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Purpose By Julie O. Edited By Amelia R. & Tyrone Slothrop Background information on Santorini By Steffen M. Chapter One Hallie Thorn Pappadimos sat at the desk in her bedroom and studied the large topographical map of Crete that lay in front of her. Since purchasing it in the fall she frequently spent hours reviewing every detail, especially the area on the northeast coast near the town of Aghios Nikolaos. She had told Kim, her girlfriend, that it was important to be intimately familiar with the area of the impending archeological dig, but that wasn't the entire truth. The map also helped her concentrate on the whirlwind of information that was trapped in her mind. There were many times when she took a deep breath and concentrated on everything that had happened to her in the past year. Just before the previous summer, she had been Harry Thorn, a first year grad student in the archeology department. Then came the fateful trip to Maine for the study of some mysterious Minoan objects. Thanks to an overly ambitious fellow grad student, Harry had been transformed into her present form of Hallie. It was much more than a gender change, she had also undergone a thorough cultural transformation. To the casual observer she looked convincingly Mediterranean. Adopting her professor's last name, many thought she was Greek, but Hallie suspected that she was Minoan. The transformation was positive in many ways. She was now, for all practical purposes, the adopted daughter of Alex and Carla Pappadimos. For the first time in her life, Hallie felt truly and unconditionally loved. Harry's parents had never really been all that giving or close. They had divorced years earlier and neither seemed to really want Harry. Hallie had told her parents that she was having a sex change and they had accepted her story. She hadn't seen either one since her transformation. Her mother had explicitly asked her not to visit to avoid the embarrassment. Her father continued to pay her tuition, which was some solace. Hallie remembered the phone call when she'd told him she was changing her name, and to her total surprise he took it calmly, as if he did not mind it at all. "Well, you might as well start with a clean slate. I'm glad you're keeping Thorn, even if it won't be your last name," stated Richard Thorn. "I'm pleased you approve," replied Hallie. "Hallie, I'm just happy that you're content. I've never been much of a father." He paused for a moment, as if to collect his thoughts. "Oh, when you get a chance, you ought to research our family heritage. We Thorns haven't always been law abiding citizens, but we've led some interesting lives," continued Richard in that slightly uncomfortable openness a parent begins to use with an adult child "I'd like to do that some day." Hallie knew about a few of her relations. She had been named after a distant relative who had sailed with Sir Francis Drake. Some historical accounts described him as a pirate. "Your new last name is definitely interesting. It sounds vaguely familiar," continued Richard. "I like it," replied Hallie. "Wait a minute! I know where I've heard that name before, it's from The Guns of Navarone!" exclaimed Richard. "That was last name of James Darren and Irene Papas' characters." Hallie laughed along with him. "That's right. I hadn't thought about that before." "Now that was a great movie," remarked Richard. "Changing the subject, how's your mother?" Hallie sighed. "That good, huh?" asked Richard. "She still thinks I'm doing this as an act of rebellion," replied Hallie. "Let me guess, she's worried what her friends will think!" remarked Richard. "That's right," answered Hallie. "I hope you find happiness, Hallie. Neither of us were great parents. You're an adult and obviously you've thought about your decision, so who am I to object? I just want you to know that I'll continue to pay for your education." "Thank you...Dad," replied Hallie. She wiped a tear away from her cheek. "No, problem. So when are you heading to Egypt?" "It's Crete, and we're leaving in a few weeks." "Oh, that's right! I was in Crete once... let me think... oh, yes, it was over twenty years ago. It was before you were born. We were filming a war movie there. Well, have fun and if you find anything interesting let me know. I might be able to work it into a movie," remarked Richard. Hallie smiled to herself. "I'll keep that in mind." She wondered who might be cast as her if they did make a movie about her transformation. Hallie found it ironic that she had talked more to her father since she'd been transformed than in the previous ten years combined. She thought about visiting him sometime. The last time she had seen him, she had been a freshman in high school. She wondered if her father would notice that she was shorter and had different colored eyes now. Kim snapped her out of her daydreams. "Earth to Hallie, come on, we're going to be late!" shouted Kim. Hallie glanced at her watch and saw that Kim was right. They were having dinner with Alex and Carla that evening. "And try to put on a skirt tonight!" added Kim, as she entered Hallie's room. "Yes, dear!" replied Hallie, with a laugh. While she accepted her transformation, Hallie still wasn't totally into dressing in women's clothing. Kim constantly was pushing her to dress more appropriately. Deep down, Hallie didn't mind Kim's needling her about her appearance, as she knew that Kim did it because she loved her so much. "I'll wear one, but only if you take me to bed when we get home!" replied Hallie. Kim laughed. "Deal! I was planning on doing that anyway." She then leaned over and kissed Hallie. Chapter Two They shared a condominium just north of campus which Kim's father had bought when he realized that it would be cheaper than renting an apartment. Although Kim was from New Jersey, her father and mother were both alumni of Ohio State. Alex and Carla lived south of campus in a refurbished brick house. Being that the weather was so nice, Hallie and Kim decided to walk. They crossed Lane Avenue and headed across campus. Since Hallie's transformation, Kim had also changed greatly. Back then, she was very shy and seemed to be only interested in her studies. While still devoted to her education, she was now much more outgoing and social. Kim had known she was a lesbian since high school, but Hallie was her first long term relationship. It had been good for both of them. Hallie had someone to help her adapt to her new life, and Kim broke out of her protective shell. Kim had also changed physically. As she helped Hallie adapt to living as a woman, she updated her own look. From her hair to her clothes, Kim now paid more attention to her own appearance. Her hair, now styled in a short-layered look, had been lightened from her original dark brown at Hallie's insistence. She had to admit that she really liked her new look, so much so that she even ditched her glasses for corrective surgery. "I hope you don't mind walking," remarked Kim, "but I figured we wouldn't find a parking spot near their house anyway." "I don't mind. It's so nice today," answered Hallie. It was a beautiful late spring evening and many students were out enjoying it. "I like the skirt you selected," stated Kim, as she snuggled her arm around Hallie's waist. Hallie was wearing a long green, floral pattern skirt. "Thank you." As they passed other students on the way across campus, they got a few gazes. Hallie had sort of gotten used to the stares that they sometimes got. The occasional slurs still pissed her off. She was so tempted to tell them that they weren't really lesbians, as she used to be a guy. "I saw Lane today, she asked me to say hi," remarked Kim. Hallie just nodded. Lane was the girl who had been responsible for her transformation. "Do you mind that she's going to Crete with us?" asked Kim. Hallie shrugged her shoulders. "I have mixed feelings. She's responsible for what happened to me. I still churn with anger that she drugged and raped me. I'll never be able to trust her." Hallie looked at her partner wistfully "Still, if it hadn't been for her, you and I wouldn't be together." "Lane's smart and a good researcher, but I just can't trust her. But I somehow don't want to see her get hurt either," continued Hallie. "Well, I know she's still doing her penance." They began to cross The Oval, the large grassy area in the middle of campus. Crisscrossed with sidewalks it was a popular place to hang out. Several squirrels carefully watched Hallie and Kim, playing a long shot on them having peanuts. "That's good," sighed Hallie after a long pause. She was suddenly distracted by a woman pushing a stroller with a baby about six-months old. "Thank you," replied the woman. "What's her name?" asked Hallie. "Alyce." They talked to the woman for a few minutes before continuing on to Alex and Carla's home. "You're becoming more and more fascinated with children," remarked Kim. "I know. I'm positive it's something to do with my change. I just wish I knew what their ultimate plan for me was," answered Hallie. Kim didn't have to ask who Hallie was talking about. She was referring to the entities or goddesses who had transformed her. "You any closer to understanding all the information they gave you?" asked Kim. "No. I still get bits and pieces. I know that my increasing maternal instincts are part of it, but I don't know why. I have the strange feeling that everything will become clear when we get to Crete," answered Hallie. They reached the end of campus and were just a few blocks from their destination. "I just want you to know that if you want to have a baby, I'm totally cool with it," remarked Kim. Hallie smiled and leaned over and kissed Kim on the cheek. "Thanks." "Are you still on birth control?" "No. The pills make me sick," she answered. "Was that the new prescription?" asked Kim. "Yes. I wish I didn't need them. I love you so much, but I have these damn feelings," replied Hallie. Kim nodded. "I know that you like guys too. It's no big deal. Besides, you've never acted on them." Hallie nodded. "I know, but the urges get stronger all the time." "That's why they invented vibrators!" giggled Kim. Hallie laughed. "I promise that I'll tell you if I do give in to my carnal urges." "Carnal urges? Since when did you start using big terms like that?" laughed Kim. "Seriously, I know that this can't be easy for you. It must be really confusing. I'm here for you and I trust you." "Confusing is a major understatement," replied Hallie. "Thank you." They kissed again. They walked up the porch steps of Alex and Carla's home. "I wonder what Carla has for us tonight," remarked Kim. "I don't know, but I already have a workout planned for tomorrow morning over at Larkins Hall." Larkins Hall was the campus gym. Chapter Three "Welcome!" greeted Alex, meeting them at the front door. Hallie and Kim each hugged him. "I assume Carla's in the kitchen," stated Hallie. He broke out in a broad smile. "Of course. Go right in, I know she could use your help. I'm going to check on the coals." Carla fixed a large tossed salad, which complimented the main course of grilled chicken breasts, green beans, and cornbread. "The only thing about going to Crete that bothers me is that I couldn't grow a garden this summer," sighed Carla. "When we retire to Maine, I plan on having a garden every summer, weather permitting!" "I'll build you a greenhouse," promised Alex. "I'm holding you to that!" replied Carla. She then leaned over and kissed him. Hallie smiled at how much in love Carla and Alex were. She hoped that she and Kim would have as long and as happy a relationship. The upcoming dig in Crete was the discussion over dinner. "I talked to Stefanos and he said that Theo will be assisting us," announced Alex. "Who's Theo?" asked Hallie. "Stefanos' son," answered Alex. "So he's going by Theo these days? The last time I saw him he wanted to be called Theon," remarked Carla with a smile. Alex shrugged his shoulders. "I think he goes by Theon only when he's in Crete." Alex then went on to describe Theon Galios. Theon was thirty and was a well-respected freelance writer and photographer. His degrees were in archeology and his articles often focused on threatened historical sites. "Here's a photo of Stefanos and Theon. I think this was taken two years ago," stated Carla, as she handed Hallie and Kim a framed photograph. The photo showed an older bald man with his arm around the shoulders