Carree Loves Billy Carree Sets the DateChapter 4
- 3 years ago
- 31
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The final few days leading up to our departure to college was supposed to be a sex filled romp that would hold us over until we saw each other again. Ha, think again!
The details of life and love are totally different than those of life and school as you prepare to leave home for the first time. So many people you had to see, so many details you had to attend to. Not to mention, packing, deciding what to bring, and what not to bring. Turning your life's switch from "care free, fun and love filled", to "student, first semester, scared as hell," took both hands and all the strength you could muster.
As we got down to the final days of our summer it became increasingly obvious that we were not going to be able to make up for future lost time filling our cups from each others sex fonts. "Too busy" became the mantra of each cancelled meeting.
In the end, at our last late night phone conversation, we decided that since our Upstate New York schools were only 72 miles apart we could meet on the first Sunday before classes to say our official goodbyes. (Read -sex) Later, we were to find that there was a reason that freshmen students were summoned on the Wednesday before classes were to start, and those 5 days were still not going to be enough time to adjust to campus life, and life with new roommates; The roommates of which you had no choosing.
I was to live in a suite style dorm room. There were 3 small rooms and one larger common area. In the common area we could share refrigerator, stereo and the few pieces of furniture they provided. My roommates were to be Henny and Maria.
I asked upon our first meeting if "Henny" was short for Henrietta, and was given a cold, "No - guess again."
I never ventured another guess, but by the end of the first weekend, I heard the same question asked, and same answer given about 100 times. You would have thought she would have a better answer than that. She acted like it was a stupid question, but I didn't think it was. Although it was a little thing, she was off on the wrong foot with me.
Just before my Residence Life Council meeting, on Saturday night, I had to make a call to Bill and tell him that our planned meeting on Sunday would be impossible, unless he could make the trip all the way Upstate. There was no way I was going to be able to rent a car and drive the halfway to meet him. Bill had given me $50 and a phone number to rent a car for just such a liaison. Freshmen were not allowed to have a car on campus. Bill thought the rented car would give me transportation to see him, as well as a way to get any last minute odds and ends I might need. His good intentions were for naught. It seemed that both our campuses made it impossible to find free time for any such high jinx. I had spent all of Saturday scouting down, and waiting in lines for, my books for the first day of classes When I got back to my room Henny was reading a campus guide and without looking up said,
"Karen, a boy called and left a message for you to call him. I lost the number, sorry. In the future, please try to have an answering machine pick up your calls."
I stopped for a second to see if Henny was trying to be funny, or snotty. I was in the mood for neither. I couldn't decide whether to take her snottiness, or to confront it now. The pressure of being away from Bill and home got the best of me.
"Well, fuck you too, Henny Penny. My name is Carree, and you know it is. It's on the fucking door. There are just 3 of us behind that goddamn door and looking out for each other shouldn't be all that hard. Taking a phone message shouldn't kill you; I would have done it for you, or anyone under these new circumstances. If you had left the phone to ring more than 5 times, it would have picked up itself, and how could you have lost the number, I bet you haven't left the room," I said in an even voiced mini-tirade.
"Listen blondie," she countered. "If you think I'm going to be your booking agent for every guy you want to meet or date, you're wrong. I didn't have a pen and by the time I found one, I forgot it. With your looks, I don't imagine you'll have to wait long for another call."
I wanted to rip her face off, but that wasn't me. I decided to take the high road and take the blame for getting off on the wrong foot.
"Listen Henny, I called you a name, you called me one. Let's end it right here.
We should be able to get along. I will look after your calls if you're not here, if you can do the same for Maria and I.
So, One might sense you have an issue with my being blonde and want to stereo type me. That is stupid.
Also, I'll only have one caller, which will be Bill, my future husband. He goes to school about 75 miles from here and if we remain roommates for more than few weeks, you will meet him.
If we have a problem, let's get it out in the open now. I don't know what I possible could have done to cause you to treat me like I am some burden on you,"
I said as I put all my cards on the table.
"I'm sorry for being so rotten, but MY boyfriend hasn't called me yet and I'm here 3 days now. He's not away at school, he's at home, and I sense NOT missing me. He's the best freind I have. I don't have the blonde hair, the big boobs, the confidant air that you do, to get another lover so easy," Henny sort of apologized.
"Well Henny, you would think that I flaunted myself or my situation, and I haven't." I started in.
"We have barely talked." I concluded, and then continued.
"If what you perceive as my "confidant air" offends you, I am sorry. But, I must tell you, I am scared shitless and about as far from confidant as possible. The only thing I have that is sure is my relationship with my fianc≠e. The fact that you lost his number pisses me off, but does not deter or diminish that confidence. We are forever. So if the fact that your boyfriend hasn't called has made you think that breaking me up with mine will make you feel better, try again. Like I said, we are forever. Take my phone, call your boyfriend on my dime, and ask him why he hasn't called you. When you get the answer, you will know and maybe you won't be so pissy. THEN maybe we can get off on the right foot and we can become friends, as long as we are going to live together."
That said, I turned, handed her my phone, went into my cubicle and closed the door.
I knew Bill would call me back, and I suspected that he was going to tell me the same thing I was going to tell him, that is was too hectic to get away. My asking him to drive all the way here would be selfish, and if he did come, I don't know when he and I would have time together, besides the evening, and I didn't want him getting back to his campus dorm late. His classes began Monday morning as well.
