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Tattoo By Margaret Jeanette Susan Reid was getting ready for work. She was in the bathroom putting on her make-up and reached into her make-up drawer for her lipstick. It wasn't in the corner where she always kept it. She looked down and saw it in the center of the drawer. She grabbed it and applied it to her lips. She wondered as she was applying it if Richard, her husband had been in her drawer. She dismissed it as she thought about what chore she would leave for him today. He was a victim of a plant closing and was having a difficult time finding a new job. He was a machinist by trade and there just wasn't any other manufacturing in the town. She was the regional manager of a large wholesale house and in line for the next vice-presidency. Her income was enough to maintain their lifestyle but there wasn't a lot for the savings account. That noon she was having lunch with her sister. Susan said, "I'll tell you something Loretta, I told Richard we should get a maid, but he said we didn't need one, that the place looked fine now all the time. Sure he has done some cleaning, but I thought it would be nice to have someone take care of all of the things a woman should do, because I am tied up in my job late in the day a lot and don't get time to do the things a woman should be doing." Loretta said, "I always thought Richard was a pompous ass! You should just do what you want. Right now Richard isn't contributing anything to the household income and as the breadwinner it should be your call." Susan, not wanting to get into an argument with her sister changed the subject, "How are things going for you at work?" Loretta said, "Well, as head of research, I have been lucky to be part of an exciting new development. We have developed a new lipstick that, when applied three times for at least an hour, is permanent. It don't wipe off, won't kiss off, it is really permanent. We gave it a working name of Tattoo." Susan said, "Speaking of lipstick, you know how I am a sticker for organization, well my lipstick in my make-up drawer seems to be moving. You should develop one that when it is placed somewhere it stays there until you need it the next time." Loretta said, "Maybe Richard has been using it." Susan hadn't thought of that. The idea seemed ridiculous. She said, "I can't imagine Richard wearing lipstick!" Loretta said, "I'll make you a bet. I'll bet he is using your lipstick." Susan said, "How will we tell?" Loretta responded, "I have one of our test tubes of lipstick in my purse. I'll give it to you. You put it in your drawer and if he puts it on not once, not twice, but three times you will have definite proof that he has been wearing your lipstick. Now the bet is if he has been you let me deal with him, you'd be too easy on him. What do you say?" Susan thought for a minute then said, "I don't know. I love Richard and if he is wearing my lipstick it is harmless." Loretta retorted, "I think you are afraid of what you might find out. I'll dare you to give it a try!" Susan knew she never turned down one of Loretta's dares. She responded, "OK, I try it." Loretta pulled the tube out of her purse and handed it to her sister saying, "I'll mark it down as a field test. Let me write down what I have to enter in the journal at work. Oh boy, you got the Fire Engine Red one. That's the brightest one we made of the formula. That color no one will miss!" Susan asked, "What do you have in mind if he is wearing lipstick?" Loretta answered, "Let's let it be a surprise for both of you. Now give me his clothes sizes so I can get the necessary wardrobe for him." Susan gave her all his clothes sizes and said, "Don't get way ahead of yourself. He may have been getting something else out of the drawer." Loretta asked, "Like what? What cosmetics does he use?" Susan replied, "He uses my clear nail polish on his fishing rods which are like babies to him." Loretta said, "Well we'll see." After lunch and back at work Susan debated with herself as to if she really wanted to put the lipstick in the drawer. She finally decided to go ahead and put it there and take things as they went. When she got home she thought she noticed a trace of lipstick on the edge of Richard's lip but dismissed it as her imagination. She went into the bathroom and removed her lipstick from the drawer and replaced it with the one Loretta had given her. At supper Richard said, "I have resumes out to everyplace within 40 miles of here that might be needing someone like me, all three of them. I E-mailed people I know at all three places, and they all replied back that there are no openings in the foreseeable future. Maybe I'll have to go back to school to learn something different." Susan feeling sarcastic said, "Yes why don't you. You could go to school to learn cosmetology. All the hairdresser places are looking for help." Richard responded, "Very funny. I was talking about a man's job. You know carpentry or home building or something like that." Susan said, "You don't have to worry, my salary is enough to carry us. I know something to keep you occupied while I am at work." He asked, "What's that?" She replied, "You could do more cleaning around here and do the laundry and ironing." He asked, "Is this leading up to getting a maid again?" Susan hurt responded, "No it wasn't, forget it!" Richard realized she was mad and silently ate the rest of his supper. Susan knew he was spending more and more time on his computer playing games. She put the dishes in the dishwasher and went into the living room to read the paper. She went to bed still a little irked at Richard. She kissed him good night and went to bed. The next morning she was putting her lipstick on and had reservations about the lipstick Loretta had given her but she decided to leave it in the drawer. She decided to leave Richard a note on the table. She told him to clean the living room. Richard got up and was having his coffee when he saw the note. He thought this is her way to get me to say OK to a maid. After several cups of coffee he had to go to the bathroom. After he was finished he went into her drawer and put on some lipstick. He then went into the living room and picked up items and put them away. When he was finished he looked around the room and it looked good to him. Later he heard Susan pull up and quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped his mouth. He looked at the tissue and saw some red stain on it. He took a deep breath and went into the bathroom. As