My Favourite Memory Pt 3 free porn video

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I've written a couple of memories about favourite sexual experiences and I keep meaning to get to the one memory that is my guarantee to have me shooting my load but I've got sidetracked a couple of times. The experiences all took place some time ago when I was younger, slimmer and had better contact with young and horny people. I was also into partying a lot and earned decent money to finance this. I had a small flat near to the big factory I worked in and it became a regular venue for mates from work to congregate. I was just out of my apprenticeship and working with an older dude called Terry. We'd visit the pub most lunchtimes and generally slack off if we could. I remember one time him asking if he could use my flat for a couple of hours to entertain this bird he had on the sly after work. He slipped me enough cash for a good few beers as I handed him the keys and said he'd only be a couple of hours.

So I took myself off to the local and had a cheap meal and a few beers and such until I thought he'd be good and gone. I made my way home and searched for the key in the hidey hole in the back yard that we'd arranged..not there. Fuck! So I went to the front of the house and could see that my room, which was on the ground floor, was still faintly lit up. Fucked if I'm staying out here in the cold I thought and knocked on the window. The curtain snapped back and the grinning mustache of Terry appeared. Seconds later the front door to the house opened and Terry is there with my bedcover wrapped around him and not a lot else. "Shit, mate," I mumbled, "I'll leave you to it." "Crap!" he says,and drags me into my dimly lit lounge.

Laid along my couch, covered with some more of my bedding is a woman. Now, I'm only about 20 and she must be 35 so to me she's pretty old. But not bad looking really however. I can see that she is petite and has auburn hair and big dark eyes peering up at me with a slight wariness to them. This is all new to me and although I didn't actually blush I was a bit confounded. I wasnt a virgin but had never been in the same room as others having sex. Especially not oldies like these two. I stammer some greetings and then sink into my armchair at the end of the couch. Her head is only a foot or so away. "Sorry about the delay, boy," says Terry,as he slides in behind her on the couch dropping his cover at which point I see he's totally naked, "only we was having a bloody good time!". They both chuckle and I join in. At this point I note he has made himself totally at home and has my VCR going with the pride of my porno collection. "Hey, how about you roll one of them joints of yours? " asks Terry who is obviously thoroughly relaxed and intent on going no-where. At this time in my life there was no need to ask me twice to 'skin up' so soon I was sparking up a fat one.

We each take a couple of tokes but the woman, who Terry has introduced as Sandra, takes a few deep ones then coughs and doesn't like it. I ask if they've been drinking and when they both say yes I tell them its best not to mix it unless they've smoked a lot. The joint comes right back to me with a murmer about having had enough. I toke some more and focus on the screen. The movie is American and has a few black girls in it. One in particualr is well stacked and Terry comments on this. I know he loves a big pair of tits so I was a bit surprised about his petite companion. To my delight Sandra asks "Whats wrong with these then?" and pulls the cover from them. Well, to be honest, she only has the smallest of possible breasts, barely more than a nipple on a small mound of flesh. However, they are a lovely pert pair and nicely formed. My already half stiff cock springs to full life in my jeans. I toke heavily on the joint and ogle Sandra shamelessly. She gives me a half smile but is intent on Terry making him compliment her. He soon smooth talks her and wraps his arms around her slight frame and begins to pull and tweak her dark nipples.

They giggle like teens and he continues to grope her and kiss her neck and so on. One hand disappears beneath the cover and Sandra's breathing deepens but she also is also protesting a little. I feign deafness as Terry mutters in her ear but I think I hear, "He'll be OK - he cant see - he's OK isnt he?" Whatever hes doing under the sheet is working on her and her protestations die off and the sighs increase. There's a bit of a hiatus, a catch of breath and then a concentrated "Oooh" from them both and I know that Terry has slipped his cock into her as he lays behind her. I catch his eye and he gives me a very broad knowing wink to which I can only grin. The film continues with its raunchy scene and I try to take it in but I am totally atuned to the action on my left. Ridiculous as it seems I feel I should give them privacy as they hump under my sheets, on my couch, in my lounge whilst smoking my dope and watching my porn! However, I keep glancing at them and see Tery's hips moving very slowly back and forth under the thin cover. Sandra's eyes are closed and she is quietly sighing and moaning, almost like a gentle humming sound. My prick is rock hard and I feel the juice oozing from me.