of a handsome young man. Both had mustaches and it was obvious to even the most casual observer that they were father and son. Stefanos' weathered face was a history of the many years he had spent unearthing the history of his country. Hallie couldn't wait to hear some of his stories. "Theon's writings have upset a lot of people over the years," remarked Alex. "He looks like he can handle himself," commented Kim, as she looked at the photo. "I think that runs in the family. Stefanos' father was a smuggler. I only met him once and even then he was quite formidable," stated Alex. "Ohhh, a story!" chorused Kim and Hallie. "Wait until I bring out dessert," interrupted Carla. Over homemade Dutch apple pie and vanilla ice cream, Alex told them about Stefanos' father, Ulysses. He had started out as a fisherman, but quickly discovered that smuggling was far more profitable, and less backbreaking. When the German occupied his homeland, he turned partisan. As a major thorn in the side of the Nazis he soon earned a huge price on his head using his smuggling skills to help people escape and to bring in contraband. After the war he stayed with smuggling. Because he was a hero during the war, and he stayed away from drugs, weapons, and antiquities, the authorities turned a blind eye to his activities. "He grew quite wealthy dealing in black-market cigarettes and alcohol. However, he didn't want his only remaining son to follow in his footsteps, so he sent Stefanos off to college," stated Alex. "Only remaining son?" asked Kim. "Yes, Stefanos had three older brothers, all were killed during the war," answered Alex, as he took a sip of his coffee. "Stefanos was very young at the time. His mother and brothers were killed in retaliation for attacks by the resistance." "How awful!" declared Hallie. "Ulysses personally tracked down, captured, and executed the officer responsible. Stefanos told me that it was a matter of personal honor. To the Cretans, honor is everything," continued Alex. "Many smugglers swore eternal allegiance to Ulysses and his family," added Carla. "Stefanos still uses his connections among the smugglers. He uses them to locate pillaged antiquities." "I can't wait to meet him," remarked Kim. "Does he know about the dildo?" asked Hallie. Alex shook his head. "I didn't think it was necessary at the moment. It will be your decision to tell him. I fully believe that you can trust Stefanos." "I think you can trust Theon too. He may be a reporter, but he's also Stefanos' son," added Carla. Hallie nodded. "I just hope we can find something that allows us to translate Linear H." Deep down she knew that something was there. Over the past few months, she had begun to feel as if she was being drawn to the dig site. "Stefanos promises that we'll have full access to the site. He told me that the latest attempt to stop the dig failed," remarked Alex. "Is that creepy hotel owner still causing problems?" asked Carla. Alex nodded. Carla frowned. "Has Stefanos found out anything new about... oh, what's his name, I keep forgetting." "Konstantin Jaeger. All that Stefanos knows about him is that he's very wealthy and very secretive. I've asked an old friend to see if they have more info about him." Hallie smiled when Alex said "old friend." He was referring to someone in the intelligence community. Alex had admitted to assisting them once. Hallie didn't mind as she suspected that they had also helped in the change of her personal documents. "Do you think he's dangerous?" asked Kim. "Konstantin hasn't done anything yet, but he's angry that his resort maybe held up due to the dig. I think for now he'll try to fight the dig in court." "So if we find something significant, he won't be happy?" asked Kim, with a heavy tone of sarcasm. Alex laughed. "It would be a problem for him. The hotel won't be jeopardized, but his access road would need to be rerouted. It's presently scheduled to cut right through our dig site. Stefanos says that an alternative route is available, but it would be much longer and much more difficult to build." "I don't know, I'm kinda excited about the idea of a villain hanging around the dig. It makes it more like one of those Dirk Pitt stories that Hallie likes so much," quipped Kim. "Sure, why not throw in a bad guy, we've already got the supernatural to deal with, what's one more challenge?" added Hallie with a laugh. Alex shook his head in mock disgust. "You youngsters baffle me. In my days we were content just to go out and dig for weeks for a single potshard. Now you want adventure thrown in too!" "Alex, please! I haven't seen you this excited about a dig in twenty years!" chided Carla. "He's been like a little boy waiting for Christmas." "Maybe we should buy him a fedora!" exclaimed Hallie. "And a bullwhip, too!" added Kim. Carla began to chuckle. "Oh please, no! He'd wear the hat and hurt himself with the whip!" "I'd look good in a fedora!" retorted Alex, struggling to hold back his smile. "I don't know. I don't even think my father could make a movie titled "Ohio Pappadimos and the Temple of Doom!" snickered Hallie. "Actually Indiana was the name of the dog, so he'd have to be Sparky Pappadimos," corrected Carla referring to the name of their last pet. That was the last straw and they were all soon laughing uncontrollably. Chapter Four On the way home, Kim and Hallie talked about the evening. "You nervous about Konstantin?" asked Kim. Hallie shook her head. "I know we'll be protected." Kim nodded. "Remember, you promised to include me on the next dream journey!" "I'll try, but I'm not exactly in control of those. I also haven't had one since we left the island last summer." The goddesses had taken Hallie back in time to visit the Minoan culture the previous summer. Hallie knew that it wasn't just a vivid dream because she had returned with volcanic dust on her feet. The dust was analyzed and found to have come from the Thera volcanic explosion. This was the disaster that many scholars believed doomed the Minoan civilization. Kim leaned over and kissed Hallie. "Come on, let's go home, I think I know a good way to burn off that wonderful dinner!" In spite of herself Hallie began to giggle. "You're insatiable!" Kim nodded, laughed, and slipped her arm around Hallie's shoulders. Chapter Five The next morning Hallie was walking across the Oval towards the library when she saw Lane approaching her. Hallie knew that she couldn't avoid talking to her. "Hi, Hallie. How're you doing?" asked Lane. "Good, thanks. You?" replied Hallie flatly. Lane cracked a small smile. "I've been looking for you for weeks. I think we should talk a while. We're going to Crete together, so we should try to clear the air." Hallie nodded slowly. She knew Lane was right, but it irked her to admit this. They walked together in silence towards High Street and entered a coffeehouse. After ordering, they took a seat in a booth towards the back of the shop. "I saw Kim yesterday. I think it's cool that you two are still together," stated Lane. "She's been wonderful. I don't think I could have made it through this year without her," replied Hallie, taking a sip from her chai. "I must admit that you're looking great. So I guess it hasn't been so bad after all." Hallie held back her rising temper. "I don't have anything to compare it to. There aren't a lot of other students on campus who had their sex changed over the summer." "Still, you're doing okay. I mean you're the rising star in the department!" Hallie could feel her annoyance with Lane growing. "You still don't get it, do you? Every day I have to be on guard. Yes, I'm adapting to my life, and I won't argue that there have been some benefits, but I'm also living a lie. I can't tell people the truth. I don't like lying to people. Lane, I have to lie to my own parents!" "Look, I've said I'm sorry. If I could do it over again..." "You'd do the exact same thing you did the first time," interrupted Hallie angrily. "I don't blame you for my transformation. I'm still furious that you violated my trust and friendship." Lane sat there speechless. "Am I right?" Lane nodded slowly. "I keep playing over what I did to you in my mind and I get the same answer; yes." "At least you accept the fact that you've got a problem, which is good considering what we're dealing with," remarked Hallie. She took the last sip of her chai and almost wished that they had gone into a bar, she could really use a drink. Lane looked at Hallie with bewilderment for a moment. "What do you mean?" Hallie took a deep breath and let it out. "Lane, you misused a sacred item. They noted your desecration of the dildo. The object was only to be used on the willing." Lane's eyes opened wide. "Thankfully, for your sake, you've been doing your penance. If you hadn't, I don't know what would have happened to you," continued Hallie. "You don't know that. You're just trying to scare me," replied Lane. Hallie shook her head. "I just want you to keep that in mind. There's a great possibility that we'll discover more about the cult and the objects. I doubt the goddesses will be as forgiving for a second offense. Look, I don't completely trust you, and I haven't forgiven you for what you did to me last summer, but I'm not out for revenge. I want to make sure that you know that you'd be punished severely should you repeat what you did last summer." Lane sat there contemplating Hallie's words. She stared into Hallie's eyes and could tell that she wasn't bluffing or joking. It sounded like a plot in a B grade horror movie, but after what had happened to Hallie, Lane knew that they were dealing with the supernatural. "You don't know that," replied Lane. Hallie cocked her head and stared back at Lane. "Why would I lie about it? I just know that the entities aren't done with us, and I don't think they're about to give you any leeway. And considering the powers that they obviously have, I'd hate to see what they might do to you." Lane stared back and nodded slowly as the gravity of the situation sank in. "Thank you for the warning. By the way, knowing how I can get tunnel vision, feel free to remind me if I start going too far." Hallie nodded. "I tried to warn you the last time," she murmured to herself. "I sure could use a drink," Lane declared, as the gravity of the situation sank in. If the goddesses could turn a man into a woman, there was no telling what they could do to her. "Me too," answered Hallie without hesitation. Without a word, they got up and walked out of the coffeehouse, up High Street, and into one of the many campus bars. They sat quietly and sipped their drinks, as no words were necessary. Hallie still didn't trust Lane completely, but at least now she felt confident that she could work with her this summer. Hallie had done her part and warned her about what could happen should she commit another desecration. Maybe the threat of cosmic justice would be sufficient to keep Lane in her place this time. Chapter Six The next few weeks were best described by Kim, who dubbed them "organized chaos." Kim and Hallie spilt their time between their classes and getting ready for the trip. Thankfully, Carla had given them a detailed list of what they should bring, and even more importantly, what not to bring! Carla had joined Hallie and Kim for breakfast at a local diner. "The important thing is to ensure you have a two to three month supply of your toiletries," emphasized Carla. "That includes your feminine products, Hallie. You want to make sure you have enough tampons and napkins." Hallie blushed slightly. "Could you say that a bit louder, I don't think the couple at the table across from us heard you?" Kim laughed. "Hallie, you missed out on being embarrassed by your mom, so think of this as another of your lessons in femininity." "Seriously, Crete is wonderful, but you can't always get the brands you like," added Carla, unfazed by Hallie's discomfort with the topic. "I got it, bring lots of tampons. What else?" whispered Hallie, her face turning slightly red. "Dear, I don't mean to make you nervous, I just want to help," stated Carla. "I know, but I'm still not used to the idea that I have a period each month," replied Hallie. "So, you're off birth control again?" asked Carla, taking a bite of her omelet. Hallie nodded. "They just made me sick. My doctor is confused by my reaction. I think they have something to do with it." Kim and Carla knew who "they" were." "Oh, do you think they have anything to do with your dream boyfriend?" blurted