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Criminal Record Part One I had never been into a police station before and I didn't like it. It wasn't the kind of place a girl like me frequented. There was a glass-fronted kiosk right in front of me and two benches on either side. The foyer was small - about half the size of my parents' kitchen at home. Notice boards above each bench brimmed with warnings about drunk driving and pleas for charity volunteers, among other things. I was interested in doing some more volunteer work and decided to take a look at some of them before I left. I rang the buzzer for attention and waited patiently. On the right-hand bench was a girl who looked about eighteen, the same as me, fiddling with a mobile phone. That was where the similarity ended though. She was a brunette to my blond and though she wasn't ugly, I didn't like her look one bit. I had a fringe and nape-length straight hair. Hers was full and shoulder length, swept back off her forehead. She was wearing a boob tube and a short skirt that I wouldn't have been seen dead in. I wasn't prudish but my pedal pushers, top and pink cardigan did look a lot more conservative than what she had on. And less slutty. There was a smouldering cigarette butt hanging from her lower lip. I focussed on the No Smoking sign just behind her head and tutted to myself. "Excuse me," I said, "I'm sorry to bother you." The girl looked up at me, her mouth dropping open vacantly. "Wha?" "It's no smoking in here. There's a sign just behind you." I pointed helpfully. "What you say?" "Behind you. There's a sign. It's no smoking." "D'you work 'ere?" "No I don't." She turned back to her phone. "Well mind yer own soddin' business then." She puffed and a cloud of smoke obscured her face. I tutted to myself and returned my attention to the kiosk. A lady in a suit came into view with a guarded expression. I wasn't surprised it was guarded if she had to deal with that sort of person all day, but she seemed to relax when she saw the way I was dressed. I obviously wasn't a criminal or a drunk. "Can I help you?" "Yes thank you. I'm here to report my handbag being stolen." "Right. I'll have someone talk to you about it. Would you mind holding on for a minute?" "No. That's fine. Shall I sit out here?" "Yes please. Can I have your name?" "Holly," I said, "Holly Thorpe." She wrote it down and I took a seat. Before the receptionist disappeared again the girl opposite got up and shouted "When they gonna see me then?" The receptionist's guarded expression returned. "It shouldn't be long now." "What about my mate? He's still in there." "You'll have to wait and see." The girl slumped back onto her bench. "Right. Ta. Thanks a fuckin' bunch." The receptionist withdrew. "What a stuck up bitch." I forced a smile and raised my eyebrows. I wasn't interested in starting a conversation with her but I didn't want to antagonise her either. She was obviously in here because she'd done something wrong. There was nothing else to do while I waited and I started to get bored. The girl went back to studying her phone and I found myself stealing glances at her. She was dressed for nightclubbing. I hated to think those clothes were her normal attire. Her vampish make-up and her harlot-red lips and nails accentuated the look. She didn't care about modesty either. God knows she was showing enough flesh: her arms and shoulders, her cleavage, her midriff, her legs - but she sat with her legs apart, not caring what anybody might see! I found myself pitying her if anything. She obviously had a horrible upbringing - probably coming from a broken home, unlike me. Her voice was loud and brash and totally unrefined. Her manner was lewd and sexual but at the same time, overly casual. She was so absorbed by her mobile that her eyes looked dim and her mouth was hanging open. I wasn't perfect myself, but I always tried to present a good image at all times. It was a shame nobody had taught her to do the same. I couldn't help looking down on her a bit though. However bad her upbringing and environment, she was a human being able to make choices. If she chose to commit crimes then she deserved whatever she got. If she chose to dress like that then she risked provoking dirty men to do things to her against her will. I just thanked God that I had a good family and a stable home. We had a large house in the huge nice side of town, set into a beautiful garden. I had a lot of good friends and a very nice boyfriend a year older than me and I was at the top of my classes at college coming up to my A Levels. I had a guaranteed place at University and what looked like a very glittering future. It was a shame this silly girl had thrown her future away. But she made her choices so it was her fault. Just to look at her: There was a tattoo on her left shoulder of something I couldn't make out and a rose on her belly. She hadn't even treated her body with respect. And that was not to even mention the smoking and whatever else she might have got involved with. I shook my head in disgust. And at that moment she looked up and met my gaze. "What you lookin' at?" "Nothing. Sorry." I flushed, turning away. "You lookin' at me?" I ignored her and didn't make eye contact. "Hello! Little miss goody-two-shoes! I'm talkin' to you!" "I'm sorry," I said, "I just glanced at you. I didn't mean anything by it." The buzzer was only a few feet away. I considered pushing it. Surely she wouldn't do anything in the police station when she was already in trouble. "You and yer fuckin' pink cardy!" she sneered, "Lookin' down on people cus they don't 'ave money like you do. You should be fuckin' ashamed of yerself!" "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking that honestly." My heart was thudding. I was terrified. I wished I hadn't come here now. I didn't like mixing with her sort of people. "Liar." She lifted her phone back up into view then had a second thought and lowered it. "You don't know what it's like." And I don't want to, I thought to myself, but I didn't say anything out loud and I kept my eyes away from her. Thankfully, she did the same. Five or ten more minutes passed. It was very dull and although I'd planned to look at the volunteer work posters, I didn't want to draw attention to myself. The girl seemed to have nodded off and the last thing I wanted was to wake her up and make her angry with me. It was very warm in the foyer. The overhead heaters were blowing and I started to feel sleepy myself. I tried my best to stay awake but I couldn't help it. First my eyes closed for a moment, then they closed again and this time they stayed closed as I drifted into a pleasant comfortable snooze. A man's voice woke me but it didn't shake me enough to open my eyes. "Sadie Wilson. It's time to go. Get up." He was talking to the girl opposite me so I ignored him. "Did you hear me? I said get up!" I smiled to myself. She was going to get her just desserts now. "Wipe that smirk off your face and sit up Sadie! Wake up now or I'll drag you through by your hair! I've already had enough of your smart mouth to last me all night. " I