Opthamologist free porn video

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Today is Becky's interview with JD Financial for a business loan, every Opthamologist's graduate's dream is to go into private practice. Becky is now a licensed opthamologist and she doesn't want to work in someone else's practice.
She runs the tips of her fingers through her long blonde hair, she is a bit more nervous than the average person but she can't help it, any interaction with someone she doesn't know has always been frightening and awkward for her, this is maybe the reason why she has very few friends and no boyfriend or ex boyfriend for that matter. She is an attractive 31 year old woman, never married, and her body is slim and sexy. She walks through the rotating doors, and admires the coolness of this firm from the furnishing to the employees, everyone's seem so rich and determined, it goes hand in hand she assumes, she walks over to the front desk receptionist, " Hello my name's Becky Grey, I'm here for a loan interview." She manages to say sounding professional, she types out her name then looks up again, " Yes, Ms Grey, your interview will be done by Mr Malone, please go up to his office on the 25th floor, his secretary will instruct you further." she says, sounding even more professional with a polite smile. " Okay thank you." Becky smiles back weakly

By this point Becky is shaking from all the nerves, she has heard of Mr Malone, he's the billionaire owner of'JD' in JD Financial, she didn't think I personally did loan interviews, she thought doesn't he have people for that. During the ride up in the elevator, she goes through her answers in her head, and gives herself one last pep talk, you're top in your class, stop doubting yourself. The doors finally open she runs her hands down her plum fitted dress and takes a deep breath and step outs. Becky is shown into my office, I'm standing looking out the window. " Miss...Grey?" My voice is warm but gruff. Becky's heart skips a beat and she jumps up out of her chair. She stood and extended her hand towards me, holding what presumably is a copy of her application. I'm older, late fifties maybe? I'm wearing a black suit, black shirt, and black tie. On someone else it might of been too much, but on me it worked. " Hello, I'm Becky Grey." Becky flashed her teeth, hoping that her lip gloss still looked perfect. " I'm John Malone- it's nice to meet you. Follow me." Becky followed me into a large room. A board table sat in front of floor to ceiling windows. On one either side of the board table are 5 leather chairs.

I'm on her in a flash, grabbing her shoulders and shoving her hard against the boardroom wall, my right hand wraps around her throat and squeezes it lightly. Becky is starting to feel light headed from fear, she looks at me, and I have a frightening expression. She claws at my hand but my left hand effectively grabs both her wrists and bring it above her head against the wall. " I demand things from female loan applicants?" I growl at her face bearing my white teeth, she feels like she is about to throw up. She wiggles her body against mine, trying to struggle out of my grip, but she presses her belly against something big and hard in my lower region, it takes her a moment to realize what that is before she becomes completely still and looks back at me, her eyes wide, I seem somewhat amused now, " Answer me," I say quietly. Becky bites her lip then swallows, my eyes follow the movement, " Yes you did...I'm sorry," She whispers, my gaze is locked on her mouth. My eye move slowly up her face back to her eyes, my expression seems to have changed from anger to...hunger, she thinks. I release my hold, but as soon as she is free, I cup her face with both my hands and kiss her roughly, pressing her lips against her teeth painfully, she pushes against my chest trying to break the violation and protest, stop, against my lips but that allowed my tongue into her mouth, she feels tears running down her cheeks, this has to stop, I suck her lower lip hard, then nips it between my teeth, terrifying her further.

I pull away, rubbing the pads of my thumbs gently across her cheek bones, lightly wiping away her tears, as I look down at her, we are both panting. " What did you think I called you here for, your loan is approved, I wanted to see you, I wanted you, from the first time I saw you in the lobby. I didn't have your loan approved because you were a good investment, I invested in you because I want to fuck you and I will...tonight. You belong to me now. I've waited long enough and for the next 48 hours, I'm going to get my fix of you." I say seriously, Becky knew she is screwed, she stares at me, horrified and speechless, I planned this from the beginning, how could she not see it?. I take her hand and walk her through another door, to the front of a bed. Becky walks with me silently to the bed, trying to come up with a way to escape, she needs to hit me and knock me unconscious and get out of here. But how? She looks around, and spots the vase on the dresser before I whip her around to face me, as we stand at the foot of the bed. " I know your smart, don't prove me wrong by trying to do something stupid. I'm going to hurt you, don't make it worse for yourself." I advise calmly, looking down at her. My hand comes up to her chest, lightly tugging at her dress but she clutches on to it, " Please don't do this." She chokes out, with a fresh set of tears pouring down her face. I regard her for a moment, she swallows, this is her chance, she knows what she has to do, she stands on her tiptoes, and slowly place her lips on mine, her heart's beating so fast, she can feel the drumming in her ears, she lets go of her dress to bring her arms up and around my neck, kissing me for all she's got, once her dress hits the floor, my hands are on her instantly, running along her body, squeezing her, everywhere.