I had about a half hour to relax before my next pre planned "freshman welcome"
event put on by the Student Life Dept. I was chosen to take part in a program to help other frosh with problems. It was a 4-year thing of helping students get along with campus life. Those in their fourth year of the program were indoctrinating potential new members. We were chosen from personality profiles that were taken at orientation. I wasn't in love with being picked, and could have turned it down, but the Residence Life guide from orientation weekend said it cold open a lot of other doors for you. So, I would try it.
I had just lay back on the hardest bed I would ever sleep on and I heard a knock on the window. It was may other roommate, Maria.
Maria was a thin, dark haired Brooklyn Italian girl who clicked with me when we roomed on Orientation Weekend. We had hoped to be paired for the year and made the request when we mailed our registration forms in. Our pairing showed the good sense it was to attend the orientation. We both missed boyfriends that weekend, we both were in committed relationships, and we were 2 peas in a pod in many ways. There would be few conflicts with us.
I opened the blinds to answer her knock.
"Is Henny still here, still in a lousy mood waiting for the phone to ring?" she asked.
"Yes, and I assume you had a run in with her too. I just used more swear words than I had said in 4 years of high school, in just one sentence with her. She's taking her boyfriends inattentiveness out on us, I guess," I said. "I gave her my phone and told her to call on my dime, but I don't know if she will. The least she can do is sit in her own room. She's out in the common room, and I sure as hell don't want to sit out there with her, if all she is going to do is piss and moan."
"Tell you what", Maria said, "I'll come in, and you and I can both try to get her off the dime to call him, or forget about it for now."
"It's worth a try," I said, "I'll meet you in there in a second."
I shut the window and gave Maria 10 seconds to go through the main door. We both opened the common room together, and Maria shouted out.
"That's it Henny, your roommates are sick of you moping. Let's call the boyfriend and get his story before he drives you nuts and makes the 3 of us crazy.
How can 3 girls have fun on this campus if one of us is miserable?"
Henny sat up startled, at first mad, then she smiled.
"I guess I've been a real cunt to the two of you. I'm really sorry. My relationship can be a pain in the ass, and I knew he could do this. God only knows what he might be up to. We don't have a big commitment to each other in that way."
Maria blushed. "Henny, I swear a little and don't care if you do, but that word is just not one I like, it's really demeaning to women in general. I'm not activist, but please refrain from that one word, OK?"
"Ditto from here," I added.
"Geez, sorry. I guess it is a little rough, and I don't really use it that much, only to describe the kind of female I have been today." Henny said, and smiled and cocked her head, saying, "Do you really think I should call him? I WOULD freak him out."
"Sure, go ahead, it wouldn't hurt. Tell him you're the only girl in the dorm not to hear from her guy," Maria said.
Henny laughed, "He said he wouldn't call until the goodbye sex wore off. Maybe it hasn't."
"It's been 4 days Henny, no girl is that good, unless you have special talents,"
Maria said. "Call him and tell him it wore off you. Make him worry a little."
I was a little surprised at Maria saying that to Henny, but apparently she liked the idea, she was dialing the phone. We heard her ask for Nick, and she flushed when someone picked up. I motioned Maria to my room and let Henny have her privacy.
We sat on the bed and shook hands; glad we nipped a problem in the bud.
"Hello sex is better than goodbye sex, any way" Maria confided. "I didn't see Jack for 5 minutes in my last 3 days home, he was so busy going away too. I don't think I'll see him until like Columbus Day or something, but the phone will have to do."
"It is a hard time to have a commitment, when you know you'll be apart. Sex is the last thing I worry about, well not the last thing," I laughed, "But, you know just seeing him, holding him, talking to him, you know, sharing the wavelengths.
He makes me whole," I said.
"Oh, that's so nice a sentiment," Maria said. "Jack and I are a lot like that. I just wish he were a bit less serious at times. He forgets we are still kids, at heart."
"Bill can be serious too, and almost too much. But, he does open up. When we're alone we have so much fun." I said, blushing as soon as I said it.
"I didn't mean that kind of alone, not that he's not fun then. Oh' hell. You know what I mean Maria." I said trying to stop from getting any deeper into our personal stuff.
There was a knock on the door, it was Henny, and she wanted to talk.
"Well, I'm glad I called. He said my phone doesn't work, he tried to call," she said. " I got this from his roommate, and he says he is on his way up here. It's only about 3 hours. I think he wants to stay the night. I should tell you guys that he and I are in no big love affair; we've just been handy to each other. He's a great guy, sort of like a brother I never had, ummm... that I sleep with."
"Whoa, slow down," Maria said. "As far as rules, I don't know anything about overnight guests. I think it's OK. As far as I'm concerned, I just want him out of here in the morning so I can get showered and everything. Come on, this is our room. Our bathroom is off the common room; it's going to be real hard to have guests. Do we all agree, and don't be afraid to speak your minds. I'll go along with a majority."
"Umm, this is going to be tough," I said. "I would like Bill to be able to stay here from time to time, but most times when he comes, I hope we can get a room. You know, maybe we can plan around the others going home or getting a room. But, if the 3 of us are here, boyfriends will have to be off limits for the most part. I think that's only fair."
"Yeah, I fully understand. I would never think of having him here in the morning, unless you guys were gone and I was going to be alone. I like my privacy, too.
He, or any other guy who stays, will have to get out during the night, or very early in the morning. I think that's fair," Henny said.
