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At 41 Brian Somers was considered by everyone who knew him to be a Teddy Bear. He stood well over six feet, athletic almost to a fault, and appeared as though he could wrestle a Grizzly Bear, taking it two out of three falls. In addition to that, Brian was ruggedly handsome looking and was considered "quite the catch" by many of the women who worked at his office.

Which was one of the reasons everyone had been so surprised when Brian and his wife of over 15 years were suddenly divorcing. Brian had come home from work to find a note waiting for him on the coffee table. His wife had fallen in love with her boss. Just like that, it was over. They had not had any children. Gayle had been incapable of having any, which was just as well under the circumstances. Even so, the divorce had been hard on Brian. He became a bit of a recluse away from work, refusing to go out and socialize though his best friend Larry, who'd also been his best man at his wedding, tried every trick in the book to get him to start dating again.

The day a sweet spirited young woman half his size, if that, came to work at his office all that changed. Christy was five years younger than Brian, not exactly petite by any means she stood barely over five feet with long blonde hair that hung well down to the middle of her back. Larry, also single, began hitting on her immediately. But was quickly, though courteously, informed that she was not interested in him, nor interested in any office romance for that matter.

As was usually the case, Larry and Brian had taken in one of their favorite spots for lunch, which was close to the office. The place was packed as it usually was during the lunch hour, but they were fortunate enough to secure one of the few tables available. They had just begun to eat when Christy and another woman that worked at their office walked into the dining area with their lunch looking for a place to sit. Spotting them, Larry stood up and waved them over. Christy was hesitant at first, but Dianne, the other woman who was with her, knew Brian and Larry very well through their long association together at work. Immediately she smiled, nodded her head and then made her way over to the table with Christy in tow.

"Busy today,." Dianne said sitting her tray down at the table. "Brian? Larry? Have either of you met Christy? She just started working with us a week ago."

Brian had not met her yet of course, though he had already gotten an earful regarding her from Larry. Brian stood and offered her his hand, which she accepted and shook a little shyly when she did.

"Yes, we've met," Larry said simply, smiling at her but refusing to stand up.

"Figured you had," Dianne said flippantly at him.

That had been the way they had met, and though it had taken a considerable amount of time, a couple of office party's and get together's, to everyone's surprise, Brian and Christy had begun dating. Nearly a year later they were still together and the office gossip had it that they would eventually one day get married.

Brian was the regional manger for the company's product distribution, and from time to time had to travel and meet with the supply centers that handled his company's product line. On this trip, Larry would be going with him as he worked in sales, and was also going to be presenting and introducing some new products. Their trip would keep them holed up in the hotel over the weekend. But with Larry along as company, Brian was actually looking forward to the time he would be spending with him. Although, Larry was prone to drag him to one bar after another in his constant pursuit of "pussy-happiness" as he called it, so Brian was not really looking forward to that.

Brian enjoyed a leisurely dinner with Larry in the hotel restaurant, then true to his word, tagged along with him to a nearby "titty" bar as Larry referred to them. Several beers later, along with a fist full of one dollar bills that he and Larry had stuffed into several of the women's g-strings, they moved away from the dance floor and took seats in a booth.

"Not as close to the dancers," Larry said none too happy about moving back.

"True ... but not as expensive either!" Brian stated.

Larry had struck up an'eye-contact' relationship with one of the dancers earlier, aided by a considerable amount of cash. As the same dancer came out on stage once again, she immediately looked along the front row for him and seemed disappointed when she found he was no longer sitting there. Spotting him finally where he and Brian sat back in the darker recess of the bar, she waved at him and actually blew him a long distance kiss.

"Doesn't she have great tits?" Larry asked Brian, watching as the tall dark haired woman on stage went through her paces, arousing and teasing the clientele who'd immediately moved in taking their vacated places.

Though Brian had been looking towards the stage he had not really been looking at her. He had spotted a blonde haired beauty that reminded him a lot of Christy. She had obviously just arrived for her shift and was preparing to perform on stage next.

"Of course ... probably not as good looking as Christy's must be," Larry said off handedly.

"I wouldn't know," Brian responded without thinking.


Realizing what he had just told Larry in three simple words, Brian waited for the litany of questions he knew was sure to come.

"You mean to tell me that in all these month's you've been seeing each other that the two of you haven't done anything?"

Brian shook his head "No", draining the last of his draft, immediately signaling to one of the dancer/waitresses to bring them over another.

"You've gotta be shitting me!" Larry exclaimed honestly surprised by Brian's revelation. "Come on buddy ... tell me, what gives?"

The truth was Brian had been dying to talk to somebody, even Larry, though he expected more recrimination than understanding if and when he did. "We've never done it," he began simply. "We've kissed a lot, and sometimes it can get pretty passionate. But it's never gone beyond that."

"How come?" Larry asked with a real hint of concern in his voice.

"Wish I knew. Just when things start to get pretty heavy, either she breaks it off ... or I do."

"What? Why?" Larry pressed.

"Well ... we talked about it early on in our relationship. Christy didn't want whatever was happening between us, if it was meant to happen to be based merely on sex. We agreed that we'd give ourselves a year, and then see."

"You're a fool!" Larry told him. "Nobody in their right mind would ever agree to do something like that, especially with someone as attractive as Christy is." Larry sat back contemplating what Brian had just told him. "Maybe she's frigid," he said as though suddenly everything made perfect sense. "The last thing you want is to get into another relationship with a woman who's flaky..."

Brian shot his friend a warning look.