Becky tries to deepen the kiss further, and I groan into her mouth, grabbing her ass in my hands, I pull her against my chest. She brings her hands to hold onto the sides of my face, my light facial hair scrapping against her soft palms. She takes my lower lip into her mouth, sucking onto it, like I did to her earlier. She checks my face, my eyes are closed, I seem to be enjoying her kiss, that's when she clamps down her teeth on my lip, biting as hard as she can, she needs to taste blood, I hiss and immediately pulls away from her. Becky bolts to the dresser for the huge vase, with the full intention of smashing my skull open. She is fast on her feet so she gets the vase in her hand soon enough but before she can turn around to face me, I grab a handful of her hair painfully, reeling her back against me, I take the vase out of her grasp and throw it against the wall, hard, shattering it to pieces. Becky starts sobbing, " You stupid bitch." I spit out in her ear, I drag her to the bed and shove her face first in the mattress, her body is bent at her hips with her toes still on the floor and her chest and face pushed into the bed, leaving her butt exposed, she struggles hysterically, trying to push herself up with her hands and kick back at me, but my hand is still gripping her hair, keeping her down.

I lean over her back, rubbing my groin against her ass. I yank her head up with her hair and speak directly in her ear, breathing hard, " You are mine, there's no escaping, do you understand me?" I ask roughly. " Yes, I understand, please." She pants. Becky remains on her belly, lying still, waiting for me. She hears my breathing calm down then I slide my hands under her arms and pull her up on her feet. Once she is standing, I go to the bed and pull down the sheets and blanket, before coming back to her. I bends slightly and scoop her up in my arms. Carrying her to the bed, I climb onto the bed with my knees and then cautiously lay her down flat on the center of the bed, she whimpers at the contact of her butt on the bed. I'm kneeling at the side of her, my eyes moving down the length of her body and she can't help but feel exposed so she brings her hands over her pussy. I reach out and push them aside, I lick my lips then cup her right breast, possessively. Becky squeezes her eyes shut, forcing the rest of the tears to seep down her face. " Fuck," I groan, " I knew your tits would feel as good as they looked." with that I bend my head and suck on her breast roughly, lightly biting her nipple causing her to cry out.

I sit up again and she opens her eyes, I drag my shirt over my head revealing my hairy chest, she stares up at me dazed and I chuckle, she blushes and feel her wet face start to warm. I straddle her hips and turn my attention back to her breasts alternating between them, sucking one while groping the other, feasting on her chest. It's an overwhelming sensation, she doesn't understand it, her breasts feel so sensitive and each suck I make causing her pussy to clench, she moans and arches her back off the bed, bending her knees and curling her toes into the sheets, she feels me smile against her skin, what's happening to her, her entire body is tense, hot, and she is panting. I come up, bracing myself on my palms on each side of her and kiss her, Becky is so confused, what does she do. I place kisses along her jaw, as I use one hand to pull down my pants and briefs. The contact of my big hard dick on her lower belly, sets her into action, she starts pushing her fists against my chest, crying for me to get off her, I'm sucking on her neck, completely oblivious to her struggles. I'm not listening to her, this helpless feeling lodges a lump in her throat that she can't seem to swallow, she doesn't want this, she can't breath. " John" She chokes out weeping hysterically. I look up at her, I start to smooth her hair out of her face and wipe her tears away, " Ssh Becky, don't be scared, I'll make it feel good for you too. I need you to calm down, take deep breaths with me...yes that's it, you're okay...you can do this...you need this...you want this." She doesn't feel like she is suffocating anymore.