opened my eyes, not wanting to miss this and I was startled to see that the bench opposite was empty. The girl was gone. A policeman in a white shirt, sleeves rolled up, was standing in the doorway. I looked left and right, trying to see where she'd gone. But she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked questioningly at the police officer and was startled to see he was glaring straight at me. He looked very angry - angrier than I'd ever seen a man look at me. "Get your ass off that bench and come with me!" He meant me! He'd mistaken me for somebody else - for that girl! "Sorry mate, but you can fuckin'--" I stopped in mid-sentence. My hand flew to my mouth. That voice hadn't been mine. I hadn't even meant to say that. I was going to say "Sorry officer. I think you have me mistaken for somebody else." "Get up," he said, stepping forward. He grabbed my arm, pulling me onto my feet. I almost fell over immediately. My ankle twisted. I was wearing stiletto heels suddenly! And more than that - my legs were bare, right up to the short skirt wrapped round my hips! What on earth was happening! "Get off me yer fuckin' bastard!" I snarled, and gasped at the filth that was coming from my lips. The policeman grabbed my other wrist, pulling me forward off-balance. Long brown hair swung into my view. "It's time to process you Sadie," he said, Let's go!" "Sadie? What's goin' on? I'm not-" "Not guilty? No, you never are, are you? Tell it to the judge Sadie 'cause nobody here believes a word you say." He dragged me toward the door, his grip on my wrists digging into the skin. This was wrong! Very very wrong! He thought I was that girl - that trashy badly spoken tramp - and Lord help me, he was right! Somehow, impossibly, I'd become her! *** And the next thing I knew I was in a cell. The door slammed behind me. The lock engaged. But I didn't move. I couldn't. Two, maybe three feet into the cell, I stood, staring at nothing in front of me, my arms rigid by my sides. I didn't see what else was in there. I don't think more than a single thought sparked across the span of my mind. And that single thought was a dazzling white light of panic and shock. Its brightness wiped out any possibility of another thought coming to the fore. If I had sat down that morning and made a list of words that qualified who I was and how others saw me... Demure. Pretty. Well dressed. Charming. Studious. And if I made that list now... Tramp. Slag. Vixen. Slut. Loser. Nothing made sense. What had happened was so utterly beyond expectation. It didn't fit. It didn't fit into my brain. I jerked forward a step, even that most simple motion sending back to my consciousness messages I shouldn't have been receiving. I was wearing high heels. Really high high heels. Stilettos. I never wore them. Except for a brief go I'd had at a birthday party when I was thirteen, I'd never even tried them. My breasts bulged out further than I was used to. I had to bend forward to see my legs. My arms and shoulders were bare. My nails were painted dark red. Long brown hair hung about my shoulders. This wasn't me. I had become another person. I'd changed places somehow with that horrible girl from the foyer and they'd thrown me in a cell when all I came in to do was report a stolen handbag. They had dragged me into an antechamber in the forbidden area beyond the locked doors and searched me. They were rude and abusive. They treated me as though I was some kind of criminal. I couldn't keep track of everything they said. I didn't understand what they meant. If they told me why I was being arrested it didn't seep through to my conscious mind. They sat me down with a number in front of me and a camera. Then they took my picture. Except it wasn't my picture. It was HER picture. They made me turn my head. Except it wasn't my head. It was HERS. And then they took my fingerprints, making me foul the ends of my fingers with black ink and imprint it onto a form. Now, in the cell, I stared down at those dirty fingers. They weren't mine. This wasn't me. None of this was happening to me. It was happening to her. Except that I was her now. Did I even remember her name? Sadie. Sadie something. Wilson maybe? Was that... my name now? How could I possibly get back. I didn't even know how I'd changed in the first place. Had the real Sadie Wilson walked out of there in my body? I didn't know. I didn't know anything. Couldn't get my thoughts straight. Didn't... Didn't know what was happening to me. *** Half an hour later I was still there, locked in that cell and something came to me - an ugly thought that brought a huge cramp to my stomach with it. This WAS real. However insane it seemed - however inconceivable. It was real and I had to somehow... I had to deal with it. I didn't know how that was possible. But that was all I could do. It wasn't going to end immediately. No magic wand was going to fix things. Even if it did, I was stuck here until that happened and I had to think about what I was going to do. I had to stop closing myself off and examine who I was now. I raised my arms in front of me, palms up, then twisted them to look at the backs of my hands. I touched the skin of first one forearm, then the other. Squeezing. Probing. I touched my thighs; my knees. I raised one leg, looking at the smoothness of it, the shiny skin visible in a triangle above the rim of my high-heeled shoe. I smelled the back of my left hand, the wrist of my right. There were traces of a cheap perfume that wrinkled my nose for me but I could also smell my skin. It smelt different than I was used to. I pulled locks of my new brown hair into view. I pressed my fingers into it. Then I twisted my arm and neck so that I could see the tattoo on my left shoulder. It was a gaudy, miscoloured heart with a ribbon underneath it that said "Mik Forever." Except forever was spelt with a 4 so that it said "Mik 4ever." My mouth curled into a sneer. It was so gaudy and lower class. My shoulders slumped. What was I going to do? How could this happen to me? "This is a fuckin' nightmare." My hand flew to my mouth again. That had just come out. I hadn't meant it to. I didn't swear. I never had. When I was about six an uncle came to stay with us. He used profanity every third word and I had made a solemn little girl promise to never end up like him. It had become a little obsession of mine and I though I knew I took it to extremes, I would never have given it up. Now, filth was spewing out every time I opened my mouth. I put my head in my hands. "Shit me." In some ways, the change in pitch of my voice was the most disturbing element of the switch. My old voice had been light and feminine. This new one was lower and louder. There was an underlying gravel. Although it was still very womanly - it was by no means masculine, the complete lack of refinement made my ears hurt. "What am I gonna do? I'm stuck in 'ere and that fuckin' toerag's out there in my body." I had been wrong too in my first estimation of what had happened. It wasn't that I tried to say one thing and another thing came out. It was that this new, gutter language just