I have no idea what to do with myself I have to confess but Terry takes pity on me. "Here, boy, come around here, " he grunts and throws the covers off them both. I expect some resistance from Sandra but she just smiles up at me with a dreamy grin. I realise that the dope has really effected her! I pull my socks off and as I stand up I pull my shirt over my head. Then I unbuckle my jeans and lower them to my feet and step out of them. My cock is bursting my jocks but I'm suddenly struck shy and I sink to my knees with my jocks still on. I look down on the pair of them and drink in Sandra's firm body. Her nipples are darkly puckered and pointed, her skin is pale and smooth over her belly and I take in the thick dark bush between her slim thighs. I cant see too much as she is sticking her bottom backwards to allow Terry entry to her. I realise that this is only the second pussy I'd seen for real! I'd had a long term girl friend from school age and after but we'd split over a year past. I'd satisfied myself with porn and dope since then. Now I was bursting for it!

Which was a pity really because I was just too excited. At Sandra's request I began to kiss her. Her mouth was beery, smokey and a bit stale but her panting chest excited me. I played with her nipples gently and smoothed my hands over her skin. It was warmer and smoother than I thought it would be...I probably figured a 35 year old would be all cold wrinkles! My hand crossed her stomach and touched the top of her pubes. My previous, younger, girlfriend had been very blonde and had a relatively light growth of muff. This was the '80's and girls didnt shave! Sandra's pubes were soft but much thicker. As I edged towards her clit I suddenly realised that Terry was right there! I was in danger of touching his cock and this would not do...not in our macho working world. So I pulled away and went back to her tits. I nuzzled them and then felt her small hand delve into my crotch, push aside my cotton covering freeing my stiff dick and grip it. I know I oozed clear juice over her hand right away and her spare hand pulled the back of my head onto her breast in a firm grip. I sucked of her nipple deeply and swear I got her whole tit into my mouth. Her breathing suddenly quickened, her body writhed and her hand went into spasm on my cock. "Woah," muttered Terry, "keep that up!" and I realised that Sandra was comming. At this point my own spunk, despite only a very few minutes of excitement began to force its way up my tube. I gritted and clenched everything I had in the way of internal muscle but still a good hot dollop or two of my cum leaked from my prick onto the floor before I stopped it mid flow.

I was determined not to look the complete novice in front of these two and pulled myself away from her grip, breathing and gulping deep. Luckily, I had been quiet and Sandra had been too far gone to actually realise the full extent of my excitement so Terry, who was behind her had no idea I'd shot half my bolt so quickly. Sandra's intense climax had put Terry off his stroke so a sort of lull came over us. We caught each others gaze again and grinned. "Was that good, girl?" he murmered. "Fucking lovely,"sighed Sandra. "Ok, lets shift a bit, " said Terry. "Why not reward him with a blow job?" "What?, " she cried and I suddenly felt anxious. Perhaps she wasnt that available to me after all. Anyway, Terry indicated I lay down and at this point I took my pants off. I was still three quaters hard after my repressed orgasm and was suddenly filled with pride as I heard both Terry and Sandra gasp a little at my cock size. "Nothing to worry about there, lad," purred Terry. Sandra was suddenly eager to join me on the floor and as she pulled away I caught my first proper glimpse of Terry's erection. It was bold and stiff and slick with fanny juice as it sprung from a thick thatch up to his belly but I could tell its dimensions didn't equal mine. Before I could continue my comparison however a delicious sensation overtook me as Sandra lowered her warm mouth to my helmet.

I lay back, let the dope and the Sandra's mouth do their work and thoroughly luxuriated in it all. I reached for Sandra's hanging boob and gently massaged it. As I lay on my back she was on all fours at 90 degrees to me on my right side. Behind my head was the TV set and the blue flickering lit the scene as I took it in. Her bobbed hairstyle only covered half her face and I could clearly see my shaft sinking into her soft mouth, bulging out her thin cheeked face as she gripped my shaft with her left hand. Gently she smoothed my ballsack. My hand left her tit and I ran it over her side and smoothed her cute little bum. She was so tiny I could easily reach her; she helped a little by shuffling her butt towards me. I found her pussy and stroked its sticky lips. She was drying off a little now her arse was waving about in the cool evening air. I tickled her clit and tryed to finger her but found her a little dry.