he was leaving he checked his lips in the mirror. He didn't see any trace of lipstick. He was relieved. He kissed Susan and asked about her day. She replied, "It was a bitch. A couple of the other regional managers just aren't cutting it so all of us got an ass-reaming from the vice- president of sales. Did you clean the living room?" Richard answered, "Sure, of course." She asked, "Did you vacuum the carpet?" Richard replied, "No, the carpet looks good. It doesn?t look dirty." Susan said, "Part of cleaning a room is cleaning the floor, that's basic. Keep that in mind the next time." Susan went into the living room and looked around. It looked good and Richard was probably right about the floor but she decided not to say anything to him about it. When Richard joined her she said, "Oh, by the way, tomorrow morning some painters are coming to paint the spare bedroom and tomorrow afternoon a couple of decorators are coming to redecorate it." Richard said, "I could have painted it, you didn't have to pay someone else to paint it." Susan responded, "Well, they aren't charging much and I figure they can do it faster without a lot of fuss and tomorrow afternoon was all the decorators had open." The next morning Richard got up and while in the bathroom put on some lipstick. He liked the way his lips felt slippery when the lipstick was fresh. This was a new color for Susan and he wondered why she wasn't wearing it. He went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. Then he remembered the painters coming. It was only 7:30 and he had been up for 45 minutes so he figured he had plenty of time to get dressed. A half hour later he was in the bedroom getting dressed when the front doorbell rang. He wiped his mouth with tissue and went to open the front door. It was the painters and he showed them the spare bedroom. They got their stuff and went to work. Richard went on his computer and forgot about them. It seemed like just a short time when one of the painters stuck his head in and said they were finished and the paint would be dry in about a half hour. Richard played a couple of games then went to look at the bedroom. It was painted a pale pink. He wondered why Susan wanted it painted that color then decided she probably was intent on using it for a home-office. About 1:00 P.M. the decorators arrived. Richard showed them the bedroom and left them to do their thing. He busied himself out in the garage arranging some of his tools and reminiscing about his previous employment. He thought about some of the people he worked with and wondered what they were doing now. He checked the air compressor and ran it for five minutes then did some maintenance on it. When done he went into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. He had half of it gone when the decorators came and told him they were done and asked him if he wanted to check it before they left. He told them no that he didn't have any idea what his wife ordered. When Susan arrived home she checked the spare bedroom. She was amazed at the change in the room. She returned to the dining area to eat supper. Richard had made breaded pork chops with milk gravy. It was a meal he had down-pat. Susan said, "Supper is excellent. Did you look at the spare bedroom?" Richard said, "I looked at it after the painters left but I haven't been back there since." Susan considered spilling everything and telling Richard about the lipstick, but decided that she was just being paranoid about accusing him of something that she didn't want to believe. She told him that the next day they would have the figures for the quarter in sales and hoped hers had risen. She didn't know what she would do if they haven't. The next morning as she was applying her lipstick she thought about switching the tube with the one in the drawer then decided against it. She left a note that she might be late coming home from work, as today was the day the preliminary sales figures were to be released. Richard got up a half hour later and was having his first cup of coffee when he saw the note. He knew from past experience that if the figures were good tonight he might get something, if they were bad there would be no living with Susan. After the second cup of coffee he went into the bathroom. After he did his morning necessity he stopped at the mirror and almost from reflex he reached into the drawer and got the lipstick out and applied some to his lips. He smacked his lips and enjoyed the feeling of the smooth suction that the lipstick had created. He went and had another cup of coffee. Six o'clock and no Susan. Seven P.M. and still no Susan. Richard knew it wouldn't be a good night. When she was this late it would mean that the numbers weren't good for her. Ten minutes later he heard her car come into the garage. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his lips. He looked at the tissue and didn't see any residue and thought it was good that the lipstick had worn off. Susan walked in and took one look at her husband and said, "How could you? Why? What's going on here while I am gone all day?" Richard asked, "What are you talking about?" Susan retorted, "Your lipstick. Go into the bathroom and see if you can wash it off!!" Richard went into the bathroom and tried to wash it off. It didn't wash off and only looked shinier. He went back into the living room where Susan was and said, "It won't wash off!" Susan said, "I called Loretta and you better do as she says or it's out you go, red lips and all!" Richard said, "Loretta's a man-hater. Can't we talk this over, just you and I?" Susan said, "Today was probably the worse day I ever had at work. I have too many things to think about to deal with you and your lipstick. You got a choice- the door or do whatever Loretta says! Mix me a drink, I need to try to relax." Richard mixed her a strong drink and gave it to her. He hoped it would calm her before Loretta got there and he could talk her into some sense. Before she took her third sip the doorbell rang. Richard thought the bitch must have raced to get there that fast. Susan told him to answer the door. He opened it and there stood Loretta with her hands full with a garment bag and several other bags. She handed him all the stuff and told him to put it all in the spare bedroom. Richard did what she said and returned to the living room. When he entered Loretta said, "Go into your bedroom and strip, when your done call me and wait in the bathroom for me." Richard did as she said wondering what was going