Holly Potter And The Army Of Darkness Pt. 2 free porn video

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I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness By Kim West Chapter 3: The Making Of Plans And Schemes. They had all gathered at their favorite hangout which was Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. The four young witches and wizards were relaxing a bit and enjoying each other's company. There was of course Ginny Weasley who was sitting between two other fifth years Connie Creevey and Orenda Costello. Connie used to be Colin Creevey until he was accidentally turned into a girl last year when she looking at Becky's infamous necklace. It was Ginny who had let Colin touch the cursed piece of jewelry, but instead of being angry at her Connie became good friends with her. The other witch, Orenda Costello, was a newly acquired friend of Ginny's who was quite enthusiastic about the upcoming party. She had long shinny brown hair, freckles, sparkling blue eyes, and a simply charming personality. I suppose it was destined that she be placed in Hufflepuff. Then there was Edward Winters sitting across the table looking rather shy, but then he always looked shy and timid, even to those who knew him. Finally there was Bek D. Corbin, a fifth year Slytherin, yes I did say Slitherin, and yes he was friends with everyone at the table. Mr. Corbin was what you might call a non- conformist in that he relished the fact that he rebelled against the typical stereotypes associated with that of Slytherin. It had made him somewhat popular in other houses but certainly not in his own house. In fact the only other Slytherin who was his friend was Edward and he, well, he really didn't look like he belonged in Slytherin either. Bek was reading about the latest news. The Daily Prophet was teeming with articles featuring none other than Holly Potter. The front page news item, read as follows; 'Holly Potter The-Girl-Who-Lived performed a bit of miraculous healing on the famed Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom the previous night while also battling with escaped prisoner and Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. This was apparently part of a major sting operation because several Aurors from The Ministry of Magic were indeed present to take care of the situation. The Longbottom Family expressed their deepest gratitude and thanks to Miss Potter, who incidentally, is going to be celebrating her sixteenth birthday with a slumber party tonight, and a birthday bash tomorrow at the newly opened wizarding theme park called Chalker's Paradise.' Bek D. Corbin looked rather upset at reading this tidbit, and threw the paper down on to the table. "Why can't I go tonight?" Complained the skinny boy who had a prominent nose and a pair of glasses that threatened to fall off that nose at any moment. Ginny, Connie, and Orenda were all looking at Bek as if he had suddenly grown two heads; even his best friend Edward, who was sitting next to him, was looking at him rather funny. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Bek you know why you can't go to Holly's slumber party. Only GIRLS are allowed, and you dear, are not a GIRL!" "But Holly used to be a boy!" Countered Bek. "Yes, but..." "Becky, and Connie used to be boys, and their going aren't they?" Bek pressed on. Ginny sighed. "But they're all girls now while you still remain a boy." "Maybe if I could just stay in a corner and remain really, really, quiet." "BEK D. CORBIN! It isn't my party! It's Holly's and she's made it clear that she only wants girls to attend her slumber party tonight." Ginny huffed. "You're still invited to go tomorrow to go to Chalker's Paradise" Connie added. "Yes! Everybody's invited to that. Oh, I can hardly wait! I already know what we're going to be doing once we get there. Does anyone what to know?" Giggled Orenda. Ginny gave Orenda a dirty look. "You're not supposed to know what happens tomorrow. It was going to be a surprise." Orenda smiled weakly. "Well, it was a surprise when I found out if that helps any." Ginny's eyed narrowed. "You haven't been telling everybody about tomorrow have you? I mean about what's supposed to happen and all?" Orenda was uncommonly silent for once, and did not want to meet Ginny's gaze. "She told me about it, and I must say I am excited about it." Added Connie who was fiddling with her camera. "She told me and Edward just before you showed up." Bek said smiling. Ginny's eyes went wide and she snapped her head toward Edward. "Yes, I'm afraid it's true." Edward replied and began to attack his vanilla ice-cream once more. Ginny turned her head slowly back toward Orenda who looked like she wanted to hide underneath the table for some strange reason. "Tell me, why did you even bring up this whole thing if you already told everyone about the surprise." "Well...ummm...I wasn't sure you knew yet...and I didn't want you to be left out because we're the bestest and dearest of friends right?" Ginny eventually sighed. "That remains to be seen, if Holly finds out about this I never heard of you. Do I make myself clear?" Before Orenda could answer; Bek chimed in once more. "I still think I wouldn't be any trouble if I went to the party." Ginny couldn't quite decide whether Bek was actually trying to drive her insane or not, and then here was dear, sweet Orenda causing even more stress for her. She wanted to breathe fire and roast both her friends right on the spot, but instead she simply sighed and faced Bek face to face. "Even if Holly said yes, mum would have a fit if she saw boys running around wearing nothing but