came naturally to mind and it wasn't until it came out that I realised what I was saying. It wasn't enough that my body had been corrupted. My mind was tainted too! "This is un-fuckin'-believable!" I dropped my head close to my lap and wrapped my arms about it. Then there was the sound of a key in a lock and the door opened. I didn't want to look up. I didn't want to be affected by anymore of this. The door slammed closed. Somebody cleared his throat. A man stood just inside the cell. He was wearing a suit. His hair was short and immaculate, his skin tanned. His expression was amiable but I could tell from his eyes that there was an underlying mistrust and distaste for his surroundings. "Hello Sadie," he said, setting down his briefcase and sitting beside me on the bed. "I'm the duty solicitor. Shall we have a chat? They're going to want to talk to you in a minute." I hid my face again, not wanting to have to deal with any of this. "Leave me alone." "I think it might be best for you if we talked Sadie. You could be in a lot of trouble because of what your boyfriend did. I might be able to help you." I peeped at him. What would this handsome man say if I told him I wasn't who I looked like? That I didn't do anything wrong? He tried another smile on but again, all it did was look fake. He obviously didn't like me and didn't want to be here. There was no way this guy would believe anything like that. "Help me," I whispered. "All right." This time his smile did seem genuine. He opened his briefcase and took out some papers. "Your boyfriend is being charged with grievous bodily harm. Despite what you apparently said on the way in here and your attack on the man in question, I think you may be able to walk out of here tonight." "Thank fuck for that." "But... there is a question of the... cannabis they found in your possession. All of this adds up." I shook my head. Who was this person I had become? How was I ever going to get back to being me? "I think the best thing you can do when you're giving your statement is to own up to what you did and to tell the truth." "I didn't do nothin'!" The solicitor sighed and his jaw clenched. "I'm not going to beat around the bush here Sadie. You're going to be in a lot worse trouble if you start trying to deny everything - if you keep being rude to the police. All right? What you need to do is to calm down and start admitting what you've done is wrong. It will work out better in the long run. There are witnesses - reliable witnesses. If your account contradicts theirs then you will come across as a liar. "I'm not lyin' ya stupid git! I didn't do none of it!" He stood up and turned away. There was fractured metal in his voice when he spoke again. "I'm trying to help you Sadie." "Don't call me that!" I couldn't stand it. "Miss Wilson. I'm trying to help you. You're making that very hard." "I don't want you help you stupid twat!" I couldn't help myself. I was so angry and frustrated and this hostility kept coming out of me. The solicitor's expression closed. He'd had enough of me. He was going to leave. "Very well Miss Wilson. In that case, I'm afraid you're on your own." He moved to the door and rapped on it to be released. When it opened, he paused in the doorway. "Remember my advice. Own up to everything and you won't be in as much trouble." "Piss off you posh wanker," I snarled. He left. But what he said stayed with me. They were going to get a statement off me very soon and he was probably right. I should own up to whatever they thought I had done. But how could I do that? How could I say I had done criminal things that I hadn't? This wasn't me. I hadn't done those things. Admitting I had done them was like admitting I was this horrible girl for real. It was like saying I really was Sadie Wilson. *** "State your full name." I looked at the policeman across the table sullenly. I didn't want to say it. Saying it made it true. But I didn't have any other choice. It would be far worse for me if I didn't. "My name is Sadie Wilson," I said. They went through the preliminaries of taking my statement but I zoned out. I couldn't focus on these proceedings. I just stared down at the shiny skin of my bare arms, bleached in the overhead strip lighting. My fingers curled up toward the ceiling, all strength gone from my hands. I stared at the red nail varnish and ink-black fingertips. This is me now, I thought to myself. I've become this girl. I'm trapped and I have to own up to her crimes and say I did them or it will be far worse. I might have to go to prison. But I was in a prison anyway - trapped in this body. If they let me out of here there was nowhere I could go. What could I possibly do? The policeman cleared his throat, bouncing my mind back to where I was. His face was closed off, something I had never faced before. Men had always had kind open expressions with me. All my life I had done everything I could to be sweet and open and kindness and care had always been the response. I wasn't used to such hostility, and from a policeman! I had so much respect for the job they did but now I was on the receiving end I felt so hurt by it. It made me angry and it made me hate him. I didn't want to but I couldn't help it. I wanted to scratch his eyes out. "I want you to tell me in your own words what happened last night Sadie," he said. I shivered. The words of the duty solicitor emerged from the gloom in my mind - that I should admit to everything - that it would get me off quicker if I did, and that I shouldn't be rude. But I hadn't done anything! How could I own up to something I hadn't done? The lawyer had sketched in a few details but nothing really concrete. "You better start talking Sadie. I'm getting sick of this. You're in here all the time and maybe this time we'll chuck the book at you. Think about that." I glared up at him. Admit I had done something I hadn't or risk going to prison? "My... boyfriend got in a fight didn't he," I said, my voice distant and sullen, the words coming out in the same blunt vulgar way they'd been doing since this started. "Go on." "He got in a fight with this bald cunt and I hit him too... cause he was goin' ta hurt my... boyfriend. You know." I was trying my best to fill in the details but it was so hard to do it without fear of contradicting something they knew to be true. I hadn't actually been there. I didn't know anything. I didn't say anymore and he started asking me questions. I did my best to answer, skirting round, basing my answers on the clues he was giving me. It started to paint a picture and it was a gritty, tawdry thing, seen only from odd angles. I... Sadie and her boyfriend had been out clubbing the night before. Her boyfriend had got into a fight and she had joined in. There had been a lot of violence and a lot of shouting. She had spent the night in a cell, too drunk to give a statement and now it was time to face up to it. And they had found marijuana in her things. In my things. "Yeah," I said, "It's mine." The policeman looked at me sternly. "Look, wha?" I snapped, "I'm sorry, all right? What do you want me to fucking say? Jee-sus!" He