2008 Ch. 02 free porn video

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[This is chapter Two of at least ten chapters. Somewhere in those chapters you will find betrayal, a bit of honesty, Dom/sub relationship, oral sex, anal sex, coitus, a three-some, a four-some, yoga, the death of one of the characters, new beginnings, and a possible surprise or two. I tell you all that so you can decide now if any of those things would be a deal breaker for you. As always I encourage feedback and votes.]

* * * *

At 4:30 Kaye and a cop arrived. I met them in the driveway. Kaye also brought two pretty strong guys and a truck with her. The cop said, ‘We’re here to get Mrs. Peterson’s things.’

I hit the button on the garage opener in my pocket and said, ‘It’s all right there. Take every box.’

Kaye didn’t say anything to me while her boys loaded boxes in a truck they brought. When they were done I closed the garage. Then she spoke, to the cop, ‘Can I walk through the house to make sure I got everything that’s mine?’ He nodded.

I opened the back door and held it open for Kaye. All five of us did the tour. She found one eyeliner pencil in the bathroom. I ushered them out and the men left in the truck. The cop stood near Kaye and Kaye asked what I was planning to do.

‘Why are you asking? You don’t care.’

‘I do care. I may not love you like a puppy, but I still care.’

‘How long have you been doing other men?’

‘Not other men, just Mark. One other man.’ She looked down and added, ‘Six months.’

‘I hope he’s everything you wanted in a man. I sure as hell wasn’t. Now, leave and never come back.’

She got a smug look on her face and held out a piece of paper to me. It was the invitation. ‘Maybe you can use this on someone else… someday.’

I took it and pulled the signed one out of my shirt pocket and said, ‘Done. Replacing you didn’t take long. That little trip will be our first date. I made sure she saw it was signed but not with enough time to read the signature. Her face showed shock and surprise.

The cop said, ‘Lady, I need to get back to work. Get in your car, please, and leave.’

An hour later my phone rang and the ID said it was Kaye. I answered.

‘Pete, I fucked up big time! He kept saying when I got a divorce he would marry me! He won’t even let me move in! I have no where to go!’

‘Call Dr. Laura Schlessinger, she’s on the radio. She likes listening to pathetic people who screw up their lives. I don’t, especially when they attempt to screw mine up, too.’

‘Can’t I come home? Please?’

‘You don’t live here. Why would I let you come back here? You wanted him more than me. At one time I was the man you wanted, the man you said you loved and wanted to share your life with. You moved on and I’m doing the same thing.’

‘You have your new whore there right now!’

‘That makes you the old whore, if there’s a new one. There is no one in the house except me. Not an old whore, a new whore or any living soul. And, for the record I haven’t put my cock in anyone but you since a year before we got married.’

‘Please let me come home!’ The words came through the tears. I almost wanted to give in. Almost. I remembered the story Beth gave me. I remembered the pictures of Kaye the lawyer had sent me.

‘Meet me at the Jack in the Box on fifth. We’ll talk.’

I called Phil and asked him to come to the Box and stay in his car. If anything started in the Box he was to call the police. I printed an agreement on my computer and took it with me.

I was nursing a diet Coke when she walked in. She was still in her work clothes and looked like it had been a hard day, a very hard day. She sat down and I asked, ‘Want anything?’

‘Diet Coke, please.’ I slid mine between us. She took a big drink and said, ‘Thanks.’

‘That’s the first thank you in weeks. Now, are you sure you want to come back?’

‘Yes! I fucked up and I’m sorry.’

‘There are conditions for your return.’


‘Give me your purse.’ She did. I went through it and removed batteries from her PDA, her cell phone and even her flashlight. I handed it all back. I got the list from the bench beside me.

‘Tomorrow you will arrange for your checks to be automatically deposited in my account.’ I read.

‘I will.’

‘You will cook dinner every night and have it on the table by 6:30.’

After a slight hesitation she said, ‘Ok.’

‘You will obey me, without hesitation no matter how strange you think my request might be.’