out Kim. Hallie gave her a dirty look. "He's not my boyfriend. I don't even know who he is." Carla turned to Hallie. "What're you two talking about now?" "If you don't tell her, I will!" interrupted Kim. There was a big grin on her face. "It's probably nothing, but there has been a guy in my dreams. It goes back a few weeks. He keeps showing up in my dreams. Not every one, but often enough that I think I'd recognize him immediately if he walked in here," explained Hallie. "Interesting. So, he's not anyone you know?" asked Carla. Hallie shook her head. "That's what so weird. He doesn't even look like anyone familiar. Not from school, or even from television or the movies. Do you think there's anything to this?" "Are they pleasant dreams?" asked Carla. "Yes. In most we're friends, or at least friendly. Sometimes I'm helping him. The problem is that, while I remember him, I can't remember much else, except that there's always a mountain with a strange cleft in it in the background. " "Sometimes very friendly!" interjected Kim. Hallie gave her another dirty look. "I wouldn't worry about it. If it's related to your guardians, then it will be made clear in due time," stated Carla. "That's the first time I've heard them referred to as my guardians," remarked Hallie. "Well, I think it's appropriate. I think they're looking out for you." Hallie nodded. "Well, let's finish up and head out shopping. You told us you'd show us the best gear to get for the trip!" interrupted Kim. Hallie looked at her watch. "We have plenty of time. The stores won't be open for another hour." "Did you bring the lists I gave you?" asked Carla. "I helped Lane finish her list yesterday." The two young women nodded. Carla smiled. "Good. First we'll go to outdoors store. Alex has a strict rule on his digs, no sandals while we're working. They may be cooler, but it's a quick way to get a broken toe." They spent the rest of their meal reviewing what they needed. Chapter Seven By lunch they were halfway through the list. "After countless digs, you learn to go for comfort and durability over style," explained Carla. "Thankfully the climate in Crete is very mild, compared to other places in the Mediterranean. The northern coast reminds me of Southern California." They were presently picking out hats. Hallie was trying on a khaki colored cotton floppy hat. It was far from stylish, but its broad brim would keep the sun from baking the top of her head. "Oh, that's a good choice, Hallie," commented Carla. "That's the style I like." Hallie nodded as she looked at herself in the mirror. "See, you're getting better at shopping," quipped Kim, as she tried on the same style of hat, the only difference was that hers was olive in color. Hallie stuck her tongue out at Kim and then broke out in laughs. "What about our tools?" asked Kim. "Alex had all our tools shipped over last month. What we don't have, Stefanos will provide," answered Carla. "So, what's next?" asked Hallie, as they walked to the front counter. "Lunch!" interrupted Kim. Carla smiled. "That sounds like a good idea. Then we'll go gift shopping." "Gift shopping?" asked Kim. "Yes, it's smart to bring along some gifts to give to the locals," answered Carla. "What do you suggest?" asked Hallie. "The last time we were in Crete, we found that OSU t-shirts were very popular. Oh, and so were ball caps," replied Carla. "You're kidding?" asked Hallie. "No. They also make good trade items." "If I had known that, I wouldn't have dumped my old wardrobe in the used clothing bin," commented Hallie. "Half my old wardrobe was made up of Buckeye shirts." "We can also stop and pick out bathing suits!" added Kim. "You don't have one yet, Hallie?" asked Carla. "I have my one-piece from last summer in Maine," replied Hallie. "You need something better than that. I mean, with your body, you should be wearing a bikini," remarked Kim. "Well, you'll need a swimsuit. Stefanos' home is on the shore and we often end up taking a swim at the end of the day," commented Carla. "There's decent indoor plumbing, but the hot water supply is insufficient for all of us to shower in a short period of time." Kim gave Hallie a triumphant smile. "Okay, you win, I'll get the bikini!" "Cool," replied Kim. "I can't wait to see you in it!" Carla rolled her eyes as if she was shocked by their behavior. By the end of the day, they had bought everything on their lists. They took everything back to Carla's home. "To save room in your suitcases, we'll ship most of this stuff right to Stefanos tomorrow," commented Carla. "I can't believe we'll be in Crete in less than two weeks!" exclaimed Kim. "I wish we could be there sooner," added Hallie, as she placed the items to be shipped into a separate pile. Just then Alex arrived. "Well, I see that the economy of Columbus is doing well this month!" Hallie and Kim gave him a big hug. He then gave Carla a long kiss. Hallie smiled seeing the affection that Alex and Carla shared, even though they had been married for years. They all walked out to the small backyard of Alex and Carla's home. They sat down on the deck and Alex opened a bottle of wine. He began to pour everyone a glass. "I got an interesting phone call from an old associate this afternoon," stated Alex, as he handed Carla a glass of wine. "From your old contact in the government?" asked Carla. "Yes. She's officially retired now, but she was able to tell me about our friend Konstantin Jaeger," answered Alex. "What did she say?" asked Carla, as she took a sip of the wine and nodded her approval. "He was born in East Germany and is suspected to be the illegitimate son of a KGB General and a German woman. He took his mother's name. He apparently made his fortune right after the German reunification. It's suspected that he had some help from the Russian mob," explained Alex. "They don't know for sure if he's connected with the mob?" asked Carla. Alex shook his head. "His father has ties to them, but so far every deal Konstantin has been involved with has been legal. They think he might be used as a legitimate businessman for a front to invest dirty money." "What about the hotel near the site?" asked Hallie. "It appears to be perfectly legal," answered Alex, taking a sip of his wine. "Did your friend want to know why you wanted to know about Konstantin?" asked Hallie. Alex shook his head. "If she did, she didn't ask me." "Do you trust her?" asked Kim. Alex smiled. "Yes, she was always honest with me. In fact, she helped me speed up your paperwork changes, Hallie." "Well, the next time you talk to her, give her my thanks," stated Hallie. "I will. Andrea Carlson's a wonderful woman," answered Alex. Chapter Eight Two days before their flight to Athens, Hallie and Kim arrived at Alex and Carla's for the traditional pre-journey feast. Lane was already there, helping Carla in the kitchen. Hallie and Kim were immediately put to work assisting Carla. "Where's Alex?" asked Hallie. "He's getting the grill ready. I figured we'd have a nice barbecued dinner tonight. I prepared some shish kabobs. I can't wait to get into the market at Aghios Nikolaos, for then I will cook you all a real feast. I have several new recipes that I want to try, and I've e- mailed Stefanos on the availability of certain items," replied Carla. "I can't wait," stated Kim, with a big smile on her face. It was a pleasant evening as they ate outside on the deck. Alex made sure everyone's wine glass was kept full. "You'll have all day tomorrow to recover. We'll be flying out early the following day to New York to connect to our flight to Athens," stated Alex. "Be sure to have something good to read, it's a long flight." "Do you really think we'll find something significant on the dig?" asked Lane. "There's a good possibility. It's been ignored over the years, in favor of bigger sites. The last time anyone did an organized dig there was before the Second World War. The damaged fresco was uncovered then," commented Alex. "Why did they stop?" asked Kim. "The same day that the fresco was discovered, they found the completed ones at another dig a few miles away. They then devoted all their time to that one," stated Alex. Hallie wondered if the goddesses had anything to do with that, but kept it to herself. "So, there's a chance the rest of the fresco is still there?" asked Kim. Alex nodded. "It's a possibility. Stefanos says that the site is intact. The locals stay away from it." "Why? Do they think it's haunted?" asked Lane. Alex shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe it's been protected by the goddesses. I'm just glad that we'll be able to dig on a site that hasn't been looted." "How soon after we get to Crete will we able to start work?" asked Hallie. "Yes, can you go over the schedule again?" asked Kim. "My, we're anxious," replied Alex with a grin. "We'll fly into Athens and Stefanos and Theon will meet us there. Then we catch the ferry from Piraeus to Iraklio." "How long is the flight again?" asked Lane. "Three hours to New York and roughly twelve hours to Athens. The ferryboat to Crete is another eleven hours. Then there is an hour drive to Stefanos' home, south of Aghios Nikolaos. Your first task when we reach Stefanos' home is to rest and get over your jet lag. The best way to do that is lay out in the sun, it helps to reset your internal body clock," answered Alex. "Why are we taking the ferry to Crete. Aren't there flights there?" asked Kim. "The ferry is slower, but easier. Also Stefanos will have the truck with our gear in it," replied Alex. "So we'll start work the following day?" asked Hallie. "Yes, but before we work, we'll feast. Stefanos and I will prepare a wonderful meal for you," stated Carla. "I forgot to ask, is Stefanos married?" asked Hallie. "Several times. His last wife passed away a few years ago," answered Alex. "So, who's his latest live-in lover?" asked Carla. There was a sly smile on her face. "He said her name is Lydia and she owns a club in Aghios Nikolaos," replied Alex. "How old is she?" asked Carla with a smile. "Stefanos said she's of age," laughed Alex. Carla rolled her eyes in mock disgust. "That narrows it down a little!" "I can't wait to meet him," remarked Hallie. "He sounds like a real character." Carla laughed. "That, my dear, is an understatement." "Changing the subject, I want to remind you all that we don't need a repeat of last year. We know that there are powers associated with the objects, and we don't know what will happen when we take them to the site. I want to keep the dig professional, and I want you to inform me of anything you discover. That goes for everyone," stated Alex. Hallie, Kim, and Lane all nodded. "Good. Now, the main goal of the dig will be to try to restore the damaged fresco. Hallie believes that it may hold the key to translating Linear A." Linear A was one of two main written languages of the ancient Minoans. It had never been translated. Thanks to her transformation, Hallie could read it, but they needed physical proof. Hallie noted that Alex hadn't mentioned Linear H yet, the secret language that Hallie had discovered on the objects associated with her transformation. As if on cue, Alex brought up the new language. "A real coup would be if the fresco includes Linear H. Then, my friends, we would have a once in a lifetime discovery. For the sake of science, we must make sure we carefully excavate the site and our documentation must be meticulous." "So the fresco is close to the site?" asked Kim. "It's in a small building next to the site," answered Alex. "It's rarely looked at these days." "I just want to say one thing. If we find the key to the three languages, I want to share this discovery. I know that, due to my transformation, I have a special insight into all this, but I want everyone to get credit for this," stated Hallie. "Everyone?" asked Lane. Hallie nodded. "I don't want this to be a competition." Carla nodded and took Hallie by the hand, gently squeezing it into her own. She felt a warming pride of Hallie and her decision. The rest of the evening was spent listening to Alex and Carla's stories of previous digs. Alex and Carla hugged each girl as they departed. Alex had the last word. "Go home and get some sleep. In two days, we'll be flying to Greece!" Chapter Nine Kim rolled over in the bed and kissed Hallie gently on the lips. Hallie snuggled up closer to Kim. "That was nice," sighed Hallie. Kim smiled. "I don't condone what Lane did, but I can't imagine what life would be like without