I kick off my pants and sit up on my knees, my eyes never leaving hers, I reach my hand down and her eyes follow my hand, Oh God, he's massive, my hand grabs the shaft. Becky looks up at me and I smile leaning over her again, my body in between her legs, she feels my cock nudging against her, I inter-lock my fingers with hers and bring both our hands to the sides of her head, I let go of her left hand for a second to reach down and slide my cock in between her pussy lips to her slit and bring my hand back to hers, her gaze is locked with mine, my eyes look so dark, my pupils fully dilated, I bend down and kiss her again. Becky feels me entering her slightly and then I stop, stretching her open. Becky kisses me back, trying to distract herself, then I slam my hips forward, forcing myself into her, she feels something tearing within her causing her to cry out in pain, I don't stop but, I'm suppose to stop and let her adjust, I withdraw immediately and shove more of my cock inside of her, she screams. I groan, " Christ Becky, you are so tight, I can barely get in." " Your hurting me, stop," She begs, I'm too big, too thick. I start thrusting into her, harder, and faster, filling and stretching her beyond the point she can handle, she screams and cries for me to slow down. " What did you think?" I ask breathing hard, " that I would be gentle with you, after that stunt you pulled...Did you think I would take care of you since you have not been with a man in a long time?" I ask darkly, looking at her cruelly, I leave her hands and go back to viciously groping her breasts.

" You..you said you would...make it feel good," Becky sobs quietly, the pain is unbearable. " I lied," I say, smirking at her. I pick up the pace, " Wrap your legs around me" I growl. She quiets down, she is starting to feel numb now, not her body, her body is still feeling the brutality, it's her mind that feels numb but my request seems to be the final push for her to fall off the edge and she explodes, " Fuck you!, you son of bitch!." She yells furiously and slaps me across my face with all her strength. I stop moving, my expression is one of shock but that transforms into something menacing, my jaw clenches. I slam into her again, harder than before, she feel like I'm gonna tear her apart. I'm grunting above her face and slamming into her, like a animal, the slick skin of my abdomen rubbing against her flat belly. Becky starts to see spots and her body tenses, her pussy clamps around my hard cock. I groan and start jerking inside her, my fingers digging into the skin of her neck. I explode in her, filling her with my cum. Becky sees a look of triumph on my blurred face as she passes out. Giving into the darkness, finally.
Becky wakes up soaking wet and gasping for breath, she is on her back, the room is bright. She looks up at the white ceiling and starts crying. I sit up and sigh, " I'm going to run on the treadmill for a while, I need you to pull yourself together." I say annoyed. I get off the bed, put on my clothes and leave the room. Becky lies on the bed for a while, contemplating her options. She can't tell anyone, ' he's extremely powerful, he would get away with what he did. I just need to go home and figure a way to get away from him. Don't piss him off and you will be fine.'

She stands up slowly, her body is sore and raw. She goes into the bathroom avoiding the mirrors, she takes a shower, scrubbing herself thoroughly. Her skin turns red from her rough treatment and the streaming hot water but she has to scrub me off her. She can still feel me on her skin, my scent, my touch, she needs to get it off her. She scrubs and scrubs, it's not going away, I'm not going away. Becky sinks to the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and cries, she doesn't think she will ever be able to get away from me, not until I'm done with her. After some time she makes her decision, this has to be the last time she feels sorry for herself, she is done with being overpowered by me, she is going to stand up for herself, let's see if this asshole has the balls to break her, she is not giving up without a fight. With that she stands up, closes the tap and steps out. Wiping the mist of the mirror with her towel, she looks at herself, she looks the same as she did before coming here, there are marks and bruises on her neck and chest, she takes a deep breath to prevent herself from crying again, don't break. She puts on her panties and dries her hair into soft bouncy waves that fall to her bra. She puts on her dress, she looks in the mirror one last time and her reflection looks like her again. She feels better but she is hungry.