‘Yes. From now on I run the show. When I want to go out to eat, I’ll pick the restaurant and you’ll act happy that I invited you along. When I want to go to the movie or anywhere you won’t be a pain in my ass, you’ll go where I want to go, when I want to go.’

She thought for a long time on that and said, ‘Ok.’

‘We will go through all your clothes and everything I don’t like will go in the trash. You will never buy new clothes I don’t like. If you go shopping and buy something I don’t like, it goes back. Agreed?’

‘What if someone gives me something?’ She was thinking about the red blouse her sister gave her.

‘If I don’t like it, it either goes back or in the trash. Oh, and you may wear panties only when you’re on your period, never wear pants without permission and agree to be braless most of your non-working hours. You will always sleep nude except when you’re on your period and never turn me down if I want sex. Never.’

‘Even if I’m bleeding?’

‘Even if I want your ass and even if you’re bleeding.’

‘That’s disgusting!’

‘You will voice you opinion when I ask for it and not volunteer it, ever.’

‘I have to do all of these things?’

‘Yes, and you know I have evidence from an investigation of your adultery. You will name every man you’ve had sex with since we got married. That includes hand jobs and every man who had his cock inside your mouth, ass or pussy.’

‘I can’t. I can’t do all that. I’d be totally humiliated!’

‘Ok, then we’re done.

‘That’s too much.’

‘I don’t remember saying let’s sit together and negotiate an agreement. This is the agreement. Take it or leave it.’

‘Does your new woman agree to all this?’

‘We’re not here to discuss anyone except you. You have five minutes to make up your mind.’ I looked at my watch. She looked at the list and she cried.

At three minutes she said, ‘Ok.’

I said, ‘Sign it.’ I handed her a pen. She signed.

From a pocket I got a copy of what she signed and handed it to her. She took it and looked it over again.

‘Put it in your purse.’ I said.

She looked up but didn’t move. I said, ‘Any request I have to give more than once will include a punishment. Any agreement you break will also include a punishment to remind you to keep your agreements. This is the only time I will not punish you. Put it in your purse.’

She put it away. I said, ‘Walk over to that trashcan and rid yourself of your panties.’

She quickly stood and asked, ‘Can I remove them in the bathroom?’

‘Walk over to the trash can and throw them in. The instruction is clear.’ She walked over and reached up under her skirt and pulled them down. She stepped out of them and picked them up and tossed them into the trash.

She came back to the table.

‘Where are all your boxes?’

‘I rented a storage place. I’d have gone there tonight but it’s locked down after eight.’

‘You have clothes for tomorrow?’

‘Yes. I packed a suitcase.’

‘Get in your car and follow me.’ I got up and went to my truck. I watched her get in her car and I saw Phil follow us. I drove to a Motel 6 and checked her in. I paid for three nights. At the door to her room I gave her the key.

‘You can stay here for the next three nights. When you get up in the morning you will call me and the first words you will say are, ‘I promi
se to be good.’ When you dress tomorrow do not wear panties. At lunchtime you will call me. I will have instructions for you. No one comes into this room except you. Understand?’


I got in my truck and went home. I talked to Phil as I drove.

‘You paid for a motel room for her?’ He asked.

‘Three nights. I’m a fool but I can’t just kick her to the curb. She has three days to get her act together. Want to help?’

‘How, exactly?’

‘She’ll be in her room by seven tomorrow night. Pay her a visit. Tell her you want to help her reconcile with me. Don’t go in her room unless she specifically invites you in.’

‘I’m a test, aren’t I?’


‘Ok, see you in the morning.’

I got home and in bed just before midnight. The phone rang at 6:30. It was Kaye. ‘I promise to be good.’

‘Did you sleep well?’

‘Not really. Safe, but not well.’

‘Who was the first man you cheated with after we were married?’


‘Does he have a last name?’

‘Yes, but he’s married.’

‘When was it?’


