Subjects 0 Ch. 02 free porn video

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STATUS REPORT: Initial tests on Subject Alpha a success. All subjects seemed to be at a higher state of arousal than usual, to include Alpha and his sister. Need to get more data on what happened after Subject Alpha left the club. Perhaps we can convince Larry Cavettelli to hire Subject Alpha.


It had been two weeks since April had tried to teach Adam how to control his libido. Two weeks of near-complete success, and utter failure. Success, because he could control his urges more often than not. The only times he failed to control himself is when he remembered what April and him had done. Failure, because he hadn't seen his sister since that afternoon, and she refused to talk to him. She hadn't come home last weekend, and this weekend was shaping up to be the same.

Adam knew that what they had done together was wrong, but at the same time it had felt so great, how could it be anything other than right? He had called her, but she never answered. He emailed her, and knew she read the emails, but again, no replies. It didn't seem to matter what he wrote, or said, she was gone.

His mom arrived home from work, and informed him that pizza was already ordered, and would be there soon. Adam couldn't remember the last time they had had a home cooked meal. He wasn't even sure if his mom still remembered how to cook.

"Have you heard from your sister? Is she coming over this weekend?" He heard her yell from her room.

"No. She won't answer my calls," Adam replied.

"What happened that weekend?" His mom asked as she came out of her room. She had on her usual evening attire, baggy jeans, and a loose gray shirt. "You have seemed calmer, but she couldn't get out of here quick enough." His mom had asked this same question numerous times, and Adam wasn't about to admit to the truth. That they had fucked, and he had never imagined that such pleasure ever existed, as he had found that day.

"I told you. We got into a fight, and she stormed out."

"I know you told me you apologized, but did you REALLY apologize, or just kinda? I hate to see you two mad at each other."

"I tell you what, after we eat, I'll go to her place, and apologize in person," he told her in exasperation.

His mom walked over to him, and leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you." The front of her loose shirt dropped low, and Adam could see all the way to her belly button. She wasn't wearing a bra. Adam had caught glimpses of her breasts before, but never this close, and only before that fateful weekend. With what April and he had done still fresh in his mind, his mom's tits this close, kick started his libido. He stopped his hands as they started to travel up, and closed his eyes, turning the image of her smallish breasts into a blank white wall.

"Are you okay?" Her words seemed to come to him from a vast distance.

Opening his eyes, he looked at her again, and this time noticed a slight flush to her cheeks. "Yeah, just thinking about what I'm going to say when I get there." He couldn't believe he had almost m*****ed his mother. What had happened with his sister was one thing, but he had never felt particularly close to his mother, and the way she had reacted to catching him masturbating... Well, his mom was definitely out of bounds.

"Let me know when--" His mom started, but cut off as the doorbell rang, "Oh, never mind." She paid the deliveryman, and they sat down to eat.

Dinner was always a silent event. Adam never understood why mom insisted on eating together, since no one talked, but he was quite used to it by now. He couldn't help but see her in a different light this evening, however. For instance, when the collar of her shirt slipped off her shoulder, he now noticed the pale skin that was left bare, the same shade as her breasts. She was always quick to pull it back up, but one time she had caught him staring, and then left it down the rest of dinner. And whenever their eyes met, they seemed to have a sparkle in them he hadn't noticed before. He also noticed how she ate her pizza, and while he had never thought of eating pizza as a seductive act before, he did notice how her lips slid along the slice, and how they moved as she chewed.

Several times he had to close his eyes, and concentrate on the image of a blank wall, and each time it seemed to get more difficult to change the image.

"Are you okay?" Adam didn't know what was more shocking; that she had spoken during dinner, breaking the usual silence, or that she actually seemed concerned. It wasn't that she was cruel or uncaring, but usually she was so lost in her work, that even when she got home, her mind was still there. She rarely noticed her c***dren, except when she caught them doing something she thought was wrong. "You look like you have a headache, the way you keep closing your eyes." The surprises kept coming as she got up, and walked over to him, her shoulder still bare. "Would you like me to rub your temples?" She suited actions to words, and her hands on his head felt like fire and ice, paradoxically.

Adam leapt from his chair, his second slice of pizza only half eaten. "I'd better go. I'm not really that hungry." He started for the door, ignoring whatever his mom said behind him. His only concern was making it out, before she noticed the bulge she had caused in his pants.

Safely in his truck, Adam gave a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes, but it took nearly five minutes before he could get the image of his mother out of his head.

PERSONAL NOTE: Must be careful with Larry Cavettelli. He wanted to use the substance in the stripper's body spray, but that would have ruined the tests. I understand the implications this can have for his business, but science must come first. Aerial dispersion is still considered the best option for now.


Carol shook herself as her son rushed out the door. She had never seen him act like that around her, but then she had to admit to herself, she really never did pay much attention to her k**s. As long as they never got into trouble, or as long as she didn't catch them doing something wrong, what did it matter?

But for some reason she found herself paying special attention to her eighteen year old son tonight. She hadn't realized he had grown into a man. A fully grown and well developed man. Unbidden, the image of her son, his hand wrapped tightly around his large cock, sprang to mind.

What was wrong with her? All evening she had been having hot flashes. She was too young to be going through menopause, and it wasn't that time of the month. She didn't think of herself as a sexual creature, though she did know that a few of her coworkers had crushes on her. Sex just wasn't important. Science, now that was something that got her excited! For eighteen years she had been married to her job, and always felt fulfilled with it.

Until tonight. There was no denying the physical reactions her body was having. Increased heart rate, clammy skin, she could feel her bare nipples rubbing against her shirt, and her vagina was definitely wet.