on. When she entered the bathroom Richard covered himself. Loretta said, "We have a lot to do so you better do whatever I say and do it as quick as you can and things will be a lot better for you. Do you understand?" Richard muttered real low, "Yes, I understand." Loretta said, "I can't hear you. Speak up and speak clearly." Richard answered, "Yes, I understand." Loretta told him it was good and started spraying some sort of foam all over his body from the neck down. She told him to stand there until she told him he could take a shower. She looked at her watch and left. She went back to the living room and talked to Susan. They were having such a good conversation that she forgot about Richard for twenty minutes. She called up to him that he could take a shower now. He was glad that he could finally get into the shower because he stung all over. He was amazed when all his body hair washed off. He was in the shower about ten minutes when he heard Loretta tell him to get out. The shower felt so good he hated to get out but got out right away. Loretta got some lotion out of the cabinet and started to rub it all over Richard. He smelled the flowery odor and thought it smells good, but he was a man and not supposed to smell that way. Lastly she rubbed some on his pubic area and he couldn't stop himself from getting hard. She told him to stay just like that and left. When she returned she had a plastic sandwich bag in one hand and a white plastic bag in the other. She laid the white plastic bag on the counter and knelt down in front of him. The next thing he knew was a freezing sensation in his pubic area. His penis had shrunk down to a miniscule projection out of his body. Loretta grabbed something out of the plastic bag and put it on him. She said, "You won't be needing that for awhile. By the way you are going to have to sit down to go to the bathroom from now on. This padlock will make sure it stays on." She told him to follow her and led him into the spare bedroom. She grabbed a pair of panties out of a bag and made him step into them. Richard asked, "What are you going to do with me?" Loretta answered, "You'll see soon enough! You can call an end to this right now. Susan made me promise to stop any time you said and you can leave just like you are then. Do you want to leave in just your panties?" Richard said, "No, I don't." She handed him a girdle to put on and smirked as he pulled the tight garment on. When he got it on she helped him put some black nylons on, hooking them under the panties explaining that it would be easier to go to the bathroom that way. When he said that the girdle was too tight she said, "If you don't like that, I can come back tomorrow night with a corset that will make the girdle feel like heaven to you!" Richard said no it would be all right. Next she got two gel breasts out of a bag and after applying adhesive to them placed them on Richard's chest. She said, "That is a special adhesive and takes a special solvent to remove them. Now we can't have you running around exposing your breasts can we?" She helped him put on the long-line black bra. The cups just supported the bottom of the breasts. After that she slid the petticoat over his head. He noticed it was short and stood straight out from his hips. Then she slipped the maids dress over his head and zipped the back up. It was tight on him and left a lot of cleavage showing. Richard asked, "Can't we talk about this? Isn't there another way we can solve this?" Loretta answered, "You are wearing lipstick that you put on, what do you have on that doesn't go with lipstick? Susan wanted a maid and you didn't. Well. Now she is going to get her wish. You better be the best maid a person can have, do you understand?" Richard replied, "I know everything goes with lipstick but aren't you getting carried away with this?" Loretta retorted, "No, I am not getting carried away with this. It is time for my sister to see what a sissy she married and get her wish for a maid granted all in one swoop. Now, are you going to be a good maid?" Richard replied, "Yes, I guess I don't have a choice?" Loretta said, "You have a choice. You can be a maid or there's the door. You are dressed enough that you won't be arrested from indecent exposure. Do you want to leave or complete the process?" Richard decided to complete the process. Loretta grabbed a shoe box and knelt down to put them on Richard's feet. He looked at the heels and gasped. Loretta looked at him and said, "The five inch heel was the shortest I could get in this style. See this ankle strap, it locks on the foot so you need a key to take them off. I'll have a key, and I'll give Susan a key to this and your chastity belt. Now walk around the room to get used to them." Richard walked unsteadily around the room. Loretta told him to put one foot in front of the other. He did and his walking improved. Loretta said, "I could have gotten six or seven inch heels in that style but got the fives. Aren't you going to thank me?" Richard swallowed what pride he had left and said, "Thank you, Loretta. I appreciate it." Seeing him walk without any problems Loretta took him in the bathroom and applied blush and eye shadow to him showing him how to apply them. She then wiped it off and had him apply it. After the second try she decided it wasn't perfect but it was passable. She then put a blond wig on him over his crew cut. She told him she couldn't wait for his hair to grow out so she could take him to a beauty parlor. Richard shuttered at the thought. Lastly she put false fingernails on him. They were a red that matched his lipstick and extended from his fingers close to a half inch. He looked at them and was amazed at how thin it made his fingers appear. Loretta said, "I think you are done. I think you should thank me for all I have done for you. Don't you agree?" Richard couldn't believe what he was hearing but common sense told him otherwise so he said, "Loretta, I want to thank you for all that you have done to me." Loretta said, "There's one thing I almost forgot about. We can't keep calling you Richard when you look like that. You need a feminine name. What would you like to be called?" Richard responded, "I don't know. I never gave something like that a thought." Loretta said, "Well, I'll pick one. Let's see you look like a French maid so we'll pick a French sounding one. How about Monique?" Richard replied, "I don't know. That doesn't sound right and I don't think I could get used to it." Loretta came back, "Well, how