What I didnt know was that she and Terry had already humped several times and she was a bit sore down there for my (basically) inexpert fumblings. As I have since found out some women prefer to concentrate on the blow job they are giving and find any mutual masturbation a distraction.

Howver, I heard movement and saw Terry kneeling behind her. His cock was at full stiffness and I slyly eyed the way his foreskin covered his glans unlike my circumsized rod. He knelt forward and sunk his mouth onto Sandra's pussy for a minute or two, during which her mouthing of my cock became slow and distracted. Then Terry raised himself, shuffled forward and I watched as he slid his prick into Sandra from behind. I watched his hips thrust back and forth and occasionaly saw his shaft if he pulled right back. I thought, briefly, he was looking at me but realised he was watching the TV above my head. By craning my neck I could see the screen upside down. Sandra had lost all rhythm on my prick but held onto it in a tight grip. I saw she was off with pixies as Terry increased his speed from behind. Terry had not had his release when I had sneaked out my quick cum and Sandra had so vibrantly shivered into ecstacy so he was well pent up. I caught an intent glazed look on his face as he stared down at Sandra's sweet butt whilst he porked her cunt. Suddenly his eyes screwed up and he grunted, obviously shooting a full wad into her pussy. Her body rocked back and forth with the weight of him, her sweating breasts slipping over my dick. Terry's thrusts eased and then he slumped to one side, his cock making a slurping sucking noise as it pulled from her depths.

Sandra was now raring to go and renewed her assault on my erection. Her head bobbed and took me deeper and deeper. Again I reached for her arse and then found her sloppy wet pussy. It didnt phase me one bit as I fingered her knowing I had Terry's spunk dripping all over my digits. I got two long fingers in her to the hilt and thumbed her clit for her. Soon she gave a sudder and clamped her thighs on my hand as she came again. Terry had sat back on the couch and called, "Well done my boy, thats got her," in between puffs of a post coital ciggie.

Sandra was now ready for it all. I think that she had been a bit unsure if she would fuck me but I had earned my stripes with that orgasm. She straddled me so we faced and I grabbed my prick in my hand as I viewed her tiny hard tits. I did have some pride and wanted to excite her more so I firmly gripped her upper thigh and began to mash my glans against her clitty. She looked a little nonplussed and I later found out why. However, she was not into games and taking control hitched her hips forward and I felt my cock engulfed by her hot cunt to the balls. It was at this point that I became grateful for several things. One, having had a few beers and joints, two, having had a sort of mini-cum earlier and three finding that Sandra's pussy was rather looser than I was used to. Whether it was just age or the fact she was past her 4th or 5th orgasm but she was nicley slack around my hard-on. If not, the riding that she gave me would have had me me filling her with my juice in seconds.

She was like a woman possesed as he tucked her feet up and squatted over me and began bouncing up and down. I was able to feel my knob end hitting her cervix with almost every thrust. I held my hands up and she grabbed them for balance and let rip. She must have ridden me for ten minutes before exhausting herself. So I tipped her off, threw her onto her back, put her ankles up over my shoulders and pounded my cock into her for another five minutes more. It wasn't subtle, it wasn't Karma Sutra but it was an amazing fuck. Occasionally Terry would remind us of his presence with a "Go on, boy'". or a "Thats it mate" as he ogled us but I was barely aware. Subtly I showed off a little by spreading my knees on the carpet so he would have a clear view of my arse, sac and shaft as I burried it deep into her darkly tufted slit.

Just as I was beginning to think that I may have gone too hard too soon I looked up at the screen and saw the huge titted black girl sinking her arsehole onto a thick white cock. This sent me over the edge and my rhythm turned into a****l pounding. Sandra gripped my arms and grunted "yes, yeah, yeah"at me and I felt the spunk seem to rise from my feet all the way to the tip of my cock as I finally spurted and spurted all the contents of my balls deep into Sandra's bubbling, gripping, writhing cunt. Sweat dripped from me, I gasped, moaned and groaned and I relished the deep waves of pleasure sweeping me. I felt the warm spunk coating my slackening prick as I slid it back and forth.