She sauntered to her room, and locked her door. She didn't view masturbation as a bad thing (again the image of her son, grasping his throbbing hard on flashed before her), but rather as something necessary from time to time. She just couldn't understand why Adam had to jack off so often. Why he couldn't show more restraint.

More thoughts of her son, only made her vagina ache, and she efficiently stripped off her shirt and pants. She examined her image in the mirror, and had to smile. At almost forty, her body still looked as young as if she were twenty. Her B-cup breasts didn't sag at all, she still had her slim waist, and if her hips were just a little wider, well, why not? She looked good, and even she couldn't deny it. She took only a second to pull her brown hair back, and tie it with an elastic band, before she let her hands begin to roam over her slim frame.

Her fingertips teased goose bumps from her skin, and her nipples began to ache as they pointed straight out from her chest. She knew Adam would be gone for awhile, so she decided she was going to enjoy this. She watched the woman in the mirror with her sultry eyes as her hand began to dip lower and lower, across her abdomen, to the outside of her thighs, around the front, and then up. Already she could see her inner labia poking through and the tiny bundle of nerves at the top. Her fingers grazed the outer labia, sending shivers through her body at the anticipated pleasure to come.

Her right hand came up to her left breast, and began to circle her nipple, while she allowed her left hand to return to her wet crotch. She allowed one finger to slip through the middle of her lips, picking up some of her juices, and then ran it over her clit. As her finger finally touched that most sensitive of spots, a gasp and moan escaped her body.

She couldn't remember the last time she had been this turned on. Was it something her son had said or done lately? No, he hadn't done anything to illicit this behavior from her, and yet she couldn't get the image of him naked out of her mind. Just like when someone tells you not to think of something, the image becomes stronger in your head, so too did the images get stronger in Carol's mind. Despite her best efforts, she watched the woman in the mirror start to shake and shudder, moaning out Adam's name as she came.

STATUS REPORT: Larry has hired Subject Alpha as a bouncer. He begins work tonight. We will refrain from using the substance, and see how things play out. Still need to figure out a way to monitor Subject Alpha in his domicile.


He arrived at his sister's apartment about an hour later. He had forgotten about rush hour traffic, and so it took longer than usual to get there.

For some while he sat in his truck trying to compose what he was going to say when April answered the door. After five minutes had passed, and he still didn't have anything, he used the mantra his sister had taught him. 1... 2... 3... Fuck it.

He was out of his truck and knocking on the door, not allowing himself to think. He would figure it out as it happened.

The door opened, and an attractive brunette answered the door. "Can I help you?" He hadn't expected or even thought that someone else might answer, or even be here. Only now did he remember that she had a roommate.

"Um... Minnie, right?" He stammered.

"Yeah. Do I know you?" He could see confusion and doubt in her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm April's brother." Adam wasn't sure, but for a second he thought she had glanced at his crotch. April hadn't told her, had she?

"April's not here right now," her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, then she opened the door fully, and gestured him in, "but you are welcome to wait till she gets back."

He stepped past her, and couldn't help but notice her perfume. She smelled of vanilla, one of his favorite scents.

She led him inside to their TV room, and he sat on their plush couch, nervously fiddling with his shirt, as she joined him in their living room. To his surprise, she sat right next to him.

"April tells me you're doing great in school."

"Yeah, I'm passing all my classes. I guess I got my mom's genes there." He was nervous talking to her, feeling her body next to his, and felt foolish for his answer. He kept glancing around the room, not wanting to get caught staring at his sister's cute roommate. He always had a thing for women in glasses. She continued to try and tease answers from him, asking him everything from what his favorite subject in school was, to where he thought he might want to go to college. He was really beginning to wonder if he should just go home, and try another night.

"So how did you enjoy screwing your sister?"

"It was great, I... Wait, what?!?" Adam brought his attention back, replaying in his head what she had just asked, and he had answered before thinking. Minnie started to laugh at his expression. "She TOLD you?"

"Of course she did! She was in such a state when she got back from that weekend, I didn't leave her alone till she spilled the beans." She got her laughter under control, but he could still see it in her eyes as she regarded him. "I must say, you made quite an impression on her, and that is saying something, considering how many men she has been with."

"Oh? She's been with a lot then?" Despite himself, Adam felt let down. Maybe what they had shared hadn't meant anything to her. Maybe he had just been one more notch in her belt.

Minnie didn't seem to catch Adam's tone. "Yeah. Normally she can keep herself under control, but get a couple drinks in her, and she will fuck anybody. Hell, even I've done her a time or twenty."

Adam was shocked at her candor, but then something she said sunk in. If she only lost control when she had a couple drinks, and they hadn't drank any alcohol that weekend...

Minnie must have misunderstood the look on his face. "Didn't know your sister swung both ways, huh? I've gotta tell ya, she knows how to lick a mean pussy. Did you get to taste hers? She wouldn't give me any details, beyond the fact that you did it. Oh, and that you had the biggest cock she had ever seen. I tell you, she got me so horny that night, I almost ****d her. I've never seen her so wild." She paused for a second, and Adam thought he caught her looking at the large unmistakable bulge in his pants. Despite himself, this conversation was getting to him. "Odd thing, though. Like I said before, she has always been in pretty good control of herself, but since that weekend and that night, nothing: no sex, no masturbation, no men, nothing."

What could that mean, Adam wondered?

Minnie just kept on talking, though, as if afraid to let there be silence. "I normally have excellent control except when it comes to your sister. There is just something about her that gets my pussy soaking wet. But I do have to know... Are you really as big as she says?" As she asks, her hand grips his cock through his pants, and begins to rub. "My hell, that's hard! It must be hurting you in those pants. I would hate to be a bad host, and leave my guest in pain. We need to get you out of those pants immediately." Suiting actions to words, she got his pants open, zipper undone, and down to his knees before he thought to stop her.