boxers mixing it up with girls in nighties." Bek grinned. "Yes! But it would be worth it." He laughed outloud while slapping Edward on the back. "I bet you wouldn't mind taking in the sights of these luscious beauties in their sexy little nighties." Edward smiled but could not respond because he was far too shy to speak up on such a topic like this, and in front of girls no less...Instead of answering he decided it was best to attack what was left of his ice- cream. Ginny growled. "OH! I don't have time for this nonsense; I have to go with my parents to St. Mungo's." Both Bek and Edward sat up and looked at their friend with a look of concern. Ginny noticed the looks they were giving her and waved her hand in an effort to calm them. "It isn't anything serious you two; its just to get these things reduced to something more normal is all." Ginny said pointing to her rather large breasts. Bek could not believe what he was hearing. "Why would you want to reduce your breasts?" "Because they hurt my back and they get in the way all of the time. Not to mention boys never look at my face anymore when they talk to me. No! They much rather ogle and gawk at my boobs JUST LIKE YOU'RE DOING NOW!" Bek suddenly stopped staring at Ginny's breasts and looked up smiling somewhat sheepishly at her friend. "But...you just can't get rid of them...uh...I mean...look at Becky. Yeah! She has big boobs, but you don't hear complaining." "I'm not Becky! Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we have to like the same things." Ginny growled. "Do you know she spends a TREMENDOUS amount of time in front of the mirror trying all sorts of make-up, jewelry, hats, dresses, and AAAHHHR!" Everyone in the ice-cream parlor stopped at that moment to stare at Ginny who was breathing heavily while tightly clutching her fists. After a moment Ginny continued her tirade. "THEN! Once she's decided she's pretty enough, she parades around all of the boys making them drool. You would never know by looking at Becky that she was ever a boy!" "UH, perhaps you should go now Ginny, you wouldn't want to be late for your appointment." Bek said nervously Ginny and Connie stood up at that point and rushed off to St. Mungo's leaving the two boys behind. Bek just sat there brooding once more while Edward sat looking around for something to do. "So what do you want to do tonight then?" "Crash a certain slumber party," said Bek calmly. "Um...but..." "But what?" "Holly might get angry and...umm...from what I hear you wouldn't want to do that." Bek sneered and laughed. "She doesn't frighten me! Holly Potter is just an over-hyped celebrity The Daily Prophet created in order to sell more newspapers." "Quite right Corbin! Couldn't have said it better myself." Both Bek and Edward jumped and turned to see three individuals quickly surround their table. The tall lanky one in the middle with the receding hairline was none other than Byron Truffaut, a seventh year Slytherin who was far more devious than Malfoy and every bit as bright as Hermione Granger. He always had his ever loyal house elf with him, and this time was no exception, Ezeraz was standing behind him in his shadow. The other boys who made up Byron's entourage were more or less muscle to do whatever needed to be done. For example, David Castle could be described as all solid muscle with not much to add in the way of conversation. Tall, athletic, short red hair, and sparkling blue eyes made him look rather impressive to anyone he happened to tower over. The other boy who stood next to David wasn't as tall, but still looked good to have around in a fight. His name was Damon Teal and his distinguishing characteristic was that he had this thick wavy brown hair that was as unruly as he was. Oh yes, he also possessed blue eyes just like David. Bek eyed the three suspiciously. "What do you want Truffaut?" "Now, is that any way you should treat a fellow Slytherin, although, considering the way you act and the company you tend to keep, one really has to wonder where your loyalties lie. I mean, it's almost as if 'The Sorting Hat' made a mistake, and placed you in the wrong house." Bek was fuming. "What sort of company I keep is none of your business; oh, and just because you're an antisocial nutter like Salazar does not mean I have to follow suit." "Now, now, no need to get all huffy, I've merely come over to show my support for your plan to crash Holly's party." Bek and Edward looked at one another for a few moments and then back at Byron. Finally Bek began to speak. "Why would you want to do such a thing? You've always made it a point to make my life miserable." "Me? Make your life miserable?" Byron said in a mocking tone. "Master only wishes to help those who need...molding," said Eseraz. David Castle and Damon Teal both looked down at the elf and nodded in complete agreement with what he had just said. Then they both looked up, in unison, and smiled at Bek and Edward. This only made the two big goons look even more menacing than they had been a moment before. Byron smiled his own evil grin. "My elf speaks only the truth. If I was hard on you and your...umm...friend here...Eddie is it?" Edward frowned but did not say a word, and in the mean time Bryon continued to talk. "Anyway, I was hard on you both because, I care. Yes, I can see potential within you two, but you need guidance." Bryon moved forward. "Look, you want to get even with Princess Potter and her precious royal court of losers don't you?" Bek stood up suddenly. "Those losers are my friends!" "Yes, friends who are invited to a party that you are not." "But...it's only for girls." "So what