closed his notebook and sat watching me for a minute or two. I glared down at the bare tabletop. "Listen to me Sadie," he said in a kindly voice, "You've been in a lot of trouble lately. Too much trouble." "None of it was fuckin' me!" He paused, trying hard to conceal his irritation. I knew I should shut up but I couldn't help myself. "I'm going to release you," he said, "but we'll be getting in touch about this in a week or two. If the man you and your boyfriend assaulted chooses to press charges then we'll have to see what happens." The centre of my chest took on a deep chill. Heaven forbid that I be still trapped in this body and life then. "You need to stay out of trouble from now on Sadie," he said, "Or it could get very bad for you. Do you understand that?" I nodded without looking at him. "Suppose." "I give up," he said, the hostility returning. "Get out of here you stupid slag." He got up and led me to the door. "I don't want to see your face anymore." Before I could stop myself, I replied, "Piss off you ugly fuck." *** He gave me the rest of Sadie's things then took me to reception. I looked at the front door and the cold autumn world outside. "Get out of here," said the policeman. I wrapped my arms round my chest. "Go on!" I pushed out. The cold air instantly froze my bare skin. I was still only wearing the boob tube and mini-skirt and my long legs and shoulders were utterly exposed. The wind lifted my hair and whipped it harshly across my face. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be home. I couldn't bare this. It wasn't right! This wasn't my life! I was rich - or my parents were. Where was I going to go? Shivering, I looked in the tiny handbag I'd been given. There was a bit of cash loose, crumpled up and dirty, some make-up and a laminated ID card. No car keys. The card had a picture on it of the face I wore. It was the first time I'd seen that face since I became her. Long dark hair, slicked back off her face, dark red lips twisted in a vague sneer, dull, thick-witted eyes, bare shoulders. I looked into the foggy glass of the front door to the police station. That same face looked back at me. The most horrifying thing of all was that the open, pleasant expression I had always had was gone. My lips now too seemed rude and sneering, My eyes seemed dim. I touched the glass and then touched my cheek. The transformation was total. On the ID it said Sadie Wilson and an address. My address now. That was who I am. I kept coming back to that. I knew it wasn't true, that I should fight against this and try to regain my life. I should denounce the impostor in my place and go home, but there was something stopping me. Fear? Was I afraid they would reject me? That they would lock me up? I didn't know. Surely it wasn't... No. No, I rejected that completely. That at some level I wanted to stay like this... To BE Sadie Wilson. I shook my head. That wasn't true. It definitely wasn't true. I didn't want to be this slutty tramp with nothing going for her. I wanted to be a good student with a bright future and a big house, a handsome husband. There was a phone booth near the front doors. I marched myself over to it and pulled open the door. Loose a the bottom my bag was some change. I fished out a couple of twenty pence pieces and shoved them in the slot. Then I dialled my home number. I needed to talk to my mum or dad - get them to come and pick me up - explain to them what had happened somehow. It started to ring. Then there was a click and I heard a voice. "Hello, Thorpe residence. Holly speaking." I choked. I couldn't speak at all. That was my name! My real name! And that was my real voice that was talking! The girl on the other end of the phone said, "Hello? Can I help you?" I stuttered, trying to find words to say. "I'm going to put the phone down if you don't say anything," she said. She sounded exactly like me, sweet and innocent, well spoken and kind. "Who the fuck are ya?" I snarled, "And how the fuck didja steal my pissin' body?" There was a pause. Then in a quieter, more guarded voice, the impostor said, "Sadie? Is that you?" "Don't you fuckin' call me that you bitch! You're Sadie! I've just been locked up in a soddin' cell because a' what you did, you fuckin' tart!" Another pause. Then in a measured louder voice, the girl on the other end of the phone said, "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know you and I'll thank you not to call here again." Then she put the phone down on me! I was in a fury. I dug through my bag for more change. There was only one more twenty. I stuffed it into the slot and bashed the number into the keypad. She answered more quickly this time. "Thorpe residence. Holly speaking." "Listen to me you bitch," I roared, "Don't you fuckin' put the phone down on me! I'll kill ya! Give me my body back you-" Click. She put the phone down. I charged out of the phone booth, seething. She'd taken my life and now she wanted to keep it. How dare she? How dare she steal what was mine? But what was I going to do? Nobody would ever believe me that I was really Holly - not to see me or worse, hear me speak. I cursed this ugly gravelly voice of mine with it's coarse phrases and vulgarity. Nobody was ever going to help me. I had nowhere to go. Except to the address on the ID card in my bag. A heavy gust of wind came. I drew my bare arms tight around my chest. The address was in Barton, the scummy suburb at the other side of town. It was at least an hour's walk from where I was, and in these heels... What was I going to do? Barton! I couldn't believe it! I couldn't live there. I just couldn't! But I did now. I was Sadie Wilson. I was Sadie Wilson. Nowhere to go but into her crappy life. Then a car horn sounded and I screamed from fright. A guttural belching roared and a rusty junk heap of a car screeched up onto the curb in front of me. The driver reached over and opened the passenger door. He was a skinhead wearing a tight heavy metal tee-shirt over a muscular body. There were tattoos up his arms and he flashed a gold tooth grin at me. There was a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Hey Sadie," he called, "Get in. I've been lookin' for ya!" I had no idea who he was. "Come on. I 'aven't got all day. Those bastards really pissed me off. What were they like with you?" The penny dropped. He was Sadie's boyfriend, the one who had attacked the man the night before. He must have been just released too. "They were right cunts," I said, cautious. I was wary about getting in but the warm, if smelly interior did look inviting. "Come on ya tart," he said, "I'm freezin' my bollocks off." I looked back at the phone booth. I so wanted to go back to my real home, but my options seemed so limited. Was going with this man the only thing I could do?" I hesitated. Then I shrugged and started to climb in, strangely not worrying about being demure in my actions or worrying I'd show too much leg. "Thanks mate," I said, "You're right. I was freezin' me tits off. Let's get the fuck out of here." And just like that, I stepped into Sadie Wilson's life with no apparent escape in sight.