"Brian, listen to me. I actually like Christy. I think she's probably the best thing that's happened to you in a long time ... but you've got to get laid my friend ... it's just not natural!" Once again he sat back, as realization dawned on him. "You're telling me you haven't been with a woman in all this time, aren't you?" he said.

Once again Brian nodded his head saying "Yes, I haven't."

"Shit dude! We've got to do something about that!"

Brian rolled his eyes, he should have known better than to try to confide in Larry, even if he was his best friend. "You don't understand Larry, I think I may be falling in love with her, and I'm not about to try to force myself on her until she's ready."

"So ... don't. But meantime, there's nothing that say's you can't find a little pleasure elsewhere!" he said grinning.

The dancer with whom Larry had been flirting with all night finally finished her set, redressed, and headed over towards them. "I just got a great idea!" Larry said watching her approach. "We're gonna get laid tonight my friend!" But before Brian could say anything to him about it, the dark haired woman reached their table and slid in beside them.

Although the brunette had put most of her costume back on, she was more out of it than in it as she sat down next to Larry. "I missed you." she said dropping her hand down into his lap. "Oh ... and I see you must have missed me a little bit too!" she winked.

Larry laughed huskily. "It missed you a lot more than you think." he responded back, emphasizing the word so there was no mistaking his meaning. And then the brunette laughed lustily.

She introduced herself as Marlene, brushing herself coquettishly against Larry's arm ensuring he was well aware of her oversized breasts pressing against him. "Do you guys feel like having a party later?" she asked. "I get off at midnight..."

Larry was grinning from ear to ear. "Sorta like Cinderella huh?" he asked, but the brunette must have missed it.


"Yeah ... you know, the fairy tale? Midnight? Cinderella met her handsome prince and she got off around midnight?"

"Oh yeah... !" Marlene said laughing, finally getting it.

"That's the story where she turns into a pumpkin at midnight ... and her prince gets the nickname of Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater ... right?" Marlene added

"Ah yeah ... right." Larry said shaking his head in wonder."

"Anyway ... so do you want to?" she asked him once again, and in her next breath, " ... you two aren't cops or anything are you?" she asked.

Brian realized suddenly where this was going, and what she was asking. "Larry ... I don't think..."

"Nope ... not cops, and we'd love to party." he said cutting Brian off.

"Oh ... we?" Marlene said turning to face Brian. "That will be double you know..."

"Listen, if you really want to party, do you have a friend you could bring along with you?" he asked.

Marlene smiled, glanced up and indicated the girl on stage. "How about Serenity?" she asked.

"Serenity?" Larry questioned.

"Yeah ... that's her name, the one who's dancing now."


Larry ignored Brian completely however and made arrangements for Marlene and Serenity to come to their hotel room as soon as they were off. "It's just around the corner from here," he told her, giving her the room number in the process.

"I know the place," Marlene said grinning. "I like it there. Ooops, better run, I'm on again in a few minutes, and I still need to change!"

After Marlene had excused herself, Brian rounded on his friend. "Larry ... I can't do this, what if Christy were to find out? And besides, I've never paid for it in my entire life!"

"So who's gonna tell her?" Larry said answering the first question. "And ... you have been, only you don't realize it." He stated answering the second.

Brian continued watching Serenity on stage. It was almost uncanny the way she looked and reminded him of Christy. He wondered, "Maybe it will be like making love to her." he mused silently. "O.K. Larry ... but so help me, if you ever breathe a word of this to anyone!" Brian balled his fist threateningly. It was not a fist to be taken any too lightly either.

"Don't worry Brian. My lips are sealed."

"They better be ... or they will be ... permanently!"

They left the bar shortly afterwards, making their way back to the hotel where Brian found a message waiting for him at the front desk. Larry picked up a few messages himself, then turned waiting to see what Brian's was all about.

"Christy. She called to remind me this is her Sorority weekend." He did not bother telling Larry anything else. She'd simply said, "Miss you..." They had never told the other they loved each other, or anything like that. In some ways it was as if they had a platonic relationship, aside from a little kissing once in a while.

"Christy still attends those silly Sorority things? I thought once you finished college, you're supposed to leave all that shit behind," Larry commented.

They reached the elevators and Brian pressed the button for their floor. "Apparently not, Christy said something to me about it once. She said that she would always be in this Sorority no matter how long it is, and something about always being apart of her sisters or some such."

"Sounds weird to me. I was a boy scout too, but I don't attend the meetings," Larry said half seriously.

"Well anyway, she seems to enjoy it ... and if it keeps her happy..."

Larry interrupted him, "But what about you Brian? What does she do for you to make you happy? Does she love you? How does she show you if she does? Do you the two of you enjoy sex? No ... of course not!"

"Ok, ok ... enough!" Brian said getting a little irritated with him. "You made your point."

"Did I?" Larry said hopefully. "Listen man, you're my best friend, and I truly do want the best for you ... and if Christy's it, then so be it. But from the way I see it, nothing's changed in nearly a years time. And by what you told me tonight, I don't see a hell of a lot changing any time soon. But ... I think this bullshit of you going without is stupid my friend. If Christy wants to wait ... so be it, but why should you have to?"

Brian had had a little more to drink that he would have preferred. His head was all muddled, the things Larry had been saying to him and asking him where the same questions he had been wondering about, and asking himself for a long time now. And worse, it had been a very long time since he had slept with a woman. After seeing all that sweet flesh at the club, Brian was aroused and had been most of the night. He was after all only human.

A short while later, Marlene and Serenity arrived at their hotel room.