about Barbette? Richard said, "I guess that would be OK?" Loretta said, "Remember you picked it and you could have stopped all of this at any point. Do you remember?" Richard answered, "Yes, I remember." Loretta then said, "Now are you going to be the best maid Susan could ever ask for. I want you to give me your word that you will be the beast maid you can be?" Richard gave his word and Loretta knew Richard valued his word to the greatest extent. She told him to wait until she called him then come down to the living room so his wife could see him. Loretta went down to the living room and said, "Well, it wasn't easy, but I have a present for you! I want you to be open-minded about this and play along. OK!" Susan said, "What did you do to him?" Loretta said, "You'll see. Give it a couple of days to sink in for my sake if nothing else. OK?" Susan replied in the affirmative and Loretta called for him to come down. When he stepped into the living room Loretta saw Susan's jaw drop. Susan said, "Who is this?" Loretta said, "This is Barbette your new maid." Susan said, "Well. Isn't that convenient, Richard leaves and my new maid arrives. I think I am going to like this. Barbette, get me a drink!" Richard started to turn to get the drink but Loretta stopped him and told him to curtsy to Susan. He turned back towards Susan and gave a small curtsy. Loretta made him repeat it until he was giving an excellent curtsy. She then told him he was to curtsy anytime someone gave him an order. He got Susan her drink and to be on the safe side gave a curtsy. Susan was starting to enjoy her power. She ordered Barbette to make her a grilled cheese sandwich. Barbette curtsied and went to make the sandwich. Shortly later she returned with the sandwich. Susan finished the sandwich quickly realizing that she had had very little to eat that day. She handed him the plate back and told him to clean up the mess. A minute later he was back in the living room. Susan said, "Did you clean up the mess like I told you?" Barbette answered, "Yes, I put the frying pan, knife and plate in the dishwasher." Susan said, "I told you to clean up the mess, not put it in the dishwasher. From now on you will hand wash all the dishes and put on an apron, we don't want you to get spots all over your pretty uniform do we?" Barbette replied, "OK, I'll go wash the dishes." He gave a curtsy and left. While he was gone Loretta gave Susan the two keys explaining what they were for. She also gave Susan a couple of ideas of things to get her new maid trained right. Susan felt a lot better than when she arrived home. She was enjoying her new sense of power. Loretta made some small talk for awhile then left. Barbette finished the dishes, took off his apron and returned to the living room. He asked Susan if there was anything else and Susan said it was time to go to bed. Up in the bedroom Susan had him help her undress, then lay out her clothes for tomorrow. She then told him to go wash off his make-up. He went into the bathroom and washed the eye shadow and blush off and tried again to wash the lipstick off to no avail. He returned to the bedroom and Susan told him to get his keys. He got them and she took them from him. She said, "You won't be needing these until you have to go grocery shopping. I am going to lock your male clothes in the closet so you won't be tempted to get them. She finished putting them all in the closet and locked the door. Then she said, "A maid doesn?t sleep with the mistress so let's walk down to your new bedroom." They walked to the bedroom and when they got there Susan said, "What a beautiful room. Look at the bedspread with the lace edging. What a pretty pink. Look at the beautiful pink curtains and the lace matches the bedspread. Will you look at that picture, I never saw a lace trimmed frame before, and that picture of at least fifty tubes of lipstick in different colors. I guess that is a good reminder of what got you into this situation in the first place. Let's look in the closet. Will you look at that, there's two nightgowns for you to wear. Look at that black maids dress, wear that tomorrow, save the pink one you have on for special occasions. We'll have to take you to get at least two more black ones or maybe a soft blue one and black one, so you have them to wear when one is in the wash. Speaking of wash, tomorrow do the wash, and I want everything ironed and put away. Also vacuum all the carpeting in the house and scrub the kitchen floor. That should be enough to keep you busy until I get home. If you have any problems call me at work, understand?" Richard answered, "Yes, I understand." Susan said, "You can serve me breakfast in bed at seven. Toast and juice will be fine. Make sure you have your make-up on and are ready to get to work before you bring it. I expect you to be presentable any time you are in my presence. Any questions?" Richard said, "Just one, how long do I have to be a maid before we can change back to how things were before?" Susan said, "Your lipstick is supposed to be permanent, that's why they call it tattoo. I guess you will be a maid until it wears off and you get everything else off, including your chastity belt. Oh yes, Loretta told about that. Don't expect me to unlock it soon. A maid doesn?t need any relief down there. Now get ready for bed and sleep tight." She left and Richard took the dress, petticoat and bra off. Then he realized that the shoes were locked on his feet. He went to his wife's bedroom and asked her to unlock them. She told him to keep them on, so his feet would get used to the angle of the sole and it would save him time in the morning. He returned to his room and put a nightgown on. He realized Susan didn't have any that were as lacy as this one. He got in bed and was soon asleep. He surprised himself waking up at 6:00 A.M. He laid there and thought he had had a bad dream, then realized Susan wasn't laying beside him. He sat up and immediately felt the high heels when they hit the floor. The sleepiness left and he got up and went to the kitchen and started coffee. He then went to the bathroom. He saw himself in the mirror and realized this was real. He sat down and did his thing then got up and decided to do his make-up while the coffee was brewing. That finished he went and had a cup of coffee, he left his cup on the table and went up to his room and got dressed. Last night he hadn't noticed how his skirt stuck out but today he noticed it. He had to go to the bathroom again and went in to take care of