if it is Corbin; it wouldn't be a slumber party without a proper panty raid now would it?" Both Bek and Edward looked shocked beyond belief, and they both shouted out in unison. "A PANTY RAID?" "Hush down you two; you don't want everyone to know about this do you?" Byron said as he shifted his eyes about the room. Bek looked unsure of himself. "But I just wanted to spy on them for a bit, and maybe join them while Holly..." "GOOD LORD CORBIN! JOIN THEM?" Byron bellowed, but quickly realized he was drawing too much attention, and then began to speak more quietly. "For a moment I thought you were a real boy, but I'm afraid I must have been mistaken. You would crawl on your belly and grovel at Potter's feet?" This drove Bek to the boiling point. "No! I do not crawl! I do not grovel!" Bryon smiled. "Good, I'm glad to hear it; now about the panty raid?" "Fine, whatever you want to do, I'm game for tonight." Byron then turned to face Edward. "And you?" Edward bolted upright realizing someone was actually addressing him. "Ummm...I don't think..." "Come on Edward, don't chicken out now." Urged Bek. Edward simply nodded his head to indicate he would take part in the planned panty raid. While the boys waited for nightfall to come there was another meeting taking place in a dark and sinister section of Nocturn Alley. It was another gathering of Death Eaters with Lucius Malfoy as the undisputed leader presiding, this time though it was being held at "The Creeping Tarantula"; a drinking establishment not unlike "The Leakey Cauldron" except that this place drew a far more dangerous crowd. The Death Eaters had been set up in a completely private meeting room, and had several enchanted seals placed on the room to further ensure that nobody eavesdropped. Lucius stood in front of a podium that faced a long black oval table, and each of The Death Eaters sat in chairs and patiently waited for the speech that was about to begin. `"We gather here for a common purpose, to rid the world of Holly Potter once and for all. We shall accomplish this, not with brute force, nor with our combined magical skills." Lucius paused for dramatic effect. "We already know how not to get rid of Potter, tell us what will work on that freak of nature." The rest of The Death Eaters nodded in complete agreement, and when Lucius saw this he smiled. After a bit he motioned with his hand for silence and the room fell silent instantly, and again Lucius smiled and bent over to look inside the podium. Several moments passed and he once again appeared, and he held in his hands a leathery bound book. In fact, the face of the book looked like it had the skin of an actual face on it. It was a twisted, distorted, evil face, but one had the feeling it was once living, and might still be. Some of The Death Eaters knew instantly what the book was and gasped with fear and awe; others however, simply shrugged their shoulders as if to say, "Just what the bloody hell is that?" "Allow me to introduce you to The Necronomicon, an ancient Book of the Dead. It is capable of unleashing unspeakable evil upon the world, but for our purposes it will send Holly Potter on a one way trip back in time and out of our hair permanently, and with her out the way then we can proceed with Voldemort's noble work to purify our race. In time we may even get rid of the world of the Muggles." Wormtail gained enough courage to raise his hand, and Lucius paused, and then turned to face him. The rat-like wizard cringed but managed to keep his hand up in the air. "Yes, Worm...tail? You have a question you would like me to answer for you?" "Well, if it isn't too much to ask...uh...I was wondering how...uh...what I mean is..." "How is the trap going to be set upon our intended victim?" Wormtail quickly nodded, but said nothing further. "An intelligent question for once, and for that I shall answer in kind." Lucius said grinning. "The book shall be given to Potter as one of the many presents she will be receiving tomorrow at her little birthday party. You see, I will be placing a series of spells on this book to make it appear to be an ordinary present." "What if Dumbledore..." "Only someone who is sixteen years old and has the kind of magical power that Holly Potter possesses will be able to set the trap off. I also made sure it will only swallow girls sixteen years or younger to make absolutely certain she can not escape the vortex demon. Even with all her immense power, she will not be able to resist because of her one weakness." Lucius paused to see everyone hanging on his words. "And that weakness you may ask? She is not capable of sacrificing her friends in order to save herself. The demon will attack every single little girl it can grab, and then try to drag them into the vortex along with Potter. She might have enough strength to free herself, but she can't save everyone who will be in danger tomorrow." "So how is the book going to be planted then?" "My son Draco has eagerly volunteered for..." "You mean your son who turned into a half donkey and half girl?" "Is he still a girl?" "Yeah, and what about those ears?" "And tail! Don't forget about that tail!" Everyone was beginning to smile and chuckle, and this only meant one thing to Lucius; he was starting to lose control of his leadership. This was something that had to be dealt with swiftly. "EXCUSE ME? Am I not in charge here? Because if I am not, then I shall walk away from here and wash my hands from any further involvement." "No! Please! We...only meant that...We were only...uh... you are our leader now." "And do not forget that that for a single moment." Lucius said calmly.

