a training bra. Not very pretty mind but it does the job." "I won't need it you crackpot. If you think that shit your pumping into me is going to give me tits your madder than I already thought you were." He just smiled and left the room. I had to carry out my duties as normal for the rest of the day. Cooking, cleaning and the like. I couldn't but notice the itching around my nipples as the day progressed. 'You have got to be kidding me.' I thought to myself. I got to bed at about twelve that night and fell asleep very quickly. I as awakened the next morning by the burst of light that entered the room as the curtains was drawn. "Good morning Paul." came the by now the familiar voice of the doc. "Time for your injection." I climbed out of bed and sat on the side as he approached. "That stung you fool." I said. "Don't you worry about that? They won't go on forever." It was only then as I stood up I noticed something different. I had breasts. Not big but they were there. "About time for the bra I think Paul. You won't want them going droopy now do you?" "I don't want them there at all!" I cried. "Oh well come along now, I will put it on for you." He went to the drawer and came back with a plain white bra and placed it on me. "Would you like a nice pair of panties and dress to go with it? It's best if you get used to these things now. It will help you to get your head around your predicament." "No!" I yelled. "I'm a boy. I will not wear girl's clothes." "I don't know of any boys who wear training bras." he replied. He was right of course. Here I was, a seventeen year old boy standing in boxer shorts and bra. As the weeks progressed the breasts got bigger, much to the docs delight. I still wore my own clothes with a bra albeit a much larger size. 34D was on the label. I don't know how those letters work but it obviously meant "big tits". As my waist kept growing my jeans got more uncomfortable. I was now much more resigned to my fate. I still screamed at the doc most mornings and hated what I was becoming but there was little I could do. What would happen to me in the long term? I would be a woman. Every time I thought about it I cried. I had never fancied a man. I was going to be a transsexual lesbian. How weird was that. It was my only choice. The day that I dreaded was here. My jeans wouldn't fit me anymore. The extra fat the daily hormone treatment gave me made it impossible to pull them up. I had to choose something from my new "wardrobe". I chose a black skirt that reached my knees. Nothing to short or lacy. It was the nearest thing I could find to a "man's skirt" if ever there was such a thing and a plain black top. I still wore my boxers though. It was the last bit of male clothing I had that I could still fit on. "Excellent!" called the doc. "I knew you would get into the swing of things. Maybe you might try panties soon? After the operation they will fit you nice and snug." Oh! The operation. "When is that due to happen?" I asked dreading the answer. "Quiet, soon." came the reply. "What will become of me? I will be missed by my friend John." "Don't you worry about him? As we speak he is getting ready to join you. I sent him an invite months ago and it's only now he can come to visit you. As for you, I can see you getting much closer to Michel. After all I want to make sure everything works. In as little as three weeks you may be losing your new found virginity." As soon as I heard this I collapsed from the shock. I woke the next morning to find the doctor had not wasted any time. The terrible pain from my crotch told me something was dreadfully wrong. I cried as I lifted up the blankets to find my whole genital area covered in bandages. 'Oh Christ! He has done it. I'm a girl.' I drifted back to sleep. Drugs I suspected. I slept through the next couple of days unaware of anything really. By the time I came around my hair which I had to grow all along had been coloured. I also tasted something on my lips. I managed to walk to a mirror, still in agony after the operation and saw my reflection. The first time seeing myself as a girl. Jesus I wish I had a girlfriend who looked like this. But shit it was me. "What do you think Lauren?" asked the doc. "Well it's done now and at least I don't look like a bloke in a dress." "Very true. You are very beautiful." "What's with the Lauren bit?" I asked knowing what the answer would be. "Well I can't call you Paul anymore can I?" "Suppose not, what now?" "Well now you are a girl you are going to act like one. I'm sure you would like a boyfriend." "No way doc. I liked girls before you done this to me and that won't change. There is no way I am fucking a guy." "Ahh if only that were true." "What do you mean?" I protested. "In two days time your bandages are coming off and you should be functional within the week. Now who would you like to fuck? Michel or your good friend John who should be here soon." "Please don't do this to me. John will still recognize me." "That won't make a difference to John. In a couple of months John will no longer John but Shorna your new best pal. You will need someone to pass makeup tips and the like to." I collapsed again. I must have been out for a couple of days. When I awoke a very scared looking John stood beside my bed. "What the fuck is going on here Paul? What happened to you?" "You have woken Lauren. That is good. I hope you are pleased to have a friend here with you. I will let you get acquainted now. Lauren tell John what happened to you and what is going to happen to him. I took your bandages off yesterday. You can show John what he will be enjoying before the week is out." He just turned and walked out of the room. "Paul please explain. What happened your body?" A tear trickled down my face as I lifted my skirt. "This is what happened to me and you soon too. You will have to do as he says or he will kill you. I have an awful idea that you are to be my first fuck with this." "You must be joking!" gasped John. "I'm not fucking you and that's that. No way." "Believe me there will be very little you can do about it." Just then Michel barged into the room, with no hesitation John lunged at him with venom in his anger. "You arseholes." That is as much as he got out before the huge Michel grabbed him in a headlock and dragged him out the door. A few minutes after that the doc arrived back in. "Here put these on. You are now all woman. Its time you acted like one. By the time I'm finished with John he will be dying to meet you." "Great, a couple of months ago I was looking forward to working abroad and now I am one." I looked at what the doc had thrown at me. A small pink parcel with a little bow. Super, I suppose I am meant to like this girly shit now. I opened the parcel to find a few sets of lingerie. Well, here it goes I thought. Forever in panties. I knew I had no choice but the thought that these were being worn to turn on my best pal for me to fuck him just seemed bizarre, a dream, and no make that a nightmare. Well here goes. He obviously liked black. I sat down to await my fate. I didn't have to wait long. In walked the doc with John in tow. "Wow you look spectacular!" leered John. Something was different about him. "Man am I going to enjoy fucking you." Must have been some sort of drug and I knew now my fate was sealed. The doc just smiled and sat on the bed. He was going to sit and watch the whole sorry episode. "Okay John, she is all yours." I would have pleaded for mercy but what was the point. "Suck him off Lauren." "Wait a minute doc, you said fuck not suck. I don't know the first thing about sucking cock." "What better time to learn then. DO IT!" Before I knew it I was on my knees sucking my best friends cock. Man this is bad. The way it grew hard inside my mouth. The worst thing was John was very much enjoying my humiliation. He was moaning and whispering, "Suck it, suck it!" I wonder that if he was reminded of his predicament and that the chances were he would be on his knees sucking a cock would he enjoy it so much. The doc was loving every minute of it. "Go for it John!" he was screaming. "Fuck her now John." This was it. John got up and threw me on my knees. He came round behind me and squeezed his stiff cock into me. It hurt like hell. He pounded away on me for what seemed like ages. "Cum in her mouth!" was the docs next outburst. John must have been near to cuming. His strokes were getting faster and I could hear his voice getting louder and more excited. "Turn around quick and open that sweet mouth of yours Lauren!" screamed John. I whisked around just in time to catch all his cum in my gob. It was disgusting. "Don't swallow it yet dear. Let me see." I turned to show the doc the sticky mess in my mouth. "Good girl. You now truly are a woman. I hope John will turn out the same." Don't miss the next instalment. Can Lauren and John free themselves? Watch this space.