it. When he was finished he noticed in the mirror some of his wig was askew. He took a brush and brushed it out finally satisfied that it looked OK. He returned to the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee and noticed he had 10 minutes to get breakfast to Susan. He started to get everything ready. Susan woke up realizing Richard wasn't in bed next to her. Then she remembered last night and smiled to herself. She quickly dismissed an idea of letting Richard out of his predicament. Just then he entered with her breakfast on a tray. She thanked him and as she sat up to eat, he saw her breasts and wanted to get hard but that damn device wouldn't let him. It hurt. He went back downstairs and had another cup of coffee. He was finishing it when Susan came down all ready to go to work. She reminded him of all he had to do that day and left. He got up and went to start the wash. Then he came back up and started cleaning all the carpeting. It went smooth and he felt pretty good about it. He finished and went back down and switched the load from the washer to the dryer and put the next load in. He decided to get the kitchen floor done and looked for the mop. He couldn't find it and decided to call Susan. He explained he couldn't find the mop and Susan said, "I said scrub the floor. That means you do it on your hands and knees with a rag. Another thing, it isn't right for a maid to call her mistress by her first name, so from now on call me mistress or ma'am, understand?" Richard answered in the affirmative hung up and got the pail and rag and started. He was amazed at how the bra straps cut into his body and how uncomfortable the girdle was. He finally finished the floor and thought it looked great because it was really shining. He went down and switched the load to the dryer and put the last load in. Then he went upstairs to have another cup of coffee. It finished the pot and when he finished the cup he decided to wash the few dishes. As he was washing them he really started to notice the soreness in his legs. He knew it was from the heels and not being used to them. He finished the dishes and sat down and massaged his legs. They felt a little better but not much. He went down and got the wash, brought it up and got the ironing board and iron out and started. He thought about the fact that Susan never seemed to iron everything but continued to iron everything. His legs were killing him standing there. He had about four pieces left when he noticed the time. It was time to start supper, he decided to start supper, then finish the ironing. He started the supper and finished the ironing. When he took Susan's clothes up he laid them on the bed. He thought she will have to put them away because the closet is locked. He put the items that went in her dresser away and returned to the kitchen. He glanced at the clock and saw that Susan should be home in about five minutes. Sure enough five minutes later Susan walked in carrying some packages that she told him were for him. She said, "There are some more bras and panties for you. I knew you would need more so I got you some over the noon hour. Also there are a couple of dresses for you. Go put them away and when you come back, I want to talk to you." Richard went and put the stuff away. He looked at the dresses and saw one was rather plain, but to other was an evening dress. He wondered what Susan had in mind. He returned to the living room and asked Susan if she was ready for supper. She told him she was ready whenever it was ready. He went out to the kitchen and put everything on the table and called her. They sat down and started to eat. Susan said, "There are some things you are going to have to get used to. First, ordinarily a maid don't eat with her mistress, she eats later and what her mistress tells her to eat. From now on you can concentrate on eating salads to get your figure in shape. Then your clothes will feel more comfortable. I've decided to give you one day a week off from being my maid. That day will be Tuesdays. You can wear your dress that day and do whatever you want. Every day I want you to clean the house and tomorrow you can clean all the windows, inside and out. What you do the rest of the time I don't care. Do you have any questions?" Richard asked, "You didn't say how your numbers came up yesterday. Is everything OK? You always let me know how your day went and I kind of miss that. I may be your maid but I feel I'm still your husband and I care for you no matter how you feel about me." Susan almost got tears in her eyes upon hearing that but regained her composure in time to say, "I love you also, but you have to be punished for what you did. Yesterday the preliminary figures show a 5% drop in sales in my region. Every region dropped. Today I went over some of the figures checking them against mine and found two mistakes with two of my medium customers. It should be enough to bring it up to a 4% loss for the quarter. Tomorrow I am going to finish going over the figures and see where we are at. I know yesterday I was upset when I got home and it didn't help seeing you in lipstick. Make me a drink and bring it into the living room before you start the dishes." Richard made her a drink and took it to her and turned to go into the kitchen. Susan stopped him and reminded him that he didn't curtsy. He curtsied and went into the kitchen to do the dishes. As he was doing the dishes he started to think of any possibilities of getting out of his situation. He remembered that lipstick was liker a petroleum derivative and that started him thinking. He had just about every solvent he ever used in his job in the garage. Maybe one of them would work to remove the lipstick. He also remembered when some solvents got on his skin that they burnt and were painful. He decided that tomorrow, if he had time, he would try some of them and see what happens. Buoyed by this decision he happily finished dishes then went in and asked Susan if she needed anything. She told him that she would be OK and he was done for the night. He was tired so he went to up to bed. He couldn't help but think about all that he had done that day. He felt proud of all that he accomplished. He went back down and asked Susan if she would unlock his shoes and she agreed and unlocked them. She told him to take a shower and to use the lotion that Loretta had used on him. When he got done he smelled like a flower bouquet but didn't mind. The lotion felt good. The next morning he was up before six. He went into