Brian saw Larry discuss "financials" with Marlene and Serenity briefly for a moment. He always kept a substantial amount of cash on him, which drove Brian nuts as he was always flaunting it. He wondered why Larry had not gotten rolled, or worse because of it as he typically enjoyed flashing his "wad" whenever they went out. Brian was still a little uncomfortable with paying for a "hooker", as he looked at it, but as Larry was actually treating him to this particular little party he was throwing, he managed to shove his quirky moral attitude away in the closet, locking the door.

Once the terms had been satisfied, Marlene and Serenity got immediately down to business, which meant they immediately took their clothes off. Brian and Larry had been good friends and buddies for years, but in all that time they had never seen each other naked, or been in a situation quite like this one before. Again, Brian felt a little awkward when he realized the situation would more than likely cause the two of them to do exactly that. Marlene and Serenity obviously did not share or have that same problem, crawling quickly onto the bed together once they were naked; they began putting on a sexy little show for them both. Brian guessed correctly that Larry had sprung for something a little special in the way of some good old fashioned girl-girl action to get the ball rolling.

Brian was still amazed at just how much Serenity reminded him of Christy. In a way, it was like watching her with another woman, a thought he had secretly entertained on occasion, among others while he had masturbated while thinking about her. But seeing her naked, wondering how closely in appearance that Christy might look to the way the blonde did soon made him aroused with excitement and anticipation of doing just that.

They were very close to the same size and shape in all areas. Serenity's breasts though not extremely large, certainly not as large as Marlene's were, were nevertheless every bit as full and alluring. Her nipples were almost a rosy-pink, smaller areola's than Marlene's much darker and wider "hubcaps" as the boys often referred to them, but so tasty looking that he wanted to devour them with his mouth.

"Is this fucking unbelievable or what?" Larry said as he stood off to one side watching the two women going down on each other on the bed.

Brian had to admit ... it was. They were both attractive women anyway, but seeing them together like this was stirring feelings and emotions in him he had not felt in a long time, a very long time.

Brian turned towards Larry to say something else to him, and forgot all about what he was going to say. The sight of seeing his friend standing off to one side playing with him self took him by surprise. Larry had always joked and boasted about having a "big dick" but Brian, along with most everyone else considered it "prideful" boasting more than anything else. Now however, the truth was in the putting, or in this case, the "pulling" as Brian continued watching Larry stroking his enormous sized cock. Brian was certainly no slouch in that department either; certainly never having any complaints by anyone he had ever been with. But compared to Larry, he had a slight twinge of envy and even a little embarrassment as he stood there watching his friend on the one hand, and the two girls on the other.

Eventually even Marlene noticed what Larry was doing, and became immediately interested in moving things along. "Oh my ... look at the size of that one!" she said openly. "Come here lover ... let me see that!" she said seductively.

Serenity was eyeing Brian with a similar curiosity, though hers was one in which she had not as yet seen his equipment, and wanted to. Brian was glad he was becoming aroused, but he also knew he was not as yet erect in the same way his friend was, and felt slightly uncomfortable at the moment. Serenity seemed to understand his hesitation however, sliding out of the bed moving away from Marlene as she sat on the edge of the bed admiring Larry's prick with her hands.

Brian was glad she had come to him. He stood behind and for the moment, out of sight of any comparisons from Larry. Serenity deftly unbuckled his belt, slipping the clasp free of the hook on his trousers, and unzipped him in the twinkling of an eye. She did not even bother looking at him initially, simply placing her mouth over the head of his prick and sweetly drawing Brian's hardening cock inside her mouth.

Brian continued to stand at the foot of the bed, while Serenity sat on it, sucking his penis to a wonderful firm hardness. He watched as Marlene helped Larry to finish undressing where he then moved up and between her legs and introduced himself a little more intimately. In seconds, Larry was thrusting in and out of Marlene's cunt with abandon, while she in turn wrapped both legs around his ass and hung on for dear life.

Serenity finally stood and began helping Brian to undress. When she had done so, they moved the few feet necessary to reach the twin bed and quickly fell into it together. Unlike Larry however, Brian was not all that eager to hurry things along. Already in his mind, he was seeing Christy, acting out the fantasy of being with her, and wanting to do the things to her ... to Serenity/Christy that he had only secretly fantasized about doing.

Even Serenity seemed a little surprised when Brian slithered down between her outstretched legs. She was expecting him to board her like a train. Instead, she was shocked when he did not. He began to tease her pussy with the tip of his tongue so lightly that for a moment she wasn't sure what he was doing. Gradually however, as she became more sensitive to his ministrations, she began to enjoy the light subtle pleasure of his tickling exploratory tongue.

"Oh ... that feels nice!" Serenity exclaimed, causing both Larry and Marlene to look across the room at them.

"Way to go buddy!" Larry mused.

Brian ignored him however, too lost within the confines of his mind-fantasy to acknowledge Larry's comment. He continued to twirl his tongue over and around the sweet glistening folds of Serenity's pussy, delicately pausing to suck her lips inside his mouth, nibbling, chewing, once again stabbing at her with his tiny tongue prick.

To his delight, Serenity was audibly expressing her pleasure, though he heard Christy's voice doing so instead.

"Oh Brian ... Oh Brian!" The blonde vixen kept repeating over and over again. "Oh yes, Oh shit yes! That feels so fucking good!"

Serenity squirmed beneath him, mashing her cunt against his face and grinding herself frantically in expectation of the orgasm to come. He captured her tiny nub of pleasure between his lips and suckled it igniting a thousand tiny little nerve endings that spread off in every direction like a horde of torchbearers at the Olympics.