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Criminal minds

I was visiting one of my best friends, Mike. He was a skinny guy like me, with very long hair. We were school mates, nineteen years old tough guys. Problem was, he was a d**g addict and I went over to make sure he was ok once in a while. And usually he was fine. He shagged all the sexiest girls in school, and looked like prince. But a bit, or very androgyne ... I loved the guy. As I arrived at his house, I spotted this perfect, big black Chevy Stingray outside. I thought it just was one of his...

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My record

I have been a perv since as long as I can remember. As early as age six, I clearly remember lying on the floor with images of female models from advertisements I found in magazines or store fliers from the sunday paper and grinding my stiffening cock into the unyielding floor. I liked the feel of pressure against my young plumbing.By age nine, I had befriended a neighbor whose father had a jackpot of skin mags in his attic. Penthouse, Hustler, High Society, probably other titles as...

1 year ago
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I fucking love cam whores. Ever since Chaturbate became one of the most popular porn sites in the world, cam whore sites have been cropping up like weeds and I’m extremely grateful for that. There’s something really arousing about having direct access into a girl’s bedroom, without her actually having a cock there. She’s facing the camera, your dick is facing your computer screen and it all feels so personal. Granted, you’ve got hundreds of dudes jacking off to her at the same time, but you can...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 9 Billy and the Recordings

Everyone was up by 8am, was coffee'd out, had eaten breakfast and introduced themselves to the gym for a good morning workout. This would actually be the routine they'd follow while they were at "The Ranch", as they had now begun to refer to it. The girls have always been early risers. Bob's time was dependent on the night before. The girls would soon learn that sometimes the music took them into the next morning -- after the sun had come up. Billy arrived fairly early the morning after...

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Genderwave Records

Genderwave: Records ? By: Danielle J This story is dedicated to Patti B who also prepared it for publication. Thank you Patti! ***** It was 8:26 a.m. and Cindy Sims was pulling up outside the front door of a small professional building in Lake Grove, New York. Putting the car in park, the bookkeeper looked at the sign next to her workplace?s front entrance. Isabella Sinclair M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology ?The Genderwave really changed everything,? Cindy said to herself...

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Criminal Minds

You hear the ding of the elevator as you reach your floor. As the doors open, you eagerly take in the sight of what is now the office you'll be working in. You were excited when you were notified of your assignment to the BAU, because of how unique the job was, but also because it was known throughout the Bureau as an elite team of crime fighting experts. The opportunity was impossible to resist. You step into the room, gazing out at your surroundings. Four agents sit at desks in the middle of...

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Criminal freedom

“Hey sweetie I’m so glad I finally got through to you.” These phone calls were always the only good thing about busyness trips. I remember when we first met there was a time where we would sit on the phone for hours just listening to each others days and story’s of friends. It helped me escape the continuous stream of grey suited people and coffe stained ties. The thick musk on the shoulders of smokers and their friends. “Well I’m glad I finally got you it’s nice to hear your voice again.” This...

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24 Hour Record

We were late to the wedding "Shit!" I yelled as I heard the squeal of brakes, followed by a crunch and clatter behind me. "Shit, Shit, Shit, just what I fucking need!" I looked in the mirror on the drivers side, nothing. The passenger's side mirror didn't reveal anything amiss. The rear view mirror showed nothing either because of the giant box in the bed of the dump truck. I pulled on the emergency brake and hopped out. Stepping around to the rear of the truck to see what had run up my...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 34 Touring and Recording

The New Year’s Eve concert in Victoria Park was much like the previous years; this year we shared the stage with Mental as Anything and the Cockroaches. It was great to be on stage with the Mentals again, Greedy Smith, Martin Plaza, Reg Mombassa, and the others, they were all great guys, and lots of fun to perform with. The guys from the Cockroaches were new to me; I had heard them around, but never had a chance to see them live. But they were all great, fun-loving guys, we had lots of fun...

2 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 20 Excerpts from CourtMartial Records

The following transcripts are taken from the Court-Martial of Roger William Edelmann, Captain, United States Navy, Retired, serving on detached duty as Commanding Officer, CNS Allington Castle, with collateral duty as Commodore, Trumanat Scout and Defense Force, concerning his actions on Truman Base on April 13 of the current year, as verified by interviews with witnesses and the Truman Base and CNS Allington Castle surveillance records, Vice-Admiral Eldon Andrews, presiding officer for...

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Earths CoreChapter 21 Earthrsquos Records

Within a sealed cavern, encompassed by blackness, sitting crossed legs, Zax prepared himself to tackle the fifth bottleneck of insight. Smell, touch, taste, sight ... These were the four bottlenecks of insight Zax already perceived and proceeded to comprehend. Zax was not oblivious. By now he could tell that the bottlenecks of insight have something to do with the five senses. The issue was with him unable to figure out if the remaining sense, sense of hearing, which will probably make him...

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Wolf WorldChapter 20 Records

"What do you want to do first?" Phil smiled fondly down at Luana as they emerged from the World Traders building in WashingtonDC. "As if I couldn't guess." "The first thing I want is to do something about these clothes!" Luana plucked at the collar of her blouse and smoothed down one leg of her slacks where they showed wrinkles from far too many months hung in a closet. "Okay, then." Phil chuckled at her intent expression. "Let's go. We can pick up a rental car on the way." He...