"Well," Maria began, "I'll go along with it this weekend Henny, sort of a test, like. But, yes, he does have to be out early. I like my privacy."
As Maria finished my phone rang, and it was Bill. As I suspected, his coming to see me, or me going halfway to meet him was going to be out this weekend. We both bit off more than we could chew thinking we could prepare for school and see each other. "Each other" was not a problem and didn't need any work. The school part was where we needed to concentrate. We made no bones about the fact we would miss each other this weekend. The pressure of school was already a burden on our relationship. We would be testing how strong we were as a couple.
I went to my Residence Life Facilitator training seminar, Maria scouted out for more books, and Henny went in search of the women's sports director. Women's Soccer and Field Hockey were looking for walk-ons and she wanted to sign up. I asked her to get any Track info for me. Hopefully I could a least work out with the team and be a second for some events, at least enough to keep me in shape. I liked this better than any exercise class or self-induced physical regimen. Doing it as a team member made it much easier for me to stay in shape. Plus, I knew I was not kidding myself to think I was really good enough to compete on a week-to- week basis with the real athletes. I was fairly quick afoot and had decent stamina.
The only thing I lacked was that real sports competitive edge. The best thing about the running was that it kept my legs and my butt firm, my belly flat, and my shoulders and upper back from slouching, thus keeping my breasts up and out there. I wanted Bills plate to be full, and he kept in shape for me. We had both given each other gold medals for OUR marathons.
We finished our meeting at Residence Life about 8:45 and as we left the meeting hall, there was a sticky note on the meeting room doors little peek window,
"Carree, meet Maria at Newman Quad, called 8:30". I went out to check with the
"go-fer and pointer" who worked that hall, but she apparently left her post sometime after the call. Who could blame her, sitting there all day showing freshman where to go and what to do.
I rushed over to the Newman Quad and there sat Maria with 2 piles of books and a forlorn look on her face.
"Carree, thank God you made it. Can you help me with these? I feel so stupid. My art classes required so many books and workbooks! I had no idea. While I was waiting in lines and putting together the pile I had a little cart they let me take, but then they told me I couldn't leave the building with it. I tried to carry them, but I only made it this far, and there was a phone here. Do you hate me?" Maria said, near tears, it seemed.
I laughed at her frustration. "What were you going to do if I didn't show up?" I asked.
"I don't know. Unbutton my blouse a few buttons and roll my waist up a few inches to show some leg I guess," she laughed.
"I'm surprised some guy hasn't come along to offer help without all that," I said.
"Everyone else is buried in books too," she said. "Matter of fact, a guy said he had to come by here around 9 and if I was still here, he would help. Can you please help me Carree?" Maria was exasperated and embarrassed.
We divvied up the pile into 2 loads and made our way back to our dorm. She couldn't found a place further from our room to call and wait for me. We were just about 500 yards from "home" when we came upon Henny and Nick, her boyfriend. They were walking toward the same building from the other direction.
We saw Henny point and Nick ran ahead to meet us.
"Hen says you're her roomies and need some help. Let me take those." Nick said in a voice that would have melted butter. He was a dream.
"I can't let you take all of them," Maria said. "You're so nice to help."
Nick looked Maria in the eye and you could see he was melting her defenses right away. This guy was a hound, and had all the moves, looks, voice and demeanor to pull it off.
"I wasn't negotiating," Nick said. "I can take them, it's not a problem."
With that, he knelt and put the books from Maria's arms on a knee, arranging them from biggest to smallest, using the smaller ones to make a square load, and then he disarmed me with his eyes.
"Now yours, angel" he said as I bent to let him take them from me one at a time.
He built one large square load on his knee, and then hefted them up.
"I'll meet you at the door of the building," he said as he hurried with his large load in tow.
Henny was just catching up to us. "Isn't he a dreamboat, and he's like that naturally, without trying," Henny said.
"Henny, he IS a dish, and you say he's like a brother to you?" Maria said.
The 3 of us turned to walk up and meet Nick at the door as Henny spoke.
"We were in daycare together as babies and every grade in school. He's had girlfriends, and I've had boyfriends and when we are in between, besides always being friends, we sleep together. I know it's weird. It's probably why I never can keep a boyfriend for a long time. They feel threatened. But any girl who wants him, has to accept me too. We're friends. We'll always be friends," Henny said as she stopped to make a point with us.
"Umm, don't get the wrong idea. If he has a girlfriend, or me a boyfriend, or anything, we don't 'do it' then. We aren't swingers or anything. Nothing weird like that. I know it's a strange relationship. I'll explain more as we get to know each other, OK?" Henny said.
Maria and I didn't know what to make of Henny and her arrangement, but I knew Nick was a hunk, and he looked like the type to be sniffing buttholes and humping legs, in a dog sense. (That's so unfair for me to categorize like that, but that's what it reminds me of) But, his looks and whole package were disarming. Henny was good looking in a frumpy sexy sort of way. She certainly would have no problem finding a guy to be interested in her. But Nick, here was a guy who could have most any girl he wanted. My own first impression said he and Henny were in love and just too jaded by the "friendship" thing to come to grips with it.
We got to the door of our Hall and Nick sat patiently waiting for us. I think he went so swiftly ahead to be sure Henny had a chance to explain a little about them.
"Nick, thank you so much for bailing me out," Maria said. "My name is Maria,"
she said as she shook his hand.