And like spectators cheering on an event, Larry and Marlene sat up watching Brian as his tongue slid through the marvelous groove of her pussy like it was the bob-sled run itself, going for a new Olympic record.

"Oh fuck!" Serenity screamed just seconds before her orgasm overpowered her, seizing her toes which curled into tight little balls against her feet, and then loosened, as the wave of ecstasy and pleasure tore through her entire being simultaneously, branching out in all directions at once.

"Holy shit Brian ... can you teach me how to do that?" Larry asked half seriously a few minutes later.

Serenity had actually managed to rip tiny tears into the sheets with her long fingernails with one hand, unconsciously doing the same thing to Brian's back with the other. Tiny little tendrils of blood appeared on the surface of Brian's back where she had inadvertently dug into him when she came.

"Oh Brian ... I'm so sorry. I had NO idea I'd done that," Serenity said apologetically to him, meaning it.

Only now, Brian became vaguely aware he even had an audience, sheepishly wiping his face from the lingering moist fluids that had smeared his face from Serenity's orgasm. He sat up slightly embarrassed, especially as he realized his prick stood firm, hard, erect, and in need of a little immediate relief.

Marlene slid off the bed she was sharing with Larry almost hypnotically. Moving towards where he was sitting, she slithered up against him pushing him back onto the bed and then slipped down between his legs. Brian felt her mouth engulfing him, her lips cool and tender around his heated flesh. Suddenly Serenity was moving once again, rolling over where she soon joined Marlene in the simultaneous tongue dueling taking place on his erection.

Not to be left out, Larry walked over to the end of the bed where Serenity, positioned as she was, gave easy access to his prick as he knocked it up against the opening of her still wet glistening pussy. He slid into her slowly, eliciting soft sounds as his prick enveloped her, filling her. Brian felt the sensation of her tongue become almost frantic upon his shaft, licking his balls while Marlene knobbed the head of his prick wildly. Brian felt the sweet tingling as it caressed the inside of his shaft, making it's way slowly up the length of his penis until he erupted in a glorious spray of sweet agonizing bliss. Marlene and Serenity fought over his cream, chasing it as it leapt from the tip of his cock, swiping up the trails of his jisim as it landed on them and everywhere else for that matter.

Larry soon joined him, though he pulled out of Serenity's pussy and emptied himself against the backside of her ass. Marlene quickly moved over to her friend, rubbing Larry's cream, spreading it into Serenity's skin like so much lotion.

Christy was excited to see Brian of course. He didn't travel all that often, but whenever he did, Christy always had a special evening planned, or cooked him one of his favorite dinners. As Brian had been gone a little longer than normal, he secretly hoped that maybe this time things would actually progress a little farther than they usually did. By the time they had finished dinner and settled down on the couch in the living room next to a nice warm fire, Brian had begun to entertain hopeful desires that this evening would see their relationship progress a lot further.

As he'd hoped and expected, they had begun kissing, and the kisses soon became more passionate and needful. Christy had even pulled Brian over on top of her on the couch at one point, where Brian continued the kisses along her neck, teasing her earlobes, and finally at the softest portion of her lower neck where Brian first touched soft flesh in areas he hadn't been before.

"Brian ... no, we can't ... not yet" she told him. He hadn't put his hand quite on her breast directly, just sliding it off to one side where he had indeed come into contact with the roundness of it as it spread away from her chest.

"I want you..." he told her lustily.

"I know ... and I want to be with you too," she responded. "But not now ... not until we're both ready," she informed him.

"But I am ready Christy..."

"I know ... but I'm not." she said softly. "I need to make sure of a few things first," she said trying to explain her feelings to him. But all Brian heard was "I don't know if I love you enough yet to want to do that."

Frustrated, Brian sat up moving away from her then. "Maybe I'd better go," he stated, trying desperately to conceal his hardon as he did.

"Maybe you should," Christy told him. "Brian? I just need a little more time..." she offered. "Don't be angry with me ok?"

"I'm not," Brian said with a little too much edge to his tone. He leaned over, kissed her on the top of her forehead. "Good night Christy, I'll call you tomorrow." With that, Brian grabbed his jacket off the coat rack in the hallway and let himself out the front door without saying another word to her in parting.

Brian truly was a bear the next day at work, seemingly growling and grumbling at nearly everyone, including his best friend Larry.

"Lunch?" Larry asked, sticking his head inside the door.

"Not hungry," Brian said not even looking up at him. "Besides ... I have too much work to do here today to think about food."

"It's not food you're thinking about." Larry said, finally causing Brian to look at him.

"It's that sweet pussy you were eating in the hotel room," he near whispered, lowering his voice so that no one outside Brian's office could hear him.

"Larry? Get the fuck out of my office!" Brian bellowed, caring not one single wit if anyone had heard him. Though by the sudden flurry of movement as several people quickly disappeared, scurrying away like rats, it was obvious they had.

Larry was too good a friend to let Brian get to him, however. Seeing that Brian wasn't acting like his normal old self, he stepped inside the office, closing the door behind him.

"Christy?" He asked knowingly.

Brian quickly shot him a look that said, "Mind your own fucking business!" without saying the words.

Larry ignored him however, taking a chair and sitting down across from him. "I don't know why you put up with her," he told him. "I certainly wouldn't!"

Brian continued to glare at his friend, but remained silent. He was listening, as much as he hated to admit it.