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Another Train Fuck this time recorded

The conductors announcement woke me up. I had been dozing as I had had a disturbed sleep in my hotel last night, and clackity clack of the wheels over the track seduced me into slumber.I looked around and noted my section of carriage was empty, and only two people sat ahead of me, one girl and one guy, the guy was who caught my attention, he was masturbating in full view, sitting a few rows in front of the girl, who was sitting listening to her music on her handheld and looking out of the...

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As my dementia suffering wife hasn,t been well enough for sex for years I must search back in my memory to when she enjoyed a full sex life with me. Of course I spice up the memories to make them more erotic,but I assure you they were very erotic and exciting when they happened. Ah sweet bird of youth. When wife Sarah and I hadn,t been married long we liked to experiment a lot. One thing she excelled at was fellatio or “cock sucking” as she seemed to have a natural talent for it and a longer...

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Worlds Record

I was too young to stay home by myself. I pleaded for it anyway, knowing I'd end up with Aunt Jo and Uncle Al, or maybe at my best friend David's for the weekend. Or as a last resort, with Aunt Donna and her new husband Phil. That was the last place I wanted to go. I loved Donna to death, but Phil was an absolute asshole. "Forget it," Mom said disgustedly. "No 14-year-old is staying home by himself." This was on Wednesday, the last time I made the appeal. I was shocked shitless then,...

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Late For DinnerChapter 24 A New Record

The dinner plates were cleared away. The men sipped their wine, puffed cigars, and listened to the pianist who was serenading the dining room. Christi was deeply entranced in what Kathy called her "torture mouse" space: the normally vibrant brunette was absolutely still with eyes lowered as if in a secret dream, her unbound hand outstretched to catch ashes from the supervisor's cigar. Kathy was a different story. Although above the table she seemed totally at ease as she sipped her soda,...

4 years ago
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our lust at grandparents home one for the records

i was sat in the front room with my cousin watching the t.v as the adults sat in the backroom around the table and had the usual gossip about things. "how come your mums not up here jess?" i asked thoughtfully "oh, im stayin here with nan and grandad tonghit because me and nan are goin into town tomorrow to do some mum dropped me off earlier." said jess, her eyes fixed on the t.v, "oh yeh." my words jus dropped off, i cudnt help but stare at how good she...

2 years ago
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Into the Sunlight Ch 02

So you made it through chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter two is here, so we will continue on our journey with the twins. We even meet Charles’ family. Tell me what you think about them. Please, read and relax. Let me state that all of the events in this story are from my overactive imagination. I am not an expert on anything legal or military. Please take this in consideration when reading. Thanks once again to Andi for editing this piece. Also, please vote and comment. All...

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Awesome Ariel in Adam 1 Application As Sex

Ariel is awesome in all aspects: yummy young female features, foxy fantasies and fetishes.Ariel is pretty & petite, like little tits & tight teen twat, which never gets wet when she is hot.Ariel is also smart, proves her pretty profile, coming in cunning contrast to our talks in private. Ariel is open & honest to me, when we write in our curious chats about on love life, or lack of it.Ariel pretends, at her public profile, to already have a steady boyfriend, probably to fool...

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One More Time1

I could hear the doorbell echoing in the hall; I waited impatiently bouncing on the doorstep to Drew's home... Finally the door opened, it was his mother. She looked me up and down, smiled hesitantly trying to remember my name, "Err... hi... Kerry? Is it?" "Yeah!" I gave her my most charming smile, "Drew asked me to come over!" She stared at me blankly, "he said he needed to talk to me?" I continued, "something desperate about Heather?" Her eyes lit up in some sort of...

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Pearl Chapter 1Andrew Marx was sitting at the bar of a local club having a drink whenhe saw her walk in. It was Chelsea, his old girlfriend, and she was witha very tall and muscular African-American man.Andrew let out a sigh and decided to finish his drink and head outbefore she saw him. She had left him nine months earlier, stating thatshe wanted something more in a relationship, and judging by the...

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High School Kevins Story

Chapter 1 On the first day of high school, Kevin did the rare thing and lost his virginity. Only if was Kevin who got fucked. Kevin was a little guy at 5'4", and he weighted only 115 pounds. With his black hair and bright blue eyes, Kevin could be quite a looker, but he was so shy that he tried to go unnoticed. For the last decade and a half he had managed to do that. But underneath those clothes he had a body and an ass that would make people cream over. It started during 3rd period gym....

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Find Me Forgive MeChapter 12

Tuesday morning I awoke with a dreadful headache. I must have had a migraine in my sleep, for it was one of those nauseous post-migraine headaches that defy description, and the like of which whose who have not experienced them cannot even imagine. It was probably the aftermath of the gruelling hot and humid weekend. I took my pain killers, which mitigated the intensity. Nicky wanted me to stay at home. I should have. But no. Obstinate as always I went into work, grateful on this occasion...

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A trip to Holland

After our experience in Turkey (see massage story) Amanda had become a completely different woman, she seemed to have released an inner whore which I could not control.We were out with friends in a local bar drinking and talking and as the night went on the subject of holidays came up. I panicked as I thought Amanda would tell everyone of our experience in Turkey but to my relief she remained quiet and instead listened to what the others were talking about. She seemed particularly interested...

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A girl called Bree Part 2

"Hey sweetie, Sorry for taking so long to reply to you. I've been away, its all been very busy and really silly. I loved your itinerary, so thoughtful and generous. Really clever of you to think of everything, making me feel secure and safe. I'm still really nervous about going out, I wish I wasn't, and everyone on Flickr says such lovely things but I just don't see that I'd pass. Do hope you understand but I don't think I'm ready." A pause. You check your make up, feeling the...