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a challenging year Harry Potter

During their three years of marriage Harry, had discovered exactly how to make Ginny scream...again...and again...and again. Unfortunately, this was not one of those occasions where they had the time to sweetly explore each other and draw out their pleasure. They had stolen these precious few moments, mostly because Harry could be very persuasive when he wanted to and Ginny was simply hoping they'd both come quickly. As much as Ginny enjoyed a fast romp with Harry, there was a reason she...

5 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

2 years ago
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The burrow was filled with numerous relatives and friends of the weasley family, all in bright wedding attire. Everyone was happily socialising and why not? The boy who lived had defeated the dark lord Voldemort and there was peace in the magical world.Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to...

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Harry potter and the veela bride

Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to take his wife to bed..but where in Merlin was she? He looked around to find his beautiful redhead sister Ginny sitting nearby in one of the wedding tents talking with Hermione Granger and walked towards them. His sister had grown into quite the...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 6 Capture

Chapter 6 On a chilly, clear early spring morning, Hermione and Harry were once again packing up their tent in preparation to leave their camp. Nearly a month had passed since there narrow escape from Godric’s Hollow and thanks to Hermione’s tender love and care, Harry was as fit as a fiddle once more. Ever since Hermione had rejected his advances, Harry had noticed a difference in his relationship with her. Harry loved her even more as a friend and since they had destroyed the locket with...