"Why don't you forget about her Brian? There's a ton of women who would just love to go out with you ... hell, fuck you for that matter."

"I don't want to forget about her Larry! I ... I ... I love her! I think..." he added.

"You think?"

Brian growled at him.

"Ok, ok, whatever. But listen to me for a minute. You can't deny you had a great time last week can you?"

"No..." Brian admitted.

"Then what's it going to hurt if you have a little fun on the side ... at least until Christy decides to finally come around, or until you finally decide to quit putting up with her."

"I can't do that Larry. If I were to become involved with anyone else, word would get back to her, and then that would be it, regardless of how she truly felt about me. It would ruin everything!"

"What if she never knew?" Larry asked.

"Oh yeah right ... how's that possible?"

Larry was grinning wickedly. "It's very possible," he told him. "I've been considering the same thing myself, but only half seriously. Something another friend told me about, about a month or so ago. I didn't really give it a lot of serious thought until the other day when I ran into him again. We went to a local "titty" bar together for a few beers, and he told me about his latest and greatest experience. To be honest Brian, I had a hard time believing him, but I know this guy ... and he's for real!"

Brian was stunned to find himself actually listening, let alone curious about what Larry had in mind. "So? What happened?"

Larry began to lay out the entire story for Brian. "Terry belongs to a very private club. Membership is expensive, and secrecy is paramount about even belonging to it."

"Well if it's so secret, then why is this guy Terry telling you about it?"

"Because it's not the club itself that's secret ... just the membership."


"The people that belong to it ... that participate. No one knows who anyone else is or who's a member, unless they invited or recruited him or her, themselves. Everyone who attends has to wear some sort of head covering, Terry said they're comfortable to wear, and don't keep you from enjoying yourself, but ... you are clueless as to who anyone really is. He told me there's supposedly some very influential people who are members, though no one really knows for sure who they are. He even said he thought one or two of them were local celebrity's you know ... news anchors and the like, even a congressman or two."

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When I Was 15: Part V I was awoken and lead away from the desk by Suzy, Jennifer and Sam. They talked amongst themselves as I walked behind them, shorter than they were even in my sexy white calf- skin high-heeled go-go boots, my mouth still ringed with dried cum, my tight shorts stained from where the man's cum leaked from my ass. My cock still remained imprisoned in its latex sheath giving me the appearance of a pubescent girl. The latex vagina was so lifelike that I could not...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Computer Student

Hi all to ISS readers and thank you all for giving responses. This is Kkb from Lucknow. This is my second story in ISS, hope you all will enjoying. Hoping you have read my first story ‘Sex in Computer Institute’. Here is my second real story. Yet another with my one of student. This instance occurred few months earlier my previous instance in Computer Institute. I was a computer teacher in my first institute. I am directly coming to the point. There was a student girl and having interest in me...

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The good doctor part 2

Dr. Dan and I had been having fun for some time usually a lot of flirting and naughty shenanigans I had some free time and he decided to rent a hotel room down by me I didn’t get off of work until 9:00 that evening and he was already there so I stopped by my house picked up a few things and drove out to the hotel. I knew whet room number he was in so I just strolled through the lobby and caught the elevator up to his room. I knocked on the door and the sexy doctor entered he had on a long black...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 13

There was a loud rapping on the hotel door. “Claire, it’s me.”My heart leaped. I opened the door and threw myself into his arms. There was a chance this thing was still going to be okay.After Alvita had challenged me whether or not I loved her son, I’d been totally freaked out and unnerved. I’d had to get some space to pull myself together and get my head straight. Alvita’s simple four-word question, ‘Do you love Jason’, had forced out into the daylight a question that I’d been mentally...

Wife Lovers
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A Fresh StartChapter 86 Fall 1984

I came home from the office on Friday a week later and was greeted at the door by my son. “Hi, buddy, what’s up?” “Mommy’s crying,” he told me. “Mommy’s crying? What’s wrong?” “I don’t know.” “Did you do something?” I asked. “I don’t know,” he repeated. “Did I do something?” “I don’t know.” I just nodded down at him. “Okay, I’ll go talk to Mommy. I’m sure we did something.” He headed back to the living room, and I followed him. I dropped my briefcase in the living room, and then went...

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Romy Takes a Wrong Turn Part 1

It was supposed to be easy and straightforward. Romy was just supposed to drop her husband at the airport and then drive home. Nothing simpler, was there? Only her husbands flight was delayed by two hours, so her trip home in the afternoon was postponed as she waited with him at the airport, keen to see him off, ignoring his protestations that she should leave and then fearing driving in the rush hour once he did get away she stayed and had her dinner at the airport, waiting for the rush to die...

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Just a Christmas PartyChapter 3

"Look at you now Janice," Ann laughed at her efforts. "you were always so prim and proper, so bloody righteous about saving your virginity for marriage and now look at you! Do you want to know the biggest laugh, I wanted to dope you and let all this happen, but Ken said you'd do it without being doped and it would be so much more fun with you knowing everything that happened to you. He was right!" All the time Ann was talking Janice was twisting and thrashing upwards in an effort to...

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SpaceChapter 45

I had looked for suitable saplings since we started and had to settle for rocks which I now carried. Nearer the river though I found some small trees satisfactory for making a bow or a spear. "What do you want with that?" I heard. "I cannot match your fighting ability but I can make weapons. If there is something to eat in the water then we have to catch it. Either we spear it or tickle it." The last part needed an explanation about letting a fish come into our grasp as it searched for...