Seeing the hunger in her eyes as his cock sprang free though, he decided to help, rather than hinder. He removed his shirt, as she stared, glossy eyed, at his turgid penis. Her lips moved wordlessly as she adjusted her glasses on her nose, admiring his manhood. Finally she looked up to him, "May I?" A nod from him was all it took, and he moaned as her lips stretched around the circumference of the head of his phallus. She was kneeling between his legs, hair dropping into her face as she tried to force more and more of it down her throat. He held her hair back for her, and marveled at the sight of this four-eyed cutie sucking his cock.

After the episode with his mother, and now this, it didn't take him long before he felt the churning in his balls that was the precursor to his orgasm. "I'm about to..." He cut off as she picked up the pace, and he started to shoot into the back of her mouth. She had barely been able to get the head in, and her drool leaked down his shaft as she tried to swallow his load. She licked him clean, as he finished. He was enjoying the feeling, and realized that he had remained hard.

"Oh, my! I've never tasted a man's cum that tasted so great. I don't understand why your sister would want to stay away from this wonderful cock of yours! Who cares if you're siblings? If my brother had a member like this, I would be on it day and night."

"You know why she is staying away?" Despite how horny he still was, he hadn't forgotten his original reason for coming over.

"Of course!" Minnie stood up, and dropped her pants, and took off her shirt, but left her bra on. She swung a leg over him, as she kept talking. "She is afraid of it happening again." She reached down between her legs and grasping his tool, began to rub it against her pussy. "She thinks you must hate her for what she's done to you, and fears that if she was around you again, she might not be able to stop herself." She began to press down, and his cock stretched her lips, making her moan. "In all honesty, it's why I invited you in. You see, I am kind of a voyeur, and I wanted to see you fucking your sister. I wanted to see her lose control." She was pushing down harder now, and Adam had to suppress a moan this time as her tight pussy started to spread over the head of his penis. "The way I seem to be losing control. I wanted to watch as you came in her. Her pussy never tasted as good as it did that night." Adam remembered blowing his wad in his sister, and realized that Minnie must have tasted his cum in her that night.

STATUS REPORT: After Subject Alpha's first night as a bouncer, I can see that we have selected an excellent person to test our substance with. He is rational and level headed. He knows how to think. We will have to use the substance on him again to see how he behaves.


Her lips finally snapped over the rim of her roommate's brother's dick, and they both moaned. Her bra covered tits were right in front of his face, and he pulled her brazier down to taste her nipples. They were large and pink on her smallish breasts, and she couldn't stop an involuntary buck of her hips as his lips touched her sensitive areola.

"Oh, my Gawd. I have never had something so huge inside me!" She reached down between them, and felt how much was still outside. "No way! There has to be more than that inside me!" She grabbed the back of Adam's head, and pulled him into her tit, as she moved her hips against him, gradually taking him in deeper, and deeper. She had never felt so full, so stretched, before in her life. She didn't get around as much as April did, but these were her college years, and she did have some fun.

Minnie felt the younger man start to move his hips in time with her movements, and then she felt his teeth on her nipple. "Yeah, bite that teet. Keep it up, and you're gonna make me cum all over that tree trunk you call a dick!" She loved to talk dirty, as it turned her on more, and delighted as she felt her pussy begin to convulse around his throbbing prick.

His hands grabbed her ass, and she could feel him thrusting now, inching deeper into her, helped by her recent orgasm. She felt like she was about to be split in two, but it made her feel so deliciously full that she wanted more.

"That's it! Shove that pecker up my cunt. Make me cum again, you awesome stud. Yeah, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!" Never before had she come twice so close together. While her pussy soaked his cock, she finally felt their pelvises touch. He was finally, fully, inside her. He felt like he was in her stomach, he was so large. Is this what April had experienced, she wondered? Is this what she was afraid of? If so, she was more than happy to take her place.

Adam stood up suddenly, and with his hands supporting her ass, started to drive into her. Minnie screamed in ecstasy.

STATUS REPORT: Great news today. Ron, one of the stripper's now ex-boyfriend told us how things went that night back at their place. Subject Alpha is now mating with all three women. {What I wouldn't give to be in his shoes.} NOTE: Previous sentence should be removed as it does not reflect on the scientific value of this experiment.


April cursed as she pulled into her parking stall. She had gone to a party to try and have some fun. She had had a few drinks, but no matter where she looked, or what she did, all she could think about was what Adam and she had done a couple weeks ago. In all that time she didn't dare masturbate, for fear that she would think of him while doing it, and she couldn't even find herself attracted to any of the men at the parties she went to, constantly finding shortcomings in them. Reasons on how they didn't compare to Adam.

In her frustration, she didn't even notice the truck she walked past on the way to her apartment.

A piercing scream greeted her as she opened the door, and April knew that her roommate, Minnie, was getting laid. At least one of us is, she thought glumly to herself.

As she walked in, she caught the scent of something familiar, but couldn't quite place it. Listening to the sounds of sex, April could feel her pussy lips getting wetter. It wasn't that she hadn't been horny over the last two weeks. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Every step she took she was aware of her labia rubbing together. She had even had to get into the practice of taking three pairs of panties with her everywhere she went, and had to change her soaking undies numerous times each day. No, she was always horny alright, but she needed to get the image of her cumming on top of her brother out of her head first.

The thought that Minnie might let her join in, crossed her mind, and she immediately dismissed it. Not yet, she told herself. It sounded like they were in the TV room. She would try to sneak by, and maybe get in a shower before going to bed.

"Oh, that's it. Fuck me with that cock of yours. Make me cream all over it again."