She goes downstairs and wonders around, this place is magnificent, the view of the city is incredible. She finds the kitchen and looks for something to eat, the pantry is fully stocked but she is not a big eater, in general, this situation makes that worse, she just needs something to keep her going so she pours a glass of orange juice and finds some lush juicy red grapes, this will do fine. She sits at the counter, sipping the juice slowly and picking at the grapes when I walk in the kitchen. I'm shirtless and sweaty, I stop and look at her surprised, she looks down at her glass, she doesn't want to look at me, especially since I'm half naked, it makes her feel...weird. I gets a bottle of water from the fridge and take a seat next to her. " You look beautiful." I say and sit down the now empty bottle on the counter top. She ignores me, he thinks I'm beautiful...oh get a grip. " Is that all you eating? You need to keep up your strength for what I have planned." I say seriously. " I'm sorry, being here with you, doesn't really stimulate my appetite." Becky snaps and gets up. I grab her arm and yank her in front of me. " Oh baby, I see you check me out every chance you get. Don't be in denial." I smirk at her.

" No...I didn't expect to be here...I was not willing last night." She says dryly. My smirk fades away and I stare intensely at her for a few minutes. I stand up slowly and pull her with me, she knows what's going to happen, so she doesn't beg, she doesn't cry, she just follows. I take her into the bedroom. I stand us at the side of the bed and grab her face, kissing her passionately, when she breaks away, she doesn't even remember her name, she is so dazed. " I'm going to make you want this...want me." I state darkly. " Maybe in your dreams, John." She smiles sweetly, challenging me. I pull her dress off and shove her on the bed. I climb over her and kiss the tops of her breasts down to her navel, my hands running over her ribs to her hip bone. I yank her panties down her legs and throw them on the floor. I look down at her and lick my lips, " You intentionally came to me for a loan...knowing my reputation...You wanted to be fucked hard?" I said raising my eyebrow. She swallows, she didn't think about my reaction to her challenge. She should have though, I'm extremely turned on. She shakes her head, lost for words. I smile at her, she can't help but react, she blushes. I flip her around, smack her ass playfully and pull her hips up so she is on her knees and elbows with her butt up in the air, level with my crotch. Becky squeezes her eyes shut and screams when I fall forward and enter her in one hard thrust, filling her completely, my arm on her back pushing her down and my other hand pressed on the bed next to her. I withdraw slowly and push back in, it still hurts, her pussy stretching to the limit to accommodate me, there's a burning sensation at her opening. I move in slow hard strokes, my balls slapping her very sensitive clit.

I pick up the pace slamming into her, harder and faster, holding her down, forcing her to take what I'm giving and than I hit her g-spot that causes her to cry out, that feels amazing, she clenches around me involuntarily, wanting me to stay on her g-spot. I withdraw and slam back in hitting that spot again. The pain mixed with this pleasure is messing up her mind, she is enjoying it, don't...don't cave, I start moving faster, slamming onto her pleasure spot repeatedly, my balls slapping against her sensitive nub, her stomach muscles tense, no...no...no...NO! She grips the sheets and screams, trying to pull away. " John," She cries. Her inner most muscles contract around me as I continue. Her breathe catches in her throat and she lets this feeling take over, her body stiffens and bows. She caves, cumming hard on the cock of the man who raped her. Her legs trembling and she is about to drop on the bed but I wrap an arm around her hips, keeping her up. She goes limp, breathing hard. I stop moving, my cock still hard inside her, I un-hook her bra and pull her up by her hair against my chest, our sweaty bodies together. I slide the bra off her arms and hold onto her breasts with one hand and my other arm is around her stomach. " I win" I whisper gruffly in her ear then nips her ear lobe. Becky has never felt so high, she feels like she is floating, her body is tingling, it takes her couple seconds to understand what I'm referring to, by than I'm running my fingertips down her navel, to her pussy. My other hand squeezing her breasts, pinching her nipples. I start moving again, slamming upward into her, my finger moving furiously against her sensitive button, in a circular motion, her stomach tightens, no not again, she cries out and grabbing onto my wrist, in an attempt to stop me. But I continue pushing and pushing, rubbing and rubbing.