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Birthday Gift

It was nearly a year ago today that I was given the best gift I’d ever received. The day started off like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school. Today was my birthday, eighteenth to be exact, but I didn’t feel different at all. When I got to school my best friend, Travis, came over to me, swung his arm around my shoulder, and started yelling, “Make way for the birthday boy!” I felt a little embarrassed but I still laughed at Travis’s stupidity. Travis was...

Gay Male
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Jacks Internship Part 4

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy. Part 4 I woke up in my truck to a text message notification. It was from Debbie. It said; “Hello slave, I know you are on your way home but I wanted to tell you that I will be at your place on Monday after work.” “You will be required to service my needs.” I thought, should I call her; no I better not, she may not be able to talk and this conversation is going to get interesting. I decided to text her back and see how it goes. ...

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Opus OneChapter 2 Offertory

Irina Tertychnaya mostly thought in English now. She wasn't sure when the change had happened. She found it amusing that in the twenty years or so that she had been at the Wexford Conservatory, she had changed her internal language, and yet her accent was as thick as the day she first stepped foot through the glass doors of the school. Marrying an American artist probably helped the change; she no longer spoke Russian other than the occasional chat with Yuri, the principle bassoonist of the...

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Bennys Busy Bone Bounces Back

Author’s note: This story, under a similar name, was pulled by the site for underage sex. It was originally written but not posted before the minimum age limits were imposed. The sex was consensual and not abusive but too young for the site. The first few paragraphs have been updated so that exactly the same activity occurs but older than in real life. He had three sisters. If that wasn’t challenging enough, they were all older. And a single mom to boot. He badly needed a male role model. It...

2 years ago
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Karens New Toy

"Well now, this is unexpected," Karen said, more to herself than anyone else. She peered down at the kneeling girl - her prize, her victory - and pondered what on earth to do next.She didn't even know the girl's name, she didn't even want to. It was enough to know that her lying, cheating, snake of an ex-husband had suffered when he lost her. Karen closed her eyes for a second and sighed, remembering the moment that she'd expressed her final demand during their lengthy and painful divorce...

1 year ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 44 A Most Unexpected Revelation

Thoughts Anna told me afterwards that she and Misty had sealed their agreement with a sexual encounter before coming back downstairs to present it to the rest of the House. I was hardly surprised. We learn a lot about our partners during sex, and apparently humans specializing in this area are similarly capable. There's an honesty to sex done right that cannot be denied. "Misty," Anna told me, "is an excellent sexual partner. Her body is as sensitive as a fine instrument. She is a...

3 years ago
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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 12

Sunday I know people go to church these days in tee shirts, jeans, everything but tank tops and hot pants, but that is not the way it is in our family. Daddy always wears a tie and either a conservative sports jacket or, more usually, a suit. Today it was his best suit, with a very distinguished necktie. Very "Regis Philbin," if you know what I mean. My brother, of course, was fully aware of the Uniform of the Day, so he was appropriately garbed as well in a very nice blazer and sharply...

2 years ago
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Skyping With A Stranger

I paced my bedroom fervently, wringing my hands while eying the clock on my desk. The minutes seemed to pass painstakingly slow. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. It was so out of character for me. I’m usually pretty shy, unwilling to trust people, and guarded, so what was it about this guy that made me throw all my inhibitions out the window? What power did he have over me that I became a wanton slut for him? My cheeks reddened at the thought of his naughty words floating into my ears...

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During some late shopping

My beloved hubby had gone out of town for the whole weekend; so I spent most of the time doing some late Christmas shopping at the mall. I wanted to find some sexy outfit to surprise Victor on his back home.I entered a small sex shop and chose some sexy lingerie to try on the changing room. Just the owner was there at the counter.He was a very huge black man, handsome, tall and athletic.I felt a little horny and frisky and walked out while wearing a very sexy outfit. I asked the black guy what...

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The Conference

I have always enjoyed overnight business trips but am not quite sure why. For some reason I enjoy spending the night in a hotel, eating dinner in a strange place, having a drink in a bar I do not know, and even using the tiny dwarf-like soaps and shampoo. For some people, being alone in a foreign environment is boring or even terrifying, not me. Thus, there was a bounce in my step as I parked my rental Camaro, pulled out my travel bags, and entered the lobby.To be honest, this conference was...

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More than cousins

Warning: This story is totally fictional! Not real at all! Hi. I'm Rachel. I'm a sexy 19 year old redhead. I've got a great body (except for a bit of a belly), 36C boobs and a nice bubble butt. Despite my great body, I'm a virgin... or at least I was.... This is a story about how me and my cousin Tommy explore each other... It's early one Saturday morning, around 9:30 AM. I'm in the middle of making myself a coffee when my mom comes downstairs. "Honey, Uncle Tim and Cousin Tommy are coming over...

3 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 14

David Things calmed down for the next few years. We were busy raising the kids. It seemed like there is always a kid function that one of us had to attend. I started a new hobby, with a buddy of mine. We got into rebuilding classic cars. He got a 68 Mustang fastback 2 + 2, with a 302 V8 motor. It was in tough shape. It took us almost two years to rebuild. We used my pole barn shop to work on the car. A year after he got his car, I got my 1964 Tempest. Now we had two cars to work on. His is...

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James Janie

When I was 11 and my sister was 9, we hung around with another brother and sister, James and Janie. We used to just goof around the neighborhood, play in the park or kick a ball around, but that day would turn out to be a lot different. James was kind of a young surfer punk looking guy, dirty blonde hair in his eyes all the time and he and I were one of the first in our grade to get high. I, on the other hand, was rather a non-descript type of guy. I wasn't a nerd, nor a jock, nor a...