AS I flopped to one side and collapsed on the floor Sandra rolled onto me and placed a deep kiss on my mouth. The three of us knew that the end of the evening had come and we slowly came back to reality. We smoked again whilst dressing and I remember Sandra gasping a little."Oooh, God, my fanny is sore," she giggled. The film ended, the joint went out and Terry and Sandra wobbled, weak legged to the door with mellow, smug grins all round.

Oh, and the reason she was vexed by my oh so sophisticated attempt at stimulating her clit with my cock was because Terry had told her I was a virgin and needed breaking in! The cheeky fucker! Still, it was all a good result....

...wait up..I still haven't told you my all time favourite memory. Next time then. Maybe!

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It's a wedding and we're sharing a hotel room with the in-laws and some friends. Just for changing, you understand, but my fantasy goes something like this:I've just showered and come back into the main room wrapped in a towel. I'm all warm and wet from the shower and feeling a little horny, but can't do anything about it as my sister-in-law, Charlie, and my buddy's wife, Linda are there doing their makeup. They are just wrapped in towels themselves, which doesn't help the tenting in my...

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Favourite Au Pair story

The house was empty, or so it seemed. Tom took off his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair in the living room. He went to the kitchen and took a beer from the fridge. Opening it, he took a long swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.“Ah… the weekend. Let the good times roll!” he thought to himself.He started to climb the stairs of the house, taking off his tie with his free hand. He took another swig of his beer, and heard what sounded like a moan. He stopped on the stairs...

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Favourite Fantasies 25

I’m a man in my late sixties-healthy, vigorous, and still very much interested in sex. My wife, age sixty-one, still enjoys sex to some extent – but too slight for my taste. My sea fantasies are myriad.In one of my favorites, I’m a k** of about thirteen, and I’ve just found out what a thrill it is to jack off. My teacher is a doll by the name of Pennwell – we call her Penny. Every time she starts writing high on the blackboard her dress goes up, and every cock in the class rises in tribute....

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Favourite Fantasies 24

The first time I saw her, I wasn’t prepared for that kind of a happening:I had been thumbing my way west, hoping to reach the Pa-cific coast before I ran out of money, and doing all . I had been on the road for two days, and had covered a thousand miles.The red convertible came over the hilltop like a rocket. Its pipes were screaming and the chrome glistening in the sun. I could tell by the speed it was coming that there was no room for me in there, so I didn’t even put out my thumb. Then to my...

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Favourite Fantasies 23

I am black, twenty-two, and boyishly cute (according to a lovely woman I work with, who is ten years older than me). I earned a B.A. in political science recently, and am using it well – as a junior high school English teacher. This is not bad except that I wanted to fly with the Air force. (I’m a frus-trated fighter jock.)Okay, that out of the way, I have a fetish which forms the basis of my favorite fantasy.I fantasize being ****d – by a woman. I have heard of it, but don’t know how the...

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Favourite Fantasies 21

I have never written anyone on a subject like this before but was so pleased to see so many of your female readers honestly expressing pleasure in expanding their sexual en-joyment, that I’m glad to see you explore the little-known subject of men’s fantasies, and want to contribute my own experience to the search.Since my wife and I have raised our c***dren and seen them happily married, it has been our custom to take half of our vacation together and the other half separately. She usu-ally...

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Favourite Fantasies 19

I am forty, married, with three boys ages ten to eighteen. I guess I’d be considered middle income class – over thirty thousand dollars. My fantasy is a little “far-out,” but parts of it are real experience.The fantasy always involves my cutting the hair of beauti-ful women, and I do that a lot. It’s not my occupation, just a hobby, but I’m very good at it.Anyway, this fantasy involves a beautiful brunette with very long hair. She wants “the works.” First of all she has a glass of wine as I...