The familiar smell was even stronger as she walked in, and spotted the oblivious couple in the middle of the room. Minnie's head was thrown back, and April knew that she was cumming on the lucky man's prick. He was standing, with her legs wrapped around her torso, his strong arms and back rippled as he held Minnie up, and she had to admire how his buttocks flexed as he thrust against her.

April felt her pussy convulse as she had a small orgasm just from watching. Was she really so horny that just watching got her off? Then she recognized that back, and groaned. Suddenly the familiar smell made sense. It was her brother, plowing into her roommate's tight vagina. It was her bother bringing Minnie to orgasm after orgasm.

It should be April he was doing that too, not Minnie. She caught the thought as it entered her head, and realized she needed to get out of the room, and fast.

She ordered her legs to move, to get her out of here, but they only half obeyed. They started to take her towards the screwing couple.

She fought herself every step of the way, only giving in when her hands touched his broad back, and circled around to his chest. She breathed in his scent deeply, and succumbed to her deeper needs completely.

STATUS REPORT: Have successfully installed hidden cameras into the girls' home. Will have to wait before we can start piping in the substance through their vents. For now, it is strictly observation.


Adam was surprised when he felt hands on his back, shortly before he caught her scent. He didn't know if it was possible, but he immediately felt much bigger inside of Minnie. He felt lips on the back of his neck, and groaned as every inch of his body seemed to become more sensitive.

He lifted Minnie up off him (making her moan in disappointment), and turned to face his sister. Her eyes sparked as she looked up at him with her hands still on his chest, and then slowly dropped, examining his body. When they reached his cock, she dropped to her knees, and began to lick Minnie's juices off of it.

"What?" Minnie began, "Oh. I see she finally got home." Minnie wrapped her arms around Adam from the side, and turned his head to face her. "I want to see you fuck your sister, and make her cum like you did me." She then stood on her toes, and began kissing him passionately. He moaned into her mouth as April's lips swallowed his cock-head, and he reached down, and began to play with Minnie's pussy. Their tongues swirled around each other for a few moments before she broke the kiss. Dropping down next to April, she began to undress her roommate, taking liberties to caress her flesh as it was bared.

Minnie assisted April back to her feet, and the blonde woman began to kiss her brother with abandon, as Minnie stripped off her pants. Adam had enjoyed the kiss with Minnie, but April had the real skills when it came to the loving of lips.

Adam's sister moaned, right before Minnie stated, "Damn, April. I don't know that I've ever seen you THIS wet!"

Minnie pulled April away from the kiss, but his sister's eyes stayed locked on his. Minnie had her lay back on the couch, and then beckoned him over to them. Adam couldn't help but grin as Minnie held April's legs open.

"No," April murmured, "We can't. This is wrong." But her words were barely audible to Adam, and she didn't try to stop him or her roommate. Adam squatted down, and grasped his tool, aiming it for his sister's wonderful tunnel. Minnie spread April's labia, and helped rub his head against April's clit. April groaned in anticipation, and sucking in her lower lip as she watched him, still never taking her eyes off of his.

When he felt he couldn't stand it any longer, Adam pressed firmly forward, delighting in the feel of his sister's vagina slipping around his cock. He had to admit that she was indeed wet, as nearly half of him sank into her. She finally closed her eyes, and let out a long low moan that reminded Adam of an a****l that had finally gotten something that it desired after being denied it for a long time.

"Damn, that's hot!" Minnie said with her face mere inches from where he was joined with his sister. "I can't believe I get to see this. It is making me so wet just to watch!"

Adam could tell that she had her fingers down by her crotch, and by the wet slurping sounds, she was fingering herself pretty hard. Minnie pulled back to exam them fully, and then smiling, dropped down and sucked one of April's nipples into her mouth.

As soon as Minnie did this, Adam felt his sister's legs wrap around him, and lock, then began to pull him tighter to her. "I need you in me, Squirt. I need to feel all of you."

Adam was all too happy to comply, and began to move his hips, until he finally hit bottom. April's eyes scrunched shut, and Adam would have thought he'd hurt her, except that her pussy was milking his cock as it did when she had an orgasm.

He held still, loving the way she felt, fully encompassing him, until she relaxed. "Now, fuck me, Squirt. Fuck me hard!"

Adam began to move his hips, in and out, thrusting as hard as he could. He bent over and took her free tit in his mouth, and reached out with his other hand, and began to play with Minnie's ass.

He could feel himself getting closer, but wanted to hold off as long as possible to enjoy everything.

He felt Minnie grab his hand and begin rubbing it against her sloppy pussy, moaning next to him on his sister's other tit. Then, to his shock, she moved his hand further up, and had him playing with her asshole. Not sure of what she wanted, he just kept rubbing. She looked up at him, and released April's nipple long enough to say, "Finger my ass."

He gladly slipped two fingers unto her rectum, and then marveled as she came, mewling loudly around the nipple in her mouth, and swiveling her hips against his fingers.

April was grunting under him in time to his thrusts, and Adam knew there was no more holding back. He moaned into her breast as he started to shoot off into her grasping pussy. This seemed to set April off as well, as she began to scream out her own orgasm. April's feet stayed clasped behind him, not letting him go till he had fully emptied his load into her. As soon as her legs dropped, Minnie shoved him back, and began to suck his cum out of his sister.

He watched, sweat dripping from his brow, as Minnie brought April to another orgasm.

STATUS REPORT: After months of frustration, it has finally been decided that piping the substance into this home will be too ineffective. We have built a house in a nice neighborhood, with all the proper hosing, and cameras for proper testing. We will have one of our agents contact the subjects, and see if they can be convinced to move. The one called 'Amber' would be the one most likely to convince Subject Alpha to relocate to our desired location.