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masturbation instruction for ladies

Hi ladies, my goal here is to get any females who are interested hot and very wet first then lead you into a shattering orgasm, are you interested?If you are then let’s start, first I want you to get a dildo /vibrator/or vegetable, that’s just a little bit bigger than you’ve had before but think you can handle without getting too carried away off course.Maybe you got one hidden away that was given to you and never used as you though it was too big, or maybe your mum or a friend or flat mate got...

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Jack In The Box Ch 4

Kit woke early and admired Jack's naked athletic body as he slept soundly in her bed. Last night, while Logan and Sylvia were having sex, they quietly snuck off.She and Jack talked late into the night and discussed her desire for rough sex. It wasn't a pretty story, and she was lucky to have survived the ordeal that marked her psyche for life. Then, Jack shared his personal turmoil, and the two of them hugged and kissed after their revelations.The night ended with them having mutual oral sex,...

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FirstClassPOV Skylar Snow Creampied In POV

Skylar Snow is sizzling hot in her bright red lingerie and black stockings. The stunning redhead surely knows how to make every man drool for her. She teases Larry Steel with her big tits and airy voice before going down and giving him a sloppy blowjob. The blue-eyed goddess uses her soft lips and naughty tongue to worship every inch of Larry’s big cock. After the sloppy blowjob, Skylar turns around and twerks her ass. Her firm butt is too much to resist, so Larry shoves his cock into...

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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 6 Turning the Tables

I was floored by what Tracy had said to me. “Because, the male Jesse is no more for the time being, it is womanly Jessie that needs to go.” It seemed that my love just told me that I had to meet up with my male friends tonight. My mind was going a mile a minute. I already fooled my friends once. But can I do it again? If I do, what is going to happen? What will I let happen? My stomach felt like butterflies. I was getting a little nervous. “Are you saying that you want me to dress up and meet...

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Sex Money The Finale

Jim took a gulp of chilled lemonade before leaning back in his chair, a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth. Leon was watching him, green eyes analysing every last move, brow slightly furrowed as he contemplated his next move. Jim sighed in mock-boredom and drummed his fingertips on the polished oak table before taking a final glance at his cards. Leon’s eyes narrowed and then he jerked his chin forward, “Go on then.” He nodded at Jim’s cards which lay face down on the table,...

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Mrs Brooking mature slut

Being an odd job man for a living, a bit of bricklaying, plastering, plumbing etc I’m often required to give quotes for various work. Last week I received a call from a lady called Mrs Brooking, she wanted some free estimates for minor works nothing unusual there. Building companies wont even quote for small works its not worth their while.So I arrive at this rather impressive four bed detached house with a nice new Merc on the driveway (so got plenty of money). Rang the bell and a very...

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Destinys RoadChapter 34

The big day rolled around and I was nervous, standing in front of Vicki's door holding Zoe's hand. Vicki's mom had seen the two of us together, but knowing that we would be eating, with our unique relationship out in the open, was nerve wracking. Now that I knew Tami's family was a problem, I had started considering the possibility of other obstacles in the way of our relationship. I was a worrier by nature, and the thought of giving up the women I loved tied me in knots. "It will be...

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AssignmentChapter 7

J7 I had never experienced anything like this before. I was never cuffed or had been at the mercy of man. But this actually felt pretty good. It was a proof for him and me that how much I trusted him. He was right by telling me I wouldn't have another choice. And in the deep inside of me I wanted it to happen. Knowing that he had all the force over me that anyone could have was a thrill. That was never a sexual fantasy of mine to be cuffed, tied up and at the mercy of a man. I could tell...

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PureTaboo Paige Owens Skylar Snow An Appetite For Destruction

Skylar (Skylar Snow) and Paige (Paige Owens), a married lesbian couple, are ready to take the next step in their marriage: buying a house together. But when they find the house of their dreams, it quickly becomes clear that it’ll be nothing but a nightmare. When they try to put in an offer on the perfect house, they are met with hostility by the realtor. It seems as though they are not welcomed in this neighborhood, even though they are respectable people with good credit. The realtor...

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Glory hole for my Wife Bridget

Introduction: Not your typical glory hole Glory hole for my Wife Bridget Bridget lay on the sliding bed. She was fully clothed with a long skirt and some white Keds tennis shoes. She loved to wear those white sneakers with knee-high white socks under her long black skirts. My Wife Bridget is simple. She has long brown hair that is thick and wavy and big almond eyes. She is half Italian and half Greek and reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, with a gentle voice and big brown, long eyelashes. The...

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My Real Life Experience With Aunt 8211 Part 1

I decided to write my own story and experience , this story is a long story which contains true family love lust relationship funny incidents and I don’t know form where to start with. I am Sandesh (name changed) 20 years from Bangalore a normal whitish brown guy with exact 6 ft tall and my life was going simply as usual I had a girlfriend but I broke up with her. Coming to my family there are 7 members they are me, sis, dad , mom , uncle , aunty and there child ( my cousin) . Everybody goes to...

1 year ago
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"How many applications do you think we have now," Dr. Horton asked his research assistant, Doris Brewer!?! "About fifty I'd guess," she replied while scanning the list, "and we have a nice cross section of ages, all the way from nineteen up to sixty three!!!" "Good," he said, "what's the breakdown on married and single!?!" "About 70-30," she replied, "with most of them being single!!!" "Hmmm, I wish we had more married women participating in the survey," he opined, "but I guess a lot of...