‘Write a list today. Include full names, when you had sex with them and what you did together. Oh, and their phone numbers.’

She was crying. I added, ‘Be on time to work.’ I hung up.

Two minutes later the phone rang again. I answered and Beth said, ‘Good Morning Master.’

‘Do you have a lot of silver or light gray clothes?’

‘You know I do.’

‘This is a silver or gray day. Just before you meet us in the lunchroom go in the ladies room and masturbate to orgasm. Find a way to give me a taste of your fingers during lunch.’

‘Oh, I like this. Thank you.’

I dressed, locked the house and went to work. My boss came by and asked what was going on. I told him the short version. He felt better once he knew what was up.

At lunch I got a call from Kaye. She said, ‘You asked me to call.’

‘I also asked you to complete a list for me and arrange for your checks to be deposited in my account. Have you done both?’


‘Email the list to me at my work email and my home email addresses. Then you can have lunch. Have a salad and iced tea. Call me when you are back in the motel.’ I hung up.

Beth came to the lunch table and sat near me. She picked a cherry tomato from her salad and offered it to me. I sucked it and her fingers into my mouth for two seconds. I tasted her for the first time. I liked the taste and the sneaky way she arranged to give me the taste.

During lunch Beth offered other tomatoes to other people and always with her left hand. Late in the meal she asked if I wanted the last tomato. I said, ‘Sure.’ Her right hand picked it up and stuck it in my mouth. Her fingers were freshly wet!

No one was even paying attention. Bob was explaining something about what had happened on CSI the night before.

Back in my office I printed the list and looked it over. Almost seven years and twenty-one people. Twenty men and one woman had sex with her. I could probably count on her doing it again and again unless I changed the game.

I called her at her desk. I said, ‘Pick five names from the list. Call their wives and tell them what you did, when and convince them you’re telling the truth. If they want your name, give it.’ Email me the results of the calls, who you called and their reaction by eight tonight. Eat at Denny’s and no dessert. Oh, and as soon as you are in your room be nude until you dress for work tomorrow morning.’

‘Yes, Pete.’ She was crying.

I called Beth and as soon as she picked up the phone I said, ‘Thank you for the spicy tomatoes.’

‘You may have them every day if you’d like.’

‘Kaye is in a motel room calling the wives of the men she fucked and telling them the story. She cheated with twenty-one people while we were married!’

‘You deserve better.’

‘Are you better?’

‘Oh yes! I will not cheat. I’ll fuck anyone you tell me to, or no one but you, for as long as our date lasts.’

‘When does it end?’

‘It started by our agreeing that it ended when I got home again after the weekend.’

‘We can change that, can’t we?’

‘Ask me. Name a date when it ends, I’ll agree to that date.’

‘Why are you so willing?’

‘I’ve wanted you as my Master for the six years I’ve been working for PSS. This is only news to you.’

‘November tenth, 2066.’

‘I’ll write it on the wall.’

‘No. Not on the wall. You’re moving soon.’

‘Ok, I’ll start packing. Will we have Phil, Bob and Alison help me move?’

‘Could happen. Keeping us a secret is impossible. Did you masturbate after we talked last night?’

‘No. I’ll only cum when you tell me to.’

‘When we hang up cum for me.’

‘Are we hanging up now?’

‘Soon. How long has it been since you were in a sexual relationship?’

‘Four years. He died and I was given my freedom. I have had sex with two men and a woman between him and right now. The last man was two years ago. I have been tested and I’m clean.’

I had been tested as a part of my annual physical only a month ago. I was clean, too.

‘Can you have children?’



‘Are you nude?’


‘Cum for me. I can hardly wait until tomorrow afternoon.’ I hung up. I went to bed.

The alarm woke me and I got up. I wasn’t used to the house being so quiet so I turned on the radio as I got ready for work. I was interested in the weather report and then in a story about a man who came home late last night and his wife shot him with both barrels of his shotgun. She was reported to have said that his mistress had called her and convinced her it really was her husband she had been doing.