Minnie couldn't believe how wonderful the combined sibling's juices tasted. She wondered if this is what the mythical fruit of ambrosia must have tasted like. The fruit of the Greek gods.

When she could no longer taste Adam's seed, she pulled away from April's crotch, a smile splitting her dripping lips. She hadn't cum this hard or this often in memory and she felt completely satisfied. She watched as Adam stood, and walked over to his supine sister, and sat next to her, pulling her up and into his arms.

"Please don't stay away for so long anymore. I love you, April." The words sounded true and heartfelt to Minnie's ears, and she wished desperately that she wasn't an only c***d.

"I don't think I could if I wanted to, Tube-y. I love you, too."

Minnie decided to leave the two alone for now, as they began to kiss each other lovingly.

STATUS REPORT: Performed first test in new house. May have to compensate Betty for involving her in it. She didn't sign up for that, but it was too perfect an opportunity to let pass.


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Note : This story is completely fictional! The return of the prodigal son part two by Tony Smith As would be expected the brother and sister who had just engaged in a spot of coitus were racked with feelings of shame, embarrassment, self loathing and a steely determination that it would not ever happen again. They stuck to their guns for very nearly two hours and then: “I am feeling very horny Liam; why don’t we use one of the master bedrooms?” Without warning Wednesday forced her hand down the...

1 year ago
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50 Shades Ofthe Sauna Blues

A (partly) fictional story Not long ago I went for a visit to Europe, mainly Scandinavia, and also I had to spend some time in Finland. I got to experience the different kinds of sauna's they have. I loved it, not just because of the sauna itself but also the sauna design. It doesn't have to be a small room without windows and waiting until your time is up. Round rooms, square ones, lazy benches, nice windows from which a beautiful view of the frozen forest, a place to put your drink,...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 22 My Work Here Is Finished

October 18, 1994, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “So, was that all a big waste of time, Doctor Ross?” We were sitting in his office on Tuesday afternoon after the complete battery of tests. “It’s never a waste of time. Even if we don’t find anything, we can rule things out.” “I feel like a pincushion. And I swear, Dracula couldn’t get blood out of me at this point.” “Unfortunately, that’s the only way we can understand the chemistry. The total amount we took is less than you would...

3 years ago
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Band Groupie Wife

For years, my wife and I have been huge live music fans. We’ve made many friends along the way, some just aquaintances, some very close. Most of the musicians are guys, obviously, and tend to be around our age. We have laughed at the crazy stories we’ve heard about life on the road, some with sexual twists involving the many girls they have throwing themselves at them. As time goes by it seems its happening less and less, seeing that when we first found this roots rock music style we were in...

3 years ago
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College life spring semester 3

*******************After we screamed `Happy Birthday', Corey had the oddest look on his face."There's one little problem. My birthday was yesterday.""Oh well... who cares?" Kris shouted.I walked up to him and threw my arms around Corey's neck. "Corey, I won'tlie to you but I forgot..." Tears flooded my eyes."It's okay, Matt.""I still feel awful and hope this will make up for it," I said."It sure looks like it will," Corey stated and wiped the tears streamingdown my face. We shared a long kiss...

1 year ago
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GinnyChapter 9

Ginny's mum settled down after our talk and within a few days she was moving about the house quite comfortably. The next decision we had to make came up a few days later. The rent was due for the apartment and she had to decide what to do about it. I advised her to take a look at the flat that I had available before she decided to pay another month's rent. Then if she felt she would prefer to stay here we would give the landlord a month's notice and pay the rent for that time. She felt...

1 year ago
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Insurance Aunty

Hello, I am a regular reader of Iss. It will not be fare if i don’t share my first sexual experience here. It happened to at the age of 22, when I got my first job offer. I was at my home for the break before joining the first job. I was on cloud 9 during this break as many of my relatives visited me to wish good luck for my new endeavor. As you know, when you get a new job & that too your first job, many insurance agents in your hometown will be visiting to you to take a new policy. I was also...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 28

That morning I awoke early, washed up, got dressed, and went downstairs. Charity was in a cage on all fours in the living room. The metal cage was a standard dog crate designed for a medium-sized dog. Charity’s nose stuck out of the front, and her butt cheeks were pressed up against the back of it. It would have seemed shocking to me that she was on all fours in my living room if I hadn’t seen so much in my first few days in Sunny Manor. “Good morning, Sir!” Charity dutifully welcomed me...

4 years ago
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Henry And Helen Get Together Again

Having discovered a previously unrevealed mutual attraction, fifty-nine-year-old Henry Golding and his wife's sister, sixty-four-year-old Helen Watts, were determined to continue their affair.The attraction had come to light after Henry ejaculated whilst receiving a hairbrush spanking over Helen's knee at the request of Henry's wife Judith.Both Henry and Helen were hugely turned on by the situation and when Helen gave Henry another spanking at her sister's request a few days later, the...

1 year ago
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The Chastity BallThursday Chastitys Lesson

Thursday - Chastity's Lesson I was shocked when I came down to breakfast. Instead of reading the paper, daddy was watching my video on his iPad, pausing it over and over. But the real shock was mother. She was wearing an apron and high heels, and nothing else. She smiled and giggled when she saw me. The way her big tits bounced reminded me of Bubbles. "Good morning, honey," she said, looking at the dress I had picked out. "Don't you have anything shorter than that?" Who was this pod...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 183

From a friend of J & G. A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years old. One evening the wife comes home and finds a note from her husband that says, “My dear, now that you are 60 years old, there are some things you no longer do for me. I am at the Holiday Inn with my 20-year-old student. Don’t bother waiting up for me.” He returns home late that night to find a note from his wife: “You, my dear, are also 60 years old and there are also things I need that you’re not giving...