the bathroom and did his now usual things plus he rubbed a little of the flowery lotion on himself. He went to the kitchen and started his coffee. While it was brewing he looked for the window washing liquid and found it under the sink. He had a feeling today was going to be good. Susan hadn't said anything about breakfast but at 6:50 he started her breakfast. At seven he took it into her bedroom. She was awake and said, "What a wonderful surprise. Thank you." As he put it close where she could reach it she added, "And you smell so nice. Very good, I'm proud of you!" Richard blushed and said, "I think today is going to be a very good day." He curtsied and left the room. In the kitchen he had his second cup of coffee. He felt like his old self again even in these dreaded clothes. He got his third cup of coffee and was enjoying it when Susan came through ready for work. She reminded him about the windows and was out the door. He finished his cup of coffee and started the windows on the inside. They went like a breeze and by 9:15 he was doing the outside windows. He was done by 10:30 and the rest of the day was his. He went into the garage and got three of the containers of different solvents and took them to the bathroom. Using a cotton tip applicator he tried the first one but it tasted terrible yet he rubbed like mad but it didn't touch the color. He tried the second one with the same result. He looked at the third container. It was a solvent that had come with that new German machine that took him two months to get so the operator could run. He remembered with pride that after that it had become his machine so to speak. He did all the fixing on it and helped the operator run it better. He opened it thinking this was a lost cause but he might as well try it. He rubbed with the applicator for a minute then looked in the mirror. It looked like some of the color was gone. He hoped it wasn't his imagination and tried some more. A minute later he looked and sure enough the color was coming off. He could see it on the tip of the applicator. He worked furiously for close to an hour. Then when he looked the color was gone. He tried it on his fingernails and sure enough they came off with ease. Richard said out loud, "I always thought that German stuff was junk but you boys really know your solvents. This stuff is worth its weight in gold, this is a miracle solvent. Now I wish I would have tried it on that machine." He went out into the garage and got his lock pick set out of his tool box. He remembered with joy how he opened doors for a couple of secretaries who conveniently forgot their keys regularly. How he had to pick the locks on their computers so they could work. Some times he thought they left their keys at home on purpose just to visit with him. He went to his bedroom and quickly picked the lock on his shoes. The locks were so simple they shouldn't be called locks he thought. He removed his dress and petticoat. It took some doing but he finally got the bra off. He stripped the girdle off and the panties and then the nylons. He laid everything neatly on the bed. Standing there wearing only the chastity belt he took a deep breath. It felt good to be free of those clothes. He then turned his attention to the lock on the belt. For some odd reason it wouldn't unlock. After five minutes he gave up and headed for the garage, leaving the lock picks on the table. In the garage he got out his little air die grinder, held the padlock and in twenty seconds had cut through the lock. He twisted it off and threw it in the garbage. He thought to himself: Loretta will have to get another one if she wants to use it on someone else. Naked he headed back into the house, grabbed the picks and headed for the main bedroom. He knelt and quickly picks the lock on the closet door. He went in and quickly was dressed in his own clothes. He looked at the clock and saw it was only three P.M. He went into the living room and turned on the television. He started to watch a track and field event on ESPN. He watched it until 4:30 when he went to see if there was something special he could make for supper. He really couldn't find anything real special so he made up some shish kabobs for on the grill. They would only take a little while after Susan got home. He finished the coffee while he waited for her to get home. He heard the car pull into the garage and glanced at the clock. She was fifteen minutes early, he hoped that wasn't a bad sign. She entered the house, took one look at him and said, "Well my loving husband has returned. I'm glad." Then she came over and gave him a big kiss. He recovered and said, "I've got some kabobs I'll throw on the grill and they'll be ready in a jiffy." Susan said, "Leave them for tomorrow night. Tonight we are going out to eat, my treat." Richard agreed and soon they were seated in their favorite supper club. Richard asked her how her day went. Susan said, "It couldn't have gone any better. When they put the preliminary figures together they forgot to add two of my biggest accounts. With those accounts it took my region to a plus five per cent for the quarter plus they didn't add the figures when I sold all the two year and older inventory which took it to six per cent. It has been my best day at work since I started there. Mr. Maxwell, the company president, called me and congratulated me on the fine job. Enough about me, I can see you had a big day I want you to tell me about it." Richard recounted his day and laughed when he told Susan how the German solvent worked on everything. How it removed the breast forms like a knife through hot butter. He felt really good talking to Susan about all that had taken place that day. Susan said, "I don't know how to say this so here goes. Do you suppose from time to time you could return to being Barbette, I noticed the other night I felt better after she first appeared. I don't know why but I felt better with just women around. I know that it doesn't sound right but when I am having a bad day it may give me something to look forward to." Richard replied, "I understand. I guess if it means that much to you I could try. Why not make it a Tuesday?" Susan asked, "Why Tuesday?" Richard said with a laugh, "Tuesday's my day off. I'll get to wear that evening dress you got for me." They both laughed and Susan said, "When we get home I have to call Loretta to come over. I just have to see her face when she sees you!" They both laughed and knew their love would go on for a long, long time.