Kaye didn’t call. On my way to work Phil called. I said, ‘Good morning.’

‘Can we still be friends?’ He asked.

‘Did you fuck her?’

‘No, but I thought about it. She opened the door nude and crying. I moved to hold her and she wouldn’t let me in or let me hold her. She said she promised you.’

‘Yes, we’re still friends. Thanks. She passed the test. Your wife would be glad you passed, too.’

I got to work and saw my boss in the parking lot. He said, ‘I didn’t expect to see you until Tuesday.’

‘Before everything blew up I planned a little getaway weekend. I’m still going.’

While we talked Alison, Bob, Phil and Beth joined us. They stood a few feet away, close enough to listen but not too intrusive. The boss reminded me I could take off any time, then he went inside the building.

Alison looked at Beth and Beth came and stood beside me. ‘I don’t want you to be alone. Especially now. I was going to go visit my sister, but I can change my plans. Can I go with you?’

I looked at her standing in front of me offering herself to me in front of our friends. I said, ‘No man in his right mind would say no. Give me your address and go home and pack. I’ll pick you up in two hours!’ She wrote her address on the back of her business card, handed me the card and went directly back to her car.

I went inside and talked to my secretary. Too late. She already had the story. I used my office phone and dialed Kaye’s office. She answered.

I said, ‘Can you take the rest of today off and come in about noon on Monday?’

‘Yes, Pete.’

‘Do it. Go back to the motel and pack. Bring everything from the motel and meet me at my home. Be there no later than eleven o’clock.’ I paused and then added, ‘If there is anything red in your suitcase leave it in the motel room. You will never wear it again.’

‘Yes, Pete!’ I hung up. I called Beth’s cell.

‘You said, in the story, that a master could have one sub train another.’

‘Kaye is coming with us?’ She sounded excited at the prospect.

‘Yes. For much of the weekend you will be training her and I will be learning. We wi
ll arrive at your home a little after eleven. How heavy is the toy suitcase?’

‘Together we can handle it. When you arrive, send her to the door and you stay in the car. You like Sun Chips and diet Coke, right?’


‘I have an ice chest with snacks, if you would like.’


‘Master, when we get in the car we will sit behind you. Neither of us is ready to sit beside you, yet. Act as if this is your idea, please. We will talk on the drive and much of her thought processes will be attacked.’

‘Good idea.’ We ended the call and I left the office. I exchanged my truck for a four-door sedan at Alamo and went home. At 10:40 Kaye parked beside the sedan. I came out of the house and locked the door. I opened the trunk of the sedan and waited while Kaye moved her suitcase. Once it was beside mine in the trunk she started towards the front passenger door. ‘Sit in the back, please.’

She gave me a hard look, but sat in the back seat.

Instead of turning north from our house, which would have taken us to the freeway I went south. She waited longer than I expected before she asked, ‘May I ask where we’re going?’


A few more seconds and she asked, ‘Where are we going?’

‘Remember when you gave me back the invitation saying I should use it someday with someone else? We’re picking up someone else.’

I glanced in the mirror and saw everything but steam coming out of her ears. In less than a minute she calmly asked, ‘You’re going to fuck her in front of me, aren’t you?’

‘It’s a possibility. A very likely possibility.’ Another glance and I saw tears on her cheeks. When I pulled into Beth’s driveway I hit the button to unlock the trunk.

‘Please go help Beth with her luggage. When she opens the door you say, ‘Good morning, sister. May I help you carry things?’

Kaye got out and slowly walked to the door. She knocked and Beth opened the door. A minute later Kaye came back to the car with a suitcase, tossed it in back and went back into the house. They came back out hefting a bigger suitcase between them. Once it was in Beth ran back and locked her house. She said, ‘Get in the back seat, please.’

As Kaye got in on the passenger side Beth came to the driver’s door and I rolled the window down. ‘We are ready Master. May I have a kiss before we go?’