you." Hallie giggled. They fell asleep in each other's arms. Hallie had another dream with her mystery man. In the dream, she was sitting in the main library and noticed him sitting across from her. He was about five-foot-nine and thin, his light brown hair was cut short, and he was wearing wire-framed glasses. Hallie even noticed that he had bright blue eyes. Hallie got up and began to walk towards the guy. She estimated that he was in his early twenties. When she got close, he looked up and smiled. Suddenly she was alone, standing in the temple in Crete. It looked like it was brand new, and Hallie walked inside. There was a torch burning by the entrance and Hallie took it in her hand. She held it up and saw the fresco and saw that it was complete. She moved the torch down towards the bottom and could see writing in Linear B. Excitedly she moved the torch down and could see a message in Linear A. It was the same message, a blessing for the site. She looked for the Linear H message and noticed that a cloth covered it. She reached down to move it, and in an instant she was awake. "Shit!" she exclaimed, as she sat up. She looked over and saw that Kim was still sound asleep. Glancing over at the clock, she saw that it was 5:00 AM. Hallie debated whether to go back to sleep, but decided to get up instead. Hallie carefully slipped out of bed and walked into her room. Sitting down at her desk, she pulled out her leather-bound journal and recorded the dream. She wanted to get as much down before the images slipped away. She then turned to the last page and looked at the sketch of the guy in her dreams. She was no artist, but had drawn a pretty good image of him. Guiding her pencil carefully, she added a little more detail to the drawing. This couldn't just be chance, she thought. Both he and the temple were in the dream together, and that had never happened before. There had to be a connection, but what was it? she pondered. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear Kim enter her room. "You want breakfast, or are you content to sit at your desk naked? If you want, you can combine the two activities; I love seeing you naked," remarked Kim. Hallie turned and smiled at Kim. "Breakfast sounds good." Kim walked over and looked at the drawing. "He looks pleasant enough. I wonder when you'll meet him." "I don't know. I get the sense that I'm supposed to help him in some way, but I have no idea how or why," replied Hallie. Hallie then got a worried look on her face, as if she had just said something to offend Kim. "I'm not in love with him or anything like that." Kim laughed and leaned down and kissed Hallie on the lips. "I know that, silly! Now, throw something on and I'll treat you to breakfast." Hallie nodded. "Thanks for being so understanding." Kim shrugged her shoulders. "No one said having an enchanted girlfriend would be easy!" Chapter Ten The trip from Columbus to Athens passed without incident. Despite being very excited, Hallie actually slept for most of the flight. She felt a growing sense of anticipation as they got off the plane and passed through Greek customs. Athens was a step closer to Crete. As they walked into the terminal, a jovial short, bald man, with a large gray moustache greeted them. His face was wrinkled and tanned from many years spent out in the sun. Slightly overweight, it didn't seem to slow him down, as he moved quickly towards them. Hallie immediately recognized Stefanos from the photos that Alex had shown her. "Alex! Carla! It's so good to see you!" Stefanos bellowed. There was a huge smile on his face. He gave Alex a big hug, lifting him off the ground. Then he did the same for Carla, followed by a kiss. Hallie looked at Kim and they both broke out in smiles. "Stefanos, let me introduce you to my grad students," stated Alex. "Please, old friend, you described them to me, I would know them anywhere," interrupted Stefanos. He turned to Lane and gave her a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lane. I understand that your father is so generously supporting this dig." Lane was a bit caught back by his enthusiastic greeting, but quickly recovered. "Yes...yes, he is. I'm honored to meet a friend of Alex." Stefanos nodded and turned to Kim. "You must be Kim. Alex has been telling me about you for years. He claims you're the best researcher that he's seen in years." He then wrapped his arms around her and gave her a welcome hug. Kim responded by giving him a kiss on each cheek. Stefanos stopped in front of Hallie and seemed speechless. He caught himself after a moment. "I'm sorry, but I'm struck by your appearance, Hallie. You look like one of the temple priestesses on a fresco in my museum." Hallie smiled back. In her best Greek, she greeted him. Stefanos broke out in a big laugh. "Beautiful, and cultured too. Your Greek is excellent!" He then gave Hallie her welcome hug. Hallie also gave him a kiss. "Theon is waiting with the SUVs. He's anxious to meet all of you," announced Stefanos. A short time later, they met Theon. Hallie noted that while Theon was thinner, more athletic looking, and had a full head of curly brown hair, he was without doubt the son of Stefanos. After another round of greetings, they got into the two vehicles. Kim, Lane, and Hallie rode with Theon. They learned that he had gone to the University of Pennsylvania. "So why are you girls here?" asked Theon in a matter-of-fact way, as they followed Stefanos in the other SUV. "What do you mean?" asked a slightly annoyed Kim. "Well, I mean, this isn't a glamorous dig and there are just you three, it's not a hotbed for husbands," replied Theon. Hallie glanced over at Kim, who was getting angry. "We're here because we want to be archeologists," interjected Hallie. Theon laughed. "Oh, I don't doubt that you enjoy the field, but it's just something to do until you get married," he remarked. "Is that what you really think?" asked Kim, holding in her anger. "I didn't mean to offend you, but I've seen so many women waste their time studying in some field, only to cast it off in order to get married," answered Theon. "Why would getting married have anything to do with my career choice?" asked Hallie. "You can't go into the field and be a mother at the same time," answered Theon, as if he was explaining something extremely obvious to a child. "Why not?" asked Kim. Theon glanced back at her, the look on his face said it all, and the confused look told Hallie and Kim that he had never considered that a woman could be both a mother and an archeologist. Theon laughed again. "I've forgotten how independent you American women are! You can be so confusing at times." Kim rolled her eyes; in spite of his sexist behavior, she still found Theon charming, for a man. They arrived at the ferry to Crete and rejoined Alex, Carla, and Stefanos. "The ferry departs in an hour. The weather is clear and we should be in Iraklio on time," announced Stefanos. "Relax, it's a nice eleven hour trip." Lane, Hallie, and Kim walked up to the main deck and watched as they pulled away from the pier. Hallie turned to Lane. "I'm surprised you didn't join in the discussion with Theon." "What do you mean?" Lane replied. "That crap he was uttering about women and archeology," added Kim. "Well, for one thing, in some ways he was right. We've all known girls who've gone to college to get a husband," answered Lane. "Yes, but that was in undergrad work," replied Kim, slightly taken aback by Lane's comments. "I've known a few in the graduate department too," added Lane. "Still, you weren't insulted by what he said?" asked Hallie. Lane smiled. "No, in some ways it was very refreshing to hear a man speak his mind, without worrying about being PC." "You feel okay?" asked Kim, putting her hand to Lane's forehead. "Yes, why do you ask?" replied Lane. There was a sly grin on her face. Hallie's eyes opened up wide. "You like him!" Lane was about to deny what Hallie said, but then hesitated. "Maybe you're right. He's very handsome." Hallie was speechless. Kim was likewise silent. "Did you notice how he opened the car doors for us? He's a real gentleman!" squealed Lane. Hallie shook her head and whispered. "Lane, having once been male myself, I was shocked by what he said." Lane shrugged her shoulders. "So, I take it neither of you is interested in him?" Kim laughed and looked at Hallie, who was also giggling. "Oh, that's right, you two are a couple. Sorry, my bad," Lane commented, obviously embarrassed. "Come on, we'd better get back to the others," stated Kim. "This trip is already interesting and we haven't gotten to the dig site yet!" Chapter Ten The ferry arrived early the following morning, and they started their drive towards Aghios Nikolas. Hallie and Kim rode with Stefanos and Carla, who were consumed with friendly debate about the upcoming meal they would prepare together. Hallie and Kim looked out the windows at the beautiful countryside. Hallie was overwhelmed with the feelings that she had been here before. "I can't believe how gorgeous Crete is," exclaimed Kim. "I agree," added Hallie. "I must admit that I never get tired looking at my homeland," replied Stefanos. "Hallie, do you know your heritage?" "A little," she lied. "Why?" "I've never seen anyone who looked so much like the images of the Minoans. Would you be willing to participate in a little experiment?" he asked. "What is it?" asked Hallie. "I have a friend doing a DNA study, comparing present day races to the DNA of the remains of Minoans. Would you mind submitting a sample?" asked Stefanos. Hallie hesitated. Deep down she wanted to know if she was Minoan, but if the tests confirmed that, how would she explain it? Seeing Hallie's apprehension, Stefanos glanced back at her. "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? You don't have to give me an answer right now. Please forgive me." "No need to apologize. I'll think about it," replied Hallie. She decided to confer with Alex and Carla in private before deciding. "Wonderful!" exclaimed Stefanos. "How far are we from your home?" asked Kim. "Only another twenty minutes. We're almost to Aghios Nikolaos. You should be able to see the town in a few minutes. My home is south of the city, on the Gulf of Merabello. I'll take you all into town later this week." Hallie stared out at the hills and it suddenly hit her that she had been here before, in her many dreams with her mystery man. "Will we get to meet Lydia?" asked Carla, with a smile on her face. "Of course! She's anxious to meet all of you," replied Stefanos. They drove south along the coast until they reached a narrow road that ran towards the shoreline. At first they didn't see a house, then it appeared as if by magic. Stefanos' home appeared to be built into the hill overlooking the gulf. There were also two smaller buildings between the main house and the rocky shoreline. All three buildings were white with red tile roofs. "Oh, Stefanos, it's wonderful," exclaimed Carla. "The two smaller buildings are guesthouses. I plan on renting them out next summer. The larger one is for you and Alex. I'll let the girls decide who gets the other one. It has two small bedrooms. There is a large guest bedroom in the main house," he explained. Hallie noticed that there were paths leading down to the water. Additionally the main house and each guesthouse had patios, all of which overlooked the gulf. "I do ask you to watch your fresh water use. I haven't gotten around to installing the larger water tank yet," explained Stefanos. He parked the SUV and they stepped out. Alex, Lane, and Theon walked over from the other SUV and joined them. "Do you live here, Theon?" asked Carla. "No, I have a place in town. It's also my office and studio," he explained. "It's so beautiful," remarked Hallie. "Alex, Carla, let me show you your cottage. You girls can decide who gets the other one," remarked Stefanos, as he led Carla and Alex towards the larger of the two guesthouses. Kim glanced over at Lane. Lane smiled slightly and nodded. "Hallie and Kim will take the cottage," announced Lane. Stefanos turned around and waved back. "Theon, help the young ladies with their luggage." "Yes, Papa!" replied Theon. Lane appeared to struggle with her bags and Theon took them from her. They walked together to the big house. Hallie and Kim grabbed their bags and began to walk towards their cottage. "Since when did Lane become so helpless?" whispered Hallie to Kim. "I don't know. Whatever has gotten into her?" replied