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Favourite Fantasies 16

I am a twenty-six-year-old grad student currently finishing my Ph.D. dissertation. I spend my days writing and typing at home while my wife works, so I have ample time for sexual fantasies.I have far more kinky impulses than does my wife. She greatly enjoys “normal sex,” but has little interest in the ex-otic. She encourages my fantasizing since it gives me satis-faction without requiring that she herself engage in weird sexual practices.I often find myself fantasizing that something (hypnosis,...

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Favourite Fantasies 15

My wife did not fantasize before she read Secret Garden. Now she asks me to tell her wild stories while I masturbate her.First let me tell you a little about us. I am twenty-six years old, and my wife Brenda is twenty-five. We have been mar-ried for six years and have one c***d age three. I have a high school education with a little college (two months).Brenda’s body is perfect except for a couple of small stretch marks on her stomach from the baby. Her breasts are beautiful with large brown...

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Favourite Fantasies 14

My sex life began at an average age with my cousin, who was a year younger than I. My father left Mother when I was a young c***d, so I did not have any idea as to the feelings of having a father around. Mother has worked since she was deserted, having been hired by her former boss because she was very well educated in his particular field, patent attorney. During that time, after school, I would stop off at my aunt’s home until Mother finished work. My cousin was very tal-ented with a baton...

4 years ago
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Favourite Fantasies 13

I’m twenty years old and have enjoyed many times the company of a female as well as fun with a few of the guys whom I have known since school days.Let’s go back to the time I was about eight years old. It was when I was jerking off my cock in the storage room in our home. Guess the room was to have been a bedroom but our parents never finished it and it became the back room where we kept everything from camping gear, Christmas ornaments, clothes, to a bed which was my play bench. When I wished...

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Favourite Fantasies 12

I am married to a lovely woman and we have two beautiful c***dren, a boy and a girl. We both teach music, and our in-come is twenty-five thousand dollars per year.My fantasies are about my beautiful mother and me. In them, my mother is thirty-six but looks much younger. I am a sixteen-year-old boy with a perpetual hard-on. On a Sunday morning in summer, we go for a walk in the country. It is peaceful, sunny, and warm. My mother has a white simple dress on. Since the path is narrow, I walk...

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Favourite Fantasies 11

I am fifty-one years old, married and have two c***dren, now away from home. I am a businessman in a small town. A sporadic sex life with my wife led me to have an affair with a younger woman, a divorcee. We would meet a few times per year. The hassle of avoiding prying gossips in a small town made us break off and she is now married to another.I have fantasized all my life, on a variety of sexual themes. My current favorite puzzles me since it is full of paradoxes. First, I am a rather...

1 year ago
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Favourite Fantasies 11

I am thirty-five years old and a lawyer by profession. I have been married fifteen years and have had a fairly active sexual life. Fantasies have always played an important role in my sex life.I still remember many sexual incidents that occurred in my youth. One, in particular, has played an important role in shaping my fantasies. It happened when I was about eleven. I went swimming one day at the municipal pool. The pool con-tained a locker room for changing, and there were small en-closed...

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Favourite Fantasies 10

I am thirty-three years old, married with two c***dren, and have an active sexual relationship with my wife. Being an army officer, we have traveled and lived in Europe for a total of almost five and one-half years. Much of our present atti-tude toward sex has been positively influenced by the Euro-pean acceptance of male and female sexuality.We have been married for ten years. We met in college and lived together for nearly two years before we were mar-ried. My wife is three years younger than...

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Favourite Fanstasies 9

I am now forty-nine years old, and I was forty before I found out how to turn women on! I met a twenty-two-year-old blonde who was aggressive because she was splitting with her old man. We met in an airport waiting room and made arrangements for our first get-together during a short flight when we’d both have a couple of hours in a distant town before changing planes to fly off in different places. It was the first great fuck for either of us! She had never gone down on a man before; and I...

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Favourite Fantasies 8

My profession is the law. I am thirty-four, six-one, one hundred eighty pounds, dark complexion (I’m half Mexican), enjoy women – their touch, their taste, their smell, and ulti-mately their sexuality.I have the usual male response ego-wise to seeing a woman I am making love to experiencing a particularly satis-fying orgasm or series of orgasms. But I really get off when my partner totally loses her control while I’m keeping mine (at least for the moment). When I can feel my woman raising her...