I unbuckled and got out of the car. Beth molded herself to me and melted my socks and singed the grass near our feet. The kiss ended and I said, ‘Thank you.’ I opened the door for her. Once she was in, I got in and restarted the car.

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The Perfect Date

(This is a fantasy that i really hope becomes reality SOON)Log cabin in the woods, dark apart from afire going in the fireplace and clusters ofcandles strategically placed round the openplan space, there is a spa bath churning awayfilled with delicately rose scented bubbles andsome wine is being chilled in a bucket of ice.she (renesmay/me) is lead into the cabinblindfolded by her husband where herDominant is already waiting. As they removeher blindfold and enjoy the sheer joyemanating from her...

2 years ago
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Night Moves

I awaken, it is still night, and shadows dance across the room as the breeze rustles the branches. Her warm face lies upon my chest, her soft breath tickles my chest hairs. My fingers are still wrapped in her hair, her hand cradles my manhood. Still asleep, she moans, then her fingers close around my shaft as her dream reveals itself. Her touch awakens a hunger within me as my pulse reacts to to her grasp. I softly growl as my fingers slide into her luxurious brown mane, pulling she ever...

Straight Sex
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Moms helping out

Moms helping out. Donna sat watching TV with her husband Donald. She was thinking about Loots, her 15 year old lovers cock. She was also thinking about the abortion she had had two weeks ago and she was as horny as hell. She looked at her watch, it was 9:30 PM and the house was quiet. She shut off the TV and headed up stairs. She was at her sons Eric door and heard strange noises, without thinking she just opened the door. Eric was seated at his desk, naked with his cock in hand watching the...

3 years ago
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I Saw My Mom Fucking The Shopkeeper

Hello, this is a typical Indian guy from Mumbai. I live with my mom and dad visits once every two months as he resides abroad for business purposes. I am an 18-year-old student of class 12. My mom is a 38-year-old woman of fair complexion, figure 38-34-40. She is a chubby woman and a dream lady for many uncles in our locality and family. So I would share an incident which I witnessed. Though it was the first time I witnessed such an incident I knew she had extramarital affairs. It was a fair...

2 years ago
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A Changed Woman Part 2

Barb sat with her mouth open. Was she really hearing what Ann had just said. Did they really think she would do those things. "Damn right" She thought to herself. "I can wrap those men around my finger. I can be my own women. I can live the life I deserve." "Are you OK?" asked Ann. "Just trying to process all the things you have been telling me." was all that Barb could muster. With that Ann suggested they move over to the lounges and order some drinks. It was time to relax and enjoy this...

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One Lucky White BoiChapter 3

Ricky and Marky stayed with use for just a couple of months. Mostly, to get Ricky healed up. Remarkedly nothing was broken, but Mrs. Stanton wanted to keep a close watch on his eye. We finally got them settled in with one of their cousins that was around their ages, still single. In an epic turn of events, about mid week after the booking into county, I was released from jail, and all the charges dropped. Cheif Kelso offered no explanation to me, other than 'just shut up and go home'...

3 years ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Part 8211 2

Hey! Thanks to all the girls and ladies for your comments and offers… ;) And guys I can’t tell you about her so dont ask me for her contact no. And all. Just enjoy. Padho.. Socho aur hilao :p So khud ka bta du.. Mai delhi ka hu. Du mai padhta hu aur 7 inch se halka bada lund hai mera. Is kahani ki heroine priya hai. Ek 32 saal ki divorcee but ek dum hot milf. Uska figure 34dd-30-36 hai. Dekh k he khada kar de waise look hai.. Almost jayden james jaisi dikhti hai. Aur sex ekdum sunny leone ki...

1 year ago
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Sexy Daughter

100% FICTIONAL It was after my daughter turned 21 that i started to become attracted to her, her sexy curves her huge boobs her genital touch everything she had recently discovered her boyfriend of 5 years had cheated and so much more, so she has come to live with me I live alone as me and my wife separated some tome ago now so she choose to come and stay with me. It was a saturday afternoon in the middle of summer when my air conditioning broke it was 26 degrees out there and my house wasn't...