Kim, with an amused tone in her voice. Kim and Hallie walked into the small cottage. There was a small room that appeared to double as a living room and dining room. There was a cozy kitchen nook, with a little fridge and stove. There were two bedrooms. One had a double bed and the other had a single. There was also a tiny bathroom with a shower stall. "Oh well, no more baths together until we get back to the states!" bemoaned Kim. Hallie laughed. "Hey, we do have the whole gulf to swim in together!" Kim nodded and turned to look out the living room window, which overlooked the gulf. "This is wonderful. I can't believe the view we have." "I know. Let's go check out the rest of the place," stated Hallie. "We can unpack later." They walked up towards the main house and were joined by Carla, Alex, and Stefanos. "The cottage is fantastic!" exclaimed Kim. "Yes, it's wonderful," added Hallie. "Thank you for the glowing reviews. I hope that the tourists like them as much next summer," quipped Stefanos. "I trust you two don't mind being so close to each other." With a totally serious face, Kim answered him. "We don't mind. We share a place together back at school." Carla, who was standing behind Stefanos, just rolled her eyes. "Come, let me give you the complete tour," announced Stefanos. The main house was very spacious. The main room overlooked the gulf. Carla was impressed with the extra-large kitchen. All the appliances were restaurant quality. The kitchen was designed with lots of counter space. Additionally, there was an island that doubled as an eating area, when it wasn't used as a food preparation station. "I couldn't help myself. I love to cook and I decided that for once I would have enough room," remarked Stefanos. "It's wonderful, Stefanos. But where is that marvelous invention you were bragging to me about?" asked Carla. Theon laughed. "Papa, you really didn't tell her about that ridiculous contraption you built?" "Humph! You keep up that sort of negative attitude and you won't get any lamb tonight!" replied Stefanos. "What're you talking about?" asked Alex, his curiosity piqued. Stefanos began to walk outside. "Come, my friends, let me show you my brainstorm." He led them to a large outdoor barbecue, where there was an object covered with a large tarp. Stefanos motioned to Theon, who helped him remove the waterproof cloth. There was what appeared to be a stationary bike connected to a rotating spit. The spit was fixed above a stone firepit. "It's simple. The lamb is placed on the spit and all we need is some gentle peddling to produce a perfect dinner!" explained a very proud Stefanos. Alex could only nod in admiration. "Have you used it yet, Stefanos?" asked Carla. "Just once. I had to adjust the gears of the bike to slow down the rotation." "It requires a lot of peddling. I suggested we use a small motor, but he would have nothing to do with my idea," added Theon. He was smiling and seemed to enjoy needling his father. "And what happens when the power goes out? Besides, the peddling helps you build up an appetite!" answered Stefanos. Hallie couldn't help but smile at the bickering between Stefanos and Theon; it was obvious that they truly loved each other. "Well, we'll get a chance to try it out this out this evening. Did you get everything we need for the meal?" asked Carla. "Lydia is bringing over the perishables. I have everything else. Why don't you relax first?" suggested Stefanos. "I can relax better when I'm cooking. Girls, I won't need your help until later. Why don't you go take a swim or take a nap?" "A swim sounds wonderful," answered Kim. "There are towels in your rooms," informed Stefanos. "I have to run into town. Do you want me to pick up Lydia, Papa?" asked Theon. "She'd appreciate that; thank you very much, Theon," replied Stefanos. Hallie and Kim walked back to their cottage and changed. Lane joined them by the shore. Carla was right; the swim did feel really good. Afterwards, they relaxed in the warm Mediterranean sun on a small beach, sheltered by rocky cliffs. "Not a bad way to spend our first day in Crete," remarked Kim. "By the way, you look really cute in your bikini!" Hallie just mumbled her reply and drifted off into a restful nap. Chapter Eleven Hallie was awakened from her rest by Kim, who was nudging her in the side. "Hey, wake up!" Kim called. Hallie slowly opened her eyes. "Come on, sleepyhead, Carla wants us to help. Also Lydia is here and you have to meet her!" explained Kim, as she shook her lover gently. Hallie sat up, stretched, wiped the sleep out of her eyes, and looked around. "Where's Lane?" "She went up a few minutes ago. She wants to look nice for Theon!" "Wow! Do you believe in love at first sight?" asked Hallie, as she stood up and shook the sand from her towel. "Of course, I do! I felt it the first moment I saw you, silly!" Kim replied. She then leaned down and gave Hallie a kiss. "I have a question? How do we handle our relationship around Stefanos and Theon?" "We should tell them out front. I think Stefanos knows, and if Theon is really as sexist as he acted earlier, he'll probably be turned on," answered Kim. "Come on, not every guy has lesbian fantasies," remarked Hallie. Kim just stared back at Hallie and cocked her head to one side. Hallie laughed. "Okay, maybe you're right!" They walked up the path to their cottage for a quick shower and change of clothes. Hallie selected a floral pattern green and white long skirt, along with a white sleeveless cotton blouse. Kim sat her down and began braiding her hair. Hallie found it to be very soothing. "I'm so glad that you haven't cut this short," remarked Kim, as she finished braiding Hallie's hair. "It's such a pain at times, but it does look nice," answered Hallie. "It's not fair. You have such nice hair and you don't want it!" sighed Kim. "No one said you had to cut yours short, although I do think you look fantastic with short hair!" retorted Hallie. They finished dressing and headed up to the main house. They found Stefanos and Carla in the kitchen, preparing dinner. A stunningly beautiful woman was sitting on a stool next to the kitchen island, drinking a glass of wine. She was tall, blonde, with classically striking features. Her body was deeply tanned and she looked like she was in her late twenties. She easily could have been a model or a movie star. "Hallie, Kim, this is Lydia," greeted Stefanos, looking up from the food he was preparing. Lydia turned and greeted them. "It's a pleasure to meet you two." She then gave them a sly wink, as if she knew they were a couple. Hallie liked her immediately. Chapter Twelve Holding his wine glass aloft, Alex stood up and made the first of many toasts. "First, I would like to thank my old friend Stefanos for the hospitality of his home. Yasas!" They all took a big sip of their wine. "Now, I would like to toast to a successful dig. May we find what we're all looking for! Yasas!" Hallie smiled and wondered if Alex had intentionally chosen his words with her in mind. She also wondered how many more toasts would be made as she was quickly discovering that the wine in Crete was stronger than back in the states. "Thank you, my friend," announced Stefanos. "It's time to feast!" The spit-roasted lamb was brought out by Theon. While Hallie had never really liked lamb, she found the aroma irresistible. Stefanos' invention worked to perfection, resulting in an excellent roasted lamb. With a lot of peddling it had produced a very succulent, tasty dinner. "So, tell me Alex, what really brings you here?" asked Stefanos, leaning over towards Alex. Alex looked at Hallie who nodded. "We think the fresco is the key to decoding Linear A. There is also a possibility of a hidden third language," stated Alex. Stefanos nodded. "I've suspected the existence of a third language. I assume you're talking about the marks on the jars that I sent you?" Alex nodded. "Why do you think the fresco is important?" asked Stefanos. "Call it a hunch," replied Alex. "You're hiding something, my old friend. We've always been honest with each other and I can only assume that your secrecy is because you're protecting someone," stated Stefanos. Alex nodded. "I want proof before I tell you everything." He slipped a glance at Hallie. Stefanos nodded. "I understand." Hallie noticed that Lane and Theon were talking to each other and appeared to be oblivious to the conversation going on next to them. Lydia was talking to Carla about the meal. Hallie looked over at Alex and mouthed, "Tell him the truth." Alex shook his head slightly and mouthed back, "Later." Thankfully, Stefanos didn't notice their silent conversation. Hallie felt bad about not being open with Stefanos, and decided that she would talk to Alex about it as soon as possible. "Alex, if this dig does lead to some major discovery, I'd love to be the one who writes about it," stated Theon. "I think that would be appropriate. However, please run all press releases through me before publishing them. I promise that you'll get excusive rights, but I don't have to tell you the significance of keeping this a secret for now." Theon nodded. "True. The site could be ravaged and any artifacts would be end up in the black market." "Or worse," added Stefanos. "Have there been any problems with Konstantin?" asked Alex. "Nothing that I can blame him for. There have been anonymous threats against anyone helping us with the site. Thankfully, I still have some of my father's connections," replied Stefanos. "What do you mean?" asked Hallie. "I can still get any supplies we need for the dig. The men who supply us aren't afraid of a few Russian thugs," replied Stefanos. "Russian thugs?" asked Kim. "Yes, Konstantin has two Russian bodyguards with him. They have tried to intimidate local merchants and suppliers. However, the word has been put out that anyone who helps us will be protected," replied Stefanos. "Do you really think that he'll resort to violence?" asked Hallie. "Maybe. He stands to lose a lot of money if his resort is delayed much longer." "Do you think he'll try to damage the site?" asked Kim. Stefanos shook his head. "That would be a huge mistake. He'll sit back and hope we don't find anything. If we do, he may try to scare us away." "He'd be the one making the mistake," mumbled Hallie to herself. Stefanos gave her a look, as if he had heard what she said. Hallie wasn't sure, but he cracked a sly smile. "I suspect that this will be a very memorable summer. Enough talk about that bastard! Come now, you've barely made a dent in the lamb! Let us eat and drink. We can address the problems of the world tomorrow!" declared Stefanos. Much later in the evening, Hallie stumbled back to the cottage with Kim. They were both too tired to do anything but go to sleep. The combination of fatigue and numerous glasses of Cretan wine had taken their toll. Hallie undressed and collapsed on her bed; sleep came immediately. Chapter Thirteen Hallie awoke and found herself soaking in a soothing warm bath. Torches lit the room. She looked down and was shocked to see that she was a male again. It had to be a dream, she thought, but then she could feel the water in the bath. She stepped up and out of the bath and looked around the room. Hallie shivered slightly from the cool night air. There was a towel next to the bath and she picked it up and dried her body. Hallie then began to examine her body. She was definitely a man, stocky and very muscular, far more muscular than she had ever been as Harry. She ran her hands over her face and felt that she now had a full beard. Her hair was shorter, but still curly. Hallie looked around and was disappointed that there wasn't a mirror, as she was intensely curious about what she looked like. Slowly she accepted that her guardians had taken her on another dream journey. Hallie instinctively knew she was back in Minoa. She wasn't sure, but the bathhouse had the feel of being a ceremonial place, the only other thing in the room was a chair. She looked at the bath and saw that it was a natural stone formation. There was a trickle of warm water pouring into the pool from a clay pipe in the wall. She could see an overflow channel carved into the rock that allowed the water to flow to a drain in the corner of the room. She would have studied the bath more, but the fact that she was male again was too much of a distraction. It was strange having a male body again. She ran her hands across her hairy body; it just didn't seem right. Then there