Henny piped up, "And this is Carree. She's the one who let me use her phone when I found mine was dead."
Nick turned and took my hand to shake it, and his eyes, oh my god, those eyes, just unraveled me. "So nice to meet you Carree." Nick said, "Hen said her roommates were special, but I had no idea," as he picked up the load of books to go with the load of crap he just shoveled.
We got inside the common room and Nick was pointed to Maria's door and he set the books on her bed. We each went to our rooms and left Nick alone in the common as we freshened up. Maria and I may have seen Nick as a hound, but we made sure we looked good for him. Ahh, vanity.
Soon the four of us were sitting in the common room chit-chatting about school and life's experiences. Nick was going to Community College back home and planned to join Henny here at the SUNY school with the lesser expensive CC credits he needed to get started on his major. All the while we talked Henny snuggled close to Nick and you could see she was either really missing him, homesick, or horny. It may very well have been all three. I was pretty well convinced that the 2 of them were just afraid to commit to each other. I've had guy friends who were special and so very close, like Jerry Bennett, who I went all through all grades of school with, but the thought of sleeping with them was not an option.
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I am starved" Maria said, "And the last meal is served at Frazier Hall at 9:55, if you aren't in line by then, sorry, no food.
We have 20 minutes to get there."
"You and Carree go ahead," Henny said, not waiting to find if I was hungry too.
"Nick and I just shared a pizza he brought from home in his van. It was cold, but it was home."
I was a little affamato, but not starved, but was willing to let them have time alone. Knowing Nick had a van, I kind of knew where he would sleep once he left Hennys bed.
Maria and I went to Frazier and had a bountiful dinner of salad and Jell-O. We would have had more, but it was all that was left. As the school year went on, they had more and more food left over each day, as students began to grow weary of college food. But tonight, the pickings were slim.
After our sumptuous dinner we strolled back to our dorm stopping at 2 frosh parties on campus. Both parties had signs up telling where the booze parties, off campus, were. As tempting as it sounded, tonight was to be an early night for me, and Maria as well. With just Sunday to prepare for our first full week of classes, a hangover was not in the mix, plus my drink of choice was champagne. Those keg parties were pretty much champagne free.
As we let ourselves into our room it was dark. We put on the lights and saw Hennys door was closed. We were not sure whether to assume they were in there, it was only 11:15, or were checking out parties on or off campus. We put on the TV to catch the end of the news and SNL. We whispered back and forth deciding whether we were alone, or if dirty deeds were quietly being done behind Hennys door. I reminded Maria that it was none of our business, but it didn't keep me from wondering.
By midnight I was nodding off and caught Maria doing the same. I told her
"goodnight" and went off to my room, closing the door after visiting the community john. I heard Maria turn off the TV and saw the light go out in the common room and heard her door click shut. In the stone silence of the room, I heard loud whispering from the other side of Hennys wall. It was hard to make out what was being said, but in a few minutes there was no doubt what they were doing.
That night, assuming, they had already "done it" once before we got back, Henny got her self good and fucked at least 2 more times. It's hard to believe I could have slept through one of them, but I was that tired. Henny was as loud as I am when I cum at the end of Bills tongue, and she made no effort to stifle it. Nick kept giving her loud shushes, but she apparently had little or no control. I assume the last time I heard Henny, she was on her knees, getting it from behind, with her hands on my wall. She was announcing her orgasm, almost in my ear. Needless to say, it made me horny to hear the sex from the other side. I missed Bill and this was going to have to do.
She was not listening to Nick when he was shushing her, nor did she care. My fingers were deep in my pussy, while my other thumb and forefinger milked my clit. I came quietly, much as I did at home, when I was alone in my room. Trying not to get excited and influenced by their screwing was impossible. I was tense and I missed Bill already. By the time I came the second time on Hennys third screw, I was wishing to have Bills cock to play with and suck on. To feel that hard cock in my mouth as it shot its load to the back of my throat was what I was wishing for. I worried for a second that my craving made me a pervert, but I realized that it was only Bill I craved. For a split second I thought of myself with Nick, and as hunky, and as much as he made my loins ache earlier with just his eyes and smile, the thought of anyone else's penis but Bills made me chill. I missed, not just A penis, but Bills, and the way Bill loved me. To be sure, the image of 2 people screwing on the other side of my wall made me hot, and got me to orgasm. But it was Bill that I wanted. My second orgasm, caused by Henny almost shouting sexual cheers in my ear, my third overall, wore me to a frazzle and I drifted off into deep sleep.
I heard some noises a few hours later in the common room that woke me. As deep a sleep as my finger play had gotten me into, sleeping in a strange bed kept my senses wary. I cleared my head and realized it was Nick leaving. A glance at my clock told me it was 5:15 a.m. I was glad Nick had enough common sense and decency to be gone when we all got up. I heard them argue a little, with Nick saying he definitely had to go, and Henny wanting him to stay longer. God, hadn't she had enough? Then I heard the door swing open and then close, followed by the outer door to our Hall, both open and close. I just closed my eyes when I heard our door open and close again and the outer door do the same. My interest was piqued.
I parted 2 slats of the Venetians and saw Henny, in pajamas, running to Nick, who was no more than 100 feet from the door. They embraced and kissed for a long time. Apparently Henny was not going to see him for a while, and frankly, if Bill had to leave in the middle of the night, I wouldn't want him to go either. What happened next made me feel like the dirty voyeur, but I couldn't turn away.