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Breed Me Big BrotherChapter 3 Little Sister Bred and Loved

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind Principal Carver through the halls of my high school. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did I think having sex with my brother in the middle of my high school’s cafeteria was a good idea? I just wanted...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 5

Bobby was dreaming. He was standing on the pitcher's mound of a baseball diamond. The field was surrounded by a fog bank that obscured everything beyond the foul lines. "Hello, Bud," his dad said from beyond the fog on the 3rd base line. "Hey, Dad," he said automatically, completing the greeting they'd typically exchanged with each other. "I think it's time for you to wake up, Bobby. You're going to be okay. It's safe to wake up now." Bobby strained to see through the fog, but...

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An arrogant lady gets humiliated by the use of an enema 8211 and discovers she enjoys it

Melanie was a really attractive woman. In her early thirties, about five and a half feet tall. She was not slim, but very shapely with a very full ass, beautifully rounded, soft, shown off wonderfully in the tight skirts she loved to wear. Melanie had been part of our group for some time now, and Judy, my wife, and I had both enjoyed some pretty vigorous love-making with her at different times. She was one hot woman. There was just one problem – if you can call it a problem – she...

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Something Personal Ch 02

Nina inspected her reflection, adding a bit more eyeliner to her cheek to perfect the whiskers of her cat costume. She had waited too long to think of what to wear and ultimately fell back on what seemed easiest, all she’d had to buy where the ears and tail. Checking the time, she grabbed her keys and hurried to the pub to meet everyone. Gavin stood out immediately. Wearing an Ironman mask that covered his face, she would have been able to pick him out of the crowd just by looking at his broad...

2 years ago
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Vengeance Is MineChapter 6

With that bit of excitement out of the way, we loaded up my clothes and started back to the house. Von Maur was nice enough to have some of the stock people help us with all the bags since “she” spent so much today. I was driving again so she could pay attention to what was going on around us. I’m glad she was. She told me to not get on the interstate and that she wanted to see if we were being followed. Sure enough, she spotted 3 vehicles running a revolving tail on us. The first was a blue...

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Brenda and Connie Ch 02

As the game ended the girls wended their way to the Harrison Roadhouse. This bar was in walking distance from the football stadium as well as from the girls’ dormitory. Given its locale the bar was very popular to MSU students and particularly after a football game on a Saturday afternoon the place was extremely crowded probably exceeding the fire marshal’s limit. Even though the girls arrived just ten minutes after the game the place was already jumping and they had a fifteen minute wait...

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Husband Away Sharyn And I Play

The rain on our roof after a long hot dry spell was no doubt the most wonderful, exciting, happy noise we could ever have wished for near the end of summer. And the fact that it was cool made snuggling much easier and more pleasant. We lay on the bed just cuddling and talking. I began to read to Kezza a few of the letters I'd received recently and, as always happens when I read sexy letters, I started to get pretty hot and wet.As I read on Kezza slipped a finger into my little love hole and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 454 I Donrsquot Play Favorites

Tanesha will need someone to tell her the truth about what is going on with her brother and cousin, not give her glossed-over bullshit. A girl that lived here came over to sit with me and ask, “Why did you have them take a blind girl up to your suite when you say she is freaked out by whatever happened to her brother and cousin? Isn’t that a bit of a dick move?” “If Tanesha weren’t blind, it would be a dick move. In her case, she will fall back on survival skills for a person who lost their...

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New Friends0

“I'm sorry, Joy, but I don't own a swimming costume.” “What? You have a magnificent swimming pool and you don't even swim in it?” “Of course I swim in it. We all swim naked in our pool, and visitors are expected to respect that rule too.” It was a hot Friday night. Joy and her husband Will, my husband, John, and I were sitting around a table in our pool area, digesting our barbecue. Joy and Will's two kids, Mary (4 years) and Len (3) and our two, Dan (6) and Lulu (4) were already...

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How My Life Changed

Chapter 1My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and Ithought our life was very good. She was an attorney for animportant law firm and rapidly rising towards a partnership. Shemade a lot more money than I did in my job as a fast food worker.That didn't bother me as much as it might have many men. We had anice house and lived well. Mary is 28, 5'6", 120 pounds and had38D breasts. She is a beautiful brunette with brown eyes. I am5'8", 140 pounds and used to taking orders from the...

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Marital Duty

I can still remember the first time I set eyes on Sandra. I was a scruffy young man of twenty. She was a very sexy girl of 22. She came up to me as I was trying to kick start my somewhat temperamental Norton 750 Commando motorcycle. She said something about liking bikes. That was all I needed to hear. A hot looking brunette with big brown eyes in a pair of tight fitting jeans coming up to me and telling me she likes bikes. My life took a turn for the better in a heartbeat. It was as if I won...

Straight Sex
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Used at McDonalds

Up to this point every task she had given me had taken place in the privacy of my own house.I'd met her here on Xhamster a number of months ago. She had told me how she was turned on by submissive, obedient guys. She'd give me tasks and ask me to write to her telling her about them. The tasks had been simple enough. Jack off and eat your cum...tell me how it taste. Tie up your cock and balls and masturbate. Fuck your ass with a toy. Things like that.This time she wanted me to put in my butt...

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The Game

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP “Ughhhhhhh” Ted was fumbling drunkenly with his alarm clock. He got his alarm to stop cursing him out, he sat up and did his daily routine with school when he busted one out into the shower however he stumbled and fell over hitting the back of his head on the shower floor. When he opened his eyes from the fall he probably hit his head a little bit too hard. New skill unlocked: Masturbation SKILL UNLOCKED HAS HAD PREVIOUS USE CALCULATING EXP...

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A First Wild Night Of That Lasts For Ever

My name is esva and I was just married to my wife arshi. I decided to have our first night to happen in our newly build house as I wished for a private time with her as I fall in love with her the moment I saw her. I am a normal shaped guy with 6 inched rod and have a high sex drive while my wife is well shaped woman (34B-27-34).The night she entered the room with wearing a gown as I have requested. I went near her and hugged her. Placed a kiss on her beautiful petal lips. As I was kissing her,...

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