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We Met On A Plane Part 5

I was commuting from Newark to Milwaukee. Joan was returning to Milwaukee from a vacation in London. Our sex lives merged that day and we have been having each other since. I even include last week while she was on a business trip and had me debouching with the coeds who lived across from my hotel room. She had me do things I never considered before. This past Sunday after we made love in epic fashion, she finally told me she and her roommate, Maddy, work for the secret service. Both Joan and I...

Group Sex
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Project Mayhem

Character List: Raymond K. K. Hessel: After meeting Tyler, he decided to become a veterinarian for a bunch of rich white women who live in the nice part of the city. He's worked hard for the past five years and is now working to be a true man. He has a slight streak for control ever since he was nearly murdered because he seeks control over his life. He is nearly impossible to blackmail as he's always suspicious of everything occurring around him. Angel Face: After getting his nose completely...

3 years ago
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A Little Tail

A Little Tail By Lexi Lee I guess I knew that I was different when I was 13 or so . I wasn't very good at sports and really had no interest in them. What I did enjoy was sitting with the girls watching. They would talk of boys and clothes in a way that made me feel a longing to be like them. This led to my first experience at sex. His name was Chuck and he was tall and slim and 2 years older than I. We were in his room doing schoolwork one afternoon when he asked point blank if...

4 years ago
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The Country Lane

Driven by a male friend we approached down a dark lane amidst a tunnel of trees and took the sharp right hand bend to enter the dimly lit tunnel beneath a motorway. A car was parked to one side of the tunnel with interior lights on and couple were in it.We parked on the side of the lane in a gateway. I left the car and approached the couple. She was a mature woman wearing only a suspender belt and stockings beneath a shawl. She was showing everything to me her man was encouraging her to open...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Annabel Redd Eliza Eves Busty Beauties Annabel Redd And Eliza Eves Have Wet Pussies For You LIVE

All natural beauties Annabel Redd and Eliza Eves love showing off their big tits and gorgeous asses in their tight lingerie. Don’t you just love the feel of big all natural breasts all in your face?!? Eliza sure loves it sucking on Annabel’s nipples and feeling her wet pussy with her fingers as she finger bangs her. A woman has never tasted so sweet when Eliza licks off her fingers and gets Annabel’s face plunging deep between her legs. Annabel is not shy at all when it comes...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 228

The afternoon that we were going to use for planning was gone. It was late afternoon by the time we made it back to the office. I expected another lecture about taking risks, but none came my way - at least not yet. We ordered supper to be delivered and began our meeting. By having both the day shift and night shift work 12 hours (by starting 4 hours early), there would be enough coverage for both Frost Borough and Tennessee Community college. Each of those colleges had 800 students...