Henny broke her kiss with Nick, and in the pre dawn light I saw her squat down and unzip his jeans. Henny looked around to make sure no one was else was stirring (who stirs at 5:15 in the morning?) She drew out his penis and proceeded to give him a blowjob right there in between the Halls. I wondered if she was going to finish him right there, but then she stood and turned around, lowering her bottoms and bending over. Nick, still fully dressed, with only his cock out, slammed into her pussy, but Henny was quiet this time, realizing that waking the Quad to see her screwing just might be embarrassing. Nick came in about 20 seconds, obviously primed by her sucking. Henny went from a bend to a squat, and I assume was letting Nick run out of her. He went to the front of her and she took his penis back in her mouth, apparently cleaning it for the ride home. She finished doing that and Nick stuffed it back in his pants, while she continued to squat. Nick reached into his pocket and took out a napkin, or his handkerchief and handed it to her. She wiped herself and pulled up her bottoms and kissed Nick again. They hugged and he was on his way. She stood, with arms folded in the cool morning air just before the sun broke the horizon, waving goodbye to her friend. She walked, albeit a little funny, back up to the Hall entrance. Through my open window I could hear keys jiggling in her hand, and her humming a song of contentment.
In a way, I was astonished at what I saw, in a way I was jealous. I was happy for Henny. She was the most homesick of the 3 of us, the most insecure of the three.
But she knew that she was the one who was satiated the most right now. She was the first to get off with her guy at school and face the first week of school with a smile on her face. I had another orgasm in her honor.
"I know, I know, I..." Bill started to say but was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. I broke our embrace and ran to answer it. "Hi Mom", Bill heard me say, and he left the room so as not to make any noise to let on he was there. Mom asked if I could hold off on dinner for another hour. Instead of spending Sunday afternoon painting, they were close enough to done to finish today and leave Sunday free. Then she asked if Bill was here. I panicked and lied, saying no. "Well,", she...
"Our relationship is supposed to be based on honesty and you were not honest with me if you had all that bottled up. I swear to God, it's like the nuns put me in a soundproof room and announced to the world that I had a vocation and anyone who said anything to ruin it would be stricken from the earth. I even asked my mother about it, and she said, 'don't be silly; no one thought you were going to be a nun. My cousin Clarice took you on a retreat once when you were 12, when she was a...
I thought to put one finger on my butthole and one on my clit, but to do that I would have to lean forward too much and I was afraid of the blanket falling down. That would have to wait for a more private session. As the girl on the screen said "do me doggie", he pulled his dick from her pussy to let her off the couch. She knelt on the floor and spread her knees and lowered her head to a waiting pillow. I must have been distracted the first time I saw this, because I hadn't noticed that,...
He worked for his dream, and I went kicking and screaming to Baltimore. How do you figure we both get permanent job offers doing just what we wanted? Neither of us could have asked for anything more. Bill got EXACTLY what he aimed for, and I wanted something to teach me about the travel industry, advertising and promotion with a goal of my own agency. I was on my fast track. Whether we would keep the same arrangements of the long commute for Bill depended on what kind of hours he would have...
Bill and I had looked forward to graduation day together now for over 2 years. Once we decided that we were an "us" forever with plans for our future in place, Graduation Day became the first step. My parents had planned a big party after the exercises, as Bills did. We both had lots of family, friends and relatives coming that we wanted each other to meet. Although we had agreed with all concerned parties that I would not wear the engagement ring, we were going to quietly announce it to...
He began to take small little movements, maybe an inch long, maybe a little more. He grew bolder as he continued making his strokes longer. "Oh baby", I said, "this is the best. Fuck me good, Bill" He began to really go at me in earnest making his strokes longer and longer, where I could feel the head on that cock lodge right at the entrance to my ass, and then pummel in. I was getting the fucking of my life, literally. The best was yet to come, no pun intended, as an orgasm began to...
"Oh my God, you look spectacular" he said before whispering, " My God, My God, My God" as he reached for them. He held them in his hands like two treasures. "You are even more beautiful than I ever imagined Carree" he said as his voice broke and tears filled his eyes. I bent over and pressed my breasts to his chest and kissed him deeper than I ever had. We held that long sucking kiss for a minute or more. Then, as I sat back up I must have shifted a little, because when I sat up I...
The first of the Fleet bottles brought more results than usual and I began to worry that maybe I wasn't as ready to open this road as I thought. But I was able to retain the second bottle, some 15 minutes later, for a long time with little result. It gave me a confidence that we might have a real positive experience tonight. We had spent the waiting time in the shower cleaning ourselves for each other. We figured this was ideal for having a sexless shower, so we could save ourselves for the...
Now comes the part of the story that I dread. I must explain a few things. I kept diaries all through my early school years. As I got closer and closer to Billy, they became mainly just about him and the things we did together. They evolved into my sex diaries, and they became my erotic accounts of Billy and I. After William and I married we began to enjoy reading erotic stories to each other. It was just a kink. One night I read him a story that I actually wrote from my diary. About half...
He left the room and came back a minute later and asked me to kneel up again. He wiped around between my butt halves and folded the towel and held it up to my ass. "Ready to take a walk?' he said. I reached back and held the towel in place and got up on my wobbly legs. I walked bow legged into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Big farts from the air he pumped into me came out and I wished I had closed the door. I heard him stifling a laugh. "Bill?" I asked. "Yes" he answered "Fuck...