1 year ago
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4Chan Adult GIF

4chan shits out enough GIFs, memes and general bullshit that it has fairly earned its reputation as the butthole of the internet. While the imageboard’s popularity has dropped significantly over the years, there’s still a fair amount of content spilling off of the platform and making a big, stinky mess all over your social media feeds. Even if you’ve never visited the ‘chan yourself, you’ve almost definitely seen images that some antisocial virgin neckbeard workshopped on one of the site’s...

Porn GIFs Sites
4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

2 years ago
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Making It WorkDay 97

I woke after daylight brightened the windows. His heavy breathing told me that he still slept before I even opened my eyes. I felt his hand resting across my waist with his fingers cupping my round curves. There was a warm sense of closeness when his breath tickled the short hairs on my neck. I loved Sunday mornings with Jules. We had some of our most intimate moments in those hours before hunger drove us from our bed. She often worked on Saturday nights, and came home keyed up from the bar,...

2 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 5

It was Saturday morning and I was sure routines would change so I was under no illusions that I would see Shaz or Lucy over the weekend. I pulled back the curtains and as expected Lucy’s curtains were tightly closed even though it was after 9.I slipped on my robe and headed for the kitchen to make some coffee, I pulled the blind up allowing the morning sun to filter through, another nice weekend in store.I glanced up as I poured the coffee and saw Shaz putting a couple of things into the...

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The shop

It was late 16 year old Abdul was alone in the family owned shop, he was fed up knowing he was there till 6am another 7 hours to go. He looked up as the door opened and 12 year old Sara walked in, he smiled she was like a breath of fresh air always a pleasure to see, nice and cute. Abdul noticed Sara was wearing a dressing gown tied in the middle, Abdul knew there were many boys in the Bengal community who would love to sample her and her 16 year old sister July. Sara went to the end of the...

1 year ago
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Ama Bitch or in other fucking simpler words Amateur Bitch is one heck of a picture porn site that has exclusively features young, nubile girls who aren’t professionals when it comes to getting downright naughty and indulging in all sorts of nasty action. By nasty action I mean; rubbing their clits, fingering themselves, taking topless or nude selfies, upskirts, lingerie among many more or should I say that anyone with a taste for youthful flesh will be well taken care of.The site just has a way...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 295 Corrections

“Please start without us. We shouldn’t be too long,” I told everyone else. I took the guy through the door into the kitchen area and found him a spot in front of a hot stove. There was a lovely selection of extremely sharp knives behind me. I just stood there staring at him. “What did you want to talk about,” he finally asked a slight bit arrogantly. Are you that dense? After letting him sweat it, literally, for another minute, I asked if he knew who I was and followed by questioning the...

3 years ago
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Jordans Coming Of Age 2

Terri reads her mom's text as she walks up the sidewalk to her home:'I'm staying overnight at Aunt Lucy's, and Jordan is playing in the tournament. You're on your own! Leftovers in the fridge. See you tomorrow.' Terri goes inside and heads to her bedroom to change.I'll have the whole place to myself tonight! I can watch whatever I want on TV and go to bed any time I want. She takes off her skirt and top, tugs off her bra, and admires her reflection in the mirror.She rubs her hands over her tits...

2 years ago
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Just a Girl

“Mina. Come in here, please.” Although he was in the next room, his tone was soft and low, as if he’d been standing beside her. He’d called her to the living room with the same words numerous times by now, and she was almost always apprehensive. So often, it seemed she’d done something wrong and he’d recite instructions with soft patience while she stood before his easy chair in whatever state of dress she happened to be in. Lately, he’d taken to calling on her late at night, like now, as she...

1 year ago
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After Hours 2 the lock in

A couple of weeks had passed since my after hours encounter with Tom and Colin, they’d pretty much behaved themselves since, not a word or look out of place. I was beginning to think I’d disappointed them. Friday night and it had been busy in the pub, the usual crowd winding down after a hard working week. Paul, the landlord, had done his usual disappearing act hours before, leaving me and Steve to work ourselves silly. Steve was a real sweetie, he had a soft spot for me. Or maybe for my...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 42

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 42 Joanne decided to continue using her bus pass when ever possible, leaving her new car outside the house. "Are you ever going to use it?" asked Paula. "Yes, I will," replied Joanne. "My bus pass expires next month. But with the price of petrol too, I'll be using it sparingly." The matter ended there. Joanne finished college in July for the summer. She had some exams of her own to think about, which included creating several hairstyles. Her own...

4 years ago
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Amazons of Accor

It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...

2 years ago
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Me and my brother in laws wife

Hi Shaan 38 years young from Delhi and married to Raima who is 36 years of age. Raima's brother is maried aged 33 years and his wife Ankita is about 32 years.Ankita is around 5ft 6 inches tall...with measurements 36-32-34. as our relation is more in-laws and hence I would always have verbal fun with her. I have also masturbated god knows how many thinking of me fucking her. By her looks I could always make out that she had something for me.It wsa sheer coincidence that on 18th December...

1 year ago
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A River of Surprises chapter 6

Whilst I had quickly managed to find the keys that had enabled me to remove the ankle boots, so that I was able to undress, It took me a lot longer to find the key to the collar. I spent some time searching for it, with no success, until realising that I was now starving I put on my dressing gown and went downstairs wearing only that. On the kitchen table was the key alongside one of my weight-watchers ready meals which I had bought months previously when I decided I needed to go on a...