3 years ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 12

When Beth rode into the high meadows and approached the shack, she felt completely normal. Everything was right with the world. She would tell her parents about Buford, and then offer to go back to the ranch to mind things there. Her mother came out of the shack, her hands white with flour. She looked at her daughter, sitting on the horse. “What happened to you?” asked Amanda. “What do you mean?” asked Beth. “The Sheriff didn’t come. It’s a long story, but Buford is dead.” “You look...

2 years ago
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Fuck Daddy 1

I tossed my purse onto the couch and walked down the hallway. As I passed my father’s room, I stopped dead in my tracks. His door was cracked open, and his TV was on. He was watching porn. I tried to avert my eyes, but I just couldn’t do it. The porn he was watching was a lesbian one. Two girls were going at it with a double-sided dildo. And I’m not going to lie, it was turning me on. I pushed the door open a little further, and took a step it. My father was lying on his back on the...

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 32

Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...

4 years ago
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The Ticket

Pissed! Pissed, I tell ya! Fighting mad! Fuck with me would they? Just because I’m little ... and wear glasses; can’t see my finger a foot away from my nose without ‘em. Little, weak, blind, stuttering genius. Girls won’t talk to me, or when they do, it’s to set me up for a fall. Gods! I get so mad. I sniveled and snuffed away the blood and wiped the tears with the back of my hand ... and that set them all to laughing ... again. I wish I had a gun ... and knew how to shoot ... and could see...

2 years ago
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When We Were Dating

My Wife (pen name Jane) told me this story after a few years of marriage and after we’d discovered how much I love her freshly fucked pussy - and after a few glasses of wine. I love when she talks like this. She can be a real hot slut sometimes. Not long after we started dating, she actually moved in with me. We were together for about 6 months when this occurred. I was working a late shift – got home at about 6 am. She had gone out to meet a friend of hers at a local bar. Her friend was...

2 years ago
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Teacher Ki Problem Solve Ki

Hello friends i m nirmal frm jalandhar mai student hu aur sab log mujhe pyaar se jaggi bulate hai mai bohut h handsome aur good looking ladka hu mere lund ka size 8.5inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai meri umar 19 saal hai aur mai school main parh tai hu yeh meri first storu hai es site par…. Agar koi galti hue ho toh maaf kijie ga toh ab mai apko jyada borr nah krte hue apni story par le jata hu Yeh us samay ki baat hai jab mai 12stnd main tha tab hamare class main 1 science teacher hoti thi usko...

3 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 19 Death and Life

Love and friendship. Of the measures of my life of which I"m proudest, the friendships I have formed over the years run a close second only to the love I share with Ginny. My grief and sense of loss at Dare's passing were deep and difficult to put aside. Dare had not been a pet, she had been a companion and fellow adventurer, the first and truest member of the Legion of Light. And my friend. But it was time to take Ginny's hand and announce to the world our love and commitment, a day I...

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The Girl Stories Man on the bench 3

One day, when she opened the door to the bathroom, she saw him sitting on the toilet. She quickly decided he wanted a show, so she opened the door fully, and backed up. She went into the grass directly in front of the door and made a pirouette, showing off her skirt. She then courtesied with a smile in his direction. She lowered her leggins, and slipped her panties down. She then couched looking into his eyes. The man gestured for her to lift up her top. She understood that he wanted to...

3 years ago
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The MILF Specialist

Hello, my dear readers. Let me introduce myself to you as Doctor Vikranth, a 26-year-old sexologist. I recently graduated from A.S.H.A Medical College in the USA. I am one of the youngest Sexologists practicing in India. I have specialized in helping women above 35 years. I completed my MBBS course in Delhi, before moving to the States for my higher education. I was always interested in sex from a very young age. I had a peculiar liking for a mature woman. These two were the major factors why I...

2 years ago
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The Problem With Fooling Mother NatureChapter 7A

As it turned out, their fears were not unwarranted. Over the next couple of weeks Trent was nearly caught with his sister twice and his mother once. The first time was early in the morning and Ally and Trent were sleeping peacefully, and nakedly, in his bed. They'd screwed for hours when she came to his bed and fell asleep afterward. Their father was tired of Trent's always sleeping in on weekends, and was about to barge into his room and wake him. Fortunately, Rebecca was just coming up...

4 years ago
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Brothers Bens house

After their day at the pool and the night spent together at Niall and Cian's, Ben and the other boys were looking forward to spending the night in Ben's. During the day Cian rang Sam and asked him to come with them to Ben's house.. This time his mum agreed and allowed him to go with the other boys. Ben lived in the country in a huge house which had 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, two living rooms, an office and a games room. Also he had an outdoor tennis/basketball court...

3 years ago
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"Hey k**!" Shelby could hear Adam downstairs talking to Christopher, their son. She was upstairs in the bathroom getting ready. She studied herself in the mirror. Her large, dark, almond-shaped eyes stared out from a smallish heart-shaped face. She painted her full lips a shiny, juicy pink and blew a silly kiss at her reflection. She tossed her head giving herself shivers as her long hair tickled over her bare shoulders like the smoothest piece of espresso silk.She may have been a mom, but...

4 years ago
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My Brother Raped Me

My brother and I where colouring in pictures in my room. My bedroom door was shut as normal as my mum had a headache and my dad was in a bad mood. We were sent to my room by my dad, as he did not want to have to deal with two 'kids' as he put it. Looking at my sisters side of the room, I get a pang of jealousy, she's so lucky to be out with her friends, whilst I'm stuck in this dingy room, with my brother, whom I despise. He put the colouring pencil down on the bed, and says he's...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Donations

Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...

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Karen Naked In SchoolChapter 4 Thursday

Preceding story: In Karen naked in school -- Monday and Tuesday, I'm surprised to find I'm required to attend high school in the nude for a whole week, and I do so very reluctantly. In Karen naked in school -- Wednesday, part 1 I tell about how I had to pose for Harold, a geeky photographer, before school. My history teacher explains some of the changes in recent history which led to my unusual week in school. In part 2, I pose again after school for Harold, then later experiment with...

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main aur maami82308230akaily tanha

Hi frndz main hoon prince. main iss ka boht bara aur purana fan hoon,aur aj main chahta hoon k ap tak apni aik story bhe pohncha doon jo k meri aur meri mami k drmyan hoay sex ki hai..meri koshish to yehi hai k main ap sb ko aik hoottt story paish karon per ye mera frst time hai is liye agar koi galti ya kami rh jae to advance sorry…. Ap ko ye story kesi lgi?? mjhe princehot4you pe mail kr k zaroor batiye ga… main aik average guy hoon.lahore pakistan ka rhne wala hoon..lund size normal hai...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Stella Flex Jia Lissa Dirty Lesbians Classroom Fun

Sexy Russian schoolgirls Stella Flex and Jia Lissa find each other wandering in the halls of their Catholic college, and what ensues between the babes when they duck into an empty classroom is lustful lesbian fun that you definitely want to witness. In this Euro Girls on Girls 4K premium porn picture, we’ve got these glamour models on film exploring each other’s pussy and perky tits with their tongues and toys in all of the best positions for you to get in on the action. Join the...

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New Neighbor Part 4 The Next Morning

Katie woke up the next morning, finding herself snuggled between Jill on her left and Todd on her right. She felt wonderfully warm and cozy between them. She laid there for a while still feeling satisfied from the night before, thinking about how much she'd enjoyed being with Jill and Todd.Finally Katie quietly slipped out from between Jill and Todd and got out of bed. Wrapping herself in a green silk robe from her closet, she went down stairs and started the coffee maker. Katie walked over to...

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Unbelievable Summer Ch 22

Lois Tillman, an English teacher at Jamestown High School, got out of the bed she’d spent another lonely night in, put on her robe, and walked out to her kitchen. She made herself a cup of tea, went into the living room, turned on the TV, curled up on the sofa, and tried to concentrate on the morning news, but she couldn’t. Her husband, Rod was a physical education teacher and football coach at the school where she taught. Football was all he lived for and he spent most of the summer running...

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Toms DiaryChapter 6

Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 It was Mom who came to wake us, just before five thirty. I sat at my desk, trying to keep my face expressionless. Jenny bounced out of bed, and gave me a small smile, vanished towards the bathroom. Mom turned to me as soon as Jenny was gone. "I came by last night to see how Jennifer was, to see if you wanted anything to eat. I heard her crying through the door. No screams, no shouts... it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, deciding to trust you...

3 years ago
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Christmas Eve and a Present to remember

It was Christmas Eve in the clothing store, my girlfriend was locking up, so I popped into the changing rooms to try out that last minute present from her, a pair of new trousers.I could hear the keys rattling in the lock as I slipped out of my jeans and Fairytale of New York from the piped music.I undid my belt and slipped them down,wearing nothing underneath today, hoping for a little fun later I’d decided to go ‘combat’. As they slid over my legs and onto the floor, looking at my reflection...

2 years ago
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God there so fucking hot I think as I watch my two beautiful busty twin daughters swim in our pool. B I can't what will they think of me not only am I attracted to them but I'm also a huge lesbian. "Mom?" "Mom?" "Huh what?" " You where staring at us for like really long time" my oldest by 2 minutes says. "Oh!" "I'm I'm sorry Hannah I guess I was spacing out" I say as I try to cover for my lustfull gaze. "Well Hannah Caroline I'm going in to start lunch ok?" I say before they get a chance to ask...

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Naughty mother and daughter

Jason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she valued the...