2 years ago
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Favourite Fantasies 7

First of all, I am thirty-four years old, married and a schoolteacher. My home sex life is rather dull, which ac-counts for the vivid imagination that I’ve managed to develop over the years, especially as I work with many gorgeous young women.My fantasies always revolve around some of my students, who are aged from sixteen to eighteen. Being a confirmed “ass man” I am constantly distracted by the luscious curves all around me at school.While masturbating I imagine that the girls are all ready...

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Favourite Fantasies 6

Here’s a fantasy of mine that came to life last spring. I’ve never told anyone about this experience until now. I’m a twenty-two-year-old guy, born and bred in Washington, D.C.I’ve had this fantasy for a few years. It basically includes having a girl serve me sexually, and spanking her from time to time.Well, last April I was walking with Carol, a close friend with whom I’ve never had sex. We shared intimate secrets – including me telling her that I’d love to fuck her and her de-clining. Carol...

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Favourite Fantasies 5

My fantasies stem from the first significant sexual events in my life which occurred during my twelfth and thirteenth years. I had entered puberty then and my sexual apparatus had started to mature and I was beginning to sprout pubic hairs. I was also having a terrible time with unexpected and unbidden erections and was starting to look at girls in a new way.Up the street a few houses from us lived a girl named Jill who was about a year younger than I. Jill was very pretty and petite with milk...

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Favourite thoughts

You are lying on your bed face down with your head turned to one side. You are wearing both a bra and knickers, both black. I can see that you have your right hand down inside your knickers because your fingers can be seen moving very slowly and gently between your legs, lifting the material, and you are ever so smoothly raising and dropping your hips from the bed as you rub and caress yourself.Starting at your toes, I lick each foot, each toe, and each instep very gently and sensuously –...

1 year ago
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Creating a Memory

*See ‘Preparing for my fantasy’ for the beginning of this story* * It takes twenty minutes to rouse you from your sleep. Gentle prodding, whispers. Part of me wants to give up because I am afraid, part of me stifles giggles. I send you a text ‘wake up’ and a wink. When I don’t hear your phone, I sneak it out of your pocket and place it next to your head. I send a few pictures of what is waiting for you… Each time I try to wake you, I race back to the bed. I am nervous and excited when I...

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Oh what a Memory

This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity.   My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last night...

3 years ago
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A Special Memory

A Special Memory By Milik the Red Life has its ups and downs and I have of late been in a period of change and reflection. Among those changes have been thoughts and emotions that have kept me away from writing for some time, but as with all passions my desire to write has rekindled within my heart and I find myself looking to my own past for the spark of inspiration. I find myself looking back some thirty years to the days of my youth. Days filled with the nervous insecurities that a boy in...

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A New Favorite Memory

I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...

3 years ago
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From my memory

I lay in my bed, propped up with precisely3 pillows behind my head and back. The time was ticking between day and night as I sat and watched several different movies. The time has passed slowly, and yet you are still not here. I unconsciously watch the USA and Canada hockey game, knowing where you are you are watching it as well. That’s the closest I can get to you. I have not felt your touch in months, your kisses are faintly remembered, your touch is unfamiliar, and I long for you to come...

2 years ago
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1 Great Memory

1 Great MemoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan The Liberty, International Airport; Newark, NJ or the Newark city in NJ, none of these is new to me. I used to live in Newark NJ little over 5 years ago. The mother fucking city was dirty, smelly and crimes ridden even then but except one small portion across the rail road tracks where most of the hard working white collar migrant people lived; ready to fuck any criminal element in a flash to keep their community clean and safe. I rented 2 rooms from such a...

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WHAT A MEMORYBy: Londebaaz ChohanLangdon; although very old and very sick, remembers and tells this to all his buddies like he won the gold medal in Aeronautical Science and that too when he was hardly 18 and had not even studied a word about this science. He admits of having no girlfriend then and being a freelancer providing the services of his cock to all needy cunts and young asses alike; just to get the relieve for his sexual tensions and truly wanting to be a known as a bull for all needy...

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