" Please John...not again...you win, please" She says breathless. " I always win" I growl, thrusting faster. Her scream is high pitched, throwing her head back against my shoulder, and experience another mind shattering orgasm. Her neck muscles straining. She stops breathing. She blacked out for a couple minutes, when she opens her eyes, I'm lying her down on her back. She looks at me and I seem pleased with myself but I look like I'm deciding on something. I reach down, she furrows her eyebrows wondering what I'm up to now, my cock is still hard, I haven't cum yet, she looks up at me confused, I lean over her and enter her again, she struggles against me, " What are you doing!?" She yells, trying to push me out of her. " I changed my mind Becky, I want to cum inside you." I say gruffly. " NO! GET OFF ME!" She screams in panic pushing at my shoulders, I grab her thighs wrapping them around my waist then holding her wrists down as I slam into her, driving my cock over and over in her slick channel, I groan as my cock bumps against her cervix, causing her to cry out and clench her teeth, her face hot and wet with tears. I stop, my eyes closed, every visible muscle in my body strains than she feels it inside her, thick hot liquid spraying inside her. I collapse on top of her, breathing near her ear. " God, that felt good." I say after a few minutes, she feels my lips against her neck. She lays under me, motionless, she is no longer crying, what did you do? you came twice then you let him cum inside you. " I hate you" She whispers and close her eyes, trying to figure out who she said that to, me or herself.


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CAHILLPart 6 of 6

The story’s conclusion. >>>>>> Six months later I didn’t think life could possibly be better. Lucy was pregnant again and Melody was crawling. She went to Max about ninety percent of the time. She loved climbing onto his soft furry body for a nap or just to run her hands through his fur while she giggled madly. If I picked her up and carried her to the other side of the room she’d crawl right back to Max as soon as she was able. Yes, life was great—never better. I was in the office...

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Raped on the River

Ginny Marie Munson gazed silently at the flower bed in front of her as she gathered up the weeds she had just pulled. The cannas she had planted a couple of weeks ago reminded her of her fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Maria, who was spending the summer with her. Once the bright green stalks broke through the surface, they would grow like they were on fire, from small stalks to six foot high stalks with stunning flowers that would bloom until the snow covered them up in the winter. Maria was...

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How I Became a Pornstar Chapter 2

What is someone supposed to wear to a interview with an adult movie executive? Do you wear something slutty, or something classy, or just show up naked? Those were the questions I asked myself as I stood in front of my closet. I started moving hangers back, glancing at the garments still in dry cleaning bags. A red dress with a plunging neckline to show off my full, C breasts? No. Tight jeans with a crop top? No. Strapless mini dress, with long black stockings? Perfect. I started to...

2 years ago
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Road Trip With Truck Driver 8211 Part 2

I hope you all liked the previous part of the story. Continuing from where I ended the first part. Gayatri: Where will we sleep? Rahul: There is a toll gate ahead in 30 km. We will be there in an hour. You can sleep on the bed, ma’am. I will park there and sleep on the seat itself. It will be safer there. There are washrooms and bathrooms we will need in the morning. I am sorry, ma’am, you had to see that. Gayatri: I didn’t see anything. I just heard. Thank god Dimpy was loud, or I would have...

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Internal Investigation

INTERNAL INVESTIGATION        Sonya pulled the razor up one last time and thought to herself, ?the things I do for the Company?, although this certainly would not be included in her report to her so-called superior at the CIA.  She looked at herself in her Thai hotel room’s full length bathroom mirror and, as usual, was quite pleased with what she saw.  Her own cat green eyes stared back at her from within the lean, high-cheekboned face, framed by a halo of auburn hair which flowed and...

4 years ago
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Amy Needs

AMY NEEDS Sometimes life can be real strange. Often some of the strangest behaviourstirs from deep inside us and manifests itself as our sexual urges. A bewilderingmix of our past experiences and our present desires. My wife, Amy and I have been married for almost 20 years. Our sex life isalways interesting, with mild bondage, spanking, and other variations, andthe lust has not diminished despite the years. However you would call our sexlife relatively normal, even if somewhat mildly kinky....

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

James and Diane had worked together for nine years. There had always been a little sexual tension between them, but she was married and he had a girl friend, so it was more flirtatious fun than smoldering passion. Both of them knew the other wasn’t getting any sex at home, and James had playfully remarked that maybe they should help each other out some time; but neither had ever taken it too seriously. Little did she know that was about to change ……One day, they were standing around talking...