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My Beautiful Sister And I

so for my whole life I have always been very close with my sister. Our birthdays are only three days apart but she is two years older. I always was attracted to my sister. it was minor at first, jacking off with and smeling her panties, that kinda stuff. I will never forget the day we really got close though. we were laying down watching a movie im my room. its a foggy memory but I clearly can remember the pink Victoria secretes thong hanging out on my sister pants in the back. needles to say...

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The Games Part Nine

THE GAMES PART NINE By Nancy Rose Chapter 32 TEX IS A SWEET MAN. I almost feel bad for tricking him. Almost. He did deceive me, however, and turnabout is fair play, they say. They also say that all is fair in The Games. They also say that the end justifies the means. They...they sound like quite horrible people and I have no wish to ever meet them. Now that we are even, I'd...

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Threesome Fun

I know I've posted three previous experiences that I've had, but lately I've been reminiscing about a threesome experience I had sometime back. I thought maybe someone might be interested in hearing about it. So, here goes. My wife and I belonged to a swingers group that we stumbled upon by word of mouth. There were 6 couples involved in the group. One of the couples, Jim and Marcie were closer to us than the other four couples. Frequently, the four of us would get together for some fun. Both...

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Another Drive Home

It had been a few weeks since I had my fun with Officer Friendly.  I had been looking out for him and had even called once and left a message but got no response. I wasn't too disappointed since I did get to fulfil one of my biggest fantasies, but still wouldn't mind another round. I did enjoy reliving the experience every chance I got by stopping at the parking lot where it all happened. Since our little tryst I started bringing along an eight inch dildo to fill in for him. I would do my...

Gay Male
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BackscatterChapter 15 Show Time

Sixteen days later... Time: Sunday, July 20, 2053 3:44 AM, aboard M.N.S. Discovery Warrant Officer Megan Lopes left the ship's bridge and walked down to the small cabin she and Alvaro were sharing. He was asleep on their cot, already dressed for the day, and Megan decided to leave the lights off for a moment. She sat on the edge and gently petted his head, stroking his temple with her fingers. Alvaro sighed and opened his eyes. "Show time already?" Megan nodded her head. "Just about....

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Scholar Lings sexy Adventures

My name is Scholar Ling and I live in the small town of Two Rivers. It may not be on a lot of maps but it is the only home I have ever known. And right now my pussy was so wet from the fantasy I had about me fucking in a ten women orgy. I don't know what to do about it?

4 years ago
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Twilight VoyeurPart 3

I pressed the doorbell and waited. The sound of the chime echoed through the door followed by the tapping of footsteps approaching. The door opened and I was greeted with a sharp gasp."Hi, Ellen," I said with a smile."Uh... hi," she replied quietly as she looked over her shoulder towards the back of the house and then at me."What are you doing here?" she asked nervously in a hushed voice."Is Brian around?" I asked loudly as I gave her a wink.I heard a chair move in the other room followed by...

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Whisky Night Frolics

I let the music lead my body, let it guide my hips to sway to the beat, let it shake my ass and jiggle my hips with abandon.“Drink your whisky! I want you good and drunk,” you command me, and I raise my glass in a toast to you, giggling and dancing still, and drain the shot in one. Then I wave my glass at you and you snatch it from my fingers, grinning. Having refilled both our glasses, you hand me it back to me and raise yours in a toast.“To sluts,” you say, making me giggle again. I’m...

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Date Night

I didn't know how long the phone had been ringing since I was in the shower. But I heard at least three rings when I stepped out of the bathroom. I hurried to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" "Is this John?" a voice asked. I frowned, trying to place the voice. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't think where. "This is John." "This is regarding the entry for the contest. We're pleased to inform you that you are the grand prize winner. Congratulations, sir! You have won a date with a Hollywood...

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First Time With my students mother

When I started college, I earned a little money teaching maths to k**s. That way, I had pocket money, without needing to ask my parents or having a “real” job.From all of my students, my favorite was always Peter… Not only because he was a good student and very friendly, but because of her mother, Alice, who was charming. A lady with good manners, friendly, pleasant… and I always had a crush on her….I was only 18 years old, and I had my hormones altered as every teenager, and since one day that...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 16 Rage Against the Machine

Calix woke, his mind calm. He felt – peaceful. He felt better than he had for a long time. His mind seemed quiet and organized. He felt - ready. It had taken him quite some time yesterday to open and deal with the boxes in his head. Much longer than he expected. Too much time. Maybe Octavia was right. He’d never thought about it before. He’d never considered that maybe taking the time once a day to deal with all of the crap would be enough. He’d have to start trying it – maybe before he went...

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Always owned by MD part 3

Always owned by MD part 3In the days after MD visit I couldn't keep my mind on anything. I couldn't hold my concentration at work or home for more than 15 minutes. My mind floated back to the cold evening and her complete control over me. The degradation, the control or lack there of, the complete surrender I experienced. I checked my phone at least once every ten minutes, just in case she txt. Just in case she thought I was worth it, just in case she would give me a second thought. I knew my...

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

4 years ago
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Exploited Cindy

“You have a nice penis”, the soft voice said innocently from the bathroom door.Jim Thompson jumped at the intrusion, nicking his face with the old safety razor that he was shaving with. “Cindy, what are you doing in here”, he asked his young stepdaughter as he turned to face the small Asian teenager. “I’m sorry”, she replied demurely yet not taking her eyes from his cock. “The door was open.” She intentionally left out the fact that she’d come to her mother’s bathroom hoping to get a peek at...