I went into Maria's room and she was standing in front of an open drawer. I looked down into the open drawer and there lie 3 sex toys, dildos, whatever you might call them. One was an orange version of the White Wonder, one was a Silver Bullet, a vibrator, and the other an exaggerated long thin smooth penis. "Meet my friends. See, you have no reason to be embarrassed. It natural. How many do you have?" she asked. "Uh, just the one," I said. Then Maria uncovered one more, a black...
I lost my William in early 2001. He was a writer who, one day, planned to use my diary's, which I kept through our young courtship and beyond, as a basis for a true erotic story. William and I enjoyed reading erotic stories of this type. He planned to use the pen name Billy Hand. As a means of therapy for dealing with his loss, I took up the project. Though not as accomplished as William as a writer, I too, write professionally for travel and vacation guides. Originally his plan was for...
Bill really knew how to push my buttons with his kissing. The way he nibbled on my tongue, and covered my lips with his was so sexy. This while holding me tightly to him made me nuts. I wanted to feel him closer so I broke our clench and knelt up on the seat and opened my coat. Now I was the aggressor kissing down on his lips but could hold my unjacketed chest to his. The kissing got pretty hot and heavy as he reached around me and held my ass, squeezing and kneading me. I hummed a moan of...
Bill set down the bags, and took the things I had from me and set them in front of the door. He put his arms around me and picked me up and squeezed me hard, swinging me around. He whispered in my ear. "You are so special and I love you so much, there is nothing too good for you, in my eyes. We won't have the time or money for these things in college. We deserve this. This is the first of many honeymoons for us. It's my gift to you, Carree, from my heart, with all my love." His hug...
Miranda offered me a ride home and I accepted. I really wished Bill were here tonight to share in my good news, and to relieve the stress of earlier in the day. When she turned the corner on Johnson, there on my porch steps was Bill, with a bucket of champagne splits, catching the last rays of the day. He had his shirt off and he was just turning a nice shade past tan. He looked delicious. "Oh my God," I said to Miranda. "Bills here, he's never here on a Monday. I wanted to share my news...
"OK, full turn, next pit please", I commanded. He turned on his heel and raised his other arm to proffer his other pit. "Ughh, more bugs", I joked as I scrubbed away. I had finished his upper body and stood back. "Time to go downstairs", I said as I knelt in front of him. I started with his feet. I took each foot out of the spray and set them on my thigh and soaped and rubbed, even between each toe. As I let each foot go back into the spray to rinse, I brought it back for a moment...
"Kill you? I don't think so. It just feels so good you can't stand it, that's all" I said. "And I know that feeling really well, G-spot boy." "Let's get rinsed off and get going," Bill said, "before we ruin our plans for tonight." "Rinse off?" I said. "We don't we lick it off?" "Wow, Care, not that much. I don't mind tasting myself, but, WOW, that was quite a load," he said. "Umm, you wanted me to eat it,... but that was OK?" I asked trapping him. "Ok," he said...
"If you had stopped, I would have been more crazy. It was great!!" I told him. It was the first time he penetrated my butt when it was not my idea, and I didn't know it was coming. It hurt a lot at first, but it went away quick. I should have been mad, but I wasn't. If I had shrieked when he did it, I am sure he would have stopped. I was in that "after orgasm" state when I realized his thumb was still buried in my butt. Thumbs don't lose interest and get soft like a penis...
I just got my sweatshirt over my head when the door flew open. "Pants up everyone!! We're here to study, not to screw!!" It was Henny, who else. She always had a way to make an entrance, and was never afraid to speak what was on her mind. I smiled and gave her a hug, as did Bill. She had really missed me by how hard she hugged. After hugging Bill she said, "You showed this girl a good time didn't you, she gets awfully lonely some nights. I think she buys batteries by the case now."...
"Bill, lets go upstairs" I said impatiently, but he continued by slipping his finger through the gusset of my panty and making a pull loop of it, exposing my whole crotch. He tipped his head and took the whole of my mound in his mouth, flicking his tongue on my clit a few times before sucking my wings out of there hiding. He nibbled, chewed and licked as he drove me crazy. I was running like a faucet down there and I heard, as well as felt, his sticky wet face change positions. He was...
I have to admit that with living together, having intercourse was becoming harder and harder to stay away from. There were many nights that we thought we would finally do it, but common sense won out each time. After waiting this long, it seemed foolish to not wait for our wedding night. Bill had promised me to have full ready bottom sex one time before we left. We had bought all the little extras we would need. I looked forward to the night it might happen. This was the almost painless and...
"Your eye looks 100 per cent better Meg, all the swelling is down and the little black and blue that shows can be covered with make-up. Just don't rub or cry anymore." I said. I continued, "I think he's going to come back to you Meg. He was spending more and more time with our crowd in the last month or so. I think he just had some time with his old crowd who told him that he should be getting more, as if sex is the only thing there is in a relationship. Being a sophomore and being very...
With that, they were off. I hurried to clear the table and load the dishwasher. I turned off all the downstairs lights and went to my room after locking the outside door. No one could get in unless they knocked. I needed that privacy. I went up to my bed and fished the butt plug from my pillowcase. I lowered my shades, much as I do when I do my homework, so no questions need be asked if they came home early. I opened the package and inspected the rubber gel sex piece. I didn't feel very...