3 years ago
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Ever After Chapter 4

White paper wings drifted on a lazy midday breeze across the office. It passed across a basin of water, and between two bottles of wine flanking it. The front dipped once towards a pile of papers on the desk. Then, a second one dropped it amid purple hairs of a detective. Arcavato clicked his tongue in annoyance.This was my sixth perfectly landed airship. Pulling it free of its moorings, Arcavato sighed, “Alright, you win the bet. What’s your question, Etace?”“Why do you make me answer the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Me and my uncle

Hi, I am Riya from USA; I am 18 yrs old…this incident took place a few months ago when I had gone to India to visit my relatives. I go to India every one or two years, I have always had a good relationship with my mom’s brother (my uncle), his wife and kids. We are all very close and they are like my second parents. They always treat me very nicely and I have fun whenever I visit them. My uncle is a good looking man, he is around 40 years old, I had never thought of him in a sexual way before...

2 years ago
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Kathys Secret

Dan was becoming frustrated because he had been searching the house for the last thirty minutes looking for batteries. They always kept spare batteries. After all, they had two children who seemed to constantly need to replace used batteries. Dan bought them in ‘bonus sized’ boxes at the discount store.“Damn it, Kathy,” he said to the air. “Where have you hidden them?”After working his way back to the master bedroom, Dan looked in the linen closet to find nothing. He spied Kathy’s bedside table...

1 year ago
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It was a heady time, an opportunity not often presented. Green leaves sped past as Siranush bobbed and weaved between the trees, rushing towards the thinning, giddy with excitement. There! Bursting through the underbrush, sunlight streamed through an opening in the canopy to highlight the mushroom circle Siranush's people had held sacred since creation. The small sprite squinted as she gazed up into the sky, shielding her green eyes with one rich brown hand as she judged the time until the...

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Static Display Tacoma Washington

Looking up at the sky, I’m thankful that at least it stopped raining. Not sure I really like these static displays but it gives me a chance to fly into a town and land in parking lots. These little displays are set up to give people a chance to look at the equipment, climb around on the aircraft and ask us questions. I happen to be a helicopter pilot stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington. I fly the Cobra gunship. This was my month to run the static displays. So like I said, at least today wasn't...

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

3 years ago
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Morning Chores

Jim's room had no windows. It was a small room with naked walls, and a cold, hard floor. Jim had been awake for a while now, though he could never be certain how long it had really been. The only light emanated from the small gap under the only door, and to Jim's eyes, it was unusually bright, which made him very nearly certain that it was daytime already. He shifted his weight a little, trying to alleviate the stiffness in his muscles, and his chain rattled. It was heavy and made of steel, and...

1 year ago
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The Wrong GirlChapter 3

Taylor found the club not far from the campus, just as Crissy described. While it was probably impressive at night with the sign and track lighting illuminated, lines next to the building, and the two spotlights currently sitting idle in the parking lot shining into the sky, during the day the club seemed sad. The building was a dull grey and the textured siding that covered it, which might look velvety in the low light, appeared almost dirty in the light of day. The parking lot itself was...

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AbigailChapter 5

Their reconciliation marked the beginning of a perfect summer. There were very few days they weren't together, though some of them were taken up with study. Mike took Abigail to Norton Aerodrome at Lightwood. A former barrage-balloon site, it had been taken over by the Council as a driver-training centre, where, for a small fee a potential learner driver could be taken to acquire the rudiments of vehicle handling. It was also used for CBT, the training now required of would-be motor-cyclists...

1 year ago
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Rachels Tutor

I was sad to see Rachel go. She had introduced me to a whole new life, one I knew I was going to embrace. Well…not out in the open. God, if my parents ever found out what I was, they’d probably disown me! Hard-core conservatives. If only they knew that their only daughter now found women incredibly sexy. HA! Well, they came home late from my aunt’s wedding, but neither looked like it was any fun. As they walked in my dad just kept going up the stairs, and my mom just looked stunned and appalled...

3 years ago
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Oh yes Eat me Eat my pussy GOD Irsquom

After a break from their first round of sex, she made them drinks and they refreshed their minds and bodies. She stood there smiling at him, as her pussy still throbbed from his mouth and tongue. He told her: “I have to have you. I have to have you now.” Her lover held her against the wall in the living room as he dry humped her body. His cock was like a rock and his need was so great. She bit and sucked on his tongue deep in her mouth feeling his cock rubbing against her!“Oh fuck I feel like...

2 years ago
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WeusallChapter 5

WTF! Who was outside my house? I got to the door and just as I opened it, it was pushed open from the outside hitting me in the face and chest. Stumbling backward I ended up sitting on the corner table next to the couch, and my pistol was now under my butt. I had laid it on the table last night after getting over the view both ladies had created. Two male asshole / dickhead / shit for brains take your pick were coming in the door. The first guy was about 5’8” 200 lbs mostly belly, dirty...

4 years ago
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A Boring jobah heck its not boring anymore Pt 3

So, where was I?Ah, yes. I'd formed an agreement with my tenant, Suzy, to provide, ahem, sexual favors in lieu of rent.I'd been obsessed with this girl for months. So far, all I'd gotten out of her was a nude dance and a blowjob. Which were both hot as all get out, I hasten to add. But I was eager, so eager, for more.Once a week was our agreement. She'd made it clear that day would be of her choosing, and I wouldn't know ahead of time when she'd show up at my doorstep.It'd been over a week...

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20 YearsOf Infidelity Chapter Four

(((((Yet another chapter re-written.))))) Monday morning Jason was bouncing in his seat with excitement at going to the south of Spain. His excitement extended to other things as soon as his dad left for work. We hadn't had sex since Friday afternoon with Jason's dad staying home for the weekend. We watched from the living room window until my husband's car backed out of the driveway. Not wanting to wait any longer Jason stripped his shorts down and pulled me to sit on my knees as he plunked...