Wife Lovers
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EvilAngel Tommy King Messy NineCock Blowbang

Nasty, bodacious porn babe Tommy King wears a tight top and high-heel fetish boots, eager to satisfy nine big cocks in a blowbang! The wicked vixen glowers into the camera as she teases and strips, flaunting her chunky butt cheeks. Porn dudes Dan Damage, Nade Nasty, Scotty P, Johnny Goodluck, Donny Sins, Jack Blaque, Air Thugger, Jovan Jordan and Hollywood Cash surround Tommy, rods throbbing, and she says, ‘I want my throat to be used like a pocket pussy!’ The guys spank her thick...

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Alice 4

Alice part fourI stood in my bedroom in front of the mirror, I could see the image of a very sexy blonde girl with a lovely figure, who was smiling back at me, she had prepared herself for an evening of sex, and was waiting for her father to fuck her.Dad knocked.‘Come in dad’‘God you look so beautiful’ Dad stripped naked, his huge dick at right angles from his body‘Let me undress you Alice’‘Is it Alice tonight’‘Yes Alice, it’s me your dad, and I am going...

3 years ago
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Long After the GameChapter 5

" ... and then the guy just left, you know?" I went to take another sip of my beer and realized the glass was empty. I looked at it a second time, suspiciously, since I had no memory of finishing it. With these friends, you never knew if you did actually finish it, or someone else 'helped' you. I looked at Simon and Polly, who was still nursing a glass of white wine that must, by now, be room temperature. I was sitting on their couch. I'd called Simon, needing to talk about this...

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Fallen Angel 7 True Colors

Chapter 7: True Colors Hopping into the jeep, Cal started it and then unlocked the doors. Miranda hopped in the back while Althea figured out how to open the door and jumped in the front passenger seat. Careful not to hit any of the surrounding cars, Cal slowly backed out of his parking space and drove down the parking lot to the exit, and then to Dark Star Lane, right next to the marina. This, Cal recalled by straining his memory, was where Jeri lived, or at least where he thought she...

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Alpha Bravo Team Ch 09

‘Wake up, bitch!’ The words were followed immediately by a splash of cold water from a bucket that sat close by. Mia screeched and sputtered, lifting her head to glare at the man standing before her with the bucket. He was laughing at her, watching the water drip from her chin down to her naked breasts and off her nipples hardened by the combination of cold water and the night air. ‘She sure sounds like a woman.’ He grinned at the man with hm. Mia shook the water from her face, wiping off the...

1 year ago
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Wes and LesChapter 11

I walked into the kitchen and saw Les sitting there with a shit eating grin on her face. "So, big brother, it looks like there are two females next door with the hots for you." "Les, I don't think you should be spreading this around. We could get into a lot of trouble for what we're doing." "Oh, lighten up. Sometimes you can be such a dweeb." It wasn't what she was saying but the way she said it. She sounded like the smart ass she was when I was trying to protect her from Bubba....

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Teaching a Teenager about Sex

Terry was a cute little thing and was so eager to learn about sex.When my wife and I first met, she had just become a nurse and was rooming with her best friend, Pam. Pam was gorgeous and my future wife was gorgeous, so I had to choose between them. Which one would I ask out?I chose Jennifer because she was a natural blonde with blue eyes, had a terrific body, and was a push-over when it came to getting her into bed. That was twenty years ago and my wife and Pam are still best friends. We don’t...

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Real story that happened in Russia.Olga is a Russian woman who just found a new job in the hospital. She immediately notices that a colleague of her is more than interested in her, but what can she do? She is married but a good chance to spice up her sexual life and feel something new is just too hard to resist… Will she? She got married when she was 18. It’s not that it was a passionate love, perhaps just a feeling of appeal, or may be it was because half of the males in the country were...

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Sex with a crack whore PART 2

Now I stood behind her, and slammed my cock into her wet, slippery pussy as deep as I could go. My cock was rock hard now, and I started pushing into her with a fast rhythm, my balls slapping against her with every thrust. It was not that long since I had come before, so I was able to keep this up for many minutes. I slipped out of her because I wanted to take another hit of crack. I gave her a hard slap on her round, perfect ass as my dick sprang free. After loading a big rock onto the end...