"Men!" I said, "and their fascination with tits and asses" as I closed the shower stall. By the time I got out of the shower Bill was dressed and ready. "Oooo, you smell good. I might pick you up tonight," I said as I passed by. I was still in underwear and searching for a blouse I had bought today. Bill went to the window and said he saw the Six Flags bus pull in the lot. Kim and Brad would be on time. At nine thirty Bill and I stepped out of the elevator right beside the...
"Maybe not. We couldn't do it tonight, but there are a couple positions in Kinsey, or maybe Hite that talks about being close to real vaginal sex." Bill recalled. "You and those sex manuals. WAIT, I know, I know. They were best selling books and not really books written for little boys to jerk off to, right? You've told me before. So anyway, what are the positions, and if I have to be tied up, forget it," I said trying to be a wise-ass. "If you don't appreciate the things I learned...
"More cock, please," I said as he stood and turned. Once more I took him into my mouth and took him as deep as I could. I felt him at the back of my throat. I remembered reading how to deep throat and wished I could. I tried to stifle my gag reflex and swallow him, but it didn't work. I coughed and took him out for a second. I put the head back in and lolled the head, until he pulled away. "I want to fuck you, to make love to you, Carree. Let me take your ass for mine, and your,...
In spite of all my trepidations and fears of going to Baltimore for an internship, it ended up being the best summer of my life. Arens and Ponds treated me like a goddess giving me plum assignments where I made contacts with people whom I deal with, even to this day. Miranda Ponds took me aside in my second or third day and told me that I had a special something, a drive, and a determination that exuded confidence. All the while she was telling me this I wondered if she had me confused with...
Jenny took my question to heart. "Sometimes a guy just wants to see 'how much he can get off you' before you stop him. But, when you have a relationship where you really care about the other person, it's wanting to make them happy. As well as satisfying your own urges, that's natural. But, if someone tapped him on the shoulder to cut in, like on a dance floor, you couldn't just continue. There is definitely a connection, a bond. Like when we went to New York and were alone on that...
"Let me rid you of these," he said as he hooked his fingers in the sides of my panty and I lifted my butt to let them slide off. He looked at my pussy as if it were the first time. He squinted, and blew a short breath out through pursed lips. "Ouuuu, that's pretty, all shaved and smooth," he said as he put a hand over my vagina and centered his middle finger in the groove and stroked upwards over my clit over my belly and all the way up to my chin. He held my chin in his fingers as he...
I spent Thursday night and Friday with my Mom and Dad around the house, only taking time to talk to a couple friends who called to wish me well. Bill was able to call me once on Friday, but he was at work and couldn't really talk freely. Friday night he had tickets with Mr. Wilkens for a Yankee game, so he was happy. Happy/sad was the only way to describe my leaving at the Airport on Saturday morning with Mom and Dad. I was sure I had everything I would need. My Dad acted like I was going...
I didn't think I could move from the table. I knew it was slippery under my butt and beginning to feel uncomfortable. As I thought I would get up, Bill scooped me in his arms. He carried me to the bathroom, knowing I would want to shower. It was then I realized that there were no towels out yet. "There are 2 in one of my bags. I was going to buy more here." I whispered to him, my throat still raw from my earlier vocalizations. "Here," he said. "You shower now, I'll find your towels...
"Bill are you going home?", I asked "Yeah, I think I have the place all to myself until at least 5 o'clock. Let me go read Moms note", he said. "Her note?", I wondered aloud. He explained, "When I called back home about dinner with you guys she said that she and Pop were going to shop at the outlets in Massachusetts. But they had to stop at a place near Canaan, on the State line, to see some antiques. The guy wouldn't be there until half past three, I think. She said she would...
Billy Goes to Alberton By Katie Dale ONE It was Sunday morning. I was in my room finishing getting dressed when my sister Stephanie opened the door. "Hey - get out! Don't you know how to knock?" I quickly finished pulling the T-shirt over my head, embarrassed that she saw my bare back. "What's the big deal? Your pants were on - all I saw was your back! It's cute!" My face turned red with shame. I tried to forget about it and put on a smile. "Please knock before you...
Billy's day off Krissy and billy were looking in the mirror, Krissy was watching billy, who was looking at the ultra girly girl that was staring back at her. Sara, just then walked in the room to see how her children were making out. Krissy filled her in about billy not being able to walk without heels on his feet, Sara had heard of similar situations before from people that wore very high heels for long periods. She looked at the ballet boots that billy had locked on his feet...
by MisterReason When Billy Jefferson's parents had to rush out of town to be at the side of his grandmother after she suffered a stroke, his mother's sister Diane was called upon to keep an eye on Billy and the house until his parents could return. It worked out well, because Billy was very fond of his Aunt Diane. Since her husband had divorced her several years ago, she had led a lonely life out in the sticks, so being called upon to help was a welcome break from the boring routine of her...
Summary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...
PART ONEBilly had been watching. Watching for over three years, as Sue had developed from awkward teenager, into the beautiful girl she had become now. he had watched as her breasts grew in size, filling out, her shirts getting tighter, the impressions of the bra she was forced to wear clearly visible at certain moments. Her waist seemed to have trimmed, as her hips had rounded. Her hair, long ands black flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back, her eyes, greener than ever.Not that...
Summary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Previous Chapter Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but...