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Home from school0

I decided to go home instead of going camping by myself. It was a two-hour drive home and I was about half way. I had my cock out and had been stroking it for probably twenty miles. Finally I had to pull over so I could catch my cum and not make a mess all over my pants. I shot my load into a paper napkin and put it in the trash bag that I kept in the car. That helped for a while but I kept thinking about how to get laid while classes were out. Maybe I could get lucky with some of the...

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My Crush Encounter With Women 8211 Part III

For the second time we met up in my friends vacant flat. This time she was more relaxed and I can see the Love in her eyes which made me little nervous. She started kissing me passionately for more than 5 minutes and told me she loved me so much. I told too reluctantly which she understood and said that I only want her body and not the soul. I told her the truth that she is only good for the bad purpose. She got angry and controlled her tears and told me to get undress so that she can fulfil my...

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Daddy helps his little fuckdoll relax before her f

Daddy's lil'fuckdoll is at school. It is her last day, with her exam upcomming in less than an hour.. You are in your cute school uniform. You are nerveous... Suddenly your phone beeps, and you take a look at it. It is a message from daddy, reading "Men's bathrooms. Now my little pet!". You hart skip a beat, your pussy immediately go hot and you make your way to the men's bathroom at school...As daddys lil'fuckdoll gets there, you see two boys exiting the men's bathroom, give you a curious...

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I paused at the top of the stairs and watched from the landing window of our remote cottage at the snowy scene outside. It was a real Christmas card scene with snow still falling hard and each branch and twig of the leafless trees was balancing a ridge of white making it look really pretty. It was an evening when nobody in their right mind would be out driving or walking in the Derbyshire Dales. The fields that surrounded the cottage were blanketed in white and the hills beyond were obscured by...

3 years ago
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I found my sister stripping Ch 4

This chapter has a lot more story, and a little less sex. Please, if you rate this with a negative, please take the time to tell me why, so I can work on my style. =========================================== "What the hell is going on here?" A loud roar woke me from my stupor. Sitting bolt upright, I ended up throwing Dixie off of me. It only takes my fog filled mind a few moments to analyze the scene we were caught in. My sister was still lying next to me, naked, and Dixie had been...

2 years ago
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Aunt JaneChapter 5

Two days later, on my way down the stairs to breakfast, I overheard Uncle Dick's remark to Aunt Jane: "Barry sure has a bounce in his step and a smile on his face lately. He must have found some cutie on the beach who's sheathing his sword." Aunt Jane replied with a tone of irony. "Don't be so cynical, Dick. What kid wouldn't be happy about spending his summer like this? I'm glad he's having a good time." "Don't get me wrong. I wasn't bemoaning his good fortune. I was just...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 23

(The French fleet saves the day) Strangely, even though I was fully aware of the outcome of this all-important battle, I had grave doubts on that fateful morning when the British artillery managed to hit our gunpowder reserve with a lucky shot that destroyed nearly seventy percent of our powder with just one shot in midst of our largest magazine. That event added to the loss of an entire cohort of sappers snuffed out when one of our tunnels collapsed either by accident or sabotage by...

2 years ago
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Prissy By wargamerguy 15-year-old peter was feeling rotten about himself as he walked to his house. He didn't how he was going to fix it but he felt like an ass. He hung his head down as he walked down the sidewalk. He couldn't help it, he felt really ashamed. He volunteered for the part in the debate on feminism and naturally, he was the guy and debating a girl. He said bad things about women, but he didn't believe a word he said. It was a project for school, he was chosen to...

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My Next Desire Our Next MMF

It will again start with an arrangement made with another guy through the internet. My wife and I have done this once before and now it's time to do a bit more. It must be someone that we'll rarely or never see again, and the guy has to be twenty-five miles away or more. After all we don't want to bump into him at the supermarket or in a school function. We have to have rules. On the long awaited day, I will have to remove the two middle seats in the van, and put in place some comfortable...

Wife Lovers
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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 7 Monday Morning 1040AM ndash To Make A Bad Day Worse Spend It Wishing For The Impossible

“She’s really coming?” “That’s what she said,” replied Will. His sister had accosted him at his locker between classes. I haven’t seen Prez around yet today, but that’s pretty normal. Marissa did a little dance, radiating excitement and happiness, then gave him a hug. “You really are the best brother!” “So you’re saying you didn’t believe it before?!” Will asked, sounding scandalized. He ruffled her pinned-up hair. “Wiilll! Not at school!” she complained. “Now I’ve gotta find a mirror and...

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Leanne and her old friends

It had been a few days since Leanne had last seen her old friends. What had started out as a trip to the local swimming pool for a quickie turned into something much more. That's where she had met Burt, Frank and Joe, three randy old pensioners who'd given her the best fuck she'd had in a long time. And Leanne wasn't the kind of girl to just leave it at that. Leanne had seen her new friends several times since then, Joe was still her favourite but they all knew what they were doing and could...

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ExperimentChapter 9

It was later that night and Dr. Quinn had regained his composure. Nell had prepared a sumptuous dinner which they both enjoyed in the dinning room. The roast duckling with orange sauce had been succulent and juicy with the white tender meat breaking away from the bone easily from the slightest pressure of his fork. Previously, he had taken a long hot shower and tried to sort out his now confused thoughts about Lisa and her inevitable destiny. Still, he was not entirely sure about what he was...

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