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AGENT BURNED The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 3

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...

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Down Africa Way the continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5

[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story  and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5 ?DOWN AFRICA WAY? CHAPTER 1 The black cab pulled to the kerb and the door swung open and an elegant leg followed by another stepped out onto the wet pavement. ?Thanks and keep the change? smiled Suzzanne as she paid the driver. ?Much...

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SUZZANNOBOT The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 4

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...

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summer job

I was out of school for the summer and was looking for a job, there was not a lot of work in this country town ,so my parents ask around to see if they could help. Finally after a few weeks the pastor at our church told them of a neighbor that had returned from the military Vietnam I think and he was painting his house and needed help. So I went over and he gave me a job helping him paint , he was a big black man at least 6 6 didn’t say much. we worked until it got to hot 1-2 pm go in his house...

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A Summer Job

Introduction: My second story. Based on a true story, but certainly embellished a bit. To be relished, not rushed through. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter I The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while...

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Summer Job

It was supposed to be a summer job. Easy money for when I went back to college in the fall. My father knew the guy, old connections from when he was in college. Introduced himself as Mr. Donaldson. He seemed nice enough, always smiling and laughing. I figured, why not. Couldn't be as bad as working fast food.Mr. Donaldson was probably in his early 50s. An inch or two over six feet, salt and pepper hair and a nicely trimmed goatee. He had a bit of a beer belly that jiggled a bit when he laughed,...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 17 Summers End

The further I got into August, the faster time seemed to go. Everyone knew I was leaving soon, and none seemed too happy about it. The worst ones handling my imminent departure were the R's. On more than one night I ended up comforting them in my bed. "It's not fair!" wailed Roberta or Rose. "We just get here, and you leave." I would hug them. "I know, and I'm sorry. But my employment contract is only for the summer. If I could stay here longer I would, but I can't." "What if...

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The Wolf SummersChapter 7D Summer Crushes

Sex with Rachel became less important the closer the twins' return came. There were other things I would not be able to do with her that seemed more difficult to let go of. Like her smile when I walked into the mansion, it welcomed me as her man and not her sons' best friend. She sprang her gifts on me during our last night together. I arrived at the mansion dejected. I wondered if it were possible to fuck from the moment she opened the door until we had to pick up the twins. Rachel let...

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Summer Job

After graduating from high school and before moving away to college, I took a summer job for a local construction company. Frank, the owner, was a nice guy and easy to work under. One morning, Frank asked me if I would be able to stop by his house on my way home and take a the screens out of the windows. They needed to be hosed down and cleaned now that spring was over. I knew where his house was, so I told him I’d do it.I’d never met his wife Cassie before, but from what all the other guys had...