I don't own the characters and concepts in this story. The characters, plots and setup are from the American TV series and the settings and characters are owned and copyrighted to the respective owners of the Power Rangers licenses, no claims are intended by me. I do claim ownership of what is left of the story after the copyrighted elements Saban owns are extracted from this story. (The mind swap concept for this episode came from the original Japanese episode redone in America...
Day OneBilly, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, theirnew home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy toomuch, living in the country with a forest beside the property soundedlike a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as hismother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing abouteither. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge ofkeeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it too.Billy was barely a year...
Billy's Hot MomChapter 1Donna waggled her ass, moving her hands up and down her body.Billy sat watching, his cock throbbing inside his pants, his eyes big and round, glittering with excitement. The very long, very slender legs of his mother moved snake-like as she turned and danced slowly. Her ass bunched and relaxed.Donna wasn't really a dancer, but she loved to dance this way at home, privately, with only her son watching. She had a natural sense of rhythm that was sensuous and arousing, her...
Chapter 1 Donna waggled her ass, moving her hands up and down her body. Billy sat watching, his cock throbbing inside his pants, hiseyes big and round, glittering with excitement. The very long,very slender legs of his mother moved snake-like as she turned anddanced slowly. Her ass bunched and relaxed. Donna wasn't really a dancer, but she loved to dance this wayat home, privately, with only her son watching. She had a naturalsense of rhythm that was...
Rattling chains or Day Three Billy struggled, tugging on his wrists, but they were held firm by the leg of the chair that his sister was sitting on. With her feet wiggling under his face he was humiliated so much that he could hardly stand it. He tried turning his head, but it was not comfortable in the position he was forced to kneel in. So having no choice, his face was pressed against both of her feet, her wiggling toes were tickling his lips. The smell was not horrible, but it...
Billy manages to update his website, what happens now? *Continued from part 6, jumping in here will not make any sense. The lights were out, but they hadn't yet gone to sleep. Suddenly Robyn said to him, in a quiet voice, "Are you sleeping yet?" "No, it's hard to sleep in this cage, it is so tight, I can't get comfortable because I can't really move at all. I mean at all." She peeked over the edge of the bed. "You look cute in there though, it is like you are my pet...
Billy gets prepped for Collage Hi, my name is Jill. I live alone in your typical quiet residential suburb. My husband died in an industrial accident three years ago that left me with quite a bit of insurance money and plenty of free time after I quit my job as a nurse at the local hospital. I don’t have many friends except for Pam that lives next door. The house on the other side of me has an older couple living there with one teenage son. The family is quiet and keep to themselves. The boy...
Day One Billy, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, their new home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy too much, living in the country with a forest beside the property sounded like a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as his mother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing about either. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge of keeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it...
The adventures of Billy, what really ended up happening. Conclusion. Billy stretched and slowly woke up, the sun was drifting in his window announcing mornings arrival. He tried to clear his foggy head, such dreams. He had been having them for a while now, very erotic dreams. They started with an idea he had and went out of control as dreams often do. He sorted through the dream from last night and became very hard again. He slipped into the bathroom to clean up and take care...
Billy has a new job. Continued from part 7. Robyn didn't see the name on the box that Kathy rolled up behind Billy, she suspected there was one behind her as well but with her collar chained to Billy's, she just couldn't turn her head to see. Kathy took a few minutes working on each box, she really wondered what they were. Then she came back to the 'school girls' who were bent over the bench in a most precarious position. "Robyn, would you like me to take that ball gag out of...
Billy goes home "Billy! You must explain this," Robyn demanded, looking again at the flower sticking out of his bum. The vivid red stripes covered his behind, he had obviously been punished severely, but by who? Her mother? Billy explained about the children, how they spanked him until her Mother appeared and then vanished, how they came back when she left and spanked him more. He told her how they were poking his behind with their sharp sticks and how one of them started to poke...
Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
A Bouffant for Billy By Darlene leQueen Billy was nervous to say the least as he sat at his mother's vanity dressed in a pair of her ruffled frilly pink panties ad a lacy pink bra and one of her frilliest baby doll night gowns trimmed with marabou fur all over. "Now Billy, I told you time and time again if your grades did not improve by your last report card you would be punished, did you think I was kidding?" "Your grades have not improved at all." His mother snapped as she retrieved...
By Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...
Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...
Billy's second day continued. He carried the load of laundry, in the basket, upstairs. He was surprised that he didn't have to carry each item up one at a time like he did when he brought the laundry downstairs. He shook his foot, the padlock wiggled against his ankle, reminding him that the high heels were locked on his feet, there was no taking them off today. Which of course meant he couldn't take off the pantyhose either, or the panties. As he turned he caught his reflection in a...
By Jimmy (t/t auth rape anal spank) =========================================================================== His name was Billy Ross, but I thought of him as Bully Ross. I had learned to hate him years before. I guess he started picking on me the first time he ever saw me. I had learned to avoid him as much as I could. No matter how much I tried to steer clear of him, he always seemed to pop up. I was at the creek once, fishing. Billy appeared out of nowhere and threw me...
She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...
100% FICTION The two boys lay still in complete silence as Jake sniffed around then went away back to his bed next to Butch. I'm freezing said Billy. I am too said Mat. When do you think the doctor will be back? Well...say's Mat, it has been at least five days by now. The electricity went off I say about two days ago and the generator went about a day so I would say he should be home anytime. I don't think we are going to make it he Billy said back. I wish I was dead he...