1 year ago
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An affair with my bhabhi 2

After a while, I turn on my back. I pulled her over me. I asked to sit over me facing me and told her to insert my lund into her chut. She did it. But I observed, she was finding it little painful to insert it. I thought the pain was because she being still virgin. I pushed her down and mounted her. Spreading her legs, I pushed my lund into her. After couple of forceful thrusts I succeeded to enter her. Her heman broke. She cried out a loud. Her pussy was too tight. I slowly started fucking...

2 years ago
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A weekend with a 13 year old virgin

I knew the family well, Bill, his wife and I had all been in the same class at school. We grew up in the same neighborhood. I spent a lot of time at their house, they almost seemed like family to me. Me, I was still single. I just never met the right girl and my store took up a lot of my time. I owned a music store in the local mall and it was always busy. We sold music, videos, players and video games. One of my innovations was a small soda/burger shop at the back of the store that quickly...

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Sinful Night Part 8211 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net After a day filled with meetings, I just wanted to grab a few drinks in the bar next to my hotel and go back and dump myself in the bed. However, I did not know, how long a night this was going to be. I took a taxi from the office to my hotel and throughout the way, I was lost in my own thoughts away from my family in a place, so alien. I checked a few emails on the phone and a dating site I was a member of to score some quick...

4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

The hitchhiker - Part 1 I had recently broken up with my girlfriend and with a bit of a midlife crisis decided it was time to travel across the country to start a new life. I had sold most of my stuff and no fixed agenda so I thought I would make a bit of a tour of it. I decided that it would be best if I had a travelling companion so I put an advertisement into the local paper and on the local community notice board. I had 3 replies from people who were keen to cruise there way...

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BlacksOnBlondes Kate England 12062016

Owning your own business can be really tough. Long hours, hard work, and managing employees — both good and bad. Shane’s had his joint for quite sometime, and he has a great team. There’s also a bad apple: Kate England. She’s always late, doesn’t show much enthusiasm for the work, and, to top it all off, last night Kate dropped a tray full of shots all over a customer! And didn’t apologize! Shane knows it’s time to cut Kate loose. Or will he? Perhaps...

2 years ago
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Flight Lessons

After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...

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Race to Pee1

“Stupid poor people have it so easy,” she thought. Lita studied her blue-gray eyes, finding nothing but bitterness there. Rolling her eyes, Lita straightened the eccentric bow on the collar of her cashmere blouse. She smoothed the wrinkles out of her light gray slacks, took one last lingering glance at her small frame in the mirror, and stalked out of the country club restroom. “Please just let this be over with,” Lita groaned internally. “There you are, Lita,” her mother, Grace,...

4 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 24

I knew I would have plenty of space in Chloe’s bedroom to change clothes, though it was going to be a bit unnerving with all of those huge bay windows being completely open to her back yard. My only relief was that she had seen fit to have a privacy fence surround her back yard. Then I noticed the house behind hers. It was two stories, which made the fence moot. More than that, I was pretty sure someone was standing in one of the windows that could see into her bedroom. “Problem?” Chloe...

3 years ago
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Drive To The Mountains

It was late afternoon when we left for the cabin in the mountains. It had been one of those glorious autumnal days that began with a frosty morning and then warmed up perfectly not to have to wear a coat. The sky had a very light cloud cover towards the west that was promising to make for a wonderful sunset.We had about a one and a half-hour drive to get the cabin and would make it time to see the sun disappear over the horizon. Our drive into the sun that made it difficult with sun glare at...

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Silver KnightsChapter 2

John called his lawyer when they got home. “John, I can see your problem, but there is not much that you can do about it. You have three choices: let the kids go to school and fight their own battles, sue the school and the Board of Education to try to force them to do a better job of controlling the bullies, or pull Jack and Nelly from school and go through home schooling. Frankly, home schooling is so early in its infancy in this day and age of 1983 that it still does not have a strong...

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The Discipline Centre in 2040 Martha Returns

Martha arrived once again at the discipline centre. Having suffered her punishment, she then attended the following week for a feedback meeting and to agree on future behaviour. She was told to attend a weekly session after that, in a group of other offenders, which was intended to help them behave in the future. Martha thought that was a good idea and so signed up for it.Today, she went to the discipline centre and once again saw Officer Riley at the front desk. She thought she may have been...

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Riding Red

Once upon a time, there was a young woman, who lived with her parents on a small farm by the edge of a forest. Everyone called her Red, because her grandmother, who the girl loved dearly, had given her a red riding hood, that was her favourite piece of clothing and which she wore every day. And also, because her real name translated to something like “Dawn of the Earth Serpent”, which is not only a whole mouthful but also somewhat intimidating. Red blamed her mother, though, who was something...

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My wifes BBW Grandma

I am 28 years old and my wife is 26. She is 5'2" tall and weighs 105 lbs soaking wet. ;-) we had been married for a couple years when my wife's grandfather passed away and left her grandma all alone. She is 76 years old and the family didn't think she should live alone. We have a 3 bedroom home. Planning to have k**s but we don't have any as of yet. So we invited her to come live with us. So she moved over 2,000 miles to come live with us in CA. I had never met Eunice before but I had seen pics...

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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...

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Mature Married Man Discovers a Hunger for His Friends

My name is Ethan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were lucky to have been born and raised in the Savannah, Georgia area, and then able to find good jobs and raise our family here. We are in our mid-fifties now, and our children are grown and own their own, living in Atlanta.Jenny and I have a lot of good friends from high school who are still in the area, and she sees her old girlfriends socially at church gatherings, playing cards at bridge nights twice a month, and other get togethers with a couple...

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SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER FOUR: DECISIONSThe decision about my future was easy to make. It had been decided the night before, but Nick had insisted that a decision like this, with the ramifications and implications this entailed, could not be made under the potential influence of a moment. His wish for me was to be the happiest he could make me, but his greatest fear was that his obvious desire to make me happy might unduly influence me. This decision had to be mine and it had to be made in...

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BurrChapter 47 Becky

Somehow, we made it through all of Sunday without being together; Becky's mother wouldn't permit it. That is not to say we didn't talk. I called the McFadden home at seven A.M., eight A.M. and nine A.M.before Becky came to the phone. We talked for thirty minutes, about nothing, about everything. We talked again that afternoon and again on Sunday evening. "What have you been doing?" "Did you miss me?" "Answer my question first" "Missing you." Nothing of substance was said in...

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LoveHerFeet Jill Kassidy She Can8217t Give Up The Foot Fetish World

After a long day of shopping in some sexy high heels, Jill has a conversation with her stepdad about a foot fetish fan site she’s involved in. After talking about this for some time, he has found a social media marketing job for her at a respectable company where there may be some questions about her current social media presence where she shares pictures of her feet online. Her sexy feet pics might be a problem in a respectable workspace, but when Jill places her sexy soles up on the table for...

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Ciarra the ColdChapter 2 The Game Begins

The whole world thrummed with a burst of power, heralding the start of the [Great Game] I felt something indescribable click into place, and agony blossomed as the rules of the game turned me into a champion, and a [Priestess] of Kolra. Champions have much higher stats than normal people. They are stronger, tougher, faster, and smarter than normal mortals. They also have powerful unique abilities. Even the weakest champion is capable of defeating an army by themselves. In that moment, every...

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Thanksgiving with Kierra

Introduction: Enjoy part two of the Kierra story Continuation of Kierra, my personal goddess If you did not read the first story, you will probably not catch on to certain things. Thanksgiving with Kierra September and October had passed quickly and before I knew it, it was November and Thanksgiving was just around the corner. My escapade with Kiki was nothing more than a memory now, and we didnt even really spend much time together after that. I still think about it now and then, and Im sure...

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My Fuck Toy

The moment I step in the door, I begin loosening my tie. My apartment is thirty-two stories up in downtown New York, all the windows open to the city lights. It is already dark outside. I like being a lawyer, but I have to put in a lot of extra hours so I can keep a steady position at a firm I actually like.I walk through the lavishly furnished main room to the all black kitchen. A blonde with her long hair tied up in a messy bun is cooking at the stove, her back turned to me. Her perfect ass...

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The Nest

The Nest Synopsis: A first year college student needs a part time job to pay his expenses. When he hears about one it sounds to be too good to be true, but then the job turns out not to be what he expected - in so many, many ways. High school is like a butcher shop - it takes in hunks of raw meat, converts them into various cuts for different uses, packages them, and sends them out into the world to be consumed. The "Prime Cuts" are the top of the line students. The girls have long...

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An Itch to ScratchChapter 3

Dwayne ended up not being in third period or at lunch or even at school after school. Trent waited for about a half hour for his friend to show before throwing in the towel. Dwayne has always been the unpredictable sort. If he said he was going to be somewhere then there was a good chance he wouldn’t. Of course the same goes if he said wouldn’t be somewhere, he could be counted on to show up. Even though Dwayne didn’t show up, Trent has nothing else to do so he decides to check out that new...

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Metro Se Bistar Tak Ka Safar

Hi friends, my name is Nitin(name changed) and I have been the reader of this site from a long time.Now I am in Delhi and if any lady, bhabhi, aunty or girl more than 18 year old need friendship or discrete relationship or satisfaction in sex and secret with trust in and around Delhi and NCR mail me.All ladies of any age are welcome to have a good friendship to share naughty thoughts with me.Mail me at: So I am starting telling my real life incident in hindi because real feelings to hindi me hi...

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