Same as Tattoo Videos

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a little bedtime story

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Draconian Law Part 1

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February 1391, Guildford Isabel was sitting in front of the fire of the great hall, sewing and listening to the musician play a tune from the West Country on his lute. There was a hustle outside the hall and the servant girl Ida came dashing into the hall. ‘Sir Giles is here damoiselle,’ said Ida. Isabel smiled from ear to ear and set her sewing aside, yet she didn’t rise. She watched as he strode confidently into the hall, his eyes scanning everything before finally they rested on Isabel....

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Teenage Shenanigans

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How I First Became A Piss Freak

Maybe this is not as much a story, as it is an introduction. See, I've been into piss play for as long as I can remember. It all began as a result of my first, being, a bed-wetter, and then having experienced piss play as in integral part of my very first initial sexual experiences, coupled too, with my first experiencing sex with a man, and then with a man and a woman together for my first two initial encounters. In other words, plain old, straight ,missionary position, suckie-fuckie-sex, just...

3 years ago
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Jake Gets Bolder

Jake has been getting bolder since he caught me masturbating at my desk. Nothing prepared me for the day that he delivered my new copy machine to my office. Jake and two other young men came bounding into my office like a freight train. Jake knows my chat friend and I have a standing date. We call it NPW. For those on the outside that stands for no panties Wednesday. I go without panties and he tells me very erotic tales while I slide my skirt up and pleasures myself. Jake obviously blabbed...