2 years ago
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Copyright 2005 Introducing Deidre Sanders A Night of Unmitigated Lust I was just twenty-two then, a single white female, living in Vancouver, seeking, something, I didn't know what exactly. I had a telephone, but no television. I had a little single burner stove and a mini-fridge. I had a little CD player and a goldfish bowl, but no goldfish; and books, lots of them. I slept and ate and danced on my futon, and my only chair was a throwaway from the Salvation Army; a folding metal thing,...

3 years ago
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Had Great Session With Wife And SIL

Hi guys. This is krk from Mumbai. I stand 6ft tall and good strong physique email only for girls: This is about an incident that has changed my sex life forever. I am married to a very pretty looking girl (Sonia) and it’s been 6 years now. I have a very hot looking sil (we call her Cherry) who is younger than my wife by 3 years aged 25years and unmarried. Well the story goes like this. We had a very normal relation with Cherry and she used to come often to my place to meet her sister and me....

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 32

Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...

4 years ago
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Spelunking With John Part 1

It was a couple of weeks after our fishing trip and John had tried multiple times to get me alone for some more fun.  Unfortunately, our conflicting schedules wouldn't allow for enough time to do much of anything.  It was a mutual friend Bob that called us both and mentioned going up to the mountains where he lived, that solved our problem.  Bob had already invited another mutual friend of ours Steve, and they were hoping that the four of us could get together for the weekend.In the week before...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Trancendent Sensuality 19

“So, are we going to fuck tonight?” Taylor asked Tom as they sat around the table at the semi-family steakhouse.“Taylor!” Karla gasped.“Well,” Taylor said, sounding exasperated, “There’s Jasmine, you, me and him.  Ted’s with Kevin, double-teaming my mother.  Tanya’s auditioning Jake.  So, I thought we were going to gang up on Tom and make him forget his slut-wife riding the cock of our new stud.”“Will you keep your voice down!” Karla admonished her.  “It may be normal for us, but it isn’t for...

2 years ago
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The Family Fun by Darklord

I changed into a pair of shorts and flip-flops. I got a book and a couple of bottles of chilled water. I looked out of the kitchen window again. Ginny was lying on a the grass on a blanket. She had her ear buds in and she was reading a magazine. I noticed the bikini top was untied. She's a beautiful woman after twenty-three years of marriage to the likes of me and being the mother to two kids, plus making a home and having a career. She glanced up as I walked across the lawn, 'Hello,...

2 years ago
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Caught FUCKING my Chinese Girlfriend in the backse

This is a true story and I’ve accompanied it with some pictures in my gallery – so please take a look!LiuChen was one of my Chinese girlfriends. I was her first lover and I busted her virginity in the backseat of my Ford Expedition. It was quite hard laying atop her body and penetrating her on that stiff bench seat, but I managed. She and I didn’t live close together so I didn’t like having to take her to my house, fuck and then take her back home where her retired parents resided. Every now...

2 years ago
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Miss Black

"Hands all over me. Mouths all over me. Voices in my ears and the weight of bodies all around me "I'm surrounded," she said. "My body is shaking and I have goosebumps all over and? all this? sweat! My sweat? their sweat and I'm thinking, I can't believe I'm doing this!" She ran her fluttering fingers down the length of her arms and shuddered. "Mmmmmm, this is amazing! Everything is so smooth and slippery and hot! So much body heat and passion and desire and spit and dirtiness...

2 years ago
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Uncle Mikes Excellent Nieces

I knew that my brother Nick's invitation to join him at the campground had a covert reason. He hoped to restore the relationship between me and him over the ten days we spent together and he had the reasonable knowledge that my relationship with his wife and two daughters would follow along. After leaving the campsite, I can unequivocally say that I felt closer to my brother and his wife, Amanda, than ever before. The reason I felt so close to my brother and sister-in-law was because I became...