3 years ago
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Typo. By: Shrike Vincent arrived home in an excited state, he just browsed a garage sale and bought some interesting items. One of them a very old floppy disk with the title magic speller. Vincent thought it was a game that he didn't know yet. And for a game freak that Vincent was, it was something he could not resist. Vincent took the disk from the cover and looked at it. It was such an old disk, that he had to search in his closet for a long time to...

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My First Black Dick True Story

By the time i hit 17 i was a fully fleged cock addict, i loved it and had lots of eager guys i played with, stories for another time. This however is the story of my first black cock and from that i became addicted to BBC. My first belonged to a guy called Sam, he was 47 years old, married, 6ft tall, slim build, waxed smooth all over and he biced his head, i found out later he did this as he was a swimmer and its apparently what they do. Anyway, when i passed my driving test and received my...

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Night of the Living Sex Toys

For this story theme, sex toys come to life. They have only one goal and that is to fulfill the purpose they were made for, and that is to fuck humans. As to how this happens and whether or not humans consent of course is up to the writer. As with most of my stories I leave this open to whatever the writers want to do as long as the theme is "Sex Toys Coming to Life". As far as what can be used as sex toys, I'm limiting it to things that are actually made to be sex toys "dildos, pocket pussies,...

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met me a squirter

I met this couple online, start chatting with the wife. We actually have a lot in common. They have not played for many years so she was nervous. Her and starting discussing porn stories, we shared some of ours and started writing one together about her and I. ( will post my part here soon)It gets to the point of her saying I want you withour hubby.We met at lunch one day and we went to a sex shop to get her halloween costume. Had a long talk about behaving. Well we did behave.nextvweek she is...

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Evergreen Forest Ch 01

There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Kylie Page Kylies got it going on

This we we have the gorgeous Kalie Page with us to show off those amazing natural tittys, the beautiful quirky alone really knows how to get our dicks rock solid over here at Bangbros, Kylie has this mixture of subtle innocence and an amazing body that is a must see! We started outside for some topless sunbathing and too things inside for a real good hard core fuck fest. Kylie was begging for the dick and that she did receive. i hope you fuckers enjoy this one just as much as we enjoyed brining...

4 years ago
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Jab Biwi Gayi Hui Thi 8211 Part 1

Meri shadi hue 2 saal ho chuke the. Biwi kaafi hot thi aur sex mein to bahut maza aata tha. Shuru shuru mein bahut zyada aata tha, par ab 2 saal baad to thodi thandi ho gayi thi. Par uski behan, yaani ki meri saali ab 18 koi ho gayi thi aur paas ke college mein padhne aayi thi. Hostel mein rehti thi par har saturday a jaati thi aur monday jati thi. Aur aaj kal ki ladkiyon ki tarah hot hot kapde pehanti thi, apni badi behn ki tarah h hot thi, jaise uski behan 2 saal pehle thi usse bhi jyada....

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Her hair was shorter. Way shorter. I’d always remembered her the way the photos in my phone did; long dark hair hanging down, pinned up, braided, lying in tangles across white pillowcases. But those days were over. It had been a year. A year and two months, in fact. What was it she’d said? Something about not feeling safe, secure, something about me being the bad guy, about magnets attracting and repelling. God. An eloquent excuse for ending six months of madness. Eloquent. The word didn’t...

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Life Changed With An Accident

Coming to story I am Sudeer(fake name) from hyderabad, last month on sunday I have attended my cousins reception and returning to home from lb nagar, near secunderabad a swift car suddenly came over my bike and made accident,  front side of my bike is completely destroyed,  and scratch to my left hand,  it was 11:30pm there was no one near by, So I got angry and went near car beat them but a lady steps out of the car,  I lost my angry because its a lady but my mind blocked she was 30yrs women...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Desperate Times

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Most of you know me. You've seen me countless...

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Spoils of Victory A New Beginning

This story follows on from the events recounted in my ‘Spoils of Victory’ trilogy, but this one stands on its own, so you don’t need to have read the trilogy for it to make sense. Of course, if you haven’t . . .? She phoned me Sunday evening, just after I’d got back from my weekend away. I’d thrown my soiled clothes in the wash basket, grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and checked the answering machine. Two business messages. They could wait until Monday. I was just finishing making a note...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 149 Late Night Stroll

Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...