2 years ago
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Our first rendezvous ndash part 2 reupload

This story is the following of this one : After our first play in the shop, it is time to close the shop. I help you with your coat, you dim the lights and we go outside. As you close the door I stand behind you in the portico and discretely I check if your rosebud is still good in place. When I slide my hand under your skirt, you push your bum a bit towards me. This gives me the opportunity to even slide one finger...

3 years ago
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Look at Me Now

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a loud mouth macho figure. Far from it. Normally... I'm nice, gentle and all that. But this had got my wick... The first major flight diversion in ages, AND I HAVE TO BE ON IT. Instead of the north of England I was in Ireland... and stuck for the day. Everything I had planned was down the tube. I just walked off snarling and snapping at my stupidity... at trusting to luck. And just like that... just like that, without thinking, I did something brutish like...

2 years ago
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Bhanji Se Sachi Muahbbat

Helo friends, Payar hota nahi buss yoh he ho jata hai or phrr payar hamesha he zindagi k sath sath rahta hai jo kabhi b bolta nahi or na he sath chorta hai magr jis se hota hai woh shayd ap k sath nahi hotaaa …….. I am new here. Yeh web kamal hai un k liye jo kuch personal sex realation ko sekhna chahte hain. Main b kafi arsay se is ko read kar raha ho tha is amazing. Socha apni b a real love story post karo jo haqeqat k sewa kuch b nahi.. Mera name shehriyaar hai or main sialkot main rahta...

4 years ago
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Video booth lll

Tome waited as I dressed. When I was ready he left, I followed a couple minutes later. My dick wasn't as sensitive this time. After my shower I climbed into bed. When I heard my father go down the hall, I took everything off and replayed the last two days in my head. My hands didn't feel as good as Tom's but I came after several minutes of stroking and rubbing myself. Wiping myself off, I nodded off for the night.I could barely wait for my father to leave. Five minutes after he pulled out of...

3 years ago
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About three hours later, we’d gone through our new routines, polishing them all up a bit—also going over every routine we’d won a trophy using. Some of those were quite fun, since we hadn’t performed them in such a long while. “LUNCH!” The three of us all came in to see a layout of food that was amazing; we had lasagna or meatloaf to choose from. Also, there were Pan-fried home-made French fries, which is a specialty of the ladies, and the usual Salad Bar, but it had more things to choose...

2 years ago
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Wife Pays for Husbands InfidelityChapter 11

Cindy’s half-brother had her on his bed nude. Kirby was standing over her naked. She tried to roll over and crawl away from him, but he grabbed her short curly blonde hair and dragged her back and climbed on top of her. She struggled, but he was too strong and forced her legs apart. He held her down with the weight of his body. “Kirby! I’m your sister! Don’t do this to me,” Cindy begged. “You been giving your hot little twat away, you can let me have some,” her brother said, as he lined his...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me, from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We thought that you used the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Your Friends mom

You have loved your friend's mom for a while now. And now is your chance to do something about it. He has gone out for the day. You know shes alone. As you approach her door one thought comes to mind. Don't get a boner yet!

3 years ago
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Becca and Jayson

Jayson woke up on Thursday and realized that he had sixteen missed calls. They were all from his mom. He texted her and said that he had just woken up and she didn't reply. He laid there in the bed for another before the phone finally vibrated. " WHY CANT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE????" said the text. It was his mom. He simply replied with, " I was asleep sry". Another twenty minute rolled by and then the phone finally vibrated again. " Me and your father decided to spend the weekend in Aspen!!!!...

3 years ago
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A longing lust of mine for Tom 2

It was around 9:30 that friday and my parents were at the casino and i got board after talking to Heather, so i called Thomas. His dad was gone on buisness. and his mom was out playing bingo. We just talked for a while making plans for the next day. At around 10:30 we both hung up. Of course now that i had done "it" before, my sex craze was taking me over board.I was getting so horney that i thought about masturbating but figured that since i had already had sex,it would do...

2 years ago
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Divorced woman

Divorced womanBy Dina PetroMy Name is Sara, I am a single parent of a teenage son, 18, I was divorced when my son was very young, I had a good job, I was ranking up till I became a top rank at my job, making a very nice salary, living in a comfortable personally owned house, I was in my late thirties, a super good looking woman, I have always taken good care of my body and body looks, wearing hot & sexy clothes.I had nice pair of tits, a little bigger than mid-size, nice round ass, sexy...

1 year ago
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Open letter from your once conservative squeeze

Open letter from your once conservative squeeze... Hey! Several years have past since the first time you brought up your little fantasy during one of our intense sessions where you would fuck me with all our toys before fucking me. You know the one you brought up during every session we've had since??? ; ) Since the very first time you brought it up I've been putting all the pros and cons into perspective to figure out if I (we) should move forward with it. Having said that, although the cons...

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