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Harry Potter and the Gerexium Part One

(All things in relation to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series are of course copyrighted to their rightful owners, this work is simply one of a fan of the series, and all of the characters, and most of the events are taken from the book series, which I accept no credit for.) This story takes place in an alternate universe, parallel to the one J.K. Rowlings' has continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, anything in the first 4 books has already happened, but...

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Holly Loves to Handle Her Daddy

Having a sexual relationship with my step-daughter, Holly, actually works very well. It is expected, as my daughter, that she will go many places with me. And, what we do behind the closed doors of my home...or even a hotel when we are travelling, is presumed to be father/daughter business and not of interest to anyone else. Oh, if they only knew . . . I am an elder of my church... with a fourteen-year-old daughter/mistress. Looking ahead to today, it does not surprise me when I began to...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

5 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

This was the first story I ever wrote in 2011. I posted it on XNXX under the writer's name VoldemortSlave. It was way before I started to do fakes and wrote stuff in here. I realized that the chapters I wrote back then have been posted on many sites for fanfiction stories. I decided I should probably post it back here for people to enjoy and add to it if they want. I made 11 chapters back then so this version should update fast at first. I still want to write stuff for my Celeb Handler story so...

Mind Control
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Harry Potter And the Ring Of Salazar Part 3

He was amaze by what he was seeing. Ginny Weasly was resting on her back on the side of Harry's bed. Her head was lying down the corner and Harry Potter was fucking her throat like he never think it was possible. Ginny's face was coated with slip and even some puke... Maybe because Harry was letting her only take 10 second of air for any minute of facial rape. He was gag fucking her for at least 30 minutes, getting strength each time he allow her to breath. Malfoy was amaze by the way Ginny...

3 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Introduction: Harry prepares to leave Privet Drive forever. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. Help me get him...

2 years ago
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William Potter

The story of William Potter is harder to tell than either of the previous. Maybe it would be best to start with his arrest in New Haven Connecticut in 1662. (Note: the Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692.) His adult son John Porter had confessed to the minister of the church that he had witnessed his father committing a sex act with a calf. The minister went to the authorities and told them what he and been told by John. When the authorities went to John to hear the story from him, he...

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Holly and I our second time together

I rang the bell and waited for Holly to let me in. She greeted me with a kiss and a dazzling smile. This was only the second time we had been alone together, on the first occasion a week previously we had been feeling our way with each other literally and figuratively. The first meeting had flown by as we connected so well. For this second meeting we had already discussed some plans. “How are you feeling?” Holly asked as she led me into the bedroom and started helping me out of my clothes....

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part IV

PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 Flight and Rebirth

Chapter 1 With a faint pop, that was almost drowned out by a loud clap of thunder, three men appeared before the high, forbidding gates of Malfoy Manor. One of the figures fell immediately to the ground as suddenly, a stroke of lightening illuminated the faces of Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. ‘Help me get him up,’ ordered Snape as the harsh wind and rain enveloped them. Quickly, Draco scurried to the fallen figures side and wrapped an arm around his side as he and Snape wrenched the man...

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Harry Potter And The Ladies Of The Realm A HP AU story

The Golden, Enchanted Bells rang loud and clear throughout the City of London. All who heard it, Noble and commoner alike, knew what those Bells ringing meant. James Potter, The Magical King, Protector of the Magical United kingdom, High Scion of England, Scotland and Ireland, was dead. Lily Evans did not seem to care as the 32 year old Witch sipped her coffee and observed the events from the small cafe she sat outside of. The common born cried and wailed in the streets while the nobles and...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Rescue

Introduction: Harry and Hermione return to Malfoy Manor to rescue Luna and Dean. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 8 Say that again, said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor. The n-news just came in an hour ago my L-Lord, replied Bellatrix shakily, they s-say Potter broke into Gringotts. Voldemorts nostrils flared in anger as he began to stroke his newly acquired...