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My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter

My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter By Malissa Madison The dream was so real, she was being chased by some evil thing that thirsted for her blood. She was cornered with nowhere to hide. She felt its hot breath on her as she tried feebly to squeeze through a hole too tiny to fit. The hot breath as it pushed its nose against her bottom. It felt hot and wet, Wet? She woke with a start in full panic unable to stem the flow. All she could do was lay there and cry in silence. She'd had this...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 8

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 8, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Begins While Darrell was watching television, Karen was Laying in the bed. It took a while but she finally started coming out of her daze. She had time to think about...

2 years ago
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Carly MomChapter 13

On the way to Carly's house, she and Stephen talked through the complexities of their situation. Carly was fairly certain that Paul wouldn't be freaked out by the fact that she had sex with someone else. Carly long thought Paul knew she got her needs met elsewhere now and then. But he would probably be shocked and possibly very upset that she had slept with their son. Although, Carly figured, he probably wouldn't be as upset as Paige had been. By the time they arrived at the house (the...

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you never know

I had found the door to your place unlocked. Your instructions were to make myself at home, and so I decided to look around. When I approached the bedroom I heard some kind of noise and peeking inside I found you; Sitting on and tied to the dresser with a blindfold covering your eyes. Your breathing was heavy and irregular. I approached you, slowly, without noise. I wondered if you could tell someone was in the room with you. When I was next to you I gently reached out and touched your leg. You...

4 years ago
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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part IV

Chapter 81 Ever since Bobbie's revelation about Faye, Nick had felt bad, he even didn't think about their coupling on that crazy night. We couldn't just dump her on you. Nick felt his eyes moisten. She's my friend... he's my..... "Goddammit," Nick whispered. Nick just wanted his friend back. His original friend. Yeah, Faye made him say goodbye. But there was still so much Kane in there. And now? Faye was completely different to how she was before. Giggling,...

3 years ago
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The night of silk

I had a beautiful neighbor. A gorgeous lady, fairest of the fair, full of flesh at places required, lovely lusty lips, big eyes, silky hair going down to her back, covering all her back. You could hardly see any part of her back, except black hair if was left open and she used to keep them open. The tips of the hair, dancing on the buttocks with every moment of her’s. Shaped and fleshy ass tightly wrapped in silk. In silk running all through her body which was no less then silk. A silk smitha u...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 10

I arrived at Kathryn's and Jill came out. She said, "What are you doing to my little sister? She is only a freshman." I said, "Jill I am not looking to marry her. We are just kids. I just turned fifteen and she will be fifteen in a couple months. I think she is cute in both her underwear and her bikini. Besides her sister is one of the prettiest girls in the school and she just wants to be friends. If Kathryn is half as pretty, half as smart and half as nice as her sister, then I will...

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The Cowboy Who Didnt Speak IndianChapter 2

The next morning Little Flower pulled him up when she got up. She pointed at his horse, which was some yards away, nibbling at grass. Then she picked up her buckskin dress and dropped it over her head. He was sure he couldn’t climb up into the saddle yet, but he went to the horse, which welcomed him with a nuzzle. He went to the other side of it to void his bladder, and then examined the animal, telling himself he should have done that the day before. If the horse had taken a bullet too, he...

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Monster 3

It was early evening when I arrived at the crappy little house, a three bedroom shithole with half the siding off and a sagging front porch. I could hear children crying, and a muffled, but loud voice yelling as I walked past three Harleys toward the front porch of the battered place. As I walked across dead grass and weeds, two oversize men – one with a wild head of shaggy dark hair and a matching full beard, the other bald as a cue ball - in “Purple Pranksterz Motorcycle Club” jean vests...

2 years ago
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Exploring her wild side

For six years Sue and I had dated. On the last day of college after my last exam she dumped me for Robert. I had never met him nor did I want to. Bill and Kathy (not their real names,) Sue and I had been a foursome for as long as I could remember. Bill had just accepted a job offer five hours away so the foursome was official done. I felt very alone, and apparently so did Kathy. We found ourselves bumping into each other at social gatherings and randomly around town. I was feeling sorry for...


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