4 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 1

PRELUDE - slender sexy blonde beauty lovely Lea, an awesome and amazing applicationMy naughty need for a sweet sexy and equally obedient secreary topping my page got eager applicantsMy secretary needs to be well read and eager to learn languages, in order to sort out all my poetryMy vacancies are a few. But first I need a wise woman slave to train younger secretaries on the jobSlender sexy sweet lovely looking Lea has been a very foxy friends for years. No surprise she'd likeShe sent a short...

2 years ago
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My online Thai massage girl

I was recently in Bangkok to meet with an old friend.Since I arrived early in the ‘City of Angels’ I had some time left before we would meet, so I decided to have a massage first.I know this cute massage girl from a dating site and I have been chatting with her for some months now. My friend’s hotel happened to be in the same area as the massage parlour she works at so I decided to give it a go..I knew where the place was so I walked over there, walked up the stairs and asked one of the girls...

1 year ago
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A Dirty Valentine Night

Valentine’s day this year was going to be super sexy.  Lucy had planned out a sexual evening for her boyfriend.  She was going to delight him in every way she could think of.  She had several hours to prepare for her night of lust.  The day before she got a wax and had her nails and toes painted blood red.  She went to a sex shop and picked up a sexy toy.Her boyfriend loved the color red.  She went to a lingerie store and bought a sexy bra and pantie set.  She also bought a garter and silk...

Strap-On Sex
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Theatre of Dreams Part 1

This 2 parter took a long time to write. My reward is to read the comments from readers. Particularly I like to know if the reader is a woman – and if she enjoyed it !! In the early 1980’s I had finished school and dropped out of University at 19. I I was looking for work that I would find interesting – and through a friend stumbled into working in professional theatre as stage crew. This developed into the opportunity to go out on tour as Assistant Stage Manager with a children’s show –...

4 years ago
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Lizs Open HomeChapter 2

As Liz pulled me towards her bedroom I admired and lusted after the vision of beauty in front of me. Her long hair rested on her shoulder above the long V of bare skin that was scored with red welts from my nails. At the base of the V her hips and buttocks rippled the smooth satin as she glided along the carpet. I just wanted to fuck the arse off this beauty in front of me and I had every intention of doing so, but on my own terms and in my own time. Instead of allowing Liz to pull me into...

3 years ago
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Fierce Therapy

A Fierce Therapy, A TG Horror Story by Kathy Core [not to be reproduced in print or on a pay site] 'Fierce' as he was known to his friends couldn't take another minute of nicotine withdrawal, feeling as if somebody was perpetually screwing bolts into his head. He couldn't stop his teeth from clenching, nor control his fragile temper. He was losing control, plain and simple, and now matter whatLucy, his...

2 years ago
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Summer Shore Sex Part 2

‘Where are Tim and Ed?’ I asked my mom and the girls. ‘They ran into some of their asshole friends,’ Jenny stated, followed by Felicia shooting her a look. ‘They’re meeting us at the pizza place at the end of the boardwalk at 6,’ my mom said. ‘Do you know where they are?’ I asked, not wanting to hang out with 4 women and listen to them point out the hot guys on the boardwalk. ‘Last I saw they were by Midway,’ Jenny said with a little disgust still in her voice. ‘I’ll see you around 6 too,’...

2 years ago
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Hayleys Release pt2

Mom started soaping my dick. For some reason today, my devoted Catholic mother, who thought sex was sin, did not shy away from letting her fingers trail over her son's rigid cock. She moved her soapy fingers smoothly over my length. She said, "you guys always enjoyed my baths. Little devils you were, always splashing around. Not one day would I come out of the bath dry." "Yeah, I remember," I said. "Why should today be any different?" Dan said, as he pointed the handheld shower towards Mom,...

2 years ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 8

Millie dropped her robe to the floor and stepped into the shower. "Damn!" she muttered when she realized there was only a sliver of soap in the dish. She stepped under the hot spray and let the water wash over her body and her short black hair. It felt good. Good to be alive and good to have the warm spray cascading over her body. "You in there, Aunt Millie?" Eric said from outside the door. "Yes, and I need some soap," Millie cried out. Not only could the boy bring the soap in, he...