2 years ago
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The ProtoHaunted CottageChapter 5

We found a single police car still out front alongside my Nissan and Prudence’s Mazda. Outside, in the lane, we found the young PCSO. He looked lost. “What are you still doing here?” asked Prudence. “I thought your role ended when the reinforcements arrived.” “They said I was doing a good job keeping unwanted people away and told me to keep on doing it.” “They’ve all left now. I’m sure they didn’t mean you had to continue guarding the place after they left.” “I tried ringing the station...

3 years ago
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Mansi Aunty K Saath Mera Pehla Sex

Ye story mere aur mansi aunty ke beech pehle sex ki hai, maine pehle baar sex unke saath hi enjoy kiya. Mansi aunty meri neighbor hain unki age 35 years hai. Unke husband ka glass ka business hai. Unke dono bacche mere ghar tution k liye ate hain meri mom un baacchon ko padhati hain. Ye baat tabki hai jab mai bca 3rd year mein tha. Mai unko shuru se like karta tha jab mai unko first time dekha tha tab se unke saath sex karne ka man karta tha ek din unke mobile mein kuch problem ho gayi thi to...

3 years ago
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Chair Car Train Me Tamilyan Bhabhi Se Maje Kiye

Hlw frnds jack29 is back with 2nd story… After getting few replies from iss fan gonna post a new story.. so here is jack from part of a gujarat with muscular body n 6ft high… Story heroin is a tamilyan bhabhi of age 33… Sorry ladki ke stats ka mujhe pata nahi par thi average type bhabhi… Chalo bore na karte hue sidha story pe aata hu… Baat kuch 4 saal pehle ki hai… Mai ek businessman hu aur mjhe business ke silsile me chn se coimbatore jaana tha… Toh maine ek din pehle online tkt kovai exp jo...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 31 Locker Room Sex and a Rape

Dwayne's big opportunity came about ten minutes later. Coach took a phone call, and things changed quickly. Blowing his whistle, he shouted, "Awright, we're cutting it short -- I've got an emergency! I'm leaving now; you guys hit the showers and head home! Will somebody..." "I got it, Coach!" Dwayne yelled, "Toss me the keys!" Coach did so, and Dwayne found himself the temporary owner of the gym... Yeah, this ought to work... Everybody but Dwayne headed for the locker room;...

2 years ago
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my hunger grew strong

Only true story. I really do get so turned on by my friend.My hunger grew every second away from him. The distance between us killed me. My heart ached for his presence and my pussy pounded at the thought of him. He was my everything and I couldn’t wait to talk to him, to see his face, to see the look in his eyes when I smile. Everything he does drives me crazy!One lonely night of writing fantasies and waiting for him to come on Skype, I started touching myself. I couldn’t help it, the...

3 years ago
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A Penny for Your Thoughts Ch 04

It was like directing a play, or in a strange sense perhaps…like manipulating puppets, or marionettes. I held the string. It was a tiny flicker of flame, just barely there, but more than enough however. A mere twinkle of thought, and they both seemed to act upon it as though it were their own ideas in doing so. There was no ‘statueism’ as I’d termed my made up phrase. They responded to one another easily, without qualm, without shyness…and certainly no inhibitions when doing so. So alike in...

2 years ago
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Would This Be Okay

My name is Paul and my wife is called Janet. I am 54 and Janet is 53. We have been married for twenty-five years and in this time we have enjoyed a loving relationship. I’m not sure if everyone agrees, but during a long term relationship it’s easy to slip into a comfortable and some would say, boring routine.This happened to Janet and me. We both knew it was happening, but we didn’t let it push us apart. Over the years we worked much too hard and raised two wonderful children. We nursed, buried...

Wife Lovers
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the gay guy

There was one openly gay guy at my school and we're talking maybe 15 years ago so coming out wasn't all that prevalent and so he was ostracized. He always ate lunch alone. One day he happened to be walking home from school at the same time talking about video games, he didn't seem like a bad guy and he would play games online so I exchanged aol screen names with him, he lived a few blocks before my house on the way home, less than a two minute walk to my street. He was a very colorful...

4 years ago
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True Story With My Neighbour In Chennai

Hi I am ****, now studying in Australia. This is the story of my adventures before I left chennai. It was around 4 months before I was leaving that we had a new tenant move in to the next door. I wasn’t expecting some hot girl to turn up as I believed they only happen in movies. But to my surprise it was a young ,tall and hot gal with great boobs and nice ass. Her structure is too perfect to describe. I immediately felt attracted to her. She was moving in with her parents. But, I didn’t plan on...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Eight

Janie wanted to help Stacey lose her virginity. She loved sex and wanted her sixteen-year-old cousin to know how good it felt.  She walked out of the girls' cabin and over to the boys.Knocking on the front door, she realized how buzzed she was from the stolen vodka. “Hey, cuz,” Jon said as he opened the door, “What’s up?”“Hi, Jon. Not much,” she answered, “Just wanted to talk to you guys.”“Billy isn’t here,” he said, “But your brother and Jim are in the common room. Come on in.”The alcohol was...

1 year ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 44

When I woke the next morning I realized my need to exert more self-control. This morning I was damned nearly tired when I woke up. The facts of life intruded on me over my hard work in the furs last night. There were a lot more women in the furs than there were of me. None of them ever had a headache and none of them would even consider telling me no, not even Rose. I needed to hold myself down to only one turn a night for any of them, because I finally realized they were going to get ready...

2 years ago
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In the Past

The new house was what we had always aimed for but the work involved in getting it to the state we wanted proved to be greater than anticipated. Exhausted, we had barely enough strength to kiss each other goodnight before submitting to the arms of Morpheus that night. So I was surprised and somewhat annoyed to be woken by Harry’s grunting, grunting as when we were enjoying the culmination of a long session of intense love making and he was on the point of honouring my gripping pussy with spurts...

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