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“Close your mouth, William. You look like a fool.”“Sorry, Fleur.” Her husband Bill grinned at her sheepishly before looking back around. “But it’s just—veela!”“Oui, veela,” she said, sighing. “I know.”Fleur had been excited to invite the extended Weasley family to accompany her on her trip to visit her grandmother at the veela conclave in France. She hadn’t expected it to be much of a problem. Even the members of the family that had barely been able to speak to her without drooling had gotten...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the real ending

Harry awoke with a gasp, his body ached but he was surprised to find he was on silk sheets, which wouldn't have surprised him half as much, if he wasn't expecting not to wake up at all. Voldemort cast the killing curse at him, it should have destroyed both himself and the horcrux living within him. Perhaps this is the afterlife he thought to himself, if it was it was a drab one at that. Dark curtains partially covered a large dusty window which let in a trickle of light for Harry to see...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

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Holly and the Ivy

Holly and the IvyPrologueHolly could tell by the look on her mom’s face, as she walked in the door from school, that she was in trouble.  Her mom was holding the quarterly report card grades, and Holly would have known before she saw them, that they were not good.  She grabbed the paper from her mom’s hand and looked down to see two c’s, two d’s and two f’s.  Holly hated school.  She was a junior in high school, one grade behind all of her friends, because she’d failed the previous year.  Her...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Rescue

Chapter 8 ‘Say that again,’ said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor. ‘The n-news just came in an hour ago my L-Lord,’ replied Bellatrix shakily, ‘they s-say Potter broke into Gringott’s.’ Voldemort’s nostrils flared in anger as he began to stroke his newly acquired Elder Wand. ‘Whose vault had he broken into?’ asked Voldemort quickly. ‘R-Ron’s my Lord,’ said Bellatrix quietly. ‘Was anything taken?’ asked Voldemort even quicker. ‘Just one item my L-Lord,’...

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Late For DinnerChapter 16 Mrs Potter Lets Her Hair Down

"Let me put a little Vaseline on the hose tips and we'll get your little poopers all nice and clean," Mommy chirped. "Thanks, Mommy," Kathy and Christi leaned tails up against the side of the bathtub. "This is so cool! Our bottoms will be nice and numb when Mrs. Potter tells us to bend over and spread 'em." Christi looked over her shoulder at Mommy. "Would you mind not putting any Demerol in mine, please. I want to feel every delicious rip and tear." "Why certainly, Christi,"...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 62

Dawn was still some hours away when thirteen students exited the school. With Dumbledore still motionless in the infirmary, and Dolores Umbridge missing and unaccounted for (officially, that is; Harry and his friends knew that at very moment the poor women was being subjected to horrors that were both unspeakable and richly deserved), it was somewhat easier for students to engage in illicit activities without fear of detection. The squib Mr. Filch was long gone, and his animagus mother was...

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Holly and Whats Left of the CityChapter 2

Holly walked out of Ashley’s house and hung a left down the street. She loved the feeling of cool air on her bare skin. Sirens still sounded in the distance while she walked to the bus station. On her way there, she noticed the street was mostly empty. Every now and then she noticed some random person running in the direction she just came from while screaming in fear. “What’s wrong with people here? It seemed like such a nice neighborhood when I just got here...” She said as she reached the...

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Holly and Whats Left of the CityChapter 6

The days since Holly’s adventures at “The 1000 Lays” were mostly peaceful. Maria even managed to take Holly to a movie theater and watch a whole movie. To Maria’s surprise, Holly kept it together and made it through the whole thing with no difficulty at all. “It’s because of that night, Maria,” Holly explained, “I came so much back then that my body is focused on renewing the reserves.” “Let me get this straight,” Maria tried to wrap her brain around the wonder that was Holly, “your body...

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