1 year ago
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Night Games 2

Aunt Jane worked a lot so we had a lot of time alone. I also slept over almost every weekend that summer because Aunt Jane liked to go to the bar and didn't like Jason to be home alone. One day Jason told me he had something to show me and we went into Aunt Jane's bedroom. We went into the closet and there was a chest that was locked with a pad lock. Jason pulled out a key from his pocket. "This is so cool." he said, then opened the chest. I was speechless. There were a lot of...

3 years ago
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Let off Lightly

The rolling text below the TV pictures described a drunken brawl. One of the miscreants was jailed for two years, the second got a year's suspended sentence while the third had only a fine. The was a fleeting picture of the defence counsel Anthony St-John Whittingham.“Damn,” said Judge James Thomas. Dressed in his bathrobe, he slumped back in the chair with half an eye on the flames in the log fire while he toyed with the TV remote. To any outside observer, the scene was a picture of a...

4 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 8 Trouble in Paradise An unwelcome guest

May started warmer than usual and then got hot; spring had flown by in only a couple of weeks, and summer was in full swing. I got the pool up and running, the lawnmower doing its weekly routine, and had started to think about interesting trips I could take with the airplane. We’d had a reasonably sane and low drama relationship for many months at this point but that changed over one of our four-day weeks. Monday morning I was working in my office in the afternoon expecting Ashley and Chris...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 10

Ironically, both Olivia and Stacy went into labor in the same week. They gave birth a day apart, with Olivia delivering a baby girl first. The next day, Stacy gave birth to a baby boy. Joey, now seventeen, was now the father of two boys and a girl. Stacy had dropped out of school after getting pregnant. Olivia continued to work, but she took maternity leave to have the baby. Joey had decided that there was no need in being married to Stacy, now that her and her mother were his sex slaves, and...

3 years ago
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The House Boy Part 2 continuation

The next day came and I had to go to school and get my schedule from my advisor and teaching assignment. He had the day off but would have to do the same on Tuesday. He noticed my schedule on the kitchen counter and took it to my room and put it on my night stand which I did not think much about other than he was doing what he thought was his job. Again, we went to bed early and made love a couple of times before we drifted off to sleep. The next day I went to the office and settled in for...

4 years ago
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Garama Garam Anti Robina Ki Phudi

Hi,How are you all friends piyari anties or lerkio or baray baray lun waly dosto ap sab ko mera salam aj may dobara ap sab k samny apni story sunnay jar aha hon yeh b bilkul sachi kahani hy jo k meri or anti robina ki hy yeh story next day ki hy jab mayny 3 phuddian 1 sath mari theen us sy next raat ki.kher hoa youn k anti robina nay next night mujy 12:15 py cell pay miss call ki may samjh giya k signal green hy or may ny furan usy call back kit u us nay kaha k aj b may gher may samjhon akeli...

2 years ago
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[/image“Yes baby fuck your big whores hot ass” I screamed out as my lover plowed his big black uncut 11” thick cock up my white ass. I could feel him clear into my tummy and I could actually feel his cock making my stomach pooch out with every deep hard thrust into my big hot tight ass. “yes, yes shove that big black cock up your tight big white whores ass baby, fuck me harder, harder. Ahhhhh yessssss” I moaned with every thrust.He started to pound my ass harder and faster as I spoke so dirty...

3 years ago
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Caught Masturbating

I was in my early twenties and i was home alone living with my mother had just broke up with this girl. Had lived with her and we broke up so i went back home to live.It was a real hot day and i was laying out on the back deck It is pretty much hidden from view of all the nieghbors eyes .It was like 1:00 in the afternoon the sun was beating down and i had on this pair of cut off jeans that were real short . I had a bottle of baby oil and i was all oiled up laying back and the sun had me blinded...

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