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Summer job

It was summer brake and I wanted to make some money to get a motorcycle. I went to the store and looked at the bulletin board for work. Painters and carpenters wanted mostly. Then at the bottom an ad for summer help. Someone needed to cut and clear yard,clean out garage and fence repair. I pulled down the ad and went to the address. It was a nice house with a big yard. It was over grown and looking over the gate the backyard wasn't much better. I knocked on the front door. A man looking...

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Sarah and miss Summers

Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Mrs Summers Slips www

Mrs. Summers’ SlipsChapter 1, "Curiosity" Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I discovered the appendage between my legs had another use. As I experimented with these new-found sensations sometimes 3-times a day, and usually with the assistance of a purloined stroke mag), it became very clear that I preferred looking at pictures of partially clad women over full frontal nudity. By partially clad, I mean looking at pictures of women wearing seductive or frilly bras, panties, nightgowns, etc....

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A Summer threesome in the spring

A little bit about Summer. She's 23 year old short haired brunette, tall and skinny. She's about 5' 10" tall and about 105 lbs. She is also some what of a shy woman. Even though she is skinny I think as a very nice body. More about her as the story goes on. Months after the store visit Summer gave Jenn a call. They had exchanged phone numbers as we were checking out. Anyway Summer told Jenn that her boyfriend broke up with her a month & a half ago. She went on to say that she hadn't...

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The OC Marissa showing Summer what it is like be

Marissa Cooper's eyes blinked open after hearing the voice of her best friend Summer Roberts. She had spent the whole night partying with her friends and was drunk out of her mind. It wasn't unusual for Marissa and Summer to stay out until all hours of the night but this night had been special because it was Summer's birthday meaning both of them were finally 18. Ok, so they were still technically won't supposed to be drinking that they had both matured quickly and the rich of Orange...

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Valentines Day Rimjob

Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...

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Rob Summer Pt2

Please read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...

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Summer Voodoo

Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...

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B6 Chapter 14 Summer Transformed Summers M

Chapter 14: Summer Transformed - Summer's Metamorphosis From below, Rayleena gave a moan that sounded almost despairing, then thrust powerfully forward and up, her hips driving the bursting shaft of her cock flesh to the hilt in Summer. Vantha could hear the slapping thud of Rayleena's body meeting the quivering globes of Summer's rump in a forceful plunge. Vantha quivered, her muscles standing out and tremb-ling, as she strained her own body, bent on burying her own fountaining cock into...

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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 04

Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.“You’re sure about this?”Summer looked at me tentatively.“Yeah, we’re sure.”“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer...

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B6 Chapter 15 Summer Transformed Summers R

Chapter 15: Summer Transformed - Summer's Release Summer showed no tenderness or compunction in what she did next. The now much larger girl stood up, her assets shuddering delightfully before Rayleena's awestruck eyes, as the huge shaft of her new cock jerked to slap heavily between her breasts repeatedly. Summer turned to Vantha lying upon the bed, her massive cock stretching out over Vantha like a tree limb from her new body. Summer's powerful new form quivered and rippled in anticipation...

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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt7

After Summer’s threesome with Darren and Carl, she continued to see Darren on and off for a few months. After just a few dates though, Summer complained to me that Darren was starting to get jealous and possessive. He didn’t care about me, but when she was with him and her phone rang he’d want to know who was calling, or if she wasn’t free to meet up with him he’d demand to know if she was going out with someone else (she usually was). Things came to a boil when Darren found out that she’d been...

1 year ago
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Hot Summer Nights

Introduction: Summer is made a member of the Connors family – in EVERY way possible Hot Summer Nights by Jen L. Lee 2012 You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes, Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere, she sniffed in a condescending tone. Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone elses problem. There is no such thing as an incorrigible child, the 34-year old...

2 years ago
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Hot Summer Nights

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 “You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes,” Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. “She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere,” she sniffed in a condescending tone. “Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone else’s problem.” “There is no such thing as an incorrigible child,” the 34-year old socialite said as she adjusted her stylish hat. “I was not able to have children after...

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B6 Chapter 13 Summer Transformed Summer Is Gifte

Chapter 13: Summer Transformed - Summer Is Gifted Both Vantha and Rayleena had left their respective quarters, and were now roaming the hallways of the Island, eagerly in search of new partners to satisfy their seemingly endless sexual lust and excitement. Because of the relative closeness of Tiffany and Ebony's quarters on the one side of the Island, and the layout of the corridors, it was only a few moments before Vantha and Rayleena met each other in the hallway. Both girls instantly knew...

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A Midsummer Nights Nightmare

After 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job. It was a large country high school...

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My Life With Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 6

When it came time to move, Summer decided that she’d rather get a few guys from her gym to help out than hire movers.“Why pay strangers when we can grab a case of beer and some pizza – that way, we can enjoy it too?” Her reasoning made sense, and again it was her money, so my say didn’t amount to much.That was the first time that I’d come face to face with Darren. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did my best to avoid him because it felt strange to be around him. He looked as much like Denzel...


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